Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- https://original-ufdc.uflib.ufl.edu/UF00084116/00001
Material Information
- Title:
- The first trousers
- Cover title:
- Brownies
- Creator:
- Veale, E
Cox, Palmer, 1840-1924 ( illustrator )
Hubbard Publishing Co ( Publisher )
- Place of Publication:
- [Philadelphia]
- Publisher:
- Hubbard Pub'g. Co.
- Publication Date:
- c1897
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 1 v. (unpaged) : ill. (some col.) ; 23 cm.
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Animals -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh )
Children's stories ( lcsh ) Children's stories -- 1897 ( lcsh ) Fantasy literature -- 1897 ( rbgenr ) Bldn -- 1897
- Genre:
- Children's stories
Fantasy literature ( rbgenr ) novel ( marcgt )
- Spatial Coverage:
- United States -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia
- Target Audience:
- juvenile ( marctarget )
- General Note:
- With: The busy Brownies / illustrations by Palmer Cox ; stories by E. Veale. [Philadelphia : Hubbard Publishing Co.], c1896. -- and 10 other books.
- Statement of Responsibility:
- illustrations by Palmer Cox ; stories by E. Veale.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact The Department of Special and Area Studies Collections (special@uflib.ufl.edu) with any additional information they can provide.
- Resource Identifier:
- 004149524 ( ALEPH )
232606064 ( OCLC )
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THE fain was talline thick and fast im the dim old
forest.. At first it had been nothing but a gentle shower,
but now the great drops came dashing through the trees,
twisting and turning the leaves, and even bending the
swaying branches. The clouds were so thick and black
that old Sol was hidden completely out of sight.
Little Cubby Bruin heard the sound of the falling rain
when he opened his eyes in the hollow of the great tree in
which he lived. “Oh deary, deary,†muttered Cubby.
“ Now all my fun is spoiled. This is the day of Cousin
Wolf’s party, and mother will never let me go while the
rain pours down in this style.â€
He crawled to the opening in the tree, and poked out
_ his little head to see if there was any show of its clearing
off, but the clouds hung heavy, and the rain poured down
Cubby crawled back again, and curled himself up for
another nap. He slept once more, and dreamed of the
games of catch and toss and of the frolics of every kind
thathe and Cousin Wolf would enjoy together. Pretty scon
he awoke to find no wolf there, and he, himself, tucked
away in the old tree.
It was Mother Bruin that had roused the sleeping
Cub, and she was standing out side calling him a lazy fel-
low, and telling him to get up.
“Ts it still raining, Mother? called Cubby. | Wiy,
no; said she ~The rain has stopped, the clouds are sep-
arating to let the sun peep out, and a gentle breeze is blow-
ing and drying the wet grass.â€
Cubby needed no calling now, but sprang out of the
tree with a bound.
“ Now Mother,†said he, “I can go to Wolfy’s, can’t 1?†—
“Go to Wolfy’s,’ said his mother. “You have noth-
ing to wear.†Cubby looked so sad that his mother felt
sorry, andso she gave hima good, tight hug, and told him
she would fix up something for him to wear. She went
right to work and Cubby jumped and capered around, io
tening to the snip, snap of her scissors, as she cut and
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fitted her work. At last she had iacnroned the cutest pair
of trousers you ever saw. It was his first pair, and of
nee he was very proud of them. He strutted around
with his hands in his pockets, just as happy as he could
be. This was more of a treat than Cubby had dreamed
of, for he had-not expected to be promoted to trousers so
soon. It would be hard to tell where mother found the
stuff to make them of, but they were certainly very fine.
They were made of tiny red and white checked goods, and
fastened over the shoulder with bright red suspenders,
and the fit was exquisite. :
Father and Mother Bruin were just about as proud
and happy as he, and greatly pleased at.their son’s happi-
ness. They could do nothing but stand and admire their
boy, as he stood before them in his new rig.
Cubby was so much taken up with his new clothes
that he forgot all about going to Wolfy’s, and it was quite
Jate in the afternoon before he thought of it again. He
did not care much, however, and told his mamma, when
she tucked him in bed that night that he would rather
have the trousers than go to Wolfy’s forty times.
ite OUPREN BEES marr
‘THERE was great excitement in the meadow. As soon
as dawn peeped out and said good morning to the world,
and old Solsmilingly lifted his head from behind the treesin
the pine woods, the fuss and confusion began. The Queen
of the Bees was responsible for it all. She had decided to
give a ball and had bidden her messengers fly far and near
to tell all the insects in the meadow to come al join
in the jolly dance that night. One
flew here, and another flew
there, their noisy
they flew from ‘he
making a con-
A merry band of fiddlers lived in the swamp, and the
Queen's favorite messenger had been dispatched there in
creat haste, for you sée, they were needed to provide the
music for the dancing. |
The katy-dids in their pretty green gowns were invited
to sing a duet; half singing “ Katy-didâ€
and half responding with “ Katy-didn't.â€
The Queen Bee liked the crickets, and so
did all the bees, they were such cheerful little fellows, and
so of course they Wee invited, and they one and all ac-
cepted the invitation, for crickets never miss a chance for
having fun, ences, when the Katy-dids are around.
