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- Permanent Link:
- https://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00084066/00001
Material Information
- Title:
- The grand tea-party a new story about old friends
- Uniform Title:
- Mother Goose
- Alternate title:
- Grand tea party
- Caption title:
- Mother Goose's tea-party
- Alternate title:
- Mother goose's tea party
- Creator:
- Jones, Thane M
J.J. Ryder Co
- Place of Publication:
- [Providence R.I. ?]
- Publisher:
- [s.n.]
- Manufacturer:
- Engraved and printed by the J.J. Ryder Co.
- Publication Date:
- 1896
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- [39] p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Parties -- Juvenile poetry ( lcsh )
Santa Claus -- Juvenile poetry ( lcsh ) Nursery rhymes -- Juvenile poetry ( lcsh ) Children's poetry, American ( lcsh ) Children's poetry -- 1896 ( lcsh ) Bldn -- 1896
- Genre:
- Children's poetry
poetry ( marcgt )
- Spatial Coverage:
- United States -- Rhode Island -- Providence
- Target Audience:
- juvenile ( marctarget )
- General Note:
- Poems for children.
- General Note:
- Cover title, illustrated in colors.
- Statement of Responsibility:
- verses and pictures by Thane Jones.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact The Department of Special and Area Studies Collections (special@uflib.ufl.edu) with any additional information they can provide.
- Resource Identifier:
- 026829797 ( ALEPH )
ALH2720 ( NOTIS ) 14180182 ( OCLC )
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Fingraved and Printed by
Engravers and Printers,
Providence, R. J.
Jo My Little Sister Beulah.
“& WS Wh
LA Ee]
i HE giant’s seven league boots are swift,
They carry him to every star,
But greater still thy happy gift
For Fancy’s boots are swifter far:
They bear thee swift to moon and sun,
They bring the homes of fairies near,
They give thee glimpses of each one
Of those of whom you love to hear!
You roam the pastures with Bo—Peep,
You see the home of Old King Cole,
See! There’s Boy Blue, he’s fast asleep
Under the haystack as of old!
You journey far to every star,
You play with little Silver Hair!
For you have playmates near and far
And you are welcome everywhere.
And then your eyes come dancing back
And, with a happy, wistful look,
You tell me how they live and act
And I sketch pictures in this book.
Trying with mortal pen to draw
Each fairy playmate full of glee
And witch and giant that you saw
For other happy hearts to see.
THANE M. Jonzs.
a Woodstock, N. B., Canada.
MoGd0COG000 Coes. CoRn2OcAn cOnUCgeKx
A fees and Retures by
“Thane M Jones
Ne OTHER GOOSE calls to mind all her friends,
great and small,
“eg m
A te une?
The lean ones, the fat ones, the short ones and tall
And plans to make ready a tea for them all!
O the gentle old dame
Who is well-known to fame
And who lives as you know in a wood far away.
All alone with her son
And the bride he had won
Who is ‘‘ fair as the lily and sweet as the May,â€â€™
Said,—‘‘This very day
We shall fly far away
And ask all our neighbors to come spend the day.â€â€™
Thane Jour
In those songs of myself which the
children all know,
Not a feast or a ball
Has been held for us all
So I think it is time that abroad we
should go.â€â€™
eee #
OR since the grand ball
Held in the Grand Hall
Of jolly old Santa Claus long,
long ago
Where we all danced and dined
Whose names you may find
‘Well said,’’ said her son,
‘What you wish shall be doneâ€â€™
And he hastened to harness the fowl for their flight;
So that very day
They flew far away
And stopped at the dwellings the guests to invite,
And, when they had flown
All around, they flew home
And felt that their friends had been filled with delight !
UITE early next morn
Fair Jack blew his horn
To summon three jolly young lads that
he knew,
Pretty soon Tommy Stout
Came in sight with a shout
And after him quickly came Little
Boy Blue,
And then Johnny Green
In the distance was seen
All willing to help him—a jolly young
crew !
wr hammer and tacks
With shovel and axe
Did they work, toil and hew till the horn
blew at noon;
Mother Goose and Jack’s wife
Baked and boiled for dear life
And cooked heaps of victuals as big
as the moon!
