
Material Information

Aquaphyte newsletter of the IPPC Aquatic Weed Program of the University of Florida, a part of the International Plant Protection Center of the Oregon State University, which is funded by the United States Agency for International Development
Abbreviated Title:
University of Florida -- Center for Aquatic Plants
University of Florida -- IPPC Aquatic Weed Program
University of Florida -- Center for Aquatic Weeds
Place of Publication:
Gainesville FL
The Program
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
v. : ill. ; 28 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Aquatic plants ( lcsh )
newsletters ( aat )
serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marcgt )
Newsletters ( lcsh )


Additional Physical Form:
Also issued online.
Dates or Sequential Designation:
Vol. 1, no. 1 (fall 1981)-
Issuing Body:
Vols. for fall 1982- issued with: University of Florida, Center for Aquatic Weeds.
Issuing Body:
Vols. for <1988-> issued by: University of Florida, Center for Aquatic Plants.
General Note:
Title from caption.
General Note:
Latest issue consulted: Vol. 12, no. 2 (fall 1992).

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
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Resource Identifier:
06513906 ( OCLC )
sc 84007615 ( LCCN )
0893-7702 ( ISSN )


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A Newsletter about Aquatic, Wetland and Invasive Plants

Volume 19 Number 2 Fall 1999
Gainesville, Florida ISSN 0893-7702

Center for Aquatic and
Invasive Plants
Institute of Food and Agricultural
University of Florida
7922 N.W. 71st Street
Gainesville, Florida 32653

with support from
The Florida Department of Environmental
Bureau of Invasive Plant Management

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Waterways Experiment Station,
Aquatic Plant Control Research Program

The St. Johns River Water Management District



Invasives Information Retrieval System

Invasive Plants Lantana, shrub verbena (Lantana camera L.)

Florida Ag Adds 11 -- Nurserymen Give Up 11

No Aquatic Weeds on Jackson Prairie

Odds n' Ends

. Chaise Hyacinth

The Back Page Plea for a Plant Introduction



a sampling of new additions to the APIRSdatabase

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Copyright 1999 University of Florida

About Aquaphyte

This is the newsletter of the Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants and the Aquatic,
Wetland and Invasive Plant Information Retrieval System (APIRS) of the
University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS). Support
for the information system is provided by the Florida Department of Environmental
Protection, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station
Aquatic Plant Control Research Program (APCRP), the St. Johns River Water
Management District and UF/IFAS.

Victor Ramey
Karen Brown

AQUAPHYTE is sent to managers, researchers, and agencies in 71 countries.
Comments, announcements, news items and other information relevant to aquatic
plant research are solicited.

Inclusion in AQUAPHYTE does not constitute endorsement, nor does exclusion
represent criticism of any item, organization, individual, or institution by the
University of Florida.

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Copyright 1999 University of Florida

Invasives Information Retrieval System

The APIRS office, long known for its information gathering and dissemination
relating to aquatic plants, native and non-native, has widened its focus to include
invasive plants of uplands as well. In fact, the research center of which APIRS is a
part has changed its name to the Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants. Many of
the researchers associated with the Center are already well known for their work on
invasive plants.

As a first step, APIRS database manager,
Karen Brown, and reader, Mary Langeland,
have begun collecting the literature of the
invasive plants on the two lists of the Florida
Exotic Pest Plant Council (FLEPPC), as well as
the Noxious Weed List of the Florida Department
of Agriculture and Consumer Services
(FDOACS). The FLEPPC lists are Category I
plants (that are invading and disrupting native
habitats, 65 species) and Category II plants (that
have shown a potential to disrupt native habitats,
60 species). FLEPPC:
The FDOACS lists 63 species, some of which are
in common with the FLEPPC lists. (FDOACS:

Support is being sought to expand our
information gathering and dissemination
capabilities more quickly, so that the literature on
additional plants on "invasives and noxious lists"
of other states and countries can be collected, cataloged, disseminated and used.

Already, several hundred researchers routinely contribute their articles and
reports for inclusion in the APIRS system and database. Other researchers and

authors who work on invasive plants, and who may not be aware of our established
system, are encouraged to join our modest partnership. Works will be entered into
our science library and central source for aquatics and invasives literature. In
exchange, our information and referral services will remain free of charge to our
contributors, as they have been for the past 18 years. For more information, contact
Karen Brown at

As was the case for aquatic plants, projects manager Victor Ramey is building a
thorough collection of photographs and line drawings of invasive plants. These
and other resources are being used to develop all kinds of information and education
products, from museum backdrops to ID decks, from invasives posters to coloring
books, from magazine articles to homeowner slide shows.

And, of course, our web site is expanding its content as well. So far, fairly extensive
information about 16 invasive plants is online at our site. There also are pictures and
drawings of a number of other invasive plants. See it all at:

APIRS has a new color catalog with full descriptions of our free and for-sale
products and services. Included are database instructions, lists of plants featured in
various publications, full lists of available slides and drawings, and ordering
information. Contact the APIRS office for a copy of the new catalog: CAIP-

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Copyright 1999 University of Florida

Invasive Plants

Lantana, shrub verbena
Lantana camera L.

by Victor Ramey, U.F. Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants

"There grow on this island many curious shrubs, particularly a beautiful species of
lantana. It grows in coppices in old fields, about five or six feet high, the branches adorned
with rough serrated leaves, which sit opposite, and the twigs terminated with
umbelliferous tufts of orange-colored blossoms, which are succeeded by a cluster of small
blue berries; the flowers are of various colors, on the same plant, and even in the same
cluster, as crimson, scarlet, orange and golden yellow; the whole plant is of a most
agreeable scent."

from The Travels of William Bartram, his observations of lantana in 1773 while exploring
the islands of Lake George in northern Florida.

L antana camera, lantana, and its many
cultivated varieties, has a mixed reputation.
On one hand, lantana is listed by Holm et al. as
one of the worst weeds in all the world: a thicket-
forming menace in 47 countries that has "infested
millions of hectares of natural grazing
lands" (especially in Asia and Africa) and that is
a weed in 14 major crops including coffee, oil
palms, coconuts, cotton, bananas, pineapples,
sugarcane, sandalwood, tea, rubber and rice. In
Indonesia, lantana is the most dominant species among 54 species found on the east
slope of the Candikuning pine plantation. Reportedly, in India the lantana invasion
in some places has been so complete as to require the moving of several entire

villages. In Hawaii, several hundred thousand acres are infested with lantana;
lantana infests four million acres in Australia. What's more, Lantana camera leaves
and fruit (green and mature) are very toxic, having been blamed in the deaths of
animals as diverse as livestock, parrots, rabbits and snakes, as well as humans.

On the other hand, Lantana camera and its varieties frequently are planted in the U.
S. to attract butterflies, is planted to herald the arrival of spring at Boston Garden,
and is still considered one of the "10 favorite plants of Malaysians." In the US, some
nurseries tout lantana as a native plant; it is sold over the internet from companies in
Ohio, Texas and New Mexico. According to Indian research, there is evidence that
lantana extracts could be used for weed control in rice.

Notwithstanding Bartram's observations of lantana in Florida more than 200 years
ago, Lantana camera is listed as a Category I non-native, invasive plant by the
Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council (FLEPPC). (However, lantana is not listed on the
Noxious Weed List of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs
(FDACS).) FLEPPC believes lantana to be a native of the West Indies, not of
Florida. Others believe it to be from Argentina.

Lantana camaraL. deciduous shrubto 6 ft. tall; stemssquare, covered with bristly hairs,
often with thorns and/or small prickles; leavesopposite, simple, with petioles (leaf stems),
strongly aromatic; leaf bladesoval, rough, hairy to 6 in. long, to 2.5 in. wide, veins
conspicuous; leaf marginscoarsely serrate; inflorescensea stalked dense cluster of
flowers; flowerssmall, multicolored, in a single cluster, may be white to pink or lavender,
yellow to orange or red, color changing over time; fruitsmall, round, fleshy, 2-seeded
drupe, green turning purple to blue-black.

