Front Cover
 Programme committee

Title: XI International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences : Phase II (Vancouver) August 20-25, 1983 Program brochures
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00083835/00008
 Material Information
Title: XI International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences : Phase II (Vancouver) August 20-25, 1983 Program brochures
Series Title: XI International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences : Phase II (Vancouver) August 20-25, 1983 Program brochures
Physical Description: Book
Language: English
Creator: International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (11th : 1983 : Vancouver, B.C.)
Publisher: International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences
Publication Date: 1983
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00083835
Volume ID: VID00008
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Table of Contents
    Front Cover
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    Programme committee
        Page 23
Full Text

Symosa Prgamm

Irgaai~ de i Simpoio

Phase II (Vancouver)
August 20-25

CANADA 1983 Phase II (Vancouver)
20-25 aoit

Fase II (Vancouver)
agosto 20-25

.Thursday, August 25
Jeudi 25 aoit
Jueves, 25 de agosto

Phase II Programme Venue and Schedule
All Symposia Programme Sessions will take place in one of the
following locations:
1. Hotel Vancouver (HV)
2. Georgia Hotel (GH)
3. Robson Square Media Center (RS)
A daily summary of all Symposia and their specific location is included
in the Registration Package. Location summaries will also be posted for
each day of the Congress. A similar summary of Symposia and their
session allocation is included with each daily Symposia Programme.
All Symposia have been assigned to one or more sessions during
each day of the Congress. A session represents 1 /2 hours of time and
each day is divided into five session time slots as follows:
Session 1 0900 hrs. 1030 hrs. Session 3 1330 hrs. 1500 hrs.
Session 2 1030 hrs. 1200 hrs. Session 4 1500 hrs. 1630 hrs.
Lunch Break 1200 hrs. 1330 hrs. Session 5 1630 hrs. 1800 hrs.

Phase II Lieux de reunion et horaires des
Toutes les sessions se tiendront dans I'un des bitiments suivants:
1. H6tel Vancouver (HV)
2. H6tel Georgia (GH)
3. Centre des medias de Robson Square (RS)
On trouvera dans la trousse d'inscription la listed des symposia et
leur lieu de reunion. Le programme scientifique quotidien content
egalement la liste des symposia et le lieu de reunion de chaque
Les symposia comportent tous une ou plusieurs sessions
quotidiennes. Chaque session dure une heure et demie et chaque
journee est divisee en cinq trenches:
Session 1: 9 heures 10 heures 30 Session 3: 13 heures 30 15 heures
Session II: 10 heures 30 midi Session 4: 15 heures 16 heures 30
Pause-dejeuner: midi Session 5: 16 heures 30 18 heures
13 heures 30

Program de la Fase II Lugares y Horario
Todas las Sesiones del Programa de Simposios de la Fase II se llevaran
a cabo en uno de los lugares siguientes:
1. El Hotel Vancouver (HV)
2. El Hotel Georgia (HG)
3. El Centro de Comunicaciones de la Plaza Robson
(Robson Square Media Centre)(RS)
En el Paquete de Inscripci6n se ha incluido un resume de todos los
Simposios ofrecidos, dia por dia, indicando el lugar especifico en que
se van a celebrar. Igualmente, por la duraci6n del Congreso se
indicarAn los lugares de reunion en los noticieros diaramente.
Ademds, una resefia similar de los simposios y sus correspondientes
sesiones aparece en cada uno de los Programas de Simposios diaries.
A todos los Simposios se les ha asignado una o mds sesiones
durante cada dia del Congreso. Una sesi6n represent un period de
tiempo de 1-/2 horas y cada dia se ha dividido en cinco sesiones de la
manera siguiente:
Sesi6n 1 0900 hrs.-1030 hrs. Sesi6n 3 1330 hrs.-1500 hrs.
Sesidn 2 1030 hrs.-1200 hrs. Sesi6n 4 1500 hrs.-1630 hrs.
Almuerzo 1200 hrs.-1330 hrs. Sesidn 5 1630 hrs.-1800 hrs.

