Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- https://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00082775/00001
Material Information
- Title:
- Aunt Louisa's book of nursery rhymes
- Portion of title:
- Book of nursery rhymes
- Creator:
- Valentine, L ( Laura ), d. 1899
Butler & Tanner Ltd. ( publisher )
Selwood Printing Works ( Publisher )
- Place of Publication:
- London ;
New York
- Publisher:
- Frederick Warne (Firm)
- Manufacturer:
- Butler & Tanner ; Selwood Printing Works
- Publication Date:
- [1894?]
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 94 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Children's poetry ( lcsh )
Nursery rhymes -- 1894 ( rbgenr ) Children's poetry -- 1894 ( lcsh ) Alphabet books -- 1894 ( rbgenr ) Hand-colored illustrations -- 1894 ( local ) Bldn -- 1894
- Genre:
- Nursery rhymes ( rbgenr )
Children's poetry Alphabet books ( rbgenr ) Hand-colored illustrations ( local ) poetry ( marcgt )
- Spatial Coverage:
- England -- London
United States -- New York -- New York
England -- Frome
- Target Audience:
- juvenile ( marctarget )
- General Note:
- Date of publication from inscription.
- General Note:
- Aunt Louisa is the pseudonym of Laura Valentine.
- General Note:
- Baldwin Library copy illustrations are hand-colored: probably by young owner.
- Statement of Responsibility:
- with numerous illustrations.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact The Department of Special and Area Studies Collections (special@uflib.ufl.edu) with any additional information they can provide.
- Resource Identifier:
- 026601073 ( ALEPH )
ALG2810 ( NOTIS ) 226307844 ( OCLC )
Aggregation Information
- JUV:
- Baldwin Library of Historical Children's Literature
- IUF:
- University of Florida
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The Baldwin Library
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Kits (EGY
The Children’s Hour.
an Archer, who shot at a frog,
a Butcher, and had a great dog.
a Captain, all covered with lace,
a Drover, going apace.
an Esquire, with pride on his brow,
a Farmer, and followed the plough.
a Gamester, who had but ill luck,
a Hunter, and hunted a buck.
an Italian, who had a white mouse,
a Joiner, and built up a house.
a King, who once governed this land,
a Lady, who had a white hand.
a Miser, and hoarded up gold,
a Nobleman, gallant and bold.
an Organ Man, who went about town,
a Parson, and wore a black gown.
a Queen, who was fond of her people,
a Raven, that perched on the steeple.
a Sailor, and spent all he got,
a Tinker, and mended a pot.
an Uncle, who had a kind heart,
a Volunteer, dressed up so smart.
a Watchman, and guarded the door,
expensive, and so became poor.
a Youth, that did not love school,
a Zany, a poor harmless fool.
Great A, little a,
Bouncing B!
The Cat’s in the cupboard,
And can’t see me.
F for fig, J for jig,
And N for knuckle-bones,
J for John the waterman,
And S for sack of stones.
ip mp NT Ne ne at ret ED
OnE, two, buckle my shoe,
Three, four, shut the door ;
Five, six, pick up sticks ;
Seven, eight, lay them straight ;
Nine, ten, a good fat hen;
Eleven, twelve, who will delve ?
Thirteen, fourteen, maids a-courting ;
Fifteen, sixteen,-maid’s a-kissing ;
Seventeen, eighteen, maid’s a-waiting;
Nineteen, twenty, mystomach’s empty.
Veter ayer te Eo thy j tea)
Op King Cole
Was a merry old soul,
And a merry old soul was he;
He called for his pipe,
And he called for his bowl,
And he called for his fiddlers three.
Every fiddler, he had a fiddle,
And a very fne fiddle had he;
Twee tweedle dee, tweedle dee, went
the fiddlers.
Oh, there’s none so rare
As can compare
With King Cole and his fiddlers
three !
PaT-A-CAKE, pat-a-cake, baker's
man |!
So I will, master, as fast as I can:
Pat it, and prick it, and mark it
with T,
Put in the oven for Tommy and me.
Born on a Monday,
Christened on Tuesday,
Married on Wednesday,
Took ill on Thursday,
Worse on Friday,
Died on Saturday,
Buried on Sunday :
This is the end
Of Solomon Grundy.
I'L tell you a story
About Jack a Nory,—
And now my story's begun:
I'll tell you another
About Jack his brother,—
' And now my story’s
SimpLeE SIMON met a pieman,
Going to the fair;
Says Simple Simon to the
‘Let me taste your ware.â€
Says. the pieman to Simple
“Show me - first your
Says Simple Simon to the
“Indeed I have not any.â€
Simple Simon went a-fish-
For to catch a whale:
All the water he had got
Was in his mother’s pail!
WA : - :
Ah sing Wh Vili LY 4
THERE was a crooked man, and he went
a crooked mile,
He found a crooked sixpence against
a crooked stile; _
He bought a crooked cat, which caught
a crooked mouse,
And they all lived together in a little
crooked house.
THE lion and the unicorn.
Were fighting for the crown ;
The lion beat the unicorn
All round about the town.
Some gave them white bread,
And some gave them brown ;
Some gave them plum cake,
And sent them out of town.
LitTLe Tom Tucker
Sings for his supper;
What shall he eat ?
White bread and butter.
How shall he cut it
Without e’er a knife?
How will he be married
Without e’er a wife ?
SEE a pin and pick it up,
All the day you'll have good luck ;’
See a pin and let it lay,
Bad luck you'll have all the day.
Ir wishes were horses
Beggars would ride;
If turnips were watches,
I would wear one by my side.
[Hours of Sleep. ]
NATURE requires five,
Custom gives seven ;
Laziness takes nine,
And Wickedness eleven.
Go to bed first, a golden purse ;
Go to bed second, a golden phea-
sant ;
Go to bed third, a golden bird.
THREE Straws on a staff
Would makea baby cry and laugh.
Aly : to
tints We if hl Ss
i a
HE that would thrive
Must rise at five ;
He that hath thriven
May lie till seven ;
And he that by the plough would
- thrive,
Himseif must either hold or drive.
To make your candles last for a’,
- You wives and maids give ear-o!
- To put ’em out’s the only way,
- Says honest John Boldero.
Our saucy boy Dick
Had a nice little stick
“THREE wise men of Gotham
Went to sea in a bowl;
And if the bowl had been stronger,
My song would have been longer.
Cut from a hawthorn-tree ;
And with this pretty stick
He thought he could beat
A boy much bigger than he.
- But the boy turned round,
And hit him a rebound,
- Which did so frighten poor Dick,
That without more delay,
He ran quite away,
And over a hedge he jumped
Sr. SwiTHIn’s Day, if thou dost rain,
For forty days it will remain ;
St. Swithin’s Day, if thou be fair,
For forty days ‘twill rain na mair.
THE man in the moon
Came tumbling down,
And ask’d his way to Norwich,
He went by the south
And burnt his mouth
With supping cold pease-porridge.
LittLe Tommy Tittlemouse
Lived in a little house;
He caught fishes
In other men’s ditches.
Tom, Tom, the piper’s son,
Stole a pig, and away he run!
The pig was eat, and Tom was beat,
And Tom went roaring down the street.
LitTLe Polly Flinders
Sat among the cinders,
Warming her pretty little toes,
Her mother came and caught her,
And whipped her little daughter
For spoiling her nice new clothes.
PLEASE to remember
The Fifth of November,
Gunpowder treason and plot ;
I know no reason
Why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.
THERE was a little man,
And he had a little gun,
And his bullets were made of
lead, lead, lead;
He went to the brook
And saw a little duck,
And he shot it right through
the head, head, head.
He carried it home
To his old wife Joan,
And bid her a fire for to make
make, make,
To roast the little duck
He had shot in the brook,
And he'd go and fetch her the
drake, drake, drake.
WueEn the wind is in the east,
’Tis neither good for man nor beast ;
When the wind is in the north,
The skilful fisher goes not forth ;
‘When the wind is in the south,
It blows the bait in the fishes’ mouth ;
When the wind is in the west,
Then ’tis at the very best.
Lirrte Jack: ormer’ sat’ in the
Eating a Christmas pie;
He put in his thumb, and he took out
a plum,
And said, “What a good boy am
WILLy boy, Willy: boy, where are
you going ?
I'll go with you, if I may. *
I’m going to the meadow to see them
I’m going to help them make hay.
My lady Wind, my lady Wind,
Went round about the house to find
A chink to get her foot in:
She tried the key-hole in the door,
She tried the crevice in the floor,
And drove the chimney soot in.
And then one night when it was dark
She blew up such a tiny spark,
That all the house was bothered :
From it she raised up such a flame,
As flamed away to Belting Lane,
And White Cross folks were
And thus when once, my little dears,
A whisper reaches itching ears,
The same will come, you'll find:
Take my advice, restrain the tongue,
Remember what old nurse has sung
Of busylady Wind!
Wuo killed Cock Robin? ©
I, said the Sparrow,
With my bow and arrow,
I killed Cock Robin.
Who saw him die?
I, said the Fly,
With my little eye,
I saw him die.
Who caught his blood ?
I, said the Fish,
With my little dish,
I caught his blood.
Who'll make his shroud ?
I, said the Beetle,
With my thread and needle,
I'll make his shroud.
Who'll dig his grave ?
I, said the Owl,
With my spade and shovel, -
I'll dig his grave.
Who'll carry him to the grave?
I, said the Kite,
If it's not in the night,
I'll carry him to the grave.
Who'll carry the link ?
I, said the Linnet,
I'll fetch it in a minute,
I'll carry the link.
Who'll be chief mourner ?
I, said the Dove,
For I mourn for my love,
i'll be chief mourner.
| ! \
Who'll sing a psalm?
J, said the Thrush,
As he sat in the bush,
I'll sing a psalm.
Who'll be the Parson ?
I, said the Rook,
With my little book,
I'll be the Parson.
Who'll be the Clerk ?
Ieesaid:the Lark,
If it's not in the dark ;
I'll be the Clerk.
Who'll toll the bell ?
I, said the Bull,
_ Because I can pull;
I'll toll the bell.
All the birds of the air
Fell a-sighing’and sobbing,
When they heard the bell toll
For poor Cock Robin.
A man of words and not of deeds,
Is like a garden full of weeds ;
For when the weeds begin to grow,
Then doth the garden overflow.
IF you sneeze on Monday, you sneeze
for danger ;
Sneeze on a Tuesday, kiss a stranger;
Sneeze on a- Wednesday, sneeze for a
letter ; [better ;
Sneeze on a Thursday, something
Sneeze on 2 Friday, sneeze for sorrow;
Sneeze on a Saturday, see your sweet-
heart to-morrow.
NEEDLES and pins, needles and pins, A SUNSHINY shower
When a man marries his trouble begins. Won't last half an hour.
As the days grow longer,
The storms grow stronger.
(Read quickly.)
In fir tar is,
In oak none is.
In mud eels are,
In clay none are.
Goat eat ivy,
Mare eat oats.
f [A On MM, ft A e :
UT cer hes he Rae. ee A swarm of bees in May
vt MN Nida ie gy hig, Z
Cesta Is worth a load of hay;
A swarm of bees in June
Is worth a silver spoon ;
A swarm of bees in July
Is not worth a fly.
THE mackerel’s cry,
Is never long dry.
A GUINEA it would sink,
And a pound it would float ;
Yet I’d rather have a guinea,
Than your one pound note.
Fripay night’s dream
On the Saturday told,
Is sure to come true,
Be it mwever so old.,
deve tale tit!
Your tongue shall be slit,
And all the dogs in the town
Shall have a little bit.
A DILLER, a dollar,
A ten o’clock scholar,
What makes you come so soon?
You used to come at ten o'clock,
But now-you come at noon.
IF ifs and ands,
Were pots and pans,
There would be no need for tinkers!
THE art of good driving’s a paradox
Though custom has prov’d it so
If you go to the left, you’re sure to go
If you go to the right, you go wrong.
WHEN I was a little boy, I had but
little wit—
It is some time ago, and I’ve no more
yet ;
Nor ever, ever shall have, until that I die,
For the longer I live, the more fool
am I.
Tiff isin PUP
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A Froc he would a-wooing go,
Heigho, says Rowley!
Whether his mother would let
him or no.
With a rowley powley, gammon
and spinach,
Heigho, says Anthony Rowley!
So off he set with his opera hat,
‘Heigho, says Rowley !
And on the road he met with a
With a rowley powley, gammon
and spinach, :
Heigho, says Anthony Rowley!
Pray, Mr. Rat, will you go with
Heigho, says Rowley !
Kind Mrs. Mousey for to see ?
With a rowley powley, gammon
and spinach,
Heigho, says Anthony Rowley !
When they came to the door of
Mousey’s hall,
Heigho, says Rowley!
They gave a loud knock and they
gave a loud call.
With a rowley powley, gammon
and spinach,
Heigho, says Anthony Rowley!
: Vv.
Pray, Mrs. Mouse, are you within?
Heigho, says Rowley!
Oh, yes, kind sirs, I’m sitting to
| spin.
With a rowley powley, gammon
and spinach,
Heigho, savs Anthony Rowley!
Pray, Mrs. Mouse, will you give
us some beer?
_ Heigho, says Rowley!
For Froggie and I are fond of
: good cheer.
With a rowley powley, etc.
Pray, Mr. Frog, will you give us
a song?
Heigho, says Rowley!
But let it be something that’s not
very long.
With a rowley powley, etc.
Indeed, Mrs. Mouse, replied the
Heigho, says Rowley!
a dog.
With a rowley powley, etc.
- Since you have caught cold, Mr.
Frog, Mousey said,
Heigho, says Rowley!
I'll sing you a song that I have
just made.
‘With a rowley powley, etc.
-A cold has made me as hoarse as ~
But while they were all a merry-
Heigho, says Rowley!
A cat and her kittens came tumbl-
ing in.
cS With a rowley powley, gammon
and spinach,
Heigho says Anthony Rowley!
The Cat she seized the rat by the
Heigho, says Rowley !
The kittens they pulled the little
mouse down.
With a rowley powley, etc.
This put Mr. Frog in a terrible
Heigho, says Rowley !
He took up his hat, and he wished
them good night.
With a rowley powley, etc.
But as Froggie was crossing over,
a brook,
Heighe, says Rowley!
A lily white duck came and
gobbled him up.
With a rowley powley, etc.
So there was an end of one, two
and three,
_ Heigho, says Rowley!
The Rat, the Mouse, and little’
"hen Frogee.
With a rowley powley, etc.
Turrty days hath September,
April, June, and November ;
February has twenty-eight alone,
All the rest have thirty-one,
Excepting Leap-year, that’s the time
When February's days are twenty-
nine. ,
Bircu and green holly, boys,
Birch and green holly.
If you get beaten, boys,
’Twill be your own folly.
WueEn V and I together meet,
They make the number Six
complete. I
When I with V doth meet once \|
more, | !
Then ‘tis they Two can make |
but Four.
And when that V from I is gone,
Alas! poor I can make but One.
(A Greek bill of fare )
Doctor Faustus was a good man,
He whipt his scholars now and then ,
When he whipp’d them he made them
Out of Scotland into France,
Out of France into Spain,
And then he whipp’d them back again.
O tuat I was where I would be,
Then would I be where I am not!
But where I am I must be,
And where I would be, I cannot.
eo ae
Alfagheuse, i | i " on (i :
Pasti venison. i Hy | Ph all ) if
AUS al lt ees
~ MULTIPLICATION is vexation, Vi \ my | iit Hl al
Division is as bad; aT ame ee
The Rule of Three doth puzzle at We ames a
me, a A) ie 2
And Practice drives me mad.
Come when you're called,
Do what you're bid,
Shut the door after you,
Never be chid.
You shall have an apple,
You shall have a plum,
You shall have a rattle basket
When your dad comes home.
Potty put the kettle on,
Polly put the kettle on.
Polly put the kettle on,
And let’s drink tea.
Sukey take it off again,
Sukey take it off again,
Sukey take it off again,
They’re all gone away.
LitTLe Betty Blue, lost her holiday shoe.
What can little Betty do?
Give her another to match the other,
And then she may walk in two.
Up at Piccadilly, oh!
The coachman takes his stand,
And when he meets a pretty girl,
He takes her by the hand.
Whip away for ever, oh!
Drive away so clever, oh!
All the way to Bristol, oh!.
He drives her four-in-hand.
Tury that wash on Monday
Have all the week to dry ;
They that wash on Tuesday
Are not so much awry;
They that wash on Wednesday
Are not so much to blame ;
They that wash on Thursday
Wash for shame ;
They that wash on Friday
Wash in need ;
And they that wash on Saturday
Oh! they're sluts indeed.
JEANIE, come tie my,
Jeanie, come tie my,
Jeanie, come tie my bonnie cravat ;
I've tied it behind,
~ lve tied it before;
And I’ve tied it so often, I'll tie it no
WHEN Jacky’s a very good boy,
He shall have cakes and a custard,
But when he does nothing but cry,
He shall have nothing but mustard.
Mistress Mary, quite contrary,
How does your garden grow ?
f With cockle-shells, and_ silver
4 bells,
Q And mussels all a row.
Zed SxS
\ y al
Tue rose is red, the grass is green,
And in this book, my name is seen.
Cross patch
Draw the latch,
Sit by the fire and spin:
Take a cup,
And drink it up,
Then call your neighbours in.
DAFFY-DOWN-DILLY has come up
to town,
In a yellow petticoat, and a green
Tue fox and his wife they
had a great strife,
They never ate mustard in
all their whole life ;
They ate their meat with-
out fork or knife,
And loved to be picking
a bone, e-ho!†‘
eS i
Sr ="
The fox jumped up ona
moonlight night ;
The stars they were
shining, and all things
bright ;
Oh, ho! said. the fox, it’s a very fine night
For me to go through the town, e-ho!
