True nobles and heroes

Material Information

True nobles and heroes
Harris, David
Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier ( Publisher )
Lorimer and Gillies ( Printer )
Place of Publication:
Edinburgh ;
Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier
Lorimer & Gillies
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
126, [2] p. : ill. ; 18 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Christian life -- Juvenile literature ( lcsh )
Youth -- Conduct of life -- Juvenile literature ( lcsh )
Conduct of life -- Juvenile literature ( lcsh )
Courage -- Juvenile literature ( lcsh )
Heroes -- Juvenile literature ( lcsh )
Publishers' advertisements -- 1885 ( rbgenr )
Harris -- Authors' presentation inscription (Provenance) -- 1885 ( rbprov )
Bldn -- 1885
Publishers' advertisements ( rbgenr )
Authors' presentation inscription (Provenance) ( rbprov )
Spatial Coverage:
Scotland -- Edinburgh
England -- London
Target Audience:
juvenile ( marctarget )


General Note:
Preface dated 1885.
General Note:
Publisher's advertisements follow text.
General Note:
Baldwin Library copy inscribed by the author: "Randolph Lilk(?) from the Author, Xmas 1894."
Statement of Responsibility:
by David Harris.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact The Department of Special and Area Studies Collections ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
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226307841 ( OCLC )


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True Nobles and Heroes






Servant of God, well done!
Rest from thy loved employ ;
The battle fought, the victory won,
Enter thy Master’s joy.

The voice at midnight came ;
He started up to hear ;

A mortal arrow pierced his frame—
He fell—but felt no fear.

At midnight came the cry,—
“To meet thy God prepare!”

He woke, and caught his Captain’s eye;
Then strong in faith and prayer,

His spirit, with a bound,
Left its encumbring clay ;

His tent, at sunrise, on the ground
A darkened ruin lay.

The pains of death are past,
Labour and sorrow cease $

And life’s long warfare closed at last,
His soul is found in peace.

Soldier of Christ, well done!
Praise be thy new employ,

And, while eternal ages run,
Rest in thy Saviour’s joy.

FE reface.


N sending forth the following pages,
my earnest desire is that the men

of the next generation should be in every
sense better men than their fathers—if need
be, daring to stand alone, seeking only the
approval of “the one Master, even Christ ;”
and then, in His spirit of love and meekness,
.seeking to save the lost, and raise the



Eprypureu, 1885,



THE TRUE RICHES, ; “ i ‘ : = add
THREE WISHES, . . 7 : ‘ 7 08
THE CHANGED LOT, . ‘ . . . ‘ ee D)
A PERFECT GENTLEMAN, . : ‘. 2 ‘ « 93



“We have seen those faces in days of yore,
When the dust was on their brow,
And the scalding tear-drop on their cheek :
Let us look at those heroes now.”

NOBLE deeds! a noble life!
a noble man! are expressions
often upon our tongues,
begetting true homage from
young and old. But why
should not owr lives be noble

= est lives? Why should not we

have noble deeds recorded in ow life’s his-
tory? Why should not the humblest-born
of us be anoble man? Earthly patents of
nobility are often given, without attaching
or carrying any true nobility with them.

Would that the New Testament patent of

nobility were true of us in these days as it

was in ages past, “of those who hazarded

to True Nobles and Heroes.

their lives for the name of the Lord Jesus
Christ!” Then would instances of self-
denying love to the Master, and of true
heroism, such as those of Williams, the
martyr of Erromanga, of David Livingstone
in Africa, be multiplied over and over
again, and the aspirations and resolutions of
many a youth be realised in a noble life of
service for the Lord Jesus. Scotland justly
boasts of her Covenanters, who, undeterred
by fear of bloodshed or the sword of persecu-
tion, met, at the risk of life and liberty, to
worship God according to their own con-
science, raised the standard, and waved it in
the face of those who would oppose liberty of
religious worship, by not only “ hazarding,”
but yielding up their lives for the sake of
Christ and truth. They said—
“We are this day in arms

For a broken covenant and a
Persecuted kirk.”

And nobly they lived and died. As one of
the Scottish poets has beautifully sung :—

“Tn a dream of the night I was wafted away
To the moorlands of mist, where the bless’d martyrs

True Nobles and Fleroes, II

Where Cameron’s claymore and Bible were seen
Engraved on the stone, where the heather grows

"T'was a dream of those ages of darkness and blood,

When the minister’s home was the mountain and

When in Wellwood’s dark valley the standard of

All bloody and torn, ’midst the heather was lying.

* * * * * *

The muskets were flashing, the blue swords were
gleaming, .

The helmets were cleft, and the red blood was
streaming— :

The heavens grew dark, and the thunder was rolling,

When in Wellwood’s dark moorlands the mighty
were falling.

‘When the righteous had fallen, and the combat was

A chariot of fire through a dark cloud descended ;

Its drivers were angels on horses of whiteness,

And its burning wheels turned on axles of brightness,

A seraph unfolded its doors bright and shining,

All dazzling like gold of the seventh refining ;

And the souls that came forth out of great tribula-

Have mounted the chariots and steeds of salvation.

On the arch of the rainbow the chariot is gliding,

Through the path of the thunder the horsemen are
riding :

12 True Nobles and Heroes.

Glide swiftly, bright spirits! the prize is before ye— .
The crown never-fading, the kingdom of glory.”

Who is there without love of the heroic,
and this aspiration after nobility? Does
not the boy at school feel the blood coursing
through his veins more swiftly, as he reads
in Grecian and Roman history of old warriors,
the record of whose deeds will make the
heart thrill as long as history exists, and can
he help admiring such men as the “ brave
Horatius, who kept the bridge at Rome,” and
defended it against the thousands pressing
on him, and only when he could hold out
no longer, swam the Tiber with his armour
on? or Leonidas, who kept the pass of
Thermopyle with three hundred Spartans
against the myriad hosts of the enemy?
He clenches his little fists behind him, and
resolves that with but half the chance, he
will show to his admiring friends and loving
parents that he has got the right stuff in
him to make a hero. How the midshipman
aims at the “blue ribbon” of honourable
mention in the commander’s despatches
(if it shall ever be his fortune to be
engaged in actual warfare), even if he does

True Nobles and Feroes. 13

not get the decoration of the Victoria Cross
in the battle itself, often forgetting the
while, that the true heroism is that which
grasps everyday difficulties as they come,
determined that however mean or humble
the struggle is, it shall be ennobled by a
noble mind adapting itself to circumstances,
and resolving to persevere and triumph
over Satan and his devices.

Even the expectation of achieving dis-
tinction on the field is a healthy stimulant
toa young lad. It has been happily said
that the knapsack of every French soldier
carries a field-marshal’s baton within it;
and the very thought of this makes the raw
clodhopper bear himself with a more noble
mien and manly gait than he otherwise
would. Oh! if the lads who read this
would remember that God offers them His
Holy Spirit; The Truth to assist them in
every struggle for the mastery against sin,
and that, if they will only be guided by
Him as they march on to the battle-field of
life, He will give them what is far better
than a marshal’s baton, the promise fulfilled,
“As thy day is, so shall thy strength be!”

14 True Nobles and Heroes.

“Day by day the manna fell;
Oh! to learn this lesson well.”

“Very fine indeed,’ says some old grumbler;
“but what have youngsters to do with these
things ? what is the use of filling their heads
with high-flown heroics?” “Use!” say we—
the youngsters will think and resolve, and
the sooner their thoughts are turned into a
right and honourable direction, the greater
the hope that in after years the man will
bring forth the promise of the boy, for is it
not true that “the boy is the father of the
man?” Look at Hannibal,the boy of twelve
years, led by his father to the temple of the
heathen deities : while he grasps the horns of
the altar, with one tiny hand, and sprinkles
a few erains of incense to the heathen gods
with the other, his father makes him swear
that if he lives to be a man, his father’s foes
shall be his foes, and that nothing shall
intervene between him and a lifelong struggle
with them, except it be greater victory and
success than ever were his father’s. The boy
becomes the man, and we do not wonder
that childish thoughts have become life
thoughts with him. As we read of the suc-

True Nobles and Fleroes. 15

cesses of Hannibal’s arms, and the wondrous
achievements of his Alpine campaign, we learn
the natural results of the noble thoughts
instilled into his mind when but a boy
(though we mourn its misdirection). Go ye,
lads, and resolve also; for I assert that the
resolutions of schoolboys do not end there,.
and that the case of Nelson fighting with
the white Polar bear without the least sign
of fear (when but a boy), is but one illus-
tration of the true manly spirit existing in
the minds of our British youths. I suppose
you have often heard the story (doubted
however, by those who knew him best), that
when Nelson was asked if he had no fear, he
replied, “ What is it, sir?” Would that all
our boys feared none else but God, not the
fear that hath torment, but the child-like fear
of grieving.

Another case of heroism worth recording
is that of young Lucas, the sub-lieutenant,
who, while in the Baltic during the Crimean
war, on board the man-of-war Hecla, saw a
shell which had been thrown from the
enemy’s ship, reach the deck of his own
vessel. The fusee was lighted, and in a few

16 True Nobles and Heroes.

moments the shell must explode, scattering
death and destruction all around it. Now
was the chance to put his schoolboy resolu-
tions of heroism into practice! With scarcely
a moment’s hesitation, he rushes forward to
the ship’s side, catching the deadly shell in
his arms (though they were hardly long
enough to encircle it), rolls it over into the
sea, and with a hissing noise the shell bursts
harmlessly in the water, amidst, we may
suppose, a true British hurrah from all the
Jack-tars who witnessed the noble act, for
which Lucas received the Victoria Cross.
You say, “ Well done!” and you are right ;
but let me tell you that there are those who,
with their hearts right towards God, and
the love of Christ filling their souls, can
show a truer heroism than any of those I
have mentioned. During the Indian mutiny,
when the Sepoys had risen against the British
forces, their hatred was particularly strong
against. all who loved the Lord Jesus Christ.
A young ensign named Cheek was shut up
in a cell with a native Christian, when the
infuriated mob came, and one of them flour-
ishing over his head a naked sabre, threatened

True Nobles and Heroes. 17

that, unless he would curse the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ, he would be put to death.
As Cheek thought of his home in Norfolk,
with his loving family circle, his faith wavered
and his courage almost forsook him. The
native Christian seeing him waver (although
he himself was about to be led out for the
death-stroke), turned as he left the room
with a beseeching look, saying, “‘ Never deny
the Lord Jesus!” These words settled the
matter. Cheek’s response was, “I never will,
God helping me!” and a few minutes after-
wards wonderfully, with a shout of relief,
came a British regiment, releasing him from
his imminent danger.

What a hero was General Gordon! whether
in the Crimea, or at Gravesend (helping the
poor street arabs), or in China leading on
the “Ever Victorious Army,” or alone at
Khartoum—his heart touched by the cruel-
ties of slavery and its dark deeds of blood—
willing to die, to serve his beloved Soudanese.

“Take him for all in all,
We shall not look upon his like again.”
His faith in God’s guiding hand so strong,
and his trust in His all-sufficiency such,

18 True Nobles and Heroes.

that rewards, rank, wealth, are absolutely as
nothing in the balance—his Orders of Merit
sold that he may have the wherewithal to
send money to the relief of the starving
folk in Lancashire at the time of the Cotton

Another noble instance of a godly general
was Cromwell, who, supported by his brave
Tronsides, the cause of right and truth on
their side, could look up to God for His
blessing, and then with confidence rush on
to victory. Nay, who were not ashamed,
amidst the jeers and scoffs of the gay Cava-
liers, to sing their song of worship in the
cold grey morning to the God of battles,
and to offer up earnest believing prayer to
Him, feeling solemn indeed, as they remem-
bered that perhaps before nightfall their
head would be laid upon the sod. These
morning services did not unfit them for
their work, for sometimes, as at Dunbar,
before they had time to finish their “ morning
exercises,” the Royal horse deployed in line
in their front, and these Christian soldiers
(if there ever were such) had to push their
Bibles underneath their doublet, leap into

True Nobles and Fleroes. I9

the saddle, and dash at the foe. Then came
the rattle of the steel, the clash of swords, one
wild shout of victory (more than half secured
before the combat began by their confidence,
not so much in an arm of flesh as in an
Unseen Arm), and ere the eye could see it
all, the vanquished foe was galloping away.
We take it that in Cromwell and his brave
men we have specimens of some of the
- qualities which go to make up a true noble
hero—patience, continuance, and earnestness
of soul; for as Vaughan has nobly said, ‘‘ We
would that our life should go out to its mark
like a cannon ball, and not be ignominiously
dribbled through a sieve.” I. ask you, is it
not worth the effort daily to fulfil your life’s
mission in noble deeds? Will you not be,
or try to be, under God’s blessing, a true,
noble man ?
“Tn the world’s broad field of battle,
In the bivouac of life,

Be not like dumb driven cattle,
Be a HERO in the strife.

“ Lives of great men all remind us
‘We can make our lives sublime,
And departing leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time,”


N the excitement of battle, with the
rush of numbers, it is not wonder-
ful that men do daring deeds, and
achieve dazzling exploits. Who
could have refrained from joining the charge


“The gallant six hundred, as onward they thundered.’



During the Crimean war, after one of
the Russian sorties, a colour-sergeant was
observed rolling himself over, bleeding from
his wounds, as if hiding something. As
soon as his comrades had time to go and
gee what it was, they discovered that he had
rolled the colours of the regiment, all bloody
and torn, round his body so as to save them.
Some of my readers must have seen the flag
shown in the Advocates’ Library in Parlia-
ment Square, Edinburgh, which, it is said,

floated over the field of Flodden, and was

True Nobles and Heroes. | 2r

saved by one of the prisoners wrapping it
round his body. Oh! how jealously will a
regiment guard its colours, and to the last
gasp defend them! Would that we, who
have been enrolled in the service of Christ,
were as anxious to defend our colours,
as these soldiers are to show theirs, not
only on the occasion of a fight with some
great sin, but in our daily life confessing
Him, who has promised that if we do so, He
will confess us before His Father and the
holy angels!

The Christian life, is a battle all through;
but we have so much to fire and sustain
our enthusiasm that it ought to be easy work.
It is said that Napoleon at the head of his
army: was worth 10,000 men. We have
Jesus! the Captain of our Salvation, to lead
us, and “ He ts more than all that can be
against us.” You will remember how the
fiery cross sent out amongst the Highland
clans roused them to action, and how the
Crusader when faint and weary, would gaze
upon the badge of honour on his shield,
the Red Cross, and remembering his vows
as a Red Cross Knight, would take courage

22 True Nobles and Heroes.

and fight on; and shall not we look at The
Cross as a mighty faith reviving power? for
“that Cross all hell defies,” and conquest by
it is guaranteed to us.

‘You will remember the story of the chief
of the clan Macgregor at the battle of
Prestonpans. He fell wounded by two balls;
but seeing his men give way, he raised him-
self on his elbow while the blood streamed
- from his side, and exclaimed, “I am not
dead, my children; my eye is upon you to
see that you do your duty.” We have One
who is alive for evermore, who never
slumbers even, nor sleeps; and although he
may appear not to be with us for a while,
in order to teach us that our own strength
is only weakness, He steps in just as we are
about to give up the conflict, reassuring us
with these words, ‘Lo, I am with you

That is true, solid heroism which can,
with the object of saving life, face death.
George Stephenson is an illustration of this.
After racking his mind for months he at
last devised the miner’s safety-lamp, which
would at all events lessen the dangers incident

True Nobles and Heroes. 33

to a miner’s life. To test it, after having
some deadly firedamp shut up in the pit for
some time, he descended lamp in hand. His
comrades who had come to witness the
experiment, shrunk back and dared not go
one step farther; but he (noble man that he
was!) went forward, exposing his lamp in the
most dangerous places, in order that he
might thereby gain the knowledge to be
afterwards used in saving the lives of others.

You say “Bravo!” and rightly; but
while we shout to the honour of George

“Shall we whose souls are lighted with wisdom
from on high,

Shall we, to men benighted, the lamp of life deny?”
No. I trust that some one who reads these
pages may resolve that he will go forth, as
many a noble missionary has done, for Christ,
with his life in his hand, telling the story
of the Cross (that old, old story, ever new),
and be the means of saving some soul from
eternal death. The missionary’s success,
after years of weary waiting and working,
as in the case of our Chinese and other
missionaries, may be small indeed, measured

24 True Nobles and Heroes.

by our standard, yet from God Himself he
shall receive the true patent of nobility for
having borne the cross, and stood the heat
of battle. He shall receive a crown of life
which shall never fade away; and the
Master’s welcome, “ Well done, good and
faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of
thy Lord,” will more than recompense him
for all the toils and dangers of the fight.
Has He not said, Surely I come quickly, to
give to every man according to his work ?
Here is another example of what I mean.
When vessels leave this country for America,
it is often the habit of the sailors on board
to stow away boys of their acquaintance
until the ship has been some days at sea, too
far out for the boys to be put ashore again ;
so that, to the annoyance of the captain, and
loss of the owners, they are compelled to
convey these boys across the Atlantic free.
Some months ago a steamer had been two
days out of Liverpool on her way to New
York. A little fellow, with bright, open
face and clear blue eye, came out of his
hiding-place, and presented himself before
the mate of the vessel. The mate believing


LY fj




True Nobles and feroes. 27

that one or other of the sailors on board had
hidden the boy, insisted that he should tell
him who had done so. The boy, looking
into his face, replied, ‘“ Please, sir, none of
them. It was my father who put me on
board, and said I was not to come out for
two days and nights, and then I was to say
that I was going to my auntie who lives in
New York: she would take care of me. My
father said he had no money to pay for me,
or he would not have put me on board.”
The mate, suspicious and angry, said, “It is
a lie, boy. Unless you tell me the truth,
I will thrash you.” The boy persisted in
his story, and affirmed its truthfulness. To
terrify him still further, and find out if his
story were really true or not, the mate took
a rope in his hand, and making a noose with
it said to the boy, “ Unless you tell me the
truth in ten minutes I will hang you to the
mast-head.” “Please, sir,” said the boy-
hero, ‘‘I could not tell a lie. I have told
you the truth. May I pray, sir?” The mate,
with a choking sensation in his throat,
replied, “Yes, boy, you may.” And then
there occurred such a scene on board that

28 True Nobles and Heroes.

steamer’s deck! The passengers and sailors

crowded round the mate, and watched as

that poor little waif knelt down in the circle,

and clasping his hands together, began,

‘Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed

be Thy name; Thy kingdom come,” &c, ;

and when he had finished the prayer, which

the Lord taught His Jewish disciples, he

added the simple words, “ Lord Jesus, take

me to heaven when I die in a few minutes,

to be for ever with Thee. Amen.” There

was not a dry eye in all that company, as

the mate clasped the little fellow in his

arms, and told him he believed the truth

of his story. On the spot, a collection was

made for the boy ; and during the remainder

of the voyage, no one was more kind to the

little fellow than the mate. .

In the “ Girls” Training Home, Edinburgh,

one of the girls lay dying. She had been ill

for a long time. One of our city ministers
put the question to her, ‘Are you ready
to die?” She gave as noble a reply as ever
was uttered by the mouth of man: “I am
not afraid to die, for Jesus has taken my
sins away.”


True Nobles and Heroes. 31

A dear little boy, not long ago, when he
was dying, was asked if he were happy.
He said, “Oh! yes. I see Jesus; He has a
great many little boys with Him, and they
are all singing victory through the blood,
papa!” and so he passed away to wear the
victor’s crown, and to sing through the
countless ages of eternity, Victory through
the blood! Yes, through the precious blood
of Jesus.

