 The Project
 Resources and settlement of the...
 The Architecture of El Pilar
 El Pilar Chronology
 Future plans for the BRASS/El...
 List of Figures
 List of Tables

Title: Interpretations of architecture at El Pilar : results of the 1993 season
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00083143/00001
 Material Information
Title: Interpretations of architecture at El Pilar : results of the 1993 season
Physical Description: Book
Language: English
Creator: ISBER/MesoAmerican Research Center
Publisher: University of California, Santa Barbara
Publication Date: 1993
Subject: El Pilar
Spatial Coverage: North America -- Belize -- El Pilar
North America -- Guatemala -- El Pilar
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00083143
Volume ID: VID00001
Source Institution: University of Florida
Holding Location: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.


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Table of Contents
        Page 1
    The Project
        Page 2
    Resources and settlement of the El Pilar area
        Page 2
        Page 3
    The Architecture of El Pilar
        Page 4
        Page 5
    El Pilar Chronology
        Page 6
    Future plans for the BRASS/El Pilar
        Page 6
        Page 7
        Page 8
        Page 8
        Page 9
        Page 10
    List of Figures
        Page 11
        Page 12
    List of Tables
        Page 13
Full Text

The BRA5 / d Pilar Program

Interpretations of Architecture at El Pilar:
Results of the 1993 Season

By D. Clark Wernecke

For the BRASS/El Pilar Project

Directed by
Anabel Ford
CORI/MesoAmerican Research Center
University of California
Santa Barbara


The upper Belize River area of Belize has been shown to have been very
important to the Lowland Maya. Research has shown that the Belize River
Valley was occupied by the Lowland Maya, the valley served as a trade link
between the Caribbean and the interior, also a route for population expansion
into the Tikal area (Puleston and Puleston 1971; McKillop 1980; Healy, McKillop
and Walsh 1984). To gain a better understanding of this region the Belize River
Archaeological Settlement Survey (BRASS) began a regional survey followed by
test excavations in 1983.

The first phase of fieldwork concentrated on local settlement patterns and was
completed in 1989. It proved that local settlement was far less homogenous
than previously assumed (Ford 1992). The three transect surveys that BRASS
studied were designed to cover the range of environmental variability, ranging
from the river bottom into the surrounding uplands, and to also sample a range of
monumental architecture from four varied size area centers. The longest of the
three transects ended at the monumental center of El Pilar, approximately 10
kilometers northeast of the Belize River Valley.

El Pilar is important to the area for several reasons. First, it is located amid
dense settlement in the fertile uplands, and its large size compares favorably with
other Lowland Maya regional centers. El Pilar has a large variety of monumental
architecture, and the preliminary data has shown that the site has a long
occupation history. Several factors strongly suggest that El Pilar is the largest
center in the Belize River area and that it once reigned over the area, managing
its resources and serving as the area's link to the other prominent centers in the
Maya region.

The Project

El Pilar's location was recorded by the Department of Archaeology in the 1970's,
but its full size and extent were then unknown. In 1984 the BRASS project,
under the direction of Dr. Anabel Ford, developed a preliminary map of the site
and salvaged some data from the existing looter's trenches on site. The
combined BRASS/El Pilar project was initiated in 1993, under the field direction
of D. Clark Wernecke. The project's initial goals were to develop and accurate
map of the center and excavate test units to examine the nature of the varied
structures, their alignment, and their state of preservation.

El Pilar's location is quite strategic (FIG. 1). The site is located amid fertile
farmland and contains abundant water supplies. El Pilar is uniquely positioned to
control the agricultural and trade resources of the upper Belize River are.
Notably Tikal, the largest center in the Maya Lowlands, is 50 kilometers to the
west while Naranjo, Tikal's regional administrative center, is just 30 kilometers to
the SW. Additionally, the sheer size and architectural complexity of the site
speak to its importance.