The fox when he came to yonder stile,
He lifted his ears and he listened a while!
Oh, ho! said the fox, it’s but a short mile
From this unto yonder. wee town e-ho!
The fox when he came to the farmer's gate,
Who should he see but the farmer’s drake ;
I love you well for your master’s sake,
And long to be picking your bone, e-ho!
The gray goose she ran round the hay-stack.
Oh, ho! said the fox, you are very fat ;
You'll grease my beard and ride on my back
From this into yonder wee town, e-ho!
Old Gammer Hipple-hopple hopped out of bed,
She opened the casement, and popped out her head ;
Oh, husband! oh, husband, the gray goose is dead,
And the fox is gone through the town, oh!
Then the old man got up in his red cap,
And. swore he would catch the fox in a trap ;
But the fox was too cunning, and gave him the slip,
And ran thro’ the town, the town, oh!
When he got to the top of
the hill,
He blew his trumpet both
loud and shrill,
For joy that he was safe -
Thro’ the town, oh!
When the fox came back
to his den,
‘He had young ones, eight,
nine, ten.
“Vou're welcome home,
daddy, you may go
If you bring us such nice
From the town, oh!
vy; yee
Tiny? Le
cau AY
CES BLY Sl ote ae Cage a,
S1nG a song of sixpence,
A pocket full of rye;
Four-and-twenty blackbirds
Baked: ina pie; —
When the pie was open’d
The birds began to sing;
Was not that a dainty dish,
To set before the king ?
The king was in his counting-house The maid was in the garden
Counting out his money ; Hanging out the clothes,
The queen was in the parlour There came a little blackbird,
Eating bread and honey ; And snapt off her nose.
Or-all the gay birds that e’er I did see,
The owl is the fairest by far to me;
For all the day long she sits on a tree,
And when the night comes away flies she.
LittLe Bo-peep has lost her sheep,
And can’t tell where to find them ;
Leave them alone, and theyll come
Ard bring their tails behind them.
Little Bo-peep fell fast asleep,
And dreamt she heard them bleating;
And when she awoke, she found it a
- joke,
For they were all stil! fleeting.
Then up she took her little crook,
Determined for to find them ; Tie
She found them, indeed, but it made y.
her heart bleed, V4)
For they'd left all their tails behind [4%
‘em. soa
“a PAE I) 7]
Jounny shall have a new bonnet, } HH | ladd |
And Johnny shall go to the fair, + VN ~~ oe j
And Johnny shall have a blue ribbon aS We ATW
: WA es
To tie up his bonny brown hair.
And why may not I love Johnny ?
And why may not Johnny love me?
And why may not I love Johnny
As well as another body ?
And here’s a leg for a stocking,
And here 1s a leg for a shoe,
And he has a kiss for his daddy,
And two for his mammy, I trow,
And why may not I love Johnny?
And why may not Johnny love me? We &
And why may not I love Johnny vik NL eA OY
sf RE a NN ae v,
As well as another body? NAME
Tue north wind doth blow,
And we shall have snow,
And what will poor Robin
do then? Poor thing!
Fell sit im a barn
And to keep himself warm,
Will hide his head under his
wing. Poor thing !
Tue Children of Holland take pleasure in making
What the Children of England take pleasure in breaking.
(Alluding to toys, a great number of which are imported into this country from Holland.)
Tom he was a piper’s son,
He learned to play when he was young,
But all the tunes that he could play
Was, “Over the hills and far away.â€
Over the hills and a great: way off, |
And the wind will blow my top-knot off.
Now Tom with his pipe made such a ‘noise,
That he pleas’d both the girls and boys,
And they stopp’d to hear him play.
“Over the hills and far away.â€
Tom with his pipe did play with such skill
That those who heard him could never keep still!
Whenever they heard they began for to dance,
Even pigs on their hind legs would after him prance.
As Dolly was milking her cow one day,
Tom took out his pipe and began for to play;
So Doll and the cow danced the “Cheshire Round,â€
Till the pail was broke and the milk ran on the ground.
He met old Dame Trot with a basket of eggs, |
He used his pipe, and she used her legs;
She danced about till the eggs were all broke,
She began for to fret, but he laughed at the joke.
He saw a cross fellow was beating an ass,
Heavy laden with pots, pans, dishes and glass ;
He took out his pipe and played them a tune,
And the jackass’s load was lightened full soon.
Jacky, come give me thy
lf ever thou mean to
thrive :
Nay, ll met give my
To any man alive.
If I should give my fiddle,
Theyll think that I’m
gone mad ;
For many a joyful day
My fiddle and I have
Hor-cross Buns!
_. Hot-cross Buns!
One a penny, two a penny,
Hot-cross Buns !
Hot-cross Buns!
Hot-cross Buns!
If ye have no daughters,
Give them to your sons.
I Love sixpence, pretty little
I love sixpence better than
mayalHes ’
I spent a penny of it, I spent another,
And took fourpence home to my wife.
Oh, my little fourpence, pretty little fourpence,
I love fourpence better than my life ;
I spent a penny of it, I spent another,
And I took twopence home to my wife.
Oh, my little twopence, my pretty little twopence,
I love twopence better than my life ;
I spent a penny of it, I spent another,
And I took nothing home to my wife.
Oh, my little nothing, my pretty little nothing,
What will nothing buy for my wife?
I have nothing, I spend nothing,
I love nothing better than my wife. —
WooLey Foster has gone to sea,
With silver buckles at his knee,
When he comes back he'll marry me,
Bonny Wooley Foster!
Wooley Foster has a cow,
Black and white about the mow;
Open the gates and let her through,
Wooley Foster's ain cow!
Wooley Foster has a hen,
Cockle button, cockle ben,
She lay eggs for gentlemen,
But none for Wooley Foster!
LittLe Miss Muffet,
She sat on a tuffet,
Eating of curds and whey;
There came a great spider,
Who sat down beside her,
And frightened Miss Muffet away.
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fa hy Wy hay "ee ey)
7K, Wee gr ehâ€
of, Uy, Prvathtp Crow, Ge ff oom
“ely My, Le Wi, Ce es WE We g
Orr —-
Buz, quoth the blue fly,
Hum, quoth the bee,
Buz and hum they cry,
And so do we:
In his ear, in his nose,
Thus, do you see? —
Hark, hark,
The dogs do bark,
Beggars are coming to town;
Some in jags,
Some in rags,
And some in velvet gowns,
THERE were two birds sat on a stone, ——
One flew away, and then there was one, SHOE the colt,
Fa, la, la, la, lal, de: | oa eee
The other flew after, and then there was none, - eal ‘ ee
Ba‘ dlarila,ta;lab, des aes aM,
And so the poor stone was left all alone, ere a nail,
Fa, la, la, la, lal, de! Yet she goes bare.
stoi: . ;
gee†=.) THERE was a jolly miller
LS <4 Be = \ Ww d ° e
Bee ge ~~ Ga\ < d Lived on the river Dee:
og os Oar He worked and sung from
AB i SE SY ena
SRC fs wry morn till night, _
4 \ No lark so blithe as
And this the burden of his
For ever used to be—
“TI care for nobody — no!
a not I,
My ge Since nobody cares for
Peed =e
_— | q
WHERE are you going, my pretty maid?
I’m going a-milking, sir, she said.
May I go with you, my pretty maid ?
You're kindly welcome, sir, she said.
What is your father, my pretty maid?
My father’s a farmer, sir, she said.
Say, will you marry me, my pretty maid ?
Yes, if you please, kind sir, she said.
What is your fortune, my pretty maid ?
My face is my fortune, sir, she said.
Then I won’t marry you, my pretty maid!
Nobody asked you, sir! she said.
As I was going along, long, long,
A-singing a comical song, song, song,
The lane that I went was so long, long, long,
And the song that I sung was as long, long,
long, ;
And so I went singing along.
My maid Mary
She minds her dairy,
While I go a-hoing and mowing each
Merrily run the reel
And the little spinning wheel
Whilst lam singing and mowing my
[Song of a Little Boy in a Cornfield. ]
Awa’ birds, away!
Take a little and leave a little,
And do not come again ;
For if you do,
I will shoot you through,
And there is an end of you.
Ir I’d as much money as I could spend,
I never would cry old chairs to mend ;
Old chairs to mend, old chairs to mend;
I never would cry old chairs to mend.
If I’d as much money as I could tell,
I never would cry old clothes to sell ;
Old clothes to sell, old clothes to sell,
I never would cry old clothes to sell.
TuREE blind mice, see how they run!
They all ran after the farmer’s wife,
Who cut off their tails with the carving knife,
Did you ever see such fools in your life?
Three blind mice.
JOHN Cook had alittle grey mare; he,
haw, hum!
Her back stood up, and her bones
they were bare; he, haw, hum!
John Cook was riding up Shuter's
bank; he, haw, hum;
And there his nag did kick and praak;
he, haw, hum;
John Cook was riding up Shuter's
hill; he, haw, hum!
His mare fell down, and she made
her will; he, haw, hum!
The bridle and saddle were laid on
the shelf; he, haw, hum!
If you want any more you may sing
it yourself; he, haw, hum!
A CARRION crow sat on an oak,
Fol de riddle, lol de riddle, hi
ding dao,
Watching a tailor shape his cloak ;
Sing heigh ho, the carrion crow,
Fol de riddle, Jol de riddle, hi
ding do.
Wife, bring me my old bent bow, s
Fol de riddle, lol de riddle, hi &
ding do,
That I may shoot yon carrion crow ;
Sing heigh ho, the carrion crow,
Fol de riddle, lol de riddle, hi ding do.
The tailor he shot and he missed his mark,
Fol de riddle, lol de riddle, hi ding do.
And shot his own sow quite through the heart ;
Sing heigh ho, the carrion crow,
Fol de riddle, lol de riddle, hi ding do.
Wife, bring brandy in a spoon;
Fol de riddle, lol de riddle, hi ding do,
For our old sow is in a swoon,
. Sing heigh ho, the carrion crow,
Fol de riddle, lol de riddle, hi ding do.
Wuistte, daughter, whistle ; whistle, daughter dear.
I cannot whistle, mammy, I cannot whistle clear. |
Whistle, daughter, whistle, whistle for a pound.
I cannot whistle, mammy, I cannot make a sound.
er | Rar, rain, go away,
fe Come again another day ;
Little Arthur wants to play.
Barser, barber, shave a pig,
sahig// 5 i, How many hairs will make a wig ?
EUR id ox ‘ee “ Four-and-twenty, that’s enough.â€
F eB> . ‘ .
eo ee / ~~ ~Grive the barber a pinch of snuff.
4 7 “4 r z ea oak ae ad
Good neighbour, I pray?
‘They say the balloon
Is gone up to the moon.
[A Marching Air.]
Darsy and Joan were dress’d in black,
Sword and buckle behind their back :
Foot for foot, and knee for knee,
Turn about Darby’s company.
Tarry was a Welshman, Taffy
was a thief,
Taffy came. to my house and
stole a piece of beef ;
I went to Taffy’s house, Taffy
was not at home ;
Taffy came to my house and 7%
stole a marrow bone. ae
Dame, get up and bake
your pies,
Bake your pies, bake your
Dame, get up and bake
your pies
On Christmas Day in the
Dame, what makes your
maidens lie,
Maidens lie, maidens lie:
Dame, what makes your
ae a maidens lie
On Christmas Day in the morning?
Dame, what makes your ducks to die,
Ducks to die, ducks to die;
Dame, what makes your ducks to die
On Christmas Day in the morning?
Their wings are cut and they cannot fly,
Cannot fly, cannot fly;
Their wings are cut and they cannot fly
On Christmas Day in the morning.
x ( _
= (oe
I'LL sing you a song,
Though not very long,
Yet I think it as pretty as
Put your hand in your
You'll never be worse,
And give the poor singer a
I nap a little hobby horse,
And it was a dapple gray ;
its head was made of pea
Its tail was made of hay.
I sold it to an old woman
For a copper groat ;
And [lI not sing my song
Without a new coat.
As Tommy Snooks and Bessy THERE was an old woman
Brooks Lived under a hill ;
Were walking out one Sunday, And if she’s not gone,
Says Tommy Snooks to Bessy She lives there still.
“To-morrow will be Monday.â€
Rosin and Richard were two
pretty men,
They lay in bed till the clock
struck ten; —
Then up starts Robin, and
looks at the sky,
~“QOh, brother Richard,
_ the sun’s.very high!
=z, The bull's in the barn
threshing the corn,
: The - cock’s on the hay-
rick blowing his horn.â€
I saw a ship a-sailing, The four-and-twenty sailors
A-sailing on the sea, That stood between the decks,
And, oh! it was all laden Were four-and-twenty white mice,
With pretty things for thee. With chains about their necks.
Therewere comfitsinthecabin The captain was a duck,
And apples in the hold; — With a packet on his back ;
The sails were made of silk, And when the ship began to move,
And the masts were made The captain said, ‘“ Quack !
of gold. quack !â€
Once I saw a little bird come hop, hop, hop,
So I cried, Little bird, will you stop, stop, stop ?
And was going to the window, to say how do you do?
But he shook his little tail, and far away he flew.
i ul i ,
Dame Trot and her cat at oe ol cn Wy Hop ;
Led a peaceable life | | sh
When they were not Jive
troubled ae
With other folks’ strife.
When Dame had her din-
Near. Pee would wait,
And was sure to receive
A nice piece from her
RIDDLE me, riddle me, what is that
Over the head and under the hat?
BLACK within, and red without;
Four corners round about.
—A Chimney.
I WENT to the wood and got it,
I sat me down and looked at it;
The more I looked at it the less I liked it,
And brought it home because I couldn't help it.
—A Thorn,
THERE was a girl in our towne,
Silk an’. satin was her gowne, -
Silk an’ satin, gold an’ velvet,
Guess her name—three times I’ve tell’d it.
Mabe in London,
Sold at York,
Stops a bottie
And zs a cork.
; WN
I’m in everyone’s way,
But no one I stop;
My four horns every day
In every way play, -
And my head is nailed
on at the top!
_—A Turnstile,
‘) f Yk
big YAN m7 | Me, be
“ete NY 77m
“ides "Sa La C3 6 a
As soft as silk, as white as milk, Lone legs,
As bitter as gall, a thick wall, Crooked thighs,
And a green coat . i Little head
covers me all. And no eyes.
—A Walnut. —Pair of-Tongs.
Py ee)
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Humpry-Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty-Dumpty had a great fall,
All the King’s horses and all the King’s men
Cannot put Humpty-Dumpty together again.
—An Egg. 2
I bul
Titer B
| B ae ea TE ROE ees mea se LRRD | ik
TW Ai A, ml Tae bid Ge ty, ee ee ihe ele ea ili
ihe as afte a
“el yi
Four of England, fruit of Spain,
Met together in a shower of rain ;
Put in a bag, tied round with a string,
If you'll tell me this riddle, I'll give you a
—A Plum-pudding,
WHEN I was taken from the fair body,
They then cut off my head,
And thus my shape was altered ;
It’s I that make peace between king and
And many a true lover glad:
All this I do and ten times more,
And more I could do still,
But nothing can I do
_ Without my guider’s will.
—A Pen,
In marble walls as white as milk.
Lined with a skin as soft as silk ;
Within a fountain crystal clear,
A golden apple doth appear.
No doors there are to this strong-hold,
Yet things break in and steal the gold.
—An Egg.
Hick-A-MoRE, Hack-a-more,
On the king’s kitchen door ;
All the king’s horses,
And all the king’s men,
Couldn’t drive Hick-a-more,
Off the king’s kitclien door.
Every lady in this land
Has twenty nails upon
each hand,
Five-and-twenty hands and
All. this is true without
TWELVE pears hanging high,
Twelve knights riding by ;
Each knight took a pear,
And yet left eleven there!
—Eleven Knights,
HIGGLEby piggledy
Here we lie,
Pick’d and pluck’d,
And put in a pie.
My first is snapping, snarling,
My second’s industrious, romp-
_ ing and prowling.
Higgledy piggledy
Here we lie, .
Pick’d and pluck’d
And put in a pie.
LivEs in Winter,
Dies in Summer,
And grows with its root up-
—An Icicle,
I nave a little sister, they call her Peep, Peep,
She wades the waters deep, deep, deep ;
She climbs the mountains high, high, high;
Poor little creature! she has but one eye.
—A Star.
OLp mother Twitchett had but one eye,
And a long tail which she let fly ;
And every time she went over a gap,
She left a bit of her tail in a trap.
—A Needle and Thread.
LirtLe Nancy Etticoat,
In a white petticoat,
And a red nose; :
The longer she stands,
The shorter she grows.
—A Candle,
Tuomas A TatTamus took two Ts,
To tie two tups to two tall trees,
To frighten the terrible Thomas a Tattamus!
Tell me how many Ts there are in all THAT.
BLAcK we are, but much admired ; TEN and ten and twice eleven,
Men seek for us till they are tired. Take out six and put in seven ;
We tire the horse, but comfort man; Go to the green and fetch eighteen,
Tell me this riddle if you can. And drop one a-coming.
As I was going o’er London Bridge,
I met a cart full of fingers and ~
thumbs! —
Wuat shoe-maker makes shoes without |};
With all the four elements put together ?—
Fire and water, earth and air.
Ev’ ry customer has two pair.
—A Horse Shoer,
Tuirty white horses upon a red hill,
Now they tramp, now they champ, now they
stand still.
—Teeth and Gums.
As I was going o'er Westminster
I met a Westminster scholar ;
He pulled off his cap an’ drew off
his glove,
And wished me a very good
—What is hisname? Andrew.
As I went over Lincoln Bridge
I met Mister Rusticap ;
Pins and needles on his back,
A-going to Thorney fair.
