OCTOBER 1, 1989
Information on all workshops,
conferences, etc. are posted on the
bulletin board by the 2nd floor Staff
Lounge in Library West.
October 24,1989
CMS E-mail training session, 10:00
a.m. in Room 420 Library West.
Contact Suzy Shaw of Systems
(2-0796) to sign up for session.
October 24,1989
CIS Users Group Brown Bag
Lunch,12 noon in MSL Conference
Room. Staff who have been
introduced to CIS are invited.
October 24,1989
UFLA Meeting, 3:00 p.m. in the
MSL Conference Room. Lenny
Rhine of HSC Library will talk
about his trip to Russia.
October 27,1989
Systems Forum, 11:00 a.m. noon,
in Room 420 of Library West. See
page 8 for details.
November 6-7,1989
Visit of the Superintendent of
Documents on November 6 and
new database demonstrations on
both days. See Documents section
on page 2 for more information.
November 13-14,1989
"Effective Negotiation," an OMS
workshop for library staff (filled;
limited enrollment).
continued on next page 0
In this issue we continue our series on library organizations.
he Society of American Archivists, founded in 1939, is a professional
association composed of more than 4,600 individuals and institutions
concerned about the identification, preservation, and use of records
of historical value. SAA members are drawn from government, colleges and
universities, historical societies, libraries, businesses, and religious institu-
tions. Although the Society's geographic base is the United States and Cana-
da, members in more than sixty countries make SAA an international organi-
The Society serves the archival profession through a publication program,
education initiatives, a research program dealing with major archival issues,
placement services, representation in areas involving related professions,
and an annual meeting. The Society's major organizational unit is the sec-
tion. Sections are based on institutional affiliation (business; college and
university; government records; manuscript repositories; religious archives)
and on function (acquisitions and appraisal; conservation; description; oral
history; reference, access and outreach; visual materials). Sections enable in-
dividual members to meet and work with archivists of similar backgrounds
and interests. Another organization unit within the Society is the Roundta-
ble. Roundtables are informal groups of members interested in a specific ar-
chival topic. Current Roundtables include such diverse topics as RLIN
Users, African-American and Third World, and Congressional Papers.
There are also over thirty committees and task forces which address issues
and functions such as the status of women, goals and priorities, and annual
program planning.
The Society publishes a quarterly journal, the American Archivist and a news-
letter. University Libraries staff are active in the Society as it is the major na-
tional arena for the discussion of professional issues. Carla Kemp and Carl
Van Ness are members of the College and University Section (Carla is on the
steering committee) and the Description Section. Erich Kesse participates in
the Conservation Section. This year's annual meeting is in St. Louis. The
theme is Gateway to the '90s and the program will include a session chaired
by Carla.
continued on next page 0
November 15,1989
It's coming! the GREAT BOOK SALE, 9
a.m. 4 p.m. in the Library West Colon-
nade. Bargains galore Don't miss it!
October 2-5,1989
"Building Bridges of Professionalism,"
34th Annual Conference of the Associa-
tion of Records Managers and
Administrators, New Orleans. Registra-
tion ranges from $210-$585.
October 2-6,1989
3rd Annual CD-ROM Expo '89,
Washington, D.C. Registration fees range
from $295-$845.
October 4,1989
"How to Build & Improve Customer
Service," a Fred Pryor Seminar,
Gainesville, $99.
October 14-15, 1989
Development Officers in Research and
Academic Libraries (DORAL) Annual
Meeting, Columbus, Ohio.
October 16,1989
Application deadline for Council on
Library Resources' Academic Library
Management Intern Program for 1990-91.
See July issue for details.
October 16,17 or 19,1989
"Managing Multiple Prioritiess" a Dun &
Bradstreet one-day seminar, $99. In Day-
tona Beach on 10/16, Orlando on 10/17
and Jacksonville on 10/19.
October 16-19,1989
"Lessons from the Past, Strategies for the
Future: Information Technology in High-
er Education from 1964 to 2014," EDU-
COM'89, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Registra-
tion fees range from $345-$535.
