Front Cover
 Table of Contents
 Research overview
 State of the environment
 Space date
 State of health
 Graduate education overview
 Office of research and graduate...
 Back Cover

Group Title: University of Florida Office of Research and the Graduate School annual report
Title: University of Florida Office of Research and the Graduate School annual report. 2001.
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00083178/00007
 Material Information
Title: University of Florida Office of Research and the Graduate School annual report. 2001.
Series Title: University of Florida Office of Research and the Graduate School annual report
Physical Description: Serial
Language: English
Creator: University of Florida. Office of Research.
Publisher: University of Florida. Office of Research.
Publication Date: 2002
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00083178
Volume ID: VID00007
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: oclc - 143299231


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Table of Contents
    Front Cover
        Page 1
        Page 2
    Table of Contents
        Page 3
    Research overview
        Page 4
        Page 5
    State of the environment
        Page 6
        Page 7
    Space date
        Page 8
    State of health
        Page 9
        Page 10
        Page 11
        Page 12
        Page 13
    Graduate education overview
        Page 14
        Page 15
        Page 16
        Page 17
        Page 18
    Office of research and graduate programs
        Page 19
    Back Cover
        Page 20
Full Text


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v any measure, the University of Florida is a research institution of national and inter-
national stature, but the first and most frequent beneficiaries of the thousands of
research projects conducted annually at UF are the residents of Florida.
From the premature child in the neonatal intensive care unit at Shands Hospital to the
cattle rancher who relies on the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences for advice on
ways to protect his herd's health, UF research touches thousands of Floridians every day.
Much of the funding for this research that is applied throughout Florida countless
times daily comes from outside Florida and represents a significant economic impact on
our state economy. Through its research program, UF leverages hundreds of millions of
dollars in federal and private funds to hire employees, support students, buy equipment
and contract for services in Florida.
Research also drives the quality of the university's graduate education program, as top
graduate students come to UF to work with our high-quality research faculty. These stu-
dents represent our most effective vehicle for transferring knowledge as they graduate
highly qualified to lead our state in the future.
The more than 3,300 research faculty at the University of Florida work tirelessly to
educate our students and to transfer the results of their research to the citizens of
Florida.The Office of Research and Graduate Programs facilitates that knowledge transfer
for the benefit of all of Florida's people.


Win Phillips
Vice President for Research
Dean of the Graduate School


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REElRC iGADAT PROGRAMS pag 5 "m ~ l .

D ozens of University of Florida faculty,
students and alumni from the Institute
of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) are
helping to ensure that the $7.8 billion, 30-year
restoration of the Florida Everglades achieves
its ambitious goals.
This research falls into several general cate-
gories:water quality assessment, plant and
animal population studies and public policy
issues. In each of these areas, IFAS researchers
are engaged in research to determine the
potential impacts, positive and negative, of the
proposed restoration project.
Ramesh Reddy, graduate research professor
and chair of the Department of Soil and Water
Sciences, likens his team's research in the Ever-
glades to a doctor diagnosing an illness and
suggesting a treatment.
"When you get sick, the first thing the doctor
does is take your temperature, then he might
do a blood test and then a CAT scan," Reddy
says."That's a lot like what we're doing with
the Everglades. We're looking at the soil and
water at progressively more detailed levels."
Specifically they're looking at phosphorous,
the nutrient many believe is responsible for
cattails driving out sawgrass and algae clog-
ging once open water in the Everglades, par-
ticularly in areas just south of the agricultural
areas around Lake Okeechobee.
"If you compare the water coming in from
the agricultural areas with water quality just
about anywhere else in the world, it's pretty
clean," Reddy says."But the Everglades
ecosystem is so pristine that just a small spike
in phosphorous can cause changes in biologi-
cal communities."
Getting data about alligators requires an
affinity for top-heavy skiffs with airplane pro-
pellers on the back and waste-deep muck


where gators are one of the
lesser threats. Out in this hot,
humid natural laboratory, UF
wildlife ecology scientists and
graduate students carry out a
precision campaign to capture
alligators, surgically implant
tracking devices and thermome-
ters and release them back into
their "home ranges."
This research provides restora-
tion planners with the real data
they need about alligators for the
simulation models being used to
test different water management
Over the last 15 years, wildlife
ecology Assistant Professor
Peter Frederick and his
colleagues have logged thou-
sands of hours in a
small plane
skimming at
800 feet over a
mile area of the
central Everglades
where virtually all
iol Ih( w..ldin'g hirds
:(:OInIgl e ..ile spollIII]
JB ..nd Iphol )ll.|)iphin(i
l ,RhI colonieps.

