Front Cover
 Title Page
 Dot's story
 Baby's first lesson book
 "Serve God, and be cheerful"
 Playing with Papa
 My Bible - The good old book -...
 Long Tail and Blue Eyes
 The state ball
 To a little daughter
 Tired of play
 The favourite
 Orderly Bessie
 Pretty Jobubble - Blowing bubbles...
 The doll's tea party
 "I Have" and "O Had I"
 A loving group
 Dolly land - The noisy old...
 The Punch and Judy show
 Nellie's donkey
 The witch's bobbin
 The robins
 How to make doll's furniture
 The basket of apples
 Carol singing
 Fun in the garden
 The blacksmith - Perseverance -...
 Seven old women - My lamp - A puzzle...
 Back Cover

Title: The book of pleasant hours
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00083806/00001
 Material Information
Title: The book of pleasant hours
Alternate Title: Happy hours
Physical Description: 1 v. (unpaged) : ill. ; 25 cm.
Language: English
Creator: Gellie, Mary E
Griffith, Farran and Co ( Publisher )
Turnbull & Spears ( Printer )
Publisher: Griffith Farran & Co.
Place of Publication: London
Manufacturer: Turnbull and Spears
Publication Date: [1894?]
Subject: Children -- Conduct of life -- Juvenile literature   ( lcsh )
Conduct of life -- Juvenile literature   ( lcsh )
Amusements -- Juvenile literature   ( lcsh )
Children's stories   ( lcsh )
Children's poetry   ( lcsh )
Children's stories -- 1894   ( lcsh )
Children's poetry -- 1894   ( lcsh )
Advertisements -- 1894   ( rbgenr )
Prize books (Provenance) -- 1894   ( rbprov )
Bldn -- 1894
Genre: Children's stories
Children's poetry
Advertisements   ( rbgenr )
Prize books (Provenance)   ( rbprov )
Spatial Coverage: England -- London
Scotland -- Edinburgh
Statement of Responsibility: by M.E.B. (Mary E. Gellie)
General Note: Date of publication from advertisements for various products on endpapers and following text: 11/94.
General Note: With: The book of playmates / by M.E.B. (Mary E. Gellie) -- The book of Christmas and winter-time / by M.E.B. (Mary E. Gellie)
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00083806
Volume ID: VID00001
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: aleph - 004143308
oclc - 231756630

Table of Contents
    Front Cover
        Page 1
        Page 2
    Title Page
        Page 3
        Page 4
    Dot's story
        Page 5
    Baby's first lesson book
        Page 6
    "Serve God, and be cheerful"
        Page 7
    Playing with Papa
        Page 8
    My Bible - The good old book - Think of this
        Page 9
    Long Tail and Blue Eyes
        Page 10
    The state ball
        Page 11
    To a little daughter
        Page 12
    Tired of play
        Page 13
    The favourite
        Page 14
    Orderly Bessie
        Page 15
    Pretty Jobubble - Blowing bubbles - Dolly's picnic
        Page 16
    The doll's tea party
        Page 17
    "I Have" and "O Had I"
        Page 18
        Page 19
    A loving group
        Page 20
    Dolly land - The noisy old woman
        Page 21
    The Punch and Judy show
        Page 22
    Nellie's donkey
        Page 23
    The witch's bobbin
        Page 24
    The robins
        Page 25
        Page 26
    How to make doll's furniture
        Page 27
    The basket of apples
        Page 28
    Carol singing
        Page 29
    Fun in the garden
        Page 30
    The blacksmith - Perseverance - A little riddle - Work and play
        Page 31
    Seven old women - My lamp - A puzzle for granny - Peter Penny
        Page 32
        Page 33
        Page 34
        Page 35
    Back Cover
        Page 36
Full Text

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of Pleasant


Griffith Farran & Co. Limited
Newbery House 39 Charing Cross Road

Dots storr.

