Title: University of Florida Libraries newsletter
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00083038/00004
 Material Information
Title: University of Florida Libraries newsletter
Series Title: University of Florida Libraries newsletter
Physical Description: Serial
Creator: University of Florida Libraries
Publisher: University of Florida Libraries
Publication Date: November 1, 1989
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00083038
Volume ID: VID00004
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Full Text

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Information on all workshops,
conferences, etc. are posted on the
bulletin board by the second floor
Staff Lounge in Library West.


November 6,1989
Visit of the Superintendent of
Documents. See Documents section
on page 3 for more information.

November 9, 1989
Preview Book Sale for Library staff,
11:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m., located in
Acquisitions' Searching Unit area on
first floor of Library West. Don't
miss it!

November 10,1989
Holiday Veterans Day

November 10, 1989
Deadline for making reservations
for Library Staff Association's
Supper Club on November 14.
Contact David Shontz, 345 Library
West (2-0361).

November 13-14,1989
"Effective Negotiation," an OMS
workshop for library staff (filled;
limited enrollment).

November 14, 1989
Library Staff Association Supper
Club, Mr. Han's, 6:00 p.m. dinner.
All library staff are welcome to
attend! See November 10 listing
above for reservation information.

continued on next page *


NOVEMBER 1, 1989


On November 16th, Max Willocks will retire as Deputy Director of Libraries
and Director of Technical Services. Max has been with the Libraries for four-
teen years and has played a major role in the organization that we see today.
Try and imagine UFL without its online catalog! Max was the farsighted librar-
ian who identified the Northwestern system (before it was available for sale)
and talked Northwestern into selling us a copy of the software so we could au-
tomate our technical operations and user catalog, then got it reprogrammed so
it would run on the UF computer, got our machine readable records loaded
and opened public access to the catalog.

It was such a hit, that the SUS borrowed not only the idea, but also the soft-
ware and the staff that developed the system to provide the same services for
the other eight universities. Max served as the Acting Director of the FCLA
during its formative stage, the first year after it was funded. At the same time,
he maintained his library responsibilities, which for part of that year included
being Acting Director of Libraries.

Max is also the administrator who worked with the architects and Construc-
tion Department to develop the plans for the Marston Science Library. This
beautiful library has proved highly effective in meeting the needs of the science
faculty and students. It will be a lasting memorial to the thought and effort
that he put into the project.

Before coming to UFL, Max served as Assistant Director of Libraries at Syra-
cuse University where he had, at one time or another, responsibility for Techni-
cal Services, Library Personnel, computer based operations, and administrative
support requirements including facilities, equipment and supplies, Public Ser-
vices, and campus-wide audio visual support systems. And prior to that he
served as both Director of the Columbia College Library and Assistant Director
of the Heidelberg College Library. No wonder he was prepared for all the
challenges of UF.
Beyond his professional assignments, Max has served the profession in many
capacities. His committee appointments include such diverse assignments as
library personnel policies, library access policies, telefacsimile development,
automated circulation system evaluation, technological development and stan-
dards for automated systems. He has developed and presented programs on
new technology to help other librarians keep up to date, spoken at library asso-
ciation seminars and conferences, and served as a delegate to the Florida Gov-
ernor's Conference on Libraries.

All of us will miss Max for just being himself concerned about others, ingeni-
ous about helping us solve facilities' and equipment problems, and generous in
assisting the library and its staff with whatever of his multiple talents may do
continued on next page 0

November 15,1989
It's here! the GREAT BOOK SALE, 9:00
a.m.-4:00 p.m. in the Library West Colon-
nade. Bargains galore!

November 16,1989
Max Willocks' Retirement Reception,
Friends of Music Room, second floor of
the University Auditorium, 2:00-4:00
p.m. See article on page 1 for more

November 17,1989
The Technical Services Division will
report to Dale Canelas until an assistant
director is hired.