Schedule / Horaire / Horario

Session 1 A-420 A-422 A-429
0900 hrs.-1030 hrs. B-021 B-058 C-006
Session 1 D-140 E-017 E-058
9 heures-10 heures 30 E-236 E-402 E-501
Sesion 1 F-048 F-250 G-113
0900 hrs.-1030 hrs. G-116 G-117

Session 2 A-420 A-422 A-429
1030 hrs.-1200 hrs. B-057 B-058 C-006
Session 2 D-140 E-017 E-058
10 heures 30-midi E-402 E-501 F-065
Sesi6n 2 G-113 G-115 G-116
1030 hrs.-1200 hrs.

Session 3 A-440 D-140 D-206
1330 hrs.-1500 hrs. E-339 F-050 F-205
Session 3 F-225 G-114 G-118
13 heures 30-15 heures H-015
Sesi6n 3
1330 hrs.-1500 hrs.

Session 4 A-426 D-206 E-241
1500 hrs.-1630 hrs. F-050 G-114 G-118
Session 4 G-120 1-015
15 heures-16 heures 30
Sesi6n 4
1500 hrs.-1630 hrs.

Session 5 E-241 F-050 G-119
1630 hrs.-1800 hrs. G-120
Session 5
16 heures 30-18 heures
Sesi6n 5
1630 hrs.-1800 hrs.

A-420-00 Anthropology and the
Media: Presentations of Feminism
Middleton-Keirn, Susan (Organizer & Chair)
California State College
\i USA
\ Cartoons and Feminism
I Hammond, J.D.
The Living Section: a Dramaturgical look at Southern Women in
the Printed Media
Howsden, J.L.
The Voice of the "Other": Stereotypes, Facts and Theories
Timm, LA.
The Facade of Feminism
Middleton-Keirn, S.

A-422-00 Sociophobics: the Science of Fear
Suton, David L. (Organizer & Chair)
State University
Flores-Meiser, Enya (Organizer & Chair)
Ball State University
SPhobias in American Culture
Schuchat, MG.
\ Walder, MG.
j-tuol. of Sociophobics among Himalayan Tribals and its Impact
\ .,n *ocialization
S Kapoor, A.K
Satwanti, K
Prasad, R.R.
Communication in Evolution: Agonia or Agora?
Quiatt, D.
Changing Profiles of Fear in the Adaptations of Urban Migrants
Middleton, Dwight

A-429-00 Anthropological Contributions
to the Understanding of Human Fertility
Nag, Moni (Organizer & Chair)
Population Council
Socio-Economic Changes and their Impact on the Acceptance of
Family Planning (Punjab)
Nag, Moni
Changes in the Economic Value of Children in the Punjab Village
S Studied by Mamdani
Nag, Moni
Kak, N.
Determinants of Caste and Religious Differential in Fertility in a
SSouth Indian Locality
Mahadevan, K
Nag, Moni
Fertility, Abortion, and Person
Abernethy, VD.K

B-021-00 Archaeology of China
Aigner, Jean (Organizer & Chair)
University of Alaska
A Mortuary Analysis of the Dawenkou Cemetery Site, Shandong,
Underhill, Anne P
Towards the Typology of Neolithic Dwellings in Hoangho Valley
Kryukov, Mikhail V
Title Unknown
Wang, S.

B-058-00 Recent Trends in Jomon Studies
Kobayashi, Tatsuo (Organizer & Chair)
Kokugakuin University
Keally, Charles T. (Discussant)
Jomon Archaeology
Kidder, J. Edward
Social Organization in the Jomon Period
Harunari, Hideji
Jomon and Yayo in World Pre-History
Sahara, M.
Development of Fishing Technique During Jomon Culture
Yamazaki, Kyomi

C-006-00 Arid Lands in
the Andes: Prehistoric and
Contemporary Land-use Patterns
Trans-Andean Trade and Site Location in Pre-Columbian Peru
Honborg, A.
Wari State Administrative Strategies (Andean Pre-history)
Anders, MB.
Ethnoarchaeology in the Andes
Vreeland, J.M.
Andean Zooarcheology
Kent, Jonathan

D-140-00 Biological Approaches
to Aging and Longevity
Crawford, M.H. (Organizer & Chair)
The University of Kansas
Beall, Cynthia M. (Organizer & Chair)
Case Western Reserve University
High Altitude, Aging and Adaptability in Nepal
Beall, Cynthia M.
Mennonite Aging, Longevity and Genetics
Crawford, M.H.
Rogers, Laurine
Demographic Aspects of Longevity in Vilacambra, Ecuador
Forman, Sylvia H.

