Front Cover
 Organizing committees
 Programme committee
 General information
 The international union of anthropological...
 Phase II information
 Back Cover

Title: XI International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences : Phase II (Vancouver) August 20-25, 1983 Program brochures
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00083835/00001
 Material Information
Title: XI International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences : Phase II (Vancouver) August 20-25, 1983 Program brochures
Series Title: XI International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences : Phase II (Vancouver) August 20-25, 1983 Program brochures
Physical Description: Book
Language: English
Creator: International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (11th : 1983 : Vancouver, B.C.)
Publisher: International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00083835
Volume ID: VID00001
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Table of Contents
    Front Cover
        Page 1
    Organizing committees
        Page 2
        Page 3
    Programme committee
        Page 4
    General information
        Page 5
        Page 6
        Page 7
        Page 8
        Page 9
    The international union of anthropological and ethnological sciences
        Page 10
        Page 11
        Page 12
        Page 13
        Page 14
        Page 15
        Page 16
    Phase II information
        Page 17
        Page 18
        Page 19
        Page 20
        Page 21
        Page 22
        Page 23
    Back Cover
        Page 24
Full Text

General Information~
Apq general
Informacio enea


XI International Congress of
Anthropological and
Ethnological Sciences
Phase II (Vancouver) August 20-25

XI Congres international des
sciences anthropologiques
et ethnologiques
Phase II (Vancouver) 20-25 aoit

XI Congress Internacional de
Ciencias Antropol6gicas
y Etnol6gicas
Fase II (Vancouver) agosto 20-25

XI ICAES Organizing Committees

XI CISAE Comit6s d'organisation

XIoCICAE Comitis Organizadores

Canadian National Committee for the XI International Congress of
Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences
(Board of Directors: Educational Foundation for Anthropology and the Public)

Comite national canadien du XI Congres international des sciences
anthropologiques et ethnologiques
(Conseil d'administration: Fondation p6dagogique pour Fanthropologie et le

Comit6 Nacional Canadiense del XI Congreso Internacional de Ciencias
Antropol6gicas y Etnol6gicas
(Consejo de Administraci6n: Fundaci6n Educativa para la)


Executive Secretary:
Secr6taire executif:
Secretario Ejecutivo:

Programme Chairman:
President du Programme:
Coordinador de Programa:

National Arrangements:
Arrangements nationaux:
Gestiones Nacionales:


E.F.A.P. Vancouver
Programmes Coordinator:
F.P.A.P. Vancouver

Dr. Cyril S. Belshaw
Department of Anthropology and
University of British Columbia
Dr. Roy Carlson
Dept. of Archaeology
Simon Fraser University
Dr. Jim Freedman
Dept. of Anthropology
University of Western Ontario
Dr. Chris Meiklejohn
Dept. of Anthropology
University of Winnipeg
Dr. Philip E.L Smith
Department d'anthropologie
University Montreal
Dr. Marc-Addlard Tremblay
Department d'anthropologie
University Laval
Bjorn O. Simonsen

Dr. Richard Salisbury
Anthropology of Development
McGill University

Dr. Cuyler Young
Royal Ontario Museum

Dr. Chris Meiklejohn
Dept. of Anthropology
University of Winnipeg

Dr. Adrian Blunt
Vancouver Community College

Coordinateur des programmes:
A.P.F.E. Vancouver
President Programaci6n:


Dr. Kenelm Burridge
Dept. of Anthropology
University of British Columbia



The Organizers of the XI ICAES would like to acknowledge their appreciation
for the support of the following major contributors to the success of the
Les organisateurs du XIe CISAE tiennent a remercier tout particulierement les
organismes suivants de leur soutien:
Los organizadores del Xl CICAE desean tomar esta oportunidad para expresar su
agradecimiento a todas aquellas organizaciones quienes con su constant ayuda
y entusiasmo han sido los principles contribuyentes al exito del XI CICAE
- The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada/Conseil de
Recherche en sciences humaines du Canada
- The Wenner Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research
- The Government of the Province of British Columbia:
Ministry of Provincial Secretary and Government Services
Ministry of Tourism
Ministry of Labour
Ministry of Education
- Canadian Commission for Unesco/Commission Canadienne de l'Unesco
- Canadian International Development Agency/L'Agence canadienne de
developpement international
- Air Canada
- C.P Air
- University Laval

The support and cooperation of the following is also gratefully acknowledged:
Le concours des firmes et organismes suivants a 6galement &t6 tries pr6cieux:
Asimismo, las siguientes organizaciones son merecedoras de nuestro profundo
- The University of British Columbia
- The National Museum of Man, Ottawa/Musee national de 1'Homme, Ottawa
- Current Anthropology/Anthropologie du present
- The International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences/
L'Union international des sciences anthropologiques et ethnologiques
The International Development Research Centre, Ottawa/Centre de
Recherche du d6veloppement international, Ottawa
Silk Questo Design
de West Tours

XI ICAES International Committee of Honour

XI CISAE Comit6 d'honneur international
XI CICAE Comit6 de Honor Internacional

Prof PT. Baker, Pennsylvania State University
Dr Robert J. Braidwood, University of Chicago
Academician Yulian V Bromley, Miklouho-Maclay Institute of Ethnography
Dr Noam Chomsky, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dr Henri J.M. Claessen, University of Leiden
Dr Francisco Delich, Consejo Latinamericano de Ciencias Sociales
Dr. Enrique Oteiza, Centro Regional para la Educacion Superior en America
Latina v el Caribe
Prof Claude Livi Strauss
Dr. M. Makagiansar, Assistant Director-General, Sector of Culture, Unesco.
Prof Hubert Maver, Croation Anthropological Society
Dr. Candido Mendes de Almeida, President, International Social Science Council
His Imperial Highness Prince Takahito Mikasa
Sir John A.R. Miles, President, Pacific Science Association
Dr. Emil Haury, University of Arizona
M. Jean d'Ormesson, Secr6taire-General, Conseil International de la philosophies
et des sciences humaines
Dr. Lita Osmundsen, Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research
Dr Rodolfo Stavenhagen, El Colegio de Mexico
Dr. Sol Tax
Dr. L.P Vidyarthi, University of Ranchi
Prof. Wu Ru Kang, Academica Sinica

XI ICAES Canadian National Committee of Honour
XI CISAE Comite d'honneur canadien
XI CICAE Comite de Honor Nacional Canadiense

Dr David Bartlett, The Canada Council/Conseil des Arts du Canada
Dr. Harry Hawthorne
Mr. George Manuel, Ambassador to the World Council of Indigenous
Peoples/Ambassadeur du Conseil mondial des peuples indigenes
Dr. Sean B. Murphy, National Museums of Canada/Mus6es Nationaux du Canada
Dr. Bill Reid
Dr. Richard N. Salisbury, McGill University/Universit6 McGill
Dr. David Steedman, International Development Research Centre/Centre de
recherche pour le d6veloppement international
Dr. William E. Taylor, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of
Canada/Conseil canadien de recherches en sciences sociales
Dr. Marc-Addlard Tremblay, President, Royal Society of Canada/Societe Royale du

