Title: University of Florida Fiscal Year 2008 - 09 Budget Reduction Proposal ( 2008 May 5 )
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Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00082825/00001
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Title: University of Florida Fiscal Year 2008 - 09 Budget Reduction Proposal ( 2008 May 5 )
Physical Description: Archival
Language: English
Creator: University of Florida Office of the President
Publisher: University of Florida Office of the President
Publication Date: 2008
Subject: University of Florida.   ( lcsh )
Spatial Coverage: North America -- United States of America -- Florida
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Bibliographic ID: UF00082825
Volume ID: VID00001
Source Institution: University of Florida
Holding Location: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved, Board of Trustees of the University of Florida


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Fiscal Year 2008-09
Budget Reduction Proposal
May 5, 2008

In response to the FY 08-09 budget adopted by the Florida Legislature, the University of
Florida is making $47 million in cuts that will affect all areas of the university.

As a result of the budget cuts, the university will reduce funding for administrative units
and research, reduce or eliminate degrees and courses and restructure several

"Our priority is to protect the quality of education at the University of Florida, "
President Bernie Machen said. "With the help of our deans and vice presidents, we have
worked very hard to minimize the impacts. But clearly, we cannot take reductions this
large i ilthiut making difficult choices. "

The budget cuts were achieved by requiring each college and administrative unit to
reduce spending by percent. Each dean and vice president determined how the college
and unit would meet its goal.

The criteria for deciding budget reductions included protecting the university's core
missions of education, research and service (including economic development), the
strategic goals of the university and the needs of students and the state. Administrators
sought to more efficiently allocate resources but in some cases were forced to eliminate
services and programs.

University libraries and security programs were exempted from the cuts. Promotional
raises for faculty will be retained.

President Machen will mieei i/th the Faculty Senate Steering Committee on May 8for
faculty review of the budget. The budget will be finalized and presented to the Board of
Trustees as a recommendation for their endorsement during a conference call the week of
May 12.

Personnel Impacts

*Elimination of about 430 faculty and staff positions (about 290 now vacant)*
1. About 20 faculty and 118 staff members will be laid off
2. IFAS will convert about 63 staff positions from state to non-state positions
3. Information regarding the layoff process and available services can be found
at: http://www.hr.ufl.edu/emp relations/layoff

Student Impacts

Reducing undergraduate enrollment by 4,000 over the next four years (1,000 a
Reducing Student Affairs multicultural programs and services (Asian Pacific
American Affairs, Institute of Black Culture, and La Casita)
Reducing Off-campus (town/gown liaison services)
Reducing Disability Services
Reducing Financial Aid Services (Delays in disbursing financial aid funds to
Reducing Career Resource Center Services (Reduction in Internship
Reducing Housing and Reitz Union Services (Reduction of maintenance,
housekeeping, and hours of operation)
Reducing high school visit and recruitment fairs
Reducing Study Abroad scholarships, guest speakers and some International
Center support for courses

Community Impact

Reduction of services Archer Family Health Clinic
Ending the Oak Hammock Rehabilitation service

Administrative Units Reduction

Office of the President $0.047 M
Employee reductions*
0 faculty, 1.5 staff positions (0 layoffs)

Office of the Provost $1.66 M
Undergraduate Academic Affairs will assume the Honors Program, Office for
Academic Support and Institutional Services, Assisting Students Improving
Skills Maximizing Potential Program, Academic Advising, Admissions,
Registrar, Army ROTC, Navy ROTC and Air Force ROTC
Employee Reductions*
5.75 faculty, 0 staff positions (0 layoffs)

Office of the Registrar $0.187 M

Office of Admissions $0.187 M

Graduate School $0.153 M
Employee Reductions*
0 faculty, 1 staff positions (0 layoffs)

Vice President for Development $1.56 M
Funding Reduction

* All state funding removed

Vice President/General Counsel $0.067 M
Employee Reductions*
0 faculty, 1 staff positions (0 layoffs)

Vice President Student Affairs $1.92 M
Funding Reductions
Student Affairs Office $114,235
UF Counseling Center $113,693
Career Resource Center $68,000
Student Financial Affairs $24,835
Reitz Union $224,250
Housing $1,374,000
Employee Reductions*
0 Faculty, 29 Staff Positions, 1 Graduate Assistant (0 layoffs)

University/Government Relations $0.126 M
Operating Expense Reductions
Finding efficiencies in marketing materials
Employee Reductions*
0 faculty, 1 staff position (0 layoffs)

Vice President- Research/Sponsored Programs $0.401 M
Funding Reductions
Less support for Cancer Center Tissue Project, Center of Excellence for
Regenerative Health Biotechnology, Institute of Aging, and Biotechnology
Research Development Institute
Employee Reductions*
1 faculty, 1 staff positions (2 layoffs)