The spider, who was weaving a web in the spruce tree,
sent his compliments to her royal
> highness; the Queen, “and bade the
a Mihi
ieee messenger tell her it would be his
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pleasure to come, but it was impossible for him to leave
his beautiful web that was so nearly finished. This mes-
sage did not please Madam Queen very well, for she i
always happiest when having her own way.
The locusts had just shed their shells and wereattired
“in their new Spring suits,
so they accepted the invi-
tation Bleciy: for the vain
little fellows thought it
would be great fun to show
their fine clothes, even if they
were not so giddy as the Yel-
low Jacket’s, whose striped coat
was the envy of all the insects.
Tiny Mrs.Lady-bug promised to come if she could
find anyone to stay with her babies, for only the night be-
fore she had left them alone, and she had been so nervous
) | she had had no pleasure, for she kept hearing all the time,
“ Lady-bug, lady-bug, fly away home; your house is on fire,
your children will burn.†So she had made up her mind
that she would not leave them alone again.
Grand-daddy-long-legs thought he had grown too old
for balls, but the messengers coaxed so hard that he
promised to take a good long nap and to honor the occa-
sion with his presence.
The sun was shining in all his
glory, and the hour of noon had arrived
before all the guests had been notified.
The messengers were weary from their
busy morning, and hid themselves in
the hearts of the flowers or among the
tall, graceful grasses. to fall a-
sleepand so refresh themselves
that they too might be ready ~
†ing was to bring.
We could not begin to tell all the pleasant things that
happened, but one was the meeting of Yellow-jacket and
Miss Gauzy Wings. They had not been friends for a
long time, but they met this day on
their way to the ball, and found each
others company so pleasant that ere
long Yeliow-jacket was on his knees, suing for Miss ean
Wings’ hand in marriage, and he must have been accept-
ed, for he was very attentive to her all
through the evening, and when the ball was
Aedys'y, Over, and all the insects said good-night,
and era away to their homes, they departed hand
in hand, and before very long there was a gathering of the
insects to celebrate the wedding of this 7
happy pair. Sothe Queen Bee’s Ball was
the means of bringing about the event,
Miss Ruopy Run had on tired of her home in the
stable loft. It used to be very nice when the boys used
to play there, because they were sure to drop crumbs of
the cake and crackers they were forever eating. But now
the boys had gone away to school, and Rhody felt very
lonely. Of course she had plenty to eat, for it was not
much fone to find her way to the feed box, and John,
the coachman, was not always careful to drop the lid; but
Rhody thought there was something in this world to
think about besides eating. She missed the merry laugh
and the happy voices of the children, and she grew more
lonely every day. She finally made up her mind that she
would leave her home in the stable, and travel around the
country until she found a place where she could be happy.
Early one morning she started off, her red flannel cape pin-
ned around her shoulders and anold salt bag in which he
carried all her treasures, slung over her shoulder. The
village was just waking as she trotted through the streets.
The shop-keepers were just taking down their shutters
and opening their doors, and as this wasall new to Rhody,
she thoughtshe would step inside and see what was going
on. She wanted to do this very badly, but she could not
get courage.
As the day grew older and the noise and confusion in-
creased, she was so frightened that she hid herself under
a molasses barrel that was propped‘up on the sidewalk.
After things began to grow quiet again, she dared to ven-
ture out and continue her journey. ‘She was getting
pretty hungry by this time, so she timidly crept into a
bakery, and succeeded in getting Aeood meal, for the baker. _
‘was not the tidiest man inthe world, and there were plenty
of crumbs on the floor.
The next day found Rhody wandering ene the river
bank, where the pond lillies grew and the tall brown cat-
tails nodded in the wind. Allat once Rhody was startled
_ by the sound of a strange ores and turning, saw a spry
young frog at her side. “I see,†said he, “that you are
| admiring our river and its pretty, flowery banks. Let me
walk along with you and enjoy it also, for though it ic not
new to me, it is ever beautiful.†|
' “ What a very nice creature this’ is,†thought Rhody,
so she dropped him a courtesy, and told him she was nee
glad of his compen and Froggy, pleased with her ap-
proval of him, did his level best to be entertaining. Rhody
was charmed with her companion, and the two chatted as
if they had long been friends. Froggy was very much in-
terested in Rhody’s story about her home in- the stable
and her trips to the feed box for food, and very much sur-
prised to learn that she had never before seen the river.
So he told all about the wonderful times he had in his
watery home, and she was greatly interested in all he had
torelate. She said it might be very pleasant, but she did
not think she would like it, although some of her cousins
lived in the water a great deal of the time.
“ How sorry I am,†said homey poullatslecannoteask
you to dine with me; but my larder contains no such food
as you would eat worms and flies and tiny fish are not to
your liking, I am sure, and then I have to take a sail on
the river in order to reach my home, and that would not
please you either. Iam sorry that we cannot enjoy each
others society longer, but, as it is now lunch time, I shall
have to say good-bye.â€
So after best wishes on both sides that they might
some day meet again, Frogey boarded a floating leaf, and
went sailing down the stream to his home, while Rhody
continued on her journey alone. She felt more lonesome
than ever: after Froggy had left her, and she almost wish-
ed she had not met him at all, since: he could not go with
her all the wane She was almost tempted to go back and
wait until he came ashore again, but she finally decided to
keepon her journey, hoping that chance might again bring
her a friend that would be as charming as Sir Froggy. _
Brown Pesccy, the horse, did not like the strange
yelping and squealing that disturbed ler rest.) “li seemed
to come from right beneath the feed box, and she feared
to move lest she should tread on the cause of all the
noise, for she knew by the sound that it was alive. The
stable was too dark to see, and she Had to wait. until
Michael came and threw open the great doors. Then
Peggy stepped back in her stall, and looking down, she
saw, huddled close together, four of the cutest little Lon
puppies you ever saw. They twisted around and around,
and rolled over each other in the most restless manner.
