Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- https://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00084091/00001
Material Information
- Title:
- Peeps at our pets
- Creator:
- Nister, Ernest ( Publisher, Printer, Illustrator )
Nesbit, E ( Edith ), 1858-1924 ( Author )
Foster, William, 1853-1924 ( Illustrator )
E.P. Dutton (Firm) ( Publisher )
- Place of Publication:
- London
New York
- Publisher:
- Ernest Nister
E.P. Dutton & Co.
- Manufacturer:
- E. Nister
- Publication Date:
- [1895?]
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 1 v. (unpaged) : ill. (some col.) ; 25 cm.
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Children -- Conduct of life -- Juvenile literature ( lcsh )
Conduct of life -- Juvenile literature ( lcsh ) Animals -- Juvenile literature ( lcsh ) Pets -- Juvenile literature ( lcsh ) Children's stories ( lcsh ) Children's poetry ( lcsh ) Children's stories -- 1895 ( lcsh ) Children's poetry -- 1895 ( lcsh ) Prize books (Provenance) -- 1895 ( rbprov ) Bldn -- 1895
- Genre:
- Children's stories
Children's poetry Prize books (Provenance) ( rbprov ) poetry ( marcgt )
- Spatial Coverage:
- United States -- New York -- New York
Germany -- Bavaria -- Nuremberg
- Target Audience:
- juvenile ( marctarget )
- General Note:
- Date of publication from inscription.
- General Note:
- "Printed in Bavaria" -- cover.
- General Note:
- Frontispiece printed in color.
- General Note:
- Illustrations by E. Nister and W. Foster.
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- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
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- Resource Identifier:
- 026646362 ( ALEPH )
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Printed in Bavaria
spt ety
eee neney te eae ee
The Baldwin Library
These are our Pets,
both great and small, ,
< Just peep inside and you'll see them all.
london , NewYork: ‘ SS a
Ernest Nister Printed by ENister ot Nuremberg. (Bavaria) i 2 E.P Dutton &cg? a
4 IDDEX, away amongst the trees near
oa pretty village in Cornwall stood
a little cottage where John Polwheel,
the fisherman,’ lived with his old
mother and his little daughter Jane.
Jane’s mother had died when she was
quite a baby, but she was dearly loved
by her Father and Grandmother, and
was so bright and merry that she used to be called the
Village Sunbeam. One day as she was going on an errand
she stopped a moment to look at the cocks and hens in
Farmer Crumple’s yard; and as she stood looking at them
Mrs. Crumple asked her if she would like the beautiful white
hen for her very own. It was just what Jane had been wishing
for. She wanted something of her. own to look after, and
feed with bits’and scraps. John Polwheel was very poor, and
when it was too rough to catch any fish they found: it very
hard to get enough to eat.
During the winter Granny fell ill, and often could not
eat the rough food that they had; but Jane always kept
saying ‘‘Never mind, Granny, perhaps I shall have something
nice for you soon.†And one morning when there was nothing
in the house but some dry bread, Jane went as usual to look
after her hen, and what was her joy when she found a beautiful
large egg in the nest.
“So you were quite right, Janie,†said her Grandmother,
“you sce that we are not forgotten after all.â€
An Keg for Breakfast.
Ue4 was a dear little fair-haired girl, who lived all alone
with her father, Squire Goodman, in a beautiful old
country house. She had no little brothers and sisters to play
with, but she was not lonely, for she had her pets—Laddie,
the collie, and Tittums, a little fluffy tabby kitten—as play-
fellows. It is nice to make friends of dumb animals, for they
are good faithful friends when they are treated kindly. When
Tittums first came, Laddie felt jealous, and when Eva took.
the little kitten in her arms he would get on a chair quite
close to Eva and look up in her face, as much as to say:
“Please do not forget your old friend.†And then Eva stroked
him and held out the kitten for him to kiss, and told him
that he must be kind to little Tittums, who had left all her
brother and sister. kittens to come to live with Laddie and
Eva in the country. Now Laddie was a good old dog, and
when he heard that, he was not jealous any more, but let
Tittums play with his tail, and he played hide and seek with
Hemvand Seva: |
So that Tittums was quite happy
in her new home and
Laddie was happy too. \
And when Eva
left her kitten curled
up asleep on the
The New Kitty.
hearthrug and went for a walk in the fields, Laddie would
go with her as her protector, and scamper along amongst the
buttercups and daisies, barking at the birds and chasing
the rabbits, and would frisk round his mistress and tell her
in his way that he wished Tittums were with them.