November 30, 1989
UFLA Meeting, 3:00-4:30 p.m., MSL
Conference Room. Four librarians -
Carla Kemp, Erich Kesse, Bob Singerman,
and Ed Teague will speak on their
activities in RLG.

December 8,1989
Combined November/December Systems
Forum, 11:00 a.m.-noon, Room 420
Library West. See page 5 for details.


November 9,1989
"How to Win Against Stress: A Woman's
Guide," a National Businesswomen's
Leadership Association workshop,
Gainesville, $59.

November 9-10, 1989
"AACR2 Update: A Practical Update,"
offered by the Association for Library
Collections & Technical Services of ALA,
Oakland, CA. Fees range from $165-$225.

November 28-December 1,1989
"Managing Information Technology: Fac-
ing the Issues," CAUSE89. Registration
fees range from $330-$525.

November 29, 1989
"Newsletter Editing, Design and Produc-
tion" a Promotional Perspectives Seminar,
Tampa, $270.

December 1, 1989
Deadline date for most of the ALA
Awards described on page 7. Also dead-
line date for nominations for ACRL's Aca-
demic or Research Librarian of the Year
Award, outlined on page 8.
continued on next page

the trick. I know you will all join me in wishing Max every happiness during
his retirement. May he and Neysa get to visit every country they have so far
missed (not many, I think) and have many joyful years with their growing

Please join us on November 16 at a reception in Max's honor. This special
event will be held from 2:00-4:00 p.m. in the Friends of Music Room in the Uni-
versity Auditorium.
Dale B. Canelas


In this issue we continue our series on library organizations.


Association For Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS)

I s this a new library association? No, it is the new name of the American
Library Association's Resources and Technical Services Division (RTSD)
which was approved this summer. This former division, now association,
has around 5,000 personal members. While I have heard the initials are being
pronounced as alley cats; interests of the Association's members include not
only cataloging, but also acquisitions, serials, preservation, and microforms.
The Association's new president is Ruth Carter of the University of Pittsburgh.

The five sections of the Association are: Cataloging and Classification (CCS),
Preservation of Library Materials (PLMS), Reproduction of Library Materials
(RLMS), Resources (RS), and Serials (SS). The organizational work of the sec-
tions is carried out by committees these committees may have ALA organiza-
tional responsibilities or they might serve advisory review functions such as
CCS's Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access, which is charged
with reviewing and suggesting revisions to our current cataloging code
(AACR2). Serving on committees or attending meetings as an observer can
provide one with information on what may be developing at the network or Li-
brary of Congress level.

The Association and its sections have thirty discussion groups. The Technical
Services Directors of Large Research Libraries Discussion Group, commonly
called Big Heads, holds a full day meeting the Friday preceding the annual and
mid-winter conferences. It has always been interesting to hear what they are
trying, what is succeeding or failing, and to measure UF's activities against the
major libraries of the U. S. A few other discussion groups follow: Heads of
Cataloging, Library Binding, Public Service Managers of Microform Facilities,
Chief Collection Development Officers of Large Research Libraries, and Gift
and Exchange.

The Association has taken great responsibility in providing continuing educa-
tion to its members and other interested librarians. In the late 1970s it pre-
pared librarians for closing catalogs and cataloging under AACR2. Its insti-
tutes are held in various geographic locations or presented as pre-conference
options. Announced institutes for 1989/90 include: AACR2 Update, New Di-
rections in Library Binding, Preconference on Selection for Preservation, and
Preconference on Bibliographic Control of Microforms.

The Association has two serial publications sent free to members: Library
Resources & Technical Services and the RTSD Newsletter (which should undergo
a title change the bane of all serial catalogers). When at ALA conferences

continued on next page l

don't hesitate to attend any of the Association meetings. As noted earlier,
discussion groups cover a variety of topics and often prove to be valuable
sources for new ideas and techniques. They are open to all conference attend-
ees as are most of the committees. And when possible, participate. Catalog De-
partment staff members have made presentations to ALA discussion groups
and a number of UF librarians have served on the Association committees or
have chaired discussion groups.
Nancy Williams

Library and Information Technology Association (LITA)
he focus of LITA is providing access to information through technology.
There are almost 4,000 personal members and with LITA's focus on tech-
nology conference attendees often find overlap with the interests of
ALCATS. This year there were 24 programs sponsored or cosponsored by
LITA at the ALA annual conference. In 1986 only four programs were spon-
sored. What a fantastic growth, but what a variety of decisions and conflicts for
librarians to determine what meetings to attend. The Association's new presi-
dent is Jo-Ann Michalak.