SCAN write stories as well as you, Mamma, Dot said. "I've written a beautiful
one, and read it to Cousin Jack, and he says it's capital."
"What is it about ?" Mamma asked.
"I'11 tell you a little bit of it, if you like."
Oh, I can wait until you've thought longer about it."
've thought a long time about it. I'11 tell you a little of it, if you don't mind."
': Very wVell. I don't mind hearing it, just to oblige you."

"This is it. Once there were two children, a little boy and a little girl, and
they had two kind grandmothers, and one day they were skipping about the garden."
"The grandmothers skipping, Dot ?"
"No, the children. They skipped ever so long, and then they went indoors
and said, 'Grandmothers, we are so hungry we'd like some bread and jam.' 'Yes,
my dears,' the grandmothers said, giving them each a splendid bread and jam,
the two grandmothers, .you know, gave them each one, so that the little boy and
girl had two each."
"Well go on, dear, is that all ?"
"That's all I could think of. I might be able to think of more if I had a
nice bread and jam to eat now."
Oh Dot," Mamma said, "your story is a very practical one, I must say."
"And it's a very sweet one too, Mamma,-1 hope you like it."
"It's very well for a beginning, my dear, but I'm glad it's short as well as sweet."

V13abpz first lezzon, 16ooh.

F you: would wise and- happy be,
repeat these letters after me :
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, oh, dear!
Hold up your head, and don't you
stupid be,
Listen well and learn to say them
A,B,C,D,E, F,G,H,I,.J,,, M,N,O,P,
Now, that is better, you say them
very well,
Learn every letter, and then you
can spell Q, R, S, T, U, and
V, W, X, Y, Z, d'ou see?
Ah, naughtyboy,you.
really do not look, ,
I'm. going to whip
you if you spoil
the book.

He that never learns
his A, B, C,
For ever will a block-
head be;
But he that learns
these letters fair
Shall have a coach
to take the air.
"Boyal Battledore."

"serve (ob, anb be CheerfuL."

-- Ebe motto of an Englisb 3Bfsbop
( ERVE God and be cheer- '\- motto of an ntlib lfi entbop
_-- _of the 17tb Centurp.
k ful." The motto
Shall be mine, as the
bishop's of old;
On my soul's coat of arms I
will write it,
In letters of azure and gold.

"Serve God and be cheerful."
The winter'
Rolls round to the beautiful
spring, .
And o'er the green grave of
the snowdrift \
The nest- building robins
will sing:

"Serve God and be cheerful"
Looks all the more lovely
iii white; ,
And God is best served by
His servant
When, smiling, he serves i.,.
in the light, Ii.-" ,i 'l/h/''A :

And lives out the glad tidings
of Jesus,
In the sunshine He came to
For the fruit of His word and
His spirit
Is "love, joy, and peace in
the heart.

"Serve God and be cheerful." Live nobly,
Do right and do good. Make the best
Of the gifts and the work put before you,
And to God without fear leave the rest.





Ic4r ing with l apa.
'M tired of everything," Tommy said, yawning. "I wish it would give up raining,
and we could run out for a game."
"Here comes Papa, we shall have some fun now," little Evelyn said. Come and
play with us; be a tiger-do-Papa."
"And eat you up, sash and all ?"
Oh, no! only pretend. Bring the skin rug, Tommy, and put it on Papa. There,
now you're a big tiger, and live in the wilds of Africa."
"There are no tigers in Africa," Tommy declared.
Well, in India, then, tigers live there. Be a very savage tiger, Papa, and gobble
up all the naughty children."
"Then I'll gobble you up first," Papa says, rolling himself in the rug and opening
his mouth very wide.
You can eat me first," Tommy said, "boys taste better than girls."
"I 'm sure they don't. 'Sugar and spice, and all that's nice, little girls are made
of,'" Evelyn exclaimed. "Eat me, now, Papa, there's a clear tiger."
"I'm going to frisk about a bit and get a good appetite," Papa answered, tearing
round the room in such a fury that Mamma came in and scolded everybody for making
Such a noise, and Papa had to give up being a tiger, and pretended to be a watch dog, and
i lay on the.hearth very still until Tommy trod on his toes; anid then there was such a yell
-and doggie and the children had all to be turned out of the house.

lS V 3 ib le.

