PIIrcan d Sipoio
I ~Y~l a [)i~ I. ii Ii r
Phase II (Vancouver)
August 20-25
CANADA 1983 Phase II (Vancouver)
20-25 aofit
Fase II (Vancouver)
agosto 20-25
Tuesday, August 23
Mardi 23 aouit
Martes, 23 de agosto
Phase II Programme Venue and Schedule
All Symposia Programme Sessions will take place in one of the
following locations:
1. Hotel Vancouver (HV)
2. Georgia Hotel (GH)
3. Robson Square Media Center (RS)
A daily summary of all Symposia and their specific location is included
in the Registration Package. Location summaries will also be posted for
each day of the Congress. A similar summary of Symposia and their
session allocation is included with each daily Symposia Programme.
All Symposia have been assigned to one or more sessions during
each day of the Congress. A session represents 11/2 hours of time and
each day is divided into five session time slots as follows:
Session 1 0900 hrs. 1030 hrs. Session 3 1330 hrs. 1500 hrs.
Session 2 1030 hrs. 1200 hrs. Session 4 1500 hrs. 1630 hrs.
Lunch Break -1200 hrs. 1330 hrs Session 5 1630 hrs. 1800 hrs.
Phase II Lieux de reunion et horaires des
Toutes les sessions se tiendront dans 'un des bAtiments suivants:
1. Hotel Vancouver (HV)
2. H6tel Georgia (GH)
3. Centre des m6dias de Robson Square (RS)
On trouvera dans la trousse d'inscription la liste des symposia et
leur lieu de reunion. Le programme scientifique quotidien content
6galement la liste des symposia et le lieu de reunion de chaque
Les symposia comportent tous une ou plusieurs sessions
quotidiennes. Chaque session dure une heure et demie et chaque
journee est divisee en cinq trenches:
Session I: 9 heures 10 heures 30 Session 3:13 heures 30 15 heures
Session II: 10 heures 30 midi Session 4: 15 heures 16 heures 30
Pause-dejeuner: midi Session 5: 16 heures 30 18 heures
13 e heures 30
Program de la Fase II Lugares y Horario
Todas las Sesiones del Programa de Simposios de la Fase II se llevarin
a cabo en uno de los lugares siguientes:
1. El Hotel Vancouver (HV)
2. El Hotel Georgia (HG)
3. El Centro de Comunicaciones de la Plaza Robson
(Robson Square Media Centre)(RS)
En el Paquete de Inscripci6n se ha incluido un resume de todos los
Simposios ofrecidos, dia por dia, indicando el lugar especifico en que
se van a celebrar. Igualmente, por la duraci6n del Congreso se
indicaran los lugares de reunion en los noticieros diaramente.
Ademas, una resenia similar de los simposios y sus correspondientes
sesiones aparece en cada uno de los Programas de Simposios diaries.
A todos los Simposios se les ha asignado una o mas sesiones
durante cada dia del Congreso. Una sesi6n represent un period de
tiempo de 1-/2 horas y cada dia se ha dividido en cinco sesiones de la
manera siguiente:
Sesidn 1 0900 hrs.-1030 hrs. Almuerzo 1200 hrs.-1330 hrs.
Sesi6n 2 1030 hrs,-1200 hrs. Sesi6n 3 1330 hrs.-1500 hrs.
Sesi6n 4 1500 hrs.-1630 hrs.
2 Sesi6n 5 1630 hrs.-1800 hrs.
Schedule / Horaire / Horario
Session 1
0900 hrs.-1030 hrs.
Session 1
9 heures-10 heures 30
Sesi6n 1
0900 hrs,-1030 hrs.
Session 2
1030 hrs.-1200 hrs.
Session 2
10 heures 30-midi
Sesi6n 2
1030 hrs.-1200 hrs.
Session 3
1330 hrs.-1500 hrs.
Session 3
13 heures 30-15 heures
Sesi6n 3
1330 hrs.-1500 hrs.
Session 4
1500 hrs.-1630 hrs.
Session 4
15 heures-16 heures 30
Sesi6n 4
1500 hrs.-1630 hrs.
Session 5
1630 hrs.-1800 hrs.
Session 5
16 heures 30-18 heures
Sesi6n 5
1630 hrs.-1800 hrs.
A-047 A-198 A-412
A-443 B-036 B-042
C-025 C-026 D-143
D-159 D-201 D-304
E-048 E-094 E-106
E-114 E-297 E-413
E-504 E-507 F-111
F-201 G-022 H-011
A-047 A-198 A-412
A-443 B-036 B-042
C-025 C-026 C-032
D-143 D-159 D-201
D-304 E-031 E-048
E-106 E-119 E-242
E-297 E-413 F-111
F-201 G-025 G-026
H-011 H-020
A-412 A-443 A-444
B-004 B-036 C-025
C-032 C-105 D-043
D-145 D-201 E-048
E-106 E-253 E-206
E-346 E-413 E-506
F-111 F-201 G-109
G-121 G-122
A-412 A-443 A-444
A-430 B-004 B-036
C-025 C-032 C-105
D-043 D-145 D-201
D-301 E-012 E-048
E-253 E-346 E-413
E-506 F-111 F-201
G-026 G-109 G-121
A-412 A-444 B-014
B-036 C-032 C-105
D-043 D-201 D-301
E-008 E-048 E-075
E-148 E-253 E-413
F-111 F-201 F-106
G-026 G-036 H-003
Correction: Symposium G-026-00 begins in
Session 3, not in Session 2 as shown in
A-047-00 Urban Anthropology
Southall, Adain W. (Organizer & Chair)
University of Wisconsin
The Impact of Western Education on Children in Kano, Nigeria
Schildkrout, Enid
Cities and Modes of Production
Southall, Aidan
Reflections on Contemporary Changes in a Yoruba City
Trager, Lillian
Dimensions of Urban and Rural Health Care in the
Northwestern U.S.A.
Michallson, Karen
A-198-00 Anthropological Contributions
to Educational Change
Sponsored by: Council on Anthropology and Education
Zimmer, Richard (Organizer & Chair)
Anthropology as Research-for-action in Education: the Role of
Anthropology in Producing Large Scale Institutional Change in
Education of Ethnic Minority Children
Jordan, CE.
An Unusual Partnership: Community Controlled Indian Teacher
Training in Northern Saskatchewan
Cook, T S.
Linking the University, the Community and Service Systems in
Multicultural Education: an International Training Model
Schensul, JJ.
Garcia, R.
The Role of Anthropologists as Consultants in School Settings
Zimmer, R.
A-412-00 Anthropological
Approach to Development
Sponsored by Proposed I.U.A.E.S. Commission on Development
Salisbury, Richard F. (Organizer & Chair)
McGill University
Vidyarthi, L.P. (Organizer & Chair)
Ranchi University
Zamora, Mario D. (Discussant)
Images of Anthropology and the Development Process
Lakshmanna, C
Tribal Development in India: a Case Study of Tribal Bihar
Sinha, S.P
Concept of Development in Tribal Context
Singh, A.K
Forest, Forest Dwellers and Development
Chaudhuri, B.
A-443-00 Secular Trend in Man
and Changes of Environment
Wolanski, Napoleon (Organizer & Chair)
Polish Academy of Sciences
Evolution and Secular Changes of Homo Sapiens Recens
Scbwidetzky, Ilse
Social and Economic Importance of Secular Changes in Man
Alekseeva, T
Soloviova, V
Environmental and Social Conditions in Secular Changes of Man-
Nature Relationships
Susanne, CH.
Intergenerational Changes in Body Size and Proportions and
Their Biological and Social Meanings According to
Environmental Transformations
Tobias, PH.
B-036-00 The Public in Public Archaeology
What We're Doing and Where We Want To Go
Roberts, Michael E. (Organizer & Chair)
Involvement of the Public in Public Archaeology
Donahue, Paul F
Public Archaeology in South Dakota
Whitten, R.G.
