Funny foxes

Material Information

Funny foxes
Cover title:
Veale, E
Cox, Palmer, 1840-1924 ( illustrator )
Hubbard Publishing Co ( Publisher )
Place of Publication:
Hubbard Publishing Co.]
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 v. (unpaged) : ill. (some col.) ; 23 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Animals -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh )
Children's stories ( lcsh )
Children's stories -- 1896 ( lcsh )
Fantasy literature -- 1896 ( rbgenr )
Bldn -- 1896
Children's stories
Fantasy literature ( rbgenr )
novel ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
United States -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia
Target Audience:
juvenile ( marctarget )


General Note:
With: The busy Brownies / illustrations by Palmer Cox ; stories by E. Veale. [Philadelphia : Hubbard Publishing Co.], c1896. -- and 10 other books.
Statement of Responsibility:
illustrations by Palmer Cox ; stories by E. Veale.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact The Department of Special and Area Studies Collections ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
004149516 ( ALEPH )
232606054 ( OCLC )


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Cop. rlonren 1896


“CoMmE, my dear,” said Mrs. Fox, wee she pinned her
plaid shawl around fee Shoulders and tied on her bonnet
that was trimmed with one of the sun flowers she had
gathered from the kitchen garden that morning, “if you'll
be a very good little boy and promise not to get in the
way, you may go to market with me. I have noticed for

several evenings past that a fat young gobbler roosts on

the fence that is built along the road. This is too good a
prize to lose, my dear, and he shall be mine to-night. If
I am notas young as I used to be, Ihave not forgotten the
art of bagging game, and it will be well for you, my child,
if you keep your eyes open and try to profit by my


“Indeed Mother,” said young Rufus, “you will find
' me just as good as can be, and I am sure no one could be
a better teacher than you, for well I remember the good

dinners you have brought home from the farm yard.” -

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The road side and the rail fence were soon gained,
and in less time than it takes to tell it Mr. Gobbler had
found a place inside Mother Fox’s basket, and the lid was

shut down tight.

“Oh deary me!” thought the poor turkey “why was I
so foolish as to roost on that rail fence, if I had only

listened to my Mother’s warning what a happy turkey I

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might still be, but I thought I was old enough and smart
enough to take care of myself. If I could only get out I’d

be so careful hereafter.” But the lid was shut down tight

and there seemed no chance for the Gobbler.

Mother Fox and Rufus chatted merrily as they trotted
along, and when they came to the rail fence along the
edge of the woods Rufus begged they might stop and rest
awhile for the sharp stones had hurt his feet.

Up they scrambled and seated themselves quite
happily, and Rufus laughed merrily as his mother told
him of the many times she had escaped the hunter’s dogs,
and he listened with a very grave face as she talked to
_ him of the traps and snares the farmers set to catch the
| fox who was foolish enough to go near them.
| Mother Fox became so interested in her lesson that
she quite forgot the turkey in the basket, but all of a ‘sud-
den he gave one frantic lurch andover went Mother Fox’s
basket and its precious contents. Mother Fox was quick
but the gobbler was quicker—out of the basket he popped
under the fence, and away he hurried as fast as his legs
could carry him. After him came the fox, nearer and
nearer she came, so close now that she grabbed his tail
feathers, but they yielded to her clutch and the turkey

hurried on, , On, on he went until at last with one mighty

effort, one tremendous flapping of wings he reached the
wagon house roof, eemDling and exhausted, but having
left the fox below.

This was a hard lesson for the Gobbler, but it was a

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good one, and never again did any one hear of that turkey
roosting on a fence rail. He did not wish to run any more

chances of getting into the clutches of the wily old fox.



SPRING had come again. Spring warm and gentle—
not March withits howling winds pinching yournoses and
ee and toes, and hideing the big round tears to chase
each other down your poor little faces. The warm April
showers told that spring had come. As the rain pattered
down upon the earth, softening the hard crust of winter,
up popped the little faces of the snow drop and daffodils,
crocuses opened their eyes a ile bright golden sun, and -
alsothe tulips put on their robes of crimson and yellow
to allel springs arrival. ° | :

While nature was putting on her new and beautiful
Bere Mr. Rufus Cinnine began to open his eyes and
to wonder if it was not about time for him to think of his
spring Ce |

Now one of Rufus’ great failings was his love for
dress. It is a fact though a very sorry one—that nearly

all his time and thoughts were spent in planning what

would be the most becoming style of clothing.
Off he started one fine morning to fit himself out with

arig most charming. First of all he visited the tailor

and bought of him a suit which he considered quite a
beauty. His linen was the next purchase, and the collar

he chose was so high that one would pity him, did he not

think him so very foolish to suffer thus for show. | But
people who are older and wiser than this gay young fox do
just such silly things. |

His next stop was at the boot-maker’s. Mr. Shoe-
maker, never in all his life found any body so hard to

please, but at last a pair was found to suit him, and then

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a hat must be gotten. Hat after hat was tried on, but by
and by a hat, tall and black and shiny met Foxy’s view,
and his eyes danced with pleasure as he gazed at himself
inthe mirror. Now all was complete except the gloves—
these were not hard to find, and then he started for home.