[THIN my childhood's home,
Friend of my early days,
Thou old, brown, folio tome
SI opened with amaze.
Thy many-pictured pages,
Beheld with glad surprise,
Would lure me from my playmates
To oriental skies.

I found in thee for friends,
The wise and valiant men
SOf Israel, whose heroic deeds
Are writ with holy pen;
And dark brown Jewish maidens
With festive dance and song,
Or fairly dressed for bridal,
Thy pictured leaves among.

The old life patriarchal
Did wonderfully shine,
With angels hovering over
The good old men divine;

tbe Goob 0Ib Jook.

A BOOK there is of ancient date,
Where all the truly wise and great
Have found the pearls of wisdom spread,
Like gems upon the ocean bed.
Brighter than Californian gold
Are deeds inspired apostles told,
Greater than all that Milton thought,
Are truths that saints and prophets taught;
Oh, be it ours from tender age,
To gather wisdom from its page.

There long, long pilgrimages
I traced through all the way,
While dearest friend of childhood,
Thy pages open lay.

bhink of this.
SEVOUTLY look, and naught
But wonders shall pass by thee;
Devoutly read, and then
All books shall edify thee;
Devoutly speak, and men
Devoutly listen to thee;
Devoutly act, and then
The strength of God acts through thee.

16 i

long tail anb tlue Eves.

THE three little girls were all so busy with their lessons that not one of them
raised her head, or seemed to have the least idea that a mouse was in the
room. Long Tail ran here and there, but not the slightest notice did any-
body take of him, and then
he scudded back to Mousie
SBlue Eyes, and then off they
set again together. They ran
quite boldly this time straight
into the middle of the room,
and then backwards and for-
wards, here and there, quite
merrily. It was fine fun. In
More than one place they came
upon some delicious crumbs,
sprinkled. upon the carpet, no
doubt for them expressly, and
these they ate with the greatest
All in a moment there came
the most dreadful scream, and
one of the little girls sprung
up on a chair, and 'another
leaped up on the table, while the third darted to the sofa, and everybody was
crying out, and they were all staring and pointing at Blue Eyes and Long Tail as
if they had never seen a mouse before in their lives.
Cousin Trix," by G. M. CRAIK.

tbe state Ball.

" N OW," said the king, "strike up, fiddlers, and

let us have a

Then, as the fiddlers began to play "Haste to the Wedding,"
he politely offered his arm to Mabel, and before she quite realized
how it happened, she found herself footing it merrily with the others.
She made several mistakes, because it really was impossible to help
laughing at Humpty-Dumpty. Mistress Mary-Quite-contrary was dancing
with the Man in the South, and it was not long before they were
distinctly heard to be quarrelling. At last, Jack somehow tumbled down,
and Jill, who happened to be close-by, fell over him,-a disaster which
put a stop to the dance, and, I am sorry to, say, necessitated a large
patch of brown paper on poor Jill's nose.
"Mabel in BRhymeland."

Zo a little Zaughter.


SOULD thy life, a pleasure boat,
Ever by the green banks float,
Gliding gently on the stream,
I would ne'er of danger dream,
But, my child, the silent tide
Bears thee to the ocean wide;
And when there, oh, who can tell
How the waves may rage and swell ?
With no anxious parent near,
Who the tossing bark will steer ?
Driving fast beforethe gale,
Who will watch and furl the sail?

Here's the pilot, here's the friend
God has given the voyage to tend
Trust it, child, with all thy heart;
Never, never, from it part.
This, an angel, at the helm,
Thee the waves will not o'erwhelm;
This, an angel, at thy side,
Thou the foaming surge may ride.
Then I will not ask to know
How the tide of years shall flow;
Smooth, I'll pray, and yet, if rough,
So God be with thee, 'tis enough.