—A Hedgehog.
FoRMED long ago, yet made to-
day, :
Employed while others sleep,
What few would like to give
Nor any wish to keep.
—A Bed,
PEASE-PORRIDGE hot, pease-porridge cold,
Pease-porridge in the pot, nine days old.
Spell me ¢at without a P,
And a clever scholar you will be.
Two legs sat on three legs,
With one leg in his lap ;
In comes four legs,
And runs away with one leg.
Up jumps two legs,
Catches up three legs,
Throws it after four legs,
And. makes him bring back one leg.
—One leg is a leg of mutton; two legs, a man;
threc legs, a stool; four legs, a dog.
As I went through the garden gap.
Who should I meet but Dick Red-cap!
A stick in his hand, a stone in his
If you tell me this riddle I'll give you a
§ —A Cherry,
I’vE seen you where you never were,
And where you ne’er will be,
And yet you in that very same place
May still be seen by me.
—The reflection of a face in a looking-glass.
THERE was a man who had no eyes,
He went abroad to view the skies ;
He saw a tree with apples on it,
He took no apples off, yet left no apples on it.
—The man had one eye, and the tree two apples upon it.
a ne i
By Ve Vs
non i 2
< SN aay aay) 17 Oe
Make three-fourths of a cross
And a circle complete ;
And let two semicircles
On a perpendicular meet ;
Next add a triangle
That stands on two feet ;
Next two semicircles,
And a circle complete.
I saw a fight the other day ;
A damsel did begin the fray.
She with her daily friend did .
Then, standing in the open
She gave such hard and sturdy
He bled ten gallons at the nose ;
Yet neither seem to faintnor fall,
Nor gave her any abuse at all.
—A Pump.
WuicH weighs heavier—
A stone of lead
Or a stone of feather >?
—They both weigh alike.
=~. A RIDDLE, a riddle, as I
A hundred eyes, and never
a nose.
—A Cinder-sifter.
As round as an apple, aS a
deep as a cup,
And all the king’s horses
can’t pull it up.
—A Well.
~Mattruew, Mark, Luke and
Guard the bed that I lay on!
Four corners to my bed,
Four angels round my head ;
One to watch, one to pray,
And two to bear my soul away !
‘Hicuer than a house, higher than a tree;
Oh, whatever can that be?
—A star.
[Said to pips placed in the fire. ]
Ir you love me, pop and fly;
If you hate me, lay and die.
[This and the five following are said to be certain cures for the hiccup if repeated in one breath, ]
When a Twister a-twisting, will twist him a twist ;
For the twisting of his twist, he three times doth intwist ;
But if one of the twines of the twist do untwist,
The twine that untwisteth, untwisteth the twist.
Untwirling the twine that untwisted between,
He twirls, with the twister, the two in a twine:
Then twice having twisted the twines of the twine,
He twisteth the twine he had twined in twain.
The twain that, in twining, before in the twine,
As twines were intwisted ; he now doth untwine :
’Twixt the twain inter-twisting a twine more between,
He, twirling his twister, makes a twist of the twine.
A THATCHER of Thatchwood went to Thatchet a-thatching ;
Did a thatcher of Thatchwood go to Thatchet a-thatching ?
If a thatcher of Thatchwood went to Thatchet a-thatching,
Where’s the thatching the thatcher of Thatchwood has thatch’d ?
[Sometimes ‘off a pewter plate†is added at the end of each line. ]
PETER Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper ;
A peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked; .
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper,
Where's the peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked ?
RospertT ROWLEY rolled a round roll round,
A round roll Robert Rowley rolled round ;
Where rolled the round roll Robert Rowley rolled round?
THREE crooked cripples went
through Cripplegate, and through }
Cripplegate went three crooked )
SWAN swam over
the sea—
Swan swam _ back
Well swam swan.
HICKup, snicup,
Rise up, right up!
Three drops in the
Are good for the
THERE was an old woman, as I’ve heard tell,
She went to market her eggs for to sell ;
She went to market all on a market day,
And she fell asleep on the king’s highway.
There canie by a pedlar whose name was Stout,
He cut her petticoats all round about ;
He cut her petticoats up to her knees,
Which made the old woman to shiver and
When this little woman first did wake,
She began to shiver and she began to
She began to wonder and she began to
“Oh! deary, deary me, this is none of I!â€
“ But if it be I, as I do hope it be,
D’vea little dog at home, and he'll know me ;
If it be I, he’ll wag his little tail,
And if it benot I, he'll loudly bark-and wail.â€
Home went the little woman all in the dark,
Up got the little dog, and he began to bark;
He began to bark, so she began to cry,
“Oh! deary, deary me, this is none of I!â€
Tuere was an old woman who lived in a shoe,
She had so many children she didn’t know what to do ;
Te 7 She gave them some broth
without any bread,
She whipped them all well
and put them to bed.
On Saturday night
Shall be all my care
To powder my locks
And curl my hair.
On Sunday morning
My love will come in,
: When he will marry me
ae With a gold ring.
‘THERE was an old woman |
toss'd up in a basket
Nineteen times as high as
the moon ;
Where she was going |
couldn’t but ask it,
For in her hand she
carried a broom.
Old woman, old woman, old ===
woman, quoth I,
O whither, O whither, O
whither so high?
To brush the cobwebs off the sky ;
Shall I go with thee? Ay, by-and-by.
‘Orv Mother Hubbard if mI,
Went to the cupboard, d a i |
To get her poor dog a bone ; i
But when she came there Wi yi
The cupboard was bare, Hy Wy)
| ON)
And so the poor dog had GU) )
none. WAN
She went to the baker’s
To buy him some bread,
But when she came back
The poor dog was dead.
She went to the joiner’s
To buy him a coffin,
But when she came back
The poor dog was laughing.
She took a clean dish
To get him some tripe,
But when she came back
He was smoking a pipe.
She went to the ale-house
To get him some beer,
But when she came back i
The dog sat in a chair. — | (ey
She went to the tavern
For white wine and red;
But when she came back
The dog stood on his head.
She went to the hatter’s
To buy him a hat,
But when she came back
He was feeding the cat.â€
‘She went to the barber's
To buy him a wig,
But when she came back
He was dancing a gig.
She went to the fruiterer’s
To buy him some fruit,
But when she came back
He was playing the flute.
She went to the tailor’s
To buy him a coat,
But when she came back
He was riding a goat.
She went to the cobbler’s
To buy him some shoes,
But when she came back
He was reading the news : | A
She went to the sempstress
To buy him some linen,
- But when she came back
The dog was spinning.
She went to the hosier’s
To buy him some hose,
But when she came back
He was dress’‘d in his clothes.
The dame made a curtsey,
The dog made a bow;
The dame said, Your servant,
The dog said, Bow, wow.
This wonderful dog
Was Dame Hubbard's delight,
He could sing, he could dance,
He could read, he could write.
She gave him rich dainties
~ Whenever he fed,
And erected a monument Na Te y ip
When he was dead. | STB 1) SYED LOE, EO
wey Tit sth
| il 4
THERE was an old man who lived in a wood,
As you may plainly see ;
He said he could do as much work in a day
As his wife could do in three.
“ With all my heart,†the old woman said ;
“Tf that you will allow,
To-morrow you'll stay at home in my stead,
And I'll go drive the plough ;
ONS arm :
MOA Nyon
z B
ere ("yee
Cea OP ee oe
“But you must milk the Tidy cow,
For fear that she go dry;
And you must feed the little pigs
That are within the sty ;
And you must mind the speckled hen,
For fear she lay away ;
And you must reel the spool of yarn
That I spun yesterday.â€
The old woman took a staff in her hand,
And went to drive the plough ;
The old man took a pail in his hand,
And went to milk the cow ; ;
But Tidy hinched, and Tidy flinched,
And Tidy broke his nose,
And Tidy gave him such a blow,
That the blood ran down to his toes.
“High, Tidy! ho, Tidy!
High, Tidy! do stand still!
If ever I milk you, Tidy again,
Twill be sore against my will.â€
He went to feed the little pigs,
That were within the sty ;
He hit his head against the beam,
And he made the blood to fly.
He went to mind the speckled hen,
For fear she'd lay astray,
And he forgot the spool of yarn
His wife spun yesterday.
So he swore by the sun, the moon, and the stars,
And the green leaves on the tree,
If his wife didn't do a day’s work in his life,
She should ne'er be ruled by he.
THERE was an old woman of Norwich,
Who lived on nothing but porridge ;
Parading the town, | on
She turned cloak into gown,
This thrifty old woman of Norwich.
THERE was an old man,
And he had a calf,
And that’s half;
He took him out of the stall,
And put him on the wall;
And that’s all.
AWAKE, arise, pull out your eyes,
And hear what time of day;
And when you have done, puli out
your tongue,
And see what you can say.
THERE was an old man of Tobago,
Who lived on rice, gruel, and sago ;
Till, much to his bliss,
His physician said this—
“To a leg, sir, of mutton you may
A LITTLE old man of Derby,
How do you think he served me?
He took away my bread and cheese,
And that is how he served me.
2 THERE was an old woman .
‘ Lived under a hill,
She put a mouse in a bag,
FATHER SHORT came down the lane, ‘And -senecttormille
Oh! I’m obliged to hammer and
smite, The miller declard
From four in, the morning till By the point of his knife,
eight at night, 5 ag He never took toll
For a bad master and a worse dame. Of a mouse in his life.
THERE was an old woman called Nothing-at-all,
Who rejoiced in a dwelling exceedingly small:
A man stretched his mouth to its utmost extent,
“ And down at one.gulp house and old woman went.
lini dee, Wee:
He went to sea
In an open boat ;
And while afloat |
The little boat bended,
And my story's ended.
LirtLe Poll Parrot
Sat in his garret,
Eating toast and. tea ;
A little brown mouse,
Jumped into the house,
And stole it all away.
How many days has my baby to THERE was an old woman in Surrey,
play ? Who was morn, noon and night ina
Saturday, Sunday, Monday, hurry ;
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Call’d her husband a fool,
Friday, Drove the children to school,
Saturday, Sunday, Monday. The worrying old woman of Surrey.
Ou, dear, what can the matter be? As I was going to sell my eggs
Two old women got up in an apple- _‘I met a man with bandy legs,
tree, Bandy Jegs and crooked toes,
One came down, _I tripped up his heels, and he fell on
And the other stayed till Saturday.. his nose.
[The following is used by schoolboys, when two are [A game of the Fox. In a children’s game, where all the
starting to run a race. ] little actors are seated in a circle, the following stanza
is used as question and answer, ] :
OnE to make ready, WHuo goes round my house this night?
And two to prepare ; None but cruel Tom!
Good luck to the rider, Who steals all the sheep at night ?
And away goes the mare. None but this poor one.
Dance, Thumbkin, dance,
Dance, ye merry men, every one:
For Thumbkin, he can dance alone,
Thumbkin, he can dance alone,
Dance, Foreman, dance,
Dance, ye merry men, every one; The whole moving. ~
But Foreman, he can dance alone, oat,
Foreman, he can dance alone.
[And so on with the others—naming the 2nd finger “ Longman,†the 3rd finger ‘“ Ringman,†and the 4th finger
‘‘ Littleman.’? Littleman cannot dance alone, |
Keep the thumb in motion:
All the fingers i pee)
Coeeeeael iipeenet
The thumb only moving
Ditto. ‘i
The first finger moving. 4
c enna! tomoeael
[At the conclusion, the captive is privately asked if he will have oranges or lemons (the two leaders of the arch having
previously agreed which designation shall belong to each), and he goes behind the one he may chance to name.
When all are thus divided into two varties, they conclude the game by trying to pull each other beyond a certain
line. ]
Gay go up and gay go-dowp, Two sticks and an apple,
To ring the bells of London town. Say the bells at Whitechapel.
Bull’s-eyes and targets, Old Father Baldpate,
Say the bells of St. Marg’ret’s. Say the slow bells at Aldgate.
Brickbats and tiles, , You owe me ten shillings,
Say the bells of St. Giles’. ‘Say the bells at St. Helen’s.
Halfpence and farthings, Poke and tongs,
Say the bells of St. Martin's. Say the bells at St. John’s.
Oranges and lemons, Kettles and pans, |
Say the bells of St. Clement's. Say the bells at St. Ann's. &
Pancakes and fritters, When will you pay me?
Say the bell of St. Peter's. Say the bells at Old Bailey.
When I grow rich, —
Say the bells of Shoreditch.
Pray when will that be?
Say the bells of Stepney.
I am sure I don’t know,
Says the great bell at Bow.
Here comes a candle to light you to bed, —
And here comes a chopper to chop off your head.
QUEEN ANN, Queen Ann, you sit in the sun,
As fair as the lily, as white as a swan ;
I send you three letters, so pray you read one.
I cannot read one unless I read all,
So pray, Master Teddy, deliver them all.
[A string of children, hand in hand, standin arow. A child (4)
stands in front of them, as leader; two other children (B and c)
form an arch, each holding both the hands of the other. ]
A. Draw a pail of water,
For my lady’s daughter ;
My father’s a king, and my mother’s a
My two little sisters are dress’d in
Stamping grass and parsley,
Marigold leaves and daisies.
B. One rush, two rush,
c. Pray thee, fine lady, come under my
[A passes by under the arch, followed by the whole string of
children, the last of whom is taken captive by Bandc. The verses
are repeated, until all are taken. ]
THERE were three jovial Welsh-
As I have heard them say,
And they would go a-hunting
Upon St. David’s Day.
All the day they hunted,
And nothing could they find
But a ship a-sailing,
A-sailing with the wind.
One said it was a ship,
The other, he said nay;
The third said it was a house
With the chimney blown away.
And all the night they hunted,
And nothing could they find
But the moon a-gliding,
A-gliding with the wind.
One said it was the moon,
‘The other, he said nay;
The third said it was a cheese,
And half o’t cut away:
And all the day they hunted,
And nothing could they find
But a hedgehog in a bramble
; bush,
And that they left behind.
The first said it was a hedgehog,
The second, he said nay ;
The third it was a pincushion,
And the pins stuck in wrong
And all the night they hunted,
And nothing could they find
-But a hare in a turnip field,
And that they left behind.
The first said it was a hare,
The second, he said nay;
The third said it was a calf, |
And the cow had run away.
And all day long they hunted,
And nothing could they find
But an owl in a holly-tree,
And that they left behind.
One said it was an owl,
The other he said nay ;
The third said ’twas an old man,
And his beard growing gray.
Tip, top, tower,
Tumble down in an hour.
Is John Smith within >—
Yes, that he is.
‘Can he set a shoe ?—
Ay! marry, two,
Here a nail, there a nail,
Tick, tack, too.
I am a gold lock.
I am a gold key.
I am a silver lock.
I am a Silver key.
I am a brass lock.
I am brass key.
I am a lead lock.
I am a lead key.
I am a monk lock.
I am a monk key!
[One child holds a wand to the face of another, repeating
these lines, and making grimaces, to cause the latter to
laugh, and so to the others; those who laugh paying a
forfeit. ]
BuFF says Buff to all his men,
And I say Buff to you again;
Buff neither laughs nor smiles,
But carries his face .
With a very good grace,
And passes the stick to the very next
place !
[One child is selected for Gipsy, one for Mother, and one
for Daughter Sue, The Mother says-— ;
I CHARGE my daughters every one
To keep good house while I am gone.
You and you (ports), but specially you,
[Or sometimes, but specially Sze.]
Or else I’ll beat you black and blue.
[During the Mother’s absence, the Gipsy comes in, entices
a child away, and hides her. This process is repeated
till all the children are hidden, when the Mother has to
find them. ]
Tuis is the key of the kingdom.
In that kingdom there is a city.
In that city there is a town.
In that town there is a street.
In that street there is a lane.
In that lane there is a yard.
In that yard there is a house.
In that house there is a room.
In that room there is a bed.
On that bed there is a basket.
In that basket there are some
Flowers in the basket, basket in
the bed, bed in the room,
etc: ete:
SEE, saw, Margery Daw,
Little Jackey shall have a new master ;
Little Jackey shall have but a penny a
Because he can’t work any faster.
Wuoop, whoop, and hollow,
Good dogs won’t follow,
Without the hare cries “‘ pee wit.â€
Tom Brown’s two little Indian boys,
"One ran away,
The other wouldn’t stay,—
Tom Brown’s two little Indian boys.
Uz, Rive a cock-horse to Banbury-cross,
6% To see what Tommy can buy ;
& -- by. A penny white loaf, a penny white cake,
_ And a twopenny apple pie.
I WENT up one pair of stairs.
Just like me.
I went up two pairs of stairs.
Just ee
I went tnto a room.
Just like me.
I looked out of a window.
. Just like me.
- And there I saw a monkey,,
Just like me.
N ## N &
NO & NN &
[Game with the hands, ]
RrvE a cock-horse to Banbury-cross, « PLUM-PUDDING hot, __,
To see an old lady upon a white horse, Plum-pudding cold,
Rings on her fingers, and bells on her toes, Plum-pudding in the pot,
And so she makes music wherever she goes. © Nine days old. =
Some like it hot, 4
Some like it cold,
THERE were two blackbirds Some like it in a pot,
Sitting on a hill, Nine days old.
The one nam’d Jack,
The other nam’d Jill;
Fly away, Jack!
Fly away, Jill!
Come again, Jack!
Come again, Jill!
[A song set to five fingers or toes. ]
. THIS pig went to market,
This pig stayed at home ;
This pig had a bit of meat,
And this pig had none;
This pig said, ‘ Wee, wee, : af ei NANT i ll un
i Ui{l
wee ! hpi
I can’t find my way home.â€
Hicxory, Dickory, Dock,
The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck one,
The mouse did run; ,
Hickory, Dickory, Dock.