October 17,1989
"Leadership Skills for Women Managers
and Supervisors," a Fred Pryor Seminar,
Gainesville, $49.
October 25-27,1989
SAS course offered by NOTIS Systems,
Inc., Evanston, IL. A registration fee of
$900 (or $600 each for two) is due by Oc-
tober 20.
continued on next page t
Archivists in Florida may also join the Society of Florida Archivists. SFA's
membership is composed of over 130 archivists and manuscript curators from
the Florida State Archives, the state's college and university archives, state
and local historical societies, and various special collections. SFA promotes
the use of sound archival methodology and proper preservation measures. It
meets each spring to discuss issues of state and local concern and publishes a
quarterly newsletter. Carla presided over the society's first annual meeting in
1983 and served as president in 1983 and 1984. Other library staff members
have served as officers or have been active in committees.
Carla Kemp and Carl Van Ness
Ed Teague has been invited to write a feature article for the British publica-
tion Art Libraries Journal. Ed has been asked to provide an in-depth review of
the recent monograph, The Architecture Library of the Future: Complexity and
Contradiction (University of Michigan Press), which may be a useful resource
for AFA Library's space planning efforts. The journal issue will appear in late
spring, 1990.
Superintendent of Documents Inaugurates Search on Federal Database
On November 6, Donald Fossedal, the Superintendent of Documents, will vis-
it the Documents Department to "inaugurate" the online catalog of Federal
documents by conducting the first search on this database. His visit is in hon-
or of the UF Libraries' commitment to adding the records of Federal publica-
tions to improve access to Federal Depository collections. UF holds the dis-
tinction of being one of the first libraries in the country to load these records.
Legislative Database Demonstration
LEGI-SLATE is the original online service covering Congress. Only recently
available to libraries, this powerful database provides bill status, legislative
histories, and the full text of bills, the Congressional Record, and the Federal
Register. The research can also trace bill sponsorship, committee hearings,
and find lists of witnesses, member profiles, and voting record analysis/
ratings. An automatic reporting feature can be custom designed for the re-
searcher's particular interests, a useful tool in the race for federal funding.
The Documents Department will host demonstrations on November 6th and
7th; times and location to be announced. If you are interested, please contact
us (2-0366) so that we will have an idea of how many plan to attend each ses-
sion. We will be testing this service following the demonstrations. Stop by
for a free search we need your input!
Computer System Aids UF Law Students and Faculty
The Legal Information Center is proud to announce that we are currently en-
gaged in a one-year pilot program with DIALOG INFORMATION SERVIC-
ES. According to Anne Caputo of DIALOG, this pilot project is the first open
ended free program sponsored by the company. DIALOG has given us sev-
en free passwords for the academic year to explore ways that DIALOG may
be used in law schools.
Rosalie Sanderson, assistant librarian, originally proposed the idea of the
program to Ms. Caputo last winter. DIALOG enthusiastically received the
idea and responded with the pilot project. Law students are using a menu
driven program DIALOG CORPORATE CONNECTION so that they do not
have to devote a full day to training. The menu-driven system is still being
developed and is not available commercially at this time. In addition to the
menu driven system, the passwords also provide access to DIALOG in the
command mode that we all know. DIALOG may be used through this pro-
gram by law faculty and students only. (Please do NOT send students to the
Legal information Center to use DIALOG through this program because we
will not be able to accommodate them.) One potent side effect of the experi-
ment so far is that all public service librarians at the Legal Information Cen-
ter are fast becoming addicted to the pleasures and benefits of DIALOG.
Staff Activities
Rick Donnelly attended the Association for Educational Communications
and Technology's (AECT) annual Summer Leadership Conference in Black-
sburg, Virginia, in August. Rick is national chairperson of the Association's
Intellectual Freedom Committee.
MSL Seminar on Current Research Information
The Fall MSL Seminar presentation at 3:00 p.m. on October 26 in Room L107
of MSL will be on finding information about current research-in-progress,
with emphasis on the physical sciences. Librarian Alice Primack will survey
an array of sources needed to keep current, including the so-called "grey" lit-
erature, and will outline a proposal for an information system.
