Front Cover
 Programme committee

Title: XI International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences : Phase II (Vancouver) August 20-25, 1983 Program brochures
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00083835/00005
 Material Information
Title: XI International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences : Phase II (Vancouver) August 20-25, 1983 Program brochures
Series Title: XI International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences : Phase II (Vancouver) August 20-25, 1983 Program brochures
Physical Description: Book
Language: English
Creator: International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (11th : 1983 : Vancouver, B.C.)
Publisher: International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences
Publication Date: 1983
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00083835
Volume ID: VID00005
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Table of Contents
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    Programme committee
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Full Text

Phase II (Vancouver)
August 20-25

CANADA 1983 Phase II (Vancouver)
20-25 ao6t

Fase II (Vancouver)
agosto 20-25

Monday, August 22
Lundi 22 aouit
Lunes, 22 de agosto

Phase II Programme Venue and Schedule
All Symposia Programme Sessions will take place in one of the
following locations:
1. Hotel Vancouver (HV)
2. Georgia Hotel (GH)
3. Robson Square Media Center (RS)
A daily summary of all Symposia and their specific location is included
in the Registration Package. Location summaries will also be posted for
each day of the Congress. A similar summary of Symposia and their
session allocation is included with each daily Symposia Programme.
All Symposia have been assigned to one or more sessions during
each day of the Congress. A session represents 11/2 hours of time and
each day is divided into five session time slots as follows:
Session 1 0900 hrs. 1030 hrs. Session 3 1330 hrs. 1500 hrs.
Session 2 1030 hrs. 1200 hrs. Session 4 1500 hrs. 1630 hrs.
Lunch Break 1200 hrs. 1330 hrs. Session 5 1630 hrs. 1800 hrs.

Phase II Lieux de reunion et horaires des
Toutes les sessions se tiendront dans l'un des bitiments suivants:
1. Hotel Vancouver (HV)
2. Hotel Georgia (GH)
3. Centre des m6dias de Robson Square (RS)
On trouvera dans la trousse d'inscription la listed des symposia et
leur lieu de reunion. Le programme scientifique quotidien content
6galement la liste des symposia et le lieu de reunion de chaque
Les symposia comportent tous une ou plusieurs sessions
quotidiennes. Chaque session dure une here et demie et chaque
journ6e est divisee en cinq trenches:
Session 1: 9 heures 10 heures 30 Session 3: 13 heures 30 15 heures
Session II: 10 heures 30 midi Session 4:15 heures 16 heures 30
Pause-d.deuner: midi Session 5: 16 heures 30 18 heures
13 heures 30

Program de la Fase II Lugares y Horario
Todas las Sesiones del Programa de Simposios de la Fase II se llevarAn
a cabo en uno de los lugares siguientes:
1. El Hotel Vancouver (HV)
2. El Hotel Georgia (HG)
3. El Centro de Comunicaciones de la Plaza Robson
(Robson Square Media Centre)(RS)
En el Paquete de Inscripci6n se ha incluido un resume de todos los
Simposios ofrecidos, dia por dia, indicando el lugar especifico en que
se van a celebrar. Igualmente, por la duraci6n del Congreso se
indicaran los lugares de reuni6n en los noticieros diaramente.
Ademis, una resefia similar de los simposios y sus correspondientes
sesiones aparece en cada uno de los Programas de Simposios diaries.
A todos los Simposios se les ha asignado una o mas sesiones
durante cada dia del Congreso. Una sesi6n represent un period de
tiempo de 1-1/2 horas y cada dia se ha dividido en cinco sesiones de la
manera siguiente:
Sesi6n 1 0900 hrs.-1030 hrs. Sesi6n 3 1330 hrs.-1500 hrs.
Sesi6n 2 1030 hrs.-1200 hrs. Sesi6n 4 1500 hrs.-1630 hrs.
Almuerzo 1200 hrs.-1330 hrs. Sesion 5- 1630 hrs.-1800 hrs.

Schedule / Horaire / Horario

Session 1
0900 hrs.-1030 hrs.
Session 1
9 heures-10 heures
Sesion 1
0900 hrs.-1030 hrs.

Session 2
1030 hrs.-1200 hrs.
Session 2
10 heures 30-midi
Sesi6n 2
1030 hrs.-1200 hrs.

Session 3
1330 hrs.-1500 hrs.
Session 3
13 heures 30-15 heures
Sesi6n 3
1330 hrs.-1500 hrs.

Session 4
1500 hrs.-1630 hrs.
Session 4
15 heures-16 heures 30
Sesi6n 4
1500 hrs.-1630 hrs.

Session 5
1630 hrs.-1800 hrs.
Session 5
16 heures 30-18 heures
Sesion 5
1630 hrs.-1800 hrs.

A-217 A-404 A-408
B-002 B-044 B-069
C-003 C-029 D-029
D-148 D-155 E-113
E-248 E-288 E-322
E-323 E-344 E-412
E-455 E-510 F-108
G-106 G-108 H-010

A-217 A-259 A-404
A-408 B-069 C-003
C-029 D-029 D-148
D-155 E-113 E-248
E-288 E-322 E-323
E-324 E-344 E-412
E-455 G-003 G-106
G-108 H-010 H-019

A-408 A-414 A-418
B-008 B-010 B-041
B-044 C-003 C-025
B-029 D-144 D-155
D-205 E-033 E-113
E-181 E-288 E-323
E-332 E-344 E-455
G-009 G-108 H-018

A-408 A-414 A-418
B-008 B-041 C-025
D-029 D-144 D-155
D-205 E-070 E-121
E-181 E-288 E-344
E-418 E-512 G-108
G-019 H-018

A-010 A-418 A-439
B-008 B-041 C-003
C-025 D-155 D-205
D-300 E-019 E-121
E-181 E-200 E-288
E-344 E-417 E-418
E-419 E-511 E-512
F-105 F-110 F-208
F-220 G-108

Correction: Symposium B-010-00 begins in
Session 3, as shown, and concludes in
Session 4.

A-217-00 'Hot-Cold' Food and Medical Theory
SManderson, Lenore (Organizer & Chair)
SUniversity of New South Wales
The Mapping of a Difficult Terrain: Childbirth as a Rite of Passage
in Malaysia
Ladennan, C.
Cold Wombs in Balmy Honolulu: Ethno-Gynacology among
Korean Immigrants
Kendall, L
Hot-Cold in Women's Ethnotherapeutics: the American-Mexican
Kay, M.
Yoder, M
Dietary Rules for Disease Treatment or Prevention among Hong
Kong Chinese
Koo, L.C

A-404-00 Anthropology of Futures
Sponsored by: Commission on Futurology
Burman, B.K. Roy (Organizer & Chair)
Council for Social Development
Miller, Robert (Organizer & Chair)
Mahapatra, L.K. (Organizer)
Utkal University
The Future of the Past
Nash, RJ.
Whitlam, R.G.
India's Urban Slums and Its Futurity
Hiremath, S.G.
Community Ownership of Land and Forests in North East India:
Its Socio-Economic Implications
Gupta, PK Das
Entropy and Technocultural Evolution
Guilmet, G.M.

