Front Cover
 Programme committee

Title: XI International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences : Phase II (Vancouver) August 20-25, 1983 Program brochures
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00083835/00007
 Material Information
Title: XI International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences : Phase II (Vancouver) August 20-25, 1983 Program brochures
Series Title: XI International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences : Phase II (Vancouver) August 20-25, 1983 Program brochures
Physical Description: Book
Language: English
Creator: International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (11th : 1983 : Vancouver, B.C.)
Publisher: International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences
Publication Date: 1983
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00083835
Volume ID: VID00007
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Table of Contents
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    Programme committee
        Page 24
Full Text

Symposia Prgrmm

PIrogramme scientifiqu
I ,grmaci'n de Simpoi,

Phase II (Vancouver)
August 20-25

CANADA 1983 Phase II (Vancouver)
20-25 aout

Fase II (Vancouver)
agosto 20-25

Wednesday, August 24

Mercredi 24 aouit

Miercoles, 24 de agosto

Phase II Programme Venue and Schedule
All Symposia Programme Sessions will take place in one of the
following locations:
1. Hotel Vancouver (HV)
2. Georgia Hotel (GH)
3. Robson Square Media Center (RS)
A daily summary of all Symposia and their specific location is included
in the Registration Package. Location summaries will also be posted for
each day of the Congress. A similar summary of Symposia and their
session allocation is included with each daily Symposia Programme.
All Symposia have been assigned to one or more sessions during
each day of the Congress. A session represents 11/2 hours of time and
each day is divided into five session time slots as follows:
Session 1 0900 hrs. 1030 hrs. Session 3 1330 hrs. 1500 hrs.
Session 2 1030 hrs. 1200 hrs. Session 4 1500 hrs. 1630 hrs.
Lunch Break 1200 hrs. 1330 hrs. Session 5 1630 hrs. 1800 hrs.

Phase II Lieux de reunion et horaires des
Toutes les sessions se tiendront dans I'un des bAtiments suivants:
1. H6tel Vancouver (HV)
2. H6tel Georgia (GH)
3. Centre des m6dias de Robson Square (RS)
On trouvera dans la trousse d'inscription la liste des symposia et
leur lieu de reunion. Le programme scientifique quotidien content
6galement la liste des symposia et le lieu de reunion de chaque
Les symposia comportent tous une ou plusieurs sessions
quotidiennes. Chaque session dure une heure et demie et chaque
journ6e est divis6e en cinq trenches:
Session I: 9 heures 10 heures 30 Session 3: 13 heures 30 15 heures
Session 11: 10 heures 30 midi Session 4:15 heures 16 heures 30
Pause-dejeuner: midi Session 5: 16 heures 30 18 heures
13 e heures 30

Program de la Fase II Lugares y Horario
Todas las Sesiones del Programa de Simposios de la Fase II se llevarAn
a cabo en uno de los lugares siguientes:
1. El Hotel Vancouver (HV)
2. El Hotel Georgia (HG)
3. El Centro de Comunicaciones de la Plaza Robson
(Robson Square Media Centre)(RS)
En el Paquete de Inscripci6n se ha incluido un resume de todos los
Simposios ofrecidos, dia por dia, indicando el lugar especifico en que
se van a celebrar. Igualmente, por la duraci6n del Congreso se
indicarin los lugares de reuni6n en los noticieros diaramente.
Ademas, una resefia similar de los simposios y sus correspondientes
sesiones aparece en cada uno de los Programas de Simposios diaries.
A todos los Simposios se les ha asignado una o mds sesiones
durante cada dia del Congreso. Una sesi6n represent un period de
tiempo de 1-/2 horas y cada dia se ha dividido en cinco sesiones de la
manera siguiente:
Sesi6n 1 0900 hrs.-1030 hrs. Almuerzo 1200 hrs.-1330 hrs.
Sesi6n 2 1030 hrs.-1200 hrs. Sesi6n 3 1330 hrs.-1500 hrs.
Sesi6n 4 1500 hrs.-1630 hrs.
2 Sesi6n 5- 1630 hrs.-1800 hrs.

Schedule / Horaire / Horario

Session 1
0900 hrs.-1030 hrs.
Session I
9 heures-10 heures 30
Sesion 1
0900 hrs.-1030 hrs.

Session 2
1030 hrs.-1200 hrs.
Session 2
10 heures 30-midi
Sesi6n 2
1030 hrs.-1200 hrs.

Session 3
1330 hrs.-1500 hrs.
Session 3
13 heures 30-15 heures
Sesi6n 3
1330 hrs.-1500 hrs.

Session 4
15 hrs.-1630 hrs.
Session 4
15 heures-16 heures 30
Sesi6n 4
1500 hrs.-1630 hrs.

Session 5
1630 hrs.-1800 hrs.
Session 5
10 heures 30-18 heures
Sesi6n 5
1630 hrs.-1800 hrs.