~ When Michael came with Pegegy’s breakfast, he too
heard the queer noise, and looking over the feed box, he
spied the little strangers. “Well, if you are not about as
cute and cunning as anything I ever saw,†said ney
shall keep one of you little chaps, and I think it will be
you, old fellow, for I like your snowy nose.†So spoke
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Michael as he leaned over and picked up one of the tiny
ane the tip of whose nose was snowy white.
Michael had some little brothers and sisters at home,
~ and so one day when the puppies were old enough to leave
their mother, and he was ready for his homeward walk, he
remembered the little white nosed pup, and thought how
much the children would enjoy playing with it, so puppy
was tucked away in Michael’s pocket and taken to his new
quarters, where his happy new life began. The children ©
were delighted with their new play-mate, and did all in
their power to make him welcome.
They had another pet that had held full sway before
the puppy: came, and that was a little red pic. He was
always a very tiny pig, and nad grown so little that he
still looked like.a baby pig, although many months had
gone by since his entrance into the world.
Piggy did not like the idea of a rival, and behaved very
cross and ugly, but the children scolded him and talked to
him, and by and by, when he had gotten over his pouting,
he visited the little dog, and before very long they were
the best friends in the world.
THE snow lay deep upon the
ground and nestled among the leaf-
| less branches of the: forest uLeeS,
gleaming and sparkling like millions of diamonds. There
was no sign of its melting, for the days were bitter cold,
and the nights even colder, if anything,
elites the coldest winter for many years,†said old
Daddy Bruin, and he ought to know, tor he had lived
longer in the forest than the rest of the animals.
Daddy Bruin and his old wife had built a house with
the branches of trees closely packed together, and had
covered the roof with thick coatings of mud. There ae
lived, as snug and comfortable as you please. The wind
whistled all around them, but it could
not enter their dwelling and bother
them, so snugly were they housed.
It was New Year’s Eve in the
forest, and Daddy Bruin had invited all the inhabitants
thereof to meet with him in his home to talk about the
past year. Beasts of every shape, size and color gathered
at his call, and even the wise old owl, having heard of the
gathering, came with his little son. When they had all
arrived, Daddy wrapped himself in his blanket and put on
his Tam O’Shanter and seating himself on a fallen log,
began to talk
group in his
fashion. They
much interest-
best of atten-
remarks, even
tle oe that
feet. I suppose
to know what
talking about,
i i begiel
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{ ve le
to the eager
usual kind
all looked very
ed,and paid the
tion to Bruin’s
to the tiny lit-
sat close by his
you would like
so I will tell
Bruin was trying to get them to give up their bad
habits and live good lives. He said he had decided not to
steal anything more from the farmers, but would hereafter
depend on the fruits of field and wood for his living.
One after another the animals confessed that they had
done lots of bad things
during the year, for
which they were very
sorry. Even Winky
Blinky, the owl, looked
very grave as he Sat lis-
tening to these tales and confessions of evil doing. The
subject was so interesting that they talked together for
hours,.even far into the night.
It was a very solemn meeting, and brought good
results for |
“There beneath the swaying trees,
As round them played the whistling breeze,
And from the sky, the queen of night
Looked down upon the the pleasing sight,
With many a vow and
promise true, :
They all resolved to start
anew ;
And, let us hope, in after
They followed peaceful,
honest ways;
That euns and snares
and traps severe,
Were not: requiped
throughout the year.â€
WINTER had given way to spring, and the alligator
had come out of the hole in the banks of the river in which
he had slept away the chilly nights and days. He felt so
strong and happy after his long sleep, and having given
himself a vigorous shake and oft repeated stretches, he
divedinto the water for a cool refreshing bath. This done,
his thoughts turned toward something to eat, and he
opened and*shut his big jaws, as if smacking his lips,
when he thought of the delightful prospect, and there
arose before him visions of the shiny backed fon thae thie
would catch and dine upon.
) (nial tiny, stream that flowed through the marshes liv-
ed a fish that could be found nowhere else. Mr. Alligator
liked this fish so well that he decided to go a fishing in the
stream, and if possible bring back a few of these fine fat
fellows for his dinner. So he slung his bag over his
shoulder, and taking his good stout walking stick, he
started off on his tramp.
A shaggy brown bear, who lived in the woods had
just come out of the great hollow tree where he had found
a resting place during the winter months. His store of
provisions was exhausted, and he thought it high time to
start outin searchof more. He blinked and winked at the
bright sunshine, ‘and hessmiuled and nodded at the little
flowers that seemed to greet him in their own pretty way.
But the feeling of hungry was stronger than thé attractions
of nature, and so Mr. Bear donned his beaver hat, and taking
his market bag on his arm, he too started out to get some-
thing to eat. He thought he might be able to finda pile
of nuts in some bushes near the river, for he remembered
having left some there in the fall.