Lantana camera grows well in full-sun disturbed places, but also grows well
under shade. It is a long-lived plant, and can form dense thickets in pastures,
forests and along fence lines. It prefers well-drained soils, and, once established,
requires only infrequent watering. It is spread by birds as well as humans. Lantana
leaves are damaged at 27 degrees F. Lantana is allelopathic; it releases chemicals
into the soil to prevent other plants from germinating. Lantana is not easy to control.
Experience shows that burning, cutting and digging lantana often results in
increased germination and more shoot growth. As for biological control
possibilities, various arthropods and fungal pathogens have been or are being tested.

case is
by the fact
that this state
has at least
two species of
believed to be
Lantana depressa, Florida lantana, and Lantana involucrata, wild sage. Florida
lantana, an endangered plant, has yellow flowers and tapered leaves. It is believed
that Lantana camera hybridizes with Florida lantana, thus contaminating the Florida
lantana gene pool. It is not easy to tell just by looking whether a plant is a 100%
Lantana camera or a 50% Lantana depressa. Sales and plantings of lantana hybrids
of many colors further complicate the scenario. The other lantana native to Florida,
wild sage (L. involucrata), is decidedly less showy, having small whitish yellow-
centered flowers and smaller, rounder leaves. Finally, another non-native lantana,
Lantana montevidensis, trailing lantana, is sold to homeowners throughout the state.
Its all-mauve lantana flowers are becoming more familiar, although L.
montevidensis does not seem to be invasive.

Some Lantana species references from the APIRS invasive plant database:

Gentle, C.B. and J.A. Duggin. 1997. Allelopathy as a competitive strategy in
persistent thickets of Lantana camera L. in three Australian forest communities.
Plant Ecology 132: 84-95.
Greathead, D.J. 1973. Progress in the biological control of Lantana camera in East
Africa and discussion of problems raised by the unexpected reaction of some of the
more promising insects of Sesamum indicum. pp. 89-92 in Dunn, P.H. (ed.), Proc.
2nd Int. Symp. Biol. Control Weeds. Comm. Inst. Biol. Control Misc. Publ. 6. 225
Holm, L.G., Plucknett, D.L., et al. 1977. The world's worst weeds distribution
and biology. University Press of Hawaii. 609 pp.
Langeland, K.A. and Craddock Burks, K. (eds.) 1998. Identification & biology of

non-native plants in Florida's natural areas. University of Florida, Gainesville. 165
Wolfson, S.L. and T.W. Solomons. 1964. Poisoning by fruit of Lantana camera.
Am J. Dis. Child, 107: 109-112.

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Copyright 1999 University of Florida

Florida Ag Adds 11
Nurserymen Give Up 11

Eleven terrestrial weeds were recently added to the official "Noxious Weed List"
of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDOACS). The
Noxious Weed List prohibits introducing, possessing, moving, growing and selling
these species. The full list can be seen at

The 11 new terrestrial weeds added to the official noxious weeds list are:

Air potato (Dioscorea bulbifera)
Burma reed (Neyraudia reynaudiana)
Carrotwood (Cupaniopsis anacardioides)
Downy rose myrtle (Rhodomyrtus
Japanese climbing fern (Lygodium
Kudzu (Pueraria montana)
Small-leaved climbing fern (Lygodium .
Sewer-vine (Paederia cruddasiana)
Skunk-vine (Paederiafoetida) *"_g. ..
Wetland nightshade (Solanum
White yam (Dioscorea alata)

The Florida Nurserymen and Growers Association (FNGA) has decided to
encourage its members to voluntarily phase out the growing and selling of 11

species of plants identified as being invasive in Florida. The 11 came from a list of
especially invasive plants as determined by the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council
(FLEPPC). The full list can be seen at

Ten of these plants are not officially banned by the state of Florida, carrotwood
being the exception. The 11 plants the nurserymen have agreed to phase out are:

Woman's tongue (Albizia lebbeck)
Orchid tree (Bauhinia variegata)
Bischofia (Bischofiajavanica)
Carrotwood (Cupaniopsis anacardioides)
Cat's claw vine (Macfadyena unguis-cati)
Chinaberry (Melia azedarach)
Sword fern (Nephrolepis cordifolia)
Guava (Psidium guajava)
Oyster plant (Rhoeo spathacea)
Java plum (Syzygium cumini)
Seaside mahoe (Thespesiapopulnea)

Other non-native plants sold by nurseries, such as lantana, ardisia and nandina,
also have been declared to be invasive by the FLEPPC. The nurserymen have not
decided to cease selling these plants. But that's another story...

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Copyright 1999 University of Florida

No Aquatic Weeds
On Jackson Prairie

Aquatic, Wetland and Invasive Plant
University of Florida form
Information Retrieval System

S.Jackson Prairie [Lake Jackson], Florida

Outstanding Florida Water Body, Lake Jackson (Tallahassee), is known
nationally as a premiere bass fishing lake. And over the years, aquatic weed and water quality concerns
in the lake have been the subject of countless homeowners' meetings and of primary interest to lake
management personnel. However, its bass reputation and aquatic weed problems became much less
consequential on September 16, 1999 when a sink hole suddenly drained more than half the lake of
every last gallon of water, not to mention every last fish and alligator. It is now possible to walk from
shore to shore--but steer clear of the sink hole.

Jess Van Dyke, long-time regional biologist with the Bureau of Invasive Plant Management (Florida
Department of Environmental Protection) was there when it happened. "It was spectacular: animals
trying to scramble out; a whirlpool of gators, birds and bass went down the hole," said Van Dyke. Lake
Jackson is one of Florida's disappearing lakes, lakes with sinkholes that are known to drain periodically.
Lake Jackson, for example, has drained 4 times previously in the 20th century, in 1907, 1933, 1957,
1982 and now in 1999.

"Our records show that in 1982 the lake refilled from rainfall within about 6 months. In 1957 there was a
drought, so it took much longer to refill. It's all about long term rainfall patterns," says Van Dyke. It is
expected that the lake will eventually collect water and again become a top-notch fishing lake.

For more information, contact Jess Van Dyke, the regional biologist for the northwest Florida region
(which includes Lake Jackson), at Bureau of Invasive Plant Management, 3900 Commonwealth Blvd,
Tallahassee, FL 32399; (850) 245-2809.

Here are pics of ex-Lake Jackson in no particular order; pics include some taken on that fateful day in
September 1999 (even though they're mis-dated as 2002), and some taken 3 years later, in September
2002. The pics below include some that feature some employees of the Tallahassee offices of the
Bureau of Invasive Plant Management.


k 1000' aerial of sinkhole

tseer with telephone

ISightseers without telephones

IN Stranded lotus (Nelumbo lutea) on
Jackson Prairie)

EBess Van Dvke perilously close to the

SWaterfall into the sinkhole

1200' aerial of sinkhole

Vil that's left is mud

Pedestriaiins, including Drew Leslie

Greg Jubinsky joins Jess Van Dyke
in the mud

ess Van Dyke also works inside


JFlorida Photo Sets

4Single Florida Scenes

4Animal Scenes

- Plant Scenes


Copyright 1999 University of Florida

Odds n' Ends

Giant salvinia (Salvinia molesta) is invading the United States, and has now been
identified in Texas, Louisiana, Florida and Arizona. A biological agent, the beetle,
Cyrtobagous salviniae, now is being evaluated for use against the dreaded aquatic
weed to see if the beetle might be as successful against U.S. infestations as it has
been elsewhere. Dr. Philip Tipping (USDA-ARS, Ft. Lauderdale) has begun
distributing the beetle at sites in Louisiana and eastern Texas. Besides wanting to
know about new infestations of giant salvinia, he also wants to find new sites of
Salvinia minima where he finds natural populations of the salvinia beetle for
collection and distribution. Dr. Tipping can be contacted at (954) 475-0541 X 104,
or by E-mail: ptipping2

The Weedo Grande River. Unhappy river users in Texas have complained to
Texas Governor George W. Bush about the aquatic weed problems that occur on the
Rio Grande River near Brownsville. Mr. Benny Berger has sent us pictures of the
hydrilla and water hyacinth infestation, saying that citizens are disgusted and that
the Border Patrol got their boat stuck in the plants. He states that the plants grow
about 6" per day. Mr. Berger can be contacted at 36 River Bend Drive, Brownsville,
TX 78520; E-mail: benber(

The Invasive Woody Plants in the Tropics Research Group, based at the
University of Wales (Bangor, UK), has produced a global review of invasions, and
has prepared a number of recommendations for management and control Their web
site includes papers on invading trees and case histories, as well as
recommendations and contacts.