A-140 A-415 A-433
B-049 B-055 C-006
C-106 D-111 E-026
E-029 E-041 E-500
F-201 G-037 G-111

A-140 A-415 A-433
B-055 B-070 C-006
C-106 D-103 D-111
E-026 E-029 E-041
E-500 F-061 F-103
G-039 G-111

A-415 A-416 B-007
B-055 B-070 C-006
C-031 C-108 D-103
D-111 D-204 E-026
E-029 E-046 E-500
F-061 F-118 F-215
G-100 G-110 H-021

A-416 A-445 B-007
B-070 C-006 C-031
C-108 D-103 D-204
E-026 E-029 E-046
F-061 F-109 F-206
G-100 G-110 G-112

A-416 A-441 A-445
B-007 B-070 C-006
C-031 C-108 D-003
D-204 E-140 F-209
F-210 G-110

A-140-00 The Insiders Versus the
Outsiders in the Understanding of Cultures
Selvaratnam, V. (Organizer & Chair)
Regional Inst. of Higher Education and Development
Srinivas, M.N. (Organizer & Chair)
The Indigenous Anthropologist in a Many Sided Society
Shah, AM
Insiders Versus Outsiders
Srinivas, M.N
An Inside View of Plantation Culture: a Case Study of Malaysia
Sevaratnam; V
Cultural Implications of the 'Problem' of Japanese Overseas
Schools and Returning Children
Ehuchi, Kazukimi
A-415-00 Third World Anthropology
r Sponsored by: Association of Third World Anthropologists
2)0 Zamora, Mario D. (Organizer & Chair)
College of William and Mary
Fred Eggan: His Career and Contributions to Philippine and
Third World Anthropology
Zamora, Mario D.
A Path Analysis of Problem-Solving in the Organization of
Teyyam Ceremonies
Holloman, R.
SWomen in Southeast Africa: Tradition and Transition
Ojeda, AB.
Anthropology and Third World Knowledge Systems
Kurin, R.
A-433-00 Anthropology and Development:
New Approaches in Mexican Research
-- Arizpe, Lourdes (Organizer & Chair)
Institute of Development Studies
The Role of Small-Scale Industry in Regional Development
ea, Dr Guillemo De La
A Reappraisal of Political Anthropology in Mexico
Fabregas, Andres
Culture, Power and Structure of the Mexican Workers'
Tagle, Silvia Gomez
La Cultura Obrera en Mexico como movimiento de resistencia
SNovelo, Victoria
SB-049-00 Ecology and Lifeways
Sof the Paleolithic Period
SSohn, Powkey (Organizer & Chair)
Z Korea
SAn Attempt to Re-construct the Life of Paleolithic Early Man in
M Korea
Sohn, PK
SAn Acheulian Site in Saudi Arabia
SWhalen, N.
SWooden Artifacts from Torralba and Ambrona, Spain
S Harrold, F

B-055-00 The Relevance of Archaeology in
Africa: Contributions from Later Prehistory
to our Understanding of Contemporary Issues
Masao, Fidel T. (Organizer & Chair)
National Museum
Livestock Herding and Land-use in East Africa: Contemporary
and Prehistoric Adaptations
Bower, John R.F
Patterns of Racial Admixtures in South Africa: Osteological
Evidence from the Northeastern Cape Province
Morris, Alan G.
Description and Analysis of Moba Potery from Tyfmu
Ledgeshelter, Northern Togo
Swartz, B.K
Pounding and Grinding: Food Processing in West African
Hill, M.H.
C-006-00 Arid Lands in
the Andes: Prehistoric and
Contemporary Land-use Patterns
Browman, David L. (Organizer & Chair)
Washington University
Uncertainty in the Andes: Environment Change and Land Use
Druss, Mark
Early Prehistoric Water Management in Coastal Peru: Huertas
Benfer RA.
Weir, G.H.
Ojeda, Bernardino
Agriculture Precolombia en las Hoyas de Chilca, Costa Central
del Peru
Ojeda, Bernardino
The Management of Arid Lands in Precolombian Peru
Antunez de Mayolo, Santiago

C-106-00 Archaeology in Arctic North America
Titus, Larry W. (Organizer & Chair)
Simon Fraser University
Oral History and Archaeological Research in Alaska
Arundale, Wendy
Dating and the Origins of Earliest Eastern Eskimo Cultures
Stewart, H. -
The Western Arctic Coast, AD. 1600 to 1930 the Archaeology Z
of Acculturation
Titus, L.
Recent Archaeological Excavations at Katmai a Very Public
Shields, Harvey



S D-111-00 Household Focus
in Nutritional Anthropology
Scrimshaw, Mary W. (Organizer & Chair)
Mass. Inst. of Technology
Ritenbaugh, C. (Organizer & Chair)
University of Arizona
The Household Focus in Nutritional Anthropology
SMesser, Ellen
Nutri*nal Strategies in Agrarian Households in Southern
\ YiJfDewalt, *I ?
SAttitudes ad Practices of Nutrition and Health by Household:
Indicators o ocio-economic Status in Eastern Honduras
Kendall, Carl
SFoote, Dennis R.
Martorell, Raynaldo
Valores culturales y cumplimiento de roles en families con
Alvarez, Maria De La Luz

E-026-00 Material Anthropology
Stott, Margaret (Organizer & Chair)
Museum of Anthropology
University of British Columbia
Reynolds, Barrie (Organizer & Chair)
James Cook University of North Queensland
SPriorities in Material Anthropology
Reynolds, Bame
The Determination of Significance in Ethnological Perspectives
of Material Culture
Nason, J.D.
Beyond Symbols and Art: Approaches to Ethnographic Material
Newton, D.
Out of the Garden: the Study of Art in Contemporary Society
Inglis, SR.

