Title: University of Florida Libraries newsletter
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00083038/00014
 Material Information
Title: University of Florida Libraries newsletter
Series Title: University of Florida Libraries newsletter
Physical Description: Serial
Creator: University of Florida Libraries
Publisher: University of Florida Libraries
Publication Date: November 1, 1990
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00083038
Volume ID: VID00014
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Full Text





November 1990


Information on all workshops,
conferences, etc. are posted on the
bulletin board by the second floor
Staff Lounge in Library West.


November 15,1990
"Effective Approaches to Campus
Security," a national videoconfer-
ence, from 2-4 p.m. in Room 349
Reitz Union, for the university com-

November 15,1990
Drawing at 2 p.m. in the Staff
Lounge of donated prizes for those
who contributed to the Library's
United Way drive. Refreshments
will be served.

November 19-20,1990
"Introduction to the Libraries" pro-
gram for long-term library staff.
Pre-registration required.

November 19,1990
Public Services Forum featuring re-
ports on government information in
electronic form, at 11 a.m. in Room
148 Library West. All staff are wel-
come to attend.

November 22-23,1990
Thanksgiving Day Holidays

November 27,1990
CSE E-mail Training, 10 a.m. in
Room 148 Library West. Contact
Suzy Shaw in Systems (2-0796) to
sign up.


FLA has established a scholarship program to encourage librarianship in Flor-
ida. Two scholarships are available each year, one each for students in the li-
brary and information science master's degree programs at Florida State Uni-
versity and the University of South Florida. FLA wants to recognize and
assist future librarians, particularly those who are already working in Florida

The amount varies annually. Requirements include: Florida residency; some
experience (paid or volunteer) in a Florida library; admission to graduate pro-
gram in library/information science at FSU or USF; and a commitment to
work in a Florida library a minimum of one year after graduation or the
scholarship money received must be returned.

Criteria for selection includes: demonstrated financial need; professional ac-
tivities (based on library experience; membership in professional library or-
ganizations; participation in local Friends of the Library groups; lobbying on
behalf of libraries, etc.); and scholarship (based on grade point average and
GRE scores).

Applications are available from the Library Personnel Office. Deadline is
March 31 for awards for the following academic year.

Awards will be announced at the FLA Annual Conference for the following
fall/winter academic year.


The American Library Association is offering scholarships for minority stu-
dents for study towards a Master's Degree in Library or Information Science.

The Louise Giles Minority Scholarship is available for students interested in a
career in library or information science. The application deadline is Decem-
ber 18, 1990.

The LITA/OCLC Minority Scholarship in Library and Information Technolo-
gy is available for students interested in a career in applications of automa-
tion in libraries. The application deadline is April 1, 1991.

continued on next page

December 1 1990
Deadline date for UF Superior Accomplish-
ment Awards Program. See October issue
for details.


November 15,1990
"Managing CD-ROM Networks and Servic-
es," a SEFLIN workshop, Broward County
Main Library, $50 for SEFLIN members, $75
for non-members.

November 19,1990
Meeting at St. Johns County Public Library
from 2:30-4:30 p.m. to discuss legislation,
drafted by the State Library, to recognize
cooperative library activities and provide a
means of state funding for library

November 19,1990
"How to Supervise People," a Fred Pryor
Seminar, Gainesville, $99.

November 27-30,1990
"Challenges and Opportunities of
Information Technology in the 90s," 19th
CAUSE National Conference, including
CAUSE/EDUCOM pre-conference
seminars, Miami Beach. Registration fee is
$485 for non-CAUSE members before and
$535 after November 7.

November 30,1990
Deadline date for state employees to apply
for admission to FSU as a graduate student
for Spring 1991 registration. See October
issue for details.

November 30,1990
"How to Write, Design & Edit Newsletters,"
a Business & Professional Research Institute
seminar, Jacksonville, $250.

December 1,1990
Deadline date for nominations for Melvil
Dewey Medal in librarianship, part of ALA
Awards Program.

December 3,1990
Application deadline date for grants under
the Strengthening Research Library
Resources Program of the Higher Education
Act, Title II-C.

December 3 or 5,1990
'Newsletter Editing, Design and Produc-
tion," Promotional@ Perspectives, $300, Ft.
Lauderdale or Tampa, respectively.