E-017-00 New Perspectives on Rural Korea
Chang, Yunshik (Organizer & Chair)
Univ. of British Columbia
The Mode of Production in Rural Korea
Cho, Oakla
Beyond the Hamlet: a Case of Community-building
Han, Sangbok
Chang, Yunshik
The Social History of a Korean Hamlet
Kim, Chaeyun

E-058-00 Cultures of S.W. Tanzania
Park, George (Organizer & Chair)
Memorial University
Youth and Socialization in Tanzania
Anacleti, A Odhiambo
Late 19th Century Militarism in the Southern Highlands
Winans, Edgar
Report on the Sangu in Southwestern Tanzania
Walsh, Martin
Wanji Ritual Murder: Progress, Health, Enculturation, Religion,
and Ethnic Diversity among the Wanji of Tanzania
Garland, Wm.

E-236-00 Symbol and Society
in Traditional Korea
Kang, Shin-Pyo

E-402-00 Transition to the
Socialist Society of National
Minorities in People's Republic of China
Helly, Denise (Organizer & Chair)
Centre de l'Asie de l'Est
Lin, Yueh-Hwa (Organizer & Chair)
Institute of Nationality Studies
Central Academy of National Minorities
Republic of China
Regularities in the Transitional Leap to the Socialist Society
among the Minorities Retaining Remnants of the Primitive Life
Lin, Yueh-Hwa
The Influence of Slavery on the Transition of the Liangshan Yi
Nationality to the Socialist Society
Heng, Wu
The Influence of Serfdom on the Transition of the
Sipsuangbanna Dai Nationality to the Socialist Society
Song, Shu-Hua
Zhang, Gong-fin
The Process of Transition to the Socialist Society of the Miao of
Helly, Denise

E-501-00 Anthropology of Latin America
(Chair) To be Announced
Women's Informal Social Networks (Peru)
Anderson, J.
Eleurocentrismo y la Apreacion Cultural de les Groupos
Hulatos-Mestizos de Latino-America
Drummond, R.
Street Vending in Lima
Osterling, J.
Pesca Artesanaly Trabajo asalariado eu la Region Occidental de
Suarez, M.

F-048-00 Proposed Commission on
Visual Anthropology: Progress Report
Agrawal, Binod C. (Organizer & Chair)
Space Applications Centre
Anthropologist-Producer Collaboration in Television Production:
a Case Study
Agraual, Binod C.
Formative Research in Extension Programming
Bhallamudi, Syama Sundar Rao

F-250-00 Commission on Folk Law
and Legal Pluralism: Progress Report
Galanter, Marc
Chairman, I.UA.E.S. Commission on Folk Law and Legal
University of Wisconsin

G-113-00 Folk Culture in South Asia
Hoe, Ban Seng (Organizer)
National Museum of Man
Folk Cultures of the Hijidas in India
Ansari, Mohammed S
Folk Art of the Khasis and Jaintias
Baren, Hamlet
Ethno-Medicine of the Chakmas: a Tribal Buddhist Community
of Eastern India
Chaudhuri, Dulal
Folklore and Literature of Bhojpur
Gautum, Vinavshil

G-116-00 Studies of Myths and Mythologies
Clark, A. McFadyen (Organizer & Chair)
National Museum of Man
The Dynamics of Myths as a Yoruba Folk Culture
Ajuwon, Bade
Toward a Reinterpretation of the Oedipus Myth
Beynen, G. Koolemans
Mythologies locales et mythologie globales des Ameriques
Disveaux, M Emmanuel
From Myth to Literature in Brazilian Fiction: an Essay on
Zilberman, Regine

G-117-00 Folk Literature and Education
Hoe, Ban Seng (Organizer)
National Museum of Man
A Folklore Defined Curriculum in Public Education
Congdon, Kristin Goranson
Retelling and Revision in Folklore and Literature
Oppenheim, Shulamite
Writing for the Folk and the Folklorists
Reimensnyder, Barbara
The Use of Folklore in Training Social Workers
Greenbaum, Lenora Sverdlik