E-029-00 Participacion Indigena
en America Latina (Indigenous
Participation in Latin America)
SHeinen, H. Dieter (Organizer & Chair)
SDepartamento de Antropologia
SKoehler, Ulrich (Organizer & Chair)
SSeminar Fuer Voelkerkunde
Z Germany
O Seijas, Haydee (Organizer & Chair)
E Venezuela
; Participatory Research in Indigenous Areas of Venezuela
Z Heinen, H. Dieter
2 Indigenous Participation in Census-taking: the Experience of the
n 1981/1982 Venezuelan Census
SHeinen, H. Dieter

Censo y desarrollo Indigena en Venezuela
Clarac, GM.
Las eaci, Los Proindea y la Antogestion Indigena en Venzuela
Clarac, G.M.

E-500-00 North American Indians and Inuit
(Chair) To be Announced
Relations entire Amerindiens et Francais et Nouvelle France
Delage, D.
The Work of Libave, an Apache Clown
Farrer, C.R.
Alaskan Eskimos and Rural Education
Johnston, T.
Hopi Indian Medicine and the Ihs
Grant, R.

E-041-00 Ethnicity and Nationalism in Spain
Veiga, Ubaldo Martinez (Organizer & Chair)
Urban Nomadism: Jews in the Catalan Lands
Fernandez-Martorell, Mercedes
Como se ve afectada la identidad etnica por el turismo en
algunos pueblos de la Sierra de Madrid
Salvatierra, PilarJimeno
Etnicidad y Nacionalismo en Catalunyaa
Pujadas, J.J
Comas, D.
Etnicidad y Nacionalismo en Canarias (Espana)
Alberto, G.
Fernando, E.

F-201-00 The Role of Social Factors
in Contemporary Ethnic Processes
Social Factors in the Emergence of a Shared Identity in a Multi-
Ethnic State
Burg, Steven
The Influence of Economic Inequality upon Ethnic Processes
Connor, Walker
Title Unknown
Sugar, Peter
Tribalism is Ethnic Process: a Kurdish Example
Yalcin, Lale
Patron-Clients and Ethnic Nationalists in Southern Europe
Heiberg, Marianne
Social Integration of East Indians in Trinidad
Sharma, Shailas Nath
Modern Ethnocultural Processes: a Historical Ethnographic Study
of West Kenya
Odak, Osaga

G-037-00 Mesoamerican Oral Literature
Methods of Textual Analysis
Mendez-Dominguez, Alfredo (Organizer & Chair)
Universidad del valle de guatemala
The Flying Blackman in Highland Chiapas and Beyond New
Perspectives from the Northern Tzotzil Area
Kobler, Ulrich
Notes on the Comparison and Evolution of Maya Religious
Mendez-Dominguez, Alfredo
La Bomba, etude d'un aspect de la literature orale dans le
Ojeda, Fernando L.
Mythoanalysis of a Maya Text
Preuss, Mary H.
G-111-00 Some Aspects of
z European and British Folklore
SMorris Richard R. (Organizer & Chair)
SOral Narrative Tradition of Rathlin Island
Z Ballard, Linda M.
SThe Serge of Derry (Ulster Folk Culture)
M Buckley, Anthony D.
Types de heros populaires dans la poesie epique orale
Z Musalmane des Slaves du Sud
0 Buturovic, Djenana
SRussian Old Believers
SKuzmina, L.P

A-140-00 The Insiders Versus the
Outsiders in the Understanding of Cultures
An Anthropological Discourse on the Exotic
Foster, S.

% A-415-00 Third World Anthropology
Religious and Philosophical Impediments to Social Change: the
SNew Morality in Recent Bengali Fiction
Granoff, E.
Ethnographic Theory and Methodology, and the Third World
l Pillai, A.KB.
The Third World: Obsolescence of a Concept and Suggested
Z Reconceptualization
SNimbark, A.
S,-.,Anthropology in Nigeria: the Future Direction
8-'Andah, B.W

A-433-00 Anthropology and Development:
New Approaches in Mexican Research
Cuestion etnica y luchas political
Polanco, Hector Diaz
La investigation anthropologica; el Indigenismo y el Estado
Baez, Jorge Felix
La formacion Antropologica de los Indios en Mexico en los
Reyes, Luis
La practice arqueologica y la investigation cientifica en Mexico
Nalda, Enrique

B-055-00 The Relevance of Archaeology in
Africa: Contributions from Later Prehistory
to our Understanding of Contemporary Issues
The Pastoral Neolithic in Central Tanzania Later Stone Age
Masao, FT
Pre-history in Eastern Africa
Zarattini, S.
Trade and Technology at Early Iron-Age Jenne-Jeno, Mali
Mclntosh, S.
Towards Ethnographic Interpretation of Schematic Rock Art in
East Africa
Odak, Osaga

B-070-00 Topics in Old World Archaeology
Pearson, Richard (Organizer & Chair)
University of B.C. Campus
Nomadic Civilization of Eurasia of the First Millennium A.D.
Martinov, A.
New Light on the Neolothic of Somalia
Brandt, S.
As An International Big Game Hunter, Ice is no Obstacle for
Game or Man in the Pleistocene
Wilson, W
Human Relationships from an Archaeological Perspective
Haley, S.
C-006-00 Arid Lands in
the Andes: Prehistoric and
Contemporary Land-use Patterns
Cultivos de Segano
Farfan, Jorge Sanchez
Pre-historic and Contemporary Land Use Patterns in the
South-Central Highlands of Peru
Schreiber, KatharinaJ.
Typology and Chronological Sequence of Ground Stone
Implements in the Andean Formative
Kano, Chiaki
An Assessment of Ancient and Modern Irrigation Practices on the
North Coast of Peru
Eling, Herbert

C-106-00 Archaeology in Arctic North America
Archaeology Survey in Alaska: a Review of its Status and
Stern, Richard
'Coop Project': une experience d'enseignment sur le terrain en
archeologie parmi un group d'Inuit
Le Mouel, J.

