Information on all workshops,
conferences, etc. are posted on the
bulletin board by the second floor
Staff Lounge in Library West.
July 2-3,1990
Employee, Non-Degree and Late
Registration in Florida Gym for UF
Summer B courses. Forms for Em-
ployee Registration are available
from the Library Personnel Office.
August 27-30,1990
Employee, Non-Degree and Late
Registration in Florida Gym for UF
Fall 1990 courses. See above listing.
June 20,1990
"How to Win Against Stress: A
Woman's Guide," National Semi-
nars Group, Gainesville, $5.
June 21-22,1990
"Apple Macintosh in Libraries." Fee
is $195 for LITA personal members,
$225 for ALA personal members,
and $255 for non-members. Chica-
"Imaging: The Future of Libraries."
Fee is $145 for LITA personal mem-
bers, $170 for ALA personal mem-
bers, and $195 for nonmembers.
June 21-23, 1990
"Library Furniture, Fixtures and
Equipment," HBW Associates work-
shop, Chicago. Registration is $196
before and $210 after June 11.
June 1, 1990
In this issue we continue our series on library organizations.
The Southeastern Library Association
The Southeastern Library Association (SELA) works to promote library
and information services in the southeastern region of the United
States through cooperation, research, and the encouragement of staff
development. Membership is open to anyone engaged in library
work or interested in the objectives of the Association. The state library asso-
ciations of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi,
North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia are
constituent members. Activities reflect the interests of all types of libraries.
The Association's quarterly journal, The Southeastern Librarian, publishes re-
search articles, updates on SELA activities, and "Stateside View," a column of
news from the constituent states. The biennial conference held in Norfolk in
1988 featured several programs on library cooperation and networking, Jesse
L. White of the Southern Growth Policies Board speaking on eight "mega-
trends" in the future of the South, a talk by author Pat Conroy, and poet
Henry Taylor reading his own works. The 1990 conference, with the theme
"Southern Harmony: Libraries in Tune for the Future," will be held December
4-9, 1990, in Nashville.
Elaine Yontz
No News from the Library...
It is no great news to any of us (especially MSL staff) that the integration of
the Hume Library into the Marston Science Library led to duplicate runs of
numerous science serials.
It is no news to our library Director that these serials were offered to all the
other libraries in the State University System on a first-come-first-served
continued on next page
June 22,1990
State employees who wish to enroll for
tuition-free courses at FSU for the Fall
1990 term as undergraduates must ap-
ply for admission as a degree or non-
degree seeking student by this date.
"Implementing Hypermedia Applica-
tions: Nuts and Bolts." Fee for LITA
personal members: $125, for ALA per-
sonal members: $150, and for Non-
members, $175. Chicago.
"Networking CD-ROM Technologies."
Fee is $60 for LITA personal members,
$85 for ALA personal members, and
$110 for nonmembers. Chicago.
June 23,1990
Six ACRL continuing education courses
on time management, managing refer-
ence, financial accounting, business ref-
erence, enthusiasm for research and ca-
reer development, costs range from $50-
$135 each, Chicago.
June 23-28,1990
American Library Association Annual
Conference, Chicago.
June 24,1990
Seminar on the future of automation in
academic libraries and a report on IN-
FORMA 90: Strategies for Technology
Planning for Libraries conference,
9-11 a.m., Chicago.
July 10,1990
Alachua Library League Meeting, fea-
turing presentations on favorite sum-
mer light reading, 7:30 p.m., Mile Run
Recreation Room. Everyone is welcome
to attend. See related article on page 7.
July 15-20,1990
Middle Management and Advanced
Management development programs
for library administrators. Fees of
$1,355 and $1,465, respectively, include
single room and meals, Miami Universi-
ty at Oxford, Ohio.
July 20,1990
State employees wishing to apply as a
degree-seeking graduate student for
FSU's Fall 1990 term must submit appli-
cation by this date before enrolling in
tuition-free courses during August.
It is no news to Cataloging staff that thousands of duplicates were technically
withdrawn from the library.
It is no news to Acquisitions that the Gift and Exchange Unit coordinated the
dispersion of these highly sought after serials to the appropriate SUS libraries.
It is no news to Access Services staff that each volume had to be hand stamped
"withdrawn," and that it took a half dozen dayworkers a half dozen days to
pack hundreds of boxes for shipment to the designated SUS libraries.