You should have seen this vain young creature as he

walked along the street—everything complete, from the
crown of his head to the sole of his feet—not even the
walking stick nor the eye glass had been forgotten. If no
one admired his fine appearance, Foxy was happy in the
entire satisfaction he felt in himself.

But alas! alas! he had just taken his friend Miss Bruin

out fora little stroll, when the worst shower of the whole

season came up, you should have seen them run, when the

first large drops came pattering down. There seemed to
be no shelter near at hand, and they were getting pretty
wet, wea Miss Bruin spied some old friends gathered
under an old umbrella, which little Floy, the pet of the
household had left in the woods the day before. So Foxy
and she made a dash for this refuge and reached it just as

the rain began to pour down in torrents. They were

' pretty well crowded but they were very thankful to have

even that much protection, and they really enjoyed them-
selves chatting with their friends. The shower lasted

only a few minutes, and when it was over they started for

| home, as it was too wet togo farther and Foxy was very

much worried over his new rig, which was nearly ruined.


EvEeryBoby knew her—she sold
apples at the crossing, and her cheeks:
were as red and her smile as sweet as

fares the tempting fruit that made the

summer, al her big black bonnet almost hiding her

cherry face in winter. |

The great gingham umbrella that shielded her from
rain and sun was often, also, the sheltering place of many.
an unlucky school boy caught in a shower.

She lived on a tiny’ place just outside the town and
when Jack, the lame newsboy, or Ted,the black boot-black
or when any of her regular customers stopped for a chat,

she loved to tell them of her “ foine pratie patch, that did

so well, thanks to her airly risin’,’ and of the hens that

troubled her so by scratching in this much prized garden
in spite of all the corn she scattered for their comfort.

But by and by she revelled in a new treasure—a cun-

ning black pig. One day when Widow

Murphy went to the farm house for her

daily can of milk—the farmei’s wife gave

_ it to her, and whata prize it was to the poor

old soul. *Twas sick and tiny and forltmn

G looking enough when she ae it, but she

nursed it most carefully and its queer little

grunt was like music to herears. Piggy

learned to know her and. followed her

, around like a dog, and he really grew fatter

| every day in: his comfortable new home.

One morning it was time to go to town

with apples—and time for Piggy to be

shut in his pen, he was far too precious to

) be left roaming around—but where was he.
| i | The widow searched every where and called
and called until at last she gave up in de-

spair, and tired out sat down upon the well

curb to rest and to think.

Then she heard a noise that made her jump up in
such a hurry that the ruffles on her snowy cap almost
danced. It was piggy’s grunt and it certainly came from
the well. Way over leaned the old lady—and _ scarcely
could she believe her own eyes, for there in the bucket
safe and sound sat that naughty, black pig. He had been
peering over the well perhaps, admiring his funny snout
in the clear waters below, lost his balance and tumbled in, -
fortunately into the bucket that hung down low.

How glad the Widow was to
# find him and how the boys laughed
# when she told them the tale. We

hope that piggy learned a lesson,
and became ever after a less vain and less curious piggy
But one day a man came from a distant city to buy a’
fine little pig for a Thanksgiving feast. Widow Murphy
did not want to sell but the price offered was too tempting
so she finally agreed tosell him. If she could have looked
into that houseon Thanksgiving day, she would haveseen

Piggy perched on a big platter in the centre of the table.


UncLe Mac had been away for years, in South
America, Mother told us children, and South America be-
came the extent of: travel; the most remote corner of the

world to our child- ish minds. How

we listened with the keen-

est. interest / to the occas-
ional letters | which arriv-
ed, and how | we wonder-
ed what this far away
uncle was like, for Rob ore I
were but. babies he went
away. Onenight, Ican remember it just perfectly, although
I was only a mite of a girl, we were gathered around the
open fire in the library for the Septembernights were chilly,
when the maid announced a gentleman in the parlor. He
gave no name, but said he knew he would be welcome.

Mother left us, but in almost no time we heard her calling

“Children, Children, come quickly, your Uncle Mac is
home ” Rob and I pranced down like little ponies, and
- were almost smothered in this big uncle’s arms. After
the first welcome had been given Uncle asked if he might
bring in his travelling companion, for he was sure he
must be tired of being alone so long. We children won-
dered why the poor traveler had been leftin the hall, but
all wonderment was dispelled when a sleepy, sorrowful
looking monkey appeared in Uncle’s arms. Oh! how wild
Rob was with delight. I was rather timid and kept at a

Before Rob had finished admiring this funny little
chap, Nan, the nurse came to take him off to bed. I am
sorry to say that Rob was not a bit good, but screamed

‘dreadfully, until Uncle told him that if he would stop
crying, Jack as he called the monkey, might sleep in his
room. Mother shook her finger reprovingly at Uncle Mac
but I heard him whisper that he must be humored his
first night at home. I followed Rob and Nan, and how I
did laugh when I saw Jack lie down on the quilt Nan put

in the corner, and nestle his headdown on his hand. Such

a poor sleepy little monkey as he was!
But this state of serenity was not to last long! Early

in the morning, before daybreak, Nan was wakened by a

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tremendous clatter,and jumped up to find that Master