D-103-00 Aspects of the
Population Biology of India
Roth, Eric (Organizer & Chair)
University of Victoria
Fertility Pattern and Some Associated Factors: a Study on Slum
Sen, Tulika
Basu, Banya
Population Biology of Chotanagpur Tribes
Sharma, P Dash
Rare Variants are Useful for the Ethnic Characterisation of Indian
Mukherjee, B.
Title Unknown
Bhanu'ar, AS.

/ -D-111-00 Household Focus
Nutritional Anthropology
Household Income, Women's Work, and Dietary Adequacy
Baer, Roberta
S Wong, Pablo
All in the Family: Intra-household Food Distribution
Pelto, Gretel H.
Food, Fuel and the "Hungry Season" in Lesotho
Huss-Ashmore, Rebecca
Taro or Rice?: Household Influences on the Diet of Samoan
Bindon, James R.

-026-00 Material Anthropology
Revealing Northwest Coast Indian Design
McLennan, B.B.
Visual Categories and Ethnic Identity: the Symbolism of Kayabi
Indian Basketry Patterns, Mato Grosso, Brazil
Ribeiro, Berta G.
Flow Charts as an aid to the Symmetry Classification of Patterned
N Washburn, D.K
Crowe, D.W
S Resin Technology in the Malesian Forest
m Gianno, Rosemary

z E-029-00 Participacion Indigena
en America Latina (Indigenous
SParticipation in Latin America)
Z El censo Hoti de 1982 y alqunas de sus implicaciones
0 socioculturales
Coppens, W


Yanomami Demography and Village Displacements
Good, K
Economic Survival in the Delta Amacuro: the Case of the
Guacajarita Warao
Hayes-Latimer, KG.
E-041-00 Ethnicity and Nationalism in Spain
Dependence, Migration and Ethnonationalism: the Case of
Veiga, Ubaldo Martinez
Morcillo, Juan
Ethnogenesis, Ecology & the State: the Case of the Maragateria
Maquieira, V
Veiga, Ubaldo Martinez
The Apostle "Santiago" Symbol of Alician Nationalism
Moreno-Feliu, P
Maquieira, V

E-500-00 North American Indians and Inuit
Marcel Mauss and Theories on Tlingit Indian Art
Jonaitis, Aldona
Tlingit Potlatch: Living Ancestor
Franck, Elizabeth A.
Historical Changes in Alcohol Use among Great Lakes
Waddel, J.
Educational Aspirations and Achievement among Cree Indians
on the West Coast of James Bay, Ontario, Canada
Molohol, Kathryn T

F-061-00 The Use and Abuse of
Social Science Concepts in the Public Media
Sponsored by: International Social Science Council
Belshaw, Cyril S. (Organizer)
University of British Columbia
Riggs, Fred W. (Chair)
University of Hawaii
Smith, Robert (Discussant)
University of British Columbia
Richardson, Jacques (Discussant)
Social Science and the Media: Crossing the Boundaries
Abbott, Max W
Use and Abuse of Studies on the Political Impacts of Mass
Communication in the West German Mass Media 0
Schatz, HJ.

F-103-00 Commission on
Futurology: Progress Report
Burman, B.K. Roy
Chairman Futurology Commission (IUAES)
Council for Social Development
India 5


G-039-00 Religion et Folklore
dans les Societes des Minorities
Nationales au Canada et Ailleurs
Loukatos, Demetrios (Organizer & Chair)
Religion et Folklore des minorities ethniques dan les pays de
leur emigration: le cas de Tethnie' hellenique au Canada
Loukatos, Demetrios
The Case of the Hellenic Ethnicity in (Oxford) England
Chryssanthopouloy, Vassiliki
Title Unknown
Loukatos, Sotirios

z G-111-00 Some Aspects of
? European and British Folklore
Caveats on a Religious Rite; the Role of Informal Dispensations
Among Russian Old Believers
Z Morris, Richard A.
S Balkan Folk Culture
Roth, Juliana
Old Russian Elements in the Traditional Culture of the Ukranian
Z Carpathians
2 Goshko, G.
SPublic Social Dance in European Cities Today
t Taylor, Bruce

A-415-00 Third World Anthropology
Teaching and Research Anthropology in Third World Countries
Sinha, A.P
La Co-operation Scientifique avec les Pays de Tiers Monde desus
les different domaines de lanthropologie
Perrois, L
Indian Anthropology: Theory and Practice
Singh, B.
Joseph B. Casagrande and Third World Anthropology
Salamone, Frank
Mechanization, Labor Employment and Poverty: a Phillipine Case
Lopez-Gonzaga, Violeta

A-416-00 Anthropology and
International Diplomacy
Zamora, Mario D. (Organizer & Chair)
n College of William and Mary
SSingh, Indera P. (Discussant)
S International Law and Cultural .\A-hi r..p. ..
SFritz, K
Language, Culture, and Diplomacy: a Perspective
SOjeda, AB.
S Consensus Management: Ethnographic Observations on
Discourse in Intractable-problem Solving
Z Thomas, L.L.
Assessment of Health Care needs in the Marshall Islands: the
Socio-Cultural Dimensions
Haddad, A.A.