Cire6 of Mlap.

IRED of play tired of play 1
What hast thou done this livelong day ?
The birds are silent, and so is the bee;
The sun is creeping up steeple and tree;
S --The doves have flown to the sheltering caves,
SAnd the nests are dark with the drooping leaves;
S r Twilight gathers and day is done-
SHow hast thou spent it, restless one ?

Playing ? but what hast thou done beside,
S To tell thy mother at eventide ?
What promise of morn is left unbroken ?
What kind word to thy playmate spoken ?
Whom hast thou pitied, and whom forgiven?
How with thy faults hast duly striven?
What hast thou learnt by field and hill ?
By greenwood path, and by singing rill ?
There will come an eve to a longer day,
That will find thee tired-but not of play;
And thou wilt lean, as thou leanest now,
With drooping limbs and aching brow,
And wish the shadows would faster creep,
And long to go to thy quiet sleep.
Well were it then if thine aching brow
Were as free from sin and shame as now!
Well for thee if thy lip could tell
A tale like this, of a day spent well,
If never a sad, low spoken word
Hath pled with,thy human heart unheard,
Then, when the night steals on as, now,
It will bring relief to thine aching brow,
And, with joy and peace at the thought of rest,
Thou wilt-sink to sleep on thy mother's breast.-

bhe favourite.

WONDER who is the most valued of us all?" said the Doll,
Smoking her head out of the Drawing-room window of the
Doll's house.

"There need be no doubt on that point," said the Humming Top,
bridling up. I am well aware that Rosalind prefers me to all of you."

"That's quite a delusion of yours, my good creature," said the Shuttle-
cock, bluntly; "for she said the other day, after a good long morning's sport
with me, that I was her favourite plaything after all."

"You conceited being," chattered the leaden Tea Things. "She never
plays with anyone half so much as -with us. She has made tea in us at
least seven times a day, and used our saucers for a dessert service besides."

"You are all mistaken," said the Doll, waving her blue kid hand with
a superb air. "You are all wrong, I am the chosen one, I am the favourite.
Do 1 not stay near her the whole day, and sleep on her own pillow at
night ?"
"Tiny Tadpole,",by F. F. BRODERIP.

Orberit JBessie.

SO RDERLY Bessie's a gem of a girl,
She lives at the Cot of Content,
Her face and her frock are as clean as the clock,
Her money is always well spent.

She gets up at daylight to rub and to scrub,
She cooks a good dinner at noon.
In the evenings she's done and ready for fun,
Or will play you a beautiful tune.
She has not a moment to mopeor to fret,
Always doing something or other;
Either making or mending or ironing the clothes,
Or minding the baby for mother.

"Yes, Orderly Bessie's my treasure indeed,"
Mother says with such love in her voice.
" Whatever the task she is given to do,
She does it, and makes you rejoice."

Wherever she goes she brightens and gladdens,
And leaves the place-fairer and sweeter.
Go search through the world, I know you won't find
A prettier girl or a neater.

Little Daniel, the pet and the plague of the house,
Says, when he's a man he shall bring
A present for Bessie from over the sea,
And that is to be a gold ring."

:lowing JBubbles.

SEE my airy bubble lightly dancing,
Far away on buoyant breezes rise!
Imaged there a mimic world is glancing ;
See it sail along the smiling skies:!
,Youthful spirits, now so brightly glowing,
Borne away by airy hopes on high.
May no chilling breeze, more harshly
Bid your lovely, golden visions fly.
From the German.


Pretty 5obubble.
RETTY Jobubble
As gay as a linnet,
Born in a moment,
And dead in a minute.
Without any jacket,
All naked and bare,
Out of the water,
And off through the air.
As round as a cherry,
As light as a feather,
Pretty Jobubble
Has vanished for ever.
E. E. S. '

M olly's P icnic.
D OLLY gives a Picnic
Under this old tree,
May we have the pleasure
Of your company ?
These are Dolly's sofas-
Golden barley sheaves-
These are Dolly's tables--
Water-lily leaves--
This is Dolly's luncheon-
Cherries red and white,
Eat a few and take a sip .
Of dewdrops shining bright.

tbe otII's Zea Partb.

