Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- https://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00083169/00001
Material Information
- Title:
- Pets & playmates
- Series Title:
- Artistic series
- Alternate title:
- Pets and playmates
- Creator:
- Vredenburg, Edric, b. 1860
Raphael Tuck & Sons ( Publisher )
Fine Art Works ( Printer )
- Place of Publication:
- London ;
Paris ; New York
- Publisher:
- Raphael Tuck & Sons
- Manufacturer:
- Fine Art Works
- Publication Date:
- [1895?]
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- [12] p. : ill. (some col.) ; 20 cm.
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Children -- Conduct of life -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh )
Conduct of life -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh ) Pets -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh ) Domestic animals -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh ) Farms -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh ) Brothers and sisters -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh ) Farmers -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh ) Family -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh ) Family stories -- 1895 ( local ) Bldn -- 1895
- Genre:
- Family stories ( local )
novel ( marcgt )
- Spatial Coverage:
- England -- London
France -- Paris
United States -- New York -- New York
- Target Audience:
- juvenile ( marctarget )
- General Note:
- Illustrations printed in color or brown.
- General Note:
- Cover title.
- General Note:
- Date of publication from inscription.
- Statement of Responsibility:
- by Edric Vredenburg.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact The Department of Special and Area Studies Collections (special@uflib.ufl.edu) with any additional information they can provide.
- Resource Identifier:
- 027006342 ( ALEPH )
ALH9795 ( NOTIS ) 228823952 ( OCLC )
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Lon pon? ESoNs,
Paris & : f
Di igned at the Studias tn Lngland. Yo Ko 3
and printed at the fine Art Works in Germany. , N oy Ve q é
ULBERRY Farm is just the very best place
in the world to live at, quite the very best I
think, Willy and Lily thought so, and you would be
of the same opinion, if only you were fortunate enough
tobe asked to stay there on a visit. Perhaps, if you
are very good, you will be invited some day, but it’s
quite impossible to say for certain.
Lily and Willy had no end of pets and playmates,
and so had plenty to do from the time they popped
their curly heads out of the window in the morning
to see if it was a fine day, to the moment when the
dustman came and closed up their pretty eyes for
the night. The cocks and the hens and the chickens,
the ducks and drakes and the ducklings had to have
SUNY Days.
their breakfast given. to them, and a nice fuss they .
made if it did not arrive punctually. Then Miss
Tibby, the kitten, had. to, have her milk,.and dear old
Rover, the big dog,.and Master Trump, the’ puppy, .
had to be looked after, while even the calves expected .
a handful of hay:; so you see the children had bee
-a great deal of work to do.
Well, it. was. one fine day that Ty re Willy
were out in the fields with some little friends gathering -
flowers and pretty grass, when John, one of the farm-
boys, came, towards them .with a hamper. in his arms.
Now a hamper is always a delightful thing to arrive,
I think. I never knew a hamper to make its appear: -
ance without something nice jnside of ‘it; either
oranges or apples, or a cake, or a kitten, ora plum.
pudding, or a puppy.
“What have you got ? What’ sin We hamper ?.â€
cried the children, crowding round the boy. “Cut
the string, let us see, Dleate John.â€
s'Presents for you from Farmér Giles,†said John,
“and: you are to try and guess what they are.’
Then John: put the hamper on’ the grass “and
coolly sat upon it, just as if opening that hamper
-wasn’t the most important thing in the world.
The children guessed all manner of things, but
to every ore John only shook his head and _ grinned.
At last. he said to help.them, ‘It’s alive.’’. Then
‘came another string of guesses, but. still John shook
Wasdine Day.
his head and continued to grin in a most teasing
way and it wasn’t till poor Lily was on the point
of tears, and Willy was getting quite cross, that
John cut the string and pulled out the presents.
The presents kicked a good deal as they were taken
_ out of the hamper, but as soon as they were put
down they began to nibble the grass, and seemed
quite happy.
Now, what do you think they were? Why, three
dear little brown rabbits, as tame as kittens, and very
much better behaved. The children clapped their
hands with glee, and then carried their new pets home,
where John immediately set to work and made them a
comfortable hutch to live in. The arrival of the little
Brown-Bunny family made somewhat of a stir amongst
the animals at the farm. Master Trump, the puppy,
was highly delighted, for he looked upon the rabbits as
new playthings.