If anyone on the staff is interested in these scholarship programs, please con-
tact Wendy Scott, Library Personnel Officer, at 2-9809.


The Association of College & Research Libraries offers two tuition-free
scholarships for ACRL continuing education courses held as preconferences
before the ALA Annual Conference. Past recipients are not eligible for these

Criteria include:
" membership in ACRL by application deadline of December 1;
* Master's degree in library science from an ALA-accredited institution;
l three years' library experience by December 1 deadline
" current employment in a library at a professional level
" documented evidence of professional growth as indicated by committee
work, membership in professional organizations, etc.
* have prerequisite background to benefit from the course selected

Awards will be made based on:
D evidence of commitment to librarianship as a profession
" potential benefit to the individual and the profession
* relevance of the course requested to current position or clearly identified
career track
" financial need
" service to ACRL, ALA, the wider profession

The following professional development classes will be offered as CE Pre-
conferences at the ALA Annual meeting-the dates and times will be final-
ized in the near future.

0 Accomodating Change through Staff Development
0 Measuring Academic Library Performance
0 Time Management for Academic Libraries
0 Forging Partnerships with Campus Administrators
0 Promoting Research: Mentoring Research Librarians
0 Cultural Diversity in the Academic Library

The application deadline is December 1, 1990. Information and instructions
on the application process are posted on the bulletin board outside the Staff
Lounge on the second floor of Library West.


Visiting research fellowships from one to three and six to twelve months'
duration will be available during the period June 1, 1991 May 31, 1992. All
awards are for research and writing in American history and culture
through the year 1876, in which field the Society holds preeminent collec-
tions offering broad research opportunities. The long-term awards, funded
by the National Endowment for the Humanities, are intended for those be-
yond the doctorate. Among the short-term fellowship categories offered are
several special ones that support scholars working in American literary
studies, the history of the book in American culture, the American eight-
eenth century, and those at work on doctoral dissertations. Applications
continued on next page t



1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Public Ser- Deadline for
vices Forum December
18 11 a.m., n 19 Issue of 2 21 2223 24
148 LIB W. Library Newsletter
"Intro to Libraries," program for long- Thanksgiving
term staff. Pre-reg tration required. Holidays
CMS E-mail
Training, NOTE: December 1
25 26 10 a.m. 27 2 MSL Seminar 29 3 Is deadline for
148 LI W -- on Scientific UF Superior Accom-
Contact Suzy Sh and Technical Trans- plishment Award
at 2-0796 to pre- latlons, 3 p.m. In Nominations
register 107 MSL



This is the second article of a new feature, Life Beyond the Libraries, which is an informal forum for all library em-

ployees to share interesting travels, hobbies, and other leisure-time activities with their colleagues. Are there any artists, scout
leaders, Special Olympics volunteers, musicians, collectors, or orchid growers among this creative, caring group? We 'd like to
hear from you! Articles, from one paragraph to one page in length, should be sent to "Library Newsletter," 204 Library West.


Time Traveler

Greetings from another time traveler. I come from only a couple of centuries into the past. My usual lot in life is that
of a "camp follower" of His Majesty's 42nd Royal Highlanders and/or Oglethorpe's Highlanders. It's 1740-1778 and
life is a bit easier than the middle ages, at least baths are heard of and occasionally taken.

A "camp follower" is not exactly a lady of means or for that matter even a lady. It all depends on how tight or loose
her morales are tied. I have been lucky and found a corporal to keep bed with and we now have two daughters to

help with the campfire, cooking and food gathering.

This wilderness of Florida and Georgia can be very trying and

marching with the troop means breaking and setting camp on a regular basis. We are now packing up and
St. Augustine to do battle with the Spanish and take back the city that belongs to His Majesty King George.
to arrive December 1st. All those loyal to the King are welcome to join in the celebration. Victory is our on

heading to
We expect
ly choice.

The previous is a bit of what a member of the Florida Historical Militia re-enacts. It's living history and it's fun. My
whole family participates and occasionally acts alone. My husband portrays Job Wiggins, guide to William Bartram,
during Paynes Prarie's Walk Thru Time, every spring.