Jack had stripped the walls of pictures, and was preparing

to divest the bureau of any ornaments. Nan captured
him and tied him to the foot board of the bed, but just as
her sleepy eyes had closed for a good, long nap, a scream
. from Rob roused her and She found that naughty monkey
Seine himself by vigorously pulling Rob’s hair. “No
more peace for me,” thought Nan, so she dressed as quick-
ly as possible and carried Jack down into the garden.
How soon we grew attached to the little fellow, for he
was so bright and full of cunning tricks. It was very
amusing to watch him ‘take his funny little hands and
with his thumb and middle finger knock the ashes from
Uncle Mac’s cigar. He was very fond of hard boiled eggs,
and if we gave one to him hot, he would throw it from
hand to hand untilit became cool, and then with his clever
little fingers he would remove the shell just as daintily as
possible. Another favorite dish of his was red raspber-
ries ; black he would not touch. One day the cook gave
him some red berries in a china saucer, and determined to
keep her eye upon him as he had no regard for crockery.
Something demanded her attention, and she forgot the

monkey until a gentle tap on the step attracted her atten-

tion and there stood Jack holding his plate towards her

‘for more.
We kept Jack for several years, but one time while
we were away in the country the poor little fellow met

with an accident that caused his death. Rob grieved very


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much after his queer play fellow, and declared that he
could never again love an animalas he did that monkey.
‘I guess we all felt sad over his loss for we liked the cun-

ning chap and missed his cute and funny capers.


Ir you'll go through the woods for about a quarter of
a mile and then turn to the right you will find a bridge
which is formed from rocks against which the waters
trickled untiringly year after year, until quite an opening
was made, and now the little stream flows on day after
day singing its low, sweet song. If you'll follow this tiny
stream you will see it growing broader and broader until
at last it becomes a large and beautiful river. But our
story is about the bridge over the little stream and what
happened there. : |

One morning the Elephant dressed himself in his
very best, put on his tall white hat, fool his stick in his
hand and started through the woods to visit his friend
the Giraffe. He took his time, for the day was warm and
he liked to listen to the birds and watch the gentle rustle
of the leaves as the soft wind shook them. °

He was surprised when he looked at the sun and

found that the morning was fast drawing to : close. He
walked on much faster than was comfortable and his tem-
per was not the sweetest when he came to the bridge and
found the donkey standing on it watching the waters
flow over the rocks.

‘“ Move on my friend,” said the Elephant, “this is no

the Elephant,“ I told you to move on.”

“ Quite plainly I heard you,” replied the’ Oe
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donkey, “but it does not please me to stir from
this spot.”

Both the Elephant and the Donkey were growing
angrier every minute. At last the Elephant, who of
course was lots the larger, picked up the Donker with his

trunk and dipped him up and down in the cool stream

until he cried for mercy. If the sun was hot the water
was cool, and this sudden plunge was certainly not to the
Donkey’s liking, and his wild struggles afforded the
Elephant much amusement. As he stepped back laugh-
ing at the Donkey’s frantic efforts, his foot slipped and
over he went, splash, into the water. The water was not
very deep and they soon scrambled to the shore, but both
had learned a lesson and before parting they decided that
the better plan was to yield to’one another. Had the
Elephant spoken in a kindly manner, and had the Donkey
_ been,more accommodating each might have escaped a
most unpleasant experience.

The Elephant’s bath had left him in no condition for
calling, and his tall white hat he prized so much had gone
floating down the stream, but he did not grumble for he
knew the fault was his own. He felt anes might have
avoided this very unpleasant ending to the happy time he
had had in prospect, if he had only remembered to be a

little more polite. As he journeyed through the woods
| once more he was a wise Elephant, if, as may be imagin:

ed, a sadder one.

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LITTLE Ruopy Gray was trembling like a leaf—not
because Jack Frost was teasing her ratship, no indeed.
The grass was green and the beautiful lit-
tle wild flowers held up their heads to say

“good-night” before they algeed their

drowsy eyes. The air was soft and balmy, whispering
secrets low and sweet as it stole quietly in and out through
the tree tops. But Rhody was trembling andit was fear that
made hee for she was sure some one would see her crouehe
ing down behind the lilac bush at the end of the garden.

How bright the moon was growing. Rhody thought
she had never seen it so dazzlingly large before. It
seemed as though it were looking right down upon her,
showing every one where the timid little rat was hiding.
Now Rhody was waiting for some one—and this some

one was Jacky Leap—just the handsomest, largest He in

the whole pond.

He and Rhody had planned to leave the old place
that night andl go off aad be married. They were both
young and wilful lovers and because Mother Gray had
said no when Jack asked for Rhody they had made up
their minds to have their own way come what would.
Now then do you wonder that Rhody was frightened >

It was growing so late that she felt sure Jack had
forgotten her, and her little heart went thumpty bang!
until she was certain some one would hear it. Poor fool-
ish Rhody it only sounded so loud to her ears. But at last
she caught sight of some gleaming white object almost fly-
ing towards her, and what should it be but the white rabbit
that had been bought at Easter for the baby at the house.
Jack had told Bun of their plans and he had promised to
help them—and he certainly did. Jack was seated on his
back, such a big, broad, furry back, and Rhody was soon
mounted behind herlover. How they flew along! Fences
and trees seemed todash past them. Poor, little frighten-
ed Rhody held onwith all her might, fearing every minute
that she might slip off and be left behind, until at last

they came to the hollow tree where the wise old ow lived.