B-007-00 Recent Advances in Pacific Prehistory
Ayres, William S. (Organizer & Chair)
University of Oregon
Recent Advances in Micronesian Prehistory
Craib, John L.
Cultural Sequences from the Southeast Solomons to New
Caledonia: a Preliminary Overview
Green, Roger C.
An Early Decorated Ware from Guam, Mariana Islands
Montvel-Cohen, Marvin
Craib, John
Contextual Analysis of Pacific Island Petroglyphs
Rolett, Barry

B-055-00 The Relevance of Archaeology in
Africa: Contributions from Later Prehistory
to our Understanding of Contemporary Issues
Anthropological Education and National Consolidation of
Sub-Saharan African Countries
Odak, Osaga

B-070-00 Topics in Old World Archaeology
Culture et abrasiou detaire: donnees receuter en Prehistoire
Puech, P
Stonehenge: a Winter Solstice
Hartung, J.
Ceramic Tradition in Palestine
Glock, AE
Early Urbanism in Fars Province, Iran
Sumner, W

C-006-00 Arid Lands in
the Andes: Prehistoric and
Contemporary Land-use Patterns
Utilizacion argicola de tierras altas de la Puna por Medio del
cultivo en Qocha
Flores-Ochoa, Jorge A.
The Burning Bush: T'ola Extraction in the Altiplano of Bolivia
West, Terry L.
Economy, Ecology and Population: Recent Changes in Peruvian
Aymara Land Use Patterns
Brown, Paul F
On the Potential for Intensification ofAgro-pastorialism in the Z
Arid Zones of the Central Andes
Guillet, David



C-031-00 International Rock Art Studies
Nordblah, Jarl (Organizer & Chair)
University of Gothenberg
The Position of Rock Art along the Karakorum Highway
Dani, AH.
Valcumonica Rock Art, or Methods of Recording Rock Art
De Simoes, Abreau M.
Rock Art Studies in Italy and their Association with the
Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences
Simonds, E.C
Glyphs and Space, with Reference to the Petroglyphs of Kville
Hundred, County of Bohuslan, Sweden
Nordblah, J.

C-108-00 Archaeology
in Eastern North America
Lepionka, Larry (Organizer & Chair)
The Archaeology of Sea Level Change: Holocene South Carolina
Lepionka, L.
Late Pleistocene: Early Archaic Occupation of the Glacial Lake
Nicholas, G.P
Late Woodland and Oneata Settlement Patterns in the Upper
Mississippi Valley
Penman, J.
Early French Acadian Archaeology in Maine
Faulkner, A

D-103-00 Aspects of the
Population Biology of India
Correlation of Stature, Weight, Permanent Teeth and
Chronological Age in Punjabi Children in Chandigarh
Kaul, S.S.
Athak, R.K
Pathak, R.K
Current Fertility of an Indian Tribal Population: the Koya Dora of
Ray, Ajit K
Population Structure of the Migrant Fisher-Folk of Puri
Reddy, B.M.
A Study on Birth Weight of the Bengali Offspring
Pakrasi, Kanti B.

D-111-00 Household Focus
Sin Nutritional Anthropology
Nuwalk Traditional Food Resource Utilization
Kuhnlein, Harriet
The Impact of Major and Minor Secular and Ritual Cycles on
Nutrient Intake
0 Goode, Judith G.
" Curtis, Karen
STheophano, Janet
SInfant Salt Taboos in Morocco
SPaque, Claude
SNirog Food: a Native Food Category for Nutrition Management
2 Programmes in Bangladesh
SNajma, Rizvi

D-204-00 Biological
Anthropology in Service of Man
Bansal, IJ.S. (Organizer & Chair)
Punjabi University
Inheritance of Palmar Pattern Ridge Counts: Ramilia Correlations
Bansal, I.J.S.
Dhiman, S.R
Abo-Hp Interaction Analysis
Bansal, IJ.S.
Kaur, Satbir
The Emerging Concept of Cline in Physical Anthropology
Lieberman, Leonard
Dermatoglyphics in Mental Retardation: a Two Dimensional
Roy, Indrani
Seth, Praveen K
Seth, Swadesh

E-026-00 Material Anthropology
Clothing as a Non-verbal Means of Communication
McCracken, G.B.
The Etnographic Study of Material-resource Technology
Conklin, H.C
The Methodology of Research into the Ethnology of Maritime
Communities in Wales
Jenkins, JG.
Material Anthropology in Southern African Museums
Barbour, EM.

