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In this issue we continue our series on library organizations.
T he American Society for Information Science, founded in 1937 as the
American Documentation Institute, is "a non-profit professional associa-
tion organized for scientific, literary, and educational purposes and
dedicated to the creation, organization, dissemination, and application of
knowledge concerning information and its transfer. The membership is
drawn from all fields in which information is important either as an object of
study or as a means to an end" (ASIS Constitution and Bylaws, Article II).
ASIS membership has remained constant at about 4,000 over the last several
years. While the ASIS membership includes a large number of librarians and
library and information science faculty, many other fields including comput-
er science, management, engineering, chemistry, and linguistics are also rep-
ASIS members participate in the Society in several ways. Special Interest
Groups (SIGs) allow ASIS members with similar interests to exchange ideas
and stay informed about developments in their fields. There are currently 21
ASIS SIGs in areas such as Library Automation and Networks, Management,
Numeric Databases, Behavioral and Social Sciences, Personal Computers,
and International Information Issues. Local Chapters of ASIS facilitate com-
munication between ASIS members living in defined geographic areas.
Chapters frequently organize local or regional conferences and workshops.
The Florida Chapter is sponsoring a meeting September 25, 1989, at the Uni-
versity of South Florida on 'Telecommunications in the Information Age."
The Annual Meeting of the Society, held each fall, focuses on broad devel-
opments of interest to information professionals and includes a wide variety
of contributed papers, SIG-sponsored sessions, vendor exhibits, and demon-
strations of new information technology. The 1989 Annual Meeting will be
held in Washington, D.C., October 29 through November 2. The Mid-Year
Meeting, held each spring, is typically smaller and focuses on a specific area
of information science and technology. The 1990 Mid-Year Meeting will be
held in Ft. Lauderdale in May and will focus on microcomputers.
ASIS also supports several publications, including the Journal of the Ameri-
can Society for Information Science (JASIS), the ASIS Bulletin, the Annual Review
of Information Science and Technology (ARIST), and the Proceedings of the ASIS
Annual Meetings.
Tom Kinney
Information on all workshops,
conferences, etc. are posted on the
bulletin board by the 2nd floor Staff
Lounge in Library West.
August 7,1989
Open meeting for the library
community to share views on the
future direction of library
development in Florida, sponsored
by the State Library, 10:00 a.m. -
1:00 p.m., Santa Fe Community
College, Building W, Room 227-228.
See page 8 for more information.
August 15,1989
UFLA Meeting, 3:00 4:30 p.m.,
Marston Science Library Conference
Room. Chris Hanson and Jan
Swanbeck will speak about changes
in their respective departments -
Humanities and Social Sciences
Reference, and Documents.
August 18,1989
Systems Forum, 11:00 a.m. noon,
in Room 420 of Library West. See
page 5 for details.
August 21 and 22,1989
Library Orientation Program for
new staff, 9:00 a.m. noon, both
days, and includes luncheon at
noon on Tuesday, August 22; in
Library West Conference Room.
August 22, 1989
CMS E-mail training session,
10:00 a.m., in Room 420 of Library
West. Sign up by contacting Suzy
Shaw in Systems (2-0796).
continued ondnext page
AUGUST 1, 1989
August 23,1989
New UF Faculty and A&P Orienta-
tion Program, University Auditorium,
1:30 5:00 p.m., followed by an invita-
tional reception at the President's
August 24,25,28, and 29,1989
Late, Employee, and Transient Reg-
istration for UF Fall semester classes.
September 1,1989
Application deadline for 1990-91
Sabbaticals. See page 8 for details.
August 18,1989
"Leadership & Supervisory Skills for
Women," National Businesswomen's
Leadership Association seminar,
Jacksonville, $59.
September 6-8,1989
Optical Information Systems 89,
Ninth Annual Conference and
Exhibition on WORM and Rewritable
Optical Storage & Digital Document
Image Automation, sponsored by
Meckler Corp., Arlington, VA.
Registration fees, $125-$525, are due
by August 25.
September 13,1989
"Project Management," a Fred Pryor
Seminar, Gainesville, $195.
September 14,1989
"Leadership & Supervisory Skills for
Women," (see August 18th listing),
Ocala, $59.