Then they all took a rest
And soon afterwards dressed
In their best for the guests were expected
quite soon.
Ah! There came a crew!
In a basket they flew,
A dozen gay neighbors all in a balloon;
For the old woman guest
As she flew would request
Those walking along to jump in,—there was room,—
Saying, ‘‘Friends, ’tis quite late,
So pile in, small and great,
And Old King Cole’s fiddlers will play us a tune!â€â€™
a A
At about three o’clock
Came along a great flock
Of the guests who were greeted with hand-shake or kiss:—
All was hurry and hustle
And worry and bustle
For ne’er was a coming so noisy as this,
To make welcome each one
Of the guests who had come
To make royally welcome to share all the bliss, —
To make room for the rigs
Brooms, baskets and gigs
And the sheep that had come with the Shepherdess Miss !
O see Willie Long
A-flying along
On a flying broom lent by a fairy,—
By the fairy who came
To Cinderella thro’ flame
And who helped her the gay prince to marry,—
O, see how he flies
So swift thro’ the skies !
Who could wish for a journey more airy ?
‘There were many a guest
All dressed in their best
And they listened while Jack told his plans for the fun,—
‘‘Rvery neighbor and friend
Who has come here to spend
This jolly half-day that has now but begun
Is thrice welcome here
You may rove far and near
Or bask in the beams of the jolly old sun!â€â€™
Te HRO?’ the grove fresh in bloom
: You’ll find plenty of room
‘To hide and to seek, roam, rove and explore
And beyond that you’ll meet
With a lake, still and sweet
With many a tiny craft tied by the shore,
There are these sports and more
‘Twould take long to name o’er
And I hope you’ll be merry as never before !â€â€™
es Bnd, i WG
> ee xg ype
ce Bee 5 fe Sioa Bio: ty
} Bins, Fgt G eee 4 ibe 2
fe se
Ee long a gay crew
Round the little lake flew
All seated so snug in a birch-bark canoe;
Jack Sprat and a few
Of his friends came in view
Round a bend in the bank in a boat
painted blue,—
‘Hurrah! How are you ?
If you’ve nothing to do
Pray come and lets visit the famous
old Shoe!â€
HE two crews set out
With many a shout
Down the still lake to see what Jack wished them to view
Jack soon cried,—‘‘Let’s land’’
And they ran up the sand
To the edge of the forest where stood the great Shoe,—
Perhaps a giant with wings
Used to wear such huge things
And this one had slipped from his foot as he flew !
BRB" that as it may
For many a day
An ugly old dame and her children dwelt there,—
Twenty-five girls she had 2 2
And as many a lad
Who at sight of our friends with their shouts filled the air!
While the children did stare
While the old dame did glare
Peter White took a sketch of the dwelling so rare!
UT when the old dame
Snatched her switch and her cane
And hobbled as fast as she could from the |
Our jolly friends thought
They had best leave the spot; |
And hastened away to their boat and canoe,— |
But they stopped with a stare
For the boats weren’t there
But were far, far away o’er the still lake so
ees Will took his broom
On which there was room
For three sturdy lads and flew high thro’ the air,—
With swiftness they flew
The Shoe-brood to shoo,—
And the imps of the wood from the two boats did scare !
‘“The rascals can swim
But they won’t steal again
For they got such a fright’’ lean Jack Sprat did declare.
half-dozen or so
Decided to go
And have a fine swing underneath the green
Jack-be-Nimble and Mary
Who is called quite contrary
Had a journey quite airy thro’ the soft-
blowing breeze,
Santa Claus and Boy Blue
Thro’ the air fairly flew
And sang as they sailed past the sturdy
old trees!
NOTHER gay play
Upon that Mayday
Was a very fine game of old Hide-and-go-seek
Tom Piper was ‘‘it’â€â€™
And so had to sit
Until all hid away from where’er he might peep.
