The fox's story

Material Information

The fox's story
Cover title:
Veale, E
Cox, Palmer, 1840-1924 ( illustrator )
Hubbard Publishing Co ( Publisher )
Place of Publication:
Hubbard Publishing Co.]
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 v. (unpaged) : ill. (some col.) ; 23 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Animals -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh )
Children's stories ( lcsh )
Children's stories -- 1896 ( lcsh )
Fantasy literature -- 1896 ( rbgenr )
Bldn -- 1896
Children's stories
Fantasy literature ( rbgenr )
novel ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
United States -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia
Target Audience:
juvenile ( marctarget )


General Note:
With: The busy Brownies / illustrations by Palmer Cox ; stories by E. Veale. [Philadelphia : Hubbard Publishing Co.], c1896. -- and 10 other books.
Statement of Responsibility:
illustrations by Palmer Cox ; stories by E. Veale.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact The Department of Special and Area Studies Collections ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
004149526 ( ALEPH )
232606066 ( OCLC )


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His HOXGS: Sil@ Ra.

TELL you a story, little chap?

ea Well,what do you suppose an old

Yi fellow like grandfather can tell to
please you and Bushy? It’s something that happened when
I was young, you: want? Well, let me think. So many
things happened then, for grandfather was agay young fox.
I guess [ll tell you first about the great fox hunt from the
castle. ‘The castle stood high upon a hill, and one fine
day, the lords and ladies met there, and mounted upon
their beautiful horses, started through the forest, the
hounds dashing back of them, in front of them, and all
around them, for the hounds go along to scent the TOxe
you know. I was young then, and the sight was new to
me, and very dazzling, and although I had heard of the
reer I liked the excitement and noise. It was a beau-.
tiful sight, for the men wore bright scarlet jackets, which

the dark dresses of the ladies made lookstill brighter. My

curiosity came near putting an end to me that day, for |

watched and waited almost too long, and only the greatest

reaving THELE, fp
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cunning on my part made the hounds lose the scent, and
then the fun was spoiled.

Tell you some more? I'll give you some advice this

time. Beware of traps. Many a handsome, brave young
fox has been too curious, and has poked his paw intosome
queer looking object which he has discovered, only to have
his little paw caught and has so lost his freedom forever.

There is something else you must remember, and it is
to have lots of patience. One time when your father and
Nace reiale chaps, I took them out to get our Thanks-
giving dinner. I had seen : :
some fat, young turkeys
roosting in a pear tree, andI
‘ wanted one of them very
badly. The moon rose early
that night, and when we
reached the tree, there sat
five as pretty birds as I ever

saw but I had not been sharp

in measuring my distance,
and they were far beyond our reach. So there we stood,
and waited and waited, not knowing what todo. “Let’s
go home,” said your father. “Not without our dinner,”

said I. “But we can’t reach them,” he replied. “Boys,” I

said, “we can wait,” and we did wait. We hid back of the
barn until morning dawned, and when the turkeys flew
down to hunt for some breakfast, one of them was doubt-
less very much surprised to find himself stowed away in
a bag preparatory to taking a ride on

my shoulder. ‘It was patience that won

ee you know, and the farmer who lived at:
Hillside was very hard on us. He and’his boys were al-
ways setting traps to capture some venturesome fellow.
One day during harvest time, when the fields were bright
with golden grain, I started off in search of something to
eat, I crept along cautiously until I espied a duck SO
round and fat that it made my mouth water to look at her.
I tried to plan some way to capture her. This seemed al-
most impossible for the farmer was close by, and right by
this side, Icould see the shining barrel of his trusty old

gun, and I knew, if he caught sight of me, he would cer-

tainly. kill me. But the temptation was so great that 1
~ ventured Rigec: and closer, grabbed the duck, stuffed her
into the bag, and scampered away across the fields Be
fastas I couldrun. It isnot wise to be so daring, caution is
always better and it was only luck that saved me that time.

Il want you to be brave, boys, but I want you to be
well. Don't
from behind

careful, as

creep too far \\

Cine tree.
are lying in He
frisky young be Tae bdorintcr

They-are as | Shia rp and

watchful as* ahey alos

ever knew, and I have known a great many. And now [
“think you have had stories enough for one day, and i
want my afternoon nap. I picked up a delicious fat goose
this morning, and if you are good boys you can haveit all
before you creep into your piney beds, and fall asleep to
dream sweet dreams of the jolly times that arein store for

all happy young foxes, and here we see them fast asleep

in their beds, the bones of the goose scattered all around.

(ii Pilih INDENN BOY.

Dip you ever think when night comes

and you see mother undress the baby and

y; tuck him snugly in his snowy white bed,
that perhaps there are ne babies who have different
cradles from his and very GICHENG treatment, too?