October 1,1989
Deadline date for Council on Li-
brary Resources' Fellows Program.
See last month's issue for more infor-
October 2-5,1989
"Building Bridges of Professional-
ism," 34th Annual Conference of the
Association of Records Managers and
Administrators, New Orleans. Regis-
tration ranges from $210-$585.
October 2-6,1989
3rd Annual CD-ROM Expo '89,
Washington, D.C. Registration fees
range from $295-$845.
continued on next page
T he Government Documents Round Table, or GODORT as it is commonly
known, is the second largest of the American Library AssociAtion's fifteen
round tables (Intellectual Freedom Round Table recently eclipsed
GODORT). According to the ALA Handbook of Organization, the main purpose
of GODORT is "to provide a forum for discussion of problems, concerns, and for
exchange of ideas by librarians working with government documents." The
membership adopted a lofty statement of principle in 1985 stating that GODORT
is dedicated to "open and equitable access to government information." The
statement goes on to say that "such access is a primary tenant of a just and demo-
cratic society."
And these folks are serious about their mission. Just ask anyone who has ever
attended a GODORT meeting. Never have you seen such intense and dedicated
people. GODORT's schedule for each conference is proof of the commitment of
its membership. Meetings begin on Friday morning, go on till 10:00 p.m. most
evenings and begin at 8:00 a.m. every morning. This frantic pace is maintained
until the next Tuesday; five very full days.
And what is the result of the hours and hours these documents librarians
spend together? The tangible evidence is a large number of resolutions brought
forward to GODORT membership and in many cases forwarded to the ALA
Council which represents the ALA membership. These resolutions when ap-
proved are sent on with a cover letter to the appropriate party or parties. For ex-
ample, a resolution concerning the development of a national information policy
by the Office of Management and Budget would be sent to the Director of OMB
as well as to the Chair of appropriate Congressional Committees. Resolutions
approved by GODORT at this past conference addressed the Paperwork Reduc-
tion Act, the Office of Technology Assessments report, "Informing the Nation,"
the Government Printing Office's cataloging procedures, and the return of the
United States to UNESCO.
Less tangible evidence of the long hours spent together is the important net-
working that takes place. Thanks to a discussion over dinner with the docu-
ments librarian at the University of Colorado, Gary Cornwell learned about a
tape product distributed weekly by OCLC which contains very current catalog-
ing records for government documents librarians. Mary Gay Anderson was able
to get some first hand information from librarians who had actually used an on-
line service offered to depositories of European Communities publications. This
networking goes on after the conference and becomes vital in the area of refer-
ence service.
The University of Florida is well represented in GODORT. Mary Gay
Anderson is the incoming Chair of the International Documents Task Force, a
notable achievement for one in the field for only two years. Gary Cornwell is
the Chair of the Cataloging Committee, a long dormant group which has sud-
denly come alive under his leadership as evidenced by the four resolutions pre-
sented to the GODORT membership. Finally, let us not forget that our Assistant
Director, Carol Turner, was Chair of all of GODORT in 1985, a position requiring
vast organization skills, an enormous amount of work, and an in-depth knowl-
edge of the issues. Few of you probably know that our very own Carol was
called up to testify before Congress on the OMB Proposed Circular on Federal In-
formation Management. She presented this testimony on behalf of the entire
American Library Association which now has over 40,000 members.
Jan Swanbeck
FCLA has now provided access to the two new indexes needed for the
NOTIS reserve module to become functional. Records of reserve items will
now be accessible by course number (rc=) and instructor name (ri=), as well as
by author and title (ra= and rt=). These indexes will be available only in the
technical services mode until some future NOTIS release. Preliminary testing is
occurring, and it is hoped that the system will be functional for the Fall Semes-
ter. FCLA is also developing some enhancements in order to improve on the
rather limited capabilities provided by NOTIS in their release.
The AFA Library staff has developed the Macintosh Hypercard program,
"The Architecture and Fine Arts Library: A Self-Guided Tour." Anyone inter-
ested in seeing (and evaluating) the program should contact Ed Teague at 2-
0222 or by e-mail.
(Editor's Note: Ed will be presenting this program at the August Systems Forum on
Friday, August 18, as indicated on page 5 of this issue.)