Zimmerman, LJ.
Reporting to Different Interest Groups: a Dilemma in Public
Hagland, L.
Archaeology and Society in Southern Africa
Hall, Martin
B-042-00 Multinational Archaeological Projects:
Problems and Advantages of Co-operation
Bartel, Brad (Organizer & Chair)
San Diego State University
Archaeologists and the Maya in the 1980's: Learning how to
Collaborate Gracefully
Ball, Joseph W
Scheduling Considerations in International Projects: Theoretical
and Practical
Bankoff Arthur H.
Winter, Fred A.
A History of Recent Yugoslav: United States Archaeological
Co-operation 0
Bartel, Brad
Co-operative Archaeological Research: France United States
Crumley, Carole L.
C-025-00 Megafauna of the
Seas: Large Sea Mammal Hunting
and use among Native Societies
Matrilocality, the Social Structuring of Subsistence Activities
among the Kuskokwim Bay Eskimo
Ackerman, LA.
Patterns of Bearded Seal Exploitation among Greenland Inuit
Jensen, A.M
Archaeology: Maritime Adaptation
Koike, Hiroko
the Utilization of Baleen in Thule Culture
Arnold, Charles
C-026-00 Early Man in South America
Mayer-Oakes, William (Organizer & Chair)
Museum of Texas Tech University
Salazar, Ernesto (Organizer & Chair)
Museo del Banco Central Ecuador
Lynch, T. (Discussant)
New Data from Costa Rica in a Central American Perspective on
Early Man
Snarskis, M.
Fluted Point Sites in Venezuela
Cruxent, J.
A Synthesis of Brazilian and Columbian Early Man Archaeology
Myers, T
Hurt, W
Early Man in Ecuador
Salazar, E.
D-143-00 Theoretical Issues
Within Human Sociobiology
Corluy, Roland (Organizer & Chair)
Free University of Brussels
The Biogram of Vertebrates and its Homination
Count, Earl W
Relevance of Mathematical Models in Sociobiology
Corluy, Roland
Evolution and the Origin of Speech
De Winter, K Willem
A Model for the Inheritance of Behavioural Plasticity
Pelt, Frits L.
D-159-00 Primate Studies
Seth, Praveen K. (Organizer & Chair)
Biology and the Social Condition
Tollman, S.G.
Non-Stereotyped Male Behaviour: a Matter for Interpretation
Teas, Jane
Social Dominance: Individual Trait or Contextual Adaption to the
Social Reality of the Group
Gauthier, Roger
La Freniere, Peter J
Behaviour Beyond Biology: the Question of Cognition
Burton, Frances D.
D-201-00 Bio-cultural Aspects of Demography
Gulati, R.K. (Organizer & Chair)
Anthropological Survey of India
Morality Profile of a Juang Tribal Population of Orissa
Ray, Afit K
Roth, Eric A.
Altitudinal Variations on Demographic Patterns in Himalayas
Kapoor, A.K
Tiu'ari, S.C.
Satwanti, K
Demographic Changes in a Community in a Rural-Urban Setting
Gulati, R.K
Fertility and Status of Tribal Women
Gulati, R.K
D-304-00 Contributed
Papers: Human Adaptability
Elliot, Orville (Organizer & Chair)
University of Victoria
Shape Changes in the Japanese Skull: Fourier Analysis
Ohtsuki, Fumio
Lestrel, Pete E.
Adachi, Kazutaka
Hanihara, Kazuro
Attrition Lesions of Articular Cartilage in Japanese Knee Joint
due to Formal Sitting and Squatting Postures
Morimoto, uwataro
The Relation of Differentiation and Variation in Human Forearm
Extensor Muscle
Kosugi, K
Goshi, N
Tokudome, M.
Postexercise Airway Constriction in Healthy Subjects
Zuskin, Eugenifa
E-048-00 Anthropology of Ethnicity
Gold, Gerald L. (Organizer & Chair)
York University
Ideology and the Study of Ethnicity: an American-Soviet
Cerroni-Long, E.L
The Institutionalization of Ethnicity in Nefenchan, Nigeria, in the
Colonial Period
Hannerz, Ulf
Canada's Constitution and the Defining of Canadian Identity
Lamy, P
The State and the Institutionalization of Ethnicity in Malaysia
Nagata, J.A
E-094-00 Anthropology of Tourism
Graburn, Nelson (Organizer & Chair)
University of California
Whither Japanese Tourism: Societal Change or Rite of Passage?
Graburn, NHH.
Relations Between Strangers: Cycles of Structure and Meaning in
Tourist Systems
Machlis, G.E.
Burch, WR.
Change of Job Motivation through Mass-tourism in the Area of
Yucatan, Mexico
Rieth, C
On Teaching Tourist Industry Executives
Morinis, E. Alan
Tourism as an Opportunity to Reconciliate Hosts and Guests
Moulin, Claude L.
E-106-00 The Use of Anthropology in Nursing
Brink, PamelaJ. (Organizer & Chair)
Integration of Cultural Concepts into an Introductory Nursing
Griffth, S.D.
Understanding Perceptions of Health in a Multicultural Innercity
Canadian Community
Morse, J.M
Demers, E.
The Uses of Anthropology in Nursing
Osborne, Oliver
Stress Reduction among Migrant Farm Workers: a Coast Salish
Byerly, Elizabeth
Hilliard, Illa
E-114-00 Cross-cultural Belief in
Manlike Monsters
Druian, B. Raymond (Organizer & Chair)
California State University
What Monsters Show
Fogelson, R
Beliefs in Manlike Creatures and Animal-like Humans of
Northeast Brazil
Hoefle, William Scott
Yet Another Yeti? the Hairy Wild Man from the People's Republic
of China
Poirier, FE.
Hu, Hongxhin
Chen, Chung-Min
The "Sasquatch", or Wild Hominids
Krantz, Grover S.
E-297-00 New Perspectives
in Demographic Anthropology
Kertzer, David I. (Organizer, Chair & Discussant)
Bowdoin College
Changing Patterns of Procreation and Parenthood in Ghana
Oppong, Christine
Demographic Processes and Household Composition: Data from
N. Thailand
Kunstadter, P.
Life Cycle and Social Structure, a Yugoslav Case Study
Halpern, JM.
Wagner, R.A.
The Relationship of Inheritance Systems to Genealogical
Structures and Male Longevity
Martin, John F
E-413-00 Late Capitalism
or Monopoly Capitalism and
Anthropological Studies in the 1980's
Keenan, Jeremy (Organizer & Chair)
University of the Witwatersrand
South Africa
Very 'Late Capitalism' and Anthropological Societies
Keenan, Jeremy
O/ Building a Model of the Anthropological Concomitants of
- Peripheral Capitalist Systems
Clammer, John
Class Struggle and Bureaucratic Process
Meillassoux, Claude
SMonetarism and Unemployment as Forms of Social Regulation
Clarke, Simon
E-504-00 Anthropology of Religion
(Chair) To be Announced
Effect of Islamization: Pakistan and Bangladesh
Islam, A.KM.
Possession among the Adja-Fon and in Christianity: a Structural
Montilus, G.
The Afro-Haitian Pantheon and the Adja
Montilus, Guerin, C
Metaphor in Black and White Disciples of Christ Sermons
Taylor, EJ.
E-507-00 Applied Anthropology
(Chair) To be Announced
The Past and Future of Applied Anthropology in Kiribati
Knudson, KE. -
Applied Anthropology and Development in India
Mathur, P.R.G.
Planning for Development at Grassroots: a Case Study in
Mahaptra, L K
Tribal Communication and Strategy for Development
Sinha, S.P.
F-111-00 Women and Social Movements
Sponsored by: Commission on Women
Dube, Leela (Organizer & Chair)
Indian Council of Social Science Research
Women's Movements and Female Leadership Patterns in
Peninsular Malaysia
Kantia, WK
Mobilizing Landless Tribal Women
Savara, Mira
Women in Iran is a Political Topic
Shahshahani, S.
