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- Permanent Link:
- https://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00083190/00001
Material Information
- Title:
- Cinderella and the glass slipper Beauty and the beast
- Alternate title:
- Beauty and the beast
- Creator:
- W.B. Conkey Company ( Publisher )
- Place of Publication:
- New York ;
- Publisher:
- W.B. Conkey Company
- Publication Date:
- c1896
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- [12] p. : ill. ; 29 cm.
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Fairy tales -- 1896 ( rbgenr )
Bldn -- 1896
- Genre:
- Fairy tales ( rbgenr )
fiction ( marcgt )
- Spatial Coverage:
- United States -- New York -- New York
United States -- Illinois -- Chicago
- Target Audience:
- juvenile ( marctarget )
- General Note:
- Cover title.
- General Note:
- Text begins and ends on p. [2] and [3] of paper cover.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact The Department of Special and Area Studies Collections (special@uflib.ufl.edu) with any additional information they can provide.
- Resource Identifier:
- 027415520 ( ALEPH )
40801605 ( OCLC ) ALK9703 ( NOTIS )
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New YORK —
ie. she had to do their hair and help
"HERE were once three sisters, named Cordelia, Katharina
and Ella. The two elder sisters were very fine ladies
indeed, they dressed in smart clothes, and did nothing all day but
Band story books and look at themselves in mirrors,
2 and then in the y “~ evening they went to a ball
cc or concert. Ella never went,
yr she had to sweep and even
clean the grates, and some-
times she got very dusty
from the ashes, and so her
sisters called her Cinderella,
and other people thought
that was her right name
and called her so too.
, Poor little Cinderella, she
f “ had to work very hard, and
her sisters were very Wg unkind to
her, and ree she was always very tired, 7@ ie
them dress. Well, one evening the \Q OE
two sisters had gone to a very gAhH! ASS
grand ball, given by the King, and
Cinderella was sitting thinking how
much she would have liked to have ;
gone too, when her godmother, who pe
was a Fairy, came to her and geez
asked her why she was looking
so sad.
. The poor little girl told her. “Oh,†said the Fairy,
“is that, |
. alle Go and fetch me a pumpkin, and, if there |
= are any mice and rats in the traps, bring them,
, too, and some lizards.†Cinderella did as
her godmother told her. She brought a
big pumpkin from the garden, two fine
rats, Six mice and six lizards. The Fairy
touched them with her wand, and then,
O wonderful! The pumpkin was changed
into a lovely carriage, the mice into white
‘horses with wavy tails and manes, the rats into
coachman and footman, and the
lizards into page boys. It was a most
beautiful turnout. “Now,†said the Fairy,
“you can go to the ball.†“Oh, but how
in this dress, godmother dear r†said
Cinderella, looking at her shabby
frock. But, while she looked, it
was a shabby frock no longer; it
turned into a costly silk gown, and
there she saw, not poor little
crumpled, dusty Cinderella, but a meg “F oR
lovely maiden, dressed in beautiful clothes, ENN
everything quite perfect except her shoes, which were clumsy
and old. Cinderella gave a little gasp of pleasure, and then a little
sigh of sorrow as she looked at her shoes, but she
ee .soon cheered up, for her godmother gave her a
ee, pair of slippers, oh, such pretty slippers, made
NEXEA ENS of glass. “Put these on,†said the Fairy,
“and you will be able to dance as grace-
fully as, if you had been to dancing classes
all your life.†Then Cinderella got into her
= grand carriage, and was driven to the
King’s Palace. As she was. starting
_ the Fairy said, “Be sure you come
home before twelve, for as soon
_as the clock strikes, your carriage
will vanish and your fine clothes.â€
: Everybody at the Palace
was astonished when they saw
such a grand lady; they did not
know who she was at all, even
Cinderella’s sisters did not
know her. The Prince fell in
love with her at once, and he
would dance with no one else.
‘offered them some
fruit, ne Still they did not know who
she was, and they felt very proud
that she should notice them. She
remembered what her god-
mother had said and reached
home before twelve o'clock. 2
Presently her sisters came in,
and they could talk of nothing.
but the beautiful fair lady. Next,
night they went to a ball at the
Palace again, and Cinderella wen
too, and looked still more beau
tiful and she was so happy with
the Prince that she quite forge
the time until the hands of th
clock pointed to five minutes
twelve. Gee ae ran off in a “great hurry, but the Palace
was aE so big, that before she had reached the
: MS Y Uf entrance it struck twelve, and the guard
, at the door could not think how it was
such a shabby girl had got in, for all
ae clothes were old now,
m except her glass slippers and
one of these she had dropped
on the stairs in her haste.
