Aunt Louisa's nursery favourite

Material Information

Aunt Louisa's nursery favourite comprising, Household pets, The birthday party, Dick Whittington, Uncle's farm yard
Uniform Title:
Whittington and his cat
Added title page title:
Household pets
Added title page title:
Birthday party
Added title page title:
Uncle's farm yard
Valentine, L ( Laura ), d. 1899
Kronheim, Joseph Martin, 1810-1896 ( Printer of plates )
Scribner, Welford & Armstrong ( Publisher )
Place of Publication:
New York
Frederick Warne (Firm)
Scribner, Welford and Armstrong
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 v. (various pagings), [24] leaves of plates : col. ill. ; 27 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Animals -- Juvenile literature ( lcsh )
Pets -- Juvenile literature ( lcsh )
Farm life -- Juvenile literature ( lcsh )
Children's stories ( lcsh )
Children's poetry ( lcsh )
Children's stories -- 1874 ( lcsh )
Children's poetry -- 1874 ( lcsh )
Fairy tales -- 1874 ( rbgenr )
Bldn -- 1874
Children's stories ( lcsh )
Children's poetry ( lcsh )
Fairy tales ( rbgenr )
Spatial Coverage:
England -- London
United States -- New York -- New York
Target Audience:
juvenile ( marctarget )


General Note:
Date of publication from inscription.
General Note:
Contains prose and verse.
General Note:
Each story is comprised of 6 leaves of text and 6 leaves of plates, each plate preceded by a blank leaf.
Statement of Responsibility:
with twenty-four pages of illustrations printed in colours by Kronheim.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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Resource Identifier:
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Baldwin Library of Historical Children's Literature
University of Florida


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Household Pets. The Birthday Party.

Dick Whittington. Uncle's Farm Yard.



Printed iv Colours by Rronbheim.




THE Publishers of the ““Aunr Lovisa’s Toy Books” offer a New
Volume to their young readers, containing old and new Stories. It is
hoped that HousrHoLp Pets, Dick WuirTtTineTon, and THE Brrru-
DAY Party, may please; and that the rural scenes which render Farm
life so delightful to children, may render the book worthy of the title

of the ‘‘ Nursery Favourite.’

London: Bedford Street, Covent Garden.

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Vi brother Harold and I think ourselves very happy little children, for we

have a pretty home, a dear Papa and Mamma, a baby brother, and a great
many pets. “Household Pets” Nurse calls them; but we two children always
feel as if they were more our friends than anybody else's.

First of all comes my darling Velvetina, who is my very own Pussy. She
has been mine ever since she was a wee kitten. Her mother is the old grey cat,
who lives in the stable. One day she met Harold and me in the garden, and purred
and arched her back and ran on before, just as if she had something to show us,
and wanted us to follow her; so we did. And she led us into the hay-loft, and there
we found four of the prettiest kittens we ever saw.

I caught up Velvetina, and said, “I shall have this kitty, if Mamma will let
me, Harold.”

“And I shall have the white one,” said my brother.

We ran in and asked Mamma if we might have the pretty little things, and
old Pussy trotted along at the side of us, looking very anxious, and mewing.

Mamma said that I might have Velvetina; but that, as Harold had a dog,
he must be content to go without the white one; and then she told us to carry
them back to Pussy’s hiding-place, and leave Shem with her till they were big
enough to take from their mother. So we ran back to the stable, and put them
in with their little brothers, and Pussy seemed very glad. Then we asked Cook
to give us a saucer-full of warm milk, and we took it to the old cat, to show her
that we were much obliged to her for trusting us, and showing us her pretty



DO not say that the Parrots are the wisest of our “ Household Pets,” but I

am sure they are the most talkative, at least Grey Polly is. She picks up
every word we say, and sometimes I really think she knows what the words mean.
Whenever she sees breakfast or tea on the table, she always says, “ Will Polly
have some tea?” and repeats it till some is given to her

Once Grey Polly saved me from being naughty. Nurse had left the jam on
the table after tea one night, and I thought I should like to eata little. So I took
a doll’s spoon, and climbed on the table. Just as I was going to put it in the
pot, Grey Polly called out, ‘‘ Don’t!” ‘and made me jump. Then she added
gravely, “Poor Mamma!”

I jumped down directly, for she made me think how sorry Mamma would
be if I were so wicked as to steal. I was so glad to have been stopped that I
went up to Polly’s cage, and said, |

“Thank you, Poll!”

When—oh, how strange it was!—Green Polly, who only knows a few words,
said solemnly,

‘Don’t mention it.”

And Grey Polly called out,


I think they were true friends to me then. I have fancied sometimes since
that Grey Polly watches me very suspiciously when I am left in the room alone;
but I try to show her that I can be trusted now, even with apricot jam.

Sometimes the parrots talk to each other, and, really, I think they often
speak as wisely as many other friends we have. Perhaps they don’t quite under-
stand what they are saying themselves; but that happens to all of us now and

then. Grey Polly kisses us very often, and the noise she makes then is just like
a real kiss.


HE Squirrel belongs to Harold. Some cruel boys were pelting the squirrels.
in the coppice near our house one day, when Papa and Harold walked that.
way. Harold, very angry, ran on before, and bade them leave the poor little
things alone. They laughed at him, and one rude, tall boy came up and struck
my brother; but, though Harold was much smaller, he was not afraid, and he
would have fought for the squirrels, I am sure, only Papa came up, and when
the boys saw him, they ran away, for fear he should send them to prison for
trespassing. But on the ground lay a poor little squirrel, whose leg they had
broken in their cruel sport. Papa told Harold to pick it up, and carry it home,
that he might try to cure it. And he bound up its leg, and Harold fed it every
day, and took great care of it.

It was cured at last; but it had grown very fond of Harold, and as the
winter was coming on, we kept it in the house, and did not set it free at once,
Next spring, however, Harold carried it back to the wood, for he knew it would
be happier there than in the house; but it always runs home to our house at
night in bad weather. It is quite tame, and comes to Harold when he calls it to
give it nuts.

