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 Programme committee
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Title: XI International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences : Phase II (Vancouver) August 20-25, 1983 Program brochures
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00083835/00003
 Material Information
Title: XI International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences : Phase II (Vancouver) August 20-25, 1983 Program brochures
Series Title: XI International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences : Phase II (Vancouver) August 20-25, 1983 Program brochures
Physical Description: Book
Language: English
Creator: International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (11th : 1983 : Vancouver, B.C.)
Publisher: International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences
Publication Date: 1983
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00083835
Volume ID: VID00003
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Table of Contents
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    Programme committee
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    Back Cover
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Full Text

Symposi Progamm

Prgam scenifi*u
Prgraaie e ips


Phase II (Vancouver)
August 20-25

Phase II (Vancouver)
20-25 aoit

Fase II (Vancouver)
agosto 20-25

Pre-congress Symposia

Colloques preliminaires

Simposios Previos al Congreso

Schedule / Horaire / Horario

August 17, 18 & 19
Montreal, P.Q.
agosto 17, 18 & 19
Montreal, P.Q.

August 18 & 19
Harrison Hot Springs, B.C.
agosto 18 & 19
Harrison Hot Springs, B.C.

August 19
Asian Centre, U.B.C.,
Vancouver, B.C.
agosto 19
Asian Centre, U.B.C.,
Vancouver, B.C.

August 18 & 19
Simon Fraser University,
Burnaby, B.C.
agosto 18 & 19
Simon Fraser University,
Burnaby, B.C.

August 17, 18 & 19
Mexico City,
agosto 17, 18 & 19
Mexico City,

August 15, 16, 17, 18 & 19
Vancouver, B.C.
agosto 15, 16, 17, 18 & 19
Vancouver, B.C.

August 18 & 19
University of Toronto,
Toronto, Canada
agosto 18 & 19
University of Toronto,
Toronto, Canada

17, 18 & 19 aoat
Montreal, P.Q.

18 & 19 aoat
Harrison Hot Springs, B.C.

19 aout
Asian Centre, U.B.C.,
Vancouver, B.C.

18 & 19 aout
Simon Fraser University,
Burnaby, B.C.

17, 18 & 19 aozt
Mexico City,

15, 16, 17, 18 & 19 aoat
Vancouver, B.C.

18 & 19 aout
University of Toronto,
Toronto, Canada

August 18 & 19
Simon Fraser University,
Burnaby, B.C.
agosto 18 & 19
Simon Fraser University,
Burnaby, B.C.

August 17, 18 & 19
Empress Hotel,
Victoria, B.C.
agosto 17, 18 & 19
Empress Hotel,
Victoria, B.C.

August 18 & 19
Empress Hotel,
Victoria, B.C.
agosto 18 & 19
Empress Hotel,
Victoria, B.C.

August 18 & 19
Simon Fraser University,
Burnaby, B.C.
agosto 18 & 19
Simon Fraser University,
Burnaby, B.C.

August 18 & 19
Hotel Vancouver,
Vancouver, B.C.
agosto 18 & 19
Hotel Vancouver,
Vancouver, B.C.

August 18 & 19
Empress Hotel,
Victoria, B.C.
agosto 18 & 19
Empress Hotel,
Victoria, B.C.

18 & 19 aout
Simon Fraser University,
Burnaby, B.C.

17, 18 & 19 aoit
Empress Hotel,
Victoria, B.C.

18 & 19 aout
Empress Hotel,
Victoria, B.C.

18 & 19 aout
Simon Fraser University,
Burnaby, B.C.

18 & 19 aoat
Hotel Vancouver,
Vancouver, B.C.

18 & 19 aout
Empress Hotel,
Victoria, B.C.

August 17, 18 & 19 17, 18 & 19 aoat
Simon Fraser University, Simon Fraser University,
Burnaby, B.C. Burnaby, B.C.
agosto 17, 18 & 19
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C.