Tom faithfully spied
Where a playmate might hide
Till at last he found some one who’d fallen asleep!
Br he saw the round face
And he cried ‘‘Tommy Grace!
I have caught you a-napping so ‘it’ you must be!â€â€™
Then he shouted out ‘‘caught!â€â€™
And soon all reached the spot
And were ready again to go out, full of glee;
And so, on they played
And filled every glade
With their laughter and shouts till the horn blew for tea !
OW welcome the horn
On that gentle breeze born
That told each gay guest that
the feast was at hand!
To the cottage they flocked
Ran, skipped, flew or walked
Till all of the merry, mirth-making young band
Had come back from their play
At the close of the day
To share in the banquet so gorgeous and grand !
O SEE Peter White
d A-smiling so bright
As he stands by the pictures he drew,
Agi is his nose
Likewise -his long toes
And I cannot help laughing—can you ?—
For he looks as droll
As merry King Cole
And the rest of the fairyland crew.
ee famous cow with the crumpled
Was milked by Jack that very morn
And yielded twenty creamy quarts or
The cow that jumped clear over the
Was milked by Jack that very noon
And added many a gallon to their
And when he sent an order out
To all the country ’round about
For good fat fowls there flocked in
many a score !
HERE was “‘peas porridge hot
And peas porridge cold
And peas porridge in the pot
nine days old.’’
There were hot-cross buns
‘‘For daughters and for sons’’
And they roasted a pig that
Tom Piper had stole!
There were very sweet tarts
From the good Queen of Hearts
And many a Humpty’s heart
of pure gold !
EE little Jack Horner
Over there at the corner,
How he laughs as he tastes his well-liked Christmas pie:
He thrusts in his thumb
And pulls out a plum
And cries out with pride, —‘‘What a good boy
am [!â€â€™
And little Tom Tucker
Eats white bread and butter
And smilingly winks at Bo-Peep on the sly !
(ky HEN mirth was high
In every eye
There came a roar at the door,—
‘Twas the Bogie-Man
And Cormoran |
Blue Beard and Blunderbore !
‘‘Kind friends’’ one cried
‘“‘Let’s come inside
And we’ll never harm you
RAVE Jack spoke up,—
“You cannot sup
With us for you are bad,
You hurt or kill
Whoe’er you will
Whenever you get mad.â€
So from the door
Went Blunderbore
And his comrades, very sad !
ISS Muffit was there
‘So bright and so fair
A-sharing her curds and her whey
with Young White,
Her Spider soon spied her
And dropped down beside her
And sent timid Peter away ina
fright !
O, wasn’t it fun
To see Peter run,
And even the spider laughed loud at the sight.
*/ No
= \
or aa
HEN good Old King Cole
Had quite finished his bowl
Mother Goose placed before him a very
large pie,
Lo, under its lid
Many blackbirds were hid
And when the king cut it straight out
did they fly !
The King was so shocked
As from out it they flocked
That he sprang from his seat with a loud
startled cry.
: q HE three wise men of Gotham
Have filled with wine their bow] !
And no one need to show them
How to drink like Old King
If the wine had been stronger
Their mirth had been longer !
a} eC F! IMPLE Simon
Wished the pieman
To pass a piece of pie,
He got his wish
Likewise a dish
With a piece six inches high !
“Ab ! Ha!’ he cries,—
‘I’m fond of pies
And this I’ll eat full soon! ’’
But when he turned to take a bite, |
The dish ran away with the spoon!
And seized the bags of gold,
And snatched with eager heart the harp
from which the music rolled,
Sat eating sweet grapes with Silver Hair
Who had eaten the soup of the Little Bear
And had broken the seat from his little chair !
Ar now every one
Of the gay guests were done
And not a single eater could be seen,—
Except lean Jack Sprat
Who could never eat fat
And his wife would never eat lean
And Greedy-gut
Who loves to sup
For surely of all gluttons she is queen.
