Front Cover
 Programme committee

Title: XI International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences : Phase II (Vancouver) August 20-25, 1983 Program brochures
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00083835/00004
 Material Information
Title: XI International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences : Phase II (Vancouver) August 20-25, 1983 Program brochures
Series Title: XI International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences : Phase II (Vancouver) August 20-25, 1983 Program brochures
Physical Description: Book
Language: English
Creator: International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (11th : 1983 : Vancouver, B.C.)
Publisher: International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences
Publication Date: 1983
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00083835
Volume ID: VID00004
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Table of Contents
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    Programme committee
        Page 33
Full Text

Prgaai' de Si

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Phase II (Vancouver)
August 20-25

CANADA 1983 Phase II (Vancouver)
20-25 aout

Fase II (Vancouver)
agosto 20-25

Saturday, August 20

Samedi 20 aout

Sabado, 20 de agosto

Phase II Programme Venue and Schedule
All Symposia Programme Sessions will take place in one of the
following locations:
1. Hotel Vancouver (HV)
2. Georgia Hotel (GH)
3. Robson Square Media Center (RS)
A daily summary of all Symposia and their specific location is included
in the Registration Package. Location summaries will also be posted for
each day of the Congress. A similar summary of Symposia and their
session allocation is included with each daily Symposia Programme.
All Symposia have been assigned to one or more sessions during
each day of the Congress. A session represents 11/ hours of time and
each day is divided into five session time slots as follows:
Session 1 0900 hrs. 1030 hrs. Session 3 1330 hrs. 1500 hrs.
Session 2 1030 hrs. 1200 hrs. Session 4 1500 hrs. 1630 hrs.
Lunch Break 1200 hrs. 1330 hrs Session 5 1630 hrs. 1800 hrs.

Phase II Lieux de reunion et horaires des
Toutes les sessions se tiendront dans fun des batiments suivants:
1. H6tel Vancouver (HV)
2. HOtel Georgia (GH)
3. Centre des m6dias de Robson Square (RS)
On trouvera dans la trousse d'mscription la liste des symposia et
leur lieu de reunion. Le programme scientifique quotidien content
6galement la liste des symposia et le lieu de reunion de chaque
Les symposia comportent tous une ou plusieurs sessions
quotidiennes. Chaque session dure une heure et demie et chaque
journee est divisee en cinq trenches:
Session 1: 9 heures 10 heures 30 Session 3: 13 heures 30 15 heures
Session 11: 10 heures 30 midi Session 4: 15 heures 16 heures 30
Pause-dejeuner: midi Session 5:16 heures 30 18 heures
13 heures 30

Program de la Fase II Lugares y Horario
Todas las Sesiones del Programa de Simposios de la Fase II se Ilevaran
a cabo en uno de los lugares siguientes:
1. El Hotel Vancouver (HV)
2. El Hotel Georgia (HG)
3. El Centro de Comunicaciones de la Plaza Robson
(Robson Square Media Centre)(RS)
En el Paquete de Inscripci6n se ha incluido un resume de todos los
Simposios ofrecidos, dia por dia, indicando el lugar especifico en que
se van a celebrar. Igualmente, por la duraci6n del Congreso se
indicarAn los lugares de reuni6n en los noticieros diaramente.
Ademis, una resefa similar de los simposios y sus correspondientes
sesiones aparece en cada uno de los Programas de Simposios diaries.
A todos los Simposios se les ha asignado una o m.s sesiones
durante cada dia del Congreso. Una sesi6n represent un period de
tiempo de 1-V2 horas y cada dia se ha dividido en cinco sesiones de la
manera siguiente:
Sesi6n 1 0900 hrs.-1030 hrs. Almuerzo 1200 hrs.-1330 hrs.
Sesi6n 2 1030 hrs.-1200 hrs. Sesi6n 3 1330 hrs.-1500 hrs,
Sesi6n 4 1500 hrs.-1630 hrs.
2 Sesi6n 5 1630 hrs.-1800 hrs.

Schedule / Horaire / Horario

Session 1
0900 hrs.-1030 hrs.
Session 1
9 heures-10 heures 30
Sesi6n 1
0900 hrs.-1030 hrs.

Session 2
1030 hrs.-1200 hrs.
Session 2
10 heures 30-midi
Sesi6n 2
1030 hrs.-1200 hrs.

Session 3
1330 hrs.-1500 hrs.
Session 3
13 heures 30-15 heures
Sesi6n 3
1330 hrs.-1500 hrs.

Session 5
1630 hrs.-1800 hrs.
Session 5
16 heures 30-18 heures
Sesi6n 5
1630 hrs.-1800 hrs.

A-313 A-407
D-020 E-002
KE E-188
Z-2 E-316
E-502 F-203
G-032 H-019

A-313 A-407
D-063 D-302
E-091 E-125
(E3- E-316
E-502 F-203
G-032 H-001

A-407 A-553
E-049 E-091
E-225 E-286
E-335 E-409
G-001 G-032









Session 4
1500 hrs.-l63 -55
Session 4
15 heures-16 heures 30 E-146
Sesi6n 4 E-269
1500 hrs.-1630 hrs. E-409

A-313-00 Bangladeshi Case Studies:
Ethnographers' Publics
Thorp, John P. (Organizer & Chair)
St. Mary's College
Notre Dame
Nawaz, All (Discussant)
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Politics, Brokerage and Political Culture of Rural Bangladesh
Zaman, M.Q.
Lessons on Obedience for a Married Female in Bangladesh
Aziz, KM.A.
The Culturally Relative Anthropologist, the Government Agent
and the Social Activist in Bangladesh Development
Thorp, J
Middle Class and Elite Politics in the Modernization of
Khondker, Habibul Hague

A-407-00 Peace and War:
Anthropological Perspectives
(Report from the Pre-Congress Symposium)
Sponsored by the American Anthropological Association
Foster, Mary Lecron (Organizer & Chair)
University of California
Rubenstein, Robert A. (Organizer & Chair)
University of Illinois
Social Science and Global Policy:
Sociophysical Aspects of the Prevention of Nuclear War
Frank, J.D.
A Critical Examination of the Way Social Scientists Think
About Reversing the Arms Race
Franklin, R.
Title to be Announced
Falk, R.
The War-Making Institution
Melman, S.