[Game on a child’s features. ]
Here sits the Lord Mayor . forehead.
Here sit his two men .
Here sits the cock .
Here sits the hen
Here sit the little chickens . 7p of nose.
Here they run in
Chinchopper, chinchopper,
Chinchopper, chin! .
WEAVE the diaper -tick-a-tick tick,
Weave the diaper tick—
Come this way, come that,
As close as a mat,
Athwart and across, up and down, round about,
And forwards and backwards, and inside and out;
Weave the diaper thick-a-thick thick,
Weave the diaper thick !
Here goes my lord
A trot, a trot, a trot, a trot,
Here goes my lady
A canter, a canter, a canter, a canter !
Crap hands, clap hands,
Hie Tommy Randy,
Did you see my good man?
Silken stockings on his legs
Silver buckles glancin’,
A sky-blue bonnet on his head,
And oh, but he is handsome.
. eyes.
. wight check.
. left cheek.
. mouth.
. chuck the chin.
They call him Cock-a-bandy.
A numbe-z of boys and girls stand round one in the middle, who repeats the following lines counting
P g » 3
the children until one is counted out by the end of the verses. ] ,
Rune me (1) ring me (2), ring me rary (3),
_ As I go round (4), ring by ring (5),
_A virgin (6) goes a-maying (7).
Here’s a flower (8), and there’s a flower (9),
Growing in my lady’s garden (10),
If you set your foot awry (11),
Gentle John will make you cry (12),
If you set your foot amiss (13
Gentle John (14) will give you a kiss.
[The child upon whom 14 falls is then taken out, and forced to select one of the other sex,
The middle child then proceeds. |
This [lady or gentleman] is none of ours,
Has put [him or her] self in [the selected child’s] power,
So clap all hands, and ring all bells, and make the wedding oer.
[AW clap hands.
[If the child taken by lot joins in the clapping, the selected child is rejected, and takes the middle place.
Otherwise, there is a kiss given.]
Here stands a post,
Who put it there ?
é iG ye A better man than you ;
) Ce ya Touch it if you dare !
[Children hunting bats. }
Bart, bat (clap hands),
= Come under my bar
= And I'll give you a slice of bacon ;
vs ~ And when I bake
I'll give you a cake,
If I am not mistaken.
TEN Little Nigger Boys
Went out to dine;
One choked his little self,
And then there were nine.
Nine Little Nigger Boys
Sat up very late;
One overslept himself,
And then there were eight.
i mt
Eight Little Nigger Boys
Travelling in Devon ;
One said he'd stay there,
And then there were seven.
Seven Little Nigger Boys
Chopping up sticks,
One chopped himself in half,
And then there were six.
7° SENG WY, ff We.
; A Su
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av : 4 | SZ
é tbs Up
4, Cer
Six Little Nigger Boys
Playing with a hive;
A Bumble Bee stung one,
And then there were five
4 =
= =
Five Little Nigger Boys
Going in for law;
One got in chancery,
And then there were four.
Four Little Nigger Boys
Going out to sea;
A Red Herring swallowed one,
And then there were three
Three Little Nigger Boys
Walking in the Zoo ;
The big bear hugged one,
And then there were two.
gy MMT
One Little Nigger Boy
Living all alone,
He got married,
Then there were none.
PETER WHITE will ne'er go right,
Would you know the reason why?
He follows his nose where'er he goes,
And that stands all awry. :
THERE was an old woman had
And there came thieves to rob her;
When she cried out she made no
Put all the country heard her.
Ir all the world was apple-pie,
And all the sea was ink,
And all the trees were bread and
What should we have for drink ?
Two Little Nigger Boys
Sitting in the Sun ;
One got frizzled up,
And then there was one.
V4 o [fs 7 é Wy i
LE, Js
! Bezel
Sf hs
ss ty
TureEE children sliding on the ice
Upon a summer's day,
As it fell out, they all fell in,
The rest they ran away.
Now, had these children been at
Or sliding on dry ground,
Ten thousand pounds to one penny
They had not all been drown'd.
You parents all that children have,
And you that have got none,
If you would: have them safe
abroad, :
Pray keep them safe at home.
I wouLp if I coud,
-If I cou’'dn’t, how cou'd I?
I couldn't, without I cou’d, cou’d I?
Cou’d you, without you cou’d, cou'd ye ?
Cou'd ye, cou’d ye?
Cou'd you, without you cou’d,cou’d ye?
THERE was a little Guinea-pig,
Who, being little, was not big,
He always walked upon his feet,
And never fasted when he ate.
When from a place he ran away,
He never at that place did stay ;
And while he ran, as I am told,
He ne'er stood still for young or old.
He often squeak’d and sometimes
vi lent,
And when he squeak’d he ne’er was
silent ;
Though ne’er instructed by a cat,
He knew a mouse was not a rat.
THERE was a man of Newington,
And he was. wond'rous wise,
He jump’d into a quickset hedge,
And scratched out both his eyes:
But when he saw his eyes were out,
With all his might and main
He jump’d into another hedge,
And scratch’d ’em in again.
Here am J, little jumping Joan;
When nobody’s with me,
I’m always alone.
Jack, be nimble,
And, Jack, be quick :
And, Jack, jump over
The candlestick.
[Mind your punctuation !]
I saw a peacock, with a fiery tail
I saw a blazing comet, drop down hail
I saw a cloud, wrapped with ivy round
I saw an oak, creep upon the ground
I saw a pismire, swallow up a whale
I saw a sea, brimful of ale -
I saw a Venice glass, full fifteen feet
I saw a well, full of men’s tears that
I saw red eyes, all of a flaming fire
I saw a house, bigger than the moon
and higher
I saw the sun, at twelve o'clock at
I saw the man that saw this wondrous
Dance to your daddy,
My little babby,
Dance to your daddy,
My little lamb.
You shall have a fishy,
In a little dishy ;
You shall have a fishy
When the boat comes in.
To market, to market,
To buy a plum bun:
Home again, come again,
Market is done.
Bye, baby bunting,
Father's gone a-hunting,
Mother’s gone a-milking,
Sister’s gone a-silking,
Brother’s gone to buy a skin
To wrap the baby bunting in.
Rock-a-BY, baby, thy cradle is green ;
Father's a nobleman, mother’s a queen ;
And Betty’s a lady, and wears a gold ring;
And Johnny’s a drummer, and drums for
the king.
Husu-a-py, baby, on the tree top, :
When the wind blows, the cradle will rock,
When the bough bends, the cradle will fall,
Down will come baby, bough, cradle, and
DANCE, little baby, dance up high,
Never mind, baby, mother is by;
Crow and caper, caper and crow,
There, little baby, there you go;
Up to the ceiling, down to the ground,
Backwards and forwards, round and
round ;
Dance, little baby, and mother will sing,
With a merry carol, ding, ding, ding!
THIs is the way the ladies ride : [A play with the face. The child exclaims :]
Tri, tre, tre, tree, Rinc the bell! . e2vzne a lock of hair
Tri, tre, tre, tree! a pull.
This is the way the ladies ride; Knock at the door! ¢apping forehead.
Tri, tre, tre, tre, tri-tre-tre-tree!_ Draw the latch! . pulling up nose.
And walk in! ©. opening mouth and
This is the way the gentlemen ride; s putting i a finger.
Gallop-a-trot !
This is the way the gentlemen ride,
Gallop-a-gallop-a-trot !
THIS pig went to the barn.
This ate all the corn.
This said he‘would tell.
This is the way the farmers ride ; This said he wasn’t well.
Hobbledy-hoy, This went week, week, week, over
Hobbledy-hoy ! the door sill.
This is the way the farmers ride, ae
Hobbledy hobbledy-hoy !
Ce Ns
Monpay’s child is fair of face,
Tuesday’s child is full of grace,
Wednesday’s child is full of woe,
Thursday's child has far to go,
Friday's child is loving and
' giving,
Saturday’s child works hard fur
its living,
And a child that’s born on
Christmas Day, ;
Is fair and wise and good and
ANE, eM ey - YouncG Lambs to sell!
= TAN il | | Young Lambs to sell!
If I'd as much money as I can
I never would cry—Young.
Lambs to sell!
Dino, dong bell,
Pussy’s in the well!
Who put her in ?—
Little Tommy Lin.
Who pulled her out ?>—
Dog with long snout.
What a naughty boy was that
To drown poor pussy cat,
Who never did any harm, HIE
But kill’d the mice in his father’s ||!
Doon _e, doodle, do,
The princess lost her shoe ;
Her highness hopp’d,
The fiddler stopped,
Not knowing what to do.
[The following lines are sung by children when staring
for a race. ]
Goop horses, bad horses,
What is the time of day ?
Three o’clock, four o'clock,
Now fare you away.
[A game on the slate. ]
Eccs, butter, bread,
Stick, stock, stone dead!
Stick him up, stick him down,
Stick him in the old man’s crown!
rH yy,
—_ fi |
YOY \2
Wy ee
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A) VPLS! i
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Hey diddle, dinketty, poppety, pet,
The merchants of London they wear
scarlet ;
Silk in the collar, and gold in the
So merrily march the merchantmen.
FIDDLE-DE-DEE, fiddle-de-dee,
The fly shall marry the humble-bee.
They went to the church, and married
was she,
The fly has married the humble-bee.
DEEDLE, deedle, dumpling, my son
John . .
_ Went to bed with his stockings « on:
One shoe off, the other shoe on,
Deedle, deedle, dumpling, my son
TWEEDLE-DuM and tweedle-dee
Resolved to have a battle,
For tweedle-dum said tweedle-dee
Had spoiled his nice new rattle.
Just then flew by a monstrous crow,
As big as a tar barrel,
Which frightened both the heroes
They quite forgot their quarrel.
Hanpy Spanpy, Jack-a-dandy,
Loved plum-cake and sugar-candy !
He bought some at a grocer’s shop,
And out he came, hop, hop, hop.
HuvuB-A-DUB dub,
Three men in a tub;
And who do you think they be?
The butcher, the baker,
The candlestick-maker ;
Turn ’em out, knaves all three!
THERE was a glossy blackbird once
Lived in a cherry-tree,
He chirped and sang from morn till
No bird so blithe as he;
And this the burden of his song
For ever used to be:
Good boys shall have cherries as soon
as they're ripe,
But naughty boys none from me.
en |
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THERE was a little boy and a little girl
Lived in an alley ;
Says the little boy to the little girl,
“Shall I, oh! shall I?â€
Says the little girl to the little boy,
“What shall we do?â€
Says the little boy to the little girl,
“JT will kiss you.â€
moon ;
the spoon.
Hey! diddle, diddle,
The cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped over the
The little dog laugh’d
To see the sport,
While the dish ran away with
As I was going up Pippin-hill,
Pippin-hill was dirty,
There I met a pretty miss,
And she dropped mea curtsey.
Little miss, pretty miss,
Blessings light upon you ;
If I had half a crown a day,
I'd spend it all on you.
Eire jack.jinele,
He used to live single ;
But when he got tired of this
kind of life,
He left off being single, and liv'’d
with his wife.
Tommy Trot, a man of law,
Sold his bed and lay upon
straw :
Sold the straw and slept on grass,
To buy his wife.a looking-glass.
=) Cee
=o i
SYLVIA, Sweet as morning air,
Do not drive me to despair ;
Long have I sighed in vain,
Now I am come again,
Will you be mine or no, no-a-no—
Will you be mine or no?
Simon, pray leave off your suit,
For of your courting you'll reap no
I would rather give a crown
Than be married to a clown;
Go for a booby, go, no-a-no—
Go for a booby, go.
THE man in the wilderness asked me,
How many strawberries grew in the
I answered him, as I thought good,
As many as red herrings grew in the
THERE was a little man,
And he woo’d a little maid,
And he said, “ Little maid, will you
wed, wed, wed ?
I have little more to say
Than will you, yea or nay?
For least said is soonest mended-ded,
ded, ded.â€
The little maid replied,
Some say a little sighed,
‘‘But what shall we have for to eat,
eat, eat ?
Will the love that you're so rich in
Make a fire in the kitchen ?
Or the little god of Love turn the
spit, spit, spit?â€
To market, to market, to buy a fat pig,
Home again, home again, dancing a
Ride to the market to buy a fat hog,
Home again, home again, jiggety-jog.
Dumpty ;
The cat ran up the plum-tree.
a——y I’'li wager a crown
fs 4 I'll fetch you down,
\ 2 Sing, diddledy,
Dip you see my wife, did you see, did
you see,
Did you see my wife looking for me?
She wears a straw bonnet, with white
ribbands on it,
And dimity petticoats over the knee.
BARNEY Bopkin broke his nose,
“Without feet we can’t have toes;
Crazy folks are always mad,
Want of money makes us sad.
And lavender blue,
Thyme and sweet marjoram,
Hyssop and rue.
Up hill and down dale;
Butter is made in every vale;
And if that Nancy Cook _
Is a good girl,
She shall have a spouse,
And make butter anon,
Before her old grandmother
Grows a young man.
Birps of a feather flock together,
And so will pigs and swine;
Rats and mice will have their
And so will I have mine.
I poust, I doubt my fire is out,
My little wife isn’t at home;
I'll saddle my dog, and I'll bridle
my cat,
And I'll go fetch my little wife
THERE was an old woman, and
what do you think?
She lived upon nothing but
victuals and drink:
Victuals and drink were the chief
of her diet ;
This tiresome old woman could
never be quiet.
One old Oxford ox opening oysters ;
Two tee-totums totally tired of trying to trot to Tadbury ;
Three tall tigers tippling tenpenny tea; |
Four fat friars fanning fainting flies ;
Five frippy Frenchmen foolishly fishing for flies ;
_ Six sportsmen shooting snipes ; ,
Seven Severn salmons swallowing shrimps ;
Eight Englishmen eagerly examining Europe ;
Nine nimble noblemen nibbling nonpareils ;
Ten tinkers tinkling upon ten tin tinder-boxes with ten tenpenny
tacks ; :
Eleven elephants elegantly equipt ;
Twelve typographical topographers typically translating types.
[The following is a game played as follows: A string of boys and girls, each holding by his predecessor’s skirts,
approaches two others, who with joined and elevated hands form a double arch. After the dialogue, the line passes
through, and the last is caught by a sudden lowering of the arms—if possible. ]
How many miles is it to Babylon ?—
Threescore miles and ten.
Can I get there by candle-light >—
Yes, and back again!
If your heels are nimble and light,
You may get there by candle-light.
Jack Sprat could eat no fat,
His wife could eat no lean ;
And so, betwixt them both, you see; -
They made the platter clean.
ih / WA
\ ok \N
am: >
VE) ia
Curty locks! curly locks! wilt
thou be mine?
Thou shalt not wash dishes, nor yet
feed the swine;
But sit ona cushion and sew a fine
seam, ;
And feed upon strawberries, sugar,
and cream !
Ou! mother, I shall be married to
’ Mr. Punchinello.
To Mr. Punch,
To Mr. Joe,
To Mr. Nell,
To Mr. Lo.
-Mr. Punch, Mr. Joe,
Mr. Nell, Mr. Lo,
To Mr. Punchinello.
BLUE eye beauty,
Gray eye greedy,
Black eye blackie,
Brown eye brownie.
I wap a little husband,
No bigger than my thumb ;
I put him in a pint pot,
And there I bid him drum.
I bought a little horse,
That galloped up and down ;
I bridled him, and saddled him,
And sent him out of town.
I gave him some garters,
To garter up his hose,
And a little handkerchief,
_To wipe his pretty nose.
Be etry he ioe
( eg “Lig ae
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CU WSS aes ses
ly cre Fae
JAck and Jill went up a hill to fetch a pail of water :
Jack fell down and broke his crown, and Jill came tumbling after.
"TWAS once upon a time
When Jenny Wren was young,
So daintily she danced,
And so prettily she sung ;
Robin Red-breast lost his heart,
For he was a gallant bird ;
So he doffed his hat to Jenny Wren,
- Requesting to be heard.
O dearest Jenny Wren,
If you will but be mine,
You shall feed on cherry pie, you shall,
And drink new currant wine;
T'll dress you like a goldfinch,
Or any peacock gay ;
00, dearest Jen, if you'll be mine,
Let us appoint the day.
Jenny blushed behind her fan,
And thus declared her mind:
Since, dearest Bob, I love you well,
I'll take your offer kind ;
Cherry pie is very nice,
And so is currant wine;
But I must wear my plain brown gown,
And never go too fine.
Robin Red-breast rose up early,
All at the break of-day,
And he flew to Jenny Wren’s house,
And sung a roundelay ;
He sang of Robin Red-breast
And little Jenny Wren,
And when he came unto the end,
He then began again.
at As I went over the water,
: ia _ The water went over me.
Koh BE Dy { saw two little blackbirds sitting
Ms die SFU Ei : ‘ _ The one called me a rascal,
MG xy )- : The other called me a thief;
I took up my little black stick,
And knocked out all their teeth.
A PIE sate on a pear-tree,
A pie sate on a pear-tree,
_A pie sate on a pear-tree,
Heigh O, heigh O, heigh O!
Once so merrily hopp’d she,
Twice so merrily hopp’d she,
Thrice so merrily hopp’d she,
Heigh O, heigh O, heigh O!
RowLrty Pow ey, pudding
and pie, Mary had a pretty bird,
Kissed the girls and made Feathers bright and yellow,
them cry; Slender legs—upon my word
When the girls begin to cry, He was a pretty fellow.
Rowley Powley runs away. The sweetest notes he always sung,
Which much delighted Mary ;
And near the cage she’d ever sit
Some little mice sat in a barn to spin; To hear her own canary.
her head in;
“ Shall I come in, and cut
your threads off?†|
“Oh, no, kind sir! you
will snap our heads |
off >?â€
THERE was an owl lived in an oak,
Wisky, wasky, weedle ;
And every word he ever spoke
Was fiddle, faddle, feedle.
