Title: University of Florida Libraries newsletter
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00083038/00002
 Material Information
Title: University of Florida Libraries newsletter
Series Title: University of Florida Libraries newsletter
Physical Description: Serial
Creator: University of Florida Libraries
Publisher: University of Florida Libraries
Publication Date: September 1, 1989
 Record Information
Bibliographic ID: UF00083038
Volume ID: VID00002
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.

Full Text





Information on all workshops,
conferences, etc. are posted on the
bulletin board by the 2nd floor Staff
Lounge in Library West.

September 14,1989
Library Staff Association Supper
Club, at the Pasta Market in the
Oaks Mall. Happy Hour is at 5:30
p.m., and dinner is at 6:00 p.m.
Please make reservations by
Monday, September 11, by
contacting Fleming Montgomery of
the Reference Department, 2-0361.
All library staff members are

September 18,1989
Tenure and Promotion Meeting,
3:00-5:00 p.m., Room 420 of Library
West. Open to all librarians.

September 20,1989
Library Staff Association Meeting
for elections and a State of the
Library Address by Dale Canelas,
10:00 a.m., Library West Staff
Lounge, 2nd floor. All staff are
invited to attend this meeting.

September 26,1989
The next CMS E-mail training ses-
sion will be held Tuesday, Septem-
ber 26, at 10 a.m. in Room 420 of Li-
brary West. Sign up by contacting
Suzy Shaw in Systems (2-0796).

September 27,1989
Brown Bag Research Forum,
noon-1:00 p.m. in Room 420 of
continued on next page





In this issue we continue our series on library organizations.

he Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) is the larg-
est division within the American Library Association with over
10,000 personal and organizational members drawn from all types of
research and higher education institutions including university, college, and
community colleges.

The primary purpose of ACRL is to foster the profession of academic and re-
search librarianship and to enhance the ability of academic and research li-
braries to serve effectively the library and information needs of current and
potential library users. In so doing, the association supports and promotes
the professional development and service capabilities of academic and re-
search librarians.

ACRL members can participate in a variety of ways within the association.
They may join any one or more of the sixteen types of activity sections such
as: Science and Technology, Bibliographic Instruction, Art, Rare Books and
Manuscripts, and University Libraries, thereby sharing similar interests and
responsibilities with colleagues from throughout the U.S. and Canada. Each
fall in the October issue of College and Research Libraries' News there is an
overview article identifying standing ACRL committees, discussion groups,
task forces, editorial boards, activity sections, and an ACRL committee vol-
unteer form useful to make your interests and expertise known to appropri-
ate committee/section chairs.

The national annual and mid-winter meetings of ACRL are held during the
American Library Association meeting usually set in July and January each
year. In addition, ACRL has sponsored five national division conferences
with a major thematic thrust where papers are presented, discussed and cri-
tiqued with proceedings published. Other specialized conferences have been
sponsored by various activity sections within ACRL such as the Florence, Ita-
ly conference by the West European Specialists and the Rare Books and Man-
uscripts Section's Cambridge, England conference set for September 1989 fo-
cusing on the international trade in antiquarian materials.

ACRL also fosters the concept of local or regional groups within the associa-
tion through its thirty-nine chapters and the Chapters Council. The Florida
Chapter of ACRL, established in 1970, is an active and important state-wide
continued on next page 0

Library West. Deborah Fairbanks will
present her publication "Receipt Pat-
terns for Subscriptions and Exchanges."

September 29,1989
Systems Forum, 11:00 a.m. noon, in
Room 420 of Library West. See page 5
for details.


September 8,1989
Pre-registration deadline for Florida
Chapter SLA workshop in Coral Gables
on September 22. See page 7 for

September 13,1989
"Project Management," a Fred Pryor
Seminar, Gainesville, $195.

September 14,1989
"Leadership & Supervisory Skills for
Women," National Businesswomen's
Leadership Association seminar,
Ocala, $59.

September 22,1989
Florida Chapter SLA Workshop,
"Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and its
Application in the Library" and
Anniversary Reception in Coral Gables.
See page 7 for more information.

