Tool Bar Buttons ( Search Guide Help Series )

Material Information

Tool Bar Buttons ( Search Guide Help Series )
University of Florida
Place of Publication:
Gainesville, FL
University of Florida
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Maps -- Florida ( LCSH )
Spatial Coverage:
North America -- United States of America -- Florida


Funded in part by the University of Florida, the Florida Heritage Project of the State University Libraries of Florida, and the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
All rights reserved to public domain images by the Board of Trustees of the University of Florida.


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aerial photography



Last View
Returns the map to the previous view.

Ff Move
The arrows pan in the direction indicated.

[II -ml North [I South
West I East

1 The hand allows you to pan by dragging.

Magnifiers allow you to increase or decrease the size of the area or layer of interest.
F9-- Zoom In Zoom Out
Zm to Fl Ex t II Zoom to Active Layer
SZoom to Full Extent Displays the layer that you have chosen

ri-g- Select
[-5j- [I Select by Rectangle
Allows you to select an area by drawing a rectangle.
-i Select by Line/Polygon
Allows you to select an area by drawing lines or polygons.
Lines require you to set a beginning and ending point.
A polygon requires that you set at least three points.
Warning: If the line does not fall on the exact center of the point, not tiles will be found.
r-y] Clear Selection
Allows you to clear any selected rectangle, lines or polygon
iFTI Buffer
The buffer tool allows you to pick an area and then provide a specified buffer
zone around each of the points with the area. See step by step example
1 I Query
F10 Find
Permits you to search a text string. The search is case sensitive. If you want to
see all the areials that fall in a quad map, for example, GAINESVILLE EAST,
type in the quad name


[I| Identify
When you select this button, the cursor becomes a crosshair.
Center the crosshair over a dot, click, and data related to the dot will appear.
Note: the crosshair must be positioned exactly over the dot.
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[I|I Overview
Click the Overview button to remove the small insert map.

-i Miscellaneous (Misc)
To measure the distance between two points, click on the beginning point then click
on the end point
SSet Units
Units of measurement may be set to Feet, Miles, Meters, or Kilometers
-i Print
Allows you to print the map view and legend you've created to a preformatted layout

Full Text

PAGE 1 gital/collections/FLAP/ TOOL BAR BUTTONS Last View Returns the map to the previous view. Move The arrows pan in the direction indicated. North South West East The hand allows you to pan by dragging. Zoom Magnifiers allow you to increase or decrease the size of the area or layer of interest. Zoom In Zoom Out Zoom to Full Extent Zoom to Active Layer Displays the layer that you have chosen Select Select by Rectangle Allows you to select an area by drawing a rectangle. Select by Line/Polygon Allows you to select an area by drawing lines or polygons. Lines require you to set a beginning and ending point. A polygon requires that you set at least three points. Warning: If the line does not fall on the exact center of the point, not tiles will be found. Clear Selection Allows you to clear any selected rectangle, lines or polygon Buffer The buffer tool allows you to pick an area and then provide a specified buffer zone around each of the points with the area. See step by step example Query Find Permits you to search a text string. The se arch is case sensitive. If you want to see all the areials that fall in a quad map, for example , GAINESVILLE EAST, type in the quad name


TOOL BAR BUTTONS Page 2 Identify When you select this button, t he cursor becomes a crosshair. Center the crosshair over a dot, click, and data related to the dot will appear. Note: the crosshair must be positioned exactly over the dot. Overview Click the Overview button to remove the small insert map. Miscellaneous (Misc) Measure To measure the distance between two poin ts, click on the beginning point then click on the end point Set Units Units of measurement may be set to F eet, Miles, Meters, or Kilometers Print Allows you to print the map view and le gend you've created to a preformatted layout