XI ICAES Programme Committee
XI CISAE Comit6 du programme
XI CICAE Comite Programaci6n

Dr Richard Salisbury
McGill University

Dr. Yvan Simonis
University Laval

Dr. Richard Pearson
University of British

Dr. David Pokotylo
University of British

Dr EmdkeJ.E. Szathmary
McMaster University

Dr. Sally Weaver
University of Waterloo

Dr. Ban Seng Hoe
National Museum of Man/
Musee de I'Homme (Ottawa)

Dr. Henrietta Cedergren
University du Quebec

(F) Special Sessions and Interdisciplinary
Topics/Sessions speciales et themes
interdisciplinaires/Sesiones Especiales y
T6picos Interdisciplinarios

(A) Anthropological Theory; Applied
Anthropology/Theorie anthropolo
gique; anthropologie appliquee/Teoria
Antropol6gica; Antropologia Aplicada

(B) World Archaeology/
Archeologie mondiale/
Arqueologia Mundial

(C) Archaeology of the Americas/
Archeologie des Ameriques/
Arqueologia de las Americas

(D) Biological Anthropology/Anthropologie
biologique/Antropologia Biol6gica

(E) Social and Cultural Anthro-
pology; Museums/Anthropologie social
et culturelle; Musees/Antropologia
Social v Cultural; Museos

(G) Folklore and Folk Culture/Folklore et
culture populaire/Folklore y Cultura

(H) Linguistics/Linguistique/Linguistica

XI ICAES General


The organizers of the XI International Congress of Anthropological
and Ethnological Sciences would like to welcome all participants to
the Congress and to Canada. It is our sincere hope that you will enjoy
your brief visit to our country and that the Congress will prove to be a
very rewarding experience for you. In particular, we hope that the
Congress may act as a catalyst in bringing together colleagues from all
areas of the world to exchange views about current trends in our dis-
cipline and to foster communication and research collaboration long
after the Congress.
In addition to promoting scientific and other scholarly exchange
between participants, it is also the hope of the Canadian Organizing
Committee that the XI ICAES will provide the impetus for social and
educational programmes for the future benefit of our citizens. As

XI CISAE Aperqu general

Remarques preliminaires
Les organisateurs du Xle CISAE sont heureux d'accueillir les congres-
sistes au Canada, et leur souhaitent un sejour a la fois fructueux et
agreable. Ils esperent en particulier que le Congres sera un lieu de
rencontre oi les collogues du monde entier pourront changer leurs
idees sur le devenir de la discipline, et que les contacts ainsi 6tablis
auront des prolongements f6conds bien apres la cl6ture du Congres.
Les organisateurs esperent done que le Congres encouragera le
dialogue scientifique, mais egalement la mise en place de pro-
grammes sociaux et p6dagogiques susceptibles d'aider nos con-
citovens. Les congressistes sont invites a faire la connaissance du
people canadien et a explorer ses multiples facettes ethniques et sa
double identity linguistique.
Le theme global du Congres, "L'anthropologie et le public: la
communication des idees savantes", devrait favoriser des contacts

XI CICAE Informaci6n


Los organizadores del XI Congreso Internacional de Ciencias Antro-
pol6gicas y Etnol6gicas desean extender a todos los participants una
cAlida bienvenida al Congreso y al Canada. Deseamos sinceramente
que disfruten de su corta estadia en nuestra patria y esperamos que el
Congress sera una experiencia sumamente satisfactoria y grata para
todos. Particularmente, confiamos que el Congreso actuarA como un
crisol en reunir colegas de todos los rincones del mundo para inter-
cambiar ideas y opinions sobre las tendencies actuales de nuestra
discipline y fomentar comunicaci6n y colaboraci6n en investigaciones
atn por much tiempo despues de que haya concluido este magno
Ademis de promover un intercambio de temas cientificos y de
otros t6picos eruditas entire los participants, el Comit6 Organizador

Congress participants you are encouraged to meet the Canadian
people and to become aware of our uniuqe multi-ethnic make-up and
linguistic duality.
It is hoped that the overall theme of the Congress "Anthropology
and the Public: The Communication of Scholarly Ideas" will en-
courage interaction between Congress participants and the Canadian
public and help foster such interaction between scholar and the public
in other parts of the world long after the Congress is over.

Congress Venues and Organization
As the XI ICAES is taking place in two major phases and in two distinct
regions of Canada, each venue is described separately in the Informa-
tion Brochures. Each brochure provides information regarding
meeting venues, registration and information facilities, social and
cultural events and accommodation and transportation facilities.
During each phase of the Congress additional information may be
obtained at information kiosks located in the registration area.
Detailed information relating to special events, receptions, tours,
group meetings etc. will be included with the Registration Package or
be distributed on a daily basis from the registration desk.

durables entire les anthropologues et le grand public non seulement
au Canada, mais dans le monde entier.

Lieux de reunion et organisation
Le Congres se tiendra en deux phases dans deux regions distinctes
du Canada. Chaque phase est done d6crite s6par6ment dans les docu-
ments d'information. Chaque brochure fournit tous les renseigne-
ments utiles en matiere d'inscriptions, d'h6bergement, de manifes-
tations et de transport. Les congressistes pourront obtenir des
pr6cisions suppl6mentaires en s'adressant aux guichets d'information
que les organisateurs du Congres mettront en place A Quebec comme
A Vancouver. Les manifestations sp6ciales, les circuits guides, les r6cep-
tions et les reunions sont decrits en detail dans la trousse d'inscrip-
tion. Le cas echeant, des circulaires supplementaires seront diffusees.
On les trouvera dans la salle des inscriptions.

Canadiense abriga la esperanza que el XI CICAE servirA para dar un
impulse a la realizaci6n de programs sociales y educacionales que
redundarin en el beneficio de nuestros futures ciudadanos. Como
participants al Congreso, se les exhorta que aprovechen esta opor-
tunidad para conocer el pueblo canadiense y experimentar personal
mente el mosaico multi-etnico singular que compone nuestra socie-
dad y nuestra dualidad linguistica.
Se espera que el tema global del Congreso "La Antropologia y el
Public La Comunicaci6n de Ideas Eruditas" provocara una inter-
acci6n entire los participants del Congreso y el pdblico canadiense y
aun cuando haya terminado el Congreso, continuara fomentando esta
misma interacci6n entire el acad6mico y el p6blico en otras parties del

Sedes del Congreso y Organizacion
Como el XI CICAE se desarrollara en dos fases que tomarin lugar en
dos ciudades distintas del Canada, cada sede se describe individual-
mente en los folletos informativos. Cada uno de estos folletos contiene
informaci6n sobre los lugares en que se celebraran las sesiones, facili-
dades de inscripci6n y de informaci6n, events sociales y culturales,

