Title: News from the Preservation Office
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Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00083040/00007
 Material Information
Title: News from the Preservation Office
Physical Description: Book
Creator: University of Florida Libraries. Preservation Office.
Publisher: University of Florida Libraries
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00083040
Volume ID: VID00007
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Full Text

On January 20, 1989, Senator Pell (Dem., Rhode Island) introduced a
bill into Congress to produce all federal government publications on alka-
line, "Acid-free" paper. These publications are currently produced on
highly acidic paper. PLEASE write or call one of your U.S. Senators and
ask him to co-sponsor the legislation.

Senator Bob Graham Senator Connie Mack
241 Senate Dirksen Office Bldg. 250 Senate Dirksen Office Bldg.
Washington, D.C. 20510-0902 Washington, D.C. 20510-0901
(202) 224-3041 (202) 224-5274

Refer to the legislation as: "Last year's (1988's) bill number SJ-RES-
394, for alkaline paper."

Alkaline paper is the same price as or less expensive than the acidic pa-
per now used. The paper lobby, which has tons of acidic paper, is threa-
tening to kill the bill. The federal government gives us lots of money to
save acidic paper. Wouldn't it be smarter to save the paper from the
start? And, save the money to pay the national debt? Of course, state
government does the same thing, but we can deal with Florida next. Flor-
ida is you guessed it! a paper lobby state, so it will take YOU and I
mean YOU, YOURSELF, as well as everyone else who reads this to
WRITE OR CALL your Florida Congressman, ASAP PLEASE!

News Flash
On February 1, 1989, the Libraries began a Preservation Planning Pro-
gram, sponsored by the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) to bring
preservation more directly into your life. A Study Committee, in consul-
tation with Jutta Reed Scott of ARL and chaired by Erich Kesse, will
write a history of preservation activities at UF, then gather and share
information about the current condition of collections as well as recom-
mendations for the future.
Five Task Forces to study organizational structure, user and staff educa-
tion, environmental conditions, disaster control, and physical condition of
library and archival materials will be appointed. One or more of these
activities will probably touch, if not involve, you. Preservation doesn't
just happen in the Preservation Office.
Future newsletter articles will report our progress. So, Cmon! We'll be
asking you to participate soon.

Now, Back to our Regularly Scheduled Program!
The Sling Psychrometer is a device which measures temperature and
relative humidity (RH) by spinning two thermometers, one wet and one
dry, in the air for about a minute. Bob Singerman tells me it reminds him
of "Kappa-ot," the Jewish rite of atonement, except a live chicken rather
than a sling psychrometer is used.
Anyway, the dry thermometer reads the temperature. The wet one
reads the RH by the water lost into the air. The more water lost, the
higher the reading. RH is actually a comparative reading of both wet
and dry temperatures. Higher readings on both thermometers mean
greater humidity and more mold growth. This is the scientific way of
telling Building Management that conditions are right for little green
mold men to suddenly take over which is almost all the time! It's easi-
er than slinging a live chicken or a cataloger.

L-' r ^ p-f -. -

News From the Preservation Off ice.

On January 20 1989, Senator Pell (Dem., Rhode Island) introduced a bill into
Congress to produce all federal government publications on alkaline, "acid-free"
paper. These publications are currently produced on highly acidic paper.
PLEASE, write or call your U.S. Senator and ask him to co-sponsor the

Senator Bob Graham Senator Connie Mack
241 Senate Dirksen Office Bldg. 250 Senate Dirksen Office Bldg.
Washington, D.C. 20510-0902 Washington, D.C. 20510-0901
(202) 224-3041 .(202) 224-5274

Refer to the legislation as: "Last year's (198B's) bill number SJ-RES-394,
for alkaline paper."
Alkaline paper is the same price as or cheaper than the acidic paper now
used. The paper lobby, which has tons of acidic paper, is threatening to kill
the bill. The federal government gives us lots of money to save acidic paper.
Wouldn't it be smarter to save the paper from the start? And, save the money to
pay the national debt? Of course, state government does the same thing, but we
can deal with Florida next. Florida is -- you guessed it! -- a paper lobby
state, so it will take YOU -- and I mean'YOU, YOURSELF, as well as everyone-else
who" reads this -- to WRITE or CALL your Florida Congressman, A.S.A.P. PLEASE!

On February 1, 1989, the Libraries began a Preservation Planning Program,
sponsored by .the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) to bring preservation
more directly into your life. A Study Committee, in consultation with Jutta
Reed Scott of ARL and chaired by Erich Kesse, will write a history of
preservation activities -at UF, then gather and share information about the
current condition of collections as well as recommendations for the future.
Five Task Forces to study organizational structure, user &-staff education,
environmental conditions, disaster control, and physical condition of library
and archival materials will be appointed. One or more of these activities will
probably touch, if not involve, you. Preservation doesn't just happen in the
Preservation Office.
Future newsletter articles will report our progress. So, C'mon! We'll be-
ask.ing you to participate soon.

The Sling Psychrometer is not an S&M sex toy. It's a device which measures
temperature and relative humidity (RH) by spinning two thermometers, one wet and
one dry, in the air for about a minute. Bob Singerman tells me it reminds him
of "Kapparot", the Jewish rite of atonement, except a live chicken rather than a
sling psychrometer is used.
Anyway, the dry thermometer reads the temperature. The-wet one reads the RH
by the water lost into the air. The more water lost, the higher the reading.
FH is actually-a comparative reading of both wet and dry temperatures. Higher
readings on both thermometers means greater humidity and more mold growth. This
is tt;e scientific wa yof telling Building Management that conditions are right
for little green-mold men to suddenly takeover -- which is almost all the time!
It's easier than'slinging a live chicken or a cataloger.

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