September 25,1989
"Telecommunications in the
Information Age," Florida ASIS
Chapter Annual Meeting, University of
South Florida, Tampa. Keynote
speaker is James Rush, Executive
Director of PALINET. Registration fee
is $10, or $15 (includes lunch).

September 27,1989
"Desktop Design: Fundamentals of De-
sign for Desktop Publishing, a Promo-
tional Perspectives seminar," Jackson-
ville, $275.

October 1,1989
Deadline date for Council on Library
Resources' Fellows Program. See July
issue for more information.

October 2-5,1989
"Building Bridges of Professionalism,"
34th Annual Conference of the Associa-
tion of Records Managers and

continued on next page

organization which permits members to participate locally in ACRL projects,
programs, and workshops as well as address professional problems of local im-

The association has an extensive publications program which includes journals
such as: Choice (25 years), College and Research Libraries (50 years), C & RL News,
and Rare Books and Manuscript Librarianship, section newsletters, statistical com-
pendiums, standards/guidelines, bibliographies, monographs, and collection
development tools such as the new BCL Books for College Libraries, 6 volumes,

ACRL has continued to work for its members by developing an extensive con-
tinuing education program offering courses at local and national conferences,
by providing strong chapter support, and through the establishment of a speak-
ers bureau that has allowed officers and key staff of the association to speak to
various chapters throughout the country. ACRL has sponsored workshops to
assist librarians to prepare to seek NEH funding and has begun work to estab-
lish a liaison program to other professional organizations whose concern and
interest is higher education.

A number of our librarian colleagues are currently involved in ACRL activities.
Peter Malanchuk serves on the Board of Directors, David Shontz and Denise
Beaubien have committee appointments in the Education and Behavioral Sci-
ences and Science and Technology sections respectively, Rich Bennett is on the
ACRL Florida Chapter Board, and Ray Jones presented a major paper on
MRDF at the Florence, Italy conference last spring. ACRL provides academic li-
brarians with a wide array of opportunities to participate within a dynamic,
productive professional organization.

Peter Malanchuk


The Florida Chapter of the Special Libraries Association has served librari-
ans for twenty years. Members of SLA come from all types of libraries.
The Florida Chapter is composed about half from academic and half
from corporate, governmental, medical, and newspaper libraries. Recently we
have had some members join from public libraries. In recent years membership
has been around 230 librarians. The University of Florida has provided the
Chapter with strong leadership five presidents have been from our University
Libraries. Many others from our campus have served in executive (elected) po-
sitions or advisory (appointed) posts to help the Chapter provide services to the

Traditionally, the Florida Chapter holds three workshops each year. The day-
long sessions cover topics of current interest to the profession in the fields of
management, technology, and other library-related areas. To assist members
and librarians throughout the state, the meetings are located in areas to facili-
tate travel. Planning is done to geographically locate meetings throughout the
state. Meetings are open to anyone who wishes to attend, but SLA members
enjoy a reduced rate. Proceedings of the workshops are published in the Bulle-
tin which is distributed to members.

Membership to the Florida Chapter is obtained through membership in SLA.
When joining SLA, besides membership in the Florida Chapter, individuals
also select membership in a Division. Divisions typically have subject specialty.
A small fee allows members to join additional Chapters and Divisions.

Pam Williams



* Ed Teague's interior design collection management policy was reproduced in
the Interior Design Department's Annual Report to the Foundation for Interior
Design Education Research (FIDER).

* Ed Teague's "Andrea Palladio; A Bibliography of Recent Literature" has been pub-
lished by Vance Bibliographies, Monticello, Illinois.

* AFA's Hypercard Stacks, "LUIS, the Online Catalog," is available. Send a for-
matted 3.5 Macintosh disk to Ed Teague if you want a copy.


On August 17, Assistant University Archivist Carl Van Ness was surprised to
find a rather large yellow and brown snake stretched out on several manuscript
boxes in the Archives' stacks on the fourth floor of Library East. A patron in the
Archives at the time was former member of the Florida State Museum and
knew where to call. Within minutes, Jay Weber of the Museum's Interpretation
section came with gloves and box and removed the presumably lost creature
(identified as a male Yellow Rat Snake, a.k.a. Chicken Snake). The snake may
have been driven from his home by all the construction outside the South Tow-
er, but no one is quite sure how he made it up to Archives. One thing is for
sure he didn't take the elevator.