Enjoying the outdoors and camping, obviously, works well with one other of my activities beyond the Library. I am
one of those Ladies in Green accompanying those girls in green, Junior girls scouts. I have been a leader for more than
five years now and you know who will be looking for your Girl Scout cookie order in January.

Of course if sweets aren't your thing I also dabble in the growing of Shittake mushrooms, mostly the winter variety.
They are an exotic mushroom used a great deal in oriental cookery. They grow on dead logs so there are no caves or
bats to deal with, just spiders. The predatory spiders keep these little fungi organically grown.

If food isn't what you're into we also raise AKC registered Miniature Red Dachshunds, who full grown weigh only 8 -
10 pounds. Actually this is just a side item. We have a registered female and occasionally breed her. Having a kennel
is too much of a full time operation to suit me.

So somewhere between my extra curricular activities I find time to work in the Directors' Office for Martha Hruska
and our newest Assistant Director, Carolyn Henderson.

--Gail Morris


may be made jointly for short-term fellowships at both AAS and The Newber-
ry Library in Chicago.

The application deadline is January 15,1991. For addition information, see the
bulletin board outside the staff lounge on the second floor of Library West.


The U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Research and
Improvement is taking applications for four types of grants: networking;
combination; services to institutions; and research demonstration. The
purpose of the grant program is to encourage resource-sharing projects among
college and university libraries through the use of technology and networking;
to improve resource-sharing services provided to institutions of higher
education by public and private nonprofit organizations; and to conduct
innovative research and demonstration projects which meet special needs in
utilizing technology to enhance library services.

Authorized activities may include, but are not limited to:
N buying access to networks;
N acquiring additional equipment and supplies that assist in achieving the
purpose of the project (including computer hardware and software);
E paying staff;
0 paying for telecommunications expenses;
* evaluating the project; or
N disseminating information about the project

No grant will be less than $15,000. The funds may be expended in one, two or
three years. Institutions will need to provide a matching requirement of an
amount not less than one third of the total dollars received from the federal
government. Institutions are not limited to one application.

Additional information and application forms are available in the Directors'
Office in 204 Library West. Deadline for applications is January 14,1991.
Anticipated award date for the FY 1991 year is September 30, 1991.


The National Endowment for the Humanities, Humanities Projects in Libraries
and Archives, invites proposals to plan or to present public humanities pro-
grams. Planning grants provide support for up to six months. Implementa-
tion awards are for one to three years.

The deadlines for submitting Planning Awards proposals, depending on the
expected beginning date of the project, are February 1, May 3, and August 2,
1991. The deadlines for Implementation Awards, based on the expected begin-
ning date of the project, are March 15, and September 13, 1991.

December 4,1990
"The More Effective Supervisor," Dun &
Bradstreet workshop, Jacksonville, $99.

January 4-9,1991
State Employee Telephone Registration
System to Enroll for Tuition-Free Courses
at FSU. See October issue for details.

January 7-10,1991
Late, Employee, and Non-Degree
Registration for UF 1991 Spring Term.
Forms are available in the Library
Personnel Office.

January 11, 1991
"Negotiating Services and Fees with
Subscription Agencies,"seminar by Basch
Associates, Chicago, $295.

January 18,1991
"Managing Multiple Pojects, Priorities
and Deadlines," a SkillPath, Inc. Seminar,
Gainesville, $99.

February 1,1990
Deadline date for applying for Medical
Library Association's $2,000 scholarship
for a minority student who will be
entering an ALA-accredited library
school program to study medical


The schedule of free AGRICOLA and
CRIS Database Workshops held at the
NAL in Washington, D.C. during 1991 is
posted on the bulletin board outside the
Staff Lounge on the second floor of
Library West.


This feature of the newsletter is designed
to provide staff with current information
regarding active ad hoc committees.
Further information can be sought from
committee chairs. To add committees to
this list, committee/task force chairs
should send information to Barbara Jones
in 204 Library West.

-Task Force on adding CRL Records to
LUIS, appointed by D. Canelas. Charge: to
identify pertinent issues and to make recom-
mendation for one of three options suggest-
ed by FCLA for dealing with CRL tapes. Fi-
nal report submitted. Chair: Chris Hanson;
Members: Stephanie Haas, Peter Malanchuk,
Ed Teague and Elaine Yontz.

