Group Title: Florida tomorrow
Title: Florida tomorrow : Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art
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Title: Florida tomorrow : Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art
Physical Description: Book
Language: English
Creator: University of Florida Foundation
Publisher: University of Florida Foundation
Publication Date: 2008
Subject: University of Florida.   ( lcsh )
Spatial Coverage: North America -- United States of America -- Florida
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00083438
Volume ID: VID00001
Source Institution: Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art
Holding Location: Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art
Rights Management: All rights reserved, Board of Trustees of the University of Florida


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It gives me great pride to be director of the official art museum of the Gator Nation. The success achieved by the Harn Museum of Art
during its first 17 years on the University of Florida campus is a tribute to all those who have invested in this vibrant young institution.
In addition to UF faculty and students and the local community, the Harn serves the people of Florida and reaches out to the nation
and world through its diverse programs and publications. It is our goal that every student at UF will visit and enjoy the Harn while in
Gainesville and that every UF alumnus will take pride in the beautiful building and grounds; exemplary art collections; challenging,
innovative exhibitions; and stimulating educational programs offered by the Ham.
As an integral part of the University of Florida, the Harn Museum of Art advances teaching and research and serves as a catalyst for
creative engagement between the university and local, state, national and international audiences. The Harn partners with UF faculty
and students from many academic disciplines, ranging from the visual and performing arts to journalism and law, from African and
Asian studies to medicine and architecture. Similarly, Ham interns come from academic departments across the university to gain valu-
able professional experiences that help shape their future career paths.
All of these wonderful programs are made possible by the generous financial support of friends and alumni of the University of
Florida and the Harn Museum of Art. I invite you to join those deeply committed friends of the Harn whose investment in the museum
has made it a University of Florida treasure. Join us in realizing our vision for Florida Tomorrow at the Harn Museum of Art.

Rebecca Martin Nagy, Ph.D.
Director, Ham Museum of Art

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The Promise of Tomorrow
The University of Florida holds the promise of the future:
Florida Tomorrow a place, a belief, a day. Florida Tomorrow is
filled with possibilities. Florida Tomorrow is for dreamers and
doers, for optimists and pragmatists, for scholars and entrepre-
neurs, all of whom are nurtured at Florida's flagship university:
the University of Florida, the foundation of the Gator Nation.
What is Florida Tomorrow? Here at the Samuel P. Harn
Museum of Art, we believe it's an opportunity, one filled with
promise and hope. It's that belief that feeds the university's cap-
ital campaign to raise more than $1 billion.
The Florida Tomorrow campaign will shape the university, cer-
tainly. But its ripple effect will also touch the state of Florida,
the nation and the entire world. Florida Tomorrow is pioneering
research and spirited academic programs. It's a fertile envi-
ronment for inquiry, teaching and learning. It's being at the
forefront to address the challenges facing all of us, both today
and tomorrow.

Felix Gonzalez-Torres
"Untitled" (Petit Palais)
Philadelphia Museum of Art: Gift of the Peter Norton Family Foundation, 1992
The Felix Gonzalez-Torres Foundation. Courtesy Andrea Rosen Gallery, New York.

Harn Museum of Art
Florida Tomorrow Campaign Goals

Endowments for named positions

Endowed and non-endowed funds for acquisitions

Endowments for art conservation

Gifts of works of art

Endowments for exhibitions

Endowments for publications

Endowments for educational programs

Endowed and non-endowed funds

TOTAL $30 million

Florida Tomorrow is a place ...

where art inspires and educates people of all ages and backgrounds.

Joy of Art

Sculptures and paintings, insist docents and educators at the
Samuel P. Ham Museum of Art, are magical. Paint on canvas, carved
wood and stones, meticulous weavings and moments stopped for-
ever in photographs can touch people deep inside. Those colors and
shapes and images can inspire, provoke and bewilder.
Sharing that magic, says the Ham's Director of Education
Bonnie Bernau, is part of the mission at UF's art museum. With
that as a goal, the Ham embraces such programs as Tot Time,
Family Day and Art for Life all in an effort to spread the
enjoyment of art.
Tot Time is for visitors still mastering finger paints and cray-
ons. For a few hours each month the Har is transformed into a
playground for preschoolers. Children in the program learn the
concept of art and pleasure of creating it. The hope is to help chil-
dren appreciate diverse art that represents diverse cultures.
"We try to show children that one-of-a-kind artwork is worth
valuing, saving and caring for ... and oftentimes it's the chil-
dren themselves who insist on bringing their parents back,"
explains Bernau.
For elementary-aged children, the Har hosts field trips to
enhance classroom education. Student thank-you notes refer to
the experience as "cool," "inspirational" and even "glorious."
The museum's Family Days when adults and children
explore the museum and participate in hands-on activities -
provide other opportunities to share the museum's treasures.

