William Kelso- 1988 CLAS teacher...
 Diamonds are forever
 Blueprint for saving tropical...
 Be my guest
 Faculty news
 Scenes from campus
 From the desk of Charles E. Sidman,...
 CLAS baccalaureate
 Development news
 Alumni news

A touch of CLAS
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00083838/00001
 Material Information
Title: A touch of CLAS news from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Florida
Physical Description: v. : ill. ; 34 cm.
Language: English
Creator: University of Florida -- College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Publisher: College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Place of Publication: Gainesville Fla
Creation Date: 1988
Frequency: quarterly
completely irregular
Genre: government publication (state, provincial, terriorial, dependent)   ( marcgt )
periodical   ( marcgt )
serial   ( sobekcm )
General Note: Description based on: Fall 1986; title from caption.
General Note: Latest issue consulted: winter 1990.
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: oclc - 52363282
lccn - 2003229974
System ID: UF00083838:00001
 Related Items
Preceded by: College news (Gainesville, Fla.)
Succeeded by: Alumni CLAS news

Table of Contents
    William Kelso- 1988 CLAS teacher of the year
        Page 1
    Diamonds are forever
        Page 2
        Page 3
    Blueprint for saving tropical forest
        Page 4
        Page 5
    Be my guest
        Page 6
    Faculty news
        Page 7
    Scenes from campus
        Page 8
        Page 9
    From the desk of Charles E. Sidman, Dean
        Page 10
    CLAS baccalaureate
        Page 11
    Development news
        Page 12
        Page 13
    Alumni news
        Page 14
        Page 15
        Page 16
Full Text

A Touch of CLAS



William Kelso-1988 CLAS

Teacher of the Year

Dr. William Kelso, always a popular
teacher in the College, was se-
lected as Teacher of the Year for
1987-88. This is the second time he has re-
ceived this honor. In 1977 he was chosen
as the College's outstanding teacher, and
was a finalist in 1981, '82 and '86. This
award, given in acknowledgement of
teaching excellence, is presented annually
to an outstanding faculty member by the
College Student Council. Professors are
nominated by CLAS students, then ob-
served in the classroom and voted on by
members of the Teaching Excellence Com-
mittee of the Student Council.
William Kelso, an Associate Professor of
Political Science, teaches undergraduate
and graduate level Public Administration
courses, and is known to his students for
his sense of humor, warmth, and commit-
ment to teaching. He laces his lectures
with humor and actively encourages stu-
dent involvement in class. He simply en-
joys teaching. "Being a professor," he said,
"is a lot like being in a Broadway play.
When you have a good session, you come
out feeling great, knowing you had a good
day teaching." Dr. Kelso feels that a good
classroom environment is essential to
learning; if it is positive, the students will
be more attentive to lectures, and show a
greater interest in learning the material.
Initially planning a career in the law, Dr.
Kelso decided to become a teacher after
his junior year at Stanford University. Dur-
ing that summer, he had a job teaching bi-
ology in Portuguese Macao. "After all," he
said, "being a Political Science major, my
knowledge of biology was rather exten-
sive; whatever page I had assigned to the
students for the following day I made a
point of reading the night before...always
keeping one page ahead of the students.
The first day I walked into class, all the
kids stood up and called me 'Sir.' Well, I'd
never been called Sir before, and was
quite embarrassed. I asked them to in-
stead call me Bill. My students were very
polite and formal. So after the first day,
they called me 'Bill Sir'. Sir had become
my surname. With so much respect, I had
to go into this profession of teaching, and
I've been teaching ever since."

After earning his Ph.D. in Political Sci-
ence from the University of Wisconsin in
1974, he joined the Department of Social
Sciences in University College (which later
merged with Arts and Sciences to become
CLAS), and became a member of the De-
partment of Political Science in 1975.
Shortly after, Dr. Manning Dauer, Depart-
ment Chairman, appointed him Director
of the new graduate level Public Adminis-
tration Program. In 13 years, Dr. Kelso has
created a public administration program
at UF that has been extraordinarily suc-

cessful in placing students throughout
Florida and beyond. Many of his former
graduate students now hold high-level po-
sitions in city, county and state govern-
ments. They still keep in touch-writing,
phoning, and visiting when they are in
Gainesville. They often come back as
guest speakers to lecture before his classes
and share their experiences. "We have so
many graduates who are tremendously
successful," he reported. "We get a lot of
bright, capable people in the PA program,
and most of them go on and do extremely
Teaching as a profession has three pri-
mary benefits, he explained. Watching
your students develop through the years,
and then after graduation go on to good
careers is quite rewarding. The response
of students in a good class is in itself exhil-
arating. And, teaching keeps you young.
"As an example," he said, "if I were not a
Professor I would probably think U 2 was
an American spy plane that had been shot
down over Russia, rather than a rock

group; or I would think that heavy metal
was a new kind of steel rather than a kind
of music. Of course, there's a down side to
that. Time passes so quickly. Last semester
a young man came up to me and said ,'My
father says hello. You had him as a student
years ago.' My first reaction was that this
was a child prodigy standing before me
who had skipped junior and senior high
school. But I figure I'm in good shape be-
cause it will probably be another 15 or 20
years before someone comes up and says
'my grandfather says hello."'

Dr. Kelso also keeps young by learning
and doing new things. He will soon teach
in areas outside Public Administration
and is currently preparing a new course
on urban design and land use planning, a
course with emphasis on the structure and
appearance of cities, complete with field
trips. Another course on political theory,
an analysis of the morality of political is-
sues, is being planned. This summer, he is
writing a book on poverty. The book will
offer a comprehensive review and analy-
sis of the different theories of poverty.
"Policies dealing with poverty," he ex-
plained, "vary according to the theory of
its cause. Little work has been done to
date on this connection."
He likes to spend his free time white wa-
ter rafting and snorkeling, two newly ac-
quired hobbies. He recently discovered
white water rafting while on a trip to Can-
ada, and tried snorkeling in Key West,
Florida. His goals are to go white water
rafting down the Grand Canyon and snor-
(continued on p. 6)


Diamonds Are Forever
by Harriet Bennetts

When we mine for treasures of fac-
ulty activity in this College,
there's an embarrassment of
riches: what we respond to is a sparkling
and a glittering from the walls of Aca-
demia-an air of excitement, a thrill of
something unusually fine growing there.
We started hearing about Linda Jackson
months ago (and she's only been on cam-
pus for a year and a half)-in echos from
the caverns (in the basements of
Turlington Hall) wherein the secretaries
dwell, steadily growing murmurs of admi-
ration, indications of excellence.
As we raised our jeweler's loupe to focus
upon Dr. Jackson, we realized that her re-
search work is concerned, to a large de-
gree, with a part of the world that evokes
painful feelings; it is so often the site of
events and situations that are beyond our
ability to comprehend. We find it difficult
to understand the intricacies of those
countries' politics, and to contemplate the
toll in human lives resulting from conflicts
of warring factions. The continent, so
huge, has problems of equal size, and we
don't know how to define them, much less
what attitude or steps to take, if any, to
help. So we see Africa through dark
clouds-a pall which obscures its size, its
incredible diversity, and its promise-
realized and yet-to-be.
But now we can see parts of it more
clearly, because Dr. Jackson's positive atti-
tude and fresh approach give us new eyes.
Her summary of proposed research from a
recent (successful) grant proposal puts Dr.
Jackson's work in perspective for us: "Var-
iation and selection, as proposed by
Darwin, remain the cornerstones of our
thinking about evolution. Darwin's advo-
cacy of evolution by gradual change, how-
ever, has been a subject of recent contro-
versy. A number of scientists have
proposed a more sporadic, uneven tempo
to evolution. Indeed, recent studies have
concluded that transmission of a learned
behavior can increase the rate of major ge-
netic change... a related hypothesis of par-
ticular relevance for humans is that certain
dietary practices can accelerate the change
in gene frequencies of human evolution."