E-029-00 Participacion Indigena
en America Latina (Indigenous
Participation in Latin America)
Del Secretario ladino al cacique indigena. Political local en una
comunidad indigena Mexicana y sus vinsulaciones con la vida
Koehler, Ulrich
Demographic Patterns, Trends and Culture Change among the
Bari Indians
Lizarralde, R.
The Yukpa Indians and Venezuelan Nation-state Processes
Paolisso, M.
The 1982 Indian Census of Venezuela
Seijas, Haydee

E-046-00 Current Approaches to Ritual.
Pentikaiken, Juha (Organizer & Chair)
University of Helsinki
The Ritual Experience: Pain and the Transformation of
Consciousness in the Ordeals of Initiation
Morinis, E.A.
Title Unknown
Marcoux, P
The Myth of Baxbakwalanuxsiwae: a Family Affair
Reid, MJ.
Emics of the Ritual: the World View of the Rites
Pentikainen, J.

E-500-00 North American Indians and Inuit
The Tahltan and Canadian Government Land Interaction
Higgens, H.
Names and Naming Among the Fox: Totemic Typology
Markey, TL.

F-061-00 The Use and Abuse of
Social Science Concepts in the Public Media
Sense or Sensationalism
Davies, Nigel

F-118-00 Proposed Commission
on Urban Anthropology: Discussion Group
Ansari, Ghaus (Organizer)
Kuwait University
Nas, PJ.M. (Organizer)
Institute of Social and Cultural Studies
The Netherlands

F-275-00 International, National and
Minorities Communication in Anthropological
Research (Report from the Pre-Congress)
Sponsored by: Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en
Antropologia Social
Camara, Florencia Sanchez (Organizer & Chair)

G-100-00 The Indian Folk Hero
Beck, Brenda (Organizer & Chair)
Univ. of British Columbia
Varied Images of the Indian Folk Hero Khandoba
Sontheimer, Gunther
Narasimha: His Forms as an Indian Folk Hero
Murty, Malladi Leele Krishna
The Trickster-Hero in the Structure of Indian Tales
Claus, Peter
The Virabrahmaiah Myth: an Analysis of Several Variants
Brouwer, Jan

G-110-00 Folk Culture in Developing Societies
SButurovic, Djenana (Organizer & Chair)
SZemaljski Muzej Bih
1 Yugoslavia
e Messianism in Asia
Buss, Andreas
SThe Guritan: an Oral Epic from the Highlands of South Sumatra,
SCollins, WA.
4 Folk Element in the New Religions of Korea
0 Prunner, G.
Popular Literature in Cultural Development
SSenkoro, FE.M.K

H-021-00 Context and Discourse in Language
Darnell, Regna (Organizer & Chair)
The University of Alberta
The Role of Proverbs in Tamil Society (or) a Study of
Sudalaimadasamy Cult in Tirunelveli District
Lourde, S.
Nature and Process of Anthropomorphisation of Some Deities as
Given in Puranas
Kumar, Sanil
Acquisition of Spanish as a First Language in Context
Pardo, E.
Cross-Cultural Language Analysis
Redden, J.
A Study of Linguistic Microevolution Based on Taxonomic 0
Algorithms Applied to Non-numerical Variables
Sujoldzic, Anita )

A-416-00 Anthropology and
International Diplomacy
Cross-Cultural Themes and Anthropological Diplomacy: a
Philippine-American Case Study
Zamora, Mario D.
Compensation Within, Across, and Between Cultures
Rohrl, VJ.
Anthropology and International Relations: Mutual Scope and
Thomas, L.L.
Political Culture and Foreign Policy Making: a Case Study for
Improving US-USSR Relations through Functional Integration
MacCaulay, CD.

A-445-00 Anthropologie,
Ethnologie et Project Scientifique
Bertaux, Christian (Organizer & Chair)
University Paris VII
De l'apparance de l'ethnologie auprojet epiotemologique des
Bertaux, C.
A Theoretical Grammar of Social Behavior
Crissman, L. W
Ecological Enthropology and its Theory
Irimoto, T
Statistical Sampling
Nance, J.
B-007-00 Recent Advances in Pacific Prehistory
20,000 Years on the Wallace Line: Recent Archaeological
Research in Northern Borneo
Bellwood, P.
Western Melanesian Prehistory: a Perspective from Archaeology
and Ethnology
Kennedy J.
Archaeology in Fiji: Toward Revision of Thought
Hunt, TL.
West Polynesian Prehistory
Jennings, J