-Document Delivery Committee, appoint-
ed by'D. Canelas. Charge: to study the po-
tential of offering document delivery service
at UF. Final report submitted. Chair: Carol
Drum; Members: Lynn Badger, R. Bennett,
Bill Covey, LeiLani Freund, Clarissa Pickett,
and Carol Turner.

-Task Force on Building Security and Per-
sonal Safety for Libraries East and West, ap-
pointed by C. Henderson. Charge: to identi-
fy and prioritize problem areas of immediate
concern while offering timely, cost-effective
solutions, and to conduct physical surveys
of both buildings. Recommendations are
due in mid-November 1990. Chair: Steve
Grube; Members: Rich Bennett, Bob Singer-
man, Dot Hope, and Erich Kesse.

-ad hoc. Commercial Bindery Preparations
Committee, appointed by D. Canelas.
Charge: to monitor binderies' compliance
with agreements; to be familiar with
Standard for Library Binding; to recom-
mend guidelines and procedures to Preser-
vation Officer; to prepare statistical reports
and budgetary requests; and, to seek resolu-
tion of problems relating to commercial
bindery preparations. Recommendations
due April 1991. Chair: Erich Kesse; Mem-
bers: Janis Adkinson, Carole Bird, Jeanne
Bunting, Susan Duser, Jorge Gonzalez, Bob
Harrell, Lee Jones, Patsy Mongo, Mildred
Neal, Margareta Soderholm, Carol Whitmer,
and Mary Wisnieski.

-Task Force on Census Bureau Publications
Service Issues, appointed by S. Gowan and
C. Turner. Charge: to define major service
issues and primary responsibilities in pro-
viding access; establish referral procedures;
define training needs and develop training
programs on various types and formats, and
determine procedures for providing updat-
ed information to staff. Preliminary report
submitted. Chair: Ray Jones; Members:

continued on next page



Some statistics on travel last year were recently compiled and staff may be
interested to know that the library funded 105 staff development trips at
an average cost of $343, and 30 business trips at an average cost of $403,
during 1989-90.
Dale B. Canelas


During October, seven Map Librarians toured the Map and Imagery Li-
brary. They were particularly interested in our unique map cases on elec-
tronic movable compact storage carriages and the NOTIS and MARCIVE
on-line catalog information. The librarians were from the universities of
Michigan, Illinois at Chicago, Tennessee, and Georgia, and from North-
western, Indiana and Ball State universities. They were all impressed with
the Marston Science Library and the new facilities and equipment of the
Map and Imagery Library.

Annual NACIS Meeting
HelenJane Armstrong attended the North American Cartographic Informa-
tion Society (NACIS) annual meeting, held in Orlando, on October 24-27th.
The Society brings together map makers from federal, state and internation-
al mapping agencies as well as commercial firms. In addition, teachers of
map making and map librarians participate in what is an unusual mixture
of academics and governments. As part of a panel on "Maps and their
Keepers," Dr. Armstrong presented a short talk on collection management
in map libraries.

Gift of Cartographic Materials
The UF Geography Department has presented the Map and Imagery Li-
brary with 11,880 cartographic items. These were part of a retired profes-
sor's instructional materials. Of the 3,961 items already processed, there are
3,880 aerial photographs of Florida counties that are not duplicates. This
includes materials for the Florida Keys for which there was no aerial photo-
graphic coverage available in the Library. This area had been targeted for
collection development since there were no aerial photographs available
from standard sources, and the gift was especially welcomed.
HelenJane Armstrong


The Collection Management Advisory Committee on Public Services (Carol
Drum, Chair) is about to solicit everyone's suggestions on problems pa-
trons have with particular LUIS habits or screens. We plan to collect and
prioritize these, and then contact the other SUS Reference Departments
about mounting a concerted effort to get troublesome screens changed.

We'll be sending around forms in a few weeks, so please begin keeping
your lists of screens you'd love to see "missing or not owned by the Li-
brary" any longer!
John Van Hook

Library Newsletter Staff: Editor: Cecilia Botero; Editorial Committee: Mona Mosier, Colleen Seale, Carl Van Ness; Editorial Assistant: Barbara Jones;
Departmental Liaisons, Elizabeth Alexander, Elaine Bryant, Channie Christian, Peggy Chou, Mary Jane Daicoff, Michele Daugherty, Melanie Davis,
Rick Donnelly, Peter Foust, Steve Fuquay, Erich Kesse, Barbara King, Pam LaFrentz, Tom Kinney, Rosa Mesa, Wendy Scott, Bob Singerman, Shirley


The former head of of the rare book collection at the New York Public
Library is now head of the Department of Special Collections.