Well, the Prince was not at
all pleased when his beautiful
partner ran away from him
such a hurry, and he
went after her, but he
: “ was only in time to Ape
pick up her little slipper. He was very unhappy che
indeed, as the days went past and he saw i
nothing more of the lady he loved so
dearly. He put the slipper on a velvet
cushion under a glass shade, and he used ©
to stand and gaze
at it, and quite
forgot to eat, and
he got so thin and ole
pale that the King and Queen did not
know what to do to comfort him, for
although they had asked lots and lots
of people, nobody knew anything
-about the beautiful lady. But one
day a happy thought came to the
Prince. He was standing looking at the
slipper, thinking how tiny it was, and that he had
a os Fe
SS =
= =
never seen any lady with a foot that it would
fit. “Why,†he exclaimed, “perhaps
by that | can find out to whom it
belongs!†So he sent out a herald
with a trumpet, and a little page
boy with the glass slipper on the =
velvet cushion. The herald blew a
“too-ra-loo-ra-loo,†and then called AL |
‘out: in a very loud voice that
any lady whom the glass
slipper would fit , should be the Prince’s wife. And this the
herald did in every street. And all the ladies ran and
begged him to 4 let them try it on. But although they
Bes twisted their feet into- all kinds of
2, A = Wy shapes, and screwed up their toes
ql till they got the cramp, they could
not get that slipper on, for it was
a fairy slipper and would only fit
the person to whom it belonged.
At last the herald came to the
street where Cinderella lived.
When the two elder sisters heard
what ea VL s
he cried out, they were wild with G-% ie aT
excitement, and when he came into - ton
the house, oh, how they squeezed
and squeezed their feet trying to
get them into the slipper. Cinderella
stood watching them, and at last she said, “psx
“Let me try, please. » “Stupid girl,†said Qui
the sisters, “fancy you trying; why look at eff
your big, clumsy shoe. Go and wash your _.. [MJ
dishes.†But the herald said: ~ beter
try, the Prince commanded me to “
refuse none.†>
So Cinderella sat down, and
without any trouble put her
foot into the slipper, and out of
her pocket she took the mate
toit. Then the Fairy came and
touched her with her wand, ,
and once more she was dressed :
in beautiful clothes, and every
one knew she was the lovely
lady at the ball. And her
sisters fell down on their knees
and begged her pardon for
using her so badly, for they
were frightened now that they © oe oUF
knew she would some day be Queen. Cinderella forgave
them gladly, and when they saw
how kind and good she still
was, they made up their minds
to try to be like her.
The Herald hastened back
to the Palace and told the
Prince how he had traveled
far and wide and how a great
many ladies had tried to put
the slipper on but had failed,
but that at last he came to a
house where a lovely girl lived,
with her two sisters, and that
when she tried the slipper it
went on at once. The Prmee
was greatly pleased and sent the
royal carriage drawn by six snow white horses, |
and gaily decked in plumes and tassels, and
with footmen and pages, to bring the
beautiful young lady, which proved to
be Cinderella.
When Cinderella arrived, the -
Prince took her by the hand
and led her into the Palace, and
the King and Queen and all the
Lords and Ladies of the court came to welcome
her. After the Prince and Cinderella were
married there was a grand supper and
a magnificent ball. The Prince was so delighted that the next
day he gave a grand feast to all the peasantry, and every one
rejoiced to see that the Prince had been restored. to health
and had. secured such a lovely bride. )
Cinderella went among the poor people like a good Samaritan
and was dearly loved by every one. The two sisters that
had treated oe so badly were enchanted by her kind disposi-
HOM aiid) Very Soon
became more like her,
and was far happier
tmameeney had: ever
been before.
The Prince and
Cinderella built many
additions to the elegant
Palace, and lived very.
happy ever after.