A-408-00 Anthropologists Call for
Interdisciplinary Cooperation in Education
Sponsored by: Commission on Urgent Anthropological Research
Hohenwart-Gerlachstein, Anna (Organizer & Chair)
Institute Fur Volkerkunde
Home Education in Rural Areas of Korea
Lee, Kuang-Kyu
S Education for the Ethnic Groups: the Mexican Experiment
Gonzalez-Torres, Yolotl
SSocial, Ethnical and Ethical Implications of the Educational
Policy Furthered Among Brazilian Indian Nations
SViertler, Renate
The Socialization of Children Among the Afro-Venezuelans
Pollak-Eltz, Angelina

B-002-00 Ethnoarchaeology
Pearson, Richard (Organizer & Chair)
University of British Columbia
Cognitive Possibilities of Ethnoarchaeological Research
Kobylinski, Zbigniew
Disappearance of Pit-dwellings and Fuel Economy: an
Ethnoarchaeological Study
Watanabe, Hitoshi
Ethnoarchaeological Analysis of the Ethnographies of the
Northern Hunter-Gatherers: a Contrastive Model of the Jomon
Goto, Akira
Etnoarquealogia: un caso en Mesoamerica
Kuriel, AM

B-044-00 Quaternary Environments
and Cultural Succession in South Asia
Misra, V.N. (Organizer & Chair)
Deccan College
Nouvelles perspectives sur le Neolithique et Chalco. De 1'Asie du
Jarrige, Jean-Francois
Palaeo-Ecological Factors in the Isolation of Populations in the
Indian Mesolithic
Kennedy, Kenneth A.R.
Post-pleistocene Development of Settlement Pattern from the
Hunter-Forager Open-air Station to the Early Farmer Village in
the Belan Valley with Special Reference to Recent Researchers in
the Northern Vindhyas, India
Mandal, Dhaneshwar
Quaternary Events in the Garo Hills, Meghalaya
Medhi, Dilip K

B-069-00 The Indo-Europeans from Ireland
to India during the Transition from the
Neolithic to the Bronze Age stressing Physical
Anthropology, Archaeology and Ethnology
Stefanovich, Mark R. (Organizer & Chair)
The Earliest Indo-Europeans in Europe
Gimbutas, Maria
Initiation Rites in Bronze Age Europe
Kraig, Bruce
Ethnogenesis of the Germanic People
Polome, Edgar
Archaeological Evidence for Proto-Indio-European Chieftains
Rowlett, Ralph M.

C-003-00 Maya Archaeology
Healy, P.F. (Organizer & Chair)
Trent University
The Preceramic of Coastal Belize
MacNeish, R.S.
Preclassic Communities at Colha, Belize
Hester, TR.
Shafer, HJ.
An Evaluation of the Role Played by Long Distance Trade at the
Maya Site of Cerros in Northern Belsize
Garber, J
Inclusive Agriculture in the Maya Lowlands
Scarborough, Vernon
An Evaluation of the Role Played by Long Distance Trade at the
Maya Site of Cerros in Northern Belize
Garber, J.

C-029-00 The Pre-history Plates
of the Historical Atlas of Canada
Wright, James V. (Organizer & Chair)
National Museums of Canada
An Introduction to the Pre-history Plates of the Historical Atlas of
Wright, James V
Palaeo-Indian Prehistory
Roberts, A.
Pleistocene and Early Holocene Evidence for Human
Occupation in Western North America
Morlan, R.E
Middle and Late Holocene Prehistory of Western North America
Clark, D.W
D-029-00 Human Adaptation to
Environment: Relative Impacts of Physical
Environmental and Sociocultural Factors
Basu, S.C. Amitabha (Organizer & Chair)
Indian Statistical Institute
Adaptive Strategies to Cyclical Food Stress: the Case of a
Philippine Marginal Agriculturalist
Cadelina, Rowe V
Marriage Patterns in Two Scottish Island Populations
Clegg, Edward J
Anthropological Eye Investigations in Kalimpong, India
F orsius, Henrik R.
SEthnic Position of the Kachari's of Asam among other Mongoloid
| Population of North East India
Phukan, Manabendra Nath
z D-148-00 Anatomy and Biometry
Sof the Pelvis of Primates and Hominidae
Susanne, Charles (Organizer & Chair)
, Free University of Brussels
SMisalignments in the Human Pelvis Measured on Radiographs
Anderson, Robert T

Adaptation obstetricale du pelvis des Australopitheques
Berge, Christine
Orban-Segebarth, Rosine
Patterns of Alometry in the Pelvis of Higher Primates
Steudel, Karen L.
Radiology of the Early Hominid Pelvis
Sussman, Ivan M

D-155-00 Dermatoglyphics
Meier, RJ. (Organizer & Chair)
Indiana University
Malvalwala, Jamshed (Discussant)
University of Toronto
Dermatoglyphics of Palots in Northern Hungary
Gyenis, G.
The Dermatoglyphic Characteristics of Three Isolated Bedouin
Groups from South Sinai
Kobyliansky, E.
Micle, S
Hershkovitz, I
Arensburg, B.
Genetic Distances between Jews of Different Geographic
Extraction and Non-jews from the Same Area: a Dermatoglyphic
Micle, S.
Kobyliansky, E.
Dermatoglyphic Differentiation of North Siberian Aborigines
Galaktionor, O.K

E-113-00 Economic Anthropology
Sinha, S.C. (Organizer & Chair)
Multi-national Investment and Rural Development a West
Indian Example
Koester, S.
Production and Marketing of Art and Crafts in Two Cultures:
the United States and Scandinavia
Lessinger, J
"Popular Piracy" as a Technique for Community Survival: a Case
Study from the Aegean
Gravel, Pierre Bettez
Suye Mura in Transition II
I cl,i,,.: Morimitsu

E-248-00 Changing Concepts of Caste
Tambs-Lyche, Harald (Organizer & Chair)
Bergen University
Rank Transformation Systems of the Eastern Gangetic Plain
Brown, Carolyn H
Interaction by Category: some Perspectives on Caste
Tambs-Lyche, Harald
The Structural of Tamil Artisan Castes in South India and
Sri Lanka
McGilvray, D.B.
Untouchability in India
Kadetotad, NK.

E-288-00 Historical Ethnology
Lucas, Jack A. (Organizer & Chair)
Central Connecticut State University
Ethnology: History/Science Revisited. II: Historic Inquiry in
Ethnology Case 1
Count, Earl W
Ethnology: History/Science Revisited. II: Historic Inquiry in
Ethnology Case 2
Count, Earl W
Historical Ethnology and Ethnological History
Andriolo, KR.
East European Peasantries Interwar Perspectives from
Economics, Ethnology and Social Anthropology
Halpern, JM.
E-322-00 Applied Anthropological
Issues in Pakistan
Green, James W. (Organizer & Chair)
Univ. of Washington
Applied Anthropology in Pakistan
Berland, Joseph C.
Popular and Orthodox Islam in the Development of Pakistan
Buddenberg-Nayyar, D.
Peripatetic Adaptations: Nomadic Artisans and Entertainers in a
Complex Society
Berland, Joseph C.
Promoting Rural Development through Irrigators Associations in
Pakistan: What can Anthropologists Do?
Merry, DJ
E-323-00 Ethnicity, Loyalty
and National Boundaries
Gautam, M.K. (Organizer & Chair)
Leiden University
The Netherlands
Indian Immigrant Families: Process of Adjustment in Canadian
Kurian, George
Tibetan Refugees in Switzerland
Corlin, C
Caspian People (an Ethnic Group in Iran)
Rahmani, M.
Elements of Caste among the Indian Convents
Hasan, Amir
SE-344-00 Health Care Delivery (the Relevance
of the Social Sciences to Health Care Delivery)
Breaking our Silence: Research from the Perspective of
Immigrant Women and its Relevance to Health Care Delivery
Ng, R.
Developing a Network of Support: Strategies Employed by
Immigrant Women
Lynam, Judy
Learning Preventive Health Care through Mutual Support
Groups in an Urban Community
Maida, CA.
Kazanjian, A. Discussant

E-412-00 The Health Consequences of Social
Change: Physiological, Psychological and
Behavioral Impairments
Appell, George N. (Organizer & Chair)
Brandeis University
Alaska Native Community Health Aides: Practicing what we
Cordes, Penelope M.
Torres Strait Health Care: Social Ramifications
Fitzpatrick-Nietschmann, Judith
Evaluating Societal Functioning: or, what Constitutes a Health
Appell, George N.
Present Medical Health Care System: a Legacy of the Past: an
Alternative Model to Provide Health for All
Siddh, KK
E-455-00 Marriage and Kinship
in Modern Social Anthropology
Srivastava, A.R.N. (Organizer)
Terms of Address among Jalari of Coastal Andhra Pradesh
Rao, Merutu Kodanda
God-Human Marriage: Devadasi Custom of India
Gurumurthy, KG.
Tarachand, K C
Kinship System in a Punjabi Rural Community: a Case Study of
Sarangpur (Chandigarh)
Banerjee, B.C
Ahuja, S.
Trend of Changes in Marriage Systems and Kinship Terms of
Mandal, D.
E-510-00 Hindu Religion
(Chair) To be Announced
Hindu Reaction to Western-based Hindu Cults
Bharati, A.
A Ceremony in Thailand Buddhist or Hindu?
Kalab, M.
Hindu or Muslim Ritual in Sri Lanka
McGihray, D.
Brahman Priests and their Assistants: the Complementary Nature
of High and Low Caste Religious Functionaries
Hertel, B.
Singh, Rana

F-108-00 Commission
on Development: Progress Report
Vidyarthi, L.P. (Chairman)
Ranchi University


G-106-00 Traditional Medicine
Ariza, Oscar Hutterer (Observer & Chair)
Academia Mexicana de Medicina Tradicional
El Mundo Alucinante de los Hongos Mexicanos
De Hutterer, Raquel Espinoza
Vivencias Medico Magicas entire Coras y Huicholes
Ariza, Oscar Hutterer
Herboristeria du Significancia Cultural y Terapeutica en las
Comunidados Folk
Rosso, Daniel
Healing by Reprogramming the Subconscious
Parks, Loren E.

