Information on all workshops,
conferences, etc. are posted on the
bulletin board by the second floor
Staff Lounge in Library West.
December 8,1989
Combined November/December
Systems Forum, 11:00 a.m.-noon,
Room 420 Library West. See page 2
for details.
December 13,1989
Holiday Party, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.,
Library West Staff Lounge. All staff
are encouraged to attend. See page
2 for details.
December 31,1989
Deadline date for submission of
nominations for Staff and Faculty
Superior Accomplishment Awards
Program. See page 6 for details.
January 8-11,1990
UF Employee, Late and Transient
(Non-Degree) Registration for 1990
Spring Semester. Forms are
available in the Library Personnel
December 8,1989
"Reference Services for the 1990s,"
presented by the Florida Chapters
of SLA and ACRL, Gainesville,'$35
SLA or ACRL members, $45 non-
members, $20 for half-day sessions.
continued on next page 0
DECEMBER 1, 1989
On November 2, 1989, the Foundation asked Dale Canelas to address a group of li-
brary friends, donors and faculty on our "Vision for the Library." Following are her
University research libraries are special organizations: complex, reflective of
their parent institutions, caught up in a maelstrom of change, and beset by the
conflicting values of the many different people who use them, from sophisticat-
ed scholars to casual high schoolers. Because they represent many different op-
portunities to people who use them differently, they often become the unwit-
ting center of controversy. The Libraries of the University of Florida are
certainly no exception to this general rule and the winds of change have blown
strongly enough here to cause a substantial amount of question. What is this li-
brary and where is it going?
To start we have to look at the University. What is the University of Florida
and where does it want to go? What is quite clear is that the University defines
itself as a research university and as one of the 56 best universities in the coun-
try. Over the past 20 years, the University of Florida has greatly expanded its
masters and PhD programs, it has attracted faculty of national rather than re-
gional caliber, it has expanded its share of federal research and development
grants-now ranking 43rd nationally, and as a result of the expanded empha-
sis on research, it now ranks 10th nationally in the number of issued patents
and fifth in revenue from patent royalty and licensing income. It ranks 20th
among all American universities in research and development expenditures,
and it ranks 26th in the number of PhDs conferred annually. I think those sta-
tistics can fairly be described as evidence of a research university and that the
University of Florida did not exhibit those characteristics twenty years ago.
So there isn't much doubt that the University needs research library services as
a support to its program. Research libraries differ from university libraries pri-
marily in size and complexity. Generally containing more than a million vol-
umes, they consist of a series of highly specialized collections designed to sup-
port the research and instructional needs of specific academic programs.
Complexity is introduced through four characteristics of contemporary re-
search or technology.
First is the sharply differing nature of research in varying disciplines. For ex-
ample, let's look at music, history, and chemistry. The Library collects not only
books and journals for music, but also scores, and sound recordings in both
disk and tape formats. For history, the library collects books and journals, but
also primary materials such as manuscripts (letters, diaries, papers of individu-
als), documents (laws, regulations, wills, legal agreements), photographs. For
continued on next page I
December 13,1989
"How to Handle Difficult People," Na-
tional Career Workshop, Gainesville, $59.
December 15-16,1989
"AACR2 Update," Philadelphia (see No-
vember 9-10 listing for information).
January 18,1990
"How to Deal with Difficult People,"
CareerTrack Seminar, Gainesville, $48.
January 19, 1990
"How to Provide Excellent Customer Ser-
vice," SkillPath, Inc.,Gainesville, $99.
January 31, 1990
Deadline date for applying for Visiting
Research Fellowships at the American
Antiquarian Society for research in Amer-
ican history and culture through 1876.
January 31-February 2, 1990
MacAdemiasM Southeast '90, sponsored
by Florida universities and colleges with
support of Apple Computer, Inc., Dayto-
na Beach. Registration by January 9 is
$25, onsite is $50.
February 6,1990
"Project Management," a Fred Pryor Semi-
nar, Gainesville, $195.
