Title: University of Florida Libraries newsletter
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00083038/00012
 Material Information
Title: University of Florida Libraries newsletter
Series Title: University of Florida Libraries newsletter
Physical Description: Serial
Creator: University of Florida Libraries
Publisher: University of Florida Libraries
Publication Date: July 1, 1990
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00083038
Volume ID: VID00012
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Full Text




VOLUME 6, NUMBER 7 July 1, 1990

Information on all workshops,
conferences, etc. are posted on the In this issue we continue our series on library organizations.
bulletin board by the second floor
Staff Lounge in Library West.

July 16,1990 The Library Orientation and Instruction Exchange (LOEX) is a national clear-
12th Library Staff Association Sup- inghouse for bibliographic instruction (BI) information and materials. LOEX
per Club event, at 6:00 p.m. at the was established in 1972, an outgrowth of the First Conference on Library Or-
Olive Gardent. Reservations due ibentation for Academic Librarians held in 1971. The purposes of the clearing-
Friday, July 13. See page 6 for more house are to facilitate communication among libraries and instructional pro-
information. grams, to assist libraries interested in developing such programs, and to aid
librarians in research. LOEX serves librarians from academic, public, school,
July 18,1990 and special libraries. There are approximately 550 member libraries.
Systems Forum, from 11 a.m. to
Systemsnoon, in Room 420 of Library Westo Institutional membership in LOEX saves duplication of effort through sharing
n oon, in Room 420 of Library West. of information, experience, and instructional materials. Members may con-
tact LOEX for information on library instructional programs and for names of
August 27-30, 1990 people to contact for more help with special concerns. Members may borrow
Employee, Non-Degree and Late sample instructional materials. In addition, LOEX sponsors an annual Li-
Registration in Florida Gym for UF brary Instruction Conference each spring.
Fall 1990 courses. Forms are availa-
ble in the Library Personnel Office. LOEX News is an informal newsletter, published quarterly, which provides a
national forum for exchange of ideas and information. It includes such regu-
OTHE DATE OF ITE lar features as letters to the editor, short items about BI issues, information on
A O IEE new BI books and aids, BI positions available, a bibliography of recent pub-
lished articles, a list of upcoming BI meetings and a list of newly received in-
July 15-20,1990 structional materials.
Middle Management and Advanced
Management development pro- Since few librarians throughout the country can actually have access to the
grams for library administrators, files of instructional materials at LOEX, most of the effort is in processing and
Fees of $1355 and $1,465, respec- sharing sample items through the mail. The collection of close to 40,000 sam-
tively, include single room and ple items is from over 2,000 libraries. The emphasis is on library instruction
meals, Miami University at Oxford, to patrons. There are also a few materials for staff training. Borrowers must
Ohio. return the items within one week but may make copies. Items are not copy-
ul 201990 righted, but people who modify and adapt a sample handout for their own
July 20, 0 use are asked to give credit to the originating institution. Since UF Libraries
State employees wishing to apply as is a member of LOEX, any of us may request materials. A self-addressed la-
a degree-seeking graduate student bel for return is appreciated. LOEX would also like to receive three copies of
for FSUs Fall 1990 term must any instructional materials we develop here. The address is LOEX Clearing-
submit application by this date be- house, 217-D Library, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI 48197.
fore enrolling in tuition-free courses
during August.
continued on next page Alice mack

July 23,1990
"Four Essentials of a High-Performance
Secretary," a Prime Learning Internation-
al seminar, Gainesville, $79.

July 23-August 3,1990
16th Institute on Federal Library Resourc-
es, Washington, DC. Registration fee of
$885 is due by July 9.

August 9,1990
"Image and Communication Skills for
Women," National Businesswomen's
Leadership workshop, Gainesville, $59.

August 21,1990
'Time Power for Increasing your Person-
al Productivity," Charles R. Hobbs Semi-
nar, Jacksonville, $165.