They also have spent thousands -

more hours airboating and
wading through shallow, alliga-
tor-infested waters to verify their
aerial estimates.
The result, Frederick says, is
one of the most comprehensive
surveys ever done for any animal
living in the Everglades, and one
of the most revealing.
"The movement of birds from
the southwest coastal region
around what is now Naples to the
inland water conservation areas
provides some of the most
obvious evidence of coastal
degradation," Frederick says,
noting that surveys conducted by
the Audubon Society in the 1930s
showed virtually all of the wading
birds living along the southwest
coast."Today, almost all of the
wading birds are in the water
conservation areas because the
coastal areas have been almost
totally dewatered."
Since 1994,in a study spon-
sored by the Florida Department
ol Environmental Protection,
Frederick and several graduate
sltdents have monitored mercury
levels in great egret chicks in the
As predators at the top of the
rood chain, great egrets are good
barometers for the herons,
ibises, storks and spoonbills
that also live in the Ever-
b glades, Frederick says.
The results surprised

and pleased the researchers.The
most significant: Between 1994
and this year, average mercury
levels in the chicks' feathers
dropped 73 percent.
UF's role in Everglades
research is impressive both for
the sheer number of faculty and
students involved and for the
breadth of their expertise.
"The University of Florida is
definitely a player," says H.
Franklin Percival, leader of the
Florida Cooperative Fish and
Wildlife Research Unit headquar-
tered at UF. "Beyond the obvious
associations of the faculty and
graduate students currently con-
ducting research are many more
indirect ones, like people who
have gotten their Ph.D.s at UF
then gone on to positions of
influence with state and federal


The University of Florida has
conducted research for NASA
for half a century. Now,
through a lead role in the Florida
Space Research Initiative, the univer-
sity is helping the Kennedy Space
Center evolve from primarily a
launch facility into a center for
space-related academic research
and technology transfer.
UF is developing a space biotech-
nology research program at the
Space Experiment,Research & Pro-
cessing Laboratory now under con -
struction in the 400-acre Space
Station Commerce Park at the
Kennedy Space Center. The lab,
which will serve as NASA's core
facility for processing and packaging
experiments slated for trips aboard
the space shuttle and International
Space Station,is expected to be
completed in 2003.
"There are a large number of res-
ident scientists at KSC that do work
in the biotechnology business," said
Robert Ferl,a UF professor of horti-
cultural sciences and specialist in
plant growth in space who heads the
UF-NASA biotechnology program.
"We're a natural fit because we are
leaders of biotechnology efforts in
the state."
NASA also recently awarded UF
$2.5 million for a new center that will
develop effective ways to recycle air,
water and waste on extended space
missions such as a manned mission
to Mars. But that's only half the
picture: The center also must actively

seek and promote a "terrestrial"
commercial application for each new
technology, such as removing pollu-
tants from air or water.
"What's unique about this center
is that it's simultaneously dealing
with two issues," said John Warwick,
professor and chair of UF's Depart-
ment of Environmental Engineering
Sciences, where the center will be
based."One is the technical needs of
NASA to support extended human
space flight.The second is to support
development of technology that has
a high commercial potential."
NASA officials expect that it will
be extremely difficult to regularly
resupply astronauts on the extended
missions anticipated in coming
years, such as a prolonged visit to
the moon or a Mars mission.As a
result, the agency is looking for tech-
nologies that can sustain life for
months or years in a so-called
"closed loop" system, where oxygen,
water and other essentials are recy-
cled and reused repeatedly.
Warwick said the UF center will
focus its efforts in three areas: air
revitalization, solid waste recovery
and water recovery. The goals with
all of the systems, he said, are to
reduce size and weight and to func-
tion on low power with a minimum
of crew oversight.The systems also
must be extremely reliable, he said.
"This equipment has to be bullet-
proof," he said."It has to work as
well on the last day of the mission as
on the first day."