It is no news to any of us that the existence of the University of Florida Libraries
depends on interdepartmental cooperation, and it is no news to FAU, FIU, FSU,
and USF recipients that they are richer because of our teamwork.
Open House
The Acquisitions Department threw the social wingding of the season. If social
opulence is defined as food, food and more food, then our Open House was a
phenomenal success. Heartwarming, not heartburning!
The array of food may have even been a dieter's vision of sin, but who in their
right minds cares about a dieter at a feast. I spied most guests eagerly sampling
the lavish offerings of our very own superior cooks (Okay...I admit some tasty
tidbits may have been assembled by Publix's very own superior cooks). None-
theless, it was noted by this trained snoop that some visiting dignitaries (of the
Collection Management and Cataloging variety) indulged in blatant grazing all
the while imbibing in polite conversation with exuberant Acquisition staff (a.k.a.
superior cooks)!!!
And talk was of the usual Acquisitions variety...BOOKS! It might be mentioned
here (and is, in fact) that all radical conversationalists were immediately stifled
with the aid of tortilla chips, salsa and that fashionable green-looking dip. Let's
face it, those folks, fondly labeled "food tramps" were deftly outwitted by staff
bearing plates of cheese, crackers and crudites.
Tours were also given by enthusiastic staff, and Miss Manners would have been
proud of the Pod Etiquette observed by all.
A few of us, however, were not pure of mind and a conversation that I, most
willingly, was a party to is related in part:
"I hear UF fundraisers are trying to get a big donation for the restoration of Flint
"I bet whoever donates gets his name added to the Flint Hall sign."
If that's the case, they should ask the millionaire W. Clement Stone...then they
could name the building Flint-Stone."
That's all, party animals, and thanks for coming!!!
Pam LaFrentz
In the News
Doina Farkas, Chair of the Acquisitions Department, and a colleague, Opritsa
Popa, were mentioned in the May 21, 1990, editorial page of the New York Times
concerning their efforts to gather support from ALA and other organizations to
donate books and related materials for the Romanian Relief Effort.
Movin' Along
All the moves going on around the library have generated a large number of
requests for transfers and withdrawals. On a weekly basis, we are processing
about 18 boxes of withdrawals, 5 titles of transfers and 12 titles for reclassifi-
We're slowly but surely starting now to integrate Baldwin Annex titles, cata-
loging these to Main stacks. These are mostly going to PZ class numbers.
Librarian Assignments
Listed below are the librarian assignments for 1990-91:
Sally Bethea Science Monograph Cataloger
*Cecilia Botero Head, Serials Cataloging Unit
*Peter Bushnell Fine Arts and Latin American Monograph Cataloger
*Mae Clark Local Documents (IFAS, Urban) Catalog Coordinator
*Steve Fuquay Principal Monograph Cataloger and Rare Books/
Humanities Cataloger
*Yael Herbsman Social Sciences Monograph and Judaica Cataloger
Dorothy Hope Assistant Chair Head of Monograph Cataloging Unit
Louise Leonard Middle East, Africana and Map Cataloger
*Alena Marek Slavic Languages and Literature Cataloger and Selector/
Coordinator for Slavic Materials
Lawan Orser Cataloging Maintenance Librarian
*Rita Smith (Visiting) Project Cataloger for Baldwin Collection
*Colleen Thorbur MRDF Cataloger/Florida & Federal Documents
Catalog Coordinator
Carol Walton Bibliographic Control/Latin American Catalog Librarian
*Nancy Williams Assistant Chair for Special Materials & Area Studies/
Serials Cataloging
*Alice Yen Asian Studies and Social Sciences (Florida History,
Education) Cataloger soon to be Chinese lan-
guage Selector/Coordinator
Elaine Yontz Special Collections and Humanities Monograph Cata-
*New or revised position title from 1988-1989. Some are relatively minor
wording changes. Some are significant changes in responsibility.
By the time you read this, our very own Carol Harris will have embarked on
an international adventure to the Soviet Union. Participating in a sister-city
program, Carol will be, with six or seven other students of Russian, rubbing
elbows with the citizenry of Novorossiisk for about two months. Having par-
ticipated in a similar exchange program through the Language Department
several years ago, she has been looking forward to the next opportunity with
The itinerary of the group isn't known entirely, but they plan to split up and
mingle. They may be staying in hotels or barracks, but not likely in homes.
