The Preservation Information Management System described in the following pages is the first attempt
to design an automated tool to support the ongoing work of a comprehensive preservation department in
a research library. It is a multi-layered and integrated systems approach to managing preservation
information and programs. In such an environment, information may reside in bibliographic and
holdings records within national, regional, or local systems, with a standardized information hierarchy
indicating the appropriateness and utility of information at each level. Information may be manipulated
and products produced on main-frames, mini- and micro-computers through programs within national,
regional and local systems or interfaces with them, or by programs independent of these systems
With adaptive use of database, decision support, statistics, word processing and other types of software,
combined with interface, coding, and translating applications, it would transform bibliographic utilities
and stand-alone databases from static records of information into tools capable not only of managing
information, but of assisting in the management of programs and preservation activities.
Built into the design of this tool are a number of assumptions:
1. It should accommodate full or partial utilization, depending on the interests of the institution.
For example, an institution should be able to capitalize on the full capability of the
commercial binding component while ignoring completely the reprographics component;
2. The system should utilize database management software, expert systems, graphics
applications, communications software, statistical reporting functions; andwordprocessing
3. The system should accommodate "movement" to and from local integrated systems as well
as RLIN and other national networks;
4. Institutions may require multiple workstations installed in different physical locations
throughout a library system.
At this early stage, the system is reflective of the full range of functional activities of a comprehensive
preservation program. As such, it is comprised of twelve primary functional areas, eleven of which are
geared to specific activities, and three of which would be commonly serve in a support role to general
administrative functions. A unique approach is to design in training modules to each of the functional
areas, thus making it possible for staff with varying levels of computer awareness to make immediate
use of the system.
1 Sections in italics are direct quotes from the original Kesse proposal.
A. Train User of Module
B. Identify Materials
C. Track Materials Workflow
D. Perform Internal Searching
E. Perform External Searching
F. Support Decisionmaking
G. Support Cost Accounting
H. Support Statistical Functions
I. Create Requests for Proposal (RFP's)
A. Train User of Module
B. Conduct Collection Profiling
C. Project Collection/Item Futures
D. Support Decisionmaking
A. Train User of Module
B. Access Binding Technical Information
C. Support Decisionmaking (Tree)
D. Track Materials Workfflo'-
E. Generate Binding Slip
F. Produce Packing/Shipping List
G. Monitor Quality Control
H. Support Cost Accounting
I. Support Statistical Functions
J. Create Requests for Proposal (RFP's)
A. Train User of Module
B. Survey Bound Paper
C. Survey Flat Paper
D. Survey Negatives, Slides, Microforms
E. Survey Photographic Prints
F. Survey Glass Plates
G. Survey Magnetic Media
H. Survey Digital/Optical Media
I. Survey Analog Audio Media
J. Identify Action Priorities
A. Train User of Module
B. Track Materials Workflow
C. Document Bound Paper Treatment
D. Document Flat Paper Treatment
E. Document Negative, Slide, Microform Treatment
F. Document Photographic Print Treatment
G. Document Glass Plate Treatment
H. Document Magnetic Media Treatment
I. Document Digital/Optical Media Treatment
J. Document Analog Audio Treatment