A gunner chanced to come that way,
Wisky, wasky, weedle ; |
Says he, “Tl shoot you, silly bird.â€
Fiddle, faddle, feedle.
THE cock doth crow, ALL of a row, Pit, pat, well-a-day,
To let you know, Bend the bow, Little Robin flew away ;
If you be wise, Shot at a pigeon, Where can little Robin be?
"Tis time to rise. ~And killed a crow. Gone into the cherry-tree.
yu wey He EE
eats users NSH ee :
me eny ‘nines a
oie ey ages ut
, The hie SQV Aun
> CR Ay ae
“il rib
A Di epee et
i Woes eM
ol UL ae :
Rappit, Rabbit, Rabbit-Pie!
Come, my ladies, come and buy;
Else your babies they will cry.
Bessy BELL and Mary Gray,
They were two bonny lassies;
They built a house upon the lea,
And:-covered it o’er with rashes.
Bessy kept the garden gate,
And Mary kept the pantry ;
Bessy always had to wait, \
While Mary lived in plenty. '’
| Hi
RIDDLE-ME, riddle-me-ree,
a Oe
yf nee. A hawk sate upon a tree;
Y, poe And he says to himself, says he,
Uys ~ ' Oh, dear! what a fine bird I be!
[Bird boy's song. }
Eat, Birds, eat, and make no
I lie here and make no haste;
If my master chance to come,
You must fly and I must run.
Uf i Pte
Ly Ue, Oe
2. 2
fC 4
WueEn the snow is on the ground, : ee
Little Robin Red-breast grieves ; SHAN
For no berries can be found, va
And on the trees there are no leaves.
The air is cold, the worms are hid,
For this poor bird what can be done?
We'll strew him here some crumbs of bread,
And then he'll live till the snow is gone.
Pussy-CAaT, pussy-cat, where have you been ?â€
I’ve been up to London to look at the Queen.
Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, what did you there ?
I frighten’d a little mouse under the chair.
i HEM yay) he
UO Tey k ‘1
ieee many |
Littire Robin Red-breast ~Z
Sat upon a rail: | | A fo
Niddle naddle went his head, ~ : eK
Wiggle waggle went his tail. hy Aa
FouR-AND-TWENTY tailors
Went to kill a snail,
The best man amongst
Durst not touch her
tail ;
She put out her horns,
Like» a little Kyloe
cow :
Run, tailors, run, or she'll kill you all just now.
Hicciery Piggleby
Croak! said the Toad, I’m hungry, I think, My black hen,
To-day I’ve had nothing to eat or to drink, She lays eggs
I'll crawl to a garden and jump through the For gentlemen ;
pales Sometimes nine,
And there I'll dine nicely on slugs and on And sometimes ten,
snails ; Higeglepy Piggleby,
Ho, ho! quoth the Frog, is that what you My black hen! \
mean ?
Then I’ll hop away to the next meadow
There I will drink, and eat worms and slugs,
And then I shall havea good dinner like you.
“ ROBERT BARNES, fellow fine,
Can you shoe this horse of mine?â€
“Ves, good sir, that I can,
As well as any other man:
There’s a nail, and there’s a prod,
And now, good sir, your horse is shod.â€
In the month of February,
When green leaves begin
ms, to spring,
Little lambs do skip’ like
fairies, be |
Birds do couple, build, and
Tuere was a little boy went
into a barn,
Tue dove says coo, coo, what shall And lay down on some hay ;
I do: eae An owl came out and flew
I can scarce maintain two. about
Pooh, pooh, says the wren, I have adie little boy ran away.
got ten,
And keep them all like gentlemen!
A tonc-Talu'p pig, or a short-tail’d
Pies 4
Or a pig without e’er a tail,
A sow-pig, or a boar-pig,
Or a pig with a curly tail.
Lapy sirp, lady bird,
Fly away home,
Thy house is on fire,
Thy children all gone,
All but one,
And her name is Ann,
And she crept
Under the pudding-pan.
Bow, wow, wow,
Whose dog art thou ?
Little Tom Tinker’s dog,
Bow, wow, wow.
Tue winds they did blow,
The leaves they did
wag ; |
Along came a beggar boy,
And put me in his bag.
He took me up to London,
A lady did me buy,
Put me in a silver cage,
And hung me up on
With apples by the fire,
And nuts for to crack,
Besides a little feather bed
To rest my little back.
Pussy sits beside the fire,
So, so, Mistress Pussy, .
‘Pray how do you do? [dog.
Thank you, thank you, little
I’m very well just now.
LitTLE Julia Ap-Jones stood on the cold
‘Nibbling a morsel of cheese,
When a little Welsh rabbit, running by
tried to grab it,
Quite forgetting to say if you please.
BLEss you, bless you,
bonny bee;
My little old man and I
fell out,
I'll tell you what ’twas all
about :
Y had money and he had
And that’s the way the
noise begun.
yey Lyi
=e Betty PRINGLE had a little pig,
Not very little and not very big,
When he was alive he lived in clover,
But now he’s dead, and that’s all over.
So Billy Pringle he laid down and
CatcH him, crow! carry him, kite!
Take him away till the apples are ripe ;
When they are ripe and ready to fall,
Home comes [Johnny,] apples and all.
—. And Betty Pringle she laid down and
, died;
Love your own, kiss your on So there was an end of one, two, and
Love your own mother, hinny, three :
For if she was dead and gone, Billy Pringle he,
You'd ne’er get such another, hinny, Betty Pringle:she,
re | And the piggy wiggy.
' Tuap alittle hen, the prettiest
ever seen,
She washed me the dishes,
and kept the house clean ;
She went to the mill to fetch
me some flour,
than an hour;
She baked me my bread, she
brew'd me my ale,
She sat by the fire and told
many a fine tale.
A LITTLE cock sparrow sat on a
green tree, (¢77s)
And he chirruped, he chirruped so
merry waz he; (¢77s)
A naughty boy came with his wee jf Wy
bow and arrow, (¢77zs) i
Determined to shoot this little cock #
sparrow (¢77s) ;
“This little cock sparrow shall make
me a stew (¢77s),
And his giblets shall make me a
little pie, too†(¢vzs). La Seats
_ Oh, no!†said ye sparrow, “I .“ en ef
wont make a stew,†a
So he flapped his wings and away
he flew.
LirtLe Robin Red-breast sat on a tree,
Up went Pussy cat, and down went he;
Down came Pussy cat, and away Robin ran;
Says little Robin Red-brcast, “Catch me if en can.â€
Little Robin Red-breast jumped
upon a wall, iy |
Pussy cat jump’d after him, and Hit
‘almost got a fall, i
Little Robin chirp'd and sang, and ‘I
what did Pussy say?
Pussy cat said, “‘ Mew,†and Robin =
jump’d away. (i =
i i i
THERE was an old woman of Leeds i
Who spent all her time in good lf
deeds ; Hi
She worked for the poor
Till her fingers were sore, ye
This pious old woman of Leeds! =
I LIKE little pussy,
Her coat is so warm,
And if I don’t hurt her,
She'll do me no harm;
So [ll not pull her tail,
Nor drive her away,
But Pussy and I
Very gently will play.
LittLe cock robin peep'd out of his
To see the cold winter come in,
Tit for tat, what matter for that,
He'll hide his head under his wing !
I wap a little pony,
His name was Dapple-gray,
I lent him to a lady,
To ride a mile away ;
She whipped him, she slashed him,
She rode him through the mire ;
I would not lend my pony now:
For all the lady’s hire.
Goosy, goosy, gander,
Who stands yonder ?
Little Betsy Baker ;
Take her up, and shake her.
Lec over leg,
As the dog went to Dover,
When he came to a Stile,
Jump he went over.
igs, all
// NG z
Wat f Iu! uF lift, 7
i ade by 4 |
V4 wing, ft tod, 1 se
. TA &, ? th
ies ss “Wl } 1k Ms
ie bay ff la
Bau, bah, black sheep,
Have you any wool ?
Yes, marry, have I,
Three bags full :
One for my master,
And one for my dame,
But none for the little boy
Who cries in the lane.
1. Tus is the house that Jack built.
2. This is the malt that lay in the house that Jack built.
3. This is the rat
That ate the’ malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.
4. This is the cat,
That kill’d the rat,
That ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.
5. This is the dog,
_ That worried the cat,
That kill’d the rat,
That ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack
6. This is the cow with the crumpled
That toss‘d the dog,
That worried the cat,
That kill’d the rat,
That ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack .
7. This is the maiden all forlorn,
That milk’d the cow with the
crumpled horn,
That toss’d the dog,
That worried the cat,
That kill’d the rat,
‘That ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack
. This is the man all tatter’d and torn,
That kiss’d the maiden all forlorn,
That milk’d the cow with the
crumpled horn,
That toss'd the dog,
That worried the cat,
That kill’d the rat,
‘That ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack
. This is the priest all shaven and
That married the man all tatter’d
and torn,
That kiss’d the maiden all forlorn,
That milk’d the cow with the
crumpled horn,
That toss’d the dog,
That worried the cat,
That kill’d the rat,
That ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack
10. This is the cock that crowed in
the morn,
That waked the priest all shaven
and shorn,
That married the man all tatter ‘d
and torn,
That kissd the maiden all
That milk’d the cow with the
crumpled horn,
That toss'd the dog,
That worried the cat,
That kill’d the rat,
That ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack
11. This is thefarmer sowing his corn,
That kept the cock that crow’d
in the morn,
That waked the priest all shaven
and shorn,
That married the man all tatter'd
and torn,
That kiss’d the maidenall forlorn,
That milk’d the cow with the
crumpled horn,
That toss‘d the dog,
That worried the cat,
That kill’d the rat,
That ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack
I sett you the key of the king’s
garden :
I sell you the string that ties the key,
I sell you the rat that gnawed the
string, etc.
I sell you the cat that caught the rat,
I sell you the dog that bit the cat, etc.
LitTLe boy blue, come blow up
your horn,
The sheep’s in the meadow, the
cow’s in the corn;
Where’s the little boy that looks
after the sheep ?
He’s under the hay-cock fast
asleep. :
Will you wake him? No, not I;
For if I do, he'll be sure to cry.
A MAN went a-hunting at Reigate..
And wished to leap over a high
gate ;
Says the owner, “Go round,
With your gun and your hound,
For you never shall jump over
ey Fee \ pa
†: “Boy Wm SF oo ay } Palin
my gate TEES las TE I Pa
WP ; ~ f > lege
Wyle “send Ny Ssh CY ve ag Cae 4 a Lp on
— Lee gee nu fen.
bors ce a Sen
by “a 4 é lg eG as beh “ ay Bays co Me, Cdn
a ae Mente
LittLE Bob Robin, where do
you live? is =
Up in yon wood, sir, on a hazel THERE was a rat, for want of stairs,
twig. Went down a rope to say his prayers.
Cry, baby, cry,
Put your finger
In your eye,
And tell your
. mother
ey It wasn’t 1.
SNaIL, snail, come out of your hole, Tue little priest of Felton,
‘ Or else I will beat you as black asacoal. The little priest of Felton,
He kill’d a mouse within his
Bow, wind, blow! and go, mill go! house,
That the miller may. grind his corn ; And ne'er a one to help him.
That the baker may take it,
And into rolls make it,
And send us some hot in the morn.
Lit tte girl, little girl, where have you been ?
Gathering roses to give to the Queen.
Little girl, little girl, what gave she you?
She gave me a diamond as big as my shoe.
GoosEY, goosey, gander,
Where shall I wander?
Up stairs, down stairs,
And in my lady’s chamber ;
There I met an old man
That would not say his
prayers ;
I took him by the left leg,
And threw him down stairs.
Wuar are little boys made of, made
What are little boys made of?
Snaps and snails, and puppy-dogs’
tails ;
And that’s what little boys are made
of, made of.
What are little girls made of, made
What are little girls made of?
Sugar and spice, and all thats
And that’s what little girls are made
of, made of.
Girts and boys, come out to play,
The moon doth shine as bright as day ;
Leave your supper, and leave your
And come with your playfellows into
the street.
Come with a whoop, come with a
Come with a good will or not at all. |
Up the ladder and down the wall,
A halfpenny roll will serve us all.
You find milk, and I'll find flour,
And we'll have a ee in half an
Ir all the seas were one sea,
What a great sea that would be!
And if all the trees were one tree, |
What a gveat tree that would be!
And if all the axes were one axe,
What a great axe that would be!
And if all the men were one man,
What a great man he would be!
And if the great man took the great axe,
And cut down the gveat tree,
And let it fall into the great sea,
What a splish splash ¢/a¢ would be!
Butler & Tanner, The Selwood Printing Works, Frome, and London.
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Full Text |
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The Baldwin Library
RmB sic |
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| Nuon Pro lbow
Kits (EGY
The Children’s Hour.
an Archer, who shot at a frog,
a Butcher, and had a great dog.
a Captain, all covered with lace,
a Drover, going apace.
an Esquire, with pride on his brow,
a Farmer, and followed the plough.
a Gamester, who had but ill luck,
a Hunter, and hunted a buck.
an Italian, who had a white mouse,
a Joiner, and built up a house.
a King, who once governed this land,
a Lady, who had a white hand.
a Miser, and hoarded up gold,
a Nobleman, gallant and bold.
an Organ Man, who went about town,
a Parson, and wore a black gown.
a Queen, who was fond of her people,
a Raven, that perched on the steeple.
a Sailor, and spent all he got,
a Tinker, and mended a pot.
an Uncle, who had a kind heart,
a Volunteer, dressed up so smart.
a Watchman, and guarded the door,
expensive, and so became poor.
a Youth, that did not love school,
a Zany, a poor harmless fool.
Great A, little a,
Bouncing B!
The Cat’s in the cupboard,
And can’t see me.
F for fig, J for jig,
And N for knuckle-bones,
J for John the waterman,
And S for sack of stones.
ip mp NT Ne ne at ret ED
OnE, two, buckle my shoe,
Three, four, shut the door ;
Five, six, pick up sticks ;
Seven, eight, lay them straight ;
Nine, ten, a good fat hen;
Eleven, twelve, who will delve ?
Thirteen, fourteen, maids a-courting ;
Fifteen, sixteen,-maid’s a-kissing ;
Seventeen, eighteen, maid’s a-waiting;
Nineteen, twenty, mystomach’s empty.
Veter ayer te Eo thy j tea)
Op King Cole
Was a merry old soul,
And a merry old soul was he;
He called for his pipe,
And he called for his bowl,
And he called for his fiddlers three.
Every fiddler, he had a fiddle,
And a very fne fiddle had he;
Twee tweedle dee, tweedle dee, went
the fiddlers.
Oh, there’s none so rare
As can compare
With King Cole and his fiddlers
three !
PaT-A-CAKE, pat-a-cake, baker's
man |!
So I will, master, as fast as I can:
Pat it, and prick it, and mark it
with T,
Put in the oven for Tommy and me.
Born on a Monday,
Christened on Tuesday,
Married on Wednesday,
Took ill on Thursday,
Worse on Friday,
Died on Saturday,
Buried on Sunday :
This is the end
Of Solomon Grundy.
I'L tell you a story
About Jack a Nory,—
And now my story's begun:
I'll tell you another
About Jack his brother,—
' And now my story’s
SimpLeE SIMON met a pieman,
Going to the fair;
Says Simple Simon to the
‘Let me taste your ware.â€
Says. the pieman to Simple
“Show me - first your
Says Simple Simon to the
“Indeed I have not any.â€
Simple Simon went a-fish-
For to catch a whale:
All the water he had got
Was in his mother’s pail!
WA : - :
Ah sing Wh Vili LY 4
THERE was a crooked man, and he went
a crooked mile,
He found a crooked sixpence against
a crooked stile; _
He bought a crooked cat, which caught
a crooked mouse,
And they all lived together in a little
crooked house.
THE lion and the unicorn.
Were fighting for the crown ;
The lion beat the unicorn
All round about the town.
Some gave them white bread,
And some gave them brown ;
Some gave them plum cake,
And sent them out of town.
LitTLe Tom Tucker
Sings for his supper;
What shall he eat ?
White bread and butter.
How shall he cut it
Without e’er a knife?
How will he be married
Without e’er a wife ?
SEE a pin and pick it up,
All the day you'll have good luck ;’
See a pin and let it lay,
Bad luck you'll have all the day.
Ir wishes were horses
Beggars would ride;
If turnips were watches,
I would wear one by my side.
[Hours of Sleep. ]
NATURE requires five,
Custom gives seven ;
Laziness takes nine,
And Wickedness eleven.
Go to bed first, a golden purse ;
Go to bed second, a golden phea-
sant ;
Go to bed third, a golden bird.
THREE Straws on a staff
Would makea baby cry and laugh.
Aly : to
tints We if hl Ss
i a
HE that would thrive
Must rise at five ;
He that hath thriven
May lie till seven ;
And he that by the plough would
- thrive,
Himseif must either hold or drive.
To make your candles last for a’,
- You wives and maids give ear-o!
- To put ’em out’s the only way,
- Says honest John Boldero.
Our saucy boy Dick
Had a nice little stick
“THREE wise men of Gotham
Went to sea in a bowl;
And if the bowl had been stronger,
My song would have been longer.
Cut from a hawthorn-tree ;
And with this pretty stick
He thought he could beat
A boy much bigger than he.
- But the boy turned round,
And hit him a rebound,
- Which did so frighten poor Dick,
That without more delay,
He ran quite away,
And over a hedge he jumped
Sr. SwiTHIn’s Day, if thou dost rain,
For forty days it will remain ;
St. Swithin’s Day, if thou be fair,
For forty days ‘twill rain na mair.
