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- Permanent Link:
- https://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00083179/00012
Material Information
- Title:
- Aquaphyte newsletter of the IPPC Aquatic Weed Program of the University of Florida, a part of the International Plant Protection Center of the Oregon State University, which is funded by the United States Agency for International Development
- Abbreviated Title:
- Aquaphyte
- Creator:
- University of Florida -- Center for Aquatic Plants
University of Florida -- IPPC Aquatic Weed Program
University of Florida -- Center for Aquatic Weeds
- Place of Publication:
- Gainesville FL
- Publisher:
- The Program
- Publication Date:
- 1981-
- Frequency:
- Semiannual
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- v. : ill. ; 28 cm.
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Aquatic plants ( lcsh )
- Genre:
- newsletters ( aat )
serial ( sobekcm ) periodical ( marcgt ) Newsletters ( lcsh )
- Additional Physical Form:
- Also issued online.
- Dates or Sequential Designation:
- Vol. 1, no. 1 (fall 1981)-
- Issuing Body:
- Vols. for fall 1982- issued with: University of Florida, Center for Aquatic Weeds.
- Issuing Body:
- Vols. for <1988-> issued by: University of Florida, Center for Aquatic Plants.
- General Note:
- Title from caption.
- General Note:
- Latest issue consulted: Vol. 12, no. 2 (fall 1992).
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
- Resource Identifier:
- 06513906 ( OCLC )
sc 84007615 ( LCCN ) 0893-7702 ( ISSN )
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A Newsletter about Aquatic, Wetland and Invasive Plants
Volume 20 Number 2 Winter 2000
Gainesville, Florida ISSN 0893-7702
Center for Aquatic and
Invasive Plants
Institute of Food and Agricultural
University of Florida
7922 N.W. 71st Street
Gainesville, Florida 32653
with support from:
The Florida Department of Environmental
Bureau of Invasive Plant Management
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Waterways Experiment Station,
Aquatic Plant Control Research Program
The St. Johns River Water Management District
Assessing Non-Native Plants in Florida's Natural Areas
What are Duckweeds?
NEW! Line-drawings of Duckweeds
NEW! Invasive Plants Photo-Mural for Teachers/Trainers
New Florida Web Projects
AQUATICS still thriving after all these years
Classic Book Newly Available: The Biology of Aquatic Vascular Plants
IAMSLIC It's for the librarians!
Odds n' Ends
a sampling of new additions to the APIRSdatabase
Aquaphyte page Home
Copyright 2000 University of Florida
About Aquaphyte
This is the newsletter of the Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants and the Aquatic,
Wetland and Invasive Plant Information Retrieval System (APIRS) of the
University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS). Support
for the information system is provided by the Florida Department of Environmental
Protection, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station
Aquatic Plant Control Research Program (APCRP), the St. Johns River Water
Management District and UF/IFAS.
Victor Ramey
Karen Brown
AQUAPHYTE is sent to managers, researchers, and agencies in 71 countries.
Comments, announcements, news items and other information relevant to aquatic
plant research are solicited.
Inclusion in AQUAPHYTE does not constitute endorsement, nor does exclusion
represent criticism of any item, organization, individual, or institution by the
University of Florida.
Aquaphyte Contents I Aguaphyte page I Home
Copyright 2000 University of Florida
Assessing Non-Native Plants in Florida's Natural Areas
What does one do when the ornamental horticulture department of a university is
researching and promoting the use of a non-native plant to commercial growers and
landscapers, while other departments of the same university are researching and
advocating the control and eradication of the very same species? In the non-academic
arena, commercial growers and landscapers are outraged over the perceived threat to their
livelihood, while land managers and environmentalists are adamant about protecting their
remaining natural areas from invasive plant species. To help solve this problem, members
of the University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) Invasive
Plants Working Group came up with an assessment protocol for non-native plants in
Florida. The protocol is an attempt to reconcile these different factions, to make sure that
labels of invasiveness can be defended to the satisfaction of everyone concerned, and to
allow those who hold a stake in the issue to be involved in a reasonable approach to its
resolution. KB
The remainder of this article was adapted from one published in the Fall 2000 issue of
Wildland Weeds, a quarterly publication of the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council, and
University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service publication SS-AGR-79, by A.M.
Fox, D.R. Gordon, J.A. Dusky, L. Tyson, and R.K Stocker. For further information,
contact Dr. Alison Fox, E-mail: amfox(@,nv. ifas. ufl. edu
The IFAS Assessment of Non-Native Plants in Florida's Natural Areas (hereafter
referred to as the IFAS Assessment) was developed in 1999 by a subcommittee of the
IFAS Invasive Plants Working Group (A.M. Fox, J.A. Dusky, and R.K. Stocker of the
University of Florida; D.R. Gordon of The Nature Conservancy; and L. Tyson of Santa Fe
Community College).
Wilcove et al. (1998) reported that invasive species are second only to habitat loss in the U.
S. as the leading threat to threatened and endangered species. U.S. federal government
recognition of these issues was emphasized by President Clinton's Executive Order on
Invasive Species (1999). However, it is important to acknowledge that only a small
percentage of introduced species create a problem in natural areas (Lippincott 1996), and
that quantifiable ecological and economic impacts caused by invasive plants range from
negligible to catastrophic.
Around the world there is a concerted effort to develop predictive models, primarily for
species not yet present in a particular area. Many of them appear to be efficient at
identifying potential problem species, especially based on information such as whether a
species has been a problem elsewhere. A concern about many of these models has been
that they are often overly restrictive, in some cases falsely accusing up to 20% of plants
that have never (at least in the studied timescales) been found to be invasive (Reichard and
Hamilton 1997). Managers of natural areas may not consider this to be much of a flaw, but
this is unacceptable to the many people who believe that supplies of plants for food, fiber,
and landscaping should not be unnecessarily restricted.
The invasive "no-brainers" are typically well-established and little-disputed species, many
of which are already subject to state and/or federal regulation. On the other hand, it is
recognized that there are many exotic crops, for example, that do not survive without
human intervention in the form of fertilizers, irrigation, etc. Controversy, however, haunts
the middle ground and usually surrounds those commercially important species that are
either just starting to escape or that appear in natural areas but with unknown or poorly
documented impacts.
Since 1984, the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council (FLEPPC) has been classifying
certain plants as Category I: "species that are invading and disrupting native plant
communities in Florida" based "...on the documented ecological damage caused"; or as
Category II: "species that have shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities".
The lists serve a variety of purposes (see "Florida's most invasive plant list" at http://www.
fleppc.org/) with the precautionary objective to alert managers of natural areas to
currently, or potentially, problematic species.
Things become more controversial when these lists are adopted for other purposes, such as
the development of local laws banning the use of certain non-native plants. With a large
gap between the FLEPPC lists and state and federal regulations (on the 1999 lists, only 25
out of 65 Category I species, and 3 out of 60 Category II species, are government-
regulated), it is not surprising that proactive local organizations have embraced the
Category I list.
Such regulations have alarmed ornamental horticulturists and landscape designers, who
question why some commercially important species such as heavenly bamboo (Nandina
domestica, and lantana (Lantana camera) are on the Category I list. Their concerns are
magnified because, while distribution maps are available on the FLEPPC website,
systematic, written criteria and documentary evidence on which the FLEPPC lists are
based are not available.
Purpose and Objectives of the IFAS Assessment
The primary purpose of the IFAS Assessment is to provide a mechanism to be used within
the University of Florida to develop consistent descriptions of, and recommendations for,
the use and management of non-native plants in Florida. Secondary objectives are to
provide a level of information that is intermediate between simple presence or absence on
a list and all the data that are available on any given species; and to identify the frequent
data-gaps in our knowledge of these species which would assist in setting research
priorities. It is also hoped that the IFAS Assessment will provide a tool to help resolve
some of the conflicts between FLEPPC and the Florida Nurserymen and Growers
Association (FNGA).
The requirements for the IFAS Assessment were that it have precisely defined criteria that
are defendable by faculty, all evidence and decisions should be documented and archived
for anyone to review, and it should only be used on species already present in the state.
Far less is published about most invasive species than desired for an assessment, and
anecdotal information can be difficult to defend without further substantiation. Thus, we
have defined documentary evidence as being either published and quantitative, or as
written observations from three biologists, any of whom could be contacted for
confirmation. This process would not be a sufficient replacement for formal (and much
more costly and complex) risk-benefit analysis, such as is performed in the development
of state regulations prohibiting the use of a species.
The IFAS Assessment has five major sections: one to define if a species is invasive in
Florida; and one for each of four indices ecological impacts; potential for expansion;
difficulty of management; and commercial value; closing with the conclusions. The
assessment is intentionally broader than just determining whether a species is invasive (e.
g., the latter two indices provide important information that does not address that issue),
and there is no intention to offset commercial value against ecological impacts.
Invasiveness is very broadly defined in Section I as the establishment of self-sustaining
plant populations that are expanding within a natural plant community with which they
had not previously been associated (Vitousek et al. 1995). To be declared as being
invasive, a plant must be documented in natural areas where there has not been significant
human disturbance, or it must have survived restoration of the natural communities. The
ecological impacts are evaluated in Section II based on the worst known site(s), without or
before any control effort. Scores are assigned to six items in this section that address
disruption of ecosystem processes, impacts on threatened or endangered species,
competitive displacement, changes in community structure, and hybridization with native
species. This impact score is increased if the species can invade a broad range of habitats.
In areas that a plant has invaded, an assessment of high or low potential for further
expansion (one of very few "predictive" questions) is based, in Section III, on the number
of new sites reported to be infested in the last five years. Difficulty of management and
commercial value are assessed, and result in scores based on 10 and 4 items, in Sections
IV and V respectively. A species is considered more difficult to manage if non-target
damage is hard to avoid, if access and methods of control are costly, if there are large or
dispersed areas to be managed, or if the likelihood of regrowth and re-colonization is high.
Commercial value turned out to be the most challenging index because there is no tracking
of state-wide sales receipts by species. Nobody, including representatives from FNGA,
was very satisfied with the rather vague items in this section related to retail sales and
importance to nursery growers or farmers. Thus, an analysis of the economic impact of
potentially invasive plants in the ornamental nursery industry has been proposed as an
important area for future research.
For all indices other than ecological impacts, the scores for a species are assigned to a high
or low category. Scores for ecological impacts, the index which drives the development of
conclusions, are assigned to low, medium, high, or very high categories. Based on the
permutations of these categories for each index, one of the following conclusions is
designated for a species:
Not considered a problem invasive species at this time (low impacts and potential for
Caution, prevent escape of this plant (low impacts but high potential for expansion)
Avoid use of this plant (medium to high impacts)
Do not use this plant (high to very high impacts)
While this language has no regulatory authority and is obviously superseded by any state
or federal prohibitions, it is intended to provide consistent guidance.
All species will be reassessed as new information becomes available (especially in relation
to new sites or impacts) and at least every 10 years. Plants with "Caution" or "Avoid"
conclusions are to be reassessed every two years. Additionally, some of the plants
assigned to "Avoid" will be recommended for a formal risk-benefit analysis. Typically
these plants will have medium to high ecological impacts and high commercial value, and
the risk-benefit analysis should be conducted promptly. Species that are rated with very
high impacts, that score highly on all indices, or that have a combination of medium to
high impacts, high potential and low value, will not be recommended for use.
In developing the IFAS Assessment, over 20 species were tested without the formal
collection of documentary evidence. This range of species represented all categories for
each index and all conclusions. In their formal assessment, it takes a substantial effort to
collect and document the appropriate data for each species and we have several part-time
staff dedicated to this task.
As results are compiled, they will be made available online. As a large number of species
are assessed, we will test the structure and questions in the IFAS Assessment. We expect
that the assessment will continuously evolve both from these internal evaluations and from
external input, hence the long-term objective of having an interactive web-based version
rather than just the printable format currently available.
There is no doubt that for many species on the FLEPPC Category I list, similar
conclusions will be reached via the IFAS Assessment. For other species there will seem to
be a reduced level of concern based on our stringent criteria and requirements for
documented evidence. This may seem alarming to managers of natural areas, but we
anticipate that this could provide the impetus to gather more evidence, especially for
species with expanding ranges, so that problem species are quickly reassessed and
recognized. The precautionary approach of the FLEPPC lists is important for the managers
of natural areas and should be continued. The IFAS Assessment is intended to
complement this system and it is hoped that many people will contribute information on
their least-favorite plants.
Lippincott, C. 1996. Current estimates of cultivated, native, naturalized, and weedy plant
species in Florida. Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council Newsletter Summer 1996, Vol 6. No
3, p. 3.
Reichard, S.H. and C.W. Hamilton. 1997. Predicting invasions of woody plants
introduced into North America. Conservation Biology 11:193-203.
Vitousek, P., L. Loope, C. D'Antonio and S.J. Hassol. 1995. Biological invasions as
global change. pp. 213-336 In: S.J. Hassol and J. Katzenberger (eds) Elements of change
1994. Aspen Global Change Institute, Aspen, CO.
Wilcove, D.S., D. Rothstein, J. Dubow, A. Phillips, and E. Losos. 1998. Quantifying
threats to imperiled species in the United States. Bioscience 48:607-615.
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Copyright 2000 University of Florida
Aquatic, Wetland and Invasive Plant
Particulars and Photographs
University of Florida, Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants
Florida's Native Duckweeds
Duckweeds are common plants in Florida.
Although very small, they are nonetheless
sometimes quite noticeable, as when they cover a
pond with dense masses.