G-108-00 Interaction of State
and Folk Law in Contemporary Society
Conn, Stephen (Organizer & Chair)
University of Alaska
Impact between Soviet Law and Customs on Northern Native
Royz, Emmanuil
The Conceptualization of Indigenous Peoples in the Legal
Systems of the Western Liberal Democracies
Sanders, Douglas
Indigenous Law and State Legal Systems: Conflict and
Morse, Bradford
Indigenization of Social Control in Canada
Havemann, Paul

H-010-00 La Glotologia, un Aporte Prodigioso
a Las Ciencias Antropologicas y Etnologicas
Campanella, Andres (Organizer & Chair)
Estudio Glotohistorico de los Toponimicos Indigenas de Salta
Campanella, Andres
La Irreal Existencia de la Lengua Indigena Ka Kan
Campanella, A.
The Linguistic History of an American Indian Language
Oswalt, R.L.
El Anahuac Durangueno Origien de la Familia Linguistica
Esguerra, C

H-019-00 Language Origins
The Affectual Factor in the Development of Language
Raffler-Engel, Walburga Von
Primate Communications, Comparative Neurology and the
Origin of Language Re-examined
Steklis, Horst
The Red Colour in Pre-history and the Development of
Articulated Speech
Wreschner, Ernest
Athabaskan etc., Links with N.E. Asia: Number Words Across the
North Pacific
Anderson, Lloyd B.

A-217-00 'Hot-Cold' Food and Medical Theory
The Hot and Cold in Mesoamerican Indigenous and
Hispanicized Thought
Messer, Ellen
The Doctor, the Lawyer, and the Melancholoy Witch
Migliore, Sam
Why is Humoral Medicine so Popular
Anderson, EN

A-259-00 Food Policy
Sponsored by: I.'.A.E.S. Commission on Anthropology of Food
Khare, R.S. (Organizer & Chair)
University of Virginia
The Malnutrition Problem in the Phillipines and Its Correlates
Sison, M.
Nutritional Anthropology
Sison, M.
Development of the Chinese Food System
Anderson, E.
Some Aspects of Anthropology of Food and Nutrition Among the
Bao, M.S.A.

A-404-00 Anthropology of Futures
Personal Past and Present in Models of the Future
Miller, Robert
And Shall the Meek Inherit the Earth?
Miller, B.D.
Futuristics Applicable to Anthropology
Maury, M.
Electronic Marketplace: Economics in Information
Godoe, Helge
Emerging Telematic Systems: Possible and Probable Cultural
Harkins, Arthur M.
Anthropology of Other Cultures by Post-Primitives
Mahapatra, L.K

A-408-00 Anthropologists Call for
Interdisciplinary Cooperation in Education
Value Formation, an Indian Model M.A.
Lourdusamy, S.
Vanishing Cultural Traits of the Muria-Gonds of Bastar in
Central India
Srivastava, A.R.N
Higher Education for Simple Societies: a Realistic View
Upadbyay, VS
Pre-Colonial Systems of Education in Central Africa, Angola and
Kubik, G.

B-002-00 Ethnoarchaeology
Archaeology and Oral History Research in Alaska
Arundale, W
Materia les Etnologicos y Argueoligia
Maggidjo, M.
Archaeological Inferences: Ethnographic Pottery and the Case of
Bungoma District, Kenya
Wandibba, RL.
Aureneme, O.

B-008-00 Lithic Analysis and
Behavioural Interpretation: Recent Advances
Pokotylo, David L. (Organizer & Chair)
University of British Columbia
Prehistoric Blood Residue Analysis: the Reconstruction of
Process and Specific Events in the Past
Loy Tom
Intra-Regional Behavioural Variability: a Regional Approach to
Lithic Analysis
Jeffries, Richard W
Biface Production Trajectories in Western Mississippi: a Regional
Johnson, Jay K
Behavioural Interpretation in Intrasite, Interlevel, and Intersite
Lithic Analyses
Munday, Frederick

B-041-00 Amateur and
Professional Roles in Archaeology
Early, Ann M. (Organizer & Chair)
Amateurs and Professionals: Past and Future
Davis, Hester
Archaeology and the Public in Britain
Cleere, Henry F
Archaeological Field Schools for the Public: Creating
Understanding and Support of Archeology Through Education
Kraus, Lyn M.
Paraprofessionals: New Roles in Archaeological Research
Early, Ann

B-044-00 Quaternary Environments
and Cultural Succession in South Asia
Emergence of Siwalik Frontal Range Vis-a-Vis Age of Associated
SLithic Cultures (Western Sub-Himalaya)
SMohapatra, G.C
Prehistoric Cultural Succession in Northeast India
Sharma, TC
SPrehistoric Ecology, Resource Strategies and Cultural Change in
the Son Valley, Northern Madhya Pradesh, Central India
Clark, J. Desmond
SQuaternary Environment and Stone Age Cultures of Western
Coast of India
Rajaguru, Sharad
0 Pleistocene Environment and Archaeology in Kashmir
Agrawal, Dhrama Pal


B-036-00 The Public in Public Archaeology
- What We're Doing and Where We Want To Go
Public Archaeology: Laymen Involved in Archaeology
Jacome, Philip
Relating to the Public about Contribution of Archaeology
Justice, Noel D.
Divulgaccon de inustegaccones ? Arquologicas al gran public
Mansur, ME
The Responsible Popularization of Archaeology
Wallace, R.L.

B-042-00 Multinational Archaeological Projects:
Problems and Advantages of Co-operation
Multi-national Anthropological Research in Africa
Pendelton, Wade C
Hascherkeller: American-German Research into Prehistorical
Village Economy
Wells, Peter S.
Archaeological Fieldwork in the Middle East in View of Public
Demand and Request: Laws, Institutions and the Alternatives for
the Future Fieldwork with the Middle East in View
Ingraham, M.L.

C-025-00 Megafauna of the
Seas: Large Sea Mammal Hunting
and use among Native Societies
Late 19th Century North Alaskan Eskimo Whaling
Burch, Ernest S.
History of Belcher Island Sea Mammal Hunting
Guemple, Lee
Sea Mammal use on the Northwest Coast
Inglis, Richard
Haggarty, James
Evidence of Sea Mammal use in Early Maritime Province
Keenlyside, David

C-026-00 Early Man in South America
New Data from Peru in a Central Andean Perspective on Early
Rick, J
New Data from Chile in a Southern Andean Perspective on Early
Nunez, L.
Discontinuous Distributions of Projectile Points in South
Borrero, L.A.
Survey of the Laguna de Punta Grande, Northern Chile
Lynch, T
The Significance of El Inga Fluted Points
Mayer-Oakes, WJ.P



C-032-00 Canadian-
Columbia Plateau Archeology
Ames, Kenneth M. (Organizer & Chair)
Idaho State Historical Soc.
Pokotylo, David L. (Organizer & Chair)
University of British Columbia
An Examination of the Prehistory of the Southern and Eastern
Columbia Plateau
Ames, Kenneth M
The Cascade-Tucannon Phase Transition: a Question of Why
Brauner, D.
The Study of Human Settlement and Environment Change: a
Case Study from the Upper Columbia River
Chatters, JA.
The Importance of the Snake River Plain for Understanding
Basin: Plateau Prehistory
Green, TJ.