A-250-00 The Early State
and After: Transformation of
the Early State to the Mature State
Claessen, Henri J.M. (Organizer & Chair)
Institute of Cultural and Social Studies
The Netherlands
Twenty-Four Early States: an Analysis of Transformational
Shifferd, PA.
Problems of the Genesis of State Among the Baule Peoples
(Ivory Coast)
Luig, U
Early and Mature States in Ancient Mesopotamia
Robinson, Lynda S.

A-406-00 Peace and War:
Anthropological Perspectives
Sponsored by: The American Anthropological Association
Foster, Mary Lecron (Organizer & Chair)
University of California
Rubinstein, Robert A. (Organizer & Chair)
University of Illinois
War, War Machines, and State Formation in Pre- and Post-
Industrial States
Cohen, Ronald
University of Florida
Directed Culture Change and the Achievement of Peace: Two
Peruvian Examples
Doughty, Paul
University of Florida
The Horn of Africa as a Problem Area in Anthropological
Gamst, Frederick
University of Massachusets
War and Peace as Related to Border Theory
Weaver, Thomas
Conflict and Belief in U.S. Foreign Policy
Beeman, William
Broun University
Frank, Jerome
The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Gonzalez, Nancie L
University of Maryland, College Park
Mendlovitz, Saul
Institute for World Order
Goldschmidt, Walter R
University of California, (Los Angeles)
Mandelbaum, David
University of California, (Berkeley)
Tishkov, Valery A.
Academy of Sciences of the USSR

A-425-00 New Forms of
Industrialization in Latin America
and Asia: Global Production on a World Scale
McGee, T.G. (Organizer & Chair)
University of British Columbia
Kelly, M. Patricia Fernandez (Organizer & Chair)
University of California
(San Diego)
Safa, Helen I. (Organizer & Chair)
University of Florida
Moving Wheels of Machine: Industrialization in an Isolated
Tribal Region of Central India
Srivastava, AR.N.
The Role of the State in Export Processing: the Puerto Rican
Safa, Helen I.
Proletarian Transformation in the Newly Industrializing
Economies of East and Southeast Asia. Process or Phase?
McGee, TG.
Third World Export Orientated Industry: its Implications for
Poor Third World Women
Cuales, Sonia M.
A-425-00 New Forms of
Industrialization in Latin America
and Asia: Global Production on a World Scale
The Singapore Housing Transformation: Social Class and the
Salaff Janet M.
Wong, Aline K
Benefits for Whom? the CBI, Female Industrial Workers and the
Jamaican Manufacturing Sector
Bolles, A.L
Industrial Manufacturing in Historical Perspective: Wage
Labouring and Ethnicity in Peninsular Malaysia
O'Brien, Leslie
The Putting out System in the Brazilian Garment Industry
Spindel, Cheywa R
A-425-00 New Forms of
Industrialization in Latin America
and Asia: Global Production on a World Scale
The Foreign Investment Connection: Rethinking Immigration
Sassen-Knob, Saskia
Factory Workers and the Family Economy in Central Java
Wolf Diane L.
Caracteristicas de la Mano de Obra Femenina en la Industria
Electronic de Lima
Guzman, V
U.S.-Mexico Border and World Market Factors: An Update
Kelly, M. Patricia Fernandez

A-427-00 Latin America at the
Crossroads: Anthropological Perspectives
Sponsored by: Canadian Association of Latin America
Berdichewsky, Bernard (Organizer & Chair)
Simon Fraser University,
Vessuri, Hebe (Organizer & Chair)
Univ. Central de Venezuela
The Andean Indian and Peasant Question
Berdichewsky, Bernardo
Latin American Literature's Social Involvement
Alegria, Fernando
The Indian Question in South America
Calluqueo, Nilo
Argentina and Canada: a Parallel with a Difference
Ciria, Alberto
Ritual, Cultural and Physical Survival: Enduring Peoples of
Northwest Mexico and Northwest Peru
Crumrine, Ross
An Alternative Development for Chile: a Strategy of Survival
Diaz, Harry
Rojas, Alejandro
Counter-Insurgency Policies in Centra America
Dieterich, Heina
Caribbean Culture and Society
D'Oyley, V