Dr. Ronald Cohen, her colleague and
also an anthropologist and Africanist of
the first rank, describes one of those "die-
tary practices" on which her research fo-
cuses: "She looked at something that was
really quite traumatic-the sub-lethal
doses of cyanide in their food, cassava. Be-
cause you can't leech all of it out, they
have been getting little bits of cyanide for
countless generations. Those people who
would've been seriously harmed by it
probably did not reproduce..,so those
populations had linked to this food ecol-
ogy, and it might've strengthened their im-
munological systems." (For example,
those who eat more cassava than rice as
part of their carbohydrate intake are less
susceptible to sickle-cell anemia, because
the cyanogens break the sickle bond. That
increases the life of the red blood cell, thus
decreasing the amount of anemia.) Dr.
Jackson sums up the findings thus far:
"Eating cassava (also known as manioc, or
yuca), as long as it's part of a balanced
diet, has been beneficial. In fact, it may en-
hance immunity; it may reduce high blood
pressure; it might have some beneficial ef-
fects as far as malaria, or schistosomiasis,
goes. There are probably also some detri-
mental effects-just like anything else.
There's no free lunch in the world. There's
a cost, and a benefit."

Another area of her research that bears
little relation to cassava consumption is
the problem of (non-sickle-cell) anemia in
pregnant women. The primary cause
seems to be their adherence to dietary ta-
boos of long cultural standing, some of
which exclude the needed foods. But the
future is bright because, Dr. Jackson says,
"There seems to be a growing body of ed-
ucated, very competent Africans who are
working in their own countries, who have
a ready and intimate understanding of the
traditional dietary patterns, and they are
not locked into a commitment to change
the traditional diet to a Western diet."
Linda Jackson is herself a product of the
Western World. Her history as an Ameri-
can, and as a Black American, gives us ma-
jor clues about her personal evolution. Dr.
Jackson, who is a third generation Colo-
radan, told us: "My father's people came
out from Missouri after the Civil War, part
of a group of African Americans that set
up a series of townships in western Kan-
sas and eastern Colorado. When the rail-
road came to Denver, it ended up absorb-
ing many of the farmers who were just not
making it, with their 40 acres and a mule
and no fertilizer. There were none of the
technological advancements that we now
have to make that a semi-viable agricul-
tural region. If I could be half as tenacious


""I'm confident that in the end we
w1ii finally have the answers, but

meanwhile the adventure of dis-

covery and the insights that come

with it-those are the main things

that compel me, and the potential

to do some mod.100

*- ....,,
r .I% f

j. -;:- .,

as my ancestors, I'd be doing well...I've
been really blessed with good family
background, good family support (includ-
ing her husband, also a Ph.D., and five
Another facet of the person reflects her
light in a different way-her religious be-
liefs. A practicing Muslim, she says, "I was
raised a Christian, and I found it to be a
very beautiful and good religion...but Is-
lam provided answers to some of the ad-
ditional questions I had...and so for me
Islam was a continuation of Christianity. I
was reading the Bible, then I also started
reading the Koran-as a scholar, because I
was working in a part of Africa where
there were more or less equal numbers of
Muslims and Christians. I had noticed,
among the pregnant women at the health
center where we were working, that the
Mandingo women and the Fulani women
carried themselves with such pride
...there was a kind of sense of self
worth and stoicism that made them mag-

nificent! And I thought, well maybe it has
to do with their belief system. For me it's
brought a lot of stability, a more egalitar-
ian view on life and a more advanced
perspective on human variability. Because
it is very explicit-the Koran is-
about the equality of Humankind, and
that we're created different so that we'll
get to know each other, not so that we
would despise each other." Taking into ac-
count her sophistication and tolerance for
different cultures, we still wondered how
an academic born, bred, and trained in the
United States could adjust to the some-
what different pace of life in Africa. Dr.
Jackson explained: "I've learned, over the
last ten years maybe, to be more patient,
and that things happen in their time, not
in my time.. .and not to try to impose my
views on the situation." She adds, "Travel-
ing and living in a place, in another cul-
ture, and learning the language and cus-
toms, makes you no longer solely a citizen
of your own country; it doesn't make you

a citizen of that other country either...but
I kind of feel that the whole world be-
longs to me, that I can go anyplace and
that I can find good people anywhere, and
that no place is completely satisfying or
completely hopeless."
Such an equable attitude should con-
tribute to the success of future re-
search projects, whose directions Dr.
Jackson describes: "I'd like to expand the
research into more African countries. Be-
cause of the ecological variation within Af-
rica I'd like to make a contrast between
regions in the savannah where cassava is
eaten, or other foods that contain these
natural sources of organic cyanogen, such
as sorghum and yams. I'd like to contrast
the tropical rainforest regions with the sa-
vannah regions, to look at the wide range
of health parameters that might be altered
by the diet. The only way to really look at
this evolutionally, to have continuity, is to
integrate more Africans into the research.
So one of my main goals is to work in-
creasingly collaboratively with African sci-
entists, to evaluate what role the diet
plays in increasing susceptibilities to cer-
tain diseases, decreasing them to certain
other diseases, and them to try to develop
theoretical models." The above plan of
action would seem to carry with it many
months of live-in research work, and the
Jackson family has decreed that the next
time she goes, they'll all go! She com-
ments, "I'd like for them to come with
me, now that I've kind of gone and staked
out some territory.., especially, I'd like for
my children to see the tremendous varia-
bility within Africa. In this part of the
world we speak of Africa as if it's a cul-
tural and ecological monolith, but it's the
most diverse continent in the world. It's a
unique place, and it's the place of origin of
our species. So it's an important place for
all of us to see. We're all Africans!"
There is no doubt in anyone else's mind
that Linda Jackson is a gem of great value,
but she views herself as "an experiment
still in progress: the verdict is not in yet!"
Maybe so, but it's crystal clear to us that
diamonds are forever beautiful-especially
in a setting of Orange and Blue.


Be My Guest...