Was not Eva a fortunate little girl to have two friends
like Laddie and Tittums?
OBBIE, come here,
you dear old dog;
Outside there
are icicles,
snow, cold, and fog,
‘But here
on the hearth,
in the fire’s
warm glow,
I'll show you
the fun of the -
Se ges
Where the mistletoe hangs it is proper to kiss
Whoever’s beneath it—dog, master, or miss.
So while you sit there I will hold it aloft,
And give you a kiss on your fur so soft.
And Rob kissed little Nellie, and said “bow wow.
The happiest time of my life is now;
For you know, dear mistress, I love you so,
And I like being under the mistletoe.â€
-Y was a pleasant surprise for little Sophy
when her Uncle, Farmer Cranfield, came.
to carry her off from the smoky town
to spend a few days with him on his
farm. Her Aunt told her she must get some
roses: into her cheeks, and: her little cousins
fe Tom and Susan took her with them for nice
_f . long walks through the fields. She soon learnt not
to be afraid of the animals on the farm, and made great
friends of old Dobbin, the carthorse, and Snap, the watch-
dog. At dinner-time Dobbin would come and put his head in at
the window for pieces of bread, while Snap would press his
nose against Aunt Cranfield’s lap and look up eagerly for a
bit also. Sophy could not take the farm pets to town when
she went back, but she took back with her a great love
for all God’s creatures, and when the Winter came she would
put bits of her breakfast on the window-sill, and watch
while the little sooty town birds came and ate them.
H, silly folk like silly towns, and sailors love the sea,
But I was born on the breezy downs,
and a farm’s the place for me;
Horses and cows and dogs and pigs ;
: and poultry without end,
Dear living things with fur or wings,
and every one a friend,
[* a rambling old country mansion not far from the
pretty village of Gadsby lived little Aggie Dashford, who
was known far and wide to the country folk as the ‘“Leicester-
shire fairy,†on account of her sweet face and gentle winning
ways. Often on a bright Spring morning would she be seen,
mounted on her shaggy pony Robin, with her cousin Willie
and her pet dog Rover, rambling up hill and down dale, and
coming home with roses in her cheeks and a Spray of may-
blossom in her hand.
All dumb things were dear to her, and once a poor
hunted fox ran into Robin’s stable asking her for shelter
from the hounds, which were close upon him.
Reynard did not ask in vain, for she covered him up,
and made the groom shut the stable door, so that the hounds
Should not know where the fox was. She was glad when
they went away without finding him, and Reynard no doubt
thanked her as he trotted off in safety to his little ones.
Good fairies like Aggie never turn away anything which
comes to them in distress.
The Morn
66 DOX'T like London,†mewed Tib, a black and white
kitten, as he sat with his brothers Tabby and Trot
looking through the bars of a cage in Leadenhall Market,
“I wish we had never been born,†sighed Tabby. ‘That ugly
old thing, Jim, might have let us have those white mice to
play with, but he is not a cat, and does not know how we
should love them,†growled Trot, swelling his tail out.
Just then a good-humoured old gentleman stopped opposite
the cage, nodded to the kittens, and said—They will do.â€
Tib was just wondering what he thought they would do,
when Jim caught them up, popped them in a basket, and
they were soon being so swung and jolted about that they
felt quite seasick. After what seemed a year in the dark
they heard the old gentleman say in a cheery voice—‘‘There,
Bobbie, look at the three playfellows I have brought you.â€
The lid of the basket was raised, and they tumbled out on to
a nice soft rug, while Bobbie was clapping his hands with glee.
“Never say die, my brothers,†purred Trot, as they nestled
down that night in the nicely-lined basket before the fire.
Bobbie asked Nurse to give them each a smart bit of
ribbon for a collar, and used to invite them to have breakfast
with him. And in return for Bobbie’s treating them kindly
and loving them, the little kittens tried to tell him never
to be downhearted when in trouble, for, like them, he might
unexpectedly have a pleasant change.
Pe Blackberry Farm the little folk went,
And O, what a beautiful day they spent:
The little pigs said—‘Wee, wee, wee, wee, wee,â€
And the ducks thought the farmyard pond was the sea.
The turkeys gobbled, the horses neighed,
And Tray barked a welcome, while Neddy brayed.