A-427-00 Latin America at the
Crossroads: Anthropological Perspectives
The Poetic and Social Vision of Ernesto Cardenal and Pablo
Garcia, Jorge
Popular Art and Traditional Craft of Mexico and Peru Within the
Context of Socio-Economic Development
Gomez, Ines
Changes in the Political Structure of Chile: the Last Decade
Israel, Ricardo
New Forms and Practices of the Social Sciences in Chile
Landstreet, Peter
The Andean World
Lumbrera, Luis
The Social Position of the Migratory "Intelligentsia" in Peru
Mata, Fernando
The Andean Popular Religion: a Comparative Analysis
Luis, Millones
Dynamics Involving the Changes in Control Over Land and Rural
Production in Central America
Riddell, James

A-427-00 Latin America at the
Crossroads: Anthropological Perspectives
The Latin American Drama and the Social Question
Rubio, Gary
Canada-Latin America and Dependency Development: a Critique
Rush, Gary
The Neo-Liberal Development Style in Chile
Sherman, Jorge
Household Structures, Rural Development and Migration in
Latin America
Simmons, Alan
The Guatemalan Case
Torres, Enrique
Literary Form and Social Involvement in Andean Writers
Urrello, Antonio
Proletarianization, Class Consciousness and Politicalization in a
Rural Mexican Municipality
West, Raymond
The Impact of Educational Legislation in the Late '70's in
Latinamerica: Social Conflict or Social Development?
Buttedahl, Paz G
Changing Modes of Agricultural Development: the Mexican Case
Gates, I.,:i ,i
Anthropology and Nation Building: Florestan Fernandes'
Tupinamba Studies
Peirano, Mariza GS.

A-440-00 International,
National and Minorities Communication
in Anthropological Research
Sanchez Camara, Florencio (Organizer & Chair)
Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en
Antropologia Social
Session I
Andres Fabregas, Comunicacion Internacional y Lucha de Clases
Andres Garcia Salgado, Comunicacion y Sandino
Gerard Pierre Charles, La Comunicacion Internacional Desigual
Marta Guerra Comunicacion, Unidad y Lucha: Evaluacion
Hugo Zimmelman, La Sociologia y la Comunicacion
Rene Herrera, La Comunicacion Internacional en Centroamerica
Alejandro Cervantes, Medicina y Comunicacion en Nicaragua
Socorro Salazar, Comunicacion y Politica
Citlali Rovirosa Madrazo, Nuevas Generaciones v Comunicacion
Patricia Bray, Gaps in International Communication
Berta Arenal, Comunicacion entire Mujeres
Liz Meyer, Comunicacion e Investigacion entire Mujeres
Miguel Messmacher, Los Mitos de la Comunicacion
Osiris Canfu, Comunicacion Internacional en el Ambito Politico

Session II
Ivan Menendez, Desarrollo Rural y Comunicacion
Victoria Novelo, Investigacion en Culturas Populares
Candelaria Lopez, Comunicacion entire Mujeres
18 Delia Selene de Dios, Mujeres, Investigacion, Comunicacion
Eckart Boj, La Investigacion y los Campesinos
Luisa Pare, Investigacion Antropologica y Lucha de Clases
Andrea Fernandez, La Comunicacion Radiofonica y su
Marcelo Aguirre, El Magisterio y la Comunicacion
Carlota Botey, Comunicacion y Reforma Agraria
Boris Yopo, Comunicacion Rural
Gabino Palomares, Comunicaci6n Internacional en la Canci6n
Marcela Nicon, Difusuion Cultural y Comunicacion Regional y
Marta Elba L6pez, Psicologia e Investigacion de la
Lucila Marctie
Investigation Rural, Organizacion y Capacitacion
Eduardo de la Vega, El Comercio y la Comunicacion
Noemi Martinez et Al. Alacru, Communication Events and
Evaluation of Communicators
Rafael Mata, Economia Campesina y Jornaleros en la
Ricardo Ferrg, Comunicacion y Aborto
Gregorio Seltzer, La Comunicacion y los Medios Masivos
Session III
Emilio Perez Ramos, Autogesti6n de la medicine indigena y
comunicacion social
Berta Zapata, Comunicacion, Educacion e Indigenismo
Carlos Villanueva, Organizacion y Comunicacion Intefetnica
Caamal, Etnolinguistica e Investigacion Participativa
Eugenia Fonseca, Importancia del Habitat Tradicional en la
Gloria Valdez, Comunicacion Arte y Liberacion Nacional
Carlos Moreno, Investigacion Antropologica y Educacion
Maria Angeles Gomesafia, Comunicacion Rural para la
Educacion de Adultos
Candido Coheto, Educacion Indigena y comunicacion
Ricardo Concklin, Profilaxis Mental y Comunicacion
Froylan Raseon, Antropologia y Comunicacion
Napoldon Blochner, Investigacion Participativa y Campesinos
Elena Rojo, Investigacion Participativa

