People and happenings
 Faculty activities
 Activities of affiliates
 Graduate students
 Back Cover

Group Title: Department of Anthropology Newsletter, University of Florida
Title: Anthropology at Florida. Spring 1986.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00083823/00001
 Material Information
Title: Anthropology at Florida. Spring 1986.
Series Title: Anthropology at Florida
Physical Description: Serial
Language: English
Publisher: Department of Anthropology, University of Florida
Publication Date: Spring 1986
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00083823
Volume ID: VID00001
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Table of Contents
    People and happenings
        Page 1
        Page 2
    Faculty activities
        Page 3
        Page 4
        Page 5
    Activities of affiliates
        Page 6
    Graduate students
        Page 7
        Page 8
        Page 9
    Back Cover
        Page 10
Full Text






ciate Professor, joined the
department in August 1985.
He reports that his career has
had four phases. Leaving his
home in Boston in his mid-
teens, he spent seven years in
a monastic setting where, in
addition to pursuing the in-
tricacies of Latin, Greek, and
philosophy, he began studying
modern languages on his own.
He can now speak six lan-
guages and has "become
rusty" in four others. Phase two of his career was spent in
villages and barrios of the Dominican Republic as a Peace
Corps Volunteer doing community organization, work that was
interrupted by the revolution of 1965. Degreeless and penniless,
he finally opted for college. He received a loan and partial
scholarship from Harvard, where he pursued a B.A., studied for
a year at the University of Freiburg, and eventually entered Col-
umbia University's Anthropology program. His Ph.D. disserta-
tion, based on a quantitative and descriptive analysis of the
land tenure system of a Haitian peasant village, was completed
in 1977. Phase three of his career was that of a college professor
at Yale, Columbia, and the University of Massachusetts. Phase
four has been a return to applied work. He has done project
design and evaluation work for the organization of American
States, USAID, the Inter-American Foundation, the Save the
Children Federation, and several other agencies in Haiti, the
Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Honduras,
Guatemala, Peru, and Cameroon. This work has spanned a
gamut of topics including agricultural diversification,
agroforestry, internal market systems, traditional and modern
healing systems, and child nutrition programs. The culmination
of phase four was the design of a plan for peasant-directed tree
planting in Haiti based on income generating wood trees and an
implementation strategy that skirted public sector
bureaucracies. Invited by USAID to direct the project that had
been based on his work, he has been delighted to see some
75,000 Haitian peasant families enthusiastically respond to this
approach and plant over 20 million feast growing trees on their
own holdings. He considers this work a greater contribution
than the numerous scholarly articles which he has published on
Haiti or the book on Haitian food beliefs and practices which he
and his wife have recently submitted to a university press. He
has come to U.F. with the intent of genuinely integrating the ap-
plied with the academic and interacting with the many faculty
members who share his interest in a problem-solving
anthropology that grapples with the material underpinnings of
human life. He hopes to lure at least a few graduate students
toward work in the Caribbean.
developed an early interest in psychology while still in her

native country, the Dominican Republic. Less interested in
private clinical work than in public service, she acquired a
Ph.D. in school psychology from New York University. Her
dissertation won first prize in a nationwide competition spon-
sored by the National Advisory Council on Bilingual Education.
Fluent in Spanish, English, Haitian Creole, and French, she has
worked with children of multi-lingual inner-city populations in
the school systems of New York City, Boston, and New Britain,
CT., where she also engaged in pre-service and in-service train-
ing of teachers, psychologists and other school-support per-
sonnel. She has done field work in rural Haiti on the role of
women in the internal market system and on Haitian child-
feeding practices. She also has been a consultant on various
nutritional educational programs. Her publications include a
co-authored monograph on nutrition programs in Haiti and
several articles on issues in bilingual education. She is currently
employed part-time as Visiting Assistant Professor in the
Department of Special Education and Curriculum/Instruction
here at U.F. and full-time as principal caretaker of their
19-month-old child, Nathaniel.


organized a day in honor of ZORA NEALE HURSTON in April of
1985. The day was in celebration of the department's first
scholarship recipient, GLORIA B. BRYAN and the completion of
the first $100,000 of the scholarship fund. A luncheon with
national officers of the Zeta Phi Beta sorority, PRESIDENT
MARSHALL CRISER and others highlighted the afternoon ac-
tivities. That evening a panel which was moderated by BURNS
highlighted the evening's activities and included writers


first scholarship recipient of
the Zora Neale Hurston
Fellowship. She is a nurse
." (M.S., University of Maryland)
who is interested in trans-
cultural nursing and black folk
medicine. She has held various
s. r positions in nursing service, ad-
ministration, and education.
Her most recent position was
as an Assistant Professor of
Nursing at Emory University.
Her interest in anthropology
goes back many years. As a senior nursing student, she worked
with a team of architecture students who were designing a com-
munity service facility for a community in Tanzania. After joining

the faculty at Emory University she became acutely aware of
the general lack of knowledge nursing students had of ethnic
groups. Too many had stereotypic images of certain popula-
tions which influenced the care they gave when encountering
these individuals in the hospital. The curriculum did not ade-
quately prepare nursing students to care for people of different
ethnic backgrounds. One of her reasons for returning to school
was to obtain advanced preparation in anthropology in the
hope of identifying concepts, strategies, and theories that
could be incorporated into a nursing curriculum to better
prepare nursing students to care for ethnically diverse groups.
She plans on doing research this summer on folk medicine in
the Caribbean. Additional research will be done in an Atlanta
inner city community during the early part of 1986. She says
that none of this could have been realized had it not been for
the Hurston Fellowship and the encouragement of PRO-
MERING. She is married and has two children.


Acting Chair for the academic
year 1985-1986. Rumors are
that she is enjoying the ex-
70 perience and doing an ad-
mirable job.


ANITA SPRING is now the
Associate Dean, College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences
(CLAS) and an Associate Pro-
fessor in the Department of
Anthropology. She started in
her new position in January
1985. She is responsible for
CLAS's international pro-
grams, interdisciplinary pro-
grams (including individual in-
terdisciplinary majors) af-
firmative action, and other
"deanly" duties. She also con-
tinues to teach, do research, and work with graduate students.
In addition, she directs the Women in Agriculture Program
funded by Title XII.


1985 Teacher of the year
award in the College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences and
was honored at the April 1985
University Senate meeting
and May 1985 CLAS Bac-
calaureate. The award is given
for superior teaching and out-
standing service. She says, "I
feel I am an effective teacher
because I am a good re-
searcher" and that she keeps
"up-to-date with developments in my field."