D-143-00 Theoretical Issues
Within Human Sociobiology
- Religion and Natural Selection
Steadman, Lyle B.
The Value of Sociobiology for Anthropology
Wind, Jan
The Social Determinants of Infant Health
Tellis-Nayak, V
A Genera Covarience Structure Model for Quantitative Genetic
Smalley, Susan L.
Williams, BJ
Woodward, ArthurJ.
Bonett, Douglas G.

D-159-00 Primate Studies
Correlates of Ecology and Social Organization among Rhesus
Seth, Praveen K
Seth, Swadesh
The Rhesus Monkeys in India: Status and Conservation
Seth, Praveen K
Seth, Swadesh
Fission in the Free-ranging Rhesus Monkeys
Malik, Iqbal
Seth, Praveen K



D-201-00 Bio-cultural Aspects of Demography
Reproductive Performance of Kodava Women of Kodagu District
in Karnataka, South India
Saheb, SY
Gulati, R.K
Raju, CM.
Sirajuddin, S.M
Genetic Demography and its Social Implication among the
Gandhi, L.P
Haemoglobins and Health Problems
Sharma, M
Chowdhury, D.
Seasonality of Fertility and Mortality among the Car Nicobarese
Rajenddra, R.
Sheikh, S Y

D-304-00 Contributed
Papers: Human Adaptability
Physiological Responses of Men and Women During Prolonged
Exercise in Different Ambient Temperatures
Tochihara, Yutaka
Yoshida, Keiich
The Effect of Heavy Physical Work on the Musculoskeletal System
in Respect to Anthropometric Measures
Undeutsch, Klaus

E-031-00 Anthropology of
Pilgrimage in Complex Societies
Vidyarthi, L.P. (Organizer & Chair)
Ranchi University
Communal Worship in an Urban Setting: a Study on Persistance
and Change
Chaudhuri, Buddhadeb
Dreams for the Pilgrimage: in Search of the Saint
Abramovitch, H.
Bilu, Y
Hindu Pilgrimage in Rajastan
Gold, A.
Hindu Pilgrimage: Patronage and Pilgrims in India
Jha, M
Rituals of Death and the Secular Soul: Cases in Madagascar,
Jerusalem and Psychological Practice
Abrmovitch, H.
Pilgrimage in Bangladesh
Islam, Mazrul

E-048-00 Anthropology of Ethnicity
Ethnogenesis in Switzerland
Clarke, Michael T
The Problems of Ethnicity Development and Modification
Guboglo, Mikhail N.
Jewish-Gentile Inter-Ethnic Relations in Pre-War Germany
Henry, Frances
Franco-American Ethnic Identity
Sandra, Hoover

E-106-00 The Use of Anthropology in Nursing
Ethnography, Nursing, Research and Practice
Aamodt, Agnes
Deriving Diagnostic Theory through the Description of Nursing
Field, Peggy Ann
Discovery through Ethnographic Interviewing
Zieman-Mardiros, Marilyn
Is Bigger Better? Weight Gains in Pregnancy and Birth
Outcomes among Refugees from Southeast Asia
Muecke, Marjorie

E-119-00 Social Anthropology in
Complex Society: the Case of Singapore
Crain, Jay B. (Organizer & Chair)
California State University
Symbolism and Legitimacy: Urban Anthropology and the
Analysis of Singapore Society
Clammer, JR.
Marriage Relationships as a Resource in Developing Singapore
Salaff JW
Wong, A.K
Religious Patterns in Singapore: a Panoramic View
Wee, Vivenne
Coping Mechanism in a Multi-ethnic and Multi-religious Society
Heinze, Ruth-Inge
Methodological Issues in Studying Resettlement Processes in
Chua, Beng-Huat
Medicine Accountability Systems and Ideology: the Case for
Crain, Jay Bouton

E-242-00 Anthropologie des
Agro-Villes Mediterranneens
(Anthropology of Mediterranean Agro-Towns)
Cadoret, Anne (Organizer & Chair)
Lab. d'Anthropologie Sociale
Abeles, Dr. Marc (Organizer & Chair)
Lab. d'Anthropologie Sociale
Les Agrovilles en but a la modernite: societies locales
Marie, Michel
Conflictos sociopoliticos y models religioses contrapuestos en
una agrociudad Murciana entire 1966-1976. (Espana)
Frigole, J.
Mediterranean Agro-towns as a Form of Cultural Dominance
Blok, A.
Driessen, Henk
Some Problems in Agro-town Ethnography: Spain
Gilmore, D.D.
Mediterranean Island Societies
Lopasic, A.

1E-297-00 New Perspectives
in Demographic Anthropology
Effects of Population Processes on the Network Structure of Two
Thai Villages
Foster, B.L.
A Critical Review of Demographic Anthropology Research in
India, some Observations and Proposals
Saran, A.B.
Srivastava, RN.
Demographic Variance and Household Viability
Carter, A T
Fertility and the Chinese Family
Wolf Arthur
Historical Demography and Social Structure on Computerized
Census Data and Oral Recall: a Two Century Perspective on a
Balkan Community
Halpern, J.

E-413-00 Late Capitalism
or Monopoly Capitalism and
Anthropological Studies in the 1980's
The Implications of 'Unemployment' under Late Capitalism
Seddon, David
Anthropology in the Modern World: Purpose and Dilemma
Martin, Catherine E Read
Women and Voluntary Social Welfare: a Case Study from India
Caplan, A.P
Women's Groups and Women's Subordination: an Analysis of
Policies for Rural Women in Kenya
Feldman, Rayah

F-111-00 Women and Social Movements
Women's Labour in the Unorganized Sector with Special
Reference to Conditions of Work in Kerala State
Gulati, L.
Household to Factory: Women's Labour in Food-processing
Jetley, S
Women's Labour: Conditions and Consequences
Nimbark, Maryann Caputo
Poverty and Women's Labour: the Indian Evidence
Sen, G.

F-201-00 The Role of Social Factors
in Contemporary Ethnic Processes
Ethnocultural Processes in the Developing Countries (Case
Study of Yemen, Iran and Afghanistan)
Logashova, Babi-Rabiga
Old Russian Elements in the Traditional Culture of the Ukrainian
Carpathian Population
Goshko, YG.
Ethnosocial Aspects of Development of Culture and Everyday
Life in the Ukrainian SSR
Naulko, VI
Social Factors of Development and Language Interaction
Guhoglo, M.N

G-025-00 The Potential Frequency and
Multiplicity of Social Interaction in
Calcutta and its Impact on Folk Culture
Islam, Mazharul (Organizer & Chair)
Dept. of Bengali
The Disintegration and Shaping of Folk-Arts in Calcutta as a
Result of Socio-Cultural Interaction: a Structural Analysis
Islam, Mazharul
The Process of Socio-Cultural Interaction in Calcutta & its
Reflection on Folk Beliefs
Banerjee, Subhas
Hawkers, Shopkeepers & Customers of Calcutta: Interaction &
Bhowmich, Nirmalendu
Ethno-Medicine in the Urban Complex of Calcutta: a Study in
Interaction & Continuity
Chandhuri, Dulal
Social Interaction in Calcutta & its Influence on the Folk Songs
of West Bengal
Chakraborty, Barun
Calcutta-Stage: its Influence on the Economic & Cultural Life of
the Society
Majumder, Manas

G-026-00 Theatricality as a See correction on page 3.
Dimension of Relationship Between Popular
and Folk Pictorial and Performing Arts
Kirkpatrick, Joanna (Organizer & Chair)
Bennington College
Recent Art Explosion: Painted Trucks in Afghanistan
Centlivres-Demont, Micheline
Sign, Symbols and Lorries in Sierra Leone
Cannizzo, Jeanne
Peripatetic Performance in West Bengal
Farber, Carole
Painted Trucks in Pakistan: a Case of the Medium as the Message
Rich, George W

