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The new millennium coincides with a time of unprecedented op-
portunity for research and graduate education at the University of
This year, the State University System designated UF as one of
three Research I institutions, focusing on research and graduate educa-
tion. This state designation reaffirms UF's long-standing national reputation
for research and graduate education excellence. UF has been a member of the Association
of American Universities for 15 years and has long been designated a Research I institution
by the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education.
First-quality graduate students are essential to the university's research effort. They
provide both innovative ideas and an eager workforce to assist the UF faculty. A host of
new graduate funding initiatives, including the Alumni and Presidential fellowships, pro-
vide the university with expanded resources to compete with our peer institutions for the
very best students.
The Division of Sponsored Research is committed to facilitating the efforts of our fac-
ulty to develop the most competitive grant proposals and to managing successful proposals
in the most effective and efficient manner. These grants are the financial underpinnings of
our research enterprise, providing the physical resources to turn faculty ideas into reality.
The Graduate School provides quality services to graduate programs, faculty and stu-
dents with the goal of advancing the creation, promotion and administration of top-ranked
graduate programs throughout the university. The essence of research, creativity and gradu-
ate education lies in the classroom, the laboratory, the studio and even thousands of miles
from the campus at a field research site or through a distance learning program. The chal-
lenge is to facilitate this vast and heterogeneous set of activities through novel and flexible
administrative policies and procedures.
Vital to the university's graduate education goals in the future will be an innovative and
productive approach to nurturing a new generation of scholars and 21t-century scholar-
ship for the economic and social welfare of Florida, the nation and the world.
Faculty, staff, students, alumni and supporters play a vital role in all of our education
and research endeavors. Their promotion of the university to prospective research spon-
sors, graduate students and donors is a cornerstone of our progress. This annual report is
produced on their behalf, providing a snapshot of their extensive, outstanding work.
Win Phillips
Vice President and Dean
Office of Research & Graduate Programs
C. o r tents
Sponsored Research Overview ............. 4
Research 1998-99
Statistics & Trends ................................ 6
Graduate Education Overview ........... 10
Graduate Education 1998-99
Statistics & Trends ............................ 12
Contact Information ......................... 16
During the last two decades,
American universities, the federal
government and private industry
have been redefining their roles in
performing basic scientific
research, applying that research
to real-world problems, then
transferring the solutions to the
marketplace for the benefit of all
After years of growth, the share of
U.S. university research supported by
the federal government has declined
steadily from about 70 percent in
1970 to between 59 and 60 percent in
1999. During that same period,
industrial support for university
research has grown faster than any
other sector, from less than 3 percent
in 1970 to 7 percent in 1998.
Nowhere are these new relation-
ships illustrated better than at the
University of Florida. Although federal
support to UF has grown at a healthy
7.6 percent annually over the last 20
years, as a percentage of UF's total
funding, the federal contribution has
The U.S.
Department of
Defense and the
Research Institute (EPRI) are funding
materials science and engineering
Professor Stephen J. Pearton's
research into the next generation of
semiconductor and magnetic
storage devices.
gotten smaller. In 1999, federal funds
made up 53 percent of all research
support to the university compared to
77 percent in 1977.
Conversely, non-federal funding
has grown at an annual rate of 13.3
percent, led by dramatic increases in
industry support. In 1977, industry
awards made up just 7.54 percent of
UF's total research support. This has
grown to 18 percent in 1999. Between
1997-98 and 1998-99, in particular,
industry funding increased by an
unprecedented 38 percent to $51.5
As one of the country's most
comprehensive universities, the
University of Florida has much to
offer industry. Its strong programs in
engineering, the health sciences and
agriculture provide many opportuni-
ties for relationships with industry.