To coincide with Earth Day, for instance, Family Day focused
on how artists interpret nature in paintings, drawings and
sculpture. After examining and discussing various works, par-
ticipants created their own artworks, using nearby natural
landscape as inspiration.
For senior citizens, the Ham sponsors Art for Life. Using mate-
rials based on the museum's permanent collections, docents
visit retirement homes, community centers and nursing homes.
Docents bring large posters, objects, music and photographs with
them to encourage interaction.
"The subject matter is almost secondary, because our visits are
intended to stimulate minds, teach something new, encourage par-
ticipation, hear opinions and share memories," one docent says.
One of the reasons the Ham Museum of Art has become a mas-
terpiece in its own right is its educational elements, say people
familiar with programs such as Tot Time and Art for Life. That
outreach puts the magic of art within grasp for everyone from
the very young to those unable to access the Ham's collections
- by providing opportunities to appreciate the role of art in
everyday life and to experience the joy of understanding the com-
mon bond it creates.

Florida Tomorrow is a day

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when art is the key to understanding our world's diverse peoples

and cultures.

Glimpses of the World

In the town of Morovis in Puerto Rico, collector Hector Puig
met with Ceferino Calder6n, an artist who had carved a statue
of the Virgin of Mount Carmel. Calder6n his body and voice
shaking thanked his beloved image for years of guidance and
handed it to Puig.
How, Puig wondered, would UF's Ham Museum of Art
express in an exhibition the emotions, respect and beliefs that
surrounded the small statue?
"The audience coming to the show at the Ham won't be able
to share the experience I have had in acquiring these pieces,"
Puig said prior to the 2003 debut of the exhibition of his collection
of Puerto Rican santos, small carvings of saints from the Catholic
pantheon. "Hopefully, the show will succeed in bringing forth
and uniting the same sense of spiritual and aesthetic appreciation
that I have for the work."
That challenge fell on Harn Curator of Modern Art Dulce
RomAn, who conducted field research in Puerto Rico, produced
a publication and planned the installation of Puig's collection.
Curators by definition are the caretakers and interpreters of
precious objects. "Since the early 20th century, curators have had
a role as arbitrators of taste and quality. Now the situation has
shifted so that some curators also act as cultural brokers, working
among different constituencies dealers, collectors, artists, insti-
tutions and the public," says Harn Curator of Contemporary Art
Kerry Oliver-Smith.

Oliver-Smith's 2007 exhibition Cuba Avant-Garde: Contemporary
Cuban Art from the Farber Collection, for instance, was developed
in partnership with collector Howard Farber and in collaboration
with other scholars of contemporary Cuban art who contributed
to the accompanying publication. Educational programming for
the show was developed in consultation with UF's Center for
Latin American Studies, and Cuba Avant-Garde reached a wider
audience after leaving the Harn through its travel schedule,
beginning with the Ringling Museum of Art in Sarasota.
One of the Ham's goals is to offer new ideas and perspectives,
thereby promoting understanding and appreciation for global art
and cultures. The museum's collections of Photography, Modern
and Contemporary art are international in scope. The Ham's
African and Asian collections are among the best in the Southeast.
In fact, the museum is adding a wing to showcase its holdings
of Chinese, Japanese, Indian and Southeast Asian art.
Curators are always mindful of the museum's mission to col-
lect, preserve, research and interpret works of art while respecting
the interests and priorities of diverse audiences, artists, collectors
and patrons.
"I find [the santos collection] such a personal exhibit, I want to
be as involved as possible," Puig said of the 2003 show. "But at
the same time, I am very respectful of the Harn and its profes-
sional reputation and high standards."





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Florida Tomorrow is a belief ...

that the transformative experience of art enriches each life it touches.

Passing the Torch

The Samuel P. Ham Museum of Art with more than 6,200
pieces is one of the largest university-affiliated museums in the
Southeast. It's well known for building exemplary collections and
designing innovative exhibitions.
Lesser known is that the Harn sponsors an internship program
for students interested in pursuing careers in art museum proce-
dures, issues and practices. So successful is this program, in fact,
that Harn Museum interns often secure positions at nationally
prestigious institutions.
Just ask Michael Bass, currently vice president and specialist in
Chinese Ceramics at the famous Christie's auction house in New
York. A 1995 graduate of the University of Florida, Bass credits his
internship for providing the hands-on experience that furthered
his expertise and love of the field.
"The Harn allowed me to have direct contact with objects for
the first time, to actually handle them, examine them," he says,
noting that such opportunities are both necessary and rare.
Another accomplished former intern, Jessica Theaman, also
attributes much of her success to the practical experience she
gained in both the curatorial and development departments of
the Harn. Theaman maintains that such broad-based training was
invaluable in helping her secure another internship at the Solomon
R. Guggenheim Museum, followed by a position as development
assistant at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