Click on the picture on the left to compare the
duckweeds. Note the centimeter-measure in the
W. W picture, remembering that 2.5 cm equals an inch.
These are very small flowering plants indeed; in
.fact, water meal (Wolffia spp.), at 1 to 1.5 mm long,
Sis the smallest flowering plant on earth!
Also see the individual plant pages for the
Spirodela polvrhiza- giant duckweed
Lemna valdiviana- small duckweed
Wolffia columbiana- water meal
Wolffiella floridana- mud-midget
Landoltia punctata (Spirodela punctata) a non-native duckweed
Home I CAIP-WEBSITE@ufl.edu
Copyright 2000 University of Florida
New Duckweed Drawings!
These line drawings were just completed by Laura Line, Center for Aquatic
and Invasive Plants, University of Florida. With proper attribution, and for
non-profit purposes, please feel free to use these line drawings for manuals,
brochures, reports, proposals, web sites...
Spirodela polyrhiza giant duckweed
Wolffia columbiana water meal
Wolffiella floridana mud-midget
Landoltia punctata non-native duckweed in Florida>
Also, see the new photos of these duckweeds on the new APIRS web
Spirodela polyrhiza
Wolffia columbiana
Wolffiella floridana
Lemna valdiviana
Landoltia puncata (Spirodela punctata)
Aquaphyte Contents I Aquaphyte page I Home
A Collaborative Effort:
Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, University of Florida
Bureau of Invasive Plant Management, Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Classroom size, Free to Requesting Teachers (K-12)
Send your non-virtual letter for immediate delivery.
Here are two large photo-murals of 75 invasive non-native plants in the U.S. Of the plants
depicted, 100% are found in Florida, 50% are also found elsewhere in the Southeast U.S.; 50%
are also found in Hawaii; 15% are also found in the West; 15% are also found in the East; and
17% are also found in most of the rest of the U.S.
All plants are depicted in large, strikingly attractive color photographs. Here is the list of plants.
At the request of teachers and enviro-trainers, these photo-murals were produced to be
attention-grabbing teaching tools for science classes and management agency training, and for
homeowners' forums, ecology clubs, environmental advocacy groups and others concerned about
the onslaught of non-native plants in the United States. It was produced by the University of
Florida and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, with printing support from
Cerexagri. Additional printing support came from Sea Grant, the national Aquatic Plant
Management Society, the Florida Aquatic Plant Management Society, and from the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers Jacksonville Office.
The photo-murals are available:
-- free-to-teachers:
fully laminated copies of the murals are free to teachers (U.S., K-12) and
public agency trainers (U.S.) who request them in writing, on letterhead, to
the non-virtual APIRSaddress below. there is a limited number of free
copies available -
Please do not telephone or e-mail us about the free photo-mural s offer;
we are happy to accept letters on letterhead from teachers (U.S., K-12) and
public agency trainers (U.S.) who want their free copies. Send your request
letters to: APIRS Photo-Mural, Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants,
7922 NW 71 ST, Gainesville, FL 32653.
-- All four plant photo-murals are for sale to anyone from 1-800-226-1764:
They may be purchased singly or as a complete set.
1) SP-293 Native Freshwater Plants Photo-Mural fully laminated 62 in.
X 23 in.
$20 each plus S/H.
2) SP-329 MORE Native Freshwater Plants Photo-Mural fully laminated
27 in. X 39 in.
$12 each plus S/H.
3) SP-292 Invasive Non-Native Plants fully laminated 62 in. X 23 in.
$20 each plus S/H.
4) SP-328 MORE Invasive Non-Native Plants fully laminated 27 in. X
39 in.
$12 each plus S/H.
plus S/H
Purchase copies from the IFAS Publications Office, 1-800-226-1764.
(Credit cards accepted.)
Remember that WHEN YOU PURCHASE A COPY, you also are buying a copy
for a K-12 teacher!
Home |
Copyright 2003 University of Florida
New Florida Web Projects
The Florida Environments Online (FEOL) project has merged eight research
bibliographies on Florida's biotic communities into one searchable database. The
bibliographies were compiled by scientists and state agencies throughout Florida
and cover the following subjects: ornithology; fish; herpetology; geology; literature
useful to the study of Florida plants; fresh water; ecosystems; and agricultural
history. The total number of records will eventually number more than 13,000.
Although some records have yet to be entered, the system is currently available
online through WebLUIS (the Library User Information Service of the State
University System of Florida). Access can be gained through the library websites of
any of Florida's state universities.
The FEOL database is part of a larger project, Linking Florida's Natural Heritage
(LFNH), that allows students, researchers, and the public to query museum
specimen databases, library catalogs, and other citation databases for taxonomic and
topical information. Collections included in the project are Everglades Online,
Florida Environments Online, the FORMIS Ant Bibliography (29,000 references),
the Sea Turtle Bibliography (12,000 references), the State University System of
Florida library catalogs (more than ten million references (on all subjects)), the
Florida Museum of Natural History's ichthyology and herpetology specimen
collections (143,000 cataloged lots and 149,000 specimens, respectively), the Tall
Timbers Research Station bird specimen collection (3,900 specimens), and a core
collection of several hundred key publications selected for digitization. The LFNH
project on Florida species and ecosystems is available at http://susdl.fcla.edu.lfnh/
Aquaphyte Contents I Aguaphyte page I Home
AQUATICS still thriving after all these years
With the recent surge in interest in exotic and invasive species of the terrestrial sort,
many researchers and managers have headed upland from their lakes, rivers and
wetlands. Let it be known that the Aquatic Plant Management Society and its
regional chapters are still alive and thriving with plenty of aquatic plants to take care
The Aquatic Plant Management Society, Inc. (APMS) is an international
organization of scientists, educators, students, commercial pesticide applicators,
administrators, and concerned individuals interested in the management and study of
aquatic plants. The membership reflects a diversity of federal, state, and local
agencies; universities and colleges around the world; corporations; and small
Originally known as the Hyacinth Control Society, Inc. when founded in 1961, the
APMS is a respected source of expertise in the field of biological, mechanical, and
chemical aquatic plant management and aquatic plant science. The Society has
grown to include chapters in Florida, Texas, South Carolina, the Midsouth,
Midwest, Northeast, Western, and the Nile Basin. Through these affiliates, annual
meetings, newsletters, and the Journal of Aquatic Plant Management, members
keep abreast of the latest developments in the field.
The objectives of the Society are to assist in promoting the management of nuisance
aquatic plants, to provide for the scientific advancement of members of the society,
to encourage scientific research, to promote university scholarship, and to extend
and develop public interest in the aquatic plant science discipline. For more
information on the APMS and its chapters, go to http://www.apms.org
Aquaphyte Contents I Aquaphyte page I Home
Classic Book Newly Available:
C.D. Sculthorpe's
In the late Sculthorpe's words, this book is a "monograph treating all aspects of the
comparative biology of freshwater and marine vascular plants." Although written
primarily for undergraduate and graduate students, the author hoped the book also
would be useful to teachers and researchers in the field of aquatic biology.
Koeltz Scientific Books recently announced that they had "found a large quantity of
unbound copies in their warehouse," and had bound them up to sell. This book was
out of print for some years and is considered a classic in its field.
Contents include:
The Salient Features ofAquatic Vascular Plants and the Aquatic
A Link with Land Plants: The Structure and Physiology of Emergent Foliage;
Life in two Environments: The Structure & Physiology of Floating Leaves;
Life in the Water: The Structure and Physiology of Submerged Organs;
Life in the Substrate: The Structure and Physiology of Underground Organs;
The Free-Floating Habit;
Vegetative Polymorphism and the Problem ofHeterophylly;
Sexual Reproduction and Natural Affinities;
Vegetative Reproduction and Perennation; Some Aspects of the Geography of
Aquatic Vascular Plants;
The Growth of Hydrophyte Communities and Their Interaction with the
Aquatic Environment;
The Problem ofAquatic Weeds;
The Control ofAquatic Weeds;
The Aesthetic and Economic Value ofAquatic Vascular Plants;
Bibliography (58 p.).
This is the 1985 reprint of the 1971 2nd edition. The book costs 128.00 DM (US$
69.00), plus shipping. Contact Koeltz for more information at koeltz@t online.de
Aquaphyte Contents I Aquaphyte page I Home
IAMSLIC It's for the librarians!
IAMSLIC is the International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science
Libraries and Information Centers. Begun in 1975, it has more than 280 members
with one third of the membership working outside the U.S. & Canada. IAMSLIC is
a nonprofit organization providing an annual conference, continuing education
workshops, a quarterly newsletter, a membership directory, electronic mail
conferencing, and special projects. Individuals representing all types and sizes of
libraries and information centers participate, including marine and freshwater
research and policy institutions, government agencies, colleges, universities,
nonprofit and profit organizations.
IAMSLIC offers a unique opportunity to meet librarians and others interested in
aquatic and marine science information from throughout the world in a professional
context. The IAMSLIC 26th annual conference in Victoria, B.C., Canada was
attended by approximately 100 librarians and information specialists from Fiji,
Malaysia, Iceland, Japan, Belgium, Tanzania, Great Britain, Italy, Australia, South
Africa, France and Germany, as well as the United States and Canada. Keynote
speakers were Richard Luce, Director of the Los Alamos National Laboratory
Research Library in New Mexico, and Carla Stoffle, Dean of Libraries at the
University of Arizona. Laura Gasaway, author, lawyer, librarian and nationally
recognized expert on copyright law in libraries presented a special session on
copyright issues and digital licensing.
IAMSLIC promotes cooperation and sharing of resources among libraries and
information centers which specialize in any aspect of aquatic science. Regional
groups include the European Association (EURASLIC), South Pacific, Africa,
Cyamus (west coast of North America), and the Southeastern Association (SAIL,
southeast Atlantic states, Gulf Coast and Caribbean). For more information, visit the
IAMSLIC website at: http://siolibrary.ucsd.edu/iamslic/
Aquaphyte Contents Aquaphyte page Home
Odds n' Ends
Harmful Nonnative Weed Control Act of 2000. U.S. Senate Bill S. 3222,
introduced by Sen. Larry Craig (with 7 co-sponsors so far), seeks to raise federal
money and to require the Secretary of the Interior to "provide assistance [through
the States] to eligible weed management entities to control or eradicate harmful,
nonnative weeds on public and private lands." The bill was referred to the
Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; it is expected to be reintroduced to
the new Congress in 2001, with possible hearings in the winter. Individuals can read
and track the bill through: http://thomas.loc.gov/home/cl06query.html or contact
Myra Hyde, mhyde(frbeef.org
The World Biodiversity Database (WBD) is now 10 years old. A project of ETI
(Expert Center for Taxonomic Identification), the WBD now has information on
about 120,000 species. The ETI Biodiversity Center, supported by UNESCO, the
Dutch government and the University of Amsterdam, seeks nothing less than to
make it possible to use the Internet to identify plants and animals from all over the
world. Visit their web site: http://www.eti.uva.nl
Vascular Plant Type Catalog. The New York Botanical Garden is working to
become the first major herbarium to place online information about and photographs
of its (90,000) vascular plant type specimens. The web site is clean and easy to use;
the hi-resolution pictures are very well done: http://www.nybg.org/bsci/hcol/vasc/
Biological Invasions Journal. This very interesting new scientific journal, as
described in the last issue of AQUAPHYTE, has to do with plant and animal
invaders. The first several issues of Biological Invasions are now online, and
downloadable as PDF files "by licensed institutions", including Volume 1, Issue
2/3, which has several articles about invading aquatic plants, such as an excellent
article by D.H. Les and L.J. Mehrhoff on the "methods of introduction, avenues and
means of dispersal, and extent of invasiveness" of 18 aquatic plants in southern New
England: http://www.wkap.nl.jrnltoc.htm/1387-3547
AQUA-QUIP. Inland Lake Harvesters is a Wisconsin company making a line of
equipment including aquatic plant harvesters, shuttle barges, shore conveyors and
trailers. In business since 1983. http://www.inland-lake.com
Water Hyacinth on Lake Malawi. This is a news story about the water hyacinth
infestation of Africa's third largest lake, the plant's threat to the lake's biodiversity,
and the methods used to manage the plant since 1996. http://ens.lycos.com/ens/
University Scholars Program of the University of Florida supports an online
Journal of Undergraduate Research. Research by these outstanding students
includes several of interest to our readers: Simulation of Rodeo Overspray Damage
to Maidencane, Three Square and Soft-Stem, by Nora Fosman http://web.clas.ufl.
edu/CLAS/jur/0004/fosmanpaper.html; An Evaluation of Fungal Isolates for the
Biological Control of Waterhyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes, by Alison Walker
http://web.clas.ufl.edu/CLAS/jur/0005/walkerpaper.html; Phosphorus and
Nitrogen Flux from Lake Okeechobee Sediments by Valerie K. Ensenat http://web.
clas.ufl.edu/CLAS/jur/0006/ensenatpaper.html; and Propagation of Ludwigia
repens in Florida Springs, by John McKay http://web.clas.ufl.edu/CLAS/jur/0011/
Something a little different. A Danish company, Gartneriet Timmermann A/S,
recognizes the intrinsic beauty of certain wetland plants that others do not, and has
found a market for them. They sell greenhouse-grown decorative displays of plants
such as Scirpus cernuus, Eleocharis geniculata, and species of Carex and Acorus.
Plant Names Database. The International Plant Names Index (IPNI) is a database
of the names and associated basic bibliographical details of all seed plants. The
database includes citations for 1.3 million species. IPNI is sponsored by The Royal
Botanic Gardens, Kew; The Harvard University Herbaria; and the Australian
National Herbarium. http://www.ipni.org/ or the mirror site in the U.S. http://www.