I am afraid, by-and-bye when it grows older, it may forget us; but it has
not yet done so, and though it lives all day on the lawn and in the great elm
trees close by, it is still a “ Household Pet” and the merriest playfellow we have.
I wish I could spring as lightly. Sometimes Harold and Flit—that is his name—
have climbing matches up the old oak tree, but Flit always wins, though I think

he has taught my brother to climb very well for a boy.


OOK at my Canary bird! Is he not beautiful, and does he not sing
charmingly? He is a Belgian and very clever. He will sit on my
shoulder, and if I do not take any notice of him, he catches my hair in his beak
and pulls it gently. Then I turn my head round, and he kisses me with open
beak and outstretched wings. Sometimes he will put a hemp-seed on my lip.
He is very fond of one himself, and he wishes me to share his treat. He doesn’t
_ know that little girls do not eat hemp-seed.

One very cold winter, a poor hungry Robin flew in at the open window, and
perched on Dicky’s cage. The two birds chirped at each other, and then what
do you think my canary did? He brought a seed to the bars of his cage, and
gave it to the Robin, and went on feeding poor redbreast for some time. Nurse
said she could not have believed it if she had not seen it; but it was quite true.

The Love Birds are Harold’s. Our sailor-cousin brought them home for
him from Sierra Leone. They do not talk or sing, they have only a call-note; but

they are tame, gentle birds, and Harold is very fond of them.

Aunt Jane says we may learn much from these humble friends. Pussy, she
says, will teach us to be watchful and clean; indeed, she keeps her fur much nicer

than I can my frock; Hector will teach obedience and fidelity; White Surrey,

ah! we

gentleness; Flit; contentment; Dicky, cheerfulness; and the parrots
may learn from them to use the best words we know, and ¢hey are kind and

gentle ones. This is what we may learn from our “ HousEHOLD PETs.”


meeanahaeinmmms ammmaaiiaaanaaed

Ht is Harold’s own Dog. He is very sensible and obedient. Once
we lost him.

We were staying in London for a few weeks, and we had brought Hector
up with us. One day Harold and I took him into the square, having promised
Mamma that we would take care of him, and not let him get through the railings.
We played and ran races with Hector till we were tired; then we sat down under
a tree, and told him to lie down at my feet. For some time he lay quite still,
for he was as much out of breath as we were. By-and-bye Harold took a
book out of his pocket and began to read, and I leaned over him and read also;
and the story was so very pretty that I forgot all about Hector, till Nurse came
to tell us that it was dinner-time. ‘But where is Hector, Miss Milly?” said
she. Ah! he was gone. He had stolen away, and we could not find him any-

Mamma was very sorry and Harold cried sadly for his dog. Papa told people
through the newspapers that he would give a great deal of money to any one who
brought Hector back; but no one did bring him. At last, one day, as Nurse
and Baby, Harold and I, were coming out of the Soho Bazaar, a dog came
jumping and fawning on us, and we knew that he was Hector. A dirty man
ran up, and said,

“That is my dog.”

Nurse. answered, “Call him, and see if he will come to you.”

And the man called, “Di! Di!” But, of course, Hector would not go to

Then Nurse stopped a policeman, and while she was speaking to him, the
dirty man ran away. We carried Hector home between us, and never let him

go out without a string after that day.


NV Eee SURREY is Papa’s Pony, but he is a great pet of all the family.

We have also two Goats, Billy and Nanny, who draw Baby’s little carriage
down the lanes and in the park. They were sent to us as a present from Wales,
and Harold calls them ‘‘ Ancient Britons.” I am very fond of Nanny, but Billy
is a little rough sometimes in his play.

He is very fond of White Surrey, and we often see him putting his nose up
to the gentle pony, as if he were going to kiss him. Surrey is very good to his
little friend, too, and seems to like him very much. I wonder sometimes if Billy
thinks himself as grand as White Surrey because he also draws a carriage.

ncn Harold and I go into the meadow, Surrey will run up to us, and walk
gently by our side, and eat bread from our hands. Harold and I often save a
piece for him. He also likes sugar, but he does not get it very often.

Billy is full of fun. It is very nice to have a game of play with him, and
see him frolic and bound about. Harold says he is afraid that poor Taffy misses
his native hills sometimes; but I think the dear old fellow is very happy.

Ponies are very sensible animals. They have good memories, and soon learn
to find their way about the country. I do not know what we should do without
them. It would be very sad to have nothing to draw our chaises about but
railway engines. Our nice ponies work for us and take us pleasant rides and
drives, and I really think they enjoy these excursions quite as much as their

young masters do.




MERCHANT, once upon a time, who had great store of
Among his household placed a youth sore pinch'd by want and cold:
No father or no mother watch’d with love o'er this poor boy,
Whose dearest treasure was a Cat, his pet and only joy,
‘That came to him beseechingly when death was at the door,
And kindly to relieve her wants he shared ‘his little store.
A. grateful Cat! no mice might live where she put up to dwell,
And Whittington could calmly sleep, while Puss watched o'er his

That once oerran with vermin so, no rest had he by night,

Placed in this garret vile to please a cruel woman’s spite.


Alice advises him to send his Cat.

Now on the Thames a gallant ship lay ready to set sail,

When spoke the Merchant, “Ho! prepare to catch the fav'ring gale ;
And each who will his fortune try, haste, get your goods on board,
The gains ye all shall share with me, whate’er they may afford:
From distant lands where precious musks and jewels rare are found,
What joy to waft across the seas their spoils to English ground !”
So hasted then each one on board, with what he best could find,
Before the ship for Afric’s land flew swiftly with the wind.

The little boy he was so poor, no goods had he to try,

And as he stood and saw the ship, a tear bedimm’d his eye,

To think how Fortune smiled on all oe on his sad lot—

As if he were by gracious Heaven neglected and forgot !

The Merchant and his daughter too, fair Alice, mark’d his grief,
And with a gentle woman's heart, intent on kind relief,

She bade him bring his Cat to try her fortune o’er the sea;

“Who knows,’ she said, “what she may catch in gratitude to thee!”
With weeping and with sore lament he brought poor Puss on board -

And now the ship stood out for sea, with England’s produce stored.