Similarly, the arts benefit from and
contribute to the state and national
entertainment industry. For example,
Su mr fSosrdRsac Actvt FY 199-9
Prpsals Sumte 3,74
NSw Awad Reeie 1,65
Cn inutin or Suplmn l 2,721
Gran an CotatDllr wre$8,0,9
Silicon Graphics, the computer
company that created the dinosaurs in
"Jurassic Park," and Cinesite Visual
Effects, a Kodak company that
contributed to the special-effects for
"The Mummy" and "Titanic," are
sponsors of the new Digital Arts &
Sciences Program. This collaborative
effort between the colleges of engi-
neering and fine arts is a response to
high demand for skilled workers in the
growing digital effects industry behind
movies, CD-ROM games and
educational media.
The University of Florida Research
Foundation Professors featured
throughout this annual report are vital
to the continued development of the
university's research funding relation-
ships. The 30 UFRF Professors,
selected annually by their college
deans and supported by Research and
Graduate Programs, are productive
researchers and many have multiple
government- and industry-sponsored
For example, materials science and
engineering Professor Stephen J.
Pearton has a $1 million grant from the
U.S. Department of Defense and a
$541,000 grant from the
Electric Power Research
Institute (EPRI) to
develop the next
generation of semicon-
ductor and magnetic
storage devices.
Potential applications
for these devices include
electric automobiles, I1
advanced aircraft and ships
and control of electricity
distribution on the power grid.
Dr. Carl Pepine, chief of cardiovas-
cular medicine in the College of
Medicine, is supported by the
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
and 10 pharmaceutical companies.
Pepine manages one of the largest
private grants ever awarded to the
university, a $7.4 million grant from
the German pharmaceutical firm
Knoll AG to conduct Internet-based
clinical trials comparing treatments for
coronary artery disease in patients
with hypertension.
UF's Institute of Food and Agricul-
tural Sciences has identified water
management, quality and allocation as
one of its key research imperatives. K.
Ramesh Reddy, graduate research
professor of soil and water science,
illustrates IFAS' efforts to contribute
to the protection of Florida's water
supply. Reddy's research on phospho-
rous biogeochemistry in wetlands has
drawn the support of private industry
and the U.S. Environmental Protec-
tion Agency. Data he collected on the
long-term phosphorous storage
capacity of the soils in the Everglades
played a pivotal role in the design of
protective stormwater treatment areas.
Ramesh Reddy,
graduate research
professor of soil
and water science,
collected data on the
Si_.ng-term phosphorous
storage capacity of the soils in
the Everglades that played a
pivotal role in the design of
protective stormwater
treatment areas.
UF's technology licensing program
illustrates the potential for public and
private partnerships that result in
benefits for all. Royalty and licensing
income from UF-developed intellec-
tual property reached a record $21.7
million in 1998-99. TrusoptTM, a
glaucoma drug licensed to Merck
Pharmaceuticals, accounted for more
than $13 million.
The late Thomas Maren, a graduate
research professor of medicinal
chemistry, received years of basic
research support from NIH before he
began collaborating with Merck on
TrusoptTM, which has been hailed as a
breakthrough in the treatment of
glaucoma, the primary cause of
blindness in African Americans and
the second leading cause of blindness
in the United States.
As much as licensing a product
represents a successful result to the
research process, it also represents a
beginning, since much of the income
the university receives from products
such as TrusoptTM and GatoradeTM
supports the university infrastructure
to promote new research endeavors.
' Dr. Carl Pepine, chief of cardiovascular medicine in the
College of Medicine, manages one of the largest private grants
ever awarded to the university, a $74 million grant from the
German pharmaceutical giant Knoll AG.
Foundations $6.2M
All Other Units
,q% kxm 00
Liberal Arts
& Sciences
All Other $25.5M
Units 9% \
Research Expenditures
by Sponsor
FY 1998-1999
Research Expenditures by
Major Academic Unit
FY 1998-1999
Research Awards
by Sponsor Type
FY 1990-1999
A dramatic increase in industry support helped
push UF to record totals in 1998-99. Corporate
funding increased 38 percent to a record $51.5
million, accounting for much of the total increase in a
year when funding from federal, state, local and
foundation sources remained near 1997-98 levels.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the
National Science Foundation (NSF) accounted for 53
percent of the record $160.1 million in UF federal
awards. Funding from other sources (non-SUS
Lir'iivei-r51[i e5 ti r ei'i r i I,,r', r i i r', ir' ,,.li vi,.IlJU Al ) lrn'ri-, .a
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$80 P
lth science Center
Research Awards
by Major Academic Unit
FY 1990-1999
Increases in health sciences, agriculture and
engineering during FY 1998-99 offset modest decreases
in other parts of the university.
