Education Library: University of Florida Libraries Orientation ( video series )
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00082875/00002
 Material Information
Title: Education Library: University of Florida Libraries Orientation ( video series )
Physical Description: Video
Language: English
Creator: UF Libraries Orientation Video Team
Victor, Paul
Nemmers, John
Fleming, Jason
Shoop, Missy
Loftus, Don ( Director, Producer )
Affiliation: University of Florida -- Main -- George A. Smathers Libraries -- Education Library
Publisher: George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida
Office of Academic Technology, University of Florida
Place of Publication: Gainesville, Fla.
Gainesville, Fla.
Publication Date: 2008
Subjects / Keywords: Library Instruction Materials
Spatial Coverage: North America -- United States -- Florida -- Alachua -- Gainesville
Abstract: Are you new to the UF libraries? Here are some resources that will help you to learn more about what our libraries have to offer you. The videos are short (~3 to 8 minutes) and are a quick overview of the collections and services of each library. If you wish to learn more about the UF Libraries, then feel free to contact us. The library videos are set around a story and we recommend that you start by watching the introduction so that the story line will make sense to you. Instructional videos for the University of Florida Libraries, developed by the University of Florida Libraries for student orientation and instruction. Each video covers resources specific to the Libraries’ many locations on the University of Florida campus. This video is for the Education Library (1500 Norman Hall). It holds education, child development, higher education, psychology, counseling, and children’s literature collections. Actors: Education Librarian - - Marilyn Ochoa Voiceover -- Jim Liversidge Main student role -- Nishant Gogna
Funding: Video created by the University of Florida Libraries and Academic Technology
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved, Board of Trustees of the University of Florida
System ID: UF00082875:00002


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