A request by leaders of the Kanjobal Mayan refugee com-
munity living in Indiantown has resulted in a series of applied
anthropology projects linking U.F. with this multi-ethnic com-
munity. Two years ago JERONIMO CAMPOSECO, a Mayan an-
thropologist who has political refugee status in the U.S., visited
the department to talk with ALLAN BURNS and other interested
faculty and students about the arrival of some 800 Mayan peo-
ple from the Western highlands of Guatemala. This group of
Mayans are refugees from the political violence of the civil war
in Guatemala. Through family ties, they had come to South
Florida and settled in the migrant town near West Palm Beach.
BURNS, with the help of PAUL DOUGHTY, arranged for
to work on legal aid, community development, and migrant
nutrition with the Mayan community. This past spring SHERRI
DORMAN (M.A. 1985) did her Master's project in applied an-
thropology in Indiantown working with Haitian families who
also live and work in the community. BURNS and WUFT-TV
director ALAN SAPERSTEIN produced a half-hour film on the
Guatemalan Maya of Indiantown, "Maya in Exile", for public
television. Videotape copies of the work are now available for
purchase for $36.50. All proceeds will go the the Guatemalan
Mayan community in Indiantown. For information, write to
ALAN SAPERSTEIN, 1425 NW 25th Terrace, Gainesville, FL


Merida, the capital of the Mexican state of Yucatan, is a city
where Mayan and Spanish cultures intermingle in everyday life.
This past year ALLAN BURNS and the U.F. Center for Inter-
national Studies and Programs organized a summer program for
undergraduates and graduates in Merida. The program is taught
through the University of Yucatan Departments of An-
thropology and Foreign Languages, with Yucatan scholars
teaching courses in intensive Spanish and the history and an-
thropology of the Yucatan. The summer program includes
weekly day trips and several overnight trips to archaeological
and ethnographic sites to compliment the classes. Students
from U.F. live with Yucatan families and have exchanges with
local students.


In August PAUL DOUGHTY was part of a delegation from the
City of Gainesville which went to the Soviet Union on behalf of
the "Sister City" program. The T.V. team which accompanied
the delegation is permitting DOUGHTY and graduate student
RON JOHNSRUD to develop several short video pieces for
classroom use on Russia. Under DOUGHTY's direction several
graduate students are also conducting a study on the impact of
the "Sister City" program on local views of Russia.


The U.F. Women in Agriculture Program sponsored an inter-
national conference on "Gender Issues in Farming Systems
Research and Extension" from February 26 to March 1, 1986,
with grants from the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations. The
conference was organized by MARIANNE SCHMINK. There
were 84 papers presented at the conference, including those by


WILLIAM H. ADAMS, Visiting Assistant Professor in An-
thropology, has finished his two year stint as President of the
Society for Historical Archaeology. He will continue on the
Board of Directors as the Conference Coordinator. Recently he
has published two articles, "Comments on Ethnoarchaeology
and Behaviorism" (American Antiquity) and "Commodity Flows
and National Market Access' with TIMOTHY B. RIORDAN
(Historical Archaeology). ADAMS and STEVEN D. SMITH co-
authored "Historical Perspectives on Black Tenant Farmer
Material Culture: The Henry C. Long General Store Ledger at
Waverly Plantation, Mississippi" published in The Archaeology
of Slavery and Plantation Life edited by THERESA SINGLETON.
ADAMS reports that the Anthropology Department began a
new publication series entitled Reports of Investigations with
the publication of the first two of five volumes on the work con-
ducted at Kings Bay, Georgia, from 1981 to 1985. Reports of In-
vestigation 1 "Aboriginal Subsistence and Settlement Ar-
chaeology of the Kings Bay Locality: The Kings Bay and Devils
Walkingstick Sites" and Reports of Investigations 2 "Aboriginal
Subsistence and Settlement Archaeology of the Kings Bay
Locality: Zooarchaeology" were edited by ADAMS and contain
contributions by ADAMS, T. DESJEAN, C. ESPENSHADE, R.
DER AND S. HALE. Reports of Investigations 3 "Archaeological
Resource Management Plan for Kings Bay Archaeological
Multiple Resource Area," was co-authored by THOMAS H.
on sabbatical this year, presented a paper at the American An-
thropological Association (AAA) meetings entitled "Informant
Accuracy: The Problem of Validity in Retrospective Data."
ALLAN BURNS, as a U.F./Spain Exchange Scholar, is spending
the year in Madrid giving lectures and teaching several
seminars for the Universidad Complutense Faculty. BURNS and
ANTHONY OLIVER-SMITH spent the summer of 1985 in nor-
thern Spain on a research project on regional identity. BURNS
was an invited speaker at a PEN writer's symposium on
translating New World indigenous literature held in New York.
He has an article on Guatemalan relations in the journal of the
S.E. Center on Latin America and another entitled "Video Pro-
duction as Dialogue, The Story of Lynch Hammock" to appear
in The Emergence of Dialog in Anthropology, TEDLOCK and
Maiduguri, Nigeria, presented a paper at the AAA meetings en-
titled "Macro Change and Micro Effect in Borno Agriculture."
COHEN was also a discussant in a session on "Explanatory Fer-
tility and the Qualitative/Quantitative Interface in An-
thropology." Recently he completed field work on food produc-
tion systems in Nigeria and is analyzing data on 300 African
farmers. As part of a US-USSR team to develop common ap-
proaches to "Ethnicity and National Unity in Modern States,"
COHEN traveled to Moscow and Kiev in June 1985. Currently
he is planning (with WALTER GOLDSCHMIDT) sessions at the
1988 International Union of Ethnological Sciences on "The
Peace Process in Anthropological Perspective." PAUL L.
DOUGHTY has been named chair of the Constitution Revision
Committee of the Latin American Studies Association. He
recently finished two papers: "Anthropology at the Crossroads:
Human Rights in Latin America" for a chapter in Anthropology

and Human Rights edited by T. DOWNING and "Latin America,
Peoples and Cultures" for a book edited by J. HOPKINS entitled
Contemporary Latin America. His article "Development and the
Hope for Peace" is in press in The Anthropology of Peace edited
by R. RUBENSTEIN and M. FOSTER. DOUGHTY is contributing
the "Preface" to ALLYN MACLEAN STEARMAN's (Florida Ph.D.
1976) forthcoming restudy of the Siriono Indians of Bolivia,
Nomads No More (Hamilton Press). He organized a symposium
at the AAA meetings on behalf of the Commission on the Study
of Peace (IUAES) on "Anthropological Perspectives on Peace in
Guatemala and Peru," and delivered a co-authored paper with
MARIO VAZQUEZ on "Changes and Violence in Rural Peru."
BRIAN DU TOIT had an article published entitled "Mis-
sionaries, Anthropologists, and the Policies of the Dutch
Reformed Church" in The journal of Modern African Studies. He
has also received a grant for a restudy of drug use among South
African students from the Human Sciences Research Council of
South Africa. He presented a paper at the Florida Academy of
Sciences meeting entitled "Coming in Out of the Cold: The
Growth of Anthropology in Florida." Also, at the Southern An-
thropological Society meetings he presented two papers:
"Menarche and Sexuality among Black South African School
Girls" and "Menstruation: Attitudes and Experience among In-
dian South Africans." PATRICIA ESSENPREIS, Adjunct Assistant
Research Scientist, spent the summer investigating the Ohio
Hopewell earthworks of Fort Ancient. Fort Ancient is one of the
nation's largest ancient architectural complexes. Mapping and
excavation were directed at assessing if the monument was
built rapidly or if it grew accretionally over time. Under the
auspices of the Ohio Historical Society and a grant from the Na-
tional Endowment for the Humanities, she will publish an il-
lustrated catalogue of the artifacts and artworks from the
Hopewell type-site. ART HANSEN had an article entitled "Farm-
ing System Research in Phalombe, Malawi: The Limited Utility
of High Yielding Varieties" appear in a book Social Sciences and
Farming Systems Research. In Domestic Farming Systems 1984
Proceedings (U.F. Press) he has an article on "Learning from Ex-
perience: Implementing Farming Systems Research in the
Malawi Agricultural Research Project." The entire keynote
speech he gave at a 1984 Zambian workshop on social scientists
and farming systems research has been published in African
Social Research. Parts of that speech have also been published
in the Spanish and French editions of the Farming Systems Sup-
port Project Newsletter. HANSEN co-sponsored two panels at
the November 1985 African Studies Association annual
meetings on "Food in Africa: Some Agricultural and
Sociocultural Perspectives." He also presented a paper on
"Disaster Traditions: Theirs, Yours, and Ours" at the AAA
meetings. This summer he is going to Botswana to consult on a
Kansas State University farming systems project. MARTHA ).
MICHAEL FARRIS all gave papers at the AAA meetings in a ses-
sion entitled "The Aymara Connection: 15 Years of Cross-
Cultural Teamwork in Linguistics." HARDMAN published
"Gentiles in Jaqi Folktales: an Example of Contact Literature"
in Anthropological Linguistics; "The Imperial Languages of the
Andes" in Language of Inequality, N. WOLFSON and J. MANES,
editors; "Aymara and Quechua: Languages in Contact," in
South American Indian Languages: Retrospect and Prospect, H.
and M. KLEIN and L. STARK, editors; and "Jaqi Stop/Affricates
*TC, *CX, *TZ" in the journal of American Linquistics. HARD-
MAN is currently preparing a revised and up-dated version of
Aymar ar Yatiqanataki (a grammar of Aymara), a text on the
history of linquistics (with G. MILLER of the Linquistics Program
at U.F.), and a monograph on a historic description of a native
festival involving the cleaning of canals in the Kawki language
with a discourse analysis. She presented "Linquistics and Native
Control of Language Policy" at the Latin American Studies
Association (LASA) meetings and "Fuente de Datos y Persona
Gramatical en Jaqi" at the Congress of Americanists, Bogota,