Vice President Business Affairs $3.3 M
Service reductions and eliminations:
Physical Plant, Finance and Accounting, Bridges, Planning and Construction
Management, Mail Services and Environmental Health and Safety
Employee Reductions*
0 faculty, 60 staff positions (28 layoffs)

Vice President Human Resources $0.236 M
Service elimination
Elimination of waivers through Employee Education Program for classes at
institutions other than UF
Service Reductions
Worker's compensation, academic personnel and equal opportunity programs
Employee Reductions*
0 faculty, 4 staff positions (0 layoffs)

Office of Audit and Compliance Review $0.044 M
Employee Reductions*
0 faculty, 1 staff positions (0 layoffs)

College by College Comparisons

Health Affairs

Office of Health Affairs $1.02 M
Funding Reductions
McKnight Brain Institute research funding
Cancer Tissue Bank Project
Reduce IT capital equipment and services
Eliminate Office of Assistant VP, Administrative Support
Employee Assistance Program (mental health counseling) reduced
Employee Reductions*
2 faculty, 4 staff positions (1 layoff)

College of Veterinary Medicine $1.55 M
Academic Area and Clinical Service Elimination
Small Animal Theriogeneology Program
Center Funding Reductions
Marine Mammal Program (some academic subject areas may be
Equine Pari-Mutual Research and Racing Lab
Employee Reductions*
15 faculty, 16 staff positions (layoff of 2 faculty and 4 staff)

College of Medicine (includes Jacksonville) $2.64 M
Masters Degree Program Restructured
Physician Assistant Program removed from state funding
Center Eliminations
Diabetes Research and Training Center
Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder Program
Employee Reductions*
12 faculty/ 25 staff positions (0 layoffs)

College of Nursing $0.51M
Degree Program Elimination
RN to B SN program
Center Closure
Biobehavioral Research Center
Service Reductions
Archer Family Health Clinic
Employee Reductions*

0 regular faculty/ 1.5 staff positions (0 layoffs but eliminating 3 temporary
clinical faculty)

College of Pharmacy $0.83 M
Center Eliminated
Center for Drug Discovery
Administrative change
Eliminate experiential clerkship payments
Employee Reductions*
1 faculty, 1 staff positions (0 layoffs)

College of Public Health and Health Professions $0.73 M
Service Eliminations
Aging Resources & Care Management Program
Oak Hammock Rehabilitation Services Program
Employee Reductions*
5 faculty/ 6.25 staff positions (layoff of 6.25 people; 2 are clinical faculty)

College of Dentistry $1.1 M
Certificate/Academic Area Eliminations
Internationally Educated Dentist Two-Year Certificate Program (for licensure)
Parker E. Mahan Clinical Fellowship Program (practicing dentist additional
Center Elimination
Parker E. Mahan Center on Dental Occlusion and Facial Pain
Degree Program Restructuring
DMD Model of Clinical Education
Support Funding Reduced for
Center for Molecular Microbiology
Service Restructuring
Patient services within the Center for Implant Dentistry
Employee Reductions*
2 faculty, 2 staff positions (layoff of 2 staff)

Agricultural and Natural Resources $9.5 M
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
Master's Degree Major Program Eliminated
Master of Agriculture, but some programs moved to Master of Science in
College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Academic Degree Program Reduction
Academic degree program eliminated at Tropical Research and Education
Center in Homestead, but continues at other campuses
Funding Reductions
Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Florida Agricultural Experiment
Station, and College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

School of Natural Resources and Environment, eliminate research and
extension funding
Restructure departments to reduce by two departments
Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences to be reorganized with another
Plant Pathology, Agronomy, Horticultural Sciences, Environmental
Horticulture, Microbiology and Cell Science, Entomology and
Nematology, and Soil and Water Science to be reorganized to reduce by
one department
Reorganize and downsize the central support units of Information
Technology, IFAS Communication Services, and External and Media
Relations. Transfer of wide area network services to UF Computing and
Network Services.
Support Funding Reduced for
Water Institute
Florida Sea Grant
Florida Museum of Natural History herbariumm)
Interdisciplinary Center for Biotechnology Research
USDA Subtropical Agriculture Research Station at Brooksville
College of Veterinary Medicine
Research, Extension, and Academic Program Area Elimination
Native Plants and Physiology specialization
Aquatic, Population and Nutrition programs in Ecological Entomology
Rural Development specialization
Power Mechanics and Transmission specialization
Non-Ruminant Nutrition specialization
Employee Reductions*
14 faculty, 96 staff positions (66 layoffs)
Convert 63 positions to non-state funding
Eliminate unallocated salary funds in IFAS, equivalent to 17 faculty