Unlike ALCATS, LITA is not divided into sections. The Association has com-
mittees, interest groups, and task forces. Some of the interest groups are joint
groups with ALCATS. Three joint groups are: Authority Control, Serials Auto-
mation, and Retrospective Conversion. Some of the interest groups cover up-
to-date technological issues and the summer meetings covered topics on CD-
ROMs, optical scanning, mixing micros, local area networks, and expert sys-
tems and artificial intelligence.

LITA has held two national conferences one in 1983 and another in 1988.
Having attended both conferences, the change in technology in five years was
overwhelming. A triennial national conference would be appropriate. The As-
sociation's serial publications are Information Technology and Libraries (ITAL)
and the LITA Newsletter. Both are free to Association members.

While committees are mostly Association based, one rather significant commit-
tee crosses LITA, ALCATS, and the Reference and Adult Services Division
(RASD). This committee usually referred to as MARBI has the following formal
name: Representation in Machine-Readable Form of Bibliographic Information.
The tagged format of the bibliographic records you see on the technical side of
LUIS is reviewed, revised, and discussed by this committee at the ALA confer-
ences. MARBI has just completed the review of all the separate bibliographic
formats and has approved what is referred to as an integrated format. The
slight differences in formats that made working with different kinds of material
tricky or irritating should disappear. The format for holdings is now under re-
view and may receive some slight changes changes that may appear obvious
in the application of the format.

It is apparent that the topics of concern to LITA touch upon the daily activities
of all library personnel.
Nancy Williams



Superintendent of Documents Inaugurates Search on Federal Database
On November 6, Donald Fossedal, the Superintendent of Documents, will visit
the Documents Department to "inaugurate" the online catalog of federal
continued on next page

December 7-8,1989
"Dollars and Sense," a grantsmanship
workshop presented by Library Admin-
istration and Management Association,
Birmingham, $180 due by November 29.

December 13,1989
"How to Handle Difficult People," Na-
tional Career Workshop, Gainesville,

December 15-16,1989
"AACR2 Update," Philadelphia (see No-
vember 9-10 listing for information).

January 31,1990
Deadline date for applying for Visiting
Research Fellowships at the American
Antiquarian Society for research in
American history and culture through

January 31-February 2,1990
MacAdemiasm Southeast '90, sponsored
by Florida universities and colleges with
support of Apple Computer, Inc., Dayto-
na Beach. Registration by January 9 is
$25, onsite is $50.


The following is a list of members of the
committee, their phone numbers, and
the areas they represent:

* Mariella Huber, (Collection Manage-
ment, 2-3558) (replacing Jody Howell),
Documents, Reference and Collection
* Barbara Jones, chair, (Administration,
2-0342), Administration/Personnel/
Building/Business Services and Sys-
* Suzanne Kiker, (Acquisitions, 2-0355),
* Dorothy Lisca, (MSL, 335-8501), Sci-
ence Library;
* Jimmie Lundgren, (Catalog, 2-0351),
Catalog and Preservation;
* Jo Talbird, (Periodicals, 2-0291), Ac-
cess Services;
* Carol Whitmer, (Education Library,
2-0707), Special Collections and Branch-

All USPS staff are encouraged to send
any questions, problems, and sugges-
tions to their representative.