Carol is looking forward to sampling the wine, perhaps visiting the grave of a
favorite composer (cemeteries there have unusual headstones), but mostly
meeting people and finding out, for example, what types of music they like.
She expects to see some concerts and exchange small gifts with people. She
thinks it would be interesting to live and work there for a while, but wants to
hone her Russian language skills first!
July 23,1990
"Four Essentials of a High-Performance
Secretary," a Prime Learning International
seminar, Gainesville, $79.
July 23-August 3,1990
16th Institute on Federal Library Resourc-
es, Washington, DC. Registration fee of
$885 is due by July 9.
August 9,1990
"Image and Communication Skills for
Women," National Businesswomen's
Leadership workshop, Gainesville, $59.
September 9-14,1990
Middle Management development pro-
gram for library administrators. See July
15-20 listing for details.
September 10-12,1990
"Financial Management for Women in
Higher Education," workshop sponsored
by UCF College of Extended Studies,
Lake Buena Vista, FL. Room reservation
deadline is August 9, registration fee is
September 11-13,1990
Optical Information Systems 10th Annual
Conference, Washington, DC. Fees range
from $125-$450, depending on number of
sessions attended.
September 20-21, or October 4-5,1990
"Private Philanthropy and Donor Market-
ing Workshop," HBW Associates, Kansas
City and St. Louis, respectively.
September 24-26,1990
"Collection Evaluation Institute: Strate-
gies for Assessing & Improving Collec-
tion Effectiveness," OMS workshop, Cam-
bridge, Mass. $400.
October 22-25,1990
"Information Technology and Library
Management," 13th International Essen
Symposium in West Germany. No fee,
but deadline for registering as presenter
or attendee is June 29, 1990.
Due to the planned move of Systems in
June, there will be no June Systems For-
This feature of the newsletter is designed to
provide staff with current information
regarding active ad hoc committees. Further
information can be sought from committee
chairs. This listing will be expanded in coming
issues to include all committees.
-ad hoc. Committee on Preservation
Microfilming: Queueing and Cataloging
Considerations, appointed by D. Canelas.
Revised preliminary recommendations sent
5/31/90 to Technical Services Management
Group. Charge: compile, document and
review policy and interdepartmental
procedures relating to queueing and
cataloging of preservation microforms. Chair:
Peter Bushnell; Members: Dot Hope, Tom
Kinney, Nelda Schwartz, and Bob Singerman.
-ad hoc. Committee on Serials Holdings,
appointed by D. Canelas. Charge: compile,
document and recommend policy and interde-
partmental procedures relating to the MARC
Format Holdings record in LUIS. Final
recommendationssent 5/30/90 to Technical
Services Management Group. Chair: Nancy
Williams; Members: Gary Cornwell, Susan
Duser, Frank Orser, Jo Talbird and Colleen
-ad hoc. Commercial Bindery Preparations
Committee, appointed by D. Canelas. Charge:
to monitor binderies' compliance with agree-
ments; to be familiar with Standard for Library
Binding; to recommend guidelines and proce-
dures to Preservation Officer; to prepare
statistical reports and budgetary requests; and,
to seek resolution of problems relating to com-
mercial bindery preparations. Recommenda-
tions due April 1991. Chair: Erich Kesse;
Members: Janis Adkinson, Carol Bird, Jeanne
Bunting, Susan Duser, Jorge Gonzalez, Bob
Harrell, Lee Jones, Patsy Mongo, Mildred
Neal, Margareta Soderholm, Carol Whitmer,
and Mary Wisnieski.
-Task Force on Limited Circulation, appoint-
ed by S. Gowan and C. Turner. Charge: to de-
termine need for limited circulation area; if
needed, develop criteria for assigning material;
define process for identifying material and
creating appropriate locator records.
continued on next page t
On June 5, the Libraries received formal notice that Norton Baskin, hus-
band of the late Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, filed a claim in the United
States District Court at Columbia, South Carolina, against the Seajay So-
ciety, Inc. Mr. Baskin has taken action to recover original manuscripts of
literary works by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings and other papers owned by
Rawlings having literary and historical value. The Florida Board of Re-
gents will decide on Friday, June 8th, whether to grant the University of
Florida permission to join the suit.