C-100-00 Conservation
and Recording of Rock Art
Sponsored by: Canadian Conservation Institute; National Museum
of Canada
Anati, Emmanuel (Organizer & Chair)
Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici

Wainwright, I. (Organizer & Chair)
Analytical Research Services Division
Canadian Conservation Institute
Lundy, Doris (Organizer & Chair)
B.C. Provincial Museum

D-019-00 Dermatoglyphics
Mavalwala, Jamshed (Organizer & Chair)
University of Toronto
Dermatoglyphic Peculiarities in Male Patients with X-Linked
Mental Retardation and Fragile Site XQ27
Rodewald, A.
Zankl, M.
Froster-Iskenius, U.
Scmidt, A.
Stenbach, P
Zankl, H.
Dermatoglyphics in Childhood Leukemia: a Guide to Prognosis
and Etiology
Rodewald, A.
Wagner, B.
Wahlen, W
Norouzi, D.
Ortgiese, HJ.
Detection of a Major Genetic Effect in the Frequency
Distributions of Digital Ridge Counts
Harvey, Robin G.
Suter, Diana
Absense of Palmar Digital Triradius D in Japanese Families
lwayanagi, Chizuko
Okajima, Michio

D-019-00 Dermatoglyphics
Dermatoglyphic Examination on the Dermis of Primates
Okajima, Michio
Genetics of Dermatoglyphic Ridge Counts
Satyanarayana, M.
Poosha, DV.R.
Mathew, S.
Dermatoglyphic Peculiarities in Patients with Von Willebrand-
Weber, R.
Rodewald, A
Wenzel, E.
Asymmetry and Diversity of Digital Ridge Counts among the Five
Trukman Groups in Iran (Dermatoglyphics)
Kamali, M. Sharif
Dermatoglyphics in Breast Cancer
Floris, Sanna Paderi
Giovanni, Emanuele Roberto
Dermatoglyphics and Statistics
Srivastava, Rajeshwar Prasad

D-071-00 Forensic Anthropology
Skinner, Mark (Organizer)
Simon Fraser University
Identification of Members of the Franklin Expedition
Beattie, Owen
New Questions and Answers on Facial Reproduction Techniques
Caldwell, Peggy C
The Final Quirks in the Works: the Perfect Identification
by Facial Reproduction and Anthropological Measurements,
Cebelin, MD.
Identification of the Historically Infamous
Curtin, A. Joanne
Lazenby, Richard
Mardus, Michael
The Use of Oral Radiography in Body Identification
Harris, Oliver G.
Identification of Human Remains of Eminent Persons
Kennedy, Kenneth A.R.
The Haversian System in Age at Death Estimation: Re-modeling
Lazenby, Richard A.
A New Test of Phenice's Technique for Determining Sex from
the Os Pubis
Lovell, Nancy C

D-071-00 Forensic Anthropology
Analysis and Identification of Human Subadult Skeletal Remains
Sundick, Robert I
Forensic Anthropology and the Big Four
Iscan, M. Yasar
Forensic Tree-Ring Dating and Wood Structure Analysis
Josza, Les A
Individualization of Human Remains from Joint Probability
Skinner, Mark
Forensic Taphonomy: the Dynamics of the Death Environment
Wilson, M.C
Photogrammetry and Human Footprints
Lajeunesse, Roger M.
Experiences in the Practice of Facial Reconstruction
McKendry, Jean M.
Artistic Enhancement: a Facial Reconstruction Technique
Strongman, K Brian
Decomposition of the Human Body
Whiteford, Robert D.