New Appointment
Valerie Johnson Assistant Personnel
Officer, Administration/Personnel

Wendy Scott from Head, Circula-
tion East, to Personnel Officer, Admin-

Trudi DiTrolio Visiting Associate
University Librarian, Reference
Greg McKinney Visiting Instructor
Librarian, Reference


New Appointments
Timothy Hartigan Data Entry Oper-
ator/LTA I, Catalog
Beverly Hirsch LTA I, MSL
Kathy Scott LTA II (temporary),
Malgorzata White- LTA I (tempo-
rary), Catalog

Renee Todd from Clerk to Clerk
Specialist, Circulation East

Richard Black Clerk Specialist, Cir-
Jody Howell LTA I, Documents


Robert Singerman. "Almanacs and
Literary Annuals in Jewish Literature."
Jewish Book Annual 47 (1989/90): 73-82.


documents by conducting the first search on this database. His visit is in honor of
the UF Libraries' commitment to adding the records of federal publications to im-
prove access to Federal Depository collections. UF holds the distinction of being
one of the first libraries in the country to load these records.

Legislative Database Demonstration
LEGI-SLATE is the original online service covering Congress. Only recently
available to libraries, this powerful database provides bill status, legislative histo-
ries, and the full text of bills, the Congressional Record, and the Federal Register.
The research can also trace bill sponsorship, committee hearings, and find lists of
witnesses, member profiles, and voting record analysis/ratings. An automatic re-
porting feature can be custom designed for the researcher's particular interests, a
useful tool in the race for federal funding.

The Documents Department will host demonstrations on November 6th, and
training sessions for library staff on November 7. We will be testing this service.
Stop by for a free search we need your input!


Informatics Laboratory Opens
Phase one of the long-awaited Informatics Laboratory opened this fall in Room
C3-66, on the third floor of the Library. Initially, the laboratory will offer expand-
ed access to MEDLINE on CD-ROM with six computer searching stations. As lat-
er phases are implemented, the Laboratory will offer additional computer appli-
cations such as word processing, database management, and spreadsheet

The Laboratory will be open 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. This
is a temporary location for the Laboratory because of the asbestos removal pro-
ject. When the Laboratory is in its permanent home in the Student Study Center,
expanded applications will be available including dial access to MEDLINE.

This year 16 workstations will be added that will have 16 mhz microprocessors,
two MB of memory, and VGA color monitors. All workstations will be net-
worked using Novelle v. 2.15. The three-year plan is to expand to 50 worksta-
tions with a mix of IBM-compatible and Macintosh equipment to expand Library
support of graphics.

Library staff will develop and offer short courses and tutorials in Medical Infor-
matics. Initially, courses will focus on MEDLINE searching.

The Laboratory is under the direction of John Sanderlin, Coordinator of Library
Information Systems. Funding for the Laboratory was provided by the Health
Science Center administration.

Positions Available at HSCL
The Health Science Center Library currently has openings for four professional
positions. These are Head of Information Services, Head of Access Services Infor-
mation Specialist, Medical Informatics Laboratory Librarian, and Assistant to the
Director. Closing date for receipt of all applications is November 8, 1989. For
more information call Ted Srygley at 392-4016.
continued on next page

Library Newsletter Staff: Editors, Cecilia Botero, Colleen Seale; Editorial Committee, Mona Mosier, Carl Van Ness; Editorial Assistant,
Barbara Jones; DepartmentalLiaisons, Elizabeth Alexander, Lynn Badger, Stephanie Baldwin, Pia Brown, Elaine Bryant, Suzanne Brown,
Channie Christian, Mary Jane Daicoff, Melanie Davis, Rick Donnelly, Peter Foust, Steve Fuquay, Sidney Ives, Erich Kesse, Barbara King,
Chuck Lipsig, Tom Kinney, Rosa Mesa, Pam Pasak, Bob Singerman, Shirley Snyder, Ed Teague, Carl Van Ness, Priscilla West, Carol
Whitmer, Susan Woods.