THE man in the moon
Came tumbling down,
And ask’d his way to Norwich,
He went by the south
And burnt his mouth
With supping cold pease-porridge.
LittLe Tommy Tittlemouse
Lived in a little house;
He caught fishes
In other men’s ditches.
Tom, Tom, the piper’s son,
Stole a pig, and away he run!
The pig was eat, and Tom was beat,
And Tom went roaring down the street.
LitTLe Polly Flinders
Sat among the cinders,
Warming her pretty little toes,
Her mother came and caught her,
And whipped her little daughter
For spoiling her nice new clothes.
PLEASE to remember
The Fifth of November,
Gunpowder treason and plot ;
I know no reason
Why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.
THERE was a little man,
And he had a little gun,
And his bullets were made of
lead, lead, lead;
He went to the brook
And saw a little duck,
And he shot it right through
the head, head, head.
He carried it home
To his old wife Joan,
And bid her a fire for to make
make, make,
To roast the little duck
He had shot in the brook,
And he'd go and fetch her the
drake, drake, drake.
WueEn the wind is in the east,
’Tis neither good for man nor beast ;
When the wind is in the north,
The skilful fisher goes not forth ;
‘When the wind is in the south,
It blows the bait in the fishes’ mouth ;
When the wind is in the west,
Then ’tis at the very best.
Lirrte Jack: ormer’ sat’ in the
Eating a Christmas pie;
He put in his thumb, and he took out
a plum,
And said, “What a good boy am
WILLy boy, Willy: boy, where are
you going ?
I'll go with you, if I may. *
I’m going to the meadow to see them
I’m going to help them make hay.
My lady Wind, my lady Wind,
Went round about the house to find
A chink to get her foot in:
She tried the key-hole in the door,
She tried the crevice in the floor,
And drove the chimney soot in.
And then one night when it was dark
She blew up such a tiny spark,
That all the house was bothered :
From it she raised up such a flame,
As flamed away to Belting Lane,
And White Cross folks were
And thus when once, my little dears,
A whisper reaches itching ears,
The same will come, you'll find:
Take my advice, restrain the tongue,
Remember what old nurse has sung
Of busylady Wind!
Wuo killed Cock Robin? ©
I, said the Sparrow,
With my bow and arrow,
I killed Cock Robin.
Who saw him die?
I, said the Fly,
With my little eye,
I saw him die.
Who caught his blood ?
I, said the Fish,
With my little dish,
I caught his blood.
Who'll make his shroud ?
I, said the Beetle,
With my thread and needle,
I'll make his shroud.
Who'll dig his grave ?
I, said the Owl,
With my spade and shovel, -
I'll dig his grave.
Who'll carry him to the grave?
I, said the Kite,
If it's not in the night,
I'll carry him to the grave.
Who'll carry the link ?
I, said the Linnet,
I'll fetch it in a minute,
I'll carry the link.
Who'll be chief mourner ?
I, said the Dove,
For I mourn for my love,
i'll be chief mourner.
| ! \
Who'll sing a psalm?
J, said the Thrush,
As he sat in the bush,
I'll sing a psalm.
Who'll be the Parson ?
I, said the Rook,
With my little book,
I'll be the Parson.
Who'll be the Clerk ?
Ieesaid:the Lark,
If it's not in the dark ;
I'll be the Clerk.
Who'll toll the bell ?
I, said the Bull,
_ Because I can pull;
I'll toll the bell.
All the birds of the air
Fell a-sighing’and sobbing,
When they heard the bell toll
For poor Cock Robin.
A man of words and not of deeds,
Is like a garden full of weeds ;
For when the weeds begin to grow,
Then doth the garden overflow.
IF you sneeze on Monday, you sneeze
for danger ;
Sneeze on a Tuesday, kiss a stranger;
Sneeze on a- Wednesday, sneeze for a
letter ; [better ;
Sneeze on a Thursday, something
Sneeze on 2 Friday, sneeze for sorrow;
Sneeze on a Saturday, see your sweet-
heart to-morrow.
NEEDLES and pins, needles and pins, A SUNSHINY shower
When a man marries his trouble begins. Won't last half an hour.
As the days grow longer,
The storms grow stronger.
(Read quickly.)
In fir tar is,
In oak none is.
In mud eels are,
In clay none are.
Goat eat ivy,
Mare eat oats.
f [A On MM, ft A e :
UT cer hes he Rae. ee A swarm of bees in May
vt MN Nida ie gy hig, Z
Cesta Is worth a load of hay;
A swarm of bees in June
Is worth a silver spoon ;
A swarm of bees in July
Is not worth a fly.
THE mackerel’s cry,
Is never long dry.
A GUINEA it would sink,
And a pound it would float ;
Yet I’d rather have a guinea,
Than your one pound note.
Fripay night’s dream
On the Saturday told,
Is sure to come true,
Be it mwever so old.,
deve tale tit!
Your tongue shall be slit,
And all the dogs in the town
Shall have a little bit.
A DILLER, a dollar,
A ten o’clock scholar,
What makes you come so soon?
You used to come at ten o'clock,
But now-you come at noon.
IF ifs and ands,
Were pots and pans,
There would be no need for tinkers!
THE art of good driving’s a paradox
Though custom has prov’d it so
If you go to the left, you’re sure to go
If you go to the right, you go wrong.
WHEN I was a little boy, I had but
little wit—
It is some time ago, and I’ve no more
yet ;
Nor ever, ever shall have, until that I die,
For the longer I live, the more fool
am I.
Tiff isin PUP
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A Froc he would a-wooing go,
Heigho, says Rowley!
Whether his mother would let
him or no.
With a rowley powley, gammon
and spinach,
Heigho, says Anthony Rowley!
So off he set with his opera hat,
‘Heigho, says Rowley !
And on the road he met with a
With a rowley powley, gammon
and spinach, :
Heigho, says Anthony Rowley!
Pray, Mr. Rat, will you go with
Heigho, says Rowley !
Kind Mrs. Mousey for to see ?
With a rowley powley, gammon
and spinach,
Heigho, says Anthony Rowley !
When they came to the door of
Mousey’s hall,
Heigho, says Rowley!
They gave a loud knock and they
gave a loud call.
With a rowley powley, gammon
and spinach,
Heigho, says Anthony Rowley!
: Vv.
Pray, Mrs. Mouse, are you within?
Heigho, says Rowley!
Oh, yes, kind sirs, I’m sitting to
| spin.
With a rowley powley, gammon
and spinach,
Heigho, savs Anthony Rowley!
Pray, Mrs. Mouse, will you give
us some beer?
_ Heigho, says Rowley!
For Froggie and I are fond of
: good cheer.
With a rowley powley, etc.
Pray, Mr. Frog, will you give us
a song?
Heigho, says Rowley!
But let it be something that’s not
very long.
With a rowley powley, etc.
Indeed, Mrs. Mouse, replied the
Heigho, says Rowley!
a dog.
With a rowley powley, etc.
- Since you have caught cold, Mr.
Frog, Mousey said,
Heigho, says Rowley!
I'll sing you a song that I have
just made.
‘With a rowley powley, etc.
-A cold has made me as hoarse as ~
But while they were all a merry-
Heigho, says Rowley!
A cat and her kittens came tumbl-
ing in.
cS With a rowley powley, gammon
and spinach,
Heigho says Anthony Rowley!
The Cat she seized the rat by the
Heigho, says Rowley !
The kittens they pulled the little
mouse down.
With a rowley powley, etc.
This put Mr. Frog in a terrible
Heigho, says Rowley !
He took up his hat, and he wished
them good night.
With a rowley powley, etc.
But as Froggie was crossing over,
a brook,
Heighe, says Rowley!
A lily white duck came and
gobbled him up.
With a rowley powley, etc.
So there was an end of one, two
and three,
_ Heigho, says Rowley!
The Rat, the Mouse, and little’
"hen Frogee.
With a rowley powley, etc.
Turrty days hath September,
April, June, and November ;
February has twenty-eight alone,
All the rest have thirty-one,
Excepting Leap-year, that’s the time
When February's days are twenty-
nine. ,
Bircu and green holly, boys,
Birch and green holly.
If you get beaten, boys,
’Twill be your own folly.
WueEn V and I together meet,
They make the number Six
complete. I
When I with V doth meet once \|
more, | !
Then ‘tis they Two can make |
but Four.
And when that V from I is gone,
Alas! poor I can make but One.
(A Greek bill of fare )
Doctor Faustus was a good man,
He whipt his scholars now and then ,
When he whipp’d them he made them
Out of Scotland into France,
Out of France into Spain,
And then he whipp’d them back again.
O tuat I was where I would be,
Then would I be where I am not!
But where I am I must be,
And where I would be, I cannot.
eo ae
Alfagheuse, i | i " on (i :
Pasti venison. i Hy | Ph all ) if
AUS al lt ees
~ MULTIPLICATION is vexation, Vi \ my | iit Hl al
Division is as bad; aT ame ee
The Rule of Three doth puzzle at We ames a
me, a A) ie 2
And Practice drives me mad.
Come when you're called,
Do what you're bid,
Shut the door after you,
Never be chid.
You shall have an apple,
You shall have a plum,
You shall have a rattle basket
When your dad comes home.
Potty put the kettle on,
Polly put the kettle on.
Polly put the kettle on,
And let’s drink tea.
Sukey take it off again,
Sukey take it off again,
Sukey take it off again,
They’re all gone away.
LitTLe Betty Blue, lost her holiday shoe.
What can little Betty do?
Give her another to match the other,
And then she may walk in two.
Up at Piccadilly, oh!
The coachman takes his stand,
And when he meets a pretty girl,
He takes her by the hand.
Whip away for ever, oh!
Drive away so clever, oh!
All the way to Bristol, oh!.
He drives her four-in-hand.
Tury that wash on Monday
Have all the week to dry ;
They that wash on Tuesday
Are not so much awry;
They that wash on Wednesday
Are not so much to blame ;
They that wash on Thursday
Wash for shame ;
They that wash on Friday
Wash in need ;
And they that wash on Saturday
Oh! they're sluts indeed.
JEANIE, come tie my,
Jeanie, come tie my,
Jeanie, come tie my bonnie cravat ;
I've tied it behind,
~ lve tied it before;
And I’ve tied it so often, I'll tie it no
WHEN Jacky’s a very good boy,
He shall have cakes and a custard,
But when he does nothing but cry,
He shall have nothing but mustard.
Mistress Mary, quite contrary,
How does your garden grow ?
f With cockle-shells, and_ silver
4 bells,
Q And mussels all a row.
Zed SxS
\ y al
Tue rose is red, the grass is green,
And in this book, my name is seen.
Cross patch
Draw the latch,
Sit by the fire and spin:
Take a cup,
And drink it up,
Then call your neighbours in.
DAFFY-DOWN-DILLY has come up
to town,
In a yellow petticoat, and a green
Tue fox and his wife they
had a great strife,
They never ate mustard in
all their whole life ;
They ate their meat with-
out fork or knife,
And loved to be picking
a bone, e-ho!†‘
eS i
Sr ="
The fox jumped up ona
moonlight night ;
The stars they were
shining, and all things
bright ;
Oh, ho! said. the fox, it’s a very fine night
For me to go through the town, e-ho!
The fox when he came to yonder stile,
He lifted his ears and he listened a while!
Oh, ho! said the fox, it’s but a short mile
From this unto yonder. wee town e-ho!
The fox when he came to the farmer's gate,
Who should he see but the farmer’s drake ;
I love you well for your master’s sake,
And long to be picking your bone, e-ho!
The gray goose she ran round the hay-stack.
Oh, ho! said the fox, you are very fat ;
You'll grease my beard and ride on my back
From this into yonder wee town, e-ho!
Old Gammer Hipple-hopple hopped out of bed,
She opened the casement, and popped out her head ;
Oh, husband! oh, husband, the gray goose is dead,
And the fox is gone through the town, oh!
Then the old man got up in his red cap,
And. swore he would catch the fox in a trap ;
But the fox was too cunning, and gave him the slip,
And ran thro’ the town, the town, oh!
When he got to the top of
the hill,
He blew his trumpet both
loud and shrill,
For joy that he was safe -
Thro’ the town, oh!
When the fox came back
to his den,
‘He had young ones, eight,
nine, ten.
“Vou're welcome home,
daddy, you may go
If you bring us such nice
From the town, oh!
vy; yee
Tiny? Le
cau AY
CES BLY Sl ote ae Cage a,
S1nG a song of sixpence,
A pocket full of rye;
Four-and-twenty blackbirds
Baked: ina pie; —
When the pie was open’d
The birds began to sing;
Was not that a dainty dish,
To set before the king ?
The king was in his counting-house The maid was in the garden
Counting out his money ; Hanging out the clothes,
The queen was in the parlour There came a little blackbird,
Eating bread and honey ; And snapt off her nose.
Or-all the gay birds that e’er I did see,
The owl is the fairest by far to me;
For all the day long she sits on a tree,
And when the night comes away flies she.
LittLe Bo-peep has lost her sheep,
And can’t tell where to find them ;
Leave them alone, and theyll come
Ard bring their tails behind them.
Little Bo-peep fell fast asleep,
And dreamt she heard them bleating;
And when she awoke, she found it a
- joke,
For they were all stil! fleeting.
Then up she took her little crook,
Determined for to find them ; Tie
She found them, indeed, but it made y.
her heart bleed, V4)
For they'd left all their tails behind [4%
‘em. soa
“a PAE I) 7]
Jounny shall have a new bonnet, } HH | ladd |
And Johnny shall go to the fair, + VN ~~ oe j
And Johnny shall have a blue ribbon aS We ATW
: WA es
To tie up his bonny brown hair.
And why may not I love Johnny ?
And why may not Johnny love me?
And why may not I love Johnny
As well as another body ?
And here’s a leg for a stocking,
And here 1s a leg for a shoe,
And he has a kiss for his daddy,
And two for his mammy, I trow,
And why may not I love Johnny?
And why may not Johnny love me? We &
And why may not I love Johnny vik NL eA OY
sf RE a NN ae v,
As well as another body? NAME
Tue north wind doth blow,
And we shall have snow,
And what will poor Robin
do then? Poor thing!
Fell sit im a barn
And to keep himself warm,
Will hide his head under his
wing. Poor thing !
Tue Children of Holland take pleasure in making
What the Children of England take pleasure in breaking.
(Alluding to toys, a great number of which are imported into this country from Holland.)
Tom he was a piper’s son,
He learned to play when he was young,
But all the tunes that he could play
Was, “Over the hills and far away.â€
Over the hills and a great: way off, |
And the wind will blow my top-knot off.
Now Tom with his pipe made such a ‘noise,
That he pleas’d both the girls and boys,
And they stopp’d to hear him play.
“Over the hills and far away.â€
Tom with his pipe did play with such skill
That those who heard him could never keep still!
Whenever they heard they began for to dance,
Even pigs on their hind legs would after him prance.
As Dolly was milking her cow one day,
Tom took out his pipe and began for to play;
So Doll and the cow danced the “Cheshire Round,â€
Till the pail was broke and the milk ran on the ground.
He met old Dame Trot with a basket of eggs, |
He used his pipe, and she used her legs;
She danced about till the eggs were all broke,
She began for to fret, but he laughed at the joke.
He saw a cross fellow was beating an ass,
Heavy laden with pots, pans, dishes and glass ;
He took out his pipe and played them a tune,
And the jackass’s load was lightened full soon.
Jacky, come give me thy
lf ever thou mean to
thrive :
Nay, ll met give my
To any man alive.
If I should give my fiddle,
Theyll think that I’m
gone mad ;
For many a joyful day
My fiddle and I have
Hor-cross Buns!
_. Hot-cross Buns!
One a penny, two a penny,
Hot-cross Buns !
Hot-cross Buns!
Hot-cross Buns!
If ye have no daughters,
Give them to your sons.
I Love sixpence, pretty little
I love sixpence better than
mayalHes ’
I spent a penny of it, I spent another,
And took fourpence home to my wife.
Oh, my little fourpence, pretty little fourpence,
I love fourpence better than my life ;
I spent a penny of it, I spent another,
And I took twopence home to my wife.
Oh, my little twopence, my pretty little twopence,
I love twopence better than my life ;
I spent a penny of it, I spent another,
And I took nothing home to my wife.
Oh, my little nothing, my pretty little nothing,
What will nothing buy for my wife?
I have nothing, I spend nothing,
I love nothing better than my wife. —
WooLey Foster has gone to sea,
With silver buckles at his knee,
When he comes back he'll marry me,
Bonny Wooley Foster!
Wooley Foster has a cow,
Black and white about the mow;
Open the gates and let her through,
Wooley Foster's ain cow!
Wooley Foster has a hen,
Cockle button, cockle ben,
She lay eggs for gentlemen,
But none for Wooley Foster!
LittLe Miss Muffet,
She sat on a tuffet,
Eating of curds and whey;
There came a great spider,
Who sat down beside her,
And frightened Miss Muffet away.
2 JAP om
Y seh ig A
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tpa\ nl Zerit
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“Ay Cp M bain 1 View § wh
fa hy Wy hay "ee ey)
7K, Wee gr ehâ€
of, Uy, Prvathtp Crow, Ge ff oom
“ely My, Le Wi, Ce es WE We g
Orr —-
Buz, quoth the blue fly,
Hum, quoth the bee,
Buz and hum they cry,
And so do we:
In his ear, in his nose,
Thus, do you see? —
Hark, hark,
The dogs do bark,
Beggars are coming to town;
Some in jags,
Some in rags,
And some in velvet gowns,
THERE were two birds sat on a stone, ——
One flew away, and then there was one, SHOE the colt,
Fa, la, la, la, lal, de: | oa eee
The other flew after, and then there was none, - eal ‘ ee
Ba‘ dlarila,ta;lab, des aes aM,
And so the poor stone was left all alone, ere a nail,
Fa, la, la, la, lal, de! Yet she goes bare.
stoi: . ;
gee†=.) THERE was a jolly miller
LS <4 Be = \ Ww d ° e
Bee ge ~~ Ga\ < d Lived on the river Dee:
og os Oar He worked and sung from
AB i SE SY ena
SRC fs wry morn till night, _
4 \ No lark so blithe as
And this the burden of his
For ever used to be—
“TI care for nobody — no!
a not I,
My ge Since nobody cares for
Peed =e
_— | q
WHERE are you going, my pretty maid?