D-112-00 Fatness, Obesity and Culture
De Garine, I. (Organizer & Chair)
Maison des Sciences de 1'Homme
Baker, P.T. (Organizer & Chair)
Pennsylvania State University
Obesity as a Social and Functional Handicap Related to Age in
Various Population Groups
Parizkova, Jana
How Fat is Fat?
Fischler, Claude
Some Health Consequences of Samoan Fatness
Baker, Paul
Harbison, S.
Fatness and Prestige Among the Massa of Cameroon
De Garine, I
Koppert, Sjors

D-112-00 Fatness, Obesity and Culture
Obesity in the Egyptian Culture
El-Sherbini, Ahmed F
Obesity and Activity Among Samoans
Greska, Lawrence P
A Study of Weight Among Women in a Puerto Rican Community
Massara, Emily B.
Body Fatness and Socio-Cultural Correlates of Occupational
Activity Patterns in a Modernizing Polynesian Population
Pelletier, David L.
Baker, Thelma S

D-112-00 Fatness, Obesity and Culture
Variation in the Distribution Pattern of Subcutaneous Fat in the
Adult Females Living at High Altitude and Plains (Delhi)
Satwanti, K
Kapoor, AK
Singh, Indera P
Trends in Fatness Among Adolescent Punjabi Girls
Verma, Rashmi
Satwanti, K
Singh, LP
Towards a Model for the Study of Social and Cultural Factors
Associated with Obesity
Tony, Whitehead
Etiological Factors of Obesity in Children
Darwish, Olfat
The Fattening Room Among the Annang of Nigeria
Brink, Pamela
Obesity in the Mirror: Body Image and Self Confrontation
Aimez, P

D-152-00 Genetic Epidemiology
Szathmary, E.J.E. (Organizer & Chair)
McMaster University
Chakraborty, R. (Organizer & Chair)
University of Texas Health Science Center
A General Covariance Structure Model for Quantitative Genetic
Williams, B.J.
Smalley, S.L.
Problems in the Study of the Effects of Altered Environments
Friedlaender, J.S.
Physical Environmental, Sociocultural and Ethnic Correlates of
Human Biology in Some Populations of West Bengal, India:
Mortality Differentials
Basu, A.
Gupta, R.
Bharati, P.
Mukhopadhyay, B.
Strategies for Dealing with Phenotypic and Genetic
Heterogeneity of a Disease with a Complex Etiology
Sing, C.F
Moll, P.P.
Boerwinkle, E.

D-152-00 Genetic Epidemiology
Nutrition and Biological Fitness
Haas, JD.
Greksa, L.P.
Analytical Strategies in Genetic Epidemiology
Roberts, D.F
Epidemiology of Some Red Cell Genetic Abnormalities in the
Northern Part of Africa
Lefere-Witier, P.
Analytic Strategies for Transitional Human Populations
Adams, J
Smouse, P.
Biological Adaptation and Risk to Disease of an Andean
Population Inhabiting Coastal Ecogeographic Areas
Rothhammer, F
Schull, WJ.
Possible Use of Genealogical Data in the Genetic Study of
Hypoacusia in a Carribean Island
Mayer, F
Bonaiti, C
Analytical Strategies
Lathrop, M
Summary and Discussion
Vogel, F

D-158-00 Methods in Biological
Anthropology as Applied to Growth
Aging and Studies in Body Composition
Ross, W.D. (Organizer & Chair)
Dept. of Kinesiology,
Simon Fraser University
Johnston, F.E. (Organizer & Chair)
Dept. of Anthropology
University of Pennsylvania
Stini, William A. (Organizer & Chair)
Dept. of Anthropology
University of Arizona
Anthropometry and Public Health
El-Nofely, Aly A.
Absorptiometry for Body Composition in Vivo
Mazess, Richard B.
Calcium Intake, Ground Water, Dietary Habits and Cooking
Stini, William A.
The Distribution of C1 Types in Some North Indian Populations
Sehajpal, PK
Mehta, KP.