The geese and the chickens and all the rest—
Oh, the puzzle was which thing they liked the best.
Little Marjory liked the cows that said “Moo,â€
And the doves and the pigeons that sang ‘‘Coo-Coo;â€
But Baby said, with a sweet little smile,
That she loved the pony they saw by the stile.
Dolly liked best the chickens so fluffy and wee,
And the kittens so young that they couldn’t yet see;
“Tis a beautiful place,†said Baby small,
“And they’re all so lovely I like them all.â€
In the Fold.
See I want to go and see the world,†bleated
a dear little lamb as it looked out of the fold across
the snow-covered country.
But the mother told it about the danger of the snow,
and the frights they had with strange fierce dogs, till the
little lamb no longer wished to stray. And soon there came
the bright sunshine, bringing with it the fresh grass and
flowers, and then the flock went to feed in the meadows -and
lie under the shade of the trees. .
Farmer Mansfield, who owned the flock, had two little
daughters, Lottie and Alice, who were as happy as the day
is long. One day as they were playing in the meadows they
saw theAittle lamb
struggling in a
bush, in which it
was caught by its
and kicked, but
the more it kicked
the tighter it was
held by the thorn
bush. —
Alice’s Father
came up and set
it free, and the
two little girls
begged him to
let them have it
to play with. The little lamb soon grew quite tame, and
followed the two little girls everywhere. They gave it the
freshest milk to drink, and used to make collars of daisies,
which they hung round its neck. 3
Lottie and Alice went every Sunday with their Father
and Mother to the pretty old village church, and once when
they were listening to the clergyman telling them about the
sheep in the Bible they heard a little bleat close to them,
and there was their pet lamb, which had come after them all
the way.
Alice had to get up and go out of the church, and the
little lamb trotted after her, thinking that it had done quite:
right to come to church where she was.
“Mother,†said the pet lamb to the old sheep, “what a
funny place the world is! The two-legged sheep are put into
a fold where there is nothitig to eat and no place to lie
down, and when I went to their fold they turned me out
“Ah! my child,†replied the mother sheep, ‘the world is
often very different to what sheep think it.â€
OU need not fear ,
For our darling here, | P ae
For dear old Neddy “ Wa
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RY NCE day while little Ella and her Father
sy were out walking they saw some boys
“> dragging along a poor little dog half dead
2 with fright. They had tied a kettle to its
* tail and were beating it to make it run. Ella’s
Father rescued the poor little dog from the cruel boys, and
then it licked Ella’s hand and looked up with its soft brown
eyes asking her to take it home with her. So Ella took it
home and called it Toby. Toby was one of those funny little
dogs, with long bodies and short legs, that .used to help to~
cook the meat in the kitchen. He had never cooked any
himself, but liked to eat it when he could get it.
Ella and Toby became great friends; she taught him to
beg, and many a fine romp did they have up and down
the house.
One night when everyone in the house was sound asleep
some robbers tried to break in,
but Toby, who was sleeping at
the foot of the stairs, jumped up
and barked so loudly that they ran
away, right into the arms of
two policemen.
After this Toby was a,
greater pet than ever, and
everyone was glad that Ella
had saved him from those
cruel boys.
A Clever Dog.
See people say that there are no such things as fairies,
but I think this is because they do not know where to
find them. Fair-haired Maisie always said that the fairies
still lived in the dingles and dells of Bushgrove Park, and
that they sent her messages by the birds, which she fed in
the Winter and called her little brothers.
In the beautiful Summer days when Maisie wandered
amongst the flowers the fallow deer used to follow her and
look for pieces of bread from her hands. And as she stood
listening to the song of the birds in the boughs, the robins,
thrushes, and bullfinches chirped and twittered and trilled and
sang, bringing Maisie the message from the good fairies.
Maisie used to listen to the voices of the birds, and when
they sang so sweetly in the early Summer days they seemed
to tell her to be happy in the Springtime, and, like them, to
be thankful for the sunshine and flowers, This was the
message sent to her by the fairies.
Three Dears.
H, mother, do look at that poor little girl!†said
little Minna to her mother as they were standing at
the window one cold November afternoon. A poor woman
and her little daughter were passing slowly up the street
singing to earn a few pennies to pay for a night's
“May I give them Something? asked Minna, and her
Mamma said “Yes†and kissed her, and told her that to think
for others was the way to be happy oneself. So Minna took
a couple of pennies from her money-box, and to make the
little ragged girl happy she brought down one of her a
dolls in her arms and gave it to her.