The combined November/December Sys-
tem Forum will be held on Friday, De-
cember 8, from 11:00 a.m. noon in Room
420 of Library West. Topic to be
announced. All interested staff are wel-
come to attend.
All library staff are invited to the holiday
party on Wednesday, December 13, 11:30-
a.m.-1:30 p.m. in the Library West Staff
Please plan on bringing a holiday treat -
cold or finger food. Contact LeiLani by e-
mail (@45VTU8) or Terri (2-0311) to indi-
cate what food you are bringing. Come
join in the festivities!
chemistry, we collect books and journals, but also technical reports and pro-
ceedings. This variety of formats is characteristic of a research library.
Second is the extraordinary output of information in recent years. One of my
favorite stories to illustrate the information explosion happened a few years
ago. One of our outstanding Eastern universities celebrated its 250th anniver-
sary in the early 1980's. During that year, its library added its five millionth
volume. An accompanying story stated that about 1900 the library had approx-
imately 150,000 volumes. It took almost 175 years to acquire the first 150,000
volumes, but only the next 80, to add 4,800,000. The second statistic that helps
give perspective is that in 1950 about 150,000 titles were published worldwide.
By 1986, that figure had risen to 750,000. There are many more scholars alive
and working today than in all recorded history. Keeping control over that out-
put is a daunting job for research libraries.
Third is the expansion in the number of formats in which information is stored
(not only books, journals, maps, microforms, sound recordings, films, manu-
scripts, slides, videotapes but also digital media such as data tapes, CD ROMs,
floppy disks, etc.)
Fourth is the expansion in the number of places (and hence languages) about
which and from which information is collected. The University of Florida pur-
chases library materials in Europe, Africa, Asia, and South America as well as
North America. We purchase material in well over twenty languages.
My vision of the library is that it is an integral part of the instructional and re-
search programs of the University of Florida; that its collections reflect and
support the scholarly work going on here; and that within the constraints
posed by given resources human, financial, physical and intellectual, it is the
library's mission to create a responsive program of service.
When I came here I found that as a result of significant institutional change, the
library had experienced pressure to serve new University needs and in 1982,
there were several reports recommending library action one by the Faculty
Educational Policy Group, one by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Li-
brary Planning Committee, and one by the Mautz Committee appointed by
Provost Bryan. They all pointed up similar problems: e.g. faculty difficulty in
getting the library to purchase needed books; poor organization of collections
(that is, the books were in Library East and periodicals in Library West), lack of
a catalog or reference services in Library East although all of the humanities
and social science monographs are housed there; lack of a current periodicals
display area for any currently received titles; constant relocation of collections,
missing books, and inadequate shelf order. Many of these shortcomings were
primarily facilities' problems.
Library West was designed with classrooms across the South facade so that fa-
culty could bring their classes into the Library and the interaction between the
library and the academic program would be enhanced. Unfortunately, within a
few months after moving into it, the building had already reached collection
capacity and the collections had to be split between Libraries East and West. As
the library grew and special collections were added, the classrooms were re-
turned to the library and new collections were established, each in separate
space with one or two staff members. As the Mautz committee pointed out,
this "drained space...from the general operation of the library."
The general collections also continued to grow and stack overflow in Library
East was channeled into reading rooms, hallways, staff areas and assorted
nooks and crannies. The physical separation of the collections was exacerbated
by an intellectual separation when the library made the decision to change
from the Dewey Decimal classification system to the Library of Congress
continued on next page 0
lassification system. Although perfectly justifiable in terms of processing effi-
iencies, it did complicate research for scholars. Now, some twenty years after
he opening of Library West, it is time to establish a rationale for collection de-
loyment between the two buildings that is based on user requirements.