[peas pore ERD
Beauty and the Beast. :
(.)NCE upon a time, there lived a rich mer-
| chant, who had a great many ships,
but one after another all of them were
wrecked, so that he became quite poor, @
and had to go and live in a little cottage. 4
His youngest daughter loved him
dearly; she tried all she could to a
make him happy, and she did all the ‘
house work, for they were too poor to
keep a servant; but-his other two
daughters were proud and_ unloving,
and they were always grumbling and
saying unkind things to their youngest
sister. One day the sisters were sitting
SS in the garden, when an old woman came
| =i) and begged for something to drink.
le The two elder girls answered that
they were not going to wait on old
a _ beggar women, but Beauty went at
= once and fetched a glass of milk.
3) The old woman was very grateful,
Cy) and told her that if her father
L yi went to a certain country
oe Ze fo ee he would find his ships
aS 7 and be rich once more.
Then she vanished—for she
was really a fairy—and Beauty
ran with joy to tell her father.
“But father, dear†she said, “don’t go;
better be poor and happy than
that you should go into danger.â€
“Stupid girl,†cried her sisters,
“of course father will go; won’t
you, father?†“Yes,†said the
merchant, and then he asked
his daughters what they would
like him to bring them for
_ presents. “Oh!†said the eldest,
“Tl should like a necklace of
The second sister wished for
a velvet robe covered with
“Now, my Beauty,†said the
merchant, “what shall I bring yourâ€
“I want nothing, dear father,†said
She, except to see you safe: back
again; but if you really wish to
bring me a present, let 1 -be a
white rose.â€
The merchant set off and
he found his ships; then he
turned towards home having
bought the presents for his
two elder daughters, but he
had not found the white rose
for Beauty. One night he
missed his way, and when
morning dawned he was at
the gates of a beautiful garden.
oo Tn the garden he saw a lovely white rose tree;
= he went in, and had just gathered a rose when
Xe he heard a deep, deep voice saying, “Who
ve Steals my roses must die!†He turned
s< round, and saw a great Beast. The poor
father fell. on his knees, and begged for
forgiveness. But the Beast said he must
certainly die unless his daughter Beauty
were willing to be killed in his stead.
At home, the sisters were wondering
why their father did not come, and one
* night Beauty dreamed of all that had
$ ‘ happened to him. She awoke in tears, and
lie found a beautiful fairy at her bedside. Beauty
told. the fairy why she was crying, and said that she longed to
die for her father, and the fairy bade her go to sleep again and all
would be well.
Beauty did so, and in the
herself in the garden of the
wandered round a long
time seeing nobody, and
then she went into the
palace. In one of the rooms
“was a magic mirror, and
in it she saw her father
arriving at home, so she
was happy knowing that
he was safe. Then in
another room she met the
Beast. But he was not at
all fierce and cruel, he was
very kind; he did not kill
Beauty, but let her live on in
morning she found
Beast’s palace. She
his beautiful palace, and every day he
came to see her, and she grew quite fond
of him. One day he said, “Beauty, will
you be my wifer†“Oh, no, dear Beast,
please,†said Beauty, “I couldn't.â€
The Beast looked very sad, but a
he was just as kind to her as q@eeggmail
ever, and one day she told him in
she did so want to see her iis
father again, so the Beast gave Aq
her a ring, and said, “Put this Of
under your pillow to-night, Sy
and when you wake up you — ai g , ,
will be at home, but be sure you. *â€_- come back in ten days;
it you don’t I shall die.†Beauty was very, very happy next.
morning when she found herself at home. Her father was very
much delighted to see her, but her sisters turned quite green with
envy when they heard that she lived in a beautiful palace. The
days went by so happily and quickly that Beauty lost count of
them, and when she asked her sisters one day
how long she had been home, they told her
eight days, when it was really ten; they
told her so not because they loved her
and wished to Keep her at home, but
because they were jealous of what
they called her good fortune. That
night Beauty had a terrible
dream, she dreamed that the
, Beast was dying; directly she
ge woke up, oh, so sad, she put
i i,
the magic ring under her pillow, and
in the morning was back at the
palace. She ran through all the
rooms, but nowhere could she
‘find her dear Beast. At last in
the garden she saw him lying, |
almost dead. She hurried to a
spring and got some water,
~ which she sprinkled over him.
Then the Beast revived a little.