1 2 3 4

Documents BOOK SALE Veterans Day
5 Department 6 7 8 FOR LIBRARY 9 10 11
hosts visit by STAFF, Acqul- Deadline for Supper
Superintendent sitions' Searching Unit Club reservations for
of Documents area, 1st f.,LIB W, 11/14; contact David
11:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Shontz, 345 LIB W
Staff Assoc.
Effective Supper Club BOOK SALE, Max Willocks'
12 Negtiationv 3 SMr.Han's,C 14 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 15 Retirement 16 17 18
two-day work- 6 p.m. dinner. Se Library West Reception, 2-4-
shop for library staff 11/10 for reserva- colonnade p.m., Friends of Music
(filled; limited tion Information DON'T MISS ITI Room, 2nd fl., Univ.
enrollment) Auditor ium

Deadline for
19 December 20 21 22 23 24 25
ssue of the -
Library Newsletter

Thanksgiving Holiday -__
UFLA Meet-
26 27 CMS E-mail 28 29 ing,3-4:30 p.m. 30 31
MSL Conf. Rm.
training 10:00- MSConf.
a.m., 420 LIB W C. Kemp, E. Kesse,
(call Suzy Shaw, 2- B. Singerman, and E.
0796, to preregister) Teague will discuss
their RLG activities

Asbestos Removal Project to Begin
The Health Science Center Library will be the site of an asbestos abatement
project beginning October 23, 1989. The project, which is the largest single
abatement of any public building in the state, will be accomplished in four
six-week phases and will be completed by the end of May, 1990.

Lenny Rhine, Esther Jones, and Linda Hasson are in charge of the library
end of the project and are making every effort to ensure that the Library
runs as smoothly as possible during this time.

We have opted for moving the collections to different locations in the Li-
brary rather than close them off altogether. The only exception is that all
journals published before 1982 (which are all on the third floor) will be in-
accessible from December 7 through January 21, 1990.

To compensate for loss of study space during the project, classrooms else-
where in the Communicore Building will be available to Health Science
Center students for study space.

If all goes well, the whole Library should be asbestos-free by the end of
May. Wish us luck.

HSCL Librarians Present Papers
Three Health Science Center Librarians presented papers at the Southern
Chapter Medical Library Association meeting in Johnson City, Tennessee,
October 17 through 21, 1989.

Peggy Hsu presented a "Survey of End-User MEDLINE Searching Activity
at the University of Florida Health Science Center."

Clarissa Pickett presented a "Medical Library's Experience in a Statewide
Interlibrary Loan Network." Clarissa Pickett and Barbara Francis present-
ed a "Pilot Project for Teaching Library Research Skills."

Peggy Hsu Visits Taiwan
Peggy Hsu, Computer Searching Services Coordinator and Information
Specialist, recently returned from Taiwan, where she presented a seminar
at the Taiwan Medical Librarians' meeting. Mrs. Hsu spoke on library au-
tomation and its impact on public services and on the role of the National
Library of Medicine in the delivery of health information. She also ad-
dressed the use of CD-ROMs for end-user searching.

Mrs. Hsu visited the National Defense Medical Center Library, the Nation-
al Veterans Administration Medical Center Library and the National Tai-
wan University Medical Center Library. She observed that medical library
collections in Taiwan were predominantly English, that state of the art in-
formation technology is widely used, and that end-user searching opportu-
nities are creating much interest.

Janet Coggan has joined the staff of the HSCL as an Instructor University Li-
brarian in the Information Services Department. Janet's previous experi-
ence included research in community and family medicine and public rela-
Ken McAnlis has recently been promoted to LTA II in the Document Deliv-
ery Department.
Paul Rentrop has been appointed LTA I in the Circulation Department.
Cynthia Brown has been appointed Clerk Specialist in the Media/Reserve


In light of the busy, holiday-ridden nature of
the next few months, a combined Novem-
ber/December System Forum will be held on
Friday, December 8, from 11:00 a.m. noon in
Room 420 of Library West. Topic to be
announced. All interested staff are welcome
to attend.