On Christmas morning when
Minna woke up and rubbed her
eyes she saw that while she had
been asleep Santa Claus must
have come down the chimney, for
-he had laid on her bed a pretty
basket with a label, on which was
written—“a new companion, with Mamma’s love.†Minna opened
the basket, and there lay curled up a dear little tabby
kitten. |
“T shall love you so,’ cried Minna, and then with the
kitten in her arms she went to her Mother's bedroom to wish
her “A Merry Christmas.â€
we = i
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LL the animals at Crawley Farm, although -very happy,
were beginning to find life dull; for besides a chicken
having been drowned in the pond, through trying to swim,
inothing had happened for about a week.
So when a carriage drove up one morning, and two
bundles carefully wrapped up were carried into the house, a
little pig which had been rooting up a geranium on one of
the flower-beds rushed squeaking with excitement into the
yard with the news, which set all the farmyard wondering
what it was all about.
“They were carried in by Doctor Killam,†said Piggy.
“Quack!†cried Lily, the duck. “I heard Snap, the watchdog, say
the other day that he never carried out anything.†And one
squeaked,†went on the little pig with a whisk of his tail.
“Did it now?†cackled an old hen, while, at this astounding
‘piece of news, the white duck fainted away and fell into the
Polly, the cow, when she heard of it said it was most
likely a new kind of cheese, while one of the calves, which had
seen the carriage from the field, felt sure that he had seen a
pair of horns sticking out. “I'll find out,†said the calf to
its friend the foal. But the foal shook his mane, laughed
and said “neigh,†which means “no†in horse language. The
donkey was the only one who said nothing, but then he was
such an ass.
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“Please, let me Pass.†x :
The whole farmyard was rapidly getting up a quarrel over
the mystery, when one fine morning two pale little children
were seen coming across the yard. “He! haw!†laughed the
donkey. “A fine to-do about nothing, what do you think of
cheese now?†he brayed to the cow, who in reply tossed her
head and drove him out of the yard.
“Come and see the bundles walk,†cried the calf to his
brothers in the meadow, and they got so close to little Reggie
and Dorothy that the little one dropped her flowers and Reggie
leant against a tree for support.
Reggie and Dolly had been very ill, and had come to Crawley
Farm for some fresh country air to make them strong’ again.
They were frightened at the farm pets at first, but soon got to
like them. They would have been very much amused if they
could only have known what the animals had thought and said.
After a time they got well and strong, and went away to their
home in town, and left the animals wondering what would
happen next. But it was a long time
before Polly, the cow, would speak
to the donkey.
R. H. Curtis.
ROTHER, Ned and Sister May
With their Bunnies love to play;
May says: “I like nice roast meat—
Not green leaves and grass to eat!â€
Brother Neddy tossed his head,
“We've got used to beef,’ he said:
“Mother says, ‘It’s just our habits,
We'd eat leaves if we were rabbits!’â€
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Full Text |
Printed in Bavaria
spt ety
eee neney te eae ee
The Baldwin Library
These are our Pets,
both great and small, ,
< Just peep inside and you'll see them all.
london , NewYork: ‘ SS a
Ernest Nister Printed by ENister ot Nuremberg. (Bavaria) i 2 E.P Dutton &cg? a
4 IDDEX, away amongst the trees near
oa pretty village in Cornwall stood
a little cottage where John Polwheel,
the fisherman,’ lived with his old
mother and his little daughter Jane.
Jane’s mother had died when she was
quite a baby, but she was dearly loved
by her Father and Grandmother, and
was so bright and merry that she used to be called the
Village Sunbeam. One day as she was going on an errand
she stopped a moment to look at the cocks and hens in
Farmer Crumple’s yard; and as she stood looking at them
Mrs. Crumple asked her if she would like the beautiful white
hen for her very own. It was just what Jane had been wishing
for. She wanted something of her. own to look after, and
feed with bits’and scraps. John Polwheel was very poor, and
when it was too rough to catch any fish they found: it very
hard to get enough to eat.
During the winter Granny fell ill, and often could not
eat the rough food that they had; but Jane always kept
saying ‘‘Never mind, Granny, perhaps I shall have something
nice for you soon.†And one morning when there was nothing
in the house but some dry bread, Jane went as usual to look
after her hen, and what was her joy when she found a beautiful
large egg in the nest.