Colombia. Last summer she traveled in Bolivia, Peru and Chile
and did field research among the Aymara, Jaqaru and Kawki.
While in Tupe, Yauyos, Peru, she published two literacy pam-
phlets for Jaqaru speakers. In December 1985 she traveled to
Japan for conferences about future cooperative projects with
Japanese researchers at the Senri Ethnological Museum who
work in Bolivia and Peru. She was also elected President of the
Association of Women Faculty at U.F. for the academic year
1985-86. FRANCISCO MAMANI is the current instructor for the
Aymara Language and Materials Program under the direction of
PROFESSOR HARDMAN. He is on leave from the Universidad
Nacional de Tacna (Peru) where he is Professor of Philosophy
and Industrial Relations. He was sent to U.F. by his university to
receive training so that he may set up the Instituto de Estudios
Aymaras when he returns. MARVIN HARRIS gave a paper at the
AAA meetings entitled "Desperate Choices: Gender Hierarchies
and the Diets of Pregnant and Lactating Women." He also had
an article appear in the Sciences (N.Y. Academy of Sciences) en-
titled "The 100,000 Year Hunt." ROBERT LAWLESS has had two
articles published: "An Ethnoethnography of Missionaries in
Northern Luzon" in Studies in Third World Societies and "Hai-
tian Migrants and Haitian-Americans: From Invisibility into the
Spotlight" in the Journal of Ethnic Studies. LESLIE SUE LIEBER-
MAN spent the fall of 1985 at the Florida State University's Lon-
don Study Centre where she taught anthropology and did
research at the British Museum of Natural History. In July 1985
in Brighton, England, she and SHARLEEN SIMPSON (Florida
Ph.D. 1984; Assistant Professor of Nursing, U.F.) gave a paper
entitled "Household Structure, "Women's Work and Nutritional
Consequences in Urban Costa Rica." LIEBERMAN and JAN W.
WEST published an article entitled "Opinions about
Osteoporosis among College Women" in the Journal of
American College Health. In Methods in Nutritional An-
thropology, edited by SARA QUANDT, LIEBERMAN has a
chapter on "Assessment of Nutrition at the Household Level"
and, with co-author JUDY PERKIN, she has another entitled
"Nutritional Research Problems in America." She has been
writing training manuals in applied anthropology for the
American Anthropological Association and Society for Applied
Anthropology. She has been elected to the Research and Fund-
ing Committee for the Council on Nutritional Anthropology,
and she was placed on the editorial board of the Communicator.
Her paper on "Funding Sources in Nutritional Anthropology"
appeared in the Communicator: the Newsletter of the Council
on Nutritional Anthropology. She was the chair for local ar-
rangements for the Golden Jubilee 50th Anniversary meeting of
the Florida Academy of Sciences. PAUL MAGNARELLA spent
the fall semester of 1985 in Turkey studying the reorganization
of higher education in that country. He has been elected to the
Executive Committee of the Turkish Studies Association. He
also published "Turkey's Experience with Political Democracy"
in a special issue of Studies in Third World Societies and
"Arabia's Ikhwan Movement: A Theoretical Interpretation" in
the Festschrift for PROFESSOR EMERITUS W. JEWIDEH of In-
diana University. MAXINE L. MARGOLIS was the faculty ad-
visor to the Center for Latin American Studies' Summer Por-
tuguese Language Program in Rio de Janeiro. She presented a
paper with MARIGENE ARNOLD, (U.F. Ph.D. 1973) entitled
"Turning the Tables? Male Strippers and the Gender Hierarchy"
at the AAA meetings. She has been elected to the Editorial
Board of the Latin American Research Review. MICHAEL
MOSELEY and CHRISTOPHER CLEMENT, a graduate student,
with support from U.F. Division of Sponsored Research, map-
ped coastal irrigation systems this summer in Peru to measure
long-term loss of arable land. The systems under study have
contracted by 20% to 100% during the last thousand years, and
the research seeks to establish if human or hydrological
variables are the principal contributors to the loss of farm land.
MOSELEY organized a symposium at Dumbarton Oaks. In-
tegrating contributions from ethnohistorians and ar-
chaeologists, the symposium assessed myth, history and
political structure among late Prehispanic dynasties on the