Japanese Women's Movements in the 1970's and 80's: an Analysis
in Perspectives Towards Liberation
Tanaka, K
F-201-00 The Role of Social Factors
in Contemporary Ethnic Processes
Bromley, Yulian V. (Organizer & Chair)
Institute of Ethnography
Academy of Sciences of the USSR
Ethnosocial Processes at the Turning Points of Socio-economic
Bromley, Yulian V
Bashkirs in the Compositions of the Volga-Urals Historico-
Cultural Area (Ethnic Development in the 20th Century)
Kuzeev, Rail
Role of Traditions in the Formation of Ethnic Specifics in the
Contemporary Urban Family (as Based on the Materials of Urban
Ethnosociological Surveys in the Armenian SSR)
Karapetjan, Emma T
The Influence of Socio-economic Factors on the Ethnic
Processes among the Peoples of the Soviet North
Gurvich, IS.
G-022-00 Folklore and Classics
Hansen, William (Organizer & Chair)
University of Indiana
Scobie, Alex (Organizer & Chair)
Victoria University
New Zealand
Greek Mythology and the Study of the Ancient Greek Traditional
Hansen, Wm. F
Propp & Apollodorus
Ruiz-Montero, Consuelo
Forms of Oral Literature in the Roman World
Scobie, Alex
H-011-00 Anthropology and Linguistics
McKellin, William (Organizer & Chair)
University of Toronto
Kalmar, Ivan (Organizer & Chair)
University of Toronto
A New Background to Boas
Kalmar, Ivan
Deictic Systems of Spatial Reference
Landsberg, Marge E.
The Assumption of Linguistic Analogy and its Harmful
Consequences for Scientific Folktale Research
Zan, Yigal
Linguistica y Linguistados
Felix, A.
A-047-00 Urban Anthropology
Characteristics of Urban Neighbourhoods in Kuwait City
Haddad, Mohammad El
Urban Subsistence in a Small Alaskan City
Gmelch, George
Ethnic Dispersal in Urban Hong Kong
Guldin, Gregor, E
Coping with Plant Closing and Job Loss in a Northeastern U.S.
Goode, Judith
One Foot in the Village: Observations on the Interrelations of
Rural and Urban Life in Contemporary Bulgaria
Smollet, E W
A-198-00 Anthropological Contributions
to Educational Change
The Situation of Offerings on Educational Anthropology in
Colleges and Universities in Korea
Park, J.
Transcultural Experiences Among the Students of the Town of
Malakai, Southern Sudan
Pellicioni, Franco
Anthropology of New Books of Manners
Padiglione, V
Home and School Education in a Southwest Border Community:
Facilitating Cross-Communication
Chavez, J.
A-412-00 Anthropological
Approach to Development
Anthropological Approach to Development
Vidyarthi, L.P
Development of Minor Tribes of Central India: a Realistic
Sandwhar, N.
Anthropological Perspective in Rural Development: the Indian
Mutations Economique Arabe du Yemen, Enjeu des Strategies
Gast, M.
A-443-00 Secular Trend in Man
and Changes of Environment
Secular Changes in Sexual Maturation, Menopause and Life Span
Sand Their Biological and Social Meanings According to
Z Environmental Changes
Bernis, C
Secular Trend in Endurance and Performance Fitness of
Contemporary Man in Relations to Mode of Life, Physical Activity
Sand Environmental Changes
SEiben, O.
Malina, R
m Demographic Mechanisms of Secular Changes
Frisancho, R.
SMicroevolutionary or Phenotypic Changes a Controversy
Wolanski, Napoleon
B-036-00 The Public in Public Archaeology
- What We're Doing and Where We Want To Go
Public Archaeology: Laymen Involved in Archaeology
Jacome, Philip
Relating to the Public about Contribution of Archaeology
Justice, Noel D.
Divulgaccon de inustegaccones ? Arquologicas al gran public
Mansur, ME.
The Responsible Popularization of Archaeology
Wallace, R.L.
B-042-00 Multinational Archaeological Projects:
Problems and Advantages of Co-operation
Multi-national Anthropological Research in Africa
Pendelton, Wade C
Hascherkeller: American-German Research into Prehistorical
Village Economy
Wells, Peter S.
Archaeological Fieldwork in the Middle East in View of Public
Demand and Request: Laws, Institutions and the Alternatives for
the Future Fieldwork with the Middle East in View
Ingraham, M.L
C-025-00 Megafauna of the
Seas: Large Sea Mammal Hunting
and use among Native Societies
Late 19th Century North Alaskan Eskimo Whaling
Burch, Ernest S.
History of Belcher Island Sea Mammal Hunting
Guemple, Lee
Sea Mammal use on the Northwest Coast
Inglis, Richard
Haggarty, James
Evidence of Sea Mammal use in Early Maritime Province
Keenlyside, David
C-026-00 Early Man in South America
New Data from Peru in a Central Andean Perspective on Early
Rick, J.
New Data from Chile in a Southern Andean Perspective on Early
Nunez, L.
Discontinuous Distributions of Projectile Points in South
America Z
Borrero, L.A.
Survey of the Laguna de Punta Grande, Northern Chile
Lynch, T
The Significance of El Inga Fluted Points Z
Mayer-Oakes, WJ.P 0
C-032-00 Canadian-
Columbia Plateau Archeology
Ames, Kenneth M. (Organizer & Chair)
Idaho State Historical Soc.
Pokotylo, David L. (Organizer & Chair)
University of British Columbia
An Examination of the Prehistory of the Southern and Eastern
Columbia Plateau
Ames, Kenneth M.
The Cascade-Tucannon Phase Transition: a Question of Why
Brauner, D.
The Study of Human Settlement and Environment Change: a
Case Study from the Upper Columbia River
Chatters, J.A.
The Importance of the Snake River Plain for Understanding
Basin: Plateau Prehistory
Green, TJ
D-143-00 Theoretical Issues
Within Human Sociobiology
Religion and Natural Selection
Steadman, Lyle B.
The Value of Sociobiology for Anthropology
Wind, Jan
The Social Determinants of Infant Health
Tellis-Nayak, V
A Genera Covarience Structure Model for Quantitative Genetic
Smalley, Susan L.
Williams, BJ.
Woodward, ArthurJ
Bonett, Douglas G.
D-159-00 Primate Studies
Correlates of Ecology and Social Organization among Rhesus
Seth, Prateen K
Seth, Swadesh
The Rhesus Monkeys in India: Status and Conservation
Seth, Praveen K
Seth, Swadesh
Fission in the Free-ranging Rhesus Monkeys
Malik, Iqbal
Seth, Praveen K
D-201-00 Bio-cultural Aspects of Demography
Reproductive Performance of Kodava Women of Kodagu District
in Karnataka, South India
Saheb, SY
Gulati, R.K
Raju, CM.
Sirajuddin, SM.
Genetic Demography and its Social Implication among the
Gandhi, LP
Haemoglobins and Health Problems
Sharma, M.
Chowdhury, D.
Seasonality of Fertility and Mortality among the Car Nicobarese
Rajenddra, R
Sheikh, S.Y
D-304-00 Contributed
Papers: Human Adaptability
Physiological Responses of Men and Women During Prolonged
Exercise in Different Ambient Temperatures
Tochihara, Yutaka
Yoshida, Keiich
The Effect of Heavy Physical Work on the Musculoskeletal System
in Respect to Anthropometric Measures
Undeutsch, Klaus
E-031-00 Anthropology of
Pilgrimage in Complex Societies
Vidyarthi, L.P. (Organizer & Chair)
Ranchi University
Communal Worship in an Urban Setting: a Study on Persistance
and Change
Chaudhuri, Buddhadeb
Dreams for the Pilgrimage: in Search of the Saint
Abramovitch, H.
