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'Thar yt ta na qaats ma T,
cmramaayrmrdmi l~g~i"
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and said they would not be done
for a week the cobbler was so busy.
Annie, of the same family, who knew
nothing of this, sent hers, and said they
must be done by the next day.
The cobbler said if th -
two pairs again to do at o
their heads together with his lasts, and
then give them a good "welting." Hewas
the only cobbler in the village, or he would
not have been so independent.
Franky had often watched the boot-
maker at his work; so he coaxed his
father to let him have some money to buy
tools and leather, in order that he and
his sisters might play at making boots
and shoes.
He set to work, and they had such fun!
Annie came and asked young master
nobbler what time it was; and Franky
pretended to hit her on the head with a
last, and said it had "just struck one."
Then he measured her, and cut out his
vamps, sides, linings, welts, soles, and
heels. Next he made a soft-like sock of
leather. This he turned inside out, and
did his best to sew on a welt.
The boot was turned out right again,
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mool glass, and scraped the sides and
bottoms of the soles, and heel-balled
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young lad could not do this without the
help of a cobbler, to sliew him what
and how to do each portion of his boot-
making; but the man was frightened at
having so apt a pupil, and begged pardon
for his former neglect; for though they
were not all they might have been; they
were boots.
"I see," said he "if some people
neglect their work, there are sure to be
others about who will soon leave them
no business to do."
After this, he would sit for quite half a
day at his work without going round to
the "Cobblers Arms." Some people
said it was the wax that got on his seat
that made him do it; but I do not think
it was.
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in reason. They all blushed,-Eva, a
soldiers coat colour! James, a light red!
and Edwin, a rose-lozenge hue! The fact
was, they had all been saying how they
should like to gather some flowers and
have a game at playing at lady and gen-
tlema and gardener.
They spoke right out and told their
father t+ ---
He i 1 dears."
Tom became gardener. You can guess
who were the others. A very gentlemanly
one he was, too Full of nice bows and
smiles. As for Eva, she looked quite the
grown lady, and acted so well, that when
she --l-- ---4 --1-- -- -- ---
pursy L J 5 i i
that only threepenny and fourpenny pieces
came out of it
I have consulted his lordship, here,"
ered, Eva, very grandly, "and I'll
i ,- l 1r -. 1 I I
to execute io large an order, or I
i.t not have been able to have come up
I, them to time!"
Oh! great people are never in a
," quietly remarked Edwin.
1 om cut all the flowers he knew could
be spared from the greenhouse, and her
ladyship and his lordship took them and
gave them to a poor girl whose sick
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When Mr. Woffes heard about it,
hewasvery I .. I -i i i.
Woffl eallr i- ., .
for rich children to play at; to do good
to poor ones ?
-- --
hen dildren try teir best to pl, ae,
f I .1 Green,
_" a h way s
1 ,i o make
.I .. I J ; I I.I H is
S -re nice
,li. fellows enough; but Franky, as
ple loved to call hni, was the favounte
id he was generally so carful in all he
dertook, that his parents let him do
rly everything in reason he desired.
So, one fine morning, when his mother
Father were about to start for the
ystal Palace, Frank, who had been sit-
I.g on his thumb and thinking very
a moute,
Father laughed, and mother turned
aside her head for an instant.
"And mother's laughing, too," cried
little Edwin, You can sce him; but I'd
better introduce them.
ist-Frank: I I. I oven.
2nd-George I I J
3rd-Edwin: bearing tray and coer.
Now we can go on.
I know mother's laughing," said
Edwin, because the back of her neck's
red !"
Mother kissed him, and said shed be
back at five o'clock, exactly; and father
S' I rI I J ,
t's ask the cook to give us leave,
and then treat mother and father to a jolly
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and Edwin danced for a moment or two
quite on his own acrunt.
Let's have some shrimps and marma-
lade," said he, about to run out of the
Frank and George laughed at him and
told him he might buy some shrimps for a
sauce and the marmalade would do for the
pastry. They went to work, and Frank
gave his orders quite like a grand cook.
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be surprised i l : ,,i
Very fond of playing at hunting and
'lis dearest friend was little Minnie
'. rren. He ran up to her one fine
: memberr day, and said, Oh! Minnie,
,lier has been so kind; he has given
r a hare, and after you and I have
P.1 ~ .