SS). Santa Claus arose
And straightway did propose
A toast to their hosts for their merry, merry day.—
‘“Three cheers for Jack’’ he cried,—
‘Three cheers for Jack’s fair bride
And for Mother Goose beside,â€â€™
And all the party cried ‘‘Hip Hurray’?
And they drank full many a glass
And not a few—alas,
Grew—musical, and very, very gay !
eS jolly old sun has gone to rest
In his purple palace in the West
And the Sand Man’s coming with noiseless tread
To scatter his sleepiness over each head
And the lingering guests must say ‘‘good night’’
And fly to their homes in the stars so bright
Or to far-off nooks in this good old world
Soon, soon to be dreaining, in slumber curled,
Of Old King Cole and of Santa Claus
And the jolliest, happiest day ever was!
Lait bbe
Wecde Gey a ne
Full Text |
Fingraved and Printed by
Engravers and Printers,
Providence, R. J.
Jo My Little Sister Beulah.
“& WS Wh
LA Ee]
i HE giant’s seven league boots are swift,
They carry him to every star,
But greater still thy happy gift
For Fancy’s boots are swifter far:
They bear thee swift to moon and sun,
They bring the homes of fairies near,
They give thee glimpses of each one
Of those of whom you love to hear!
You roam the pastures with Bo—Peep,
You see the home of Old King Cole,
See! There’s Boy Blue, he’s fast asleep
Under the haystack as of old!
You journey far to every star,
You play with little Silver Hair!
For you have playmates near and far
And you are welcome everywhere.
And then your eyes come dancing back
And, with a happy, wistful look,
You tell me how they live and act
And I sketch pictures in this book.
Trying with mortal pen to draw
Each fairy playmate full of glee
And witch and giant that you saw
For other happy hearts to see.
THANE M. Jonzs.
a Woodstock, N. B., Canada.
MoGd0COG000 Coes. CoRn2OcAn cOnUCgeKx
A fees and Retures by
“Thane M Jones
Ne OTHER GOOSE calls to mind all her friends,
great and small,
“eg m
A te une?
The lean ones, the fat ones, the short ones and tall
And plans to make ready a tea for them all!
O the gentle old dame
Who is well-known to fame
And who lives as you know in a wood far away.
All alone with her son
And the bride he had won
Who is ‘‘ fair as the lily and sweet as the May,â€â€™
Said,—‘‘This very day
We shall fly far away
And ask all our neighbors to come spend the day.â€â€™
Thane Jour
In those songs of myself which the
children all know,
Not a feast or a ball
Has been held for us all
So I think it is time that abroad we
should go.â€â€™
eee #
OR since the grand ball
Held in the Grand Hall
Of jolly old Santa Claus long,
long ago
Where we all danced and dined
Whose names you may find
‘Well said,’’ said her son,
‘What you wish shall be doneâ€â€™
And he hastened to harness the fowl for their flight;
So that very day
They flew far away
And stopped at the dwellings the guests to invite,
And, when they had flown
All around, they flew home
And felt that their friends had been filled with delight !
UITE early next morn
Fair Jack blew his horn
To summon three jolly young lads that
he knew,
Pretty soon Tommy Stout
Came in sight with a shout
And after him quickly came Little
Boy Blue,
And then Johnny Green
In the distance was seen
All willing to help him—a jolly young
crew !
wr hammer and tacks
With shovel and axe
Did they work, toil and hew till the horn
blew at noon;
Mother Goose and Jack’s wife
Baked and boiled for dear life
And cooked heaps of victuals as big
as the moon!
Then they all took a rest
And soon afterwards dressed
In their best for the guests were expected
quite soon.
Ah! There came a crew!
In a basket they flew,
A dozen gay neighbors all in a balloon;
For the old woman guest
As she flew would request
Those walking along to jump in,—there was room,—
Saying, ‘‘Friends, ’tis quite late,
So pile in, small and great,
And Old King Cole’s fiddlers will play us a tune!â€â€™
a A
At about three o’clock
Came along a great flock
Of the guests who were greeted with hand-shake or kiss:—
All was hurry and hustle
And worry and bustle
For ne’er was a coming so noisy as this,
To make welcome each one
Of the guests who had come
To make royally welcome to share all the bliss, —
To make room for the rigs
Brooms, baskets and gigs
And the sheep that had come with the Shepherdess Miss !