K. Document Other Media Treatment
L. Support Box Construction
M. Support Cost Accounting System
N. Support Statistical Functions
O. Create Requests for Proposals (RFFs)
A. Train User of Module
B. Inventory Supplies and Resources
C. Profile Building and Collection Locations
D. Support Disaster Decisionmaking
E. Track Materials Workflow
F. Maintain Historical File
G. Create Requests for Proposals (RFFs)
A. Traiii User of Module
B. Track Environmental Monitoring
C. Create Condition Reports
D. Support Conditions Analysis and Decisionmaking
E. Provide Environment/Collection Interface
F. Support Statistical Functions
G. Profile Building and HVAC Systems
H. Queue and Maintain Historic File
I. Create Requests for Proposals (RFP's)
A. Train User of Module
B. Track Materials Workflow
C. Produce Targets
D. Support Reel and Fiche Programming
E. Perform Cost Estimating
F. Produce Packing/Shipping Lists
G. Maintain Union List
H. Record Physical Characteristics
I. Monitor Quality Control
J. Support Cost Accounting
K. Support Statistical Functions
L. Create Requests for Proposals (RFFs)
A. Train User of Module
B. Identify Problems
C. Create Requests for Proposals (RFPs)
A. Train User of Module
B. Compile ARL Preservation Questionnaire
C. Compile Annual Report
D. Compile Statistical Reports
A. Train User of Module
B. Order Supplies/Equipment
C. Inventory Supplies/Equipment
D. Support Cost Accounting
E. Support Statistical Functions
F. Create Requests for Proposals (RFFs)
A. Train User of Module
B. Maintain Materials Research and Fact Files
C. Maintain Thesauri and Info Research Files
D. Support Bibliographic And Abstract Searching (Technical Lit)
E. Format and Transfer USMARC Fields/Records
F. Create Requests for Proposals (RFFs)
A. Train User of Module
1. Train in all Brittle Materials Processing Functions
B. Identify Materials
1. Profile and Queue Brittle Books
2. Profile and Queue Endangered Microforms
3. Profile and Queue Other Endangered Materials
C. Track Materials Workflow
1. Create Tracking Reports
2. Charge and Discharge (Circulation) Materials
3. Transfer (Circulation) Materials
4. Generate and Upload Selected USMARC Fields
D. Perform Internal Searching
1. Search Local Online Catalog
2. Create Availability and Condition Report
3. Identify and Download Selected USMARC Fields
E. Perform External Searching
1. Search External Databases
2. Create Availability Repbrts
3. Create Product Characteristics Report
4. Generate Orders
5. Profile by Publisher and Price
6. Profile by Imprint and Subject
7. Profile by Format
F. Support Decisionmaking
1. Download Conspectus Data
2. Suggest Retention Decisions (Intellectual Content)
3. Suggest Retention Decisions (Artifactual Value)
4. Suggest Preservation Actions
G. Support Cost Accounting
1. Create Internal Search Expenditure Report
2. Create External Search Expenditure Report
3. Create Raw Materials Costs Report
4. Create Staff Costs Report
5. Create Production Time Accounting and Analysis Report
H. Support Statistical Functions
1. Create Report of Materials Identified as Embrittled/Endangered
2. Create Report of Items Queued
3. Create Report of Items Treated
4. Create Monthly, Quarterly, Annual Reports
5. Create Report of Decision Types and Rates
6. Create Report of Treatment Projections
I. Create Requests for Proposal (RFP's)
1. Maintain RFP Templates
2. Upload Proposals Received
3. Provide Automated Decision Tree
4. Create Services Comparison Report
5. Create Cost Analysis and Comparison Report
A. Train User of Module
1. Train in all Collection Profiling Functions
B. Profile Collection
1. Create Preservation Scope Note
2. Interface and Data Transfer with Collection Condition Surveys
and Conservation Documentation Files
3. Upload Preservation Scope Note to RLIN
C. Project Collection/Item Futures
1. Interface with other MIS Components and Products
2. Download from Automated Circulation Statistics