In addition to his role as president of the Association of Jewish Libraries' Re-
search and Special Library division, Robert Singerman has volunteered to serve
as the coordinator of AJL's job clearinghouse. This is sure to be a challenging
task because several positions in academic libraries for Hebrew catalog librari-
ans and Jewish studies bibliographers remain unfilled owing to a critical short-
age of library professionals with the requisite skills. Retrospective conversion
of Hebraica is great but who is going to do the work? Bob's plea at the AJL an-
nual convention this past June for volunteers to plan for a duplicate exchange
network among member libraries was answered by two librarians, one in Seat-
tle, the other in Los Angeles. Another project under serious consideration is a
price survey of new books supplied by different Israeli approval plan vendors.
Bob's Judaica Americana: A Bibliography of Publications to 1900, is finally com-
pleted after five arduous years of research, scrupulous verification, and de-
tailed manuscript preparation. To be published by Greenwood Press in two
volumes, the eight pound manuscript records 6,510 books and serials, with
over 23,000 holding symbols guiding users to libraries where texts are known
to be held. The camera-ready manuscript consists of 1,335 pages of text, with
262 of those pages being devoted just to indexing.
Spanish and Portuguese Jewry: A Classified Bibliography, Bob's next project, is a
book-length supplement to his The Jews in Spain and Portugal: A Bibliography,
published by Garland in 1975. The original work contained over 5,000 entries
and the supplement, to be published in 1992 to mark the 500th anniversary of
the expulsion of the Jews from Spain, will probably record another 3,000+ poly-
glot entries. Although Bob has aggressively pursued the literature in the field
continuously since 1975, the task is nonetheless exceedingly difficult because
the preponderance of research is not by Israeli or American scholars publishing
in a core journal (or even in Jewish journals) but rather by Spanish and Portu-
guese investigators sharing their findings in seldom-encountered monographs
and serials devoted to local and regional history that few American libraries
collect on the comprehensive level. If this is true of Spain and Spanish litera-
ture, it is all the more accurate in the case of Portuguese, Catalan, and Basque
continued on next page >
October 16,1989
Application deadline for Council on
Library Resources' Academic Library
Management Intern Program for
1990-91. See last month's issue for
October 16-19,1989
"Lessons from the Past, Strategies for
the Future: Information Technology in
Higher Education from 1964 to 2014,"
EDUCOM'89, Ann Arbor, Michigan, reg-
istration fees range from $345-$535.
October 17,1989
"Leadership Skills for Women Manag-
ers and Supervisors," a Fred Pryor Semi-
nar, Gainesville, $49.
October 29-31,1989
31st Allerton Institute, "Ethics and the
Librarian," University of Illinois, Urba-
na-Champaign. Registration fee of $350
includes room and meals.
November 7-9,1989
ONLINE '89, Chicago. Regular regis-
tration fees range from $195 (one day) to
New Appointments
Dorothy Barrs Clerk Typist Specialist,
Latin American Collection
Edwina McNair LTA I (from temp. to
perm.), Marston Science Library
Tim Jones from Clerk Specialist, to
LTA I, Interlibrary Loan
Rose C. Bryant Clerk Specialist, Cir-
culation East
Beverly Pope LTA II, MSL
Online Study Group (Subgroup of The
Reference Group)
The Online Study Group was formed
by The Reference Group and appointed
by Carol Drum, Chair, "to investigate
and make recommendations about on-
line searching policies and procedures"
The members of the committee are:
Denise Beaubien, Suzanne Brown,
Chair, Gary Cornwell, Trudi DiTrolio
(until her contract ended June 30, 1989),
Colleen Seale, and Peter Stern.
The Reference Group identified at
least a dozen issues for the committee
to initially address. Recently, the com-
mittee submitted recommendations for
streamlining the charging procedures
which include new fee structures for UF
departments, faculty, staff and students,
and non-UF organizations and individ-
uals, as well as recommendations for
revisions in the paperwork kept in com-
pleting online searching. Also sent for-
ward were recommendations for revi-
sions in the Ready Reference computer
searching guidelines. Other issues the
committee will be pursuing include
training, procedures (standardization
and manuals), statistics, and publicity.