On August 29, 1989 the Catalog Department converted the 5,000th series record
on LUIS. It was almost two years to the day that work began on automating
the Series Authority File, the only manual file then remaining in the Catalog
Department the Catalog, the Shelflist, and the Name Authority were then on-
line. All professionals and many LTAs establish series in everyday cataloging,
but only two individuals have handled the conversion of the series decisions to
online records. Colleen Thorburn and Nancy Williams adapted the basic serial
record to include series treatment information in the 043 of the bibliographic
record. This method has also been used by Jean Bostwick at the Health Science
Center Library.

Series can be published in a numbered sequence or issued unnumbered. Re-
corded series decisions aid in determining whether the treatment of a num-
bered publication should be as a serial publication or as an analyzed mono-
graph. UF generally attempts to follow the decision of the Library of Congress
because of the availability of copy and to minimize confusion for library staff or
patrons who use ILL and may be searching material in other data bases such as

The Department is exploring some new options in handling series. With the
Merged Headings Index coming on NOTIS in the future, some series decisions,
particularly those for unnumbered series, may be handled through series au-
thority records rather than serial records. To the general user this should be
transparent in the Index.

Administrators, New Orleans. Registra-
tion ranges from $210-$585.

October 2-6,1989
3rd Annual CD-ROM Expo '89,
Washington, D.C. Registration fees
range from $295-$845.

October 4,1989
"How to Build & Improve Customer
Service," a Fred Pryor Seminar,
Gainesville, $99.

October 16,1989
Application deadline for Council on
Library Resources' Academic Library
Management Intern Program for
1990-91. See July issue for details.

October 16,17 or 1989
"Managing Multiple Priorities&" a Dun
& Bradstreet one-day seminar, $99. In
Daytona Beach on 10/16, Orlando on
10/17 and Jacksonville on 10/17.

October 16-19,1989
"Lessons from the Past, Strategies for the
Future: Information Technology in
Higher Education from 1964 to 2014,"
EDUCOM'89, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Registration fees range from $345-$535.

October 17,1989
"Leadership Skills for Women Managers
and Supervisors," a Fred Pryor Seminar,
Gainesville, $49.

October 25-27,1989
SAS course offered by NOTIS Systems,
Inc., Evanston, IL. A registration fee of
$900 (or $600 each for two) is due by Oc-
tober 20.

October 29-31,1989
31st Allerton Institute, "Ethics and the
Librarian," University of Illinois,
Urbana-Champaign. Registration fee of
$350 includes room and meals.

November 2-4,1989
The Houston Conference on Forged Doc-
uments, University of Houston. Confer-
ence fee is $75 before October 2, $100 af-
ter October 2.

November 6,1989
"Getting into Print: a Non-technical Ap-
proach to Typesetting and Printing
continued on next page

Technology," a Promotional Perspec-
tives seminar, Tampa, $245.

November 7-9,1989
ONLINE '89 Conference and Exposi-
tion, Chicago. Regular registration fees
range from $195 (one day) to $395.

November 9-10,1989
"AACR2 Update," an institute offered
by the Association for Library Collec-
tions & Technical Services of ALA,
Portland, fees range from $165-$225.

November 29,1989
'Newsletter Editing, Design and Pro-
duction" a Promotional Perspectives
Seminar, Tampa, $270.

December 15-16,1989
"AACR2 Update," Philadelphia (see
November 9-10 listing for information).