n late 1985, I appointed a staff committee to examine Libraries East and West
nd, considering the recommendations of these various faculty reports, deter-
ine how we could reorganize our space so that we can enhance the visibility
f our collections and their usefulness to scholars while providing our staff fa-
ilities that allow them to get their jobs done effectively. They spent two years
nalyzing various options and finally came up with general recommendations
hat would give staff the space they needed and provide many of the facilities
ought by the faculty. However, it would cost a substantial amount of money to
e able to make the proposed changes. We discussed that report with the Li-
rary Advisory Committee, and receiving their approval in principle, we
ought the assistance of University administration.
he overall conceptual approach for housing the collections and services nor-
ally defined as a University's "main library" is that Library West will hold:
1. Reference
2. Collection Management
3. Circulation
4. Microforms
5. Current periodicals
6. Government Documents
7. Interlibrary Loan
8. Administration and
9. All the humanities and social science circulating collections.
library East will hold:
1. The Special Collections
2. The Latin American and Judaica Collections
3. The technical services: Acquisitions, Catalog, Preservation and Systems.
his distribution allows the library to bring its rare and unique collections to-
gether in space that not only provides far better security and environmental
conditions for the Special Collections, but also a beautiful setting for showcas-
ing them. In addition there will be much improved ease of use for faculty and
students because of housing all the circulating humanities and social science
collections in the same building as Reference. It also offers an opportunity to
provide additional much wanted services such as a Current Periodicals Read-
ing Room, and offers a better spatial relationship between Reference, Current
Periodicals and Microforms by placing them all on the same floor which will
make using them easier for students.
President Criser and Provost Bryan were supportive of the Library's proposal
that Library East be upgraded and they assisted us in locating a donor who saw
the possibilities for making a real improvement to the University's humanities
and social science research program by helping us to fund this effort. As you all
know, we have the great challenge of designing and bringing into being a Spe-
cial Collections Library that will have one of the strongest collections in the
Southeast. The Library will be named for Senator George Smathers in recogni-
tion of his gift.
The sudden announcement that many moves will have to be made over the
next two years, predictably caused a certain amount of upset. It will not be an
easy time for any of the staff, nor for the students and faculty who will not find
their books or seats where they expected. But the result will be a much better
housed staff with workspace adequate to their needs, far more accessible library
continued on next page t-
New Appointments
Erika Browne LTA I, Education
Emilia Garcia LTA II, Catalog
Paige Harper Clerk Typist Spec.,
Leon Harrison Clerk Spec., Circulation
Debbie Hawkins Stat. Res. Ast.,
Collection Management
Scott Howard LTA I, MSL
Pamela LaFrentz LTA II, Acquisitions
Edward Jewett LTA II, Catalog
Daniel McGee LTA II, Documents
Jason Nyros LTA II, MSL
Barbara Mattson Secy. Spec.,
Dori Pierantoni Secy. Spec., Personnel
Michelle Tennent LTA I, AFA Library
Diane Warfield Data En. Op., ILL
Judith Wilbanks LTA I, Music Library
Marianne Waltz LTA I, MSL
Monica Aiton Spy. LTA II to Archivist I,
Melanie Davis from LTA I, Microforms
Scott Siverson -from LTA II, Maps
Library to Stat. Res. Ast., Collection
Glenda Hurst Fiscal Ast. I, from
Finance and Accounting to Library
Emily Madden LTA II, from Documents
to Latin American Collection
Catherine Wood Lee Stat. Res. Ast., MSL
Karen Harmon LTA II, ILL
Jody Howell LTA I, Documents
Peter Stern presented a paper, "Indian-
casta Relations in the Borderlands," at
the American Society for Ethnohistory
Conference in Chicago, November 2-3.
An award of $25,000 for the 1990 calen-
dar year is available for developing a
comprehensive library instruction pro-
gram for USC's Central Library System.
See the bulletin board outside the Li-
brary West Staff Lounge for details.
These reports were recently added to
those available through the Library
Personnel Office.