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I," "I.
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Ad girls ike have skiAers,
r-- f 1 i I- -. ,
"Now," said Henry, "walk home
first and stand at the door with your
arms crossed, and look quite seriously
at me when I come up and give it to
you. Mygunm .. --., I
and the hare i- ii .. ,I I I
be able to take my hat off; but I'll
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young E i- r x i i 1 ,
spoiled I -1 i i IL
acquaintances-two young gentlemen and
one lady.
goes on, and the other pretend to be in
raptures with the portrait."
II I I l I *II.
with my mouth shut."
So they went to work.
Richard looked at the lady very sharp,
particularly with his right eye,-you can
see him; and Bob took a penny out of
his pocket and held it in front of him as
if it were an eye-glass; and Frank put his
right leg out, and bent forward and said
every now and then, To a T I" "Charm-
ing!" "Nature improved!" and other
such flatteries.
It was very well to say all this; but the
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sent it back again, at which she boxed
his ears,
" It certainly is like nothing in the
world," said Bob, putting his hands be-
fore his eyes as he looked at the smudges.
"Of course not," retorted Richard;
Sit's in the high school of art, and is not
therefore meant to be natural!"
When they .- I ] Ta -d
said, "Nowl- .
. J I. :., I I rs* dio
idtl .. -
1 .. i her,
. '. -- ling
r., r_ i ;. -I,.. IlaV
no business; I must set you a task as a
punishment, and your friends must go
home at once
All the boys turned red enough with-
out being painted; and Richard's father
said, quite sternly, Next time, before
you, children, play with, and destroy pro-
perty, just ask yourselves how you would
like your playthings meddled with and
broken ?"
fil BUIb BEES.
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!Ih-, I-o," E. 1 .r.. l T .r ,
I i I H,
If ikey will only try;
John and James sawed up and
John sawed up; James sawed low;
The birds they flew all o'er the town
T ii i i d. i ..
They made some boxes, tops, and hoops,
They fashioned bowls and chairs,
They sold a thousand million scoops,
And seven hundred stairs;
And this Bob-declares! declares!
Eleven hundred sticks they cut,
And all of them good sie;
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_~~_ 1~_ I_/..r-rr-p--r.. --- i. --~
And smi/endworkin someslight grooe,
With a five mile long wate-butt,
"In which to float," Tom cris,
And "Time," they said-- Bies!
flies! fics!"
Oh! work and play are very good,
Work number iane you kan w;
Play number two has ever stood
The best in this worlds show
And it should be-so so! so!
Hence these young children played at
And thus learnt to work well,
s, \ 11 1 r' i* .*. l rk,
-- spelli
As wlasfaoy orcry.
Or, maybe, read and then to write,
Until you know it through ;
Which will to you give great delight,
And men'ry strengthen too,
As you ought to-do! do! do'
And, who knows, one day you may give
Some stories to the young,
To make your name through ages live
And loud your praise sung.
Keep your life well--strung!
strung! strung
Indeed, they were moe like little men
than young boys And as their parents
gave them plenty of pocket-money, they
a wonder oe'll have a change
Well, one day the two boys went to the
mi ,.l-, -ir Rhr, l -M M
Is sure to live to fight an/her day ;
military clothes, officers ones, haw! and
see that you send home with them at the
same time-swords, muskets, ca sentry
box, tents, and all, haw necessary things
for playing at soldiers "
Now, don't let it slp out of your mind
that a bit before this, the boys rich uncle
had bought them some beautiful sets ol
boxes of soldiers.
When the clothes and other things
S -- followed
lied their
l- i ," .
Bfit better to dear eep of ev'ry brawl
T -- .I -than
It's not a nice thing to sec a soldier
cry; but if you look at Harry, you will
find that he feels hurt very much.
"Haw! hem! sr!" roared Robert,
"with, haw! the help of my glass I see,
haw! a speck of rust on one of your
buttons, haw! as big as the tip of a fly's
eyelash 1
The dog at this set up a howl. The
howl called their mothers ant.itono t the
garden, and then she saw them. With a
funny smile she took all their toy soldier
and walked to her children.
" Haw Pr- sent, Fire!" cried Bob.
"Certainly," said Iis mother; and
almost before they knew what she was
about, all the soldiers were set aut, just
--- J_~_