“So you were quite right, Janie,†said her Grandmother,
“you sce that we are not forgotten after all.â€
An Keg for Breakfast.
Ue4 was a dear little fair-haired girl, who lived all alone
with her father, Squire Goodman, in a beautiful old
country house. She had no little brothers and sisters to play
with, but she was not lonely, for she had her pets—Laddie,
the collie, and Tittums, a little fluffy tabby kitten—as play-
fellows. It is nice to make friends of dumb animals, for they
are good faithful friends when they are treated kindly. When
Tittums first came, Laddie felt jealous, and when Eva took.
the little kitten in her arms he would get on a chair quite
close to Eva and look up in her face, as much as to say:
“Please do not forget your old friend.†And then Eva stroked
him and held out the kitten for him to kiss, and told him
that he must be kind to little Tittums, who had left all her
brother and sister. kittens to come to live with Laddie and
Eva in the country. Now Laddie was a good old dog, and
when he heard that, he was not jealous any more, but let
Tittums play with his tail, and he played hide and seek with
Hemvand Seva: |
So that Tittums was quite happy
in her new home and
Laddie was happy too. \
And when Eva
left her kitten curled
up asleep on the
The New Kitty.
hearthrug and went for a walk in the fields, Laddie would
go with her as her protector, and scamper along amongst the
buttercups and daisies, barking at the birds and chasing
the rabbits, and would frisk round his mistress and tell her
in his way that he wished Tittums were with them.
Was not Eva a fortunate little girl to have two friends
like Laddie and Tittums?
OBBIE, come here,
you dear old dog;
Outside there
are icicles,
snow, cold, and fog,
‘But here
on the hearth,
in the fire’s
warm glow,
I'll show you
the fun of the -
Se ges
Where the mistletoe hangs it is proper to kiss
Whoever’s beneath it—dog, master, or miss.
So while you sit there I will hold it aloft,
And give you a kiss on your fur so soft.
And Rob kissed little Nellie, and said “bow wow.
The happiest time of my life is now;
For you know, dear mistress, I love you so,
And I like being under the mistletoe.â€
-Y was a pleasant surprise for little Sophy
when her Uncle, Farmer Cranfield, came.
to carry her off from the smoky town
to spend a few days with him on his
farm. Her Aunt told her she must get some
roses: into her cheeks, and: her little cousins
fe Tom and Susan took her with them for nice
_f . long walks through the fields. She soon learnt not
to be afraid of the animals on the farm, and made great
friends of old Dobbin, the carthorse, and Snap, the watch-
dog. At dinner-time Dobbin would come and put his head in at
the window for pieces of bread, while Snap would press his
nose against Aunt Cranfield’s lap and look up eagerly for a
bit also. Sophy could not take the farm pets to town when
she went back, but she took back with her a great love
for all God’s creatures, and when the Winter came she would
put bits of her breakfast on the window-sill, and watch
while the little sooty town birds came and ate them.
H, silly folk like silly towns, and sailors love the sea,
But I was born on the breezy downs,
and a farm’s the place for me;
Horses and cows and dogs and pigs ;
: and poultry without end,
Dear living things with fur or wings,
and every one a friend,
[* a rambling old country mansion not far from the
pretty village of Gadsby lived little Aggie Dashford, who
was known far and wide to the country folk as the ‘“Leicester-
shire fairy,†on account of her sweet face and gentle winning
ways. Often on a bright Spring morning would she be seen,
mounted on her shaggy pony Robin, with her cousin Willie
and her pet dog Rover, rambling up hill and down dale, and
coming home with roses in her cheeks and a Spray of may-
blossom in her hand.
All dumb things were dear to her, and once a poor
hunted fox ran into Robin’s stable asking her for shelter
from the hounds, which were close upon him.
Reynard did not ask in vain, for she covered him up,
and made the groom shut the stable door, so that the hounds
Should not know where the fox was. She was glad when
they went away without finding him, and Reynard no doubt
thanked her as he trotted off in safety to his little ones.
Good fairies like Aggie never turn away anything which
comes to them in distress.
The Morn
66 DOX'T like London,†mewed Tib, a black and white
kitten, as he sat with his brothers Tabby and Trot
looking through the bars of a cage in Leadenhall Market,
“I wish we had never been born,†sighed Tabby. ‘That ugly
old thing, Jim, might have let us have those white mice to
play with, but he is not a cat, and does not know how we
should love them,†growled Trot, swelling his tail out.