‘Playthings! things, indeed!†cried Mrs. Duck,
who was not of a very agreeable turn of mind—she
had a large family of ducklings to look after, and they
were rather trying to her, poor thing !—‘ Playthings,
indeed, trouble enough to get our breakfast in time as
it is, what it will be now with more mouths to
feed, J don’t knowâ€; then she pulled Master Trump’s
tail, and sent him off howling, which was really very
unkind of her.
“As long as they don’t drink my milk, and take
my place before the
fire, I don’t mind
how many thereare,â€â€™
cried Miss Tibby,
the kitten. Then she
turned her attention
to running round
-after her own tail
for five-and-twenty
minutes, till she be-
came quite giddy,
when she went to sleep till tea-time. Rover did not
worry his head much about the new pets, for he knew,
in his heart, that he was the favourite, and would
remain so as long as he lived.
Well, the day after the arrival of the rabbits was
a very busy time at Mulberry Farm, for it was washing
day, and, asa rule, Lily and Willy must help, other-
wise they thought the clothes could not possibly be
properly cleaned ; but on this particular morning they
allowed the maid to wash the clothes by herself, while
they hurried away to the yard, at the back of /the
house, to say good morning to their new pets.
But alas! and almost too terrible to relate,
although they found the rabbit-hutch with the clean
hay and the fresh grass they had put there the evening
before, the little Brown-Bunny family was missing.
The hutch door was open and the rabbits gone!
The children looked at one another, the tears
coming into Lily’s eyes, and a big lump into Willy’s
throat—he wasn’t going to cry if he could help it, for
you see he was a boy—and then they ran off to look
for John to ask him if he had seen their pets.
But John was as much surprised and alarmed as
they were. He had not seen the bunnies, and it was
very evident that they had managed to open the hutch
door during the night and made their escape.
Even Mrs. Duck was sorry for the children when
she saw how miserable they were, and said: ‘ Poor
little things,†as she set about looking for the missing
rabbits. :
In fact, everybody hunted high and low—here,
there, and everywhere. Master Trump thought it a
very good joke, and did his best, but the most he could
do was to get in everyone’s way. He certainly did
manage to tind something, and that was Miss Tibby,
who was hunting for mice under the kitchen floor that
was being repaired, and so had some beards up. All
Trump got for his trouble was a box on the ear, for
the kitten was very indignant at being disturbed during
business hours.
‘But although everyone searched, the bunnies
could not be found; in consequence, a very miserable
little couple were the children as they trudged across
the fields (Lily with her doll under her arm to
console her) to thank their friend, Farmer Giles, for
his present, and at the same time to tell him the
present had run away.
A very miserable little couple also went to bed that
night, thinking about their lost bunnies, who had no
one to look after them, and who could not look after
themselves like wild rabbits.
Next morning the sun—who is an early riser in
the summer, but who hates getting out of bed in
the winter, like one or two other people I know—
had been up some hours before the children were
awakened by something scratching at their bedroom
‘“Come in,†said Willy, drowsily, sitting up in bed
and rubbing his eyes.
‘Come in,†repeated Lily in a dreamy voice, and
thinking that time to get up had come rather earlier
than usual.
But no one came in, only the scratching continued
to grow louder and louder, so at last the little boy got
up and opened the door to find Rover.standing on the -
landing wagging his tail, and looking TIS proud
- of himself. ae
‘Oh, Rover!†cried Willy, ehelgae his, little
finger at the big dog, ‘‘ you know yeu ee not to
come into the house, you --———
But Willy suddenly stopped eae in his
great surprise. There, onthe mat, sat the three -
bunnies,: quite happy and contented, just as if. they ve
had been used to mats all their lives.
