for teachers and supervisors
June 19-30, 1978
at the
Gainesville, Florida
Center for African Studies
University of Florida
EDG 6691 (ED 648) Problems in Curriculum and Instruction:
Africa in the Curriculum (4 Hrs. credit).
The institute course is designed to provide participants with
a substantive background in selected areas of the social sciences
and humanities with reference to Africa. Participants will
be expected to develop curriculum projects for their, own
use based on knowledge of their own teaching situations,
of the available resources for teaching about Africa, and of
the approaches for incorporating African content into the
The Purpose of the Institute: To improve instruction through
expanding teacher awareness of Africa and Africans
-- presenting new approaches to teaching about Africa
and Africans
developing materials for teaching about Africa and
assisting in the general process of cross-cultural learning
-establishing a network of teachers for ongoing inter-
national education projects
The Format of the Institute: The Institute will consist of
morning session (2 hours) with a formal lecture, followed
by a short discussion period
lunch hour conversation with African students, faculty,
and others knowledgeable about Africa
afternoon session (2 hours) devoted to group work,
curriculum development, teaching techniques
-evening session, with films, art exhibits, music and dance,
and other cultural activities
-independent study
Requisites: Participants will be expected to develop curricular
materials which they can use in their own teaching. The Institute
staff will be available to assist teachers in developing their projects.
Participants will have ready access at all times to the Center's
reference library and the University's main library. The projects
to be developed should be submitted at the latest by July 21, the
end of the first five-week Summer session.
During the following school year, Institute participants are strongly
encouraged to continue to make use of the personnel and facilities
of the Center. These include an African Curriculum Consultant
who will be available for classroom visits and workshops, a traveling
art exhibit, and a materials library.
Benefits to Participants:
4 hours of graduate credit
Tuition waiver
-Text materials provided
$100 honorarium
Expenses (for those living too far from Gainesville to commute)
Room $60.00/wk (single occupancy)
$50.00/wk (double occupancy)
$101.25/wk (family only, max. 4)
Participation in the Institute will be limited to 30 persons.
To ensure that you are considered for enrollment in
the Institute, please apply by May 1, 1978. Applications
received after this date will only be considered on a space
available basis. An application form is attached to this brochure.
R. Hunt Davis, Jr. (Ph.D., University of Wisconsin) Associate
Professor of History, University of Florida.
Thomas Erb (Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction, University of
Florida) Outreach Coordinator, Center for African Studies,
University of Florida.
Mildred Hill (Ph.D., University of Illinois) Associate Professor of
English and Assistant Dean of the Graduate School, University
of Florida.
Samuel Omotoso (Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction, University
of Florida) Lecturer, University of Ilorin, Nigeria; Foreign
Curriculum Consultant, Center for African Studies, University
of Florida 1977-78.
Anita Spring (Ph.D., Cornell University) Assistant Professor of
Behavioral Studies and Anthropology, University of Florida.
Guest Lecturers and Consultants
For Further Information Contact:
Attention: 78 Summer Institute
Center for African Studies
470 Grinter Hall
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611
This public document was promulgated at an annual cost of $73.60 or
$.074 per copy to provide information about the Summer Institute on
African Studies.
Individuals who are interested in participating in the Summer Institute on African Studies are requested to fill
out this application form. You will then receive fuller details on the Institute, including information on official
registration and housing.
Soc. Sec. No.
AREAS OF INTEREST IN AFRICA Culture Literature L Religion
SArt | Geography Social Studies O Humanities
O Please send information about housing on campus.
[ I plan to commute daily to the institute.
EL I plan to make my own housing arrangements.
L Politics L History
L Film
Tear Here-
Attention: 78 Summer Institute
Center for African Studies
470 Grinter Hall
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611