Bernard'McTigue, who had worked at NYPL for 16 years, will now
manage UFs special collections which include the Baldwin Library of
children's literature, the historical University Archives, the Belknap
Collection for the Performing Arts, the P. K. Yonge Library of Florida
History and UFs collection of rare books and manuscripts.

McTigue began the duties of the new position in August. The
opportunity to shape and influence a young collection was what
attracted McTigue to Florida. "The UF special collections are still
growing and are not viewed by the university as a vanity, but rather
as an integral part of the research institution," McTigue said.

The three-pronged plan of the new chairman will bring UFs special
collections to the general attention of the campus community.
McTigue's first priority is to improve access by listing UFs special
collections in local and national databases, including the University
Library's LUIS system. "Awareness and use of these resources will
grow through access to the catalog of UFs special collections,"
McTigue said.

Another way to promote awareness is through the kinds of
exhibitions McTigue did at NYPL-a practice he plans to bring to UF.
Future plans call for UFs special collections to be housed together in a
larger, renovated area in Library East with substantial exhibition
space, McTigue said.

In the interim, he intends to cooperate with other gallery spaces on
campus and to continue displays like the current Library East display
case show of books and memorabilia from UF alumnus sportscaster
Red Barber.

McTigue would also like to curate exhibits of contemporary book
artists of for the campus community. "People here will be struck by
the book arts," McTigue said, noting that Gainesville has not often
been exposed to bookmaking.

The final part of McTigue's strategy is to involve the Howe Society of
UF's Friends of the Library, using exhibitions, lectures and
presentations as special gatherings for library supporters.

McTigue holds bachelor's and master's degree in library science from
Columbia University and a master's degree in art history from Hunter
College of the City University of New York.
-written by Susan Marynowski, reprinted with permission from October 30


Elizabeth Alexander, HelenJane Armstrong,
Stephanie Haas, Gary Cornwell, Bill Covey, and
Chris Hanson.

- Public Services Training Implementation Task
Force, appointed by C. Turner. Charge: to im-
plement an orientation and training program for
all new staff whose jobs involve interaction with
the public. Chair will meet with Public Services
Steering Committee at end of each semester to
report on progress. Co-Chairs: Chris Hanson,
Suzanne Brown; Members: Mary Gay Ander-
son, Shana Finley, and Jason Nyros.

- Task Force on Humanities and Social Sciences
Collection Deployment, appointed by S. Gowan.
Charge: To develop a plan for housing and pro-
viding access to the H&SS collection and the
Limited Circulation Collection which balances
the research resources needs of the students and
faculty against the space available. Preliminary
proposal due November 9,1990. Chair: Ray
Jones; Members: Rich Bennett, Frank DiTrolio,
Carol Drum, Peter Malanchuk, Bernard
McTigue, Nancy Williams.

- Latin American Collection/Price Library Cir-
culation Planning Group, appointed by S.
Gowan. Charge: to develop an implementation
plan for transferring responsibilities now held
by Access Services staff for the Latin American
and Price Library collections to the Latin Ameri-
can and Price Library staffs, for closing the
LAC/Price Library collection stacks, and for pro-
viding for LAC/Price Library collection security.
Preliminary report due November 12, 1990.
Chair: Robert Singerman; Members: Jorge
Gonzalez, Mark Morrison, Peter Ster, Jim

- Task Force on Library User Publications, ap-
pointed by C. Turner. Charge: to develop a gen-
eral guide for new faculty and students and an
information packet for new faculty for the 1990/
91 academic year; to recommend a strategy for
coordination within the libraries, to insure cur-
rency, consistency, and high quality of design
and content for library publications. Preliminary
recommendations submitted; final report is due
December 1, 1990. Chair: Stephanie Haas; Mem-
bers: Sally Cravens, LeiLani Freund, Barbara
King, and Peter Stern.