D-158-00 Methods in Biological
Anthropology as Applied to Growth
Aging and Studies in Body Composition
Body Composition and Functional Capacity During the Life Span
Parizkova, J
Somatype and Body Structure of World Top
Claessens, A.
Beunen, G.
Welens, R.
Geldef D.
Perfil Antropometrico del Atleta Bolivariano
Perez, M.B.
Somatotipo de los Atletas Bolivarianos 1982
De Brief Fritzi Kohn
Body Composition and Somatypes of Throwers According to
Event, Age and Sex
Orvanova, Eva
Slamka, Milos
Pataki, Ladislav
Ramacsay, Ladislav
Anthropometric Variables of Offspring of Consanguineous
Marriages in Egypt
Hussien, Mazan
Hussien, Shoukry
Fauzia, H.
Inas, M
Ahmed, S.

E-020-00 Shamanism
Hoppal, Mihaly (Organizer & Chair)
Some Outstanding Traits in Northeurasian Shamanian
Lappalainen, Heimo
The Healing Practices of Don Emilio, a Peruvian Shaman
Luna, Luis Eduardo
The Impassioned Cogito-Shaman and Anthropologist in the
Healing of the Body and Body Politics
Romanucci-Ross, L.
The Shaman and the Medicine-Man
Hultkrantz, A.
Language and Worldview in Navajo Curing Ceremonies
Toelken, B.
Shamans in Three-piece Suits: Western Judeo-Christian Tradition
Healers in the U.S.A.
Ankenbrandt, K
Singer, Ph.
Shamanism and Magic of the Finno-Ugri Peoples
Corradi, C.
Towards a Definition of Shamanism: Based on Fieldwork with
Practising Shamans and Mediums in Southeast Asia
Heinze, R.I
Ritual Every day Life: Phaenomenological Approach on
Shamanistic Practice in Nepal
Greve, R.
The Gigantic Bird of Finnish-Karelian Folklore
Oinas, F
AVisit to Maria Sabina, the Mazatec Shaman
Krippner, St. et alii
Shamanism: an Archaic and/or Recent System of Beliefs?
Hoppal, M.

E-020-00 Shamanism
Korean Shamanism: the Zodiacal Structure of its Ritual
Zolla, E.
Shaman, Healer, Witch: Comparing Shamanism with Franconian
Folk Magic
Sebald, Hans
Shamanism as an Esoteric Technique of Integration: a Study
Based on Korean Shamanism
Lee, Jung-Young
Specific Features of "Shaman Language"
Menges, KH.
The Shaman's Spirit Journey: an Experimental Investigation
Goodman, FD.
Siona Shamanism and Hallucinogenic Art
Langdon, J.
Shamanism in Historical Document
Bean, LJ.
Oneiric Recollection and Shamanic Recollection
Villa, G.

E-020-00 Shamanism
On the Feminine Shamanism in Algeria
Virolles-Souibe, M.
Islam and Shamanism in Central Asia: Prospects for Research
Marazzi, Ugo
Shamanism in Two Primitive Communities of Orissa
Mohanty, U.C.
General Multiformity of Shamanistic Folklore (as Based on Field
Materials of WG. Mogoraz)
Kuzmina, L.
Model of Shaman Initiation
Ziolkowski, M.S
Best Wishes, your Colleague, the Shaman
Mey, Wolfgang E.
Ritual Everyday Life: a Phenomenological Approach on
Shamanistic Practice in Nepal
Greve, Reinhard
Contemporary Aspects of Lakota Sioux Shamanism
Vazeilles, Daniele M.
Lappish Shamanism
Pentikaiken, J.
Shamanism in Centra Asia
Marazzi, Ugo
Shamanism: its Forms and Functions in Cross-Cultural
Davis, RJ.
Deflecting Demons and Transforming the Parameters of Survival
in Tibetan Ritual Curing
Calkowski, Marcia