Robena Cornwell, Southeast Chapter of
the Music Library Association Annual
Meeting, Knoxville, October 12-14, 1989
Erich Kesse, RLG Great Collections Mi-
crofilming Project Workshop, Ann Ar-
bor, Michigan, September 18-21, 1989
Vernon Kisling, National Zoological
Park Centennial Symposium on the
History and Evolution of the Modern
Zoo, Washington, D.C., October 13-14,
Bob Singerman, RLG Jewish and Middle
East Studies Program Committee,
Mountain View, California, October 31-
November 1, 1989
Ed Teague, D.C./Maryland/Virginia
Chapter of the Art Libraries Society of
North America, College Park, Mary-
land, October 5-6, 1989
Ed Teague, Southeast Chapter of the Art
Libraries Society of North America An-
nual Conference, New Orleans, No-
vember 3-5, 1989
Carl Van Ness, Society of American Ar-
chivists Annual Convention, St. Louis,
October 25-29, 1989
Nancy Williams, 1989 NOTIS Users'
Group Meeting and NOTIS Authority
Control Workshop, Chicago, Septem-
ber 26-28, 1989 (see page 7)
collections, ability to provide new and improved services, and a fitting setting
for the rare and unique collections of the University. What the UF Library is, is
a research library and it is building the kind of specialized facilities that schol-
ars in the humanities and social sciences need. We have been fortunate in the
support of our community and I hope that you will all join in the continuation
of that support.
The shelving to house the Current Periodicals collection has arrived and has
been constructed on the first floor of Library West in part of the space formerly
occupied by the Catalog Department. Space for approximately 6,000 periodical
titles has been provided in this shelving which was especially designed by Max
Willocks since nothing existed on the market to solve the problem at UF. Plans
for occupying this shelving, and for moving the Microform Center into the
space adjacent to the Current Periodicals shelving are now being developed.
Movement will occur sometime after the first of the year following the move of
Acquisitions to Library East.
The Book Sale was a great success! More than 4,000 items, plus over 700 LP
records and 200 maps, were offered for sale. Sales totaled $2,258.15 more
than 2,500 books, 450 records and 140 maps were sold!
Items left over from the sale were given to the Federal Correctional Institution
in Marianna, Florida.
The Acquisitions Department is grateful to its staff, and all others who helped
make this important sale so successful.
Library Newsletter Staff: Editor, Cecilia Botero; Editorial Committee, Mona Mosier, Colleen Seale, Carl Van Ness; Editorial Assistant, Barbara
Jones; Special assistance provided by Barbara King; DepartmentalLiaisons, Elizabeth Alexander, Lynn Badger, Stephanie Baldwin, Elaine
Bryant, Suzanne Brown, Channie Christian, Mary Jane Daicoff, Melanie Davis, Rick Donnelly, Peter Foust, Steve Fuquay, Sidney Ives, Erich
Kesse, Barbara King, Chuck Lipsig, Tom Kinney, Rosa Mesa, Pam Pasak, Bob Singerman, Shirley Snyder, Ed Teague, Carl Van Ness, Priscilla
West, Carol Whitmer, Susan Woods.
Photo credit: Walter Coker
On November 6, Superintendent of Documents Donald Fossedal performed the
'rst search of the 209,000 records for federal publications loaded into the LUIS
system by FCLA the previous weekend, as Director of Libraries Dale Canelas and
Regional Depository Librarian Gary Cornwell look on. The Documents staff re-
ports that use of the collection has quadrupled as a result.
The Education Library welcomes Erika Browne, LTA I. Erika comes to us
from the Florida Museum of Natural History and Shand's Diagnostic Phy-
sicians Clinic. Her experience includes over a year at the Marston Science
Library in Stack Maintenance. Her B.A. is in the field of architecture. She
is currently enrolled in post-baccalaureate courses in political science and
has hopes of someday attending Law School.
Robert Singerman, as guest editor of a special theme issue of Library
Acquisitions: Practice and Theory devoted to issues and problems in the col-
lection development of religious literature, is seeking original essays for
possible publication in this widely-distributed Pergamon Press journal.