H-011-00 Anthropology and Linguistics
Anthropology Narrative and Everyday Discourse
Bare, J.F
Validity in Ethno-Logic
N Hamil, Ivan
The Structure and Function of Baby-Talk: a Nootka Example
SKess, J.F
Copeland, A.M.
Narrative Structure, Pragmatism and Inference: Mangalese Oral
McKellin, W
Language is Culture: Textbuilding Conventions and Personal
S Style in Oral Courtship Narrative
Silberstein, S.
Sequence and Simultaneity: a Critique of Modes and Models of
Tyler, S


H-020-00 Problems in Ethnolinguistics
(Chair) To be Announced
Some Problems of East African Ethnolinguistics
Nagy, F:
La langue kabyle, un facteur resistance culturelle
Khellil, Mohand
Toponymies Urbaines Comparees
Raulin, Anne
The Morpho-Syntactical Structure of Chinese Kin Terms
Lin, Mei-Rong
Tangled up in Verbs
Malgesini, Frank n

,A-412-00 Anthropological C -,v
SApproach to Development
Automated Culture: a Twenty-first Century Perspective
Orellana, S.
The Cultural Approach: a Strategy for Development in Africa
Quarcoo, A.K
Folk Media in Development Process
Vyaya, N.
Development and Culmination of Movement
Abbasayulu, YB.
A-443-00 Secular Trend in Man
and Changes of Environment
Secular Trend in Slovene Children and Youth
Brodar, V
Dobecar, F
Mating Assortation Module in Man
Wolanski, Napoleon
Some Sociobiological Relations in Man
Wolanski, Napoleon
Subcutaneous Fat Tissue Distribution in Man
Wolanski, Napoleon
A-444-00 In and Beyond the Classroom
Film in Communicating Anthropology
Asch, Timothy (Organizer & Chair)
University of Southern California
Los Angeles
Seaman, Gary (Organizer & Chair)
University of Southern California
Los Angeles
Moore, Alexander (Discussant)
University of Southern California
Los Angeles
Sahrani (Discussant)
Carpenter (Discussant)
Riddell (Discussant)
Cinema, Theatre and Anthropology
Canevacci, M.
The Use of Photographic Methods for the Capture and 0
Communication of Behaviour vis a vis the Physical Environment 2
in Different Cultures
Davis, G. 1o

Collaboration in Ethnographic Filmmaking: the Development of
Methodology to Make Anthropological Films for Research,
Teaching and Educational Public Media and the Missing
Ingredient, the Ethnographic Film Monograph.
Asch, Timothy
Structuring the Ethnographic Film Monograph: Problems
Encountered in the Writing of a Companion Ethnography to the
Film, "Chinese Shamanism".
Seaman, Gary

B-004-00 Specialization and
Exchange in the Development of Complex
Societies: Archaeological Evidence
Earle, Timothy (Organizer & Chair)
University of California
Los Angeles
Production, Exchange and Group Leadership in Traditional
Allen, Jim
Commodity Exchange in the European Bronze Age: the Argaric
Gilman, Antonio
Ranking and Exchange in Bronze Age Scandinavia
Kristiansen, Kristian
Specialization and the Production and Exchange of Wealth: the
Hawaiian Chiefdoms and the Inca State
Earle, Timothy
Changing Forms of Production and Exchange from the Maya
Classic to Post-classic Periods
Rice, Prudence
B-036-00 The Public in Public Archaeology
What We're Doing and Where We Want To Go
The Colorado Archaeological Year an Experiment in Public
Hester, J
Inferencemaking and Testing in a High School Archaeology
Abell, R.
Large Scale Public Education in Archaeology
Johnson, S.
Archaeology and Tourism
Lewis, R.B.

C-025-00 Megafauna of the
Seas: Large Sea Mammal Hunting
z and use among Native Societies
STraditional Asiatic Eskimo Hunters and Sea Mammal Resources:
SStability, Equilibrium, or Innate Rapacity?
m i Krupnik, Igor
Southeastern U.S. Sea Mammal Exploitation
Larsen, Lewis
M Marine Mammal use by Patagonian Indians
Legoupil, Dominique
Z Thule Eskimo Whaling of the Central Canadian Arctic
SMcCartney, Allen
Savelle, James


C-032-00 Canadian-
Columbia Plateau Archeology
Predictive Models of Hunter-Gatherer Adaptation and their
Application to Prehistoric Utilization of the Alpine Zone
Greaves, Sheila
Archaeology of the Highland Valley, British Columbia
Lawhead, S.D.
Proportions of Marine Species Protein in the Diet of Prehistoric
British Columbia Interior Dwellers
Lovell, N.C.
Chisholm, B.S.
Nelson, D.E.
Schwarcz, H.P
The Holocene Mammalian Faunal History of Eastern Washington:
Analyses and Implications for Zooarchaeological Research
Lyman, R.L.
C-105-00 Mesoamerican and Central
American Ethnohistory and Archaeology
Not Assigned (Organizer)
Descitracion de los glifos incluidos en la primera: lamina del
codice mendocine
Olea, H Corona
Cronologia y relaciones culturales de la Cuenca del Lago de
Maracaibo (Venezuela) y el norte de Colombia
Nunez, Requeiro
Tartusi, MR.A.
Arquepatalogia en Mesoamerica
Ariza, Hutterer
Ethnologie du Nayant (Mexique)
Duverger, Christian

D-043-00 Man and Environment
Malik, S.L. (Organizer & Chair)
Universitat Kiel
West Germany
Some Anthropological Characteristics of the Rural Population of
Vrsacke Planine (Yugoslavia)
Gavrilovic, Zivojin, N.
Anthropological and Epidemiological Approach in Human
Ecological Studies in Hasardos Environment: a Comparison of
Two Independent Lines of Study
Rudan, Pavao
- Torso Temperature, Body Fat, and Shivering in Males and
Mannino, Joseph
Kaufman, William
High Altitude Adaptation: a Case Study among Bods of Ladakh
Malik, S.L

D-145-00 Peopling of the Americas
Szathmary, EJ.E. (Organizer & Chair)
McMaster University
First Steps in Human Occupation in America and Morphological
Alexeev, Valery P
Advances in the Dental Search for Native American Origins
Turner, Christy G.

Genetic Relationships Between Asia and North America
Szathmary, EmbkeJ.E.
Bones, Blood, Burins, Babel, and Beringia: Clues to the Peopling
of the Americas
Zegura, Stephen L.

D-201-00 Bio-cultural Aspects of Demography
Demography of a Small Isolate
Sahu, PN.
Interdependence of Fertility and Breast Feeding
Kanungo, J
Reproductive Pattern of an Engogamous Population
Ghoshmaulik, S.K
Fertility Variation and Occupation in Rural Setting of Orissa
Deka, U
E-048-00 Anthropology of Ethnicity
Ethnic Processes and Movements in India
Pathy, Jaganath
Festival Open Houses: Forms for Inter-Ethnic Communication in
Armstrong, Jocelyn
Change in Ethnocultural Orientations of Age Groups of
Moldavians, Uzbeks and Estonians in the USSR
Drobizheva, Leokadia M.
Official Recognition of Ethnic Groups in a Canadian Mining
Gold, Gerald L.
E-106-00 The Use of Anthropology in Nursing
Nursing Educators and Increasing Cultural Diversity in American
Rimmer, Lois
Community-Based Hypertension Program
Randall-David, Elizabeth
Field Work 'Down-home': Contributions of Native Ethnography
to an Understanding of the Therapeutic Setting
Ross, Miriam H.
E-253-00 Pilgrimage
Jha, M (Organizer & Chair)
Ranchi University
An Appraisal of the Traditions of Hindu Pilgrimage in the
Garhwal Himalaya
Singh, A.P
Pilgrimage in India: the End of an Endless Journey
Saraswati, Baidyanath
Pilgrimage among Indian Christians: Certain Observations
z Sahay, KN.
S Public Policy as Social Stress: Terminations from Disability
SEstroff S.E.
T1 E-260-00 Secrecy and Secret Societies
Bellman, Beryl L. (Organizer & Chair)
SUniversity of California
(San Diego)
Secrecy and Gender Distinction among the Afikpo Igbo of
u Ottenberg, S.