_ He blinked at them through his spectacles but asked
no questions, and in less than no time Rhody was Mrs.
one Bun was waiting for them and they monn ed once
more and started for home. It was hard to tell Mother

Gray what they had done—but she was a kind old rat, and

concluded that the only way was to make the best of
things, so she gave them her blessings, and Jack and
his little wife Rhody were as happy a couple as lived in

the Green.


“Cock a doodle doo!” shrilly crowed Mr. Chanticleer
as he strutted around in the barn-yard. Chanty had just
learned to crow, and he was
as proud as any rooster
could be over his own
voice. He was not a very
beautiful bird for his tail
feathers had just com-

menced to grow, and his

legs were so long and thin
you wanted to laugh at him if that had not been the
rudest thing you could possibly do. But still, one could
_not help thinking him a very foolish fellow as he watched
him strutting around as though he owned the barn-yard.
But grief you know, sometimes comes to people who
think themselves so far above their neighbors, So listen to

the narrow-escape that Chanty had one summer evening.

Down in the woods not far away from the home of

Chanty lived a smart red fox, he was young and called a

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very handsome fellow, and old Mother Fox smiled with

approval when she saw her son going off rigged in his

finest suit, his hat perched on one side with a turkey
feather sticking in it, and his sharp pointed knife shining
in his belt.

One night this young fox bade good-bye to his mother,
gathered up the bag that always hung back of the door
and started off towards the farm-yard. You can guess his

purpose, perhaps—Chanty’s shrill crow had reach-

| | SS Fate had been kind to Chanty
this time, ay shen oe Fox reached the place, all he
ile see of the rooster was his, tail feathers sticking
through the stable door, and the farmer’s man had made
the door fast with lock and key. The Fox grabbed the
tail feathers, but Chanty was safe, though woefully

frightened, and we hope wiser, content to go his way

through life without making himself so evident.


FIpo was a tiny black pup when he came to live on
the farm. He was born inagreat big place called a ken
nel, where lots of other dogs lived. . One day just after he
had finished his saucer of milk and had made up his mind
to enjoy a good long nap, a boy who was always poking
around where he was not wanted, came and with no gentle
hand, grabbed him up and carried him far away from the
other dogs. Fido shut hiseyes and growled,as he thought
quite savagely. Then he heard the boy say—“ This is a
beauty, and I can promise you he will turn out a fine dog.”
Somebody took him away from the boy then and Fido
liked the way he stroked his head, so gentle and called
him, “a pretty little fellow,” and he liked the pleasant ae
in which this somebody Jaughed when he, Fido, began
licking his hand. | :

“T'll take him,” he heard the stranger say, and then ©

without another word Fido was tucked away into the

pocket of the man’s great coat. It seemed such a long
while to Fido before he heard the farmer say “ Whoa,” to
his horses, and then he heard a little childish voice say,
“ Did you bring him, Father?” and Fido knew she meant

him for the farmer reached into his pocket, hauled him out,


and replied, “ Here he is, little Nan, give him something
to eat for he must be hungry after his long ride.

“Oh Father, what a darling he is,” and she hugged
‘Fido so tight that he really had to squeal to himself from
being choked to death. Little Nan could hardly allow

Fido time to lap his milk she was so wild with delight
over him, and when he had finished she gathered him in
her chubby arms and rocked him just as she had seen
Mother rock the baby, singing to him softly one of baby’s
bye-low songs. Fido felt so happy that it was not long
before he was sound asleep and snoring like a ood fellow,
When Mother called Nan to goto bed she put Fido in the
box that Father had built for him, and Fido was so sleepy
he could hardly wag his curly tail to show his pleasure.

Rie mmexd: morning Fido wakened bright and early and
gazed with wonder at the new world into which he had
_ come. Nan brought him his breakfast of bread and milk
and then off they started fora jolly scamper. Such fun
as these two had together. Wherever Nan went Fido
followed, and Nan was such a kind loving little mistress
that he loved her dearly.

Fido grew bigger and stronger every day, and he cer-
tainly made goodthe boy’s promise of his becoming a fine
dog. He found out by and bye that life was not all play,
for the farmer carried him off one day to teach him to -

mind the sheep. It was not long before Fido knew all -

about it and the farmer told little Nan that he was the
best shepherd dog he had ever had.

Now the old Wolf who lived in the woods back of the
pasture lot had found out what.a good shepherd Fido was,
her try as he might not once could he find him napping.

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One day this wolf thought he would be very cunning and

get the best of Fido, so he went carefully out to the corn
field one night and robbed the scare-crow of his clothes,
rigged himself in them, thinking that Fido would not
know him.

The moon was shining brightly, and as the wolf came

across the field Fido pricked up his eats and looked at
him suspiciously. ie knew that he did not belong in the
| field any way, and so he kept pretty close watch over him.
Closer and closer came the wolf and Fido waited
quietly for him and then with one long knowing look

leaped upon him. It was too bad but Fido had erab-

bed the coat and not the wolf, so that Mrs Wolk”

slipped out of his covering and was off in the woods as
fast as his legs could carry him, and never again as far as
_ we know has he tried to play any tricks on Fido.
But for Fido, Nan’s father might have lost many of
his valuable sheep, and he could not be grateful enough
to the faithful dog for his good service.