Among the papers currently in the possession of the Seajay Society is an
unpublished 183-page typescript of an early Rawlings story "Blood of
My Blood." Under provision of Rawlings' will, according to UF attorney
Barbara Wingo, the University of Florida has the right to any published
and unpublished manuscripts and literary property not destroyed by Ju-
lia Scribner Bigham, Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings's literary executor, who
died in 1961. The cache of Rawlings material was discovered in the attic
of the Bigham house. The Seajay Society claims the papers were given by
Rawlings to Bigham and, therefore, the family did have the right to sell
the material through a New York dealer to the Seajay Society, Inc. The
majority of Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings's papers, which are important re-
search resources, are housed in the Department of Special Collections.
According to newspaper reports, the society, a non-profit education cor-
poration interested in enhancing the awareness of and appreciation for
southern writers and culture, intends to turn Rawlings documents over
to the University of Florida, but not before society members edit and
publish the material. The society has been unable to get permission to
publish "Blood of My Blood" from Mr. Baskin, who became Marjorie
Kinnan Rawlings's literary executor upon the death of Julia Scribner Big-
Sam Gowan
A Question For Selectors: "Is Preservation Surreal?"
She tapped the flats of her feet rhythmically on the edge of the dance
floor; the red leather of shoes, dancing upon stiletto heels. To the ethere-
al hum of mechanical didgeridoo floating, troubled, upon an insistent
percussive new-wave beat, the motions made by her feet plumbed the
floor like boats upon rough seas.
Imagine, if you will, that life is like dancing in a pair of red stilettoes,
that history is-at once-aboriginal and sexy. I recall my mother cross-
ing new asphalt in red stilettoes from car to church doors one fine sum-
mer's Sunday. Like boats stranded at sea, her heals sunk into the pave-
ment. When I looked down, I noticed that other women's heels had
apparently been caught in and freed from this same tar pit. There-you-
have-it! Like fossilized foot steps preserved in a south-central African
dessert, cuneiform baked into clay. Dancing-in-red-stilettoes is the
record of a certain history, in this case "Marxist dialectic:" "Pumps have
represented the enslavement of women."
continued on next page C3
Library Newsletter Staff: Editor, Cecilia Botero:; Editorial Committee: Mona Mosier, Colleen Seale, Carl Van Ness; Editorial Assistant, Barbara Jones;
Departmental Liaisons, Elizabeth Alexander, Elaine Bryant, Suzanne Brown, Channie Christian, Peggy Chou, Mary Jane Daicoff, Melanie Davis, Rick
Donnelly, Peter Foust, Steve Fuquay, Sidney Ives, Erich Kesse, Barbara King, Pam LaFrentz, Chuck Lipsig, Tom Kinney, Rosa Mesa, Pam Pasak,
Wendy Scott, Bob Singerman, Shirley Snyder, Ed Teague, Carl Van Ness, Priscilla West, Carol Whitmer, Susan Woods
But wait. What does this have to do with preservation?
There's an attitude that what we do in the Preservation Office IS preser-
vation, that preservation is mere binding, microfilming, photocopying,
and conservation. But, preservation is memory itself. To remember, to
recall and tell stories, history is preservation. Preservation Office staff
are just the "mechanics" of this memory. We lend memory continued
function only by binding, microfilming, etc. What purpose would there
be in any book, microfilm, data file, etc., if it could not be used and,
more importantly, if it were not used.
How is preservation like dancing in red stilettoes? If, to use the Marxist
rhetoric of repression, library materials capture information like stilet-
toes capture women, then preservation like dancing is what you make
of information. A report in the Cincinnati Commercial in the mid-1800s
noted the death of a female transient. Nothing was known about this
woman. Ostensibly, the report was printed in hopes of learning the
woman's identity. The woman had committed suicide, setting fire to
her undergarments. Aflame, it appeared as though the flames danced
in her high-heels, leaving-eventually-nothing but ashes in a deep
black shoe. This report is preserved in a conserved copy of the newspa-
per by the Cincinnati Historical Society, as well as in a microfilm copy
of the paper created by the Society.
Tragic, but who cares now? Items such as this are preserved for those
who may yet care or who may care tomorrow. It was the report of this
woman's death and the deaths of other transients that led to the founda-
tion of organizations similar to the YWCA and the YMCA in Cincinnati.