Now it happened that the stream where the fish lived
and the bushes where the nuts were hidden were close
together, so it was not strange that the Bear and the
Alligator should come across each other. “Good morning,â€
said the Alligator, “are you off ona journey?†“ Not far,â€
said the Bear, “I am only taking a morning walk in search
of something to eat.†“Well, Iam on the same errand,â€
said the Alligator, “if our ways are together, shall we not
walk together?†This plan suited the Bear, so they walked
together side by side and enjoy a pleasant stroll.
Rex Wo F and his friend Teddy Fox had played
catch with the fallen blossoms until they were weary; then
they played agame of hokey, but found it no fun. Afterthis
they tried hide-and-go-seek and leap-frog, but nothing seem-
ed to please them. So they had seated themselves on the
soft green grass, and both their little heads were busy try-
ing to think what next todo. Tobe quiet was out of the
question, and no nice kind of fun seemed to Suggest itself.
Foxy suddenly clapped his hands with glee] have
it, Rex,†said he. “Do you remember the great oak log
that the wood cutters left here last week? We wil] put a
board across, and have as fine a see-saw as you or I could
“Good for you, Teddy,†said his friend. “J knew you
would think of something before long.â€
Off these two youngsters scampered, and having
found a fallen. limb near at hand, they soon had it placed
across the stump, and were taking a fine ride. Up and
down they went, thoroughly enjoying this new kind of
Just about this time, a fat, black bear. came strolling
“ Give me a ride, Foxy?†said he
“ Ves, if you like,†said Foxy. “ Rex and I will get on
one side and you can get on the other.â€
Pretty soon they were all ready to start again. Rex
and Teddy got on one end, and away they went up in the
-air, just as soon as the old black bear took his seat on the
other, and there they stayed: too, for the old bear was.so.
heavy that they could not lift him up. “ This won’t do,â€
said Geddy. “Wouware too heavy. forus.†‘So he called to
a little porcupine who was watching the fun. “ Get.on,
Prickly, and help us balance old Fatty.†. So Prickly
crawled up, and they just balanced the old Fellow. Then
they had the greatest fun, now up, now down, until at last
they got dizzy and tired too. Then they thought they
would play a trick on the old bear, so the fines little fel- |
lows all jumped off together, letting old Fatty down rather
suddenly. But he ae such a good natured fellow that he
'.did not mind it, and invited them to go home with him,
and they joyfully accepted the invitation.
Now Blacky’s sister had at one time found an accor-
dion that Pome people had left in the woods, and she kept
it hidden in the old hollow oak where she lived. Blacky
had told his friends of this treasure, so when they had
chatted" awhile, Teddy Fox begged Miss Blacky to play
for them. She willingly consented, and seating herself
of |
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upon a log, began to play with all her might. It was not
long ne cant a merry party had gathered on the green,
and among them were two brightlittle hares. They began
to dance a jig to the lively music that was being played,
and soon others joined them, and soon all were enjoying
a good jolly dance. |
Just before the party broke up, and they went away,
the bear propos- ,
ed that. they WY
should sit down :
and chat aehile, I
Then he sug- | |
gested that they |
should form a |
sort of a club :
and have a meeting every week in.the old woods. He
said his sister would learn how to play some new pieces,
| especially dance music, and he thought they could have a
fine time together. This they all thought would be great
fun, and so they decided to meet each Tuesday at five
o'clock for a good old frolic,
LITTLE PETER, one of the Brownies,
had perched himself on the trunk of a fal-
len tree to think. His tiny, round face did
not wear its usual smile, and his bright, black eyes had a
worried look. Young Toby Tumble, passing through the
woods, saw his little friend, Peter, and scrambled up along
side of him. “ You look blue, little Peter,†said he “have
things gone wrong with you? Tell me what the matter
is, and maybe I can help youâ€
“You are very kind,†said little Peter, “ but it is not
about myself I feel so grieved, but about the widow Good
and her two little ernlerent To-morrow is Christmas, you
know, and I heard her say that she had nothing for them,
so there is no prospect of a good time at the Good cottage.â€
‘Toby Tumble was looking grave himself by this time,
as he sat with his face buried in his tiny hands. -“T have
it,†said he, “they'll do it, I’m sure,†and he clapped his
handsin glee. “Do what?†said Peter.
“WHelp “us, to be sure.†Wel will eal
all the Brownies together; tell them all ;
neither Widow Good or her little ones will oe for any-
thing to make up a Christmas dinner.†s
No time was to be lost in carrying out their plans, and
so they hastened out to find nek: comrades. Of course
the good Brownies were all glad to help them, for they
delight to help good people.
Their first movement was to borrow a large basket
from Greengoods, the grocer. The Brownies had no
money, so they decided to fill the basket eon the shop,
and pay the master in work, for Brownies, you know, are
very clever creatures, and can turn a hand at anything.
The little fellows could scarcely move the basket when
filled, but all worked together and by
.. and by they had it mounted on sticks
and: then, five or six on a side, they
bore it along very comfortably.
How proud they felt as they looked
at this well filled basket! As they-went along, they could
see peeping from the covering of the basket, links of
sausage, a fish, and the black feet of the big turkey that
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was to be such a treat to the children on the morrow.