C-103-00 Cultural Resource
Management in the United States
Lerner, Richard N. (Organizer & Chair)
Shifting Alliances: the Adaptation of a 15 Year Project
Gumerman, GJ.
New Melones Dam and Reservoir: Fixing Failure
Keel, B.C.
Central Arizona Project and Dolores Project Cultural Resource
Weakly, WF.
Integrating Cultural Studies at Warm Springs Dam, California
Lerner, R.N

D-020-00 The Biology of Refugee and Migrant
Ward, Ryk H. (Organizer & Chair)
University of British Columbia
Hurlich, M.G. (Organizer & Chair)
University of Washington
Response of Cardiovascular Risk Factors Following Migration
Ward, Ryk H.
Patterns of Obesity in a Migrant Polynesian Population
Ramirez, Maria
Patterns of Obesity in a Migrant Polynesian Population
Ramirez, Maria
Explaining Variation in Growth Patterns Among Laotian Refugess
in the United States
Hurlich, Marshall G.
Sudden Unexepcted Deaths of Refugees and Non-refugee
Hmong in Thailand: Evidence of a Genetic Factor which
Increases the Risk of Sudden Death
Munger, Ronald G.
Effects of Aging, Ethnicity and Migration on Asthma Morbidity
in Hawaii
Flander, Louisa B
Gerber, Linda M.

E-002-00 Shamanism (Report
from the Pre-congress Symposium)
Hoppal, Mihaly (Organizer & Chair)

E-091-00 Spiritual Dimension of Man:
a Case for Spiritual Anthropology
Sahay, K.N. (Organizer & Chair)
University of Ranchi
Man in a Spirit World
Frank, WA.
Hallucinogenics and the Spiritual Realm as seen by the Yoruba
Oyedipe, FPA.
Understanding Transcendental Cultural Traditions
Saraswati, B.
Singh, B.G.
Spiritual Dimension of Man: the Hindu View
Saraf S.

E-125-00 Class Formation in the Third World:
Causes and Consequences
Reyna, Stephen P. (Organizer & Chair)
University of New Hampshire
Agarian Transition and Class Formation in Pakistan: the Province
of Sind
Ahmed, Feroz
Rural Small Industry, Social Differentiation, and Class Relations
in the Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico
Cook, Scott
La migration comme vehicle dans la transformation des
rapports sociaux en Haute-Volta
Gregory, Joal W
Piche, Victor
Contradictory Class Consciousness in the British Virgin Islands
Oakes, Elizabeth

E-188-00 Analysis of Migration Patterns
Mascie-Taylor, C.G.N. (Organizer & Chair)
Cambridge University
United Kingdom
Pattern and Characteristics ci I ir., in Assam
Gupta, S.K
Osteological Evidence for Ancient Migration with Special
Reference to Medieval Scandinavia
Boldsen, Jesper
Marital Migration in Helondean Islands
Clegg, John

E-266-00 The Anthropology of Fishing People:
Ethnography, Theory and Applications
Pinkerton, Evelyn (Organizer & Chair)
University of British Columbia
Fishing Tactics
Palsson, Gisli
Ecosistema insular estrategias de pesca y transformation social
en Canarias (Spain)
Alberto, G T
Cultural and Ecological Factors in British Columbia Indian
Commercial Fishing
Pinkerton, Evelyn
The Sea People of Riau, Indonesia
Wee, Vivenne
In Search of the Abalone: the History of the Ama in Northern
Kyushu, Japan
Kalland, Arne
Research on Physiology and Ecology of the Ama
Kohara, Yukinari

(E-2 -00 Anthropological
lAppfoaches to Human Sexuality
Whitten, Richard G. (Organizer & Chair)
University of South Dakota
Comparative Primatology and the Absence of Estrus in
Homo Sapiens A) L71r v 14 L -c- /
Hrdy, S. c, A. (L
Fieldwork and Methodology in the Cross-cultural Study of
Human Sexuality
Herdt, G.
/Ihe Real and the Ideal in the Study of Sex
Gregersen, E. A
L/Teaching Human Sexuality as Anthropology
Whitten, R.
Davis, D.

E-316-00 Physicians of Western Medicine
Gaines, Atwood D. (Organizer & Chair)
Duke University
Psychiatrists as Educators
Kasnitz, D.
Hawaiian-English and Physician Questions
Robillard, A.B.
Psychiatry as a Cultural System: French and American
Gaines, Atwood D.
Medical Ethics a Case History Revolving around the 'Right to
Refuse Medical Intervention'
Abernethy, V

E-325-00 Aging and Society
Biswas, S.K. (Organizer & Chair)
Indian Statistical Institute
Sociological Research Unit
Aging and Identity Management in a Norwegian Elderly-home
Bjelland, A.K
Decision-makers in Urban Middle Class Family
Chakraboty, I
Biswas, SK
7 Culture, Economy and Old Age in India
Dube, Leela
Old Age Security and Fertility Behaviour: some Research Issues
Kanbargi, R.R.

E-502-00 Political Anthropology
(Chair) To be Announced
Formal Models in Anthropology and/or Swiss Ethnic Politics
Clarke, T.M.
Secularism and the Muslim Psyche: a Study in Socio-Cultural and
Political Values of Educated Muslims
Gupta, S.
Culture Revival, the Future of a Nation
Lourdusamy, S.
Political Culture as a Basis for Foreign Policy Making
Macanlay, C.