The Hillsborough County (Florida) Lake Atlas is available online. This very
well done, logically arranged web site presents an interactive map, a tour of Tampa-
area lakes, lake management "volunteer opportunities", and Lakewatch data. Go to

The Estuarine Research Foundation is an "international organization whose

purpose is to promote research in estuaries and coastal waters" and "be available as
a source of advice in matters concerning estuaries and the coastal zone." Their web
site is:

Other new interesting photo and information features can be found at the Center
for Aquatic and Invasive Plant web site. Particulars and photos of more than 150
plant species: plus Fakahatchee Strand and
wild ghost orchid pictures: plus 16
particularly invasive plants: plus Pics of 22
north Florida springs:

Plant Talk is an interesting quarterly magazine with "news and views on plant
conservation worldwide". The beautifully designed and illustrated magazine
features articles and editorials about the conservation of plants around the world and
includes notices and reviews of books and meetings. The subscription price is US
$28 for individuals and US$68 for institutions. Orders from the Americas: Plant
Talk, POB 354841, Palm Coast, FL 32135-4841. Orders from the rest of the world:
Plant Talk, POB 500, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, KT2 5XB, United Kingdom.
For more information, contact Plant Talk at E-mail: plant-talk(

High quality scans of images of the flora of Spain and Portugal are available on
CD from Professor Francisco Perez Raya of the University of Granada in Spain. To
see examples of the images of more than 1,000 plant taxa, visit their web site: http:// or contact them by E-mail:

You've got to know about FICMNEW. The Federal Interagency Committee for
the Management of Noxious and Exotic Weeds is the committee of federal agency
employees most interested in noxious, exotic, non-native, non-indigenous (etc.)
weeds. View their web site, read the President's Executive Order on Invasive
Species, learn about the national invasive species strategy:

More lists, noxious weeds and rare and endangered plants from the Florida
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS), along with their
associated rules for possession and propagation can be read and downloaded from
the FDACS web site:

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Copyright 1999 University of Florida

Chaise Hyacinth

U unless you've been on Lake Victoria lately, or here in Florida thirty years ago,
it may be difficult to imagine a water hyacinth infestation: floating plants, growing
to three feet high, bunched tightly by the wind, upwards of 200 tons of plant mass
per acre, covering an entire lake or river shore to shore--even large boats can
become immobilized. Certainly, fishing and other commerce comes to a halt. On
Lake Victoria, more than once water hyacinth has clogged the intake pipes to the
power station that supplies Kampala, the capital city of Uganda. No electricity to
Kampala. In fact, much of the world's second-largest freshwater lake, which
provides fish and accommodates commerce for Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda, is
socked in by miles and miles of extra-large "bull" hyacinths.

In the war against water hyacinths, officials have introduced Neochetina weevils as
biological controls, and have hired a huge grinding machine to break up the gigantic
mats. Depending on whom you ask, herbicides may or may not have been employed
as well.

Then there's the Water Hyacinth Utilization Project (WHUP), a "sustainable use"
project devised to exploit the silver lining of the infestation by using water hyacinths
to create jobs. According to Ms. Carolyne Odhiambo, WHUP Coordinator, 60
workers, mostly disadvantaged women, are using the plentiful menace to produce
chairs, tables, baskets and shades, paper, books, cards and gift items. WHUP is
under the auspices of KICK, a non-governmental organization that aims to develop
small enterprises, and is supported by the Department for International Development
of Great Britain. Ms. Odhiambo provided us with these photographs of artisans and
items made from water hyacinth.

For more information, contact WHUP and KICK, POB 284, Kisumu, KENYA.

See the latest big story on water hyacinth in the Washington Post, Wednesday,
September 22, 1999, page A25.

For a new book on practical uses of water hyacinth, see Use Water Hyacinth!
under Books/Reports

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Copyright 1999 University of Florida

Plea for a Plant Introduction

In 1882, an appeal was made for the introduction of Typha latifolia to Tasmania for
the purpose of constructing buoyant life-saving mattresses for use onboard ships.
Such devices were being used on Italian vessels at the time. The Victorian Humane
Society of Melbourne tested the mattress and found that it could easily support two
persons on the water, so they decided to promote the introduction into the colony of
the plant those mattresses were stuffed with. Doubt was expressed on the
profitability of this introduction since Typha latifolia already occurred in Tasmania.
It was remarked that "attention should be first directed to the species to be found
naturally on the island." However it was argued that, "The many lamentable
disasters at sea and deplorable shipwrecks, which from time to time cause a thrill of
horror like an electric shock to pervade the community, demand the adoption of
every possible precaution against such dire calamities; and simple as this remedy
appears, it may yet be the means of snatching many a valuable human life from
otherwise inevitable destruction. If successful, there can be little doubt that but few
vessels would be unprovided with them; and thus a possible means of escape from a
water grave would be afforded in many cases of shipwreck on a coast and within a
moderate distance of land."

Who could resist such an impassioned plea?!

from the Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania for 1882,
"Economic Value of the Aquatic Plant Typha latifolia," by James Barnard

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Copyright 1999 University of Florida

Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants

May 15-18, 2008; Palmetto, Florida
28th Annual Florida Native Plant Society Conference
Uplands to Estuaries: Celebrating Florida's Native Plant Heritage

May 20-22, 2008; Imperial Palace Casinos, Biloxi, Mississippi
10th Annual Southeast EPPC Conference

June 23-27, 2008; International Weed Science Society, Vancouver, Canada http://iws.ucdavis.
International Weed Science Society

Aquatic Weed Management


Mike Netherland, USA I mdnether(@ufl .edu

Kevin Murphy, UK |I

June 23-26, 2008; University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
Biogeochemistry of Wetlands: Science and Applications Short Course

August 25-26th, 2008; LSU Energy, Coast, and Environmental Building, Baton Rouge, Louisiana http://www.
Sustainable Management of Deltaic Ecosystems: Integration of Theory and Practice

September 7-12, 2008; Daniel Boone National Forest, Olympia Springs, Kentucky 2008.
2008 Eastern Regional Wetland Restoration Institute

September 23-25, 2008; Austin Carey Memorial Forest Education Building, Gainesville, Fl. http://soils.ifas.ufl.
Hydric Soils Short Course Specialized Training for Wetland Specialists

October 21-23, 2008; Austin Carey Memorial Forest Education Building, Gainesville, Fl.
Hydric Soils Short Course Specialized Training for Wetland Specialists

November 12-14, 2008; Stellenbosch, South Africa CIB symposium.
Fifty Years of Invasion Ecology the Legacy of Charles Elton
Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology, Stellenbosch University

November 18-20 2008; Austin Carey Memorial Forest Education Building, Gainesville, Fl. http://soils.ifas.ufl.
Hydric Soils Short Course Specialized Training for Wetland Specialists

June 23-26, 2009; Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
11th International Paleolimnology Symposium

August 23-27, 2009; Stellenbosch, South Africa or rich@(
The 10th International Conference on the Ecology and Management of Alien Plant
Invasions (EMAPI)
Centre for Invasion Biology (CIB), Department of Botany & Zoology, Stellenbosch University

IFAS Extension
CcnfcrT fr Api4mt
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@2007 University of Florida

Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants

Books, Manuals, and Online Resources

New Books and Reports
8 Plant Manuals, Field Guides and Textbooks
Langeland/Burks Non-Native Plants Book
8 Online Articles and Extension Publications
Extension Publications & Articles
8 Online Books

IFAS Extension
I.'r'i't,-, r lfi,', i', ,

Copyright 2007 University of Florida


_ .^ "k Mnr


Here is a sampling of the research articles, books and reports which have been entered into
the aquatic plant database since January 1999. The database has more than 49,000
citations. To receive free bibliographies on specific plants and/or subjects, contact APIRS
at 352-392-1799 or use the database online at

To obtain articles, contact your nearest state or university library.