Contributions relating to vernacular publications, ephemeral, "gray litera-
ture" issued by new religious movements or, as appropriate, sectarian pub-
lications from Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America represent-
ing diverse and, for western readers, comparatively unknown religious
traditions, are especially sought.
Suzy Shaw of Systems will conduct an ad-
vanced electronic mail training session some-
time in January. The one hour session will
cover creating and editing files in XEDIT,
managing files (copying, renaming and dis-
carding), file transfer (including uploading
and downloading), and more sophisticated
use of NAMES files. Prerequisite is the equiv-
alent of the basic e-mail session, that is the
ability to send and receive e-mail messages.
To that end, the only way to sign up for the
class will be by e-mail: send a message ex-
pressing interest to Suzy (@45VTSU). You
will then be told, again by e-mail, of the date
and time. No telephone sign-ups will be ac-
A listing of SOLINET workshops scheduled
for January through March 1990 is posted on
the bulletin board outside the Library West
Staff Lounge. Six new workshops are making
their debut this quarter: Beating the Critter
Jitters: Integrated Pest Management; ILL: Be-
yond the Basics; Administrative Issues in
Preservation; Quality Control: "Your Cata-
loging Karma"; Database Preparation: An
Automation Overview; MARC and Member-
ship: Is it for your Library?
The workshops being offered in Florida in-
clude AV Format; ILL for New and Selective
Users; Decisions for the Future; OCLC For
Public Services Staff; and, ILL: Beyond the
The schedule of basic and advancedAGRI-
COLA, and CRIS database workshops, which
will be held at the National Agricultural Li-
brary during 1990, is posted on the bulletin
board outside the Library West Staff Lounge.
These workshops are free to UF employees.
Fellowship Programs
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has
grants available to assist scholars wishing to
conduct research in the manuscript collec-
tions in the Vatican Film Library at Saint
Louis University in Missouri. Information is
posted on the bulletin board outside the Li-
brary West Staff Lounge.
The following publications have been re-
ceived from the Research Libraries
Group. Copies may be obtained by con-
tacting one of the secretaries in the ad-
ministrative offices.
1. Summary Minutes of the October
1989 Board of Governors Meeting
2. Memo Dedicated RLG Terminals
3. Memo- RLIN PC Terminal Program,
Standard and Extended versions
4. Press Release OCLC and RLG to
Exchange ICPSR Data Files
5. Agenda for the Bibtech Program
Committee Meeting being held on
November 9th at RLG Headquarters
6. RLG News, Issue 20
7. Agenda for the Preservation Com-
mittee Meeting to be held on Novem-
ber 14th
8. Agenda for the Public Services Com-
mittee Meeting to be held on Novem-
ber 16 and 17
9. Memo Changes to Simplify Person-
al Access to RLIN
10. Cluster Error Reports, October 1989
11. Network Operations Statistics, Octo-
ber 1989
12. Memo Announcing the Monthly/
Year-To-Date Member Activity Sum-
maries and the Monthly/Year-To-
Date Searching Activity Reports Will
Be Mailed Out on a Quarterly Basis
13. RLIN Performance October 1989
14. Memo Discontinuation of RLIN-
Dialog Communications Link on 11/
15. Cover Agenda for the East Asian
Programs Steering Committee Meet-
ing to be held on November 30 and
December 1st
All staff are strongly encouraged to nom-
inate outstanding library employees for a
Superior Accomplishment Award. Nom-
inating forms were sent to all staff a few
weeks ago. Send nominations to James
Grimm, Division of Housing, Campus.
For more information, contact Wendy
Scott, 2-0342.
This holiday season an ominous and nearly unexpected event will take
place. The Earth will be invaded by visitors from outer space: my sister
and members of the Jupiter Mob. (You may remember them from last
year's December news.) And, this year, unlike last year, they'll be armed with
more than instamatic and single lens reflex cameras with built-in computers on
board. Yes, this year, when they come to snap up your soul, they'll suck up
your motion and heart as well with the latest in video-recording devices.