Nan was very proud of her Fido when her father told
of the way in nich he lookéd after the flock, and said she
was quite sure nothing would ever harm them as long as
he was around.

Quite often Fido would go with Nan’s father, and help
him drive his sheep to market, and he was always so
faithful and trusty, that Nan’s father was never sorry that

he stopped that day and got the little fellow.

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Cop. rlonren 1896


“CoMmE, my dear,” said Mrs. Fox, wee she pinned her
plaid shawl around fee Shoulders and tied on her bonnet
that was trimmed with one of the sun flowers she had
gathered from the kitchen garden that morning, “if you'll
be a very good little boy and promise not to get in the
way, you may go to market with me. I have noticed for

several evenings past that a fat young gobbler roosts on

the fence that is built along the road. This is too good a
prize to lose, my dear, and he shall be mine to-night. If
I am notas young as I used to be, Ihave not forgotten the
art of bagging game, and it will be well for you, my child,
if you keep your eyes open and try to profit by my

“Indeed Mother,” said young Rufus, “you will find
' me just as good as can be, and I am sure no one could be
a better teacher than you, for well I remember the good

dinners you have brought home from the farm yard.” -

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The road side and the rail fence were soon gained,
and in less time than it takes to tell it Mr. Gobbler had
found a place inside Mother Fox’s basket, and the lid was

shut down tight.
“Oh deary me!” thought the poor turkey “why was I
so foolish as to roost on that rail fence, if I had only

listened to my Mother’s warning what a happy turkey I

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might still be, but I thought I was old enough and smart
enough to take care of myself. If I could only get out I’d

be so careful hereafter.” But the lid was shut down tight

and there seemed no chance for the Gobbler.

Mother Fox and Rufus chatted merrily as they trotted
along, and when they came to the rail fence along the
edge of the woods Rufus begged they might stop and rest
awhile for the sharp stones had hurt his feet.

Up they scrambled and seated themselves quite
happily, and Rufus laughed merrily as his mother told
him of the many times she had escaped the hunter’s dogs,
and he listened with a very grave face as she talked to
_ him of the traps and snares the farmers set to catch the
| fox who was foolish enough to go near them.
| Mother Fox became so interested in her lesson that
she quite forgot the turkey in the basket, but all of a ‘sud-
den he gave one frantic lurch andover went Mother Fox’s
basket and its precious contents. Mother Fox was quick
but the gobbler was quicker—out of the basket he popped
under the fence, and away he hurried as fast as his legs
could carry him. After him came the fox, nearer and
nearer she came, so close now that she grabbed his tail
feathers, but they yielded to her clutch and the turkey

hurried on, , On, on he went until at last with one mighty
effort, one tremendous flapping of wings he reached the
wagon house roof, eemDling and exhausted, but having
left the fox below.

This was a hard lesson for the Gobbler, but it was a

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good one, and never again did any one hear of that turkey
roosting on a fence rail. He did not wish to run any more

chances of getting into the clutches of the wily old fox.


SPRING had come again. Spring warm and gentle—
not March withits howling winds pinching yournoses and
ee and toes, and hideing the big round tears to chase
each other down your poor little faces. The warm April
showers told that spring had come. As the rain pattered
down upon the earth, softening the hard crust of winter,
up popped the little faces of the snow drop and daffodils,
crocuses opened their eyes a ile bright golden sun, and -
alsothe tulips put on their robes of crimson and yellow
to allel springs arrival. ° | :

While nature was putting on her new and beautiful
Bere Mr. Rufus Cinnine began to open his eyes and
to wonder if it was not about time for him to think of his
spring Ce |

Now one of Rufus’ great failings was his love for
dress. It is a fact though a very sorry one—that nearly

all his time and thoughts were spent in planning what
would be the most becoming style of clothing.
Off he started one fine morning to fit himself out with

arig most charming. First of all he visited the tailor

and bought of him a suit which he considered quite a
beauty. His linen was the next purchase, and the collar

he chose was so high that one would pity him, did he not
think him so very foolish to suffer thus for show. | But
people who are older and wiser than this gay young fox do
just such silly things. |

His next stop was at the boot-maker’s. Mr. Shoe-
maker, never in all his life found any body so hard to

please, but at last a pair was found to suit him, and then

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a hat must be gotten. Hat after hat was tried on, but by
and by a hat, tall and black and shiny met Foxy’s view,
and his eyes danced with pleasure as he gazed at himself
inthe mirror. Now all was complete except the gloves—
these were not hard to find, and then he started for home.

You should have seen this vain young creature as he
walked along the street—everything complete, from the
crown of his head to the sole of his feet—not even the
walking stick nor the eye glass had been forgotten. If no
one admired his fine appearance, Foxy was happy in the
entire satisfaction he felt in himself.