Suzanne Brown
A patron in the MSL was searching
the Index to Patents using the class and
subclass for the topic in which he was
interested. He was able to find the class
only back to 1980 which indicated to us
that there probably had been a class
number change around that time. After
scouring the Manual of Classification,
Classification Definitions and consulting
with the Documents Department in Li-
brary West, we decided to call the Pat-
ent Depository at the Broward County
Public Library for assistance. They
were able to verify that the class num-
ber had indeed changed but were
continued on next page
materials. The bibliographic disarray is such that a checklist of historical re-
search on Jews in Catalonia recently published in a new Catalan journal devoted
to Jewish studies provides Singerman entry numbers from his 1975 book as the
standard reference.
A representative from the University of Tennessee, Roger Simmons, visited
the Map Library on July 19th. He was here to consult with Dr. HelenJane Arm-
strong, Map Librarian, about transferring their maps from the Geography De-
partment to the Library and developing a research Map Library similar to the
University of Florida. He is the third visitor since the New York Public Library's
representative visited in April who has consulted with Dr. Armstrong about
moving or developing a Map Library.
The Library of Congress has just published the expanded edition of GEO-
GRAPHIC CUTTERS. Dr. HelenJane Armstrong served as resource person for
Florida and was responsible for the thousands of placenames of Florida which
were included.
Louise Leonard has returned to the Catalog Department after being on loan
to the Map Library for the 1988-89 year. Louise attended the annual meetings in
Dallas and has been appointed to a committee for cataloging African and Asian
New Location and Phone Number
The Preservation Office, including its Binding, Conservation, and Reprograph-
ics sections, has moved to the first floor of Library East into the space formerly
occupied by Reserves. The new phone number for Erich Kesse, Head of Preser-
vation, is 392-6962, which is also the number for John Freund and the Conserva-
tion unit. Reprographics' phone number is 392-6963, and Binding's is 392-6964.
Preservation Microfilming Project
The Southeastern Library Network, Inc. (SOLINET) has approved the Librar-
ies' proposal to participate in its Preservation Microfilming Project. The project's
goal is to obtain grant funding from the National Endowment for the Humani-
ties. The deadline for submitting the grant proposal to NEH is December 1,
1989. Erich Kesse will serve as UFs Project Manager. The focus of UFs project
is the filming of the Libraries' Brazilian material.
Hot off the Press For Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Fans
The Florida Endowment for the Humanities has just published A Marjorie
Kinnan Rawlings Reader. A very handsome production, it includes hard-to-find
selections from Rawlings' fiction and non-fiction, selected essays about
Rawlings, and photographs provided by our Rare Books & Manuscripts Collec-
tion. The book contains remarks on our Rawlings manuscripts by Sidney Ives
and Carmen Hurff.
Library Newsletter Staff: Editor, Cecilia Botero; Editorial Committee, Carl Van Ness, Beverly Pope; EditorialAssistant, Barbara Jones;
DepartmentalLiaisons, Elizabeth Alexander, Lynn Badger, Stephanie Baldwin, Pia Brown, Elaine Bryant, Suzanne Brown, Channie Christian,
Mary Jane Daicoff, Melanie Davis, Rick Donnelly, Peter Foust, Steve Fuquay, Sidney Ives, Erich Kesse, Barbara King, Chuck Lipsig, Tom
Kinney, Rosa Mesa, Pam Pasak, Bob Singerman, Shirley Snyder, Ed Teague, Carl Van Ness, Priscilla West, Carol Whitmer, Susan Woods.
Deadline for
S2 registering to
attend meeting 5
on Library Develop-
ment in Florida
(see 8/7 listing)
Meeting on
Library De- Summer
6 velopmentin 7 8 9 10 T1 erm
Fla.,10:00 a.m.-1:00 Commencement
p.m., Santa Fe
Comm. College,
Bldg.W., Rm. 227-8 Intersession
UFLA Mtg.,
3:00-4:30 p.m. Systems Forum,
1314 MSLConf. Systems Forum, 19
SMSL Conf. 6 11:00 a.m.- 18
Rm. Speakers: noon, 420 LIB W,
Chris Hanson and speaker: Ed Teague
Jan Swanbeck
Intersession I.