Congress Programme
The Scientific Programme of the XI ICAES consists of approximately
450 distinct symposia composed of 3,000 individual paper or film
presentations. A separate Programme listing is provided for each day
of the Congress with each date prominently displayed on the front
cover. Supplemental Programmes may also be distributed at the start
of the Congress and for each day, should this be necessary.
Each symposium during the regular programme of the Congress has
been assigned to one or more sessions (or time slots) for each day.
One session equals 11/2 hours of time and each day has five such ses-
sions. The times of sessions for any day of the congress are as follows:
Session 1 9:00 10:30 (A.M.) (0900 1030 hrs.)
Session 2 10:30 12:00 (AM.) (1030- 1200 hrs.)
Lunch Break 12:00- 1:30 (P.M.) (1200 1330 hrs.)
Session 3 1:30 3:00 (PM.) (1330 1500 hrs.)
Session 4 3:00 4:30 (PM.) (1500- 1630 hrs.)
Session 5 4:30 6:00 (P.M.) (1630 1800 hrs.)
The average number of papers to be presented in a single session
will be four. However, it should be noted that Symposia Organizers/

Programme du Congres
Le programme scientifique du XIe CISAE comporte quelque 450
symposia regroupant 3000 communications ou presentations audio-
visuelles. On trouvera dans un document s6par6 le programme
detail de chaque journde. La date sera clairement indiquee en tete
de chaque liste. Le cas echeant, des programmes suppl6mentaires
seront distributes au debut du Congres et chaque jour.
Chaque symposium du Congres comportera une ou plusieurs
sessions (ou trenches horaires). Chaque session durera une heure et
demie et il y en aura cinq chaque jour, aux heures suivantes:
Session 1 9 heures 10 heures 30
Session 2 10 heures 30 midi
Pause-dejeuner midi 13 heures 30
Session 3 13 heures 30 15 heures
Session 4 15 heures 16 heures 30
Session 5 16 heures 30 18 heures
Quatre communications (en moyenne) pourront etre presentees
au course d'une session. Veuillez noter toutefois qu'au sein de chaque

facilidades de alojamiento y de transport. Durante el curso de ambas
fases del Congreso, se podra obtener informaci6n adicional en los
escritorios de informaci6n ubicados en el area de inscripci6n. Infor-
maci6n mis detallada respect a events especiales, recepciones,
giras, reuniones de ciertos grupos, etc., se incluird en el Paquete de
Inscripci6n, o se distribuird diaramente mediante el escritono de

Program del Congreso
El Program Cientifico del XI CICAE consist de alrededor de 450
simposios diferentes comprendiendo unas 3,000 presentaciones de
trabajos individuals o de peliculas. Se ha preparado un program
independiente para cada dia del Congreso, Ilevando en su portada,
prominentemente marcada, la fecha para la cual es el program.
Ademis, si surge la necesidad, se podran distribuir Programas
Complementarios o diaries durante el Congreso.
Durante el program regular del Congreso cada simposio ha sido
asignado una o mis sesiones (horas). Una sesi6n equivale a 11/2 horas
y habrAn cinco sesiones diarias. El horario de las sesiones, para todos
los dias, serd el siguiente:

Chairpersons have considerable flexibility in the imposition of time
limits and for the ordering of papers within their programmes. The
order of papers as they appear in the official Scientific Programme of
the Congress may therefore not be strictly adhered to.

Opening and Closing Ceremonies
It should be noted that the official Opening Ceremony for the XI
ICAES will take place at the beginning of Phase I at Quebec City and
the Closing Ceremony will take place on the last day of Phase I1 of the
Congress in Vancouver.
Opening Ceremonies:
Time 10:00 A.M. (1000 hrs.), Sunday, August 14
Place Theatre de la Cite Universitaire, Pavilion des Sciences de
l'Administration, Universit6 Laval.
Keynote Speaker Georges Condominas, Directeur, Ce DRASEMI,
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales and President of the
French Anthropological Association.
A reception, hosted by Laval University, will immediately follow the

session les presidents organisateurs jouissent d'une latitude con
sid6rable en matiere d'horaires et d'order de presentation des
communications. Les communications ne seront donc pas forcement
presentees dans l'ordre qui leur a ete assigned dans le programme
scientifique du Congres.

Ceremonies d'ouverture et de cl6ture
Veuillez noter que les ceremonies officielles d ouverture du Xle CISAE
se tiendront a Quebec (c'est-A-dire au debut de la Phase I), et que les
ceremonies de cloture auront lieu a Vancouver le dernier jour de la
Phase II du Congres.
Ceremonies d'ouverture:
Date Dimanche 14 aoGt a 10 heures
Lieu Th6etre de la Cite universitaire, Pavilion des sciences de
Administration, Universit6 Laval
Orateur Georges Condominas, directeur du CEDRASEMI, Ecole des
hautes etudes en sciences sociales.
Une reception offerte par l'Universite Laval suivra immediatement la

Sesion 1 9:00 10:30 (A.M.) (0900 1030 hrs.)
Sesi6n 2 10:30 12:00 (A.M.) (1030 1200 hrs.)
Almuerzo 12:00 1:30 (PM.) (1200 1330 hrs.)
Sesi6n 3 1:30 3:00 (PM.) (1330 1500 hrs.)
Sesi6n 4 3:00 4:30 (PM.) (1500 1630 hrs.)
Sesi6n 5 4:30 6:00 (PM.) (1630 1800 hrs.)
El nOmero promedio de trabajos que se presentarAn en una sola
sesi6n sera cuatro. Sin embargo, debe notarse que los Organizadores/
Presidentes de los Simposios gozan de much flexibilidad en cuanto a
la imposici6n de limits en el tiempo asignado y en la secuencia que
han de presentarse los tratados. Por lo consiguiente, el orden de los
trabajos que aparece en el Programa Oficial Cientifico del Congreso,
no es necesariamente el orden en que se presentaran los trabajos.

Ceremonies de Inauguraci6n y de Clausura
Se les ruega notar que la Ceremonia Oficial de Inauguraci6n del XI
CICAE se celebrarA al inicio de la Fase I en la Ciudad de Quebec y que
la Ceremonia de Clausura tomara lugar el ultimo dia de la Fase II del
Congress, en Vancouver.

Closing Ceremonies:
Time 5:30 PM. (1730 hrs.), Thursday, August 25
Place The British Columbia Ballroom of the Hotel Vancouver.
The location of the next (XIIth) International Congress will be
announced at the Closing Ceremony.

Please note that the section of the Second Announcement relating to
'Passports, Visas and Customs' (page 17) was incorrect.
(a) "Hong Kong" was incorrectly listed as a country, rather than an
(b) "Taiwan" should not have appeared on the list;
(c) People's Republic of China should have been listed as "China."

Ceremonies de cl6ture:
Date -Jeudi 25 aoit a 17 heures 30
Lieu H6tel Vancouver, British Columbia Ballroom
Le lieu de reunion du prochain Congres international (XIIe Congres
de I'UISAE) sera annonce 5 la ceremonie de cloture.