The little Indian baby who lives i the North West-
ern part of America, has a very different cradle. His is
only a piece of wood, sometimes birch bark, which is hol- ©
lowed out. The baby is laid on the board, and his mother
laces him in,passing the cord from side to side. A small
pice of wood covered with bark is used for his pillow.
When the baby’s mother goes for a walk,she carries the
cradle and baby on her back, the little Indian’s head just
peeping over his mother’s shoulder. If she is busy she
~hangs the cradle and baby on a tree and the wind swings
the cradle gently to and fro, often sending the little one to

“Shut-eye-town.” Sometimes there are tiny bells fastened

to the cradle and their tinkle,

tinkle, when the wind swings

it,smakes very sweet music.
As soon as the little

Indian boy is old enough his

while the old Indian spears the

Y fish at night, and he helps him also with
Ye , he 7
Ch: the canoe or boat. He soon learns to use the

bow and arrow, and to bring down the birds as they
fly through the air. It is the fate at times of some un-
lucky animal to stop the arrow as it comes dashing
towards the ground, for of course every arrow does not

pierce the object toward which it is directed.

like you little people. Some--

times they have only a piece of

cloth around them serving for a

skirt, The father and mother a

Indians wrap themselves in blankets, and the brighter the
colors the better they like them. Their hair is long and

straight and black and they love to dress it with tall stiff

feathers. Their shoes are not made like ours, but are
pieces of skin often beautifully trimmed with beads and
worked with fancy silks. These shoes are called moccasins.

Once there was a little Indian boy =

who lived not far from the railroad. It

happened one day that the train 45

stopped for some

reason or

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this little fellow thinking he might coax some goodies
from the passengers, sat down and cried as though his

heart would break, sobbing out from time to time how

hungty he was. Ashe sat there on the edge of the plat
form, the people in the train felt very sorry for him, think-
ing he had in some way become lost, and possibly might
be starving, so not knowing this was a trick, pitied the
little fellow, opened their baskets, and generously shared
their lunch with him, giving him the very best they had.
They did not know that the father and mother were hid-
ing in the bushes and that this was ascheme of theirs to
get their living. When ihe train moved on he gathered
up his treasures, carried them to his father and mother

and they had the grandest kind of a feast. There was

dainty white bread, chicken, cakes and pies, good things of

all sorts. We should not blame the little fellow, for of
course he thought it was all right, if mother said so, just
as our little boys and girls think what their fathers and
mothers say is just right and the proper thing to do.
Now this was a very naughty trick for the little Indian
boy to play, but we must remember that he had no one
to teach him how wrong it is to deceive people, for his
father and mother had never been taught either. It is

we who know how, who must try to be good.


LittLeE Tosy Trotter

came home from school on
a Friday night, threw his books

= on the very top shelf of the

cupboard and exclaimed, “You can rest there my friend, for
two whole days. I have seen all I want of you for this
week, and haven’t I pegged at you these last five days
‘harder than I ever did in all my life?”

To be sure Toby had a good reason for his hard work
which of course you would like to know. While Toby
was finishing his bowl of porridge and milk at breakfast
Monday morning, his big brother Bill came into the room,
“ Toby,” said he, “if you'll come home on Friday night
and tell me you are head of your class, I'll take you for a
fox hunt on Saturday.”

To say Toby was pleased does not begin to express

his feoines he was wild with delight. “I'll do it Billy,”

said he, “you see if.I don’t. I'll work

* yday and night before I will miss

: l fo that fox hunt.” Bill chuckled to
himself to see little Toby so wrapt up in his studies. “I
like the youngster’s determination at any rate,” thought
he. Toby’s hard work gained the day, and he could hard-.
ly wait until Bill came home to tell him he had kept his
part of the contract. Bill was ready to do his part also,
so they started from home the next morning, followed by:
old Bowser, the dog. Bill carried a gun. Mei would
have liked to carry one also, but Bill thought he was bet-
ter off without it. The woods where the fox lived was some
little distance from the boy’s home, and Toby ran along
by Billy’s side chattering as merrily as a magpie. A neigh-
bor’s dog seeing old Bowser joined the party, but he soon

grew tired and left them. If Bowser had

grown old he had not forgotten his early

training as a hunter; and he went straight &

satisfied and Billy who had watched him followed care-
fully. It was just outside the woods that Bowser came
upon the fox.. The fox saw the dog at about the same

time the dog saw him. With one great leap Mr. Fox

bounded over the fence, Bowser after

him, On they flew leav-
ing Bill and poor little
Toby far behind them. . \

Bowser did his best,
and just as he thought
the fox was his, the sly ;
old fellow gave one swift |
turn, darted into a deep hole in the
ground and left poor old Bowser
looking the picture of sorrowful de-
feat. The fox was lost, but Toby
still thought he had never known
such sport in his life, and he Cea
his brother to take him again the’next week. Bill said
that just as long as Toby would stand at the head of his

class, he would take him every Saturday,


Fourth of July dawned bright and smiling

upon the little village of Browmew. Every-
where the flags were flying in honor of the glad
day, and long streamers of red, white and blue
-/ bunting floated gaily to the reer dhe Tone
_ people roused from their slumbers by the bang-
ing of the cannon, hurried into the streets to
celebrate this glorious day. The youths had
donned their best ‘suits, and all the happy
young girls had bedecked themselves in the
most charming style. Miss Kitty
Stripe, the belle of the village
won the admiration of all, for
where could one find a sweeter