3. Interface with Research Data and Fact Sheets
4. Project Collection Life Expectancy
5. Project Item Life Expectancy
6. Create Prioritized Actions Lists
D. Support Decisionmaking
1. Maintain Expert System/Decision Tree for Purchase (by Format)
A. Train User of Module
1. Train in all Commecial Binding Functions
B. Access Binding Technical Information
1. Structure Binding Record from USMARC
2. Encode and Decode Technical Information
3. Transfer Data (Upload and Download)
C. Support Decisionmaking (Trees)
1. Apply Leaf Attachment Tree
2. Apply Retention Issues Tree
3. Apply Spine Format Tree
4. Construct Binding Technical Information Field
D. Track Materials Workflow
1. Create Internal Tracking Reports (Within Library)
2. Create External Tracking Reports (Between Library and Bindery)
3. Create Item Records
4. Charge and Discharge Items (Circulation)
5. Generate and Upload USMARC 583 Field
6. Generate and Transfer Historic File Information
E. Generate Binding Slip
1. Produce Binding Slip in Print Format
2. Produce Binding Slip in Electronic Format
3. Upload Binding Record to Bindery
F. Produce Packing/Shipping List
1. Produce Container Packing List
2. Produce Shipment List
3. Produce Non-Returned List
G. Monitor Quality Control
1. Prompt for Quality Review and Response
2. Produce Quality Control Report
H. Support Cost Accounting
1. Create Binding Expenditure Report
2. Create Binding Expenditure Projection Report
3. Create Raw Materials Costs Report
4. Create Staff Costs Report
5. Create Production Time Accounting and Analysis Report
I. Support Statistical Functions
1. Compile Shipment Statistics
2. Compile Leaf Attachment Statistics
3. Compile Rebinding Statistics -
4. Compile Quality Evaluation Statistics
5. Compile Monthly, Quarterly, and Annual Statistics
J. Create Requests for Proposal (RFP's)
1. Maintain RFP Templates
2. Upload Proposals Received
3. Provide Automated Decision Tree
4. Create Services Comparison Report
5. Create Cost Analysis and Comparison Report
A. Train User of Module
1. Train in all Condition Surveying Functions
B. Survey Bound Paper
1. Generate Random Numbers
2. Maintain Suvey Templates
3. Analyze, Tabulate and Report by Single Facet
4. Analyze, Tabulate and Report by Permutation
5. Upload/Download to Conservation Treatment Documentation Module
C. Survey Flat Paper
1. Generate Random Numbers
2. Maintain Suvey Templates
3. Analyze, Tabulate and Report by Single Facet
4. Analyze, Tabulate and Report by Permutation
5. Upload/Download to Conservation Treatment Documentation Module
D. Survey Negatives, Slides, Microforms
1. Generate Random Numbers
2. Maintain Suvey Templates
3. Analyze, Tabulate and Report by Single Facet
4. Analyze, Tabulate and Report by Permutation
5. Upload/Download to Conservation Treatment Documentation Module
E. Survey Photographic Prints
1. Generate Random Numbers
2. Maintain Suvey Templates
3. Analyze, Tabulate and Report by Single Facet
4. Analyze, Tabulate and Report by Permutation
5. Upload/Download to Conservation Treatment Documentation Module
F. Survey Glass Plates
1. Generate Random Numbers
2. Maintain Suvey Templates
3. Analyze, Tabulate and Report by Single Facet
4. Analyze, Tabulate and Report by Permutation
5. Upload/Download to Conservation Treatment Documentation Module
G. Survey Magnetic Media
1. Generate Random Numbers
2. Maintain Suvey Templites-
3. Analyze, Tabulate and Report by Single Facet
4. Analyze, Tabulate and Report by Permutation
5. Upload/Download to Conservation Treatment Documentation Module
H. Survey Digital/Optical Media
1. Generate Random Numbers
2. Maintain Suvey Templates
3. Analyze, Tabulate and Report by Single Facet
4. Analyze, Tabulate and Report by Permutation
5. Upload/Download to Conservation Treatment Documentation Module
I. Survey Analog Audio Media
1. Generate Random Numbers
2. Maintain Suvey Templates
3. Analyze, Tabulate and Report by Single Facet