Blueprint for Saving Tropical Forest

by Dr. Francis E. Putz
(Reprinted, in a condensed version, from the
March/April 1988 issue of Garden, and used
with their permission.)
Large tracts of old-growth forest re-
main in the Amazon and Congo
River Basins and elsewhere in the
tropics, but the sad fact is that virtually all
of them eventually will be exploited.
Tropical forests are being logged even
faster than they can be converted to plan-
tations or even slash-and-burn agricultural
The reasons for this enormous destruc-
tion are easy to find: Millions of people in
the tropics depend on recently deforested
land to grow crops; wood from forests
cooks the food of millions of families; and
the apparently insatiable international de-
mand for low-cost high-grade tropical tim-
ber encourages loggers to go far into the
forest to extract valuable but scattered
trees. Citizens of forested tropical coun-
tries view timber as a valuable commod-
ity-a means of financing schools, roads
and hospitals, a source of funds for the im-
port of modern technologies, and a re-
source to enable a few individuals to accu-
mulate vast wealth. Uncontrolled
exploitation of forest has historically been
the norm.
Making the situation much worse, how-
ever, is the current practice of logging in
the absence of proper control. A carelessly
logged forest looks as if a herd of bull-
dozers had run amok: Valuable young
growth is destroyed, the soil is so com-
pacted that seedlings have difficulty estab-
lishing themselves, and the proliferation
of lianas (woody vines) and other weeds
suppresses tree growth. Poorly planned
roads and lack of buffer strips along water
courses cause enormous soil loss, espe-
cially on logged slopes.
Conservationists are not going to halt
logging in the tropics-the weight of his-
tory and economic pressures are against
them. But conservationists can work for
better management of the forests that are
logged. They can also seek a balance of
logged, farmed and reserved land, a for-
mula that will both benefit the country's
economy and permit sustained harvest of
its natural resources.

The elements of sustainability
In tropical countries with extensive for-
est land, a reasonable approach to sustain-
able forestry has three components: some
areas for plantations; carefully managed
logged natural forests; and large tracts left
as reserves.
Tree plantations have a major role to
play in the economic development of
many tropical countries. Providing wood,
fuel, pulpwood and to lesser extent tim-
ber, plantations are important to the wel-
fare of millions of people. These stands of
carefully planted and tended trees-usu-
ally of all one species and with known sil-
vicultural requirements-have the poten-
tial to yield far more wood than the same
amount of land in a managed natural for-
est. Thus, they can take some of the ex-
ploitation pressure off nature reserves if a
government so determined, and off
logged natural forests, making sustained
yield possible.
Many countries of the tropics, including
Burma, Malaysia, Nigeria, Ghana, India,
Trinidad and Surinam, have long histories
of developing and using methods for man-
aging natural forests for sustained yield.
Now in some countries facing the choice
of mining or managing their vast timber
resources, there has been a revived enthu-

siasm for low-intensity sustained yield of
timber. Especially in countries where the
human population pressure is not yet
overwhelming, any selectively logged for-
ests are now being allowed to regenerate.
Tropical foresters are increasingly aware
of their responsibility to increase timber
production on these often remote and
marginal lands. But with the growing in-
terest in sustainable forest resources, for-
esters need to develop management sys-
tems for the wooded lands.
Managing mixed forest
Logging is generally selective in tropical
countries having large areas of mixed-spe-
cies forest. That is because among the
multitude of tree species in tropical for-
ests, only a few fetch high prices on the
market; and these few are scattered
throughout the complex forest. In many
logging areas only two to six trees are
taken from each acre.
Timber felling and extraction can do se-
rious damage in forests where extractors
depend on "advanced growth"-that is,
small trees growing up as the next timber
crop. Studies conducted in Malaysia re-
veal that during poorly managed logging
operations, up to half of the small trees
are damaged, and afterward weeds prolif-
erate. Many lowland tropical rain forests




are not well stocked with advanced-
growth trees; logging them depletes an al-
ready scarce resource.
If advanced growth could remain un-
scathed, however, logging could be consid-
ered a forest-benefiting operation, because
felling opens the canopy, bringing light to
the forest floor, and reduces root competi-
tion for water and nutrients. Hence, what
successful tropical forest management
must do is control the felling and timber
extraction processes, to limit the damage
to the remaining forest. Management may
also require control of weeds and, some-
times, the enhancement of tree growth by
judicious thinning of competitors.
One method that has the potential to
minimize logging damage-extracting the
logs via an overhead cable system-is too
costly in forests where felling is selective.
A better way is to require loggers to drop
trees where they are unlikely to harm ad-
vanced-growth trees. The impact of ex-
traction trails can be minimized by using
vehicles with rubber tires moving along
selected paths.
Forest management can also encompass
overall forest-use techniques. One ap-
proach is the "polycyclic" regime, in
which timber is extracted gradually over a
period of several decades. Under such a
regime the forest retains the basic appear-
ance, species composition and canopy
structure of a natural community. Proper
polycyclic management usually entails
felling only the largest trees, killing dam-
aged or poorly formed trees by poison gir-
dling, and cutting lianas. A second cut is
usually carried out 25 years or so after the
initial felling.
Polycyclic regimes work well where nu-
merous intermediate-size trees of com-
mercial species respond to a newly
opened canopy by growing rapidly. Low-
land and peat swamp forests in Southeast
Asia seem particularly suitable. Because
the aim is to get young trees to grow to
commercial size, it is especially important
to minimize logging damage.
Where commercial species regenerate
primarily from seed after forest distur-
bance silviculturists turn to monocyclic
management-timber extracted from
small patches of forest in one intensive
operation. Foresters can thin the canopy a
year or so before the major cut, which en-
courages seed production and the estab-
lishment of seedlings. In tree species

whose populations only produce large
seed crops every few years, foresters
should try to postpone felling until after a
fruiting year. After logging, if there are
enough seeds and seedlings and not too
much logging damage, the young trees
generally outcompete weeds.
Forests managed for timber production
should not be constructed as wildlife con-
servation areas-but neither should they
be seen as the death knell for many ani-
mal species. In Malaysia, selective logging
has been reported to benefit some species
(e.g., elephants, gaurs, tapirs, bearded pigs
and deer) but hurt others (gibbons, langurs
and several other primate species, and rhi-
noceroses). Twenty-five or so years after
harvesting, Malaysia's logged forest sup-
port mammal populations similar to those
of unlogged forests. Several studies have
shown that with selective logging, local
extinction of even sensitive species can be
Although most conservationists might
prefer inviolate nature preserves, many
would be pleasantly surprised by the spe-
cies diversity, canopy structure and gen-
eral ecological balance of properly man-
aged tropical forests even only a few years
after selective logging.
New management approaches
Forest research is now being conducted
in many different parts of the tropics, and
knowledge is rapidly accumulating about
numerous tree species. Noteworthy new
forestry projects are well under way in
Peru, Brazil, Mexico, Ivory Coast, Liberia,
Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, to
mention a few. Among these efforts are a
study of the effects of different logging in-
tensities on regeneration in the Tapajos
National Forest in Brazil, and thinning
studies in the Irobo Forest of the Ivory
Coast. In Sarawak, Malaysia, foresters are
pursuing a system called "liberation thin-
ning," in which plants impeding the
growth of selected trees are removed.
Researchers are now working with local
Amuesha Indians in the Palcazu Valley of
Amazonian Peru to develop a sustainable
forest management system based on clear
cutting narrow (60-foot-wide) strips of for-
est. Oxen pull out all the timber from the
strip; large trees are sawn into planks in a
small local mill, and the smaller tree
trunks are pressure-treated with preserva-
tives for use as fence posts. The ecological

rationale for this variant of monocyclic
cutting is that the strips are narrow
enough to assure adequate seed dispersal
from the adjacent forest but wide enough
to provide adequate sunlight for the light-
demanding fast-growing timber. With
careful planning of strip locations, ade-
quate rotation periods, and a diversity of
local wood-based industries, the Amue-
sha should be able to sustain themselves
in the region without seriously degrading
their resource base.
The managing of tropical forests has be-
gun to.emerge as a concern of major inter-
national organizations. Recently the Insti-
tute for Tropical Forestry in Puerto Rico
and UNESCO have sponsored interna-
tional workshops on natural forest man-
agement; and the United Nations Food
and Agriculture Organization, the World
Bank and international aid agencies from
the U.S., Canada and several nations are
all investing in tropical forest management.