- creature than she? Her soft {f

\ _ r
pretty ears were tied with the loveliest |

pink ribbon, and the waving plume in her }

hat exactly matched the ribbon in color. Quite proud
Foxy Terry felt as he walked by her side that fine morn-

Fire-works blazed all day. It is true that Spitzy
AW ittite pucit all the Hair off mie prety little waee and lite
Mattie Gray had her ear shot off by a pistol, but they did

not mind such little accidents, and all agreed that, the
fire-works were quite a success. “ | a

The great event of the day; however, was to be the
balloon ascension. Never had such an event been heard

of in Browmew. All the folks turned out to see it. Old

‘Tortoise Shell came, although he was as

blind as a bat, for he declared that it
made him feel young again to hear
the cheering. Foxy Terry

and Kitty Stripe had
agreed to take
tive= tide:

rour o'clock the balloon was brought out, and ere long nil
was in readiness, and they had stepped into the basket
and were rising from the earth. Cheer after cheer went
up as they left the ground. Up, up they sailed. Over
roofs and steeples they rose, until it seemed to the crowd
below that they would never stop. They rose so high,
that the ropes got tangled on the horn of the moon, which
they had not been able to avoid, since they could not see

it on account of the bright sunshine. Poor Pussy was

greatly terrified, but brave Foxy bids her be patient, and ©

' he will set matters right. Hesoon manages to get the

balloon free, and slowly they begin to descend. The ride
is a short one, but it satisfies Miss Kitty, and she is glad to
come down. When they reach the ground, they are greet-
ed with outstretched arms and praised for their bravery.
So the day ends amid general rejoicing, and at a late hour
all the sleepy young folks crawl into bed to dream of the

sports of the day, and to look forward with pleasure toh




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Mrs. | Ruspy BusuH

was really a very hand-
Oe | Ee i some young fox—the
handsomest in the whole
neighborhood, so it was

said, and they said too

how good and gentle she
was, which was lots better than being called beautiful,
for kindness goes a great deal farther than good looks.
She and her husband and her two little ones jived in
‘the “ Tall Tree” forest as happy and loving a family as
the sun ever shone upon. The two little foxes Vic and
Vim played together all day. They had the finest games
of hide and go seek, the great holes in the trunk of the old
oak tree making the jolliest kind of hiding places. They
pulled the tiny flowers that grew in the woods and made

wreaths and bouquets to carry home to Mother Bush.

Life was just one long play day to them. Ruby Bush
was a good little mother and she wanted to see her boys
well brought up, so the time came when shethought it
best to give them a lesson in hunting.

The moon was new, but the night was clear and the
stars twinkled
brightly. Vic had
his turn first and
he and his mother
started off to the
nearest poultry
yard,each carrying
a long white bag.

The turkeys were

roosting on the

top of. a rail fence
not dreaming of any danger, and Mother Fox and Vic
had little trouble to fill their bags. Vic was much pleased
over his success and thought it almost as much fun as
playing with Vim.

Father Bush had seen a trap in the forest and had

told his good wife about it. “Now ” thought she, “is the
time to teach my boys of the danger of traps.” So when
the boys started off to play, as usual, she called them back,
telling them she wanted them to go with her as she had
something to show them. ‘The trap was abar their home,
and the boys gazed in wonder at this strange object, and
listened with interest to the tales their mother told of its
great dangers. A delicious piece of meat had been used for
bait and Vic and Vim and Mother Bush,too, wished they
might have it. To wish meant to try with Mother Bush,
so she got a long
stick and_ telling
her boys to keep
away, carefully
pried open the
trap and drew out
the treasure.
Whata fine time
they had eating it

_and wishing they

could find another!


OLp. Jimmy Brake lived in

a i, ZEAL old to work, and
ER gag « too old to work, and he


lived upon the food the neighbors gave him, and pretty

good living it was too, for the neighbors pitied old Jimmy,
and many of them remembered what good work he used
to do before the stiffness got into his old joints.

Some folks said that Jimmy lived alone, but this was
a mistake for heshared his }
shanty and also his food
with a big, long horned
goat called Billy. Billy;
loved old Jimmy dearly}
and would follow him

around like a dog, but to

everyone but Jimmy, Billy

was the crossest goat that ever lived.
If Jimmy was out of sight, strangers

dared not venture too nearthe shanty.

On the top of the hill at the bot-
ey, tom of which Jimmy’s shanty was
built, stood the school house. A score or more of round:
faced, red cheeked urchins came there every day to be
taught their a-b-c’s and as much rier learning as their
little brains could hold, for dies were so crowded with

mischief, it was hard

work to wedge in any |v

Now the boys all
knew old Jimmy and
they all knew Billy, too,
and Billy knew them.
He had no liking for
these scnool children.
He remembered ‘sticks
and stones that had been

aimed at him from be-

hind eee and other hid-
ing places.