“Beauty, will you marry mee†|
ne said. “Yes, dear Beast, |
will,†cried Beauty, for she was
so sorry for him. Then there “¥5
was a great rumbling, and there where -
the Beast had been, stood a handsome
young Prince. He told Beauty that
a long time ago he lived in a great
palace, and had servants and
horses and jewelry and every-
thing that should make one con-
tented and happy; but as all of
these things were very common
to him, and as he had had every
wish gratified, he was discontented,
and that one day, while playing
in the garden he had wished that —
_ he was an animal in place of being
a prince, so that he would not have
to mind any one, or dress up, or do
anything that he did not want to.
; scarcely had he made the wish
before a fairy stood before
him and asked him what
kind of an animal he would
like tobe. The Prince said
that he would like to be a
pet bear, and immediately
she waived her wand over
him and he was turned
into a bear, and the fairy
told him that he should be a Beast until some. maiden had
promised to marry him.
As he grew larger he became a nuisance around the Palace
grounds, and that his father, the King, had sent him to this place,
where Beauty had found him, for safe keeping. He was very
unhappy and wished many, many times that he could be once
more a Prince, and that he would certainly never wish for any-
thing else.
So the Prince and Beauty were married, aN
and Beauty wore a lovely white satin gown, gr INS
trimmed with jewels and lace, but ) ey a
she would have no flowers except y 4M
the white roses which grew in
the Prince’s garden, “for,â€
she, “it is a white rose that
has brought me this happi- ,4
ness.†Andthenthe Prince s AS,
took her to a Palace far,
far grander than the one
ins ; a Wes
nt "
“This,†said he, “is the palace I
he fed lived in when he was a Beast.
lived in before the fairy
changed me into a Beast,
and it is here that we will
live and be happy.â€
Every one was de-
lighted at the Prince’s
return, and a grand ball
was given in honor of :
his bride. Beauty and the ee were eee happy. The
next day, as Beauty was strolling in the garden, she said to
herself: “Oh, I wish I could see my father.†Out stepped the
fairy from among the flowers and said: “Your father is now in
the palace.†Beauty started to see her father, but before she had
got far she remembered her two sisters, and turning to the fairy
she said: “Fairy, dear, where are my two sisters?†The fairy
replied. that for their jealous and unkind disposition she had
mune them into stone to be placed on pedestals at the palace
A gate. Beauty was very sad to hear this
about her sisters, but the fairy assured her
that they would be happy at some future
time, and told her to go at once, as
her father was waiting for her. As.
=» Beauty reached the palace
Steps she saw her father
fy) standing in the door. She
at Kc kissed him and told him how
glad she was to see him, and
that from that time he was
to live with herself and the
Prince at the palace.
5 AN
. eae re
Full Text |
New YORK —
ie. she had to do their hair and help
"HERE were once three sisters, named Cordelia, Katharina
and Ella. The two elder sisters were very fine ladies
indeed, they dressed in smart clothes, and did nothing all day but
Band story books and look at themselves in mirrors,
2 and then in the y “~ evening they went to a ball
cc or concert. Ella never went,
yr she had to sweep and even
clean the grates, and some-
times she got very dusty
from the ashes, and so her
sisters called her Cinderella,
and other people thought
that was her right name
and called her so too.
, Poor little Cinderella, she
f “ had to work very hard, and
her sisters were very Wg unkind to
her, and ree she was always very tired, 7@ ie
them dress. Well, one evening the \Q OE
two sisters had gone to a very gAhH! ASS
grand ball, given by the King, and
Cinderella was sitting thinking how
much she would have liked to have ;
gone too, when her godmother, who pe
was a Fairy, came to her and geez
asked her why she was looking
so sad.