Just by way of contrast, let me take two
other cases. ‘The first one shall be a world’s
hero; the next, a faithful follower of God, a
true hero and a noble man. You know how
Cardinal Wolsey, by scheming and plotting,
had attained to the position of the highest
ecclesiastic in this country, and after serving
-the king, often against the dictates of his
own conscience, in his last hour exclaimed—

“ Had I but served my God with half the zeal

I served my king, he would not in mine age
Have left me naked to mine enemies.”
See how little trust there is to be put in
Princes! And now let us look at a noble
specimen of the other sort,—old Palissy, the
renowned Huguenot (French Protestant)

32 True Nobles and FHleroes.

potter. He, too, had enjoyed the smiles of
royalty, and in some sort joined in the pomp
of courts; but no confidence did he place in
them. And well for him that he did not;
for, at the age of ninety, we see him in the
prison of the Bastille, urged to recant his
Protestant faith, to give up all that his soul
held dear; and in his reply we observe a
true heroic spirit, as, pointing to his white
locks, he said, ‘“‘ What! forsake the God who
has kept me all these years! Never! My
hair is white in His service. . He will never
forsake me even unto death.” Even so let
us “Fight the good fight of faith, and lay
hold upon eternal life.”




THE one weapon that I want to
recommend to my young friends
for use in “winning their
spurs,” as Christians, is prayer ;
for prayer is a mighty weapon that conquers
alla kind of Jacob’s ladder reaching from
earth to heaven. In the fiercest conflicts
with evil it is the only weapon that can
avail. Oh! how all-powerful it is!

“For Satan trembles when he sees
The weakest saint upon his knees!”
Clothed with the helmet of salvation, armed
with the sword of the Spirit and of prayer,
we shall not only be able to overcome all
our enemies, but even over death shall be
victors; for He who hath led captivity cap-
tive, and overcome death, is on our side.
We should not fear but press onwards—

36 True Nobles and Fleroes.

“Onward, onward, let us press, in the path of duty ;
Virtue is true happiness, excellence true beauty !”

But whilst I urge you to remember that
confidence in God makes heroes of those
who trust in Him, do not forget that ‘“ con-
science makes cowards of us all.” To be
truly noble, there must be a “ conscience
void of offence towards God and man,” a
conscience purged from sin.

In the 1867 Paris Exhibition I saw two
pictures which are more firmly fixed in my
memory than any others. In one the artist
had represented a dead body lying beside a
streamlet, with the murderer flying away in
great affright, every blade of grass looking
like a scorpion, mockingly accusing him of
his frightful crime as he ran. The hedges
and trees assumed the shape of hobgoblins,
pointing their fingers jeeringly at him as he
tried to run away from—what no man ever
yet escaped—his own guilty conscience.

The other picture was an amphitheatre,
represented as crowded with spectators,
awaiting the sport (2). You saw the one-
half of two cells. In one, a roaring, hungry
lion, almost ready to tear the bars out; and

True Nobles and Heroes. 37

in the other his intended victim ready, lying
sleeping calmly, unmindful of the dreadful
fate awaiting him, with his Bible on his

It is true “a guilty conscience does”
indeed “make cowards of us all.” Many
years ago there was a little boy, whose sister
was lying dangerously ill. bour had sent her a bunch of grapes; they
were lying at her bedside. ‘The boy went in
and stole them. When his mother came up
and asked him, “John, have you eaten your
sister’s grapes?” ‘‘ No, mamma,” was the
bold reply. A few days after, his little
darling sister was laid in the cold grave,
and bitterly did he think that he had
deprived her of those grapes. The boy
became a man, and for twenty years he
travelled about the world, till on one
occasion he was shipwrecked off the coast of
America. Clinging to the spars, he expected
that each wave as it came would wash him
away, and prove his winding-sheet. He
says that he heard, as it were, a voice close
to his ear repeating to him the question
asked by his mother some thirty years before,

38 True Nobles and Heroes.

and replied to with a lie—‘‘ John, have you
eaten your sister’s grapes?” He was saved,
and obtained pardon for the sin that was
almost a forgotten but not a forgiven one,
and he lived to tell in a New York prayer
meeting the power of conscience after years
of slumbering.
“Not all the blood of beasts
On Jewish altars slain,

Could give the guilty conscience peace,
Or wash away the stain.

‘‘ But Christ, the heavenly Lamb,
Takes all our sing away ;
A sacrifice of nobler name |
And richer blood than they.”


are HAVE said that the real testing-
oe time for our heroism and nobility,

2s) is when we come face to face with
——— the last enemy—Death. And’ is
it not true, here as elsewhere, that victory
and conquest bring along with them a
satisfaction unknown to the conquered and
vanquished? Who amongst us does not
remember with gladness the first prize won
at school, and how, with glowing heart, we
found that success had crowned our efforts ?
With what a proud mien and air would he
‘who won the laurels march in the Olympian
games! And, again, what a satisfaction is
it to us to gain a victory over ourselves in
Divine strength ; and take up our cross and
follow Jesus—to be able to put our foot
upon the neck of evil passion, and truthfully
to say, It is conquered! We are to wear

the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit,

40 True Nobles and Heroes.

and we are told that “He who ruleth his
spirit, is greater than he that taketh a city.”
But how is this to be done? We must first
be conquered, and become one with Him ‘‘who
spoiled principalities and powers ;” we must
allow Jesus to take our hearts, and wills,
and desires, and sins, and then we shall be
made ‘more than conquerors through Him
that loved us,” we must in Christ “be
crucified to the world—dead indeed unto
sin, but alive unto God,” and be able to
rejoice in the weary, daily struggle against
sin and Satan, because we do not fight
single-handed or hopelessly, for we have the
promise, ‘‘My grace is sufficient for thee,
for my strength is made perfect in weakness.”
The glories of the noblest of earth’s victories
shall fade away, when the ‘“‘kingdoms of this
world are become the kingdoms of our Lord
and of His Christ,” while those who have
conquered self will then have received from
His hands—the Victor’s Palm. And just
as it is in those cases I have mentioned, so
is it if we meet the last enemy; for those
who trust simply in the blood of the atone-
ment, to grapple with and overcome him,

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True Nobles and Fleroes. A3

can exult; and no wonder we sometimes
hear them break out in a triumphant cry
whilst passing away. It is a glorious victory
truly; for by the first Adam came death,
and long had he held dominant sway in the
world, he had laid low his millions, and the
earth was strewn with his victims, rivers of
tears had been shed over hopes blighted,
bright lives cut short; but, by the second
Adam, thank God, even by Jesus, the last
enemy hath been crippled, his power to hurt
destroyed, and we can exclaim, “Thanks be
to God who giveth us the victory, through
our Lord Jesus.”

“Ts that a deathbed where the Christian lies?
Yes; but not his—for death itself there dies.”

Oh! how true the motto on the old sun-
: “JT am a shadow, so art thou /”

As Edmund Burke said, “‘ What shadows
we are, and what shadows we pursue.”

Very soon will our conflict here be o’er—
the Lord will come; or the longest life closed. —

“ But why should we fear the beautiful angel Death,
Who waits us at the portal of the skies,

44 True Nobles and Fleroes.

Ready to kiss away our struggling breath,
Ready with gentle hands to close our eyes!

Oh! what were life—if life were all!

Our eyes are blinded by our tears,

Or we should see our treasures

In the far-off skies; and Death,

Our friend, will give them all to us.”

To the believers there is no such thing as
death, it is only “ falling asleep in Jesus.”

Yea, a friend to introduce us to real
joy and security; for if we have faith in
Christ, we know confidently that though
“after my skin worms destroy this body,
yet in my flesh shall I see God.” Then
shall be brought to pass the saying that is
written, ‘Death is swallowed up in victory!”

“ Grace all the work shall crown
Through everlasting days ;
It lays in heaven the topmost stone,
And well deserves the praise.”

x es : EZR



The Poor Rich, and The Rich





Aut things are ours: how abundant the treasure !
All riches which heaven or earth can afford.

Oh! may our love, like His grace, without measure,
Abound to the glory and praise of the Lord,

All things are ours: be it sickness or sorrow,
Tis order’d in wisdom and infinite love.

Grief may endure for a night; but the morrow
Of glory will see us rejoicing above.

All things are ours: tho’ the body may perish,
We faint not to see it fast wasting away ;

The soul its bright visions of glory will cherish,
And strengthen in holiness day after day.

All things are ours: yea, the present affliction,
Though now through the gloom of mortality view’d,
For soon shall we joy in the blessed conviction
That thus it was good to be tried and subdued.

All things are ours: through the Saviour’s merit,

The shame of His cross, which must needs be our own,
Will brighten the glory that circles the spirit,

And sparkle like gems in our heavenly crown.




The Poor Rich, and The Rich Poor.

ie eS

* A glad New Year, tho’ it may be thy last,
We cannot tell ; God’s ways are hidden deep.
We only say, as in the years now past,
They are well kept whom God vouchsafes to keep.”

AOLD! diamonds! pearls! rubies!
| How much do men endure to seek
for these, with only the hope of
finding them at last! Hard toil,
harder fare, with hardened hearts, they
often have in the search; their day-dreams
are full of their prospects of success, their
night-visions crown them with it; yet, alas!
they awake to find “’tis but a dream.”
Urged on by a restless anxiety to find, how

many “leave the happy village of content,”

48 The True Riches; or,

and, forgetting the apostle’s aphorism,
“Godliness, with contentment, is great gain,”
strive for some greater! Disappointed they
must be, for he who once tried the process
to the full has left upon record that he
found it “vanity of vanities, and vexation of
spirit.” Hastening to be rich, they fall into
temptations, snares, and many foolish and
hurtful lusts; and, in the bitter end, find
that the seeming riches are but dross,
leaving the seekers poor indeed. Oh! what
sins have been committed in the pursuit of
- riches, and what a restless race it is! The
syren lures, whilst poor, helpless man, intoxi-
cated with the prospects of grasping the
glittering heap, toils on to his own destruc-
tion. I trust that some of my readers have
resolved, God assisting them, to become
“true nobles and heroes;” and whilst I ask
them to—

“Sigh not for the old heroic ages back,
These heroes were but brave and earnest men:
Be thou as brave a hero in thy track,
Striving, not sighing, brings them back again ;”

and, whilst ‘“ pressing onwards,”

The Poor Rich, and the Rich Poor. 49

“To hold no parley with unmanly fear,
‘Where duty bids thee confidently steer ;
A thousand dangers face at duty’s call,
And trusting in thy God, surmount them all,”—

I wish especially to encourage my friends
to become “rich” in the only true sense,
as well as “noble.” I know they often
think of this — nay, scheme, and plan,
and dream about it; but I am afraid they
are not half in earnest—at all events in
seeking to obtain the highest possible quality
of wealth. Lest any of my readers should
be contented to obtain only a part of it,
I wish to show them that they must not be
satisfied unless they are in possession of add
things and turn to good account everything.
I want you to lay up treasures that will
accumulate; and that there may be no
mistake as to your possession of them,
.I would like to give you a few hints as to
the title-deed upon which you must hold
them, and the security guaranteed by (what
in Scotland we call “the feudal tenure”) the
Superior or vassal lord. You must also be
careful that no mildew, moth, or rust can

creep in to mar or destroy the value and

50 The True Riches ; or,

beauty of your riches; and then the strength
of the keeping-place must be such that
thieves shall not be able to break through
and steal, otherwise the mere possession will
be to you an additional care and burden.
I should like you to have no care, no trouble,
no anxiety, but to feel, each day you live,
that your treasure is getting larger, and that
all the events of life only turn out for the
furtherance of your true interests.

I can fancy I hear you say, “Is this
possible? Have you not drawn a fancy
picture? Shall I indeed be rich? Shall
I be entitled to an inheritance? Can J deal
in securities? Is it true that I can be heir
to wealth, enjoy it while I live, and not
lose it when I die?” Yes, thank God, it
is possible; for “true riches” are to be
possessed through His own Son, Jesus Christ,
who, “though He was rich, yet for your sakes
He became poor, that ye through His
poverty might be rich ;” “and we have this
treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency
of the power may be of God, and not of us.”
All things may be ours, for we have the
declaration that all things are Christ’s, and

The Poor Rich, and the Rich Poor. 51

if we are His, then all things are ours in
Him. Nay, “if God be for us, who can be
against us?” And have we not the promise,
that “all things work together for good to
them that love God,” and that every blessing
may be ours for the asking, for has not
Christ, with whom we are to be co-heirs to
a heavenly inheritance, said, “ Whatsoever
ye ask the Father in My name, He will give
it you?” Seeking first the Kingdom of God
and His righteousness, all things else will
be added. In an earthly family the eldest
son has often an advantage, to the injury of
the younger: not so in God’s family, for we
become joint-heirs with Christ. Has not
the voice of heavenly wisdom said, “‘ Lay not
up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where
moth and rust doth corrupt, and where
thieves break through and steal, but lay up
for yourselves treasures in heaven, where
neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and
where thieves do not break through nor
steal?” and has not Almighty Power said,
“Take no thought for the morrow?” Yea,
though we are the poorest on earth, and
have nothing, yet may we possess all things.

52 The True Riches.

“We long to hail that season,
By gifted minds foretold,
When men shall live by reason,
And not alone by gold—

“When, man to man united,
And every wrong thing righted,
The whole world shall be lighted,
As Eden was of old.”

Yes, when the Lord reigns over the Earth
as its rightful Lord, and not before that


TS ae now illustrate what I mean.
Let me give you a few instances
of what 1 would call ‘poor rich”
men, and then a few instances of
“rich poor” men.

Who are the “ poor rich” ? Those “ with-
out.God and without hope in the world.”
Who are the “rich poor”? Those who
can say of God, “Thou art my portion and
my inheritance ;” “My soul doth hope in
Thee ;” “In Thy favour is life;” “Christ
in me the hope of glory.”

“This is the charm, by sages often told,
Converting all it touches into gold ;
Contené can soothe, where er by fortune placed,
And rear a garden in a desert waste.”

54 The True Riches ; or,

The content of knowing that “all things
work together for good.” The former are
those without God and without hope—poor
indeed! the latter, poor as regards this
world’s goods, and often like the Lord Him-
self when on earth, despised too, but “rich
in faith, and heirs of the kingdom of heaven.”
An old writer says pithily: “ As children of
three or four years of age have no other
care or thought than how they may play,
and pass their time with the having of daily
food according to their appetite, not con-
sidering or taking any care for the means
which they might have, and which would be
necessary for the nourishment of their old
age ; so it seemeth to me that the men of
our time behave themselves when, through
a more than childish ignorance, they labour
without ceasing to gather and to increase
wealth, which will do them service but a
while, not caring in the meantime for
certain and immortal good, which will
nourish them for ever. And yet the soul
created according to the image of God can-
not better preserve and show forth her
Divine nature in this mortal body than by

The Poor Rich, and the Rich Poor. 55

contemning all human, earthly, and fading
things.” “In the world, but not of it ”—
able to say, ‘ He hath delivered us from this
present evil world.”

A man in London, who started life with-
out a penny, has gone on gradually adding
house to house, pound to pound, field to
field, until he used to boast that he was
possessed of freehold property in five different
counties, has upwards of a hundred houses
of his own, with stocks and shares to a very
large amount; and yet, of all the men of my
acquaintance, there is not one towards whom
I have the same melancholy feeling, and of
whom I always speak as “Poor man!” for
so anxious is he to accumulate this world’s
goods, that he barely allows himself
sufficient food, and has never been known,
within the recollection of any of his acquaint-
ances, to do a generous deed, to aid the
destitute, or to put his money to any good
account. Poor man! no widow’s blessing
rests on him, no orphan’s prayers ascend to
the God of the fatherless for him. Without
the love of God in his heart to dictate to
him how he should lay out his wealth, to

56 The True Riches.

him it is worse than dross. Very soon will
the poor old man be forgotten, and what he
has laid up it is more than likely that a
spendthrift’s hand will scatter, and thus a
double curse will rest ; upon the accumulat-
ing and the spending of his wealth.

Many of my readers can recollect how,
within the last few years, a young noble-
man, with ample resources at his command,
resolved to try what Solomon had tried
before and found a failure. Trusting in his
wealth, he rushed into scenes of gaiety and
excitement, and, from one step to another,
rapidly ran the gauntlet of a “short life and a
merry one;” and, dying at an early age, all
he possessed was dispersed by the auctioneer’s
hammer, begetting the exclamation from
many lips, “Poor man!” Would that he
had known the unchangeable Friend, and
trusted in Him rather than in his riches,
which “ made to themselves wings and flew
away!” More frequently the spirit of
worldliness in connection with wealth takes
the shape, not of spending, but of grasping.
Never satisfied: a little more! only just a
little more! is the cry; one more venture,


The Poor Rich, and the Rich Poor. 59

and then we shall have enough! The
Americans have a saying, that enough is
just a little more than one has got; and
really it seems true, for how eager and
earnest does each one appear to grasp a little
more than he has! and, how many in the
attempt, are like the dog in the fable
crossing the bridge with a bone in its mouth,
dashing at a shadow, and so losing the sub-
stance! for after all the things which are
seen are fast passing away, whilst those that
are unseen and eternal are the only enduring

Look at that gallant emigrant ship leaving
the harbour,—her sails all set, the captain
and sailors flushed with excitement at their
posts ; the passengers, notwithstanding all
the sorrow of partings with loved relatives
(perhaps for ever), are even more eager than
the captain himself for a start, and a swift,
safe voyage ; and when the last hurrah has
rung out, each one begins anxiously to count
the days before they shall gain the haven
and begin their life of toil, which they fondly
hope will lead them to wealth. Such a scene
as this I have witnessed more than once many

60 The True Riches.

years ago, when the gold fever was at its
height, and men flung aside duty, honour,
and home happiness in the mad race for gold.
Now again for a moment look at that same
vessel on its homeward voyage a year or two
after. The hard work of the diggers has
been crowned with success, and some of them
are returning with visions of ease and
comfort for the rest of life. But a storm
has arisen: and now watch the passengers
as each one battles for life, rushing and
clinging to the boats. The gold for which
they have toiled so hard lies about unheeded
—any one might take it; for what is gold
to them now? And unless they have “true
riches” in this the hour of their need, though
they may have piles of glittering dust, they
realise that they have nothing. True riches!
you say, what can they be? Can any metal
be truer than gold? Bank notes and other
currency may depreciate in value; but gold
—what can be truer? Is it not the
standard of value? Nay, it is false—as
false can be! ‘Trust it not! The love of it
is the “root of all evil.” Vain is its help in
the time of trouble!


“Gold many hunted, sweat and bled for gold ;
Waked all the night, and laboured all the day.
And what was this allurement, dost thou ask ?
A dust dug from the bowels of the earth,
Which, being cast into the fire, came out
A shining thing that fools admire, and called
A god! and worshipped.’

LAS! that we should measure worth
/ by a money standard! Some
better standard of real worth is
wanted. We should not estimate
men by mere yellow dust or piles of stones.
We speak of some being worth so much.
Alas! it would be more correct to call many
possessors of earthly wealth worthless, for
that indeed is their true character. Some
ancient philosophers were wise. Hear them
speak with the weight of experience. Plato
says: “ He that would be truly rich, ought

62 The True Riches.

to labour, not so much to augment his
wealth, as to diminish his desire of having ;
because he that appointeth no bounds to his
desires is always poor and needy.”

Epictetus says: ‘“ A horse is not said to be
better because he hath eaten more than
another, or because he hath a gilt harness, -
but because he is stronger, swifter, and better
made, for every beast is accounted according
to his virtue. And shall a man be esteemed
according to his riches, ancestors, or beauty?
If a man think that his old age shall be
borne easily by the means of riches, he
deceiveth himself.”

Socrates says—

“Tt is a miscrable saying to affirm
That a rich man is happy ; yea, it belongeth
To children and fools to say so, making them
That believe and approve it.
As a man cannot use a horse without a bridle, so
He cannot use riches without reason.”