F-203-00 Social Cultural and
Biological Aspects of Nomadism
Sponsored by: Commission on Nomadic Peoples
Misra, P.K. (Organizer & Chair)
Anthropological Survey of India
Salzman, Philip Carl (Organizer & Chair)
McGill University
Elastic Bands: Structural and Organizational Flexibility in
Peripatetic Societies
Berland, Joseph C
Artisan Community in the Tribal Belt of Middle India: their
Problems and Projects
Chakroborty, Bhabesh Ch.
Structure of Trade, Market and Production in Non-food
Producing Pastoralism of the Central Himalaya
Bhandari, Jagmohan S.
Nomads in their Social Space a Case Study of Shompens
I/-ial~.rlu Vijay Shankar

G-001-00 Plants in Folklore and Folklife
Jain, Sudhanshu Kumar (Organizer & Chair)
Botanical Survey of India
Folk-songs, Tales and Proverbs about Plants in North India &
their Impact on Rural Masses of Today
Agrawal, Shashi
Plants in Folklore and Folklife Sri Lankan Experience
De Silva, Tuley D.
Coconut in the Life of Nicobar Islanders
Ganguly, Pranab
The Prehistoric use of Psychoactive Drug Plants: a Worldwide
Merlin, Mark D.



G-032-00 The Interaction of State
and Folk Law in Contemporary Society
Sponsored by: Commission on Folk Law and Legal Pluralism
Von Benda-Beckman, Franz (Organizer & Chair)
Agricultural University
The Netherlands
The Persistence of Folk Law in India
Burman, B.K Roy
Japanese 'Work Oriented' Spirit as a Legal Postulate of
Chiba, Masaji
Two Roads to Redress: the Perpetuation of Personal Influence in
Israel's Hybrid Civic Culture
Danet, Brenda
Leader and Leadership in the System of the Indonesian Folklaw
(Adat Law)
Koesnoe, Mohammad

H-019-00 Language Origins
Landsberg, Marge E. (Organizer & Chair)
Von Raffler-Engel, Walburga (Discussant)
Gibson, Kathleen R. (Discussant)
University of Texas
Wreschner, Ernst (Discussant)
El Origen del Lenguaje j de la Escritura
Agire, Imanol
Grasping and the Gesture Theory of Language Origins
Fischer, J.L.
Vestiges of Primeval Phonology in Certain Ancient Languages
Levin, Saul
Structure and Development of the Lexicon in Relation to the
Origin of Language
Allott, Robin

A-313-00 Bangladeshi Case Studies:
Ethnographers' Publics
Islamization and the Third World: the Case of Bangladesh
Islam, LKM.

A-407-00 Peace and War:
Anthropological Perspectives
(Report from the Pre-Congress Symposium)

C-103-00 Cultural Resource
Management in the United States
The Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway: a Cooperative
Management Enterprise
Rodeffer, S.H.
Cultural Resource Management Studies and Impacts upon Native
Spain, J.N
Sage Canyon, California: a View of Adverse Impacts on its
Cultural Resources
Baldwin, J
Alternative Cultural Resource Management Strategies: the
Pendulum and the Pits
Gaston, Jeanette

D-063-00 Human Growth and
Development Secular Trends
Singh, Raghbir (Organizer & Chair)
University of Delhi
Body Physique and Growth of Egyptian Juvenile Athletes, Cairo,
1981/82. Part 1: Assessment of Weight and Size of Males, 6-19
Years of Age.
El-Nofely, Aly A.
Longitudinal Analysis of Height, Sitting Height, Shoulder and Hip
Width in Indian Children
Hauspie, Roland
An Early Hand-Wrist "Atlas", and Implications for Secular Change
in Bone Age
Himes, John H
Has the Secular Trend for Greater Height Ceased in Japanese?
N Kimura, Kunihiko


Human Biology of the Past Population of the Lower Murray
River, South Australia
Prokopec, Miroslav
Intrinsic Bone Changes in Comparative Studies of Ancient
Skeletal Materials
Vyhnanek, Lubos
Genetic Affiliations of Prehistoric Florida Indians
Brilliant, R.
Iscan, M.Y

D-302-00 Contributed Papers: Skeletal Biology
Iscan, Y. (Organizer & Chair)
Florida Atlantic University
Trends in Cranial Variation of Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic
Henke, Winfried
Pathologie de l'ossature des peuples des cimetieres attribues au
Castel "Czerwien" du haut moyen age/Voivod. Zamosc, Pologne
Gasiorowski Adam
Gurba, Jan
Kozak-Zychman, Wanda

E-028-00 Play Ritual as Communication
Cheska, Alyce Taylor (Organizer & Chair)
University of Illinois
Falsifying Order or Framing Flexibility: Play in Ritual?
Cheska, Alyce Taylor
Carnival and Ceremony: Metacommunication in Complex
Manning, Frank
Toward the Analysis of Public Events: the Place of Play
Handelman, Don
Libaye Chiasm and Communication
Farrer, Claire R.
Play Ritual as Communication: Problems of Interpretation
Norbeck, E

E-091-00 Spiritual Dimension of Man:
a Case for Spiritual Anthropology
Aspects of Spiritualism in Indian Civilization
Jha, Makhan
Spirituality in Man and His Culture
Gautam, Mohan K
Spiritual Anthropology: a Possibility
Sahay, KN.
The Future Supernaturalism in Religion: an Ethnological Inquiry
Jennings, GJ

E-125-00 Class Formation in the Third World:
Causes and Consequences
Agrarian Questions and Functional Economism in Latin America
Roseberry, William
Hegemonic and Counter-Hegemonic Processes in North Central
Sri Lanka
Brow, James
The Class Countours of Labor Protest in Rural Indonesia
Stoler, Ann L.
Capitalist Penetration, Class Formation and Political
Development in Kerala: 1901 to 1957
Tharmangalam, Joseph

E-266-00 The Anthropology of Fishing People:
Ethnography, Theory and Applications
Social Factors in the Decline of Native Indian Participation in the
Pacific Fishery
Stears, Mary, Lee
Anthropology of Fisheries Management: Newfoundland and New
McCay, BonnieJ

A2 4-00Anthropological
( pro es to Human Sexuality
Sexual Misconceptions in Bangladesh
Aziz, KMA.
A Bioanthroposociological Model of Abortion
Nieto, J.A.
Origins of Sex Inequality
Henderson, P.