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Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants
May 15-18, 2008; Palmetto, Florida www.fnps.org
28th Annual Florida Native Plant Society Conference
Uplands to Estuaries: Celebrating Florida's Native Plant Heritage
May 20-22, 2008; Imperial Palace Casinos, Biloxi, Mississippi http://www.se-eppc.org
10th Annual Southeast EPPC Conference
June 23-27, 2008; International Weed Science Society, Vancouver, Canada http://iws.ucdavis.
International Weed Science Society
Aquatic Weed Management
Mike Netherland, USA I mdnether(@ufl .edu
Kevin Murphy, UK |I k.murphy@vbio.qla.ac.uk
June 23-26, 2008; University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida http://www.conference.ifas.ufl.edu/soils/
Biogeochemistry of Wetlands: Science and Applications Short Course
August 25-26th, 2008; LSU Energy, Coast, and Environmental Building, Baton Rouge, Louisiana http://www.
Sustainable Management of Deltaic Ecosystems: Integration of Theory and Practice
September 7-12, 2008; Daniel Boone National Forest, Olympia Springs, Kentucky http://tfce.uky.edu/wri 2008.
2008 Eastern Regional Wetland Restoration Institute
September 23-25, 2008; Austin Carey Memorial Forest Education Building, Gainesville, Fl. http://soils.ifas.ufl.
Hydric Soils Short Course Specialized Training for Wetland Specialists
October 21-23, 2008; Austin Carey Memorial Forest Education Building, Gainesville, Fl. http://soils.ifas.ufl.edu
Hydric Soils Short Course Specialized Training for Wetland Specialists
November 12-14, 2008; Stellenbosch, South Africa http://academic.sun.ac.za/cib/events/Elton CIB symposium.
Fifty Years of Invasion Ecology the Legacy of Charles Elton
Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology, Stellenbosch University
November 18-20 2008; Austin Carey Memorial Forest Education Building, Gainesville, Fl. http://soils.ifas.ufl.
Hydric Soils Short Course Specialized Training for Wetland Specialists
June 23-26, 2009; Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico http://www.paleolim.org/index.php/symposia/
11th International Paleolimnology Symposium
August 23-27, 2009; Stellenbosch, South Africa www.emapi2009.co.za or rich@(sun.ac.za
The 10th International Conference on the Ecology and Management of Alien Plant
Invasions (EMAPI)
Centre for Invasion Biology (CIB), Department of Botany & Zoology, Stellenbosch University
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Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants
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Langeland/Burks Non-Native Plants Book
8 Online Articles and Extension Publications
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Copyright 2007 University of Florida
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Here is a sampling of the research articles, books and reports which have been entered into
the aquatic plant database since Spring 2000. The database has more than 52,000 citations.
To receive free bibliographies on specific plants and/or subjects, contact APIRS at 352-
392-1799 or use the database online at http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/database.html
To obtain articles, contact your nearest state or university library.
Ali, M.M., Murphy, K.J., Abernethy, V.J.
Macrophyte functional variables versus species assemblages as predictors of trophic
status in flowing waters.
HYDROBIOLOGIA 415:131-138. 1999.
Amoros, C., Bornette, G., Henry, C.P.
Environmental auditing: a vegetation based method for ecological diagnosis of
riverine wetlands.
ENVIRON. MANAGE. 25(2):211-227. 2000.
Anchev, M.E., Tomsovic, P.
The Rorippa pyrenaica group (Brassicaceae) in the Balkan Peninsula.
FOLIA GEOBOTANICA 34(2):261-276. 1999.
Anderson, L.W.J.
Dissipation and movement of Sonar, and Komeen following typical applications for
control of Egeria densa in the Sacramento/San Joaquin Delta, and production and
viability of E. densa fragments following mechanical harvesting (1997/1998).
Andrzejewska-Golec, E.
Microhairs of Littorella uniflora (L.) Asch. (Plantaginaceae).
FEDDES REPERTORIUM 109(7-8):521-526. 1998.
Austin, D.F.
Displacement of native ecosystems by invasive alien plants the Florida experience,
or how to destroy an ecosystem.
NATIVE PLANT SOC., 4-7 JUNE 1998, EDS. D.T. JONES AND B.W. GAMBLE, PP. 3-21. 1999.
Bachmann, R.W., Hoyer, M.V., Canfield, D.E.
Internal heterotrophy following the switch from macrophytes to algae in Lake
Apopka, Florida.
HYDROBIOLOGIA 418:217-227. 2000.
Barrett, P.R.F., Littlejohn, J.W., Curnow, J.
Long-term algal control in a reservoir using barley straw.
HYDROBIOLOGIA 415:309-313. 1999.
Batzer, D.P., Pusateri, C.R., Vetter, R.
Impacts of fish predation on marsh invertebrates: direct and indirect effects.
WETLANDS 20(2):307-312. 2000.
Bennett, C.A., Buckingham, G.R.
Biological control of hydrilla and Eurasian watermilfoil insect quarantine research.
NATIVE PLANT SOC., 4-7 JUNE 1998, EDS. D.T. JONES AND B.W. GAMBLE, PP. 363-369. 1999
Bennett, J.P., Chiriboga, E., Coleman, J., Waller, D.M.
Heavy metals in wild rice from northern Wisconsin.
SCI. TOTAL ENVIRON. 246(2-3):261-269. 2000.
Billore, S.K., Singh, N., Sharma, J.K., Dass, P., et al
Horizontal subsurface flow gravel bed constructed wetland with Phragmites karka
in central India.
WATER, SCIENCE & TECHNOL. 40(3):163-171. 1999.
Birks, H.H.
Aquatic macrophyte vegetation development in Krakenes Lake, western Norway,
during the late-glacial and early-holocene.
J. PALEOLIMNOL. 23(1):7-19. 2000.
Bruno, J.F., Kennedy, C.W.
Patch-size dependent habitat modification and facilitation on New England cobble
beaches by Spartina alterniflora.
OECOLOGIA 122(1):98-108. 2000.
Burks, K.C., Austin, D.F.
Ipomoea asarifolia (Convolvulaceae), another potential exotic pest in the United
AQUATICS 22(2): 16, 18. 2000.
Caffrey, J., Barrett, P.R.F., Ferreira, M.T., Moreira, I.S., et al, eds.
Developments in hydrobiology: biology, ecology and management of aquatic plants.
Castelli, R.M., Chambers, J.C., Tausch, R.J.
Soil-plant relations along a soil-water gradient in Great Basin riparian meadows.
WETLANDS 20(2):251-266. 2000.
Chabbi, A.
Juncus bulbosus as a pioneer species in acidic lignite mining lakes: source of
inorganic carbon assimilation and phosphorus uptake kinetics.
Chan, T.K., Lim, S.H., Tan, H.T.W., Lim, C.P.
Variation of bending capacity along the lamina length of a grass, Imperata
cylindrica var. major (Gramineae).
ANNALS OF BOTANY 84(6):703-708. 1999.
Cilliers, C.J.
Lysathia n. sp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), a host-specific beetle for the control of
the aquatic weed Myriophyllum aquaticum (Haloragaceae) in South Africa.
DORDRECHT, PP. 271-276. 1999.
Connors, L.M., Kiviat, E., Groffman, P.M., Ostfeld, R.S.
Muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) disturbance to vegetation and potential net nitrogen
mineralization and nitrification rates in a freshwater tidal marsh.
AMER. MIDL. NATURALIST 143(1):53-63. 2000.
Cooper, R.L., Osborn, J.M., Philbrick, C.T.
Comparative pollen morphology and ultrastructure of the Callitrichaceae.
AMER. J. BOTANY 87(2):161-175. 2000.
Dall Armellina, A.A., Bezic, C.R., Gajardo, O.A.
Submerged macrophyte control with herbivorous fish in irrigation channels of
semiarid Argentina.
DORDRECHT, PP. 265-269. 1999.
Dawson, F.H., Szoszkiewicz, K.
Relationships of some ecological factors with the associations of vegetation in
British rivers.
DORDRECHT, PP. 117-122. 1999.
Eckert, C.G., Dorken, M.E., Mitchell, S.A.
Loss of sex in clonal populations of a flowering plant, Decodon verticillatus
EVOLUTION 53(4): 1079-1092. 1999.
Ellery, W.N., McCarthy, T.S., Dangerfield, J.M.
Floristic diversity in the Okavango Delta, Botswana as an endogenous product of
biological activity.
195-226. 2000.
Eriksson, P.G., Weisner, S.E.B.
An experimental study on effects of submersed macrophytes on nitrification and
denitrification in ammonium-rich aquatic systems.
LIMNOL. OCEANOGR. 44(8): 1993-1999. 1999.
Ertug, F.
Plants used in domestic handicrafts in central Turkey.
HERB J. SYSTEMATIC BOT. 6(2):57-68. 1999.
Fox, A.M., Haller, W.T.
Production and survivorship of the functional stolons of giant cutgrass, Zizaniopsis
miliacea (Poaceae).
AMER. J. BOT. 87(6):811-818. 2000.
Gerba, C.P., Thurston, J.A., Falabi, J.A., Watt, P.M., et al
Optimization of artificial wetland design for removal of indicator microorganisms
and pathogenic protozoa.
WATER, SCIENCE & TECHNOL. 40(4-5):363-368. 1999.
Getsinger, K.D., Petty, D.G., Madsen, J.D., Skogerboe, J.G., et al
Aquatic dissipation of the herbicide triclopyr in Lake Minnetonka, Minnesota.
PEST MANAGEMENT SCI. 56:388-400. 2000.
Gumbert, A., Kunze, J.
Inflorescence height affects visitation behavior of bees a case study of an aquatic
plant community in Bolivia.
BIOTROPICA 31(3):466-477. 1999.
Hellblom, F., Bjork, M.
Photosynthetic responses in Zostera marina to decreasing salinity, inorganic carbon
content and osmolality.
AQUATIC BOTANY 65(1-4):97-104. 1999.
Hellsten, S., Dieme, C., Mbengue, M., Janauer, G.A.
Typha control efficiency of a weed-cutting boat in the Lac de Guiers in Senegal: a
preliminary study on mowing speed and regrowth capacity.
DORDRECHT, PP. 249-255. 1999.
Hofstra, D.E., Clayton, J.S., Champion, P.D., Green, J.D.
Distribution and density of vegetative hydrilla propagules in the sediments of two
New Zealand lakes.
J. AQUATIC PLANT MANAGE. 37:41-44. 2000.
Hossain, M.A., Ishimine, Y., Akamine, H., Murayama, S., et al
Effect of burial depth on emergence of Panicum repens.
WEED SCI. 47(6):651-656. 1999.
Jackson, R., Douglas, M.
An aquatic risk assessment for Cyhalofop-butyl: a new herbicide for control of
barnyard grass in rice.
354. 1999.
Jager-Zurn, I.
The "super-glue" of Podostemaceae is a bacterial slime.
Jansson, R., Nilsson, C., Dynesius, M., Andersson, E.
Effects of river regulation on river-margin vegetation: a comparison of eight boreal
ECOL. APPL. 10(1):203-224. 2000.
Keller, B.E.M.
Genetic variation among and within populations of Phragmites australis in the
Charles River watershed.
AQUATIC BOTANY 66(3): 195-208. 2000.
Khatun, A., Ali, M.A., Dingle, J.G.
Comparison of the nutritive value for laying hens of diets containing Azolla (Azolla
pinnata) based on formulation using digestible protein and digestible amino acid
versus total protein and total amino acid.
ANIMAL FEED SCI. TECHNOL. 81(1-2):43-56. 1999.
King, S.E., Grace, J.B.
The effects of soil flooding on the establishment of cogongrass (Imperata
cylindrica), a nonindigenous invader of the southeastern United States.
WETLANDS 20(2):300-306. 2000.
Knapton, R.W., Petrie, S.A.
Changes in distribution and abundance of submerged macrophytes in the Inner Bay
at Long Point, Lake Erie: implications for foraging waterfowl.
J. GREAT LAKES RES. 25(4):783-798. 1999.
Kost, M.A., De Steven, D.
Plant community responses to prescribed burning in Wisconsin sedge meadows.
NATURAL AREAS J. 20(1):36-45. 2000.
Kraaij, T., Cramer, M.D.
Do the gas exchange characteristics of alien Acacias enable them to successfully
invade the fynbos?
SO. AFR. J. BOT. 65(3):232-238. 1999.
Kunii, H.
Annual and seasonal variations in net production, biomass and life span on floating
leaves in Brasenia schreberi, J.F. Gmel.
JAPANESE J. LIMNOL. 60(3):281-289. 1999.
Kvacek, Z., Sakala, J.
Twig with attached leaves, fruits and seeds of Decodon (Lythraceae) from the
Lower Miocene of northern Bohemia, and implications for the identification of
detached leaves and seeds.
REV. PALAEOBOT. PALYNOL. 107:201-222. 1999.
Lehmann, A., Lachavanne, J.-B.
Changes in the water quality of Lake Geneva indicated by submerged macrophytes.
FRESHWATER BIOL. 42(3):457-466. 1999.
Lenssen, J.P.M., Menting, F.B.J., van der Putten, W.H., Blom, C.W.P.M.
Vegetative reproduction by species with different adaptations to shallow-flooded
NEW PHYTOL. 145(1):61-70. 2000.
Les, D.H., Crawford, D.J.
Landoltia (Lemnaceae), a new genus of duckweeds.
NOVON 9(4):530-533. 1999.
Les, D.H., Schneider, E.L., Padgett, D.J., Soltis, P.A., et al
Phylogeny, classification and floral evolution of water lilies (Nymphaeaceae;
Nymphaeales): a synthesis of non-molecular, rbcL, matK, and 18S rDNA data.