The following publications have been re-
ceived from the Research Libraries Group.
Copies may be obtained by contacting one of
the secretaries in the administrative offices.

1. Press Release-NEH Awards $200,000 to
RLG for Archives and Manuscripts Ret-
rospective Conversion Project
Press Release-RLG Receives $190,000
2. NEH Grant for East Asian Retrospective
Cataloging Project
3. Press Release-RLINe Offers Ei Engi-
neering Citations and Document Deliv-


It is time to think about the annual return of
influenza to our community. Typically, flu
cases begin to appear in our area in
December and peak in January or early
February. Influenza can be prevented or
diminished by receiving flu vaccine. The
vaccine must be given approximately four
weeks or more before the outbreak of
influenza and is good only for a few months.

Flu vaccine is recommended for persons with
chronic diseases who are more susceptible to
picking up influenza, persons with
pulmonary diseases who will be susceptible
to complications from influenza, and to older
persons whose resistance to infection and
complications are diminished. The
vaccination is also recommended for people
in critical work areas where absence from the
job would interfere with the mission of their
Influenza vaccine is available at the Student
Health Care Center to students, faculty and
staff on Tuesdays and Wednesday afternoons
from 1-3 p.m., beginning November 6.
Vaccine is also available at the Alachua
County HRS or at your own physician's
office. The charge at the Student Health Care
Center is $12. Only a very limited supply is
available and will be administered on a first
come, first serve basis. Questions should be
directly to the Student Health Care Center
Office at 2-1161, Ext. 220.


Cleaning Frenzy!
"Have you ever sniffed air-plane glue? Gets you high as a chimney swift
in an insect cloud!" He exclaimed, his fingers reaching toward his lips as
if attempting to moor his words to the body from which they flew. "But,
it doesn't do a thing for you." This was the man, let's call him XT, who
taught me conservation early in my career. XT was known in the field as
the "father of kitchen chemistry." One could argue with his methods, but
he made conservation as popular as Louisiana chefs on early-morning
weekend TV have made Cajun cooking. "If you're gonna learn how to put
'em back together," he advised new apprentices, "you have to learn to rip
'em apart first." In a macabre way, it made as much sense as a medical
student dissecting a cadaver. But, this story isn't about anatomy, it's
about cleaning frenzy.

Someone recently sent me a box containing a can of Bada Furniture
Polish, no doubt lifted secretly from a housekeeping staff cart. The slogan
on the can promised to "dust, clean and shine," to "remove smudges,
smears, fingerprints and water stains." The note in the box read, "should
our bookshelves (& Books) be polished with this stuff?" XT might have
answered the question, "never wash an elephant with a hose when its
trunk will do." Let me translate ...

The answer is found as much in knowing how to clean a bookshelf as in
knowing what the chemicals in the can will do. Here are some guidelines
which I will communicate to housekeeping staff with the assistance of the
Facilities Planning Office.


* Whenever possible, use dry cheese-cloth or other loose woven fabric
to clean shelves supporting library materials.
* When they must be used, cleaning sprays/liquids should be applied
lightly to a wipe-cloth, never directly to the bookshelf unless the shelf is
* Cleaning sprays/liquids should not contain acids, ammonia, bleach,
or oils. A simple solution of 50% to 80% rubbing alcohol and water
dispensed from a mister into the wipe-cloth is a handy and affordable

These are simple precautions. Cleaning sprays/liquids may damage
library materials they contact. Applying the cleaning fluid directly to the
shelf or saturating the wipe-cloth may result in accidental damage -even
accidental spraying of books; these guidelines are designed to avoid
accidents. Cleaning fluids and polishes containing oils, though capable of
producing fresh smells and great shines, may stain materials and make
mold or mildew growth on them more viable. Remember that cleaning
fluids and polishes containing oils leave residues which will contact
volumes when they are removed from the shelves. It is important, by the
way, to clean bookshelves. Dust contains particulates which will be
stirred back into the air when volumes are removed from shelves; and
these particulates may either damage library materials or support some
types of insect or mold/mildew growth.