How often do men forget that wealth
brings with it responsibilities, and seem to
think that selfish indulgence is the sole use
for which it is granted to them? A landed

“ All ts not Gold that Glitters.” 63

proprietor, upon whose estate I have seen
poor wretched creatures dying in hovels not
fit to put a dog in, at the same time paid a
French cook £200 a-year to please his
palate. Thank God! there are many cases
on the other side,—men who, whether nobles
by birth or by deed, use the means God has
given them as stewards for Him, and lay
out themselves and all they have for His
glory, for Him who has said, “He who
giveth to the poor, lendeth to the Lord ;
I will repay.” To each the Psalm comes
home—Blessed is he that considereth the
poor, the Lord will deliver him in time of
trouble. Could you have better security
than the promise of Him who made the
world? Title-deeds of worth are those
where there is ight along with power to
hold. A Highland chieftain once, taking
out his dirk, cut into shreds a parchment
Royal gift of lands, declaring that he would
never hold upon a sheepskin whilst his right
hand was so strong, and, supported by his
clan, he could hold by the power of mught.
Thank God! we have a “ title clear” to our
heavenly inheritance, purchased and sealed

64 The True Riches,

by Jesus’ blood, freely given to us by grace,
witnessed to and the earnest given us by
the Holy Spirit, so that we have Him assur-
ing us that, weak as we are, all is right and
secure, not for time only, but for eternity.
God is all strength, so that we hold not only
by right but by might also. It is a blessed
thing “to have the loins girt and our lamps
burning, and we ourselves as men who wait
for their Lord.” The eager longing for the
Lord’s blessed appearing, is the best antidote
to holding, except with the loosest hand,
“The gear and gare.”

Dives, you would have said, was a very
happy man, faring sumptuously every day,
having servants at his command, chariots at
his call. He wanted for nothing, and yet
he wanted everything ; whilst the beggar at
his gate having nothing, yet possessed all
things. "Tis true, Lazarus was in want of
doctors, food, and medicine ; the dogs took
pity on him and licked his sores, whilst he
shared his food with them. Yet what a
difference when death closed the account !
In the one case, perchance a grand display
of waving plumes and weeping women

“ All ts not Gold that Glitters.’ 65

at the funeral procession for a time helped
to keep up the delusion, whilst in the
other-——a pauper’s funeral, without a follower,
heightened the contrast. But when the
curtain is drawn up for a moment, we see
that the condition of these two men is
reversed. In hell the rich man lifts up his
eyes, being in torments; the clock of eter-
nity beating his knell in the words, “for
ever;” and ever answering the cry, “ how
long to suffer yet,”—for ever! On the
other side of the picture we see Lazarus in
Abraham’s bosom, and learn how little all
this world can offer is worth, when viewed
in the light of the unseen world.

«* And so from the land, the border land,
We have turn’d us to earth once more ;
But earth and its works were such trifles scann’d
By the light of that radiant shore.
* * * * Po
‘We were deaf to the clang of earth’s trumpet call,
And alike to its gibe or its sneer ;
Its riches were dust, and the loss of them all
Would then scarce have cost us a tear.”

The rich man in the Gospel, who knew

not where to bestow his goods, saying to

66 The True Riches.

himself, ‘Soul, take thine ease; eat, drink,
and be merry,” has been styled by The
Lord Jesus Christ a fool! “ Thow fool! this
night thy soul shall be required of thee.”
Oh, if we but lived as on the threshold of
eternity, whether expecting death to lay his
hand upon us, or the Lord Himself to come,
how little should we count, and how lightly
should we hold by anything short of “the
true riches !”

Truly should we use the world as men use
an inn—here to-night, gone to-morrow.

How much truth there is in the comment
of the philosopher, on walking through the
market: ‘“‘ How many things there are here
that I do not want!” for

“Man wants but little here below,
Nor wants that little long.”

George the Third, once passing through
his stable-yard, was accosted by the stable-
boy, who complained to him how badly he
was treated,—that he got only food, lodging,
and clothing, for his work. The old king
promptly replied, “That is all J get; and
what more do you want?” “ Having food
and raiment, let us therewith be content.”

« All 1s not Gold that Glitters.” 67

Though I have spoken so much of wealth,
there is more than the love of earthly
wealth included in what I wish my young
friends to guard against. What I am
specially anxious to call your attention to
is embraced in the Saviour’s declaration,
“What shall it profit a man if he gain the
whole world, and lose his own soul?” We
understand that the world, to each individ-
ual, means that which engrosses his heart to
the exclusion of Christ; that which is
opposed to God and over which judgment



HREE children once, on a bright summer


Having fairly tired themselves out at

Lay down on the banks of a rippling

To dream of the future as young hearts dream,
And tell over, each to the other, again
The deeds they would do when they were men,

The first one carelessly lifted his head,

And his dark eye flashed as he proudly said:

‘‘ A few short years, and the sound of my name

Shall ring through the earth on the voice of fame !

I will lead men on the field afar ;

I will come from thence with the spoils of war !

A mighty power will I hold in my hand,

Thousands shall wait on my least command.

The fairest and bravest to me shall bend,

Craving the life that is mine to lend ;

And the laurel wreath, and the sounding lay,

And the rush of proud music shall greet my way.”

Three Wrshes. 69

The second looked up, and his eye of blue

Flashed prouder than his of the darker hue :

“ Boast of your slaves with their suppliant knee !

You and your peers bend your souls to me.

My life shall be like a beautiful dream ;

Toilless and careless by thine will it seem.

I will send my fancy on gossamer wings,

Roaming the earth for beautiful things.

But the pen I wield with my own right hand

Shall mightier be than your strongest band :

It shall master the heart with its exquisite skill ;

You shall laugh, you shall weep, hope or fear as
I will.”

But the third had silently stolen away
While his playfellows talked of the future day ;
For he feared, if he told his choice on earth,
Tt would only awaken their mocking mirth.
But a vision flitted across his thought

Of happiness, only by labour wrought.

Care and toil he would willingly prove,
Might it only be a “labour of love ; ”

For well he knew that the joys that spring
From the power to remedy suffering,

Come back to the heart in its hour of sorrow
With sweeter voice than fame can borrow,

Little ones, cease from your laughing glee,
Listen a moment, and answer me ;

Now, as I show these pictures three,
Which of them seemeth the best to thee 1

With love to Christ as the motive power,

70 The True Riches.

there is no happiness that can equal the joy
of “labours of love” for the suffering and
destitute—remembering the forgotten. That
is a beautiful story of Martin of Tours. At
the building dedicated to his memory in
Tours is a bas relief, representing Martin,
seated upon horseback, going out at the
gateway of the city. A poor unfortunate
beggar at the gate is asking alms. Martin |
is represented in the act of taking off his
Roman toga, and with his sword cutting it
in two, handing the beggar one half and
wrapping himself in the remainder. The
legend is, that that night Martin had a
dream, and dreamt that he was in heaven ;
that there he’ saw the Lord Jesus Christ
surrounded by His angels, and, to his
astonishment, He had round His shoulders
the one half of his Roman toga; and as He
wrapped it round His shoulders He said to
the angel, “Martin, the Roman of Tours,
gave Me this cloak.” Legend as it is, it
has the beautiful words of our Lord
wrapped up in it: “Inasmuch as ye did it
unto one of the least of these My brethren,
ye did it unto Me.” Though rare, we have

Three Washes. 71

now and again a case of a man who seeks to
lay up treasure in heaven only, and trusts
to God for the supply of temporal wants.
One of these noble men of the heavenly
aristocracy, after a laborious life of upwards
of fifty years spent in Africa, returned home
full of years and honours—

“Waiting till the shadows werea little longer grown” —

and has now heard the Master’s voice call-
ing, “Robert Moffat, come up hither !”—
“ well done, good and faithful servant.”

Mr. Moffat told me that, in preaching
Christ to the natives, for a long time they
would not believe that his motives were
disinterested. Said they, ‘“‘ We can under-
stand a man that comes here to buy ostrich
feathers and ivory ;” and judging him by
their own standard, they thought, doubtless,
Mr. Moffat had come to cheat them.
Another heavenly millionaire is George
Miiller of Bristol, who, perhaps more than
any other man living, has acted up to the
charter of his rights as a believer in Jesus.
Not only have his own wants been amply
supplied, but thousands of orphans who

72 The True Riches.

have been under his care for the last thirty
years have been daily provided with every-
thing needful, as wonderfully as Elijah was
fed by the ravens. Mr. Miiller has literally
proved “that He is faithful who hath pro-
mised, who also will do it,” and that indeed
the just do live by faith. The Edinburgh
Industrial Brigade, and the Boys’ Refuge,
Manchester, are also wonderful cases of
God supplying the daily needs of about
three hundred lads for many years in answer
to believing prayer.

A. Christian man, who had done some
little in the way of giving in Jesus’ name,
narrates that he had a-dream, and that he
was at the judement-seat and heard the
voice of Jesus saying, “ Forasmuch as ye
have done it unto one of the least of these
my brethren, ye have done it unto me;”
then immediately. addressing a comrade, he
said, “Oh that I had only remembered that
it was to Jesus, the bread I gave away should
not have been so stale!”

Here’s a beautiful story in poetry :

“Far, far away o’er the deep blue sea
Lived a man who was kind as kind could be,

Three Wrshes. 73

He loved little children, and spread every day

A table from which none went empty away.

Poor children came in from the alley and street,

With rags on their backs, and no shoes on their feet ;

Girls and boys, large and small, some naughty and

But John Falk loved them all, and did them all good.

And while they were eating, he often would tell

Of the Lord Jesus Christ, who on earth did once
dwell ;

How He loved little children—each one of them

He was watching from heaven with tenderest care—

And how happy and blessed would be the child’s part

Who would let that dear Saviour come dwell in his

Each day when the children assembled to eat,

He taught them to offer this grace for their meat :

«Bless, Jesus, the food thou hast given us to-day,

And come and sup with us, dear Jesus, we pray.”

But once when the children had finished this prayer,
One poor little fellow stood still by his chair

For a moment, then ran to the closet where stood
‘The bright cups of tin and the platters of wood.

“ Now what is the matter?” said Falk to the child.
The little one looked in his kind face and smiled :

“ We asked the Lord Jesus just now in our grace
To sup with us here ; but we’ve given Him no place.
If He should come in, how sad it would be !

But I'll put Him a stool close here beside me,”

74 The True Riches.

Then the boy, quite contented, sat down to his food ;

He was hungry and tired, and his supper was good !

But a few moments after, he heard at the door

A knock low and timid, one knock and no more.

He started to open it, hoping to meet

The Lord Jesus Christ come to look for His seat ;

But when it was open, he no one could see

But a poor little child, much poorer than he,

His face blue with hunger, his garments, so old,

Were dripping with rain, aad he shivered with cold.

“ Come in !” cried the boy, in a tone of delight,

“I suppose the Lord Christ could not come here

Though we asked Him to come and partake of our
bread ;

So He’s just sent you down to us here in His stead.

The supper is good, and we’ll each give you some,

And tell the Lord Christ we are glad you have come.”

From that time, when the children assembled to eat,

There was always one place called “The Lord Jesus’

And the best that they had was placed there each day

For one who was poorer and hungrier than they ;

And the Lord Jesus Christ, in reply to their grace,

Sent always some person to sit in His place ;

And sweet was the food that the Lord did provide

For the stranger He sent them to eat at their side.

Dear friends, who have read this short story, you

The words that our Saviour once spake when below:

Ii we wish for His presence to hallow our bread,

Three Wrshes. 75

We must welcome the stranger He sends in His
stead ;

When we set out our feasts, this our motto must be—

« As ye do to my poor, ye have done unto me !”

Quite recently, in the Orphan Home at
Cheetham, Manchester, a little fellow who
had heard much: about a week of special
services, asked the House Mother, “ Is Jesus
coming to stay with us this next week ?”
and the reply he got was, “ Yes, and always,
if you are His own little one.”

“ Perfect love casteth out all fear” is the
truthful declaration of the inspired word to
the man who has in possession the faith
“ Laughs at impossibilities and cries, ‘It shall be done.’”

And this faith it is which enables a man
so to trust in God, that he becomes fully
persuaded that all things do indeed “ work
together for good” to him. It has been
beautifully said :
“ T have trodden a path I did not know,
Safe in my Saviour’s hand ;

I can trust Him for all the future now—
T have been to the border land.”

A collier who had found “the true riches”

76 Tne True Riches.

in Jesus, always used to declare to his com-
panions that “all things worked together for
good.” One day, on going to the pit’s
mouth, he laid down his dinner, which a
vagrant dog seized and ran off with. The
collier started in pursuit amidst the jeers
of his scoffing companions: “Hallo, Bob!
is this all for your good?” ‘* Nae doot o’t,”
was the reply. And sure enough it turned
out so; for whilst in pursuit an accident
occurred in the pit, which it is more than
probable would have proved fatal to Bob
had he been in his usual place at the time.

And Bob could sing,

“Since all that I meet shall work for my good,
The bitter is sweet, the medicine is food ;
Though painful at present, ’twill cease before long,
And then, oh, how pleasant the conqueror’s song !’

During the reign of Queen Mary, a disciple
of the Lord Jesus Christ was summoned to
London before Bishop Bonner, to answer a
charge of heresy. On his way to London
he had the misfortune to break his leg, and
was laid up for some time. He had often
quoted, “ All things work together for good
to them that love God,” and the scoffers

Three Washes. 74,

asked him how this could be so in his case.
“T have no doubt that God will make it
plain,” was his reply. And it was so; for
whilst detained there, news came of Mary’s
death, and the minister’s prosecution was
abandoned. A Scotch minister from the
north was on his way to Edinburgh by the
Firth of Forth. At Kinghorn he met with
an accident which, greatly to his annoyance,
compelled him to remain there instead of
crossing in the ordinary smack. Shortly
after the vessel left, a violent storm came
on, and all on board were lost. The minister
had indeed cause for thanksgiving for his
deliverance, and might truly have ascribed
praise to God, who
‘“* Keeps with most distinguished care
The man who on His love depends ;

Watches every numbered hair,
And all his steps attends.”

I must now say a word as to the way to
obtain “the true riches.” The true riches
can only be obtained by having “the love of
God shed abroad in the heart by the Holy
Spirit given unto us.” Without this we are
poor, have what we may besides; and with

78 The True Riches.

it rich, take what you will away. ‘True
happiness—and is not that only another
name for “true riches ?”—like life, ‘“‘ con-
sisteth not in the abundance. which a man
hath,’ but in a quiet, contented mind—a
mind satisfied in having Gop, in doing His
will, following the example of our Lord and
Master, who fulfilled so perfectly the path
of obedience that He was “obedient unto
death,” well knowing that “He will give
grace and glory, and no good thing will He
withhold from them who walk uprightly.”
The question is, What is good? Nor are
we at a loss for the answer :

“Good when He gives, supremely good
Nor less when He denies ;
F’en crosses in His sovereign hand
Are blessings in disguise.”

This has been realised by His people—those
who have really believed and trusted in
“ His purposes will ripen fast,
Unfolding every hour ;
The bud may have a bitter taste,
But sweet will be the flower.”


f|OME years ago a large East India-
=| man was on. her return voyage to
this country. After pursuing a
pleasant and prosperous course
for some time, she sprang a leak, the exact
position of which the seamen were unable to
discover. All hands were summoned to the
pumps; but the unremitting efforts of the
_passengers and crew were unavailing. The
water steadily gained upon them, and before
long it became evident that they must
dismiss all hope of saving the vessel.

Upon making preparations to abandon the
ship, it was perceived that the boats could
not possibly carry all the passengers and
crew. After some discussion as to what

‘should be done, it was agreed that, in order

80 The True Riches.

to avoid strife and confusion, the right to
enter the boats should be determined by lot.
Having ascertained the exact number that
could be carried by the boats, a corresponding
number of long slips of paper was provided,
and intermingled with a number of shorter
slips, and it was determined that those who
drew the long lots should have the right of
leaving the vessel, and that those who drew
the short lots should remain. The drawing
of the lots was a time of feverish anxiety,
of breathless suspense. Every one felt that
his own destiny, and many the destinies
of those most dear to them, depended upon
an event over which no control could be
exercised. Death or life was to be deter-
mined by the drawing of a long or short slip
of paper. Some, doubtless, even then enjoyed
the confidence of faith, knowing that, while
“the lot is cast into the lap, the whole dis-
posing thereof is of the Lord.” Such would
feel safe in the hands of One by whom all
things are arranged, and without whose
permission not even a sparrow falls fluttering
to the ground.

The lots are drawn. It is now known who

The Changed Lot. 81

are to escape by the boats, and who are to
remain and perish in the ship. Among the
passengers were a merchant and his wife,
returning to this country. The merchant
had drawn a long lot, his wife a short one.
The boats are now manned for their perilous
voyage, and the order is given for those
who have the long lots to enter without
delay, for every moment is precious.
Among the first to press forward, that he
might take his place -in one of the boats,
was the merchant. Unworthy of the name
of man, he was ready, at this moment of
peril, to forsake the wife of his bosom,
whom he had pledged himself to protect, in
order that by an act of selfish cowardice he
might save his own miserable life. All on
board who witnessed the craven act were
moved to incredulous surprise and indig-
nation, hard to be controlled. Words of
execration assail the wretched man, who
must have been as miserable in saving his
life as he could have been in losing it. A
stalwart sailor who had drawn a long lot
was standing by the gangway; he puts his
brawny hand upon the shoulder of the

82 The True Riches.

merchant as he passes, and says to him, in
a tone of indignation and disgust; “ Man!
would you leave your wife?” and then
turning at once to the trembling, weeping
wife, he says: “There, woman ! there! take
my lot, and [ll take yours. Go with your
husband, and I'll take my chance with the
rest.” The noble-hearted sailor is not, how-
ever, to perish: almost at that very moment
a sail is discerned on the horizon, rapidly
making for the sinking ship. The passengers
are all secured from a watery grave, and not
very long after arrived safely in England.
Who can read this simple narrative
without admiring the noble, self-denying
generosity of the sailor, who was willing to
save this woman’s life at the risk, ‘and by
the intended sacrifice, of his own? It is
not often that we meet with the record of
any nobler deed than this. But, noble as it
was, it may not be compared with the act
of self-sacrifice and substitution on the part
of our Saviour, by which sinful and dying
men are not merely rescued from the horrors
of everlasting death, but are invested with
all the powers and privileges of an endless

The Changed Lot. 83

and blessed life, “with treasure more than
earth can give.”

Another illustration of what 1 mean :—

At Leeds an iron-puddler was engaged at
work, whilst his little boy played about near
him. Before he was aware of it, the little
fellow had fallen into a caldron of molten
iron. The father, almost frantic, rushed to
the spot, and, not thinking for a moment of
the pain and agony to himself, plunged his
arm into the caldron, in the vain attempt to
save his boy. The arm, of course, never
came out, and the stump remains as a mark
of his anxiety to rescue his darling. Isn't
this just a type of what Jesus has done for
us—never minding the pain and shame and
death of the cross, reaching right down from
His throne of mercy, to snatch us from the
caldron of sin into which we had fallen ?
And, thank God, He has succeeded in
saving us; for, once we have hold of “ His
grasping hand” by faith, none can pluck us
out of it.

At a ragged school, one of the boys, for
some great offence, had to be punished before
his companions. The poor. half-starved lad

84 The True Rzhes.

(a recent admission to the school) is called
out and ordered to strip. One cannot look
upon the wretched figure without pain, and
the master shares the feeling ; but discipline
must be maintained—the law which has
been broken must be satisfied. The master
stands, and his look reveals this to the boys.
One of them, a noble fellow, steps forward,
saying, “Look here, sir! I’ll bear his
thrashing for him.” And bear it he did,
whilst the delinquent was released for what
the substitute had borne.

Quite recently, during the disturbances in
Cuba, a man had been charged with some
offence, and condemned to death. He
claimed the protection of the representatives
of England and America. The protests of
these consuls had been without effect:
the man was ordered out for execution, a
firing party of soldiers drawn up, and the
word about to be given, “ Fire!” when the
two consuls were seen rushing forward and
covering the prisoner with the “ Union
Jack” and the ‘Stars and Stripes.” When
this was done, turning to the soldiers they
said, ‘‘ Now, fire a shot if you dare!” They



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The Changed Lot. 87

dared not, nor dare the officer in command
order them. He knew that the whole
power of these two great nations whose
emblems were around the prisoner was
arrayed against them. Sinners who are
under the blood of Christ’s atoning sacri-
fice need not fear: there is none who
dare touch them, and Christ has promised
to keep them as the apple of His eye. How
gloriously safe! The poorest may as freely
come to Jesus and obtain “the true riches”
as the rich.