SYSTEMATIC BOT. 24(1):28-46. 1999.
Li, M., Kleinhenz, V., Lyall, T., Midmore, D.J.
Response of Chinese water chestnut (Eleocharis dulcis (Burm. F.) Hensch) to
J. HORT. SCI. BIOTECHNOL. 75(1):72-78. 2000.
Lindgren, C.J., Gabor, T.S., Murkin, H.R.
Compatibility of glyphosate with Galerucella calmariensis, a biological control
agent for purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria).
J. AQUATIC PLANT MANAGE. 37:44-48. 1999.
Luciano, S.C., Henry, R.
Biomass of Eichhornia azurea Kunth. and Brachiaria arrecta Stent. in lower
Taquari River, Jurumirim Reservoir, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
VERH. INTERNAL. VEREIN. LIMNOL. 26:1857-1861. 1998.
Matheson, R.E., Camp, D.K., Sogard, S.M., Bjorgo, K.A.
Changes in seagrass-associated fish and crustacean communities on Florida Bay
mud banks: the effects of recent ecosystem changes?
ESTUARIES 22(2B):534-551. 1999.
Medal, J.C., Pitelli, R.A., Santana, A., Gandolfo, D., et al
Host specificity ofMetriona elatoir, a potential biological control agent of Tropical
soda apple, Solanum viarum, in the USA.
BIOCONTROL 44(4):421-436. 1999.
Mohan, B.S., Hosetti, B.B.
Aquatic plants for toxicity assessment.
ENVIRON. RES. 81(4):259-274. 1999.
Molina, J.A., Sardinero, S.
Classification of aquatic plant communities of the Celtiberico-Alcarrefto sector
(central Iberian Peninsula).
Moreira, I., Monteiro, A., Ferreira, T.
Biology and control of parrotfeather (Myriophyllum aquaticum) in Portugal.
ECOL. ENV. & CONS. 5(3):171-179. 1999.
Morris, M.J., Wood, A.R., Den Breeyen, A.
Plant pathogens and biological control of weeds in South Africa: a review of
projects and progress during the last decade.
AFRICAN ENTOMOL. 7(1):129-137. 1999.
Moyroud, R.
Exotic weeds that threaten the Caribbean: a brief overview and early alarm call.
WILDLAND WEEDS 3(2):4-5, 7-8. 2000.
Muramota, S., Tezuka, F., Agata, W.
Effects of anionic surface active agents on the uptake of aluminum by Cyperus
alternifolius L. exposed to water containing high levels of aluminum.
BULL. ENVIRON. CONTAM. TOXICOL. 64(1):122-129. 2000.
Murphy, J.F., Giller, P.S.
Seasonal dynamics of macroinvertebrate assemblages in the benthos and associated
with detritus packs in two low-order streams with different reparian vegetation.
FRESHWATER BIOL. 43(4):617-631. 2000.
Newman, J.R., Watson, R.C.
Preliminary observations on the control of algal growth by magnetic treatment of
DORDRECHT, PP. 319-322. 1999.
Ni, H., Moody, K., Robles, R.P., Paller, E.C., et al
Oryza sativa plant traits conferring competitive ability against weeds.
WEED SCIENCE 48(2):200-204. 2000.
Nyakang'o, J.B., Van Bruggen, J.J.A.
Combination of a well functioning constructed wetland with a pleasing landscape
design in Nairobi, Kenya.
WATER, SCIENCE & TECHNOL. 40(3):249-256. 1999.
Pasqualini, V., Clabaut, P., Pergent, G., BenYoussef, L., et al
Contribution of side scan sonar to the management of Mediterranean littoral
INT. J. REMOTE SENSING 21(2):367-378. 2000.
Pellerin, S., Lavoie, C.
Peatland fragments of southern Quebec: recent evolution of their vegetation
CAN. J. BOT. 78(2):255-265. 2000.
Pezeshki, S.R., Hester, M.W., Lin, Q., Nyman, J.A.
The effect of oil spill and clean-up on dominant U.S. gulf coast macrophytes: a
ENVIRON. POLLUTION 108:129-139. 2000.
Radoux, M., Cadelli, D., Nemcova, M.
A comparison of purification efficiencies of various constructed ecosystems
(aquatic, semi-aquatic and terrestrial) receiving urban wastewaters.
WETLANDS ECOL. MANAGE. 4:207-217. 1997.
Reitner, B., Herzig, A., Herndl, G.J.
Dynamics of bacterioplankton production in a shallow, temperate lake (Lake
Neusiedl, Austria): evidence for dependence on macrophyte production rather than
on phytoplankton.
AQUAT. MICROB. ECOL. 19(3):245-254. 1999.
Richardson, C.J., Ferrel, G.M., Vaithiyanathan, P.
Nutrient effects on stand structure, resorption efficiency, and secondary compounds
in Everglades sawgrass.
ECOLOGY 80(7):2182-2192. 1999.
Riis, T., Sand-Jensen, K., Vestergaard, 0.
Plant communities in lowland Danish streams: species composition and
environmental factors.
AQUATIC BOTANY 66(4):255-272. 2000.
Rose, C.D., Sharp, W.C., Kenworthy, W.J., Hunt, J.H., et al
Overgrazing of a large seagrass bed by the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatusin outer
Florida Bay.
MAR. ECOL. PROG. SER. 190:211-222. 1999.
Sala, M.M., Gude, H.
Role of protozoans on the microbial ectoenzymatic activity during the degradation
of macrophytes.
AQUAT. MICROB. ECOL. 20:75-82. 1999.
Savery, S.
Hydrilla in Wakulla Springs State Park: an update.
AQUATICS 22(1):4, 7-8. 2000.
Schiller, J.R., Zedler, P.H., Black, C.H.
The effect of density-dependent insect visits, flowering phenology, and plant size on
seed set of the endangered vernal pool plant Pogogyne abramsii (Lamiaceae) in
natural compared to created vernal pools.
WETLANDS 20(2):386-396. 2000.
Seca, A.M.L., Cavaleiro, J.A.S., Domingues, F.M.J., Silvestre, A.J.D., et al
Structural characterization of the lignin from the nodes and internodes of Arundo
donax reed.
J. AGRIC. FOOD CHEM. 48(3):817-824. 2000.
Seliskar, D.M., Gallagher, J.L.
Exploiting wild population diversity and somaclonal variation in the salt marsh
grass Distichlis spicata(Poaceae) for marsh creation and restoration.
AMER. J. BOT. 87(1):141-146. 2000.
Soukup, A., Votrubova, 0., Cizkova, H.
Internal segmentation of rhizomes of Phragmites australis: protection of the internal
aeration system against being flooded.
NEW PHYTOL. 145(1):71-75. 2000.
Stafford, H.S.
Observations on the use of Arsenal for the control of Melaleuca quinquenervia
(Cav.) S.T. Blake in a high marsh habitat.
NATIVE PLANT SOC., 4-7 JUNE 1998, EDS. D.T. JONES AND B.W. GAMBLE, PP. 291-295. 1999.
Stoyanova, D.
Ultrastructural responses of leaf mesophyll and trap wall cells of Utricularia
vulgaris to cadmium.
BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 42(3):395-400. 1999.
Suryadiputra, N.N., Gonner, C., Wibowo, P., Ratnawati, E.
The Mahakam Lakes of East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Szabo, S., Braun, M., Borics, G.
Elemental flux between algae and duckweeds (Lemna gibba) during competition.
ARCH. HYDROBIOL. 146(3):355-367. 1999.
Teisseire, H., Guy, V.
Copper-induced changes in antioxidant enzymes activities in fronds of duckweed
(Lemna minor).
PLANT SCI. 153(1):65-72. 2000.
Toth, A., Lakatos, T., Braun, M., Kiss, B.
Ramet distribution, leaf morphometry and elemental composition of Caltha
palustris L. along a water depth gradient.
FLORA 194(4):431-437. 1999.
Ueno, S., Nakamura, T., Kadono, Y.
Chromosome numbers of Myriophyllum ussuriense Maxim. (Haloragaceae) in Japan.
ACTA PHYTOTAX. GEOBOT. 50(2):225-228. 1999.
Uusi-Kamppa, J., Braskerud, B., Jansson, H., Syversen, N., et al
Buffer zones and constructed wetlands as filters for agricultural phosphorus.
J. ENVIR. QUAL. 29(1):151-158. 2000.
Vandaele, S., Thoeye, C., Van Eygen, B., De Gueldre, G.
Small wastewater treatment plants in Flanders (Belgium): standard approach and
experiences with constructed reed beds.
WATER, SCIENCE & TECHNOL. 41(1):57-63. 2000.
van Dyke, J., Ludlow, J.
Aquatic plant management in a disappearing lake.
AQUATICS 22(2):4, 7-8. 2000.
Van Geest, G.J., Zwaardemaker, N.G., Van Wijngaarden, R.P.A., Cuppen, J.G.
Effects of a pulsed treatment with the herbicide Afalon (active ingredient Linuron)
on macrophyte-dominated mesocosms. II. Structural responses.
ENVIRON. TOXICOL. CHEM. 18(12):2866-2874. 1999.
Verduin, J.J., Backhaus, J.O.
Dynamics of plant-flow interactions for the seagrass Amphibolis antarctica: field
observations and model simulations.
ESTUARINE, COASTAL AND SHELF SCI. 50(2): 185-204. 2000.
Westlake, D.F.
Primary production.
BRITAIN, PP. 141-246. 1980.
Wojcicki, J.J., Song, S., Wang, Y.
Fossil Trapa L. of China. 1. A new locality from the miocene of the Lian He coal
mine, west Yunnan.
ACTA PALAEOBOTANICA 39(1):5-14. 1999.
Wright, D.J., Otte, M.L.
Wetland plant effects on the biogeochem-istry of metals beyond the rhizosphere.
Wu, M.-Y., Hacker, S., Ayres, D., Strong, D.R.
Potential of Prokelisia spp. as biological control agents of English cordgrass,
Spartina anglica.
BIOLOGICAL CONTROL 16(3):267-273. 1999.
Xu, F.-L., Tao, S., Xu, Z.-R.
The restoration of riparian wetlands and macrophytes in Lake Chao, an eutrophic
Chinese lake: possibilities and effects.
HYDROBIOLOGIA 405:169-178. 1999.
Yamamoto, T., Yokotani-Tomita, K., Kosemura, S., Yamamura, S., et al
Allelopathic substance exuded from a serious weed, germinating barnyard grass
(Echinochloa crus-galli L.), roots.
J. PLANT GROWTH REGUL. 18(2):65-67. 1999.
Zhao, K.F., Feng, L.T., Zhang, S.Q.
Study on the salinity-adaptation physiology in different ecotypes of Phragmites
australisin the Yellow River Delta of China: osmotica and their contribution to the
osmotic adjustment.
Zheng, W.W., Nilsson, M., Bergman, B., Rasmussen, U.
Genetic diversity and classification of cyanobacteria in different Azolla species by
the use of PCR fingerprinting.
THEOR. APPL. GENET. 99(7-8): 1187-1193. 1999.