XT would have pondered the necessity of using Bada Furniture Polish.
"Is it just air-plane glue?" He might have demanded of me with the
electricity of an anti-drug slogan. "Does it make you feel good," he would
have persisted, "but do nothing for you?" That's the question. What does
it do?
continued on next page

The Bada Company never answers its telephone nor, apparently, its mail;
nor does it list the chemicals contained in the can on the can. (Isn't there a
chemical disclosure law?) Despite this set back, I've been able to determine
that Bada Furniture Polish is primarily ethyl alcohol with minute oil
residues. (More specific information will be forthcoming when the Bada
Company answers its telephone or mail.) Since we do not know exactly what
the oil residues are or how much of them there are in the polish, we can say
neither what kind of damage or how damaging the polish may be to library

Various types of alcohol are components of some of the chemical compounds
used in conservation. Alcohols are found in our deacidification spray and
synthetic glue, as well as the solution of OPP we use to clean mildew from
books. Sometimes, we use alcohol to separate pasted pages inscribed with
water soluble inks. On the whole, it acts as a solvent and dispersant for
mixing chemicals. Because it evaporates so quickly and so completely, it does
little harm to library materials. "Was the wicked Witch of the West water
soluble?" XT would have deliberated like a teacher taking the mystery out of
Oz. "Use alcohol!" In Bada Furniture Polish, alcohol probably serves to
dissolve oils used for polishing and other chemicals used for cleaning. The
alcohol, itself, presents little risk to library materials, though it may contrib-
ute to damage over a period of continuing, direct exposure.

All things considered, I would not use Bada Furniture Polish or any
commercially available cleaning spray/liquid. I would use the alternative
described above. This "wisdom," however, has little to do with supply
procurement. Housekeeping staff may not be able to switch to that
alternative. Until Housekeeping can switch, we'll concentrate upon the
application. If you see staff spraying shelves supporting books, don't assume
that they are being expedient, kindly ask that they lightly spray the wipe-
cloth instead. Thanks!
-Erich Kesse


How do your holiday and annual leave benefits compare with those of
people working for various companies in the United States? The Society for
Human Resource Management conducted a "mini-survey" on paid holiday
and vacation policies that shows some interesting results.

Forty-nine percent of the companies responding provide employees with
vacation (annual leave) days. Sixty-three percent use systems similar to UFs
USPS plan, where employees earn an increasing amount of leave for years of
service. Typically, companies reported giving 10 days for 1 to 4 years of
service, 15 days for 5 to 9 years and 20 days for 6 to 10 years. Every plan had
a maximum annual figure, the most common being 20 days. At UF, USPS
employees earn 13 days per year for up to 5 years service, 16 days for 5 to 10
years and 19 days for more than 10 years. Twelve-month faculty (including
librarians) and A&P employees all earn the equivalent of 22 days per year.

Nearly half of the respondents (48%) have a "use-it-or-lose-it" policy on
unused vacation: in other words, there is no cash payment for unused
annual leave. Those companies that do pay have limits on the amount, 'The
most common limits are: 2 days (22%), 1 day (12%), 4 days (9%), 3 days (8%)
and 13 days (7%)." As a permanent employee at the University of Florida,
you can be paid for up to 240 hours (equal to 30 days) of unused annual

continued on next page 1


New Appointments
Danny Bell Clerk, Circulation West
Mari Bussell Assistant Library Personnel
Officer, Personnel
Debbie Kelley Data Processing Operator,
Holly Gibbons Sr. LTA, Acquisitions
Chris Yoke Electronic Formats Coordina-
tor, MSL

Sujata Varma Sr. LTA, AFA
Donna Bolinger Data Processing Opera-
tor, Catalog

Connie Cook from Sr. LTA to LTA Supr.,
Charlotte McGee from LTA to Sr. LTA,

Sandi Hardin from Clerk Typist to Secre-
tary, Collection Management
Ben Wooded from LTA to Sr. LTA, Acqui-
Nobuko Pourzadeh-Boushehri from
Sr. LTA to Archivist, Documents

Parental Leave
Kim Williams (Hunt) LTA, Catalog


Kim Williams (Hunt) and husband Charles
are the proud parents of Charence
Demond, who weighed 7 lbs. 15 oz. when
he was born on October 21. Congratula-
tions to the Hunt family!


