Group Title: Preservation and Access for American & British Children's Literature via Special Collections at Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida
Title: Preservation and Access Grant Materials, Volume 1
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 Material Information
Title: Preservation and Access Grant Materials, Volume 1
Series Title: Special Collections at Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida : Preservation and Access for American & British Children's Literature
Physical Description: Archival
Language: English
Creator: University of Florida Libraries
Publisher: University of Florida Libraries
Publication Date: 2001
Subject: University of Florida.   ( lcsh )
Spatial Coverage: North America -- United States of America -- Florida
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00083841
Volume ID: VID00001
Source Institution: University of Florida
Holding Location: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved, Board of Trustees of the University of Florida


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lreservoli and Access for Anmercon andO rsh

children's literature
I8 t. 186,9

The University of Florida seeks support from the National Endowment to preserve and
make accessible some 8,600 volumes of children's literature, published in the United
States and Great Britain, between 1850 and 1869. This project is phase one of a
threephase program that eventually will encompass 28,000 titles of children's literature
published between 1850 and 1910. These books form part of the Baldwin Library of
Historical Children's Literature, housed in the Department of Special Collections at the
University of Florida. Under this project, the titles will be microfilmed for preservation and
cataloged into the national bibliographic databases. Because about one-sixth of the titles
contain color information (illustrations, book covers, etc) which cannot easily be preserved
through microfilm, the project will digitize them to provide intellectual access to the color
data. The digitized titles will be available through CD-ROM, DVD, or facsimile reprint,
and/or through the Internet.

[ A I ~Jenny Jingle's Little Prattler The Dog's Grand Diner
Full Color I Black and White Party
Full Color I| Black and White

Sugar and Spice Jingles and Jokes for Little Folks
Full Color I Black and White Full Color I Black and White

S Copyright, University of Florida, 1999
The University of Florida, acting on behalf of the State University System of Florida, reserves all rights
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