Thesis and Dissertation Workshop
In October, the Marston Science Library will be participating in the thesis
and dissertation workshop sponsored by the Office of Instructional Research
MRDFs Gaining Prominence on Campus
The use of the Library's machine-readable files in research and teaching is be-
coming more prominent. The Anthropology Department requested six
hours of bibliographical instruction for its beginning M.A. and Ph.D. stu-
dents in their first course in research. The second three hours consisted of
hands-on use of the major CD-ROM products in Reference and Documents.
Colleen Seale and Ray Jones participated in the program. The Anthropology
Department is also teaching a seminar for its Ph.D. students in Computer
Applications in Anthropology. Ray Jones was asked to make a presentation
on both bibliographical and numeric computer services. The major database
for the class' research project will be the World Cultures Electronic Periodical.
October 29-31,1989
31st Allerton Institute, "Ethics and the Li-
brarian," University of Illinois, Urbana-
Champaign. Registration fee of $350 in-
cludes room and meals.
November 2-4,1989
The Houston Conference on Forged Docu-
ments, University of Houston. Fee is $75
before October 2, $100 after October 2.
November 3-4,1989
"New Directions in Library Binding: Life
after 'Class A,"' Association for Library Col-
lections & Technical Services workshop,
Portland. Fees range from $200-$260.
November 6,1989
"Getting into Print: a Non-technical Ap-
proach to Typesetting and Printing
Technology," a Promotional Perspectives
seminar, Tampa, $245.
November 7-9,1989
ONLINE '89 Conference and Exposition,
Chicago. Regular registration fees range
from $195 (one day) to $395.
November 9,1989
"How to Win Against Stress: A Woman's
Guide," a National Businesswomen's Lead-
ership Association workshop, Gainesville,
November 9-10,1989
"AACR2 Update: A Practical Update," of-
fered by the Association for Library Collec-
tions & Technical Services of ALA, Oak-
land, CA. Fees range from $165-$225.
November 28-December 1,1989
"Managing Information Technology: Fac-
ing the Issues," CAUSE89. Registration
fees range from $330-$525.
November 29,1989
"Newsletter Editing, Design and Produc-
tion" a Promotional Perspectives Seminar,
Tampa, $270.
December 15-16,1989
"AACR2 Update," Philadelphia (see No-
vember 9-10 listing for information).
January 31-February 2,1990
MacAdemias Southeast '90, sponsored by
Florida universities and colleges with sup-
port of Apple Computer, Inc., Daytona
Beach. Registration by January 9 is $25, on-
site is $50.
New Appointments
Laura Campins LTA II, Acquisitions
Lisa Kelley LTA II, Marston Science
Rodney Vecker Clerk Specialist, Ac-
Priscilla Williams LTA I, Catalog
Ben Wooded from Clerk Specialist
to LTA I, Acquisitions
Kelly Palimeri from Secretary Spe-
cialist, Acquisitions, to Administrative
Secretary, IFAS International Pro-
Daniel Boccabella Data Entry Opera-
tor, Catalog
David Barber LTA I, MSL
Richard Black Clerk Specialist, Cir-
culation East
Gerald Langford LTA II, Catalog
Mona Mosier, a librarian at the Mars-
ton Science Library, and Colleen Seale,
a librarian in the H&SS Reference De-
partment, have joined Cecilia Botero
and Carl Van Ness as members of the
Library Newsletter Editorial Committee.
All of the editors welcome your input.
Please send suggestions, questions for
the "Mailbox," and news items and
other ideas to the Library Newsletter,
204 Library West, or to the departmen-
tal liaison listed below.
No news is good news, eh! Not quite.
The intensity of regular business has increased so much in the past month that it
preempts our regularly published voyage into the bizarre world of preservation.
Last month's article was not drug induced, but rather, induced by the annual re-
turn of students. Last year, when students left, the hoards of cockroaches fed by
snacking students invaded the Conservation Unit in 210 Library East, feasting on
our starch-filled bookcloths.