north Andean coast. GERALD F. MURRAY had an article
published entitled "BonDieu and the Rites of Passage in Rural
Haiti: Structural Determinants of Post-Colonial Religion" in The
Catholic Church and Religions in Latin America. He has also
prepared a report entitled "Promotores, Patrullas, and Rural
Credit in Guatemala: Rural Development Projects under Condi-
tions of Violence" for the Inter-American Foundation,
presented a paper in Nairobi, Kenya, "The Haiti Agroforestry
Project and Haitian Peasant Land Tenure," and delivered a
paper at the Symposium on Silviculture in the Neotropics en-
titled "Prerequisitos Socioeconomicos Para La Plantacion
Maderera Rural." In January he served as an expert witness for
the International Institute of Boston trying to gain refugee
status for a Haitian harassed by the Ton-Ton Macoutes in Haiti.
In January he was also interviewed on the Cable News Network
by Larry King on the situation in Haiti. ANTHONY OLIVER-
SMITH conducted research in La Rioja, Spain, on "Wine, Work
and Identity in La Rioja" in the summer of 1985 which was
funded by a joint Spanish-North American Committee for
Educational and Cultural Cooperation. At the AAA meetings he
organized a symposium on Tourism and Cultural Change in
Southern Spain: The Case of Mijas." He has a forthcoming arti-
cle in Studies in the Social Science entitled "The Yungay
Avalanche of 1970: Disaster and Social Change in Peru."
PEGGY OVERBEY, Visiting Assistant Research Scientist, com-
pleted a study funded by Florida Sea Grant entitled "Fishery
Management in a Multiple-Use Conflict: The Stone Crab and
Shrimp Fisheries Conflict of the Gulf Coast of Florida." Currently,
she is conducting follow-up research funded by NSF and Florida
Sea Grant on "The Role of Community-Level Resource Manage-
ment Systems in Fishery Conflicts." She also organized and
chaired a session at the AAA meetings entitled "Working the
System: American Indians and the Congress:" Five of the seven
participants were American Indians who work in the Congress,
lobbying firms or related agencies. BARBARA PURDY and LEE
ANN NEWSOM (graduate student) have just published an arti-
cle "The significance of Archaeological Wetsites: A Florida Ex-
ample" in National Geographic Research. She and
CHRISTOPHER MAURER, a ceramic engineer in a postdoctoral
position in the department, are getting good results with ther-
moluminescence dating of heat-altered flint materials and are
actively seeking funds to continue the research. PURDY reports
that prehistoric canoes keep appearing and that they are in-
vestigating all that are reported. A radiocarbon date of 3350
years before present makes one recently-reported canoe the
oldest yet recovered in the Western Hemisphere. DAVID E.
CLARK of the Materials Science and Engineering Department
and PURDY just completed a review article about the
"Archaeological Implications of Materials Weathering." This
article will appear in a future issue of Advances in Ar-
chaeological Method and Theory. PRUDENCE M. RICE has been
elected to a two-year term on the Executive Committee of the
Society for American Archaeology (SAA) and to the office of
Secretary-Treasurer (elect) of the Society for Archaeological
Sciences. With funding from NEH, she and R. J. SHARER
organized the 1985 Maya Ceramic Conference in which she
gave a paper entitled "Late Classic Maya Pottery Production:
What We Do and Don't Know." She also presented at the SAA
meetings "Settlement Dynamics in the Central Peten Lakes
Region, Guatemala" (with D.S. RICE) and "Postclassic and
Historic Period Pottery from Negroman-Tipu, Belize." At the
American Ceramic Society meetings she presented "Weeden
Island Pottery: Style, Technology, and Production" (with A. S.
CORDELL, M.A. 1983). She also presented "Los Mayas del Peten
Central a la Llegada de Cortes" (with D. S. RICE) in Toledo,
Spain, at the Primera Mesa Redonda: Hernan Cortes en el Area
Maya. At the 2nd International Conference on "Ancient
Chinese Pottery and Porcelain," Beijing, China, she presented
"Chinese Porcelains at Early Historic Sites in Florida and the
Circum-Caribbean" (with K. DEAGAN). She published "Maya
Pottery Techniques and Technology" in Ancient Technology to
Modern Science, W. D. KINGERY, editor; "Provenience Analysis

March 1986 she was in Cameroon at the University of Yaounde
and the University Center at Dschang (UCD) as part of efforts to
develop additional collaborative research, teaching and faculty
exchange programs between U.F. and the UCD. She was also in
Burkina Faso for discussions with the leadership of the
Ondocerciasis Control Program, World Bank and USAID regard-
ing comparative research on planned settlement activities in
the seven country control program that she hopes to conduct.
She and HANSEN share leadership responsibilities for the
Center for African Studies' Food in Africa Program.


In February 1986 the Florida State Museum presented a sym-
posium on "Spanish and Native American Encounter in 16th-
Century Florida." J. LEADER, E. WING, i. MITCHEM, B. PURDY,
and B. MCEWAN gave papers. KATHLEEN DEAGAN gave a
presentation, "In Columbus' Footsteps: The Archaeological
Search for La Navidad," for the Frontiers of Science lecture
series. She is now the president of the Society for Historical
Archaeology. Recently, she completed field work in Haiti at En
Bas Saline, an Arawak Indian town of the contact period which
is believed to be the site of La Navidad. Excavation of the site
Puerto Real, a 16th century Spanish Town has also been com-
pleted. She had grants from NEH and OAS. DEAGAN par-
ticipated in the Smithsonian planning conference on observa-
tions of the Columbus Quincentenial and gave a paper at the
11th International Congress on Caribbean Archaeology. She
guest edited a special issue of the Florida Anthropologist on The
Archeology of 16th Century St. Augustine. WILLIAM H. MAR-
QUARDT, Visiting Associate Professor in Anthropology and Ad-
junct Associate Curator in Archaeology, continued his research
in southwest Florida during 1985, visiting and documenting a
number of known sites and directing test excavations at the
Josslyn Island Mound, Lee County, Florida. He has also con-
tinued fund-raising efforts with the support of the College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Division of Sponsored
Research. Private contributions received so far total over
$40,000. He has also received a grant of $60,000 from the
National Science Foundation for his archaeological project,
"The Development of Cultural Complexity in South West,
Florida." MARQUARDT presented a paper at the AAA meetings
at an invited symposium on the structure of state formation,
drawing on data from the Late Iron Age to the Gallo-Roman
period in Burgundy, France. A volume on France, Regional
Dynamics: Burgundian Policy and Province, co-edited by
CAROLE L. CRUMLEY, is nearing completion and going into
production at Academic Press. The volume is being supported
in part by a grant from the National Science Foundation. His re-
cent publications include "Complexity and Scale in the Study
of Fisher-Gatherer-Hunters," in Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers:
The Emergence of Cultural Complexity (Academic Press, 1985)
and a monograph, The Gregg Schoals and Clyde Gulley Sites, co-
authored with A. TIPPITT. He also served as a discussant in a
symposium at the SAA meetings and as a consultant and
evaluator of curatorial facilities, National Park Service, Boston.
JERALD T. MILANICH and his students continue to research the
route of the 1539 Hernando de Soto expedition in Florida and its
effect on aboriginal populations. Partially funded by two
anonymous grants of $30,000, J. MITCHEM supervised two field
seasons at what is thought to be a de Soto-contact mound in
Citrus County. A third field season is planned for fall 1986. A
grant of $15,000 from the Florida Division of Recreation and
Parks to the U.F. Center for Early Contact Period Studies will be
used during 1986 for further archaeological research on de
Soto's route in north and south Florida; K. JOHNSON, graduate
student, will be the field supervisor on the project. Two small
grants were also received from the Florida Division of Archives,
History and Records Management for research on aboriginal
and Seminole sites in the Cove of the Withlacoochee; MIT-
CHEM and B. WEISMAN, another graduate student, supervised

the field research. MILANICH and co-project director S.
MILBRETH received a grant of $35,900 from NEH to plan a
major exhibit on de Soto and other early sixteenth century
Spanish explorers in the Southeast United States. The project
was recently featured in Humanities Magazine. Additional fund-
ing for fabrication of the exhibit is being sought. A 1989 opening
is planned which is the 450th anniversary of de Soto's landing in
Florida. During the Summer of 1985 MILANICH served on the
review panel for Museums and Historical Organizations at NEH
and on the NSF Division of Behavioral and Neural Sciences
Anthropology Oversight Committee. He begins a two year term
as president of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference in
the Fall of 1986. MILANICH and graduate student D. RUHL
have completed two presentations for the Pictures of Record
series "Fort Center and the Belle Glade Culture" which focuses
on the prehistoric society that resided in the Lake Okeechobee
Basin from ca. 500 B.C. into the seventeeth century.