“Good old Rover, quietly going to work, Snowe
making aty fuss or saying a word to anyone, had found
the rabbits during the night. He had taken them _
. into his kennel, and made them a.nice snug bed in the:
straw, while he sat.at the kennel door to make sure
that they would not run away. Then, as soon as the’ â€
house was opened had carried them up to the children’ 5.
room one by one. ;
There was joy at Mulberry. Farm ‘that a AD
‘grand tea-party was given in honour of mnding the
bunnies. Farmer Giles and his children came, and
‘Lily’s and Willy’s other little playmates, Jadithers was |
such fun and great romps. As they had the tea in the
garden on the grass, most of the pets were able to. â€
‘come, including, of course, the rabbits, who had tibbons
tied round their necks, then they ‘were put back into
their hutch, and never tried again to. get away.
OVER tHe Fiecos.
As to Rover, he had a new collar given him,
and an extra bone, and everybody agreed that he
deserved it.
Even Mrs. Duck said so, and the ducklings would
have said the same if they had been old enough to
understand such matters.
Ne 869
Full Text |
Lon pon? ESoNs,
Paris & : f
Di igned at the Studias tn Lngland. Yo Ko 3
and printed at the fine Art Works in Germany. , N oy Ve q é
ULBERRY Farm is just the very best place
in the world to live at, quite the very best I
think, Willy and Lily thought so, and you would be
of the same opinion, if only you were fortunate enough
tobe asked to stay there on a visit. Perhaps, if you
are very good, you will be invited some day, but it’s
quite impossible to say for certain.
Lily and Willy had no end of pets and playmates,
and so had plenty to do from the time they popped
their curly heads out of the window in the morning
to see if it was a fine day, to the moment when the
dustman came and closed up their pretty eyes for
the night. The cocks and the hens and the chickens,
the ducks and drakes and the ducklings had to have
SUNY Days.
their breakfast given. to them, and a nice fuss they .
made if it did not arrive punctually. Then Miss
Tibby, the kitten, had. to, have her milk,.and dear old
Rover, the big dog,.and Master Trump, the’ puppy, .
had to be looked after, while even the calves expected .
a handful of hay:; so you see the children had bee
-a great deal of work to do.
Well, it. was. one fine day that Ty re Willy
were out in the fields with some little friends gathering -
flowers and pretty grass, when John, one of the farm-
boys, came, towards them .with a hamper. in his arms.
Now a hamper is always a delightful thing to arrive,
I think. I never knew a hamper to make its appear: -
ance without something nice jnside of ‘it; either
oranges or apples, or a cake, or a kitten, ora plum.
pudding, or a puppy.
“What have you got ? What’ sin We hamper ?.â€
cried the children, crowding round the boy. “Cut
the string, let us see, Dleate John.â€
s'Presents for you from Farmér Giles,†said John,
“and: you are to try and guess what they are.’
Then John: put the hamper on’ the grass “and
coolly sat upon it, just as if opening that hamper
-wasn’t the most important thing in the world.
The children guessed all manner of things, but
to every ore John only shook his head and _ grinned.
At last. he said to help.them, ‘It’s alive.’’. Then
‘came another string of guesses, but. still John shook
Wasdine Day.
his head and continued to grin in a most teasing
way and it wasn’t till poor Lily was on the point
of tears, and Willy was getting quite cross, that
John cut the string and pulled out the presents.
The presents kicked a good deal as they were taken
_ out of the hamper, but as soon as they were put
down they began to nibble the grass, and seemed
quite happy.
Now, what do you think they were? Why, three
dear little brown rabbits, as tame as kittens, and very
much better behaved. The children clapped their
hands with glee, and then carried their new pets home,
where John immediately set to work and made them a
comfortable hutch to live in. The arrival of the little
Brown-Bunny family made somewhat of a stir amongst
the animals at the farm. Master Trump, the puppy,
was highly delighted, for he looked upon the rabbits as
new playthings.
‘Playthings! things, indeed!†cried Mrs. Duck,
who was not of a very agreeable turn of mind—she
had a large family of ducklings to look after, and they
were rather trying to her, poor thing !—‘ Playthings,
indeed, trouble enough to get our breakfast in time as
it is, what it will be now with more mouths to
feed, J don’t knowâ€; then she pulled Master Trump’s
tail, and sent him off howling, which was really very
unkind of her.