Behnke, H-D.
Proliferating sieve elements present in bud phloem anastomoses connect sieve tubes
of axillary bud traces to stelar vascular bundles in the aquatic monocotyledon
Potamogeton natans L. (Potamogetonaceae).
PROTOPLASMA 201:17-29. 1998.

Bekker, R.M., Knevel, I.C., Tallowin, J.B.R., Troost, E.M.L., et al
Soil nutrient input effects on seed longevity: a burial experiment with fen-meadow
FUNCTIONAL ECOL. 12(4):673-682. 1998.

Berghage, R.D., MacNeal, E.P., Wheeler, E.F., Zachritz, W.H.
"Green" water treatment for the green industries: opportunities for biofiltration of
greenhouse and nursery irrigation water and runoff with constructed wetlands.
54. 1999.

Biehle, G., Speck, T., Spatz, H-CH.
Hydrodynamics and biomechanics of the submerged water moss Fontinalis
antipyretica a comparison of specimens from habitats with different flow
BOT. ACTA 111:42-50. 1998.

Bjork, M., Weil, A., Semesi, S., Beer, S.

Photosynthetic utilization of inorganic carbon by seagrasses from Zanzibar, East
MAR. BIOL. 129(2):363-366. 1997.

Bonar, S.A., Bolding, B., Divens, M.
Management of aquatic plants in Washington State using grass carp: effects on
aquatic plants, water quality and public satisfaction 1990-1995.

Boniardi, N., Rota, R., Nano, G.
Effect of dissolved metals on the organic load removal efficiency of Lemna gibba.
WAT. RES. 33(2):530-538. 1999.

Bolser, R.C., Hay, M.E., Lindquist, N., Fenical, W., et al
Chemical defenses of freshwater macrophytes against crayfish herbivory.
J. CHEM. ECOL. 24(10):1639-1658. 1998.

Bunn, S.E., Davies, P.M., Kellaway, D.M., Prosser, I.P.
Influence of invasive macrophytes on channel morphology and hydrology in an
open tropical lowland stream, and potential control by riparian shading.
FRESHWATER BIOL. 39:171-178. 1998.

Burdick, D.M., Short, F.T.
The effects of boat docks on eelgrass beds in coastal waters of Massachusetts.

Cavan, G., Biss, P., Moss, S.R.
Localized origins of herbicide resistance in Alopecurus myosuroides.
WEED RES. 38:239-245. 1998.

Chendorain, M., Yates, M., Villegas, F.
The fate and transport of viruses through surface water constructed wetlands.
J. ENVIRON. QUAL. 27(6):1451-1458. 1998.

Chung, Y.R., Koo, S.J., Kim, H.T., Cho, K.Y.
Potential of an indigenous fungus, Plectosporium tabacinum, as a myco-herbicide
for control of arrowhead (Sagittaria trifolia).
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Preliminary investigation of an integrated aquaculture-wetland ecosystem using
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Aquaphyte Volume 19 Number 2 Fall 1999 AQUAPHYTE OnlineA Newsletter about Aquatic, Wetland and Invasive PlantsVolume 19 Number 2 Fall 1999 Gainesville, Florida ISSN 0893-7702 Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences University of Florida 7922 N.W. 71st Street Gainesville, Florida 32653 352-392-1799 with support from The Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Invasive Plant Management The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Aquatic Plant Control Research Program The St. Johns River Water Management District Contents About AQUAPHYTE Invasives Information Retrieval System Invasive Plants Lantana, shrub verbena (Lantana camara L.) Florida Ag Adds 11 -Nurserymen Give Up 11 No Aquatic Weeds on Jackson Prairie Odds n' Ends Chaise Hyacinth (1 of 2) [6/6/2008 2:01:52 PM]


Aquaphyte Volume 19 Number 2 Fall 1999 The Back Page Plea for a Plant Introduction BE THERE, DO THAT BOOKS/REPORTS FROM THE DATABASE a sampling of new additions to the APIRSdatabase Aquaphyte page | Home Copyright 1999 University of Florida (2 of 2) [6/6/2008 2:01:52 PM]


19(2) About Aquaphyte AQUAPHYTE ONLINE Fall 1999 About Aquaphyte This is the newsletter of the Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants and the Aquatic, Wetland and Invasive Plant Information Retrieval System (APIRS) of the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS). Support for the information system is provided by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station Aquatic Plant Control Research Program (APCRP), the St. Johns River Water Management District and UF/IFAS. EDITORS: Victor Ramey Karen Brown AQUAPHYTE is sent to managers, researchers, and agencies in 71 countries. Comments, announcements, news items and other information relevant to aquatic plant research are solicited. Inclusion in AQUAPHYTE does not constitute endorsement, nor does exclusion represent criticism of any item, organization, individual, or institution by the University of Florida. Aquaphyte Contents | Aquaphyte page | Home Copyright 1999 University of Florida [6/6/2008 2:01:53 PM]


Volume 19 Number 2 Fall 1999 AQUAPHYTE ONLINE Fall 1999 Invasives Information Retrieval SystemThe APIRS office, long known for its information gathering and dissemination relating to aquatic plants, native and non-native, has widened its focus to include invasive plants of uplands as well. In fact, the research center of which APIRS is a part has changed its name to the Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants. Many of the researchers associated with the Center are already well known for their work on invasive plants. As a first step, APIRS database manager, Karen Brown, and reader, Mary Langeland, have begun collecting the literature of the invasive plants on the two lists of the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council (FLEPPC), as well as the Noxious Weed List of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDOACS). The FLEPPC lists are Category I plants (that are invading and disrupting native habitats, 65 species) and Category II plants (that have shown a potential to disrupt native habitats, 60 species). FLEPPC: The FDOACS lists 63 species, some of which are in common with the FLEPPC lists. (FDOACS: Support is being sought to expand our information gathering and dissemination capabilities more quickly, so that the literature on additional plants on "invasives and noxious lists" of other states and countries can be collected, cataloged, disseminated and used. Already, several hundred researchers routinely contribute their articles and reports for inclusion in the APIRS system and database. Other researchers and (1 of 2) [6/6/2008 2:01:54 PM]


Volume 19 Number 2 Fall 1999 authors who work on invasive plants, and who may not be aware of our established system, are encouraged to join our modest partnership. Works will be entered into our science library and central source for aquatics and invasives literature. In exchange, our information and referral services will remain free of charge to our contributors, as they have been for the past 18 years. For more information, contact Karen Brown at As was the case for aquatic plants, projects manager Victor Ramey is building a thorough collection of photographs and line drawings of invasive plants. These and other resources are being used to develop all kinds of information and education products, from museum backdrops to ID decks, from invasives posters to coloring books, from magazine articles to homeowner slide shows. And, of course, our web site is expanding its content as well. So far, fairly extensive information about 16 invasive plants is online at our site. There also are pictures and drawings of a number of other invasive plants. See it all at: APIRS has a new color catalog with full descriptions of our free and for-sale products and services. Included are database instructions, lists of plants featured in various publications, full lists of available slides and drawings, and ordering information. Contact the APIRS office for a copy of the new catalog: Aquaphyte Contents Aquaphyte page Home Copyright 1999 University of Florida (2 of 2) [6/6/2008 2:01:54 PM]