September 5,1990
"Leadership Skills for Women Managers
and Supervisors," Fred Pryor Seminar,
Gainesville, $59.

September 9-14,1990
Middle Management development pro-
gram for library administrators. See July
15-20 listing for details.

September 11-13,1990
Optical Information Systems 10th Annual
Conference, Washington, DC. Fees range
from $125-$450, depending on number of
sessions attended.

September 20-21, or October 4-5,1990
"Private Philanthropy and Donor Market-
ing Workshop," HBW Associates, Kansas
City and St. Louis, respectively.

September 24-26,1990
"Collection Evaluation Institute: Strate-
gies for Assessing & Improving Collec-
tion Effectiveness," OMS workshop, Cam-
bridge, Mass. $400.

September 27,1990
"Project Management," Fred Pryor Semi-
nar, Gainesville, $195.

October 5,1990
'New Technology and the Library," a
joint seminar by the Florida Chapters of
the Special Libraries Association and the
American Society for Information Sci-
ence, Orlando.




In view of all the important library happenings, interviews and search com-
mittees that have preoccupied many of us these past few months (and for
some of you, the past year), I am sure you are eagerly awaiting a full report on
my progress with Spanish.

I might mention that hiring library staff is not nearly as exhausting as decid-
ing when to trill an "R" and whether to do it softly or with vigor. And, it is a
bilingual highwire act trying to juggle "que" and "por que" and "quien." So
when I congratulate myself for my efforts in formulating simple sentences in
Spanish, indulge me. (You must understand that I have given up Jeopardy
and Dobie Gillis reruns to conjugate verbs on Tuesday nights.)

Okay, so now you know, the highlight of June, for me, was overcoming con-
voluted sentence structures. For Doina Farkas, Phek Su, Debbie Fairbanks,
and Frank Orser things were definitely far more exciting a thousand miles
away in the Windy City. Forget the sales at Water Tower Plaza. Forget the
Chicago Symphony. Forget Pizza Uno. Forget the Cubbies playing at Wri-
gley Field. We are talking intellectual stimulation of ALA's annual confer-
ence. It was reported to me by a "high-level librarian" that not even the lure of
Shopping at Marshall Fields, picnicking in Lincoln Park, or strolling along
Lake Shore Drive kept these dedicated librarians from sharing in the hub of
workshops and activities at McCormick Place.

But, let me return to the flurry of activities in the library this summer. Candi-
dates have been interviewed, discussed and hired. Positions have been creat-
ed, negotiated, and even swapped. Changes are evident nearly everywhere,
and Acquisitions has not been left untouched. So please read on:

Phek Su-expert cataloguer, terrific Gift and Exchange Librarian and all
around super-neat person has taken over the Searching Unit. Folks, watch an
efficiency expert in action.

Ellen Purcell--dedicated and loyal UF Librarian and past head of the Search-
ing Unit has skipped east to Mead Library for a half-time position with some
lucky P.K. Yonge students.

Jim Wright-new head of the Paying Unit, made his way to UF Libraries via
Alachua County government. Jim, who will complete his Masters in Account-
ing in December, entertains himself with spread sheets and production data.

Deborah Fairbanks-past head of the Paying Unit and past head of Gifts and
Exchange, is armed with her Mac and a hard drive, and has returned to Gifts
and Exchange.

This may not have been your idea of an exhilarating journey to enlighten-
ment, but what do you expect from someone who is preoccupied with definite
and indefinite articles, proper placement of adjectives, and formation of the

Hasta Luego!

- Pam LaFrentz


The book carts, rolling between Libraries East and West, shrouded in plastic
and wrapped with tape to protect the rare books against summer rain storms
and humidity have stopped. The long-haired, tatooed, white-gloved movers
have transferred to other assignments. Three of the Libraries' special collec-
tions-Belknap Collection for the Performing Arts, Rare Books and Manu-
scripts, and the P. K. Yonge Library of Florida History-which began moving
from the fourth and fifth floors of Library West on June 4, are now relocated
on the first floor, north wing of Library East. All 106,000 monographs, 73352
linear feet of manuscripts, and 3,000 maps have been safely shelved and the
newly integrated department is open and ready for use.