Hearing Bells.

And as she sped far out of sight, his heart was like to break;
His: friend had gone that shared his crust, far sweeter for her sake.
Humble his lot the Merchant knew, but knew not that the Cook
With blows and cuffs the boy assail’d, and surly word and look,
Until his life a burden seemed, too grievous to be borne,

Though Alice oft would pity him, so lowly and forlorn.

Now musing long, the thought arose his plight could scarce be worse,.
And forth he rush’d into the fields, regardless of his course.

The cutting winds blew bleak and cold upon his shiv’ring breast,
His naked feet were pierced with thorns, on every side distress ;
He sank, o’erpowered with grief and pain, upon a wayside stone,
Bethinking there to end his days, with none to make him moan:
And calling upon Gop for aid in this last hour of need—

On Gop, who never yet refused to hear the wretched plead.

And now the bells sound tench cel clear, as thus he lay forlorn,
Seeming to say, “O Whittington, thou foolish boy, return!

Lord Mayor of London thou shalt be, Dick Whittington, if thou
Wilt turn again, and meet thy lot with bold and manly brow.’*

* The six bells of Bow Church rang, and seemed to say to him:
“Turn again, Whittington, Lord Mayor of London;
Turn again, Whittington, Lord Mayor of London.”


STN SE Sey Se na

The Return of the Ship.

Up sprang the boy to hear such sounds, so cheerful and so sweet,
He felt no more the piercing winds, the thorns beneath his feet,
But raising up his eyes to Heaven, he prayed for strength to bear
Whatever in His wisdom Gop might please to make him share.
And now his steps retracing fast, good news he quickly hears,—
How that a richly-laden ship, amid ten thousand cheers,

Had entered port from distant climes, full freighted with their gold,
By trafhe gained for English wares in honest barter sold. |
With shout and song the crew rejoiced—not less the folk on shore—
Told of eine strange and rare among the blackamoor ;

And how their King was glad to see our English sailors bold,
Who sat and ate and drank with him from cups of purest gold.
Once on a day, amid their cheer, when healths went gaily round,
How were the crew amazed to see, in swarms upon the ground,
Unnumber'd rats and mice rush forth and seize the goodly cheer,
While stood the Gordes guests aloof; o’erwhelmed with dread and


Cat at Banquet killing Rats.

“Oh!” said the King, “what sums I'd give to rid me of these vile
Detested rats, whose ravages our bed and board defile!”

Now, hearing this, the sailors straight bethought them of the Cat,

_ And said, “O King, we ‘ll quickly rid your palace of each rat.”.
“Indeed!” the King, delighted, said; “go fetch her quick as thought,
For such a treasure many a year I’ve long and vainly sought;

And should she prove as ye have said, your ship shall loaded be
With gold in heaps, so rich a prize I deem your Cat to be.”

And now the Cat did soon qatar such feats as neer were seen;
Oh, how the scampering, mangled rats amused the King and Queen!
Rich treasures now for Whittington were sent on board the ship,
That, laden with a golden freight, did let her cables slip,

And stood for England, while the breeze a fav'ring impulse lent,

As if for sake of Whittington both ship and breeze were sent.

And soon again the bells rang forth a loud and merry strain,

For wealth and honours crowded now on Whittington amain.


The Marriage.

With gentle Alice for his bride, he stands before the priest,

And after holy rites and vows comes next the wedding feast.

The poor were feasted well, I ween, upon that happy day,

_ And never from his door did go the poor uncheer'd away.

“Lord Mayor of London” spoke the bells—they spoke both well and
true ;

And still the stone is pointed out unto the traveller's view,

Where Tigo in prayer to Gop, cast all his fears aside,

And rose and braced him for the strife, whatever might betide.




{? is May Cecil’s birthday. and good
Keine Wieiganiaae

Hasa gift for her darling, and so has

And to add to her pleasure another
delight, )

She will have a grand ball for her
playmates to-night.

(Ob, Manmanive viaaw a dear dell
cried glad little May;

“lt 1s her birthday too, for she’s
quite new to-day ;

And, Papa, what sweet flowers,
how fragrant and bright!

For my bouquet, of course, for the
party to-night.”

Then she kissed them, and thanked
them, and fluttered away

To show Nurse her flowers, and
with Dolly to play.

INFe’ tine @Qlests alice arriving ; :
May mimics Mamma, :

As she grasps her grand bouquet,

| the gift of Papa,

While four-year-old Fanny, and
her cousin, John Hay,

Wish their friend “Many happy
returns of the day.”

And behind them come all the
young children from Leigh,

Ada proud of herfan; Harry shy, as

And so many more guests May’s
party attended,

The child was quite glad when the
greetings were ended,

Tea and coiiee bReught in, amd thie
games well begun,

And all shyness forgotten. in lavigne
Wee Bal ULE.

a Uy i

Y-AND-BYE from the ball-
room they hear a glad sound,

Wae cCanmee music begins: Off Une
little ones bound,

And Mamma, and Aunt Helen, SO
patient and kind,

For each shy boy and girl a good
partner find.

Cousin Arthur himself — though
quite twenty years old—

Very busy in helping them all, they
behold ;

While Aunt Sophy dances with
small Baby Annie,

And Harold rejoices to gallop with

The glad music rings out, and they
dance with fresh glee,

And merrier children there scarcely
Cag oc:

ee GREY gallops well; little
Katie, in blue,

Is most gracefully dancing with
young Cousin Hugh;
Johnny Howard, who thinks him-
self quite a young man,
Is pretending to flirt with the child
with a fan ;
And George Noble is telling the two
little Fords
@i the Quand Game of ceriekew
they ’re playing at Lord’s.
Good humour and kindness are
seen everywhere,
And bright smiles wreath the lips
| of each happy child there.
Thteugia tie Course Ol your lnves
children dear, you will find,

That happiness waits on the good
and the kind.