Copies of the Annual Report of the Preservation Office for Fiscal Year 1988-1989
are available from the Preservation Office. Short text and detailed statistics out-
line Office achievements and goals.
Though the work of the Preservation Planning Project Task Forces is not yet final,
I have been peeking into the raw data generated by two of the Task Forces. This
"unofficial" analysis may be of interest.
1. Temperature and relative humidity on the fifth floor of Library West, the
present site of Rare Books, and that in the north wing of Library East, a possible
future site of Rare Books, is just about the same. Mold bloom is a constant threat
in Library West. Library East is better. Each building appears to "breathe" differ-
ently. Day-to-day comparisons are invalid. Renovation of Library East will fur-
ther make it the better site.
2. Approximately 20% of materials tested as a result of the physical condition
survey are brittle. Embrittlement varies from next to nothing in the relatively
new, well weeded Journalism Reading Room to nearly 90% among the ancient
materials in the Baldwin Library. The most brittle circulating collections are Ju-
daica and Latin America, with over 30% embrittlement each.
3. Approximately 70% of tested materials are acidic but not yet brittle. When
acid in these materials finally does its full damage, 90% of today's collections will
be brittle. If I were a book, I'd get life insurance and make peace with my god.
Erich Kesse
Members of the Cataloging Department and the University Archives underwent
a rigorous five day training session on how to create MARC records for archives
and manuscript collections in RLIN. The RLG trainer for the session was La-
Vonne Gallo. The first day was a review of search procedures in the RLIN data-
bases. LaVonne then took the group on a crash tour of the MARC segments and
fields that compose the format for archives and manuscript control (AMC). All
participants were given plenty of hands-on time at a terminal and actual demon-
stration records were created.
The session was an outgrowth of preparatory work conducted last year by the Ad
Hoc Committee to Implement the MARC AMC format. From the beginning, the
Committee resolved that the library would contribute data related to its archival
continued on next page
Library Newsletter Staff: Editors, Mona Mosier, Carl Van Ness; Editorial Committee, Cecilia Botero, Colleen Seale; Editorial Assistant,
Barbara Jones; DepartmentalLiaisons, Elizabeth Alexander, Lynn Badger, Stephanie Baldwin, Pia Brown, Elaine Bryant, Suzanne Brown,
Channie Christian, Mary Jane Daicoff, Melanie Davis, Rick Donnelly, Peter Foust, Steve Fuquay, Sidney Ives, Erich Kesse, Barbara King,
Chuck Lipsig, Tom Kinney, Rosa Mesa, Pam Pasak, Bob Singerman, Shirley Snyder, Ed Teague, Carl Van Ness, Priscilla West, Carol
Whitmer, Susan Woods.
1 2 3 4 5
8 9 10 11 12
___________ 1. 4 4
E-mail Train-
ing, 10 a.m.,
420 UB W. 24
UFLA, 3-4:30 p.m.,
MSL Conf. Rm.
CIS Users, noon,
MSL Conf. Rm.
Deadline for Nov-
ember Issue of the
Library Newsletter
Systems Forum 27
11 a.m.-noon,
420 LIB W. Elaine Yontz
of the Catalog Dept.
will discuss AMC
cataloging at UF
22 23
. .
holdings in both RLIN and OCLC, as well as locally in LUIS. Several sce-
narios were developed, but it was finally decided that RLIN would serve
as the database for original cataloging. Members of the Department of
Special Collections will first create AMC records on RLIN. Copies of the
RLIN records will be sent to Cataloging for review and possible correc-
tions. The Cataloging Department will then rekey the corrected record
into OCLC which will be downloaded to LUIS. Some of the RLIN AMC
records are too lengthy for LUIS and will have to be shortened by the Cata-
loging Department before they can be keyed into OCLC. Although the
process will be time consuming, it will give UF the distinction of being one
of the few libraries to contribute archival data to both national databases.
The session was conducted on a new RLIN terminal installed in the Ar-
chives' processing area. A special word of thanks goes to Systems, espe-
cially Tom Kinney, who did some eleventh hour trouble-shooting and in-
stallation to make sure that the terminal was up and running.