B-070-00 Topics in Old World Archaeology
The Anthroparchaeology of the Keban Dam Area in the 4th
Arsebuk, G.
Signs and Their Possible Influence on Early Senft
Young, L.
Racial Elements of Eastern Siberian Population in the Light of
Recent Skeletal Finds from Yakutia Rian Population
Gokhman, I. I.
Mortuary Practices of Some Siberian and Central Asiatic Nomads
in Historical Perspective
Szynkiewicz, S.
C-006-00 Arid Lands in
the Andes: Prehistoric and
Contemporary Land-use Patterns
Pastoralist Agriculturalist Interactions under an Uncertain and
Fluctuating Environment: the Tropical Desert of Piura, Peru
Perevolotsky, Avi
Pastoralism and Development in High Andean Arid Land
Browman, David L.
Explotacion complementaria de recursos en sociedades
Cazadoras-Recolectoras Surandinas
Yacobaccio, Hugo David
Periodic Aridity and Prehispanic Settlement in the Titicaca Basin
Kent, Jonathan D.
C-031-00 International Rock Art Studies
Western Canadian Rock Art Research
Lundy, Doris
Rock Art in the Air Mountains (South Sahara)
Beltrami, Vanni
La Disolucion de la piedra en la epoca Preinka e Inka con
Extractos de plants
Aliaga Durand, Francisco
Definition d'une categories stylistique dans 'art rupestre. La sous
tradition olho d'agua complex archaeologique de Sao
Raimundo Nonato, Sud-est du Piaui, Brazil
Ogel-Ros, Laurence
C-108-00 Archaeology
in Eastern North America
Mid-holocene Human Ecology in the Central Duck River Basin,
Hofman, J.
Louisiana Acadian Settlement Archaeology
McCloskey, KG.
Hunters and Gatherers in the Early Archaic Period
Thompson, K
The Economics of Subsistence Change in the Central Savannah
River Valley, U.S.A.
Hanson, G.T
D-103-00 Aspects of the
Population Biology of India
Growth Gradients ofJat-Sikh and Bania Boys of Punjab (India)
Kansal, Devinder Kumar
Comparative Study of the Somatometric Traits of the Peoples in
India and Sri Lanka by PC.A.
Abe, K
Menon, E.P

D-204-00 Biological
Anthropology in Service of Man
Red Cell Enzyme Polymorphisms and Mental Retardation
Seth, Swadesh
Seth, Praveen K
Study of the Hemoglobin Fractions and Serum Proteins in the
Families Afflicted with Thalassemia Major Disorder
Devi, S. Tara
Seth, Swadesh
Seth, Praveen K
Albumin Levels in Amniotic Fluid During Different Gestational
Bala, Shashi
Seth, Swadesh
Seth, Praveen K
Biological Anthropology in Mental Retardation
Phadke, M.A.
Kate, S.L.

E-026-00 Material Anthropology
The Object is the Exercise: Teaching Material Culture
Stott, Margaret
Proposed: an Interdisciplinary Conference on Material Culture
in 1984
Richardson, M.
La collection d'ethnographie au Musee Regional de Oaxaca,
Trottier, L.
Cultural Materialism or Agnosticism?
Rahmani, Monireh

E-029-00 Participacion Indigena
en America Latina (Indigenous
Participation in Latin America)
Karina Participation in Venezuelan Dominant Society: an Analysis
of Census Data
Suels, M.E
Poyo, T
Cultural Change among the E'Napa. Analysis of Census Data
Villallon, M.E.

E-046-00 Current Approaches to Ritual
Buddasiskeka Ceremony in Surin
Kalab, M.
Changing Cycle of Rituals among the Rastogis of Luknow
Sahai, Indu

F-061-00 The Use and Abuse of
Social Science Concepts in the Public Media
Anthropology and the Indian Public LDC Perspective

The Use and Abuse of Social Science Concepts in the Public
Halloran, James

F-109-00 Man and the Environment
Freeman, Milton M.R. (Chair)
University of Alberta
Development-Environmental Disruption and Economic
Joshi, Gopa
Man and Environment in Prehistoric New Zealand
McFadgen, Bruce G

F-206-00 Second International
Symposium on Language and Evolution
De Grolier, E. (Organizer & Chair)
International Social Science Council

G-100-00 The Indian Folk Hero
The Tampi mar Heroes: Historical and Folk Variants
Blackburn, Stuart
Hero and Heroines among the Irulas of South India
Handoo, Jawabarlal

G-110-00 Folk Culture in Developing Societies
Traditional African Care of the Mentally Sick
Shindi, Josiah
The Implications of Folklore in Under Developed Societies
Vesper, Ethel R.
Third World Folklore in Third World Anthropology
Voigt, Vilmos
The Song and the Woman in East Africa
Balisidya, ML.

G-112-00 Folktale Studies
Clark, A. McFadyen (Organizer & Chair)
National Museum of Man
Anyi Storytelling in Ivory Coast
Domowitz, Susan
Comparative Study of Modhumala; a Bengal Folk Tale
Hossain, Md. Ayub.
Folklore and Society; the Folktale as a Reflection of Social
Kassam, Aneesa
A Garland of Honey; a Folktale Current in Bengali Speaking
Areas in Bangladesh and India
Mansuruddin, M.
The Star Husband Tale among the Northern Athapaskans
McClellan, Catherine
The Folk Tales of Sri Lanka
Senevivatna, Anuradha

A-416-00 Anthropology and
International Diplomacy
Role Dilemmas in Anthropological Research among Vietnamese
Refugees in Norway
Knudsen, John Chr.
A-441-00 Anthropology and Ergonomy
Maver, Hubert (Organizer & Chair)
Humanistic Technology and Ergonomics
Bulat, VP.

A-445-00 Anthropologie,
Ethnologie et Project Scientifique
Structural and Functional Anthropology
Taganyi, Z

B-007-00 Recent Advances in Pacific Prehistory
Agricultural System Evolution in Eastern Melanesia-Micronesia
Haun, AE.
Prehistoric Polynesian Gardens in New Zealand
Bulmer, S.
Diachronic Change in Easter Island Architectural Forms
Stevenson, C
Prehistoric Polynesian Outliers in the Pacific
Leach, F.