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Aquaphyte Volume 20 Number 2 Winter 2000 AQUAPHYTE OnlineA Newsletter about Aquatic, Wetland and Invasive PlantsVolume 20 Number 2 Winter 2000 Gainesville, Florida ISSN 0893-7702 Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences University of Florida 7922 N.W. 71st Street Gainesville, Florida 32653 352-392-1799 with support from: The Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Invasive Plant Management The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Aquatic Plant Control Research Program The St. Johns River Water Management District Contents About AQUAPHYTE Assessing Non-Native Plants in Florida's Natural Areas What are Duckweeds? NEW! Line-drawings of Duckweeds NEW! Invasive Plants Photo-Mural for Teachers/Trainers New Florida Web Projects http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/aq-w00-1.html (1 of 2) [6/6/2008 2:00:07 PM]
Aquaphyte Volume 20 Number 2 Winter 2000 AQUATICS still thriving after all these years Classic Book Newly Available: The Biology of Aquatic Vascular Plants IAMSLIC It's for the librarians! Odds n' Ends BE THERE, DO THAT BOOKS/REPORTS FROM THE DATABASE a sampling of new additions to the APIRSdatabase Aquaphyte page | Home CAIP-WEBSITE@ufl.edu Copyright 2000 University of Florida http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/aq-w00-1.html (2 of 2) [6/6/2008 2:00:07 PM]
20(2) About Aquaphyte AQUAPHYTE ONLINE Winter 2000 About Aquaphyte This is the newsletter of the Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants and the Aquatic, Wetland and Invasive Plant Information Retrieval System (APIRS) of the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS). Support for the information system is provided by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station Aquatic Plant Control Research Program (APCRP), the St. Johns River Water Management District and UF/IFAS. EDITORS: Victor Ramey Karen Brown AQUAPHYTE is sent to managers, researchers, and agencies in 71 countries. Comments, announcements, news items and other information relevant to aquatic plant research are solicited. Inclusion in AQUAPHYTE does not constitute endorsement, nor does exclusion represent criticism of any item, organization, individual, or institution by the University of Florida. Aquaphyte Contents | Aquaphyte page | Home CAIP-WEBSITE@ufl.edu Copyright 2000 University of Florida http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/aq-w00-9.html [6/6/2008 2:00:08 PM]
Aquaphyte Winter 2000 AQUAPHYTE ONLINE Winter 2000 Assessing Non-Native Plants in Florida's Natural Areas What does one do when the ornamental horticulture department of a university is researching and promoting the use of a non-native plant to commercial growers and landscapers, while other departments of the same university are researching and advocating the control and eradication of the very same species? In the non-academic arena, commercial growers and landscapers are outraged over the perceived threat to their livelihood, while land managers and environmentalists are adamant about protecting their remaining natural areas from invasive plant species. To help solve this problem, members of the University of Floridas Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) Invasive Plants Working Group came up with an assessment protocol for non-native plants in Florida. The protocol is an attempt to reconcile these different factions, to make sure that labels of invasiveness can be defended to the satisfaction of everyone concerned, and to allow those who hold a stake in the issue to be involved in a reasonable approach to its resolution. KB The remainder of this article was adapted from one published in the Fall 2000 issue of Wildland Weeds, a quarterly publication of the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council, and University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service publication SS-AGR-79, by A.M. Fox, D.R. Gordon, J.A. Dusky, L. Tyson, and R.K. Stocker. For further information, contact Dr. Alison Fox, E-mail: amfox@gnv.ifas.ufl.edu The IFAS Assessment of Non-Native Plants in Floridas Natural Areas (hereafter referred to as the IFAS Assessment) was developed in 1999 by a subcommittee of the IFAS Invasive Plants Working Group (A.M. Fox, J.A. Dusky, and R.K. Stocker of the University of Florida; D.R. Gordon of The Nature Conservancy; and L. Tyson of Santa Fe Community College). Wilcove et al. (1998) reported that invasive species are second only to habitat loss in the U. S. as the leading threat to threatened and endangered species. U.S. federal government recognition of these issues was emphasized by President Clintons Executive Order on Invasive Species (1999). However, it is important to acknowledge that only a small percentage of introduced species create a problem in natural areas (Lippincott 1996), and http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/aq-w00-5.html (1 of 6) [6/6/2008 2:00:09 PM]
Aquaphyte Winter 2000 that quantifiable ecological and economic impacts caused by invasive plants range from negligible to catastrophic. Around the world there is a concerted effort to develop predictive models, primarily for species not yet present in a particular area. Many of them appear to be efficient at identifying potential problem species, especially based on information such as whether a species has been a problem elsewhere. A concern about many of these models has been that they are often overly restrictive, in some cases falsely accusing up to 20% of plants that have never (at least in the studied timescales) been found to be invasive (Reichard and Hamilton 1997). Managers of natural areas may not consider this to be much of a flaw, but this is unacceptable to the many people who believe that supplies of plants for food, fiber, and landscaping should not be unnecessarily restricted. The invasive no-brainers are typically well-established and little-disputed species, many of which are already subject to state and/or federal regulation. On the other hand, it is recognized that there are many exotic crops, for example, that do not survive without human intervention in the form of fertilizers, irrigation, etc. Controversy, however, haunts the middle ground and usually surrounds those commercially important species that are either just starting to escape or that appear in natural areas but with unknown or poorly documented impacts. Since 1984, the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council (FLEPPC) has been classifying certain plants as Category I: species that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in Florida based ...on the documented ecological damage caused; or as Category II: species that have shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. The lists serve a variety of purposes (see Floridas most invasive plant list at http://www. fleppc.org/) with the precautionary objective to alert managers of natural areas to currently, or potentially, problematic species. Things become more controversial when these lists are adopted for other purposes, such as the development of local laws banning the use of certain non-native plants. With a large gap between the FLEPPC lists and state and federal regulations (on the 1999 lists, only 25 out of 65 Category I species, and 3 out of 60 Category II species, are governmentregulated), it is not surprising that proactive local organizations have embraced the Category I list. Such regulations have alarmed ornamental horticulturists and landscape designers, who http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/aq-w00-5.html (2 of 6) [6/6/2008 2:00:09 PM]
Aquaphyte Winter 2000 question why some commercially important species such as heavenly bamboo (Nandina domestica), and lantana (Lantana camara) are on the Category I list. Their concerns are magnified because, while distribution maps are available on the FLEPPC website, systematic, written criteria and documentary evidence on which the FLEPPC lists are based are not available. Purpose and Objectives of the IFAS Assessment The primary purpose of the IFAS Assessment is to provide a mechanism to be used within the University of Florida to develop consistent descriptions of, and recommendations for, the use and management of non-native plants in Florida. Secondary objectives are to provide a level of information that is intermediate between simple presence or absence on a list and all the data that are available on any given species; and to identify the frequent data-gaps in our knowledge of these species which would assist in setting research priorities. It is also hoped that the IFAS Assessment will provide a tool to help resolve some of the conflicts between FLEPPC and the Florida Nurserymen and Growers Association (FNGA). The requirements for the IFAS Assessment were that it have precisely defined criteria that are defendable by faculty, all evidence and decisions should be documented and archived for anyone to review, and it should only be used on species already present in the state. Far less is published about most invasive species than desired for an assessment, and anecdotal information can be difficult to defend without further substantiation. Thus, we have defined documentary evidence as being either published and quantitative, or as written observations from three biologists, any of whom could be contacted for confirmation. This process would not be a sufficient replacement for formal (and much more costly and complex) risk-benefit analysis, such as is performed in the development of state regulations prohibiting the use of a species. The IFAS Assessment has five major sections: one to define if a species is invasive in Florida; and one for each of four indices ecological impacts; potential for expansion; difficulty of management; and commercial value; closing with the conclusions. The assessment is intentionally broader than just determining whether a species is invasive (e. g., the latter two indices provide important information that does not address that issue), and there is no intention to offset commercial value against ecological impacts. Invasiveness is very broadly defined in Section I as the establishment of self-sustaining http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/aq-w00-5.html (3 of 6) [6/6/2008 2:00:09 PM]
Aquaphyte Winter 2000 plant populations that are expanding within a natural plant community with which they had not previously been associated (Vitousek et al. 1995). To be declared as being invasive, a plant must be documented in natural areas where there has not been significant human disturbance, or it must have survived restoration of the natural communities. The ecological impacts are evaluated in Section II based on the worst known site(s), without or before any control effort. Scores are assigned to six items in this section that address disruption of ecosystem processes, impacts on threatened or endangered species, competitive displacement, changes in community structure, and hybridization with native species. This impact score is increased if the species can invade a broad range of habitats. In areas that a plant has invaded, an assessment of high or low potential for further expansion (one of very few predictive questions) is based, in Section III, on the number of new sites reported to be infested in the last five years. Difficulty of management and commercial value are assessed, and result in scores based on 10 and 4 items, in Sections IV and V respectively. A species is considered more difficult to manage if non-target damage is hard to avoid, if access and methods of control are costly, if there are large or dispersed areas to be managed, or if the likelihood of regrowth and re-colonization is high. Commercial value turned out to be the most challenging index because there is no tracking of state-wide sales receipts by species. Nobody, including representatives from FNGA, was very satisfied with the rather vague items in this section related to retail sales and importance to nursery growers or farmers. Thus, an analysis of the economic impact of potentially invasive plants in the ornamental nursery industry has been proposed as an important area for future research. Conclusions For all indices other than ecological impacts, the scores for a species are assigned to a high or low category. Scores for ecological impacts, the index which drives the development of conclusions, are assigned to low, medium, high, or very high categories. Based on the permutations of these categories for each index, one of the following conclusions is designated for a species: Not considered a problem invasive species at this time (low impacts and potential for expansion) Caution, prevent escape of this plant (low impacts but high potential for expansion) Avoid use of this plant (medium to high impacts) Do not use this plant (high to very high impacts) http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/aq-w00-5.html (4 of 6) [6/6/2008 2:00:09 PM]
Aquaphyte Winter 2000 While this language has no regulatory authority and is obviously superseded by any state or federal prohibitions, it is intended to provide consistent guidance. All species will be reassessed as new information becomes available (especially in relation to new sites or impacts) and at least every 10 years. Plants with Caution or Avoid conclusions are to be reassessed every two years. Additionally, some of the plants assigned to Avoid will be recommended for a formal risk-benefit analysis. Typically these plants will have medium to high ecological impacts and high commercial value, and the risk-benefit analysis should be conducted promptly. Species that are rated with very high impacts, that score highly on all indices, or that have a combination of medium to high impacts, high potential and low value, will not be recommended for use. In developing the IFAS Assessment, over 20 species were tested without the formal collection of documentary evidence. This range of species represented all categories for each index and all conclusions. In their formal assessment, it takes a substantial effort to collect and document the appropriate data for each species and we have several part-time staff dedicated to this task. As results are compiled, they will be made available online. As a large number of species are assessed, we will test the structure and questions in the IFAS Assessment. We expect that the assessment will continuously evolve both from these internal evaluations and from external input, hence the long-term objective of having an interactive web-based version rather than just the printable format currently available. There is no doubt that for many species on the FLEPPC Category I list, similar conclusions will be reached via the IFAS Assessment. For other species there will seem to be a reduced level of concern based on our stringent criteria and requirements for documented evidence. This may seem alarming to managers of natural areas, but we anticipate that this could provide the impetus to gather more evidence, especially for species with expanding ranges, so that problem species are quickly reassessed and recognized. The precautionary approach of the FLEPPC lists is important for the managers of natural areas and should be continued. The IFAS Assessment is intended to complement this system and it is hoped that many people will contribute information on their least-favorite plants. References: http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/aq-w00-5.html (5 of 6) [6/6/2008 2:00:09 PM]