Just then a good-humoured old gentleman stopped opposite
the cage, nodded to the kittens, and said—They will do.â€
Tib was just wondering what he thought they would do,
when Jim caught them up, popped them in a basket, and
they were soon being so swung and jolted about that they
felt quite seasick. After what seemed a year in the dark
they heard the old gentleman say in a cheery voice—‘‘There,
Bobbie, look at the three playfellows I have brought you.â€
The lid of the basket was raised, and they tumbled out on to
a nice soft rug, while Bobbie was clapping his hands with glee.
“Never say die, my brothers,†purred Trot, as they nestled
down that night in the nicely-lined basket before the fire.
Bobbie asked Nurse to give them each a smart bit of
ribbon for a collar, and used to invite them to have breakfast
with him. And in return for Bobbie’s treating them kindly
and loving them, the little kittens tried to tell him never
to be downhearted when in trouble, for, like them, he might
unexpectedly have a pleasant change.
Pe Blackberry Farm the little folk went,
And O, what a beautiful day they spent:
The little pigs said—‘Wee, wee, wee, wee, wee,â€
And the ducks thought the farmyard pond was the sea.
The turkeys gobbled, the horses neighed,
And Tray barked a welcome, while Neddy brayed.
The geese and the chickens and all the rest—
Oh, the puzzle was which thing they liked the best.
Little Marjory liked the cows that said “Moo,â€
And the doves and the pigeons that sang ‘‘Coo-Coo;â€
But Baby said, with a sweet little smile,
That she loved the pony they saw by the stile.
Dolly liked best the chickens so fluffy and wee,
And the kittens so young that they couldn’t yet see;
“Tis a beautiful place,†said Baby small,
“And they’re all so lovely I like them all.â€
In the Fold.
See I want to go and see the world,†bleated
a dear little lamb as it looked out of the fold across
the snow-covered country.
But the mother told it about the danger of the snow,
and the frights they had with strange fierce dogs, till the
little lamb no longer wished to stray. And soon there came
the bright sunshine, bringing with it the fresh grass and
flowers, and then the flock went to feed in the meadows -and
lie under the shade of the trees. .
Farmer Mansfield, who owned the flock, had two little
daughters, Lottie and Alice, who were as happy as the day
is long. One day as they were playing in the meadows they
saw theAittle lamb
struggling in a
bush, in which it
was caught by its
and kicked, but
the more it kicked
the tighter it was
held by the thorn
bush. —
Alice’s Father
came up and set
it free, and the
two little girls
begged him to
let them have it
to play with. The little lamb soon grew quite tame, and
followed the two little girls everywhere. They gave it the
freshest milk to drink, and used to make collars of daisies,
which they hung round its neck. 3
Lottie and Alice went every Sunday with their Father
and Mother to the pretty old village church, and once when
they were listening to the clergyman telling them about the
sheep in the Bible they heard a little bleat close to them,
and there was their pet lamb, which had come after them all
the way.
Alice had to get up and go out of the church, and the
little lamb trotted after her, thinking that it had done quite:
right to come to church where she was.
“Mother,†said the pet lamb to the old sheep, “what a
funny place the world is! The two-legged sheep are put into
a fold where there is nothitig to eat and no place to lie
down, and when I went to their fold they turned me out
“Ah! my child,†replied the mother sheep, ‘the world is
often very different to what sheep think it.â€
OU need not fear ,
For our darling here, | P ae
For dear old Neddy “ Wa
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RY NCE day while little Ella and her Father
sy were out walking they saw some boys
“> dragging along a poor little dog half dead
2 with fright. They had tied a kettle to its
* tail and were beating it to make it run. Ella’s
Father rescued the poor little dog from the cruel boys, and
then it licked Ella’s hand and looked up with its soft brown
eyes asking her to take it home with her. So Ella took it
home and called it Toby. Toby was one of those funny little
dogs, with long bodies and short legs, that .used to help to~
cook the meat in the kitchen. He had never cooked any
himself, but liked to eat it when he could get it.
Ella and Toby became great friends; she taught him to
beg, and many a fine romp did they have up and down
the house.
One night when everyone in the house was sound asleep
some robbers tried to break in,
but Toby, who was sleeping at
the foot of the stairs, jumped up
and barked so loudly that they ran
away, right into the arms of
two policemen.