Deadline CMS E-mail Orientation
for 9/1/89 training 10:00 for New UF
20 brary 21 a.m.,42LIBW 22Faculty 23 24 25 26
Newsletter (call Suzy Shaw, 2- A&P, University
Orientation for new 0796, to preregister) Auditorium, 1:30-
staff ,9:00a.m.- 5:00 p.m. UF Employee Reg stration for Fall Term
Intersession noon, LIB W Conf. Rm (lunch on 8/22)-
27 28 29 30 31
UF Employee Regis ration for Fall Term
Those interested may see our copy in the Rare Book room, and copies may
be purchased from "Friends of the Florida Humanities," Florida Endowment
for the Humanities, 3102 N. Habana Avenue, Suite 300, Tampa, Florida
33607 (phone 813/272-3473); the cost is $21.50, which includes postage.
Only 200 copies are being offered for sale.
polyester Encapsulation
These things that make Florida such an interesting place to live also pro-
'de special problems for library preservation. Having no built-in protection
provided by a cover, items such as maps, posters, broadsides and other ma-
erial on flat paper are very susceptible to environmental conditions and to
amage caused by everyday use and handling.
Lamination was once a popular method of protecting such items. The ob-
ect to be treated was sealed between two sheets of transparent material ei-
her by heat or with adhesives. The item was strengthened and protected,
ut at the loss of clarity, texture, and sometimes reversibility. What was
needed was a simple, inexpensive, reversible method of protection.
In the early 70s the Library of Congress developed the technique called
olyester encapsulation. Polyester is a strong, flexible material that does not
ontain anything which might break down and harm paper. The object to be
created is first deacidified and then placed between two sheets of polyester.
eacidification is important since recent monitoring has shown that the de-
erioration of an acidic item will actually accelerate within the enclosure un-
ess it has been neutralized. The edges are then sealed with a special double-
oated tape or a sonic welder. The condition of the material is not altered; it
an be safely handled and is protected from rough use, moisture, pollutants
id insects. The process is also entirely reversible.
The item is actually held between the sheets by a static charge. This elimi-
ates the need to do extensive repairs on the object but also makes encapsu-
ation inappropriate for some friable media such as charcoal pencil and pas-
Double-coated tape causes some concerns and problems which we have
eliminated in the Preservation Office through the use of a sonic welder. This
machine uses sound waves to "weld" the polyester sheets together. This
ives a very strong, neat seam and allows the item to lie flat in storage.
The Conservation unit will soon be set up in our new location in Library
ast. I would like to invite anyone with an interest in seeing the sonic weld-
r in operation, or interested in more information on encapsulation or any of
.e work we do to stop in and let us show you around.
John Freund
unable to give us the older one; however,
they could run the one we had in the
CASSIS (Classification and Search Support
Information System) database which would
pick up all patents on the subject regardless
of class number changes. The CASSIS data-
base provides only the patent numbers and
the patron must still consult the Official Ga-
zette to locate the abstracts. However, this
type of search is a free service to anyone!
The same kind of information can be found
in some of the Dialog files and the patent
abstract is included, but these searches av-
erage between $50 and $100 and can be
even higher.
Carol Drum
The next Systems Forum will be held on
Friday, August 18, from 11 a.m. to noon in
Room 420 of Library West. Ed Teague of
the AFA Library will discuss and demon-
strate the Hypercard-based guide to the
AFA library that he has developed for use
on the Macintosh.
All Library staff are welcome to attend!
These reports were recently added to
those available through the Library Person-
nel Office.
American Library Association Annual
Conference, reports submitted by Denise
Beaubien, Erich Kesse, Louise Leonard, Peter
McKay, David Shontz, and Colleen Thorburn,
Dallas, June 24-29,1989
Special Libraries Association Annual
Conference, reports submitted by Anita Bat-
tiste, Vivian Carlson, and Carol Drum, New
York City, June 10-15,1989
For all those Library staff traveling this
summer, please remember the Map Library
can use any maps you might pick up, from
city maps to foreign road maps. We also
welcome campus maps from other universi-
ties and travel/camping guides. These are
useful for recreation majors as well as other
HelenJane Armstrong
The following publications have been
received from the Research Libraries
Group. Copies may be obtained by con-
tacting one of the secretaries in the admin-
istrative offices.