_ They were very tired when they reached the widow’s
house, so they sat
down to rest until
morning. When <& i
light came, and all the busy little fellows had hidden them-
selves where they could see, and not be seen, Toby Tum-
“plelknaaese at the door. He had only just time to run
out of sight himself, when the’ widow opened it. The
Brownies had worked hard, but they felt fully rewarded
when they saw the joy and happiness on the poor woman’s |
face, and they decided that they would remember her
again the next year, and that they would fully repay the
grocer for all his goods, and would do 1teSO quickly and
thoroughly that he would never miss them.
You may be sure the widow was very happy when
she unpacked that basket and found all the good fines
for she felt that now she could give
her children a little pleasure on Christ-
mas day. She could not imagine who
it could be that had remembered her
and her little ones, but herlittleson Rok
said he was sure it was the Brownies,
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THE fain was talline thick and fast im the dim old
forest.. At first it had been nothing but a gentle shower,
but now the great drops came dashing through the trees,
twisting and turning the leaves, and even bending the
swaying branches. The clouds were so thick and black
that old Sol was hidden completely out of sight.
Little Cubby Bruin heard the sound of the falling rain
when he opened his eyes in the hollow of the great tree in
which he lived. “Oh deary, deary,†muttered Cubby.
“ Now all my fun is spoiled. This is the day of Cousin
Wolf’s party, and mother will never let me go while the
rain pours down in this style.â€
He crawled to the opening in the tree, and poked out
_ his little head to see if there was any show of its clearing
off, but the clouds hung heavy, and the rain poured down
Cubby crawled back again, and curled himself up for
another nap. He slept once more, and dreamed of the
games of catch and toss and of the frolics of every kind
thathe and Cousin Wolf would enjoy together. Pretty scon
he awoke to find no wolf there, and he, himself, tucked
away in the old tree.
It was Mother Bruin that had roused the sleeping
Cub, and she was standing out side calling him a lazy fel-
low, and telling him to get up.
“Ts it still raining, Mother? called Cubby. | Wiy,
no; said she ~The rain has stopped, the clouds are sep-
arating to let the sun peep out, and a gentle breeze is blow-
ing and drying the wet grass.â€
Cubby needed no calling now, but sprang out of the
tree with a bound.
“ Now Mother,†said he, “I can go to Wolfy’s, can’t 1?†—
“Go to Wolfy’s,’ said his mother. “You have noth-
ing to wear.†Cubby looked so sad that his mother felt
sorry, andso she gave hima good, tight hug, and told him
she would fix up something for him to wear. She went
right to work and Cubby jumped and capered around, io
tening to the snip, snap of her scissors, as she cut and
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fitted her work. At last she had iacnroned the cutest pair
of trousers you ever saw. It was his first pair, and of
nee he was very proud of them. He strutted around
with his hands in his pockets, just as happy as he could
be. This was more of a treat than Cubby had dreamed
of, for he had-not expected to be promoted to trousers so
soon. It would be hard to tell where mother found the
stuff to make them of, but they were certainly very fine.
They were made of tiny red and white checked goods, and
fastened over the shoulder with bright red suspenders,
and the fit was exquisite. :
Father and Mother Bruin were just about as proud
and happy as he, and greatly pleased at.their son’s happi-
ness. They could do nothing but stand and admire their
boy, as he stood before them in his new rig.
Cubby was so much taken up with his new clothes
that he forgot all about going to Wolfy’s, and it was quite
Jate in the afternoon before he thought of it again. He
did not care much, however, and told his mamma, when
she tucked him in bed that night that he would rather
have the trousers than go to Wolfy’s forty times.
ite OUPREN BEES marr
‘THERE was great excitement in the meadow. As soon
as dawn peeped out and said good morning to the world,
and old Solsmilingly lifted his head from behind the treesin
the pine woods, the fuss and confusion began. The Queen
of the Bees was responsible for it all. She had decided to
give a ball and had bidden her messengers fly far and near
to tell all the insects in the meadow to come al join
in the jolly dance that night. One
flew here, and another flew
there, their noisy
they flew from ‘he
making a con-
A merry band of fiddlers lived in the swamp, and the
Queen's favorite messenger had been dispatched there in
creat haste, for you sée, they were needed to provide the
music for the dancing. |
The katy-dids in their pretty green gowns were invited
to sing a duet; half singing “ Katy-didâ€
and half responding with “ Katy-didn't.â€
The Queen Bee liked the crickets, and so
did all the bees, they were such cheerful little fellows, and
so of course they Wee invited, and they one and all ac-
cepted the invitation, for crickets never miss a chance for
having fun, ences, when the Katy-dids are around.
The spider, who was weaving a web in the spruce tree,
sent his compliments to her royal
> highness; the Queen, “and bade the
a Mihi
ieee messenger tell her it would be his
RMA Meas
pleasure to come, but it was impossible for him to leave
his beautiful web that was so nearly finished. This mes-
sage did not please Madam Queen very well, for she i
always happiest when having her own way.
The locusts had just shed their shells and wereattired
“in their new Spring suits,
so they accepted the invi-
tation Bleciy: for the vain
little fellows thought it
would be great fun to show
their fine clothes, even if they
were not so giddy as the Yel-
low Jacket’s, whose striped coat
was the envy of all the insects.
Tiny Mrs.Lady-bug promised to come if she could
find anyone to stay with her babies, for only the night be-
fore she had left them alone, and she had been so nervous
) | she had had no pleasure, for she kept hearing all the time,
“ Lady-bug, lady-bug, fly away home; your house is on fire,
your children will burn.†So she had made up her mind
that she would not leave them alone again.