IT was Buttercup's birthday tea party; so she had to pretend to pour out the tea,
and as many dolls as the table and chairs would accommodate came to drink
tea with her.
"Silverbell shall be a very
beautiful fairy, and stand up ., _
behind," said Duke; and to
Winifred's great delight, the -
little doll, all flounces and petti-
coats, stood up where Duke
placed her, and made a most
lovely fairy.
"Isn't Duke a clever boy,
to think of that ?" Mary said.
"Boys are always more
clever than girls. Haven't you
learnt that yet, baby ? .
"Yes," whispered Winny,
"but I do wish you liked to
play at dolls."
"I'll be a footman," he
said, "I'll wait on the little
"We haven't any tea," said Winny.
Oh, anything will do for dolls to drink. I'll get you something," Marmaduke
replied, picking up the teapot. There was a jug of milk in the nursery, and Duke
filled the teapot very liberally with that. "That's nice for dolls."
"Children," corrected Winny.
"I meant children, I only made a mistake."
"Bwnchy," by E. C. PHILLIPS.
i D 7

A Bird in the Hand's worth two in the bush.

T HERE are two little songsters well known in the land;
STheir names are I Have" and 0 Had I;'
" I Have" will come tamely and perch on your hand,
But 0 Had I will mock you most sadly.
"I Have" is the bird that will golden eggs lay,
And sing you, Be cheery, be cheery,"
O, merrily then, will the day glide away,
And sweet shall your sleep be when weary.
But once let "0 Had I," gay bird take your eye,
And a longing to catch him once seize you,
He'll give you no comfort nor rest till you die;
Life-long he'll torment you and tease you.
Then every wise maid who attends to my song,
Will count her I Have" a choice treasure,
And, whefiever "0 Had I" comes flying along,
Will just let him fly at his pleasure.

4ia-. bav'C anb ",,0 lbab'


"T ELL us a story, Grandma,
All about long ago,
How you sat by the fire,
And how it used to snow.
Were you as little as we ?"
"Just as little as you."

"When I was young," said Grandma,
So big was the'fireplace,
I could sit up in the corner,
And never burn my face."
Were you as little as we ?"
Just as little as you."

It snowed so hard in winter,
And drifted up so high,
We could not reach the stable,
Or see a bit of sky."

"Were you as little as we ?"
"Just as little as you."

"We used to read by candles,
I went to bed at dark,
And got up in the morning
As early as the lark."
" Were you as little as we?"
" Just as little as you."

"I did my stint of knitting,
I read my spelling-book,
I waited on my mother,
And learned to spin and-cook."
"Were you as little as we? "
"Just as little as you."

"Holly Berries."

R Lovinug Broup.

LITTLE,little joys of earth,
Passing gleams of restless mirth,
Momentary fits of laughter,
Still bequeath a blessing after.


Lollie,--"What a dear Mamie you are to tell us nice stories 1"
Mrs B. (laughing),-" Is that what mothers are made for ? "
Mina,-" No,-they are to teach their boys and girls not to be naughty."
Dollie,-" No,-Mamies are made for de little dirls to sit on der lap
and cuddle dem up like dis." Here she puts her'arm~s round her mother's,
neck and almost strangles her.
Lollie,-" Who made you, Mamma ?"
Mrs B.,-" I grew God makes us grow; you know I was once as
small as you ? "
Dollie,-" And did you sit on your mamie's lap ? Where does God
live ? If I find Him I will ask Him to make me turn big too; den when
you turn little again, I can nurse you; won't dat be nice ? "
A Bunch of Berries."