All other colleges

College of Fine Arts $0.801 M
Figure above includes New World School of the Arts
Certificate/Academic Area Elimination
Arts Administration certificate specialization
International Theater Touring Program
Activities Discontinued
American College Festival
Centralized Media and Data Delivery Program in Visual Arts Programs
Center Suspended/Academic Area Eliminated
Center for Arts and Public Policy

Employee Reductions*
5 faculty, 4.5 staff positions

College of Design, Construction and Planning $0.595 M
Merged departments:
New School of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Preservation consists of
departments of Landscape Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning and
Historic Preservation.
Employee Reductions*
2 faculty, 5 staff positions (0 layoffs)

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences $5.97 M
Doctorate Degree Program Eliminated
Ph.D in Philosophy
Ph.D in Romance Languages and Literatures with concentration in French
Ph.D. in German
Academic Area Eliminated
Vietnamese and Korean language subject-area tracks
Merged departments
Departments of Zoology, Botany and Biological Sciences Teaching Program
Department of Criminology, Law and Society and Department of Sociology
The current departments of African & Asian Languages and Literatures,
Germanic & Slavic Studies and Romance Languages and Literatures will be
reformulated into a Department of Modern Foreign Languages and a
Department of Spanish Language and Literature
Funding Reduction
Academic Spoken English Course
Employee Reductions*
24 faculty/ 18 staff positions (layoff of 17 staff and 16 faculty)

Warrington College of Business $1.47 M
Minors Eliminated
Undergraduate minor in Real Estate
Undergraduate minor in Entrepreneurship
Employee reductions*
8 faculty/ 2 staff positions (0 layoffs)

College of Education $0.955 M
Doctorate Degree Programs Eliminated
Ph.D. and Ed.D In Student Personnel in Higher Education
Ph.D. and Ed.D in Social Foundations
Masters Degree Programs Eliminated
MEd. Foreign Language Education
MAE/Med. In Social Foundations
Departmental Restructuring
Consolidation of all five departments into 2 -3 schools/departments

Employee Reductions*
14 faculty, 12 staff positions (layoff of 4 staff)

College of Engineering $3.6 M
Employee Reductions*
20 faculty/ 9 staff positions (possible layoff of 8 people)

College of Journalism and Communications $0.580 M
Institute Restructured
Documentary Film Institute removed from state funding
Employee Reductions*
1 faculty, 2 staff positions (0 layoffs)

Levin College of Law $1.24 M
Enrollment Reduction
Smaller classes for JD program
Employee Reductions*
3 faculty, 1 staff positions (0 layoffs)

College of Health and Human Performance $0.534 M
Bachelor's Degree Major Programs Eliminated
BS Therapeutic Recreation
BS Physical Education
Academic Area Eliminated
Alan C. Moore Sport and Fitness Program (Elective Sport and Fitness
program for students)
Employee Reductions*
2 faculty, 1 staff positions (0 layoff)

Other Centers and Programs

Student Health Care Center $0.005 M

Institute of Child Health Policy $0.058 M

Center for Latin American Studies $0.102 M
Employee Reductions*
1 faculty, 0 staff positions (0 layoffs)

Florida Museum of Natural History $0.515 M
Exhibit Reductions
Reducing the rental of traveling exhibits by as much as one-half
Employee Reductions*
2 faculty, 5 staff (5 layoffs)

Harn Museum of Art

$0.100 M

Program Reductions
Closing on Tuesdays as well as Mondays
Employee Reductions*
0 faculty, 2.25 staff positions (0 layoffs)
3 staff (1.5 FTE) removed from state funds

Division of Continuing Education $0.503 M
Employee Reductions
Two vacant positions

Florida Center for Library Automation $0.744 M

Whitney Laboratory $0.107 M
Employee Reductions*
1 faculty, 0 staff positions (0 layoffs)

University of Florida Press $0.035 M

International Studies $0.089 M

Digital Worlds Institute $0.036 M

Center for the Performing Arts $0.042 M
Program reductions:
Reducing by about 25 percent the number of performances

Women's Athletics $0.027 M
(Title IX state contribution)

Parking $0.254 M

Bridges $0.544 M

Information Technology $0.691 M
Program Reductions
Cancelling classroom technology upgrades
Reducing CIRCA lab hours
Reducing computer lab technology support
Reducing support for Teacher Center
Eliminating National Education Training Group courses for faculty and staff
Employee Reductions*
0 faculty, 4 staff positions (0 layoffs)

*Employee figures are estimates based on information available Monday, May 5, 2008.

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