E-316-00 Physicians of Western Medicine
Japanese Physicians of Western Medicine
Lock, Margaret
The Mexican Physician in Practice
Vargas, Luis
Biomedicine and Naturopathic Healing: an Historical View of a
Stormy Relationship in Germany
Maretzki, Thomas
The English Physician
Helman, Cecil

E-325-00 Aging and Society
N Rural Malay Aged in two Developmental Milieus
Strange, H.
Towards Time Out of Mind: Ageing in Aboriginal Australia
H Sansom, B.
N The Situation of the Aged in India
V Desai, KG.
7 Dependency and Family Care of the Aged in Village India: a Case
( Study
Biswas, S.K


E-502-00 Political Anthropology
The Anthropological Study of Nations
Marx, E.
Brazilian Culture and National Identity
Oliven, R.
American Naval Government on Guam and Preludes to Self
McGrath, T
The Role of Concepts 'Band', 'Tribe', and 'Nation' in Shaping the
Image of Our Human Past
Owen, R.
Rowlett, R.
Frontier Feudalism and Nation-building in Bhlitan
Sinha, A.P

F-203-00 Social Cultural and
Biological Aspects of Nomadism
Livestock Industry in Nigeria: Will it Ever Take Place
Awogbade, Moses Olumuyiwa
An Integrated Approach to the Nomads of the Himalayas with
Special Reference to the Roma (Gypsies) of the World
Singh, S. Shyam
A Systems Analysis of the Rise, Decline and Transformation of
Bovine Pastoralism in West Africa
Frantz, C
Territoriality, Time and Transformation of Nomadic Movements
Rao, M.S.A

G-001-00 Plants in Folklore and Folklife
Recent use of Psychoactive Mushrooms in some Tropical Pacific
Merlin, Mark D.
Diseases, Medicine and Practices of the Tribals of Chotanagpur
Plateau in India
Mabato, Pashupati Prasad
Folk Concepts of Classification of Plants in India
Pal, Dulal
Herbal Folk Medicines of Tribals of Madhya Pradesh, India -
an Appraisal
Shah, Niranjan C.



G-032-00 The Interaction of State
and Folk Law in Contemporary Society
Paddy, Cows and Tenants, Some Causes of Disputes on Rice
Cultivation in Southern Sri Lanka
Omori, Motoyoshi
The Relative Persistency of Moluccan Group Laws against Dutch
State Law
Strijbosch, A.
Why Law does not Have Critical Reflections on the Scientific
Perception of the Social Significance of Law
Von Benda-Beckman, Franz
Law on the Fringes of Korean Society: Agreements Between
Shamans and Local Authorities
Eikemer, Dieter

H-001-00 Amerindian Languages:
Text and Discourse Studies
Copeland, Anita (Organizer & Chair)
University of Victoria
Linguistic Parody in Nootka
Rose, S.
A Linguistic-Anthropological Study of Chinook Jargon and
Implications for Interpreting American Indian Treaties in the
Pacific Northwest
Hogue, T
Oklahoma Cherokee Language
Holmes, C.N
Plural Markers in the Mayan and Turkic Languages
Frankle, Eleanor

H-019-00 Language Origins
Could Australopithecus Construct a Sentence? the Evolution of
the Cognitive Foundations of Language as Judged by Fossilized
Behaviour and Brains
Gibson, Kathleen R.
Etymological Notes on Japanese Nami 'Wave'
Kakamoto, Takao
Aspects of Linguistic Territoriality
Landsberg, Marge E
Perceptual Bases for the Evolution of Speech
Warren, R.M.




A-407-00 Peace and War:
Anthropological Perspectives
(Report from the Pre-Congress Symposium)
II. Anthropology and World Crises
The Cultural Patterning of Risk-Seeking Behaviour: Implications
for Armed Conflict
Clark, M.
Ecology and Warfare in the Amazon
Harris, M.

A-553-00 Gender Construct
and Social Problems
Whitehead, Tony (Organizer & Chair)
Gentemann, Karen (Organizer & Chair)
University of North Carolina
The Relevance of Gender Definitions for the Diagnosis and
Treatment of Post Partum Depression
Giovannini, M.
Towards a Model for Defining Masculinity: a Case Study from a
West Indian Community
Whitehead, Tony
Female Attitudes on Sex Roles and Wife Abuse: Examples from a
Southern U.S. Community
Gentemann, Karen
Women's Access to Justice in Papua, New Guinea
Scaglion, R.