Resources and Settlement of the El Pilar Area

The ancient Maya were an agricultural society whose viability depended primarily
on the success of their farming populace. There are four areas of land resources
in the Lowlands that together formed the range of alternatives for both the
ancient and modern populations (Fedick and Ford 1990). These four areas that
can be used have been classified as:

1. Well-drained Uplands: Primary Agricultural Resources
2. Slow -Drained Uplands: Secondary Resources
3. Riverine-Associated Swamps: Secondary Resources
4. Closed Depression Swamps: Non-Agricultural Resources

El Pilar is important to the area for several reasons. First, it is located amid
dense settlement in the fertile uplands, and its large size compares favorably with
other Lowland Maya regional centers. El Pilar has a large variety of monumental
architecture, and the preliminary data has shown that the site has a long
occupation history. Several factors strongly suggest that El Pilar is the largest
center in the Belize River area and that it once reigned over the area, managing
its resources and serving as the area's link to the other prominent centers in the
Maya region.

The Project

El Pilar's location was recorded by the Department of Archaeology in the 1970's,
but its full size and extent were then unknown. In 1984 the BRASS project,
under the direction of Dr. Anabel Ford, developed a preliminary map of the site
and salvaged some data from the existing looter's trenches on site. The
combined BRASS/El Pilar project was initiated in 1993, under the field direction
of D. Clark Wernecke. The project's initial goals were to develop and accurate
map of the center and excavate test units to examine the nature of the varied
structures, their alignment, and their state of preservation.

El Pilar's location is quite strategic (FIG. 1). The site is located amid fertile
farmland and contains abundant water supplies. El Pilar is uniquely positioned to
control the agricultural and trade resources of the upper Belize River are.
Notably Tikal, the largest center in the Maya Lowlands, is 50 kilometers to the
west while Naranjo, Tikal's regional administrative center, is just 30 kilometers to
the SW. Additionally, the sheer size and architectural complexity of the site
speak to its importance.

Resources and Settlement of the El Pilar Area

The ancient Maya were an agricultural society whose viability depended primarily
on the success of their farming populace. There are four areas of land resources
in the Lowlands that together formed the range of alternatives for both the
ancient and modern populations (Fedick and Ford 1990). These four areas that
can be used have been classified as:

1. Well-drained Uplands: Primary Agricultural Resources
2. Slow -Drained Uplands: Secondary Resources
3. Riverine-Associated Swamps: Secondary Resources
4. Closed Depression Swamps: Non-Agricultural Resources

The relative proportion of these resources determine the subsistence potential of
local areas and form the foundation for the regions economy.

BRASS's earlier fieldwork in the upper Belize River area concentrated on
determining how the ancient Maya community in this region used the area's
resources. Their survey found that the valley was characterized by a small strip
of primary agricultural land along the river and contains an average settlement
density of 98 structures/sq. km (FIG. 2, TABLE 1). Next, the foothills were noted
to be composed of a high proportion of secondary agricultural resources, which
showed a corresponding drop in settlement density to three to 46 structures/sq.
km. The ridgelands also show a diversity in architecture with small, medium and
large residential compounds sharing the uplands with the centers imposing
monumental architecture. El Pilar is however not alone on the western
ridgelands because there are also several minor civic-ceremonial centers with
that region.

El Pilar ranks greater than or equal to the other centers of the region (Adams and
Jones 1981). The area mapped in 1984 covered more than 25 ha and was
vastly expanded through more intensive mapping and surveying in 1993. The
surveyed are of monumental construction now covers 42 ha (more than 100
acres) which includes some 70 major structures situated around 25 major
plazas. Because the site his still covered with dense vegetation it is anticipated
that more major components of the site will be documented during further

The present preliminary map of the site provides a general impression of the
site's size and complexity (FIG. 3). The total site is made up of two major
sections connected by a 950 fmeter E-W causeway. The west section, the
smaller of the two, contains a major public plaza, large pyramids and a ball
court. The eastern section is made up of several courtyards laid out in a linear
pattern surrounded by imposing pyramids 17 to 21 meters in height, some large
range structures, a ballcourt, and a large acropolis/palace structure. Excavation
of the architectural features and examination of looter's trenches at El Pilar have
revealed remarkable preservation in verification of the exceptional quality of the
local limestone.

The size and complexity of the center coupled with the high settlement densities
in the area attests to the importance of El Pilar as a regional center. Settlement
density within on km of El Pilar is among the highest in the uplands at 292
structures/sq. km (Ford 1990) Next to El Pilar's Plaza F the presence of a
significant chert tool production site is also indicative of the center's importance
(Ford and Olson 1989). El Pilar is surrounded by many smaller satellite sites.
One of these, Laton, contained the only known obsidian production site in the
Maya Lowlands. This general picture presents and important regional
administrative and economic power.