rom the Institute for
Child Health Policy to
the Institute on Aging,
the University of Florida con-
tributes to the health of our
state's residents through all
stages of life.
For 15 years, the Institute
for Child Health Policy has
been committed to promot-
ing the health and well-
being of children and youth
in Florida and nationally.
The institute has built on
its initial early success
developing a system which
uses local school districts
as a grouping mechanism,
much like traditional
employer-based insurance
pools, to secure health
insurance at greatly
reduced cost.The Florida
Healthy Kids Corp. program,
administered by the state,
now serves more than 1
million children.
Given the continual
changes in both the financ-
ing and organization of child
health care, the institute
focuses its attention on
issues of access, utilization,
cost, quality and family
involvement in both its
policy and program devel-
opment and health services
research. The institute's
goal is to research, evalu-
ate,formulate, and advance


health policies, programs,
and systems that promote
the health and well-being
of children and youth in
the state of Florida and
2001 marked the 50th
anniversary of aging
research, education and
service at the University of
Florida. Although it has had
several names over the
years, beginning with the
establishment of the Insti-
tute on Gerontology in 1951
and progressing to the
current Institute on Aging,
the research has always
been committed to improv-
ing quality of life for resi-
dents of Florida and beyond.
Older Americans repre-
sent the fastest growing
segment of the population.
It is estimated that by
2010, there will be 40
million people age 65 and
older, with the "oldest-old"
segment, adults age 85 and
older, growing most rapidly.
Nowhere is this truer
than in Florida, which has
one of the highest propor-
tions of older adults in the
U.S. More than 15 percent of
Florida's residents are age
65 and older.
The faculty of the Uni-
versity of Florida Institute
on Aging conduct and

facilitate aging-related
research, education and
service. The institute is
supported by affiliations
with major health-care
centers, research
programs and colleges
across the UF campus.
Much of the important
science currently being
conducted on aging at UF
and nationally is about the
small, everyday strategies
that reduce discomfort and
disability in later life; strate-
gies that contribute to
physical and mental health
and emotional well-being
into advanced old age.
Among the specific initia-
tives the institute is pursuing
are the implementation of a
care manager certification
program for professionals
working with older adults
and expansion of aging
programs in UF's Institute
of Food and Agricultural
"We want to provide
greater opportunities for
older adults to help shape
aging policy and participate
in research that leads to the
discovery of new
treatments," says institute
Director Jeffrey Dwyer.

State/Local Other
$43.2M $8.7M
11% 2%

$59. 2M P. ),
16/ % ir


SResearch Awards by Sponsor
( FY2000-2001 .

All Other Units Liberal
$30.9M^ _& Scie
8%$ 1.33.

College of


Research Awards by
Major Academic Unit

Education $6.6M
Academic Affairs $4.8M
Business Administration $4.7M
Design,Construction &
Planning $3.3M

Centers & Institutes
Research & Graduate
Health & Human

Florida Museum of
Natural History
Journalism &
Administrative Affairs

$3.2M Continuing Education
Instructional Resources
$2.9M Law
Fine Arts
$2.2M Libraries
Student Affairs




Proposals Submitted
Grant and Contract Dollars Requested
Awards Received
New Awards Received
Continuations or Supplementals
Grant and Contract Dollars Awarded
,Gifts for Research

ummary of Sponsored Research Activity
FY 2000-2001


Total Sponsored Research Funding
Grant and Contract Direct Expenditures
Recovered Indirect Cost Expenditures
Grant and Contract Dollars Expended
Projects Active During the FiscalYear
Faculty Receiving Awards


All Other Units
Total $30.9M


I /. i.
/'... ,,.. I


Other ,Foundations
$26 5M $43.3M
8% 12%

State/Local Fe i al
$36.5M I.17 r1
10% 1


(Research Expenditures by Sponsor 1

Liberal Arts
& Sciences

All Other Units

College of -


Research Expenditures by
Major Academic Unit

S_ $379.5M

Sponsored Research Awards
FY 1983-2001

Much of the 11.8 percent increase in total
sponsored research awards can be attributed to
a 29 percent increase in federal funding,particu-
larly from the National Institutes of Health and
the National Science Foundation. Total sponsored
research awards have grown nearly 150 percent
in the last decade.

82-83 84-85 86-87 88-89 90-91 92-93 94-95 96-97 98-99 00-01
Fiscal Year


n l",-?

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'"" : ,-'.r1 :,. r i




Research Awards by Sponsor Type
FY 1992-2001

A 29.7 percent increase in federal awards
to a record $227.1 million and a 23.3 percent
increase in funding from industry were
responsible for much of UF's overall gain of
11.8 percent. Much of the federal increase
can be attributed to a 34 percent increase in
awards from the National Institutes of Health,
from $69.7 million to $93.5 million.Awards
from the National Science Foundation rose
36.2 percent, while several large grants from
the U.S. Department of Agriculture resulted in
a 130 percent increase,from $13.3 million in
1999-2000 to $30.6 million in 2000-2001.