O see Willie Long
A-flying along
On a flying broom lent by a fairy,—
By the fairy who came
To Cinderella thro’ flame
And who helped her the gay prince to marry,—
O, see how he flies
So swift thro’ the skies !
Who could wish for a journey more airy ?
‘There were many a guest
All dressed in their best
And they listened while Jack told his plans for the fun,—
‘‘Rvery neighbor and friend
Who has come here to spend
This jolly half-day that has now but begun
Is thrice welcome here
You may rove far and near
Or bask in the beams of the jolly old sun!â€â€™
Te HRO?’ the grove fresh in bloom
: You’ll find plenty of room
‘To hide and to seek, roam, rove and explore
And beyond that you’ll meet
With a lake, still and sweet
With many a tiny craft tied by the shore,
There are these sports and more
‘Twould take long to name o’er
And I hope you’ll be merry as never before !â€â€™
es Bnd, i WG
> ee xg ype
ce Bee 5 fe Sioa Bio: ty
} Bins, Fgt G eee 4 ibe 2
fe se
Ee long a gay crew
Round the little lake flew
All seated so snug in a birch-bark canoe;
Jack Sprat and a few
Of his friends came in view
Round a bend in the bank in a boat
painted blue,—
‘Hurrah! How are you ?
If you’ve nothing to do
Pray come and lets visit the famous
old Shoe!â€
HE two crews set out
With many a shout
Down the still lake to see what Jack wished them to view
Jack soon cried,—‘‘Let’s land’’
And they ran up the sand
To the edge of the forest where stood the great Shoe,—
Perhaps a giant with wings
Used to wear such huge things
And this one had slipped from his foot as he flew !
BRB" that as it may
For many a day
An ugly old dame and her children dwelt there,—
Twenty-five girls she had 2 2
And as many a lad
Who at sight of our friends with their shouts filled the air!
While the children did stare
While the old dame did glare
Peter White took a sketch of the dwelling so rare!
UT when the old dame
Snatched her switch and her cane
And hobbled as fast as she could from the |
Our jolly friends thought
They had best leave the spot; |
And hastened away to their boat and canoe,— |
But they stopped with a stare
For the boats weren’t there
But were far, far away o’er the still lake so
ees Will took his broom
On which there was room
For three sturdy lads and flew high thro’ the air,—
With swiftness they flew
The Shoe-brood to shoo,—
And the imps of the wood from the two boats did scare !
‘“The rascals can swim
But they won’t steal again
For they got such a fright’’ lean Jack Sprat did declare.
half-dozen or so
Decided to go
And have a fine swing underneath the green
Jack-be-Nimble and Mary
Who is called quite contrary
Had a journey quite airy thro’ the soft-
blowing breeze,
Santa Claus and Boy Blue
Thro’ the air fairly flew
And sang as they sailed past the sturdy
old trees!
NOTHER gay play
Upon that Mayday
Was a very fine game of old Hide-and-go-seek
Tom Piper was ‘‘it’â€â€™
And so had to sit
Until all hid away from where’er he might peep.
Tom faithfully spied
Where a playmate might hide
Till at last he found some one who’d fallen asleep!
Br he saw the round face
And he cried ‘‘Tommy Grace!
I have caught you a-napping so ‘it’ you must be!â€â€™
Then he shouted out ‘‘caught!â€â€™
And soon all reached the spot
And were ready again to go out, full of glee;
And so, on they played
And filled every glade
With their laughter and shouts till the horn blew for tea !
OW welcome the horn
On that gentle breeze born
That told each gay guest that
the feast was at hand!
To the cottage they flocked
Ran, skipped, flew or walked
Till all of the merry, mirth-making young band
Had come back from their play
At the close of the day
To share in the banquet so gorgeous and grand !