Grand-daddy-long-legs thought he had grown too old
for balls, but the messengers coaxed so hard that he
promised to take a good long nap and to honor the occa-
sion with his presence.
The sun was shining in all his
glory, and the hour of noon had arrived
before all the guests had been notified.
The messengers were weary from their
busy morning, and hid themselves in
the hearts of the flowers or among the
tall, graceful grasses. to fall a-
sleepand so refresh themselves
that they too might be ready ~
†ing was to bring.
We could not begin to tell all the pleasant things that
happened, but one was the meeting of Yellow-jacket and
Miss Gauzy Wings. They had not been friends for a
long time, but they met this day on
their way to the ball, and found each
others company so pleasant that ere
long Yeliow-jacket was on his knees, suing for Miss ean
Wings’ hand in marriage, and he must have been accept-
ed, for he was very attentive to her all
through the evening, and when the ball was
Aedys'y, Over, and all the insects said good-night,
and era away to their homes, they departed hand
in hand, and before very long there was a gathering of the
insects to celebrate the wedding of this 7
happy pair. Sothe Queen Bee’s Ball was
the means of bringing about the event,
Miss Ruopy Run had on tired of her home in the
stable loft. It used to be very nice when the boys used
to play there, because they were sure to drop crumbs of
the cake and crackers they were forever eating. But now
the boys had gone away to school, and Rhody felt very
lonely. Of course she had plenty to eat, for it was not
much fone to find her way to the feed box, and John,
the coachman, was not always careful to drop the lid; but
Rhody thought there was something in this world to
think about besides eating. She missed the merry laugh
and the happy voices of the children, and she grew more
lonely every day. She finally made up her mind that she
would leave her home in the stable, and travel around the
country until she found a place where she could be happy.
Early one morning she started off, her red flannel cape pin-
ned around her shoulders and anold salt bag in which he
carried all her treasures, slung over her shoulder. The
village was just waking as she trotted through the streets.
The shop-keepers were just taking down their shutters
and opening their doors, and as this wasall new to Rhody,
she thoughtshe would step inside and see what was going
on. She wanted to do this very badly, but she could not
get courage.
As the day grew older and the noise and confusion in-
creased, she was so frightened that she hid herself under
a molasses barrel that was propped‘up on the sidewalk.
After things began to grow quiet again, she dared to ven-
ture out and continue her journey. ‘She was getting
pretty hungry by this time, so she timidly crept into a
bakery, and succeeded in getting Aeood meal, for the baker. _
‘was not the tidiest man inthe world, and there were plenty
of crumbs on the floor.
The next day found Rhody wandering ene the river
bank, where the pond lillies grew and the tall brown cat-
tails nodded in the wind. Allat once Rhody was startled
_ by the sound of a strange ores and turning, saw a spry
young frog at her side. “I see,†said he, “that you are
| admiring our river and its pretty, flowery banks. Let me
walk along with you and enjoy it also, for though it ic not
new to me, it is ever beautiful.†|
' “ What a very nice creature this’ is,†thought Rhody,
so she dropped him a courtesy, and told him she was nee
glad of his compen and Froggy, pleased with her ap-
proval of him, did his level best to be entertaining. Rhody
was charmed with her companion, and the two chatted as
if they had long been friends. Froggy was very much in-
terested in Rhody’s story about her home in- the stable
and her trips to the feed box for food, and very much sur-
prised to learn that she had never before seen the river.
So he told all about the wonderful times he had in his
watery home, and she was greatly interested in all he had
torelate. She said it might be very pleasant, but she did
not think she would like it, although some of her cousins
lived in the water a great deal of the time.
“ How sorry I am,†said homey poullatslecannoteask
you to dine with me; but my larder contains no such food
as you would eat worms and flies and tiny fish are not to
your liking, I am sure, and then I have to take a sail on
the river in order to reach my home, and that would not
please you either. Iam sorry that we cannot enjoy each
others society longer, but, as it is now lunch time, I shall
have to say good-bye.â€
So after best wishes on both sides that they might
some day meet again, Frogey boarded a floating leaf, and
went sailing down the stream to his home, while Rhody
continued on her journey alone. She felt more lonesome
than ever: after Froggy had left her, and she almost wish-
ed she had not met him at all, since: he could not go with
her all the wane She was almost tempted to go back and
wait until he came ashore again, but she finally decided to
keepon her journey, hoping that chance might again bring
her a friend that would be as charming as Sir Froggy. _
Brown Pesccy, the horse, did not like the strange
yelping and squealing that disturbed ler rest.) “li seemed
to come from right beneath the feed box, and she feared
to move lest she should tread on the cause of all the
noise, for she knew by the sound that it was alive. The
stable was too dark to see, and she Had to wait. until
Michael came and threw open the great doors. Then
Peggy stepped back in her stall, and looking down, she
saw, huddled close together, four of the cutest little Lon
puppies you ever saw. They twisted around and around,
and rolled over each other in the most restless manner.
~ When Michael came with Pegegy’s breakfast, he too
heard the queer noise, and looking over the feed box, he
spied the little strangers. “Well, if you are not about as
cute and cunning as anything I ever saw,†said ney
shall keep one of you little chaps, and I think it will be
you, old fellow, for I like your snowy nose.†So spoke
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Michael as he leaned over and picked up one of the tiny
ane the tip of whose nose was snowy white.