I | OWN tine Supper Is ready, tae
tables are spread

hve meh cakes creams, aid jellies,
and wines, white and red,

With ripe fruit and blanc-manges,
with custards and ice;

With sweetmeats and crackers,
and everything nice.

With gay smiles and bright glances
the guests gather round,

And fun, frolic, and mirth at each
table abound.

Miney drink Nhealln to May Cee),
next crackers they pull;

Plates very soon emptied were soon
again full;

strange mixtures were eaten, both

| in earnest and fun;

Cracker mottoes amused them

when supper was done.

UT, alas, all our pleasure must

finish at last!

So0o0n the hours of May’s birthday
will sleep with the past,

For the carriages come, and good-
byes must be said;

It is time for the dancers to go home
to bed.

The cloaking and shawling’s begun
in the hall: |

Little Amy is helped by her kind
brother Paul;

And the dear little people all kissed
and thanked May :

For the pleasure they’d had on her
happy birthday.

And Mary Bell whispered, eect
May, my dear,

I wish that your birthday would
CGOme tyvice a year!



T was on a fine sunshiny afternoon, that Mary, and I (Harry
Pitt), and little Annie, arrived at Uncle John’s Farm, on our —

long visit. I think it would not be possible to find a prettier house
than Clayfield is. It is very old; there are great beams of wood
in the brickwork of the walls outside, which I never saw in any
other walls; but then I have not been much out of London—only
a few times to the sea-side, and never at the Farm before the time
I am going to tell you about. As [I have said, the sun shone
brightly that day, and there were all sorts of sweet scents on the
air, from the honey-suckle, and sweet-briar, and the fresh grass, and
the bean-fields. The leaves were of such a lovely “tender green,”
Mamma said; and there were pleasant sounds of lowing cows, and
bleating sheep, and the hum of the bees in the bean-flowers. Uncle
and Aunt Pitt were very glad to see us, and told us we must turn
farmers now, and run about in the fields. We had a very nice dinner
—a country one, Aunt Pitt said; I thought it much better than
a town one, for the chickens were excellent, and the gooseberry-fool

and cream were better still.

foe CO Vs:

FTER dinner, Aunt Pitt said to Cousin George, “I think,
my dear, your cousin would like to run about a little while
before bed-time. Should you like to see the cows milked, Harry ?”

“Yes, Aunt, very much indeed,” said I.

“Then go, my dears, and tell Phoebe, the milkmaid, to give
you each a glass of fresh warm milk.”

Away we all ran, and George took us into a beautiful meadow,
all golden with buttercups, in which were seven cows, and a pretty
little calf, which was lying down close to its mother, under the shade
of a great beech tree. Phoebe was milking one cow, and Tom, the
farm man, another. The poor things stood quite still to be milked,
and looked very kind and gentle. But that foolish little Annie was
afraid to go into the field ; and as we could not leave her, we waited
at the gate, and looked on till the milking was over. Then George
gave Phcebe his mother’s message, and she bade us follow her to
the dairy, where she gave us each a large cupful of milk, which
tasted quite different from London cows’ milk, I assure you; and
Phoebe promised us a cup next morning at milking time.




ROM the pasture, as the green meadow where cows feed is
called, we went to the poultry-yard, which Mary said she liked

4 great deal better than the meadow, and, indeed, it was very amusing.
There was an old turkey-cock, which strutted about as if he were
king of the yard, and gobbled, and tried to frighten me. But
George had told me that the old fellow was not really as brave
as the cock, so I did not run away, but drove him off I said to
Cousin George, that I thought poultry must be very much like us in
some things ; for I have noticed that boys who are bullies are gene-
rally cowards, like the turkey-cock; while really brave boys are
almost always kind and gentle, as the cock seemed to be to the
hens and chickens. The geese and ducks, too, were handsome birds,
George says a goose ought not to be called stupid; it is a very
sensible creature. One of their geese is quite tame, and follows him
about like a dog; whenever he speaks to it, it answers “ quack,
quack!” I told him what I had read about the geese which saved
the Capitol of Rome from being taken by the Gauls, and he liked

the story. He says he knows more about animals than books.



ARY and Annie went out gathering wild flowers the next
day, and met. the Shepherd driving all the pretty sheep,
which were on the meadow next the house, down to the brook. He
stopped, and said,
“Would you like to see the sheep-shearing ?”
“Oh, yes,” said Mary, “very much.”
So they went with him, and soon afterwards George called me,
and said that he was going to take the horses to water, and would I
like to go also? I could not manage it just then, because Uncle
was showing me the glass bee-hives, but I said I would follow him
soon. By the time I reached the brook, a great many of the poor
sheep had lost their wool, and were running and jumping about,
looking very bare and naked: But the shearer told Mary that they
were glad to be relieved from their heavy coats, which would make
them very uncomfortable as the weather grew warmer.
The wool will be sold, and made into cloth, and linseys, and
blankets. I do not know what we should do for warm clothes in the

winter, if sheep were never sheared.



UT the greatest fun of our visit to Uncle’s Farm was the hay-
making. How we tossed about the fresh sweet grass with

our prongs and forks, and heaped it up in: pretty little piles or hay-
cocks! and then we buried each other under it. Mary would not
be buried; but while she sat gravely on a hay-cock, we stole softly
behind her, and pulled the hay gently away at the back, and in she
sank! Then we tossed it all over her; but she jumped up and
shook it off (laughing very good-temperedly, I must say), and threw
heaps of it back at us again, and we had a race all over the field,
pelting each other. When the hay was quite dry and well made,
the men came and carted it, and that was great fun for us boys.
The girls and Mamma sat down on the hay-cocks, and watched us;
but they often had to give up their seats and get fresh ones, while
we climbed to the top of the load, and helped to take up the cocks,
and pack them at the top of it, till the waggon was as full as


Pile HARV ES i.