One day the boys
planned to have some
fun with Billy. One of
‘them had seen Jimmy’s

shanty tightly shut, and

the goat tied to a tree.
Down the hill they Searted well jadened with stones and
other missiles of one sort or another, and for some time
they pelted Billy to their heart's content. But all at once
the tables were turned, Billy gave one mighty leap, broke
the rope, and made a dash for his tormentors. Away
they flew, Billy after them, as fast as he could go. It was
hard work getting up the hill, but they reached the school-
house at last, and entered it, a lot of breathless, scared
youn eaters. In fact they had never before been quite so

frightened, and they all decided

that’-1n; the future they. would let eZ

Billy alone, for they might never es

again have such a lucky escape.


Fart had come with its -
brown, withered grasses, and J
falling leaves. Of late Jack
Frost had been blowing his §
keen breath over hill and dale ce
turning the leaves to crimson
and gold, and opening the

chestnut burrs, so that the ripe

two youthful foxes, set out to find some game.
Farmer Tobbin led not far from the foxes’
home, and this man’s good wife, Dame Tobbin,
was noted far and near for her beautiful poultry.

Now this bit of news had reached the ears of Dar- x

ius and Christopher, and was greeted by them with “*

great joy. Maybe you have guessed that these young
creatures had planned to try for game at the farmer's.
Well, you are right. Only this very morning, they had
planned to go as soon as it was nicht, if the moon did not
shine too brightly. Fortune seemed to favor them, and at
the appointed hour, they met and proceeded towards the
farm-house. Darin took his brother Xerxes along to help
bring home the game, if they should be fortunate enough
to secure more than they could carry themselves. As they
hurried along, they met many of their friends going out
on atari? expeditions, for the night was favorable

Presently they reached the home of fs Tobbin,

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and quietly and carefully entered ine yard, knowing
that the slightest noise would be sure to waken Bruno,
the faithful rch ‘dog, and set the cocks crowing,
and then it would be all over with them, for the farmer

would appear with his gun. As they entered the yard,

they caught sight of a rooster which had sauntered out to

y see ifit were yet dawn. Quick as a wink, Darius

seized him, while Christopher secured a plump,
fat duck that had forgotten to go inside to

roost. In the excitement, poor little Xerxes

was quite forgotten, and the friends, throw-
ing their game across their shoulders,
started for home, well pleased with their
luck. Just as they entered the woods,
a snipe met the eyes of ‘Christopher,
but before he had captured it, Darius
caught sight of it. Both rushed for

it, and seized it. Now, whose should

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it be? Both claimed it. Long and
angrily the foxes quarreled. Chris-
eae claimed it because he saw it first, and Darius
claimed it because he got hold of it first. Morning came
and they were still disputing. Suddenly, Bruno, the dog,
appeared on the scene, and |

they both scampered off as

fast as they could go, leav-

ing snipe, duck and chicken behind. Bruno had a kingly
breakfast, while the silly foxes had none. When they got

back to their homes, and sat down to think over the mat-

ter, they were sorry enough to think they had been so

greedy, for in trying to get all, each one had lost the little

he had. Poor little Xerxes had been forgotten in their

hurry to get away with their prizes.


For two or three weeks, old Jack Frost had been at.
work in the forest, pinching the leaves from the trees, and
sending the - ripe nuts to
t h e ground. JZ ny j ind \: nf) a of

leaves that

ist had paint- ed brown and
“red, oot and crimson, lay on the ground, making a soft,
oe carpet for the dwellers of the forest.

“Tn this forest, the Bear, the Wolf and the Fox lived,
and three greater cronies you never heard of. Tie Bear
es the oldest and the biggest, but little Foxy always led
the fun, for he was one of the brightest, smartest little
chaps that ever dwelt in the forest. Through the fallen
leaves he came tramping one day to the house of neigh-
bor Bae and with his usual cheery “ How-do-you-do,”
greeted his friend. He had heardthat much mischief was

being done by a cruel, hard hearted hunter, and he wanted

the Bear and their friend, the Wolf to go with him and try
to put an end to the hunter’s fun. They went to the

Wolf's house, and found him willing to help, so side by



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side they started through the woods. Nothing happened

for some time, but finally the sharp ears of little Foxy

heardthe sound of a gun in the distance. Bidding -his
friends be quiet he waited until it sounded again. This
time, Foxy learned the direction from which it came, and
they hurried on toward the spot. Bang, bang, bang! The
gun kept sounding louder and louder as they sped along.
Now a new | noise greet-
ed their ears. | A t sounded
like the chat- | jtering of
many voices, é 7 and as they
turned the t i corner they
came upona \ | ystrang e
sight. U p tm lin ‘the tree

that bore but *;one branch,

and must at Jz one time

have been struck by

lightning, fhung tie
played a greedy crowd of wolves. One had his empty
gun, two more were fighting for his hat, and the rest stood
barking at the hunter in the wildest manner. The three

cronies were too late to carry out their scheme, but they

laughed merrily over the victory of the others, and ‘fey
were greatly pleased that at last they Ie to be set free
from the danger in which they had been so long, and could
now roam over the forest at their pleasure without fear of
being killed by the hunter’s gun. The poor fellow in’ the
tree was in a very uncomfortable position, as we can well
see, and he was in constant fear lest the wolves, in some
way, might be able to reach him. He saw no way in which
he could escape, and felt sure that his time to die had at
last come. He hoped the wolves would be attracted by
something else, and go away and leave him, but that seem-
ed to be almost too good a fortune. The wolves kept
the poor man in the tree until they heard the sound of
approaching footsteps and caught the sounds of frequent-
ly fired guns, then they all scampered away oat as pos-
sible, and then the poor man was rescued by his friends,
who had come in search of Here |

The three friends were very much disappointed when
cnet crim escaped, but they hoped he would be so badly
frightened that he would,in the future, keep away from the

forest,and so far as we know he never troubled them again.