But alas! alas! he had just taken his friend Miss Bruin

out fora little stroll, when the worst shower of the whole

season came up, you should have seen them run, when the

first large drops came pattering down. There seemed to
be no shelter near at hand, and they were getting pretty
wet, wea Miss Bruin spied some old friends gathered
under an old umbrella, which little Floy, the pet of the
household had left in the woods the day before. So Foxy
and she made a dash for this refuge and reached it just as

the rain began to pour down in torrents. They were

' pretty well crowded but they were very thankful to have

even that much protection, and they really enjoyed them-
selves chatting with their friends. The shower lasted

only a few minutes, and when it was over they started for

| home, as it was too wet togo farther and Foxy was very

much worried over his new rig, which was nearly ruined.

EvEeryBoby knew her—she sold
apples at the crossing, and her cheeks:
were as red and her smile as sweet as

fares the tempting fruit that made the

summer, al her big black bonnet almost hiding her

cherry face in winter. |

The great gingham umbrella that shielded her from
rain and sun was often, also, the sheltering place of many.
an unlucky school boy caught in a shower.

She lived on a tiny’ place just outside the town and
when Jack, the lame newsboy, or Ted,the black boot-black
or when any of her regular customers stopped for a chat,

she loved to tell them of her “ foine pratie patch, that did

so well, thanks to her airly risin’,’ and of the hens that
troubled her so by scratching in this much prized garden
in spite of all the corn she scattered for their comfort.

But by and by she revelled in a new treasure—a cun-

ning black pig. One day when Widow

Murphy went to the farm house for her

daily can of milk—the farmei’s wife gave

_ it to her, and whata prize it was to the poor

old soul. *Twas sick and tiny and forltmn

G looking enough when she ae it, but she

nursed it most carefully and its queer little

grunt was like music to herears. Piggy

learned to know her and. followed her

, around like a dog, and he really grew fatter

| every day in: his comfortable new home.

One morning it was time to go to town

with apples—and time for Piggy to be

shut in his pen, he was far too precious to

) be left roaming around—but where was he.
| i | The widow searched every where and called
and called until at last she gave up in de-

spair, and tired out sat down upon the well

curb to rest and to think.

Then she heard a noise that made her jump up in
such a hurry that the ruffles on her snowy cap almost
danced. It was piggy’s grunt and it certainly came from
the well. Way over leaned the old lady—and _ scarcely
could she believe her own eyes, for there in the bucket
safe and sound sat that naughty, black pig. He had been
peering over the well perhaps, admiring his funny snout
in the clear waters below, lost his balance and tumbled in, -
fortunately into the bucket that hung down low.

How glad the Widow was to
# find him and how the boys laughed
# when she told them the tale. We

hope that piggy learned a lesson,
and became ever after a less vain and less curious piggy
But one day a man came from a distant city to buy a’
fine little pig for a Thanksgiving feast. Widow Murphy
did not want to sell but the price offered was too tempting
so she finally agreed tosell him. If she could have looked
into that houseon Thanksgiving day, she would haveseen

Piggy perched on a big platter in the centre of the table.

UncLe Mac had been away for years, in South
America, Mother told us children, and South America be-
came the extent of: travel; the most remote corner of the

world to our child- ish minds. How

we listened with the keen-

est. interest / to the occas-
ional letters | which arriv-
ed, and how | we wonder-
ed what this far away
uncle was like, for Rob ore I
were but. babies he went
away. Onenight, Ican remember it just perfectly, although
I was only a mite of a girl, we were gathered around the
open fire in the library for the Septembernights were chilly,
when the maid announced a gentleman in the parlor. He
gave no name, but said he knew he would be welcome.

Mother left us, but in almost no time we heard her calling
“Children, Children, come quickly, your Uncle Mac is
home ” Rob and I pranced down like little ponies, and
- were almost smothered in this big uncle’s arms. After
the first welcome had been given Uncle asked if he might
bring in his travelling companion, for he was sure he
must be tired of being alone so long. We children won-
dered why the poor traveler had been leftin the hall, but
all wonderment was dispelled when a sleepy, sorrowful
looking monkey appeared in Uncle’s arms. Oh! how wild
Rob was with delight. I was rather timid and kept at a

Before Rob had finished admiring this funny little
chap, Nan, the nurse came to take him off to bed. I am
sorry to say that Rob was not a bit good, but screamed

‘dreadfully, until Uncle told him that if he would stop
crying, Jack as he called the monkey, might sleep in his
room. Mother shook her finger reprovingly at Uncle Mac
but I heard him whisper that he must be humored his
first night at home. I followed Rob and Nan, and how I
did laugh when I saw Jack lie down on the quilt Nan put

in the corner, and nestle his headdown on his hand. Such
a poor sleepy little monkey as he was!
But this state of serenity was not to last long! Early

in the morning, before daybreak, Nan was wakened by a

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tremendous clatter,and jumped up to find that Master

Jack had stripped the walls of pictures, and was preparing
to divest the bureau of any ornaments. Nan captured
him and tied him to the foot board of the bed, but just as
her sleepy eyes had closed for a good, long nap, a scream
. from Rob roused her and She found that naughty monkey
Seine himself by vigorously pulling Rob’s hair. “No
more peace for me,” thought Nan, so she dressed as quick-
ly as possible and carried Jack down into the garden.
How soon we grew attached to the little fellow, for he
was so bright and full of cunning tricks. It was very
amusing to watch him ‘take his funny little hands and
with his thumb and middle finger knock the ashes from
Uncle Mac’s cigar. He was very fond of hard boiled eggs,
and if we gave one to him hot, he would throw it from
hand to hand untilit became cool, and then with his clever
little fingers he would remove the shell just as daintily as
possible. Another favorite dish of his was red raspber-
ries ; black he would not touch. One day the cook gave
him some red berries in a china saucer, and determined to
keep her eye upon him as he had no regard for crockery.
Something demanded her attention, and she forgot the

monkey until a gentle tap on the step attracted her atten-
tion and there stood Jack holding his plate towards her