Aw;iri:s i, ihi- Ii iih s,-rn,-s riiji-hil j ren- ,'ri:
-1 4; 1: l ln lln,,rl rl 1':#:1!- ':1': 1 ] 111 | ri:,ren [ i rel 5e i -r
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i:,rev- ,' 5 ye .r [,-, '..4':1 4 illdh,-,rn 1nr 1 :1':1.!.- :1:1 k- rl,_ neerM l.
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ArnS irlil S'L4- A-rl';Ir-J irs ri'3 is-i tirlIiri' 00I 0 1ir-ri(i irl
Ithe level 1f 1 is rIII FY 1':1 :1-m.i: Tthe tt ,-.llt e ,- I I l-er 2l
A ris vl,:l S,}1 n,} i 1n,}1rt 2st-,:1 11r ,hr1,_l 11 I IInr,} n 1 n
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Frirli riee r -i, r s.s i':' 4 i:-r -rie :liUrir,1 i-he 1 1i y-jrs
IFAS is lti: i' 4 : r n flr he i:lei ; i :-l wh ili l .[hi-r
.1:, ,:i -e erl: : lh ] r Nf I 1:1. :t- 1:1
. 1,
86-87 88-89 90-91 92-93 94-95 96-97 98-99
Fiscal Year
Technology Ti
FY 1987-1999
"Vy artwork incorporates
large-scale, mixed-media
installation projects which
frequently involve scientific and
art historical references that
challenge notions of vision,
belief and identity systems. My
work employs elements of
traditional painting and
fabrication and
design, as well as
sculptural and
Richard Heipp, M.EA. Professor of
College of Fine Arts
transfer Income
This past year brought another significant increase
in royalty and licensing income to a record total of
$21.7 million. The income generated came primarily
from TrusoptTM, a glaucoma drug licensed to Merck
Pharmaceuticals, which accounted for 60 percent. The
sports drink GatoradeTM, licensed to Quaker Oats,
continues to account for a significant 28 percent. The
remainder of the revenue is generated from license
fees, option payments and royalties from other
technologies. The most recent survey by the Associa-
tion of University Technology Managers (AUTM)
ranked UF 7th among all U.S. universities in licensing
...... .. .... V1,,
More funding for fellowships
and a host of innovative new
degree programs are leading to
record graduate enrollment at the
University of Florida that is
expected to continue growing
well into the next century.
Overall, the university achieved its
1998-1999 graduate enrollment
growth objectives. Fall 1998 enroll-
ment was 7,503 with 3,001 doctoral
students and 4,502 master's students.
From August 1998 through May
1999, 446 doctoral degrees (Ph.D/
Ed.D) were awarded, along with 54
Engineer and Specialist in Education
degrees, and 2,013 master's degrees.
The university now offers 78 doctoral
degree programs and more than 110
master's programs supported by the
efforts of some 2,500 graduate faculty.
Graduate education at the University
of Florida continues to be among the
largest and strongest in the nation.
This past year was very active in
terms of graduate program innovation.
In response to advances in technology,
evolution in research patterns, and
student and industry demand, the
Graduate School approved 53 new
programs, concentrations, certificates,
and joint degree programs in 1998-
Recent endowment gifts and
increased funding from the Florida
Legislature afford the university a
unique opportunity through its
Graduate Fellowship Initiative to
recruit outstanding
new graduate
students with full
support packages.
Alumni Graduate
Fellowships, the
premier fellowships
for students pursuing
terminal degrees,
provide four total
years of support,
including full tuition
and fees plus a
nationally competi-
tive stipend.