. The poor little girl told her. “Oh,†said the Fairy,
“is that, |
. alle Go and fetch me a pumpkin, and, if there |
= are any mice and rats in the traps, bring them,
, too, and some lizards.†Cinderella did as
her godmother told her. She brought a
big pumpkin from the garden, two fine
rats, Six mice and six lizards. The Fairy
touched them with her wand, and then,
O wonderful! The pumpkin was changed
into a lovely carriage, the mice into white
‘horses with wavy tails and manes, the rats into
coachman and footman, and the
lizards into page boys. It was a most
beautiful turnout. “Now,†said the Fairy,
“you can go to the ball.†“Oh, but how
in this dress, godmother dear r†said
Cinderella, looking at her shabby
frock. But, while she looked, it
was a shabby frock no longer; it
turned into a costly silk gown, and
there she saw, not poor little
crumpled, dusty Cinderella, but a meg “F oR
lovely maiden, dressed in beautiful clothes, ENN
everything quite perfect except her shoes, which were clumsy
and old. Cinderella gave a little gasp of pleasure, and then a little
sigh of sorrow as she looked at her shoes, but she
ee .soon cheered up, for her godmother gave her a
ee, pair of slippers, oh, such pretty slippers, made
NEXEA ENS of glass. “Put these on,†said the Fairy,
“and you will be able to dance as grace-
fully as, if you had been to dancing classes
all your life.†Then Cinderella got into her
= grand carriage, and was driven to the
King’s Palace. As she was. starting
_ the Fairy said, “Be sure you come
home before twelve, for as soon
_as the clock strikes, your carriage
will vanish and your fine clothes.â€
: Everybody at the Palace
was astonished when they saw
such a grand lady; they did not
know who she was at all, even
Cinderella’s sisters did not
know her. The Prince fell in
love with her at once, and he
would dance with no one else.
‘offered them some
fruit, ne Still they did not know who
she was, and they felt very proud
that she should notice them. She
remembered what her god-
mother had said and reached
home before twelve o'clock. 2
Presently her sisters came in,
and they could talk of nothing.
but the beautiful fair lady. Next,
night they went to a ball at the
Palace again, and Cinderella wen
too, and looked still more beau
tiful and she was so happy with
the Prince that she quite forge
the time until the hands of th
clock pointed to five minutes
twelve. Gee ae ran off in a “great hurry, but the Palace
was aE so big, that before she had reached the
: MS Y Uf entrance it struck twelve, and the guard
, at the door could not think how it was
such a shabby girl had got in, for all
ae clothes were old now,
m except her glass slippers and
one of these she had dropped
on the stairs in her haste.
Well, the Prince was not at
all pleased when his beautiful
partner ran away from him
such a hurry, and he
went after her, but he
: “ was only in time to Ape
pick up her little slipper. He was very unhappy che
indeed, as the days went past and he saw i
nothing more of the lady he loved so
dearly. He put the slipper on a velvet
cushion under a glass shade, and he used ©
to stand and gaze
at it, and quite
forgot to eat, and
he got so thin and ole
pale that the King and Queen did not
know what to do to comfort him, for
although they had asked lots and lots
of people, nobody knew anything
-about the beautiful lady. But one
day a happy thought came to the
Prince. He was standing looking at the
slipper, thinking how tiny it was, and that he had
a os Fe
SS =
= =
never seen any lady with a foot that it would
fit. “Why,†he exclaimed, “perhaps
by that | can find out to whom it
belongs!†So he sent out a herald
with a trumpet, and a little page
boy with the glass slipper on the =
velvet cushion. The herald blew a
“too-ra-loo-ra-loo,†and then called AL |
‘out: in a very loud voice that
any lady whom the glass
slipper would fit , should be the Prince’s wife. And this the
herald did in every street. And all the ladies ran and
begged him to 4 let them try it on. But although they
Bes twisted their feet into- all kinds of
2, A = Wy shapes, and screwed up their toes
ql till they got the cramp, they could
not get that slipper on, for it was
a fairy slipper and would only fit
the person to whom it belonged.
At last the herald came to the
street where Cinderella lived.
When the two elder sisters heard
what ea VL s
he cried out, they were wild with G-% ie aT
excitement, and when he came into - ton
the house, oh, how they squeezed
and squeezed their feet trying to
get them into the slipper. Cinderella
stood watching them, and at last she said, “psx
“Let me try, please. » “Stupid girl,†said Qui
the sisters, “fancy you trying; why look at eff
your big, clumsy shoe. Go and wash your _.. [MJ
dishes.†But the herald said: ~ beter
try, the Prince commanded me to “
refuse none.†>
So Cinderella sat down, and
without any trouble put her
foot into the slipper, and out of
her pocket she took the mate
toit. Then the Fairy came and
touched her with her wand, ,
and once more she was dressed :
in beautiful clothes, and every
one knew she was the lovely
lady at the ball. And her
sisters fell down on their knees
and begged her pardon for
using her so badly, for they
were frightened now that they © oe oUF
knew she would some day be Queen. Cinderella forgave
them gladly, and when they saw
how kind and good she still
was, they made up their minds
to try to be like her.