Volume 19 Number 2 Fall 1999 AQUAPHYTE ONLINE Fall 1999 Invasive PlantsLantana, shrub verbena Lantana camara L. by Victor Ramey, U.F. Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants "There grow on this island many curious shrubs, particularly a beautiful species of lantana. It grows in coppices in old fields, about five or six feet high, the branches adorned with rough serrated leaves, which sit opposite, and the twigs terminated with umbelliferous tufts of orange-colored blossoms, which are succeeded by a cluster of small blue berries; the flowers are of various colors, on the same plant, and even in the same cluster, as crimson, scarlet, orange and golden yellow; the whole plant is of a most agreeable scent." from The Travels of William Bartram, his observations of lantana in 1773 while exploring the islands of Lake George in northern Florida. Lantana camara, lantana, and its many cultivated varieties, has a mixed reputation. On one hand, lantana is listed by Holm et al. as one of the worst weeds in all the world: a thicketforming menace in 47 countries that has "infested millions of hectares of natural grazing lands" (especially in Asia and Africa) and that is a weed in 14 major crops including coffee, oil palms, coconuts, cotton, bananas, pineapples, sugarcane, sandalwood, tea, rubber and rice. In Indonesia, lantana is the most dominant species among 54 species found on the east slope of the Candikuning pine plantation. Reportedly, in India the lantana invasion in some places has been so complete as to require the moving of several entire (1 of 4) [6/6/2008 2:01:55 PM]


Volume 19 Number 2 Fall 1999 villages. In Hawaii, several hundred thousand acres are infested with lantana; lantana infests four million acres in Australia. What's more, Lantana camara leaves and fruit (green and mature) are very toxic, having been blamed in the deaths of animals as diverse as livestock, parrots, rabbits and snakes, as well as humans. On the other hand, Lantana camara and its varieties frequently are planted in the U. S. to attract butterflies, is planted to herald the arrival of spring at Boston Garden, and is still considered one of the "10 favorite plants of Malaysians." In the US, some nurseries tout lantana as a native plant; it is sold over the internet from companies in Ohio, Texas and New Mexico. According to Indian research, there is evidence that lantana extracts could be used for weed control in rice. Notwithstanding Bartram's observations of lantana in Florida more than 200 years ago, Lantana camara is listed as a Category I non-native, invasive plant by the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council (FLEPPC). (However, lantana is not listed on the Noxious Weed List of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs (FDACS).) FLEPPC believes lantana to be a native of the West Indies, not of Florida. Others believe it to be from Argentina. Lantana camaraL. deciduous shrubto 6 ft. tall; stemssquare, covered with bristly hairs, often with thorns and/or small prickles; leavesopposite, simple, with petioles (leaf stems), strongly aromatic; leaf bladesoval, rough, hairy to 6 in. long, to 2.5 in. wide, veins conspicuous; leaf marginscoarsely serrate; inflorescensea stalked dense cluster of flowers; flowerssmall, multicolored, in a single cluster, may be white to pink or lavender, yellow to orange or red, color changing over time; fruitsmall, round, fleshy, 2-seeded drupe, green turning purple to blue-black. Lantana camara grows well in full-sun disturbed places, but also grows well under shade. It is a long-lived plant, and can form dense thickets in pastures, forests and along fence lines. It prefers well-drained soils, and, once established, requires only infrequent watering. It is spread by birds as well as humans. Lantana leaves are damaged at 27 degrees F. Lantana is allelopathic; it releases chemicals into the soil to prevent other plants from germinating. Lantana is not easy to control. Experience shows that burning, cutting and digging lantana often results in increased germination and more shoot growth. As for biological control possibilities, various arthropods and fungal pathogens have been or are being tested. (2 of 4) [6/6/2008 2:01:55 PM]


Volume 19 Number 2 Fall 1999 Florida's case is complicated by the fact that this state has at least two species of lantana believed to be native: Lantana depressa, Florida lantana, and Lantana involucrata, wild sage. Florida lantana, an endangered plant, has yellow flowers and tapered leaves. It is believed that Lantana camara hybridizes with Florida lantana, thus contaminating the Florida lantana gene pool. It is not easy to tell just by looking whether a plant is a 100% Lantana camara or a 50% Lantana depressa. Sales and plantings of lantana hybrids of many colors further complicate the scenario. The other lantana native to Florida, wild sage (L. involucrata), is decidedly less showy, having small whitish yellowcentered flowers and smaller, rounder leaves. Finally, another non-native lantana, Lantana montevidensis, trailing lantana, is sold to homeowners throughout the state. Its all-mauve lantana flowers are becoming more familiar, although L. montevidensis does not seem to be invasive. Some Lantana species references from the APIRS invasive plant database: Gentle, C.B. and J.A. Duggin. 1997. Allelopathy as a competitive strategy in persistent thickets of Lantana camara L. in three Australian forest communities. Plant Ecology 132: 84-95. Greathead, D.J. 1973. Progress in the biological control of Lantana camara in East Africa and discussion of problems raised by the unexpected reaction of some of the more promising insects of Sesamum indicum. pp. 89-92 in Dunn, P.H. (ed.), Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. Biol. Control Weeds. Comm. Inst. Biol. Control Misc. Publ. 6. 225 pp. Holm, L.G., Plucknett, D.L., et al. 1977. The world's worst weeds distribution and biology. University Press of Hawaii. 609 pp. Langeland, K.A. and Craddock Burks, K. (eds.) 1998. Identification & biology of (3 of 4) [6/6/2008 2:01:55 PM]


Volume 19 Number 2 Fall 1999 non-native plants in Florida's natural areas. University of Florida, Gainesville. 165 pp. Wolfson, S.L. and T.W. Solomons. 1964. Poisoning by fruit of Lantana camara. Am J. Dis. Child, 107: 109-112. Aquaphyte Contents Aquaphyte page Home Copyright 1999 University of Florida (4 of 4) [6/6/2008 2:01:55 PM]


Volume 19 Number 2 Fall 1999 AQUAPHYTE ONLINE Fall 1999 Florida Ag Adds 11 Nurserymen Give Up 11 Eleven terrestrial weeds were recently added to the official "Noxious Weed List" of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDOACS). The Noxious Weed List prohibits introducing, possessing, moving, growing and selling these species. The full list can be seen at The 11 new terrestrial weeds added to the official noxious weeds list are: Air potato (Dioscorea bulbifera) Burma reed (Neyraudia reynaudiana) Carrotwood (Cupaniopsis anacardioides) Downy rose myrtle (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa) Japanese climbing fern (Lygodium japonicum) Kudzu (Pueraria montana) Small-leaved climbing fern (Lygodium microphyllum) Sewer-vine (Paederia cruddasiana) Skunk-vine (Paederia foetida) Wetland nightshade (Solanum tampicense) White yam (Dioscorea alata) The Florida Nurserymen and Growers Association (FNGA) has decided to encourage its members to voluntarily phase out the growing and selling of 11 (1 of 2) [6/6/2008 2:01:56 PM]


Volume 19 Number 2 Fall 1999 species of plants identified as being invasive in Florida. The 11 came from a list of especially invasive plants as determined by the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council (FLEPPC). The full list can be seen at Ten of these plants are not officially banned by the state of Florida, carrotwood being the exception. The 11 plants the nurserymen have agreed to phase out are: Woman's tongue (Albizia lebbeck) Orchid tree (Bauhinia variegata) Bischofia (Bischofia javanica) Carrotwood (Cupaniopsis anacardioides) Cat's claw vine (Macfadyena unguis-cati) Chinaberry (Melia azedarach) Sword fern (Nephrolepis cordifolia) Guava (Psidium guajava) Oyster plant (Rhoeo spathacea) Java plum (Syzygium cumini) Seaside mahoe (Thespesia populnea) Other non-native plants sold by nurseries, such as lantana, ardisia and nandina, also have been declared to be invasive by the FLEPPC. The nurserymen have not decided to cease selling these plants. But that's another story... Aquaphyte Contents Aquaphyte page Home Copyright 1999 University of Florida (2 of 2) [6/6/2008 2:01:56 PM]