1. Press release announcing that RLG
terminates service broker arrange-
ment with CLASS, RLIN users to re-
ceive services directly from RLG
2. Press release announcing the RLG
headquarters staff reorganization
3. Conspectus changes memo
4. Memo announcing the new edition of
the cataloging folder
5. Minutes of the May 1-2, 1989, Preser-
vation Committee meeting held in
Snowbird, Utah
6. RLG News, issue 19
7. Update no. 1 to searching the
research-in-progress data base: a pi-
lot project
8. Rates for services from RLIN, effec-
tive September 1, 1989
9. Network Operations Statistics for
June 1989
10. Monthly/year-to-date member activi-
ty summaries for June 1989
11. Monthly/year-to-date searching ac-
tivity reports for June 1989
12. Pennsylvania State Archives notice
of closing
13. Monthly response graph for June 1989
14. The RLIN system: A conceptual over-
view, June 1989
15. Press release announcing RLG com-
pletes first phase of Chinese rare book
16. Press release announcing Jim Schmidt
steps down as vice president of RLG
17. Press release announces that RLG
makes changes in its line-up of sub-
ject programs
18. Cluster error reports, April and June
19. Managing a New Library Resource:
Results of the RLG Machine-readable
Data File Project in Six Member Li-
braries, May 1989
The Collection Condition Task Force of the Preservation Planning Program
As one of six task forces, the Collection Condition Task Force is charged
with the examination of the library's collections and with making appropriate
preservation recommendations for particular items or holdings. It should be
noted that one already knows a great deal about the physical state of library
collections from surveys conducted at various research institutions. Essen-
tially, thirty-three to forty percent of a library's holdings are likely to be acidic
or brittle, especially for paper manufactured between 1850 to 1950. Adverse
environmental conditions further shorten a book's shelf life.
Such a survey provides a particular institution with fairly accurate informa-
tion about the extent of the problem from which to plan a preservation pro-
gram. Cost projections and grant proposal recommendations can be based on
this information.
The actual survey at the University of Florida has a broader scope than the
usual collection survey. While the other institutions have concentrated on
book formats, we will investigate every format with a sizable holding. Be-
sides books, serials, and documents, we will test microforms (microfilm and
microfiche), MRDFs, maps, manuscripts and so on. This means that the task
force has to come up with a survey methodology for each format.
The second distinguishing feature is that each format will be tested separ-
ately for each library unit or special collection. The first phase of the survey
will test books, serials, and documents in the following units: Main (General
collections in East and West), Science, Latin American Collection, Belknap, Ar-
chitecture and Fine Arts, Music, Education, Florida History, Judaica, Archives
and the uncataloged backlog. The size of the test target is approximately
2,120 items, the total of random samples of 400 each for Main, LAC and Sci-
ence, and samples of 100 each for other units. The 400 number sample allows
for a 95% confidence level and a 5% tolerance interval. Testing each unit will
provide a globally accurate view of the physical state of the holdings in gener-
al, as well as data unique to particular collections.
The third distinguishing characteristic of the survey is that each selector
and bibliographer (as well as several LTAs) will be involved. From a collec-
tion management perspective such experience will be invaluable and will help
those involved make informed decisions regarding gift selection, weeding col-
lection analyses, budgetary projections, and so on.
The survey will be based on random sampling techniques. After sample
sizes have been determined, Systems will generate random numbers based on
stack level, range, section, shelf and book number. The schedule for the first
phase of the survey is as follows: July 20-24, the Preservation office will give
five seminars to the staff on how to conduct the physical tests and complete
the survey form. The actual survey should be completed by July 28. After
that the task force will turn its attention to Rare Books, microforms, manu-
scripts and other formats. The members of the task force are: Helen Jane
Armstrong, Frank Di Trolio (Chair), Barry Hartigan, Ray Jones, Peter Malan-
chuk, Rosa Mesa, Bob Singerman, Jan Swanbeck and Ed Teague.
Frank DiTrolio
Editor's note: The following letter was sent to Carol Turner, Assistant Director of
Administrative Services, from the campus representative for Danka Industries,
Inc., the company that supplies and services many of the photocopiers in the Librar-
ies. This letter provides information of interest to library staff, but in particular to
those staff members who have contact with patrons experiencing photocopier prob-
Dear Carol,
Here is a list of suggestions that I think can help the library staff deal
with some of the "over the counter" problems they come in contact with.