4. Analyze, Tabulate and Report by Permutation
5. Upload/Download to Conservation Treatment Documentation Module
J. Identify Action Priorities
1. Suggest Prioritized Actions Lists
A. Train User of Module
1. Train in all Conservation Treatment Functions
B. Track Materials Workflow
1. Create Internal Tracking Reports (Within Library)
2. Create External Tracking Reports (Between Library and Bindery)
3. Charge and Discharge Items (Circulation)
4. Generate and Upload USMARC 583 Field
C. Document Bound Paper Treatment
1. Support Documentation Tree and Templates
2. Support Graphic/Photo-Documentation Function
3. Suggest Prioritized Action Lists and Treatments
4. Queue for Future Treatment
5. Generate and Upload USMARC 583 Field
D. Document Flat Paper Treatment
1. Support Documentation Tree and Templates
2. Support Graphic/Photo-Documentation Function
3. Suggest Prioritized Action Lists and Treatments
4. Queue for Future Treatment
5. Generate and Upload USMARC 583 Field
E. Document Negative, Slide, Microform Treatment
1. Support Documentation Tree and Templates
2. Support Graphic/Photo-Documentation Function
3. Suggest Prioritized Action Lists and Treatments
4. Queue for Future Treatment
5. Generate and Upload USMARC 583 Field
F. DocumentPhotographic Print Treatment'
1. Support Documentation Tree and Templates
2. Support Graphic/Photo-Documentation Function
3. Suggest Prioritized Action Lists and Treatments
4. Queue for Future Treatment
5. Generate and Upload USMARC 583 Field
G. Document Glass Plate Treatment
1. Support Documentation Tree and Templates
2. Support Graphic/Photo-Documentation Function
3. Suggest Prioritized Action Lists and Treatments
4. Queue for Future Treatment
5. Generate and Upload USMARC 583 Field
H. Document Magnetic Media Treatment
1. Support Documentation Tree and Templates
2. Support Graphic/Photo-Documentation Function
3. Suggest Prioritized Action Lists and Treatments
4. Queue for Future Treatment
5. Generate and Upload USMARC 583 Field
I. Document Digital/Optical Media Treatment
1. Support Documentation Tree and Templates
2. Support Graphic/Photo-Documentation Function
3. Suggest Prioritized Action Lists and Treatments
4. Queue for Future Treatment
5. Generate and Upload USMARC 583 Field
J. Document Analog Audio Treatment
1. Support Documentation Tree and Templates
2. Support Graphic/Photo-Documentation Function
3. Suggest Prioritized Action Lists and Treatments
4. Queue for Future Treatment
5. Generate and Upload USMARC 583 Field
K. Document Other Media Treatment
1. Support Documentation Tree and Templates
2. Support Graphic/Photo-Documentation Function
3. Suggest Prioritized Action Lists and Treatments
4. Queue for Future Treatment
5. Generate and Upload USMARC 583 Field
L. Support Box Construction
1. Create Box Measurements for Construction
M. Support Cost Accounting System
1. Create Commercial Conservation Expenditure Report
2. Create Internal Conservation Expenditure Report
3. Create Pamphlet Binding Report
4. Create Enclosure Expenditure Report
5. Create Deacidification Expenditure Report
6. Create Raw Materials Costs Report
7. Create Staff Costs Report
8. Create Production Time' Accounting arfd-Analysis Report
N. Support Statistical Functions
1. Compile Items Treated Statistics
2. Compile Materials Used Statistics Use Projections
3. Compile Monthly, Quarterly, and Annual Reports
O. Create Requests for Proposals (RFPs)
1. Maintain RFP Templates
2. Upload Proposals Received
3. Provide Automated Decision Tree
4. Create Services Comparison Report
5. Create Cost Analysis and Comparison Report
A. Train User of Module
1. Train in all Disaster Response Functions
B. Inventory Supplies and Resources
1. Inventory and Select Supplies
2. Inventory and Select Equipment
3. List and Select Human Resources
4. List and Select Commercial Service Resources
5. Re-Order Supplies and Equipment
C. Profile Building and Collection Locations