“As long as they don’t drink my milk, and take
my place before the
fire, I don’t mind
how many thereare,â€â€™
cried Miss Tibby,
the kitten. Then she
turned her attention
to running round
-after her own tail
for five-and-twenty
minutes, till she be-
came quite giddy,
when she went to sleep till tea-time. Rover did not
worry his head much about the new pets, for he knew,
in his heart, that he was the favourite, and would
remain so as long as he lived.
Well, the day after the arrival of the rabbits was
a very busy time at Mulberry Farm, for it was washing
day, and, asa rule, Lily and Willy must help, other-
wise they thought the clothes could not possibly be
properly cleaned ; but on this particular morning they
allowed the maid to wash the clothes by herself, while
they hurried away to the yard, at the back of /the
house, to say good morning to their new pets.
But alas! and almost too terrible to relate,
although they found the rabbit-hutch with the clean
hay and the fresh grass they had put there the evening
before, the little Brown-Bunny family was missing.
The hutch door was open and the rabbits gone!
The children looked at one another, the tears
coming into Lily’s eyes, and a big lump into Willy’s
throat—he wasn’t going to cry if he could help it, for
you see he was a boy—and then they ran off to look
for John to ask him if he had seen their pets.
But John was as much surprised and alarmed as
they were. He had not seen the bunnies, and it was
very evident that they had managed to open the hutch
door during the night and made their escape.
Even Mrs. Duck was sorry for the children when
she saw how miserable they were, and said: ‘ Poor
little things,†as she set about looking for the missing
rabbits. :
In fact, everybody hunted high and low—here,
there, and everywhere. Master Trump thought it a
very good joke, and did his best, but the most he could
do was to get in everyone’s way. He certainly did
manage to tind something, and that was Miss Tibby,
who was hunting for mice under the kitchen floor that
was being repaired, and so had some beards up. All
Trump got for his trouble was a box on the ear, for
the kitten was very indignant at being disturbed during
business hours.
‘But although everyone searched, the bunnies
could not be found; in consequence, a very miserable
little couple were the children as they trudged across
the fields (Lily with her doll under her arm to
console her) to thank their friend, Farmer Giles, for
his present, and at the same time to tell him the
present had run away.
A very miserable little couple also went to bed that
night, thinking about their lost bunnies, who had no
one to look after them, and who could not look after
themselves like wild rabbits.
Next morning the sun—who is an early riser in
the summer, but who hates getting out of bed in
the winter, like one or two other people I know—
had been up some hours before the children were
awakened by something scratching at their bedroom
‘“Come in,†said Willy, drowsily, sitting up in bed
and rubbing his eyes.
‘Come in,†repeated Lily in a dreamy voice, and
thinking that time to get up had come rather earlier
than usual.
But no one came in, only the scratching continued
to grow louder and louder, so at last the little boy got
up and opened the door to find Rover.standing on the -
landing wagging his tail, and looking TIS proud
- of himself. ae
‘Oh, Rover!†cried Willy, ehelgae his, little
finger at the big dog, ‘‘ you know yeu ee not to
come into the house, you --———
But Willy suddenly stopped eae in his
great surprise. There, onthe mat, sat the three -
bunnies,: quite happy and contented, just as if. they ve
had been used to mats all their lives.
“Good old Rover, quietly going to work, Snowe
making aty fuss or saying a word to anyone, had found
the rabbits during the night. He had taken them _
. into his kennel, and made them a.nice snug bed in the:
straw, while he sat.at the kennel door to make sure
that they would not run away. Then, as soon as the’ â€
house was opened had carried them up to the children’ 5.
room one by one. ;
There was joy at Mulberry. Farm ‘that a AD
‘grand tea-party was given in honour of mnding the
bunnies. Farmer Giles and his children came, and
‘Lily’s and Willy’s other little playmates, Jadithers was |
such fun and great romps. As they had the tea in the
garden on the grass, most of the pets were able to. â€
‘come, including, of course, the rabbits, who had tibbons
tied round their necks, then they ‘were put back into
their hutch, and never tried again to. get away.
OVER tHe Fiecos.
As to Rover, he had a new collar given him,
and an extra bone, and everybody agreed that he
deserved it.
Even Mrs. Duck said so, and the ducklings would
have said the same if they had been old enough to
understand such matters.
Ne 869