A-422-00 Sociophobics: the Science of Fear
Fear and Trembling: Sociophobics of the Masai
Hatfield, Colby
Fear and Shame: Parallels and Divergence in Behaviour among
Flores-Meiser, Enya
From Fear to Remorse: Culture as Conscience
Parkin, David
By Fear Possessed: the Anthropology of an Emotion
Scruton, David

A-420-00 Anthropology and the
Media: Presentations of Feminism
Researching Feminism in the American South: a Matter of
Perspectives and Perceptions
Dillman, CM.
Anthropology and the Media: Presentations of Feminism
Middleton-Keirn, S.
Television Images of Black Comediennes: a Matter of Feminism?
Washington, D.

A-429-00 Anthropological Contributions
to the Understanding of Human Fertility
Some Cultural Determinants of Fertility in Africa (with Special
Reference to Ghana)
Nukunya, Godwin K
-v> Management of the Anthropology Field Action Investigation of
Decline Fertility among the Primitive Tribes
Sircar, P.K
Current Fertility of an Indian Tribal Population: the Koya of
Ray, Ait K
Roth, Eric A.

B-057-00 Social Values of Archaeology
Jennings, Jesse E. (Organizer & Chair)
University of Utah
,Uses of the Past: Archaeology in the Service of the State
Fowler, Don D.
The Humanistic Applications of Prehistoric Archaeology
Ford, Richard
Archaeology as Anthropology Updated: an Examination of the
Social Context of a Regional Archaeological Experiment N
Potter, Parker Z
Social Values and Archaeology
Shay, T
Museums, Archaeology and the Public
King, Mary Elizabeth



B-058-00 Recent Trends in Jomon Studies
Analysis ofJomon Coprolites
Chiura, Michiko
Keally, Charles T
Age Estimation of Excavated Specimens of the Ryukyu Wild Boar
Nishimura, S.
Kato, M.
Hunting Pressure Based on Age Composition by Cement Annuli
of Excavated Deer Teeth
Koike, H

C-006-00 Arid Lands in
the Andes: Prehistoric and
Contemporary Land-use Patterns
Andean Prehistory
Onuki, Y
La presevacion de sitio arqueologies en la Republican Argentina
Pelissero, NA
Secuencia de explotacion de recursos en desierto Chileno:
desarrollo y colapso agrario en Tarapaca
Atencio, Lautaro Nunez

D-140-00 Biological Approaches
to Aging and Longevity
Aging and Sensory Polymorphisms
Koertvelyessy, Tibor A.
Longevity and Health in Vilcabamba, Ecuador
Mazess, Richard B.
The Biology of Aging Some Insights from an Inuit Population
Shephard, RoyJ.
Age-Sex Interactions in the Blood Chemistry of the Mennonites
Sirijaraya, Sueb-Sak
Crawford, M.H.

E-017-00 New Perspectives on Rural Korea
Three Decades of Change: Six Hamlets Revisited
Lee, Man-Gap
Agricultural Development in North Korea (with special
reference to Agricultural Communes)
Moon, Seunggyu
The Hamlet and Peasant Market Movement
Chang, Yunshik
Korean Minority in Japan
Lee, Kwang-Kyu
Conflict and Harmony: the Basic Structure of Korean Culture
Lee, Kwang-Kyu

E-058-00 Cultures of S.W. Tanzania
Aspects of Dispute Settlement among the Hyika of Southwestern
Slater, Mariam
Bush, Court and Regional Relativity: Kinga Social Organization
Park, George
A Linguistic View of Differences between Communities in
Southwestern Tanzania
Nurse, Derek

E-402-00 Transition to the
Socialist Society of National
Minorities in People's Republic of China
Ethnic Process in China: the Hui (Chinese Speaking Muslims) as
Case Study
Pillsbury, B.L.K
Conflits Ethniques au Xinjiang: le cas des Uygurs et des Kazakhs,
Helly, Denise
An Examination of National Minority Policy in Inner Mongolia
Autonomous Region, PR.C.
Daniels, Douglas E

E-501-00 Anthropology of Latin America
El Oriente Bolivians
Riester, J.
The Structure of Decision-making: Comparative Examples from
Mesoamerica and Mesopotamia
Whalen, M.
Mesoamerican Settlement Patterns: a Catalogue of Maps and
Schavelzon, Daniel
The Lowland Shuar Indians of Eastern Ecuador
Carlson, Jons Erik
Acculturation in a Small Town in Argentina
Unger, Susana De
Prado, M.A.
Estrategias de vida en dos zonas del Norte arido de Chile
Castro Lucic, Milka Slavia
The State of Anthropology in Argentina
Hirsch, S.M. S a .