MOLLY DOUGHERTY has published two articles with co-
author TONI TRIPP-REIMER, "The Interface of Nursing and An-
thropology," in the Annual Review of Anthropology, and "Cross
Cultural Nursing Research" in the Annual Review of Nursing
Research. She has a research grant to study "Circumvaginal
Musculature: Effects of Exercise." SALLY HUTCHINSIN of the
College of Nursing gave a paper at the AAA meetings entitled
"Smart Means, Proper Goals: A Study of Responsible Subver-
sion Among Nurses."


NORMAN MARKEL presented a paper at the AAA meetings,
"Gender Differences in the Use of Semantic Syntactic Word
Associations to the Swadesh List."


CHRISTINE GLADWIN co-chaired a session, "Macro and
Micro Linkages in Agricultural Development," at the AAA
meetings. JAMES C. JONES gave a paper at the same meetings
entitled "Indigenous Farming Systems Under Stress: A Case from
Lowland Bolivia." SUSAN POATS, Associate Director, Farming
Systems Support Project (FSSP), International Programs, spent
much of the lat Spring and early Summer 1985 facilitating net-
working exchanges between West African agricultural re-
searchers engaged in animal traction activities and similar pro-
jects within the Asian Farming Systems Network. In July she
attended the NGO Forum of the UN Decade of Women Con-
ference in Nairobi, Kenya, and traveled to Rwanda and Burundi
to assist in the organization of an orientation workshop for Farm-
ing Systems Research and Extension (FSR/E). In August she
attended the Egerton College, Kenya, FSR/E Conference and
presented a paper on networking. She returned to Rwanda in
November as a facilitator for an orientation workshop for re-
searchers from Rwanda, Burundi, and Zaire. At the Kansas State
University's FSR Symposium, she presented a paper with HILARY
FELDSTEIN on their case studies project which is funded by
USAID, Population Council and the Ford Foundation. With fund-
ing from IFAS, she team-taught a new course with CARL BAR-
FIELD, an entomologist, entitled "Plant Protection in Tropical
Ecosystems" which has been accepted as part of the curriculum
for the Integrated Pest Management Program. She was involved
in developing the program for the February 1986 Women in
Agriculture Conference "Gender Issues in FSR/E." In March/April
1986 she attended the West African Farming Systems Research
Network Symposium in Senegal. There she was developing col-
laborative training courses with IITA in Nigeria and coordinating
the organization of a workshop on animal traction in Sierra

of Obsidians from the Central Peten Lakes Region, Guatemala"
(with H. MICHEL, F. ASARO, and F. STROSS) in American Anti-
quity; and "La Epoca Postclasica en la Region de los Lagos de El
Peten Central"(with D. S. RICE) in Mesoamerica. She spent three
weeks carrying out a preliminary archaeological survey of the
abandoned 16th through 19th century wineries, in the
Moquegua valley of far southern Peru. The study was funded by
the U.F. Division of Sponsored Research and the Center for
Latin American Studies. Graduate Student DONNA RUHL was
her assistant. The project will be continued in the summer of
1986 with funding from the National Geographic Society.
ANITA SPRING attended the United Nations Decade for
Women Conference in Nairobi, Kenya, where she gave a paper
on "Women in Agricultural Development in Malawi: Making
Gender-Free Development Work." Over the past year she has
given several presentations on the Conference itself. In
October, she was the invited banquet speaker at the Farming
Systems Research Symposium at Kansas State. Her talk was en-
titled "Reaching Female Farmers Through Male Extension and
Research Workers." She gave presentations at both the African
Studies Association and the AAA meetings. The former focused
on "Profiles of Malawi Smallholder Farmers," the latter on "In-
dicators of Agricultural Development in Malawi." Her field
research project, "Women in Agricultural Development Project
in Malawi" was evaluated as the best USAID women in
agricultural development project done in the last decade.
SPRING received a second year of support from Title XII-BIFAD
Program Support Grant for the Women in Agriculture Program
that she directs. She and ART HANSEN published an article,
"The Underside of Development: Transforming Economic
Development," in Agriculture and Human Values. With SHAE
KOSCH she published "Breast Disease and Breast Self-
Examination" in Midlife Wellness. She has also been selected to
serve on the United States Congress, Office of Technology
Assessment's Advisory Panel on Africa. It is a two-year appoint-
ment. OTTO VON MERING has been appointed Director of the
U.F. Center for Gerontological Studies. He has also been ap-
pointed as a U.F. member of the Advisory Board of the Inter-
national Exchange Center on Gerontology (IECG), Tampa, and a
U.F. representative of the Florida Consortium of University
Centers on Aging. He was the co-organizer and co-chair of the
Interdisciplinary Seminar: Status and Prospects for Long-Term
Care for Older Persons. Held in Orlando, Florida, this seminar
was presented in conjunction with the Florida Council on Aging
and the Florida Aging and Adult Services Program Office, State
Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services. He recently
published a paper entitled "On Doing Anthropology in a
Clinical Setting: A Commentary" in Medical Anthropology
Quarterly. LINDA D. WOLFE, recently appointed Assistant Pro-
fessor, is continuing to observe the monkeys of Silver Springs.
She and RUSSELL BERNARD gave a paper at the AAA meetings
entitled "Detection of Social Networks in Rhesus Monkeys." At
the American Association of Physical Anthropologists meetings
she presented a paper with co-author IQBAL MALIK of the Uni-
versity of Delhi entitled "Initiation of the Birth Season in Two
troops of Rhesus Monkeys (Silver Springs, Florida and
Tughlakabad, India)." Recently, she had a paper, "The
Reproductive Biology of Rhesus and Japanese Macaques," ac-
cepted for publication in Primates. Currently she is writing a
book for Garland Press entitled Primate Field Studies: An An-
notated Bibliography.


LOIS GREENE who has been in the department for five years
is the Administrative Assistant for the department. Her duties
include managing the office, responsibility for all budgetary
matters, faculty activities, course scheduling, affirmative
action, and departmental reports. EILEEN GARRISON joined
the department in January of 1985 as Senior Secretary. As of
January 1, 1986, the state changed the title to Administrative

Secretary. GARRISON celebrated 10 years at U.F. in August
1985. After nine years of working with the military at Air Force
ROTC, she says she is glad to be in the midstream of the campus
with such an active and diversified department. TESS SAMUELS
started with the department in August 1985 as Clerk Typist.
Before joining the department she was a nursing student at
Santa Fe Community College and says that she is planning on
returning to nursing school in the future. In addition to working
in the anthropology department she is training to be a Disc
Jockette at WONE (FM 91.7) Radio Station and using the alias