Lake Jackson, Florida No Aquatic Weeds On Jackson PrairieUniversity of Florida Aquatic, Wetland and Invasive Plant Information Retrieval System Jackson Prairie [Lake Jackson], Florida Outstanding Florida Water Body, Lake Jackson (Tallahassee), is known nationally as a premiere bass fishing lake. And over the years, aquatic weed and water quality concerns in the lake have been the subject of countless homeowners' meetings and of primary interest to lake management personnel. However, its bass reputation and aquatic weed problems became much less consequential on September 16, 1999 when a sink hole suddenly drained more than half the lake of every last gallon of water, not to mention every last fish and alligator. It is now possible to walk from shore to shore--but steer clear of the sink hole. Jess Van Dyke, long-time regional biologist with the Bureau of Invasive Plant Management (Florida Department of Environmental Protection) was there when it happened. "It was spectacular: animals trying to scramble out; a whirlpool of gators, birds and bass went down the hole," said Van Dyke. Lake Jackson is one of Florida's disappearing lakes, lakes with sinkholes that are known to drain periodically. Lake Jackson, for example, has drained 4 times previously in the 20th century, in 1907, 1933, 1957, 1982 and now in 1999. "Our records show that in 1982 the lake refilled from rainfall within about 6 months. In 1957 there was a drought, so it took much longer to refill. It's all about long term rainfall patterns," says Van Dyke. It is expected that the lake will eventually collect water and again become a top-notch fishing lake. For more information, contact Jess Van Dyke, the regional biologist for the northwest Florida region (which includes Lake Jackson), at Bureau of Invasive Plant Management, 3900 Commonwealth Blvd, Tallahassee, FL 32399; (850) 245-2809. (1 of 3) [6/6/2008 2:01:57 PM]


Lake Jackson, Florida Here are pics of ex-Lake Jackson in no particular order; pics include some taken on that fateful day in September 1999 (even though they're mis-dated as 2002), and some taken 3 years later, in September 2002. The pics below include some that feature some employees of the Tallahassee offices of the Bureau of Invasive Plant Management. Stranded lotus (Nelumbo lutea) on Jackson Prairie) Jess Van Dyke perilously close to the edge Waterfall into the sinkhole 200' aerial of sinkhole 1000' aerial of sinkhole Sightseer with telephone Sightseers without telephones All that's left is mud Pedestrians, including Drew Leslie Greg Jubinsky joins Jess Van Dyke in the mud Jess Van Dyke also works inside (2 of 3) [6/6/2008 2:01:57 PM]


Lake Jackson, Florida 500' aerial of drained lake Florida Photo Sets Single Florida Scenes Animal Scenes Plant Scenes Home Copyright 1999 University of Florida (3 of 3) [6/6/2008 2:01:57 PM]


Volume 19 Number 2 Fall 1999 AQUAPHYTE ONLINE Fall 1999 Odds n' Ends Giant salvinia (Salvinia molesta) is invading the United States, and has now been identified in Texas, Louisiana, Florida and Arizona. A biological agent, the beetle, Cyrtobagous salviniae, now is being evaluated for use against the dreaded aquatic weed to see if the beetle might be as successful against U.S. infestations as it has been elsewhere. Dr. Philip Tipping (USDA-ARS, Ft. Lauderdale) has begun distributing the beetle at sites in Louisiana and eastern Texas. Besides wanting to know about new infestations of giant salvinia, he also wants to find new sites of Salvinia minima where he finds natural populations of the salvinia beetle for collection and distribution. Dr. Tipping can be contacted at (954) 475-0541 X 104, or by E-mail: The Weedo Grande River. Unhappy river users in Texas have complained to Texas Governor George W. Bush about the aquatic weed problems that occur on the Rio Grande River near Brownsville. Mr. Benny Berger has sent us pictures of the hydrilla and water hyacinth infestation, saying that citizens are disgusted and that the Border Patrol got their boat stuck in the plants. He states that the plants grow about 6" per day. Mr. Berger can be contacted at 36 River Bend Drive, Brownsville, TX 78520; E-mail: The Invasive Woody Plants in the Tropics Research Group, based at the University of Wales (Bangor, UK), has produced a global review of invasions, and has prepared a number of recommendations for management and control Their web site includes papers on invading trees and case histories, as well as recommendations and contacts. The Hillsborough County (Florida) Lake Atlas is available online. This very well done, logically arranged web site presents an interactive map, a tour of Tampaarea lakes, lake management "volunteer opportunities", and Lakewatch data. Go to it: The Estuarine Research Foundation is an "international organization whose (1 of 3) [6/6/2008 2:01:58 PM]


Volume 19 Number 2 Fall 1999 purpose is to promote research in estuaries and coastal waters" and "be available as a source of advice in matters concerning estuaries and the coastal zone." Their web site is: Other new interesting photo and information features can be found at the Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plant web site. Particulars and photos of more than 150 plant species: plus Fakahatchee Strand and wild ghost orchid pictures: plus 16 particularly invasive plants: plus Pics of 22 north Florida springs: Plant Talk is an interesting quarterly magazine with "news and views on plant conservation worldwide". The beautifully designed and illustrated magazine features articles and editorials about the conservation of plants around the world and includes notices and reviews of books and meetings. The subscription price is US $28 for individuals and US$68 for institutions. Orders from the Americas: Plant Talk, POB 354841, Palm Coast, FL 32135-4841. Orders from the rest of the world: Plant Talk, POB 500, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, KT2 5XB, United Kingdom. For more information, contact Plant Talk at E-mail: High quality scans of images of the flora of Spain and Portugal are available on CD from Professor Francisco Perez Raya of the University of Granada in Spain. To see examples of the images of more than 1,000 plant taxa, visit their web site: http:// or contact them by E-mail: You've got to know about FICMNEW. The Federal Interagency Committee for the Management of Noxious and Exotic Weeds is the committee of federal agency employees most interested in noxious, exotic, non-native, non-indigenous (etc.) weeds. View their web site, read the President's Executive Order on Invasive Species, learn about the national invasive species strategy: FICMNEWFiles/FICMNEWHomePage.html More lists, noxious weeds and rare and endangered plants from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS), along with their associated rules for possession and propagation can be read and downloaded from the FDACS web site: (2 of 3) [6/6/2008 2:01:58 PM]


Volume 19 Number 2 Fall 1999 Aquaphyte Contents Aquaphyte page Home Copyright 1999 University of Florida (3 of 3) [6/6/2008 2:01:58 PM]


Volume 19 Number 2 Fall 1999 AQUAPHYTE ONLINE Fall 1999 Chaise HyacinthUnless you've been on Lake Victoria lately, or here in Florida thirty years ago, it may be difficult to imagine a water hyacinth infestation: floating plants, growing to three feet high, bunched tightly by the wind, upwards of 200 tons of plant mass per acre, covering an entire lake or river shore to shore--even large boats can become immobilized. Certainly, fishing and other commerce comes to a halt. On Lake Victoria, more than once water hyacinth has clogged the intake pipes to the power station that supplies Kampala, the capital city of Uganda. No electricity to Kampala. In fact, much of the world's second-largest freshwater lake, which provides fish and accommodates commerce for Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda, is socked in by miles and miles of extra-large "bull" hyacinths. In the war against water hyacinths, officials have introduced Neochetina weevils as biological controls, and have hired a huge grinding machine to break up the gigantic mats. Depending on whom you ask, herbicides may or may not have been employed as well. Then there's the Water Hyacinth Utilization Project (WHUP), a "sustainable use" project devised to exploit the silver lining of the infestation by using water hyacinths to create jobs. According to Ms. Carolyne Odhiambo, WHUP Coordinator, 60 workers, mostly disadvantaged women, are using the plentiful menace to produce chairs, tables, baskets and shades, paper, books, cards and gift items. WHUP is under the auspices of KICK, a non-governmental organization that aims to develop small enterprises, and is supported by the Department for International Development of Great Britain. Ms. Odhiambo provided us with these photographs of artisans and items made from water hyacinth. (1 of 2) [6/6/2008 2:01:58 PM]