Take the following instance of a poor
London street boy, who came to Christ by
simply believing His word. One night,
going home late from the City, a group of
ragged figures with pinched and dirty faces
might have been seen assembled beneath a
lamp-post. A few kindly words soon elicited
the fact that the lads were supperless, and
for a bed for the night had nothing to look
forward to but the bare ground under the
Adelphi Arches. Being assured that for
that night a supper and bed should be theirs,
their eager attention was soon secured whilst
the old, old story—yet ever new—of Jesus’

88 The True Riches.

life and death was told to them. As the
speaker told of God’s Son being born in a
manger—of angel singers announcing the
news to the shepherds—of the babe becom-
ing the man, and not having a place to lay
His head—of his poverty in having to work
a miracle to pay the tribute to Ceesar—and.
the proof of it—in asking “show me a
penny !”—and then with loving care for the
bodies as well as souls of men, healing the
sick, giving eyesight to the blind, raising
the dead, pardoning sinners, and not con-
demning them—then of the agony in the
garden, and the shameful, ignominious death
on the cross; as the scene of Calvary—hoyy
the cross was laid upon the ground, the
blessed Saviour nailed to it, and then, when
uplifted, dropped heavily into the earth,
increasing the agony and pain—was de-
scribed, the tears began to trickle down
their cheeks, and many a dirty face rubbed
by a dirtier hand showed that their hearts
were touchedby the story of Jesus’ dying love.
At parting, when the question was asked,
“Who will love my Lord Jesus?” it was
responded to by more than one upheld hand,

The Changed Lot. 89

and a sob, “I will, sir.” The circumstance
had almost been forgotten by the speaker,
when one day crossing the Royal Exchange
his attention was attracted to a merry,
laughing-faced shoeblack boy, who, whilst
shouting out the well-known “Clean your
boots, sir?” exhibited sundry signs of
recognition. “Don’t you know me, sir?
Please, sir, 1’m Jim!” “Jim? Jim who?”
“Why, sir, don’t you remember under the
lamp-post that night I was one of the coves
that began to love Jesus? and I’ve been
loving Him and asking Him to help me
ever since; and He has done that. I’ve
got into the shoeblack brigade, and means
to work hard, I does.” Poor though he was,
the lad in his simple faith was rich.

A collier boy with many others was
caught & in a mine: the water had broken in,

sfi@echad to take shelter in an old

yorking. ’’ When the bodies were found,
this boy’s candle-box was found scratched
upon with a pin: “ We are praying and
singing, and expect soon to be in glory.”
Poor men !—nay, rich men!—sudden death!
sudden glory !


go The True Riches.

A negro was dying: some friends crowded
round his bed to pray with him. “ Poor
Pompey!” said one. “No,” he said, “I’m
not poor Pompey! I’m King Pompey!”
Yes! a king and priest too, crowned by God

Said one, not long ago, to a “poor rich”
man: ‘‘ Look north, now south, now east,
and west, as far as you can see—all is mine!”
Sir,” was the response, “can you look up
and say that’s mine? because, if not, you
are poor indeed.”

When the steamship London was sink-
ing, there were on board, among others, a
lady and a little girl The lady knew
nothing of “the true riches;” and to face
death was, to her, to meet the “dread mon-
ster.” Her last cry was a shriek: “A
thousand pounds for any one who will save
me!” Poor lady! it was hopeless. The
little girl was busy writing a pencil note to
her mother, with the few words, “We are
sinking, mamma: don’t be afraid—I am
going to Jesus.” And you may imagine
how these words cheered the heart of the
mother, and were treasured by her, enabling

The Changed Lot. gi

her to rejoice that her little daughter had
found “the true riches.” Rich little girl
indeed! That was a beautiful saying of
the shipwrecked man: ‘‘ Though I sink to-
day, I shall only drop gently into the hollow
of my Father’s hand; for He holds all these
waters there.”

There is this wide distinction between the
possessors of earthly riches and the possess-
ors of “the true riches:” in the former case,
they try to keep them to themselves; in the
latter, they seek to spread them abroad—

“ Glad to tell to all around
‘What a treasure they have found.”

A little girl, who had herself the heavenly _
treasure, was anxious to win her papa for
Jesus. She wrote upon a slip of paper the
following: “Papa, I wish you would love
Jesus,” and put it on his dressing-table.
The father opened the note, read it, and then
tore it to pieces; but he could not forget
his little one’s pleading, and the words were
stereotyped on his mind. Shortly after, she
again wrote a note, altering the words to:
“ Dear papa, won't you love Jesus?” Still

92 The True Riches.

no word passed between the child and the
father; and again she wrote, strong in faith
that her prayer for him would be answered,
“ Dear papa, if you do love Jesus, please tell
Mary.” She went to his room soon after,
and there angels rejoiced to see “joy in
Heaven,” and a loving little child: seeking to
lead her father to Jesus.

Will not each of my readers accept the
Treasure so freely offered in Christ? and,
having done so, they will have more than
the Indies can give; yea, more than
Koh-i-noors or precious pearls in value.
When we come empty to Christ, then will
He fill us with the “true riches.” “The
poor He hath filled with good things, but the
rich He hath sent empty away.”





We live for those who love us,
Whose hearts are kind and true ;
For the Lord that smiles above us,
And we wait His coming too:
For all human ties that bind us,
For the task by God assigned us,
For the bright hopes left behind us.
And the good that we can do.

We live to learn their story

Who’ve suffered for His sake,
To emulate their glory, .

And to follow in their wake—
Bards, patriots, martyrs, sages,
The noble of all ages,

Whose deeds crown history’s pages,

And Time’s great volume make.

We live for those who love us,
For those who know us true 5
For the Lord that smiles above us,
And we wait His coming too.
For the cause that lacks assistance,
For the wrong that needs resistance,
For the future in the distance,
And the good that we can do.

* ALL are architects of Fate,

Working in these walls of time ;
Some with massive deeds and great,
Some with ornaments of rhyme.

“Tn the elder days of art,
Builders wrought with greatest care
Each minute and unseen part,
For the gods see everywhere.

‘Let us do our work as well,
Both the unseen and the seen ;
Make the house where gods may dwell
Beautiful, entire, and clean.

‘Else our lives are incomplete,
Standing in these walls of time ;
Broken stairways, where the feet
Stumble as they seek to climb.

“ Build to-day, then, strong and sure,
With a firm and ample base,
And ascending, and secure,

Shall to-morrow find its place.”



“T dare do all that doth become a man:
Who dares do more is none.”

« An honest man’s the noblest work of God.”

jHERE are some words which,
though often upon our tongues,
are yet little thought of or under-
stood. Here is one—Gentleman.
What does it mean? To each of us perhaps
something different, according to his previous
training or associations ; and yet there is no
word more commonly used, or more generally
applied, from the Queen’s Speech to “My
Lords and Gentlemen” at the opening of
Parliament, the judge's address to the
“Gentlemen of the jury,” or the candidate
expecting election at a ward meeting,
down to the “cabby” in the street, who,

having received an extra sixpence for his

96 A Perfect Gentleman.

fare, pronounces the giver to be a “real
Gentleman.” To a very large class of people
the word is synonymous with fine clothes,
polished manners, and pleasing address ;
whilst others think the name alone applicable
to the class described by a radical orator as
“those who have nothing to do and get well
paid for it.” Let us see what the word
really means,—a Gentleman. Webster
gives the meaning as gentle, of mild feelings,
not rough, or coarse, not wild. Genteel
he gives as meaning polished in manner,
polite, decorous, refined, free from anything
low or vulgar: Gentleman, a man of good
breeding and education. In Great Britain
every man can claim the title, in its most
extensive sense, above the rank of yeoman ;
whilst in the United States, where titles
and distinctions of rank do not exist, it is
given to men of education and good breeding,
of every occupation ; thus showing the good
sense of our American cousins, for

“The rank is but the guinea stamp,
The man’s the gowd for a’ that.”

Dr. Adam Clarke said, “A gentleman is

A Perfect Gentleman. 97

gentle in spirit, in manners, in making
known his own opinion, as well as in opposing
the opinions of others.”

Coleridge remarks that “Religion is the
most gentlemanly thing in the world; it alone
will gentilise, when unmixed with cant.”

Dr. Norman Macleod writes : a Gentleman
is “considerate and courteous, with a quiet
dignified self-respect.”

Miss Muloch, again, writes: a Gentleman
has ‘‘a natural refinement, and an intuitive
wish to give pleasure to others.”

Another writer describes a Gentleman as
one “who never does anything he is ashamed
of, or that would compromise his honour.”

You perceive none of these great author-
ities speak of position, rank, or wealth, of
_ dress or looks, but all of character and con-
duct, for it is these, and not accidental
circumstances of birth or riches, whether
made or inherited, which make the Gentle-
man. Robert Burns was right when, in
passing down Leith Walk, Edinburgh, accom-
panied by a dandzfied companion, he shook
hands with a farmer friend, roughly dressed,
and explained, in reply to the horrified look


Full Text


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True Nobles and Heroes





Servant of God, well done!
Rest from thy loved employ ;
The battle fought, the victory won,
Enter thy Master’s joy.

The voice at midnight came ;
He started up to hear ;

A mortal arrow pierced his frame—
He fell—but felt no fear.

At midnight came the cry,—
“To meet thy God prepare!”

He woke, and caught his Captain’s eye;
Then strong in faith and prayer,

His spirit, with a bound,
Left its encumbring clay ;

His tent, at sunrise, on the ground
A darkened ruin lay.

The pains of death are past,
Labour and sorrow cease $

And life’s long warfare closed at last,
His soul is found in peace.

Soldier of Christ, well done!
Praise be thy new employ,

And, while eternal ages run,
Rest in thy Saviour’s joy.
FE reface.


N sending forth the following pages,
my earnest desire is that the men

of the next generation should be in every
sense better men than their fathers—if need
be, daring to stand alone, seeking only the
approval of “the one Master, even Christ ;”
and then, in His spirit of love and meekness,
.seeking to save the lost, and raise the



Eprypureu, 1885,



THE TRUE RICHES, ; “ i ‘ : = add
THREE WISHES, . . 7 : ‘ 7 08
THE CHANGED LOT, . ‘ . . . ‘ ee D)
A PERFECT GENTLEMAN, . : ‘. 2 ‘ « 93



“We have seen those faces in days of yore,
When the dust was on their brow,
And the scalding tear-drop on their cheek :
Let us look at those heroes now.”

NOBLE deeds! a noble life!
a noble man! are expressions
often upon our tongues,
begetting true homage from
young and old. But why
should not owr lives be noble

= est lives? Why should not we

have noble deeds recorded in ow life’s his-
tory? Why should not the humblest-born
of us be anoble man? Earthly patents of
nobility are often given, without attaching
or carrying any true nobility with them.

Would that the New Testament patent of

nobility were true of us in these days as it

was in ages past, “of those who hazarded

to True Nobles and Heroes.

their lives for the name of the Lord Jesus
Christ!” Then would instances of self-
denying love to the Master, and of true
heroism, such as those of Williams, the
martyr of Erromanga, of David Livingstone
in Africa, be multiplied over and over
again, and the aspirations and resolutions of
many a youth be realised in a noble life of
service for the Lord Jesus. Scotland justly
boasts of her Covenanters, who, undeterred
by fear of bloodshed or the sword of persecu-
tion, met, at the risk of life and liberty, to
worship God according to their own con-
science, raised the standard, and waved it in
the face of those who would oppose liberty of
religious worship, by not only “ hazarding,”
but yielding up their lives for the sake of
Christ and truth. They said—
“We are this day in arms

For a broken covenant and a
Persecuted kirk.”

And nobly they lived and died. As one of
the Scottish poets has beautifully sung :—

“Tn a dream of the night I was wafted away
To the moorlands of mist, where the bless’d martyrs
True Nobles and Fleroes, II

Where Cameron’s claymore and Bible were seen
Engraved on the stone, where the heather grows

"T'was a dream of those ages of darkness and blood,

When the minister’s home was the mountain and

When in Wellwood’s dark valley the standard of

All bloody and torn, ’midst the heather was lying.

* * * * * *

The muskets were flashing, the blue swords were
gleaming, .

The helmets were cleft, and the red blood was
streaming— :

The heavens grew dark, and the thunder was rolling,

When in Wellwood’s dark moorlands the mighty
were falling.

‘When the righteous had fallen, and the combat was

A chariot of fire through a dark cloud descended ;

Its drivers were angels on horses of whiteness,

And its burning wheels turned on axles of brightness,

A seraph unfolded its doors bright and shining,

All dazzling like gold of the seventh refining ;

And the souls that came forth out of great tribula-

Have mounted the chariots and steeds of salvation.

On the arch of the rainbow the chariot is gliding,

Through the path of the thunder the horsemen are
riding :
12 True Nobles and Heroes.

Glide swiftly, bright spirits! the prize is before ye— .
The crown never-fading, the kingdom of glory.”

Who is there without love of the heroic,
and this aspiration after nobility? Does
not the boy at school feel the blood coursing
through his veins more swiftly, as he reads
in Grecian and Roman history of old warriors,
the record of whose deeds will make the
heart thrill as long as history exists, and can
he help admiring such men as the “ brave
Horatius, who kept the bridge at Rome,” and
defended it against the thousands pressing
on him, and only when he could hold out
no longer, swam the Tiber with his armour
on? or Leonidas, who kept the pass of
Thermopyle with three hundred Spartans
against the myriad hosts of the enemy?
He clenches his little fists behind him, and
resolves that with but half the chance, he
will show to his admiring friends and loving
parents that he has got the right stuff in
him to make a hero. How the midshipman
aims at the “blue ribbon” of honourable
mention in the commander’s despatches
(if it shall ever be his fortune to be
engaged in actual warfare), even if he does
True Nobles and Feroes. 13

not get the decoration of the Victoria Cross
in the battle itself, often forgetting the
while, that the true heroism is that which
grasps everyday difficulties as they come,
determined that however mean or humble
the struggle is, it shall be ennobled by a
noble mind adapting itself to circumstances,
and resolving to persevere and triumph
over Satan and his devices.

Even the expectation of achieving dis-
tinction on the field is a healthy stimulant
toa young lad. It has been happily said
that the knapsack of every French soldier
carries a field-marshal’s baton within it;
and the very thought of this makes the raw
clodhopper bear himself with a more noble
mien and manly gait than he otherwise
would. Oh! if the lads who read this
would remember that God offers them His
Holy Spirit; The Truth to assist them in
every struggle for the mastery against sin,
and that, if they will only be guided by
Him as they march on to the battle-field of
life, He will give them what is far better
than a marshal’s baton, the promise fulfilled,
“As thy day is, so shall thy strength be!”
14 True Nobles and Heroes.

“Day by day the manna fell;
Oh! to learn this lesson well.”

“Very fine indeed,’ says some old grumbler;
“but what have youngsters to do with these
things ? what is the use of filling their heads
with high-flown heroics?” “Use!” say we—
the youngsters will think and resolve, and
the sooner their thoughts are turned into a
right and honourable direction, the greater
the hope that in after years the man will
bring forth the promise of the boy, for is it
not true that “the boy is the father of the
man?” Look at Hannibal,the boy of twelve
years, led by his father to the temple of the
heathen deities : while he grasps the horns of
the altar, with one tiny hand, and sprinkles
a few erains of incense to the heathen gods
with the other, his father makes him swear
that if he lives to be a man, his father’s foes
shall be his foes, and that nothing shall
intervene between him and a lifelong struggle
with them, except it be greater victory and
success than ever were his father’s. The boy
becomes the man, and we do not wonder
that childish thoughts have become life
thoughts with him. As we read of the suc-
True Nobles and Fleroes. 15

cesses of Hannibal’s arms, and the wondrous
achievements of his Alpine campaign, we learn
the natural results of the noble thoughts
instilled into his mind when but a boy
(though we mourn its misdirection). Go ye,
lads, and resolve also; for I assert that the
resolutions of schoolboys do not end there,.
and that the case of Nelson fighting with
the white Polar bear without the least sign
of fear (when but a boy), is but one illus-
tration of the true manly spirit existing in
the minds of our British youths. I suppose
you have often heard the story (doubted
however, by those who knew him best), that
when Nelson was asked if he had no fear, he
replied, “ What is it, sir?” Would that all
our boys feared none else but God, not the
fear that hath torment, but the child-like fear
of grieving.

Another case of heroism worth recording
is that of young Lucas, the sub-lieutenant,
who, while in the Baltic during the Crimean
war, on board the man-of-war Hecla, saw a
shell which had been thrown from the
enemy’s ship, reach the deck of his own
vessel. The fusee was lighted, and in a few
16 True Nobles and Heroes.

moments the shell must explode, scattering
death and destruction all around it. Now
was the chance to put his schoolboy resolu-
tions of heroism into practice! With scarcely
a moment’s hesitation, he rushes forward to
the ship’s side, catching the deadly shell in
his arms (though they were hardly long
enough to encircle it), rolls it over into the
sea, and with a hissing noise the shell bursts
harmlessly in the water, amidst, we may
suppose, a true British hurrah from all the
Jack-tars who witnessed the noble act, for
which Lucas received the Victoria Cross.
You say, “ Well done!” and you are right ;
but let me tell you that there are those who,
with their hearts right towards God, and
the love of Christ filling their souls, can
show a truer heroism than any of those I
have mentioned. During the Indian mutiny,
when the Sepoys had risen against the British
forces, their hatred was particularly strong
against. all who loved the Lord Jesus Christ.
A young ensign named Cheek was shut up
in a cell with a native Christian, when the
infuriated mob came, and one of them flour-
ishing over his head a naked sabre, threatened
True Nobles and Heroes. 17

that, unless he would curse the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ, he would be put to death.
As Cheek thought of his home in Norfolk,
with his loving family circle, his faith wavered
and his courage almost forsook him. The
native Christian seeing him waver (although
he himself was about to be led out for the
death-stroke), turned as he left the room
with a beseeching look, saying, “‘ Never deny
the Lord Jesus!” These words settled the
matter. Cheek’s response was, “I never will,
God helping me!” and a few minutes after-
wards wonderfully, with a shout of relief,
came a British regiment, releasing him from
his imminent danger.

What a hero was General Gordon! whether
in the Crimea, or at Gravesend (helping the
poor street arabs), or in China leading on
the “Ever Victorious Army,” or alone at
Khartoum—his heart touched by the cruel-
ties of slavery and its dark deeds of blood—
willing to die, to serve his beloved Soudanese.

“Take him for all in all,
We shall not look upon his like again.”
His faith in God’s guiding hand so strong,
and his trust in His all-sufficiency such,
18 True Nobles and Heroes.

that rewards, rank, wealth, are absolutely as
nothing in the balance—his Orders of Merit
sold that he may have the wherewithal to
send money to the relief of the starving
folk in Lancashire at the time of the Cotton

Another noble instance of a godly general
was Cromwell, who, supported by his brave
Tronsides, the cause of right and truth on
their side, could look up to God for His
blessing, and then with confidence rush on
to victory. Nay, who were not ashamed,
amidst the jeers and scoffs of the gay Cava-
liers, to sing their song of worship in the
cold grey morning to the God of battles,
and to offer up earnest believing prayer to
Him, feeling solemn indeed, as they remem-
bered that perhaps before nightfall their
head would be laid upon the sod. These
morning services did not unfit them for
their work, for sometimes, as at Dunbar,
before they had time to finish their “ morning
exercises,” the Royal horse deployed in line
in their front, and these Christian soldiers
(if there ever were such) had to push their
Bibles underneath their doublet, leap into
True Nobles and Fleroes. I9

the saddle, and dash at the foe. Then came
the rattle of the steel, the clash of swords, one
wild shout of victory (more than half secured
before the combat began by their confidence,
not so much in an arm of flesh as in an
Unseen Arm), and ere the eye could see it
all, the vanquished foe was galloping away.
We take it that in Cromwell and his brave
men we have specimens of some of the
- qualities which go to make up a true noble
hero—patience, continuance, and earnestness
of soul; for as Vaughan has nobly said, ‘‘ We
would that our life should go out to its mark
like a cannon ball, and not be ignominiously
dribbled through a sieve.” I. ask you, is it
not worth the effort daily to fulfil your life’s
mission in noble deeds? Will you not be,
or try to be, under God’s blessing, a true,
noble man ?
“Tn the world’s broad field of battle,
In the bivouac of life,

Be not like dumb driven cattle,
Be a HERO in the strife.