B RING me rose leaves red
and white,
To make a couch for Dolly
The curtains are of purple bright,
With fringe of lilies sweet
and clear.
The lily-bells all night shall ring,
Tinkle, tinkle, ting!
And I will sit and softly sing,
Dingle, dingle, ding.

Sweetly sleep! so softly sleep !
Dream of cowslips' golden
Rest till dawn in slumber deep,
Dream of sparkling fairy wells.
Dream of birds in scented
Dream of all the pretty flowers.
The lily-bells all night shall ring,
Tinkle, tinkle, ting !
And I will sit and softly sing,
Dingle, dingle, ding.

'Che 1Rofls y0b WIboman.

HERE was an old woman on Cherry-
Tree Hill,
Who never was silent and never was still;
She kept forty puppies to sing her to rest,

But they made such a racket in barking
their best,
That never a wink of sleep could she get-
And so the old woman is grumbling yet.

Ooltr lZanb,"

Ube iunch anb 3ubi 5bow.

O you hear a merry piping
Doody doody! doody 0 ?
It's Fred at work in the garden,
Making a Punch and Judy show.

This is the way he makes it:
He takes two strips of tin,
One inch long and half inch
With a piece of tape within.

He puts the tape in tightly,
And winds it in and out,
Makes it fast with a piece of
SThe string is thin, but stout.

He bends the plates a little,
To make them wide in the middle,
They are closed securely at both ends,
SAnd ready for Hi-diddle-diddle.

The dummies, sister Laura makes,
For Punch and Judy show.
"Punch "and "Judy," "Police and "Dog,"
"Jack Ketch" and the "Ghost," oh, oh!

There's the Baby, too, remember,
I And anyone else you please,
-They are all carved out of nice
soft wood,
With joints to move at ease.

The costumes are made loosely,
And tacked to the wooden
The showman puts his hands
= inside
To move the little noddies.

Doody doody! doody 0 1
Come out and see the fun !
It's worth a shower of silver
To show you how it's done.

Rellie's 2)onheV.

N1 ELLIE'S godmother gave her two bright sovereigns on her tenth
"You must spend these wisely, my .dear," she said, kissing the little girl.
May I spend them just as I please ? "
Certainly, dear; is there anything you want very much ?."
Yes, could I buy a donkey with two sovereigns ?"
A donkey, my dear child! Why do you wish for a donkey ? You have
a Shetland pony and a goat."
"I want to buy. a donkey for old Thomas Brown. I heard him say if
he only had a good donkey he could earn a livelihood by fetching coals
from the colliery."
Well, my dear, we must find a donkey for him, then," godmother said;
and the very next day one was bought and presented to the poor old man,
who could scarcely believe that his little friend Nellie was giving it to him.
It proved to be a very good investment, and whenever Nellie saw the
old man with his donkey she felt] amply repaid for having laid out her
birthday present for his benefit instead of for her own pleasure.

Ube, Xibntcb's ilobbin.

A CHILD sat on the nursery floor
Beside a broken toy.
I'11 play with baby-things no more,"
He said, "I'll be a boy."

The silly child in passion spoke ;
He turned, to his surprise
An old witch, muffled in a cloak,
Stood there before his eyes.

"What puts my laddie' in a rage? "
She said, "Why should he cry ?"
He said, "I wish to grow in age."
She said, So do not I."

" But if," she said, such is your mind,
If discontent you feel,
Here, take this bobbin and unwind
The cotton from the reel.

"And every time your fingers ply
A single yard of thread
A year shall fly as silently
As dream above your head."

A change a change I he pulled the reel,
Impatient to begin it;
And he has lived, but cannot feel,
Twice five years in a minute.
Fun in Earnest."

U be 1Robin.s

/{ERRY little robins red, busy on the bough,
Fluttering and twittering, happy are ye now,
Singing through the sunshine, or the frosty weather,
Sweetly warbling love-lays gaily all together.