‘for more.
We kept Jack for several years, but one time while
we were away in the country the poor little fellow met

with an accident that caused his death. Rob grieved very


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much after his queer play fellow, and declared that he
could never again love an animalas he did that monkey.
‘I guess we all felt sad over his loss for we liked the cun-

ning chap and missed his cute and funny capers.

Ir you'll go through the woods for about a quarter of
a mile and then turn to the right you will find a bridge
which is formed from rocks against which the waters
trickled untiringly year after year, until quite an opening
was made, and now the little stream flows on day after
day singing its low, sweet song. If you'll follow this tiny
stream you will see it growing broader and broader until
at last it becomes a large and beautiful river. But our
story is about the bridge over the little stream and what
happened there. : |

One morning the Elephant dressed himself in his
very best, put on his tall white hat, fool his stick in his
hand and started through the woods to visit his friend
the Giraffe. He took his time, for the day was warm and
he liked to listen to the birds and watch the gentle rustle
of the leaves as the soft wind shook them. °

He was surprised when he looked at the sun and
found that the morning was fast drawing to : close. He
walked on much faster than was comfortable and his tem-
per was not the sweetest when he came to the bridge and
found the donkey standing on it watching the waters
flow over the rocks.

‘“ Move on my friend,” said the Elephant, “this is no

the Elephant,“ I told you to move on.”

“ Quite plainly I heard you,” replied the’ Oe
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donkey, “but it does not please me to stir from
this spot.”

Both the Elephant and the Donkey were growing
angrier every minute. At last the Elephant, who of
course was lots the larger, picked up the Donker with his

trunk and dipped him up and down in the cool stream
until he cried for mercy. If the sun was hot the water
was cool, and this sudden plunge was certainly not to the
Donkey’s liking, and his wild struggles afforded the
Elephant much amusement. As he stepped back laugh-
ing at the Donkey’s frantic efforts, his foot slipped and
over he went, splash, into the water. The water was not
very deep and they soon scrambled to the shore, but both
had learned a lesson and before parting they decided that
the better plan was to yield to’one another. Had the
Elephant spoken in a kindly manner, and had the Donkey
_ been,more accommodating each might have escaped a
most unpleasant experience.

The Elephant’s bath had left him in no condition for
calling, and his tall white hat he prized so much had gone
floating down the stream, but he did not grumble for he
knew the fault was his own. He felt anes might have
avoided this very unpleasant ending to the happy time he
had had in prospect, if he had only remembered to be a

little more polite. As he journeyed through the woods
| once more he was a wise Elephant, if, as may be imagin:

ed, a sadder one.
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LITTLE Ruopy Gray was trembling like a leaf—not
because Jack Frost was teasing her ratship, no indeed.
The grass was green and the beautiful lit-
tle wild flowers held up their heads to say

“good-night” before they algeed their

drowsy eyes. The air was soft and balmy, whispering
secrets low and sweet as it stole quietly in and out through
the tree tops. But Rhody was trembling andit was fear that
made hee for she was sure some one would see her crouehe
ing down behind the lilac bush at the end of the garden.

How bright the moon was growing. Rhody thought
she had never seen it so dazzlingly large before. It
seemed as though it were looking right down upon her,
showing every one where the timid little rat was hiding.
Now Rhody was waiting for some one—and this some

one was Jacky Leap—just the handsomest, largest He in

the whole pond.
He and Rhody had planned to leave the old place
that night andl go off aad be married. They were both
young and wilful lovers and because Mother Gray had
said no when Jack asked for Rhody they had made up
their minds to have their own way come what would.
Now then do you wonder that Rhody was frightened >

It was growing so late that she felt sure Jack had
forgotten her, and her little heart went thumpty bang!
until she was certain some one would hear it. Poor fool-
ish Rhody it only sounded so loud to her ears. But at last
she caught sight of some gleaming white object almost fly-
ing towards her, and what should it be but the white rabbit
that had been bought at Easter for the baby at the house.
Jack had told Bun of their plans and he had promised to
help them—and he certainly did. Jack was seated on his
back, such a big, broad, furry back, and Rhody was soon
mounted behind herlover. How they flew along! Fences
and trees seemed todash past them. Poor, little frighten-
ed Rhody held onwith all her might, fearing every minute
that she might slip off and be left behind, until at last

they came to the hollow tree where the wise old ow lived.
_ He blinked at them through his spectacles but asked
no questions, and in less than no time Rhody was Mrs.
one Bun was waiting for them and they monn ed once
more and started for home. It was hard to tell Mother

Gray what they had done—but she was a kind old rat, and

concluded that the only way was to make the best of
things, so she gave them her blessings, and Jack and
his little wife Rhody were as happy a couple as lived in

the Green.