Carl Van Ness
Imagine a small group of colleagues who have come together to seek solu-
tions to a problem. They spend a few minutes firing out ideas and different
approaches to the problem while a facilitator quickly records every
thought on a large flip chart. Soon the pace slows and the focus changes -
close your eyes, clear your head, and describe out loud the vision that comes to
mind as you ponder (insert any thought provoking word here).
This is a glimpse of a "Creative Insight Session" in progress, a technique
designed to encourage innovative thoughts and creative ways of looking
at a problem. The session begins with a concise statement of a problem fol-
lowed by a concentrated brainstorming session diverted by a release mech-
anism that draws attention momentarily away from the problem and al-
lows other solutions to ferment subconsciously. These new ideas are then
drawn out as the facilitator guides the group back to the problem at hand.
Thirty library staff members were recently introduced to this technique at
a creativity workshop presented by ARL's Office of Management Services.
They learned firsthand the value of utilizing "Creative Insight Sessions" in
addressing problems as small groups offered fresh ideas for such problems
as "how to develop support for new library professionals," "how to build
team spirit" and "how to alleviate space problems." Most participants
found that the opportunity to present their problems to objective "outsid-
ers" generated ideas with a new slant and also that the energy created by
the brainstorming outbursts stimulated other fresh outlooks to the prob-
Workshop participants plan to bring CIS into the library allowing them to
keep their newly learned skills fresh and to share the experience with other
staff members. Ed Teague has already experimented with the technique
with his AFA staff and the Cataloging Department, beginning with a dem-
onstration session, has divided its staff into small groups using CIS to
make plans for the department's annual goals and objectives.
The "graduates" of the workshop invite other members of the staff who
have been introduced to CIS to join the CIS Users Group which plans to
get together the 4th Tuesday of each month to share experiences. The next
meeting is a brown bag lunch session scheduled for noon in the Marston
Science Library Conference Room on Tuesday, October 24.
Barbara King
The University of Florida's 1989 United Way
campaign in underway. Anthony Catanese,
dean of the College of Architecture and chair-
man of the campus-wide campaign, said this
year's goal is to increase participation to in-
clude at least 60 percent of all UF employees.
Last year, University employees donated
$393,072 to United Way of Alachua County,
ranking UF seventh in the nation among all
universities in terms of total dollars donated.
However, actual participation among Univer-
sity employees was only 44 percent, lagging
behind other SEC schools such as Georgia,
Tennessee, Vanderbilt and Kentucky.
'The University community is really an inte-
gral part of our overall community," said Cat-
anese. "Since the 30 agencies supported by
United Way serve our faculty, staff and stu-
dents in so many ways, it is only fitting that a
larger portion of our campus community
support United Way."
Catanese said he is optimistic UF will raise
$440,000 toward United Way's overall goal
this year of $2 million. The University's cam-
paign is scheduled to end October 20,1989.
We're trying to increase campaign visibility
on campus this year," Catanese said. "United
Way thermometers have been erected on
campus near the Reitz Union and the main
entrance off 13th Street to keep people updat-
ed on how much is being raised. And some
volunteers have special activities planned for
their respective areas. We not only want to
make our goal, but want employees to feel
good about helping their community."
The funds raised in the United Way cam-
paign will support 30 local human-service
agencies. These agencies help our communi-
ty by providing youth development pro-
grams, health education and treatments, fam-
ily counseling, and emergency services.
The Libraries are trying to improve their par-
ticipation from last year's rate of 46 percent.
The Libraries' United Way coordinator is Pe-
ter Bushnell. Employees should return their
United Way cards to Peter in the Catalog De-
partment, Library East, by October 13.
Please be generous to those in our communi-
ty who need our help!
The following publications have been
received from the Research Libraries
Group. Copies may be obtained by
contacting one of the secretaries in
the administrative offices.
1. Minutes from the Collection
Management and Development
Steering Committee Meeting held
on June 22, 1989, and the Collec-
tion Management and Develop-
ment conspectus subcommittee
meeting held on June 23,1989.