( <“OUSIN GEORGE can use a reaping-hook very cleverly,
quite as well as the men. Uncle would not let me try to
reap for fear of accidents; but I helped to carry beer to the reapers,
and we dined in the field, which was very delightful. Mary and
Annie helped the old people to glean, and when the last load was
carried, we crowned little Annie with a wreath of poppies and blue
corn-flowers, tied together with ears of golden wheat, and lifted her
on the top of the load, and there George sat and held her quite
safely as Queen of the Harvest Home. Uncle kept the feast the
next day, not that same evening, and we all went to church, and
thanked God for “crowning the year with His goodness,” as the
Psalm says. The church was decked with flowers and wheat-ears,
and looked very pretty, and all the reapers were there with their
families, dressed in their Sunday clothes, and looking so happy. After
church there was a dinner spread in the meadow under the trees,
for the reapers, their wives, and children—roast beef and plum .pud-
ding, of course. And they sang songs, and drank healths in Uncle's
home-brewed ale, and were very merry.
With the Harvest Home our visit ended ; but we hope it will
not be long before we go again to stay at my Uncle's Farm.







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The Baldwin Library

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OF hin OP hee




Household Pets. The Birthday Party.

Dick Whittington. Uncle's Farm Yard.



Printed iv Colours by Rronbheim.



THE Publishers of the ““Aunr Lovisa’s Toy Books” offer a New
Volume to their young readers, containing old and new Stories. It is
hoped that HousrHoLp Pets, Dick WuirTtTineTon, and THE Brrru-
DAY Party, may please; and that the rural scenes which render Farm
life so delightful to children, may render the book worthy of the title

of the ‘‘ Nursery Favourite.’

London: Bedford Street, Covent Garden.

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Vi brother Harold and I think ourselves very happy little children, for we

have a pretty home, a dear Papa and Mamma, a baby brother, and a great
many pets. “Household Pets” Nurse calls them; but we two children always
feel as if they were more our friends than anybody else's.

First of all comes my darling Velvetina, who is my very own Pussy. She
has been mine ever since she was a wee kitten. Her mother is the old grey cat,
who lives in the stable. One day she met Harold and me in the garden, and purred
and arched her back and ran on before, just as if she had something to show us,
and wanted us to follow her; so we did. And she led us into the hay-loft, and there
we found four of the prettiest kittens we ever saw.

I caught up Velvetina, and said, “I shall have this kitty, if Mamma will let
me, Harold.”

“And I shall have the white one,” said my brother.

We ran in and asked Mamma if we might have the pretty little things, and
old Pussy trotted along at the side of us, looking very anxious, and mewing.

Mamma said that I might have Velvetina; but that, as Harold had a dog,
he must be content to go without the white one; and then she told us to carry
them back to Pussy’s hiding-place, and leave Shem with her till they were big
enough to take from their mother. So we ran back to the stable, and put them
in with their little brothers, and Pussy seemed very glad. Then we asked Cook
to give us a saucer-full of warm milk, and we took it to the old cat, to show her
that we were much obliged to her for trusting us, and showing us her pretty



DO not say that the Parrots are the wisest of our “ Household Pets,” but I

am sure they are the most talkative, at least Grey Polly is. She picks up
every word we say, and sometimes I really think she knows what the words mean.
Whenever she sees breakfast or tea on the table, she always says, “ Will Polly
have some tea?” and repeats it till some is given to her

Once Grey Polly saved me from being naughty. Nurse had left the jam on
the table after tea one night, and I thought I should like to eata little. So I took
a doll’s spoon, and climbed on the table. Just as I was going to put it in the
pot, Grey Polly called out, ‘‘ Don’t!” ‘and made me jump. Then she added
gravely, “Poor Mamma!”

I jumped down directly, for she made me think how sorry Mamma would
be if I were so wicked as to steal. I was so glad to have been stopped that I
went up to Polly’s cage, and said, |

“Thank you, Poll!”

When—oh, how strange it was!—Green Polly, who only knows a few words,
said solemnly,

‘Don’t mention it.”

And Grey Polly called out,


I think they were true friends to me then. I have fancied sometimes since
that Grey Polly watches me very suspiciously when I am left in the room alone;
but I try to show her that I can be trusted now, even with apricot jam.

Sometimes the parrots talk to each other, and, really, I think they often
speak as wisely as many other friends we have. Perhaps they don’t quite under-
stand what they are saying themselves; but that happens to all of us now and

then. Grey Polly kisses us very often, and the noise she makes then is just like
a real kiss.


HE Squirrel belongs to Harold. Some cruel boys were pelting the squirrels.
in the coppice near our house one day, when Papa and Harold walked that.
way. Harold, very angry, ran on before, and bade them leave the poor little
things alone. They laughed at him, and one rude, tall boy came up and struck
my brother; but, though Harold was much smaller, he was not afraid, and he
would have fought for the squirrels, I am sure, only Papa came up, and when
the boys saw him, they ran away, for fear he should send them to prison for
trespassing. But on the ground lay a poor little squirrel, whose leg they had
broken in their cruel sport. Papa told Harold to pick it up, and carry it home,
that he might try to cure it. And he bound up its leg, and Harold fed it every
day, and took great care of it.

It was cured at last; but it had grown very fond of Harold, and as the
winter was coming on, we kept it in the house, and did not set it free at once,
Next spring, however, Harold carried it back to the wood, for he knew it would
be happier there than in the house; but it always runs home to our house at
night in bad weather. It is quite tame, and comes to Harold when he calls it to
give it nuts.

I am afraid, by-and-bye when it grows older, it may forget us; but it has
not yet done so, and though it lives all day on the lawn and in the great elm
trees close by, it is still a “ Household Pet” and the merriest playfellow we have.
I wish I could spring as lightly. Sometimes Harold and Flit—that is his name—
have climbing matches up the old oak tree, but Flit always wins, though I think

he has taught my brother to climb very well for a boy.


OOK at my Canary bird! Is he not beautiful, and does he not sing
charmingly? He is a Belgian and very clever. He will sit on my
shoulder, and if I do not take any notice of him, he catches my hair in his beak
and pulls it gently. Then I turn my head round, and he kisses me with open
beak and outstretched wings. Sometimes he will put a hemp-seed on my lip.
He is very fond of one himself, and he wishes me to share his treat. He doesn’t
_ know that little girls do not eat hemp-seed.