Investigations conducted to date at El Pilar revealed a long developmental
sequence of Maya construction and maintenance at the site. These important
civic projects were well underway as early as 250 B.C., when much of the
southern portion of the eastern complex section was founded. Large ceremonial
platforms and temples continued under construction throughout the centuries of
both the Preclassic and Classic periods. ;Many large structures reached their
current size in the Late Classic Period (A.C. 600-900), at the height of the Maya
civilization. After the abandonment of Tikal, several important structures at El
Pilar were in their final stages of construction during the Terminal classic period
(A.C. 900-1000). This factor shows El Pilar exercised considerable
independence from the major centers of the Peten.

The Architecture of El Pilar

Although less than a master-planned city. El Pilar has a coherent order exhibiting
a constructed logic usual to most Maya centers (Robertson 1963)(. The Maya
architects who built El Pilar, over the course of twelve centuries, used cultural
notions of the proper use of orientation, form and space that resulted in the
ordered "plan" existing today. This process has been called urban design to
distinguish it from urban planning (Hardoy 1964).

El Pilar beautifully illustrates the two primary ideas of Maya urban design, axis
and enclosure. The axis is an elementary ordering principle in architecture and is
simply an imaginary line between two points about which forms and spaces can
be arranged. As it is a linear condition, axial planning induces movement and
views along its path (Ching 1979). Enclosure is perhaps the strongest form of
spatial definition and can be used to define the flow and use of space.

Plaza C and D in the eastern section of El Pilar are excellent examples of axial
ordering (FIG. 4). The main entrance to Plaza C is from Plaza D via a large
staircase. Plaza C is large (100 X 150 meters) and flanked by successive pairs
of structures ending in an imposing staircase and landing on structure EP3. The
lines of view are impressive and the wide staircases and plazas are inviting to the
public. Symmetry cannot exist without and axis and the Maya used axial
planning to create lines about which to build symmetrical structures. Bilateral
symmetry, or mirror symmetry, appears to have been the norm. Most of the
structures at El Pilar possess bilateral symmetry and possibly a few exhibit rarely
found radial symmetry.

A combination of enclosure and axial planning can be observed in the northern
plazas of eastern El Pilar, plazas F, G, I, and the acropolis or H'mena. An axial
line is established through the center of the stairs leading from plaza F to G, G to
I, and from I up to the top of the H'mena. This axis splits the plazas in two, for
the most part symmetrical, halves. Going north from plaza F the spaces grow

more enclosed. Plaza F is quite open and has many exits while Plaza G is
completely inclosed with on the axial stairways in and out. Plaza I also contains
just the two stairways, but appears even more enclosed than G because of the
height of the buildings surrounding it. The H'mena is completely enclosed and
has but one way in and out.

These plazas also admirably exhibit the use of the ordering principle of hierarchy
through elevation. It can be safely assumed that the more enclosed and
restricted an area is the more private and exclusive it will be. The walk to the
H'mena from plaza F is one of increasing enclosure, restriction and of elevation.
From the top of the H'mena a palacelike maze of rooms commands a view of all
of El Pilar and the surrounding area. Suggestions are that many Maya sites were
enclosed gradually throughout the Classic period (von Falkenhausen 1985).

George Andrews postulated that the ancient Maya used a set of four basic
building groupings of distinctive characteristics to build their cities (Andrews
1975). These four are: the temple, quadrangle, palace and acropolis groupings.
These forms exist within a range of variation, but seem to occur with great

The temple group is usually characterized by a group of two temples or three
temples with an auxiliary building. The structure groups in plazas A, C, G and
conceivably, west Pilar, could be temple groupings. Plazas G and I are excellent
examples of the quadrangle, which can be any group of buildings forming a
complete enclosure around a courtyard. The H'mena matches the description of
a palace group, and, with the addition of G, and I, also forms an acropolis group.

Before leaving the architecture of El Pilar some mention should be made of its
alignment. It has been determined that one guiding principle of Maya
architecture may have been the alignment of structures with one of three
possible options: 1) alignment with another, more important center, 2) alignment
with astronomical landmarks and phenomena, or 3) alignment using
geomagnetics (Fuson 1969; Carlson 1977; Aveni and Hartung 1982). Notably,
most of the structures at El Pilar tested to date appear to have similar alignments
within approximately 8 degrees east of magnetic north. Future research will
require detailed testing for alignments if this preliminary data is to be confirmed.