Bilu, Y
Hindu Pilgrimage in Rajastan
Gold, A.
Hindu Pilgrimage: Patronage and Pilgrims in India
Jha, M.
Rituals of Death and the Secular Soul: Cases in Madagascar,
Jerusalem and Psychological Practice
Abrmovitch, H
Pilgrimage in Bangladesh
Islam, Mazrl
E-048-00 Anthropology of Ethnicity
Ethnogenesis in Switzerland
Clarke, Michael T
The Problems of Ethnicity Development and Modification
Guboglo, Mikhail N.
Jewish-Gentile Inter-Ethnic Relations in Pre-War Germany
Henry, Frances
Franco-American Ethnic Identity 0
Sandra, Hoover
E-106-00 The Use of Anthropology in Nursing
Ethnography, Nursing, Research and Practice
Aamodt, Agnes
Deriving Diagnostic Theory through the Description of Nursing
Field, Peggy Ann
Discovery through Ethnographic Interviewing
Zieman-Mardiros, li,:; .i;
Is Bigger Better? Weight Gains in Pregnancy and Birth
Outcomes among Refugees from Southeast Asia
Muecke, Marjorie
E-119-00 Social Anthropology in
Complex Society: the Case of Singapore
Crain, Jay B. (Organizer & Chair)
California State University
Symbolism and Legitimacy: Urban Anthropology and the
Analysis of Singapore Society
Clammer, J.R
Marriage Relationships as a Resource in Developing Singapore
Salaff J. W
Wong, AK
Religious Patterns in Singapore: a Panoramic View
Wee, Vivenne
Coping Mechanism in a Multi-ethnic and Multi-religious Society
Heinze, Ruth-Inge
Methodological Issues in Studying Resettlement Processes in
Chua, Beng-Huat
Medicine Accountability Systems and Ideology: the Case for
Crain, Jay Bouton
E-242-00 Anthropologie des
Agro-Villes Mediterranneens
(Anthropology of Mediterranean Agro-Towns)
Cadoret, Anne (Organizer & Chair)
Lab. d'Anthropologie Sociale
Abeles, Dr. Marc (Organizer & Chair)
Lab. d'Anthropologie Sociale
Les Agrovilles en but a la modernite: societies locales
SMarie, Michel
Conflictos sociopoliticos y models religioses contrapuestos en
una agrociudad Murciana entire 1966-1976. (Espana)
SFrigole, J.
Mediterranean Agro-towns as a Form of Cultural Dominance
Blok, A.
Driessen, Henk
S Some Problems in Agro-town Ethnography: Spain
Gilmore, D.D.
Z Mediterranean Island Societies
Lopasic, A.
E-297-00 New Perspectives
in Demographic Anthropology
Effects of Population Processes on the Network Structure of Two
Thai Villages
Foster, B.L
A Critical Review of Demographic Anthropology Research in
India, some Observations and Proposals
Saran, A.B.
Srivastava, R.N
Demographic Variance and Household Viability
Carter, AT
Fertility and the Chinese Family
Wolf Arthur
Historical Demography and Social Structure on Computerized
Census Data and Oral Recall: a Two Century Perspective on a
Balkan Community
Halpern, J.
E-413-00 Late Capitalism
or Monopoly Capitalism and
Anthropological Studies in the 1980's
The Implications of 'Unemployment' under Late Capitalism
Seddon, David
Anthropology in the Modern World: Purpose and Dilemma
Martin, Catherine E. Read
Women and Voluntary Social Welfare: a Case Study from India
Caplan, A.P
Women's Groups and Women's Subordination: an Analysis of
Policies for Rural Women in Kenya
Feldman, Rayah
F-111-00 Women and Social Movements
Women's Labour in the Unorganized Sector with Special
Reference to Conditions of Work in Kerala State
Gulati, L.
Household to Factory: Women's Labour in Food-processing
Jetley, S.
Women's Labour: Conditions and Consequences
Nimbark, Maryann Caputo
Poverty and Women's Labour: the Indian Evidence
Sen, G.
F-201-00 The Role of Social Factors
in Contemporary Ethnic Processes
Ethnocultural Processes in the Developing Countries (Case
Study of Yemen, Iran and Afghanistan)
Logashova, Babi-Rabiga
Old Russian Elements in the Traditional Culture of the Ukrainian
Carpathian Population
Goshko, YG. Z
Ethnosocial Aspects of Development of Culture and Everyday B
Life in the Ukrainian SSR
Naulko, VI
Social Factors of Development and Language Interaction
Guboglo, MN.
G-025-00 The Potential Frequency and
Multiplicity of Social Interaction in
Calcutta and its Impact on Folk Culture
Islam, Mazharul (Organizer & Chair)
Dept. of Bengali
The Disintegration and Shaping of Folk-Arts in Calcutta as a
Result of Socio-Cultural Interaction: a Structural Analysis
Islam, Mazharul
The Process of Socio-Cultural Interaction in Calcutta & its
Reflection on Folk Beliefs
Banerjee, Subhas
Hawkers, Shopkeepers & Customers of Calcutta: Interaction &
Bhowmich, Nirmalendu
Ethno-Medicine in the Urban Complex of Calcutta: a Study in
Interaction & Continuity
Chandhuri, Dulal
Social Interaction in Calcutta & its Influence on the Folk Songs
of West Bengal
Chakraborty, Barun
Calcutta-Stage: its Influence on the Economic & Cultural Life of
the Society
Majumder, Manas
G-026-00 Theatricality as a See correction on page 3.
Dimension of Relationship Between Popular
and Folk Pictorial and Performing Arts
Kirkpatrick, Joanna (Organizer & Chair)
Bennington College
Recent Art Explosion: Painted Trucks in Afghanistan
Centlivres-Demont, Micheline
Sign, Symbols and Lorries in Sierra Leone
Cannizzo, Jeanne
Peripatetic Performance in West Bengal
Farber, Carole
Painted Trucks in Pakistan: a Case of the Medium as the Message
Rich, George W
H-011-00 Anthropology and Linguistics
Anthropology Narrative and Everyday Discourse
Bare, J.F
Validity in Ethno-Logic
N Hamil, Ivan
The Structure and Function of Baby-Talk: a Nootka Example
Copeland, A.M
Narrative Structure, Pragmatism and Inference: Mangalese Oral
S Literature
McKellin, W
S Language is Culture: Textbuilding Conventions and Personal
Style in Oral Courtship Narrative
N Silberstein, S.
S Sequence and Simultaneity: a Critique of Modes and Models of
S Discourse
Tyler, S
H-020-00 Problems in Ethnolinguistics
(Chair) To be Announced
Some Problems of East African Ethnolinguistics
Nagy, F.
La langue kabyle, un facteur resistance culturelle
IKellil, Mohand
Toponymies Urbaines Comparees
Raulin, Anne
The Morpho-Syntactical Structure of Chinese Kin Terms
Lin, Mei-Rong
I j,,cJed up in Verbs
Malgesini, Frank
A-412-00 Anthropological
Approach to Development
Automated Culture: a Twenty-first Century Perspective
Orellana, S.
The Cultural Approach: a Strategy for Development in Africa
Quarcoo, A.K
Folk Media in Development Process
Vijaya, N.
Development and Culmination of Movement
Abbasayulu, YB.
A-443-00 Secular Trend in Man
and Changes of Environment
Secular Trend in Slovene Children and Youth
Brodar, V
Dobecar, F
Mating Assortation Module in Man
Wolanski, Napoleon
Some Sociobiological Relations in Man
Wolanski, Napoleon
Subcutaneous Fat Tissue Distribution in Man
Wolanski, Napoleon
A-444-00 In and Beyond the Classroom
- Film in Communicating Anthropology
Asch, Timothy (Organizer & Chair)
University of Southern California
Los Angeles
Seaman, Gary (Organizer & Chair)
University of Southern California
Los Angeles
Moore, Alexander (Discussant)
University of Southern California
Los Angeles
Sahrani (Discussant) -
Carpenter (Discussant)
Riddell (Discussant)
Cinema, Theatre and Anthropology
Canevacci, M.