Veuillez noter que la section de Second Communique portant sur les
Passeports, Visas et Douanes, etait incorrect (p. 17).
(a) Hong Kong a 6te classes parmi les pays, et non pas parmi les
(b) Taiwan ne devait pas figure sur la liste;
(c) La Republique Populaire de Chine aurait do etre appelee "Chine".

Ceremonies de Inauguraci6n:
Hora 10:00 A.M. (1000 horas), domingo, 14 de agosto.
Lugar- Teatro de la Ciudad Universitaria Pabell6n de Ciencias de la
Administraci6n Universidad de Laval
Orador Principal- Georges Condominas Director, Ce DRASEMI,
Escuela de Estudios Superiores de Ciencias Sociales Presidente de
la Asociaci6n Antropol6gica Francesa.
La Universidad de Laval ofrecerA una recepci6n inmediatamente a
continuaci6n de las Ceremonias de Inauguraci6n.
Ceremonies de Clausura:
Hora 5:30 PM. (1730 horas), jueves, 25 de agosto.
Lugar- Sal6n "British Columbia", Hotel Vancouver.
La sede del siguiente (XII) Congreso Internacional sera anunciada
durante la Ceremonia de Clausura.
Les rogamos corregir los siguientes errors en el segundo boletin,
bajo el rubro 'pasaportes, visas y aduanas' (pigina 17):
(A) "Hong Kong" aparece incorrectamente como un pais, en vez de
una zona;
(B) "Taiwan" no debe aparecer en la lista.
(C) La Republica Popular de la China deberia aparecer como "China".

The International Union

of Anthropological and

Ethnological Sciences
The International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences
(I.UAE.S.) is a worldwide organization representing the disciplines of
anthropology, archaeology, linguistics, ethnology, folklore and biologi-
cal anthropology. Almost all national organizations in these disciplines
are members of the I.UAE.S. and the organization has a growing
number of individual memberships.
The I.UAE.S., as the ultimate sponsor of the XI International
Congress, will have a number of major functions during Phase II (Van-
couver) of the Congress. These include the following:

Union international

des sciences

anthropologiques et

L'Union international des sciences anthropologiques et ethno-
logiques (U.I.SAE.) est une organisation mondiale regroupant les
divers champs de l'anthropologie: archeologie, linguistique, ethno-
logie, folklore et anthropologie biologique. La majority des organisa-
tions nationals repr6sentant ces disciplines sont membres de
I'U.I.SAE., qui compete en outre un nombre toujours croissant de
membres individuals.
Le XIe Congres international sera plac6 sous les auspices de

La Uni6n Internacional

de Ciencias

Antropol6gicas y

La Uni6n Internacional de Ciencias Antropol6gicas y Etnol6gicas
(U.I.C.A.E.) es una organizaci6n mundial que represent las disciplines
de antropologia, arqueologia, lingiiistica, etnologia, folklore y antro-
pologia biol6gica. Casi todas las organizaciones nacionales en esas
disciplines son miembros de la U.I.C.A.E. y la organizaci6n cuenta con
un nmmero creciente de miembros individuals.
La U.I.C.AE., en su rol como la patrocinadora definitive del XI
Congress Internacional, celebrarA varias funciones importantes
durante la Fase II (en Vancouver) del Congreso, incluyendo:

Functions of the I.U.A.E.S.

Nominating Committee meeting
Meeting of Executive Committee
Meeting of Permanent Council

Meeting of General Assembly

Meeting of Executive Committee
with I.UAE.S. Commissions

Meeting of Executive Committee
Meeting of Executive Committee
Meeting of Permanent Council

Meeting of Executive Committee

August 18
August 19
August 20
(3:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M./1500 1800 hrs)
August 21
(10:00 AM. 12:30 P.M./
1000 1230 hrs)
August 22
(10:30 A.M. 12:30 P.M./
1030 1230 hrs)
August 22
August 24
August 24
(2:00 P.M. 5:00 PM./1400 1700 hrs)
August 25
(10:30 A.M. 12:30 PM./
1030 1230 hrs)

I'U.I.S.A.E. et a cette occasion un certain nombre de reunions seront
organis6es au course de la Phase II (Vancouver) du Congres:

Reunions de 1'U.I.S.A.E.
Manifestation / reunion
Reunion du Comite des nominations
Reunion du Comite executif
Reunion du Conseil permanent

Assemblee gen6rale

Reunion entire le Comit6 executif et
les Commissions de I'U.I.S.A.E.
Reunion du Comit6 executif
Reunion du Comit6 ex6cutif
Reunion du Conseil permanent

Reunion du Comit6 executif

Funciones de la U.I.C.A.E.


Reuni6n del Comite Nombramientos
Reuni6n del Comite Ejecutivo
Reuni6n del Consejo Permanente

Asamblea General

Reuni6n del Comite Ejecutivo
con las comisiones de la U.I.C.A.E.

Reuni6n del Comite Ejecutivo
Reuni6n del Comite Ejecutivo
Reuni6n del Consejo Permanente

Reuni6n del Comit6 Ejecutivo

Jour et heure
18 aoOt
19 aoit
20 ao0t
(15 heures 18 heures)
21 ao0t
10 heures 12 heures 30)
22 aoOt
10 heures 30 12 heures 30)
22 aoOt
24 aoit
24 aoOt
(14 heures 17 heures)
25 aoOt
(10 heures 30 12 heures 30)

Agosto 18
Agosto 19
Agosto 20 (3:00 PM. 6 P.M./
1500 1800 horas)
Agosto 21
(10:30 A.M. 12:30 P.M./
1030 1230 horas)
Agosto 22
(10:30 A.M. 12:30 PM./
1030 1230 horas)
Agosto 22
Agosto 24
Agosto 24 (2:00 PM. 5:00 P.M./
1400 1700 horas)
Agosto 25
(10:30 A.M. 12:30 PM./
1030 1230 horas)

Of particular interest to participants at the Vancouver Phase of the
Congress will be the meetings of the Permanent Council and the Gen-
eral Assembly, where the formal business of the I.UA.E.S. will be
conducted. Attendance at the meetings of the Permanent Council is
restricted to official delegates of each country represented at the
Congress. Attendance at the General Assembly is restricted to paid-up
members of the I.UA.E.S.
The I.UAE.S. also maintains a number of Commissions which are
largely responsible for carrying out the work of the organization on a
year-to-year basis. Each Commission is required to present a progress
report at the International Congress, held every five years. The time
and place for such reports is listed in the Scientific Programme for the
XI ICAES. Commissions have also been assigned a meeting room for
the duration of Phase II of the Congress and a list of these rooms is
provided with the Registration Package.
The present members of the I.UA.E.S. Executive Committee, and the
presently constituted Commissions of the I.U.A.E.S. are as follows:

Les reunions du Conseil permanent et 1'Assembl6e g6n6rale inte-
resseront particulierement les participants de la Phase de Vancouver.
Toutes les questions relatives a la vie de l'Union y seront traitees. La
participation aux reunions du Conseil permanent est reservee aux
dC16gues officials de chaque pays represents au Congres. Seuls les
membres en regle de l'U.I.S.A.E. seront admis A l'Assemblee g6enrale.
L'U.I.SA.E. a 6galement charge un certain nombre de commissions
d'effectuer des recherches pour le compete de l'organisation. Chaque
commission est tenue de presenter un rapport sur l'6tat de ses
recherches tous les cinq ans, A l'occasion du Congres international. Les
jours et heures de presentation de ces rapports sont consigns dans le
programme scientifique du XIe Congres de l'U.I.SAE. Certaines sales
de reunion ont 6galement et6 r6serv6es aux commissions. On en
trouvera la liste complete dans la trousse d'inscription.
Membres du Comit6 ex6cutif de I'U.I.SA.E. et commissions:

De interns especial a los participants del Congreso en la Fase de
Vancouver seran las sesiones del Consejo Permanente y la Asamblea
General, donde se conducirAn las gestiones formales de la U.I.CA.E.
Asistencia a las sesiones del Consejo Permanente esta limitada a los
delegados oficiales de cada uno de los paises representados en el
Congress. La asistencia a la Asamblea General esta limitada a aquellos
miembros que tengan sus cuotas al dia.
La U.I.C.AE. mantiene tambien un n(mero de Comisiones cuya
responsabilidad primordial es realizar el trabajo de la organizaci6n
aflo a afio. Cada una de las Comisiones debe presentar un informed de
advance al Congreso Internacional que se celebra cada cinco aflos. La
fecha y el lugar en que se presentardn dichos informes aparece en el
Program Cientifico del XI CICAE. Asimismo, cada Comisi6n tiene
asignada una sala de conferencias por la duraci6n de la Segunda Fase
del Congreso. La relaci6n de dichas salas se encuentra en el Paquete
de Inscripci6n.
Los miembros vigentes del Comit6 Ejecutivo de la U.I.C.A.E. y las
Comisiones actualmente constituidas de dicha organizaci6n son las

I.U.A.E.S. Executive

U.I.S.A.E. Conseil executif

U.I.C.A.E. Ejecutivo

President: Dr. Cyril S. Belshaw
PrEsident: Department of Anthropology and Sociology
President: University of British Columbia, Canada

Past President:
President sortant:
President Anterior:

Vice presidents:

Secretario General:

Associate Secretary General:
Secrdtaire-gncral adjoint:
Secretarlo General Asociado:

Executive Members at Large:
Membres ex-officio:

Dr. L. P. Vidyarthi
Department of Anthropology
Ranchi University, India

Dr. Yu. V. Bromley
Director, Institute of Ethnography
Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R

Dr. Chie Nakane,
Institute of Oriental Culture
University of Tokyo, Japan

Dr. Francisco M. Salzano
Departamento de Genetica
Institute de Biociencias
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Dr. Vinigi Grottanelli
Institute di Etnologia,
University Degli Studi Di Roma, Italy

Dr. George Foster
University of California at Berkeley, U.SA.

Dr. Ilse von Schwidetzky
Universitit Mainz
Anthropologisches Institut, West Germany

Dr. Oladejo O. Okediji
Department of Sociology
University of Lagos, Nigeria

Dr. Eric Sunderland,
Head, Department of Anthropology
University of Durham, England

Dr. Indera P Singh
Department of Anthropology
University of Delhi, India

Prof. Yves Coppens,
Musee de 1'Homme, France

Dr. Irmgard Sellnow
Zentralinstitut fur Alte Gesichte und Archaeologie
Akademie de Wissenschafter der DDR,
East Germany

Dr. Laila El-Hamamsy
United Nations Research Institute
for Social Development, Switzerland

Dr. Hebe Vessuri
Centro de Estudios del Desarrollo
Universidad Central de Venezuela,Venezuela

Dr. Anna Hohenwart-Gerlachstein
Institute fir V61kerkunde, Austria

Professor J.S. Weiner (deceased)
Environmental Physiology Unit
London School of Hygiene, England

I.U.A.E.S. Commissions

U.I.S.A.E. Commissions

U.I.C.A.E. Comisiones

Anthropology of Food and
Food Problems:
Anthropologie de
I'allmentation et des
problimes alimentaires:
Antropologia de los
Alimentos y Problemas

Folk Law and Legal Pluralism:
Drolt populaire et
plurallsme juridlque:
Ley Tradicional y Pluralismo



Dr. R.S. Khare,
Department of Anthropology
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Va., U.SA. 22903

Dr. Mary Douglas,
Russell Sage Foundation,
230 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y, U.SA. 10017

Marc Galanter,
Department of Law and South Asian Studies
University of Wisconsin, Law School
Madison, Wi., U.SA. 53706

Dr. L.P. Vidyarthi,
Department of Anthropology
Ranchi University, Ranchi 834001
Bihar State, India

Dr. Russell Bernard,
Department of Anthropology
University of Florida
Gainesville, Fla., U.SA, 32611

Atlas of North African Jewry: Dr. Harvey Goldberg,
Atlas des Jufs d'Afrique do Department of Sociology and
Nord: Social Anthropology
Atlas de los Pueblos Judios de Hebrew University ofJerusalem
Africa del Norte: Jerusalem, Israel

Ethnological Atlas of Europe:
Atlas ethnologique de I'Europe:
Atlas Etnol6gico de Europe:

International Folklore and
Folklife Bibliography:
Bibliographie Internationale du
folklore et de la vie
Folklore Internacional y
Bibliografia sobre forms
Populares de vida:




Professor Dr. Rolf Brednich,
Deutsches Volksliedarchiv
Silberbachstr. 13, D-7800 Freiburg
West Germany

Dr. Branimir Bratanic,
Filozofski Fakultet,
Dure Salaja 3
41001 Zagreb 2, Yugoslavia

Dr. B.K Roy Burman,
Palli Charcha Kendra
Sriniketan 731236
Birbhum, West Bengal, India

Prof. PH. Pott,
Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde
Steenstraat 1, Posbus 212
Leiden, The Netherlands

Dr. Mohan K. Gautam,
Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde
Steenstraat 1, Postbus 212
Leiden, The Netherlands

Dr Leela Dube,
Indian Council of Social Science Research
Indraprastha Estate, Ring Rd.
New Delhi 110002, India

Nomadic Peoples:
Peoples nomades:
Pueblos N6mades:

Urgent Anthropological
Les tfches urgentes de
Investigac6n Antropol6gica

Dr. Philip Carl Salzman,
Department of Anthropology
Stephen Leacock Building
McGill University
855 Sherbrooke Street West,
Montreal, P.Q., Canada H3A 2T7

Dr Anna Hohenwart-Gerlachstein,
Institit fir V6lkerkunde
Universitatsstrasse 7
A-1010 Vienna, Austria

The I.UAE.S. will maintain an information desk in the registration
area during both phases of the Congress. Congress participants wish-
ing information about the I.U.AE.S. or who may wish to take out an
individual membership may do so at the information desk.