Two important structures, EP7 and EP10, face each other across plaza C to the
east and west (FIG. %). Here also, further study is needed to see if these two
form what has been characterized as a Group E (Ruppert 1940). The Group E
pattern of structures appears to have comparable astronomical significance
found in many Lowland sites. Like the original Group E at Uaxactun, EP10 is a
large bilaterally symmetrical temple facing east toward EP7 that in turn is
composed of a large platform supporting a central temple and two flanking
structures. The general picture is one of multiple examples of this known type
grouping but each seems to have a different alignment, which rules out the

possibility that they were used for making a common set of astronomical
observations (Andrews 1975).

El Pilar Chronology

Chronological analysis of El Pilar has been based on the comprehensive and
detailed ceramic chronologies available for the Maya Lowlands (Smith 1955;
Willey et al. 1965; Adams 1971; Gifford et al. 1976; Sabloff 1975). The
preliminary chronological sequence for El Pilar is presently based on the
examination of ceramics salvaged from looter's trenches during BRASS's 1984
field season. Additionally, ceramics recovered from the last occupation phase
during the excavation of architectural features in 1993. These were examined
with a focus on vessel form and rim characteristics.

The construction sequences exposed by looters provide a brief overview of the
history of El Pilar. The ceramics recovered suggest that a great deal of
construction activity at El Pilar spanned the Late Preclassic period through the
Terminal Classic (250 B.C. to A.C. 1000). 1993 excavation work revealed other
ceramic evidence of Terminal Classic activity throughout the site.

Future Plans for BRASS/El Pilar

The foundation for further research at the center of El Pilar has been
established. We now have an understanding of the area's natural resources.
The nature of local settlement during the construction and occupation of El Pilar
is known. Additionally, the current rough site map will be the basis for future
work. The long-term study of El Pilar will concentrate on the following aspects:

1. developing a detailed map of the site and its surroundings,
2. excavation to study construction sequences and form,
3. building consolidation and repair of looter damage,
4. selected reconstruction with a view to development of an ecotourist site,
5. development of interpretive and educational programs presenting the
results of the research.

In 1994, excavation work commences at strategic points along structures to aid
in the fine-scale mapping of the site, using Electronic Distance Meter (EDM) and
Total Station technology. This mapping stage is fundamental to further
excavation decisions at El Pilar. This will also focus on determining the
preservation of the architecture at the site. When the fine-scale map of the site

possibility that they were used for making a common set of astronomical
observations (Andrews 1975).

El Pilar Chronology

Chronological analysis of El Pilar has been based on the comprehensive and
detailed ceramic chronologies available for the Maya Lowlands (Smith 1955;
Willey et al. 1965; Adams 1971; Gifford et al. 1976; Sabloff 1975). The
preliminary chronological sequence for El Pilar is presently based on the
examination of ceramics salvaged from looter's trenches during BRASS's 1984
field season. Additionally, ceramics recovered from the last occupation phase
during the excavation of architectural features in 1993. These were examined
with a focus on vessel form and rim characteristics.

The construction sequences exposed by looters provide a brief overview of the
history of El Pilar. The ceramics recovered suggest that a great deal of
construction activity at El Pilar spanned the Late Preclassic period through the
Terminal Classic (250 B.C. to A.C. 1000). 1993 excavation work revealed other
ceramic evidence of Terminal Classic activity throughout the site.

Future Plans for BRASS/El Pilar

The foundation for further research at the center of El Pilar has been
established. We now have an understanding of the area's natural resources.
The nature of local settlement during the construction and occupation of El Pilar
is known. Additionally, the current rough site map will be the basis for future
work. The long-term study of El Pilar will concentrate on the following aspects:

1. developing a detailed map of the site and its surroundings,
2. excavation to study construction sequences and form,
3. building consolidation and repair of looter damage,
4. selected reconstruction with a view to development of an ecotourist site,
5. development of interpretive and educational programs presenting the
results of the research.

In 1994, excavation work commences at strategic points along structures to aid
in the fine-scale mapping of the site, using Electronic Distance Meter (EDM) and
Total Station technology. This mapping stage is fundamental to further
excavation decisions at El Pilar. This will also focus on determining the
preservation of the architecture at the site. When the fine-scale map of the site

has been completed, the size, orientation and access of buildings can be
determined. Axes of buildings can also be established to provide the basis for
excavations examining building sequences and dedications.