F-065-00 Anthropology and its Role S
in Power Decision-making in the Third World
Zamora, Mario D. (Organizer & Chair) Z
College of William and Mary 9
National Planning from the Anthropology: Two Views
Fabregt, CE.
Ideology and World Politics: the Role of Islam in International
Hasan, Ashraful r
Oracion: Anthropological Career, Politics and Bureaucracy in
Phillipine Society
Zamora, Mario D.

G-113-00 Folk Culture in South Asia
Saroi Khangba; a Propitiation Rite of the Meiteis
Singh, Irom Babu
Folklore, Folklife and Culture of Matriarchal Hill Tribe of
Nawaz, A.
Religion, Festivals and Magic among the Valayar of South India
Setty, D.E.
Devadisi: a Girl Dedicated to God, with Special Reference to the
Yellamma Cult of Saundatt
Hiremath, R. sLi,' in. a

G-115-00 Proverb and Riddle Studies
Mishler, Craig (Organizer & Chair)
Riddles of the Bhils
Bhuriya, Mathias Fr
Proverbs and Fertility in Bangladesh
Haque, Abu Saeed Zahurul
Of Bears and Women: a Gwich' in Athapaskan Men's Riddle
Mishler, Craig
Riddles in Castile: Definitions for Challenge
Maillo, H.M. Vellasco
Honorio, Manuel

G-116-00 Studies of Myths and Mythologies
A World of Myths and Legnds Inspired by Bamboo
Soderstrom, Thomas R.
Jamison, Ruth B.
Mythology as Political Legitimization: the Oblate Missionaries
and the Squamish Indians, 1850-1880
Easton, N. Alexander

A-440-00 New Forms of Industrialization in
Latin America and Asia: Global Production on a
World Scale (Report from the Pre-congress)
McGee, T.G. (Organizer & Chair)
University of British Columbia
Fernandez, Kelly M. Patricia
University of California (San Diego)
Safa, Helen I.
University of Florida

D-140-00 Biological Approaches
to Aging and Longevity
Neuromuscular Performance and Aging: a Path Analytic
Devor, EJ.
Reproductive Span and Inbreeding
Moore, MJ.

D-206-00 Contributed
Papers: Population Biology
Lefevre-Witier, Philippe (Organizer & Chair)
Centre National de la Recherch
Biological and Demographic Characteristics of Third World
Migrants: Mexican Case Study
Crawford, MH.
PTC. Taste Threshold amongJangams and Panchamsalis of
Angadi, Makal Hemappa
Placental Alkaline Phosphatase Variation: a Qualitative, cum
Quantitative Approach
Balgir, Praveen Pal
Bansal, Inderjit Singh
Conclusions and Consequences of IBP/HA Behavioural
Research in Circumpolar Populations
Forsius, H.

S '-O0 Family Structures and
apational Opportunities: Women
migrants in an Urban Setting
Gilad, Lisa (Organizer & Chair)
Research and Planning Unit
Domestic Structures and Work Force Participation Among
Portuguese and Colombian Women in Montreal
Meintel, Dierdre
f Labelle, Micheline
Women, Work and the Family in Industrializing Singapore
Salaff J W
Wong, A.K
Changes in the Conjugal Relationship: Jewish Yemeni
Immigrants in Israel
Gilad, Lisa

F-050-00 Developments in Scholarly Serials
Publishing: their Relevance for Anthropology
Sponsored by: International Association of Anthropology Editors
Belshaw, Cyril S. (Organizer)
University of British Columbia
Bernard, Russel (Chair)
Dike, Azuka (Chair)
Benthall, Jonathon (Chair)
Scale, Economics and Sources of Income
Kaufmann, William
Interrelations and Comparisons between Journals of Review and
of Primary Data
Murray, R.G.E.
Comparative Viability of Local and Specialty Journals
Balahan, M.
Rationalization between Competing Journals Experience in
European Biology
Steffan, A.W