What we decide to remember or care about is decidedly personal. If, in
my case, I recall the obscure rather than the ordinary, I have to be ex-
Perhaps next month I can tempt a selector or two to tell us why she/he
decides to preserve something.
Erich J. Kesse
Sidney Ives, University Librarian For Rare Books and Manuscripts, is
retiring 30 June 1990. He will be greatly missed. Sidney's medley of
quick wit, absurdly huge vocabulary, encyclopaedic knowledge (no
wonder: he is the only person I know who reads the Britannica while
eating lunch), and generously-shared expertise in rare books will not
be, cannot be, replaced nor equalled.
Nor will be the standards he has set for his successors. Who else could
have brought to Florida, within a year of his arrival, one of the premier
collections of American literature? The purchase of the Howe Library
was accomplished through a unique combination of optimism and in-
nocence (he did not know or care that UF was far more concerned about
football than books), beautifully orchestrated and excruciatingly literate
salesmanship (especially to President Marston and the alumni), and a
great deal of well-directed energy. Even the opportunity of acquiring
that library, and of many further coups for the rare book collections,
would not have arisen without Sidney and his friends throughout the
antiquarian book world.
continued on next page 0
Preliminary report due 5/15/90. Chair: Ed
Teague; Members: Frank DiTrolio, Rich
Bennett, Carmen Hurff, and Erich Kesse.
-Task Force on Census Bureau Publications
Service Issues, appointed by S. Gowan and C.
Turner. Charge: to define major service issues
and primary responsibilities in providing ac-
cess; establish referral procedures; define train-
ing needs and develop training programs on
various types and formats, and determine pro-
cedures for providing updated information to
staff. Preliminary report due 7/15/90. Chair:
Ray Jones; Members: Elizabeth Alexander,
HelenJane Armstrong, Stephanie Chase, Gary
Cornwell, Bill Covey, and Chris Hanson.
- Public Services Training Implementation
Task Force, appointed by C. Turner. Charge: to
implement an orientation and training program
for all new staff whose jobs involve interaction
with the public. Chair will meet with Public
Services Steering Committee at end of each se-
mester to report on progress. Co-Chairs: Chris
Hanson, Suzanne Brown; Members: Mary Gay
Anderson, Shawna Finley, and Jason Miros.
Recently, all librarians should have received
information from the Division of Sponsored
Reseach for the 1990-91 program guidelines,
dates, and application procedures for the
* Graduate Reserach Assistantship Program
* Support of Travel to Funding Agencies
* Reseach Support Program for New Faculty
Additional copies are available in the Director's
No Supper Club is planned for June, but watch
for announcements from the Staff Association
for the date in July.
The following publications have been re-
ceived from the Research Libraries Group.
Copies may be obtained by contacting one of
the secretaries in the administrative offices.
1. RLIN Personal Computer Support
2. Procedure for NOTIS-To-RLIN Data Up-
3. Network Operations Statistics, April
4. Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT)
5. Wylbur Mail Reference Sheet
6. Cluster Error Reports, April 1990
7. Memo and Updated Publications Distri-
bution Control Lists
8. RLIN Performance Report, April 1990
9. Press Release-New RLIN Database
Server Development Supported by Am-
dahl Corporation and Getty Art History
Information Program
10. Press Release-RLIN's Off-Line Retro-
spective Conversion Service Helps Both
RLIN Users and Libraries on Other Sys-
11. Press Release-OCLC and RLG to Co-
operate on Compatibility in Computer
12. Agenda for the Preservation Committee
Meeting held on May 7-8, 1990
13. Agenda Cover for the Jewish and Mid-
dle East Studies Program Meeting held
on May 8, 1990
14. RLIN Service Level Statement
15. New Document-Processing Guide for
RLIN Users
16, Update Number 4 to RLIN II Tables Co-
ordinator's Handbook
Sandra Hardin, H&SS Reference Department,
has been elected to serve as the representative
for the departments of Reference, Collection
Management and Documents on this
committee. Sandra's phone number 2-4919.
NOTICE: No calendar page for the
month has been included in this issue.
With the subsequent publication of the Howe Library catalogues-
subscribed to by all major libraries in the U.S., Canada, and Britain-
Sidney has given Florida a niche among universities willing, at least in
some particulars, to commit to excellence.
Using the momentum, and newly roused interest in rare book collections,
of the successful Howe Library purchase fund drive, Sidney was able
to establish a friends' group, the Howe Society, which has had unprece-
dented success here. Attracting local literati and a loyal group of out-of-
towners, this support group has made possible important acquisitions
when state funds were exhausted.