Volume 19 Number 2 Fall 1999 For more information, contact WHUP and KICK, POB 284, Kisumu, KENYA. See the latest big story on water hyacinth in the Washington Post, Wednesday, September 22, 1999, page A25. For a new book on practical uses of water hyacinth, see Use Water Hyacinth! under Books/Reports Aquaphyte Contents Aquaphyte page Home Copyright 1999 University of Florida (2 of 2) [6/6/2008 2:01:58 PM]


Volume 19 Number 2 Fall 1999 AQUAPHYTE ONLINE Fall 1999 Plea for a Plant Introduction In 1882, an appeal was made for the introduction of Typha latifolia to Tasmania for the purpose of constructing buoyant life-saving mattresses for use onboard ships. Such devices were being used on Italian vessels at the time. The Victorian Humane Society of Melbourne tested the mattress and found that it could easily support two persons on the water, so they decided to promote the introduction into the colony of the plant those mattresses were stuffed with. Doubt was expressed on the profitability of this introduction since Typha latifolia already occurred in Tasmania. It was remarked that "attention should be first directed to the species to be found naturally on the island." However it was argued that, "The many lamentable disasters at sea and deplorable shipwrecks, which from time to time cause a thrill of horror like an electric shock to pervade the community, demand the adoption of every possible precaution against such dire calamities; and simple as this remedy appears, it may yet be the means of snatching many a valuable human life from otherwise inevitable destruction. If successful, there can be little doubt that but few vessels would be unprovided with them; and thus a possible means of escape from a water grave would be afforded in many cases of shipwreck on a coast and within a moderate distance of land." Who could resist such an impassioned plea?! from the Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania for 1882, "Economic Value of the Aquatic Plant Typha latifolia," by James Barnard Aquaphyte Contents Aquaphyte page Home Copyright 1999 University of Florida [6/6/2008 2:01:58 PM]


Meetings Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants Meetings May 15-18, 2008; Palmetto, Florida 28th Annual Florida Native Plant Society Conference Uplands to Estuaries: Celebrating Florida's Native Plant Heritage May 20-22, 2008; Imperial Palace Casinos, Biloxi, Mississippi 10th Annual Southeast EPPC Conference June 23-27, 2008; International Weed Science Society, Vancouver, Canada http://iws.ucdavis. edu/5intlweedcong.htm International Weed Science Society Aquatic Weed Management Contacts: Mike Netherland, USA | mdnether@ufl .edu Kevin Murphy, UK | June 23-26, 2008; University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida wetland082/site.htm Biogeochemistry of Wetlands: Science and Applications Short Course August 25-26th, 2008; LSU Energy, Coast, and Environmental Building, Baton Rouge, Louisiana http://www. Sustainable Management of Deltaic Ecosystems: Integration of Theory and Practice (1 of 3) [6/6/2008 2:01:59 PM]


Meetings September 7-12, 2008; Daniel Boone National Forest, Olympia Springs, Kentucky htm 2008 Eastern Regional Wetland Restoration Institute September 23-25, 2008; Austin Carey Memorial Forest Education Building, Gainesville, Fl. http://soils.ifas.ufl. edu Hydric Soils Short Course Specialized Training for Wetland Specialists UF/IFAS October 21-23 , 2008; Austin Carey Memorial Forest Education Building, Gainesville, Fl. Hydric Soils Short Course Specialized Training for Wetland Specialists UF/IFAS November 12-14, 2008; Stellenbosch, South Africa htm Fifty Years of Invasion Ecology the Legacy of Charles Elton Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology, Stellenbosch University November 18-20 , 2008; Austin Carey Memorial Forest Education Building, Gainesville, Fl. http://soils.ifas.ufl. edu Hydric Soils Short Course Specialized Training for Wetland Specialists UF/IFAS June 23-26, 2009; Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico 11th International Paleolimnology Symposium August 23-27, 2009; Stellenbosch, South Africa or The 10th International Conference on the Ecology and Management of Alien Plant Invasions (EMAPI) Centre for Invasion Biology (CIB), Department of Botany & Zoology, Stellenbosch University (2 of 3) [6/6/2008 2:01:59 PM]


Meetings Home | Aquaphyte page Contact Us: University of Florida (3 of 3) [6/6/2008 2:01:59 PM]


Books -Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants Books, Manuals, and Online Resources New Books and Reports Plant Manuals, Field Guides and Textbooks Langeland/Burks Non-Native Plants Book Online Articles and Extension Publications Extension Publications & Articles Online Books Home Copyright 2007 University of Florida [6/6/2008 2:02:00 PM]


19(2) From The Database AQUAPHYTE ONLINE Fall 1999 FROM THE DATABASE Here is a sampling of the research articles, books and reports which have been entered into the aquatic plant database since January 1999. The database has more than 49,000 citations. To receive free bibliographies on specific plants and/or subjects, contact APIRS at 352-392-1799 or use the database online at To obtain articles, contact your nearest state or university library. Behnke, H-D. Proliferating sieve elements present in bud phloem anastomoses connect sieve tubes of axillary bud traces to stelar vascular bundles in the aquatic monocotyledon Potamogeton natans L. (Potamogetonaceae). PROTOPLASMA 201:17-29. 1998. Bekker, R.M., Knevel, I.C., Tallowin, J.B.R., Troost, E.M.L., et al Soil nutrient input effects on seed longevity: a burial experiment with fen-meadow species. FUNCTIONAL ECOL. 12(4):673-682. 1998. Berghage, R.D., MacNeal, E.P., Wheeler, E.F., Zachritz, W.H. "Green" water treatment for the green industries: opportunities for biofiltration of greenhouse and nursery irrigation water and runoff with constructed wetlands. WETLANDS AND HORTICULTURE: PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS, HORTSCIENCE 34(1):5054. 1999. Biehle, G., Speck, T., Spatz, H-CH. Hydrodynamics and biomechanics of the submerged water moss Fontinalis antipyretica a comparison of specimens from habitats with different flow velocities. BOT. ACTA 111:42-50. 1998. Bjork, M., Weil, A., Semesi, S., Beer, S. (1 of 14) [6/6/2008 2:02:01 PM]


19(2) From The Database Photosynthetic utilization of inorganic carbon by seagrasses from Zanzibar, East Africa. MAR. BIOL. 129(2):363-366. 1997. Bonar, S.A., Bolding, B., Divens, M. Management of aquatic plants in Washington State using grass carp: effects on aquatic plants, water quality and public satisfaction 1990-1995. INLAND FISH DIV. RES., WASHINGTON DEPT. FISH & WILDL., OLYMPIA, WA, 28 PP. 1996. Boniardi, N., Rota, R., Nano, G. Effect of dissolved metals on the organic load removal efficiency of Lemna gibba. WAT. RES. 33(2):530-538. 1999. Bolser, R.C., Hay, M.E., Lindquist, N., Fenical, W., et al Chemical defenses of freshwater macrophytes against crayfish herbivory. J. CHEM. ECOL. 24(10):1639-1658. 1998. Bunn, S.E., Davies, P.M., Kellaway, D.M., Prosser, I.P. Influence of invasive macrophytes on channel morphology and hydrology in an open tropical lowland stream, and potential control by riparian shading. FRESHWATER BIOL. 39:171-178. 1998. Burdick, D.M., Short, F.T. The effects of boat docks on eelgrass beds in coastal waters of Massachusetts. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 23(2):231-240. 1999. Cavan, G., Biss, P., Moss, S.R. Localized origins of herbicide resistance in Alopecurus myosuroides. WEED RES. 38:239-245. 1998. Chendorain, M., Yates, M., Villegas, F. The fate and transport of viruses through surface water constructed wetlands. J. ENVIRON. QUAL. 27(6):1451-1458. 1998. Chung, Y.R., Koo, S.J., Kim, H.T., Cho, K.Y. Potential of an indigenous fungus, Plectosporium tabacinum, as a myco-herbicide for control of arrowhead (Sagittaria trifolia). PLANT DISEASE 82(6):657-660. 1998. (2 of 14) [6/6/2008 2:02:01 PM]