F-205-00 International Social Science
Council; Interdisciplinary Symposium
Sponsored by: International Social Science Council of UNESCO.
Chair and Moderator: To be Announced

m F-225-00 Public Education and
2 Anthropology: the Future of the Educational
I Foundation for Anthropology and the Public -
Sa Discussion and Report
9 Butedahl, Knute (Chair)
a Participants will include Anthropologists and Educators.

G-114-00 Folksong Studies
Mills, Isabelle (Organizer & Chair)
Social Consciousness and Sense of Protest Reflected in Folk
Songs of West Bengal
Bhattacharyya, Gauri
Folksongs of the Bhils
Bhuriya, Mathias Fr.
The Flute of the Canadian Amerindian
Conlon, Paul
Morphological Analysis of a Bengali Folksong
Islam, Mazharal

G-118-00 Folk Model,
Narrative Style and Symbolism
Hoe, Ban Seng (Organizer & Chair)
National Museum of Man
Folklore Folk Model
Claus, Peter
A Polythetic-Prototype Approach to Folk Narrative Versus
Formalism and Structuralism
Ferro-Luzzi, Gabrielle E
Les forms de la tradition orale, exploitation et presentation
Girard, Jean
Organizational Symbolism, Folkloristics and Organization
Jones, Michael Owen

H-015-00 Linguistic Work in
Native American Communities
Yamamoto, Akira Y. (Organizer & Chair)
University of Kansas
New Institutional Directions in Native American Liguistics
Golla, Victor
The Role of a Field Linguist in a Maricopa Language Project
Manuel-Dupont, Sonia
Action Linguistics: Hualapai Bilingual/Bicultural Education
Watahomigie, LucilleJ
Powskey, Malinda
Yamamoto, Akira Y
Literacy Education in Papago: the Role of the Native Linguist
Zepeda, Ofelia

1 --00 Anthropology in
United Nations System
Ahur, Hari Mohan (Organizer & Chair)
Ministry of Home Affairs
Pitt, David (Organizer & Chair)
World Health Organization
Sustaining Agricultural Development: Differential Consequences
of the Papaloapan Project (Mexico) for the Second Generation
Partidge, WL.
SThe Use of Anthropologists in the U.N. System
SVierich, H.
Widstrand, C
W Development Anthropology and Project Implementation
Mathur, Hari Mohan
Qualitative Research and Primary Health Care
justice, Judith Anne
cultural Assumptions Underlying the U.N. System
altung, John
Development Anthropology and Project Implementation
Epstein, T Scarlett
SU.N., Development and Anthropology
Dube, S.C

D-206-00 Contributed
Papers: Population Biology

Costs and Benefits of Performance Studies
Shephard, RJ.

San Inuit

Bioanthropological Studies in Developing Populations
Lefevre-Witier, Ph.
Sociobiological Study on Japanese Isolates
Fujiki, N and
Mano, K
A Genetic Study among the Bedouins and Transjordanians of
Saha, N
Ricerche Emotipologiche in Costa d'Avorio
Corrain, Cleto

E-241-00 Race Relations Research
and the Media
Troyna, B. (Organizer & Chair)
St. Peters College
United Kingdom
Jenkins, R. (Organizer & Chair)
St. Peters College
United Kingdom
The Education of Political Consumers: Getting at Prejudice
Benthall, J.
The Development of Ethnic Minority Controlled or Oriented
Morrison, L.
Television in a Multi-Racial Society
Anwar, M.
Land Rights and Dingoes: the Production of Cultural
Craik, J.