The Herald hastened back
to the Palace and told the
Prince how he had traveled
far and wide and how a great
many ladies had tried to put
the slipper on but had failed,
but that at last he came to a
house where a lovely girl lived,
with her two sisters, and that
when she tried the slipper it
went on at once. The Prmee
was greatly pleased and sent the
royal carriage drawn by six snow white horses, |
and gaily decked in plumes and tassels, and
with footmen and pages, to bring the
beautiful young lady, which proved to
be Cinderella.
When Cinderella arrived, the -
Prince took her by the hand
and led her into the Palace, and
the King and Queen and all the
Lords and Ladies of the court came to welcome
her. After the Prince and Cinderella were
married there was a grand supper and
a magnificent ball. The Prince was so delighted that the next
day he gave a grand feast to all the peasantry, and every one
rejoiced to see that the Prince had been restored. to health
and had. secured such a lovely bride. )
Cinderella went among the poor people like a good Samaritan
and was dearly loved by every one. The two sisters that
had treated oe so badly were enchanted by her kind disposi-
HOM aiid) Very Soon
became more like her,
and was far happier
tmameeney had: ever
been before.
The Prince and
Cinderella built many
additions to the elegant
Palace, and lived very.
happy ever after.
[peas pore ERD
Beauty and the Beast. :
(.)NCE upon a time, there lived a rich mer-
| chant, who had a great many ships,
but one after another all of them were
wrecked, so that he became quite poor, @
and had to go and live in a little cottage. 4
His youngest daughter loved him
dearly; she tried all she could to a
make him happy, and she did all the ‘
house work, for they were too poor to
keep a servant; but-his other two
daughters were proud and_ unloving,
and they were always grumbling and
saying unkind things to their youngest
sister. One day the sisters were sitting
SS in the garden, when an old woman came
| =i) and begged for something to drink.
le The two elder girls answered that
they were not going to wait on old
a _ beggar women, but Beauty went at
= once and fetched a glass of milk.
3) The old woman was very grateful,
Cy) and told her that if her father
L yi went to a certain country
oe Ze fo ee he would find his ships
aS 7 and be rich once more.
Then she vanished—for she
was really a fairy—and Beauty
ran with joy to tell her father.
“But father, dear†she said, “don’t go;
better be poor and happy than
that you should go into danger.â€
“Stupid girl,†cried her sisters,
“of course father will go; won’t
you, father?†“Yes,†said the
merchant, and then he asked
his daughters what they would
like him to bring them for
_ presents. “Oh!†said the eldest,
“Tl should like a necklace of
The second sister wished for
a velvet robe covered with
“Now, my Beauty,†said the
merchant, “what shall I bring yourâ€
“I want nothing, dear father,†said
She, except to see you safe: back
again; but if you really wish to
bring me a present, let 1 -be a
white rose.â€
The merchant set off and
he found his ships; then he
turned towards home having
bought the presents for his
two elder daughters, but he
had not found the white rose
for Beauty. One night he
missed his way, and when
morning dawned he was at
the gates of a beautiful garden.
oo Tn the garden he saw a lovely white rose tree;
= he went in, and had just gathered a rose when
Xe he heard a deep, deep voice saying, “Who
ve Steals my roses must die!†He turned
s< round, and saw a great Beast. The poor
father fell. on his knees, and begged for
forgiveness. But the Beast said he must
certainly die unless his daughter Beauty
were willing to be killed in his stead.
At home, the sisters were wondering
why their father did not come, and one
* night Beauty dreamed of all that had
$ ‘ happened to him. She awoke in tears, and
lie found a beautiful fairy at her bedside. Beauty
told. the fairy why she was crying, and said that she longed to
die for her father, and the fairy bade her go to sleep again and all
would be well.