E-408-00 Museums and Anthropology
Sponsored by: I.U.AE.S. Commission on Museums
McFayden-Clark, Annette (Organizer & Chair)
National Museum of Man
Museo de Barrio-Casa de la Cultura. Neighborhood Museum -
House of Culture
Torres, Yolotl Gonzales
On Ideological Bondage of National Museums
Mey, Wolfgang E.
Museos y Antropologia
Madrid, Alfonso
Museums and Anthropology: the Australian Aboriginal Heritage
Stanton, John E
"Fakes and Forgeries"
Watt, RJ.
"They're Still Here: American Indian Arts in New England" or
"Increasing Access to Collections Study-storage at the
Children's Museum"
Lester, J.
Short Term Programming for Special Need Audiences
Tepper, L.
Interpretation and Presentation of Primitive Culture in American
Lazarevic, A.S.

E-408-00 Museums and Anthropology
Museum Education and the Developing Countries of the World
Ekpa, O.E.O.
Solomon Islands: Archaeology and Museum Work
Foanaota, L
The Process of Forming Abstract and Universal Ideas into
Display: Milwaukee Public Museum Special Exhibit 'the Proper
Study of Mankind is Animals'
Kehoe, TB.
Ecomuseums: Architectural Reconstruction and Preservation in
Aniakor, CC.
Masks and Masked Dancing: Concepts and Reality
Wembah-Rashid, JA.R.
Why the Museum Collects: an Exhibition
Nason, JD.
An Experience of Ecological Education in National Parks
Pantigoso, M.G.
Maori Halls in New Zealand Museums
McFadgen, B.
The Socio-Symbolic Role of Museums
Kelly, R.F
Rapture and Reality Drug Use in Cross Cultural Perspective.
Variation of Emphasis and Acceptance of an Exhibition on Drugs
in a West German and Dutch Anthropological Museum
Welck, K V
Museum Ethnology
Stott, M
New Concepts for Exhibitions of Ethnological Museums, or
Anthropology and Mass Media and Anthropology and Tourism
Kohler, U

E-408-00 Museums and Anthropology
Museums and Anthropology
Legget, JA
A Museum Resource: Collection Integrity and Proper Care of
Archaeological Collections
Johnson, E.
International Repatriation to Canadian Museums: Context and
Claus, E
Why the Museum Collects: an Exhibition
Nason, J.D.
An Experience of Ecological Education in National Parks
Pantigosa, M.G.
Title Unknown
Hunt, C
Title Unknown
Torres, Gonzalez, Y
Title Unknown
Title Unknown
Bolinger, M.
Title Unknown
Eiselen, H.
Title Unknown
Clark, J.
Title Unknown
Bigalke, E.H.

E-408-00 Museums and Anthropology
Ethnographic Museums and Exhibitions
Epstein, S.
Aspects Humains et techniques de l'origine de l'agriculture: leur
presentation museologique
Forni, G.
Parks and Ecomuseums
Simonds, E.C
Aspecios de la Exposicion de Material Etnografico en el Museo
de la Plata
Pasquale, M.R.
Material Culture Studies
Maranda, L.
The Cultural Use of Windmills
Gouveia, H.C.
On Idealogical Bondage of National Museums
Berlin, W
Panel Discussion
Reynolds, B.:James Cook University of North Queensland
Deyell, D.: International Museum of Cultures, Dallas
Tepper, L.: National Museums of Canada
Legget, JA.: University of Leicester
Nason, J.D.: Thomas Burke Memorial Washington State Museum

F-034-00 Conference on Visual Anthropology
Sponsored by: Proposed I.U.A.E.S. Commission on Visual
Stenbaek-Lafon, Marianne (Organizer)
Communications Program, McGill University
Position of Film Ethnography
Yashuhiro, Omori
A New Program to Train Ethnographic Filmmakers
Asch, Timothy
The Small King
Jell-Bahlsen, Sahine
Feature Films and Visual Anthropology
Sahay, N.
Soumalainen Paivakirja-Helsinki, 1980
Lappalainen, Heimo
On the Making of Suomalainen Paivakirja-Helsinki, 1980
Lappalainen, Heimo
Nesnabek: the People (the Prairie Band of Potawatomi Indians of
Stull, Donald D.
Tragada Bhavai: a Rural Theater Troupe of Ojujarat
Volkman, Toby Alice
The Ona People: Life and Death in Tierra del Fuego
Volkman, Toby Alice
Brujo (Shaman)
Volkman, Toby Alice
Margaret Mead: Taking Note
Volkman, Toby Alice
Ojogodala: a Cultural Revival
Volkman, Toby Alice