1. Create Reports of Building Plans: Physical Structure
2. Create Reports of Building Plans: Collection Locations
3. Create Reports of Building Plans: Detection and Suppression E uipment/Supplies
D. Support Disaster Decisionmaking
1. Provide Disaster Preparedness Actions Queue
2. Maintain Telephone and Reporting Trees
3. Provide Disaster Response Actions Queue
4. Provide Disaster Recovery Projections (Time and Cost)
E. Track Materials Workflow
1. Support Disaster Recovery Logistical Functions
2. Create Internal Tracking Reports (Within Library)
3. Create External Tracking Reports (Between Library and Bindery)
4. Charge and Discharge Items (Circulation)
5. Generate and Upload USMARC 583 Field
F. Maintain Historical File
1. Maintain Fire, Smoke, and Water Damage Reports
2. Maintain Mold/Mildew Infection Reports
3. Maintain Insect/Vermin Infestation Reports
4. Maintain Other Damage Reports as Needed
G. Create Requests for Proposals (RFFPs)
1. Maintain RFP Templates
2. Upload Proposals Received
3. Provide Automated Decision Tree "
4. Create Services Comparison Report
5. Create Cost Analysis and Comparison Report
A. Train User of Module
1. Train in all Environmental Monitoriing Functions
B. Track Environmental Monitoring
1. Monitor and Record: Automatic Environmental Monitoring Systems
2. Monitor and Record: Manual Environmental Monitoring Systems
C. Create Conditions Reports
1. Produce Graphs of Environmental Conditions
2. Produce Tabulated Report of Environmental Conditions
3. Produce Corrective Action and Historic File Reports
D. Support Conditions Analysis and Decisionmaking
1. Suggest Prioritized Actions Lists
2. Maintain Emergency Notification System
3. Support Telephone and Reporting Trees
E. Provide Environment/Collection Interface
1. Interface with Collection or Item Profile/Future Function
2. Interface with Collection or Item Condition Function
3. Interface with Item Conservation Documentation
F. Support Statistical Functions
1. Compile Temperature Statistics
2. Compile RH (Relative Humidity) Statistics
3. Compile Light Level Statistics
4. Compile Air Flow Statistics
5. Compile Monthly, Quarterly, and Annual Statistics
G. Profile Building and HVAC Systems
1. Create Reports on Physical Structures
2. Create Reports on HVAC Systems
3. Create Reports on Piping and Water Management
H. Queue and Maintain Historic File
1. Maintain Facilities Maintenance Files
2. Maintain Facilities Maintenance Queue
I. Create Requests for Proposals (RFFs)
1. Maintain RFP Templates
2. Upload Proposals Received
3. Provide Automated Decision Tree
4. Create Services Comparison Report
5. Create Cost Analysis and Comparison Report
A. Train User of Module
1. Train in all Reprographics Functions
B. Track Materials Workflow
1. Create Internal Tracking Reports (Within Library)
2. Create External Tracking Reports (Between Library and Service Bureau)
3. Charge and Discharge Items (Circulation)
4. Generate and Upload USMARC 583 Field (Queue)
C. Produce Targets
1. Select and Download USMARC physical data
2. Create (Print) Bibliographic Targets
3. Create (Print) Condition Targets
4. Create (Print) Target Requirement Forms
5. Upload Target Data to Service Bureau et al
D. Support Reel and Fiche Programming
1. Analyze Materials and Program for Reel and Fiche
2. Support a Target Sequencing System
3. Create Sequencing Reports
E. Perform Cost Estimating
1. Analyze Reprographics Costs
2. Support Cost Estimating
3. Create Cost Estimate Reports
F. Produce Packing/Shipping Lists
1. Produce Container Packing List
2. Produce Shipment List
3. Produce Non-Returned List
G. Maintain Union List
1. Support Union List of Materials Filmed
2. Provide Selective Retrieval of Union List Data
H. Record Physical Characteristics
1. Produce Microform Technical Information Report
2. Produce Other Reports (templates)
3. Generate and Upload USMARC 007 Field
4. Generate and Upload USMARC 533 and 843 Fields