C-023-00 Early Man in the Western Coastal
and Great Basin Regions of North America
Reeves, Brian (Organizer & Chair)
University of Calgary
Pleistocene Ground Figures of Panamint Valley California
Davis, E.L.
Brott, C
History of Early Man Studies in the Vicinity of San Diego,
Minshall, Herbert L.
Chaparral Fires and Ancient Tools
Payen, Louis A.
Geology and Geochronology of Late Pleistocene Occupations at
San Diego, California
Reeves, Brian




C-103-00 Cultural Resource
Management in the United States
United States Forest Service and Archaeology
Hoornbeek, B.
Public Archaeology in Western Oregon
Brauner, Dais

D-063-00 Human Growth and
Development Secular Trends
National Child Growth Standards in the Course of One
Prokopec, Miroslav
Secular Trend and Intrafamilial Correlations of Body
Measurements in Two Rural Indian Populations
Singh, Raghbir
Kaur, D.P
Secular Trends in Height and Weight of an Indian Population
Singh, R.
Secular Trend in Stature of School Going Girls of Chattisgarh
(M.P.) India
Singhrol, CS.
Mitra, Mitachree

E-014-00 New Approaches to
Culture-Bound Mental Disorders
Kenny, Michael G. (Organizer & Chair)
Simon Fraser University
The Metamorphosis of Culture-bound Syndromes
Jilek, Wolfgang
Jilek-Aall, Louise
A Cultural Theory of Psychosomatic Illness: the Case of Nerves
Low, S.M.
The Brain-fag Syndrome: Culture-bound Syndrome or
Depressive Equivalent?
Prince, R.H.
Culture Bound Syndromes Unbound
Hahn, R.A.
Slow Death of a Santal Village: a Study in Human Displacement
in the Tribal World
Mahapatra, Sitakant
Victims of Development: a Case Study of Uprooted Tribal
Villages of Koraput District, Orissa
Patnaik, S.K
Sociolegal Problems of Land Acquisition and Compensation:
a Study of Uprooted Tribals
Naidu, G VC.
Development and Displacement: a Case Study of Two
Developmental Projects in Highland Orissa
Rath, Santosh Kumar
Uprooting and Tribal Women: a Critical Viewpoint
Pati, Nila Madhab
Displacement and Socio-Cultural Change: a Study of the Yanadi
of Sriharikota Island
Reddy, P Sadhakara
Displacement of Primitive Tribals for Rehabilitation of Tiger!
A Case of Inverted Development
Sastry, VN.VK.

E-049-00 Development
and Population Displacement
Mahapatra, L.K. (Organizer & Chair)
Utkal University
Development and Displacement: the Case of Indravati Dam
Behura, N.K
Impact of the Mines upon Cultural Change of a Hill Tribe in
North Thailand
Srisawas, N
Development for Whom?
Mahapatra, L.K
Development of New Socio-Cultural Structures at New-Bussa
Oyedipe, FPA

E-091-00 Spiritual Dimension of Man:
a Case for Spiritual Anthropology
The Spiritually Engaged Anthropologist and his Analysis of
Sadhana and Sadhaka
Bharati, A.
Transanthropological Perspective: the Need of Future
Saraswati, Baidyanath
The World of Antichrist: Russian Old Believers and the State
Scheffel, D.
Acharya Tulsi and His Philosophy: a Modernization of Traditional
Jain Ideology
Jain, D.C

E-125-00 Class Formation in the Third World:
Causes and Consequences
Co-operatives and Class in Western India
Winslouw Donna
Ivory Coast: the Economic Miracle and the Agrarian Bourgeoisie
Hecht, Robert
Disarticulated Accumulation and Agrarian Social Differentiation
in Sudan
O'Brien, Jay
Processus de differenciation economiques et sociaux dans les
communautes rurales Hawsa de la region de Maradi (Niger)
Raynaut, C.L.





E-225-00 Shamanism in South America
Baer, Gerhard (Organizer & Chair)
Museum fur Volkerkunde
Langdon, E. Jean (Organizer & Chair)
Cedar Crest College
Pouvoirs de Vie, of Life. Shamanism among the Yanomami
Lizot, Jacques
El Gran Fumar (Charmanismo Guarani)
Riester, J
Trois niveaux d'analyse du Chamanisme Guajiro
Perrin, M.P
Shamanism in the Pre-columbia Art of Coastal Peru
De Rios, M Dobkin

E-286-00 Contexts of Race, Class and Ethnicity
Taylor, Councill (Organizer & Chair)
State University of New York (Old Westbury)
Eleurocentrismo y la apreacion cultural de les groups Hulatos-
Mestizos de LatinoAmerica
Drummond, R.
Racism and Recruitment in Work Organizations
Jenkins, R.P.
Land Rights
Craik, Jennifer

E-325-00 Aging and Society
The Place and Role of the Aged in Yoruba Proverbs
Ojoade, J Olowo
Socio-economic Adjustment of Aged in Rural Areas of Nigeria
Togonu-Bickersteth, FE
Perkinson, M.
In the Area of Cross-cultural Human Development: Middleaged
Bron, J.

E-335-00 The Fourth World: Relations Between
Minority Indigenous Peoples and Nation States
Dyck, Noel (Organizer & Chair)
Simon Fraser University
Beckett, Jeremy (Organizer & Chair)
University of Sydney
Graburn, Nelson H.H. (Discussant)
University of California
Activism to Localism: an Analysis of the Movement in Indian-
Government Relations with Particular Reference to the Kayahana
Tribal Region of Northwestern Ontario
Sieiecechowicz, Krys
Saami in Norway: Transformations in Center and Periphery
Anderson, M
Damned for Progress. About the Perversity of State and Nation-
building in Bangladesh
Mey, Wolfgang
Indigenous Minorities and the State in Australia
Beckett, Jeremy

E-409-00 The Function of
the Museum of Ethnography in
Multi-ethnic Society: a Grass-roots
Approach to Developing a Suitable Methodology
Sponsored by: I.UA.E.S.
Commission on Museums
Gautam, M.K. (Organizer & Chair)
Leiden University
The Netherlands
Pott, P.H. (Organizer & Chair)
National Museum of Ethnography
Leiden, The Netherlands
A Note on the Utility of Museums in Developing Societies
Lakshmanna, C
The Museums as the Mediators of the Cultures of the
Third World
Strukelj, Pavla
Museum Anthropology: a New Model for Reaching the Public
Kyrkostas, M.
Museum Anthropology: Science or Journalism?
Hunt, Charles G.