The Named
Presidential Fellow-
ship program was
conceived as a
mechanism to help
the university attract
top doctoral appli-
cants by funding
high-level, long-term
stipend support. The
second cohort of 10
Named Presidential
Fellows matriculated
in Fall 1998. The
Named Presidential
Fellows already are
paying dividends for
the university, collaborating with the
Graduate School to launch a series of
professional development workshops
for graduate students campuswide.
The Graduate School has worked
"My role as a
member in
of Special
Education is
to prepare
educational leaders who can
promote the successful
inclusion of individuals with
disabilities in schools. For me,
setting high expectations for
scholarship, providing high-
quality experiences and
coaching students to develop
the necessary skills are at the
core of quality graduate
Mary T Brownell, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Special Education
College of Education
closely with central
colleges and
departments to
market UF
ties. Among
the promotions
developed by the
Graduate School and
underwritten by the
Provost's Office are
full-color recruiting
posters customized
with text for indi-
vidual colleges and
departments; banner
advertisements on the
Petersons.com and
websites; a mailing to
prospective master's
students statewide
based on the GRE
Search Service; and a
national advertising
campaign in the
Chronicle of Higher
Education, peer
1 try to create a rich and
varied research learning
environment within which
students can develop their
own expertise. Graduate
students contribute to an
enriched collective knowl-
edge base that reaches well
beyond my own training
and expertise. I want
everyone working in my
laboratory to fully avail
themselves of the tremen-
dous capacity of the
extended WJF community.
Robert J. Fed, Ph.D.
Professor of Horticultural Sciences and
Assistant Director of The
Institute of Food and
Agricultural Sciences
and other
the incoming
class of
students at the
University of
included more
students and
more women
than ever
before. Asian/
Pacific Island
increased 21
African-American enrollment in-
creased 16 percent and Hispanic
enrollment increased 15 percent.
Continuing a trend, females enrolled
at a greater rate than males and
women now make up 45 percent of
the graduate student population.
The university awarded a record
2,513 graduate degrees in 1998-99, up
from 2,403 in 1997-98. About 80
percent of these were master's degrees,
18 percent Ph.D.s and 2 percent
Doctor of Education, Specialist in
Education and Engineer degrees.
Since V-
now require the
master's as the entry- students
level degree, the
University of Florida
has been developing skills to e
more combined freely qu
bachelor's/master's beliefs an
degree programs.
These programs tons. Th
permit up to 12 hours offering s
of graduate-level opportun
course work to be
their oral
counted for both
degrees. In addition skills thrc
to shortening the time of dialog
it takes to earn a
master's degree by a
full semester, these
programs provide
departments with a
previously untapped Co
source of outstanding
students. Of the 32
such programs at the
university, 23 were approved in the
past year and several more are cur-
rently under development.
Another program the university is
testing is the co-major. The Depart-
ment of Statistics and the Fisher School
of Accounting are offering doctoral
students the opportunity to simulta-
neously complete a Ph.D. in each
discipline. This co-major is intended to
"One of
the most
bilities for
any professor
is to provide
with the necessary
I and expressive
nable them to
estion popular
d social conven-
is includes
students the
ity to exercise
and written
)ugh an exchange
ue with the
Mark A. Reid, Ph.D.
Professor of English
lege of Liberal Arts and
allow students to
develop an explicit
specialization that
will enhance their
marketability and
scholarship. If
successful, this
initial co-major
program will serve as
a model for other
disciplinary Ph.D.
innovation in UF
graduate education
is the option for
theses and disserta-
tions to be submit-
ted electronically.
The university has
established a
dedicated electronic
theses and disserta-
tions (ETD)
computer labora-
tory through which
more than a dozen
students completed ETDs during Fall
1998. Based on that success, the
Graduate Council approved a
campuswide option for ETD submis-
sion beginning in January 1999.
Another dozen students submitted
ETDs in Spring 1999 and that
number is projected to continue to
grow. ETDs to date can be viewed
online at www.uflib.ufl.edu/etd.,html.
I try to provide my students I','" I 00
with a practical tool kit that
enables them to analyze
economic trends, current 1111)0
events and major develop-
ments. I do this by treating
the students as though they 000
were ..!-. working with
me to write a research paper.