Happy little robins red,
Flashing here and there,
Trilling in your joyfulness,
Teach me how to bear,
With a heart as dauntless,
All the winter's storm,
Keeping love and courage
In my bosom warm.

Singing in the snowdrift,
Robin in thy glee,
Storm andwind bring blessings
Surely unto thee;
If so glad in winter
Thou dost sing away,
Oh, the joyous trillings
When comes summer gay !

Give me of thy gladness, robin on the bough,
Share with me thy rapture, robin redbreast, now-
Ah I long for summer, 'tis so far away,
Would that I could warble with a heart as gay !


Forth, my little daughter,
The mid-day heat is o'er;
Go forth among the flowers,
And gather thee a store.
The daisies, see how gaily,
Like little stars they shine,
The darlings of thy childhood,
As once they were of mine.
The blue bell-when I see it,
My thoughts fly back once more
To a pine wood whose recesses
With its bloom were purpled o'er.
Go forth, dear child, and pluck them,
And bring thy spoils to me;
Thou lov'st the gay, bright colours,
Though thou see'st not what I see !

To me they bring remembrance
Of many long past springs;
They are types to me and shadows
Of yet more lovely things.
On every leaf is written
A sweet consoling thought;
The hope of life up-springing
From death by them is brought.
My child, my happy darling,
Go pluck me many a one;
Though thou'rt the gayest.flower
That smiles beneath the sun !
Go forth, thou blessed being,
And bring thy sweet spoils here;
Though I need no other token
O'lftahen, when thou art near !


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elbow to make )ol's furniture.

A BOY of ingenuity might easily make a doll's house for his sister out of a square
packing-case, by sawing the lid into two equal lengths, to be used as divisions
of the house, into upper and lower stories.
The style and arrangement of furniture might be copied from some favourite
rooms in your own house, or in some royal palace or castle, for instance the drawing-
rooms at Windsor or Warwick Castles might be taken as "models" for the Doll's

The patterns of sofas, chairs, tables, &c., should be cut out of thick note-paper
or bristol-board. If you are making an arm-chair, cut out the open parts of each
arm, leg, &c. Double the legs down, and turn the back up. Paint the cardboard to
imitate mahogany, walnut, oak, or ebony, and finish off with a pretty drawing in
colours of forget-me-nots, roses, &c., -on the back and seat to imitate worsted work
or cretonne.

Ubce Sasket of apples.


N EXT day the children went into the garden, and on their way back they took a look at the
clock and wondered how the fairy was getting on.
They told the peacocks all about it; but the peacocks did not seem to care, and only strutted
about all the more proudly.
Then they told the big bloodhound who was chained up in the yard; but the bloodhound only
answered them by a bark which so frightened the children that they ran back to the house as fast
as ever they could run.
After their dinner, they came down into the big hall, and wandered about waiting for Grand-
papa who had gone into the library to fetch a book.
They had almost forgotten all about the clock, for their attention was riveted on a basket of
red, rosy apples lying on the marble table.
First of all they walked round and round the table, then they touched the apples. Then they
smelt them, and at last they dug their little pearl-white teeth into them to see if they were ripe.
What do you think happened next ?
Why, Bertie and Meta both sat down on the floor without a word, and each ate up a whole
rosy, red apple ?
When they had finished they looked at each other, and then glanced timidly towards Grand-
papa's clock.
Someone had opened the glass which covered the face. The minute hand was going round
very quickly, and the solemn tick-tick had never sounded so loud before.
Neither of the children referred to the apples, but Bertie said in a whisper, Meta, can you
tell what time the clock strikes ?"
No, I can't. If I was tall and my face was near its face I could tell the time, but I'm too
"So am I. But don't you know at all ?"
"I only know it's when the big hand stands straight up, it strikes."
"Oh, Bertie!"
"Oh, Meta "
You see the children knew they had been very naughty iq having taken the apples, and they
were afraid of the bad fairy that Grandpapa had told them livedathe clock.
Grandpapa's Clock."