“ Lives of great men all remind us
‘We can make our lives sublime,
And departing leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time,”


N the excitement of battle, with the
rush of numbers, it is not wonder-
ful that men do daring deeds, and
achieve dazzling exploits. Who
could have refrained from joining the charge


“The gallant six hundred, as onward they thundered.’



During the Crimean war, after one of
the Russian sorties, a colour-sergeant was
observed rolling himself over, bleeding from
his wounds, as if hiding something. As
soon as his comrades had time to go and
gee what it was, they discovered that he had
rolled the colours of the regiment, all bloody
and torn, round his body so as to save them.
Some of my readers must have seen the flag
shown in the Advocates’ Library in Parlia-
ment Square, Edinburgh, which, it is said,

floated over the field of Flodden, and was
True Nobles and Heroes. | 2r

saved by one of the prisoners wrapping it
round his body. Oh! how jealously will a
regiment guard its colours, and to the last
gasp defend them! Would that we, who
have been enrolled in the service of Christ,
were as anxious to defend our colours,
as these soldiers are to show theirs, not
only on the occasion of a fight with some
great sin, but in our daily life confessing
Him, who has promised that if we do so, He
will confess us before His Father and the
holy angels!

The Christian life, is a battle all through;
but we have so much to fire and sustain
our enthusiasm that it ought to be easy work.
It is said that Napoleon at the head of his
army: was worth 10,000 men. We have
Jesus! the Captain of our Salvation, to lead
us, and “ He ts more than all that can be
against us.” You will remember how the
fiery cross sent out amongst the Highland
clans roused them to action, and how the
Crusader when faint and weary, would gaze
upon the badge of honour on his shield,
the Red Cross, and remembering his vows
as a Red Cross Knight, would take courage
22 True Nobles and Heroes.

and fight on; and shall not we look at The
Cross as a mighty faith reviving power? for
“that Cross all hell defies,” and conquest by
it is guaranteed to us.

‘You will remember the story of the chief
of the clan Macgregor at the battle of
Prestonpans. He fell wounded by two balls;
but seeing his men give way, he raised him-
self on his elbow while the blood streamed
- from his side, and exclaimed, “I am not
dead, my children; my eye is upon you to
see that you do your duty.” We have One
who is alive for evermore, who never
slumbers even, nor sleeps; and although he
may appear not to be with us for a while,
in order to teach us that our own strength
is only weakness, He steps in just as we are
about to give up the conflict, reassuring us
with these words, ‘Lo, I am with you

That is true, solid heroism which can,
with the object of saving life, face death.
George Stephenson is an illustration of this.
After racking his mind for months he at
last devised the miner’s safety-lamp, which
would at all events lessen the dangers incident
True Nobles and Heroes. 33

to a miner’s life. To test it, after having
some deadly firedamp shut up in the pit for
some time, he descended lamp in hand. His
comrades who had come to witness the
experiment, shrunk back and dared not go
one step farther; but he (noble man that he
was!) went forward, exposing his lamp in the
most dangerous places, in order that he
might thereby gain the knowledge to be
afterwards used in saving the lives of others.

You say “Bravo!” and rightly; but
while we shout to the honour of George

“Shall we whose souls are lighted with wisdom
from on high,

Shall we, to men benighted, the lamp of life deny?”
No. I trust that some one who reads these
pages may resolve that he will go forth, as
many a noble missionary has done, for Christ,
with his life in his hand, telling the story
of the Cross (that old, old story, ever new),
and be the means of saving some soul from
eternal death. The missionary’s success,
after years of weary waiting and working,
as in the case of our Chinese and other
missionaries, may be small indeed, measured
24 True Nobles and Heroes.

by our standard, yet from God Himself he
shall receive the true patent of nobility for
having borne the cross, and stood the heat
of battle. He shall receive a crown of life
which shall never fade away; and the
Master’s welcome, “ Well done, good and
faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of
thy Lord,” will more than recompense him
for all the toils and dangers of the fight.
Has He not said, Surely I come quickly, to
give to every man according to his work ?
Here is another example of what I mean.
When vessels leave this country for America,
it is often the habit of the sailors on board
to stow away boys of their acquaintance
until the ship has been some days at sea, too
far out for the boys to be put ashore again ;
so that, to the annoyance of the captain, and
loss of the owners, they are compelled to
convey these boys across the Atlantic free.
Some months ago a steamer had been two
days out of Liverpool on her way to New
York. A little fellow, with bright, open
face and clear blue eye, came out of his
hiding-place, and presented himself before
the mate of the vessel. The mate believing


LY fj




True Nobles and feroes. 27

that one or other of the sailors on board had
hidden the boy, insisted that he should tell
him who had done so. The boy, looking
into his face, replied, ‘“ Please, sir, none of
them. It was my father who put me on
board, and said I was not to come out for
two days and nights, and then I was to say
that I was going to my auntie who lives in
New York: she would take care of me. My
father said he had no money to pay for me,
or he would not have put me on board.”
The mate, suspicious and angry, said, “It is
a lie, boy. Unless you tell me the truth,
I will thrash you.” The boy persisted in
his story, and affirmed its truthfulness. To
terrify him still further, and find out if his
story were really true or not, the mate took
a rope in his hand, and making a noose with
it said to the boy, “ Unless you tell me the
truth in ten minutes I will hang you to the
mast-head.” “Please, sir,” said the boy-
hero, ‘‘I could not tell a lie. I have told
you the truth. May I pray, sir?” The mate,
with a choking sensation in his throat,
replied, “Yes, boy, you may.” And then
there occurred such a scene on board that
28 True Nobles and Heroes.

steamer’s deck! The passengers and sailors

crowded round the mate, and watched as

that poor little waif knelt down in the circle,

and clasping his hands together, began,

‘Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed

be Thy name; Thy kingdom come,” &c, ;

and when he had finished the prayer, which

the Lord taught His Jewish disciples, he

added the simple words, “ Lord Jesus, take

me to heaven when I die in a few minutes,

to be for ever with Thee. Amen.” There

was not a dry eye in all that company, as

the mate clasped the little fellow in his

arms, and told him he believed the truth

of his story. On the spot, a collection was

made for the boy ; and during the remainder

of the voyage, no one was more kind to the

little fellow than the mate. .

In the “ Girls” Training Home, Edinburgh,

one of the girls lay dying. She had been ill

for a long time. One of our city ministers
put the question to her, ‘Are you ready
to die?” She gave as noble a reply as ever
was uttered by the mouth of man: “I am
not afraid to die, for Jesus has taken my
sins away.”


True Nobles and Heroes. 31

A dear little boy, not long ago, when he
was dying, was asked if he were happy.
He said, “Oh! yes. I see Jesus; He has a
great many little boys with Him, and they
are all singing victory through the blood,
papa!” and so he passed away to wear the
victor’s crown, and to sing through the
countless ages of eternity, Victory through
the blood! Yes, through the precious blood
of Jesus.

Just by way of contrast, let me take two
other cases. ‘The first one shall be a world’s
hero; the next, a faithful follower of God, a
true hero and a noble man. You know how
Cardinal Wolsey, by scheming and plotting,
had attained to the position of the highest
ecclesiastic in this country, and after serving
-the king, often against the dictates of his
own conscience, in his last hour exclaimed—

“ Had I but served my God with half the zeal

I served my king, he would not in mine age
Have left me naked to mine enemies.”
See how little trust there is to be put in
Princes! And now let us look at a noble
specimen of the other sort,—old Palissy, the
renowned Huguenot (French Protestant)
32 True Nobles and FHleroes.

potter. He, too, had enjoyed the smiles of
royalty, and in some sort joined in the pomp
of courts; but no confidence did he place in
them. And well for him that he did not;
for, at the age of ninety, we see him in the
prison of the Bastille, urged to recant his
Protestant faith, to give up all that his soul
held dear; and in his reply we observe a
true heroic spirit, as, pointing to his white
locks, he said, ‘“‘ What! forsake the God who
has kept me all these years! Never! My
hair is white in His service. . He will never
forsake me even unto death.” Even so let
us “Fight the good fight of faith, and lay
hold upon eternal life.”




THE one weapon that I want to
recommend to my young friends
for use in “winning their
spurs,” as Christians, is prayer ;
for prayer is a mighty weapon that conquers
alla kind of Jacob’s ladder reaching from
earth to heaven. In the fiercest conflicts
with evil it is the only weapon that can
avail. Oh! how all-powerful it is!

“For Satan trembles when he sees
The weakest saint upon his knees!”
Clothed with the helmet of salvation, armed
with the sword of the Spirit and of prayer,
we shall not only be able to overcome all
our enemies, but even over death shall be
victors; for He who hath led captivity cap-
tive, and overcome death, is on our side.
We should not fear but press onwards—
36 True Nobles and Fleroes.

“Onward, onward, let us press, in the path of duty ;
Virtue is true happiness, excellence true beauty !”

But whilst I urge you to remember that
confidence in God makes heroes of those
who trust in Him, do not forget that ‘“ con-
science makes cowards of us all.” To be
truly noble, there must be a “ conscience
void of offence towards God and man,” a
conscience purged from sin.

In the 1867 Paris Exhibition I saw two
pictures which are more firmly fixed in my
memory than any others. In one the artist
had represented a dead body lying beside a
streamlet, with the murderer flying away in
great affright, every blade of grass looking
like a scorpion, mockingly accusing him of
his frightful crime as he ran. The hedges
and trees assumed the shape of hobgoblins,
pointing their fingers jeeringly at him as he
tried to run away from—what no man ever
yet escaped—his own guilty conscience.

The other picture was an amphitheatre,
represented as crowded with spectators,
awaiting the sport (2). You saw the one-
half of two cells. In one, a roaring, hungry
lion, almost ready to tear the bars out; and
True Nobles and Heroes. 37

in the other his intended victim ready, lying
sleeping calmly, unmindful of the dreadful
fate awaiting him, with his Bible on his

It is true “a guilty conscience does”
indeed “make cowards of us all.” Many
years ago there was a little boy, whose sister
was lying dangerously ill. bour had sent her a bunch of grapes; they
were lying at her bedside. ‘The boy went in
and stole them. When his mother came up
and asked him, “John, have you eaten your
sister’s grapes?” ‘‘ No, mamma,” was the
bold reply. A few days after, his little
darling sister was laid in the cold grave,
and bitterly did he think that he had
deprived her of those grapes. The boy
became a man, and for twenty years he
travelled about the world, till on one
occasion he was shipwrecked off the coast of
America. Clinging to the spars, he expected
that each wave as it came would wash him
away, and prove his winding-sheet. He
says that he heard, as it were, a voice close
to his ear repeating to him the question
asked by his mother some thirty years before,
38 True Nobles and Heroes.

and replied to with a lie—‘‘ John, have you
eaten your sister’s grapes?” He was saved,
and obtained pardon for the sin that was
almost a forgotten but not a forgiven one,
and he lived to tell in a New York prayer
meeting the power of conscience after years
of slumbering.
“Not all the blood of beasts
On Jewish altars slain,

Could give the guilty conscience peace,
Or wash away the stain.

‘‘ But Christ, the heavenly Lamb,
Takes all our sing away ;
A sacrifice of nobler name |
And richer blood than they.”


are HAVE said that the real testing-
oe time for our heroism and nobility,

2s) is when we come face to face with
——— the last enemy—Death. And’ is
it not true, here as elsewhere, that victory
and conquest bring along with them a
satisfaction unknown to the conquered and
vanquished? Who amongst us does not
remember with gladness the first prize won
at school, and how, with glowing heart, we
found that success had crowned our efforts ?
With what a proud mien and air would he
‘who won the laurels march in the Olympian
games! And, again, what a satisfaction is
it to us to gain a victory over ourselves in
Divine strength ; and take up our cross and
follow Jesus—to be able to put our foot
upon the neck of evil passion, and truthfully
to say, It is conquered! We are to wear

the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit,

40 True Nobles and Heroes.

and we are told that “He who ruleth his
spirit, is greater than he that taketh a city.”
But how is this to be done? We must first
be conquered, and become one with Him ‘‘who
spoiled principalities and powers ;” we must
allow Jesus to take our hearts, and wills,
and desires, and sins, and then we shall be
made ‘more than conquerors through Him
that loved us,” we must in Christ “be
crucified to the world—dead indeed unto
sin, but alive unto God,” and be able to
rejoice in the weary, daily struggle against
sin and Satan, because we do not fight
single-handed or hopelessly, for we have the
promise, ‘‘My grace is sufficient for thee,
for my strength is made perfect in weakness.”
The glories of the noblest of earth’s victories
shall fade away, when the ‘“‘kingdoms of this
world are become the kingdoms of our Lord
and of His Christ,” while those who have
conquered self will then have received from
His hands—the Victor’s Palm. And just
as it is in those cases I have mentioned, so
is it if we meet the last enemy; for those
who trust simply in the blood of the atone-
ment, to grapple with and overcome him,

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True Nobles and Fleroes. A3

can exult; and no wonder we sometimes
hear them break out in a triumphant cry
whilst passing away. It is a glorious victory
truly; for by the first Adam came death,
and long had he held dominant sway in the
world, he had laid low his millions, and the
earth was strewn with his victims, rivers of
tears had been shed over hopes blighted,
bright lives cut short; but, by the second
Adam, thank God, even by Jesus, the last
enemy hath been crippled, his power to hurt
destroyed, and we can exclaim, “Thanks be
to God who giveth us the victory, through
our Lord Jesus.”

“Ts that a deathbed where the Christian lies?
Yes; but not his—for death itself there dies.”

Oh! how true the motto on the old sun-
: “JT am a shadow, so art thou /”

As Edmund Burke said, “‘ What shadows
we are, and what shadows we pursue.”

Very soon will our conflict here be o’er—
the Lord will come; or the longest life closed. —

“ But why should we fear the beautiful angel Death,
Who waits us at the portal of the skies,
44 True Nobles and Fleroes.

Ready to kiss away our struggling breath,
Ready with gentle hands to close our eyes!

Oh! what were life—if life were all!

Our eyes are blinded by our tears,

Or we should see our treasures

In the far-off skies; and Death,

Our friend, will give them all to us.”

To the believers there is no such thing as
death, it is only “ falling asleep in Jesus.”

Yea, a friend to introduce us to real
joy and security; for if we have faith in
Christ, we know confidently that though
“after my skin worms destroy this body,
yet in my flesh shall I see God.” Then
shall be brought to pass the saying that is
written, ‘Death is swallowed up in victory!”

“ Grace all the work shall crown
Through everlasting days ;
It lays in heaven the topmost stone,
And well deserves the praise.”

x es : EZR



The Poor Rich, and The Rich




Aut things are ours: how abundant the treasure !
All riches which heaven or earth can afford.

Oh! may our love, like His grace, without measure,
Abound to the glory and praise of the Lord,

All things are ours: be it sickness or sorrow,
Tis order’d in wisdom and infinite love.

Grief may endure for a night; but the morrow
Of glory will see us rejoicing above.

All things are ours: tho’ the body may perish,
We faint not to see it fast wasting away ;

The soul its bright visions of glory will cherish,
And strengthen in holiness day after day.

All things are ours: yea, the present affliction,
Though now through the gloom of mortality view’d,
For soon shall we joy in the blessed conviction
That thus it was good to be tried and subdued.

All things are ours: through the Saviour’s merit,

The shame of His cross, which must needs be our own,
Will brighten the glory that circles the spirit,

And sparkle like gems in our heavenly crown.




The Poor Rich, and The Rich Poor.

ie eS

* A glad New Year, tho’ it may be thy last,
We cannot tell ; God’s ways are hidden deep.
We only say, as in the years now past,
They are well kept whom God vouchsafes to keep.”

AOLD! diamonds! pearls! rubies!
| How much do men endure to seek
for these, with only the hope of
finding them at last! Hard toil,
harder fare, with hardened hearts, they
often have in the search; their day-dreams
are full of their prospects of success, their
night-visions crown them with it; yet, alas!
they awake to find “’tis but a dream.”
Urged on by a restless anxiety to find, how

many “leave the happy village of content,”

48 The True Riches; or,

and, forgetting the apostle’s aphorism,
“Godliness, with contentment, is great gain,”
strive for some greater! Disappointed they
must be, for he who once tried the process
to the full has left upon record that he
found it “vanity of vanities, and vexation of
spirit.” Hastening to be rich, they fall into
temptations, snares, and many foolish and
hurtful lusts; and, in the bitter end, find
that the seeming riches are but dross,
leaving the seekers poor indeed. Oh! what
sins have been committed in the pursuit of
- riches, and what a restless race it is! The
syren lures, whilst poor, helpless man, intoxi-
cated with the prospects of grasping the
glittering heap, toils on to his own destruc-
tion. I trust that some of my readers have
resolved, God assisting them, to become
“true nobles and heroes;” and whilst I ask
them to—

“Sigh not for the old heroic ages back,
These heroes were but brave and earnest men:
Be thou as brave a hero in thy track,
Striving, not sighing, brings them back again ;”

and, whilst ‘“ pressing onwards,”
The Poor Rich, and the Rich Poor. 49

“To hold no parley with unmanly fear,
‘Where duty bids thee confidently steer ;
A thousand dangers face at duty’s call,
And trusting in thy God, surmount them all,”—

I wish especially to encourage my friends
to become “rich” in the only true sense,
as well as “noble.” I know they often
think of this — nay, scheme, and plan,
and dream about it; but I am afraid they
are not half in earnest—at all events in
seeking to obtain the highest possible quality
of wealth. Lest any of my readers should
be contented to obtain only a part of it,
I wish to show them that they must not be
satisfied unless they are in possession of add
things and turn to good account everything.
I want you to lay up treasures that will
accumulate; and that there may be no
mistake as to your possession of them,
.I would like to give you a few hints as to
the title-deed upon which you must hold
them, and the security guaranteed by (what
in Scotland we call “the feudal tenure”) the
Superior or vassal lord. You must also be
careful that no mildew, moth, or rust can

creep in to mar or destroy the value and
50 The True Riches ; or,

beauty of your riches; and then the strength
of the keeping-place must be such that
thieves shall not be able to break through
and steal, otherwise the mere possession will
be to you an additional care and burden.
I should like you to have no care, no trouble,
no anxiety, but to feel, each day you live,
that your treasure is getting larger, and that
all the events of life only turn out for the
furtherance of your true interests.

I can fancy I hear you say, “Is this
possible? Have you not drawn a fancy
picture? Shall I indeed be rich? Shall
I be entitled to an inheritance? Can J deal
in securities? Is it true that I can be heir
to wealth, enjoy it while I live, and not
lose it when I die?” Yes, thank God, it
is possible; for “true riches” are to be
possessed through His own Son, Jesus Christ,
who, “though He was rich, yet for your sakes
He became poor, that ye through His
poverty might be rich ;” “and we have this
treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency
of the power may be of God, and not of us.”
All things may be ours, for we have the
declaration that all things are Christ’s, and
The Poor Rich, and the Rich Poor. 51

if we are His, then all things are ours in
Him. Nay, “if God be for us, who can be
against us?” And have we not the promise,
that “all things work together for good to
them that love God,” and that every blessing
may be ours for the asking, for has not
Christ, with whom we are to be co-heirs to
a heavenly inheritance, said, “ Whatsoever
ye ask the Father in My name, He will give
it you?” Seeking first the Kingdom of God
and His righteousness, all things else will
be added. In an earthly family the eldest
son has often an advantage, to the injury of
the younger: not so in God’s family, for we
become joint-heirs with Christ. Has not
the voice of heavenly wisdom said, “‘ Lay not
up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where
moth and rust doth corrupt, and where
thieves break through and steal, but lay up
for yourselves treasures in heaven, where
neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and
where thieves do not break through nor
steal?” and has not Almighty Power said,
“Take no thought for the morrow?” Yea,
though we are the poorest on earth, and
have nothing, yet may we possess all things.
52 The True Riches.

“We long to hail that season,
By gifted minds foretold,
When men shall live by reason,
And not alone by gold—

“When, man to man united,
And every wrong thing righted,
The whole world shall be lighted,
As Eden was of old.”