The students learn by doing.
Its a slow process, but its the
only way I know that works.
I., I I ,. I I,
I1,,.... I .... .. A pplican ts
-1 F r-IAtl 1: 1: .-r -r1 I 1: r i 1: 'r i I I j : r i I
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i .....11.. f l- ln ,ra, ,
I .:riinii r-r ji ntiri i ll jii IAII er' i ty 4- 1.1I .
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*" 1' i
- 7,500
- 7,000
- 6,500
- 5,oo
Graduate Enrollment
Since 1997, the university has been actively
pursuing an increase in graduate enrollment by
providing more financial support to colleges and
A record 7,503 graduate students were
enrolled at UF in Fall 1998, a 9 percent increase
over Fall 1997. This growth trend is contrary to the
national graduate enrollment trend of decline or
In addition to benefitting from increased
financial support through the university's Gradu-
ate Fellowship Initiative, graduate enrollment
qmwth was spurred hy numerous innovative new
ipr.- r .'i rTi I:' rh.: ulA rly .r'int. .lI r,-ir i-- Ir' r .r m s
Graduate Enrollment by
College/School, 1998-99
Agriculture ................. ......................... 687
School of Forest Resources & Conservation ............. 58
A rch itectu re ................................................. ......... 220
School of Building Construction ........................... 51
Business Adm inistration ................. .................... 537
School of Accounting ................. .................... 240
D entistry ...... ............................. ............ ........ 25
Education ................................................... . 1,001
Engineering .......... ............................................ . 1,531
Fine A rts ............................................................... 150
Health & Human Performance ............................... 209
Health Professions ........................ .................. 176
Journalism & Communications .............................. 182
Law .................................. 73
Liberal Arts & Sciences ................. ................... 1,517
M medicine .... .......................... ... ............. ......... 202
N ursing ....... .... .................................. 289
P h a rm a cy ................. ................................... .......... 6 2
Veterinary M medicine ...................... .................. 58
Special Programs* ........................ .................. 235
*Proqrams offered thrown h more than one college
.) r.t'-r
U r'ii'v-rsii,-s I r ,jr ,-is
-,,, ,, / "1..
Graduate Students by Source of Previous
Degree, 1998-99
A si.udy If Wh,-r, firsit-irime enrolled graduate
si.u.lents, re,:eiv-:I th.-ir li,:h.el,,r's degrees shiws that
1 11/11 rCwi IV '-nfrnlli.d ,.r .JLJdate students in 19':':i:-99
]ri.,.luite,.I fri-im ih.-1 University ,'f Florida This group
in L ,.e;. _lunr.r. ,,' r s;-nr jrs at[ F Mih,. were enrolled
in I)iachePlr s'riIasti-r s c.nibiniled degree pruqr. ms
TI F I 'I:i,, I- lIrf l A s LJnrce I-,4 ra.,heliir's degrees was
frim out-o f-Isi at( e insitJi'rilns in the U S, 818
iradUIlates of forei nr n univri rsiies cI i'I.unLJ ited f['r 419.3
TI h rei-nairider were frrm c'liher State University
System |.SUS) Irnsutlt[Lons, ni"cn-SUS iristilitu'ns in
Florida and other degrees
IF.-,reign \
18'%, ......a
r) N I I L J I II- r) N
"Currently, I advise two Ph.D.
students and three masters
students, all conducting
innovative research ranging from
a focus on minority populations
and nature centers in Florida to
communication needs for wildlife
management by the Florida water
management districts. Overseeing
the development of these bright,
young scholars is one of the
delights of my work and a
valuable multiplier
of new
knowledge in
the field of
of wildlife
Susan K. Jacobson, Ph.D.
Associate _', of Wildlife
Ecology and Conservation
I, I
Total Minority Enrollment
Most minority groups showed a strong gain in
enrollment between 1997-98 and 1998-99. Asian/Pacific
Island enrollment was up by 21 percent, African Ameri-
can enrollment increased by 16 percent, and Hispanic
enrollment grew by 15 percent. Overall, minority
students accounted for 13.3 percent of the graduate
population in 1998-99.