The University Counseling Center has pre-
pared a brochure, Faculty and Staff Guide to
Student Stress. The cover letter from Center
Director James Archer Jr. states that it will
take time to-recover from the trauma asso-
ciated with the murders of five students,
and that students and the entire communi-
ty have been affected. Students and all of
us need to regain a sense of control over
continued on next page 0

our lives, regain a sense of trust and fairness,
grieve over our losses, and deal with our loss
of invulnerability.

Students can experience a delayed reaction to
traumatic events which is called post trauma-
tic stress response. This response can occur
weeks or even months after a traumatic event
and is often triggered by a small event or re-
membrance. It is important for faculty and
staff to be particularly sensitive to student
stress this semester.

The brochure, which is posted on the bulletin
board outside the Staff Lounge in Library
West, contains a list of resources for help. You
are asked to refer students to these resources
or call the resource yourself if you need consul-
tation on how to deal with a particular student
problem. The brochure provides guidelines to
help decide when intervention is needed. It is
possible that the coping mechanism and abili-
ty to deal with the normal stresses of universi-
ty life will be weakened for many students.
As a faculty or staff member, we are asked to
become part of a caring campus.
Barbara Jones


Reshanda Padgett from ILL attended the Octo-
ber 13th meeting of the Steering Committee of
the FLorida Paralibrarian Caucus. Anne Ma-
rie Allison, the Director of the University of
Central Florida Libraries, is the featured
speaker at the Paralibrarian Caucus session at
the Florida Library Association meeting in
May. She welcomes input and suggestions for
her presentation, "Teamwork and Communi-

A continental breakfast is planned for the FLA
meeting in May. The cost is $5 per person and
pre-registration is required.

Some of the other items on the agenda includ-
ed: budget approval; status of the official
name of the Caucus; selecting monitors for
roundtable discussion groups for FLA meet-
ing; approval of by-laws; approval of letter in-
troducing FPC to library directors; continua-
tion of steering committee for next year; and,
requests for volunteers for the ALA Casebook.

A copy of the Minutes is posted on the bulle-
tin board outside the Staff Lounge, and copies
have been sent to each department.
-Barbara Jones

Another significant benefit for UF employees, that is not permitted by
half of the responding companies, is the ability to carry over unused
annual leave to the following year. Of those companies that allow you
to carry leave over, the most common limits are 5 days (24%) and 10
days (13%). At UF, USPS employees can accrue 240 hours plus any
additional amount earned in one calendar year, provided any excess of
240 hours is taken by December 31. So USPS employees can carry over
the equivalent of 30 days. Librarians and A&P employees can accrue a
maximum of 352 hours.

Almost all employers (97%) provide 6 paid holidays (Christmas Day,
New Year's Day, Thanksgiving, Labor Day, Memorial Day, and the
Fourth of July). At UF we have 9 paid holidays. In addition to those
listed above we also have holidays on the day after Thanksgiving (54%
of companies provide), Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (19%), and Veteran's
Day (16%). USPS employees also get a paid personal holiday every

The survey results were reported in HRNews, September, 1990.
Wendy Scott


NAME Userid
Erika Browne ERIBROW
Nilda Castro NILCAST
Catherine Elverston CATELVE
Wilma Gabbard WILGABB
Diego Hay DIEGO
Blake Landor BLALAND
Susan McKinney SUSMCKI
Shirley Simpkins SHISNYD
Scott Siverson SCOSIVE
Marianne Waltz MARWALT
Christine Yoke CHRYOKE

Education Library
Science Library
Map Library
Collection Management
Records Management
Facilities Planning
Collection Management
Science Library
Science Library

Changed Addresses

Peter McKay
John Van Hook

Old Userid

New Userid

- Suzy Shaw


The newly elected representatives for 1990-91 are Judy Harrell for
Catalog and Preservation; Vernon Kisling for MSL; and Ben Wooded
for Acquisitions. They join members Sandi Hardin for Collection
Management, H&SS Reference, and Documents; Barbara Jones for
Directors' Office, Personnel, Facilities Planning, Business Services and
Systems; Jo Talbird for Access Services; and Carol Whitmer for Special
Collections and Branches. Carol Whitmer will serve as chair for
1990-91. USPS staff should direct any suggestions, ideas or concerns to
their representative. The committee meets on the first Wednesday of
each month.

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