19(2) From The Database Colton, T.F., Alpert, P. Lack of public awareness of biological invasions by plants. NATURAL AREAS J. 18(3):262-266. 1998. Costa-Pierce, B.A. Preliminary investigation of an integrated aquaculture-wetland ecosystem using tertiary-treated municipal wastewater in Los Angeles County, California. ECOL. ENGINEERING 10:341-354. 1998. Cronin, G., Wissing, K.D., Lodge, D.M. Comparative feeding selectivity of herbivorous insects on water lilies: aquatic vs. semi-terrestrial insects and submersed vs. floating leaves. FRESHWATER BIOL. 39:243-257. 1998. Daehler, C.C., Anttila, C.K., Ayres, D.R., Strong, D.R., et al Evolution of a new ecotype of Spartina alterniflora (Poaceae) in San Francisco Bay, California, USA. AMER. J. BOT. 86(4):543-546. 1999. Dickinson, M.B., Miller, T.E. Competition among small, free-floating, aquatic plants. AMER. MIDL. NATURALIST 140(1):55-67. 1998. Douglas, G.W., Illingworth, J.M. Status of the water-plantain buttercup, Ranunculus alismifolius var. alismifolius (Ranunculaceae) in Canada. CANADIAN FIELD-NATURALIST 112(2):280-283. 1998. Duffy, K.C., Baltz, D.M. Comparison of fish assemblages associated with native and exotic submerged macrophytes in the Lake Pontchartrain estuary, USA. J. EXP. MAR. BIOL. ECOL. 223(2):199-221. 1998. Edwards, E.S., Roux, S.J. Gravity and light control of the developmental polarity of regenerating protoplasts isolated from prothallial cells of the fern Ceratopteris richardii. PLANT CELL REPORTS 17:711-716. 1998. Ennabili, A., Ater, M., Radoux, M. (3 of 14) [6/6/2008 2:02:01 PM]


19(2) From The Database Biomass production and NPK retention in macrophytes from wetlands of the Tingitan peninsula. AQUATIC BOTANY 62:45-56. 1998. Evers, D.E., Sasser, C.E., Gosselink, J.G., Fuller, D.A., et al The impact of vertebrate herbivores on wetland vegetation in Atchafalaya Bay, Louisiana. ESTUARIES 21(1):1-13. 1998. Fairchild, J.F., Ruessler, D.S., Carlson, A.R. Comparative sensitivity of five species of macrophytes and six species of algae to atrazine, metribuzin, alachlor, and metolachlor. ENVIR. TOXICOL. CHEM. 17(9):1830-1834. 1998. Fraga, J.M.P., Quesada, E.M. Structure of Eleocharetum interstinctae in Santa Cruz Reservoir, Cuba. ACTA BOT. HUNGARICA 39(3-4):217-226. 1995. Frenzel, P., Rudolph, J. Methane emission from a wetland plant: the role of CH4 oxidation in Eriophorum. PLANT AND SOIL 202:27-32. 1998. Furtado, A.L.D.S., Esteves, F.D.A. Organic compounds, nutrients and energy of two tropical aquatic macrophytes. ARQ. BIOL. TECNOL. 39(4):923-931. 1996. Gann, G., Gordon, D.R. Paederia foetida (Skunk vine) and P. cruddasiana (Sewer vine): threats and management strategies. NAT. AREAS J. 18(2):169-173. 1998. Gawlik, D.E., Rocque, D.A. Avian communities in bayheads, willowheads, and sawgrass marshes of the central Everglades. WILSON BULL. 110(1):45-55. 1998. German, E.R. Evapotranspiration measurement and modeling in the Everglades. IN: U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROG., SO. FLORIDA ECOSYSTEM PROC. SO. FLORIDA (4 of 14) [6/6/2008 2:02:01 PM]


19(2) From The Database RESTORATION SCIENCE FORUM, 17-19 MAY 1999, BOCA RATON, FL, USGS OPEN-FILE REPT. 99-181, PP. 24-25 (ABSTRACT) 1999. Gornall, R.J., Hollingsworth, P.M., Preston, C.D. Evidence for spatial structure and directional gene flow in a population of an aquatic plant, Potamogeton coloratus. HEREDITY 80:414-421. 1998. Gupta, M., Chandra, P. Bioaccumulation and toxicity of mercury in rooted-submerged macrophyte Vallisneria spiralis. ENVIRON. POLLUTION 103(2-3):327-332. 1998. Hansen, D., Duda, P.J., Zayed, A., Terry, N. Selenium removal by constructed wetlands: role of biological volatilization. ENVIRON. SCI. TECHNOL. 32:591-597. 1998. Hester, M.W., Mendelssohn, I.A., McKee, K.L. Intraspecific variation in salt tolerance and morphology in Panicum hemitomon and Spartina alterniflora (Poaceae). INT. J. PLANT SCI. 159(1):127-138. 1998. Hill, N.M., Keddy, P.A., Wisheu, I.C. A hydrological model for predicting the effects of dams on the shoreline vegetation of lakes and reservoirs. ENVIRON. MANAGE. 22(5):723-736. 1998. Horvitz, C.C., Pascarella, J.B., McMann, S., Freedman, A., et al Functional roles of invasive non-indigenous plants in hurricane-affected subtropical hardwood forests. ECOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS 8(4):947-974. 1998. Husak, S., Adamec, L. Conservation cultivations of endangered aquatic and wetland plant species in the Institute of Botany in Trebon. PRIRODA, PRAHA 12:7-26. 1998. (IN CZECH; ENGLISH SUMMARY) Jackson, B., Summers, J.E., Voesenek, L.A.C.J. Potamogeton pectinatus: a vascular plant that makes no ethylene. (5 of 14) [6/6/2008 2:02:01 PM]


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Aquaphyte Newsletter Aquaphyte NewsletterUniversity of Florida Aquatic, Wetland and Invasive Plant Information Retrieval SystemThe newsletter, Aquaphyte, covers news of interest to aquatic, wetland and invasive plant researchers, regulators, managers, students and others. Aquaphyte is published twice yearly and is free of charge. It reaches subscribers worldwide. You may subscribe to the printed edition by sending your postal address to us through e-mail. To order by mail, contact APIRS, Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, 7922 N. W. 71 Street, Gainesville, FL, 32653. Aquaphyte Online Current Issue -Volume 27 Number 1 Fall 2007 Volume 26 Number 1 Fall 2006 Volume 25 Number 2 Winter 2005 Volume 25 Number 1 Spring 2005 Volume 24 Number 1 Summer 2004 Volume 23 Number 2 Winter 2003 Volume 23 Number 1 Summer 2003 Volume 22 Number 2 Winter 2002 Volume 22 Number 1 Summer 2002 Volume 21 Number 2 Winter 2001 Volume 21 Number 1 Summer 2001 Volume 20 Number 2 Winter 2000 Volume 20 Number 1 Summer 2000 Volume 19 Number 2 Fall 99 Volume 19 Number 1 Spring 99 Volume 18 Number 1 Summer 98 Volume 17 Number 1 Winter 97 Volume 16 Number 2 Winter 96 Volume 16 Number 1 Spring 96 (1 of 2) [6/6/2008 2:02:02 PM]


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Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, University of Florida IFAS Search the APIRS Online Database | Plant Images & Information | What's New WelcomeThe UF/IFAS Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants is a multidisciplinary research, teaching and extension unit directed to develop environmentally sound techniques for the management of aquatic and natural area weed species and to coordinate aquatic plant research activities within the State of Florida. The Center was established in 1978 by the Florida legislature. Directed by Dr. William Haller, the Center utilizes expertise from many departments with UF/IFAS and its Agricultural Research and Education Centers throughout Florida. The mission of the CAIP Information Office is to inform and educate all stakeholders about the impacts and management of invasive plants. Image Request Form AQUAPHYTE Newsletter -Fall 2007, Vol. 27 No.1 Products & Educational Tools Plant Management in Florida Waters Meetings IFAS Assessment Osceola County Hydrilla & Hygrophila Demonstration Project Faculty & Staff Helpful Links Tribute to Victor Alan Ramey (1 of 2) [6/6/2008 2:02:03 PM]


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