“Cock a doodle doo!” shrilly crowed Mr. Chanticleer
as he strutted around in the barn-yard. Chanty had just
learned to crow, and he was
as proud as any rooster
could be over his own
voice. He was not a very
beautiful bird for his tail
feathers had just com-

menced to grow, and his

legs were so long and thin
you wanted to laugh at him if that had not been the
rudest thing you could possibly do. But still, one could
_not help thinking him a very foolish fellow as he watched
him strutting around as though he owned the barn-yard.
But grief you know, sometimes comes to people who
think themselves so far above their neighbors, So listen to

the narrow-escape that Chanty had one summer evening.
Down in the woods not far away from the home of

Chanty lived a smart red fox, he was young and called a

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very handsome fellow, and old Mother Fox smiled with

approval when she saw her son going off rigged in his
finest suit, his hat perched on one side with a turkey
feather sticking in it, and his sharp pointed knife shining
in his belt.

One night this young fox bade good-bye to his mother,
gathered up the bag that always hung back of the door
and started off towards the farm-yard. You can guess his

purpose, perhaps—Chanty’s shrill crow had reach-

| | SS Fate had been kind to Chanty
this time, ay shen oe Fox reached the place, all he
ile see of the rooster was his, tail feathers sticking
through the stable door, and the farmer’s man had made
the door fast with lock and key. The Fox grabbed the
tail feathers, but Chanty was safe, though woefully

frightened, and we hope wiser, content to go his way

through life without making himself so evident.

FIpo was a tiny black pup when he came to live on
the farm. He was born inagreat big place called a ken
nel, where lots of other dogs lived. . One day just after he
had finished his saucer of milk and had made up his mind
to enjoy a good long nap, a boy who was always poking
around where he was not wanted, came and with no gentle
hand, grabbed him up and carried him far away from the
other dogs. Fido shut hiseyes and growled,as he thought
quite savagely. Then he heard the boy say—“ This is a
beauty, and I can promise you he will turn out a fine dog.”
Somebody took him away from the boy then and Fido
liked the way he stroked his head, so gentle and called
him, “a pretty little fellow,” and he liked the pleasant ae
in which this somebody Jaughed when he, Fido, began
licking his hand. | :

“T'll take him,” he heard the stranger say, and then ©

without another word Fido was tucked away into the
pocket of the man’s great coat. It seemed such a long
while to Fido before he heard the farmer say “ Whoa,” to
his horses, and then he heard a little childish voice say,
“ Did you bring him, Father?” and Fido knew she meant

him for the farmer reached into his pocket, hauled him out,


and replied, “ Here he is, little Nan, give him something
to eat for he must be hungry after his long ride.

“Oh Father, what a darling he is,” and she hugged
‘Fido so tight that he really had to squeal to himself from
being choked to death. Little Nan could hardly allow
Fido time to lap his milk she was so wild with delight
over him, and when he had finished she gathered him in
her chubby arms and rocked him just as she had seen
Mother rock the baby, singing to him softly one of baby’s
bye-low songs. Fido felt so happy that it was not long
before he was sound asleep and snoring like a ood fellow,
When Mother called Nan to goto bed she put Fido in the
box that Father had built for him, and Fido was so sleepy
he could hardly wag his curly tail to show his pleasure.

Rie mmexd: morning Fido wakened bright and early and
gazed with wonder at the new world into which he had
_ come. Nan brought him his breakfast of bread and milk
and then off they started fora jolly scamper. Such fun
as these two had together. Wherever Nan went Fido
followed, and Nan was such a kind loving little mistress
that he loved her dearly.

Fido grew bigger and stronger every day, and he cer-
tainly made goodthe boy’s promise of his becoming a fine
dog. He found out by and bye that life was not all play,
for the farmer carried him off one day to teach him to -

mind the sheep. It was not long before Fido knew all -
about it and the farmer told little Nan that he was the
best shepherd dog he had ever had.

Now the old Wolf who lived in the woods back of the
pasture lot had found out what.a good shepherd Fido was,
her try as he might not once could he find him napping.

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One day this wolf thought he would be very cunning and

get the best of Fido, so he went carefully out to the corn
field one night and robbed the scare-crow of his clothes,
rigged himself in them, thinking that Fido would not
know him.

The moon was shining brightly, and as the wolf came

across the field Fido pricked up his eats and looked at
him suspiciously. ie knew that he did not belong in the
| field any way, and so he kept pretty close watch over him.
Closer and closer came the wolf and Fido waited
quietly for him and then with one long knowing look

leaped upon him. It was too bad but Fido had erab-

bed the coat and not the wolf, so that Mrs Wolk”

slipped out of his covering and was off in the woods as
fast as his legs could carry him, and never again as far as
_ we know has he tried to play any tricks on Fido.
But for Fido, Nan’s father might have lost many of
his valuable sheep, and he could not be grateful enough
to the faithful dog for his good service.

Nan was very proud of her Fido when her father told
of the way in nich he lookéd after the flock, and said she
was quite sure nothing would ever harm them as long as
he was around.

Quite often Fido would go with Nan’s father, and help
him drive his sheep to market, and he was always so
faithful and trusty, that Nan’s father was never sorry that

he stopped that day and got the little fellow.

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