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Group Title: University of Florida Office of Research and the Graduate School annual report
Title: University of Florida Office of Research and the Graduate School annual report. 1998.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00083178/00010
 Material Information
Title: University of Florida Office of Research and the Graduate School annual report. 1998.
Series Title: University of Florida Office of Research and the Graduate School annual report
Physical Description: Serial
Language: English
Creator: University of Florida. Office of Research.
Publisher: University of Florida. Office of Research.
Publication Date: 1999
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00083178
Volume ID: VID00010
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: oclc - 143299231


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Table of Contents
    Front Cover
        Page 1
        Page 2
        Page 3
    Technology transfer
        Page 4
        Page 5
    Back Cover
        Page 6
Full Text





Local Agenci
& Societies

Corporations '
13 o

es Other


NSF $22 SH
DOD $12 2M
USDA $10 1M
Veien's Allaiis $9 6M
Educaoin $1 6M
Energy $7 OM
NASA $5 9M
HIRS Adminisitalion $5 IM
(oninieice $1 7M
Othei Federal $, 6M
US AID $; 3M
HHS $2 7M
Dept ol Laboi $2 OM
Other HHS $0 8M

Liberal Arts
& Sciences



* Includes research awards from UF, UF Research Foundation aid IIf f,unid3iin 3.,,iuni,

0 V E R

D I1 lly 1997 -98, the Uiiivt-i "Ity of
Flor ida s rps(earchi etllel Inrbet rt~achttl a iitvv~
rt-t:oi dl it IjJI I~SO IHt I W/lILI ileii Ily $230
iiilli'ni a 10 perceiii: niucreast o)ver thtt-
pr(-Aioi i, ye-ai. This rnilt-~stoi-ir, is fvf-ii more
lioIteN()lily colirliIleriliq( that thle ieseearch
of ()Ie it 01 varioi is, N-ileuaI and( Ilor1-[t-AilaI
Spo lisor s (:01111 ni to b( e rlather flat. if not
0111Iiiiq fac ta Iliy conlinile to e~xteIl iii a

it-seautlh elnivijiiienil, vvinth Piojects ran( I[]iniq
from Si iiq(J- inivesliqator e[[ oIts to major lu ilIi -
Inivestlqalol aiiiiI ciiiss-1listcipliniai y dcliViti(-s.
Retl-,eawth cin(I qryi It iatet-, It Iiitationi qr) handl
iII haiid. The (J'/ihialic. pauitneiship I'et'iie~n

1 rt-iablsfc ilty aivibr Ii~ thtii sti utt-~Ie les t

Ieveuiq ayt-~uL to tmihi~iciii rt-svaiii: aiil
achIit-vte goals faster cutiiral ill lodlays
Itec111i1010gy/ WRIi ki I0%AIMIyq-dLI Ve-il Society.
This~ traui~isaes itilo wialioiially iii-I niitt-i un
liolially iecopiized scholau ly actonilJish-
nieills and( piodfi it:e-s Linilveuil;y of Foi idla
qmr adi i na-fs r1 vieutil II inthe s~ctate.-of- ith-ait I i
theirlrespeclive dfistipliiie.
Of (:() iI~t-~ the Imlpact: oft o ir iet:-reauth
enter pI ISe is IIII Icli hoacleu' Ihlerealso is a

resteaiui: t1X~-fpILdit1I Itie of $2410 iiillioii sliiipoit
niI'out 11 600 joI's. Sectoliti this~ ktvt- of
opr tut~uti:i for~I' tviamIi(la j lt')~iaJiisfr iatheu

hy tactilly, Staff a.i-ii qualtilate s11iltleilts.
The Univeu sily of Florhia Rt:s-t-~ai:h Foi inmli-
Ii'n iiis thle rtevv~at fr t ~ he tec~hnology ti ai istel
proct:ess andl Ihioi iqil thi- Office of Techinoloqy
Licensinq handles all luitellecli ial piopei ly
uiialleiu atL UF. Ci irnitly the [oi inilalioli has
assu [ bof Ibll $60 111i11i0ii ;MIii Ill 1997-93
gum-~raitet $19.1 iiillirni ill loyailty aiiid lictmsi-

WhI~ile the Iit1:Iiiiolotjy ti al1l4tfi Ipioces Ilais

plox the- paiyoff call be Vol y siquiiiitcanil as has

Yl ~ ~ vi t--t- I w ;9 E7-CA2jE- U1EE-!CaL

7, -, -
Health Science

been dillo)lstiatetd by the sports dliilk.
Gatolade"' and the glaucomia dliui Till spt"'
- I.noth of which wvvie developed by UF
faculty. Wheni this happens thiolqIh Flodila-
based comrpalles (estatilised oi Ileun; start-
IIup) theie aie ;]ii litional significant econ'lllihC
benefits to the cmiliTlllinity anld to the state.
Thiee lepiesentative exarnples aiie described
in this report.
Suistained and increased fi indingi is
clltical to ( i)I ability to continue advalcedi
leseaich and scholarship that Ienefit
socimy anti play a key role in providing a
qiladllate edcaltioll second to 11one.
We aie qiatefiul to the nuieroI is (jovein-
mllit corporate and othiei sponSoIS iNIl()
Illake 01 contillii itions possible.
Anti we cotigrati late 01 ir facI ilty. staff anl
gladi ate StiudetlltS tell a:Ccollplishl llentS
alti their co( tiIIl my coi(()lllll llt llent to excellence.