Michael had some little brothers and sisters at home,
~ and so one day when the puppies were old enough to leave
their mother, and he was ready for his homeward walk, he
remembered the little white nosed pup, and thought how
much the children would enjoy playing with it, so puppy
was tucked away in Michael’s pocket and taken to his new
quarters, where his happy new life began. The children ©
were delighted with their new play-mate, and did all in
their power to make him welcome.
They had another pet that had held full sway before
the puppy: came, and that was a little red pic. He was
always a very tiny pig, and nad grown so little that he
still looked like.a baby pig, although many months had
gone by since his entrance into the world.
Piggy did not like the idea of a rival, and behaved very
cross and ugly, but the children scolded him and talked to
him, and by and by, when he had gotten over his pouting,
he visited the little dog, and before very long they were
the best friends in the world.
THE snow lay deep upon the
ground and nestled among the leaf-
| less branches of the: forest uLeeS,
gleaming and sparkling like millions of diamonds. There
was no sign of its melting, for the days were bitter cold,
and the nights even colder, if anything,
elites the coldest winter for many years,†said old
Daddy Bruin, and he ought to know, tor he had lived
longer in the forest than the rest of the animals.
Daddy Bruin and his old wife had built a house with
the branches of trees closely packed together, and had
covered the roof with thick coatings of mud. There ae
lived, as snug and comfortable as you please. The wind
whistled all around them, but it could
not enter their dwelling and bother
them, so snugly were they housed.
It was New Year’s Eve in the
forest, and Daddy Bruin had invited all the inhabitants
thereof to meet with him in his home to talk about the
past year. Beasts of every shape, size and color gathered
at his call, and even the wise old owl, having heard of the
gathering, came with his little son. When they had all
arrived, Daddy wrapped himself in his blanket and put on
his Tam O’Shanter and seating himself on a fallen log,
began to talk
group in his
fashion. They
much interest-
best of atten-
remarks, even
tle oe that
feet. I suppose
to know what
talking about,
i i begiel
Ny Leh We G
{ ve le
to the eager
usual kind
all looked very
ed,and paid the
tion to Bruin’s
to the tiny lit-
sat close by his
you would like
so I will tell
Bruin was trying to get them to give up their bad
habits and live good lives. He said he had decided not to
steal anything more from the farmers, but would hereafter
depend on the fruits of field and wood for his living.
One after another the animals confessed that they had
done lots of bad things
during the year, for
which they were very
sorry. Even Winky
Blinky, the owl, looked
very grave as he Sat lis-
tening to these tales and confessions of evil doing. The
subject was so interesting that they talked together for
hours,.even far into the night.
It was a very solemn meeting, and brought good
results for |
“There beneath the swaying trees,
As round them played the whistling breeze,
And from the sky, the queen of night
Looked down upon the the pleasing sight,
With many a vow and
promise true, :
They all resolved to start
anew ;
And, let us hope, in after
They followed peaceful,
honest ways;
That euns and snares
and traps severe,
Were not: requiped
throughout the year.â€
WINTER had given way to spring, and the alligator
had come out of the hole in the banks of the river in which
he had slept away the chilly nights and days. He felt so
strong and happy after his long sleep, and having given
himself a vigorous shake and oft repeated stretches, he
divedinto the water for a cool refreshing bath. This done,
his thoughts turned toward something to eat, and he
opened and*shut his big jaws, as if smacking his lips,
when he thought of the delightful prospect, and there
arose before him visions of the shiny backed fon thae thie
would catch and dine upon.
) (nial tiny, stream that flowed through the marshes liv-
ed a fish that could be found nowhere else. Mr. Alligator
liked this fish so well that he decided to go a fishing in the
stream, and if possible bring back a few of these fine fat
fellows for his dinner. So he slung his bag over his
shoulder, and taking his good stout walking stick, he
started off on his tramp.
A shaggy brown bear, who lived in the woods had
just come out of the great hollow tree where he had found
a resting place during the winter months. His store of
provisions was exhausted, and he thought it high time to
start outin searchof more. He blinked and winked at the
bright sunshine, ‘and hessmiuled and nodded at the little
flowers that seemed to greet him in their own pretty way.
But the feeling of hungry was stronger than thé attractions
of nature, and so Mr. Bear donned his beaver hat, and taking
his market bag on his arm, he too started out to get some-
thing to eat. He thought he might be able to finda pile
of nuts in some bushes near the river, for he remembered
having left some there in the fall.
Now it happened that the stream where the fish lived
and the bushes where the nuts were hidden were close
together, so it was not strange that the Bear and the
Alligator should come across each other. “Good morning,â€
said the Alligator, “are you off ona journey?†“ Not far,â€
said the Bear, “I am only taking a morning walk in search
of something to eat.†“Well, Iam on the same errand,â€
said the Alligator, “if our ways are together, shall we not
walk together?†This plan suited the Bear, so they walked
together side by side and enjoy a pleasant stroll.
Rex Wo F and his friend Teddy Fox had played
catch with the fallen blossoms until they were weary; then
they played agame of hokey, but found it no fun. Afterthis
they tried hide-and-go-seek and leap-frog, but nothing seem-
ed to please them. So they had seated themselves on the
soft green grass, and both their little heads were busy try-
ing to think what next todo. Tobe quiet was out of the
question, and no nice kind of fun seemed to Suggest itself.