O SEE Peter White
d A-smiling so bright
As he stands by the pictures he drew,
Agi is his nose
Likewise -his long toes
And I cannot help laughing—can you ?—
For he looks as droll
As merry King Cole
And the rest of the fairyland crew.
ee famous cow with the crumpled
Was milked by Jack that very morn
And yielded twenty creamy quarts or
The cow that jumped clear over the
Was milked by Jack that very noon
And added many a gallon to their
And when he sent an order out
To all the country ’round about
For good fat fowls there flocked in
many a score !
HERE was “‘peas porridge hot
And peas porridge cold
And peas porridge in the pot
nine days old.’’
There were hot-cross buns
‘‘For daughters and for sons’’
And they roasted a pig that
Tom Piper had stole!
There were very sweet tarts
From the good Queen of Hearts
And many a Humpty’s heart
of pure gold !
EE little Jack Horner
Over there at the corner,
How he laughs as he tastes his well-liked Christmas pie:
He thrusts in his thumb
And pulls out a plum
And cries out with pride, —‘‘What a good boy
am [!â€â€™
And little Tom Tucker
Eats white bread and butter
And smilingly winks at Bo-Peep on the sly !
(ky HEN mirth was high
In every eye
There came a roar at the door,—
‘Twas the Bogie-Man
And Cormoran |
Blue Beard and Blunderbore !
‘‘Kind friends’’ one cried
‘“‘Let’s come inside
And we’ll never harm you
RAVE Jack spoke up,—
“You cannot sup
With us for you are bad,
You hurt or kill
Whoe’er you will
Whenever you get mad.â€
So from the door
Went Blunderbore
And his comrades, very sad !
ISS Muffit was there
‘So bright and so fair
A-sharing her curds and her whey
with Young White,
Her Spider soon spied her
And dropped down beside her
And sent timid Peter away ina
fright !
O, wasn’t it fun
To see Peter run,
And even the spider laughed loud at the sight.
*/ No
= \
or aa
HEN good Old King Cole
Had quite finished his bowl
Mother Goose placed before him a very
large pie,
Lo, under its lid
Many blackbirds were hid
And when the king cut it straight out
did they fly !
The King was so shocked
As from out it they flocked
That he sprang from his seat with a loud
startled cry.
: q HE three wise men of Gotham
Have filled with wine their bow] !
And no one need to show them
How to drink like Old King
If the wine had been stronger
Their mirth had been longer !
a} eC F! IMPLE Simon
Wished the pieman
To pass a piece of pie,
He got his wish
Likewise a dish
With a piece six inches high !
“Ab ! Ha!’ he cries,—
‘I’m fond of pies
And this I’ll eat full soon! ’’
But when he turned to take a bite, |
The dish ran away with the spoon!
And seized the bags of gold,
And snatched with eager heart the harp
from which the music rolled,
Sat eating sweet grapes with Silver Hair
Who had eaten the soup of the Little Bear
And had broken the seat from his little chair !
Ar now every one
Of the gay guests were done
And not a single eater could be seen,—
Except lean Jack Sprat
Who could never eat fat
And his wife would never eat lean
And Greedy-gut
Who loves to sup
For surely of all gluttons she is queen.
SS). Santa Claus arose
And straightway did propose
A toast to their hosts for their merry, merry day.—
‘“Three cheers for Jack’’ he cried,—
‘Three cheers for Jack’s fair bride
And for Mother Goose beside,â€â€™
And all the party cried ‘‘Hip Hurray’?
And they drank full many a glass
And not a few—alas,
Grew—musical, and very, very gay !
eS jolly old sun has gone to rest
In his purple palace in the West
And the Sand Man’s coming with noiseless tread
To scatter his sleepiness over each head
And the lingering guests must say ‘‘good night’’
And fly to their homes in the stars so bright
Or to far-off nooks in this good old world
Soon, soon to be dreaining, in slumber curled,
Of Old King Cole and of Santa Claus
And the jolliest, happiest day ever was!
Lait bbe
Wecde Gey a ne