F-034-00 Conference on Visual Anthropology
Zero on Zero: a Balinese Trance Seance Observed
Volkman, Toby Alice
Little Injustices: Laura Nader Looks at the Law
Volkman, Toby Alice
Bitter Melons
Volkman, Toby Alice
Nai, the Story of a Kung Woman
Volkman, Toby Alice
A Man Called "Bee": Studying the Yanomamo
Volkman, Toby Alice
From the First People (Alaskan Eskimos)
Volkman, Toby Alice
Dadi's Family (Northern India)
Volkman, Toby Alice
The Use of Film in Teaching About Africa
Rayfield, JR.
Production ecrite et production visuelle en anthropologie
De Sardan, Jean Pierre Olivier
Visual Anthropology: Beginnings and Perspectives
Perey, Marie-Helene
Living Maya (Episode IV)
Smith, Hubert L.
Cabo Verde, la Tierra y el hombre ("Cabo Verde, Land and Man)
Lachitte, Hector B.

F-034-00 Conference on Visual Anthropology
The Effects of Delusion on the Use of Space
Kent, Susan
The Kaffir Kalash of the Hindu Kush
Kennedy, Margaret Fairlie
Premieres in Situ
Guzman, Jose Antonio
Music for Life's Sake; the Media of Soles and the Sale of the
Media Film: the Sight of Sound, the Sound of Vision
Moore, S.
Analyzing Symbolism: Showing vs. Explaining
Corbin, John R
Two Laws; a Feature Film of the Borroloola People's Struggle for
the Recognition of Aborriginal Law
Strachan, Carolyn
He Who Pays the Piper Calls the Tune: a Look at British
Television and Anthropological Films
Malachite, Toni de Bromhead
World Apart Series: (film) 1. South East Nuba 2. Panare 3. Muria
4. Raj Gods 5. A Connemara Family 6. The Woman's Olamel: The
Organization of a Maasai Fertility Ceremony 7. The Diary of a
Maasai Prophet's Village
Curling, Chris
Lewellyn-Davies Melissa

Don Emilio and his Little Doctors (film)
Luna, Luis Eduardo
Feature Films and Visual Anthropology
Sahay, Keshari Nandan
The Yucatec Maya Film Project
Smith, Hubert L.
Showing Versus Explaining
Corbin, J
Showing/Explaining Spanish Symbolism
Corbin, J


XI ICAES Programme Committee

XI CISAE Comite du programme

XI CICAE Comit6 Programa

Dr. Richard Salisbury
McGill University

Dr Yvan Simonis
University Laval

Dr. Richard Pearson
University of British

Dr. David Pokotylo
University of British

Dr. Emoke J.E. Szathmary
McMaster University

Dr. Sally Weaver
University of Waterloo

Dr. Ban Seng Hoe
National Museum of Man/
Musee de l'Homme (Ottawa)

Dr. Henrietta Cedergren
University du Quebec

(F) Special Sessions and Interdisciplinary
Topics/Sessions specials et sujets
interdisciplinaires/Sesiones Especiales y
T6picos Interdisciplinaros

(A) Anthropological Theory; Applied
Anthropology/Th6orie anthropolo-
gique; anthropologie appliquee/Teoria
Antropol6gica; Antropologia Aplicada

(B) World Archaeology/
Archeologie mondiale/
Arqueologia Mundail

(C) Archaeology of the Americas/
Archeologie des Am6riques/
Arqueologia de las Americas

(D) Biological Anthropology/Anthropologie
biologique/Antropologia Bi6logica

(E) Social and Cultural Anthro-
pology; Museums/Anthropologie social
et culturelle; Mus6es/Antropologia
Social y Cultural; Museos

(G) Folklore and Folk Culture/Folklore et
culture populaire/Folklore y Cultura

(H) Linguistics/Linguistique/Lingilistica

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