One very cold winter, a poor hungry Robin flew in at the open window, and
perched on Dicky’s cage. The two birds chirped at each other, and then what
do you think my canary did? He brought a seed to the bars of his cage, and
gave it to the Robin, and went on feeding poor redbreast for some time. Nurse
said she could not have believed it if she had not seen it; but it was quite true.

The Love Birds are Harold’s. Our sailor-cousin brought them home for
him from Sierra Leone. They do not talk or sing, they have only a call-note; but

they are tame, gentle birds, and Harold is very fond of them.

Aunt Jane says we may learn much from these humble friends. Pussy, she
says, will teach us to be watchful and clean; indeed, she keeps her fur much nicer

than I can my frock; Hector will teach obedience and fidelity; White Surrey,

ah! we

gentleness; Flit; contentment; Dicky, cheerfulness; and the parrots
may learn from them to use the best words we know, and ¢hey are kind and

gentle ones. This is what we may learn from our “ HousEHOLD PETs.”


meeanahaeinmmms ammmaaiiaaanaaed

Ht is Harold’s own Dog. He is very sensible and obedient. Once
we lost him.

We were staying in London for a few weeks, and we had brought Hector
up with us. One day Harold and I took him into the square, having promised
Mamma that we would take care of him, and not let him get through the railings.
We played and ran races with Hector till we were tired; then we sat down under
a tree, and told him to lie down at my feet. For some time he lay quite still,
for he was as much out of breath as we were. By-and-bye Harold took a
book out of his pocket and began to read, and I leaned over him and read also;
and the story was so very pretty that I forgot all about Hector, till Nurse came
to tell us that it was dinner-time. ‘But where is Hector, Miss Milly?” said
she. Ah! he was gone. He had stolen away, and we could not find him any-

Mamma was very sorry and Harold cried sadly for his dog. Papa told people
through the newspapers that he would give a great deal of money to any one who
brought Hector back; but no one did bring him. At last, one day, as Nurse
and Baby, Harold and I, were coming out of the Soho Bazaar, a dog came
jumping and fawning on us, and we knew that he was Hector. A dirty man
ran up, and said,

“That is my dog.”

Nurse. answered, “Call him, and see if he will come to you.”

And the man called, “Di! Di!” But, of course, Hector would not go to

Then Nurse stopped a policeman, and while she was speaking to him, the
dirty man ran away. We carried Hector home between us, and never let him

go out without a string after that day.


NV Eee SURREY is Papa’s Pony, but he is a great pet of all the family.

We have also two Goats, Billy and Nanny, who draw Baby’s little carriage
down the lanes and in the park. They were sent to us as a present from Wales,
and Harold calls them ‘‘ Ancient Britons.” I am very fond of Nanny, but Billy
is a little rough sometimes in his play.

He is very fond of White Surrey, and we often see him putting his nose up
to the gentle pony, as if he were going to kiss him. Surrey is very good to his
little friend, too, and seems to like him very much. I wonder sometimes if Billy
thinks himself as grand as White Surrey because he also draws a carriage.

ncn Harold and I go into the meadow, Surrey will run up to us, and walk
gently by our side, and eat bread from our hands. Harold and I often save a
piece for him. He also likes sugar, but he does not get it very often.

Billy is full of fun. It is very nice to have a game of play with him, and
see him frolic and bound about. Harold says he is afraid that poor Taffy misses
his native hills sometimes; but I think the dear old fellow is very happy.

Ponies are very sensible animals. They have good memories, and soon learn
to find their way about the country. I do not know what we should do without
them. It would be very sad to have nothing to draw our chaises about but
railway engines. Our nice ponies work for us and take us pleasant rides and
drives, and I really think they enjoy these excursions quite as much as their

young masters do.


MERCHANT, once upon a time, who had great store of
Among his household placed a youth sore pinch'd by want and cold:
No father or no mother watch’d with love o'er this poor boy,
Whose dearest treasure was a Cat, his pet and only joy,
‘That came to him beseechingly when death was at the door,
And kindly to relieve her wants he shared ‘his little store.
A. grateful Cat! no mice might live where she put up to dwell,
And Whittington could calmly sleep, while Puss watched o'er his

That once oerran with vermin so, no rest had he by night,

Placed in this garret vile to please a cruel woman’s spite.


Alice advises him to send his Cat.

Now on the Thames a gallant ship lay ready to set sail,

When spoke the Merchant, “Ho! prepare to catch the fav'ring gale ;
And each who will his fortune try, haste, get your goods on board,
The gains ye all shall share with me, whate’er they may afford:
From distant lands where precious musks and jewels rare are found,
What joy to waft across the seas their spoils to English ground !”
So hasted then each one on board, with what he best could find,
Before the ship for Afric’s land flew swiftly with the wind.

The little boy he was so poor, no goods had he to try,

And as he stood and saw the ship, a tear bedimm’d his eye,

To think how Fortune smiled on all oe on his sad lot—

As if he were by gracious Heaven neglected and forgot !

The Merchant and his daughter too, fair Alice, mark’d his grief,
And with a gentle woman's heart, intent on kind relief,

She bade him bring his Cat to try her fortune o’er the sea;

“Who knows,’ she said, “what she may catch in gratitude to thee!”
With weeping and with sore lament he brought poor Puss on board -

And now the ship stood out for sea, with England’s produce stored.


Hearing Bells.

And as she sped far out of sight, his heart was like to break;
His: friend had gone that shared his crust, far sweeter for her sake.
Humble his lot the Merchant knew, but knew not that the Cook
With blows and cuffs the boy assail’d, and surly word and look,
Until his life a burden seemed, too grievous to be borne,

Though Alice oft would pity him, so lowly and forlorn.

Now musing long, the thought arose his plight could scarce be worse,.
And forth he rush’d into the fields, regardless of his course.

The cutting winds blew bleak and cold upon his shiv’ring breast,
His naked feet were pierced with thorns, on every side distress ;
He sank, o’erpowered with grief and pain, upon a wayside stone,
Bethinking there to end his days, with none to make him moan:
And calling upon Gop for aid in this last hour of need—

On Gop, who never yet refused to hear the wretched plead.