New Appointments
Richard Black III Clerk Specialist, Cir-
culation East
Sandra Dietel LTA I, Acquisitions
Rita Smith LTA II, Baldwin Library
Terri Thomas Clerk Specialist, Interli-
brary Loan

Carolyn Edds from LTA I to LTA II,
Maria Figueroa from LTA I to LTA II,

Bonnie Cowart from Clerical Supervis-
or to LTA I, Circulation East

Geoff Pappas LTA I, Acquisitions
Sharon Logan LTA II, Acquisitions
Jeremy Legg Clerk Typist Specialist,



The Price Library of Judaica has recently acquired a copy of a scarce dissertation
from the University of Cracow, The Jew in English Literature, from the Elizabethan
Age to 1914, by A. Liebermann. Written in a somewhat stilted yet scholarly Eng-
lish and published on the eve of World War II in out-of-the-way Cieszyn, Poland,
in 1938, this rarity of 119-printed pages appears neither on OCLC, RLIN nor in
the National Union Catalog. Based on a hurried search, it is unknown to New
York Public Library's Jewish Division, the Hebrew Union College Library in Cin-
cinnati, and Harvard. Copies are known to be held by the British Library and the
Jewish National and University Library in Jerusalem, so Florida's specimen can-
not be claimed as unique. It would be interesting to learn if even the University
of Cracow has a copy.

One could assume with some certainty that the press run for self-published dis-
sertations to fill the requirements of a doctoral degree was not large and that both
the author and his edition perished in the fires of the Holocaust.

This bibliographic "sleeper" was spotted by Bob Singerman in the catalogue of an
Israeli dealer specializing in Polish-language Judaica, selling for a mere $25. The
point should not be lost that the rich and varied resources of the Judaica Library
are an asset to a multitude of academic programs on campus; in this case, English


* The Marston Science Library will have a faculty reception on Wednesday, Sep-
tember 6, from 3:00-4:30 p.m. in Room 107, MSL. Information on services provid-
ed by the MSL will be available.
* Alice Primack's proposal, "Videotape Orientation/Tour of Marston Science Li-
brary" has been approved for the 1989-90 Mini-Sabbatical Program of the Office
of Instructional Resources. OIR will provide OPS funds for hiring a one-third
time graduate assistant and student actors, in addition to providing technical and
other assistance for the project.

* The Marston Science Library is developing a slide presentation for library orien-
tation and bibliographic instruction.


Suzy Shaw has been appointed to the editorial board of Information Technology and
Libraries, the official journal of LITA (Library and Information Technology Associ-
ation), a division of ALA. ITAL publishes material related to all aspects of library
and information technology.


Because I haven't many preservation questions, here are two questions for you.
Send me your answers. First, what has at least six legs and loves to eat in the Li-
braries? Second, how do we get them to eat elsewhere?

Library Newsletter Staff: Editor, Cecilia Botero; Editorial Committee, Carl Van Ness; Editorial Assistant, Barbara Jones; Departmental
Liaisons, Elizabeth Alexander, Lynn Badger, Stephanie Baldwin, Pia Brown, Elaine Bryant, Suzanne Brown, Channie Christian, Mary Jane
Daicoff, Melanie Davis, Rick Donnelly, Peter Foust, Steve Fuquay, Sidney Ives, Erich Kesse, Barbara King, Chuck Lipsig, Tom Kinney, Rosa
Mesa, Pam Pasak, Bob Singerman, Shirley Snyder, Ed Teague, Carl Van Ness, Priscilla West, Carol Whitmer, Susan Woods.







3 4 5 6 7
Labor Day

Deadline for Library Staff
Ub. Staff Assn. Supper
Assn. Supper 12 13 lub, Pasta 14
Club Reser- Market, Oaks Mall,
nations (see 9/14 5:30 p.m. Happy Hou,
listing) 6:00 p.m. Dinner (see
OMS Creativity Insti te, TREEO Ctr. (filled limited enrollment) 9/11/listing)
Ubrary Staff UFLA Mtg.,
Tenure and Assoc. Mtg* 3-4:30 p.m., 21
17 Prmotion 18 19 0a.m.,Ub W 20 MSL Conf. Rm.
Information Staff Lounge D. Farkas and M.
Meeting, 3-5 p.m., Deadline for Octo- Hruska will discuss
420 LIB W. Open ber Issue of the changes and plans
ito all librarians. Library Newsletter for their departments

CMS E-mail
Training, 26
420 LIB W. Contact
Suzy Shaw (2-0796)
to sign up.