The responsibilities of this committee are as

* To make recommendations to the Univer-
sity Senate as to the allocation of funds for
the purchase of library books.
* To inform the President as to the needs of
the library.
* To make policy recommendations on li-
brary matters broadly affecting faculty and
* To advise the Director as to the
coordination of all libraries on the campus
and as to the establishment of branch librar-

Members, who are appointed by the Presi-
dent, include: Eric R. Allen, Robert J. Baum,
J. Patout Burs, Jr., Dale B. Canelas (ex-
officio), William B. Clark, Robert D. Emerson,
Mark P. Hale, Jr., Keith R. Legg (ex-officio),
Marc R. O'Connor, Kenneth H. Quesenberry,
John F. Scott, William L. Tilson, Julia M. Van-
deusen, Otto Von Mering, Thomas J. Walker,
Barton Alan Weitz, Carolyn L. Wickliffe, and
Alice B. Yen.


This report was recently added to those avail-
able through the Library Personnel Office.

Stephanie Chase, International Association of
Marine Science Libraries and Information
Centers '89 Conference, Ferry Beach, Bermu-
da, October 2-5, 1989



The following publications have been re-
ceived from the Research Libraries
Group. Copies may be obtained by con-
tacting one of the secretaries in the ad-
ministrative offices.

1. Latest edition of the RLG Directory
(dated September 1989)
2. Minutes of the RLG Executive Com-
mittee Meeting held on August 16,
3. Network Operations Statistics for Au-
gust 1989
4. Monthly/Year-To-Date Member Ac-
tivity Summaries for August 1989
5. Monthly/Year-To-Date Searching Ac-
tivity Summaries for August 1989
6. Operations Update, Issue 51
7. Minutes from the Preservation Steer-
ing Committee Meeting held on Au-
gust 14, 1989
8. Agenda for the Collection Manage-
ment and Development Committee
Meeting on October 5-6, 1989
9. UFBD Update 1 Changes Supple-
ment to RLIN Publications
10. UFBD Update 1 Changes to RLIN
Memory Aids
11. Update Number 1 to the RLIN Sup-
plement to USMARC Bibliographic
12. Program Officer Job Description To
Staff the Collection Mangement and
Development Committee
13. Agenda for the Public Services Steer-
ing Committee Meeting held on Sep-
tember 26-27, 1989
14. Cluster Error Reports, August, 1989
15. Press Release Retrospective Avery
Index Records Now Online in RLIN
16. Press Release National Council for
Research on Women Contributes to
RLG's Research-in-Progress Database
17. Press Release National Union Cata-
log of Manuscripts Collections Now in
18. Cluster Error Reports, September 1989
19. RLIN PC Terminal Program, Standard
Version Upgrade
20. Network Operations Statistics for Sep-
tember 1989

Southeast Chapter of the Music Library Association
Robena Comwell recently attended the Southeast Chapter Meeting of the
Music Library Association and served on a panel for the session "Interpreting
the Copyright Law." Robena represented academic libraries, while two other
music librarians represented special and public libraries. The fourth panelist
was a lawyer and professor of copyright law at University of Tennessee at

Robena was elected to a two year term, for 1989-91, to serve as chair of the
Southeast Chapter of the Music Library Association. For the third year in a
row, the head of a music library from the state of Florida has been elected as
chair. The previous chairs were heads of the Florida State University and
University of Miami music libraries.

New Sound Recordings Available on LUIS
Monday, September 25, marked the beginning date of UF's sound recording
cataloging online. This means that all new acquisitions and the compact disc
collection will be searchable on LUIS. There are no immediate plans to add
the existing LP and cassette collections into the database. Therefore, access to
these LPs and cassettes is only through the card catalogs located in the Music

The Music Library staff wishes to thank all past and present supervisors, cata-
log heads, and catalogers of music materials who have made this long awaited
change possible.