Aquaphyte Winter 2000 Lippincott, C. 1996. Current estimates of cultivated, native, naturalized, and weedy plant species in Florida. Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council Newsletter Summer 1996, Vol 6. No 3, p. 3. Reichard, S.H. and C.W. Hamilton. 1997. Predicting invasions of woody plants introduced into North America. Conservation Biology 11:193-203. Vitousek, P., L. Loope, C. DAntonio and S.J. Hassol. 1995. Biological invasions as global change. pp. 213-336 In: S.J. Hassol and J. Katzenberger (eds) Elements of change 1994. Aspen Global Change Institute, Aspen, CO. Wilcove, D.S., D. Rothstein, J. Dubow, A. Phillips, and E. Losos. 1998. Quantifying threats to imperiled species in the United States. Bioscience 48:607-615. Aquaphyte Contents | Aquaphyte page | Home CAIP-WEBSITE@ufl.edu Copyright 2000 University of Florida http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/aq-w00-5.html (6 of 6) [6/6/2008 2:00:09 PM]
Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants Aquatic and Wetland Plant Particulars and Photos Aquatic, Wetland and Invasive Plant Particulars and PhotographsUniversity of Florida, Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants Florida's Native Duckweeds Duckweeds are common plants in Florida. Although very small, they are nonetheless sometimes quite noticeable, as when they cover a pond with dense masses. Click on the picture on the left to compare the duckweeds. Note the centimeter-measure in the picture, remembering that 2.5 cm equals an inch. These are very small flowering plants indeed; in fact, water meal (Wolffia spp.), at 1 to 1.5 mm long, is the smallest flowering plant on earth! Also see the individual plant pages for the duckweeds: Spirodela polyrhizagiant duckweed Lemna valdivianasmall duckweed Wolffia columbianawater meal Wolffiella floridanamud-midget Landoltia punctata (Spirodela punctata) a non-native duckweed Home | CAIP-WEBSITE@ufl.edu Copyright 2000 University of Florida http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/duckweed.html [6/6/2008 2:00:10 PM]
20(2) New Duckweed Drawings AQUAPHYTE ONLINE Winter 2000 New Duckweed Drawings! These line drawings were just completed by Laura Line, Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, University of Florida. With proper attribution, and for non-profit purposes, please feel free to use these line drawings for manuals, brochures, reports, proposals, web sites... Spirodela polyrhiza giant duckweed Wolffia columbiana water meal Wolffiella floridana mud-midget Landoltia punctata non-native duckweed in Florida> Also, see the new photos of these duckweeds on the new APIRS web pages: Spirodela polyrhiza Wolffia columbiana Wolffiella floridana Lemna valdiviana Landoltia puncata (Spirodela punctata) Aquaphyte Contents | Aquaphyte page | Home http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/aq-w00-8.html (1 of 2) [6/6/2008 2:00:10 PM]
20(2) New Duckweed Drawings CAIP-WEBSITE@ufl.edu http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/aq-w00-8.html (2 of 2) [6/6/2008 2:00:10 PM]
Two Invasive Non-Native Plants Photo-Murals NEW! Two PHOTO-MURALS INVASIVE NON-NATIVE PLANTS A Collaborative Effort: Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, University of Florida Bureau of Invasive Plant Management, Florida Department of Environmental Protection and Cerexagri Classroom size, Free to Requesting Teachers (K-12) Send your non-virtual letter for immediate delivery. Here are two large photo-murals of 75 invasive non-native plants in the U.S. Of the plants depicted, 100% are found in Florida, 50% are also found elsewhere in the Southeast U.S.; 50% are also found in Hawaii; 15% are also found in the West; 15% are also found in the East; and 17% are also found in most of the rest of the U.S. All plants are depicted in large, strikingly attractive color photographs. Here is the list of plants. At the request of teachers and enviro-trainers, these photo-murals were produced to be attention-grabbing teaching tools for science classes and management agency training, and for http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/mural.html (1 of 3) [6/6/2008 2:00:11 PM]
Two Invasive Non-Native Plants Photo-Murals homeowners' forums, ecology clubs, environmental advocacy groups and others concerned about the onslaught of non-native plants in the United States. It was produced by the University of Florida and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, with printing support from Cerexagri. Additional printing support came from Sea Grant, the national Aquatic Plant Management Society, the Florida Aquatic Plant Management Society, and from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville Office. The photo-murals are available: -free-to-teachers: fully laminated copies of the murals are free to teachers (U.S., K-12) and public agency trainers (U.S.) who request them in writing, on letterhead, to the non-virtual APIRSaddress below. there is a limited number of free copies available Please do not telephone or e-mail us about the free photo-mural s offer; we are happy to accept letters on letterhead from teachers (U.S., K-12) and public agency trainers (U.S.) who want their free copies. Send your request letters to: APIRS Photo-Mural, Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, 7922 NW 71 ST, Gainesville, FL 32653. -All four plant photo-murals are for sale to anyone from 1-800-226-1764: They may be purchased singly or as a complete set. 1) SP-293 Native Freshwater Plants Photo-Mural fully laminated 62 in. X 23 in. $20 each plus S/H. 2) SP-329 MORE Native Freshwater Plants Photo-Mural fully laminated 27 in. X 39 in. $12 each plus S/H. 3) SP-292 Invasive Non-Native Plants fully laminated 62 in. X 23 in. $20 each plus S/H. 4) SP-328 MORE Invasive Non-Native Plants fully laminated 27 in. X 39 in. $12 each plus S/H. OR SAVE MONEY BUY ALL FOUR! http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/mural.html (2 of 3) [6/6/2008 2:00:11 PM]
Two Invasive Non-Native Plants Photo-Murals SP-336 ALL FOUR PHOTO-MURALS AS DESCRIBED ABOVE: $39.50 plus S/H Purchase copies from the IFAS Publications Office, 1-800-226-1764. (Credit cards accepted.) Remember that WHEN YOU PURCHASE A COPY, you also are buying a copy for a K-12 teacher! Home | CAIP-WEBSITE@ufl.edu Copyright 2003 University of Florida http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/mural.html (3 of 3) [6/6/2008 2:00:11 PM]
20(2) New Florida Web Projects AQUAPHYTE ONLINE Winter 2000 New Florida Web Projects The Florida Environments Online (FEOL) project has merged eight research bibliographies on Floridas biotic communities into one searchable database. The bibliographies were compiled by scientists and state agencies throughout Florida and cover the following subjects: ornithology; fish; herpetology; geology; literature useful to the study of Florida plants; fresh water; ecosystems; and agricultural history. The total number of records will eventually number more than 13,000. Although some records have yet to be entered, the system is currently available online through WebLUIS (the Library User Information Service of the State University System of Florida). Access can be gained through the library websites of any of Floridas state universities. The FEOL database is part of a larger project, Linking Floridas Natural Heritage (LFNH), that allows students, researchers, and the public to query museum specimen databases, library catalogs, and other citation databases for taxonomic and topical information. Collections included in the project are Everglades Online, Florida Environments Online, the FORMIS Ant Bibliography (29,000 references), the Sea Turtle Bibliography (12,000 references), the State University System of Florida library catalogs (more than ten million references (on all subjects)), the Florida Museum of Natural Historys ichthyology and herpetology specimen collections (143,000 cataloged lots and 149,000 specimens, respectively), the Tall Timbers Research Station bird specimen collection (3,900 specimens), and a core collection of several hundred key publications selected for digitization. The LFNH project on Florida species and ecosystems is available at http://susdl.fcla.edu.lfnh/ Aquaphyte Contents | Aquaphyte page | Home CAIP-WEBSITE@ufl.edu http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/aq-w00-3.html [6/6/2008 2:00:11 PM]
20(2) AQUATICS AQUAPHYTE ONLINE Winter 2000 AQUATICS still thriving after all these years With the recent surge in interest in exotic and invasive species of the terrestrial sort, many researchers and managers have headed upland from their lakes, rivers and wetlands. Let it be known that the Aquatic Plant Management Society and its regional chapters are still alive and thriving with plenty of aquatic plants to take care of. The Aquatic Plant Management Society, Inc. (APMS) is an international organization of scientists, educators, students, commercial pesticide applicators, administrators, and concerned individuals interested in the management and study of aquatic plants. The membership reflects a diversity of federal, state, and local agencies; universities and colleges around the world; corporations; and small businesses. Originally known as the Hyacinth Control Society, Inc. when founded in 1961, the APMS is a respected source of expertise in the field of biological, mechanical, and chemical aquatic plant management and aquatic plant science. The Society has grown to include chapters in Florida, Texas, South Carolina, the Midsouth, Midwest, Northeast, Western, and the Nile Basin. Through these affiliates, annual meetings, newsletters, and the Journal of Aquatic Plant Management, members keep abreast of the latest developments in the field. The objectives of the Society are to assist in promoting the management of nuisance aquatic plants, to provide for the scientific advancement of members of the society, to encourage scientific research, to promote university scholarship, and to extend and develop public interest in the aquatic plant science discipline. For more information on the APMS and its chapters, go to http://www.apms.org Aquaphyte Contents | Aquaphyte page | Home http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/aq-w00-4.html (1 of 2) [6/6/2008 2:00:11 PM]
20(2) AQUATICS CAIP-WEBSITE@ufl.edu Copyright 2000 University of Florida http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/aq-w00-4.html (2 of 2) [6/6/2008 2:00:11 PM]
20(2) Classic Book AQUAPHYTE ONLINE Winter 2000 Classic Book Newly Available: C.D. Sculthorpe's THE BIOLOGY OF AQUATIC VASCULAR PLANTS In the late Sculthorpes words, this book is a monograph treating all aspects of the comparative biology of freshwater and marine vascular plants. Although written primarily for undergraduate and graduate students, the author hoped the book also would be useful to teachers and researchers in the field of aquatic biology. Koeltz Scientific Books recently announced that they had "found a large quantity of unbound copies in their warehouse, and had bound them up to sell. This book was out of print for some years and is considered a classic in its field. Contents include: The Salient Features of Aquatic Vascular Plants and the Aquatic Environment; A Link with Land Plants: The Structure and Physiology of Emergent Foliage; Life in two Environments: The Structure & Physiology of Floating Leaves; Life in the Water: The Structure and Physiology of Submerged Organs; Life in the Substrate: The Structure and Physiology of Underground Organs; The Free-Floating Habit; Vegetative Polymorphism and the Problem of Heterophylly; Sexual Reproduction and Natural Affinities; Vegetative Reproduction and Perennation; Some Aspects of the Geography of Aquatic Vascular Plants; The Growth of Hydrophyte Communities and Their Interaction with the Aquatic Environment; The Problem of Aquatic Weeds; The Control of Aquatic Weeds; http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/aq-w00-6.html (1 of 2) [6/6/2008 2:00:12 PM]
20(2) Classic Book The Aesthetic and Economic Value of Aquatic Vascular Plants; Bibliography (58 p.). This is the 1985 reprint of the 1971 2nd edition. The book costs 128.00 DM (US$ 69.00), plus shipping. Contact Koeltz for more information at koeltz@t_online.de Aquaphyte Contents | Aquaphyte page | Home CAIP-WEBSITE@ufl.edu http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/aq-w00-6.html (2 of 2) [6/6/2008 2:00:12 PM]
20(2) For the librarians AQUAPHYTE ONLINE Winter 2000 IAMSLIC It's for the librarians! IAMSLIC is the International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers. Begun in 1975, it has more than 280 members with one third of the membership working outside the U.S. & Canada. IAMSLIC is a non_profit organization providing an annual conference, continuing education workshops, a quarterly newsletter, a membership directory, electronic mail conferencing, and special projects. Individuals representing all types and sizes of libraries and information centers participate, including marine and freshwater research and policy institutions, government agencies, colleges, universities, non_profit and profit organizations. IAMSLIC offers a unique opportunity to meet librarians and others interested in aquatic and marine science information from throughout the world in a professional context. The IAMSLIC 26th annual conference in Victoria, B.C., Canada was attended by approximately 100 librarians and information specialists from Fiji, Malaysia, Iceland, Japan, Belgium, Tanzania, Great Britain, Italy, Australia, South Africa, France and Germany, as well as the United States and Canada. Keynote speakers were Richard Luce, Director of the Los Alamos National Laboratory Research Library in New Mexico, and Carla Stoffle, Dean of Libraries at the University of Arizona. Laura Gasaway, author, lawyer, librarian and nationally recognized expert on copyright law in libraries presented a special session on copyright issues and digital licensing. IAMSLIC promotes cooperation and sharing of resources among libraries and information centers which specialize in any aspect of aquatic science. Regional groups include the European Association (EURASLIC), South Pacific, Africa, Cyamus (west coast of North America), and the Southeastern Association (SAIL, southeast Atlantic states, Gulf Coast and Caribbean). For more information, visit the IAMSLIC website at: http://siolibrary.ucsd.edu/iamslic/ http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/aq-w00-7.html (1 of 2) [6/6/2008 2:00:12 PM]