Foxy suddenly clapped his hands with glee] have
it, Rex,†said he. “Do you remember the great oak log
that the wood cutters left here last week? We wil] put a
board across, and have as fine a see-saw as you or I could
“Good for you, Teddy,†said his friend. “J knew you
would think of something before long.â€
Off these two youngsters scampered, and having
found a fallen. limb near at hand, they soon had it placed
across the stump, and were taking a fine ride. Up and
down they went, thoroughly enjoying this new kind of
Just about this time, a fat, black bear. came strolling
“ Give me a ride, Foxy?†said he
“ Ves, if you like,†said Foxy. “ Rex and I will get on
one side and you can get on the other.â€
Pretty soon they were all ready to start again. Rex
and Teddy got on one end, and away they went up in the
-air, just as soon as the old black bear took his seat on the
other, and there they stayed: too, for the old bear was.so.
heavy that they could not lift him up. “ This won’t do,â€
said Geddy. “Wouware too heavy. forus.†‘So he called to
a little porcupine who was watching the fun. “ Get.on,
Prickly, and help us balance old Fatty.†. So Prickly
crawled up, and they just balanced the old Fellow. Then
they had the greatest fun, now up, now down, until at last
they got dizzy and tired too. Then they thought they
would play a trick on the old bear, so the fines little fel- |
lows all jumped off together, letting old Fatty down rather
suddenly. But he ae such a good natured fellow that he
'.did not mind it, and invited them to go home with him,
and they joyfully accepted the invitation.
Now Blacky’s sister had at one time found an accor-
dion that Pome people had left in the woods, and she kept
it hidden in the old hollow oak where she lived. Blacky
had told his friends of this treasure, so when they had
chatted" awhile, Teddy Fox begged Miss Blacky to play
for them. She willingly consented, and seating herself
of |
Mfe, ye
» lie
upon a log, began to play with all her might. It was not
long ne cant a merry party had gathered on the green,
and among them were two brightlittle hares. They began
to dance a jig to the lively music that was being played,
and soon others joined them, and soon all were enjoying
a good jolly dance. |
Just before the party broke up, and they went away,
the bear propos- ,
ed that. they WY
should sit down :
and chat aehile, I
Then he sug- | |
gested that they |
should form a |
sort of a club :
and have a meeting every week in.the old woods. He
said his sister would learn how to play some new pieces,
| especially dance music, and he thought they could have a
fine time together. This they all thought would be great
fun, and so they decided to meet each Tuesday at five
o'clock for a good old frolic,
LITTLE PETER, one of the Brownies,
had perched himself on the trunk of a fal-
len tree to think. His tiny, round face did
not wear its usual smile, and his bright, black eyes had a
worried look. Young Toby Tumble, passing through the
woods, saw his little friend, Peter, and scrambled up along
side of him. “ You look blue, little Peter,†said he “have
things gone wrong with you? Tell me what the matter
is, and maybe I can help youâ€
“You are very kind,†said little Peter, “ but it is not
about myself I feel so grieved, but about the widow Good
and her two little ernlerent To-morrow is Christmas, you
know, and I heard her say that she had nothing for them,
so there is no prospect of a good time at the Good cottage.â€
‘Toby Tumble was looking grave himself by this time,
as he sat with his face buried in his tiny hands. -“T have
it,†said he, “they'll do it, I’m sure,†and he clapped his
handsin glee. “Do what?†said Peter.
“WHelp “us, to be sure.†Wel will eal
all the Brownies together; tell them all ;
neither Widow Good or her little ones will oe for any-
thing to make up a Christmas dinner.†s
No time was to be lost in carrying out their plans, and
so they hastened out to find nek: comrades. Of course
the good Brownies were all glad to help them, for they
delight to help good people.
Their first movement was to borrow a large basket
from Greengoods, the grocer. The Brownies had no
money, so they decided to fill the basket eon the shop,
and pay the master in work, for Brownies, you know, are
very clever creatures, and can turn a hand at anything.
The little fellows could scarcely move the basket when
filled, but all worked together and by
.. and by they had it mounted on sticks
and: then, five or six on a side, they
bore it along very comfortably.
How proud they felt as they looked
at this well filled basket! As they-went along, they could
see peeping from the covering of the basket, links of
sausage, a fish, and the black feet of the big turkey that
MY, iy
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was to be such a treat to the children on the morrow.
_ They were very tired when they reached the widow’s
house, so they sat
down to rest until
morning. When <& i
light came, and all the busy little fellows had hidden them-
selves where they could see, and not be seen, Toby Tum-
“plelknaaese at the door. He had only just time to run
out of sight himself, when the’ widow opened it. The
Brownies had worked hard, but they felt fully rewarded
when they saw the joy and happiness on the poor woman’s |
face, and they decided that they would remember her
again the next year, and that they would fully repay the
grocer for all his goods, and would do 1teSO quickly and
thoroughly that he would never miss them.
You may be sure the widow was very happy when
she unpacked that basket and found all the good fines
for she felt that now she could give
her children a little pleasure on Christ-
mas day. She could not imagine who
it could be that had remembered her
and her little ones, but herlittleson Rok
said he was sure it was the Brownies,
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