Still, it is not his accomplishments, but Sidney himself, his touching inep-
titude at changing typewriter ribbons and finding lost memos, and the
brightness he has given our days, that we shall miss. We hope he will
continue for a long time to publish Howe catalogues, to enjoy the world's
best collection of opera tapes, and to delight his friends.
Speaking for many...
-Carmen Russell Hurff
Ed. 's note: Sidney received his A.B. degree in English from Harvard Universi-
ty. He was employed by Goodspeed's, the renowned antiquarian bookstore, after
which he became a librarian at the Houghton Library, which is Harvard's library
for rare books. He came to UFfrom Harvard in 1980. He has belonged to many
literary societies and organizations over the years.
The Paralibrarian Caucus, held at the Florida Library Association meet-
ing on May 8, 1990, was the topic of a panel discussion. David Shontz
served as moderator, and Barbara Jones, Carol Whitmer, Jimmie Lund-
gren and Tinker Massey gave reports and answered questions about the
formation of the caucus, the keynote speaker, and its future direction.
The panel members said that interest in the Paralibrarian Caucus was
high throughout the whole state, but especially in Alachua County.
Spearheaded by Virginia Gerster from Miami-Dade Public Library, the
caucus had surveyed its potential membership and organized within a
very brief time to conform to FLA regulations.
Currently, the group is awaiting further organizational development,
probably along geographical lines. Tinker Massey said that assessing ed-
ucation needs and providing accredited workshops for library support
staff will most likely figure highly among the future plans of the caucus.
Another of the group's goals is to define its image and to educate the
public about the role of the paraprofessional within libraries. Deciding
on a name for the caucus generated a lively discussion; however, Library
Paraprofessional Caucus was the name adopted at the meeting.
This group is already looking forward to active participation in the next
Florida Library Association Conference and all library staff are urged to
keep abreast of developments as this very important movement gathers
interest and participation among our support staff. As Wendy Scott
continued on next page 0
mentioned at the meeting, support staff may ask for travel funds when de-
partments submit requests at the beginning of the fiscal year.
Audrey Frank
Ed.'s note: A videotape of a portion of the May 8th Paralibrarian Caucus is available
or check-out from the Reserve Desk in Library East. Bill Vice, Trish Vice's hus-
band, graciously agreed to tape the meeting, while Jim Leavy made the copy for the
Reserve Desks thanks to both for their help!
Correction: Last month's issue incorrectly listed Carol Walton rather than Carol
Whitmer as a speaker for the Staff Association's panel discussion our apologies to
both Carols.
Florida Paralibrarian Caucus Steering Committee
In the latest development, Reshanda Padgett has received a letter of appoint-
ment to the 16-member LPC steering committee from Virginia Gerster. The
steering committee will meet at the University of Central Florida in Orlando
on June 30. The tentative agenda includes:
* Discussion and drafting of LPC purpose
" Discussion of activities and goals for the year
-Fall regional workshops
-Formation of informal mail and phone network
-area groups or chapters
-committees (by-laws, conference, nominating, etc.)
* Discussion and planning for 1991 conference program
-request to co-sponsor with Library Orientation and Bibliographic
Instruction Caucus
-suggestions from members
* Budget Planning for the Year
-program costs
-postage, copying; possible mass mailing
* Choosing two key officers
Support staff are urged to submit other suggestions or ideas for agenda items
to Reshanda, who works in ILL 235 Library West, at 2-7036. Also, please let
her know if you're willing to serve as a resource person in any capacity.
Alachua Library League
Tinker Massey has contacted the Alachua Library League (ALL), which has
expressed interest in having UF paraprofessionals join its organization. Hav-
ing ALL serve as a local "umbrella" organization to help with the logistics of
fundraising and related activities will be explored. The next meeting of ALL
is on July 10 at 7:30 p.m. at the Mile Run Recreation Room. Staff are urged to
attend this meeting as a show of support.
Library Assistants Conference in New Tersey
Tinker Massey, Archivist in the Catalog Department, has been granted two
days of administrative leave to attend the 4th Annual Conference presented
by New Jersey Association of Library Assistants, in South Orange, on June
12-13. The topic of the conference is "Your Career as a Library Assistant."