After this Toby was a,
greater pet than ever, and
everyone was glad that Ella
had saved him from those
cruel boys.
A Clever Dog.
See people say that there are no such things as fairies,
but I think this is because they do not know where to
find them. Fair-haired Maisie always said that the fairies
still lived in the dingles and dells of Bushgrove Park, and
that they sent her messages by the birds, which she fed in
the Winter and called her little brothers.
In the beautiful Summer days when Maisie wandered
amongst the flowers the fallow deer used to follow her and
look for pieces of bread from her hands. And as she stood
listening to the song of the birds in the boughs, the robins,
thrushes, and bullfinches chirped and twittered and trilled and
sang, bringing Maisie the message from the good fairies.
Maisie used to listen to the voices of the birds, and when
they sang so sweetly in the early Summer days they seemed
to tell her to be happy in the Springtime, and, like them, to
be thankful for the sunshine and flowers, This was the
message sent to her by the fairies.
Three Dears.
H, mother, do look at that poor little girl!†said
little Minna to her mother as they were standing at
the window one cold November afternoon. A poor woman
and her little daughter were passing slowly up the street
singing to earn a few pennies to pay for a night's
“May I give them Something? asked Minna, and her
Mamma said “Yes†and kissed her, and told her that to think
for others was the way to be happy oneself. So Minna took
a couple of pennies from her money-box, and to make the
little ragged girl happy she brought down one of her a
dolls in her arms and gave it to her.
On Christmas morning when
Minna woke up and rubbed her
eyes she saw that while she had
been asleep Santa Claus must
have come down the chimney, for
-he had laid on her bed a pretty
basket with a label, on which was
written—“a new companion, with Mamma’s love.†Minna opened
the basket, and there lay curled up a dear little tabby
kitten. |
“T shall love you so,’ cried Minna, and then with the
kitten in her arms she went to her Mother's bedroom to wish
her “A Merry Christmas.â€
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LL the animals at Crawley Farm, although -very happy,
were beginning to find life dull; for besides a chicken
having been drowned in the pond, through trying to swim,
inothing had happened for about a week.
So when a carriage drove up one morning, and two
bundles carefully wrapped up were carried into the house, a
little pig which had been rooting up a geranium on one of
the flower-beds rushed squeaking with excitement into the
yard with the news, which set all the farmyard wondering
what it was all about.
“They were carried in by Doctor Killam,†said Piggy.
“Quack!†cried Lily, the duck. “I heard Snap, the watchdog, say
the other day that he never carried out anything.†And one
squeaked,†went on the little pig with a whisk of his tail.
“Did it now?†cackled an old hen, while, at this astounding
‘piece of news, the white duck fainted away and fell into the
Polly, the cow, when she heard of it said it was most
likely a new kind of cheese, while one of the calves, which had
seen the carriage from the field, felt sure that he had seen a
pair of horns sticking out. “I'll find out,†said the calf to
its friend the foal. But the foal shook his mane, laughed
and said “neigh,†which means “no†in horse language. The
donkey was the only one who said nothing, but then he was
such an ass.
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“Please, let me Pass.†x :
The whole farmyard was rapidly getting up a quarrel over
the mystery, when one fine morning two pale little children
were seen coming across the yard. “He! haw!†laughed the
donkey. “A fine to-do about nothing, what do you think of
cheese now?†he brayed to the cow, who in reply tossed her
head and drove him out of the yard.
“Come and see the bundles walk,†cried the calf to his
brothers in the meadow, and they got so close to little Reggie
and Dorothy that the little one dropped her flowers and Reggie
leant against a tree for support.
Reggie and Dolly had been very ill, and had come to Crawley
Farm for some fresh country air to make them strong’ again.
They were frightened at the farm pets at first, but soon got to
like them. They would have been very much amused if they
could only have known what the animals had thought and said.
After a time they got well and strong, and went away to their
home in town, and left the animals wondering what would
happen next. But it was a long time
before Polly, the cow, would speak
to the donkey.
R. H. Curtis.
ROTHER, Ned and Sister May
With their Bunnies love to play;
May says: “I like nice roast meat—
Not green leaves and grass to eat!â€
Brother Neddy tossed his head,
“We've got used to beef,’ he said:
“Mother says, ‘It’s just our habits,
We'd eat leaves if we were rabbits!’â€
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