B-070-00 Topics in Old World Archaeology
The Harifian: a New Look
Marks, A.
Le point de vue Paleontologique de l'anciennete hominoides
Coppens, Y
The ------ Site, Current Status of Ceramic Technology in
Archaeological Interpretation
Kolb, Charles
Prehistoric Conditions in Greece
Mishra, S.

C-006-00 Arid Lands in
the Andes: Prehistoric and
Contemporary Land-use Patterns
Punas, Pastures and Fields: Grazing Strategies and Agropastoral
Dialectic in an Indigenous Andean Community
McCorkle, Constance
Infrastructure and Function in Long Distance Trade
Stone, Jane
Prehistoric and Contemporary Land Use Patterns along the Azapa o
Valley: a Transect from Altiplano to Coast
Rivera, MA.
Arqueologia de la region de Atacama, Chile
Cervello Giannoni, Miguel Victor



C-031-00 International Rock Art Studies
Utimos des cubrimientos con arte rupestre en los Andes
Linares, E.
Conjectures sur l'art prehistorique et sciences de l'image
De France, Xavier
Methode d'interpretation de l'art rupestre: analyse preliminaire
De L'Action, D.ER.

C-108-00 Archaeology
in Eastern North America
Recent Archaeological Research in the Mississippi River
Headwaters Region
Lane, R.B.

D-003-00 Kinanthropology
Elben, 0. (Organizer & Chair)
Eotvos Lorand University
Ross, W.D. (Organizer & Chair)
Simon Fraser University
Some Skinfold and Girth Measurements of the Bhutanese and
Bengalee Seafishermen Children from 5 to 9 Years of Age
Sen, Tulika
Gupta, Kalyani
Basak, Juthika
Local Muscle Energy Metabolic Rate in Different Types of
Yokoyama, Shintaro
Yoshida, Keiichi
Tissue Compositon of Upper Arm from Simple Anthropometric
Kansal, Sidhu
Devinder, Lakhmir
Kumar, Singh
Vertebral Morphologica Change: a Measure of Physiological
Clark, A.G.
Panjabi, Manohar

D-204-00 Biological
Anthropology in Service of Man
Infertility in Relation to Secretor and Abo Status
Singhal, P.
SBansal, IJ.S.
SHLA in Health and Disease with Particular Reference to the
- Indian Data
Mehra, NK
SVaidya, M.C.
Z Red Cell Genetic Defects amongst the Tribal Population Groups
2 of India
SKate, S.L
Phadke, MA
; Pharmacogenetic and Ecogenetic Aspects of Drug Acetylation
Z Dubbels, R.


E-140-00 The Anthropological Study of Nations
Marx, Emanuel (Organizer & Chair)
Tel-Aviv University
A Formal Model of the Swiss Nation-State
Clarke, TM.
Why Eskimos? Why Canada?
Graburn, Nelson
Horizontal and Vertical Relations and the Social Structure of
Urban Mexico
Lomnitz, Larissa
National Identity, Nation-building and National Dilemma in
Sinha, AC.

F-209-00 Commission on
Women: Progress Report
Dube, Leela (Chairperson)
I.U.A.E.S. Commission on Women
Indian Council of Social Science Research

F-210-00 The "Intercocta" Program:
Planning for a Conceptual Encyclopedia
and a Pilot Glossary for "Ethnicity"
Riggs, Fred (Organizer & Chair)
University of Hawaii

G-110-00 Folk Culture in Developing Societies
The Role of Verbal Art as a Development Medium in Third
World Countries
Balisidya, May
Modern Jazz and the Politics of Tanzania
Rubanza, Y
Culture Images in Kiswahili Popular Literature
Senkoro, Fikeni
Problems de la collect des chants epiques populaires au
xixesiecle en Bosnie-Herzegovine et importance documentaire
des materiaux recueillis
Buturovic, Djenana
AnthropologieJuridique et le Development de 1'Afrique de
Dakar, Senegal


XI ICAES Programme Committee
XI CISAE Comit6 du programme
XI CICAE Comit6 Programa

Dr. Richard Salisbury (F) Special Sessions and Interdisciplinary
McGill University Topics/Sessions specials et sujets
(Chairman/President/ interdisciplinaires/Sesiones Especiales y
Coordinador T6picos Interdisciplinaros
Dr Yvan Simonis (A) Anthropological Theory; Applied
University Laval Anthropology/Theorie anthropolo-
gique; anthropologie appliqu6e/Teoria
Antropol6gica; Antropologia Aplicada

Dr. Richard Pearson (B) World Archaeology/
University of British Archeologie mondiale/
Columbia Arqueologia Mundail
Dr. David Pokotylo (C) Archaeology of the Americas/
University of British Archeologie des Ameriques/
Columbia Arqueologia de las Americas
Dr. Emoke J.E. Szathmary (D) Biological Anthropology/Anthropologie
McMaster University biologique/Antropologia Bi6logica

Dr. Sally Weaver (E) Social and Cultural Anthro-
University of Waterloo pology; Museums/Anthropologie social
et culturelle; Musees/Antropologia
Social v Cultural; Museos

Dr. Ban Seng Hoe (G) Folklore and Folk Culture/Folklore et
National Museum of Man/ culture populaire/Folklore y Cultura
Musee de 1'Homme (Ottawa) Folkl6rica
Dr. Henrietta Cedergren (H) Linguistics/Linguistique/Lingiuistica
University du Quebec

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