Le guichet de renseignements de I'U.I.SA.E. restera ouvert tout au
long du Congres (Phases I et II). Les congressistes souhaitant mieux
connaitre l'organisation ou y adherer a titre individual pourront
s'adresser au guichet mis A leur disposition.

La U.I.CA.E. mantendrA un escritorio de informaci6n en el area de
inscripci6n en ambas fases del Congreso. Los participants al Con-
greso que deseen mayor informaci6n sobre la U.I.CA.E., o que deseen
registrarse como miembros particulares, pueden hacerlo en tal

XI ICAES Phase II Organizing Committee

XI CISAE Comite d'organisation de la Phase II

XI CICAE Comite Organizador de la Fase II

Maureen Carlson

Editha Stevens

Ron Sutherland

Harlan Dorfman

Terry Simmons

Stan Copp

Don Abbott

Rita Cohen

Elida Harris

Braxton Alfred

Ross Crumrine

Local Arrangements Chairman
Presidente. Arrangement locaux
President Gestiones Locales
Accommodation and Meeting Facilities
Hebergement et sales de reunion
Alojamiento y Facilidades de Reuni6n
Social/Cultural Events
Manifestations culturelles et mondaines
Eventos Sociales/Culturales
Media/Public Relations
Relations publiques/m6dias
Relaciones P6blicas/Medios Informaticos
Securite/secours medical
Pre-Congress Arrangements
Arrangements preliminaires
Gestiones Pre-Congreso
Volunteer Services
Services benevoles
Servicios Voluntarios
Family Programmes
Programmes familiaux
Programs Familiares

I L___ L IJ L1 L_ _I





Phase II (Vancouver)


Theme and Scientific Programme
The Vancouver Phase of the XI ICAES has a number of activities and
special programme events related directly to the general theme of the
Congress, "Anthropology and the Public: The Communication of
Scholarly Ideas". These include:
- Involvement of the public in the Scientific Programme
- Public participation in major Plenary Sessions
- Special public programmes developed by the Public Education
Component committee
- Special events hosted by Vancouver's ethnic communities
- Walking tours of the city
- Public art and photographic displays

Phase II (Vancouver) -

Informations generales

Theme et programme scientifique
La Phase II du XIe CISAE, qui se tiendra a Vancouver, comporte
diverse manifestations et un programme special &troitement lies au
theme general du Congres, "L'anthropologie et le public:
communication des idles savantes":
- participation du public au programme scientifique
- participation du public aux grandes sessions pl6nieres
- programmes sp6ciaux ouverts au public, organisms par la Section
d'dducation publique
manifestations speciales sous les auspices des communautes
ethniques de Vancouver
Vancouver A pied: randonnees guides
expositions artistiques et photographiques ouvertes au grand

Fase II (Vancouver)


Tema y Programa Cientifico
La Fase II del XI CICAE en Vancouver tiene programadas numerosas
actividades y events especiales directamente relacionados al tema
general del Congreso "La Antropologia y el Publico: La Comunicaci6n
de Ideas Eruditas". Estas incluyen:
Participaci6n del publico en el Programa Cientifico.
Participaci6n piblica en las Sesiones Plenarias principles.
Programs piblicos especiales desarrollados por el Comit6 del
Componente de Educaci6n P6blica.
Eventos especiales patrocinados por las diferentes comunidades
6micas de Vancouver.
Excursiones a pie por la ciudad
Exposiciones de arte popular y fotogrificas.

Congress Venues
The locations of all symposia meetings are as follows:
- The Hotel Vancouver
- The Georgia Hotel
- The Robson Square Media Centre
All of the above venues are situated in the downtown core of Van-
couver and within a short walking distance of each other. You are
directed to the accompanying map for further information regarding
the specific location of each building.
The main headquarters for the XI ICAES (Phase II) is on the Con-
vention Floor of the Hotel Vancouver and this is also the location of
the main registration and information area. The various Commissions
of the I.U.AE.S. are also located in the Hotel Vancouver.

The City of Vancouver
The city of Vancouver is the largest population centre in the province
of British Columbia. It is Canada's primary port on the Pacific Ocean

Lieux de reunion
Tous les colloques se tiendront dans les locaux suivants:
H6tel Vancouver
Hotel Georgia
Centre des M6dias de Robson Square
Tous ces lieux de reunions sont situes au centre-ville, a quelques
minutes A pied I'un de Fautre. La carte ci-jointe vous aidera a vous
Le siege du XIe CISAE sera situed l'H6tel Vancouver (Convention
Floor), ou se trouveront 6galement le bureau des inscriptions et des
renseignements. Les diverse commissions de l'U.I.S.A.E. se r6uniront
S1l'H6tel Vancouver.

Vancouver, le centre urbain le plus important de la Colombie britan-
nique, est aussi le plus grand port canadien sur l'Oc6an Pacifique.
L'agglom6ration vancouv6roise compete 1.5 million d'habitants. Le

Lugares de Reuni6n
Los simposios se Ilevaran a cabo en los sitios siguientes:
El Hotel Vancouver
El Hotel Georgia
El Centro de Comunicaciones de la Plaza Robson (Robson Square
Media Centre)
Todos estos sitios estAn situados en el centro de Vancouver y se
puede ir caminando ficilmente de un lugar a otro ya que quedan a
una corta distancia. Se les ruega consultar el mapa adjunto para mayor
informaci6n sobre la ubicaci6n exacta de cada edificio.
La sede principal del XI CICAE (Fase II) sera el Piso de Conven-
ciones del Hotel Vancouver y alli tambi6n estaran las areas principles
de inscripci6n y de informaci6n. Los diferentes comit6s del UICAES
tambien estaran en el Hotel Vancouver.

La Ciudad de Vancouver
La ciudad de Vancouver es el centro mis populoso en la provincia de
British Columbia. Es el puerto principal del CanadA en el Oceano

and has an area population of 1.5 million. Vancouver is known for its
beautiful natural setting.
Several information brochures relating to things to do and see in
Vancouver and the province of British Columbia are included in the
Registration Package. Additional information may be obtained from
information kiosks in the registration area and from the Vancouver
Convention and Visitors Bureau and Tourism British Columbia offices
located in the Hyatt Regency Hotel and Robson Square Media Centre

Phase II Social/Cultural Events
A number of special social and cultural events have been organized
for participants at the Vancouver Phase of the XI ICAES. These include
the following:
- A no-host reception will be held for all Congress participants
during the evening of Saturday, August 20, in the British Columbia
Room of the Hotel Vancouver, commencing at 8:00 P.M. (2000 hrs.).
- A reception for visiting archaeologists will be hosted by the
Department of Archaeology and Museum of Archaeology and Eth-
nology, Simon Fraser University, on the evening of Sunday, August

magnifique site natural de Vancouver est justement celbre.
On trouvera dans la trousse d'inscription plusieurs brochures sur
les possibilities touristiques de la Colombie britannique. De plus
amples informations pourront &tre obtenues au guichet de renseigne-
ments du foyer des incriptions (H6tel Vancouver), au Vancouver
Convention and Visitors Bureau (H6tel Hyatt) et au Bureau du
Tourisme de la Colombie britannique (Centre des medias de Robson