The move involved rare books and manuscripts, including, among others:
Whale, the original, 1850, title of Herman Melville's Moby Dick; a manuscript
Bible from 1250; priceless framed maps, such as the 1773 Gould Map of the
Dry Tortugas and the Florida Keys; playbills, prints, photographs, video-
tapes, original art, antique, ivory-inlayed furniture, Tiffany lamps, and an
oriental screen. Books, furniture and equipment were transported without
loss or injury, within the time frame specified. The success of the move was
accomplished because of the assistance, expertise and hard work not only
from the staff in the Special Collections' department, including the Archivists
(who moved their materials several times to accommodate other special col-
lections); but also staff from Access Services, especially, Rich Bennett, Mark
Morrison and Gloria Parham; from Preservation; from Library Facilities
Planning, especially Shirley Snyder and Steve Grube; Barbara Oliver from
Business Services; and, to many others, including the Director and Assistant
Directors. Many thanks.

The hours of the three special collections located on the first floor are:
Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday closed

The telephone numbers will remain the same: P.K. Yonge Library of Florida
History-392-0319, Rare Books-392-0321, Belknap Collection 392-0322. All
three of the collections may be reached by dialing any of those numbers. The
telephone numbers for Archives and Baldwin Library, the special collections
located on the second floor of Library East, remain the same: Archives at 392-
6547 and Baldwin at 392-0369.

The door to the special collections on the first floor will be locked for security
purposes. Please push the buzzer to the right of the door and the lock will be

There are also some new personnel and some personnel changes in the Spe-
cial Collections department. Our famous Rare Books Curator, Sidney Ives,
has retired and Carmen Hurff, who has been carefully initiated by Sidney,
has been named Curator for Rare Books and Literary Manuscripts. David
Lashmet will take Carmen's A&P position as Program Coordinator for Rare
Books. Paula Hamilton is Coordinator of Reference and Reader Services for
the Special Collections and Curator of the Belknap Collection for the Perform-
ing Arts. Carla Kemp has assumed the position of Coordinator of Technical
Services for the Special Collections and Curator of Manuscripts and Universi-
ty Archives. Bernard McTigue, formerly Curator of the Arents Collection and
Keeper of Rare Books at the New York Public Library, is the new Head of
Special Collections and will be at the Library beginning August 13th.
Paula Hamilton

October 28-30,1990
"Evaluation of Public Services and Public
Services Personnel," 32nd Allerton Inst-
tute, Urbana, Illinos. Registration fee of
$350 includes housing and meals.


The July Systems Forum will be held on
Wednesday, July 18, from 11 a.m. to
noon, in Room 420 of Library West. Deb-
bie Hawkins of Collection Management
will speak on "Surveys and Samples: Sta-
tistical Applications in Libraries." All li-
brary staff are welcome to attend.


FSU's School Of Library and Information
Studies has received HEA Title II-B
Library Career Training Program grants
to train two doctoral students in library
and information studies with emphasis
on service to children and young adults.
When additional information on the
grants has arrived, it will be posted on
the second floor bulletin board outside
the Staff Lounge.