The Center for Latin American Studies has a new Director,
TERRY L. MCCOY. HELEN SAFA, after five years as Center
Director, has returned to teaching and research.
HELEN SAFA, who is on sabbatical this year, has been travel-
ing and attending international seminars. She attended the
United Nations Decade for Women Conference in Nairobi,
Kenya, in July, 1985. In August she was in Central America, and
in October, she gave lectures in Argentina on women and Latin
American studies at several universities. She co-organized a
Wenner Gren Conference, "Anthropological Perspectives on
Women's Collective Action," which was held in Mijas, Spain.
She also attended the IUAES International Congress in Egypt in
January. She has published several short articles in Signs, Migra-
tion Today, and the LASA Newsletter. MARIANNE SCHMINK
has been traveling and presenting papers. In May 1985 she co-
organized a workshop in Lima, Peru, "U.S.-Latin American
Workshop on Comparative Amazonian Development," funded
by the National Science Foundation. Currently she is co-editing
a collection of papers from the workshop and working as an ad-
visor to a "Network of Amazon Research Centers" in Latin
America formed as a result of the workshop. In July she was a
discussant at a symposium, "Agrarian Development Policies in
Latin America and Their Impact on Rural Women: Synthesis of
the Decade," at the International Congress of Americanists,
Bogota, Colombia. In August she traveled to Mexico to work on
a Population Council/USAID project "Women, Low Income
Households and Urban Services in Latin America and the Carib-
bean." In September and November SCHMINK continued her
work as a consultant to USAID in a 10-year assessment of
Women and Development work within AID. In October she
presented a paper entitled "The 'Political Ecology' of
Amazonia" (with CHARLES WOOD) at a conference on "Lands
at Risk in the Third World: Local Level Perspective," Institute
for Development Anthropology, Binghamton, N.Y. In
November she participated in a Wenner Gren Conference on
"Anthropological Perspectives on Women's Collective Actions:
An Assessment of the Decade, 1975-1985," in Mijas, Spain. Most
recently she traveled to Brazil for two weeks as a consultant to
the International Women's Coalition. She has published a
chapter, "Women and Urban Industrial Development in
Brazil," in Women and Change in Latin America edited by J.
NASH and H. SAFA, and her article "The 'Working Group' Ap-
proach to Women and Urban Services" appeared Ekistics. She
also published "Social Change in the Garimpo" in a book, The
Frontier after a Decade of Colonization: Change in the Amazon
Basin, edited by JOHN HEMMING, and "Women and Waste
Management in Urban Mexico" appeared in a book edited by R.
S. GALLEN and A. SPRING, Women Creating Wealth: Transform-
ing Economic Development.


DELLA E. MCMILLAN has a chapter, "Distribution of
Resources and Products in Mossi Households," in a book she
co-edited with ART HANSEN, Food in Sub-Saharan Africa. In

Leone, to be held in mid-1986. In April she was also one of the
trainers for the FSSP Regional FSR/E Training Course in Gambia.


The Florida Anthropology Student Association (FASA)
presented its annual Potlatch in April at the home of MICHAEL
MOSELEY and PAT ESSENPREIS. As always, the money raised
will be used to fund FASA publications. FASA reports that its
Department of Anthropology Blood Donors Group is continuing
to function and encourage others to join. Finally, FASA is pleased
to announce its latest publication-Indians, Colonists, and
Slaves: Essays in Memory of Charles H. Fairbanks. As is the case
with all FASA publications, this festschrift was entirely student
produced and we are extremely proud of the fine work performed
by the editors and their staff. Those who are interested in pur-
chasing a copy can write to FASA, 1350 Turlington, University
of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611. Cost is $15.00. Everyone is
encouraged to submit papers for publication to The Florida
Journal of Anthropology. Paper topics may cover any of the
four fields in anthropology or any other topics of
anthropological interest.


KOFI AKWABI-AWEYAW *as in Zimbabwe from January to
December 1985 on a Developing Country Fellowship from the
Wenner Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. While
there he was a Research Associate with the University of Zim-
babwe. He conducted his Ph.D. dissertation research on the
Government's Agricultural Resettlement Policy and the
Response of Farmers. He worked with the Ministry of Lands,
Rural Resettlement, and Agriculture to study the implementa-
tion of resettlement policy as well as with resettlement, co-
operative, communal, small-scale commercial, and large-scale
commercial farmers to obtain comparative opinions on Zim-
babwe's planned resettlement programs. SHARON ANDERSON
is currently doing a one-year internship with the Florida House
of Representative's, Committee on Education K-12. NINA
BORREMANS recently completed her M.A. thesis entitled The
Archaeology of the Devil's Walkingstick Site: A Diachronic
Perspective of Aboriginal Life on a Tidal River in Southeast
Georgia. She presented a paper at the meetings of the Florida
Anthropological Society based on a portion of her thesis
research. BORREMANS and CRAIG D. SHAAK, Assistant Direc-
tor of the Florida State Museum, have an article which will be
published in Ceramic Notes, "A Preliminary Report on Investiga-
tions of Sponge Spicules in a Florida 'Chalky' Paste Pottery."
EDWARD CHANEY supervised archaeological field school ex-
cavations in the Spring of 1985 at the Fountain of Youth Park
and Nombre de Dios Mission sites in St. Augustine. Analysis of
the excavated materials continued throughout the year as part
of his thesis research. DOMENICK J. DELLINO has just returned
from a 16-month internship at the Institute for Development
Anthropology in Binghamton, New York. He attended the LASA
seminar in Nicaragua during which the preliminary planning for
a proposal to study the development policy of the informal and
formal sectors in Managua was discussed. TOM DES JEAN
spent his summer excavating a possible early European contact
period mound on Archer Road in Gainesville. He was also a co-
author of a paper published in the Fairbanks Memorial Issue of
the Florida Journal of Anthropology on the Kings Bay Project.
CHARLES EWEN spent the summer excavating at Puerto Real,
Haiti, and gave a paper on the current status of the field work at
the 11th International Congress on Caribbean Archaeology in
San Juan, Puerto Rico. He had an article published on "The
Ximenez-Fatio House: A View from the Backyard" in the Fair-
banks Memorial Issue. Upcoming is an article entitled "Fur
Trade Zooarchaeology: A Study of Frontier Hierarchies" in
Historical Archaeology. JEAN GEARING is back from two years

of dissertation research in St. Vincent. She is currently writing
her dissertation and working for the Women in Agriculture Pro-
gram. BARBARA HENDRY was in Spain from June to December
1985 working as a research assistant for PROFESSOR BURNS.
Her work concentrated on patterns of work and identity in
different ecological zones of the La Rioja region. TOMAS
HUANCA, Professor of Sociology at the University in La Paz,
Bolivia, is working on his M.A. in anthropology. He is here on a
Inter-American Foundation Fellowship and participating in the
Aymara Language Materials Program. He presented a paper at
the AAA meetings, "The Yatiri knowerr, diviner] in the Aymara
Community." KEN JOHNSON is conducting archaeological
research on the aboriginal cultures of north central Florida. He
is concerned with culture change and demographic collapse as
a consequence of European contact. JOHNSON is also re-
questing information from local residents and others on loca-
tions where Spanish artifacts have been found. CRIS
JOHNSRUD gave a paper at the AAA meetings entitled
"Qualitative Approaches to Evaluation: What do Evaluators
Really Do?" Under the auspices of the Human Relations Divi-
sion of the Office of the City Manger of Gainesville, she
conducted an evaluation of all the city government's programs
and services to identify and remedy programmatic barriers to
disabled and handicapped citizens. She is currently working
with administrators in the College of Engineering on policy
development for their activities at the new Research and
Technology Park in Cainesville. RON JOHNSRUD competed an
evaluation of the Historic Farm programs at Morningside
Nature Center and developed a policy to integrate the farm
within the context of the nature center. Under the auspices of
the Alachua County School District JOHNSRUD and BARBARA
HENDRY co-produced a half-hour television program on the
organization of vocational education at Gainesville area high
schools. RON KEPHART received his Ph.D. in August 1985. His
dissertation is entitled "It Have More Soft Words": A Study of
Creole English and Reading in Carriacou, Grenada. He showed
that reading Creole does not hinder the reading of the standard
language and that native-language materials need not be expen-
sive. KEPHART presented, "Language and Reading Grenada," a
paper on a panel on "Grenada Before and After 1983" at the
International Studies Association meetings. JON LEADER
co-edited with KEN JOHNSON and ROBERT WILSON Indians,
Colonist, Slaves: Essays in Memory of Charles H. Fairbanks and
published Ancient Metal Working, Volume 1. He came in
second in the 1985 Best Student Paper Competition in the An-
thropological Sciences Section of the Florida Academy of
Sciences. He presented papers at the Southeastern Ar-
chaeological Conference, the Florida Academy of Sciences and
the Florida Anthropological Society meetings He also
presented a paper at a conference jointly sponsored by the Ar-
chaeological Institute of America and the U.F. Institute for Con-
tact Studies. MONICA LOWDER returned to Gainesville after
five months of field work in Aymara communities in the
altiplano of northern Chile. There she collected linguistic data
on Chilean dialects of Aymara, none of which have been
described to date. The date she collected are for her M.A. thesis
which will be a structural description of Aymara as it is spoken
in the three communities in which she worked. BONNIE
MCEWAN supervised archaeological excavations at the
Ximenez-Fatio House in St. Augustine during the spring of 1985.
She conducted preliminary doctoral research on 16th century
Spanish material culture and diet in Spain this fall and will
return in the spring to complete the project at the Museo
Arqueologico in Seville. JAMES MCKAY presented a paper at
the AAA meetings. "'Like So Last Night I Dreamed': Discourse
Analysis of an Aymara Dream Narrative." He recently com-
pleted his Master's thesis "I'm Going to Tell You About My
Business": Language and Culture, Worldview and Discourse in
Context" JEFFREY MITCHUM during the last year has com-
pleted two completed two seasons of excavations at the
Tatham Mound in Citrus County, Florida. He has presented
papers at meetings of the Florida Anthropological Society, the