Research Awards by Major
Academic Unit FY 1992-2001

Awards to the Health Science Center
increased $24 million to a record $197.8
i million,up nearly 14 percent, while the Insti-
S tute of Food and Agricultural Sciences and the
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences were up
31 percent and 12 percent, respectively.





Technology Transfer and
Licensing 1989-2001

Royalty and licensing income reached a
record $28.7 million in 2000-2001,a 9
percent increase over the previous year. The
glaucoma drug Trusopt and the sports
drink Gatorade accounted for 85 percent
of that total.


* I.',



Fiscal Year

Patents & Licensing Activity FY 1991-2000

Invention U.S. Patent Licenses
Disclosures Applications U.S. Patents Generating
Fiscal Year Received Filed Issued Royalties
2000/01 196 116 68 84
1999/00 166 122 52 63
1998/99 134 106 51 49
1997/98 139 68 51 58
1996/97 103 101 47 61
1995/96 90 61 34 69
1994/95 84 100 24 64
1993/94 75 66 45 20
1992/93 90 41 45 46
,1991/92 74 34 50 35


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Graduate Applicants 1992-2001



Graduate Enrollment Fall 1991-2000

may e
the ulti-
Gator. Few
UF stu-
know the
mascot's namesake quite like Chopp,
who spends the better part of each
year in the Everglades studying alli-
gator nests.
Chopp, a master's student in UF's
Department of Wildlife Ecology and
Conservation,works in the Arthur R.
Marshall Loxahatchee National
Wildlife Refuge in the Everglades,
researching and comparing nests in
the marsh interior and canal systems.
Chopp and his colleagues use
global positioning satellite (GPS) units
to find the nests,which are often
buried under mounds of swamp
muck.Being careful not to incur the
wrath of the mother, the researchers
examine the eggs for health and via-
bility, then leave them to incubate.

When the babies hatch,they are
tagged and released.
"I've never once been bitten,"
says Chopp, who is attached to the
U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS)
Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife
Research Unit based at UF. The unit
works with the Florida Fish and
Wildlife Conservation Commission,
the Wildlife Management Institute and
others to study nest success and
hatchling survival rates among Ever-
glades alligators.Chopp is the third
master's student to participate in the
project since its inception in 1998.
After the alligators hatch, Chopp
tracks their survival and growth,
comparing those born in canal nests
with those born in marsh nests. Ever-
glades alligators usually lay about 40
eggs in a nest, compared to 60 in a
more northern area like Gainesville.
Chopp hypothesizes that this differ-
ence is due to stressful conditions in
the Everglades. Last year, he said,
almost all the sampled "canal"nests
failed due to flooding.
"Alligators have evolved to repro-
duce in certain natural conditions,
which are very unpredictable," he

says, citing the need to determine
the conditions in which the reptiles
will thrive.
Chopp's research is part of a
comprehensive study for the South
Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task-
force,a subgroup of the Department
of the Interior's South Florida Ecosys-
tem Restoration Program, in prepara-
tion for a planned restoration of the
Everglades.The plans, which include
removal of some of the canal
systems,are aimed at water and
habitat management.
"The water level in the canals can
change drastically in a few days,"
Chopp says."We're asking what
effects canal removal might have on
alligator population ecology."
Chopp works underjoint advi-
sors H. Franklin Percival, unit leader
at the Florida Co-op Unit, and
Kenneth G. Rice of the USGS in
Homestead. Their data will be gath-
ered with that of other researchers
into a computer model that will help
predict how different species will be
impacted by various Everglades
restoration alternatives.


Enrollment of Women Fall 1991-2000

Total Minority Enrollment Fall 1991-2000

s English depart-
ment teaching assistant, proved her
ability to adapt as a teacher when
she revamped her entire Survey of
American Literature course to take
advantage of the opportunities
offered by teaching the class in a
Networked Writing Environment
classroom with networked computer
terminals for every student. Camp-
bell added web-based and comput-
erized materials to supplement her
traditional lecture and reading.
"She is a gifted teacher a
natural, as one might say though
one who's highly prepared," says
English department Chair John
Leavey. "The department is fortunate
to have such a strong teaching
Campbell views her classroom
role as that of a negotiator who
must create a forum where multiple
voices and views can exist, rather
than one where all must agree on a
final point.
"Teaching in a classroom of
diverse experiences and utilizing
multiple approaches to learning is
fulfilling," she says."The reward of

lies in
and wit-
the stu-
respect for
opinions as they develop lifelong
analytical, imaginative and commu-
nicative skills."