I’m going a-milking, sir, she said.
May I go with you, my pretty maid ?
You're kindly welcome, sir, she said.
What is your father, my pretty maid?
My father’s a farmer, sir, she said.
Say, will you marry me, my pretty maid ?
Yes, if you please, kind sir, she said.
What is your fortune, my pretty maid ?
My face is my fortune, sir, she said.
Then I won’t marry you, my pretty maid!
Nobody asked you, sir! she said.
As I was going along, long, long,
A-singing a comical song, song, song,
The lane that I went was so long, long, long,
And the song that I sung was as long, long,
long, ;
And so I went singing along.
My maid Mary
She minds her dairy,
While I go a-hoing and mowing each
Merrily run the reel
And the little spinning wheel
Whilst lam singing and mowing my
[Song of a Little Boy in a Cornfield. ]
Awa’ birds, away!
Take a little and leave a little,
And do not come again ;
For if you do,
I will shoot you through,
And there is an end of you.
Ir I’d as much money as I could spend,
I never would cry old chairs to mend ;
Old chairs to mend, old chairs to mend;
I never would cry old chairs to mend.
If I’d as much money as I could tell,
I never would cry old clothes to sell ;
Old clothes to sell, old clothes to sell,
I never would cry old clothes to sell.
TuREE blind mice, see how they run!
They all ran after the farmer’s wife,
Who cut off their tails with the carving knife,
Did you ever see such fools in your life?
Three blind mice.
JOHN Cook had alittle grey mare; he,
haw, hum!
Her back stood up, and her bones
they were bare; he, haw, hum!
John Cook was riding up Shuter's
bank; he, haw, hum;
And there his nag did kick and praak;
he, haw, hum;
John Cook was riding up Shuter's
hill; he, haw, hum!
His mare fell down, and she made
her will; he, haw, hum!
The bridle and saddle were laid on
the shelf; he, haw, hum!
If you want any more you may sing
it yourself; he, haw, hum!
A CARRION crow sat on an oak,
Fol de riddle, lol de riddle, hi
ding dao,
Watching a tailor shape his cloak ;
Sing heigh ho, the carrion crow,
Fol de riddle, Jol de riddle, hi
ding do.
Wife, bring me my old bent bow, s
Fol de riddle, lol de riddle, hi &
ding do,
That I may shoot yon carrion crow ;
Sing heigh ho, the carrion crow,
Fol de riddle, lol de riddle, hi ding do.
The tailor he shot and he missed his mark,
Fol de riddle, lol de riddle, hi ding do.
And shot his own sow quite through the heart ;
Sing heigh ho, the carrion crow,
Fol de riddle, lol de riddle, hi ding do.
Wife, bring brandy in a spoon;
Fol de riddle, lol de riddle, hi ding do,
For our old sow is in a swoon,
. Sing heigh ho, the carrion crow,
Fol de riddle, lol de riddle, hi ding do.
Wuistte, daughter, whistle ; whistle, daughter dear.
I cannot whistle, mammy, I cannot whistle clear. |
Whistle, daughter, whistle, whistle for a pound.
I cannot whistle, mammy, I cannot make a sound.
er | Rar, rain, go away,
fe Come again another day ;
Little Arthur wants to play.
Barser, barber, shave a pig,
sahig// 5 i, How many hairs will make a wig ?
EUR id ox ‘ee “ Four-and-twenty, that’s enough.â€
F eB> . ‘ .
eo ee / ~~ ~Grive the barber a pinch of snuff.
4 7 “4 r z ea oak ae ad
Good neighbour, I pray?
‘They say the balloon
Is gone up to the moon.
[A Marching Air.]
Darsy and Joan were dress’d in black,
Sword and buckle behind their back :
Foot for foot, and knee for knee,
Turn about Darby’s company.
Tarry was a Welshman, Taffy
was a thief,
Taffy came. to my house and
stole a piece of beef ;
I went to Taffy’s house, Taffy
was not at home ;
Taffy came to my house and 7%
stole a marrow bone. ae
Dame, get up and bake
your pies,
Bake your pies, bake your
Dame, get up and bake
your pies
On Christmas Day in the
Dame, what makes your
maidens lie,
Maidens lie, maidens lie:
Dame, what makes your
ae a maidens lie
On Christmas Day in the morning?
Dame, what makes your ducks to die,
Ducks to die, ducks to die;
Dame, what makes your ducks to die
On Christmas Day in the morning?
Their wings are cut and they cannot fly,
Cannot fly, cannot fly;
Their wings are cut and they cannot fly
On Christmas Day in the morning.
x ( _
= (oe
I'LL sing you a song,
Though not very long,
Yet I think it as pretty as
Put your hand in your
You'll never be worse,
And give the poor singer a
I nap a little hobby horse,
And it was a dapple gray ;
its head was made of pea
Its tail was made of hay.
I sold it to an old woman
For a copper groat ;
And [lI not sing my song
Without a new coat.
As Tommy Snooks and Bessy THERE was an old woman
Brooks Lived under a hill ;
Were walking out one Sunday, And if she’s not gone,
Says Tommy Snooks to Bessy She lives there still.
“To-morrow will be Monday.â€
Rosin and Richard were two
pretty men,
They lay in bed till the clock
struck ten; —
Then up starts Robin, and
looks at the sky,
~“QOh, brother Richard,
_ the sun’s.very high!
=z, The bull's in the barn
threshing the corn,
: The - cock’s on the hay-
rick blowing his horn.â€
I saw a ship a-sailing, The four-and-twenty sailors
A-sailing on the sea, That stood between the decks,
And, oh! it was all laden Were four-and-twenty white mice,
With pretty things for thee. With chains about their necks.
Therewere comfitsinthecabin The captain was a duck,
And apples in the hold; — With a packet on his back ;
The sails were made of silk, And when the ship began to move,
And the masts were made The captain said, ‘“ Quack !
of gold. quack !â€
Once I saw a little bird come hop, hop, hop,
So I cried, Little bird, will you stop, stop, stop ?
And was going to the window, to say how do you do?
But he shook his little tail, and far away he flew.
i ul i ,
Dame Trot and her cat at oe ol cn Wy Hop ;
Led a peaceable life | | sh
When they were not Jive
troubled ae
With other folks’ strife.
When Dame had her din-
Near. Pee would wait,
And was sure to receive
A nice piece from her
RIDDLE me, riddle me, what is that
Over the head and under the hat?
BLACK within, and red without;
Four corners round about.
—A Chimney.
I WENT to the wood and got it,
I sat me down and looked at it;
The more I looked at it the less I liked it,
And brought it home because I couldn't help it.
—A Thorn,
THERE was a girl in our towne,
Silk an’. satin was her gowne, -
Silk an’ satin, gold an’ velvet,
Guess her name—three times I’ve tell’d it.
Mabe in London,
Sold at York,
Stops a bottie
And zs a cork.
; WN
I’m in everyone’s way,
But no one I stop;
My four horns every day
In every way play, -
And my head is nailed
on at the top!
_—A Turnstile,
‘) f Yk
big YAN m7 | Me, be
“ete NY 77m
“ides "Sa La C3 6 a
As soft as silk, as white as milk, Lone legs,
As bitter as gall, a thick wall, Crooked thighs,
And a green coat . i Little head
covers me all. And no eyes.
—A Walnut. —Pair of-Tongs.
Py ee)
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ances .
marr (Air ay
“ath Uo a gl
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[eels i h A th, \
Humpry-Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty-Dumpty had a great fall,
All the King’s horses and all the King’s men
Cannot put Humpty-Dumpty together again.
—An Egg. 2
I bul
Titer B
| B ae ea TE ROE ees mea se LRRD | ik
TW Ai A, ml Tae bid Ge ty, ee ee ihe ele ea ili
ihe as afte a
“el yi
Four of England, fruit of Spain,
Met together in a shower of rain ;
Put in a bag, tied round with a string,
If you'll tell me this riddle, I'll give you a
—A Plum-pudding,
WHEN I was taken from the fair body,
They then cut off my head,
And thus my shape was altered ;
It’s I that make peace between king and
And many a true lover glad:
All this I do and ten times more,
And more I could do still,
But nothing can I do
_ Without my guider’s will.
—A Pen,
In marble walls as white as milk.
Lined with a skin as soft as silk ;
Within a fountain crystal clear,
A golden apple doth appear.
No doors there are to this strong-hold,
Yet things break in and steal the gold.
—An Egg.
Hick-A-MoRE, Hack-a-more,
On the king’s kitchen door ;
All the king’s horses,
And all the king’s men,
Couldn’t drive Hick-a-more,
Off the king’s kitclien door.
Every lady in this land
Has twenty nails upon
each hand,
Five-and-twenty hands and
All. this is true without
TWELVE pears hanging high,
Twelve knights riding by ;
Each knight took a pear,
And yet left eleven there!
—Eleven Knights,
HIGGLEby piggledy
Here we lie,
Pick’d and pluck’d,
And put in a pie.
My first is snapping, snarling,
My second’s industrious, romp-
_ ing and prowling.
Higgledy piggledy
Here we lie, .
Pick’d and pluck’d
And put in a pie.
LivEs in Winter,
Dies in Summer,
And grows with its root up-
—An Icicle,
I nave a little sister, they call her Peep, Peep,
She wades the waters deep, deep, deep ;
She climbs the mountains high, high, high;
Poor little creature! she has but one eye.
—A Star.
OLp mother Twitchett had but one eye,
And a long tail which she let fly ;
And every time she went over a gap,
She left a bit of her tail in a trap.
—A Needle and Thread.
LirtLe Nancy Etticoat,
In a white petticoat,
And a red nose; :
The longer she stands,
The shorter she grows.
—A Candle,
Tuomas A TatTamus took two Ts,
To tie two tups to two tall trees,
To frighten the terrible Thomas a Tattamus!
Tell me how many Ts there are in all THAT.
BLAcK we are, but much admired ; TEN and ten and twice eleven,
Men seek for us till they are tired. Take out six and put in seven ;
We tire the horse, but comfort man; Go to the green and fetch eighteen,
Tell me this riddle if you can. And drop one a-coming.
As I was going o’er London Bridge,
I met a cart full of fingers and ~
thumbs! —
Wuat shoe-maker makes shoes without |};
With all the four elements put together ?—
Fire and water, earth and air.
Ev’ ry customer has two pair.
—A Horse Shoer,
Tuirty white horses upon a red hill,
Now they tramp, now they champ, now they
stand still.
—Teeth and Gums.
As I was going o'er Westminster
I met a Westminster scholar ;
He pulled off his cap an’ drew off
his glove,
And wished me a very good
—What is hisname? Andrew.
As I went over Lincoln Bridge
I met Mister Rusticap ;
Pins and needles on his back,
A-going to Thorney fair.
—A Hedgehog.
FoRMED long ago, yet made to-
day, :
Employed while others sleep,
What few would like to give
Nor any wish to keep.
—A Bed,
PEASE-PORRIDGE hot, pease-porridge cold,
Pease-porridge in the pot, nine days old.
Spell me ¢at without a P,
And a clever scholar you will be.
Two legs sat on three legs,
With one leg in his lap ;
In comes four legs,
And runs away with one leg.
Up jumps two legs,
Catches up three legs,
Throws it after four legs,
And. makes him bring back one leg.
—One leg is a leg of mutton; two legs, a man;
threc legs, a stool; four legs, a dog.
As I went through the garden gap.
Who should I meet but Dick Red-cap!
A stick in his hand, a stone in his
If you tell me this riddle I'll give you a
§ —A Cherry,
I’vE seen you where you never were,
And where you ne’er will be,
And yet you in that very same place
May still be seen by me.
—The reflection of a face in a looking-glass.
THERE was a man who had no eyes,
He went abroad to view the skies ;
He saw a tree with apples on it,
He took no apples off, yet left no apples on it.
—The man had one eye, and the tree two apples upon it.
a ne i
By Ve Vs
non i 2
< SN aay aay) 17 Oe
Make three-fourths of a cross
And a circle complete ;
And let two semicircles
On a perpendicular meet ;
Next add a triangle
That stands on two feet ;
Next two semicircles,
And a circle complete.
I saw a fight the other day ;
A damsel did begin the fray.
She with her daily friend did .
Then, standing in the open
She gave such hard and sturdy
He bled ten gallons at the nose ;
Yet neither seem to faintnor fall,
Nor gave her any abuse at all.
—A Pump.
WuicH weighs heavier—
A stone of lead
Or a stone of feather >?
—They both weigh alike.
=~. A RIDDLE, a riddle, as I
A hundred eyes, and never
a nose.
—A Cinder-sifter.
As round as an apple, aS a
deep as a cup,
And all the king’s horses
can’t pull it up.
—A Well.
~Mattruew, Mark, Luke and
Guard the bed that I lay on!
Four corners to my bed,
Four angels round my head ;
One to watch, one to pray,
And two to bear my soul away !
‘Hicuer than a house, higher than a tree;
Oh, whatever can that be?
—A star.
[Said to pips placed in the fire. ]
Ir you love me, pop and fly;
If you hate me, lay and die.
[This and the five following are said to be certain cures for the hiccup if repeated in one breath, ]
When a Twister a-twisting, will twist him a twist ;
For the twisting of his twist, he three times doth intwist ;
But if one of the twines of the twist do untwist,
The twine that untwisteth, untwisteth the twist.
Untwirling the twine that untwisted between,
He twirls, with the twister, the two in a twine:
Then twice having twisted the twines of the twine,
He twisteth the twine he had twined in twain.
The twain that, in twining, before in the twine,
As twines were intwisted ; he now doth untwine :
’Twixt the twain inter-twisting a twine more between,
He, twirling his twister, makes a twist of the twine.
A THATCHER of Thatchwood went to Thatchet a-thatching ;
Did a thatcher of Thatchwood go to Thatchet a-thatching ?
If a thatcher of Thatchwood went to Thatchet a-thatching,
Where’s the thatching the thatcher of Thatchwood has thatch’d ?
[Sometimes ‘off a pewter plate†is added at the end of each line. ]
PETER Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper ;
A peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked; .
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper,
Where's the peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked ?
RospertT ROWLEY rolled a round roll round,
A round roll Robert Rowley rolled round ;
Where rolled the round roll Robert Rowley rolled round?
THREE crooked cripples went
through Cripplegate, and through }
Cripplegate went three crooked )
SWAN swam over
the sea—
Swan swam _ back
Well swam swan.
HICKup, snicup,
Rise up, right up!
Three drops in the
Are good for the
THERE was an old woman, as I’ve heard tell,
She went to market her eggs for to sell ;
She went to market all on a market day,
And she fell asleep on the king’s highway.
There canie by a pedlar whose name was Stout,
He cut her petticoats all round about ;
He cut her petticoats up to her knees,
Which made the old woman to shiver and
When this little woman first did wake,
She began to shiver and she began to
She began to wonder and she began to
“Oh! deary, deary me, this is none of I!â€
“ But if it be I, as I do hope it be,
D’vea little dog at home, and he'll know me ;
If it be I, he’ll wag his little tail,
And if it benot I, he'll loudly bark-and wail.â€
Home went the little woman all in the dark,
Up got the little dog, and he began to bark;
He began to bark, so she began to cry,
“Oh! deary, deary me, this is none of I!â€
Tuere was an old woman who lived in a shoe,
She had so many children she didn’t know what to do ;
Te 7 She gave them some broth
without any bread,
She whipped them all well
and put them to bed.
On Saturday night
Shall be all my care
To powder my locks
And curl my hair.
On Sunday morning
My love will come in,
: When he will marry me
ae With a gold ring.
‘THERE was an old woman |
toss'd up in a basket
Nineteen times as high as
the moon ;
Where she was going |
couldn’t but ask it,
For in her hand she
carried a broom.
Old woman, old woman, old ===
woman, quoth I,
O whither, O whither, O
whither so high?
To brush the cobwebs off the sky ;
Shall I go with thee? Ay, by-and-by.
‘Orv Mother Hubbard if mI,
Went to the cupboard, d a i |
To get her poor dog a bone ; i
But when she came there Wi yi
The cupboard was bare, Hy Wy)
| ON)
And so the poor dog had GU) )
none. WAN
She went to the baker’s
To buy him some bread,
But when she came back
The poor dog was dead.
She went to the joiner’s
To buy him a coffin,
But when she came back
The poor dog was laughing.
She took a clean dish
To get him some tripe,
But when she came back
He was smoking a pipe.
She went to the ale-house
To get him some beer,
But when she came back i
The dog sat in a chair. — | (ey
She went to the tavern
For white wine and red;
But when she came back
The dog stood on his head.
She went to the hatter’s
To buy him a hat,
But when she came back
He was feeding the cat.â€
‘She went to the barber's
To buy him a wig,
But when she came back
He was dancing a gig.
She went to the fruiterer’s
To buy him some fruit,
But when she came back
He was playing the flute.
She went to the tailor’s
To buy him a coat,
But when she came back
He was riding a goat.
She went to the cobbler’s
To buy him some shoes,
But when she came back
He was reading the news : | A
She went to the sempstress
To buy him some linen,
- But when she came back
The dog was spinning.
She went to the hosier’s
To buy him some hose,
But when she came back
He was dress’‘d in his clothes.