This feature of the newsletter is designed
to provide staff with current information
regarding active ad hoc committees.
Further information can be sought from
committee chairs. This listing will be
expanded in coming issues to include all

-ad hoc. Committee on Preservation Mi-
crofilming: Queueing and Cataloging
Considerations, appointed by D. Canelas.
Technical Services Management Group
members are sending comments on the
preliminary report to the committee
chair. Charge: compile, document and
review policy and interdepartmental pro-
cedures relating to queueing and catalog-
ing of preservation microforms. Chair:
Peter Bushnell; Members: Dot Hope,
Tom Kinney, Nelda Schwartz, and Bob

-ad hoc. Committee on Serials Holdings, ap-
pointed by D. Canelas. Charge: compile,
document and recommend policy and inter-
departmental procedures relating to the
MARC Format Holdings record in LUIS. Fi-
nal recommendations accepted by Technical
Services Management Group. Chair: Nancy
Williams; Members: Gary Cornwell, Susan
Duser, Frank Orser, Jo Talbird and Colleen

-ad hoc. Commercial Bindery Preparations
Committee, appointed by D. Canelas.
Charge: to monitor binderies' compliance
with agreements; to be familiar with Standard
for Library Binding; to recommend guide-
lines and procedures to Preservation Officer;
to prepare statistical reports and budgetary
requests; and, to seek resolution of problems
relating to commercial bindery preparations.
Recommendations due April 1991. Chair:
Erich Kesse; Members: Janis Adkinson,
Carole Bird, Jeanne Bunting, Susan Duser,
Jorge Gonzalez, Bob Harrell, Lee Jones, Patsy
Mongo, Mildred Neal, Margareta Soderholm,
Carol Whitmer, and Mary Wisnieski.

-Task Force on Limited Circulation, appoint-
ed by S. Gowan and C. Turner. Charge: to
determine need for limited circulation area; if
needed, develop criteria for assigning materi-
al; define process for identifying material and
creating appropriate locator records.
Preliminary report submitted. Chair: Ed
Teague; Members: Frank DiTrolio, Rich
Bennett, Carmen Hurff, and Erich Kesse.

-Task Force on Census Bureau Publications
Service Issues, appointed by S. Gowan and C.
Turner. Charge: to define major service
issues and primary responsibilities in provid-
ing access; establish referral procedures; de-
fine training needs and develop training pro-
grams on various types and formats, and
determine procedures for providing updated
information to staff. Preliminary report due
7/15/90. Chair: Ray Jones; Members:
Elizabeth Alexander, HelenJane Armstrong,
Stephanie Chase, Gary Cornwell, Bill Covey,
and Chris Hanson.

- Public Services Training Implementation
Task Force, appointed by C. Turner. Charge:
to implement an orientation and training pro-
gram for all new staff whose jobs involve

continued on next page


The deafening silence you hear in both Library East and Library West will
soon be replaced by the familiar sounds of progress. Disassembly of the
interior walls on the third, fourth and fifth floors of Library West is sched-
uled to begin on Monday, July 16th. Demolition is expected to continue
until mid-October. The newly enlarged spaces will be fitted with shelving
to house the circulating collection currently in the East stack area. The
third floor will be returned to usage first to minimize the adverse impact
on staff and users. A recall system will be set up to retrieve materials
while the work is in progress.

In East, the long awaited retrofit of the air-conditioning system is ex-
pected to begin the middle of June and will be phased into the fall. The
placement of new air handlers, duct work and plumbing will constitute
the initial work package. No interruption of air-conditioning service will
occur until after Fall 1990 semester, at a time when it won't be needed
anyway (how clever!). The presence of workers however, will be continu-
al until then and periods of inconvenience will be experienced throughout
the building. I will keep everyone informed as the when's and where's be-
come more definite.

There is, indeed, a goal to all the seemingly random relocations of staff
and stories. The H&SS circulating collection, presently split between the
two libraries, will be consolidated in Library West. This will greatly im-
prove patron and staff service. The special collections and technical ser-
vices will be located in Library East awaiting a future major renovation of
the building's historic interior.

These intermediate moves are all necessary to acquire badly needed space
for staff and for our rapidly growing collection until the ultimate goal of
an addition to Library West is attained.

Steve Grube

Address Changes for Facilities Planning

The Facilities Planning Office is moving to the first floor of Library West.
As of July 5, Steve Grube's Office, Facilities Planning, will be in Room 145;
Shirley Snyder's office, Building Maintenance, will be in Room 147; and
Supplies will be in Room 149.