Better training for foresters
Despite the new interest in managing
natural forests, plantation forestry cur-
rently receives the preponderence of fund
for research and development. Unfortu-
nately, most foresters have not been
trained to appreciate the intricate ecology
and multitude of plants of tropical forests,
but have instead studied forestry in the
temperate zone and learned a great deal
about the cultivation of pine, spruce and
eucalyptus. All too often such students
have returned to the tropics motivated to
"clear cut and plant pine."
Another problem is the impossibility of
having a single management system suit-
able for all the world's tropical forests.
Ecologists and silviculturists are becoming
increasingly aware of the substantial vari-
ation among forests-for example, the
abundance of understory seedlings in
some Southeast Asia forests as opposed to
the lack of such seedlings in New World
forests. And within any one forest there
are likely to be some tree species that re-
quire large openings for their regenera-
tion, and others that die if the canopy over
them is drastically disturbed.
Forestry practices must depend on the
biology of the desirable tree species. Are
these species well represented by seed-
lings, saplings and small trees? Do they re-
quire full sun, tolerate shade or withstand

Be My Guest
fluctuating light conditions? Are they
drought-sensitive and nutrient demand-
ing? Are they likely to succumb to disease
or to creatures that feed on them? In the
tropics, these questions and many others
need to be answered for an awe-inspiring
number of tree species.
Schools of forestry and international de-
velopment agencies need to recognize and
respond to the special requirements of
tropical forest. Tropical silviculturalists,
who need to learn how to manage diver-
sity, should be trained in plant ecology
and tree biology. Researchers should be
encouraged to investigate the require-
ments of lesser-known species.
Much also remains to be learned about
managing forest on sloping terrain. Re-
search of the ecology of forest slopes is of
utmost importance because in the future
the relatively fertile plains will be used al-
most exclusively for agriculture, with the
forests relegated to the hills.
The major impediment to sustained-
yield tropical forest is not lack of silvicul-
tural knowledge. The fundamental prob-
lem is the desire for short-term economic
gain without regard for long-term sus-
tainability. Nevertheless, as resources di-
minish, sustainability will emerge as a key
issue. For tropical countries with exten-
sive mixed-species forests, an ecologically
and economically balanced approach to
development is to allocate land to agricul-
ture, plantations, managed natural forests
and inviolate nature reserves. A combined
plan of careful selective logging, judicious
use of plantations and creation of reserves
may go far toward preserving much of the
diversity we so cherish.

Dr. Francis E. Putz is an associate professor of
Botany, and has been a member of the CLAS
faculty since 1982. He received his Ph.D. in
the biology of woody vines from Cornell
University in 1981. He teaches courses on
botany, plant ecology and tropical silvicul-
ture. Research interests include tropical ecol-
ogy and forest management, and cultural
perceptions of tropical rain forest. He has
conducted ecological research in the forests
of Southeast Asia and Latin America. An ar-
ticle entitled Tropical Rain Forest Images:
Jungles in Western Art, Literature and Film,
co-authored with graduate student N. Mi-
chele Holbrook, will be included in a book
soon to be published by the Smithsonian

(1 to r) Associate Dean Anita Spring. Ellen Catherine Ham and Rebecca Robin MacNair. Not
present is Mary Elizabeth Dougherty.
Ellen Catherine Ham, a junior majoring in Criminology and Criminal Justice.
has been awarded the 0. Ruth McQuown Scholarship for 1988-89. Named in
honor of the late Dr. Ruth McQuown, long-time Associate Dean and Professor of
Political Science, the scholarship is presented annually to an outstanding female
student. Ms. Ham was presented with the scholarship during the Baccalaureate
ceremony by Associate Dean Anita Spring. Receiving honorable mention were
Rebecca Robin MacNair, a senior in Psychology, and Mary Elizabeth Dougherty.
a senior in Romance Languages and Literatures.

A Touch of CLAS
A Touch of CLAS is published by the University of Flori-
da's College of Liberal Arts & Sciences for its alumni
and friends. Please send all correspondence to the edi-
tor, 2014 Turlington Hall, University of Florida, Gaines-
ville, FL 32611 or call 904/392-1516.
Dean .............. .... Charles F Sidman
Editor ................ ....... Linda Kahila
Director of Development .......... .. Jim Palincsar
Photographer ............... ..... .Kitty Powers
Printing ................. Storter Printing Co., Inc.

Teacher of the Year
(continued from p. 1)
keling on the Great Barrier Reef in Austra-
Although he claims that since he discov-
ered snorkeling, his goal is to get a
fulltime job with Jacques Cousteau, it is
obvious his first love is teaching. And it is
reciprocated with student respect and af-
fection. During the April Baccalaureate
ceremony, as Dr. Kelso received his
Teacher of the Year Award from the Stu-
dent Council President, he was greeted
with a standing ovation from the gradu-
ates. Sometimes, nice guys do finish first.
by Linda Kahila

New CLAS Dean Named

Dr. Willard W. Harrison has been named Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and
Sciences by UF President Marshall Criser, after a nationwide search. Dr. Harrison has
been a faculty member of the University of Virginia for 24 years, where he taught
Chemistry. served as Chairman of the Chemistry Department, and as Associate Pro-
vost for Academic Support. He will succeed Dean Charles F Sidman in July, who will
return to teaching and research. A profile of Dean Harrison will be featured in a
future edition of A Touch of CLAS.