Florida Academy of Sciences, the Southeastern Archaeological
Conference and the Society for Historical Archaeology. He won
the 1985 Best Student Paper competition in the Antrhopological
Sciences section of the Florida Academy of Sciences for a
paper entitled "Some Alternative Interpretations of Safety
Harbor Burial Mounds." He also published papers in the Florida
Anthropologist, the Florida Scientist and the Fairbanks Memorial
Volume of the Florida journal of Anthropology. GUY PRENTICE
has recently been re-elected president of the Florida An-
thropology Student Association. He recently published an arti-
cle, "An Analysis of the Symbolism Expressed in the Birger
Figurine," in American Antiquity. The article explores the
religious symbolism in a Mississippian statuette made sometime
around A.D. 1100. He has also published an article on
"Economic Differentiation Among Mississippian Farmstead" in
the Midcontinental journal of Archaeology. The article
discusses the evidence for part-time specialization at the
household level in prehistoric native American society. PREN-
TICE helped excavate the Santa Elena site, a Spanish fort and
town in South Carolina, and the Tatham mound, a late
prehistoric/early historic Indian burial mound in west central
Florida. BARBARA RAY presented "Strangers in Their Own
Bodies: Women's Lack of knowledge of the Female Physiology"
at the meetings of the Southern Anthropological Society. GREG
SMITH is working on his M.A. thesis which deals with 16th cen-
tury ceramics produced by Arawak Indians and Africans at the
Spanish site of Puerto Real, Haiti. He presented a paper at the
Society for Historical Archaeology meetings in Sacramento,
California, based on his M.A. research. DALE STRATFORD
spent six weeks in Peru, Bolivia and Chile on a preliminary
research trip sponsored by the Tinker Foundation. She was in-
vestigating potential research sites and establishing note "for C.
H. Fairbanks Scholarship Fund" on the check.


LISA DECKER BAUMBACH (B.A. 1980) is graduating with a
doctorate in biochemistry and molecular biology spring 1986.
She plans to pursue a career in clinical molecular biology.
ROLAND BLANCHETTE (M.A. 1979) is an Assistant Professor
teaching anthropology and sociology at Massasoit College,
Brockton, MA. MARK J. BROOKS (B.A. 1979) is currently
employed by the South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and
Anthropology, University of South Carolina, Columbia, as the
project archaeologist for the Savannah River Plant
Archaeological Research Program. He is also working toward a
PhD in geology at the university of South Carolina with an
emphasis on geoarchaeological research in coastal plain
environments. JOHN BUTLER (Ph.D. 1985) is currently teaching
anthropology in the Social Science Department at California
Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. He will be
teaching an applied course for graduate students in the Inter-
national Agricultural Development Program. LOUISE DAMEN
(M.A. 1974) is presently teaching in the graduate program in Ap-
plied Linguistics at the University of South Florida and the Inter-
national Language Institute. She is teaching a graduate course
entitled Intercultural Aspects of English as a Second Language
and has a textbook to be published by Addison Wesley in 1986
on Culture Learning: The Fifth Dimension in the Language
Classroom. KAREN C. DESAULNIERS (B.A. 1983) graduated
recently from the School of Library and Information Studies,
Florida State University. JANET DESPARD (M.A. 1976) is the
Director of Planning and Evaluation at Mental Health Services,
Inc. in Cainesville. This organization, a non-profit agency,
provides comprehensive mental health and substance abuse
services.S. KANU DUNN (Ph.D. 1985) recently completed her
doctoral research on fertility decision-making and the dynamics
of repeated pregnancy among adolescent mothers. She is now
working as a consultant for Miranda Associates which is based
in Washington DC. DEBBIE EARNEY(B.A. 1976) spent two years
in Rovaniemi, capital of Lapland, where she did private tutoring

and was an English language instructor at several schools. She
also traveled to the Middle East and lived on a Kibbutz in Israel
for a year. She is now working for the City of Clearwater and
studying for an M.A. degree in urban anthropology at the
University of South Florida. CAROL BAILEY FAAS (M.A. 1984) is
continuing her interest in medical anthropology and health care
marketing by working as a writer for UF Health Science Center
Communications. CURTIS R. GLICK (Ph.D. 1980) has been the
coordinator of the Program on Human Settlements at COL-
CIENCIAS, the Colombian equivalent of NSF, since 1983. His
responsibilities have been the co-authoring and the startup of
the National Program for Scientific-Technological Develop-
ment in the Area of Human Settlement. He teaches a graduate
workshop in urban planning and a course in city development
at the Escuela Superior de Administracion Publica. He reports
that he would be happy to see U.F. students, alumni and faculty
in anthropology if they come through Colombia and could pro-
vide some orientation to students wishing to do research there.
MICHAEL HANSINGER (Ph.D. 1976) is a southwest Florida field
associate for the Florida State Museum, and coordinates FSM
interests in this part of the state. His job involves field work at
archaeological and historic sites and associated fund-raising ac-
tivities. He recently completed a large project which involved
transferring 20 islands in southeast Florida waters from federal
to Florida state control. The islands have sites of strong ar-
chaeological and historic interest. ROBERT HEADLEY (B.A.
1959) received a Ph.D. from Catholic University in 1977 in Celtic
Linguistics. He is currently a research linguist in Washington,
D.C. working in Southeast Asian languages, especially Cambo-
dian. He has published numerous articles on Southeast Asian
languages and a two volume Cambodian-English dictionary.
GABRIELLE HODSON (M.A. 1983) is currently enrolled in the
Ph.D. program at the University of Arizona under Dr. WALTER
BIRKBY. She published an article with PROFESSOR LIEBER-
MAN as co-author entitled "In Vivo Measurements of Facial
Tissue Thicknesses in American Caucasoid Children" in the
journal of Forensic Sciences. She has also begun a business in
medical transcription called Medscript Services. LYNN W.
HOEFGEN (Ph.D. 1985) is now a vice president of Cambridge
Reports, Inc., a market and public opinion research firm in Cam-
bridge, Massachusetts. His responsibilities include marketing,
client relations and statistical analysis. TIMOTHY KOHLER
(Ph.D. 1978) has been promoted to Associate Professor at
Washington State University. He has recently received a Resi-
dent Scholar Fellowship from the School of American Research
in Santa Fe, New Mexico. SUSAN LANSMAN (B.A. 1973) com-
pleted an M.A. in clinical psychology and is currently working
on a Ph.D. She is employed as a psychological assistant in
various areas of clinical work in Los Angeles including
diagnosis, psychological testing, treatment, and research.
RUSSELL LEWIS (B.A. 1973) is Director of Publications at the
Chicago Historical Society. JUDITH LISANSKY (Ph.D. 1980) is
working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Human
Ecology, Cook College, Rutgers University. She is the co-editor
of the Culture and Agriculture Bulletin and received two grants
in 1985 to study the regulatory environment for New Jersey
agriculture, specifically right-to-farm and land use conflicts.
The grants are from the New Jersey Department of Agriculture
and the Fund for New Jersey. JOSE LISON-ARCAL (M.A. 1983)
has published a book, Cultura E Indentidad en la Provincia de
Huesca. He has also been doing field work and making videos in
Mijas and Rioja, Spain, with PROFESSORS OLIVER-SMITH and
BURNS. KAREN ). MALESKY (B.A. 1975) continues as Museum
and Planetarium Educator for Manatee County Schools at the
South Florida Museum and Bishop Planetarium in Bradenton