F-203-00 Social Cultural and
Biological Aspects of Nomadism
Multiplicity and Alternation among Baluchi Nomads
Salzman, Philip Carl
Sedentarization of Israeli Bedouin in Arab Rural Villages
Ginat, J.
Migration and Urban Adaptation of Irish Tinkers in Britain
Gmelch, G.
Nomadism as a Philosophy of Life: a Message of the Mongol
Nomads to the World Public
Szvnkieuicz, S.

G-001-00 Plants in Folklore and Folklife
Micmac Medicines
Chandler, R. Frank
Scientific Research on Folk Medicines as a Possible Resource for
Rural Health Care
Siwon, Hans
Pharmaceuticals from Traditional Medicines
Chandler, R Frank
Plant Folklore of the Amazon Indians and its Relevance in
Human Welfare
Prance, Ghillean

G-032-00 The Interaction of State
and Folk Law in Contemporary Society
Conflicting Models of Law beyond the Official-Unofficial
Dichotomy: a Case Study of Balinese Decision Making
Spiertz, Joep
The Making of Customary Law by State Courts in Ghana and
Woodman, Gordon
Impact of Folk Law on the Development of the Early State: Early
Lessons for Modern Times
Zubrow, Ezra B. W
The Implementation of State Court Decisions in West Sumatra
Von Benda-Beckman, Keebet

H-019-00 Language Origins
Evolutionary Neurobiology and the Origin of Language as a
Cognitive Adaptation
Jerison, HJ.
The Affectual Factor in the Development of Language
Walburga, Von Raffler-Engel
Recent Advances in Reconstructing the Evolution of the Human
S Upper Respiratory Tract
Laitman, J
S Diffusion of Bronze Age Dialects
Foster, M.


A-295-00 Anthropological Perspectives
on Changing Infant Feeding Practices
Romero, Maria Eugenia (Organizer & Chair)
Universidad Javeriana
Van Esterik, Penny (Organizer & Chair)
Infant Feeing Practices in an Urban Settlement: Bogota
Romero, Maria Eugenia
Mothers Perception of Infant Feeding Alternatives in Urban
Indonesia (Semarang, Central Java)
Kana, N.
Stages of Infant Development and Infant Feeding Choices in
Svetsreni, T
Problems of Infant Feeding in Urban Kenya
Njogu, W

A-407-00 Peace and War:
Anthropological Perspectives
(Report from the Pre-Congress Symposium)
The Origin of War and the Interstate System
Brucan, S.
Anthropology as a Policy Science
Weaver, T
Anthropological Theory and Super-Power Conflict
Worsley, P

A-421-00 Psychanalyse et Anthropologie
Kaplanian, Patrick (Organizer & Chair)
Individual Quests: the Search for New Religious Paradigms
Townsend, J
The National Character of Third Wave Men
Thompson, W
Fathers, Kings and Early State Formations
Huilgol, Glynn
Individual Symptoms, Social System and Politics
Cadoret, Michble
Culture and Mental Health
Martinez, Ghislaine
Kurian, J.C.

A-553-00 Gender Construct
and Social Problems
Gender Roles and Food Habits in Ethnically "Mixed" Familes
Katona-Apte, J
Apte, M.L
Sex and Dance: Identity and Economic Opportunity
Hanna, J.L.
Traditional Gender Roles and Mental Illness Among
Black Women
Moses, Y T
S Living the Metaphor: We Have Been Born to Suffer
/de Grys, Mary

C-023-00 Early Man in the Western Coastal
and Great Basin Regions of North America
Geoarchaeological Potential of the California Desert
Shlemon, Roy J
Comparison of Radiocarbon and Amino Acid Racemization
Deduced Age Estimates for Human Skeletons from California
Taylor, R.E.
Paleo-Indians in the Townsend Basin, West-Central Montana
Davis, L.
The Taphonomy of an Assemblage of Broken Camel Bones from
Northwest Nevada
Bonnichsen, R.

C-027-00 Art of the Shang and Mesoamerica
Shao, P. (Organizer & Chair)
Iowa State University
Theoretical Framework: the Evolutionary Significance of
Meggers, B.
Art of Mesoamerica: Olmec Art and Iconography
Milbrath, Susan
Art of Mesoamerica: Late Pre-classic and Early classic Art and
Quirarte, J.
Pre-Shang Diffusion: the Origin and Influence of the Microlithic

D-063-0 man Growth and
evel ent Secular Trends
Sex Differences in the Change in Body Composition with Aging
SStini, William A.
Genetical Factors in Human Growth
Susanne, Charles
Significance of Secular Trend of Human Growth in India
Swaminathan, Madras C.
Maturation in Britain
Roberts, D..

E-014-00 New Approaches to
Culture-Bound Mental Disorders
God-intoxication: a Sanctified Culture-bound Syndrome of South
Morinis, E. Alan
S Arctic Hysterias: an Alternative Hypothesis
Landy, David
Syndrome-bound Cultures: Medical Description and Racist Intent
-' Swiderski, Richard
Spirit Possession, Psychiatry and Social Anthropology
Karp, Ivan
Mental Health
Gaikwad, John Solomon

E-049-00 Development
and Population Displacement
The Impact of Religious Charisma on Ethnic Resettlement: a Case
Study of Phra Baat Huay Tom Village, Lamphun Province,
Premchit, S.
The Southern Pitjantjatjarra: Australian Aborigines and the
Palmer, K
Brady, M.
Scientific Sociological Knowledge and its Usefulness for the
Planned Development Process: its Potentials and Limitations
Dusseldorp, Dirk Van

E-146-00 Religion in the Mediterranean
Koster, Adrianus (Organizer & Chair)
Institute of Cult. Anthr.
The Netherlands
Elite Versus Popular Catholicism? The Case of Andalusia (Spain)
Driessen, H.G.
Missionaries and Malta: some Anthropological Perspective
Gullick, CJ.M.R.
Regular and Secular Clergy in Catholic Malta: Co-operation or In-
fighting in a Mediterranean Catholic Regime?
Koster, Adrianus
Habous in Tunesia Religious Beliefs and Practices among Greek
Sant Cassia, PS.