Suzanne Brown chaired a program at
the national meeting of the Special Li-
braries Association June 13th in New
York City. The topic of the presenta-
tion was "Machine Readable Databas-
es in Education and the Social Scienc-
es." Ray Jones was one of the
participants who discussed the Inte-
grated Postsecondary Education Data
System which now provides in com-
puter format major statistical com-
parison among individual colleges
and universities. The participants
will publish their presentations in an
upcoming issue of Education Libraries.
These reports were recently added to
those available through the Library
Personnel Office.
Erich Kesse, Association of Southeast-
ern Research Libraries Microfilming
Project Meeting, Atlanta, August 24-
Erich Kesse, Research Libraries Group
Preservation Steering Committee
Meeting, Mountain View, California,
August 14, 1989
The following are new e-mail accounts which have been established for library
staff since the last issue of the directory on June 5.
Penny Chou
Pam Cunningham
Melissa Davis
Doina Farkas
Shana Finley
Martha Hruska
Carmen Hurff
Suzanne Kiker
Louise Leonard
Paul Lowry
Fleming Montgomery
Iona Malanchuk
Jim Stevens
Carl Van Ness
Email Account
P.K. Yonge
Rare Books
P.K. Yonge
Phone No.
Following are excerpts from Dale Canelas' State of the Libraries address:
Over the weekend I noticed an opinion piece on Bob Martinez' progress toward an
adequate state budget. The author pointed out that people in decision making ca-
pacities frequently had to make painful decisions in order to make progress. In the
author's opinion, a state service tax is a painful decision that would markedly im-
prove the ability of the state to fulfill its obligations towards its citizens, and the
governor's failure to uphold one is a serious mistake. No pain, no gain he remind-
ed the governor.
It seemed to me that those words are eminently applicable to the University of
Florida Libraries. Over the past five years, we have made remarkable progress in
many areas, but it has been achieved with a certain amount of pain. In many re-
spects, the libraries are in better shape this year than they have been in years, and
the prospects for remarkable improvement over the next two years are very bright.
But taking advantage of those conditions will cause a great deal of upheaval which
will not be an entirely pleasant experience.
In 1987 and 1988 when I talked with you, I rated the Library as "fair to good." But
this year I would have to say good to excellent. Let's look at some of the gross
measurements that library directors use both to compare their libraries with each
other and to convince administrators either that the libraries are doing well or that
additional funds are necessary.
1. Total Budget: In 1984-5, we had annual expenditures of $8.9 million (includ-
ing Law and Health). In 1989-90, our expenditures will run about $18 million dol-
lars including $400,000 of grant funds and allocations from FOCO. To more than
double our operating expenditures in five years is almost unheard of and clearly
creates enormous pressures on the organization. But because of this increase, our
national standing has improved substantially and we now compare more favora-
bly with peer universities nationally. In 1984-5 we ranked 34th in operating expen-
ditures, in 1987-8 we were 28th, and this year I believe we will rank about 16th.
continued on next page >
2. The Library materials budget has improved substantially over the past five
years because the Board of Regents made full funding of the bookfund formula high
priority. We had four years when SUS Libraries got good increases while the rest of
the nation did not. Therefore, we made up some of the gap that had existed be-
tween us and other universities of similar size and quality. Five years ago we were
adding about 70,000 volumes annually and we ranked 50th among ARL libraries.
For the past three years we have added about 100,000 volumes annually, ranking
20th. This year, we received an extra two million dollars of lottery money for books.
Although this is the budget we believe we need on an annual basis to adequately
support our programs, even to have the funds available for a year or two will help
us to close gaps and greatly improve the collections.
3. We have made remarkable progress in staffing. Our staff size is now 328 (in-
cluding Health and Law) whereas in 1984-5 it was 257 an increase of 28%. In com-
parison with other ARL libraries, we are doing exceedingly well since these past five
years have not been good ones for higher education generally and most other librar-
ies have received very few new positions in recent years. In terms of rank, it will
move us from about 30th to 20th among ARL libraries. So while our staff levels
were very low five years ago and inadequate in comparison with our national peers,
we are now competitive with them.