It'll be worse than exploring the human body at Epcot Center. Part of you will
be captured, forever, on what my sister will tell you is videotape. 'You'll be a
star." She'll promise, 'You'll never grow old. Ever. Now, smile, and wave."
"Sure. A star," I'll think sarcastically, "...just like David Bowie in The Hunger, un-
til one day my image wears away." She and the Jupiter Mob are as sinister as
ever. And as ever, intent upon letting your pictorial memories wear and fade
Be careful, or your video will end up shelved between A Boy and His Dog and
The Repo Man, and lost in a video library that could fill a space ship to the Sun. I
know better. I escaped from a video of My Favorite Martian in 1959. Once on
tape, you'll never be seen again. Or, if seen, it'll be with the mute button on, or
dubbed over saying incredulous things like, "The Preservation Office is over-
staffed." Don't let this happen to you. Protect yourself and your videoss.
1. Store your videos in an air conditioned space, away from magnetic fields.
A video is no more than a bunch of magnetized particles hanging onto a
piece of polyester. These particles begin to fly the coop or fall out of the nest
somewhere above 680F. Relative humidity during storage is best between
45% and 55%.
2. Also store videos away from dust, direct sunlight, heat sources and mois-
ture. If climate control is a problem, store them in a paper rather than plas-
tic box. Plastic boxes, like those used by video rental stores to prevent tran-
sit damage, may trap in moisture. If moisture condensation does occur,
allow the video to warm up to room temperature before playing it. Also
avoid smoking cigarettes and burning incense around stored videos; both
contain particulates which damage videotape.
3. Shelve videos standing up rather than laying down. Gravity may cause
the videotape to drag along and be damaged by the videocassette after it
has been stored laying down.
4. Try not to drop the video. The shock of impact could cause the videocas-
sette to malfunction.
5. Do not touch the videotape with your fingers. Even the cleanest fingers
carry oils which can damage the tape.
6. Never leave a video in a machine longer than its playing time. Machines
hold heat even when not in use.
7. Check the video regularly (at least once a year). If it shows any sign of
wear, try to get a copy made using machines with as many play-back and
recording heads as possible. This will allow optimal image transfer.
8. Play videos as little as possible, and try to avoid use of slow-motion and
pause controls. Spinning heads are in contact with the videotape during
play-back. This mechanical action eventually wears the image off the tape.
Also avoid rewinding or fast-forwarding with the video image whizzing by
for this reason.
9. If you stop, pause, rewind, slow or fast forward while viewing a video,
rewind it after use. This will ensure that the videotape is being stored with
even tension throughout the reel. Uneven tension could result in uneven
stretching and distortion of the tape during storage and subsequent use. If
you play the video through, without any disturbance, do not rewind it af-
ter use. Tension of the tape is better after undisturbed playback than it is af-
ter rewind.
continued on next page t
10. When recording, try to use only one recording speed. Videotape will
stretch resulting in greater play-back distortion over time. Also try to
avoid stop-and-start rewind and fast-forward action, which causes the tape
to move at varying speeds, for this reason.
11. If your visitors from outer space, like my sister, are going to fly out again
with your pictorial memories on their video, request a copy. Two heads
are better than one. Ask anyone from Saturn.
Erich Kesse
Chicago, Illinois September 26, 1989
by Nancy Williams
The Authority workshop had two tracks one basic, the other advanced. The
topic of most interest for everyone was the future Merged Headings Index
(MHI). Oldtimers with NOTIS will also know this as Index Redesign. The
Merged Headings Index will finally bring about the display of cross references
- see and see also's and will also allow one to search in a dictionary file (two
capabilities we had in UFs Main Card Catalog). The new release of NOTIS
software, 4.6, will place this Merged Headings Index in the technical file but
not in the LUIS file. Because of the cost and space of maintaining two separate
index structures on the SUS file, FCLA does not plan to include MHI in its
loading of 4.6. However, some preparation work could occur at FCLA by ana-
lyzing the software, authority records, and bibliographic index records. Two
sites that tested the MHI before release in 4.6 reported on their experiences.