The Use of Photographic Methods for the Capture and
Communication of Behaviour vis a vis the Physical Environment
in Different Cultures 4
Davis, G.
Collaboration in Ethnographic Filmmaking: the Development of
Methodology to Make Anthropological Films for Research,
Teaching and Educational Public Media and the Missing
Ingredient, the Ethnographic Film Monograph.
Asch, Timothy
Structuring the Ethnographic Film Monograph: Problems
Encountered in the Writing of a Companion Ethnography to the
Film, "Chinese Shamanism".
Seaman, Gary
B-004-00 Specialization and
Exchange in the Development of Complex
Societies: Archaeological Evidence
Earle, Timothy (Organizer & Chair)
University of California
Los Angeles
Production, Exchange and Group Leadership in Traditional
Allen, Jim
Commodity Exchange in the European Bronze Age: the Argaric
Gilman, Antonio
Ranking and Exchange in Bronze Age Scandinavia
Kristiansen, Kristian
Specialization and the Production and Exchange of Wealth: the
Hawaiian Chiefdoms and the Inca State
Earle, Timothy
Changing Forms of Production and Exchange from the Maya
Classic to Post-classic Periods
Rice, Prudence
B-036-00 The Public in Public Archaeology
What We're Doing and Where We Want To Go
The Colorado Archaeological Year an Experiment in Public
Hester, .
Inferencemaking and Testing in a High School Archaeology
Abell, R.
Large Scale Public Education in Archaeology
Johnson, S.
Archaeology and Tourism
Lewis, R.B.
C-025-00 Megafauna of the
Seas: Large Sea Mammal Hunting
z and use among Native Societies
Traditional Asiatic Eskimo Hunters and Sea Mammal Resources:
SStability, Equilibrium, or Innate Rapacity?
m Krupnik, Igor
Southeastern U.S. Sea Mammal Exploitation
Larsen, Le'is
SMarine Mammal use by Patagonian Indians
Legoupil, Dominique
Z Thule Eskimo Whaling of the Central Canadian Arctic
McCartney, Allen
Savelle, James
C-032-00 Canadian-
Columbia Plateau Archeology
Predictive Models of Hunter-Gatherer Adaptation and their
Application to Prehistoric Utilization of the Alpine Zone
Greaves, Sheila
Archaeology of the Highland Valley, British Columbia
Lawhead, S.D.
Proportions of Marine Species Protein in the Diet of Prehistoric
British Columbia Interior Dwellers
Lovell, N.C
Chisholm, B.S.
Nelson, D.E
Schwarcz, H.P.
The Holocene Mammalian Faunal History of Eastern Washington:
Analyses and Implications for Zooarchaeological Research
Lyman, R.L.
C-105-00 Mesoamerican and Central
American Ethnohistory and Archaeology
Not Assigned (Organizer)
Descitracion de los glifos incluidos en la primera: lamina del
codice mendocine
Olea, H. Corona
Cronologia y relaciones culturales de la Cuenca del Lago de
Maracaibo (Venezuela) y el norte de Colombia
Nunez, Requeiro
Tartusi, M.R.A.
Arquepatalogia en Mesoamerica
Ariza, Hutterer
Ethnologie du Nayant (Mexique)
Duverger, Christian
D-043-00 Man and Environment
Malik, S.L. (Organizer & Chair)
Universitat Kiel
West Germany
Some Anthropological Characteristics of the Rural Population of
Vrsacke Planine (Yugoslavia)
Gavrilovic, Zivojin, N
Anthropological and Epidemiological Approach in Human
Ecological Studies in Hasardos Environment: a Comparison of
Two Independent Lines of Study
Rudan, Pavao
Torso Temperature, Body Fat, and Shivering in Males and
Mannino, Joseph
Kaufman, William
High Altitude Adaptation: a Case Study among Bods of Ladakh
Malik, S.L.
D-145-00 Peopling of the Americas
Szathmary, EJ.E. (Organizer & Chair)
McMaster University
First Steps in Human Occupation in America and Morphological
Alexeev, Valery P
Advances in the Dental Search for Native American Origins
Turner, Christy G.
Genetic Relationships Between Asia and North America
Szathmary, Emke J.E.
Bones, Blood, Burins, Babel, and Beringia: Clues to the Peopling
of the Americas
Zegura, Stephen L.
D-201-00 Bio-cultural Aspects of Demography
Demography of a Small Isolate
Sahu, PN
Interdependence of Fertility and Breast Feeding
Kanungo, J.
Reproductive Pattern of an Engogamous Population
Ghoshmaulik, S.K
Fertility Variation and Occupation in Rural Setting of Orissa
Deka, U.
E-048-00 Anthropology of Ethnicity
Ethnic Processes and Movements in India
Pathy, Jaganath
Festival Open Houses: Forms for Inter-Ethnic Communication in
Armstrong, Jocelyn
Change in Ethnocultural Orientations of Age Groups of
Moldavians, Uzbeks and Estonians in the USSR
Drobizheva, Leokadia M.
Official Recognition of Ethnic Groups in a Canadian Mining
Gold, Gerald L.
E-106-00 The Use of Anthropology in Nursing
Nursing Educators and Increasing Cultural Diversity in American
Rimmer, Lois
Community-Based Hypertension Program
Randall-David, Elizabeth
Field Work 'Down-home': Contributions of Native Ethnography
to an Understanding of the Therapeutic Setting
Ross, Miriam H.
E-253-00 Pilgrimage
Jha, M (Organizer & Chair)
Ranchi University
An Appraisal of the Traditions of Hindu Pilgrimage in the
Garhwal Himalaya
Singh, A.P
Pilgrimage in India: the End of an Endless Journey
Saraswati, Baidyanath
Pilgrimage among Indian Christians: Certain Observations
Sahay, K.N.
Public Policy as Social Stress: Terminations from Disability
Estroff SE.
E-260-00 Secrecy and Secret Societies
SBellman, Beryl L. (Organizer & Chair)
SUniversity of California
(San Diego)
Secrecy and Gender Distinction among the Afikpo Igbo of
Ottenberg, S.
The Ethnographers Approach to Confidentiality and Secrecy
Miachi, T
Annang Women's Secret Societies
Brink, P
E-346-00 Anthropological
Research on the Chinese Periphery
Chiao, Chien (Organizer & Chair)
The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Seminatic Rituals of the Hong Kong Chinese
Chiao, Chien
Women's Status and Role in a Changing Rural Taiwan
Chuang, Ying-Chang
Directed Socio-cultural Change: the Samei Case in Yunnan,
China (1949-1980)
Hsieh, Jiann
Research Methods and the Human Context of Family Studies
Hsieh, Jih-Chang Chester
E-413-00 Late Capitalism
or Monopoly Capitalism and
Anthropological Studies in the 1980's
The Work Ethic in a Scottish Town with a Declining Employment
Turner, Robert
Micro-Technology: Third World Implications
Harries-Jones, Peter
Innovations in Office Technology: Preparation and
Seymour, Rosemary
Getting to Grips with Change in the 1980's: a Case Study of
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
Mullan, R.G.
E-506-00 Anthropology of India
(Chair) To be Announced
Artisan Communities in the Tribal Belt of Middle India
Castro-Pezo, A.U.
Some Aspects of Tea Industry in Assam, India
Kar, R.K
Indian Society from Structural to Atomized Model
Palakshappa, T
The Highlanders of Northeast India
Patir, L.
F-111-00 Women and Social Movements
The Inner Lives of Working Class Women
Savara, M.
Women and Social Movements: a Comparative Study of Chipco
and Bhoomi Sena
Joshi, Govindi (Gopa)
Women's Role in Movements
Kanita, WK
Women in Khomeini's Iran
Macaulay, D.