The Ethnographers Approach to Confidentiality and Secrecy
Miachi, T7
Annang Women's Secret Societies
Brink, P

E-346-00 Anthropological
Research on the Chinese Periphery
Chiao, Chien (Organizer & Chair)
The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Seminatic Rituals of the Hong Kong Chinese
Chiao, Chien
Women's Status and Role in a Changing Rural Taiwan
(i'.:,.., Ying-Chang
Directed Socio-cultural Change: the Samei Case in Yunnan,
China (1949-1980)
Hsieh, Jiann
Research Methods and the Human Context of Family Studies
Hsieh, Jih-Chang Chester

E-413-00 Late Capitalism
or Monopoly Capitalism and
Anthropological Studies in the 1980's
The Work Ethic in a Scottish Town with a Declining Employment
Turner, Robert
Micro-Technology: Third World Implications
Harries-Jones, Peter
Innovations in Office Technology: Preparation and
Seymour, Rosemary
Getting to Grips with Change in the 1980's: a Case Study of
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
Mullan, R.G.

E-506-00 Anthropology of India
(Chair) To be Announced
Artisan Communities in the Tribal Belt of Middle India
Castro-Pezo, A.U.
Some Aspects of Tea Industry in Assam, India
Kar, R.K
Indian Society from Structural to Atomized Model
Palakshappa, T
The Highlanders of Northeast India
Patir, L.

F-111-00 Women and Social Movements
The Inner Lives of Working Class Women
Savara, M.
Women and Social Movements: a Comparative Study of Chipco
and Bhoomi Sena
Joshi, Govindi (Gopa)
Women's Role in Movements
Kanita, WK
Women in Khomeini's Iran
Macaulay, D.


F-201-00 The Role of Social Factors
in Contemporary Ethnic Processes
The Main Trends in Ethnic Processes among the Peoples of the
Caucasus, Central Asia and Kazakhstan
Kuryler, VP
Ethnocultural Orientations of the Peoples of the USSR According
to the Data of Ethnosociological Studies
Drobizheva, LM.
Development of Byelorussian Ethnos from Narodnost to Nation
Bondarchik, VK
Rational Choice and Ethnic Relations
Hechter, M.

G-109-00 The Anthropology of Law
in the Formation and Implementation
of Socio-Legal Policy
Sponsored by: Commission on Folk Law and Legal Pluralism
Bayly, John (Organizer & Chair)
Legal Counsel to Dene Indian Nation
The Ways My Ancestors Look at Traditional Native Justice
Cunningham, Chester
Legal Anthropology in the Formulation of Correctional Policy in
the Northwest Territories, Canada
Finkler, Harold
Federal Government Research and Policy Initiatives in the Area
of Customary Law
Laprairie, Carol
Ethics and Policy Guidelines for Northern Research
Savoie, Donat

G-121-00 Folk Culture in
Central and South America
Hoe, Ban Seng (Organizer & Chair)
National Museum of Man
Bosquefo Historico sobre la Divulgacion Cientifica en la
Republica Argentina, Reelaboracion Dinamica a Traves del
Patrimonio Folklorico
Acevedo, Gerardo Leopoldo
Contribucion al Folklore: Glosas para Cuatro Danza
Tradicionales Argentinas
Campanella, Andres
Brazilian Carnival, 1850-1930: a Socio-Historical Approach
De Moraes Von Simson, Olga
SSahagun and the Aztec Legend of the Suns
0 Lamp, Frederick J

SG-122-00 Aboriginal Law and
STradition in Australian Society: Problems
o of Conflict Coexistence and Adaptation
Sponsored by: International Commission on Folk Law and Legal
SCrawford, James (Organizer & Chair)
SAboriginal Women and the Recognition of Customary Law in
W Australia
--4 Bell, Diane

Escaping Scholastic Meta-Language: Towards a Hermeneutic
Landes, D.
Problems and Prospects of Autoethnography
All, Irshad

B-008-00 Lithic Analysis and
Behavioural Interpretation: Recent Advances
A Multi-Regional Perspective on Lithic Assemblage Variability
from Interior British Columbia
Magne, Martin PR
Interpretations of Stylistic Variability in the Lithic Artifacts from
Casma, Peru
Malpass, Michael A.
The Future of Integrated Use-Wear Analysis
Kamminga, Johan
Lithic Technology and Small Sites Analysis: a Behavioural
Pokotylo, David L

B-041-00 Amateur and
Professional Roles in Archaeology
Contemporary Status of Cultural Resource Management in East
Odak, Osaga
Amateurs in Archaeology
Turnbaugh, W
Role of Local Archaeological Organizations to Carry Out
Harkness, Barbara
The Role of Native Americans and/or Amateurs in Public
Gaston, Jeanette

C-025-00 Megafauna of the
Seas: Large Sea Mammal Hunting
and use among Native Societies
The Subsistence Hunt for Narwhal (Monodon Monceros) in
Canada's Eastern Arctic
Strong, J TO.
Exploitation of Sea Mammal by Inuit of the Labrador Coast:
Taylor, JG
Cultural Ties between North Asia and North America in Late
Pleistocene and Early Holocene
S..i,,, R.
The Prehistoric Sea-mammal Hunting in Japan
Yamamura, K

D-029-00 Human Adaptation to
Environment: Relative Impacts of Physical
Environmental and Sociocultural Factors
Environmental Challenge Biocultural Responses: the
Concepts of Optimal and Critical Levels in Adaptation of Man to
the Natural Environment
Garruto, R.
Process View of Nutrition and its Significance for Adaptive
Sukhatme, P

Title Unknown
Ferrell, R.E.
Schull, WJ.
Biological Distances among two Isonymic Groups of North India
Shahwer, AJ.S
Bansal, J.S.

D-144-00 Hominoid Evolution
De Lumley, M.A
Late Pleistocene and Post-pleistocene Homo Sapiens
Brace, CL.
New Material of Late Miocene Hominoids
Sigmon, B.A.
Ramapithecus: a Review of Current Thinking
Williams, L.R.

D-155-00 Dermatoglyphics
Glyphology: State of the Science
lagolnitzer, ER.
Discussion of the International Convention in Dermatoglyphics
Mavalwala, Jamshed
Accidents and Catastrophes: New Glypholocial Concepts and
Characters and Glyphology: Genetic Studies
lagolnitzer, E.R.
Dermatoglyphics of Teratospermic Males
Katznelson, M Bat-Miriam

D-205-00 Allometric and
Bioenergetic Factors in Primates
Scaling of Brain Size and Basalmetabolism in Lorisiform
Jungers, William L.
Olson, TR.
The Daily Energetic Budget in Leaping Tarsiers (Tarsius
Niemitz, C.
Hollihn, K.U
Allometry and Thermoregulation: Why Does the Squirrel
Monkey Sneeze?
Schwartz, Gary G
Rosenblum, Leonard A.
Dependence of Size and Body Proportions on the Biomechanics
of Leaping in Primates
Preuschoft, H.
Demes, B.
Peters, A.

" E-070-00 Reindeer-breeding in North-Eurasia
2 Gunda, Bela (Organizer & Chair)
w Kossuth-University
; Reindeer-breeding among the Lapps in Kautakeino, Norway
Roue, Marie
The Social Ecology of Reindeer-breeding among the Lapps
Lenstra, Menno
SCultural Traits of the Horse-nomads in the Reindeer-breeding
Gunda, Bela


E-121-00 Forced Resettlement
and Urban Anthropology
Bartolome, Leopoldo (Organizer & Chair)
Entidad Binacional Yacyreta
Effects of Dam Construction among Brazilian Farmers and
Indians in Santa Catarina
Werner, Dennis
Community Resettlement: Roles of Corporate Groups in Urban
Partidge, WL.
Coping with Forced Re-settlement: Adaptive Strategies among
the Urban Poor
Bartolome, Leopoldo
Erradicacion de villas miseria, las respuestas organzativas de sus
Hermitte, E.
Boivin, M

E-181-00 Leadership and Social Change
Race, Social Mobility and Transformation Movements in
Highland Papua New Guinea
Westermark, G
Resistance and Change: Village Leadership in a Colonial and
Post-colonial Setting
Boyd, DJ.
Leadership and Social Change at the Local Level in Papua, New
Ploeg, A
Women in Political Action
Goodale, J.C

E-288-00 Historical Ethnology
The Proto-speech Community as a Focus for Historical
Aberle, D.F
Phylogenetically Related Cultural Traditions
Goodenough, WH
Hamites, Cattle, and Kingship: the Fate of Diffusionist Survivals
in Africanist Anthropology
Lyons, A.P
Wilhelm Schmidt and the Method of Culture History
Brandeuie, EB.