20(2) For the librarians Aquaphyte Contents | Aquaphyte page | Home CAIP-WEBSITE@ufl.edu http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/aq-w00-7.html (2 of 2) [6/6/2008 2:00:12 PM]
Volume 20 Number 2 Winter 2000 AQUAPHYTE ONLINE Winter 2000 Odds n' Ends Harmful Nonnative Weed Control Act of 2000. U.S. Senate Bill S. 3222, introduced by Sen. Larry Craig (with 7 co-sponsors so far), seeks to raise federal money and to require the Secretary of the Interior to provide assistance [through the States] to eligible weed management entities to control or eradicate harmful, nonnative weeds on public and private lands. The bill was referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; it is expected to be reintroduced to the new Congress in 2001, with possible hearings in the winter. Individuals can read and track the bill through: http://thomas.loc.gov/home/c106query.html or contact Myra Hyde, mhyde@beef.org The World Biodiversity Database (WBD) is now 10 years old. A project of ETI (Expert Center for Taxonomic Identification), the WBD now has information on about 120,000 species. The ETI Biodiversity Center, supported by UNESCO, the Dutch government and the University of Amsterdam, seeks nothing less than to make it possible to use the Internet to identify plants and animals from all over the world. Visit their web site: http://www.eti.uva.nl Vascular Plant Type Catalog. The New York Botanical Garden is working to become the first major herbarium to place online information about and photographs of its (90,000) vascular plant type specimens. The web site is clean and easy to use; the hi-resolution pictures are very well done: http://www.nybg.org/bsci/hcol/vasc/ Biological Invasions Journal. This very interesting new scientific journal, as described in the last issue of AQUAPHYTE, has to do with plant and animal invaders. The first several issues of Biological Invasions are now online, and downloadable as PDF files by licensed institutions, including Volume 1, Issue 2/3, which has several articles about invading aquatic plants, such as an excellent article by D.H. Les and L.J. Mehrhoff on the methods of introduction, avenues and means of dispersal, and extent of invasiveness of 18 aquatic plants in southern New England: http://www.wkap.nl.jrnltoc.htm/1387-3547 http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/aq-w00-2.html (1 of 3) [6/6/2008 2:00:13 PM]
Volume 20 Number 2 Winter 2000 AQUA-QUIP. Inland Lake Harvesters is a Wisconsin company making a line of equipment including aquatic plant harvesters, shuttle barges, shore conveyors and trailers. In business since 1983. http://www.inland-lake.com Water Hyacinth on Lake Malawi. This is a news story about the water hyacinth infestation of Africas third largest lake, the plants threat to the lakes biodiversity, and the methods used to manage the plant since 1996. http://ens.lycos.com/ens/ nov2000/2000L-11-08-11.html University Scholars Program of the University of Florida supports an online Journal of Undergraduate Research. Research by these outstanding students includes several of interest to our readers: Simulation of Rodeo Overspray Damage to Maidencane, Three Square and Soft-Stem, by Nora Fosman http://web.clas.ufl. edu/CLAS/jur/0004/fosmanpaper.html; An Evaluation of Fungal Isolates for the Biological Control of Waterhyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes, by Alison Walker http://web.clas.ufl.edu/CLAS/jur/0005/walkerpaper.html; Phosphorus and Nitrogen Flux from Lake Okeechobee Sediments by Valerie K. Ensenat http://web. clas.ufl.edu/CLAS/jur/0006/ensenatpaper.html; and Propagation of Ludwigia repens in Florida Springs, by John McKay http://web.clas.ufl.edu/CLAS/jur/0011/ mckay.html Something a little different. A Danish company, Gartneriet Timmermann A/S, recognizes the intrinsic beauty of certain wetland plants that others do not, and has found a market for them. They sell greenhouse-grown decorative displays of plants such as Scirpus cernuus, Eleocharis geniculata, and species of Carex and Acorus. http://www.timmermann.dk Plant Names Database. The International Plant Names Index (IPNI) is a database of the names and associated basic bibliographical details of all seed plants. The database includes citations for 1.3 million species. IPNI is sponsored by The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; The Harvard University Herbaria; and the Australian National Herbarium. http://www.ipni.org/ or the mirror site in the U.S. http://www. us.ipni.org/ Aquaphyte Contents Aquaphyte page Home http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/aq-w00-2.html (2 of 3) [6/6/2008 2:00:13 PM]
Volume 20 Number 2 Winter 2000 Copyright 2000 University of Florida http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/aq-w00-2.html (3 of 3) [6/6/2008 2:00:13 PM]
Meetings Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants Meetings May 15-18, 2008; Palmetto, Florida www.fnps.org 28th Annual Florida Native Plant Society Conference Uplands to Estuaries: Celebrating Florida's Native Plant Heritage May 20-22, 2008; Imperial Palace Casinos, Biloxi, Mississippi http://www.se-eppc.org 10th Annual Southeast EPPC Conference June 23-27, 2008; International Weed Science Society, Vancouver, Canada http://iws.ucdavis. edu/5intlweedcong.htm International Weed Science Society Aquatic Weed Management Contacts: Mike Netherland, USA | mdnether@ufl .edu Kevin Murphy, UK | k.murphy@bio.gla.ac.uk June 23-26, 2008; University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida http://www.conference.ifas.ufl.edu/soils/ wetland082/site.htm Biogeochemistry of Wetlands: Science and Applications Short Course August 25-26th, 2008; LSU Energy, Coast, and Environmental Building, Baton Rouge, Louisiana http://www. sce.lsu.edu/conference Sustainable Management of Deltaic Ecosystems: Integration of Theory and Practice http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/meetings.html (1 of 3) [6/6/2008 2:00:13 PM]
Meetings September 7-12, 2008; Daniel Boone National Forest, Olympia Springs, Kentucky http://tfce.uky.edu/wri_2008. htm 2008 Eastern Regional Wetland Restoration Institute September 23-25, 2008; Austin Carey Memorial Forest Education Building, Gainesville, Fl. http://soils.ifas.ufl. edu Hydric Soils Short Course Specialized Training for Wetland Specialists UF/IFAS October 21-23 , 2008; Austin Carey Memorial Forest Education Building, Gainesville, Fl. http://soils.ifas.ufl.edu Hydric Soils Short Course Specialized Training for Wetland Specialists UF/IFAS November 12-14, 2008; Stellenbosch, South Africa http://academic.sun.ac.za/cib/events/Elton_CIB_symposium. htm Fifty Years of Invasion Ecology the Legacy of Charles Elton Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology, Stellenbosch University November 18-20 , 2008; Austin Carey Memorial Forest Education Building, Gainesville, Fl. http://soils.ifas.ufl. edu Hydric Soils Short Course Specialized Training for Wetland Specialists UF/IFAS June 23-26, 2009; Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico http://www.paleolim.org/index.php/symposia/ 11th International Paleolimnology Symposium August 23-27, 2009; Stellenbosch, South Africa www.emapi2009.co.za or rich@sun.ac.za The 10th International Conference on the Ecology and Management of Alien Plant Invasions (EMAPI) Centre for Invasion Biology (CIB), Department of Botany & Zoology, Stellenbosch University http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/meetings.html (2 of 3) [6/6/2008 2:00:13 PM]
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Books -Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants Books, Manuals, and Online Resources New Books and Reports Plant Manuals, Field Guides and Textbooks Langeland/Burks Non-Native Plants Book Online Articles and Extension Publications Extension Publications & Articles Online Books Home CAIP-WEBSITE@ufl.edu Copyright 2007 University of Florida http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/books.html [6/6/2008 2:00:14 PM]
20(1) From The Database AQUAPHYTE ONLINE Winter 2000 FROM THE DATABASE Here is a sampling of the research articles, books and reports which have been entered into the aquatic plant database since Spring 2000. The database has more than 52,000 citations. To receive free bibliographies on specific plants and/or subjects, contact APIRS at 352392-1799 or use the database online at http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/database.html To obtain articles, contact your nearest state or university library. Ali, M.M., Murphy, K.J., Abernethy, V.J. Macrophyte functional variables versus species assemblages as predictors of trophic status in flowing waters. HYDROBIOLOGIA 415:131-138. 1999. Amoros, C., Bornette, G., Henry, C.P. Environmental auditing: a vegetation based method for ecological diagnosis of riverine wetlands. ENVIRON. MANAGE. 25(2):211-227. 2000. Anchev, M.E., Tomsovic, P. The Rorippa pyrenaica group (Brassicaceae) in the Balkan Peninsula. FOLIA GEOBOTANICA 34(2):261-276. 1999. Anderson, L.W.J. Dissipation and movement of Sonar, and Komeen following typical applications for control of Egeria densa in the Sacramento/San Joaquin Delta, and production and viability of E. densa fragments following mechanical harvesting (1997/1998). IN: EGERIA DENSA CONTROL PROGRAM VOL. II: RESEARCH TRIAL REPORTS, CALIFORNIA DEPT. BOATING AND WATERWAYS, 15 PP. 2000. Andrzejewska-Golec, E. Microhairs of Littorella uniflora (L.) Asch. (Plantaginaceae). FEDDES REPERTORIUM 109(7-8):521-526. 1998. http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/aq-w00-13.html (1 of 14) [6/6/2008 2:00:15 PM]
20(1) From The Database Austin, D.F. Displacement of native ecosystems by invasive alien plants the Florida experience, or how to destroy an ecosystem. IN: PROC. 1998 JOINT SYMP. FLORIDA EXOTIC PEST PLANT COUNCIL AND FLORIDA NATIVE PLANT SOC., 4-7 JUNE 1998, EDS. D.T. JONES AND B.W. GAMBLE, PP. 3-21. 1999. Bachmann, R.W., Hoyer, M.V., Canfield, D.E. Internal heterotrophy following the switch from macrophytes to algae in Lake Apopka, Florida. HYDROBIOLOGIA 418:217-227. 2000. Barrett, P.R.F., Littlejohn, J.W., Curnow, J. Long-term algal control in a reservoir using barley straw. HYDROBIOLOGIA 415:309-313. 1999. Batzer, D.P., Pusateri, C.R., Vetter, R. Impacts of fish predation on marsh invertebrates: direct and indirect effects. WETLANDS 20(2):307-312. 2000. Bennett, C.A., Buckingham, G.R. Biological control of hydrilla and Eurasian watermilfoil insect quarantine research. IN: PROC. 1998 JOINT SYMP. FLORIDA EXOTIC PEST PLANT COUNCIL AND FLORIDA NATIVE PLANT SOC., 4-7 JUNE 1998, EDS. D.T. JONES AND B.W. GAMBLE, PP. 363-369. 1999 Bennett, J.P., Chiriboga, E., Coleman, J., Waller, D.M. Heavy metals in wild rice from northern Wisconsin. SCI. TOTAL ENVIRON. 246(2-3):261-269. 2000. Billore, S.K., Singh, N., Sharma, J.K., Dass, P., et al Horizontal subsurface flow gravel bed constructed wetland with Phragmites karka in central India. WATER, SCIENCE & TECHNOL. 40(3):163-171. 1999. Birks, H.H. Aquatic macrophyte vegetation development in Krakenes Lake, western Norway, during the late-glacial and early-holocene. J. PALEOLIMNOL. 23(1):7-19. 2000. Bruno, J.F., Kennedy, C.W. http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/aq-w00-13.html (2 of 14) [6/6/2008 2:00:15 PM]
20(1) From The Database Patch-size dependent habitat modification and facilitation on New England cobble beaches by Spartina alterniflora. OECOLOGIA 122(1):98-108. 2000. Burks, K.C., Austin, D.F. Ipomoea asarifolia (Convolvulaceae), another potential exotic pest in the United States. AQUATICS 22(2):16, 18. 2000. Caffrey, J., Barrett, P.R.F., Ferreira, M.T., Moreira, I.S., et al, eds. Developments in hydrobiology: biology, ecology and management of aquatic plants. KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBL., DORDRECHT, THE NETHERLANDS, 339 PP. Castelli, R.M., Chambers, J.C., Tausch, R.J. Soil-plant relations along a soil-water gradient in Great Basin riparian meadows. WETLANDS 20(2):251-266. 2000. Chabbi, A. Juncus bulbosus as a pioneer species in acidic lignite mining lakes: source of inorganic carbon assimilation and phosphorus uptake kinetics. MITT. BAD. LANDESVER. NATURKUNDE U. NATURSCHUTZ 17(2):293-302. 1999. Chan, T.K., Lim, S.H., Tan, H.T.W., Lim, C.P. Variation of bending capacity along the lamina length of a grass, Imperata cylindrica var. major (Gramineae). ANNALS OF BOTANY 84(6):703-708. 1999. Cilliers, C.J. Lysathia n. sp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), a host-specific beetle for the control of the aquatic weed Myriophyllum aquaticum (Haloragaceae) in South Africa. IN: DEVELOPMENTS IN HYDROBIOLOGY: BIOLOGY, ECOLOGY, AND MANAGEMENT OF AQUATIC PLANTS, EDS. J. CAFFREY, P.R.F. BARRETT, ET AL, KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBL., DORDRECHT, PP. 271-276. 1999. Connors, L.M., Kiviat, E., Groffman, P.M., Ostfeld, R.S. Muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) disturbance to vegetation and potential net nitrogen mineralization and nitrification rates in a freshwater tidal marsh. AMER. MIDL. NATURALIST 143(1):53-63. 2000. http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/aq-w00-13.html (3 of 14) [6/6/2008 2:00:15 PM]
20(1) From The Database Cooper, R.L., Osborn, J.M., Philbrick, C.T. Comparative pollen morphology and ultrastructure of the Callitrichaceae. AMER. J. BOTANY 87(2):161-175. 2000. Dall Armellina, A.A., Bezic, C.R., Gajardo, O.A. Submerged macrophyte control with herbivorous fish in irrigation channels of semiarid Argentina. IN: DEVELOPMENTS IN HYDROBIOLOGY: BIOLOGY, ECOLOGY, AND MANAGEMENT OF AQUATIC PLANTS, EDS. J. CAFFREY, P.R.F. BARRETT, ET AL, KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBL., DORDRECHT, PP. 265-269. 1999. Dawson, F.H., Szoszkiewicz, K. Relationships of some ecological factors with the associations of vegetation in British rivers. IN: DEVELOPMENTS IN HYDROBIOLOGY: BIOLOGY, ECOLOGY, AND MANAGEMENT OF AQUATIC PLANTS, EDS. J. CAFFREY, P.R.F. BARRETT, ET AL, KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBL., DORDRECHT, PP. 117-122. 1999. Eckert, C.G., Dorken, M.E., Mitchell, S.A. Loss of sex in clonal populations of a flowering plant, Decodon verticillatus (Lythraceae). EVOLUTION 53(4):1079-1092. 1999. Ellery, W.N., McCarthy, T.S., Dangerfield, J.M. Floristic diversity in the Okavango Delta, Botswana as an endogenous product of biological activity. IN: BIODIVERSITY IN WETLANDS: ASSESSMENT, FUNCTION AND CONSERVATION VOL. 1, EDS. B. GOPAL, W.J. JUNK, ET AL, BACKHUYS PUBL., LEIDEN, THE NETHERLANDS, PP. 195-226. 2000. Eriksson, P.G., Weisner, S.E.B. An experimental study on effects of submersed macrophytes on nitrification and denitrification in ammonium-rich aquatic systems. LIMNOL. OCEANOGR. 44(8):1993-1999. 1999. Ertug, F. Plants used in domestic handicrafts in central Turkey. HERB J. SYSTEMATIC BOT. 6(2):57-68. 1999. Fox, A.M., Haller, W.T. http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/aq-w00-13.html (4 of 14) [6/6/2008 2:00:15 PM]