J1 i

Faculty News

Three Awarded Guggenheims
Drs. Michael Moseley, Alexander Stephan and Jack Zipes have
each received Fellowships from the John Simon Guggenheim Me-
morial Foundation for 1988/89. Dr. Moseley. Professor of Anthropol-
ogy, will engage in research this summer in Peru on his project.
"The Loss of Agricultural Land in the Andes." followed by on-cam-
pus research utilizing remote sensing satellite imagery. Dr. Stephan.
Professor and Chairman of Germanic and Slavic Languages and Lit-
eratures, will be working in various European archives on a project
titled "Literature and the Nazi State: Exiled Writers in the Files of
the German Foreign Office 1933-45." Dr. Zipes. Professor of Ger-
manic and Slavic Languages and Literatures. will work on a project

James Channell, Associate Professor of Geology, has been
awarded a Fellowship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of
Science. The Fellowship will enable Dr. Channell to pursue his re-
search interests at Kyoto Univesity for three months.
Gene Dunnam. Professor of Physics and Senior Associate Dean of
CLAS. will return to teaching and research in the Department of
Physics, after serving nine years as Associate Dean. His resignation
will be effective in August. Dean Dunnam is currently engaged in
research activity with Dr. Carl Rester on gamma-ray detectors. A
recent experiment, carried out at the South Pole, was the detection
and characterization of supernova gamma rays via a balloon
Raymond Gay-Crosier, Professor and Chairman of Romance Lan-
guages and Literatures. has been named "Chevalier des Palmes
Academiques" by the French government. This distinction, rarely
awarded to non-French citizens, is in recognition of his perform-
ance and dedication to the teaching of French, and contributions to
the development of the French language and culture in Florida.
Art Hansen, Associate Professor of Anthropology, recently served
as a consultant for the World Bank and the United Nations Devel-
opment Program in Pakistan. While there, he advised the govern-
ment on planned resettlements due to a projected dam on the In-
dus River. Dr. Hansen will be on sabbatical next academic year: he
will be a visiting Fellow at Queen Elizabeth House, Oxford Univer-
sity. England.
James Haskins, Professor of English, was given the Alabama Li-
brary Association's award for best children's book of 1987 by an
Alabama-born writer for his four-book Count Your Way series.
(Carolrhoda Books). Two other books. Mr Bojangles: The Biography
of Bill Robinson. co-authored with N. R. Mitgang. and A Sixties
Reader, are currently being published.
Randal Johnson, Professor of Romance Languages and Litera-
tures. is the recipient of a Woodrow Wilson Fellowship, awarded
by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. He will
spend the next academic year in Washington. D.C., where he will
pursue his research on "The Social Relations of Brazilian Literature.
Alan Katritzky, Kenan Professor of Chemistry. had been awarded
the Medal of Tartu State University (Estonia. USSR) for his out-

titled "The Social History of the Fairy Tale in the West." and will be
carrying out his research in various archives in Europe and Amer-
Presidential Young Investigator Awards
Dr. David Hodell, Assistant Professor of Geology, and Dr. Michael
Miyamoto, Assistant Professor of Zoology, have each been selected
to receive a 1988 Presidential Young Investigator Award. These
awards. sponsored by the National Science Foundation, are in rec-
ognition of research and teaching potential, and provide five-year
grants to young faculty to further develop research programs.

standing work in synthetic and physical organic chemistry of het-
erocycles. Dr. Katritzky was also cited for his long and fruitful coop-
eration with the chemistry department of Tartu State University.
Robert Lawless, Associate Professor of Anthropology, has been
chosen by the National University Continuing Education Associa-
tion to receive its Distinguished Independent Study Course Award
for his continuing education course in Cultural Anthropology.
George Pozzetta, Professor of History, has been awarded the The-
odore Saloutos Prize for 1987 for his book, The Immigrant World of
Ybor City: Italians and Their Latin Neighbors in Tampa. 1885-1985.
published with Gary Mormino. The prize was awarded by the Im-
migration History Society for the best book on immigration history.
The book was also runner-up for the Herbert G. Gutman Award for
Social History given by the University of Illinois Press.
Anthony Randazzo, Professor and Chairman of Geology, was re-
cently elected to the board of Directors of the Oakridge Associated
Universities. He was also appointed a member of the Florida Board
of Professional Geologists by Governor Martinez.
David Richardson. Assistant Professor of Chemistry. has been se-
lected as an Alfred P Sloan Research Fellow for 1988-89. The Fel-
lowship will provide a $25,000 unrestricted grant to support his
research in physical inorganic chemistry. The purpose of the Sloan
Fellowship program is to stimulate fundamental research by young
scholars of outstanding promise.
Anita Spring, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Associate
Dean of CLAS, has announced her resignation as Associate Dean,
effective August. At the invitation of Queen Elizabeth House, Ox-
ford University, England, she will become a Fellow during the 1988-
89 academic year. Dean Spring recently published Gender Issues in
Farming Systems Research and Extension, in collaboration with Dr.
Susan Poats and Dr. Marianne Schmink.
William Ster, Professor of Botany, was elected to the board of
directors of the American Institute of Biological Sciences. Also. dur-
ing the annual AIBS meeting, Dr. Stern was awarded the Botanical
Society of America Merit Award. given in recognition of his out-
standing contributions to botanical science.
Neil Sullivan and Rick Field, Professors of Physics, were recently
(continued on p. 10)

0- 1 1 0 E 0

A Touch of ,CLAS

ABOVE: Central Science Library-Computer Sciences/Engineering Building. BELOW: Lawn near
Architecture Building.
-rchitec B .

L I-0~

Scenes FrQm Campus
Photographer Kitty Powers recently took a walk through campus,
and captured some of the old, new and changing landmarks with
her camera.

ABOVE: Century Tower, facing west. BELOW: Outside Florida State Museum.


ABOVE: Near Little Hall. BELOW: Turlington Hall.


From the Desk of

Charles E Sidman, Dean
T here is always some sadness when the time comes to take
leave, and so it is on the occasion of my relinquishing the
duties of Dean of the largest and, in my view. best College at
the University of Florida. During my ten years in office, the College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences has grown inquality, both in its faculty
and student ranks. Along with tese palpale improvements has
come an enhanced academic repgtatifor the College. Gifts from
alumni and friends have increased substantially, such that an im-
pressive endowment for the Co~lge is now in prospect. This en-
dowment will provide the CWolege V-th ti-se additional resources
necessary to sustain the advanmesb: hiCollege into the top eche-
lon nationally It is with Weg w:iare on of the efforts of the
many friends of the C0ol,9 a:-ta ie 1 is .final opportunity to
express gratitude for the t itb.d e4if epended on this worth-
while enterprise. Theb fAurei e and indeed of the Uni-
versity, is brighter because of.c y yuave brought to it. Thank
you one and all

Charles F. Sidman, Dean
Collegeof Liberal Arts and Sciences
University of Florida

Dr. Crawford Holling Named to Occupy
Marshall Eminent Scholar Chair
Dr. Crawford Holling has been named the first Arthur R. Marshall Jr.
Eminent Scholar. The $1 million chair, a research and teaching position in
ecological studies, was created in the Department of Zoology in honor of
Florida environmentalist Arthur Marshall Jr., a UF alumnus and former
professor who died in 1985. A $400,000 grant from the John D. and
Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, a challenge grant of $200,000 from
the Elizabeth Ordway Dunn Foundation, and $400,000 from the State of
Florida's Eminent Scholar Trust Fund established the Marshall Chair.
Dr. Holling came to CLAS from the University of British Columbia,
where he served as professor of zoology. He earned his doctorate in zool-

Faculty News (continued from p.

elected Fellows of the American Physical Society. Dr. Sullivan was
cited for his fundamental studies of quantum solids using NMR
techniques, and Dr. Field for his work in the application of the
Quantum Chromodynamic theory of quarks and gluons to hadron
collisions and the concept of parton fragmentation.
Grant lan Thrall, Professor of Geography, is author of Land Use
and Urban Form: The Consumption Theory of Land Rent. which
was published last fall by Methuen of London. He is also co-author
of Spatial Diffusion. published February 1988: co-authors are Ri-
chard Morrill of the University of Washington and Gary Gaile of
Harvard University. Spatial Diffusion is Volume 8 in the Scientific

Dean Charles Sidman was honored by his staff with a farewell
luncheon held in the Music Room of the University Auditorium in
April. He was presented with a scrapbook containing momentoes of
his ten-year tenure as Dean. Surrounding Dean Sidman above, left to
right, are Senior Associate Dean Gene Dunnam, Director of Adminis-
trative Affairs Charles Thomas, Dean Sidman. Director of Communi-
cations and Computer Resources Samuel Trickey. Associate Dean
Harry Shaw, Associate Dean Anita Spring, and Director of Honors
Keith Legg.