E-344-00 Health Care Delivery (the Relevance
of the Social Sciences to Health Care Delivery)
Isolated Tribes Ethnomedicines for R & D of Modern Drugs
Agoes, A.
Kuronko Ethnomedicine and Primary Health Care
Ross, Jane
Stigmatizers and the Stigmatized: the Issue of Specified Diseases
Volinn, Ilse
Health and the Work Environment: Socio-cultural Aspects
Elias, Walter

E-418-00 Endangered Human Populations
Ganguly, Pranab (Organizer & Chair)
Anthropological Survey of India
Physical Fitness of Primitive and Modern Man
Novak, Ladislav P
Computer Projection of Koya Dora Tribal Demography
Ray, Ajit K
Roth, Eric A.
Endangered Human Population (Displaced Tribal Population as
a Result of Industrialization)
Dhan, R O.
Hunter-Gatherers of Little Andaman Island
Ganguly, Pranab

E-512-00 Pastoral Peoples
Galaty, John (Chair)
McGill University
Women and Production in Pastoral Nilotic Societies
Burton, J.
Pastoral Development in Niger
Knight, J
Socio-Economic Development of Pastoral Peoples
Ndagala, D.K.
The Diachronic Study of Food Production Systems
Lahianca, O.

G-108-00 Interaction of State
and Folk Law in Contemporary Society
Alaska Native Sovereignty; the Final Claim?
Case, David
The Navajo Peacemaker Court; Deference to the Old and
Accommodation to the New
Zion, James
The Inuit and Customary Law: Constitutional Perspectives
Richstone, Jeff
Pluralism and Conflict of Laws in Nigeria
Yusuf A.B.

G-019-00 The Role of the Text in the
Presentation and Preservation of Folklore
Fine, Elizabeth (Organizer & Chair)
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
SThe Artistry of the Artist
SDauenhauer, Nora
Dauenhauer, Richard
SThe Non-Syntactic Character of Knowledge used in the
SComposition of Folktales
SZan, Nigel
SThe Folklore Text as Intersemiotic Translation
Fine, Elizabeth C
The Morphology of the Library of Apollodorus
R uiz-Montero, Consuelo


H-018-00 Language as an Instrument
of Dominance and of Transformation:
the Politics of Bilingualism, Linguistic Sexism,
and Social Dialectology
Linguistic Problems
Fodor, 1.
The Development and Maintenance of Sociocultural Values and
Beliefs and Patterns of Language User in a Multicultural School
in the U.S.A
Simich, C
Problems of Customers' Interests in a Study of Bilingual Mothers
in Wales
Harrison, Godfrey J
La s'Eduction du Langage Politique
Goldschlager, Alain

A-010-00 New Methods for
Studies of Complexity among
Prehistoric Hunter Gathers in Japan
Volumetry of a Jomon Shell-Midden: Towards a New Method of
Midden Analysis
Suzuki, Kimio
Hybridization and Isolate Conservatism in Japan: the Evidence of
Non-Metric Cranial Traits
Ossenberg, N

A-418-00 L'Observation Participante
et L'Identitie de L'Anthropologue
Hierarchy, Extrapolation, and the Use of Biological Theories in
Explaining Cultural Phenomena
Peters, Stuart M.

A-439-00 The Self-Help/
Mutual Aid Group Movement
Borman, Leonard D. (Organizer & Chair)
The Self-Help Center
Evanston, Illinois
Learning Preventive Health Care Through Mutual Support
Groups in an Urban Community
Maida, C

B-008-00 Lithic Analysis and
Behavioural Interpretation: Recent Advances
Mikroflaking on Flaked Chert: What it Can and Cannot Tell Us
Binning, J.D.
TL Determination of Paleoindian Heat Treatment in Ontario, 4
Pavlish, L.
Sheppard, P.J.
A Code of Archaeological Taxonomy
Swartz, B.K


B-041-00 Amateur and
Professional Roles in Archaeology
Management of Cultural Resources
Sullivan, K
Archaeological Parks: Interface Between the Profession
and the Public
Rolingson, Martha

C-003-00 Maya Archaeology
Late Postclassic Site Organization at Santa Rita, Corozal
Chase, D.Z
Chase, A.F
The Canals of Acalan
Siemens, AH.
Lithics, Technological Systems and Cultural Development: an
Example from the Maya Formative of Northern Belize
McSwain, Rebecca
Coastal Archaeology in Yucatan
Andrews, Anthony
Maya Vase Painting
Quirrte, Jacinto
The Classic Maya Collapse: a Self-fulfilling Prophecy
Severin, G.

C-025-00 Megafauna of the
Seas: Large Sea Mammal Hunting
and use among Native Societies
The Northern Fur Seal: a Subsistence and Commercial Resource
for Aleuts of the Aleutian and Pribilof Islands, Alaska
Veltre, D. W
Veltre, MJ.
Effects of Prehistoric Human Exploitation on Aleutian
Sea-mammal Populations
Yesner, D.R
Changes in the Pattern and Method of Small Sea Mammal
Hunting by Northeast Baffin Island Inuit, C.A. 1930 to the Present
Wapn7pl W

D-155-00 Dermatoglyphics
No Evidence for Linkage between Dermatoglyphic Fingertips
and Blood Groups (poster session)
Bener, A.
Association of Pattern Types in Hypothenar, Thenar/I, and
n Interdigital Areas in Palms with Absent C Triradius
Z Sharma, P Dash
S Dermatoglyphics of the Human Fetus
S Okajima, Michio
SDermatoglyphics Patterns Among the G.S.Bs of South Kanara
Z Mujumdar, S.D.
2 Gulatti, R.K
The Dermatoglyphics of Konda Reddys
Roa, Kamadana VS.
S Dermatoglyphies in Schizophrenia
S Ciovirnache, Martha-Elena
Ciurezu, T
Spandonide, Irina


Muslim Palmer Dermatoglyphics
Singh, Ripu D.
Dermatoglyphics and Caste
Singh, Ripu D.
Glyphology: Genetic Studies
lagolnitzer, Edmond R.
Plantar Dermatoglyphical Polymorphism of the World Population
and its Application in Ethnic and Racial.\-rl r. .p. .1. .
Kondik, VM

D-205-00 Allometric and
Bioenergetic Factors in Primates
Primate Locomotion, an Experimental Approach
Hidemi, Ishida
Hormone and Rhythm in Man and Monkey
Oshima, Kiyoshi

D-300-00 Paleoanthropology
Roth, Helga (Organizer & Chair)
"Origen del Hombre": Poligenismo vs. Monogenismo
Armande, Jorge
The Concept of 'Adaptation' in Evolutionary Anthropology
Bargatsky, T
Site of Mindel Glacial Age
Minard, Jorge
Evolution of Dental Arcades in Fossile Mandibulas
Roth, Helga
Tooth Size and Attrition in the Australopithecinae
Smith, Patricia

E-019-00 Ethnomusicology as Social Science
Baumann, G. (Organizer & Chair)
Oxford University
United Kingdom
The Role of Musical Affect in Social Interaction
Baumann, G.
Music as Creative Figuration of Time
Stone, Ruth M
The Formulation of a Humanistic Approach to the Presentation
of Research in Traditional Music
Orstein, M1
Santal Melodies: a Search for Class focus
Prasad, Onkar

E-121-00 Forced Resettlement
and Urban Anthropology
Large Scale Projects: Towards a Conceptual Framework for an
Analysis of a Temporary Form of Production
Riheiro, G.L.
Marginalidad social o integracion: una falsa disyuntiva
Casahona, VL.
Guber, R.
Tribal Rehabilitation Schemes in India a Case of Forced
r/'idi'i.i VS
Asian Indian Employment Experience in the Lnited States
Saran, Parmatma
The Socioeconomical Implications of a Hydroelectric Dam
Gomez-Villa, P

E-181-00 Leadership and Social Change
Emergent Leadership Patterns in Homesteader and Indian
Communities on the Andean-Amazonian Frontier
Weil, Jim
Law, Leadership and Agrarian Change
Vincent, Joan E.
Leadership Adaptation in the Context of Changing Village-State
S Corbett, J.G.
Leadership and Social Change
S lick, Paula Brown

E-200-00 Sedentarization
Bonch, Dan (Organizer & Chair)
Uncertainty as a Social Condition Stemming from
Sedentarization: the Case of a Negev Bedouin Group
Boneh, Dan
Sedentarization of Nomads
Boneh, Dan
Collectivisation and Settling of Nomads in the People's Republic
of Mongolia
Kreuer, Werner
Patterns of Residence and Mobility amongst the Karimojong of
Maconi, Vittorio
Nomad Seditarization: State Formation and its Effect on
Encapsulated Bedouins in Jordan
Hiatt, Joseph M.