* 1. The most common problem is the "wipe out" of a patron's card. This
is caused, as far as we know, by several factors. The first is the "dirty" pow-
er that exists on most of the campus. I would say that this accounts for 80
percent of the "blasted" cards that we see. At present there is no cure. We
have had more than $2,000 worth of surge suppression equipment stolen
since we arrived. As buildings are renovated and the new power station
comes on line we expect to see this problem decrease. The second cause,
we believe, is the bill accepter itself. I have recently received a jumper that I
am installing in several test machines to see if this will stop that part of the
problem. The third reason is operator error. I see on the average of three
people a day who claim they have a bad card when the problem is that they
were putting in the card incorrectly.
First, ask the patrons if they have inserted their cards correctly, "arrow
up arrow in." If inserting the card correctly does not work, then we must
assume that the card is "bad." All is never lost for the patron with the ex-
ception of maybe time. Danka has always had the policy of restoring the
card to what the patron believes was on the card before the card went bad.
If this problem occurs between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m., then all you have to do is
call 338-5616 and at the tone you have ten seconds to give us your message.
As a general rule we try to respond to all pages in 15 minutes or less. If the
patron cannot wait, ask them to please come to Room 271 in Library West
between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. and we will restore the card.
* 2. The next most common problem is that of various flashing lights on
the control board of the copier. If a patron states that the toner light is lit
up, tell them that it is okay to make copies and then please call or page us.
When the toner light comes on, there are approximately 2,000 copies left be-
fore it is completely out of toner. If a paper jam light is on, then that must
be cleared by a technician as the cabinets are locked. Once again, please call
or page us and we will be there as soon as we can.
The third warning light is a great source of problems and that is the add
paper light. These copiers hold 500-600 sheets of 8.5" x 14" paper and 1,200
sheets of 8.5" x 11" paper, so with the exception of the busiest times, it is un-
likely that the machine is out of paper. What does occur is that the top one
of two trays of 14" paper will run out and start flashing. If the patron states
that there is no 14" paper, please ask them to press the paper size button
once or twice to cycle to the next tray. Which brings us to the greatest prob-
* 3. "The machines won't change sizes. Are they broken or what?" Does
that sound familiar? We both hear and see this the most often. The solu-
tion would be simple if people would learn to read instructions. The copi-
ers will not activate any function without inserting either cards or money.
continued on next page 1
The Florida Chapter of the American So-
ciety for Information Science (ASIS) will
hold its Annual Meeting on Monday, Sep-
tember 25, 1989, at the University of South
Florida in Tampa. The annual Chapter
business meeting will be held in the morn-
ing, followed by lunch and a poster session
on "Information Science and Technology:
Research and Innovation."
The Chapter will sponsor an afternoon
program on 'Telecommunications in the In-
formation Age." Keynote speaker Dr.
James E. Rush, Executive Director of the
PALINET library network and nationally-
recognized authority on library networks,
will discuss "The Changing Role of Tele-
communications in Library and Informa-
tion Centers." Other presentations will fo-
cus on telecommunications technology in
the coming decade, telecommunications is-
sues for libraries and information centers,
and the impact of new developments in
telecommunications technology on online
information retrieval.
A meeting flyer/registration form will be
distributed in early August. Library staff
who might want to participate in the poster
session should contact me at 2-0796.
Tom Kinney
The June 1989 issue of Information
Technology and Libraries is devoted to
"Locally Loaded Databases in Online
Library Systems." Ten articles by notables
such as Miriam Drake of Georgia Tech and
Emily Fayen of the University of Pennsyl-
vania discuss the growing trend for
libraries to provide local online access to
bibliographic citation databases and full-
text files in addition to the conventional
online catalog. Of special interest to NOTIS
users is Flo Wilson's article on "Article-
Level Access in the Online Catalog at
Vanderbilt University," which describes the
joint Vanderbilt/NOTIS project to modify
the NOTIS software to support access to
citation databases such as MEDLINE.