The UF Libraries recently received some delightful publicity in the Fall 1989
issue of American Heritage Magazine of Invention & Technology. Henry Petro-
ski's article, "Henry David Thoreau, Engineer," was illustrated with our wrap-
pered bundle of Thoreau drawing pencils and our broadside about the firm,
in color. The material is from the Thoreau collection in the Howe Collection,
completely described by Raymond R. Borst in our publication The Howe
Society, Part II, Gainesville, 1984.


Graduate Degree Awarded
In September, Colleen Seale completed a Master of Science in Agricultural Ec-
onomics from Michigan State University.

o o

*Jiwp o so



Some years ago in New York City, two "high-bred" women at a theater were
overheard talking about art theft. One, looking very much like a turret, due to
the shape of her hat and the manner in which she maneuvered her head, turned
to the other and fired-off. "Well, dear, I can understand why someone might steal
a diamond and expect to get away with it. Diamonds can always be cut into
smaller diamonds and sold." She intoned with a knowing air. "But what, dear,
tell me," she continued, "does one do with a stolen painting?" "One," responded
the other, matter-of-factly, "simply cuts it up into vignettes!"

You might say that the topic of this month's article is 'Tell me, dear, what does
one do with a stolen book?" This is no guide to book theft. Library patrons are
creative enough to deal with this problem themselves. Rather, this is a quick look
at what preservation has to do with stolen materials. The two women were cor-
rect to some degree. Stolen materials are almost always mutilated. Mutilation
takes the form of obliterating ownership marks, ripping out magnetic detection
strips, or slash-and-dash mutilation.

Mutilation of the first order obliteration and removal of detection strips is of-
ten hidden in the sense that the Preservation Office never sees the item. Obvious-
ly, repair of a stolen item depends in large part upon recovery of the item. Usual-
ly, we see only the covers, just as the two women at the theater saw only the
picture frame. A stolen book might well be an insect, moved on to a higher form
of life, leaving an old skin behind.

Mutilation of the second order, slash-and-dash technique involves removal of a
page, plate, or picture from within a book or page. It is mutilation in the ordinary
sense. Tools of the trade involve scissors, X-acto knives, wet string and fingers.
There is a definite economy to this form of mutilation. Theft is always less expen-
sive than photocopying. Additionally, image quality is often better in the original
than in a photocopy. This is especially true of art and theater materials. But, theft
and mutilation of this order may also be used to delay the competition, say in
medical, law and business schools where this type of damage often occurs.

Fortunately, protecting these materials in (locked) stacks is not the work of pres-
ervation. Unfortunately, dealing with the damaged materials not adequately pro-
tected is the work of preservation. The work is relatively simple. To begin, we
assume that there will be no way to adequately recover color materials, oversized
materials or the image quality of photographs with the technology available to
us. These books have to be repaired as well as possible and returned to the col-
lection either as is, or with a reduced photocopy. Another option is to acquire a
replacement copy. Many times, however, the replacement will soon be mutilated
also. For standard size, black and white printed pages, the Conservation Unit,
with the assistance of Inter-Library Loan, locates a copy of the damaged volume.
The missing pages are then photocopied onto acid-free paper, and tipped into the
book where the originals would have been. Often, however, the damage to the
volume goes far beyond the simple removal of a page. The process of cutting or
tearing a page or plate from a book many times causes extensive damage to the
rest of the volume. Pages are loosened, sewing is cut, or the case may be dam-
aged. If more than two or three consecutive pages are removed, the replacement
pages can not be securely tipped-in and the book must be totally rebound which
in itself further chips away at what is left of the original volume.

Mutilation of books by the removal of plates and maps, especially from items
printed before 1820, are virtually impossible to repair. The remaining copies are
many times too fragile to reproduce, or are missing the same parts. Our only op-
tion with these materials may be to restrict access or continue to lose essential ele-
ments of these books to those who are concerned with only a quick profit, deco-
rating their wall, or saving a little time in line at the copier.
Erich Kesse and John Freund


The University of Florida has now be-
come an independent library in the
National Coordinated Cataloging Op-
erations program. Independent status
usually takes five years to accomplish
- UF made it in one year!

