Hlonori-ig the past, shaping the future
celebrates UF's first 150 years
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PHOTOS (clockwise from top left): A student listens to CDs in the Music Library; Main arch-
way by Sledd Hall looking north, Thomas Hall on right, ca. 1940. Photo from University Archives
(Burgert Bros. Studio); 1963 photo of the one-millionth-volume, The Great Bible, from 1541.
Shown are English professor Charles A. Robertson, Stanley West, director of University Libraries,
and J. Wayne Reitz, University of Florida president; UF Libraries Director Dale Canelas accepts
a "check" from UF Athletics Director Jeremy Foley at the February 25, 2003 basketball game for
the purchase of the four-millionth-volume, Urania Propitia by Maria Cunitz, 1650; University
Library, ca. 1925-31 (now Smathers Library).