Beauty did so, and in the
herself in the garden of the
wandered round a long
time seeing nobody, and
then she went into the
palace. In one of the rooms
“was a magic mirror, and
in it she saw her father
arriving at home, so she
was happy knowing that
he was safe. Then in
another room she met the
Beast. But he was not at
all fierce and cruel, he was
very kind; he did not kill
Beauty, but let her live on in
morning she found
Beast’s palace. She
his beautiful palace, and every day he
came to see her, and she grew quite fond
of him. One day he said, “Beauty, will
you be my wifer†“Oh, no, dear Beast,
please,†said Beauty, “I couldn't.â€
The Beast looked very sad, but a
he was just as kind to her as q@eeggmail
ever, and one day she told him in
she did so want to see her iis
father again, so the Beast gave Aq
her a ring, and said, “Put this Of
under your pillow to-night, Sy
and when you wake up you — ai g , ,
will be at home, but be sure you. *â€_- come back in ten days;
it you don’t I shall die.†Beauty was very, very happy next.
morning when she found herself at home. Her father was very
much delighted to see her, but her sisters turned quite green with
envy when they heard that she lived in a beautiful palace. The
days went by so happily and quickly that Beauty lost count of
them, and when she asked her sisters one day
how long she had been home, they told her
eight days, when it was really ten; they
told her so not because they loved her
and wished to Keep her at home, but
because they were jealous of what
they called her good fortune. That
night Beauty had a terrible
dream, she dreamed that the
, Beast was dying; directly she
ge woke up, oh, so sad, she put
i i,
the magic ring under her pillow, and
in the morning was back at the
palace. She ran through all the
rooms, but nowhere could she
‘find her dear Beast. At last in
the garden she saw him lying, |
almost dead. She hurried to a
spring and got some water,
~ which she sprinkled over him.
Then the Beast revived a little.
“Beauty, will you marry mee†|
ne said. “Yes, dear Beast, |
will,†cried Beauty, for she was
so sorry for him. Then there “¥5
was a great rumbling, and there where -
the Beast had been, stood a handsome
young Prince. He told Beauty that
a long time ago he lived in a great
palace, and had servants and
horses and jewelry and every-
thing that should make one con-
tented and happy; but as all of
these things were very common
to him, and as he had had every
wish gratified, he was discontented,
and that one day, while playing
in the garden he had wished that —
_ he was an animal in place of being
a prince, so that he would not have
to mind any one, or dress up, or do
anything that he did not want to.
; scarcely had he made the wish
before a fairy stood before
him and asked him what
kind of an animal he would
like tobe. The Prince said
that he would like to be a
pet bear, and immediately
she waived her wand over
him and he was turned
into a bear, and the fairy
told him that he should be a Beast until some. maiden had
promised to marry him.
As he grew larger he became a nuisance around the Palace
grounds, and that his father, the King, had sent him to this place,
where Beauty had found him, for safe keeping. He was very
unhappy and wished many, many times that he could be once
more a Prince, and that he would certainly never wish for any-
thing else.
So the Prince and Beauty were married, aN
and Beauty wore a lovely white satin gown, gr INS
trimmed with jewels and lace, but ) ey a
she would have no flowers except y 4M
the white roses which grew in
the Prince’s garden, “for,â€
she, “it is a white rose that
has brought me this happi- ,4
ness.†Andthenthe Prince s AS,
took her to a Palace far,
far grander than the one
ins ; a Wes
nt "
“This,†said he, “is the palace I
he fed lived in when he was a Beast.
lived in before the fairy
changed me into a Beast,
and it is here that we will
live and be happy.â€
Every one was de-
lighted at the Prince’s
return, and a grand ball
was given in honor of :
his bride. Beauty and the ee were eee happy. The
next day, as Beauty was strolling in the garden, she said to
herself: “Oh, I wish I could see my father.†Out stepped the
fairy from among the flowers and said: “Your father is now in
the palace.†Beauty started to see her father, but before she had
got far she remembered her two sisters, and turning to the fairy
she said: “Fairy, dear, where are my two sisters?†The fairy
replied. that for their jealous and unkind disposition she had
mune them into stone to be placed on pedestals at the palace
A gate. Beauty was very sad to hear this
about her sisters, but the fairy assured her
that they would be happy at some future
time, and told her to go at once, as
her father was waiting for her. As.
=» Beauty reached the palace
Steps she saw her father
fy) standing in the door. She
at Kc kissed him and told him how
glad she was to see him, and
that from that time he was
to live with herself and the
Prince at the palace.
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