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Full Text


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His HOXGS: Sil@ Ra.

TELL you a story, little chap?

ea Well,what do you suppose an old

Yi fellow like grandfather can tell to
please you and Bushy? It’s something that happened when
I was young, you: want? Well, let me think. So many
things happened then, for grandfather was agay young fox.
I guess [ll tell you first about the great fox hunt from the
castle. ‘The castle stood high upon a hill, and one fine
day, the lords and ladies met there, and mounted upon
their beautiful horses, started through the forest, the
hounds dashing back of them, in front of them, and all
around them, for the hounds go along to scent the TOxe
you know. I was young then, and the sight was new to
me, and very dazzling, and although I had heard of the
reer I liked the excitement and noise. It was a beau-.
tiful sight, for the men wore bright scarlet jackets, which

the dark dresses of the ladies made lookstill brighter. My
curiosity came near putting an end to me that day, for |

watched and waited almost too long, and only the greatest

reaving THELE, fp
PEE £4

cunning on my part made the hounds lose the scent, and
then the fun was spoiled.

Tell you some more? I'll give you some advice this
time. Beware of traps. Many a handsome, brave young
fox has been too curious, and has poked his paw intosome
queer looking object which he has discovered, only to have
his little paw caught and has so lost his freedom forever.

There is something else you must remember, and it is
to have lots of patience. One time when your father and
Nace reiale chaps, I took them out to get our Thanks-
giving dinner. I had seen : :
some fat, young turkeys
roosting in a pear tree, andI
‘ wanted one of them very
badly. The moon rose early
that night, and when we
reached the tree, there sat
five as pretty birds as I ever

saw but I had not been sharp

in measuring my distance,
and they were far beyond our reach. So there we stood,
and waited and waited, not knowing what todo. “Let’s
go home,” said your father. “Not without our dinner,”

said I. “But we can’t reach them,” he replied. “Boys,” I
said, “we can wait,” and we did wait. We hid back of the
barn until morning dawned, and when the turkeys flew
down to hunt for some breakfast, one of them was doubt-
less very much surprised to find himself stowed away in
a bag preparatory to taking a ride on

my shoulder. ‘It was patience that won

ee you know, and the farmer who lived at:
Hillside was very hard on us. He and’his boys were al-
ways setting traps to capture some venturesome fellow.
One day during harvest time, when the fields were bright
with golden grain, I started off in search of something to
eat, I crept along cautiously until I espied a duck SO
round and fat that it made my mouth water to look at her.
I tried to plan some way to capture her. This seemed al-
most impossible for the farmer was close by, and right by
this side, Icould see the shining barrel of his trusty old

gun, and I knew, if he caught sight of me, he would cer-
tainly. kill me. But the temptation was so great that 1
~ ventured Rigec: and closer, grabbed the duck, stuffed her
into the bag, and scampered away across the fields Be
fastas I couldrun. It isnot wise to be so daring, caution is
always better and it was only luck that saved me that time.

Il want you to be brave, boys, but I want you to be
well. Don't
from behind

careful, as

creep too far \\

Cine tree.
are lying in He
frisky young be Tae bdorintcr

They-are as | Shia rp and

watchful as* ahey alos

ever knew, and I have known a great many. And now [
“think you have had stories enough for one day, and i
want my afternoon nap. I picked up a delicious fat goose
this morning, and if you are good boys you can haveit all
before you creep into your piney beds, and fall asleep to
dream sweet dreams of the jolly times that arein store for

all happy young foxes, and here we see them fast asleep

in their beds, the bones of the goose scattered all around.
(ii Pilih INDENN BOY.

Dip you ever think when night comes

and you see mother undress the baby and

y; tuck him snugly in his snowy white bed,
that perhaps there are ne babies who have different
cradles from his and very GICHENG treatment, too?

The little Indian baby who lives i the North West-
ern part of America, has a very different cradle. His is
only a piece of wood, sometimes birch bark, which is hol- ©
lowed out. The baby is laid on the board, and his mother
laces him in,passing the cord from side to side. A small
pice of wood covered with bark is used for his pillow.
When the baby’s mother goes for a walk,she carries the
cradle and baby on her back, the little Indian’s head just
peeping over his mother’s shoulder. If she is busy she
~hangs the cradle and baby on a tree and the wind swings
the cradle gently to and fro, often sending the little one to

“Shut-eye-town.” Sometimes there are tiny bells fastened
to the cradle and their tinkle,

tinkle, when the wind swings

it,smakes very sweet music.
As soon as the little

Indian boy is old enough his

while the old Indian spears the

Y fish at night, and he helps him also with
Ye , he 7
Ch: the canoe or boat. He soon learns to use the

bow and arrow, and to bring down the birds as they
fly through the air. It is the fate at times of some un-
lucky animal to stop the arrow as it comes dashing
towards the ground, for of course every arrow does not

pierce the object toward which it is directed.

like you little people. Some--

times they have only a piece of

cloth around them serving for a

skirt, The father and mother a
Indians wrap themselves in blankets, and the brighter the
colors the better they like them. Their hair is long and

straight and black and they love to dress it with tall stiff

feathers. Their shoes are not made like ours, but are
pieces of skin often beautifully trimmed with beads and
worked with fancy silks. These shoes are called moccasins.