Tom Kinney
All tenured librarians in the bargaining unit
who will have completed six years of full-time
service at UF by Fall 1990 are eligible for sab-
baticals. Restrictions apply for those who
have already taken sabbaticals.
A sabbatical may be granted for the pur-
pose of taking academic coursework, perform-
ing individual research, engaging in educa-
tion travel or observation, or other relevant
activities which shall improve the faculty
member's professional expertise.
The application should indicate the appli-
cant's preference for the length of time: two
semesters (at half pay) or one semester (at full
Applications are due in the Library
Director's Office by September 1, 1989. Librar-
ians who did not receive a copy should con-
tact their department chairs.
Award announcements will be made dur-
ing November 1989.
The Florida Library Community library
directors, staff, friends, trustees, and govern-
ing officials is invited to participate in a
meeting in Gainesville to discuss the future di-
rection of library development in Florida.
The meeting, one of four open meetings be-
ing held throughout the state, is part of the 90-
day review of the program of the Bureau of
Library Development of the State Library.
Issues to be discussed include:
What are the most important issues facing
the Florida library community in the next five
to ten years?
What are the needs and priorities for the de-
velopment of improved and expanded library
services to Florida residents in the 1990's?
What is the role of Florida's Division of Li-
brary and Information Services and its Bureau
of Library Development in providing leader-
ship and support for the development of those
services and programs?
The meeting will be held on August 7 at
Santa Fe Community College's BuildingW,
Room 227-228 from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
The deadline for responding to the invita-
tion to attend this meeting is August 4,1989.
The response forms are available from depart-
ment heads or the Library's administrative of-
Step #1 on the instructions on every copier states to insert cash, coin, or
card. So I am sorry that I must ask you to ask them if they inserted their
card or money first. If they did, then we must assume that the machine
has failed and we request that you call or page us.
* 4. This problem concerns a common copy quality problem gray cop-
ies and/or backgrounds. This is caused by the type of drum that Konica
uses in its copiers. We have found that some books and journals have an
off-white to cream or bone colored paper which causes the automatic ex-
posure system to make the copy darker. If the patron presses the lighter
button one time, and in some cases twice, this will eliminate the gray in
99 percent of the cases. The other problem comes from most copiers' ina-
bility to copy materials in the blue to green spectrum. They can be cop-
ied but you must be willing to accept a gray background. The last is the
classic hot pink paper with maroon ink and yellow-green highlighter.
Lots of luck. The copier just won't do it. It is a good time to point out the
virtues of white paper and black pens to those patrons who copy others'
Some other basic information about the machines is that they will ac-
cept one, two and five dollar bills but will accept fives only if the patron
has inserted a card. The machines will make change after making copies
for cash so that patrons do not need coins to make cash copies. I would
ask that you personally do not and also that you discourage patrons from
making just change from the machines. When machines go to "exact
change" status it can take from one to ten days for the coin tubes to refill
enough to make change again. While the machine is in the "exact
change" condition, the occasional cash user is deprived of the ability to
make a copy.
The machines are rated at 20 copies per minutes but can be speeded up
by cancelling the automatic exposure scan which takes place before each
copy. This is cancelled by pressing the lighter or darker buttons once or
more. It is then necessary to monitor copy density more carefully, The
machine will default to automatic if no copies are made for 90 seconds.
Patrons who are copying from a book should be informed that they may
press down on the platen covers. The hinges will pop up to distribute
pressure evenly across the surface of the glass, allowing them to copy
closer to the inside spine of the book.
I think that this covers most of the common day-to-day things that you
see. I would add that if patrons are abusive to you concerning the copi-
ers, try to tell them that the libraries are not responsible for the machines
and send them on to us, either by phone or in person, and we will do our
best to correct their problems promptly. After all, we and not you are
here to see that they get a good copy, and my staff and I are fully com-
mitted to seeing that happen. If you have any suggestions and/or ques-
tions that need to be addressed please feel free to contact me personally
and I will do everything in my and the company's power to see it taken
care of promptly. Also, should you have any complaint about our ser-
vice or any of my employees, please do not hesitate to contact me person-
Thank you for your time and for all the help that you all have given us
since our arrival on campus.
James J. Costello,
Northern Regional Service Coordinator
Danka Industries, Inc.