UFLA Brown
Bag Re-
search Forum, 2
noon-1 p.m..
420 LIB W. Deborah
Fairbanks will present
"Receipts Patterns
for Subscr. & Exch.'

*Note: includes elections and Director's State of the Lbrary Address



And now, for your listening enjoyment:
Can you hear the cockroaches munch as you read this line? Close your
eyes. Is this a swamp? It's a dark, though still day. Dense trees. Lush
leaves. Close your eyes, again. Listen. The call of osprey. A bullfrog's
gruff re-echo. The earth sways beneath you like a continent over a molten
core. Then, a dull crunch. The sound of cockroaches advancing. Two.
Ten. A nation of cockroaches. Their sounds, ever louder, fill this space.
White noise. Static on a radio. A thousand souls whispering prophesies
like curses you must never forget. In your mind's eye now, you can see
them aloft as black bubbles boiled up from a steamy sea of pitch. A chill
runs its dead finger up, then down your spine. The swell and the sway of
the cockroaches. The earth upon which you stand. Listen, again.

This is the school-year. You need not close your eyes. The pop and the
hiss you hear is a soda. This is the Libraries, any one of them. It's after
6:00 p.m., you've gone for the day; and it is now, especially, patrons and
cockroaches have begun their nightly feast on soda and snack foods alike.
Crumbs fall into books' gutters. Pages are sprayed with sweet soda. Food
oils and stains will remain. Cans and wrappers, with the residue of sub-
stance of what they contained, will be left behind. Some may even be in
the trash, but that
// won't matter. The
"cleaning crews" will
come quickly, almost
as soon as the lights
Shave been put out.
i Their backs will glis-
ten with the reflec-
tance of security
lights. Their tentacles
will find every crumb
or scent of soda, even
if they have to dig
.- __ through spines and
.-'------ pages like miners
... working for food.

Ins.ct. b '.. '5 irtIJn.

So, what do we do?

Erich Kesse


The Preservation Planning Program (PPP) has entered its next phase. As of Au-
gust 15, all information gathering ceased. Task forces are now busy inputting
and analyzing results of information, and should be writing their reports.

I would like to thank all of you who had any part in the PPP to date. Much of the
work was done during the hectic summer months when the Libraries and their
staff scramble to complete the unfinished work of the year, to plan and implement
ambitious new projects, to perform analyses and inventories for other projects,
and even to move whole collections. Thank you.

We'll share the results of information gathering with you as soon as we can.

Erich Kesse


Illustrations by Beth Senn of Interlibrary Loan
were included in Large Animal Neurology by
lan Mayhew. This book, for the veterinary
clinician, was published in 1989 by Lea and


"They Vicaned my office but the mouse was
still there!" Do you have this problem? If so
(even if not), come to the next Systems Forum
(Friday, September 29, 11 a.m. to noon in
Room 420 of Library West), at which Bill
Covey of Systems will discuss "Macintosh Se-
crets, Part I- Word Processing." All library
staff are welcome to attend!


This is to notify library faculty in the Collec-
tive Bargaining Unit of the list of United Fa-
culty of Florida Grievance Representatives:

Ira Clark, 392-9110 (Office); 332-6515 (Home),
4365 Turlington (Campus address)
S. Philip Kniseley, 392-1518 (Office); 376-1594
(Home), 414 Little (Campus address)
Robert Sherman, 392-0723 (Office); 375-5954
(Home), 293 Norman (Campus address)
Jonathan Reiskind, 392-8920 (Office); 378-8290
(Home) 322 BRW (Campus address)

These reports were recently added to those
available through the Library Personnel Of-

Barbara King, Library Administration and
Management Association's preconference on
Advanced Fundraising and American Library
Association Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas,
June 21-26,1989

Barbara King, visit to the Sterling C. Evans Li-
brary at Texas A&M, College Station, Texas,
June 26-28, 1989

Ed Teague, Executive Board Meeting of the Art
Libraries Society of North America, Montreal,
Canada, July 21-24, 1989

Carl Van Ness, Southeastern Archives and
Records Conference, Montgovery, Alabama,
May 3-5, 1989 (see page 7)

Resources and Instruction Task Force

The following publications have been re-
ceived from the Research Libraries
Group. Copies may be obtained by con-
tacting one of the secretaries in the admin-
istrative offices.