F-201-00 The Role of Social Factors
in Contemporary Ethnic Processes
The Main Trends in Ethnic Processes among the Peoples of the
Caucasus, Central Asia and Kazakhstan
Kuryle, VP.
Ethnocultural Orientations of the Peoples of the USSR According
to the Data of Ethnosociological Studies
Drobizheva, L.M.
Development of Byelorussian Ethnos from Narodnost to Nation
Bondarchik, VK
Rational Choice and Ethnic Relations
Hechter, M.
G-109-00 The Anthropology of Law
in the Formation and Implementation
of Socio-Legal Policy
Sponsored by: Commission on Folk Law and Legal Pluralism
Bayly, John (Organizer & Chair)
Legal Counsel to Dene Indian Nation
The Ways My Ancestors Look at Traditional Native Justice
Cunningham, Chester
Legal Anthropology in the Formulation of Correctional Policy in
the Northwest Territories, Canada
Finkler, Harold
Federal Government Research and Policy Initiatives in the Area
of Customary Law
Laprairie, Carol
Ethics and Policy Guidelines for Northern Research
Savoie, Donat
G-121-00 Folk Culture in
Central and South America
Hoe, Ban Seng (Organizer & Chair)
National Museum of Man
Bosquefo Historico sobre la Divulgacion Cientifica en la
Republica Argentina, Reelaboracion Dinamica a Traves del
Patrimonio Folklorico
Acevedo, Gerardo Leopoldo
Contribucion al Folklore: Glosas para Cuatro Danza
Tradicionales Argentinas
Campanella, Andres
Brazilian Carnival, 1850-1930: a Socio-Historical Approach
De Moraes Von Simson, Olga
4 Sahagun and the Aztec Legend of the Suns
0 Lamp, Frederick J.
G-122-00 Aboriginal Law and
Tradition in Australian Society: Problems
2 of Conflict Coexistence and Adaptation
SSponsored by: International Commission on Folk Law and Legal
SCrawford, James (Organizer & Chair)
Aboriginal Women and the Recognition of Customary Law in
m Bell, Diane
Translation: Language and the Law
Brennan, Gloria
Legal Responses to Aboriginal Child Care Issues
Chisholm, Richard
A-412-00 Anthropological
Approach to Development
Toward a Unifying Vision of Social Development and
Contemporary Social Problems
Jacobs, Garry L. Z
Modernization and Emergence of Ethnicity in India
Bhandari J.S.
Cultural Anthropology in Public Health
Patnaik, N.
Using Prohibitions in Development Work: Lessons from the 0
Anufo of Northern Ghana
Kirby, John
A-443-00 Secular Trend in Man
and Changes of Environment
The Secular Growth Trend in a Semi-Nomadic High Altitude
Kapoor, A.K
Satwanti, K
Tiwari, S.C
A-444-00 In and Beyond the Classroom
- Film in Communicating Anthropology
A Study of Balinese Healing: an Ethnographic Film Monograph
Representing Four Ethnographic Films
Connor, Linda
Towards a Complete, Filmed Ethnography: in Search of Written
Jules-Rosette, Bennetta
!Nai the Story of a !Kung Bushman Woman
Volkman, Toby
Teaching Social Organization with Film
Bugos, Paul
A-430-00 The Context of School
Success and Failure in Latin America
Avalos, Beatrice (Organizer & Chair)
International Coordinating Centre
The Context of School Success and Failure in Latin America
Avalos, Beatrice
An Ethnographical Approach to Study of School Failure in Latin
America: the Research Process
Shaeffer, S.
Schooling in Columbia: and Ethnographic Interpretation
De Tezanos, A.
Teacher Training in a Multicultural Context: Bolivia
de Crespo, Maritza
The Context of Success and Failure in Urban Classrooms in
Lopez, Gabriela
B-004-00 Specialization and
Exchange in the Development of Complex
Societies: Archaeological Evidence
Elite and Utilitarian Crafts in the Aztec Empire
Brumfiel, Elizabeth
Early State Livestock Production and Exchange: the Significance
of Specialization
Galvin, Kathleen
B-036-00 The Public in Public Archaeology
What We're Doing and Where We Want To Go
Community College Teaching as Public Archaeology
Peron, R.
The Past for the Public: Reconstructing Archaeological Sites
Orme, B.
Anthropological Archaeology and the Public: a Case from Italy
Fedele, EG.
Nevada's Program of Public Involvement in Archaeology
Rusld, Mary
C-025-00 Megafauna of the
Seas: Large Sea Mammal Hunting
and use among Native Societies
Mesolithic Ertebolle Sea Mammal use in Denmark
Andersen, Soren
C-032-00 Canadian-
Columbia Plateau Archeology
Patterns of Assemblage Variation Associated with Fraser Plateau
Microblade Technology
Ludowicz, D.G.
Revisionist North American Ethnology: the Nez Perce Case
Marshall, A.G.
The Later Prehistory of the Canadian Plateau of British Columbia
Richards, T
Rousseau, M.
An Overview of Lillooet Prehistory: the Last 4500 Years
Stryd, A.H.
C-105-00 Mesoamerican and Central
American Ethnohistory and Archaeology
Iconographic Analysis of the Pre-columbian Codex Laud
Ehrman, Virginia
Mayan Hieroglyphic Writing
Fox, James
The Xochicalco, Morelos Chronology
Guillen, Ann
Z Female Images in Aztec Art
Kaplan, Flora
SD-043-00 Man and Environment
SConcentration of Sex-hormones and Environmental Factors
SKnussmann, R.
Heat Stress
SKikuchi, Yasayuki
Statistical Evaluation of Anthropoecological Relationship on the
Basis of Factor Analysis
Alekseeva, T
Not by Meat Alone: a Holistic Approach to Man-Environment
Relationships among Northern Hunters
Freeman, M.R
D-145-00 Peopling of the Americas
The Peopling of the Americas as Viewed from South America
Salzano, EM
Genetic Studies on North Siberian Isolates
Sukernik, R.
Crawford, MH.
D-201-00 Bio-cultural Aspects of Demography
Incompatibility in Abo Blood Group, Fertility and Reproductive
Wastage in Kunbi of Mahrashtra (India)
Dhar, P
Secular Trend in Reproductive Patterns in Calcutta
Banerjee, AR.
Effect of Socio-economic Forces on Marriage and Fertility of
Padmanabham, PBS.V
Inbreeding in Tamilnadu Current Status and Consequences
Rao, PS.S
D-301-00 Contributed Papers: Public Concerns
and Theoretical Issues in Physical Anthropology
Meiklejohn, Chris (Organizer & Chair)
University of Winnipeg
Longevidad y Rejuvenologia
Hutterer, Espinosa
Oscar, Raquel
The Interest of the Public in Physical Anthropological Problems
Schuwidetzky, Ise
Hierarchy, Extrapolation, and the Use of Biological Theories in
Explaining Cultural Phenomena
Peters, Stuart M.
Nute, Peter E.
The Emerging Concept of Cline in Physical Anthropology
Leiberman, Leonard
Reynolds, Larr, T
Littlefield, Alice
E-012-00 The Anthropology of
Sports and Leisure Activities
Bolton, Ralph (Organizer & Chair)
University of Trondheim
Orienteering: Sports and Ethos in Norway
Bolton, Ralph
In Defense of Faith and Personhood: Ritual Sport in Amhara
Coptic Christianity
Reminick, R.A.
The Integration of Work and Leisure in Post-industrial America:
Where and to What Extent
Schuster, I
Women Work and Leisure
Allison, Maria T
Play, Personality and Health in Rural Nepal
Anderson, Robert T
Mitchell, Edna M.
The Future of Sport Studies in Anthropology: Problems and
Blanchard, Kendall
E-048-00 Anthropology of Ethnicity
Social Relations in Slovakian Villages
Kandert, J.