, JillI
Enrollment of Women
C ,riliriuiLg rrid. fe iI-~ qrd i Sl~dt-frli
-rni fl'0 1ic-r-i[ ]jr.-* 1 e e over [hit- preVIOJ year v vhile
-J 011 niakI- -rirc,~n.llrli i rr.-l t)'I~'1 ppe ritel I he st~rt- of
-2 6n r.. h-I .r p -2r~ii r 'fr lii 1- pi:renr In 199~~t)31j 44d f
tr:-ri in' 1 ':1':1 Al-\b J 'i -iri.- it iri- cif i ie ait-~ q cLJra 3ud[
'FLLI` [ I .1 Ur j .r -[2 in IL- 1.. 'urljlis n u I t
I 01,Nt- UifIi LJ OI' i LD.1 inI pi-r.-n-r i in M ih- C (tq o f eg t- ai
in Prig riet~-r Iriq I 'iii i[i.-ir r iii.- c -if il-i ~
rinreasm'iflq r pidiJv IL-in i-] I i -i
[ro-rii II pirci:-rai r i'i' 1,'1;: 1.r i i-i vi-a-r I he
riJInib1~--r Of Wtriii:-n in [ihit II Wit.- h cfir- I win
1IC Lrhit-d lJUring h- 1 I1
- 1,800
Ph.D. Degrees Awarded
Th i- uL r'iiv ri.i v nAt :r .l I 4 4 Ith -I- i.I r
1' :-:.'-:1' 1 ': I': hl t', :r:4 r,, [ ,r r II-h r ,- ,: r.I
I't, LI- ,.I '. r.- $ : N : .Ir I i r', 1':i'll -':i::: LIu ri- n, l
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I-'i Li '.I.-']r,- s A, n A ir.I,.I [- 'i w i.-r' i in 1 ':i':::-':i':i
fh.ii-h r h .ir'n :r' I:r. -i u '/'V sit r' .l -i 4i 1 :,-r,:
inr'l,:re ;i'_,, .,v r 1':I':II ':,-I T fi,, Lu rlili V re i l[
: rN :ir,.l ,.I il ..I, : ..,-r ri1 X.l re .r'i 1':i':i :-':i':, i'
LIrI.I.-rr r :,r- p ,r rn .I. r i i rir N IL10 1r',r1,
Master's Degrees Awarded
Nonthesis master's degrees account for
much of the increase in total number of
graduate degrees awarded in recent years.
Compared to five years ago, nonthesis
master's degrees increased by 23 percent
while thesis master's degrees declined by 7
percent. During the same period, the total
number of master's degrees grew by 12
percent. Forty-eight percent of the master's
degrees awarded in 1998-99 were awarded to
women. This proportion has remained at the
same level since 1995-96
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Office of Research and Graduate Programs
Winfred M. Phillips, Ph.D.
Vice President for Research and Dean
of the Graduate School
223 Grinter Hall
Gainesville, Florida 32611
(352) 392-1582
Division of Sponsored Research
Thomas Walsh, Ph.D.
Director of Sponsored Research
(352) 392-1582
Program Information
(352) 392-4804
Proposal Processing
(352) 392-9267
Awards Administration
(352) 392-5991
UF Research Foundation, Inc.
Frank Ward
Business Manager
(352) 392-5221
The Graduate School
Kenneth J. Gerhardt, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Academic
Programs and Student Affairs
(352) 392-6622
Graduate Records
(352) 392-4643
Theses and Dissertations
(352) 392-1282
Graduate Minority Programs
(352) 392-6444
Statistics and Data Management
(352) 392-6623
Office of Technology Licensi
Thomas Walsh, Ph.D.
Director of Technology Licensing
(352) 392-8929
i^^I.11irrh ^ Gradua lmi l!il
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the UF Research Foun-
dation Professors at
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Research Publications
Joseph M. Kays
Director of Research Publications
(352) 392-8229