Florida. She is a charter member of the Central Gulf Coast Ar-
chaeological Society and is active on the Board of the Florida
Anthropological Society. SUSAN MIDDLETON-KEIRN (Ph.D.
1975), who is on the faculty of California State University,
Stanislaus, offers a course on "Anthropology and Modern
Social Issues." In the course, topics such as world hunger, ap-
propriate technology, racism, sexism, and nuclear issues are

discussed. In an upcoming issue of Sociological Spectrum she
compares regional sub-cultural definitions of femininity in the
West and the South. She and co-author J. HOWSDEN-ELLER
have an article forthcoming in Quarterly Journal of Ideology en-
titled "Discrediting the Challenge: The Role of Deviance
Assignments in Gender Ideology." With the help of a NEH
summer stipend she is about to develop several working papers
on feminist cartoons. ANDREW W. MIRACLE (Ph.D. 1976),
Associate Professor of Anthropology at Texas Christian Univer-
sity, has been active in the areas of sport and youth studies for
the past couple of years. His most recent book, with C. ROGER
REES of Adelphi University, is entitled Sport and Social Theory.
He is currently editing a special volume on youth and sport for
The Social Science Journal. He is serving on the Board of
SocNet, a telecommunication system for social scientists. In an
applied capacity MIRACLE serves as advisor to the O'Hara
Center for Youth Development, a research unit affiliated with
Boys Club of America. L. CAROLYN NICKENS (Ph.D. 1984) is
the director of a new program, the Center for Aging Resources,
being developed by the Area Agency on Aging in Gainesville.
This program will provide information on all programs and
resources available to the older person; a media center that will
include books, films, slides, monographs and VCR tapes; and
research on aging. The services will be available to all persons
within the Mid-Florida area. It is anticipated that the Center will
be open to the public in September, 1986. JANICE W. O'NEILL
(B.A. 1974) is a teacher at Chiefland High School where she
teaches sciences and social studies. She has been teaching for
nine years. ELIZABETH H. PETERS (Ph.D. 1983) is an Assistant
Professor at Florida State University. MARGARET RESSER (B.A.
1981) is the manager of Professional Travel Center, a travel
agency in Clearwater. ELIZABETH SCOTT (M.A. 1984) is now a
Ph.D. student in anthropology at the University of Minnesota
and a research associate in archaeology with the Mackinac
Island State Park Commission. Her master's thesis French Sub-
sistence at Michilimackinac, 1715-1981: The Clergy and the
Traders, was published in 1985 by that commission. ADRIENNE
MEROLA SHOFFSTALL (B.A. 1977) is currently employed as the
curator of the Lake Wales Museum and Cultural Center in Lake
Wales, Florida. She is also completing work on her M.S. thesis in
public archaeology at the University of South Florida. The title
of the work is: Museum Education and Archaeology: Hands-on
the Hands-off Resources. TRACY SUMNER (B.A. 1984) has been
working in Indiantown, Florida, with Mayan refugees. She has
been involved in helping with political asylum applications,
healthcare, and literacy classes. WILLIAM T. VICKERS (Ph.D.
1976) is spending his 1985-86 sabbatical from Florida Inter-
national University as an NEH Fellow at the School of American
Research, Santa Fe, New Mexico. He is using this time to
prepare a book on Amazonian human ecology as well as several
shorter pieces.


KATHLEEN DEAGAN. Artifacts of the Spanish Colonies, Volume
1. Smithsonian Press, Washington D.C., In press.
Strategies. Trado Medic Books, New York, 1985.
ART HANSEN and DELLA E. MCMILLAN, editors. Food in Sub-
Saharan Africa. Lynne Rienner Publisher, Boulder, May 1986.
MARVIN HARRIS. Good to Eat: Riddles of Food and Culture.
Simon and Schuster, 1986.
and ERIC ROSS, editors. Food and Evolu-
tion: Toward a Theory of Human Food Habits. Temple Univer-
sity Press, 1986, In press.
and Death, Sex and
Fertility: Population Regulation in Pre-lndustrial and Industrializ-
ing Societies. Colombia University Press, 1986, In press.
Cultural Anthropology, second edition.
Harper and Row, 1986, In press.
MAXINE L. MARGOLIS. Mothers and Such: Views of American
Women and Why They Changed, paperback edition. University
of California Press, 1985.
and B. J. SIGLER-LAVELLE. McKeithen Weeden Island, the
Culture of North Florida, A.D. 200-900. Academic Press, 1984.
editor. The Early Southeast, A
Sourcebook. Volume 21 of The North American Indian Series.
Garland Press, 1985.
PRUDENCE RICE. Macanche Island, El Peten Guatemala: Ex-
cavations, Pottery, and Artifacts. University Press of Florida, In
Pottery Analysis: A Sourcebook. Univer-
sity of Chicago Press, In press.
TONY OLIVER-SMITH. The Martyred City: Death and Rebirth in
the Andes. University of New Mexico Press, 1986, In press.
HELEN SAFA and JUNE NASH, editors. Women and Change in
Latin America. J. F. Bergin and Garvey Publishers, 1985.
ANITA SPRING and RITA GALLIN, Editors. Women Creating
Wealth: Transforming Economic Development. Association for
Women in Development, Washington D.C., 1985.
thropology: Laboratory Textbook, second edition. Contem-
porary Publishing Company, Raleigh, 1985.


The Department of Anthropology has begun fund raising for
a Guest Lecturer Fund. Monies from the Fund will be used to
bring distinguished anthropologists to the University of Florida
to present lectures and meet with faculty and students. The
Fund has an initial goal of $10,000. Contributions, which are tax
deductible, can be sent to the University of Florida Foundation,
P.O. Box 14225, Gainesville, Florida 32604. Checks should be
made payable to the University of Florida Foundation with a
notation "Anthropology Lecturer Fund."

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