5. Generate and Upload USMARC 533 Field
I. Monitor Quality Control
1. Produce Microform Quality Control Report Form
2. Compile Service Bureau Production Quality Report
3. Analyze Numeric Quality Results/Measurements
J. Support Cost Accounting
1. Create Preservation Microfilming Expenditure Report
2. Create Preservation Microfilming Expenditure Projection Report
3. Create Raw Materials Costs Report
4. Create Staff Costs Report
5. Create Production Time Accounting and Analysis Report
6. Create Reproduction Services Costs Reports
K. Support Statistical Functions
1. Compile Shipment Statistics
2. Compile Reel/Fiche/Exposure Statistics
3. Compile Regeneration Statistics
4. Compile Archival Storage Statistics
5. Compile Quality Evaluation Statistics
6. Compile Monthly, Quarterly,'and Annual Statistics
L. Create Requests for Proposals (RFPs)
1. Maintain RFP Templates
2. Upload Proposals Received
3. Provide Automated Decision Tree
4. Create Services Comparison Report
5. Create Cost Analysis and Comparison Report
A. Train User of Module
1. Train in all Stack Maintenance Functions
B. Identify Problems
1. Provide Template for Problem Identification
2. Download (and Queue) Problem Data to Preservation MIS
C. Create Requests for Proposals (RFPs)
1. Maintain RFP Templates
2. Upload Proposals Received
3. Provide Automated Decision Tree
4. Create Services Comparison Report
5. Create Cost Analysis and Comparison Report
A. Train User of Module
1. Train in all Statistical Support Functions
B. Compile ARL Preservation Questionnaire
1. Maintain ARL Preservation Questionnaire (blank)
2. Compile Reponse and Report Directly to ARL
C. Compile Annual Report
1. Produce Annual Graph Reports
2. Produce Annual Statistical Reports (tables)
3. Maintain Annual Report Template
D. Compile Statistical Reports
1. Produce Locally-Defined Reports
A. Train User of Module
1. Train in all Resources Management Functions
B. Order Supplies/Equipment
1. Maintain Supply/Equipment Order Template
2. Upload Automatically Order Requests
3. Produce Manual Order Requests
4. Compile Supply/Equipment Order Reports
C. Inventory Supplies/Equipment
1. Maintain Inventory of Supplies/Equipment
2. Automatic Identification of Re-Order Needs
3. Upload Automatically Re-Order Requests
4. Produce Manual Re-Order Requests
D. Support Cost Accounting
1. Compile Fund Code Expenditue Report
2. Compile Raw Materials Costs Report
E. Support Statistical Functions
1. Compile Report of On-Order or Outstanding Supplies/Equipment
2. Compile Report of Consumed Supplies/Equipment
3. Compile Monthly, Quarterly, and Annual Reports
F. Create Requests for Proposals (RFPs)
1. Maintain RFP Templates
2. Upload Proposals Received
3. Provide Automated Decision Tree
4. Create Services Comparison Report
5. Create Cost Analysis and Comparison Report
A. Train User of Module
1. Train in all Technical Information Functions
B. Maintain Materials Research and Fact Files
1. Maintain (or provide access to) Central Information Files
2. Compile Topical Fact Sheets
3. Upload New Data to Central Information Files
C. Maintain Thesauri and Info Research Files
1. Support Interactive Thesauri: Term Entry/Search Template
2. Support Interactive Thesauri: Classified Coding/Decoding
3. Provide Interface with Thesauri Authority Files
D. Support Bibliographic And Abstract Searching (Technical Lit)
1. Support Search Strategy Negotiation and Decision Trees
2. Support Electronic Document Publication System
3. Provide Interface with Abstracting System
4. Provide Interface with Document Delivery System
E. Format and Transfer USMARC Fields/Records
1. Support Interfaces between USMARCFields and MIS
(Detail available elsewhere)
F. Create Requests for Proposals (RFFs)
1. Maintain RFP Templates
2. Upload Proposals Received
3. Provide Automated Decision Tree
4. Create Services Comparison Report
5. Create Cost Analysis and Comparison Report