Remarking on her good fortune to have been trained at the
Harn, Theaman describes her intern experience as "a great oppor-
tunity at an institution full of wonderful resources."
Notable for its training in critical inquiry, aesthetic explora-
tion and museum operations, the Ham's internship program has
advanced the careers of other graduates, too, who have moved on
to internships at out-of-state institutions such as the J. Paul Getty
Museum in California and the Guggenheim Museum in New
York. Other former interns have chosen to continue their careers in
various capacities at the Harn; and still others work in art-related
fields regionally one is youth program manager at the Ringling
Museum, and another is a graphic designer in Tallahassee.
Part of the Ham's mission is to promote the power of the
arts to inspire and educate people by enriching their lives. All
those at the Harn who work to ensure the future success of stu-
dents can consider their mission accomplished, former interns
contend. From the fine points of curatorial responsibility -
including acquisition, interpretation and collection development
- to finance, marketing, education and public relations, the
internship program prepares future museum professionals to
continue the Ham's tradition of excellence.



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The University of Florida's Harn Museum of Art is poised to
play a prominent role on campus, in Florida, nationally and inter-
nationally as it demonstrates the power of art to inspire and
educate people and enrich their lives. The Harn will continue to be
known for its beautiful facilities and grounds, exemplary art col-
lections, and challenging exhibitions and programs. Above all, the
museum will be recognized as a leader among university-affiliated
museums through the work of its professional staff in developing
innovative programs that engage university faculty and students
with the museum in research, teaching and service to diverse audi-
ences. The pursuit of visionary goals for the museum is guided by
professionally crafted strategic and business plans.
The Harn Museum of Art is a hallmark of a vibrant academic
and cultural community. Faculty and students from many dis-
ciplines across campus participate with the Harn in academic
courses; collaborative projects such as conferences, symposiums

and film series; graduate assistantships and internships. With fac-
ulty and students from the Colleges of Education, Fine Arts and
Medicine, among others, the Harn develops and implements pro-
grams that serve families with children, teachers and students,
senior citizens, the visually impaired and other audiences in North
Central Florida. Through its work on these and other programs
the Harn contributes to the university's research, teaching and ser-
vice in key areas of special interest to the state. The Harn seeks to
be even more integrated into the academic and cultural life of the
university. The museum's full participation in the pursuit of aca-
demic excellence at UF requires a commitment to capitalize on
existing strengths while achieving increased distinction.
Through a rigorous strategic planning process, the Harn
Museum of Art has identified five core collections as the focus
of growth: African art, Asian art, Photography, Modern art of
Europe and the Americas, and International Contemporary art.

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In addition, the museum has noteworthy collections of Ancient
American and Oceanic art. These collections are used extensively
for research and teaching by faculty and students in the Centers
for African, Asian, Latin American and European Studies and
the College of Fine Arts. The striking architecture of the Harn
and its beautiful surrounding gardens invite collaborations with
faculty and students in architecture, interior design, landscape
architecture and horticulture. As the museum's collections con-
tinue to grow and audiences to expand, additional space will be
required for exhibitions and programming as well as art storage.
The Harn will work with the university and the other UF Cultural
Plaza institutions the Florida Museum of Natural History
and the Phillips Center for the Performing Arts to transform
the western entrance into campus into a wonderful showplace
of architecture and outdoor spaces with an array of amenities to
serve the university and wider communities.
On the threshold of greatness, the University of Florida's
Harn Museum of Art envisions fulfillment of its ambitious
goals. University support coupled with private investment will
transform the museum into an institution of true national and
international prominence. The museum seeks transformative gifts
that will sustain and enrich existing programs and support the
development of major new initiatives. The Harn Museum of Art
seeks gifts for endowments to name the position of the museum

director, all curatorial positions and the director of education.
Another cornerstone of the capital campaign is funding to sup-
port staff research and travel. Together with endowments for art
acquisitions, art conservation, exhibitions and programs, these
investments will enable the museum to realize its full potential.
The Ham Museum of Art focuses on funding outstanding
museum professionals, exemplary art collections, innovative art
exhibitions and stimulating educational programs while also sus-
taining and transforming the museum's facilities and grounds.
The Harn Museum of Art will be integral to the universitywide
success of Florida Tomorrow.




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