Structuration, Integration and the Persistence of Indian Culture
in Trinidad
Sharma, Kailas Nath
The Political Economy of Ethnic Identity in Southwestern Peru
Love, Thomas
E-253-00 Pilgrimage
Dimensions of Tribal Yatras (Pilgrimage) in India: a Study in
Typology and Cultural Integration
Oraon, Karma
Sannyasi: Archetypal Pilgrim?
Morinis, E.A.
Aziz, Barbara Nimri
A Ritual Temple and the Devotees a Study on Continuity and
Chaudhuri, B.
Myths, Legends and History of a Pilgrim's Centre in South India-
Tirupati: a Case History
Reddy, VN.
E-346-00 Anthropological
Research on the Chinese Periphery
S Impacts of British Colonial Administration on Hong Kong's Land
STenure System
SHuang, Shu-Min
9 A Study in Urban Organization: the Mutal Aid Committees
'I Scott, Janet Lee
S Social Contact and Religious Change among Formosan
S Aborigines
Shih, Lei
Rituals and Songs of the Saisiat
SYip, Wai-Lim
S What Does Chinese Mean?
Wee, Vivienne
E-413-00 Late Capitalism
or Monopoly Capitalism and
Anthropological Studies in the 1980's
The Capitalist Development Ideology of Small-farm Agriculture:
Theory and Practice in Botswana
Alverson, H.
Drug Plants of the Brazilian Amazon: Perspectives on Indian
Resistance to their Commercial Exploitation and/or Eradication
by Outside Agencies
Henman, A.R.
Wars on Cocaine: the Impact of Coca Eradication Campaigns
Henman, A.R.
Brazil's Contact with the Yanomami: Outlines of a Theoretical
Approach to a Diverse Situation
Henman, A.R.
E-506-00 Anthropology of India
Korwa's Domestic Group on Social Structure and Population
Srivastava, A.R.
Anthropology: Theory and Practice: Indian Situation
Behura, NK.
Religion Festivals and Magic among the Valayar of South India
Setty, Desigu E
Agricultural Intensification and Socio-economic Change in
Arunachal Pradesh, India
Patir, Lily
F-111-00 Women and Social Movements
From Matriliny to Individual Ownership and Subordination of
Women: Agrarian Struggles and Women's Situation
Women's Role and Participation in Workers' Movement in Coir
Industry in Kerala
Velayudhan, M.
Women in the Socio-economic Milieu of Uttarakhand
Joshi, Govindi (Gopa)
Women and 'People's Ecological Movement': a Case Study of
Women's Role in the Chipko Movement in the Garhwal Region
of Utter Pradesh, India
Jain, Shobita
F-201-00 The Role of Social Factors
in Contemporary Ethnic Processes
Social Forces in Caribbean Ethnic History
Mintz, Sidne',
Title Unknown
Fischer, John
Title Unknown
Mailings, Leith
Title Unknown
Lapidus, Gail
G-026-00 Theatricality as a
Dimension of Relationship Between Popular
and Folk Pictorial and Performing Arts
Popular Art in Bangladesh: the Painted Rickssah as Cultural
Kirkpatrick, Joanna
On the Interrelations of Local Folk Drama and Narrative
Paintings of Rajasthan, India
Joshi, O.P.
Scroll Painting from Maharashtra
Roy, Eva
Folk Opera and Regional Systems in the Parma Valley
Siegel, Bernard
G-109-00 The Anthropology of Law
in the Formation and Implementation
of Socio-Legal Policy
On the Relations Between Studies of Law and Legal Policy: the
Indonesian Case
Slatts, Herman
Portier, Karen
Conflict and Compromise; Canadian Indigenous Peoples and the
Yerbury, JC.
Griffiths, C.T
Entering Canadian Confederation the Dene Experiment
tal il John U
G-121-00 Folk Culture in
Central and South America
Aproximacion Comprensiva a un Mito Pilaga. el Mito de
Molina, Lic Anatilde Idoyaga
Testament Carnavalesque
Teizerira, AM.
SG-122-00 Aboriginal Law and
M Tradition in Australian Society: Problems
; of Conflict Coexistence and Adaptation
The Australian Law Reform Commission's references on
recognition of aboriginal law: a general outline
SCrawford, James
Aboriginal Child Placement in the Urban Context
z Baines, P
Sansom, B.
Young Aboriginal Offenders: Paternalism and Permisiveness
STonkinson, R.
A-412-00 Anthropological
Approach to Development
0 Anthropological Implication in the Development of Rajasthan
| Tribes
Vyas, N.N
SCapitalist Development and Agrarian Change in Highland Sri
Silva, Kalinga Tudor
Anthropological Approach to Islam and Development
Author Unknoun
z Capitalism, Welfarism and Socialism
SVerma, B.N
W Higher Education for the Weaker Section
4 Dhan, A.K
A-444-00 In and Beyond the Classroom
- Film in Communicating Anthropology
Reading Between the Frames: the Relation of Text and Film in
the Educational Context
Wallens, Stanley
The Film Lab: One Approach to Integrating Film and Readings in
Anthropology Courses
Blakely, Thomas
B-014-00 Origin and Development
of the Bone Harpoon: Ethnographic
Facts and Interpretations
Watanabe, Hitoshi (Organizer & Chair)
University of Hokkaido
Technology, Ecology and Symbolism of Harpoons: With Special
Reference to Polynesian Case
Goto, Akira
Origins and Connections of Toggle Harpoon Heads Discovered
from Northeast Asia
Yamamura, Kiyashi
B-036-00 The Public in Public Archaeology
What We're Doing and Where We Want To Go
Bringing Archaeology to the Public: the Ozette Experience
Gleeson, Paul P
On-site Archaeology Education Programs for High School and
Elementary Students
Patenaude, Valerie
C-032-00 Canadian-
Columbia Plateau Archeology
Prehistory of the Northern Interior of British Columbia
Fladmark, KR.
Prehistoric Subsistence and Settlement of the Inter-riverine Zone
of the British Columbia Interior Plateau
Pokotylo, David L.
C-105-00 Mesoamerican and Central
American Ethnohistory and Archaeology
Progress Towards Deciphering the Hieroglyphic Script of the
Classic Maya
Mignon, Molly
Archaeology in Central Pacific Panama
Ranere, Anthony
Mixe Calendrics and Ritual
Lipp, Frank
T'iconographie Maya (peintore morale et manuscripts)
Fettweis, Martine
D-043-00 Man and Environment
Social Consequences of Environmental Degradation in India
Malhotra, K C
The Effect of Climatic Factors on Growth Processes in Man
0lt v,"t,. i 4,, ., m.m
Effect of Migration as Indicator of Effects of Environmental
Susanne, Charles
Anthropological Peculiarities of Children of Kirghiz Ethnic
Population of High Altitude Aborgines in Tien Sien and the
Pamir Mountains
Turusbekov, B.T
Genetic Markers and Environment Keys for the Detection of
Selectively Acting Process in Man
Walter H.
D-201-00 Bio-cultural Aspects of Demography
Bio-Cultural Adaptation of Apatanis
Jaswal, LS.
Economy, Fertility and Dual Inheritance among the Naga Tribes
Das, N.K
Biocultural Implications on Demography of a Himalayan Society
Chandra, R
Inbreeding Effects on Metrical Traits in Man
Lakshmanudu, M
Anthropometric Variables of Offspring of Consanguineous
Marriages in Egypt
Hussien, FH.
Mazen, IM
Skoury, A.S.
Biological Consequences of Consanguineous Marriages
Srivastava, R.P.
Pattanshetti, VB.
Assortative Mating and its Biological Effects
Siniarska, Ann
Genetic Demography and its Social Implications among the
Gandhi, Lalchand P
Fertility and the Question of Historical Reality in a Serbian
Wagner, Richard A.
Actions et retroactions sur la fecondite d'une communaute
isolee a la suite d'une enquete bioanthropologique
Breguet, Georges A.