Consolidation and reconstruction work is destined to be a cooperative effort with
the Government of Belize. BRASS/El Pilar would like to reflect the accuracy of
archaeology, the realities of construction and sensitivities of aesthetics in this
work. The project staff includes two architects who will monitor the exposure
excavations with an archaeologist experienced in large scale restoration projects
in the Maya Lowlands.

The final intended plan for El Pilar includes publication of the results of the
archaeological research in both scholarly and popular press form. An on-site
visitor's program will be developed which includes information regarding the
architecture of El Pilar, its place in the region, and programs addressing the local
environmental context. To this end the Ix Chel Tropical Research Centre and
Wildlife Conservation International have begun the study of the local flora and
fauna during the mapping program.


Research on the ancient Maya has traditionally focused on the development of
centers. That body of research provides the necessary backdrop for continued
investigation of the major center of El Pilar. Investigations at El Pilar will also be
viewed in BRASS's decade-long residential and settlement pattern study. This
combination provides a unique opportunity to develop and understanding of an
important Maya center based also on the associations of the local communities
that supported it.

Excavations at the community and center of El Pilar should provide data critical
to interpretation of household organizational diversity in the western ridgelands in
order to assess chronological shifts in investments for monumental constructions,
and the regional links of El Pilar in the Maya Lowlands. Reconstructions of the
building sequences at El Pilar will be an indicator of labor demands, which in turn
provide a basis for appraising power relations from the evaluation of population
catchments from the local area. Finally, stylistic affinities of the architecture,
artifacts and the presence and diversity of trade goods should allow an
examination of the regional connections between El Pilar and its wider interaction
sphere in Mesoamerica.

The results of these investigations at El Pilar will provide a detailed map of the
site and region, building consolidation and reconstruction for further interpretation
of structure variation, and visitor appreciation, also a program of interpretations
and education for both scholarly and public audiences. The BRASS/El Pilar

project should serve as a model interdisciplinary project encouraging future work
in joint archaeological preservation coupled with ecological park development.
An appreciation of the monumental community center of El Pilar represents a
major step in defining the scale of centralization of the ancient Maya.


The 1993 research at El Pilar was sponsored by the MesoAmerican Research
Center of the University of California-Santa Barbara, the Government of Belize,
and private donors. Our thanks go out to those members of the Government of
Belize, particularly the Department of Archaeology, who made our stay easy and
enjoyable. The monks of the Santa Familia Benedictine Monastery also have our
gratitude for their patience and understanding.


Adams, R.E.W. and Richard C. Jones
1981 Spatial Patterns and Regional Growth Among Classic Maya Cities.
American Antiquity 46(2):301-322

Andrews, George F.
1975 Maya Cities: Placemaking and Urbanization. Norman: University of
Oklahoma Press.

Aveni, Anthony F. and Horst Hartung
1982 Precision in the Layout of Maya Architecture. In Ethonoastronomy and
Archaeoastronomy in the American Tropics. Anthony F. Aveni and Gary Urton,
eds. Pp. 63-80. New Your: The New York Academy of Sciences.

Carlson, John B.
1977 The Case for Geomagnetic Alignments of Precolumbian Mesoamerican
sites: The Maya. Katunob 10(2):67-88.

Ching, Francis D.K.
1979 Architecture: Form, Space and Order. New York: Von Nostrand Reinhold.

Fedick, Scott L. and Anabel Ford
1990 The Prehistoric Agricultural Landscape of the Central Maya Lowlands: an
Examination of Lowland Variability in a Regional Context. World Archaeology

project should serve as a model interdisciplinary project encouraging future work
in joint archaeological preservation coupled with ecological park development.
An appreciation of the monumental community center of El Pilar represents a
major step in defining the scale of centralization of the ancient Maya.


The 1993 research at El Pilar was sponsored by the MesoAmerican Research
Center of the University of California-Santa Barbara, the Government of Belize,
and private donors. Our thanks go out to those members of the Government of
Belize, particularly the Department of Archaeology, who made our stay easy and
enjoyable. The monks of the Santa Familia Benedictine Monastery also have our
gratitude for their patience and understanding.