Yes, when the Lord reigns over the Earth
as its rightful Lord, and not before that


TS ae now illustrate what I mean.
Let me give you a few instances
of what 1 would call ‘poor rich”
men, and then a few instances of
“rich poor” men.

Who are the “ poor rich” ? Those “ with-
out.God and without hope in the world.”
Who are the “rich poor”? Those who
can say of God, “Thou art my portion and
my inheritance ;” “My soul doth hope in
Thee ;” “In Thy favour is life;” “Christ
in me the hope of glory.”

“This is the charm, by sages often told,
Converting all it touches into gold ;
Contené can soothe, where er by fortune placed,
And rear a garden in a desert waste.”
54 The True Riches ; or,

The content of knowing that “all things
work together for good.” The former are
those without God and without hope—poor
indeed! the latter, poor as regards this
world’s goods, and often like the Lord Him-
self when on earth, despised too, but “rich
in faith, and heirs of the kingdom of heaven.”
An old writer says pithily: “ As children of
three or four years of age have no other
care or thought than how they may play,
and pass their time with the having of daily
food according to their appetite, not con-
sidering or taking any care for the means
which they might have, and which would be
necessary for the nourishment of their old
age ; so it seemeth to me that the men of
our time behave themselves when, through
a more than childish ignorance, they labour
without ceasing to gather and to increase
wealth, which will do them service but a
while, not caring in the meantime for
certain and immortal good, which will
nourish them for ever. And yet the soul
created according to the image of God can-
not better preserve and show forth her
Divine nature in this mortal body than by
The Poor Rich, and the Rich Poor. 55

contemning all human, earthly, and fading
things.” “In the world, but not of it ”—
able to say, ‘ He hath delivered us from this
present evil world.”

A man in London, who started life with-
out a penny, has gone on gradually adding
house to house, pound to pound, field to
field, until he used to boast that he was
possessed of freehold property in five different
counties, has upwards of a hundred houses
of his own, with stocks and shares to a very
large amount; and yet, of all the men of my
acquaintance, there is not one towards whom
I have the same melancholy feeling, and of
whom I always speak as “Poor man!” for
so anxious is he to accumulate this world’s
goods, that he barely allows himself
sufficient food, and has never been known,
within the recollection of any of his acquaint-
ances, to do a generous deed, to aid the
destitute, or to put his money to any good
account. Poor man! no widow’s blessing
rests on him, no orphan’s prayers ascend to
the God of the fatherless for him. Without
the love of God in his heart to dictate to
him how he should lay out his wealth, to
56 The True Riches.

him it is worse than dross. Very soon will
the poor old man be forgotten, and what he
has laid up it is more than likely that a
spendthrift’s hand will scatter, and thus a
double curse will rest ; upon the accumulat-
ing and the spending of his wealth.

Many of my readers can recollect how,
within the last few years, a young noble-
man, with ample resources at his command,
resolved to try what Solomon had tried
before and found a failure. Trusting in his
wealth, he rushed into scenes of gaiety and
excitement, and, from one step to another,
rapidly ran the gauntlet of a “short life and a
merry one;” and, dying at an early age, all
he possessed was dispersed by the auctioneer’s
hammer, begetting the exclamation from
many lips, “Poor man!” Would that he
had known the unchangeable Friend, and
trusted in Him rather than in his riches,
which “ made to themselves wings and flew
away!” More frequently the spirit of
worldliness in connection with wealth takes
the shape, not of spending, but of grasping.
Never satisfied: a little more! only just a
little more! is the cry; one more venture,


The Poor Rich, and the Rich Poor. 59

and then we shall have enough! The
Americans have a saying, that enough is
just a little more than one has got; and
really it seems true, for how eager and
earnest does each one appear to grasp a little
more than he has! and, how many in the
attempt, are like the dog in the fable
crossing the bridge with a bone in its mouth,
dashing at a shadow, and so losing the sub-
stance! for after all the things which are
seen are fast passing away, whilst those that
are unseen and eternal are the only enduring

Look at that gallant emigrant ship leaving
the harbour,—her sails all set, the captain
and sailors flushed with excitement at their
posts ; the passengers, notwithstanding all
the sorrow of partings with loved relatives
(perhaps for ever), are even more eager than
the captain himself for a start, and a swift,
safe voyage ; and when the last hurrah has
rung out, each one begins anxiously to count
the days before they shall gain the haven
and begin their life of toil, which they fondly
hope will lead them to wealth. Such a scene
as this I have witnessed more than once many
60 The True Riches.

years ago, when the gold fever was at its
height, and men flung aside duty, honour,
and home happiness in the mad race for gold.
Now again for a moment look at that same
vessel on its homeward voyage a year or two
after. The hard work of the diggers has
been crowned with success, and some of them
are returning with visions of ease and
comfort for the rest of life. But a storm
has arisen: and now watch the passengers
as each one battles for life, rushing and
clinging to the boats. The gold for which
they have toiled so hard lies about unheeded
—any one might take it; for what is gold
to them now? And unless they have “true
riches” in this the hour of their need, though
they may have piles of glittering dust, they
realise that they have nothing. True riches!
you say, what can they be? Can any metal
be truer than gold? Bank notes and other
currency may depreciate in value; but gold
—what can be truer? Is it not the
standard of value? Nay, it is false—as
false can be! ‘Trust it not! The love of it
is the “root of all evil.” Vain is its help in
the time of trouble!


“Gold many hunted, sweat and bled for gold ;
Waked all the night, and laboured all the day.
And what was this allurement, dost thou ask ?
A dust dug from the bowels of the earth,
Which, being cast into the fire, came out
A shining thing that fools admire, and called
A god! and worshipped.’

LAS! that we should measure worth
/ by a money standard! Some
better standard of real worth is
wanted. We should not estimate
men by mere yellow dust or piles of stones.
We speak of some being worth so much.
Alas! it would be more correct to call many
possessors of earthly wealth worthless, for
that indeed is their true character. Some
ancient philosophers were wise. Hear them
speak with the weight of experience. Plato
says: “ He that would be truly rich, ought
62 The True Riches.

to labour, not so much to augment his
wealth, as to diminish his desire of having ;
because he that appointeth no bounds to his
desires is always poor and needy.”

Epictetus says: ‘“ A horse is not said to be
better because he hath eaten more than
another, or because he hath a gilt harness, -
but because he is stronger, swifter, and better
made, for every beast is accounted according
to his virtue. And shall a man be esteemed
according to his riches, ancestors, or beauty?
If a man think that his old age shall be
borne easily by the means of riches, he
deceiveth himself.”

Socrates says—

“Tt is a miscrable saying to affirm
That a rich man is happy ; yea, it belongeth
To children and fools to say so, making them
That believe and approve it.
As a man cannot use a horse without a bridle, so
He cannot use riches without reason.”

How often do men forget that wealth
brings with it responsibilities, and seem to
think that selfish indulgence is the sole use
for which it is granted to them? A landed
“ All ts not Gold that Glitters.” 63

proprietor, upon whose estate I have seen
poor wretched creatures dying in hovels not
fit to put a dog in, at the same time paid a
French cook £200 a-year to please his
palate. Thank God! there are many cases
on the other side,—men who, whether nobles
by birth or by deed, use the means God has
given them as stewards for Him, and lay
out themselves and all they have for His
glory, for Him who has said, “He who
giveth to the poor, lendeth to the Lord ;
I will repay.” To each the Psalm comes
home—Blessed is he that considereth the
poor, the Lord will deliver him in time of
trouble. Could you have better security
than the promise of Him who made the
world? Title-deeds of worth are those
where there is ight along with power to
hold. A Highland chieftain once, taking
out his dirk, cut into shreds a parchment
Royal gift of lands, declaring that he would
never hold upon a sheepskin whilst his right
hand was so strong, and, supported by his
clan, he could hold by the power of mught.
Thank God! we have a “ title clear” to our
heavenly inheritance, purchased and sealed
64 The True Riches,

by Jesus’ blood, freely given to us by grace,
witnessed to and the earnest given us by
the Holy Spirit, so that we have Him assur-
ing us that, weak as we are, all is right and
secure, not for time only, but for eternity.
God is all strength, so that we hold not only
by right but by might also. It is a blessed
thing “to have the loins girt and our lamps
burning, and we ourselves as men who wait
for their Lord.” The eager longing for the
Lord’s blessed appearing, is the best antidote
to holding, except with the loosest hand,
“The gear and gare.”

Dives, you would have said, was a very
happy man, faring sumptuously every day,
having servants at his command, chariots at
his call. He wanted for nothing, and yet
he wanted everything ; whilst the beggar at
his gate having nothing, yet possessed all
things. "Tis true, Lazarus was in want of
doctors, food, and medicine ; the dogs took
pity on him and licked his sores, whilst he
shared his food with them. Yet what a
difference when death closed the account !
In the one case, perchance a grand display
of waving plumes and weeping women
“ All ts not Gold that Glitters.’ 65

at the funeral procession for a time helped
to keep up the delusion, whilst in the
other-——a pauper’s funeral, without a follower,
heightened the contrast. But when the
curtain is drawn up for a moment, we see
that the condition of these two men is
reversed. In hell the rich man lifts up his
eyes, being in torments; the clock of eter-
nity beating his knell in the words, “for
ever;” and ever answering the cry, “ how
long to suffer yet,”—for ever! On the
other side of the picture we see Lazarus in
Abraham’s bosom, and learn how little all
this world can offer is worth, when viewed
in the light of the unseen world.

«* And so from the land, the border land,
We have turn’d us to earth once more ;
But earth and its works were such trifles scann’d
By the light of that radiant shore.
* * * * Po
‘We were deaf to the clang of earth’s trumpet call,
And alike to its gibe or its sneer ;
Its riches were dust, and the loss of them all
Would then scarce have cost us a tear.”

The rich man in the Gospel, who knew

not where to bestow his goods, saying to
66 The True Riches.

himself, ‘Soul, take thine ease; eat, drink,
and be merry,” has been styled by The
Lord Jesus Christ a fool! “ Thow fool! this
night thy soul shall be required of thee.”
Oh, if we but lived as on the threshold of
eternity, whether expecting death to lay his
hand upon us, or the Lord Himself to come,
how little should we count, and how lightly
should we hold by anything short of “the
true riches !”

Truly should we use the world as men use
an inn—here to-night, gone to-morrow.

How much truth there is in the comment
of the philosopher, on walking through the
market: ‘“‘ How many things there are here
that I do not want!” for

“Man wants but little here below,
Nor wants that little long.”

George the Third, once passing through
his stable-yard, was accosted by the stable-
boy, who complained to him how badly he
was treated,—that he got only food, lodging,
and clothing, for his work. The old king
promptly replied, “That is all J get; and
what more do you want?” “ Having food
and raiment, let us therewith be content.”
« All 1s not Gold that Glitters.” 67

Though I have spoken so much of wealth,
there is more than the love of earthly
wealth included in what I wish my young
friends to guard against. What I am
specially anxious to call your attention to
is embraced in the Saviour’s declaration,
“What shall it profit a man if he gain the
whole world, and lose his own soul?” We
understand that the world, to each individ-
ual, means that which engrosses his heart to
the exclusion of Christ; that which is
opposed to God and over which judgment



HREE children once, on a bright summer


Having fairly tired themselves out at

Lay down on the banks of a rippling

To dream of the future as young hearts dream,
And tell over, each to the other, again
The deeds they would do when they were men,

The first one carelessly lifted his head,

And his dark eye flashed as he proudly said:

‘‘ A few short years, and the sound of my name

Shall ring through the earth on the voice of fame !

I will lead men on the field afar ;

I will come from thence with the spoils of war !

A mighty power will I hold in my hand,

Thousands shall wait on my least command.

The fairest and bravest to me shall bend,

Craving the life that is mine to lend ;

And the laurel wreath, and the sounding lay,

And the rush of proud music shall greet my way.”
Three Wrshes. 69

The second looked up, and his eye of blue

Flashed prouder than his of the darker hue :

“ Boast of your slaves with their suppliant knee !

You and your peers bend your souls to me.

My life shall be like a beautiful dream ;

Toilless and careless by thine will it seem.

I will send my fancy on gossamer wings,

Roaming the earth for beautiful things.

But the pen I wield with my own right hand

Shall mightier be than your strongest band :

It shall master the heart with its exquisite skill ;

You shall laugh, you shall weep, hope or fear as
I will.”

But the third had silently stolen away
While his playfellows talked of the future day ;
For he feared, if he told his choice on earth,
Tt would only awaken their mocking mirth.
But a vision flitted across his thought

Of happiness, only by labour wrought.

Care and toil he would willingly prove,
Might it only be a “labour of love ; ”

For well he knew that the joys that spring
From the power to remedy suffering,

Come back to the heart in its hour of sorrow
With sweeter voice than fame can borrow,

Little ones, cease from your laughing glee,
Listen a moment, and answer me ;

Now, as I show these pictures three,
Which of them seemeth the best to thee 1

With love to Christ as the motive power,
70 The True Riches.

there is no happiness that can equal the joy
of “labours of love” for the suffering and
destitute—remembering the forgotten. That
is a beautiful story of Martin of Tours. At
the building dedicated to his memory in
Tours is a bas relief, representing Martin,
seated upon horseback, going out at the
gateway of the city. A poor unfortunate
beggar at the gate is asking alms. Martin |
is represented in the act of taking off his
Roman toga, and with his sword cutting it
in two, handing the beggar one half and
wrapping himself in the remainder. The
legend is, that that night Martin had a
dream, and dreamt that he was in heaven ;
that there he’ saw the Lord Jesus Christ
surrounded by His angels, and, to his
astonishment, He had round His shoulders
the one half of his Roman toga; and as He
wrapped it round His shoulders He said to
the angel, “Martin, the Roman of Tours,
gave Me this cloak.” Legend as it is, it
has the beautiful words of our Lord
wrapped up in it: “Inasmuch as ye did it
unto one of the least of these My brethren,
ye did it unto Me.” Though rare, we have
Three Washes. 71

now and again a case of a man who seeks to
lay up treasure in heaven only, and trusts
to God for the supply of temporal wants.
One of these noble men of the heavenly
aristocracy, after a laborious life of upwards
of fifty years spent in Africa, returned home
full of years and honours—

“Waiting till the shadows werea little longer grown” —

and has now heard the Master’s voice call-
ing, “Robert Moffat, come up hither !”—
“ well done, good and faithful servant.”

Mr. Moffat told me that, in preaching
Christ to the natives, for a long time they
would not believe that his motives were
disinterested. Said they, ‘“‘ We can under-
stand a man that comes here to buy ostrich
feathers and ivory ;” and judging him by
their own standard, they thought, doubtless,
Mr. Moffat had come to cheat them.
Another heavenly millionaire is George
Miiller of Bristol, who, perhaps more than
any other man living, has acted up to the
charter of his rights as a believer in Jesus.
Not only have his own wants been amply
supplied, but thousands of orphans who
72 The True Riches.

have been under his care for the last thirty
years have been daily provided with every-
thing needful, as wonderfully as Elijah was
fed by the ravens. Mr. Miiller has literally
proved “that He is faithful who hath pro-
mised, who also will do it,” and that indeed
the just do live by faith. The Edinburgh
Industrial Brigade, and the Boys’ Refuge,
Manchester, are also wonderful cases of
God supplying the daily needs of about
three hundred lads for many years in answer
to believing prayer.

A. Christian man, who had done some
little in the way of giving in Jesus’ name,
narrates that he had a-dream, and that he
was at the judement-seat and heard the
voice of Jesus saying, “ Forasmuch as ye
have done it unto one of the least of these
my brethren, ye have done it unto me;”
then immediately. addressing a comrade, he
said, “Oh that I had only remembered that
it was to Jesus, the bread I gave away should
not have been so stale!”

Here’s a beautiful story in poetry :

“Far, far away o’er the deep blue sea
Lived a man who was kind as kind could be,
Three Wrshes. 73

He loved little children, and spread every day

A table from which none went empty away.

Poor children came in from the alley and street,

With rags on their backs, and no shoes on their feet ;

Girls and boys, large and small, some naughty and

But John Falk loved them all, and did them all good.

And while they were eating, he often would tell

Of the Lord Jesus Christ, who on earth did once
dwell ;

How He loved little children—each one of them

He was watching from heaven with tenderest care—

And how happy and blessed would be the child’s part

Who would let that dear Saviour come dwell in his

Each day when the children assembled to eat,

He taught them to offer this grace for their meat :

«Bless, Jesus, the food thou hast given us to-day,

And come and sup with us, dear Jesus, we pray.”

But once when the children had finished this prayer,
One poor little fellow stood still by his chair

For a moment, then ran to the closet where stood
‘The bright cups of tin and the platters of wood.

“ Now what is the matter?” said Falk to the child.
The little one looked in his kind face and smiled :

“ We asked the Lord Jesus just now in our grace
To sup with us here ; but we’ve given Him no place.
If He should come in, how sad it would be !

But I'll put Him a stool close here beside me,”
74 The True Riches.

Then the boy, quite contented, sat down to his food ;

He was hungry and tired, and his supper was good !

But a few moments after, he heard at the door

A knock low and timid, one knock and no more.

He started to open it, hoping to meet

The Lord Jesus Christ come to look for His seat ;

But when it was open, he no one could see

But a poor little child, much poorer than he,

His face blue with hunger, his garments, so old,

Were dripping with rain, aad he shivered with cold.

“ Come in !” cried the boy, in a tone of delight,

“I suppose the Lord Christ could not come here

Though we asked Him to come and partake of our
bread ;

So He’s just sent you down to us here in His stead.

The supper is good, and we’ll each give you some,

And tell the Lord Christ we are glad you have come.”

From that time, when the children assembled to eat,

There was always one place called “The Lord Jesus’

And the best that they had was placed there each day

For one who was poorer and hungrier than they ;

And the Lord Jesus Christ, in reply to their grace,

Sent always some person to sit in His place ;

And sweet was the food that the Lord did provide

For the stranger He sent them to eat at their side.

Dear friends, who have read this short story, you

The words that our Saviour once spake when below:

Ii we wish for His presence to hallow our bread,
Three Wrshes. 75

We must welcome the stranger He sends in His
stead ;

When we set out our feasts, this our motto must be—

« As ye do to my poor, ye have done unto me !”

Quite recently, in the Orphan Home at
Cheetham, Manchester, a little fellow who
had heard much: about a week of special
services, asked the House Mother, “ Is Jesus
coming to stay with us this next week ?”
and the reply he got was, “ Yes, and always,
if you are His own little one.”

“ Perfect love casteth out all fear” is the
truthful declaration of the inspired word to
the man who has in possession the faith
“ Laughs at impossibilities and cries, ‘It shall be done.’”

And this faith it is which enables a man
so to trust in God, that he becomes fully
persuaded that all things do indeed “ work
together for good” to him. It has been
beautifully said :
“ T have trodden a path I did not know,
Safe in my Saviour’s hand ;

I can trust Him for all the future now—
T have been to the border land.”

A collier who had found “the true riches”
76 Tne True Riches.

in Jesus, always used to declare to his com-
panions that “all things worked together for
good.” One day, on going to the pit’s
mouth, he laid down his dinner, which a
vagrant dog seized and ran off with. The
collier started in pursuit amidst the jeers
of his scoffing companions: “Hallo, Bob!
is this all for your good?” ‘* Nae doot o’t,”
was the reply. And sure enough it turned
out so; for whilst in pursuit an accident
occurred in the pit, which it is more than
probable would have proved fatal to Bob
had he been in his usual place at the time.

And Bob could sing,

“Since all that I meet shall work for my good,
The bitter is sweet, the medicine is food ;
Though painful at present, ’twill cease before long,
And then, oh, how pleasant the conqueror’s song !’