And now the bells sound tench cel clear, as thus he lay forlorn,
Seeming to say, “O Whittington, thou foolish boy, return!

Lord Mayor of London thou shalt be, Dick Whittington, if thou
Wilt turn again, and meet thy lot with bold and manly brow.’*

* The six bells of Bow Church rang, and seemed to say to him:
“Turn again, Whittington, Lord Mayor of London;
Turn again, Whittington, Lord Mayor of London.”


STN SE Sey Se na

The Return of the Ship.

Up sprang the boy to hear such sounds, so cheerful and so sweet,
He felt no more the piercing winds, the thorns beneath his feet,
But raising up his eyes to Heaven, he prayed for strength to bear
Whatever in His wisdom Gop might please to make him share.
And now his steps retracing fast, good news he quickly hears,—
How that a richly-laden ship, amid ten thousand cheers,

Had entered port from distant climes, full freighted with their gold,
By trafhe gained for English wares in honest barter sold. |
With shout and song the crew rejoiced—not less the folk on shore—
Told of eine strange and rare among the blackamoor ;

And how their King was glad to see our English sailors bold,
Who sat and ate and drank with him from cups of purest gold.
Once on a day, amid their cheer, when healths went gaily round,
How were the crew amazed to see, in swarms upon the ground,
Unnumber'd rats and mice rush forth and seize the goodly cheer,
While stood the Gordes guests aloof; o’erwhelmed with dread and


Cat at Banquet killing Rats.

“Oh!” said the King, “what sums I'd give to rid me of these vile
Detested rats, whose ravages our bed and board defile!”

Now, hearing this, the sailors straight bethought them of the Cat,

_ And said, “O King, we ‘ll quickly rid your palace of each rat.”.
“Indeed!” the King, delighted, said; “go fetch her quick as thought,
For such a treasure many a year I’ve long and vainly sought;

And should she prove as ye have said, your ship shall loaded be
With gold in heaps, so rich a prize I deem your Cat to be.”

And now the Cat did soon qatar such feats as neer were seen;
Oh, how the scampering, mangled rats amused the King and Queen!
Rich treasures now for Whittington were sent on board the ship,
That, laden with a golden freight, did let her cables slip,

And stood for England, while the breeze a fav'ring impulse lent,

As if for sake of Whittington both ship and breeze were sent.

And soon again the bells rang forth a loud and merry strain,

For wealth and honours crowded now on Whittington amain.


The Marriage.

With gentle Alice for his bride, he stands before the priest,

And after holy rites and vows comes next the wedding feast.

The poor were feasted well, I ween, upon that happy day,

_ And never from his door did go the poor uncheer'd away.

“Lord Mayor of London” spoke the bells—they spoke both well and
true ;

And still the stone is pointed out unto the traveller's view,

Where Tigo in prayer to Gop, cast all his fears aside,

And rose and braced him for the strife, whatever might betide.



{? is May Cecil’s birthday. and good
Keine Wieiganiaae

Hasa gift for her darling, and so has

And to add to her pleasure another
delight, )

She will have a grand ball for her
playmates to-night.

(Ob, Manmanive viaaw a dear dell
cried glad little May;

“lt 1s her birthday too, for she’s
quite new to-day ;

And, Papa, what sweet flowers,
how fragrant and bright!

For my bouquet, of course, for the
party to-night.”

Then she kissed them, and thanked
them, and fluttered away

To show Nurse her flowers, and
with Dolly to play.
INFe’ tine @Qlests alice arriving ; :
May mimics Mamma, :

As she grasps her grand bouquet,

| the gift of Papa,

While four-year-old Fanny, and
her cousin, John Hay,

Wish their friend “Many happy
returns of the day.”

And behind them come all the
young children from Leigh,

Ada proud of herfan; Harry shy, as

And so many more guests May’s
party attended,

The child was quite glad when the
greetings were ended,

Tea and coiiee bReught in, amd thie
games well begun,

And all shyness forgotten. in lavigne
Wee Bal ULE.
a Uy i

Y-AND-BYE from the ball-
room they hear a glad sound,

Wae cCanmee music begins: Off Une
little ones bound,

And Mamma, and Aunt Helen, SO
patient and kind,

For each shy boy and girl a good
partner find.

Cousin Arthur himself — though
quite twenty years old—

Very busy in helping them all, they
behold ;

While Aunt Sophy dances with
small Baby Annie,

And Harold rejoices to gallop with

The glad music rings out, and they
dance with fresh glee,

And merrier children there scarcely
Cag oc:

ee GREY gallops well; little
Katie, in blue,

Is most gracefully dancing with
young Cousin Hugh;
Johnny Howard, who thinks him-
self quite a young man,
Is pretending to flirt with the child
with a fan ;
And George Noble is telling the two
little Fords
@i the Quand Game of ceriekew
they ’re playing at Lord’s.
Good humour and kindness are
seen everywhere,
And bright smiles wreath the lips
| of each happy child there.
Thteugia tie Course Ol your lnves
children dear, you will find,

That happiness waits on the good
and the kind.

I | OWN tine Supper Is ready, tae
tables are spread

hve meh cakes creams, aid jellies,
and wines, white and red,

With ripe fruit and blanc-manges,
with custards and ice;

With sweetmeats and crackers,
and everything nice.

With gay smiles and bright glances
the guests gather round,

And fun, frolic, and mirth at each
table abound.

Miney drink Nhealln to May Cee),
next crackers they pull;

Plates very soon emptied were soon
again full;

strange mixtures were eaten, both

| in earnest and fun;

Cracker mottoes amused them

when supper was done.

UT, alas, all our pleasure must

finish at last!

So0o0n the hours of May’s birthday
will sleep with the past,

For the carriages come, and good-
byes must be said;

It is time for the dancers to go home
to bed.

The cloaking and shawling’s begun
in the hall: |

Little Amy is helped by her kind
brother Paul;

And the dear little people all kissed
and thanked May :

For the pleasure they’d had on her
happy birthday.