1 a doctoral candidate
in anthropology, is leading the first-
ever excavation of a black Seminole
town.The research is under way in
central Florida and may reveal how
the runaway slaves actually lived
within the embattled Seminole Indian
Called "Maroons," a term derived
from the Spanish word "cimarrones,"
meaning fugitive, they fled from
Georgia and South Carolina to
Florida,where some of them

escaped pursuing authorities to
befriend and live with the Seminole
"No one has actually identified
one of their towns on the ground
until now," said Jerald Milanich, a
UF archaeologist and member of the
excavation team."Although we know
something about the black
Seminoles from documents, here is
an opportunity to physically learn
whether their lives were similar to
what they were like earlier in the
slave quarters of Southern planta-
tions or if they developed a unique
lifestyle that emerged with their new
status as free people in Florida."
They established "Abraham's Old
Town," or Peliklikaha, about 10 miles
east of Sumter County's Dade Battle-
field.That's where blacks and Semi-
noles annihilated a U.S.Army force
in one of the most decisive battles of
the Second Seminole War of 1835-
42, said Weik.
A powerful black Seminole leader,
Abraham served as an interpreter for
Seminole Indian chief Micanopy
during the critical war years, eventu-
ally surrendering and helping the

a a

Doctoral Degrees Awarded 1992-2001

Master's Degrees Awarded 1992-2001

U.S. military to negotiate an end to
the war. That paved the way for
Florida to enter the union,he said.
The UF team hopes to find out if
the black Indians were subservient
to the Seminole Indians or if the
blacks' military and interpreting
skills made them "masters of the
Seminole" as some military docu-
ments of
the 1830s
Weik said.
Or they
may learn
that neither
of these
is correct,
he added.
"This is,
in a sense,
the next
after Fort
Mose in
the story of
resistance to slavery in Florida," he
said. "The project will bring to light
details of life, the everyday strug-
gles and the cultural heritage of this
under-recognized group, and help
us better understand the early inter-
actions between Africans,
Seminoles and Europeans on the
Florida frontier."
The researchers also want to
learn about the people's housing,
what they ate and if their pottery
more closely resembled that of the

Seminole Indians or what they
once made on slave plantations,
Milanich said.
"Recently, there's been a lot of
interest in Florida's black
Seminoles," he said."Historians and
anthropologists have studied them,
but they haven't been looked at by
Like Seminole Indian sites, black
Seminole sites are hard to find
because they weren't occupied
long, he said.
Black Seminoles left no written
records, and while historical docu-
ments describe things such as
laws against Maroons and the mili-
tary forces used to hunt them, little
attention has been paid to who
these people were or what shaped
their material culture, Weik said.
Archaeologists plan to pass on
what they learn to public school
children.With grant funding from
the Florida Department of State
Division of Historical Resources,the
research team plans to hold public
lectures and prepare a brochure
about the site that will be distrib-
uted to Florida schools, museums
and tourist agencies, Weik said.

B M a doctoral student in
sociology, says keeping up with
current issues in teaching and in
sociology is important to her. Foley
has taught courses ranging from
Principles of Sociology to Develop-
ment of Sociological Thought. She
can often be found in teaching work-
shops or updating her lessons with

the latest
research in
the field.
takes extra
work on my
part, but is
truly worth it
because it
keeps me
excited about
the material.
If I am
excited about the topics, the
students will tend to be as well,"
she says.
"I have been very impressed with
the climate of Lara's classroom. She
has a very effective rapport with her
students and she demonstrates con-
siderable knowledge of her subject
matter. She is one of the finest grad-
uate student instructors I have
observed in recent years," says
Connie Shehan,professor of sociol-
ogy and director of the University
Center for Excellence in Teaching.
Foley strives to create an environ-
ment where different viewpoints can
be actively discussed. To that end,
she encourages the use of e-mail
and an electronic message board for
those students who may be uncom-
fortable speaking out in class.
"I want to be certain that stu-
dents know that they can speak in
my classroom. Not only must stu-
dents have a voice, they must be
taken seriously," she says.



Winfred M. Phillips, D.Sc.
Vice President for Research & Dean of the
Graduate School
223 Grinter Hall
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(352) 392-1582

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The Graduate School

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(352) 392-6622

UF Research Foundation, Inc.

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(352) 392-5221

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(352) 392-8929

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(352) 392-8229

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