In April 1988, Cecilia Botero went to
the Library of Congress for the initial
onsite NACO training. NACO person-
nel were hesitant because the training
period was for one week rather than
the usual two. The time from April to
December 1988 was an extended train-
ing period, during which the NACO
contact person and Cecilia would labo-
riously go over the records UF submit-
ted. During this time errors were not
counted although they were pointed
out. In January 1989 UF went into its
"Review Period," during which errors
were counted. In order to become an
independent library, an error rate of no
more than 10 percent must be
achieved. On October 17, 1989, Cecilia
Botero received a call from NACO in-
forming her that UF had achieved in-
dependent status.

This status allows UF to make direct
contributions to the Name Authority
File without being reviewed by a Li-
brary of Congress cataloger. We will
now also be eligible for contributions
through Link Systems Projects (LSP),
whereby we will contribute our
records directly online through OCLC.
Cecilia Botero


More than 90 awards many in the
form of cash, scholarship and research
grants are sponsored by the Ameri-
can Library Association and its units to
honor distinguished service and foster
professional growth.

Now is the time to submit your appli-
cation or to nominate an esteemed col-
league. The deadline for most awards
is December 1.

continued on next page

Carol Turner, Assistant Director for Pub-
lic Services, currently chairs the ALA
Awards Committee and she has copies of
the flyer "Opportunities and Honors"
available for anyone interested in the
ALA awards program. A copy of the fly-
er is posted on the bulletin board outside
the Staff Lounge on the second floor of Li-
brary West.


This award, presented by the Association
of College and Research Libraries, is for
$3000 donated by the Baker & Taylor

Its purpose is to recognize an individual
member of the library profession who is
making an outstanding national or inter-
national contribution to academic or re-
search librarianship and library develop-

The deadline date for submitting nomina-
tion forms and supporting materials is
December 1,1989.

A copy of the nomination form and in-
structions is posted on the bulletin board
outside the Staff Lounge on the second
floor of Library West.


The University has established a Superior
Accomplishment Awards Program to rec-
ognize those who have contributed out-
standing and meritorious service in their
field, or who have directly improved the
quality of life in the university communi-
ty. All faculty, USPS employees, and
A&P personnel are eligible, at different
levels within different divisions of the

Each department chair has received a
packet of information regarding this pro-
gram to share with staff, and a poster is
displayed on the bulletin board outside
the Staff Lounge on the second floor of Li-
brary West.



In response to the major efforts of the University of Florida to continue the de-
velopment of the programs in German literature, history and culture, the
West German Consulate has again this year been instrumental in arranging
with the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft a grant of new scholarly publica-
tions for the University Libraries. Shown here examining part of the recent
gift of 62 titles are (from left to right) Max Willocks, Associate Director of Li-
braries; Dr. Geoffrey Giles, Associate Professor in UF's History Department;
Ray Jones, Social Science Bibliographer; Carol Turner, Assistant Director of Li-
braries; Dr. Franz Futterknecht, Associate Professor in UF's German Depart-
ment; Professor Dietrich Granow, Consul-General of the Federal Republic of
Germany; and Professor Hugo Ott, Professor of History at the University of
Freiburg. After scanning a number of volumes, Ray Jones remarked that the
collection is especially appropriate for our expanding German Studies. The
diversity of the collection reflects the broad interests of the faculty and their
graduate programs. The collection is an excellent one in the areas of Humani-
ties and literary studies the major writings of some 18th, 19th and 20th cen-
tury authors are included. In addition to the high standards of scholarly edit-
ing that are evident in the books selected for this gift, the books are also fine
examples of the current craftsmanship in German book publishing. After this
brief meeting, the visitors were taken on a tour of the Libraries, including the
Hausenstein Collection in Library East. They spent the morning examining
the major collections of 19th and 20th century historical documents and series
in the Libraries' collections. The visitors commented that they were im-
pressed by the collections at the University of Florida Libraries and are
pleased to have a continuing hand in their development.
Gus Harrer


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