Carol siingin

T HE weather about the middle of December had been wet and far from cold,
but on the 20th it began to snow, and a hard frost set in, and Christmas Day
came with a bright sun shining on the "white world" which seemed to give
everybody a nice, happy Christmas-looking face too. The carols had gone off
well. We had not tittered, or otherwise broken down, which was the usual way in
which our musical exhibitions came to grief. I think, though we did not say so, a
little bit of the seriousness of Christmas time had stolen into our hearts; not to rob
us of any of the fun or happiness, but making us remember whose birth we were
keeping,. and taking our thoughts back through the long, long centuries to the
stable bed of the little infant who had come to save the world, and to set the angels
singing "Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace and goodwill amongst men."
Two and Two."

fun in the Garben.
'VE got an idea! cried Harry, "let us suppose that we are shipwrecked
mariners on a desert island, and live in the garden."
"First rate," exclaimed Freddie, "but would it not be better to be Arabs in
the desert, we can wind towels
round our heads, you know."
After dinner the children all
disappeared into the shrubbery,
and before long the garden
presented a very savage appear-
ance. A tent was pitched, and
in front of the wigwam were
two Indians with red scarves
round their waists and feathered
crowns on their heads, the haii
of which was frizzled as much
as possible. One brandished the
garden sickle, which he called
a bowie-knife, and the other
had a long lance of ashwood.
Just under the wigwam sat two
squaws, nursing their papooses
"I won't have my papoose
- sacrificed," sobbed Elsie, holding
Dollie close to her.
"Nor I mine," wailed Minnie.
"Oh, I say, if you girls begin to cry, there's no fun in play, we can't be savages
without sacrifices and war-dances, and as we can't sacrifice ourselves, we may as well
get some fun out of the dolls." a
"A Bunch of Berries," By LEADER SCOT.

Zbe Elacksmitb.

W THAT shoemaker in our town
Makes his shoes of great renown,
Famous shoes without any leather,
All the four elements put together;
Fire and water, earth and air;
Every customer has two pair.

ATTEMPT the end, and never stand to
Nothing's so hard, but search will find
it out.

a little lRibble.
THERE was a little green house,
.And in the little green house
There was a little brown house,
And in the little brown house
There was a little yellow house,
And in the little yellow house
There was a little white house,
And in the little white house
There was a little heart.
A Walnut.
F OURSCORE, like twenty, has its tasks
and toys,
In earth's wide schoolhouse all. are girls
and boys. 0. W. HOLMES.

tWork anb PIMa.
L EARN to live, and live to learn,
Ignorance like a fire doth burn,
Little tasks make large return.

Toil, when willing, growth less,
"Always play" may seem to bless
Yet the end is weariness.

E NJOY the spring of love and youth,
To some good angel leave the rest.
For time will teach thee soon the truth,
There are no birds in last year's nest.


Even 0lb Wlomen.
S EVEN old women.once lived by them-
And all of their victuals they put upon
The first one baked biscuit,
The second made pies,
The third'stuffed a turkey
Of wonderful size;
The fourth made a pudding,
The fifth boiled potatoes;
The sixth fried a sausage,
The last stewed tomatoes.
And then in a row, in front of the shelves,
The. seven old women stood stuffing them-
E. E. S.
S 32

Mn Xamp.
M\ Y pretty glass tower's afire on top;
'Twill burn for three hours and
then it will stop.
While it's afire I'11 play and I'11 read;
Before it stops burning I'll jump into bed.
E. E.'S.

S1IPU33le for Grannp
G ,ANNY, guess a riddle you must,
.Stone is-fire, and fire is, dust,
Black is red, and red is white,
Come and see the pretty sight.
Stone-coal. Dust-~ashes. Black-coal. White--ashes.
Sight-coal-fire. E..E. S.

peter penn^.
C LEVER Peter Penny, everybody's clerk,
Always wets his little feet '
Before he goes o work. ,
A Quill Pen. E. E. S.


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