Once there was a little Indian boy =

who lived not far from the railroad. It

happened one day that the train 45

stopped for some

reason or

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this little fellow thinking he might coax some goodies
from the passengers, sat down and cried as though his

heart would break, sobbing out from time to time how
hungty he was. Ashe sat there on the edge of the plat
form, the people in the train felt very sorry for him, think-
ing he had in some way become lost, and possibly might
be starving, so not knowing this was a trick, pitied the
little fellow, opened their baskets, and generously shared
their lunch with him, giving him the very best they had.
They did not know that the father and mother were hid-
ing in the bushes and that this was ascheme of theirs to
get their living. When ihe train moved on he gathered
up his treasures, carried them to his father and mother

and they had the grandest kind of a feast. There was

dainty white bread, chicken, cakes and pies, good things of

all sorts. We should not blame the little fellow, for of
course he thought it was all right, if mother said so, just
as our little boys and girls think what their fathers and
mothers say is just right and the proper thing to do.
Now this was a very naughty trick for the little Indian
boy to play, but we must remember that he had no one
to teach him how wrong it is to deceive people, for his
father and mother had never been taught either. It is

we who know how, who must try to be good.

LittLeE Tosy Trotter

came home from school on
a Friday night, threw his books

= on the very top shelf of the

cupboard and exclaimed, “You can rest there my friend, for
two whole days. I have seen all I want of you for this
week, and haven’t I pegged at you these last five days
‘harder than I ever did in all my life?”

To be sure Toby had a good reason for his hard work
which of course you would like to know. While Toby
was finishing his bowl of porridge and milk at breakfast
Monday morning, his big brother Bill came into the room,
“ Toby,” said he, “if you'll come home on Friday night
and tell me you are head of your class, I'll take you for a
fox hunt on Saturday.”

To say Toby was pleased does not begin to express

his feoines he was wild with delight. “I'll do it Billy,”
said he, “you see if.I don’t. I'll work

* yday and night before I will miss

: l fo that fox hunt.” Bill chuckled to
himself to see little Toby so wrapt up in his studies. “I
like the youngster’s determination at any rate,” thought
he. Toby’s hard work gained the day, and he could hard-.
ly wait until Bill came home to tell him he had kept his
part of the contract. Bill was ready to do his part also,
so they started from home the next morning, followed by:
old Bowser, the dog. Bill carried a gun. Mei would
have liked to carry one also, but Bill thought he was bet-
ter off without it. The woods where the fox lived was some
little distance from the boy’s home, and Toby ran along
by Billy’s side chattering as merrily as a magpie. A neigh-
bor’s dog seeing old Bowser joined the party, but he soon

grew tired and left them. If Bowser had

grown old he had not forgotten his early

training as a hunter; and he went straight &
satisfied and Billy who had watched him followed care-
fully. It was just outside the woods that Bowser came
upon the fox.. The fox saw the dog at about the same

time the dog saw him. With one great leap Mr. Fox

bounded over the fence, Bowser after

him, On they flew leav-
ing Bill and poor little
Toby far behind them. . \

Bowser did his best,
and just as he thought
the fox was his, the sly ;
old fellow gave one swift |
turn, darted into a deep hole in the
ground and left poor old Bowser
looking the picture of sorrowful de-
feat. The fox was lost, but Toby
still thought he had never known
such sport in his life, and he Cea
his brother to take him again the’next week. Bill said
that just as long as Toby would stand at the head of his

class, he would take him every Saturday,

Fourth of July dawned bright and smiling

upon the little village of Browmew. Every-
where the flags were flying in honor of the glad
day, and long streamers of red, white and blue
-/ bunting floated gaily to the reer dhe Tone
_ people roused from their slumbers by the bang-
ing of the cannon, hurried into the streets to
celebrate this glorious day. The youths had
donned their best ‘suits, and all the happy
young girls had bedecked themselves in the
most charming style. Miss Kitty
Stripe, the belle of the village
won the admiration of all, for
where could one find a sweeter

- creature than she? Her soft {f

\ _ r
pretty ears were tied with the loveliest |

pink ribbon, and the waving plume in her }
hat exactly matched the ribbon in color. Quite proud
Foxy Terry felt as he walked by her side that fine morn-

Fire-works blazed all day. It is true that Spitzy
AW ittite pucit all the Hair off mie prety little waee and lite
Mattie Gray had her ear shot off by a pistol, but they did

not mind such little accidents, and all agreed that, the
fire-works were quite a success. “ | a

