News Flash!
THANK YOU. THANK YOU. Some time ago, we asked you to write to your
U.S. Senators urging them to co-sponsor the Joint Resolution for alkaline (i.e.,
acid-free) publications. Senator Graham is co-sponsoring the resolution and is
only one of two southern Senators to do so. That means we Floridians have
done a great job! THANK YOU!
But the resolution is not yet law. It will come to a vote sometime in the near
future. PLEASE write or call one or both of your U.S. Senators and ask him to
vote for the resolution, SJ-Res-57, for alkaline paper. If you write or call Senator
Graham, let him know how much you appreciate his help. If you write or call
Senator Mack, ask him to think about co-sponsoring the resolution, too.
Senator Bob Graham Senator Connie Mack
241 Senate Dirksen Office Bldg. 250 Senate Dirksen Office Bldg.
Washington, D.C. 20510-0902 Washington, D.C. 20510-0901
Government publications worth printing should be worth keeping in our li-
brary collections. The law will make certain that they last.
The cost of alkaline paper is equal to or even less than that of the acidic paper
now used. The paper lobby, which has tons of acidic paper, is threatening to
kill the resolution. The federal government gives us a lot of money to save
acidic paper. Wouldn't it be smarter to use alkaline paper from the start? And,
save the money to pay the national debt?
Preservation Planning Program
The Preservation Planning Program (PPP) Background Report, which re-
views the growth of our libraries and their preservation efforts, has been com-
pleted. Copies are available from the Preservation Office. PPP Task Forces
have begun to meet. They will study environmental conditions, physical condi-
tion of collections and disaster planning among other things.