W Dr. Crawford Holling
ogy from the University of British Columbia, and his bachelor's degree in
biology and master's degree in zoology from the University of Toronto. He
is the author of more than 90 publications in such areas as entomology,
ecology, population biology, forestry and mathematical modeling, and a
fellow in the American Association for the Advancement of Science. In
the chair position, Dr. Holling will research solutions to problems of Flori-
da's ecosystem, and preservation of its fragile habitats.

Geography Series: Volumes 9 and 10 have just been published: they
are Spatial A utocorrelation and Point Pattern Analysis.
Michele Wheatly, Assistant Professor of Zoology, has been
named by the Society for Experimental Biology as the 1988 recipi-
ent of the Presidential Medal in Zoology. The Medal is awarded
annually to a scientist under the age of 35 for outstanding contribu-
tions to the field of experimental biology. Dr. Wheatly delivered an
honorary lecture at the University of Lanchester, England during
the presentation ceremony in March.
Frank Bradshaw Wood, Professor of Astronomy, was awarded a
Plaque of Appreciation from the Ministry of Science and Technol-
ogy of the Republic of Korea recently. The award was given in ap-
preciation for Dr. Wood's outstanding contributions to the estab-
lishment of Astronomical Science in Korea.


CLAS Bac11

CLAS Baccalaureate- April 29, 1988

Dr. William Kelso, 1988 CLAS Teacher of the Year, receiving award from College
Student Council President John Allen

Graduates during Ceremony in University Auditorium

Robert Arch Latham, Valedictorian

Graduates with families and friends


Development News
Dear Alumni and Friends:
The University of Florida is planning a University-wide major gifts campaign. The University of Florida ,
Campaign is a program that will raise at least $200 million in private funds by the end of 1991. The College .
of Liberal Arts and Sciences will attempt to raise at least $10 million of the total. I
An undertaking such as this is a recognition of the progress the College of Liberal Arts and Saences had made and a recognition
of the many alumni and friends who support it.
In preparation for the Campaign, we have carefully examined our priorities. The Campaign objectives emphasize endowments
for students and faculty and for improvements in the College's facilities and programs. As we look to the 1990's and beyond, these
goals will be keys to a strong and dynamic College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. We aspire to excellence and want to insure that
the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences continues to produce the quality of graduates the State of Florida expects. In order to do
that, we need endowments that are sufficient to withstand economic fluctuations so that the absolute best scholarship is assured
under any foreseeable circumstance.
We are delighted to have CLAS alumnus Robin Gibson chair our College's Campaign. Please read the article on this page about
Mr. Gibson, and learn of his accomplishments. We are indeed fortunate to have a person of his stature accept this important role.
We continue to build a standard of excellence at the University of Florida that is equal to the best universities in the country
With the continued dedication and loyalty of our alumni, we can work together to make this upcoming Campaign an outstanding

James J. Palncsar
Development Director
Gibson to Head College's Volunteer Effort in University of Florida Campaign
Dean Charles F Sidman and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Office of Development are pleased to
announce that Robert L. (Robin) Gibson of Lake Wales will head the College's volunteer effort in the Univer-
sity of Florida Campaign.
The University of Florida Campaign is a concerted. University-wide fund raising effort dedicated to ensure
continued excellence in the University's performance of its mission. The Campaign will build upon UF's
established strengths by locating new, private gift support for faculty, students. and facilities.
In accepting this important leadership role, Mr. Gibson will work closely with the Dean, the development staff and other
volunteers to see that the College achieves its Campaign goals. The College's goals emphasize faculty and student support, as well
as needed research and teaching space.
"The Campaign will not only secure private resources for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences:' Mr. Gibson said. "but will
heighten the awareness among alumni and friends that this College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is among the very best in the
Robin Gibson grew up in Miami and received his B.A. in Political Science in 1959 and his law degree in 1962, both from UF. While
a student, he was President of Sigma Nu. President of the John Marshall Bar Association, and a member of Florida Blue Key. Mr.
Gibson practiced law in Miami from 1962 to 1966 before moving to Lake Wales and is currently a partner in the firm of Gibson and
Mr. Gibson is a member of the Florida Bar and the American Bar Association. and has been a member of the Florida Bar's Board
of Governors. He served as a member of the Board of Regents of the State University System from 1981-87. and as Chairman of the
Board from 1984-86. He was named Lake Wales' Citizen of the Year in 1974.
Mr. Gibson is married to the former Jean Haeseker of St. Petersburg. Jean Gibson, also a graduate of the College of Liberal Arts
and Sciences, received her B.A. degree in 1961. The Gibsons have four children: Kathy, a 1986 UF graduate. 25: Bob, 23; Danny. 21:
and Jane, 20.

Recent Gifts to
SGif t the Arthur and Violette Kahn Vis- public lecture on topics of world have established a $20,000 gift an-
the College iting Scholar Endowment in the interest, nuity. The gift will benefit the De-
Center for Jewish Studies. The apartment of Chemistry, of which
Kahn Endowment to Kahns' gift of $50,000 will allow Laitinens Donate Dr. Herbert Laitinen is a longtime
Benefit Center for the Center to invite an outstand- $20,000 to Chemistry faculty member.
Jewish Studies ing Jewish scholar to campus to rtm
Jewish Staddress important issues with fac- department
A Miami couple has established ulty and students, and to give a Herbert and Marjorie Laitinen


Research in Antarctica

A group of 20 scientists and engi-
neers led by Dr. Carl Rester, Direc-
tor, Laboratory For Astrophysics
and Planetary Exploration (APEX),
launched an advanced gamma-ray
detector from Antarctica on Janu-
ary 8. Borne aloft to an altitude of
115,000 feet by a helium balloon
measuring 11.6 million cubic feet,
the detector was used for the col-
lection of data on the spectrum of
gamma-ray emissions from the su-

pernova data appears to confirm
the production of chemical ele-
ments heavier than iron by explo-
sive nucleosynthesis and to indi-
cate that the supernova exploded
asymmetrically. The new detector
system, consisting of a central de-
tector of n-type germanium with
bismuth germanate active shield-
ing, exhibited a superior signal-to-
noise ratio over more conven-
tional designs.

-. .

(left to right) Ron Zussman, Katie Granger, Debbie Rockwell, Chris Morris, Beth
McMahon (traveling judge), Kellie Roberts (UF Director of Forensics), Rusty
Watts (Business Manager), Marc Heimowitz, Rusty Little and Harry Shevin.

