Anita Spring New Associate Dean
Of Liberal Arts And Sciences
Dr. Anita Spring has been named
associate dean of the College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences and willassume her
new duties Jan. 1. Dr. Spring succeeds
Dr. Ruth McQuown, who died last fall.
Dr. Spring came to the University of
Florida in 1973 as an assistant pro-
fessor in the Departments of
Behavioral Studies and Anthropology.
Now an associate professor, she serv-
ed as associate chair of the Depart-
ment of Anthropology in 1979-81 and
1983-84 and was acting chair in 1980.
Prior to coming to Florida, Dr.
Spring was a lecturer at Cornell
University and at San Francisco State
University where she also served as a
museum curator and research assis-
tant. She obtained Ph.D. and M.A.
degrees in anthropology from Cornell
an M.A. in anthropology from San
Francisco State and B.A. m chemistry
from the University of California at
The recipient of numerous grants
and fellowships for research, Dr. Spring
has worked in Zambia, Malawi and
Cameroon, as well as in the eastern
Caribbean and the United States. Her
areas of interest include medi-
cal/population anthropology, culture
and agricultural development, women
in development and farming systems
As associate dean, Dr. Spring will
have primary responsibilities in the
College of liberal Arts and'Sciences for
the InternationafStodies Program, Af-
firmative Action and the Individual In-
terdisciplinary Major Program. In ad-
dition, she will also ultimately be in-
volved in and responsible for various
interdisciplinary grams in the Col-
lege. She will be office in 2121 General
Purpose Building A.