1. Memo announcing new edition of
searching folder
2. Summary of actions from the May 8,
1989 RLG Jewish and Middle East
Studies Program Committee Meeting
3. Programs divisions update
4. Summary minutes of the June 1989
Board of Governors' Meeting
5. Agenda for the Preservation Steering
Committee meeting to be held on Au-
gust 14, 1989 at RLG headquarters
6. Monthly Response graph for July
7. Information Needs in the Social Sci-
ence: An Assessment
8. New Brochure Personal Access to
RLIN: How Individuals Can Search
an On-line Catalog of Research Li-
braries' and Archives' Collections
9. Network Operations Statistics for July
10. Monthly/Year-to-date Member Activ-
ity Summaries for July 1989
11. Monthly/Year-to-date Searching Ac-
tivity Summaries for July 1989
12. Cluster error reports, July 1989
13. Press release annouces RLG awarded
$2 million grant by NEH for Phase II
of the Great Collections Microfilming
14. Agenda outline for the meeting of the
Art and Architecture Program Steer-
ing Committee, September 7 and 8,
Mt. View, CA


UF Libraries, through the Research Librar-
ies Group, have been awarded NEH
funds to support the second phase of the
Great Collections Microfilming Project.
UFs portion of the RLG grant will be used
to film 4,500 volumes from the Libraries'
Caribbean Basin Collection that are brittle
or badly deteriorated.

The Resources and Instruction Task Force wished to thank library staff mem-
bers for your response to our survey about staff and patron training in preser-
vation areas. Completed surveys have been returned and results indicate a
high level of interest and a strong feeling of commitment to preservation.
And this interest is widespread through most units. Further training for staff
is desired by most units, especially in basic materials handling and in prob-
lem recognition and handling. Acquisition of new formats is bringing need
for training, such as CD-ROM, videotapes, maps, and photographs.

The survey shows that more than half of our library units have existing pub-
lic relations/BI programs, including tours, classroom presentations, meetings
with teaching faculty, production of flyers, brochures, etc., instruction to pa-
trons, publicity in the local media, posters, and other activities. Preservation
education is already a part of many of these programs, and other units indi-
cated a willingness to add public relations in preservation.

Alice Primack

Organization and Procedures Task Force

The Organization and Procedures Task Force of the Preservation Planning
Project has been examining administrative components of the UFL preserva-
tion program. The tasks pursued can be divided into four areas: 1) a survey
of preservation activities currently being done by UFL staff; 2) analysis of
budget data related to preservation; 3) assessment of organizational struc-
tures which impact on preservation activities; and 4) a survey to determine
staff members' perceptions of UFL's preservation problems.

All library units were asked to complete a written survey listing the number
of staff hours spent per week on physical care and physical treatment of ma-
terials and on brittle books procedures. Survey results were compared to a
selected number of position descriptions to see how accurately preservation
activities are being reflected in USPS job descriptions. UFL's budget data,
documented preservation procedures, and organizational structure are being
compared to similar information from the University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill, Rutgers University, the University of Wisconsin at Madison,
Ohio State University, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and
the University of Minnesota. A survey asking each staff member to identify
UFL's top five preservation problems has been distributed.

Elaine Yontz


The Humanities and Social Sciences Reference Department has a
new electronic service. They will respond to reference questions
directed electronically to "@45VTWP" by either campus mail or
electronic mail as appropriate.



Montgomery, Alabama May 3-5, 1989
by Carl Van Ness

The Southeastern Archives and Records Conference (SARC) is an annual
meeting of archivists and records managers from the southeastern states.
The meeting is held in a different state each year and this year the host or-
ganization was the Society of Alabama Archivists. Conference participants
were entertained with a tour of the state archives and museum conducted
by members of the Alabama Department of Archives and History and a fine
barbecue on the Archives' lawn. The state archive in Montgomery is among
the oldest in the southeast and the building is one of those depression era
white granite monoliths with beautiful brass stair railings.