D-301-00 Contributed Papers: Public Concerns
and Theoretical Issues in Physical Anthropology
"Consecuencias" (Contaminacion-Mutacion-Herencia)(Dibujos-
Martinez, Vidal
Moises, Luis
The Relationship between Morphological Variability and
Heterozygosity for Blood Group Loci in Human Populations
Livshits, Gregory
Kobyliansky, Eugene
Physical Anthropology in Iceland and the Public
Palsson, Jens O.P
4 E-008-00 Racism
; Barrett, Stanley R. (Organizer & Chair)
Z University of Guelph
Myth Feud and Racism: a Comparative Framework
Barrett, Stanley R.
Whites in Hawaii
Whittaker, Elli
Racism and Recruitment in Work Organizations
& nkins, R.P
E-048-00 Anthropology of Ethnicity
Cultural Pluralism and Social Unity
Morland, K
Culinary Behaviour as Significatory Action
Enninger, Werner
Identidad Cultural Argentina (Argentina: our Cultural Identity)
Vila, Alicia
Institutionalization of Ethnicity in Kafanchan, Nigeria, in the
Colonial Period
Lamy, Paul
E-075-00 The Anthropological Picture
of Southeast Asia
Kiszely, Istvan R.N. (Organizer & Chair)
Bali-Aga: Primitive or Pre-Hindu Communities in Bali?
Mahapatra, LK
Ancient Economic Plants of South Asia
Southworth, EC
Community, Kinship and Festivals
Flores-Meiser, E.P.
E-148-00 Los Migraciones Europeas
Yasiaticas a America Latina Sigros XIX y XX
Martinez, Montiel Luzmaria (Organizer & Chair)
La aportacion de los refugiados Espanoles a las ciencas
anthropologicas en Mexico su obra
Baranca, M.
La aportacion de los refugiados Espanoles a las ciencas
antropologicas en Mexico. Comienzo y praxis
Alonso, M.
La aportacion de los refugiados Espanoles a las ciencas
antropologicas en Mexico. Vocacion e integracion
Au, E.
On Demographic Problems of Chinese Immigrants in Cuba
Kryukov, Mikhail V
E-253-00 Pilgrimage
Pilgrims and Pilcrn, IL. a Case Study of Tirumal-Tirupati
Naidu, TS.
The Concept of Pilgrimage in Folk Tradition: a Case Study of
Chamundeshwari Ritual Complex
Morab, S.G.
A Pilgrim Centre in India: a Case Study of Kusheshwarsthan in
Chaudhuri, G.N. v
Anil, Verma
E-413-00 Late Capitalism
or Monopoly Capitalism and
Anthropological Studies in the 1980's
Late (Monopoly) Capitalism and State Ideology: the Ligitimation
of Control in South Africa
Posal, Deborah
Boom for whom? the Socio-economic Effects and Implications of
the 1978-1983 Industrial Cycle for the Black Population of South
Keenan, Jeremy
Recapitalization as a State Policy: Worker Communities and the
Housing Question in South Africa
Mabin, Alan
Monetarism and the 'Export' of Unemployment in South Africa
Innes, Duncan
The Implications for Organized and Unorganized Labour of
Management's Responses to the Contemporary Recession in
South Africa
Obery, Ingrid
The Social Implication of Capital Restructuring in South Africa in
the 1980's
Jaffee, Georgina
Provisional: Struggle from the Margins: Rural Slums in the
Orange Free State
Murra, Colin
Co-operative Exploitation and the Reconstitution of a Labour
Rent: Commercial Agriculture in South Africa's 'Homelands'
Keenan, Jeremy
Roodt, Monty
F- 11-00 Women and Social Movements
Patterns of Work and Contribution to Household Maintenance:
Some Indian Material
Mencher, J
Saradamoni, K
Women's Work and Household Economizing: an Egyptian Village
Saunders, L
Mehenna, S.
Awareness of Legal Rights among Women: a Case from India
Sinha, Ramesh
Verma, Krishna
Women, Third World Anthropology and Medical Anthropology
Shahahani, S.
A Critical Approach to Cultural Materialism
Rahmani, Monireh
Women's Autonomous Movements in Comparative Perspective
Wieringa, SE.
Women's Problems in Muslim Societies a Biological
Perspective for Analysis and Solution
Rahmani, Monireh
F-201-00 The Role of Social Factors
in Contemporary Ethnic Processes
Title Unknown
Riggs, Fred
Title Unknown
Vessuri, Hebe
The Role of Social Factors in Contemporary Ethnic Processes
Zamora, Mario D.
The Future of Nationalism in Advanced Societies
Brand, Jack
F-106-00 Commissions on
Museums: Progress Report
Gautam, M.K. (Chairman)
'eiden University
S q. (Chairman)
SMuseum of Ethnography
ka, fhe Netherlands
G-026-00 Theatricality as a
Dimension of Relationship Between Popular
and Folk Pictorial and Performing Arts
The Reintegrative Role of Tifaifai in Eastern Polynesia
Hammond, Joyce D.
Folk Opera and Regional Systems in the Northern Apennines,
Siegel, Bernard
The Harajuku Dancers: a Microcosm of Japanese Society
LaRock, Anthony D.
Ward, Patricia
Tlingit Potlatch: a Saturation of the Senses (a Performance
Oriented Analysis)
Franck, E.
The Harajuku Phenomena
La Rock, A.D.
Ward, P.A.
G-036-00 Canadian Folk Cultural Studies
Hoe, Ban Seng (Organizer & Chair)
National Museum of Man
The Meaning of Folk Architecture in Central Alberta
Poulsen, Richard
An Aspect of Doukhobor Folklore
Mealing, Mark
The Generation of Narrative in the Oral Literature of the
Canadian Eskimo
Ryan, MP
Folk Medicine in an Ethnic Community in Canada
Hoe, Ban Seng
H-003-00 Ethnolinguistic
Boundaries and the Modern Nation
States: Legacies of Imperialism
Dupree, Louis (Organizer & Chair)
Ethnolinguistic Boundaries and Modern Nation States: the Case
of West Africa
Trager, Lillian
The Pamir Kirghiz between Five Worlds: USSR, Afghanistan,
China, Gilgit, Turkey
Shahrani, N
The Many Uses of Linguistic Labels: the Identification and
Manipulation of Linguistic Units in South Asia
Schmidt, R
The Evolution of Imperialistic Bureaucracies in South Asia:
a Challenge of Nationalism and Regionalism
Dupree, L.
Soviet Central Asia
Shahrani, Nazif
XI ICAES Programme Committee
XI CISAE Comite du programme
XI CICAE Comite Programa
Dr. Richard Salisbury
McGill University
Dr. Yvan Simonis
University Laval
Dr. Richard Pearson
University of British
Dr. David Pokotylo
University of British
Dr. EmbkeJ.E. Szathmary
McMaster University
Dr Sally Weaver
University of Waterloo
Dr Ban Seng Hoe
National Museum of Man/
Musee de 1'Homme (Ottawa)
Dr. Henrietta Cedergren
University du Quebec
(F) Special Sessions and Interdisciplinary
Topics/Sessions specials et sujets
interdisciplinaires/Sesiones Especiales y
T6picos Interdisciplinaros
(A) Anthropological Theory; Applied
Anthropology/Theorie anthropolo-
gique; anthropologie appliquee/Teoria
Antropol6gica; Antropologia Aplicada
(B) World Archaeology/
Archeologie mondiale/
Arqueologia Mundail
(C) Archaeology of the Americas/
Archeologie des Ameriques/
Arqueologia de las Americas
(D) Biological Anthropology/Anthropologie
biologique/Antropologia Bi6logica
(E) Social and Cultural Anthro
pology; Museums/Anthropologie social
et culturelle; Musees/Antropologia
Social y Cultural; Museos
(G) Folklore and Folk Culture/Folklore et
culture populaire/Folklore y Cultura
(H) Linguistics/Linguistique/Linguistica