Phase II. Manifestations mondaines et culturelles
Un certain nombre de manifestations sont prevues a I'intention des
- Reception sans protocole le samedi 20 aott a partir de 20 heures
(British Columbia Room, H6tel Vancouver). Tous les congressistes
sont cordialement invites.
- Reception en l'honneur des archeologues participant au Congres,
offerte par le department d'archeologie et le musee d'archeologie
et d'ethnologie de l'Universit6 Simon Fraser. (Dimanche 21 aoit A
partir de 19 heures 30). Les congressistes souhaitant etre presents

Pacifico teniendo una poblaci6n de mill6n y medio. Vancouver es
conocida por su maravilloso scenario natural.
En el Paquete de Inscripci6n se han incluido various folletos descrip-
tivos sobre lo que hay que ver y que hacer en la cuidad de Vancouver
y en la provincia de British Columbia. Si se desea, se puede obtener
informaci6n adicional en los kioscos de informaci6n que se encuen-
tran en el area de inscripci6n o de la Oficina General para
Convenciones y Visitantes de la Ciudad de Vancouver y de la Oficina
de Turismo en British Columbia, ubicadas en el Hotel Hyatt Regency y
el Centro de Comunicaciones de la Plaza Robson respectivamente.

Eventos Sociales / Culturales en la Fase II
Se han organizado various events sociales y culturales especialmente
para los asistentes a la Fase II (Vancouver) del XI CICAE. Estos
- Una recepci6n abierta a todos los participants del Congreso, la
noche del sabado, 20 de agosto, en el Sal6n "British Columbia" del
Hotel Vancouver, comenzando a las 8:00 P.M. (2000 horas).
- El Departamento de Antropologia y el Museo de Antropologia y
Etnologia de la Universidad de Simon Fraser ofrecera una recep-

21, beginning at 7:30 P.M. (1930 hrs.). Those wishing to attend must
register in advance at the S.F.U. Archaeology Department desk in
the Hotel Vancouver.
- A special talk and slide presentation will be presented on Monday
evening, August 22, at 8:00 PM. (2000 hrs.), in the Robson Square
Media Centre. The presentation will feature "The Dancing of the
Giglio in Brooklyn", by Sheldon Posen and "Moving of the Temple
Cart in Madurai, India", by Erica Claus.
- During the evening of Tuesday, August 23, the government of the
Province of British Columbia will host a salmon barbeque and
ethnic entertainment event at Vanier Park. This event is restricted
to "Full Participant", "Category B" and "Student" registrants only
and will require busing participants to and from the event.
- The Canadian Ethnoloy Society/Societ6 Canadienne d'Ethnologie,
in association with the Department of Anthropology and Sociology
and the Graduate Student Centre at U.B.C., will host a reception
beginning at 8:00 P.M. (2000 hrs.), on Wednesday, August 24.
Tickets may be obtained at the C.E.S. booth at the Hotel Vancouver.
A tour of the U.B.C. Museum of Anthropology will be offered prior
to the beginning of the reception.

sont pries d'en informer le guichet du d6partement d'archeologie
de l'universit6 Simon Fraser (Hotel Vancouver).
- Causerie et projection de diapositives (lundi 22 aoilt a 20 heures
au Centre des m6dias de Robson Square). "The dancing of the
Giglio of Brooklyn" par Sheldon Posen et "Moving of the Temple
Cart in Madurai, India", par Erica Claus, seront au programme.
- Le mardi 23 aoit dans la soiree, le gouvernement de la Colombie
britannique offrira une reception en plein air avec saumon barbe-
cue et spectacles folkloriques. L'6v6nement aura lieu au Parc
Vanier et sera r6serv6 aux congressistes des categories
"Congressiste titulaire", "Congressiste B", "Etudiant". Le transport
des participants sera assure a I'aller comme au retour.
- La Societe canadienne d'ethnologie/Canadian Ethnology Society,
le d6partement d'anthropologie et de sociologie et le centre des
etudiants dipl6mes de l'Universit6 de Colombie britannique
offriront conjointement une reception en I'honneur des congres-
sistes le mercredi 24 aoft a partir de 20 heures. Les billets peuvent
etre retires au guichet de la SCE a 1'Hotel Vancouver. Avant la
reception, les congressistes qui le souhaitent pourront visiter le

ci6n la noche del domingo, 21 de agosto, comenzando a las 7:30
P.M. (1930 horas).
Aquellas personas que deseen asistir deberin registrarse en ade-
lantado en el escritorio del Departamento de Arqueologia de la
Universidad de Simon Fraser en el Hotel Vancouver.
- Una plitica especial y presentaci6n de diapositivas el lunes por la
noche, 22 de agosto, a las 8:00 P.M. (2000 horas) en el Centro de
Comunicaciones de la Plaza Robson. Dicha presentaci6n incluirA
"The Dancing of the Giglio in Brooklyn" (La Danza del Giglio en
Brooklyn) de Sheldon Posen y "Moving of the Temple Cart in
Madurai, India" (Moviendo el Templo Cart en Madurai, India) por
Erica Claus.
- El martes por la noche, 23 de agosto, el Gobierno Provincial de la
Provincia de British Columbia sera el anfitri6n de una barbacoa de
salmon y representaciones etnicas en el Parque Vanier. Este event
estd limitado a los "Participantes Plenos", "Categoria B" y "Estu-
diantes" Onicamente. HabrAn autobuses disponibles para llevar y
traer a las personas que deseen tender.
- La Sociedad Etnol6gica Canadiense / Soci6td Canadienne d'Ethno-
logie, en asociaci6n con el Departamento de Antropologia y Socio-
logia y el Centro de Estudios Graduados de la Universidad de
British Columbia, ofrecerin una recepci6n comenzando a las 8:00

- A special photographic exhibit relating to British Columbia's ethnic
diversity, sponsored by the Archaeological Society of British
Columbia, will be on display in the Vancouver Library (located
adjacent to the Hotel Vancouver) for the duration of Phase II of the
- A small number of special receptions will be sponsored
by foreign country Consulates and their respective cultural asso-
ciations, for Congress participants from those countries. Additional
information regarding these events are included in the Registration
Package or may be obtained at the Registration Information Desk.

Exhibits Areas
A major exhibit of anthropological literature will be presented for the
duration of Phase II of the XI ICAES. The location of the Publishers'
Exhibits is the Exhibition Hall of the Robson Square Media Centre.
Major publishing firms will be represented and Congress participants
are encouraged to visit these exhibits.
A second exhibits area has been provided in the Vancouver Island
Room of the Hotel Vancouver for non-profit publishers of anthropo-

Mus6e d'anthropologie de l'Universit6 de la Colombie britannique
sous la conduite de guides.
- Une exposition photographique exceptionnelle sur la diversity
ethnique de la Colombie britannique se tiendra a la bibliotheque
municipal de Vancouver (bitiment adjacent A I'H6tel Vancouver)
pendant toute la duree du Congres.
- Diverses receptions sp6ciales seront offertes par les consulats et
leurs associations culturelles a l'intention des congressistes. On
trouvera des details compl6mentaires sur ces manifestations dans
la trousse d'inscription ou au guichet de renseignements de la
salle des inscriptions.