The new phone numbers are listed below:

Facilities Planning (Steve Grube)

Building Maintenance (to report problems/trouble)

Mail Room

Supply Room





Library Newsletter Staff: Editorial Committee: Cecilia Botero, Mona Mosier, Colleen Seale, Carl Van Ness; Editorial Assistant: Barbara Jones;
Departmental Liaisons, Elizabeth Alexander, Elaine Bryant, Suzanne Brown, Channie Christian, Peggy Chou, Mary Jane Daicoff, Melanie Davis, Rick
Donnelly, Peter Foust, Steve Fuquay, Sidney Ives, Erich Kesse, Barbara King, Pam LaFrentz, Chuck Lipsig, Tom Kinney, Rosa Mesa, Pam Pasak,
Wendy Scott, Bob Singerman, Shirley Snyder, Ed Teague, Carl Van Ness, Priscilla West, Carol Whitmer, Susan Woods


All mail for the Library West staff listed below should be addressed to
them at H/SS Offices. The phone number for staff offices is 392-4919;
only the Reference Desk should be contacted at 392-0361. Individuals
are located in the offices listed below:

Beth Alexander
Janet Belarski
Suzanne Brown
Sherman Butler
Frank Di Trolio
Barbara Gundersen
Chris Hanson
Sandi Hardin
Debbie Hawkins
John Van Hook
Ray Jones
Carol Kem
Peter Malanchuk
Peter McKay
Razia Nanji
Colleen Seale
Mary Singley
Scott Siverson



The Fly Does Fax
My mother was fond of singing a humorous jingle around Christmas
time. "If It Don't Snow on Christmas, How's Santa Gonna Land His
Sleigh?" The jingle skipped along so I could hear the sleigh bells ring-
ing. I never thought of the poor children of Florida who, until the win-
ter of 1989-90, never saw snow and ice in quantities laid down deep and
wide enough to drive a sleigh. The question is especially pertinent in
our modern age. How does the superhero get around while managing
an increasing workload?

Today, technology aids the superhero and allows even us to do things
we never dreamed of doing yesterday. In the 1940's, a superhero
known as the Fly flew from and fell back into obscurity almost over
night. He wasn't much of a superhero. Scaling tall buildings, bound
over bound, hand over foot, was outmoded with Superman's single
bound. Back then, comic books and feature films were state of the art in
superhero transportation. Recent revival of superheroes in these art
forms is testament to their glory and power; but any fly can tell you that
revival and "image permanence" are not immortality. Comic books are
printed on paper that lasts just slightly longer than newsprint. Motion
picture film becomes embrittled and has the life expectancy of the aver-
age human being. The Fly sought new technology; and today, the Fly
does Fax.

The idea of doing Fax came from an episode of Star Trek. The ability to
"beam" oneself across the universe has clear advantages. Faxing allows
the modern superhero and office worker to beam a message from one
continued on next page

interaction with the public. Chair will meet
with Public Services Steering Committee at
end of each semester to report on progress.
Co-Chairs: Chris Hanson, Suzanne Brown;
Members: Mary Gay Anderson, Shana Finley,
and Jason Nyros.


DHL Airways, Inc. has been awarded the
State University System's contract for over-
night mail service for July 1, 1990 June 30,
1991. No other courier service may be used
unless DHL cannot provide the service re-

Envelopes and forms are available in the Di-
rector's Office, 204 Library West.

Drop boxes for DHL will soon be installed at
various locations on campus.

The phone number for overnight mail service
is 800-282-6837. There is no charge for special


NEH invites proposals to plan and to present
public humanities programs. All proposed
projects must demonstrate active collabora-
tion between humanities scholars and librari-
ans or archivists.