E-288-00 Historical Ethnology
Le Chroniqueur Indigene Peruvien Guaman poma de Avala:
Interest Ethnologique et Litteraire de ses Textes en Langue
Husson, JP
Modelos Antropologicos en la Conquista de America
Rozat, G.
La Antropologia de Nootka, en las Noticias Espanolas del
Siglio XVIII
Garcia, Jose Manuel Gomez-Tabanera
The Art of Travelling: Precursor of Ethnography
Stagl, Justin
The Eclectic Character of Canadian Anthropology
Darnell, Regna
Material Culture as a Historical Source (Dizi, Southern Ethiopia)
Haberland, Eike
A.L. Kroeber's View of History
SVoget, Fred
On Culture History and Ethnohistory in Vienna
Wernhart, Karl

E-344-00 Health Care Delivery (the Relevance
of the Social Sciences to Health Care Delivery)
Blood and Behaviour: Donors, Exdonors and Potential Donors
in Ciskei and Transkei
Palmer, Robin
On the Use of Quantitative and Qualitative Data in a Primary
Health Care Project
Dibella, AJ
Buzzard, S.
Response to Illness: Observations from the U.S., Nigeria, Egypt
and Honduras
Fitch, David J
Women and Health in South India
Gurumurthy, K.G.

E-417-00 Ethnographic Cartography
Bratanic, Bromley, Fenton (Poster Session)
Petrescu, Paul (Organizer & Chair)
Ethnological and Dialectological Institute
Ethno-Cultural Aspects of Historical Comparative Typology of
Settlements and Dwellings in Armenia and Bordering Regions
Vardumian, Derinik S
Main Themes and Methodological Problems of the Ethnographic
Atlas of Rumania
Petrescu, Paul
The Ethnological Atlas of Yugoslavia
The Polish Ethnological Atlas
Bohdamouwicz, Janusz
Typology and Mapping
Kolsrud, Knut
Problems of Ethnic Cartography
Berzina, M.Ya.
The Development of Ethnological Atlases in Europe
Fenton, Alexander
Results of the Ethno-Cartographic Studies of Windmills and
Churches in Central Europe
Vareka, Josef
Regional Ethnographic Cartography: the Case of Baltic Countries
Shlygyna, NW
Maps from the Rumanian Ethnographical Atlas
Petrescu, Paul

E-418-00 Endangered Human Populations
Negative Feed-back Homeostasis Mechanism of Nature for
Primitive Tribes, which is in Danger and Need to Develop by
N.G.O., (Social Organizations: Industry, Church, etc.) 0
Sircar, PK
Spirit of Domination and Human Consequences
Danda, A.K
Are Inbreeding Populations in Danger?
Mukherjee, D.P.
Pavement Dwellers of Calcutta
Mukherjee, S.
Problems of Boundary Maintenance in Small Populations Z
Nandi, S.B.


E-419-00 Ethnic Consciousness
Cubelic, Turtko (Organizer & Chair)
Interdisciplinary Approach to Ethnic Evaluation
Cubelic, Turtko
The Factors of Ethnic Identification in Alien Ethnic Environment
Guboglo, Mikhail N
Social Progress and Development of Ethnic Identity of the
Peoples of the USSR
Drobizheva, Leokadia M
E'egagement politique des Anthropologies
Cubelic, T
Ethnic Processes and Movements in India
Pathy, Jaganath

E-511-00 Kinship Terminology
(Chair) To be Announced
Cross Cousin Kinship Nomenclature
Dole, G.
A Cognitive Aspect of Syntatic Structure in Chinese Kin Terms
Lin, Mei-Rong
La parent: theories locales et theories savantes
Claudot, H

E-512-00 Pastoral Peoples
An Aspect of the Prehistory of Pastoral Adaptations in Eastern
Nelson, C
Drought, Food Aid, and Other Factors Affecting the Socio-
Economic Life of the Turkama
Slattery, JB.
Agro-Pastoralists: Semi Nomadic Cattle Herding Tribal
Development in the Western Sudan
Teitelbaum, J

F-105-00 Commission on Urgent
Anthropological Research: Progress Report
Hohenwart-Gerlachstein, Anna
Chairperson, IUAES Commission on Urgent
Anthropological Research
Institute fur Volkerkunde

F-110-00 Ethnocide/Genocide
Expert Study Group: Special Symposium
(Closed Meeting)
Belshaw, Cyril S. (Organizer & Chair)
University of British Columbia

F-208-00 Women's Labour:
Conditions and Consequences
Sponsored by: Commission on Women
Dube, Leela (Organizer & Chair)
Indian Council of Social Science Research
Mencher, Joan P. (Organizer)
Lehman College (CUNY)
Rural Women's Work: Interactions between Policy Assumptions
and Women's Work
Sharma, K
The Song and the Woman in East Africa
Balisidya, May

F-220-00 'Syncom 83': a Progress Report
(Organized under the Auspices of the Commission on
Vidyarthi, L.P. (Chair)

G-108-00 Interaction of State
and Folk Law in Contemporary Society
The Legal Position of Indians in Brazil: an Historical Sketch
Cuna, M.D.
Customary Law in a Simple Society of the Philippines: a Case
Study of the Hanunoo-Mangyan
Masaru, Miyamoto
Alcohol Control in Alaskan Eskimo Communities: a Case Study of
Antagonistic Policies, Communal Law vs. Official Law
Yamashiro, Jane
The Role of Folk Law in Contemporary Society: the Persistence
of Folk Orderings
Galanter, Marc





XI ICAES Programme Committee

XI CISAE Comite du programme

XI CICAE Comite Programa

Dr. Richard Salisbury
McGill University

Dr. Yvan Simonis
University Laval

Dr. Richard Pearson
University of British

Dr. David Pokorilo
University of British

Dr. EmokeJ.E. Szathmary
McMaster University

Dr Sally Weaver
University of Waterloo

Dr Ban Seng Hoe
National Museum of Man/
Musde de 1Homme (Ottawa)

Dr. Henrietta Cedergren
University du Quebec

(F) Special Sessions and Interdisciplinary
Topics/Sessions specials et sujets
interdisciplinaires/Sesiones Especiales y
T6picos Interdisciplinaros

(A) Anthropological Theory; Applied
Anthropology/Thtorie anthropolo-
gique: anthropologie appliquie/Teoria
Antropol6gica; Antropologia Aplicada

(B) World Archaeology/
Archeologie mondiale/
Arqueologia Mundail

(C) Archaeology of the Americas/
Archeologie des Ameriques/
Arqueologia de las Americas

(D) Biological Anthropology/Anthropologie
bh .i.-L 4- -r I .. I.s ..

(E) Social and Cultural Anthro-
pology; Museums/Anthropologie social
et culturelle; Musees/Antropologia
Social v Cultural, Museos

(G) Folklore and Folk Culture/Folklore et
culture populaire/Folklore y Cultura

(HI) Linguistics/Linguistique/Ling(ilstica

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