During the reign of Queen Mary, a disciple
of the Lord Jesus Christ was summoned to
London before Bishop Bonner, to answer a
charge of heresy. On his way to London
he had the misfortune to break his leg, and
was laid up for some time. He had often
quoted, “ All things work together for good
to them that love God,” and the scoffers
Three Washes. 74,

asked him how this could be so in his case.
“T have no doubt that God will make it
plain,” was his reply. And it was so; for
whilst detained there, news came of Mary’s
death, and the minister’s prosecution was
abandoned. A Scotch minister from the
north was on his way to Edinburgh by the
Firth of Forth. At Kinghorn he met with
an accident which, greatly to his annoyance,
compelled him to remain there instead of
crossing in the ordinary smack. Shortly
after the vessel left, a violent storm came
on, and all on board were lost. The minister
had indeed cause for thanksgiving for his
deliverance, and might truly have ascribed
praise to God, who
‘“* Keeps with most distinguished care
The man who on His love depends ;

Watches every numbered hair,
And all his steps attends.”

I must now say a word as to the way to
obtain “the true riches.” The true riches
can only be obtained by having “the love of
God shed abroad in the heart by the Holy
Spirit given unto us.” Without this we are
poor, have what we may besides; and with
78 The True Riches.

it rich, take what you will away. ‘True
happiness—and is not that only another
name for “true riches ?”—like life, ‘“‘ con-
sisteth not in the abundance. which a man
hath,’ but in a quiet, contented mind—a
mind satisfied in having Gop, in doing His
will, following the example of our Lord and
Master, who fulfilled so perfectly the path
of obedience that He was “obedient unto
death,” well knowing that “He will give
grace and glory, and no good thing will He
withhold from them who walk uprightly.”
The question is, What is good? Nor are
we at a loss for the answer :

“Good when He gives, supremely good
Nor less when He denies ;
F’en crosses in His sovereign hand
Are blessings in disguise.”

This has been realised by His people—those
who have really believed and trusted in
“ His purposes will ripen fast,
Unfolding every hour ;
The bud may have a bitter taste,
But sweet will be the flower.”


f|OME years ago a large East India-
=| man was on. her return voyage to
this country. After pursuing a
pleasant and prosperous course
for some time, she sprang a leak, the exact
position of which the seamen were unable to
discover. All hands were summoned to the
pumps; but the unremitting efforts of the
_passengers and crew were unavailing. The
water steadily gained upon them, and before
long it became evident that they must
dismiss all hope of saving the vessel.

Upon making preparations to abandon the
ship, it was perceived that the boats could
not possibly carry all the passengers and
crew. After some discussion as to what

‘should be done, it was agreed that, in order

80 The True Riches.

to avoid strife and confusion, the right to
enter the boats should be determined by lot.
Having ascertained the exact number that
could be carried by the boats, a corresponding
number of long slips of paper was provided,
and intermingled with a number of shorter
slips, and it was determined that those who
drew the long lots should have the right of
leaving the vessel, and that those who drew
the short lots should remain. The drawing
of the lots was a time of feverish anxiety,
of breathless suspense. Every one felt that
his own destiny, and many the destinies
of those most dear to them, depended upon
an event over which no control could be
exercised. Death or life was to be deter-
mined by the drawing of a long or short slip
of paper. Some, doubtless, even then enjoyed
the confidence of faith, knowing that, while
“the lot is cast into the lap, the whole dis-
posing thereof is of the Lord.” Such would
feel safe in the hands of One by whom all
things are arranged, and without whose
permission not even a sparrow falls fluttering
to the ground.

The lots are drawn. It is now known who
The Changed Lot. 81

are to escape by the boats, and who are to
remain and perish in the ship. Among the
passengers were a merchant and his wife,
returning to this country. The merchant
had drawn a long lot, his wife a short one.
The boats are now manned for their perilous
voyage, and the order is given for those
who have the long lots to enter without
delay, for every moment is precious.
Among the first to press forward, that he
might take his place -in one of the boats,
was the merchant. Unworthy of the name
of man, he was ready, at this moment of
peril, to forsake the wife of his bosom,
whom he had pledged himself to protect, in
order that by an act of selfish cowardice he
might save his own miserable life. All on
board who witnessed the craven act were
moved to incredulous surprise and indig-
nation, hard to be controlled. Words of
execration assail the wretched man, who
must have been as miserable in saving his
life as he could have been in losing it. A
stalwart sailor who had drawn a long lot
was standing by the gangway; he puts his
brawny hand upon the shoulder of the
82 The True Riches.

merchant as he passes, and says to him, in
a tone of indignation and disgust; “ Man!
would you leave your wife?” and then
turning at once to the trembling, weeping
wife, he says: “There, woman ! there! take
my lot, and [ll take yours. Go with your
husband, and I'll take my chance with the
rest.” The noble-hearted sailor is not, how-
ever, to perish: almost at that very moment
a sail is discerned on the horizon, rapidly
making for the sinking ship. The passengers
are all secured from a watery grave, and not
very long after arrived safely in England.
Who can read this simple narrative
without admiring the noble, self-denying
generosity of the sailor, who was willing to
save this woman’s life at the risk, ‘and by
the intended sacrifice, of his own? It is
not often that we meet with the record of
any nobler deed than this. But, noble as it
was, it may not be compared with the act
of self-sacrifice and substitution on the part
of our Saviour, by which sinful and dying
men are not merely rescued from the horrors
of everlasting death, but are invested with
all the powers and privileges of an endless
The Changed Lot. 83

and blessed life, “with treasure more than
earth can give.”

Another illustration of what 1 mean :—

At Leeds an iron-puddler was engaged at
work, whilst his little boy played about near
him. Before he was aware of it, the little
fellow had fallen into a caldron of molten
iron. The father, almost frantic, rushed to
the spot, and, not thinking for a moment of
the pain and agony to himself, plunged his
arm into the caldron, in the vain attempt to
save his boy. The arm, of course, never
came out, and the stump remains as a mark
of his anxiety to rescue his darling. Isn't
this just a type of what Jesus has done for
us—never minding the pain and shame and
death of the cross, reaching right down from
His throne of mercy, to snatch us from the
caldron of sin into which we had fallen ?
And, thank God, He has succeeded in
saving us; for, once we have hold of “ His
grasping hand” by faith, none can pluck us
out of it.

At a ragged school, one of the boys, for
some great offence, had to be punished before
his companions. The poor. half-starved lad
84 The True Rzhes.

(a recent admission to the school) is called
out and ordered to strip. One cannot look
upon the wretched figure without pain, and
the master shares the feeling ; but discipline
must be maintained—the law which has
been broken must be satisfied. The master
stands, and his look reveals this to the boys.
One of them, a noble fellow, steps forward,
saying, “Look here, sir! I’ll bear his
thrashing for him.” And bear it he did,
whilst the delinquent was released for what
the substitute had borne.

Quite recently, during the disturbances in
Cuba, a man had been charged with some
offence, and condemned to death. He
claimed the protection of the representatives
of England and America. The protests of
these consuls had been without effect:
the man was ordered out for execution, a
firing party of soldiers drawn up, and the
word about to be given, “ Fire!” when the
two consuls were seen rushing forward and
covering the prisoner with the “ Union
Jack” and the ‘Stars and Stripes.” When
this was done, turning to the soldiers they
said, ‘‘ Now, fire a shot if you dare!” They



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The Changed Lot. 87

dared not, nor dare the officer in command
order them. He knew that the whole
power of these two great nations whose
emblems were around the prisoner was
arrayed against them. Sinners who are
under the blood of Christ’s atoning sacri-
fice need not fear: there is none who
dare touch them, and Christ has promised
to keep them as the apple of His eye. How
gloriously safe! The poorest may as freely
come to Jesus and obtain “the true riches”
as the rich.

Take the following instance of a poor
London street boy, who came to Christ by
simply believing His word. One night,
going home late from the City, a group of
ragged figures with pinched and dirty faces
might have been seen assembled beneath a
lamp-post. A few kindly words soon elicited
the fact that the lads were supperless, and
for a bed for the night had nothing to look
forward to but the bare ground under the
Adelphi Arches. Being assured that for
that night a supper and bed should be theirs,
their eager attention was soon secured whilst
the old, old story—yet ever new—of Jesus’
88 The True Riches.

life and death was told to them. As the
speaker told of God’s Son being born in a
manger—of angel singers announcing the
news to the shepherds—of the babe becom-
ing the man, and not having a place to lay
His head—of his poverty in having to work
a miracle to pay the tribute to Ceesar—and.
the proof of it—in asking “show me a
penny !”—and then with loving care for the
bodies as well as souls of men, healing the
sick, giving eyesight to the blind, raising
the dead, pardoning sinners, and not con-
demning them—then of the agony in the
garden, and the shameful, ignominious death
on the cross; as the scene of Calvary—hoyy
the cross was laid upon the ground, the
blessed Saviour nailed to it, and then, when
uplifted, dropped heavily into the earth,
increasing the agony and pain—was de-
scribed, the tears began to trickle down
their cheeks, and many a dirty face rubbed
by a dirtier hand showed that their hearts
were touchedby the story of Jesus’ dying love.
At parting, when the question was asked,
“Who will love my Lord Jesus?” it was
responded to by more than one upheld hand,
The Changed Lot. 89

and a sob, “I will, sir.” The circumstance
had almost been forgotten by the speaker,
when one day crossing the Royal Exchange
his attention was attracted to a merry,
laughing-faced shoeblack boy, who, whilst
shouting out the well-known “Clean your
boots, sir?” exhibited sundry signs of
recognition. “Don’t you know me, sir?
Please, sir, 1’m Jim!” “Jim? Jim who?”
“Why, sir, don’t you remember under the
lamp-post that night I was one of the coves
that began to love Jesus? and I’ve been
loving Him and asking Him to help me
ever since; and He has done that. I’ve
got into the shoeblack brigade, and means
to work hard, I does.” Poor though he was,
the lad in his simple faith was rich.

A collier boy with many others was
caught & in a mine: the water had broken in,

sfi@echad to take shelter in an old

yorking. ’’ When the bodies were found,
this boy’s candle-box was found scratched
upon with a pin: “ We are praying and
singing, and expect soon to be in glory.”
Poor men !—nay, rich men!—sudden death!
sudden glory !

go The True Riches.

A negro was dying: some friends crowded
round his bed to pray with him. “ Poor
Pompey!” said one. “No,” he said, “I’m
not poor Pompey! I’m King Pompey!”
Yes! a king and priest too, crowned by God

Said one, not long ago, to a “poor rich”
man: ‘‘ Look north, now south, now east,
and west, as far as you can see—all is mine!”
Sir,” was the response, “can you look up
and say that’s mine? because, if not, you
are poor indeed.”

When the steamship London was sink-
ing, there were on board, among others, a
lady and a little girl The lady knew
nothing of “the true riches;” and to face
death was, to her, to meet the “dread mon-
ster.” Her last cry was a shriek: “A
thousand pounds for any one who will save
me!” Poor lady! it was hopeless. The
little girl was busy writing a pencil note to
her mother, with the few words, “We are
sinking, mamma: don’t be afraid—I am
going to Jesus.” And you may imagine
how these words cheered the heart of the
mother, and were treasured by her, enabling
The Changed Lot. gi

her to rejoice that her little daughter had
found “the true riches.” Rich little girl
indeed! That was a beautiful saying of
the shipwrecked man: ‘‘ Though I sink to-
day, I shall only drop gently into the hollow
of my Father’s hand; for He holds all these
waters there.”

There is this wide distinction between the
possessors of earthly riches and the possess-
ors of “the true riches:” in the former case,
they try to keep them to themselves; in the
latter, they seek to spread them abroad—

“ Glad to tell to all around
‘What a treasure they have found.”

A little girl, who had herself the heavenly _
treasure, was anxious to win her papa for
Jesus. She wrote upon a slip of paper the
following: “Papa, I wish you would love
Jesus,” and put it on his dressing-table.
The father opened the note, read it, and then
tore it to pieces; but he could not forget
his little one’s pleading, and the words were
stereotyped on his mind. Shortly after, she
again wrote a note, altering the words to:
“ Dear papa, won't you love Jesus?” Still
92 The True Riches.

no word passed between the child and the
father; and again she wrote, strong in faith
that her prayer for him would be answered,
“ Dear papa, if you do love Jesus, please tell
Mary.” She went to his room soon after,
and there angels rejoiced to see “joy in
Heaven,” and a loving little child: seeking to
lead her father to Jesus.

Will not each of my readers accept the
Treasure so freely offered in Christ? and,
having done so, they will have more than
the Indies can give; yea, more than
Koh-i-noors or precious pearls in value.
When we come empty to Christ, then will
He fill us with the “true riches.” “The
poor He hath filled with good things, but the
rich He hath sent empty away.”




We live for those who love us,
Whose hearts are kind and true ;
For the Lord that smiles above us,
And we wait His coming too:
For all human ties that bind us,
For the task by God assigned us,
For the bright hopes left behind us.
And the good that we can do.

We live to learn their story

Who’ve suffered for His sake,
To emulate their glory, .

And to follow in their wake—
Bards, patriots, martyrs, sages,
The noble of all ages,

Whose deeds crown history’s pages,

And Time’s great volume make.

We live for those who love us,
For those who know us true 5
For the Lord that smiles above us,
And we wait His coming too.
For the cause that lacks assistance,
For the wrong that needs resistance,
For the future in the distance,
And the good that we can do.

* ALL are architects of Fate,

Working in these walls of time ;
Some with massive deeds and great,
Some with ornaments of rhyme.

“Tn the elder days of art,
Builders wrought with greatest care
Each minute and unseen part,
For the gods see everywhere.

‘Let us do our work as well,
Both the unseen and the seen ;
Make the house where gods may dwell
Beautiful, entire, and clean.

‘Else our lives are incomplete,
Standing in these walls of time ;
Broken stairways, where the feet
Stumble as they seek to climb.

“ Build to-day, then, strong and sure,
With a firm and ample base,
And ascending, and secure,

Shall to-morrow find its place.”



“T dare do all that doth become a man:
Who dares do more is none.”

« An honest man’s the noblest work of God.”

jHERE are some words which,
though often upon our tongues,
are yet little thought of or under-
stood. Here is one—Gentleman.
What does it mean? To each of us perhaps
something different, according to his previous
training or associations ; and yet there is no
word more commonly used, or more generally
applied, from the Queen’s Speech to “My
Lords and Gentlemen” at the opening of
Parliament, the judge's address to the
“Gentlemen of the jury,” or the candidate
expecting election at a ward meeting,
down to the “cabby” in the street, who,

having received an extra sixpence for his

96 A Perfect Gentleman.

fare, pronounces the giver to be a “real
Gentleman.” To a very large class of people
the word is synonymous with fine clothes,
polished manners, and pleasing address ;
whilst others think the name alone applicable
to the class described by a radical orator as
“those who have nothing to do and get well
paid for it.” Let us see what the word
really means,—a Gentleman. Webster
gives the meaning as gentle, of mild feelings,
not rough, or coarse, not wild. Genteel
he gives as meaning polished in manner,
polite, decorous, refined, free from anything
low or vulgar: Gentleman, a man of good
breeding and education. In Great Britain
every man can claim the title, in its most
extensive sense, above the rank of yeoman ;
whilst in the United States, where titles
and distinctions of rank do not exist, it is
given to men of education and good breeding,
of every occupation ; thus showing the good
sense of our American cousins, for

“The rank is but the guinea stamp,
The man’s the gowd for a’ that.”

Dr. Adam Clarke said, “A gentleman is
A Perfect Gentleman. 97

gentle in spirit, in manners, in making
known his own opinion, as well as in opposing
the opinions of others.”

Coleridge remarks that “Religion is the
most gentlemanly thing in the world; it alone
will gentilise, when unmixed with cant.”

Dr. Norman Macleod writes : a Gentleman
is “considerate and courteous, with a quiet
dignified self-respect.”

Miss Muloch, again, writes: a Gentleman
has ‘‘a natural refinement, and an intuitive
wish to give pleasure to others.”

Another writer describes a Gentleman as
one “who never does anything he is ashamed
of, or that would compromise his honour.”

You perceive none of these great author-
ities speak of position, rank, or wealth, of
_ dress or looks, but all of character and con-
duct, for it is these, and not accidental
circumstances of birth or riches, whether
made or inherited, which make the Gentle-
man. Robert Burns was right when, in
passing down Leith Walk, Edinburgh, accom-
panied by a dandzfied companion, he shook
hands with a farmer friend, roughly dressed,
and explained, in reply to the horrified look

98 A Perfect Gentleman.

of the dandy, that he shook hands not with
the coat but with the man inside it.

‘“* What tho’ on hamely fare we dine,

‘Wear hoddin grey, and a’ that?

Gie fools their silks, and knaves their wine,
A. man’s a man for a’ that.

For a’ that, and a’ that,
Their tinsel show, and a’ that,

The honest man, tho’ e’er sae poor,
Is king 0’ men for a’ that.”

‘“‘A king can mak’ a belted knight,

A marquis, duke, and a’ that ;

But an honest man’s aboon his might,
Guid faith, ho maunna fa’ that.

For a’ that and a’ that,
Their dignities, and a’ that,

The pith o’ sense, and pride o’ worth,
Are higher rank than a’ that.”

One of the greatest mistakes that I know
of among lads of a certain class, is the belief
that the term “Gentleman” can only be
rightly applied to those born in a certain
position of life, and who have had a sufficient
amount of wealth bequeathed to them to
enable them to live at idle ease. My object
shall be to point out that the humblest born
has just as good a right to merit and claim
A Perfect Gentleman. 99

the title “Gentleman,” and to aim at ful-
filling the model I hold up, as any of the
higher born, even to the extent of being
perfect Gentlemen; and by this I mean not
only people whose fine natural characters
are cultivated into habits of right thought
and action, but those whose daily life is
actuated by the fear of God, and love to
Christ ; and who themselves, being one with
Christ, grow daily more like Him, until they
attain unto the perfect stature of men in
Christ Jesus. One is often grieved to see
the meannesses, want of truthfulness, and
of straightforward, honest dealing, not to
speak of the lack of high honour and strict
integrity of purpose, which prevail to so
lamentable an extent even among professing
Christians,—so much so, indeed, that right-
minded men of the world look with scorn
upon their acts. “Would that the men of
the next generation may be extraordinary
Christian men in all that goes to make high
worth in the Christian character, and not
merely ordinary Christians! We want a
touch of the chivalry of the knights of old,
who regarded honour as dearer than life, and
100 A Perfect Gentleman.

fought for right as against might, and, stim-
ulated by a high sense of true gallantry, were
ever ready to take the side of the oppressed.
A clergyman, on hearing a discussion in
which some young men advocated a deviation
from the strict line of truthful integrity,
said, “ Young men, I was a Gentleman before
I was a Christian or a minister, and I was
early taught that the fundamental quality
of a Gentleman was absolute truthfulness.”
There are constantly occurring in life
occasions when a man’s principles are tested
to the utmost, when the temptation to
depart from the straight line of right con-
duct, and that which only becomes the
Christian Gentleman, is so strong, that it
may truly be described as a struggle.

“Tt’s no in titles nor in rank,
It’s no in wealth like Lon’on Bank
To purchase peace and rest ;
It’s no in making muckle mair,
It’s no in books, it’s no in lear,
To make us truly blest.
If happiness ha’e not her seat
And centre in the breast,
We may be wise, or rich, or great,
But never can be blest.”
A Perfect Gentleman. 101

Unless the man has Christ in his heart, he
can not be sure of the victory; and only
those can be truly called perfect gentlemen
who, taking Christ (the only perfect Man)
for their pattern, become like Him, ever
asking themselves, What would Christ have
me to do? and then,
“Whether the road be rough and dreary,
And the end far out of sight,

Foot it bravely, strong or weary,
Trust in Him, and do the right.”

We have a psalm, the 15th, which has aptly
been called the ‘‘Gentleman’s” psalm, and
it does indeed seem a directory for the daily
life of one.

“Tord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who
shall dwell in Thy Holy Hill?

“He that walketh uprightly, and worketh right-
eousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart.

“He that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doeth
evil to his neighbour, nor taketh up a reproach
against his neighbour.

“In whose eyes a vile person is contemned ; but he
honoureth them that fear the Lord. He that sweareth
to his own hurt, and changeth not,

“He that putteth not out his money to usury, nor
taketh reward against the innocent. He that doeth
these things shall never be moved.”
102 A Perfect Gentleman.

Talleyrand used to say that “speech was
given to conceal thought,” and many moderns
_ act upon his dictum. Contrast the Psalmist’s
picture of a truthful speaker—“ as he think-
eth, so doth he express.”