Examples of recent projects include: a research
library and neighboring public library cooper-
ated to present programs and a traveling exhi-
bition of medieval and Renaissance literature
that illustrate the many realms of King Ar-
thur; several university libraries presented a
series of lectures and mounted a traveling ex-
hibition on the Northwest Ordinance of 1787;
and, a state library conducted a series of read-
ing and discussion programs on regional liter-
Funds are available for both planning and im-
plementation awards at various times
throughout the year. For more information
see the bulletin board outside the Staff Lounge
on the second floor of Library West.


The following publications have been re-
ceived from the Research Libraries Group.
Copies may be obtained by contacting one of
the secretaries in the administrative offices.

1. Invitation to RLIN User Meeting at the
ALA Annual Conference
2. RLIN User Meeting Survey, ALA June
3. Agenda Cover for the Law Program
Committee Meeting to be held at Univer-
sity of Minnesota. June 16,1990
4. Network Operations Statistics for May
5. Monthly/Year-to-date Searching Activi-
ty Reports for September 1989-May 1990
6. Cluster Error Reports for May 1990
7. RLIN Set Processing. One Page FLyer
8. RLIN Set Processing. Summary List of
9. RLIN Persformance Report for May 1990
10. RLG Member Data Survey
11. Memo-RLIN Product Delivery
12. Press Release-Art and Architecture
Thesaurus Now Online in RLIN
13. Operations Update, Issue 54


The 12th Supper Club event will be held on
Monday, July 16, at 6 p.m. at the Olive Gar-
den restaurant on Archer Road. Reservations
must be made by Friday, July 13th, by con-
tacting Sally Bethea in the Catalog Depart-
ment, at 2-0351, or at her e-mail address
@45VTVI. Everyone is welcome to attend this
friendly gathering to foster fellowship.

end of the world to another via telephone lines and satellite stations.
...But, Fax has its disadvantages: it's cursed by the Jupiter Mob which
steals pictorial images. Under great conditions, Fax paper has a life spa
of about five years. It should never be maintained in permanent collec-
tions, but rather should be preservation photocopied. Richard Frieder,
Preservation Librarian at Northwestern University, in The Lantern's Core
(March 1990, p. 3), reports the following life-extending measures:

* Store papers in a cool place away from excess light, humidity, and
heat. (Fax papers are produced thermally. Light and heat cause
them to overdevelop).

* Do not use solvent-based adhesives or adhesive tape. (Use of these
generally poor practice anyway, but on Fax papers they darken the
image as well as stain the paper.)

* Do not use solvent-based inks. (These darken the image too.)
If you are unsure whether an ink is solvent or water based, mark a
piece of scrap paper and apply a few drops of water. If the ink runs
or "bleeds", it is water based (and may be used on Fax papers).

* Do not touch the papers with sweaty or oily hands. (Oils and organ
ic acids on the hands will darken the image over time.)

* Do not scratch, rub, erase on, or crease the papers. (Friction may
darken the image or result in loss of the coating in which the image

Other thermal papers, such as those made by microform reader/printer
should be treated in the same way.

A final word of caution: the Fly's revival using Fax was short-lived. For
more information on his tragic death at the hands of the Jupiter Mob, se
the movies, The Fly (the original) and The Fly II (the remake). Remembe
-Erich Kes


Margaret LeSourd, Humanities and Social Sciences Reference Depart-
ment, retired on June 29. Margaret was initially hired to manage the
HUD 701 depository program which included planning documents fro
all over the country.

As the program was phased out, she shifted the emphasis of the collec-
tion to Florida planning documents. Because growth and the environ-
ment are such vital interests to Florida's planners, agencies, developers,
students, etc., there has been a huge and constant demand upon Marga
ret's collection. We well remember the onslaught when she secured co
ies of Brevard County's draft comprehensive management plan, the firs
to appear, and there was much gnashing of teeth and ringing of tele-
phones and circulating of said copies. As she acquired more studies,
herds of planners wore out metaphorical ruts in the flooring getting the
current stuff and clamoring after that which had not yet been published
Margaret saw to all requests with characteristic good humor and con-

continued on next page 0

NOTICE: No calendar page for the
month has been included in this issue.