Among the more memorable events of the conference were a session on
documenting Appalachia, a roundtable on archival education in the South,
the ubiquitous session on the MARC AMC format, and a lively debate on
the pros and cons of certification of archivists. Two members of the Univer-
sity of Florida Archives staff presented papers: Carla Kemp reported on the
Libraries' experiences implementing the MARC AMC format and Carl Van
Ness presented his views on problems and inconsistencies in archival meas-
urements in a generic session entitled "Archivists' Pet Peeves." This year's
luncheon guest speaker was the Archivist of the United States, Don W. Wil-

In addition to its educational component, SARC is an excellent opportunity
to network and exchange views. SARC is truly one of those conferences
where the participants usually gain much from conversations at lunch and
in the hallways as well as from the sessions themselves.


Those of you who have been following the LMG Minutes know that the Li-
braries are undergoing some shifting of responsibilities in their administra-
tion in an effort to improve the coordination of functions and services. Al-
though most research libraries of the size of the University of Florida
Libraries have four assistant/associate directors, (generally for Collection
Management, Technical Services, Public Services and Administrative Ser-
vices), there have only been three such positions here. Some three years
ago, there was a real need to focus more attention on the Libraries' support
services, so we reorganized the Libraries to provide directors for adminis-
trative, collection and technical services, dividing responsibility for public
services among the group. Although we have achieved substantial progress
in many areas, we have not coordinated the public services as well as we
ought. That fact, coupled with receipt of funding for rehabilitating Library
East, (which presupposes a large increase in the amount of space, equip-
ment, and move planning that will be required to successfully accomplish
the transition) have provided strong impetus to reassign responsibilities at
the directorial level.

As a result, the directors spent some time this spring and early summer as-
sessing the strengths and weaknesses of various organizational structures
and trying to determine what resources would be available to help us carry
out a different organization. It was disappointing that among the positions
received this year, there was no adequate funding for an additional assist-
ant director. We were also very limited in terms of how the positions given

continued on next page 0


The Florida Chapter of SLA is presenting a
workshop, "Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
and its Application in the Library" on Fri-
day, September 22 from 8:30 a.m. 4:00
p.m. at the Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables.

This workshop will provide participants
with an overview of the Myers-Briggs Type
Indicator, which is a widely used method
of determining decision-making modes and
management styles. Workshop leader
Mary McCaulley, a Clinical Psychology fa-
culty member at UF, co-authored A Guide
to the Development and Use of the Myers-
Briggs Type Indicator with Isabel Briggs-
Myers. Ms. McCaulley is tailoring her pres-
entation to the library community and its
unique problems and opportunities for en-
hancing interaction with co-workers, super-
visors and clientele. Participants will take
an abbreviated MBTI test to discover their
own personality type.

Workshop registrants will receive free ad-
mission to the reception at the Biltmore Ho-
tel Courtyard at 4:30 p.m. that will kick off
the Chapter's 20th Anniversary Celebra-
tion. Muriel Regan, SLA President, will be
the guest of honor, and entertainment will
be provided by celebrated conjurer and
19th century wizard Max Howard.

The workshop is limited to 50 participants.
The preregistration deadline is September
8, and includes lunch. On-site registration,
if available, will not include lunch. Regis-
tration is $45 for SLA members, $55 for
non-members, $15 for retirees or students,
and $5 for the reception only.

A Chapter Business Meeting will be held at
8:00 a.m. prior to the workshop.


The National Endowment for the Humani-
ties provides financial support of $3,500 for
faculty and staff members working in the
humanities so that they can devote two
consecutive months of full-time study and
research to their projects. An applicant's
project may be completed during the sti-
pend tenure, or part of a long-range

continued on next page >

endeavor. Projects may address broad top-
ics or consist of study and research in a spe-
cialized field.

Each college and university in the United
States may nominate three members of its
faculty for the Summer Stipends competi-
tion. No more than two of the faculty nomi-
nees may be at the instructor or assistant ac-
ademic rank; no more than two may be at
the associate or full academic rank. Nonfa-
culty college and university staff members
are eligible, and may apply without nomina-
tion, provided that they will not be teaching
during the 1989-90 academic year.