And Mary Bell whispered, eect
May, my dear,

I wish that your birthday would
CGOme tyvice a year!

T was on a fine sunshiny afternoon, that Mary, and I (Harry
Pitt), and little Annie, arrived at Uncle John’s Farm, on our —

long visit. I think it would not be possible to find a prettier house
than Clayfield is. It is very old; there are great beams of wood
in the brickwork of the walls outside, which I never saw in any
other walls; but then I have not been much out of London—only
a few times to the sea-side, and never at the Farm before the time
I am going to tell you about. As [I have said, the sun shone
brightly that day, and there were all sorts of sweet scents on the
air, from the honey-suckle, and sweet-briar, and the fresh grass, and
the bean-fields. The leaves were of such a lovely “tender green,”
Mamma said; and there were pleasant sounds of lowing cows, and
bleating sheep, and the hum of the bees in the bean-flowers. Uncle
and Aunt Pitt were very glad to see us, and told us we must turn
farmers now, and run about in the fields. We had a very nice dinner
—a country one, Aunt Pitt said; I thought it much better than
a town one, for the chickens were excellent, and the gooseberry-fool

and cream were better still.

foe CO Vs:

FTER dinner, Aunt Pitt said to Cousin George, “I think,
my dear, your cousin would like to run about a little while
before bed-time. Should you like to see the cows milked, Harry ?”

“Yes, Aunt, very much indeed,” said I.

“Then go, my dears, and tell Phoebe, the milkmaid, to give
you each a glass of fresh warm milk.”

Away we all ran, and George took us into a beautiful meadow,
all golden with buttercups, in which were seven cows, and a pretty
little calf, which was lying down close to its mother, under the shade
of a great beech tree. Phoebe was milking one cow, and Tom, the
farm man, another. The poor things stood quite still to be milked,
and looked very kind and gentle. But that foolish little Annie was
afraid to go into the field ; and as we could not leave her, we waited
at the gate, and looked on till the milking was over. Then George
gave Phcebe his mother’s message, and she bade us follow her to
the dairy, where she gave us each a large cupful of milk, which
tasted quite different from London cows’ milk, I assure you; and
Phoebe promised us a cup next morning at milking time.




ROM the pasture, as the green meadow where cows feed is
called, we went to the poultry-yard, which Mary said she liked

4 great deal better than the meadow, and, indeed, it was very amusing.
There was an old turkey-cock, which strutted about as if he were
king of the yard, and gobbled, and tried to frighten me. But
George had told me that the old fellow was not really as brave
as the cock, so I did not run away, but drove him off I said to
Cousin George, that I thought poultry must be very much like us in
some things ; for I have noticed that boys who are bullies are gene-
rally cowards, like the turkey-cock; while really brave boys are
almost always kind and gentle, as the cock seemed to be to the
hens and chickens. The geese and ducks, too, were handsome birds,
George says a goose ought not to be called stupid; it is a very
sensible creature. One of their geese is quite tame, and follows him
about like a dog; whenever he speaks to it, it answers “ quack,
quack!” I told him what I had read about the geese which saved
the Capitol of Rome from being taken by the Gauls, and he liked

the story. He says he knows more about animals than books.



ARY and Annie went out gathering wild flowers the next
day, and met. the Shepherd driving all the pretty sheep,
which were on the meadow next the house, down to the brook. He
stopped, and said,
“Would you like to see the sheep-shearing ?”
“Oh, yes,” said Mary, “very much.”
So they went with him, and soon afterwards George called me,
and said that he was going to take the horses to water, and would I
like to go also? I could not manage it just then, because Uncle
was showing me the glass bee-hives, but I said I would follow him
soon. By the time I reached the brook, a great many of the poor
sheep had lost their wool, and were running and jumping about,
looking very bare and naked: But the shearer told Mary that they
were glad to be relieved from their heavy coats, which would make
them very uncomfortable as the weather grew warmer.
The wool will be sold, and made into cloth, and linseys, and
blankets. I do not know what we should do for warm clothes in the

winter, if sheep were never sheared.



UT the greatest fun of our visit to Uncle’s Farm was the hay-
making. How we tossed about the fresh sweet grass with

our prongs and forks, and heaped it up in: pretty little piles or hay-
cocks! and then we buried each other under it. Mary would not
be buried; but while she sat gravely on a hay-cock, we stole softly
behind her, and pulled the hay gently away at the back, and in she
sank! Then we tossed it all over her; but she jumped up and
shook it off (laughing very good-temperedly, I must say), and threw
heaps of it back at us again, and we had a race all over the field,
pelting each other. When the hay was quite dry and well made,
the men came and carted it, and that was great fun for us boys.
The girls and Mamma sat down on the hay-cocks, and watched us;
but they often had to give up their seats and get fresh ones, while
we climbed to the top of the load, and helped to take up the cocks,
and pack them at the top of it, till the waggon was as full as

Pile HARV ES i.


( <“OUSIN GEORGE can use a reaping-hook very cleverly,
quite as well as the men. Uncle would not let me try to
reap for fear of accidents; but I helped to carry beer to the reapers,
and we dined in the field, which was very delightful. Mary and
Annie helped the old people to glean, and when the last load was
carried, we crowned little Annie with a wreath of poppies and blue
corn-flowers, tied together with ears of golden wheat, and lifted her
on the top of the load, and there George sat and held her quite
safely as Queen of the Harvest Home. Uncle kept the feast the
next day, not that same evening, and we all went to church, and
thanked God for “crowning the year with His goodness,” as the
Psalm says. The church was decked with flowers and wheat-ears,
and looked very pretty, and all the reapers were there with their
families, dressed in their Sunday clothes, and looking so happy. After
church there was a dinner spread in the meadow under the trees,
for the reapers, their wives, and children—roast beef and plum .pud-
ding, of course. And they sang songs, and drank healths in Uncle's
home-brewed ale, and were very merry.
With the Harvest Home our visit ended ; but we hope it will
not be long before we go again to stay at my Uncle's Farm.






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