Among her other duties were lecturing to building construction majors on
sources of financial and construction industry statistics, directories, etc. The
pathfinder she developed for these classes is a gem. She also did battle to ex-
tract 1980 Florida census date from an FSU computer. Every few months the
staff changed the password and never notified anyone. Margaret always had
great fun running the bureaucratic steeplechase to secure the new password.
If only the patrons knew what slings and arrows she endured to get them
their bits of data.

For the last few years Margaret has also had some desk duty at the first floor
information desk. She showed great compassion to undergraduates, taking
great pains to get them to good sources so that the library would not seem a
hideous beast that malevolent professors inflicted upon shy, trusting, inno-
cent students.

Now that's all done with. She looks forward to pursuing hobbies, volunteer
work, re-joining groups such as League of Women Voters-all those things
not entertained because of lack of time. Knowing full well how retirees are
set upon with farewell gifts, Margaret let it be known that she would rather
people made donations to Alachua County Habitat for Humanity, a non-
profit group which provides houses for low-income families. Those who
know her well would say how typical this gesture is of such a generous spir-

We wish her well and realize it will be the odd geological age before we find
someone to fill her ecological niche.

Dolores Jenkins


The Council on Library Resources is offering grants to professional members
of academic, research, and public libraries. The program provides financial
support to assist individuals in conducting research pertinent to library oper-
ations or in pursuing other professional projects. The areas in which grants
are made include, but are not restricted to: bibliographic systems, historical
subjects related to libraries, information systems and the future library, li-
brary operations, and user requirements. CLR welcomes proposals that will
expand usefully the knowledge base of the library community.

Applicants must be librarians or other professionals working directly with li-
braries. There must be evidence of institutional support for the recipient, in-
cluding provision of leave with pay for at least a portion of the fellowship pe-
riod. The amount of the grant is based on a budget submitted by the
applicant. To date, 40 percent (good odds!) of all applications have been
funded, with budgets ranging from $400 to $7,000. This competitive pro-
gram is based on the excellence of the research objectives and plan and the
potential importance of the results. Questions should be addressed to Fel-
lows Program, Council on Library Resources, 1785 Massachusetts Avenue,
N.W., Suite 313, Washington, DC 20036, (202) 483-7474. The deadline for
submitting proposals for the fall grant cycle is October 1,1990.

Cooperative Research Grants
CLR has increased the amount of funding available through the Cooperative
Research Grants program for librarians and faculty members to a maximum
continued on next page 0



New Appointment

Andrea Chapov Coord., AC, Special Col-
Carolyn Henderson Assistant Director for
Library Support Services
Charles Hixson History Selector, Collec-
tion Management
Carmen Hurff Curator, Rare Books and
Literary Manuscripts (Visiting), Special
Blake Landor Philosophy, Classics, and
Religion Selector, Collection Management
David Lashmet Coord., AC (Visiting),
Special Collections
Kate Lee Foreign Documents Librarian,
Pamela Lowe H&SS Reference/MRDF Li-
brarian, H&SS Services
Bernard McTigue Head, Special Collec-

Vivian Carlson Science Librarian, MSL
Charles Lipsig Science Librarian, MSL
Daniel McGee Coord., AC, Documents


New Appointment
James Hay Sr. LTA, Maps
Michele Daugherty Sr. LTA MSL

Renee Todd from Clerk, Circulation East
to Fiscal Assistant, Computer Info Sciences

Debra Berard from Secretary to Sr. Secre-
tary, Director's Office
Jacqueline Brown from Sr. LTA to Archi-
vist, Catalog
Maria Garcia from Sr. LTA to Archivist,
Judy Harrell from LTA to LTA Supr.,

Chuck Holley Clerk, Circulation East


These reports were recently added to
those available through the Library Per-
sonnel Office.