Aires d'exposition
Une foire du livre anthropologique se tiendra pendant toute la dur6e
de la Phase II au centre des m6dias de Robson Square. Les grandes
maisons d'edition seront represent6es et les congressistes sont invites
a leur rendre visit.
Une salle d'exposition a 6et r6servee a l'Hotel Vancouver (Island
Room) aux 6diteurs non commerciaux et aux associations anthro-

P.M. (200 horas) el midrcoles, 24 de agosto. Los boletos se pueden
adquirir en el escritorio de la sociedad en el Hotel Vancouver.
Antes de la recepci6n se ofreceri una gira del Museo de Antropo-
logia de la Universidad de British Columbia.
Por la duraci6n del Congreso, habrA una exposici6n fotogrdfica
especial ilustrando la diversidad 6tnica de British Columbia, patro-
cinada por la Sociedad Antropol6gica de British Columbia. Dicha
exposici6n se encontrard en la Biblioteca POblica de la ciudad, sita
contiguo al Hotel Vancouver.
Los consulados de paises extranjeros ofrecerin pequefias recep-
clones a los participants al Congreso de sus diferentes paises. En
el Paquete de Inscripci6n encontrarAn informaci6n adicional sobre
estos events, si no, puede obtenerse del escritorio de inscripci6n
e informaci6n.

Areas de Exhibici6n
Se presentarn una exhibici6n important de literature antropol6gica
durante el desarrollo de la Fase II del XI CICAE. Las firmas editors
tendrin esta exhibici6n en el Sal6n de Exposiciones del Centro de
Comunicaciones de la Plaza Robson y alli estaran representadas las

logical literature and for representatives of Canadian and foreign
anthropological associations. Congress participants visiting this
exhibits area can secure memberships in various anthropological
organizations, examine current anthropological literature from various
parts of the world and establish contacts with a wide variety of anthro-
pologically oriented organizations.

Phase II Plenary Sessions
A total of three major Plenary Sessions will occur during the Van-
couver phase of the Congress. All Plenarys will take place in the Pacific
Ballroom of the Hotel Vancouver, beginning at 8:30 P.M. (2030 hrs.) on
the date of each event. The Phase II Plenary Programme is as follows:
1. The Fourth World: Indigenous Peoples in Nation States
Sponsored by: The Canadian Ethnological Society and The Canadian
Sociology and Anthropology Association
Chairperson: Dr. Richard Salisbury, Professor of Anthropology,
McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Time: Sunday, August 21, 8:30 P.M. (2030 hrs.)

pologiques canadiennes et etrangeres. Les congressistes sont encou-
rages A se rendre dans l'Island Room oh ils pourront adherer aux
associations d'anthropologues, s'informer des dernieres publications
internationales de la discipline et etablir des contacts avec un large
eventail d'organisations anthropologiques ou para-anthropologiques.

Sessions plinieres Phase II
I1 y aura trois grandes reunions plenieres au course de la Phase II.
Toutes auront lieu dans la Pacific Ballroom de l'Hotel Vancouver a
partir de 20 heures 30:
1. Le Quart-Monde: les peoples indigenes dans les Etats nations.
Sous les auspices de la Societe canadienne d'ethnologie et de la
Society canadienne de sociologie et d'anthropologie.
President: Dr. Richard Salisbury, professeur d'anthropologie a
l'universite McGill, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Date: Dimanche 21 aoit a 20 heures 30

firmas mis importantes. Esperamos que los participants aprovecha-
ran esta oportunidad para establecer contact con dichas firmas.
En el Sal6n "Vancouver Island" del Hotel Vancouver se ha provisto
una segunda area de exhibiciones done estaran representadas las
firmas editors sin fines de lucro y las asociaciones antropol6gicas
canadienses y extranjeras. Los participants al Congreso que visiten
dichas exhibiciones podrin registrarse como miembros en varias or-
ganizaciones antropol6gicas, examiner literature antropol6gica recien-
temente publicada en los diferentes lugares del mundo y establecer
contact con una amplia gama de organizaciones que comparten un
interns en la antropologia.

Fase II Sesiones Plenarias
Se llevaran a cabo un total de tres Sesiones Plenarias principles
durante esta fase del Congreso. Todas las Sesiones Plenarias se desa-
rrollarAn en el Sal6n "Pacific Ballroom" del Hotel Vancouver, comen-
zando a las 8:30 PM. (2030 horas) en la fecha de cada event. El
Program de Sesiones Plenarias para la Fase II es el siguiente:

2. Archaeology and the Public
Sponsored by: The Canadian Archaeological Association
Chairperson: Dr. Roy Carlson, Professor of Archaeology, Simon
Fraser University, Bumaby, British Columbia, Canada
Time: Monday, August 22, 8:30 PM. (2030 hrs.)
3. Peopling of the Americas: A Physical Anthropology Perspective
Sponsored by: The Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology
Chairperson: Dr. Emoke Szathmary, Associate Professor of
Anthropology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Time: Wednesday, August 24, 8:30 P.M. (2030 hrs.)

2. L'archiologle et le public
Sous les auspices de l'Association canadienne d'archeologie
President: Dr. Roy Carlson, professeur d'archeologie, Universit6
Simon Fraser, Burnaby, Colombie britannique, Canada
Date: Lundi 22 ao0t A 20 heures 30
3. Le peuplement des Amiriques: la perspective de I'anthropologle
Sous les auspices de l'Association canadienne d'anthropologie
President: Dr. Emoke Szathmary, Professeur associee, Universit6
McMaster, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Date: Mercredi 24 aout A 20 heures 30

1. El Cuarto Mundo: Pueblos Indigenas en Naciones-Estados
Patrocinadopor: La Sociedad Etnol6gica Canadiense y La
Asociaci6n Sociol6gica y Antropol6gica Canadiense
President: Dr. Richard Salisbury, Profesor de Antropologia,
Universidad de McGill, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Fecha: Domingo, 21 de agosto, 8:30 P.M. (2030 horas)
2. La Arqueologia y el Piblico
Patrocinado por: La Asociaci6n Arqueol6gica Canadiense
President: Dr. Roy Carlson, Profesor de Arqueologia, Universidad
de Simon Fraser, Burnaby, British Columbia, CanadA
Fecha: Lunes, 22 de agosto, 8:30 P.M. (2030 horas).
3. Poblando las Amiericas: Una Perspeciva Fisica Antropol6gica
Patrocinadopor: La Asociaci6n Canadiense de Antropologia Fisica
President: Dr. Emoke Szathmary, Profesor Asociado de Antropolo-
gia, Universidad de McMaster, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Fecha: Mi&rcoles, 24 de agosto, 8:30 P.M. (2030 horas).

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