Adams, R.E.W. and Richard C. Jones
1981 Spatial Patterns and Regional Growth Among Classic Maya Cities.
American Antiquity 46(2):301-322

Andrews, George F.
1975 Maya Cities: Placemaking and Urbanization. Norman: University of
Oklahoma Press.

Aveni, Anthony F. and Horst Hartung
1982 Precision in the Layout of Maya Architecture. In Ethonoastronomy and
Archaeoastronomy in the American Tropics. Anthony F. Aveni and Gary Urton,
eds. Pp. 63-80. New Your: The New York Academy of Sciences.

Carlson, John B.
1977 The Case for Geomagnetic Alignments of Precolumbian Mesoamerican
sites: The Maya. Katunob 10(2):67-88.

Ching, Francis D.K.
1979 Architecture: Form, Space and Order. New York: Von Nostrand Reinhold.

Fedick, Scott L. and Anabel Ford
1990 The Prehistoric Agricultural Landscape of the Central Maya Lowlands: an
Examination of Lowland Variability in a Regional Context. World Archaeology

Ford, Anabel
1990 Maya Settlement in the Belize River Area: Variations in Residence Patterns
of the Central Maya Lowlands. In Prehistoric Population History in the Maya
Lowlands. T.P. Culbert and D.S. Rice, eds. Pp. 167-181. Albuquerque:
University of New Mexico Press.

1992 Rediscovering the Ancient Maya Center of El Pilar: A Plan for the Touristic
Development of an Archaeological Park. Unpublished MS.,
CORI/MesoAmerican Research Center, University of California Santa Barbara.

Ford, Anabel and Kirsten Olson
1989 Aspects of Ancient Maya Household Economy: Variation in Chipped Stone
Production and Consumption. In Research in Economic Anthropology:
Prehistoric Maya Economies of Belize. Patricia McAnany and Barry Isaac, eds.
Pp. 185-211. London: JAI Press Ltd

Fuson, Robert H.
1969 The Orientation of Mayan Ceremonial Centers. Annals of the Association
of American Geographers 59(3):494-511

Gifford, James C., R.J. Sharer, J.W. Ball, A.F. Chase, C.A. Gifford, M.
Kirkpatrick, and G.H. Myer
1976 Prehistoric Pottery Analysis and the Ceramics of Barton Ramie in the
Belize Valley. Cambridge: Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology.

Hardoy, Jorge E
1964 Pre-Columbian Cities. New York: Walker and Company.

Healy, Paul, Heather I McKillop and B. Walsh
1984 Analysis of Obsidian From Moho Cay, Belize: New Evidence on Classic
Maya Trade Routes. Science 225:414-417

McKillop, Heather I.
1980 Moho Cay, Belize: Trade, Settlement and Marine Resource Exploitation.
M.A. Thesis, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario. Ann Arbor: University

Puleston, Dennis E. and Olga Stavrakis Puleston
1971 An Ecological Approach to the Origins of Maya Civilization. Archaeology

Robertson, Donald
1963 Pre-Columbian Architecture. New York: George Braziller.

Ruppert, Karl
1940 A Special Assemblage of Maya Structures. In The Maya and Their
Neighbors. C.L. Hays, ed. Pp. 222-231. New York: Appleton/Century.

Sabloff, Jeremy
1975 Excavations at Seibal: Ceramics. Memoirs of the Peabody Museum of
Archaeology and Ethnology 13(2). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Smith, R.E.
1955 Ceramic Sequence at Uaxactun. Middle American Research Institute
Publication 20. New Orleans, LA: Tulane University.

Von Falkenhausen, Lothar
1985 Architecture. In A Consideration of the Early Classic Period in the Maya
Lowlands. Gorden Willey and Peter ;Mathews, eds. Pp. 111-133. SUNY,
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Willey, Gordon R., William R. Bullard Jr., John B. Glass and James C. Gifford
1965 Prehistoric Maya Settlements in the Belize Valley. Cambridge: Peabody
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List of Figures

Regional Map


Figure 1: Map with location of El Pilar indicated

Figure 2: Land resources in study area and BRASS transects


Figure 3: Site map of El Pilar

Figure 4: Major planning axes of El Pilar

Figure 5: Comparison of EP10-7 group at El Pilar with Group E at Uaxactun

List of Tables

Table 1: Belize River area resource and settlement distribution.

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