Speech and Debate Team Has
Outstanding Year
The UF Speech and Debate Team, a student organization under the aus-
pices of the Department of Speech, recently completed a successful year in
speech and debate competition. The debate team won six out of eight
overall sweepstakes championships; the cross examination debate team is
ranked among the nation's top fifty, and the individual debaters in the top
ten in the Southeast. In March, the Department of Speech sponsored the
17th Annual Gator Invitational Forensics Tournament with more than 200
participants from 26 colleges and universities throughout the country. Pic-
tured above are some of the team members after a recent winning tourna-

Observation Hill above McMurdo Station
pernova 1987A. The balloon is the
largest ever to be used in Antarc-
tica. The detector was housed in a
solar-powered gondola and sus-
pended from the balloon on a
parachute. After the launch from
Williams Field, an airfield for ski-
planes on the Ross Ice Shelf near
McMurdo Station, the payload re-
mained aloft for 72 hours. Re-
leased by a radio command from
a chase plane, it was brought
down for a soft landing on the po-
lar ice cap approximately 200
miles from the Soviet station at
Vostok. It was retrieved by a land-
ing party in a LC-130 Hercules ski-
plane on January 13.
Preliminary analysis of the su-

Other CLAS scientists on the
team included Dr. Guenther Eich-
horn (Space Astronomy Lab), the
project manager, and Dr. Bob Col-
dwell (Physics and SAL), the data
manager. Physicists from the God-
dard Space Flight Center, the Cath-
olic University of America, and
the Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency rounded out the
team of investigators. A team of
12 balloonists from the Air Force
Geophysics Laboratory, New Mex-
ico State University and Okla-
homa State University assembled
and launched the balloon and op-
erated the tracking and telemetry

I !cqueme.


Helium balloon with solar-powered gondola

__ _






Alumni News

1950 i_ I_
Mel Mayfield N(.A. Physics)
ictired after 30 years faculty
se ice at Austin Pea' State
University. Clarksville. TN Dur.
Ing his tenure. he established
the physics deparnnent served
as chairman and promoted the
department s growth to a level
of national reputation Along
'.. th his teaching duties he has
held the positions of director
Physics The Program for Teach
ers director. The Center for
Teachers and vice president for
development and field serve.
iccs In his honor. APSU has es-
tabhshed a scholarship in his
name In retirement he '.vill
continue to work on special
projects in the physics depart.
ment and % rite

Nelson G. Williams, Ph.D. (Ph.
D Latin American History) Re-
ceived a law degree, with honors,
in 1987 from Florida State Univer-
sity and is now a staff attorney
with the Withlacoochee Area Le-

gal Services. Inc.. Floral City FL.
He retired from teaching in 1984.
His hobbies include old toy elec-
tric trains.
Wayne Synstad, Capt. (B.S. Geol-
ogy) is in the U.S. Navy. currently
stationed in Greece. He received
his M.B.A. from Pepperdine Uni-

R. Fain Embry. (B.A Political
No'. rented and living in
Gainesville. after successive ca.
leers in the military, invention.
agriculture and mutual funds
In 1S'S he visited Mrs. Ruby R
Bro'.. n the first \woman to re.
ceive a degree from Arts and
Sciences N1 A English. 19231.
in Wa\vnesville. N.C Mr Embry
enloys traveling and visiting
family and friends in his retire.

Bruce Stone (B.A Sociology).
was elected to serve on the Di.
rectors Committee of the law
firm of Holland & Knight for a
three-vear term. He received
his I D with highest honors.
from Florida State University in
1"'3 and practices in the areas
of estate planning probate and
tax law Practicing in Miami.
FL. he is a Fellow of the Amen.
can College of Probate Counsel
and a member of the American
Bar Association. the Florida Bar
the Dade Coullnt Bar Associa
tion and the Greater Miami Es
tate Planning Council He is
listed in The Best Lawyers in

Audrey Wells. Ph.D. (Ph.D. Po-
litical Science) has been promoted
to director of marketing support
for the Asia/PacificCanada region
of Syntex International Ltd.. Palo

Alto. CA. She spent four years
with the U.S. Division. and ten
years in international marketing
for Syntex before being promoted
to her present position. She lives
in Mountain View. CA with her
son Jonathan. who is a senior in
high school.

Jeffrey Delotto Ph.D. (B.A.
English) is an assistant professor
of English at Texas Wesleyan Col-
lege in Fort Worth. TX. He re-
ceived his M.A. in 1974 and Ph.D.
in 1981 from Florida State Univer-
sity. In addition to teaching. he
writes poetry and conducts work-
shops relating patterns of poetry
and fiction to composing exposi-
tory and persuasive discourse.

1961 '" '
Capers Jones (B A English) is
chairman and co founder of
Software Productivity Re.
search Inc in Cambridge MA
He developed the line of SPQR
(Software Productivity Quality.
and Reliability) estimating
models and is an international
private consultant speaker and
seminar leader. He has au-
thored Prroramingi Producn v.
tn' Issues for the Eightres and
Programming Producrtvity His
third book on software mea.
surement is in publication
Prior to the formation of his
firm he was with IBM for 12
years and received the IBM
General Product Division s
President's Award for his out
standing contribution in qual.
iry and productivity improve.
ment methods His career also
includes positions with the ITT
Programming Technology Cen-
ter and Nolan. Nortan & Coin
pani He is a member of ACM.
The Boston Computer Society
and IEEE.

John Hoyt Williams, Ph.D.
(Ph.D. History and Latin American
Studies) is professor of history at
Indiana State University. Terre
Haute, IN. His book. Rise and Fall
of the Paraguayan Republic. 1800-
1870.. published in 1979, was se-
lected by the University of Con-
necticut's department of history as
best book published before 1980
by an alumnus. Dr. Williams has

Elgin A. Hyler (B A Psychol.
ogv). Received his M.Ed in
School Psychology in 1"'6. Cur.
rently self.publisher. Marian
Books Tucson AZ. Interested
in writing illustrating and pub.
fishing educational material for
drop-out prevention and study
skills programs.

1976 -a -N
Richard ). Burges B A His.
torv\ has been appointed to a
newly created position as
agency research coordinator for
the Florida Deparntent of Eni
ronnental Regulation. Tallahas
see FL He had previously been
panther coordinator with the
Department of Natural Re.
sources at the Fakahatchee
Strand State Preserve In that

been an ISU faculty member since
1969, and has served as area editor
of the Americas Quarterly Renew
since 1976.

