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For more information on the Africana
Collection, please contact:
Peter Malanchuk, Africana Bibliographer
Daniel A. Reboussin, Ph.D.
George A. Smathers Libraries
Dept. of Special & Area Studies Collections
P.O. Box 117001
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611-7001 USA
Tel. (352) 273-2642; Fax (352) 273-2632
An equal opportunity institution
The University of Florida's George A.
Smathers Libraries' Africana Collection
has been developed and managed to
support the past, ongoing and future
needs of UF's Center for African Studies, one of
the most active and well regarded such centers
in the US. Ours is the only US Department of
Education Title VI Center for African Studies in
the southeastern US. One of eleven African
Studies centers supported by a National
Resource Center grant, it facilitates and sup-
ports the rapidly expanding range of graduate
and professional research on Africa in as many
as thirty departments in ten of the university's
seventeen colleges.
The Africana Collection is recognized as a
unique resource within our libraries, ranking
among the best such collections in the US. It
numbers upwards of 120,000 circulating and
non-circulating book volumes and over 500
journal titles published in many languages and
dispersed throughout the libraries on campus.
Monographs and serials, audio and video
recordings, newspapers, microfilm, rare books
and manuscripts, modern as well as antique
maps and atlases, computer data files, govern-
ment documents and a variety of other formats
support research and teaching programs. These
include disciplinary topics from the natural
sciences and applied fields such as agriculture
to the social sciences, humanities and profes-
sions. Reflecting the great breadth and depth of
these academic and professional programs, the
Africana Collection facilitates the interdiscipli-
nary and applied approaches to the study of the
continent, its flora and fauna, peoples and
cultures, natural resources and wildlife for
which our programs are best known.
The collection is fully cataloged, with records
searchable via the online library catalog. Online
services provide ease of access to the collection
from off campus
sites through an
array of library
lending consortia
such as the
Association of
Libraries, the
Center for
Research Libraries
(and its
Project), the
Research Libraries Group, Research Library
Information Network, SOLINET (the
regional administrative unit for OCLC), the
Association of Southeast Research Libraries
and the State University Libraries of Florida.