E-172-00 Approaches to
Bilingual Education: U.S.A. and Canada
Hache, J.B. (Organizer & Chair)
University de Montreal
The Politics of Minority Language School Reform in English-
speaking Canada: an Overview
Ricker, E. W
Hache, J.B.
The Acadian Renaissance in New Brunswick: a Study of Politics
and Education
Hache, J.B.
The Politics of Acadian School Reform in Nova Scotia
Ricker, E W

E-225-00 Shamanism in South America
The Beauty of the Shaman's Songs on the Upper Amazon
Baer, Gerhard
The Call to Heal: Vocational Entry Patterns in Brazilian Spiritism
Krippner, S.C
Aesthetic and Sociological Aspects ofJivaro Shamanism
Seymour-Smith, CC.
Dau: Power of the Siona Shaman in Religion and Politics
Langdon, E. Jean

E-269-0 Rural Reconstruction in Third World
artee, Binoy (Organizer & Chair)
SVisva Bharati University
D e Changing Pattern of Rural Houses in Nigeria and its Impact
SUn Rural Development
r Abasiekong, Edet M.
S,, The Role of Small Farmers in Rural Transformation: the Nigerian
S Abasiekong, Edet M
Organization of Production and Labour: Agrarian Situation in
some Indian Villages
Chakrabarti, S.B.
The Impact of Rural Development on Weaker Classes in India
Prasad, Lalta

E-325-00 Aging and Society
Aging among Middle Class Urban Indians
Caplan, Pat
Retirement Plans and Retirement Policy in the U.S.A.
Starker, K
The Impact of Residential Planning on Community Formation
among the Elderly
Levine, Richard
The Survey as Servant
Keating, Kevin
Equity and Long-term care for the U.S. Elderly: Policy by Default
Schassp, G.

E-335-00 The Fourth World: Relations Between
Minority Indigenous Peoples and Nation States
Class and Nationality in Fourth World Articulation
Nagata, S.
Notes on Structural Variations in Colonial Situations
Gartrell, B.
Neo-colonialist Models: "Rotten Man" Theory and the Native
Castile, G.P
The Mapuche People of Chile and Argentina and their Struggle
to Survive
Berdichewsky, B.

E-409-00 The Function of
the Museum of Ethnography in
Multi-ethnic Society: a Grass-roots
SApproach to Developing a Suitable Methodology
Ethnographic Museums as Aids to Research and Teaching in
S Sandbwar, A.N.
S A Note on Function of Museum of Ethnography in Multi-ethnic
Society in India
Bhowmik, SK
Functions of Ethnographic Museums in Multi-ethnic Society with
Z Reference to Himachal Pradesh
S Sud, PD.


F-203-00 Social Cultural and
Biological Aspects of Nomadism
Classification of Cattlebreeding and Nomadism
Markov, G.E.
Semi-Nomadism and Transhumance in Central Himalayas: a
Pragmatic Perspective
Kapoor, A.K
Misra, P.K

G-001-00 Plants in Folklore and Folklife
Concepts of Environmental Conservation among Tribal Societies
in India
Jain, Sudhanshu
Prospects of Folk Foods in Northeast India
Borthakur, S.K
Arid Land Wild Food Plants
Felger, R.
Herbal Folk Medicine: Paramount Need for Rural Health Care
Ghasal, Subhas

G-032-00 The Interaction of State
and Folk Law in Contemporary Society
Recognition of Traditional Laws in State Courts and in the
Formulation of State Legislation
Peter, Grant
The Effects of the Interaction between State Law and Customary
Law in Ghana
Kludze, A. Kodzo Paaku
The Impact of State Law on Folk Law on Inheritance: a Chinese
Tang, M.C.
Influence of State Law on Unofficial Law: Theoretical
Kojder, Andrzei
The Imposition of Anglo-American Concepts on Land Use and
Control on Native Hawaiians
Lam, Maivan
The Transformation of Dispute Settlements in Colonial Societies
Paliwala, A.H.

A-295-00 Anthropological Perspectives
on Changing Infant Feeding Practices
n Breastfeeding Style: Cultural Interpretation of a Biological
Van Esterik, Penny
Infant Feeding Practices: a Guatemalan Kenyan Comparison
SCosminsky, Sheila
Changing Food Patterns Among the Gaucho of Brazil
Shirley, R W
Infant Feeding Practices in an Urban Settlement in Bogota
Moreno, M.A.R.

A-407-00 Peace and War:
Anthropological Perspectives
(Report from the Pre-Congress Symposium)

A-438-00 The Politics of
Religion; especially Roman Catholicism
Bax, M.M.G. (Organizer & Chair)
The Netherlands
Politics and Religion (R. Catolicism) in Western Europe
Bax, M.M.G.
Unification: an African Counter-Proposal (Field Study Report and
Reflection on an Eastern Nigerian Movement)
Green, James

A-555-00 Latin America at the
Crossroads: Anthropological Perspectives.
(Report from the Pre-Congress Symposium)
Berdichewsky, Bernard S. (Organizer & Chair)
Simon Fraser University
Vessuri, Hebe (Organizer & Chair)
Univ. Central de Venezuela

C-023-00 Early Man in the Western Coastal
and Great Basin Regions of North America
Tools or Rocks? A Microwear Analysis of Late Pleistocene
Assemblages from San Diego
Newman, M.
Early Lithic Technology of the Calico Mountains Site, Southern
SSimpson, R.
SA Consideration of the Suggestive and Hard Evidence for Early
Man in the Great Basins during the Past 35,000 Years
Tuohy, D.R.
The Climate/Vegetation Environments and Chronology of Early
Man during the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition (13,000-7,000
RYBP): Channel Islands and Adjacent Mainland, California
0 Johnson, D.
Glassow, M.