20(1) From The Database Production and survivorship of the functional stolons of giant cutgrass, Zizaniopsis miliacea (Poaceae). AMER. J. BOT. 87(6):811-818. 2000. Gerba, C.P., Thurston, J.A., Falabi, J.A., Watt, P.M., et al Optimization of artificial wetland design for removal of indicator microorganisms and pathogenic protozoa. WATER, SCIENCE & TECHNOL. 40(4-5):363-368. 1999. Getsinger, K.D., Petty, D.G., Madsen, J.D., Skogerboe, J.G., et al Aquatic dissipation of the herbicide triclopyr in Lake Minnetonka, Minnesota. PEST MANAGEMENT SCI. 56:388-400. 2000. Gumbert, A., Kunze, J. Inflorescence height affects visitation behavior of bees a case study of an aquatic plant community in Bolivia. BIOTROPICA 31(3):466-477. 1999. Hellblom, F., Bjork, M. Photosynthetic responses in Zostera marina to decreasing salinity, inorganic carbon content and osmolality. AQUATIC BOTANY 65(1-4):97-104. 1999. Hellsten, S., Dieme, C., Mbengue, M., Janauer, G.A. Typha control efficiency of a weed-cutting boat in the Lac de Guiers in Senegal: a preliminary study on mowing speed and regrowth capacity. IN: DEVELOPMENTS IN HYDROBIOLOGY: BIOLOGY, ECOLOGY, AND MANAGEMENT OF AQUATIC PLANTS, EDS. J. CAFFREY, P.R.F. BARRETT, ET AL, KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBL., DORDRECHT, PP. 249-255. 1999. Hofstra, D.E., Clayton, J.S., Champion, P.D., Green, J.D. Distribution and density of vegetative hydrilla propagules in the sediments of two New Zealand lakes. J. AQUATIC PLANT MANAGE. 37:41-44. 2000. Hossain, M.A., Ishimine, Y., Akamine, H., Murayama, S., et al Effect of burial depth on emergence of Panicum repens. WEED SCI. 47(6):651-656. 1999. http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/aq-w00-13.html (5 of 14) [6/6/2008 2:00:15 PM]
20(1) From The Database Jackson, R., Douglas, M. An aquatic risk assessment for Cyhalofop-butyl: a new herbicide for control of barnyard grass in rice. IN: HUMAN AND ENVIRONMENTAL EXPOSURE TO XENOBIOTICS, 11TH SYMP. PESTICIDE CHEM., CREMONA, ITALY, 11-15 SEPT. 1999, EDS. A.A.M. DELRE, C. BROWN, ET AL, PP. 345354. 1999. Jager-Zurn, I. The super-glue of Podostemaceae is a bacterial slime. SYMP. BIODIVERSITAT & EVOLUTIONSBIOL. , P. 89. 1999. Jansson, R., Nilsson, C., Dynesius, M., Andersson, E. Effects of river regulation on river-margin vegetation: a comparison of eight boreal rivers. ECOL. APPL. 10(1):203-224. 2000. Keller, B.E.M. Genetic variation among and within populations of Phragmites australis in the Charles River watershed. AQUATIC BOTANY 66(3):195-208. 2000. Khatun, A., Ali, M.A., Dingle, J.G. Comparison of the nutritive value for laying hens of diets containing Azolla (Azolla pinnata) based on formulation using digestible protein and digestible amino acid versus total protein and total amino acid. ANIMAL FEED SCI. TECHNOL. 81(1-2):43-56. 1999. King, S.E., Grace, J.B. The effects of soil flooding on the establishment of cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica), a nonindigenous invader of the southeastern United States. WETLANDS 20(2):300-306. 2000. Knapton, R.W., Petrie, S.A. Changes in distribution and abundance of submerged macrophytes in the Inner Bay at Long Point, Lake Erie: implications for foraging waterfowl. J. GREAT LAKES RES. 25(4):783-798. 1999. Kost, M.A., De Steven, D. Plant community responses to prescribed burning in Wisconsin sedge meadows. http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/aq-w00-13.html (6 of 14) [6/6/2008 2:00:15 PM]
20(1) From The Database NATURAL AREAS J. 20(1):36-45. 2000. Kraaij, T., Cramer, M.D. Do the gas exchange characteristics of alien Acacias enable them to successfully invade the fynbos? SO. AFR. J. BOT. 65(3):232-238. 1999. Kunii, H. Annual and seasonal variations in net production, biomass and life span on floating leaves in Brasenia schreberi, J.F. Gmel. JAPANESE J. LIMNOL. 60(3):281-289. 1999. Kvacek, Z., Sakala, J. Twig with attached leaves, fruits and seeds of Decodon (Lythraceae) from the Lower Miocene of northern Bohemia, and implications for the identification of detached leaves and seeds. REV. PALAEOBOT. PALYNOL. 107:201-222. 1999. Lehmann, A., Lachavanne, J.-B. Changes in the water quality of Lake Geneva indicated by submerged macrophytes. FRESHWATER BIOL. 42(3):457-466. 1999. Lenssen, J.P.M., Menting, F.B.J., van der Putten, W.H., Blom, C.W.P.M. Vegetative reproduction by species with different adaptations to shallow-flooded habitats. NEW PHYTOL. 145(1):61-70. 2000. Les, D.H., Crawford, D.J. Landoltia (Lemnaceae), a new genus of duckweeds. NOVON 9(4):530-533. 1999. Les, D.H., Schneider, E.L., Padgett, D.J., Soltis, P.A., et al Phylogeny, classification and floral evolution of water lilies (Nymphaeaceae; Nymphaeales): a synthesis of non-molecular, rbcL, matK, and 18S rDNA data. SYSTEMATIC BOT. 24(1):28-46. 1999. Li, M., Kleinhenz, V., Lyall, T., Midmore, D.J. Response of Chinese water chestnut (Eleocharis dulcis (Burm. F.) Hensch) to photoperiod. http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/aq-w00-13.html (7 of 14) [6/6/2008 2:00:15 PM]
20(1) From The Database J. HORT. SCI. BIOTECHNOL. 75(1):72-78. 2000. Lindgren, C.J., Gabor, T.S., Murkin, H.R. Compatibility of glyphosate with Galerucella calmariensis, a biological control agent for purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria). J. AQUATIC PLANT MANAGE. 37:44-48. 1999. Luciano, S.C., Henry, R. Biomass of Eichhornia azurea Kunth. and Brachiaria arrecta Stent. in lower Taquari River, Jurumirim Reservoir, Sao Paulo, Brazil. VERH. INTERNAT. VEREIN. LIMNOL. 26:1857-1861. 1998. Matheson, R.E., Camp, D.K., Sogard, S.M., Bjorgo, K.A. Changes in seagrass-associated fish and crustacean communities on Florida Bay mud banks: the effects of recent ecosystem changes? ESTUARIES 22(2B):534-551. 1999. Medal, J.C., Pitelli, R.A., Santana, A., Gandolfo, D., et al Host specificity of Metriona elatoir, a potential biological control agent of Tropical soda apple, Solanum viarum, in the USA. BIOCONTROL 44(4):421-436. 1999. Mohan, B.S., Hosetti, B.B. Aquatic plants for toxicity assessment. ENVIRON. RES. 81(4):259-274. 1999. Molina, J.A., Sardinero, S. Classification of aquatic plant communities of the Celtiberico-Alcarreo sector (central Iberian Peninsula). ACTA BOTANICA MALACITANA 23:89-98. 1998. Moreira, I., Monteiro, A., Ferreira, T. Biology and control of parrotfeather (Myriophyllum aquaticum) in Portugal. ECOL. ENV. & CONS. 5(3):171-179. 1999. Morris, M.J., Wood, A.R., Den Breeyen, A. Plant pathogens and biological control of weeds in South Africa: a review of projects and progress during the last decade. AFRICAN ENTOMOL. 7(1):129-137. 1999. http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/aq-w00-13.html (8 of 14) [6/6/2008 2:00:15 PM]
20(1) From The Database Moyroud, R. Exotic weeds that threaten the Caribbean: a brief overview and early alarm call. WILDLAND WEEDS 3(2):4-5, 7-8. 2000. Muramota, S., Tezuka, F., Agata, W. Effects of anionic surface active agents on the uptake of aluminum by Cyperus alternifolius L. exposed to water containing high levels of aluminum. BULL. ENVIRON. CONTAM. TOXICOL. 64(1):122-129. 2000. Murphy, J.F., Giller, P.S. Seasonal dynamics of macroinvertebrate assemblages in the benthos and associated with detritus packs in two low-order streams with different reparian vegetation. FRESHWATER BIOL. 43(4):617-631. 2000. Newman, J.R., Watson, R.C. Preliminary observations on the control of algal growth by magnetic treatment of water. IN: DEVELOPMENTS IN HYDROBIOLOGY: BIOLOGY, ECOLOGY, AND MANAGEMENT OF AQUATIC PLANTS, EDS. J. CAFFREY, P.R.F. BARRETT, ET AL, KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBL., DORDRECHT, PP. 319-322. 1999. Ni, H., Moody, K., Robles, R.P., Paller, E.C., et al Oryza sativa plant traits conferring competitive ability against weeds. WEED SCIENCE 48(2):200-204. 2000. Nyakango, J.B., Van Bruggen, J.J.A. Combination of a well functioning constructed wetland with a pleasing landscape design in Nairobi, Kenya. WATER, SCIENCE & TECHNOL. 40(3):249-256. 1999. Pasqualini, V., Clabaut, P., Pergent, G., BenYoussef, L., et al Contribution of side scan sonar to the management of Mediterranean littoral ecosystems. INT. J. REMOTE SENSING 21(2):367-378. 2000. Pellerin, S., Lavoie, C. Peatland fragments of southern Quebec: recent evolution of their vegetation structure. CAN. J. BOT. 78(2):255-265. 2000. http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/aq-w00-13.html (9 of 14) [6/6/2008 2:00:15 PM]
20(1) From The Database Pezeshki, S.R., Hester, M.W., Lin, Q., Nyman, J.A. The effect of oil spill and clean-up on dominant U.S. gulf coast macrophytes: a review. ENVIRON. POLLUTION 108:129-139. 2000. Radoux, M., Cadelli, D., Nemcova, M. A comparison of purification efficiencies of various constructed ecosystems (aquatic, semi-aquatic and terrestrial) receiving urban wastewaters. WETLANDS ECOL. MANAGE. 4:207-217. 1997. Reitner, B., Herzig, A., Herndl, G.J. Dynamics of bacterioplankton production in a shallow, temperate lake (Lake Neusiedl, Austria): evidence for dependence on macrophyte production rather than on phytoplankton. AQUAT. MICROB. ECOL. 19(3):245-254. 1999. Richardson, C.J., Ferrel, G.M., Vaithiyanathan, P. Nutrient effects on stand structure, resorption efficiency, and secondary compounds in Everglades sawgrass. ECOLOGY 80(7):2182-2192. 1999. Riis, T., Sand-Jensen, K., Vestergaard, O. Plant communities in lowland Danish streams: species composition and environmental factors. AQUATIC BOTANY 66(4):255-272. 2000. Rose, C.D., Sharp, W.C., Kenworthy, W.J., Hunt, J.H., et al Overgrazing of a large seagrass bed by the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatusin outer Florida Bay. MAR. ECOL. PROG. SER. 190:211-222. 1999. Sala, M.M., Gude, H. Role of protozoans on the microbial ectoenzymatic activity during the degradation of macrophytes. AQUAT. MICROB. ECOL. 20:75-82. 1999. Savery, S. Hydrilla in Wakulla Springs State Park: an update. http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/aq-w00-13.html (10 of 14) [6/6/2008 2:00:15 PM]
20(1) From The Database AQUATICS 22(1):4, 7-8. 2000. Schiller, J.R., Zedler, P.H., Black, C.H. The effect of density-dependent insect visits, flowering phenology, and plant size on seed set of the endangered vernal pool plant Pogogyne abramsii (Lamiaceae) in natural compared to created vernal pools. WETLANDS 20(2):386-396. 2000. Seca, A.M.L., Cavaleiro, J.A.S., Domingues, F.M.J., Silvestre, A.J.D., et al Structural characterization of the lignin from the nodes and internodes of Arundo donax reed. J. AGRIC. FOOD CHEM. 48(3):817-824. 2000. Seliskar, D.M., Gallagher, J.L. Exploiting wild population diversity and somaclonal variation in the salt marsh grass Distichlis spicata(Poaceae) for marsh creation and restoration. AMER. J. BOT. 87(1):141-146. 2000. Soukup, A., Votrubova, O., Cizkova, H. Internal segmentation of rhizomes of Phragmites australis: protection of the internal aeration system against being flooded. NEW PHYTOL. 145(1):71-75. 2000. Stafford, H.S. Observations on the use of Arsenal for the control of Melaleuca quinquenervia (Cav.) S.T. Blake in a high marsh habitat. IN: PROC. 1998 JOINT SYMP. FLORIDA EXOTIC PEST PLANT COUNCIL AND FLORIDA NATIVE PLANT SOC., 4-7 JUNE 1998, EDS. D.T. JONES AND B.W. GAMBLE, PP. 291-295. 1999. Stoyanova, D. Ultrastructural responses of leaf mesophyll and trap wall cells of Utricularia vulgaris to cadmium. BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 42(3):395-400. 1999. Suryadiputra, N.N., Gonner, C., Wibowo, P., Ratnawati, E. The Mahakam Lakes of East Kalimantan, Indonesia. WETLANDS INTERNATIONAL ASIA PACIFIC INDONESIA PROGRAMME, 4TH INTERNATL. LIVING LAKES CONF.,16-18 JUNE 2000, HANOVER, GERMANY, 15 PP. 2000. http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/aq-w00-13.html (11 of 14) [6/6/2008 2:00:15 PM]
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Aquaphyte Newsletter Aquaphyte NewsletterUniversity of Florida Aquatic, Wetland and Invasive Plant Information Retrieval SystemThe newsletter, Aquaphyte, covers news of interest to aquatic, wetland and invasive plant researchers, regulators, managers, students and others. Aquaphyte is published twice yearly and is free of charge. It reaches subscribers worldwide. You may subscribe to the printed edition by sending your postal address to us through e-mail. To order by mail, contact APIRS, Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, 7922 N. W. 71 Street, Gainesville, FL, 32653. Aquaphyte Online Current Issue -Volume 27 Number 1 Fall 2007 Volume 26 Number 1 Fall 2006 Volume 25 Number 2 Winter 2005 Volume 25 Number 1 Spring 2005 Volume 24 Number 1 Summer 2004 Volume 23 Number 2 Winter 2003 Volume 23 Number 1 Summer 2003 Volume 22 Number 2 Winter 2002 Volume 22 Number 1 Summer 2002 Volume 21 Number 2 Winter 2001 Volume 21 Number 1 Summer 2001 Volume 20 Number 2 Winter 2000 Volume 20 Number 1 Summer 2000 Volume 19 Number 2 Fall 99 Volume 19 Number 1 Spring 99 Volume 18 Number 1 Summer 98 Volume 17 Number 1 Winter 97 Volume 16 Number 2 Winter 96 Volume 16 Number 1 Spring 96 http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/aquaph.html (1 of 2) [6/6/2008 2:00:16 PM]
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Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, University of Florida IFAS Search the APIRS Online Database | Plant Images & Information | What's New WelcomeThe UF/IFAS Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants is a multidisciplinary research, teaching and extension unit directed to develop environmentally sound techniques for the management of aquatic and natural area weed species and to coordinate aquatic plant research activities within the State of Florida. The Center was established in 1978 by the Florida legislature. Directed by Dr. William Haller, the Center utilizes expertise from many departments with UF/IFAS and its Agricultural Research and Education Centers throughout Florida. The mission of the CAIP Information Office is to inform and educate all stakeholders about the impacts and management of invasive plants. Image Request Form AQUAPHYTE Newsletter -Fall 2007, Vol. 27 No.1 Products & Educational Tools Plant Management in Florida Waters Meetings IFAS Assessment Osceola County Hydrilla & Hygrophila Demonstration Project Faculty & Staff Helpful Links Tribute to Victor Alan Ramey http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/ie6/index.html (1 of 2) [6/6/2008 2:00:17 PM]
Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, University of Florida IFAS This web site is best viewed in Firefox Browser Center for Aquatic & Invasive Plants | 7922 NW 71st St. | Gainesville, Fl. 32653 | 352-392-1799 Contact Us | University of Florida http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/ie6/index.html (2 of 2) [6/6/2008 2:00:17 PM]