Group Title: Beaded panel (ithemba)
Title: Beaded Panel (ithemba)
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 Material Information
Title: Beaded Panel (ithemba)
Physical Description: Glass beads
Creator: Kangezile MaMajoli Ndlovu
Subject: Exhibition -- Between the Beads: Reading African Beadwork
Spatial Coverage: Africa -- South Africa
Abstract: By the 1960s, with the rise in school attendance and literacy among Zulu families, beadworkers in the Msinga area were inspired by the image of classroom blackboards covered with text. This panel is the first in a series made by Kangezile MaMajoli Ndlovu for her future husband. The panels express the joys and difficulties of the relationship. The message, “dela wazala mame,” expresses joy at the birth of the couple’s son, and was given to the boy by his mother. The knotted corner adornments symbolize clasped hands, and emphasize the warmth of her feelings.
Acquisition: Museum Purchase with Harn General Program Endowment Funds
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00083108
Volume ID: VID00001
Source Institution: Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art
Holding Location: Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: 2007.27.7

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