F-050-00 Developments in Scholarly Serials
Publishing: their Relevance for Anthropology
Modular Approaches to Specialty Journals
Relman, A.
Computer Storage Replacement of Printed Serials
Lineback, R.
Refereeing by Computer
Adams, Peter

G-114-00 Folksong Studies
Les elements dans le domaine de las musique religeuse
populaire des Andes central
Gruszczynska, Ziolkowska
Santal Melodies: a Search for Class Focus
Prasad, Onkar
Social Function of Five Shongana-Tsonga Dance Styles
Johnston, Thomas F
Functions of American Negro and Japanese Worksongs
Saito, Kay Kazue
Les instruments musical populaires au Romania
Cica, Vasile

G-118-00 Folk Model,
Narrative Style and Symbolism
Narrative Style and Cultural Meaning in Native American Oral
Toelken, Barre

G-120-00 Folk Culture in the United States
Clark, A. McFadyen (Organizer & Chair)
National Museum of Man
Folklore Among Modern Grain Farmers
Kuehne, HerbertJ.
The Influence of the Southern Nevada and Southern Utah
Folklore upon the Writing of Dr. Juanita Brooks and
Dr. Leroy R Hafen
Hardy, Pansy L.
Franco-American Oral Tradition in New England
Lane, Brigitte
Collecting Rural Ethnography from a Vermont Farm Family
Ott, Eleanor A.

H-015-00 Linguistic Work in
Native American Communities
Plural Markers in the Mayan Languages
Frankle, E.

E-241-00 Race Relations Research
and the Media
Anthropological Film on Television
Beeton, T
'The Development of Research into Race and the Media in the
Halloran, J.D.
The Product Being Sold is Racial Harmony: a Case Study in
Social Advertising and Race Relations
Troyna, B.

F-050-00 Developments in Scholarly Serials
Publishing: their Relevance for Anthropology
Standards of Scientific Writing
Zeiger, Mimi
Special Concerns of Third World Journals
Camino, A
Equity and Standards of International Input
Johnston, FE.
Problems of International Distribution
MacInlyre, R.L.
The Potential Use of Amateur Films in Anthropological Research
Husmann, R.

G-119-00 Folklore Studies
Hoe, Ban Seng (Organizer & Chair)
National Museum of Man
Creative Art: its Role in Anthropological Studies
Bareh, Hamlet
The Folklore of Cremation
Neuall, Venetia, J.
Pottery and Religion in Hungary
Kresz, Maria

G-120-00 Folk Culture in the United States
Execution and Application of Research in Development of
Programs on Black American Culture for Lay Public; the African
Diaspora Program of the Festival of American Folklife, 1972-1976;
and Voices of the Civil Rights Movement from 1978 to Present
Reagon, Bernice Johnson
Folklife and Public Policy in Louisiana
Spitzen, Nicholas R.
Italian Folk Traditions in L.S.A.: an Analysis with a Different
Perspective Z
Pinsky, C 2
Playing for Real: Representations of the "Real World" of the 4
Audience in the Sport/Theatre of American Professional
Potter, Parker B.




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XI ICAES Programme Committee
XI CISAE Comite du programme

XI CICAE Comite Programa

Dr. Richard Salisbury
McGill University

Dr. Yvan Simonis
University Laval

Dr. Richard Pearson
University of British

Dr. David Pokotylo
University of British

Dr. EmbkeJ.E. Szathmary
McMaster University

Dr Sally Weaver
University of Waterloo

Dr. Ban Seng Hoe
National Museum of Man/
Mus6e de 1'Homme (Ottawa)

Dr. Henrietta Cedergren
University du Quebec

(F) Special Sessions and Interdisciplinary
Topics/Sessions specials et sujets
interdisciplinaires/Sesiones Especiales y
T6picos Interdisciplinaros

(A) Anthropological Theory; Applied
Anthropology/Thdorie anthropolo-
gique; anthropologie appliquee/Teoria
Antropol6gica; Antropologia Aplicada

(B) World Archaeology/
Arch6ologie mondiale/
Arqueologia Mundail

(C) Archaeology of the Americas/
Archeologie des Ameriques/
Arqueologia de las Americas

(D) Biological Anthropology/Anthropologie
biologique/Antropologia Bi6logica

(E) Social and Cultural Anthro-
pology; Museums/Anthropologie social
et culturelle; Mus6es/Antropologia
Social y Cultural; Museos

(G) Folklore and Folk Culture/Folklore et
culture populaire/Folklore y Cultura

(H) Linguistics/Linguistique/Lingiiistica

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