MvI. Lick Ohanian Ph.D.
Interim Vice President and Dean
Office of Rese'arch Technology
& Gr..Cdiadte Educatii-on

& Societies
$14.9M \




Liberal Arts
& Sciences



* nlue rsachepedtue ro FU esachFunain n U oudtonacons


$250 -



$100 -

$50 -


$196.9M $1935M



$80.3M M
$56.OM $603M

80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96
Fiscal Year

0 Fmedeiiral and nn-ederafl research fundingto the^^^^^

UIv-[erity oll ft F.or-1h gro I e snc I 0 "- -gt',
untmiversit reached a m'~l i leson in" l 1 995 whenli:17 f!t l passe

$20'0l ml''ini sponsore r c a r for]IH lthellH first
tim Bewe 199 an 198 feea udngge y2

peircetandi non-fedeSraSnjli tby 5 eret.Th~ifs brought U
theI fica yea enin Jun 30, 198 eealaece

acco muBnBBdBf a $ 1 m ofS ole b
$5 mil lo from t'h'e- Nationai^ I l I.nsoitutes1 ofHeatih" (I11
the" university's la"r gest'Ii federal ttq sponsor.11[111-
L !|"PI IQ~~I'oi

-I. me m IS S IS 0
Feea resarc spnosi at 3F ha nerl doule ove th lat1 eas rm$8 ilo
in FY 18 -89 to $ 160mlinn 19 -98 In th las fou year alne feea wrshv


T^^^B he mitm Uvs of Florida and Do*lno ae eelpd nenionetal
fr *0 0 *ien ite 00nro 0 k a t 0HH 00 Eliminat0on
System 0hat monitors tm acivty te use the insects' 0w behar to 0
their su co lonie0
Nan-.0o Su, professor 00 e o 0 t UF's 00stitute of Food 00n. Agri
Sciences Research and Education Center in Fort Lauderdale, worked with 0 30 0
fo mor tha fiv year to 0 develo th ocp f emt oln ytm
Moiorn tue arun the peimte of a hous alr pes coto tehncin if

pstiie The temie ea thi wa ou of th tub in the sttin reur to thei
00on an direc thi net e to 0h deadly bai.



m Federal

License & Option Fees
Other Royalties
I Gatorade








. $0

$1 .OM

Invention U.S. Patent Licenses
Disclosures Applications U.S. Patents Generating
Fiscal Year Received Filed Issued Royalties

1997/98 139 68 51 58
1996/97 103 101 47 61
1995/96 90 61 34 69
1994/95 84 100 24 64
1993/94 75 66 45 20
1992/93 90 41 45 46
1991/92 74 34 50 35
1990/91 105 45 40 18
1989/90 68 29 36 14
1988/89 94 71 25 15
Note: Data for patent applications filed and patents issued include new filings,
continuations-in-part (CIP), continuations, divisionals, and reissues.


$2.3M -

88 90 92 94
Fiscal Year

96 98
96 98

The University of Florida has had an C)
active program of patenting and licensing
inventions for nearly two clecades.The Officee
of Technology Licensing oversees patent
applications for new technologies and negoti-
ates licensing rights. During FY 1997-98,
invention disclosures increased 35 percent to
139 and the number of U.S. patents issued rose
9 percent to 5 I.The university also holds an
extensive portfolio of international patents.

DurngtheI -yer erid etwenFY 98-89an 197-8, poso-d eserc grw cros ll ajr aadmi
untsTh Lretet yrwt ws n hehelt siecewhchhae or tandobld ro $ 1. mlloninF
199to$13. SilinSnF 19. njstte attw eas wad frcincl rasin medical rsearh incease
56pecet ro $.4milin nS 99*t $1.7milin n 99. IH te riar 5so so intehahsc ne,





In FY 1997-98, University of Florida-based
roy Ity rI c si g i com is is
technologies brought in a record $19.1 million in
t c g s U u iv t s ity of c 10 Ir
e hno 10 ie b ro gh in a re or
royalty and licensing income.This is a 5.4 percent
increase over the previous fiscal year. Of the
$19.1 million,$ 10.5 million (55%) came from
TruSoptTM, a glaucoma drug licensed to Merck
Pharmaceuticals, and $5.7 million (30%) came
from GatoradeTM. License fees, option payments
and royalties from other technologies accounted
for the other 15 percent.The most recent survey
by the Association of University Technology
Managers (AUTM) ranked UF seventh among all
U.S. universities in licensing income.


..z- 0

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