Classification for USPS employees may see improvement as the BOR Personnel Of-
fice plan for USPS staff goes into effect. It divides the LTAs into a three tier classifi-
cation which limits the top level to supervisors and there may be a possibility of
moving some LTA positions that qualify as "program coordinators" to the A&P clas-
sification. This may allow us to accomplish some of what we had hoped, in terms of
more adequate classification and higher salaries.
4. Space and Facilities. This is the area of greatest progress and greatest uphea-
val. Last year in my address to you, I said that "staff space in Libraries East and
West is generally awful," pointing out that Catalog and Acquisitions were seriously
overcrowded, that Preservation, Reference and Collection Management had no de-
partmental office at all, and that Access Services in either location had utterly inade-
quate space. I went on to say that as our building consultant pointed out, our space
problems can only be relieved by a new building and that we are using every trick
he knew of to use our space well but that if we did not change the proportion of
space allocated to staff, users, and collection storage, there was nothing we could do
to ease the overcrowding problems.
The Space Committee on Libraries East and West, which examined every possible
option to lay out the space in the two buildings, recommended that some user space
be sacrificed to house staff adequately. This year we can say with considerable
pride that Catalog, ILL, and Preservation have excellent space with appropriately
designed equipment to provide for effective and efficient workflows; that planning
has been completed and funds allotted for Acquisitions to be similarly rehoused,
that departmental offices for Reference and Collection Management have been con-
structed and funds allotted for finishing the interior and that planning the layout of
this space is almost completed. By this time next year, I fully expect to be able to re-
port that almost all our staff is housed in excellent workspace.
In addition to improved staff space, we are working on improved public space. The
Reference collections have been laid out in a much simpler format that allows users
to help themselves more easily, space has been cleared on the main floor of Library
West to house a Current Periodicals Reading Room and the Microtext Collection ad-
jacent to Reference. Faculty who have beenrequesting a Current Periodicals area
ever since I came to Florida have indicated strong support. Having both the current
material and microform backfiles close to the indexes that provide bibliographic ac-
cess will markedly ease the research process for faculty and students.
The big challenge we will face in the coming year, is the transfer of our circulating
collections from Library East to Library West. This will markedly improve the ease
continued on next page 0
Professional Association Liaison
The Association of College and Re-
search Libraries (ACRL) provides
funding to support membership li-
aison activities in other (non-
library) professional associations.
Ten awards of up to $300 each are
available. Funding will be up to
$300 of costs not covered by others
for travel, accommodations and reg-
istration (not membership). Fund-
ing will be awarded after the event,
but requests may be submitted for
approval prior to the event.
Applicants must be members of
ALA; preference is given to ACRL
members. Applications are consid-
ered twice a year and must be sub-
mitted one month prior to the ALA
Midwinter Meeting and to the ALA
Annual Conference.
Preference will be given to efforts
which contribute to the understand-
ing or use of academic library re-
sources or services. Also eligible for
funding are efforts which enhance
the perception of academic librari-
ans as part of the "education team."
Support for participation in organi-
zations could include activities such
as major presentations, panel dis-
cussions, poster sessions, publica-
tion of articles and more. In award-
ing the funding request, the
committee will give weight to the
significance of the contribution.
Opportunities And Honors
ACRL sponsors a number of award
programs on behalf of academic
and research librarianship to recog-
nize special achievements and out-
standing publications and to foster
professional growth. Most applica-
tion deadlines are December 1,
* See the bulletin board outside the
Staff Lounge on the second floor of
Library West for application proce-
dures and more detailed informa-
tion on the ACRL awards program.
The Library Staff Association had a
successful year in 1988-89. Meetings
were held regularly with interesting
programs, culminating in the State of
the Library Address by Director of
Libraries Dale Canelas and the As-
sistant/Associate Directors. My
thanks to the officers and board
members who made this group
Vice Presidents Tinker Massey,
Tammy Brooks
Secretary Barbara Blocker
Treasurer Kathy Vaughn
Board Members and Alternates -
Monica Aiton
Mary Gay Anderson
Linda Sparks
Carol Whitmer
LeiLani Freund
The new officers for the coming year
President Steve Fuquay
Vice President LeiLani Freund
Secretary Audrey Frank
Treasurer Sonia Tergas
Board Members -
Monica Aiton
Carol Whitmer
Jeannette Marks
Jody Howell
Peter Bushnell
David Shontz
Many others helped to make this
year a successful one you know
who you are. Thank you for making
my time as an officer a little easier.