C-027-00 Art of the Shang and Mesoamerica
Shang Culture: the Origin and Development of Shang Culture
Heng, Tsou
Shang Culture: Shang Culture at Zhengzhou: Recent Discoveries
Min, Li
Art of Shang and Mesoamerica: Art of Early China and
Shao, P

D-063-00 Human Growth and
Development Secular Trends
Secular Trends in Four Communities of Punjab (India) as
Studied from Adult Stature
Sidha, LS.
Chupra, SR.K
Singal, P
Sidhu, S.
Effect of Environment On/Between, vs. Within Sibships:
Variability of Body Measurements in an Indian Population
Kaur, D.P
Singh, Raghbir
Growth and Nutritional Status in Children 6 to 72 Months from
De Stefano, G.F
A Study of Physique, Growth and Secular Trend in a Selected
Population of Manus Island, Papua, New Guinea a
Longitudinal Study
Roll, Barbara Honeyman (Heath)
Secular Changes of Body Dimensions and Composition Related
to Fitness During Growth
Parizkova, Jana

E-146-00 Religion in the Mediterranean
The Roles of the Village Priests in Greek Orthodox Communities
and in the Latin West
Just, FPR.
Indigenous Mourning Customs and Roman Catholicism in
Eiken, Anne
Civil Religion and Civil War in Israel
Meiers, L.D.

E-172-00 Approaches to
Bilingual Education: U.S.A. and Canada
Language Reform and Education in Canada
Lalande, G.
Acquisition and Learning of Pennsylvania German (PG), Amish
High German (AHG), and American English (AE) among the
Enninger, Werner

E-225-00 Shamanism in South America
Rethinking Mapuche Symbolism
Grebe-Vicuna, Maria E.
Enfermedades tradicioinales en San Pedro de Moa (Peru)
Mainzer-Heyers, B.
Some Aspects of the Shaman's Social-Political Power among the
Amuesha, Peru
Granero, FES.
The Mediatory and Political Role of the Achuara Shaman
Kelekna, P
Algunas Formas Shamanicas Tobe
Wright, PG

E-261-00 Value Base in Social Stratification
Nandi, S.B. (Organizer & Chair)
Self-Identification and Social Status of Biracial Children in
Roberts, Robert E.T
Value Base and Empirical Reality in the Social Stratification of a
North Indian Village
Sharma, S.P
Socio-Economic Class and Skin Colour
Ganguly, Pranab
Base and Superstructure with Regard to Valuation in Social
De Leeuwe, .J
Three Scales of "Purity" among Hindu Castes
Marriott, McKim
Inter-caste Distance in Urban India
Dasgupta, Haimanti

E-335-00 The Fourth World: Relations Between
Minority Indigenous Peoples and Nation States
Sociocultural Complexity and the Evolution of the Mature State
Bargatzky, Thonas
Indians and Political Scholarship
Siechouitz, C
Indians and Political Scholarship
Sieciecbowicz, K
Slensson, TG.
The Sami and the Nation State. Some Comments on
Ethnopolitics in a Minority Context
S'ennson, TG.

E-409-00 The Function of
the Museum of Ethnography in
Multi-ethnic Society: a Grass-roots
Approach to Developing a Suitable Methodology
How Ethnographic Museums Stereotype Third World Peoples
and Their Arts
Ames, Michael M
Small Museums as Means of Cultural Integration
Tewari, PK.
The Function of Museums of Ethnography in Multi-ethnic Society
as Exemplified by Open-Air Museum
Lazarevic, Aleksandra-Sanja
The Problem of National versus Regional Museums
Mey, Wolfgang
Museum and Development
Ganslmayr, Herbert
The Function of Museum of Ethnography in Multi-ethnic Society
a Grass Root Approach
Gautam, Mohan K

G-001-00 Plants in Folklore and Folklife
Medicinal Plants among the Tribals
Schultes, R.E
Origin and Significance of Plant Names in Columbia: their
Prevalence Today
Perez, Fernandez A.
Origin and Significance of Khasi Names of Certain Plants of
Meghalaya, Northeast India
Rao, R.R.



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XI ICAES Programme Committee

XI CISAE Comite du programme

XI CICAE Comite Programa

Dr. Richard Salisbury
McGill University

Dr. Yvan Simonis
University Laval

Dr. Richard Pearson
University of British

Dr. David Pokotylo
University of British

Dr. EmokeJ.E. Szathmary
McMaster University

Dr. Sally Weaver
University of Waterloo

Dr. Ban Seng Hoe
National Museum of Man/
Mus6e de 1'Homme (Ottawa)

Dr. Henrietta Cedergren
University du Quebec

(F) Special Sessions and Interdisciplinary
Topics/Sessions specials et sujets
interdisciplinaires/Sesiones Especiales y
T6picos Interdisciplinaros

(A) Anthropological Theory; Applied
Anthropology/Theorie anthropolo-
gique; anthropologie appliquee/Teoria
Antropol6gica; Antropologia Aplicada

(B) World Archaeology/
Archeologie mondiale/
Arqueologia Mundail

(C) Archaeology of the Americas/
Archeologie des Ameriques/
Arqueologia de las Americas

(D) Biological Anthropology/Anthropologie
biologique/Antropologia Bi6logica

(E) Social and Cultural Anthro-
pology; Museums/Anthropologie social
et culturelle; Mus6es/Antropologia
Social y Cultural; Museos

(G) Folklore and Folk Culture/Folklore et
culture populaire/Folklore y Cultura

(H) Linguistics/Linguistique/Lingiistica

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