The great event of the day; however, was to be the
balloon ascension. Never had such an event been heard

of in Browmew. All the folks turned out to see it. Old
‘Tortoise Shell came, although he was as

blind as a bat, for he declared that it
made him feel young again to hear
the cheering. Foxy Terry

and Kitty Stripe had
agreed to take
tive= tide:
rour o'clock the balloon was brought out, and ere long nil
was in readiness, and they had stepped into the basket
and were rising from the earth. Cheer after cheer went
up as they left the ground. Up, up they sailed. Over
roofs and steeples they rose, until it seemed to the crowd
below that they would never stop. They rose so high,
that the ropes got tangled on the horn of the moon, which
they had not been able to avoid, since they could not see

it on account of the bright sunshine. Poor Pussy was

greatly terrified, but brave Foxy bids her be patient, and ©

' he will set matters right. Hesoon manages to get the

balloon free, and slowly they begin to descend. The ride
is a short one, but it satisfies Miss Kitty, and she is glad to
come down. When they reach the ground, they are greet-
ed with outstretched arms and praised for their bravery.
So the day ends amid general rejoicing, and at a late hour
all the sleepy young folks crawl into bed to dream of the

sports of the day, and to look forward with pleasure toh



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Mrs. | Ruspy BusuH

was really a very hand-
Oe | Ee i some young fox—the
handsomest in the whole
neighborhood, so it was

said, and they said too

how good and gentle she
was, which was lots better than being called beautiful,
for kindness goes a great deal farther than good looks.
She and her husband and her two little ones jived in
‘the “ Tall Tree” forest as happy and loving a family as
the sun ever shone upon. The two little foxes Vic and
Vim played together all day. They had the finest games
of hide and go seek, the great holes in the trunk of the old
oak tree making the jolliest kind of hiding places. They
pulled the tiny flowers that grew in the woods and made

wreaths and bouquets to carry home to Mother Bush.
Life was just one long play day to them. Ruby Bush
was a good little mother and she wanted to see her boys
well brought up, so the time came when shethought it
best to give them a lesson in hunting.

The moon was new, but the night was clear and the
stars twinkled
brightly. Vic had
his turn first and
he and his mother
started off to the
nearest poultry
yard,each carrying
a long white bag.

The turkeys were

roosting on the

top of. a rail fence
not dreaming of any danger, and Mother Fox and Vic
had little trouble to fill their bags. Vic was much pleased
over his success and thought it almost as much fun as
playing with Vim.

Father Bush had seen a trap in the forest and had
told his good wife about it. “Now ” thought she, “is the
time to teach my boys of the danger of traps.” So when
the boys started off to play, as usual, she called them back,
telling them she wanted them to go with her as she had
something to show them. ‘The trap was abar their home,
and the boys gazed in wonder at this strange object, and
listened with interest to the tales their mother told of its
great dangers. A delicious piece of meat had been used for
bait and Vic and Vim and Mother Bush,too, wished they
might have it. To wish meant to try with Mother Bush,
so she got a long
stick and_ telling
her boys to keep
away, carefully
pried open the
trap and drew out
the treasure.
Whata fine time
they had eating it

_and wishing they

could find another!

OLp. Jimmy Brake lived in

a i, ZEAL old to work, and
ER gag « too old to work, and he


lived upon the food the neighbors gave him, and pretty

good living it was too, for the neighbors pitied old Jimmy,
and many of them remembered what good work he used
to do before the stiffness got into his old joints.

Some folks said that Jimmy lived alone, but this was
a mistake for heshared his }
shanty and also his food
with a big, long horned
goat called Billy. Billy;
loved old Jimmy dearly}
and would follow him

around like a dog, but to

everyone but Jimmy, Billy
was the crossest goat that ever lived.
If Jimmy was out of sight, strangers

dared not venture too nearthe shanty.

On the top of the hill at the bot-
ey, tom of which Jimmy’s shanty was
built, stood the school house. A score or more of round:
faced, red cheeked urchins came there every day to be
taught their a-b-c’s and as much rier learning as their
little brains could hold, for dies were so crowded with

mischief, it was hard

work to wedge in any |v

Now the boys all
knew old Jimmy and
they all knew Billy, too,
and Billy knew them.
He had no liking for
these scnool children.
He remembered ‘sticks
and stones that had been

aimed at him from be-
hind eee and other hid-
ing places.

One day the boys
planned to have some
fun with Billy. One of
‘them had seen Jimmy’s

shanty tightly shut, and

the goat tied to a tree.
Down the hill they Searted well jadened with stones and
other missiles of one sort or another, and for some time
they pelted Billy to their heart's content. But all at once
the tables were turned, Billy gave one mighty leap, broke
the rope, and made a dash for his tormentors. Away
they flew, Billy after them, as fast as he could go. It was
hard work getting up the hill, but they reached the school-
house at last, and entered it, a lot of breathless, scared
youn eaters. In fact they had never before been quite so

frightened, and they all decided

that’-1n; the future they. would let eZ

Billy alone, for they might never es

again have such a lucky escape.