One library with over 800,000 bibliographic records reported more than
187,000 computer identified errors in its records.
How come so many errors? These errors are coming in the fixed field of the
authority record and are in the value codes for use. At the Library of Congress
and in the networks, this coding signifies the appropriateness of the heading
on that authority record for use as a name heading, subject heading, or series.
However, within an individual Library's catalog, NOTIS software requires cod-
ing for actual use, not appropriateness. Within a dictionary file arrangement
where authors, titles, and subjects are mixed, these authorities could all be cod-
ed as used and no blind references would be generated. However, if a person's
name heading is only used as an author or conversely only as a subject, search-
ing in the file where that heading is not represented would generate blind ref-
Most catalogers were dismayed when the magnitude of the work involved be-
came apparent to them. NOTIS will have a year between Release 4.6 and 4.7
which would give cataloging departments some time to do maintenance before
4.7 brings MHI up in LUIS. However, Florida's SUS Libraries will probably
not be able to work with records in the technical side with MHI displays before
they go public, and thus could feel uncertain the changes they make are fully
accomplishing what they desire. For all libraries, the impact on current cata-
loging workflow this coming year should be apparent as staff are detailed to
maintenance efforts. At this point it is still unclear on the impact this will have
on authority work in routine everyday cataloging. It is possible that subject au-
thority structures may require more attention at the point of cataloging and not
later through revising new and dropped headings lists. These lists could be
generated less frequently because with MHI online, maintenance will dynami-
cally adjust index entries. Many questions remain to be answered, but we can
hope that, through the support of FCLA, all possible means of computer pro-
cessing and review will be attempted to minimize laborious manual review.
Below is a number of potential topics to
be included in volume six of this publica-
tion. Any librarian interested in tackling
one of these topics should contact Jan
Swanbeck in the Documents Depart-
ments as soon as possible. Suggested
topics for future volumes are also appre-
1. Cable Television
2. Database Security and Control
3. Electronic Publishing (Part II)
4. Funding for Information Technology
5. High Definition Television: Technol-
ogies, Applications, and Impact on
the United States
6. Information Retrieval Software
7. Intellectual Property Rights In The
Electronic Age
8. Library Automation Consultants
9. Library Operation Cost Studies
10. Local Area Networks
11. Microcomputer-based Library Auto-
mation Systems
12. National Information Policy (subtop-
13. Numeric and Statistical Databases in
14. Preservation and Maintenance of
Electronic and Optical Data
15. Privacy in the Electronic Age
16. Productivity and Information Tech-
17. Standards and Information Technol-
18. Technology Transfer and the Role of
Information Systems
19. Word Processing in Libraries
The Committee members for Max's retire-
ment reception Sally Bethea, Anita
Battiste, Suzanne Brown (chair), Gary
Cornwell, and Alison Fell extend their
heartfelt thanks to everyone who so gen-
erously assisted in making Max's retire-
ment reception such a wonderful event
for him.
Dear Friends,
I want to thank all of you in the UF Libraries and FCLA who did so much to make my retirement reception such a wonderful
experience. I was overwhelmed with joy and thankfulness when so many of you came with your expressions of love and good
wishes. The presents, the food, the recognition, were all marvelous. The committee and all of you that I have worked with so
closely certainly "out-did" yourselves. This, indeed, is a treasured experience. Thank you!
Max Willock
Left, Acting Provost Gene Hemp
presents the UF Presidential
Medallion to Max Willocks,
Deputy Director and Associate
Director for Science and
Technical Services, who retired
after 13 years with the UF
b a Libraries
Right, Max displays gift of photographs
of the Marston Science Library that
he received from Library Director
Dale Canelas
Above, Carol Drum, Head of the Marston Science
Library, presents Max with a jar of black licorice -
his favorite candy
Right, retired Associate Director for
Public Services Fleming Bennett
visits with Max and his wife Neysa
t l
' I'
Photo credits: William Covey, Leota Whitfield