More than 500 registrants from all over the country are expected to attend
the NJ conference again this year!
continued on next page L3
New Appointment
James Glenn Asst. Head, AFA Library
Margaret LeSourd Associate Librarian,
Reference (Urban Documents)
New Appointment
Mike Carr LTA, Access Services
Heather MacLeod Sr. LTA, Documents
Gail Morris Sr. Secretary, Directors' Of-
Richard Saltzburg Sr. LTA, Collection
Milford Willis Archivist, Map Library
Pat Haskins Sr. Secretary to Program As-
sistant, MSL
Mary Gene Blanchard Sr. LTA, Map Li-
Lisa Kelley Sr. LTA, MSL
Carolyn Mitchell Secretary, Reference
Yael Herbsman and Elaine Yontz of the
Catalog Department will present a poster
session at the 1990 Annual Conference of
the American Library Association in Chica-
go on Saturday, June 23, at 11:00 a.m. -
12:30 p.m. inMcCormick Place Convention
Center. The topic is "Sharing Managerial
Responsibilities through Subject Teams in
Monograph Cataloging."
Wendy Scott and Lawan Orser will be pre-
senting survey results on 'The Use Of Un-
linked Item Records Among ARL NOTIS
Users" on Sunday, June 24, at the same
time and location as listed above.
Alice Primack, "Identifying Academic
Physical Sciences Research in Progress."
Collection Building 10 (1-2), p. 22-28, 1990.
These reports were recently added to
those available through the Library Per-
sonnel Office.
Denise Beaubien, Florida Library Asso-
ciation Annual Conference, Daytona
Beach, May 7-10, 1990
Alice Primack, 18th Annual National Li-
brary Instruction Conference, Eastern
Michigan University, May 10-12, 1990
Ed Teague, 18th Annual Conference of
the Art Libraries Society of North
America, February 2-15, 1990
The Board of Regents policy recom-
mends voluntary compliance with a sec-
ond booster dose of measles vaccine for
all persons born in 1957 or later. Facul-
ty and staff may obtain their booster
dose either from their local physician,
the Health Department or the Student
Health Center.
The Student Health Center will be avail-
able from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday
through Friday. A faculty or staff card,
and payment of $28 by cash or check, is
needed at time of service.
Macintosh users should follow these
procedures whenever a floppy is to be
used, to protect against the WDEF virus.
1) hold down the OPTION and COM-
MAND (key on bottom left of keyboard
that looks like a splatted bug); 2) contin-
ue holding the keys while you insert the
floppy; 3) when the Mac displays a mes-
sage box, release the keys and click on
the OK button. This procedure removes
the virus we have been getting from the
floppy. It also reorganizes the floppy
and makes it more efficient. Questions?
Call Systems at 2-0796.
News from Library Associations and State Organizations
Virginia Gerster has provided information on support staff-related issues and
activities taking place all over the country. The information covers:
* the status of the petition submitted to ALA to form a Membership Initiative
Group on library support staff issues;
* ALA award of $5000 for a project on support staff issues;
* ACRL's support for a college survey on role, status and working conditions of
* announcement of ALA Standing Committee on Library Education for Sup-
port Staff Issues subcommittee meeting at ALA;
* call for articles from support staff on personnel and education concerns for
ALA's Library Personnel News;
* The Council on Library Media/Technicians' June conference in Illinois;
* information on Library Mosaics, a magazine that focuses on support staff is-
sues in library, media and information centers; and,
* current information on support staff groups' activities in 15 states.
This information, and lots more, is posted on the bulletin board by the Staff
Lounge on the second floor of Library West. Please find out what's happening,
and get involved!
Barbara Jones
Janis Adkinson
Peter Foust
James Glenn
Paige Harper
Dave Lashmet
Patsy Mongo
Millie Neal
Mary Wisnieski
Music Library
Music Library
Architecture Library
Rare Books
Science Serials
Beth Alexander
Lynn Badger
Anita Battiste
Janet Belarski
Rich Bennett
Debbie Berard
Sally Bethea
Jeanne Bunting
Robena Cornwell
Frank DiTrolio
Rob Grable
Chris Hanson
Mary Harris
Dolores Jenkins
Carla Kemp
Ann King
Miguel LaSalvia
Peter MacKay
Razia Nanji
Carol Turner
Old Address
New Address
- Suzy Shaw