Academic applications with appointments
terminating by the summer of 1990 and oth-
ers not employed by colleges or universities
may apply directly to NEH without nomina-

In addition, proposals for projects relating to
two specific subjects or events are being so-
licited: The Foundations of American Socie-
ty, and the Columbian Quincentenary. Ap-
plicants with proposals for projects on these
two topics may apply without nomination.
The application deadline is October 1, 1989.
Announcement of awards will take place in
mid-March 1990.

See the bulletin board located outside the
Staff Lounge on the second floor of Library
West for details on selection criteria, eligibil-
ity, and directions for applying.


The libraries have recently acquired a won-
drous machine a stack mover! Amazingly
simple to operate, the stack mover attaches
to and then lifts free-standing standard
stacks so that they can be pushed about like
a loaded shopping cart. With a limit of ten
double faced sections, the new machine can
easily do most of our internal moves. The
Humanities and Social Sciences Reference
Department has used it very effectively to
reconfigure its collection and make way for
carpet installation. With the moves ahead, it
should be very helpful to us in setting up ef-
ficient stack configurations. The stack mov-
er will be under the care of Gloria Parham in
the Access Services Department. Please get
in touch with her to schedule it or have an
introduction to using it.

Carol Turner

to the libraries could be assigned. They were locked into professional and
USPS classifications with specific requirements (such as that they had to be
established at ten percent above the base) which meant that the directors
had little flexibility in assignment and the dollars allocated to rate were not
sufficient to fund many positions at the desired level. To achieve the or-
ganizational structure that seemed best for the libraries, we had to utilize
the talents of staff already with the libraries by reassigning responsibilities
and filling in the resulting vacancies with less experienced staff.

We knew that we needed a more functional organization that would per-
mit each director to focus mainly on one set of issues and would bring to-
gether in regular administrative meetings the department chairs and office
heads who most needed to communicate with each other for the Libraries'
work to be carried out effectively and efficiently. With the concurrence of
LMG at its July 27th meeting that the proposed library structure made
sense and should be pursued, the directors began work on implementing
it, estimating that it would take about six months to be fully in place. At
the same time, a subcommittee of LMG began to work on a committee
structure for the libraries predicated on the new functional administrative

The first part of the change came on July 1st, as the humanities and social
science branch libraries changed reporting lines to the Humanities and So-
cial Science Services Department. This brings into one unit almost all of
the library units having responsibility for serving the needs of humanities/
social science disciplines on the campus. The second shift occurred August
14th as the Development Office changed reporting lines to the Director for
Collection Management. This brings together development efforts with
the special collections and bibliographic staff who are most involved in de-
velopment work. The third phase occurred August 28th as Lynn Badger
was reassigned to the administration of Library Support Services, Carol
Turner was reassigned to Public Services, Max Willocks was reassigned to
Technical Services and Sam Gowan was reassigned to Collection Manage-
ment Services. The advantage of this organization is that it gives each of
the libraries' major functions its own director and groups together those
units that need to communicate in order to function effectively.

Also effective August 28, both the Business Services Office and the Library
Personnel Office transferred from either Administrative Services or the Di-
rector's Office to Library Support Services; and the Humanities & Social
Science Services and Government Documents departments transferred to
Public Services. The Map Library will transfer to Government Documents
effective September 1st. The Systems Office will continue to report to Car-
ol Turner and the Science Library to Max Willocks until mid-November
when MSL will transfer to Public Services and Systems will join Technical
Services. Searches for a new Library Personnel Officer and Assistant Li-
brary Personnel Officer are underway. Since Max Willocks has announced
his retirement, effective November 16, 1989, a search committee for an As-
sistant Director for Technical Services position has been appointed.

We expect the shifts to continue to proceed smoothly and are looking for-
ward to having most of the new administrative structure in place and most
major positions filled by January 1990. Because LMG has not yet received
the report of the subcommittee on the libraries' committee structure, it is
difficult to predict how long discussions may go on, what changes may be
approved, or what period of time may be required to implement a revised
committee structure. We hope to be well settled into new routines early in
the coming year and we appreciate your patience and assistance with this
Dale Canelas

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