Even for this life, it will be a benefit to
let ourselves be ruled by the spirit of this
psalm. Take the direction, “ sweareth to his
own hurt and changeth not.” I knew a case
of two apprentices, both feeling keenly the
drudgery of their master’s service: one,
forgetful of his engagement to serve,
absconded, and in after life met with nothing
but failure ; the other, acting from principle,
fulfilled, to his own hurt, the full term of
service, and God blessed him beyond his
fondest hopes. The Perfect Gentleman
actuated by a high sense of duty to God and
man should be

“ A man who flinches not at danger or fatigue,

But moves right on, when on the path of duty ;
God will stand by the man who stands by Him,
Will give him energy and courage now,

And then success hereafter,”

We have the spirit of the true Gentleman
given by the Apostle Paul, who knew well
A Perfect Gentleman. 103

of what he was writing. ‘‘ Charity suffereth
long, and is kind; charity envieth not;
charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,
doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh
‘not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh
no evil; rejoiceth not in iniquity, but
rejoiceth in the truth; beareth all things,
believeth all things, hopeth all things,
endureth all things. Charity never faileth.”
And again,—“Be kindly affectioned one
toward another, in honour preferring one
another.” Substitute the word Gentleman
for charity, and it is indeed a complete
description of the character. George Wash-
ington, when a boy (so the old story says),
was questioned by his father about some
damage done to a favourite tree in the
garden, and he nobly replied, “ Father,
Icannot tell a lie; I did it!” And in after
life George Washington lived the life of as
perfect a truth-loving Gentleman as the
world has ever seen. At a school examina-
tion a youth was called up to receive the
highest prize.—a gold watch,—when, to
the astonishment of his master and school-
fellows, he took by the hand a younger boy
104 A Perfect Gentleman.

and led him to the desk to receive the prize
instead of himself, saying, ‘The prize is
yours, for I copied my last answer from your
paper.” In connection with one of the
Edinburgh academies, a cricket match was
being played. The contest was a keen one,
and for some time it seemed uncertain on
which side success would declare itself. At
length, on a ball being delivered, a youth felt
it graze his bat, the wicket-keeper catching
the ball afterwards. Not one of the players,
including the umpire, had noticed this; but
the youth himself was of the right noble
stamp. The struggle in his mind between
right and wrong was quickly settled.
Shouldering his bat, he walked off the field,
saying, “I’m out; I felt the ball touch my
bat ;” consoled for the loss of the game by
the consciousness of having dared to do
right. At another school the lads had for
some time been in the habit of going out
from their bedrooms at night into the town
for no good purpose. One young Gentleman
heard of this, and his sense of right was too
strong to allow him to pass it over. He
boldly stood amongst his schoolfellows and
A Perfect Gentleman. 105

declared it wrong, and said he should be
compelled to acquaint the master with the
fact ; and in spite of the ery of “sneak” and
“spy,” he boldly held his point, and effec-
tually stopped the repetition of such
ungentlemanly conduct.

Many years ago, before lotteries (horrid
things) were declared illegal, a country
friend wrote to a friend in London to
purchase for him a ticket in a certain lottery.
He did so, as also one for himself. Shortly
afterwards, the country friend was surprised
to get a letter, telling him that his ticket
had won an enormous prize. He replied,
asking how his friend knew it was his and
not his own,—and I beg you to mark the
honour in the whole transaction,—he replied,
‘““When I purchased the tickets, I placed a
private mark on one for you, and that one
is the successful number.” No one but him-
self knew this, but that was enough: he did
the right, and conscience said, ‘‘ Well done.”

A little boy hit the mark when he replied
to the temptation of a playfellow, “that no
one would see him,” ‘Oh, but I should see

106 A Perfect Gentleman.

“Keep the spirit pure by the repellant strength of
virtue ;
Boldly and wisely walk in the light thou hast:
There is a Hand above will help thee on.”

Another most interesting case occurred
not long ago, showing a rare instance of
generosity and of right principle on both
sides. A gentleman had his house insured
for many years with a Fire Insurance
Company; at a particular date he allowed
the policy to fall by not paying the pre-
mium, and within a few days the place was
burnt to the ground. The directors instrue-
ted the secretary to write and intimate that
the non-payment of the premium having
been, doubtless, an oversight, they were
willing to hold themselves liable for the
damage done. Now mark the honour and
integrity of the gentleman. He replied,
thanking them for their offer, adding that it
was no oversight, but a deliberate act to let
the policy lapse, and that he could not
accept the liberality offered. Such an act
reflects credit on both sides, and is a noble
instance of honourable dealing.
A Perfect Gentleman. 107

I have given these specimens of that
spirit of honour, straightforward dealing,
and integrity of life, which go to form the
character of the True Gentleman. The
perfect one is, where love to Christ is added,
producing love to others, as shown in a
studious desire to live according to the
golden rule, to do to others as we should
wish them to do to us, and to love our
neighbour as ourselves. A Gentleman
always considers the views and feelings of
others before his own, and gives up the
latter, when he can conscientiously, to the
former. A poor gentleman (i.e. in money
wealth) was once offered a bribe to do some
piece of dirty business, and, very much to
the astonishment of his tempter, he refused,
giving as his reason, “I am too poor to do a
dirty action; my character is the only
property I have, and I cannot afford to lose
it.” The Perfect Gentleman for Christ’s
sake will seek to please others and to avoid
giving offence. His direction is, “If it be
possible, as much as lieth in you live
peaceably with all men.” There is no train-
ing like devotion to the Lord for giving a
108 A Perfect Gentleman.

man in a high degree the earnest desire to
merit the Perfect Gentleman’s epitaph :

‘So blooms the white-flower of a blameless life.
* * * * *

Already in thy spirit thus divine,

Whatever weal or woe betide,

Be that high sense of duty still thy guide,

And all good powers will aid a soul like thine.”

You may think that I am writing too
much about practice and too little about
faith ; but I feel impelled to this, because
there are so many professors of religion who
do the most despicable things in the way of
trade and in daily life,—men whose actions
worldlings speak of as illustrative of the
Christian character, instead of regarding
them, as they really are, satires upon it.
I am anxious that our future Christian men
should also be first-class Christian. Gentle-
men, whose word shall be their bond, whose
lives shall be those of daily devotion to
Christ, and who by their practice shall
commend the faith they profess; so that
their influence shall tell with power upon
their fellow-creatures, because their

‘ Lives show forth Christ’s praise ; ”
A Perfect Gentleman. 109

content, indeed, to tread the lowly path of
separation He trod—following in His foot-
steps who “went about doing good.” We
need no less faith, but we need more
practice. The early Christian Church was
mainly successful, under the Holy Spirit’s
influence, because lookers-on saw that its
Christianity was not in word only, but in
deed and in truth, calling forth the exclama-
tion: “See how these Christians love one
another!” We seem to hear, amidst the
wrangling of private life, church courts, and
newspaper controversies, the good old
Apostle John faintly murmuring with his
dying breath: “ My little children, love one
another.” The whole law, Christ told us,
was included in these two commandments :
“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all
thy heart, and mind, and soul, and
strength ;” and the second is like unto it,
“Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy-
self ;”—the second the natural result of the
first ; and now that grace and not law reigns,
the Law of Love should more than ever be
our Rule of Life.

An instance is recorded of a God-fearing
110 A Perfect Gentleman.

man who chose the right path, with all its
apparent disadvantages. In his case God
honoured his attachment to principle in His
just, though, as here, unexpected manner.
It is the adherence to right, the obeying
God’s law, which is the true mark of a
Perfect Gentleman; yea, though exhibited
in a saddler, for he can perform well his
part, and in that true honour lies. An old
copy of a British Workman gives the
following :—

“Remember, I must have the bridle on
Monday,” said Mr. Harcourt, as he turned
to leave a shop where he had been giving
some orders about his harness.

“T beg your pardon, sir,” said Benson ;
“but it will not be possible to get it done
by Monday.”

“Not possible!” returned Mr. Harcourt,
stopping short; “what nonsense! why,
there’s all to-morrow.”

“To-morrow is Sunday, siz,” returned the
saddler, firmly but respectfully.

“Well! what of that?”

“We do not work on a Sunday, sir.”

“Then I shall go to those who do; you
A Perfect Gentleman. Bd

can put the bridle in the carriage,” added
Mr. Harcourt, turning to the man to whom
he had given the order.

“We can get it done by Tuesday, sir,
without fail,” interposed Benson.

“Tuesday will be too late,” and then,
without another word, Mr. Harcourt stepped
out of the shop, and bidding his groom take
the bridle from the man, he got into his
phaeton, and drove off, muttering to himself,
“The old humbug! I will make him repent
his folly.”

Benson watched the carriage until it had
turned the corner, and with something very
like a sigh went back to his seat. He had
lost his best customer; he felt sure of that.
A man whom he had been most anxious to
oblige; good work, well paid for, and paid
promptly ; such a customer it was hard to
lose. Besides, Benson had had recent losses
in trade, followed by sickness in his family,
and money was very scarce, and would have
been most welcome. He felt that the
temptation to break his rule had been a
severe one. Yet, after a moment’s prayer,
he sat down to his work with a quiet spirit,
112 A Perfect Gentleman.

remembering that he who serves God serves
a good Master, and may be content to look
to Him for his wages.

A few hours after, a Mr. Wilcox, a clever,
pushing saddler, who lived in an adjoining
street, came bustling in, looking wonderfully
elated and cockahoop.

“‘ Well, Benson,” said he, as he rubbed his
hands one over the other with uncommon
glee, “ you have been and done it, that is

“Done what?” inquired Benson, as he
looked up quietly from his work, making a
good guess, however, as to his visitor’s

“Knocked down your own luck with one
hand, and given it to me with the other.”

“You mean, I suppose, that Mr. Harcourt
drove on from my shop to yours ?”

“Exactly, and I thought that the least
I could do was to come and thank you, and
to tell you how happy I should be to work
for as many more as you choose to send.”

“T need not tell you I shall not send you
those that I can keep,” replied Benson, trying
hard not to show that he was annoyed ;
A Perfect Gentleman. 113

“but, God helping me, I will never go
against my conscience, not for any man or
any money; [’ll not work upon the Lord’s

“Well, every one to their taste. These
are not days to refuse good work when it is
offered ; and as to your scruples, they are
all nonsense, just as if there were any sin in
pushing a needle and a thread through a bit
of leather on a Sunday ! The better the dav
the better the deed.”

“T could not go against my conscience.”

“ And from this you argue,” said Wilcox,
“that I am to throw up Mr. Harcourt’s
order, affront him, and lose a_ first-rate
customer! Thank you, I’m not such a

“JT am not arguing upon the point,”
returned Benson. “ You asked me why
I did not undertake Mr. Harcourt’s order,
and I have told you. I have no choice in
the matter but to obey God; he that serves
Him serves a good Master. He never
forgets the payment ; and if at times a man
seems to wait for his wages, it is only that

the money is being put out to better interest
I14 A Perfect Gentleman.

than we can get here. What is good for a
man to have, will be made up to him some
time or other ; as for what is not good for
him to have, why, he is better without it.
There’s no doubt about that.”

But as Wilcox returned to his own shop,
he had considerable doubts on the point,
and thought his neighbour a great fool, and
himself a very clever man. The Sunday
was spent in executing Mr. Harcourt’s order.
The harness was sent home on the Monday ;
the money was promptly paid; a fresh order
was given, and Wilcox again congratulated
himself on his good luck.

It was some weeks after, and they had
been weeks of great trouble to Benson, that
another carriage stopped at the door of his
shop; a well-appointed dark-green brougham,
drawn by a comfortable, sleek-looking horse,
and driven by a coachman whose well-to-do
appearance was quite in keeping with that of
the equipage.

Whilst Benson was wondering who his
visitor might be, the carriage-door opened
quickly, and a fine-looking man, in military
attire, got out, and walked into the shop
A Perfect Gentleman. 115

with an air of decision, as if he was accus-
tomed to give his orders and be promptly
obeyed. Glancing round the shop, with an
eye bright with lurking humour, he took in
its arrangements, and made his own estimate
of the character of its possessor.

“So,” he said, turning to Benson, “you
are the impudent fellow who won't work on
a Sunday.”

Fortunately for himself, Benson was a
good physiognomist. Looking up at his
visitor, he felt sure that however abrupt the
words might sound, no offence was intended,
and so, with a smile, he answered respect-
fully, “I do not work on Sundays, sir; but
I hope it does not follow as a necessary con-
sequence that I am wanting in respect to
my employers.”

“Yes, it does, man; at least my friend
Harcourt says so.- He gives you but a bad

“T am sorry for it, sir,” began Benson ;
but his visitor cut him short.

“ Actually refused his order, and told him
you would not do his work! Do you not
call that impertinence ?”
116 A Perfect Gentleman.

“T had no choice, sir.”

“Yes, you had. You were free to choose
between serving God and pleasing man, and
you made your choice; and it is in conse-
quence of that determination that I am here
to-day. I am General Downing. I have
been looking out for some time past for a
man on whom I could fully rely to execute
a large Government order. The moment
I heard Mr. Harcourt’s story of you, I made
up my mind you should have the work, if
you could take it; for I felt sure that the
man who could serve God so fearlessly
would be the man who would best do his
duty by his neighbour.”

And as the general proceeded to detail to
Benson the nature of the order he proposed
to give him, Benson saw in a moment that
such a prospect of well-doing was opened up
to him as he had never yet had since he
went into business. Nor was he mistaken.
That order laid the foundation of Benson’s
present prosperity. People envy him his
good luck, but he knows better than to call
his altered fortunes by that name; and
as he looks on the future with consciousness
A Perfect Gentleman. 117

that, if all goes well, provision is now made
for his old age, he thankfully acknowledges
from Whose hand the blessing came, and
that he has made experience for himself of
the truth of the old proverb, “He that
serves God serves a good Master.”

An instance came under my notice lately,
showing the firm integrity of a Christian
gentleman under strong temptation to break
faith. A glass manufacturer had sent goods
to a New York house, and had received a
larger order, with the promise of more, upon
the condition that he would not supply any
other merchant in America. The condition
was accepted, and expressed in the following
terms: “I agree not to supply, either
directly or indirectly, any other New York
house.” A few weeks afterwards a young
American gentleman came to his place of
business, said that he had seen the goods,
and had come to purchase; that he had
brought the cash with him, and would give
a larger order to follow. As soon as my
friend knew he was from America, he said,
“T’m sorry I cannot supply you, for I have
agreed not to do so.”—‘“Oh!” said the
118 A Perfect Gentleman.

buyer, “you needn’t mind that; my orders
will be three times as large. Besides, if you
like, I will undertake to purchase all the
goods you can turn out.”—‘‘ No, I cannot
break faith with my first customer !”—
“Well, look here; send the stuff to that
London address and they can forward it,
and then you won't be supplying a New
York house.”—‘‘ No; my word is pledged,
and no inducement will make me to break
it.” And now mark how God honours the
-faith of those who trust in Him; for the
Christian Gentleman has this as an additional
aid,—his loyalty to God is his strength, his
confidence is his strong tower. ‘‘ They that
honour me I will honour.” The American
had scarcely left when a London buyer,
whom my friend had often tried to obtain
as a customer, came in and gave him a good
order with promises of more. Let sceptics
sneer as they please, the word of God
standeth sure. “Godliness (and in this is
included every quality of the Perfect Gentle-
man) is profitable to all things; having the
promise of the life cin now is, as well « as
that which is to come.’


a i [|


A Perfect Gentleman. T21

And now, in conclusion, let me urge my
young friends, even the poorest amongst
them—the lads of the Industrial Brigades
and Training Ships—to believe me when
I say, that it is within their reach to attain
the highest places in the prizes of life—to
be gentlemen whilst poor, and gentlemen
when rich—giving with open hand, and thus
twice blessing— -

“Blessing him who gives and him who takes,”

Will you try? Men succeed because they
dare attempt ; you will have special tempta-
tions and difficulties, but praying friends will
remember you. You are dear indeed to
some. -

One such poor gentleman is thus reported
of, by a friend of mine in Manchester.

“T’d like to ask mi mither, sir,’ and
Walter pushed back his Scotch bonnet,
showing a fine forehead and a pair of “bonny
blue een.” He was speaking to one of the
workers connected with a Home for Waifs
and Strays in an important English town.
This shepherd of stray lambs had found
Walter the butt of a group of street urchins,
122 A Perfect Gentleman.

to whom he formed a great contrast, forthough
evidently very poor, he had shoes to his
feet though they were far from water-tight,
well-darned and patched clothes covered his
spare body, and his strong Scotch accent
specially seemed to cause amusement to the
rough street Arabs that congregated round
him. They seemed to claim the privilege
of teasing him, for he had joimed them at
their street occupation of newspaper and
wax-light vending.

Drawing Walter aside, his new-found
friend told him how dangerous it was to be
thus thrown among such a set, and invited
the boy to come to the “ Children’s Home,”
when Walter made the remark already
alluded to, “‘ I’d like to ask mi mither, sir.”
“You shall ask your mother, my boy,” said
his friend, and taking the address he sent
the lad on, saying he would follow shortly.
Half-an-hour later, the “ Man from the
Home,” as he was sometimes called, was
mounting an attic stair in a back slum, and
on opening the door of the room a sight not
easily forgotten was revealed.

A good-looking but pale young Scotch
A Perfect Gentleman. 123

woman, was sitting on an old- rocking-chair,
swaying herself to and fro, tears falling
fast, and saying earnestly, ‘‘ye’re best there,
Wally. I’ll gae alone: a’ richt; gang awa’
to the Hame, Wally, gang awa’.” But Wally
had his arm round the woman, and was
moving backwards and forwards with the
motion of the chair, sobbing out in his turn,
“Nae, never, mither, I’ll stay wi’ ye, I'll
stay wi’ ye.”

A sickly child of three years looked
wonderingly on, but the entrance of the
stranger broke up the scene.

Walter soon explained that mother would
have no one to work for her and the little
one, and that they had not long been from
Scotland, where father had failed in business,
then in health, and had been laid in the
churchyard by the side of the eldest child,
mother now being left to battle with the
two youngest.

Here is a specimen of “A perfect gentle-
men.” A lad that honours his mother and
acts the gentleman not only abroad but at
home. ‘That’s the gentleman for me.

But what about Walter—it would have
124 A Perfect Gentleman.

been a shame to separate him from his
mother—he only wanted honest work, and,
like the boy in our picture, the gentleman
at the Home found him Just WHAT HE

Had he been quite homeless and friendless
they would have found him a home, but as
it was, they only found him work as a useful
colporteur, taking his attractive literature
from door to door.

Soon a happy home was provided by the
money he earned, and many a nice little
thing did he buy his mother till he was
taken notice of by a shopkeeper, who first
became a good customer of his books, and
then found him a situation in his own shop,
where Walter has since greatly distinguished
himself, rismg to a fair position at good

The Perfect Gentleman “honours his
Father and Mother,” and God honours

“ They are idols of hearts and of households,
They are angels of God in disguise ;
His sunlight still sleeps in their tresses,
His glory still beams in their eyes.
A Perfect Gentleman. 125

Oh ! these truants from earth and from heaven,
They have made me more manly and mild,
And I know how Jesus could liken
The kingdom of God to a child.

“Seek not a life for the dear ones

All radiant, as others have done;

But that life may have just as much shadow
To temper the glare of the sun.

I would pray God to guard them from evil,
But my prayer would bound back to myself ;

Ah! seraph may pray for a sinner,
But a sinner must pray for himself.”

So let your life shine like that of the
righteous, “more and more, even unto the
perfect day.”

“ Whene’er a noble deed is wrought
‘Whene’er is spoken a noble thought,
Our hearts in glad surprise
To higher levels rise.

“ The tidal wave of deeper souls
Into our inmost being rolls,
And lifts us unawares
Out of all meaner cares.

«Honour to those whose words or deeds
Thus help us in our daily needs,
And by their overflow
Raise us from what is low.”

126 A Perfect Gentleman.

“ Live I, so live I,
To my Lord heartily,
To my prince faithfully,
To my neighbour honestly,
Die I, so die I.”

“For me to live is Christ, and to die is

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