David Shontz
Past President
This month's System Forum will be
on Friday, October 27 from 11:00
a.m. noon in Room 420 of Library
West. Elaine Yontz of the Catalog
Department will discuss AMC cata-
loging at UF. All interested staff are
welcome to attend.
of use for faculty and students. To have all of H&SS services in the same building
as the collections, and to have all the collections in one sequence, will make re-
search much easier. It will also improve conditions for our own staff in that Collec-
tion Management and Reference librarians will find it much easier to learn the re-
search collections that they are building and helping faculty and students to use.
Access Services staff will find it much easier to keep the stacks in shape not hav-
ing to transfer books constantly betweentwo libraries or to shelve in stacks, reading
rooms and hallways.
This library has received massive equipment assistance from the University admin-
istration over the past five years. We have almost totally replaced chairs and work-
stations for every employee. There is one micro-computer available for every two
staff members to maximize staff efficiencies (half are used for processing). We have
enough terminals to make public catalog access easy and efficient for every user. In
addition we have CD ROM, OCLC and RLIN stations. Twenty two micros are net-
worked for electronic mail communication.
There has also been remarkable progress in library support services. In 1984-5
there were only two staff development events. Since then we have averaged 8 staff
education opportunities annually, ranging from ARL OMS workshops on manage-
ment, analytical skills, creativity, and appraisal, to time management, supervision
of students, safety and security, stress, interview skills, etc. Every department now
has a Policy and Procedure Manual documenting administrative processes and pro-
cedures. The Career Development Program was written and distributed. A fledg-
ling statistics program is beginning to give us the kind of data we need to analyze
our operations and improve them. We have received a major gift to help us up-
grade Library East to modern library standards and are formulating a development
program. Our staff developed grant proposals that brought the Library $400,000.
funding this year.
This last has a great deal to do with the way this library is perceived nationally. But
just as important is the impact of our staff in national activities. Sam Gowan was
asked to chair the RLG Long Term Serials Project. Peter Malanchuk was on the
ACRL board. Lynn Badger was asked to write two chapters of an ALA publication
on personnel administration. Tom Kinney wrote an ARL Occasional paper on auto-
mation. Several staff contributed to the final report of the RLG MRDF Grant from
NEH (Max Willocks, Sam Gowan, Carol Turner, Bill Covey, Suzy Shaw); the Uni-
versity of Florida received substantial positive recognition at the national level for
this work. Mary Gay Anderson was asked to chair the GODORT International Doc-
uments Committee. Bob Singerman was elected president of a division of the Asso-
ciation of Jewish Libraries. Suzy Shaw was asked to write a book on cataloging
MRDFs. Erich Kesse was asked to be on the RLG Preservation Steering Committee.
Linda Sparks and Bruce Emerton published a reference book on school colors and
sports mascots. Bob Singerman has published several books, and his latest, Judaica
Americana, is a major contribution to the bibliography of the field. These are only a
few of the names that could be mentioned. But the point is, that UF staff are seen to
be an exciting and contributing group of people.
The progress this library has made over the past five years could never have hap-
pened without the extensive contributions of our staff. Overall, as I look around
the country, I believe that the University of Florida Libraries compare very favora-
bly to their peer institutions. I am very pleased with our progress and I believe that
our prospects for the next few years are good.
But, that brings me back to my theme no pain, no gain. The University offer an
exciting, interesting, growing and changing organization which is not necessarily
an easy place to be. It brings to mind the old Chinese curse, "may you live in inter-
esting times." We do live in interesting times for research libraries, and in addition,
interesting times for higher education in Florida. With the continued efforts of this
entire staff, we can, I think, make this a first-rate Library. It is certainly well on its
Dale Canelas