Carol Drum, Special Libraries Associa-
tion 81st Annual Conference,
Pittsburgh, June 9-14, 1990

John Freund, American Institute for
Conservation, Richmond, Virginia, May
30 June 3, 1990

109th Annual Conference of the
American Libraries Association, reports
submitted by Erich Kesse, David Shontz,
Colleen Thorburn, Carol Walton, Chicago,
June 23-28,1990


The new conference room in Library
West Room 140, in the new H/SS Refer-
ence and Collection Management office
area, is available for library meetings.
Currently the room will seat approxi-
mately 12-14 individuals; more seats
should be available soon.

Room 148 may be reserved for comput-
er-training or related classes. Room 420,
which holds approximately 40 people,
will be available only through mid-
August, due to construction. Reserva-
tions for these rooms may be made by
contacting the office secretary at 2-4919.

The Library West Conference Room 271,
which seats approximately 15 people,
may be reserved by contacting one of
the secretaries in the Directors' Office at
2-0342. The Staff Lounge also may be
reserved by calling 392-0342.

Research Grants program for librarians and faculty members to a maximum o
$4,000. The deadline for submission of proposals for the fall grant cycle is No
member 1,1990.

The purpose of the Cooperative Research Grants program is threefold: to sti
ulate productive communication between faculty and librarians; to encourage
brarians to develop more fully their research skills; and to increase the quali
of research and analytical studies related to library operations. Research pro-
jects should be proposed jointly by librarians and members of faculties in li-
brary science, or when appropriate, other pertinent disciplines.

In the past eight years, the Cooperative Research Grants program has funded
more than one hundred studies that range widely over most aspects of librai
operations and services. Grants have been awarded to librarian-faculty tean
of two to seven researchers in all geographical regions of the country, as well
Canada. Recipients have included librarians from colleges and universities, h
torical societies and archives, and state libraries, and faculty from schools of li
brary science and other areas of study.

Applications should be submitted jointly by the investigators and they should
include evidence of institutional support for the work to be done. Each prop
sal should include the following; (1) a brief abstract, (2) a description of the
proposed work, (3) curriculum vitae of each investigator, 4) anticipated dura
tion of the work, (5) assessment of the potential utility of the research results,
detailed budget, and (7) plans for disseminating the results.

Grants are awarded twice each year, in the spring and fall. The deadlines for
submission of proposals are April 1 and November 1. Members of the progr
staff will respond promptly to inquiries. Questions should be addressed to:
Council on Library Resources, 1785 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Suite 313,
Washington, D.C. 20036, Tel. (202) 483-7474.


Travel Requests For 1990-91
Departments must submit their requests for travel funds for the 1990-91 fiscal
year to Wendy Scott, Library Personnel Officer, by August 3. Department
heads should notify their staff of the deadline date for submitting their reque
to their department head.

Each librarian has a copy of the Career Development Program Handbook, which
contains the current travel and staff education funding policy and procedures
(pp. 49-52) and the Travel Request Form (p. 53). Photocopies of the form fro
the Handbook should be used for submitting requests. A&P and USPS staff
who wish to make requests should obtain a copy of the policy and the form
from their department head.

New Regulations and Forms

The State of Florida Voucher for Reimbursement of Travel Expense form has
been revised as of June 1990. New forms are available from the secretaries in
the Director's Office; old forms may not be used and should be discarded. Th
new forms are required by the state to comply with federal regulations that
mandate that reimbursement for Class C meals be reported as income and th
are subject to federal income and social security taxes. Class C travel is de-
scribed as travel for short or day trips where the traveler is not away from his
her official headquarters overnight. (Please note that only in rare cases are li-
brary staff reimbursed for day trips.) Reimbursements for Class C meals will
distributed by separate check only on payroll days.

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