Fart had come with its -
brown, withered grasses, and J
falling leaves. Of late Jack
Frost had been blowing his §
keen breath over hill and dale ce
turning the leaves to crimson
and gold, and opening the

chestnut burrs, so that the ripe

two youthful foxes, set out to find some game.
Farmer Tobbin led not far from the foxes’
home, and this man’s good wife, Dame Tobbin,
was noted far and near for her beautiful poultry.

Now this bit of news had reached the ears of Dar- x

ius and Christopher, and was greeted by them with “*
great joy. Maybe you have guessed that these young
creatures had planned to try for game at the farmer's.
Well, you are right. Only this very morning, they had
planned to go as soon as it was nicht, if the moon did not
shine too brightly. Fortune seemed to favor them, and at
the appointed hour, they met and proceeded towards the
farm-house. Darin took his brother Xerxes along to help
bring home the game, if they should be fortunate enough
to secure more than they could carry themselves. As they
hurried along, they met many of their friends going out
on atari? expeditions, for the night was favorable

Presently they reached the home of fs Tobbin,

of tp sees SS st


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and quietly and carefully entered ine yard, knowing
that the slightest noise would be sure to waken Bruno,
the faithful rch ‘dog, and set the cocks crowing,
and then it would be all over with them, for the farmer

would appear with his gun. As they entered the yard,
they caught sight of a rooster which had sauntered out to

y see ifit were yet dawn. Quick as a wink, Darius

seized him, while Christopher secured a plump,
fat duck that had forgotten to go inside to

roost. In the excitement, poor little Xerxes

was quite forgotten, and the friends, throw-
ing their game across their shoulders,
started for home, well pleased with their
luck. Just as they entered the woods,
a snipe met the eyes of ‘Christopher,
but before he had captured it, Darius
caught sight of it. Both rushed for

it, and seized it. Now, whose should

¢ ttt


it be? Both claimed it. Long and
angrily the foxes quarreled. Chris-
eae claimed it because he saw it first, and Darius
claimed it because he got hold of it first. Morning came
and they were still disputing. Suddenly, Bruno, the dog,
appeared on the scene, and |

they both scampered off as

fast as they could go, leav-
ing snipe, duck and chicken behind. Bruno had a kingly
breakfast, while the silly foxes had none. When they got

back to their homes, and sat down to think over the mat-

ter, they were sorry enough to think they had been so

greedy, for in trying to get all, each one had lost the little

he had. Poor little Xerxes had been forgotten in their

hurry to get away with their prizes.

For two or three weeks, old Jack Frost had been at.
work in the forest, pinching the leaves from the trees, and
sending the - ripe nuts to
t h e ground. JZ ny j ind \: nf) a of

leaves that

ist had paint- ed brown and
“red, oot and crimson, lay on the ground, making a soft,
oe carpet for the dwellers of the forest.

“Tn this forest, the Bear, the Wolf and the Fox lived,
and three greater cronies you never heard of. Tie Bear
es the oldest and the biggest, but little Foxy always led
the fun, for he was one of the brightest, smartest little
chaps that ever dwelt in the forest. Through the fallen
leaves he came tramping one day to the house of neigh-
bor Bae and with his usual cheery “ How-do-you-do,”
greeted his friend. He had heardthat much mischief was

being done by a cruel, hard hearted hunter, and he wanted
the Bear and their friend, the Wolf to go with him and try
to put an end to the hunter’s fun. They went to the

Wolf's house, and found him willing to help, so side by



eg ee

side they started through the woods. Nothing happened

for some time, but finally the sharp ears of little Foxy
heardthe sound of a gun in the distance. Bidding -his
friends be quiet he waited until it sounded again. This
time, Foxy learned the direction from which it came, and
they hurried on toward the spot. Bang, bang, bang! The
gun kept sounding louder and louder as they sped along.
Now a new | noise greet-
ed their ears. | A t sounded
like the chat- | jtering of
many voices, é 7 and as they
turned the t i corner they
came upona \ | ystrang e
sight. U p tm lin ‘the tree

that bore but *;one branch,

and must at Jz one time

have been struck by

lightning, fhung tie
played a greedy crowd of wolves. One had his empty
gun, two more were fighting for his hat, and the rest stood
barking at the hunter in the wildest manner. The three

cronies were too late to carry out their scheme, but they
laughed merrily over the victory of the others, and ‘fey
were greatly pleased that at last they Ie to be set free
from the danger in which they had been so long, and could
now roam over the forest at their pleasure without fear of
being killed by the hunter’s gun. The poor fellow in’ the
tree was in a very uncomfortable position, as we can well
see, and he was in constant fear lest the wolves, in some
way, might be able to reach him. He saw no way in which
he could escape, and felt sure that his time to die had at
last come. He hoped the wolves would be attracted by
something else, and go away and leave him, but that seem-
ed to be almost too good a fortune. The wolves kept
the poor man in the tree until they heard the sound of
approaching footsteps and caught the sounds of frequent-
ly fired guns, then they all scampered away oat as pos-
sible, and then the poor man was rescued by his friends,
who had come in search of Here |

The three friends were very much disappointed when
cnet crim escaped, but they hoped he would be so badly
frightened that he would,in the future, keep away from the

forest,and so far as we know he never troubled them again.

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