Richard L. Enochs (B.S. Chemis-
try) has been appointed a vice
president of ICI Composites. Inc.
and general manager of Fiberite
Molding Materials, both of ICI
Americas Inc.. Wilmington. DE. He
joined the firm as a technical sales
representative in specialty chemi-
cals in 1969. was named field man-
ager in 1975. regional sales man-
ager in 1976 and marketing
manager in 1979. In 1983. he was
appointed director of marketing
for the company's performance
resins division and two years later
U.S. commercial director for ad-
vanced materials. He was named
vice president of sales and market-
ing for Fiberite in 1986. He and his
wife, Nancy. have three children.
I. 1


position. he directed research
on Florida panther and deer bi.
olog. surface and ground water
hydrology exotic plant control
and the environmental impact
of construcnon of Interstate "5
In addition, he was a biological
scentist 'with UF for eight years.
where e he conducted studies on
experimental toxics. ecology.
populanon dynamics and insect
behavior He has authored sev-
eial publicatons in the field of
entomology, and is a member of
the Entomological Society of
Amenca. He is married and has
two children

David H. Morton (B.A. History) is
the president and owner of David
H. Morton. Ltd.. Buffalo Grove. IL.
an investment and advisory firm
specializing in the management of
financial resources through the use
of mutual funds. He married the
former Anne Mane Arbogast in
1979 and has three daughters, ages
3.4 and 7.
John P. Townsend (B.A. Political
Science) received his law degree
from UF in 1980 and is a partner in
the law firm of Chesser. Wingard,
Barr and Townsend. Fort Walton

Beach. FL. He is town attorney for
the town of Shalimar, FL. was pres-
ident of the Okaloosa-Walton Bar
Association in 1985-86, and a mem-
ber of Phi Beta Kappa and Phi
Kappa Phi.
Antonio Lino Hemandez (B.A.
English) is regional sales manager
of Royal Viking Cruises: in 1987 he
was named salesman of the year.
He and his wife. the former Cathy
Kirk, (B.A.E. Childhood Teaching.
1979) live in Clearwater. FL and
have three children. Danny, Rob-
ble and Sara.

1980 -
Richard Wolfson (B A. Speech
Communications is an attorney
in private practice in New lOrk
City. His hobbies are weighthft.
ing and running

David Buckner (B.A. Psychol-
ogy) is a sales representative
with Lakeside Pharmaceuncals.

elect of the Eighth Judical Cir-
cuit Chapter of the Florida Asso.
canon for Women Lawyers and
treasurer for the Eighth judical
Circuit Bar Association In
March she was among the 1Q at-
torneys in the state to receive
the Florida Bar president s pro
bono service award for volun-
teer commitment to providing
free legal services to the poor
For the past three years she has
provided these services through
the Volunteer Attorney Pro-
gram. a cooperative effort of
Three Rivers Legal Services Inc.
and the Eighth ludical Circuit
Bar Assocanion.

Robert S. Andelman kB.A. Film
Studies) is editor of the Tampa
Bay Weekly, and living in Clear-
water. FL.
Dewey L. Bracy (B.S. Chemistry)
received the D.M.D. degree in
1986 from the UF College of Den-
tistry. In January of 1987, he
opened a private dental practice
in Tampa. FL.

John Anthony Estes (B.S. Math-
ematics) is a structural draftsman
(C.A.D) in the franchise depart-

Moving? Making News? Any Requests?

What are you doing now? We would like to hear about your professional and personal interests and know your classmates would too. Please
complete the form below, and if possible, enclose a recent photograph. Return to the address below. Thank you.

City State Zip
Major Degree/Year
Current Position (company title, address)

Honors, Interests, Activities

Any Requests for Future Items in A Touch of CLAS?

Enclosed is my annual gift in support of the college's unrestricted needs $
(Please make checks payable to University of Florida Foundation).

Please Return to: Linda Kahila, Editor, A Touch of CLAS, 2014 Turlington Hall, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611.

Cincnnati OH He was recently
recognized as a winner of their
President's Award. given annu.
ally for outstanding job per.
formance The award included
a pin a silver bullion, and a trip
to the awards ceremony in
Longboat Key. FL for Mr. Buck-
ner and his wife Tonnie He is a
resident of Prat'ille AL and
has been with Lakeside Phar-
maceutcals a division of Mer-
rell Dow Phamaceuticals Inc.
for two years.

Kathleen C. Fox (B.A English)
is a self-employed attorney in
Gainesville. FL She is president-

Alumni News

Alumni News onumed)

ment of Addison Steel. Inc. in Or-
lando. FL. He became a member
of Mensa (the international high
IQ soaety) in November 1987.

Verne M.I. Travers (B.A. Political
Science) completed Officers'
School and graduated from the
U.S. Naval Education and Training
Center. Newport RI in November,
1986. He received his naval com-
mission and is now assigned to
the USS La Salle ported in Bahrain
in the Persian Gulf. Activities in-
clude body building and weight

Spencer R. Jurman (B.A. History)
is a construction estimator now
living in Long Island City, New

Tauna Murphy (B.S. Geology) is
a staff hydrologist with Delta En-
vironmental Consultants. Inc., in
Tampa and is completing her Mas-
ter of Science Degree in Geology.
with emphasis on hydrogeology,
at the University of South Florida.
She married Bill Leonard (B.A. An-
thropology. 1976) in 1984.

Daniel Roy Tucker (B.S. Statis-
tics) is the president of Dunhill,
Lord and Company in Boca Raton.

Christina Jurney (B.A. Criminal
Justice) author and explorer, has
written New Age m the Shadow
of K2. and awaiting word on the
book's publication. Last Decem-
ber she returned to the U.S. after a
one year trek thru Nepal and Ti-
bet. where she witnessed upris-
ings in Lhasa.

Sheryl L. Sugg (B.A. History)
worked for two years as a loan
doser and is now going back to
school at Old Dominion Univer-
sity in Virginia. for her Elementary
Education Degree.

Darryl R. Wishard (B.A. Political
Science) a second-year student at
the Dickinson School of Law. Car-
lisle. PA, has been elected to mem-
bership on the Dickinson Law Re-
view. Membership is awarded on
the basis of academic perform-
ance and writing ability. As a
member of the journal's staff. he

will help to prepare issues of the
quarterly law journal.

Julie Brooks (B.A. Political Sci-
ence) works for the Florida De-
partment of Health and Rehabili-
tative Services as a public
assistance specialist II (social
worker), in Chiefland, FL. She re-
ports she enjoys writing, fishing
and keeping up with international
affairs. She is a dedicated, all-
weather Gator fan.

Kevin Scott Lattimer (B.S. Com-
puter Science) has been promoted
to systems planning officer by the
NCNB National Bank in Tampa,
FL. He joined the bank in Febru-
ary 1986.

Todd Moore (B.A. Political Sci-
ence) will start graduate study in
Mass Communications at the Uni-
versity of South Florida in the fall
of 1988. He is interested in crea-
tive writing and has received the
Russell Brines Memorial Scholar-
ship (UF) for students interested in
political science reporting. and the
National Council of Teachers

Achievement Award in writing.
He plans to work on the USF
newspaper and literary magazine.

Illustration by Lisa Bennetts

College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
University of Florida
2014 Turlington Hall
Gainesville. Florida 32611

Li S Pota.ige
Permit No S3
Gaines'. lle Fl.


Teacher of the Year .. ........ .. 1

Diamonds are Forever ..... .. -3

Be My Guest ...... ...........4-5

Faculty News .............. ..... .. 7

Scenes from Campus ..... ... 8-9

Baccalaureate ............... .. .11

Development News ..... .. ........ 12

Research in Antarctica .. .... 13

Alumni News ................. 14-16

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