The dame made a curtsey,
The dog made a bow;
The dame said, Your servant,
The dog said, Bow, wow.
This wonderful dog
Was Dame Hubbard's delight,
He could sing, he could dance,
He could read, he could write.
She gave him rich dainties
~ Whenever he fed,
And erected a monument Na Te y ip
When he was dead. | STB 1) SYED LOE, EO
wey Tit sth
| il 4
THERE was an old man who lived in a wood,
As you may plainly see ;
He said he could do as much work in a day
As his wife could do in three.
“ With all my heart,†the old woman said ;
“Tf that you will allow,
To-morrow you'll stay at home in my stead,
And I'll go drive the plough ;
ONS arm :
MOA Nyon
z B
ere ("yee
Cea OP ee oe
“But you must milk the Tidy cow,
For fear that she go dry;
And you must feed the little pigs
That are within the sty ;
And you must mind the speckled hen,
For fear she lay away ;
And you must reel the spool of yarn
That I spun yesterday.â€
The old woman took a staff in her hand,
And went to drive the plough ;
The old man took a pail in his hand,
And went to milk the cow ; ;
But Tidy hinched, and Tidy flinched,
And Tidy broke his nose,
And Tidy gave him such a blow,
That the blood ran down to his toes.
“High, Tidy! ho, Tidy!
High, Tidy! do stand still!
If ever I milk you, Tidy again,
Twill be sore against my will.â€
He went to feed the little pigs,
That were within the sty ;
He hit his head against the beam,
And he made the blood to fly.
He went to mind the speckled hen,
For fear she'd lay astray,
And he forgot the spool of yarn
His wife spun yesterday.
So he swore by the sun, the moon, and the stars,
And the green leaves on the tree,
If his wife didn't do a day’s work in his life,
She should ne'er be ruled by he.
THERE was an old woman of Norwich,
Who lived on nothing but porridge ;
Parading the town, | on
She turned cloak into gown,
This thrifty old woman of Norwich.
THERE was an old man,
And he had a calf,
And that’s half;
He took him out of the stall,
And put him on the wall;
And that’s all.
AWAKE, arise, pull out your eyes,
And hear what time of day;
And when you have done, puli out
your tongue,
And see what you can say.
THERE was an old man of Tobago,
Who lived on rice, gruel, and sago ;
Till, much to his bliss,
His physician said this—
“To a leg, sir, of mutton you may
A LITTLE old man of Derby,
How do you think he served me?
He took away my bread and cheese,
And that is how he served me.
2 THERE was an old woman .
‘ Lived under a hill,
She put a mouse in a bag,
FATHER SHORT came down the lane, ‘And -senecttormille
Oh! I’m obliged to hammer and
smite, The miller declard
From four in, the morning till By the point of his knife,
eight at night, 5 ag He never took toll
For a bad master and a worse dame. Of a mouse in his life.
THERE was an old woman called Nothing-at-all,
Who rejoiced in a dwelling exceedingly small:
A man stretched his mouth to its utmost extent,
“ And down at one.gulp house and old woman went.
lini dee, Wee:
He went to sea
In an open boat ;
And while afloat |
The little boat bended,
And my story's ended.
LirtLe Poll Parrot
Sat in his garret,
Eating toast and. tea ;
A little brown mouse,
Jumped into the house,
And stole it all away.
How many days has my baby to THERE was an old woman in Surrey,
play ? Who was morn, noon and night ina
Saturday, Sunday, Monday, hurry ;
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Call’d her husband a fool,
Friday, Drove the children to school,
Saturday, Sunday, Monday. The worrying old woman of Surrey.
Ou, dear, what can the matter be? As I was going to sell my eggs
Two old women got up in an apple- _‘I met a man with bandy legs,
tree, Bandy Jegs and crooked toes,
One came down, _I tripped up his heels, and he fell on
And the other stayed till Saturday.. his nose.
[The following is used by schoolboys, when two are [A game of the Fox. In a children’s game, where all the
starting to run a race. ] little actors are seated in a circle, the following stanza
is used as question and answer, ] :
OnE to make ready, WHuo goes round my house this night?
And two to prepare ; None but cruel Tom!
Good luck to the rider, Who steals all the sheep at night ?
And away goes the mare. None but this poor one.
Dance, Thumbkin, dance,
Dance, ye merry men, every one:
For Thumbkin, he can dance alone,
Thumbkin, he can dance alone,
Dance, Foreman, dance,
Dance, ye merry men, every one; The whole moving. ~
But Foreman, he can dance alone, oat,
Foreman, he can dance alone.
[And so on with the others—naming the 2nd finger “ Longman,†the 3rd finger ‘“ Ringman,†and the 4th finger
‘‘ Littleman.’? Littleman cannot dance alone, |
Keep the thumb in motion:
All the fingers i pee)
Coeeeeael iipeenet
The thumb only moving
Ditto. ‘i
The first finger moving. 4
c enna! tomoeael
[At the conclusion, the captive is privately asked if he will have oranges or lemons (the two leaders of the arch having
previously agreed which designation shall belong to each), and he goes behind the one he may chance to name.
When all are thus divided into two varties, they conclude the game by trying to pull each other beyond a certain
line. ]
Gay go up and gay go-dowp, Two sticks and an apple,
To ring the bells of London town. Say the bells at Whitechapel.
Bull’s-eyes and targets, Old Father Baldpate,
Say the bells of St. Marg’ret’s. Say the slow bells at Aldgate.
Brickbats and tiles, , You owe me ten shillings,
Say the bells of St. Giles’. ‘Say the bells at St. Helen’s.
Halfpence and farthings, Poke and tongs,
Say the bells of St. Martin's. Say the bells at St. John’s.
Oranges and lemons, Kettles and pans, |
Say the bells of St. Clement's. Say the bells at St. Ann's. &
Pancakes and fritters, When will you pay me?
Say the bell of St. Peter's. Say the bells at Old Bailey.
When I grow rich, —
Say the bells of Shoreditch.
Pray when will that be?
Say the bells of Stepney.
I am sure I don’t know,
Says the great bell at Bow.
Here comes a candle to light you to bed, —
And here comes a chopper to chop off your head.
QUEEN ANN, Queen Ann, you sit in the sun,
As fair as the lily, as white as a swan ;
I send you three letters, so pray you read one.
I cannot read one unless I read all,
So pray, Master Teddy, deliver them all.
[A string of children, hand in hand, standin arow. A child (4)
stands in front of them, as leader; two other children (B and c)
form an arch, each holding both the hands of the other. ]
A. Draw a pail of water,
For my lady’s daughter ;
My father’s a king, and my mother’s a
My two little sisters are dress’d in
Stamping grass and parsley,
Marigold leaves and daisies.
B. One rush, two rush,
c. Pray thee, fine lady, come under my
[A passes by under the arch, followed by the whole string of
children, the last of whom is taken captive by Bandc. The verses
are repeated, until all are taken. ]
THERE were three jovial Welsh-
As I have heard them say,
And they would go a-hunting
Upon St. David’s Day.
All the day they hunted,
And nothing could they find
But a ship a-sailing,
A-sailing with the wind.
One said it was a ship,
The other, he said nay;
The third said it was a house
With the chimney blown away.
And all the night they hunted,
And nothing could they find
But the moon a-gliding,
A-gliding with the wind.
One said it was the moon,
‘The other, he said nay;
The third said it was a cheese,
And half o’t cut away:
And all the day they hunted,
And nothing could they find
But a hedgehog in a bramble
; bush,
And that they left behind.
The first said it was a hedgehog,
The second, he said nay ;
The third it was a pincushion,
And the pins stuck in wrong
And all the night they hunted,
And nothing could they find
-But a hare in a turnip field,
And that they left behind.
The first said it was a hare,
The second, he said nay;
The third said it was a calf, |
And the cow had run away.
And all day long they hunted,
And nothing could they find
But an owl in a holly-tree,
And that they left behind.
One said it was an owl,
The other he said nay ;
The third said ’twas an old man,
And his beard growing gray.
Tip, top, tower,
Tumble down in an hour.
Is John Smith within >—
Yes, that he is.
‘Can he set a shoe ?—
Ay! marry, two,
Here a nail, there a nail,
Tick, tack, too.
I am a gold lock.
I am a gold key.
I am a silver lock.
I am a Silver key.
I am a brass lock.
I am brass key.
I am a lead lock.
I am a lead key.
I am a monk lock.
I am a monk key!
[One child holds a wand to the face of another, repeating
these lines, and making grimaces, to cause the latter to
laugh, and so to the others; those who laugh paying a
forfeit. ]
BuFF says Buff to all his men,
And I say Buff to you again;
Buff neither laughs nor smiles,
But carries his face .
With a very good grace,
And passes the stick to the very next
place !
[One child is selected for Gipsy, one for Mother, and one
for Daughter Sue, The Mother says-— ;
I CHARGE my daughters every one
To keep good house while I am gone.
You and you (ports), but specially you,
[Or sometimes, but specially Sze.]
Or else I’ll beat you black and blue.
[During the Mother’s absence, the Gipsy comes in, entices
a child away, and hides her. This process is repeated
till all the children are hidden, when the Mother has to
find them. ]
Tuis is the key of the kingdom.
In that kingdom there is a city.
In that city there is a town.
In that town there is a street.
In that street there is a lane.
In that lane there is a yard.
In that yard there is a house.
In that house there is a room.
In that room there is a bed.
On that bed there is a basket.
In that basket there are some
Flowers in the basket, basket in
the bed, bed in the room,
etc: ete:
SEE, saw, Margery Daw,
Little Jackey shall have a new master ;
Little Jackey shall have but a penny a
Because he can’t work any faster.
Wuoop, whoop, and hollow,
Good dogs won’t follow,
Without the hare cries “‘ pee wit.â€
Tom Brown’s two little Indian boys,
"One ran away,
The other wouldn’t stay,—
Tom Brown’s two little Indian boys.
Uz, Rive a cock-horse to Banbury-cross,
6% To see what Tommy can buy ;
& -- by. A penny white loaf, a penny white cake,
_ And a twopenny apple pie.
I WENT up one pair of stairs.
Just like me.
I went up two pairs of stairs.
Just ee
I went tnto a room.
Just like me.
I looked out of a window.
. Just like me.
- And there I saw a monkey,,
Just like me.
N ## N &
NO & NN &
[Game with the hands, ]
RrvE a cock-horse to Banbury-cross, « PLUM-PUDDING hot, __,
To see an old lady upon a white horse, Plum-pudding cold,
Rings on her fingers, and bells on her toes, Plum-pudding in the pot,
And so she makes music wherever she goes. © Nine days old. =
Some like it hot, 4
Some like it cold,
THERE were two blackbirds Some like it in a pot,
Sitting on a hill, Nine days old.
The one nam’d Jack,
The other nam’d Jill;
Fly away, Jack!
Fly away, Jill!
Come again, Jack!
Come again, Jill!
[A song set to five fingers or toes. ]
. THIS pig went to market,
This pig stayed at home ;
This pig had a bit of meat,
And this pig had none;
This pig said, ‘ Wee, wee, : af ei NANT i ll un
i Ui{l
wee ! hpi
I can’t find my way home.â€
Hicxory, Dickory, Dock,
The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck one,
The mouse did run; ,
Hickory, Dickory, Dock.
[Game on a child’s features. ]
Here sits the Lord Mayor . forehead.
Here sit his two men .
Here sits the cock .
Here sits the hen
Here sit the little chickens . 7p of nose.
Here they run in
Chinchopper, chinchopper,
Chinchopper, chin! .
WEAVE the diaper -tick-a-tick tick,
Weave the diaper tick—
Come this way, come that,
As close as a mat,
Athwart and across, up and down, round about,
And forwards and backwards, and inside and out;
Weave the diaper thick-a-thick thick,
Weave the diaper thick !
Here goes my lord
A trot, a trot, a trot, a trot,
Here goes my lady
A canter, a canter, a canter, a canter !
Crap hands, clap hands,
Hie Tommy Randy,
Did you see my good man?
Silken stockings on his legs
Silver buckles glancin’,
A sky-blue bonnet on his head,
And oh, but he is handsome.
. eyes.
. wight check.
. left cheek.
. mouth.
. chuck the chin.
They call him Cock-a-bandy.
A numbe-z of boys and girls stand round one in the middle, who repeats the following lines counting
P g » 3
the children until one is counted out by the end of the verses. ] ,
Rune me (1) ring me (2), ring me rary (3),
_ As I go round (4), ring by ring (5),
_A virgin (6) goes a-maying (7).
Here’s a flower (8), and there’s a flower (9),
Growing in my lady’s garden (10),
If you set your foot awry (11),
Gentle John will make you cry (12),
If you set your foot amiss (13
Gentle John (14) will give you a kiss.
[The child upon whom 14 falls is then taken out, and forced to select one of the other sex,
The middle child then proceeds. |
This [lady or gentleman] is none of ours,
Has put [him or her] self in [the selected child’s] power,
So clap all hands, and ring all bells, and make the wedding oer.
[AW clap hands.
[If the child taken by lot joins in the clapping, the selected child is rejected, and takes the middle place.
Otherwise, there is a kiss given.]
Here stands a post,
Who put it there ?
é iG ye A better man than you ;
) Ce ya Touch it if you dare !
[Children hunting bats. }
Bart, bat (clap hands),
= Come under my bar
= And I'll give you a slice of bacon ;
vs ~ And when I bake
I'll give you a cake,
If I am not mistaken.
TEN Little Nigger Boys
Went out to dine;
One choked his little self,
And then there were nine.
Nine Little Nigger Boys
Sat up very late;
One overslept himself,
And then there were eight.
i mt
Eight Little Nigger Boys
Travelling in Devon ;
One said he'd stay there,
And then there were seven.
Seven Little Nigger Boys
Chopping up sticks,
One chopped himself in half,
And then there were six.
7° SENG WY, ff We.
; A Su
A . a fy
c /
av : 4 | SZ
é tbs Up
4, Cer
Six Little Nigger Boys
Playing with a hive;
A Bumble Bee stung one,
And then there were five
4 =
= =
Five Little Nigger Boys
Going in for law;
One got in chancery,
And then there were four.
Four Little Nigger Boys
Going out to sea;
A Red Herring swallowed one,
And then there were three
Three Little Nigger Boys
Walking in the Zoo ;
The big bear hugged one,
And then there were two.
gy MMT
One Little Nigger Boy
Living all alone,
He got married,
Then there were none.
PETER WHITE will ne'er go right,
Would you know the reason why?
He follows his nose where'er he goes,
And that stands all awry. :
THERE was an old woman had
And there came thieves to rob her;
When she cried out she made no
Put all the country heard her.
Ir all the world was apple-pie,
And all the sea was ink,
And all the trees were bread and
What should we have for drink ?
Two Little Nigger Boys
Sitting in the Sun ;
One got frizzled up,
And then there was one.
V4 o [fs 7 é Wy i
LE, Js
! Bezel
Sf hs
ss ty
TureEE children sliding on the ice
Upon a summer's day,
As it fell out, they all fell in,
The rest they ran away.
Now, had these children been at
Or sliding on dry ground,
Ten thousand pounds to one penny
They had not all been drown'd.
You parents all that children have,
And you that have got none,
If you would: have them safe
abroad, :
Pray keep them safe at home.
I wouLp if I coud,
-If I cou’'dn’t, how cou'd I?
I couldn't, without I cou’d, cou’d I?
Cou’d you, without you cou’d, cou'd ye ?
Cou'd ye, cou’d ye?
Cou'd you, without you cou’d,cou’d ye?
THERE was a little Guinea-pig,
Who, being little, was not big,
He always walked upon his feet,
And never fasted when he ate.
When from a place he ran away,
He never at that place did stay ;
And while he ran, as I am told,
He ne'er stood still for young or old.
He often squeak’d and sometimes
vi lent,
And when he squeak’d he ne’er was
silent ;
Though ne’er instructed by a cat,
He knew a mouse was not a rat.
THERE was a man of Newington,
And he was. wond'rous wise,
He jump’d into a quickset hedge,
And scratched out both his eyes:
But when he saw his eyes were out,
With all his might and main
He jump’d into another hedge,
And scratch’d ’em in again.
Here am J, little jumping Joan;
When nobody’s with me,
I’m always alone.
Jack, be nimble,
And, Jack, be quick :
And, Jack, jump over
The candlestick.
[Mind your punctuation !]
I saw a peacock, with a fiery tail
I saw a blazing comet, drop down hail
I saw a cloud, wrapped with ivy round
I saw an oak, creep upon the ground
I saw a pismire, swallow up a whale
I saw a sea, brimful of ale -
I saw a Venice glass, full fifteen feet
I saw a well, full of men’s tears that
I saw red eyes, all of a flaming fire
I saw a house, bigger than the moon
and higher
I saw the sun, at twelve o'clock at
I saw the man that saw this wondrous
Dance to your daddy,
My little babby,
Dance to your daddy,
My little lamb.
You shall have a fishy,
In a little dishy ;
You shall have a fishy
When the boat comes in.
To market, to market,
To buy a plum bun:
Home again, come again,
Market is done.
Bye, baby bunting,
Father's gone a-hunting,
Mother’s gone a-milking,
Sister’s gone a-silking,
Brother’s gone to buy a skin
To wrap the baby bunting in.
Rock-a-BY, baby, thy cradle is green ;
Father's a nobleman, mother’s a queen ;
And Betty’s a lady, and wears a gold ring;
And Johnny’s a drummer, and drums for
the king.
Husu-a-py, baby, on the tree top, :
When the wind blows, the cradle will rock,
When the bough bends, the cradle will fall,
Down will come baby, bough, cradle, and
DANCE, little baby, dance up high,
Never mind, baby, mother is by;
Crow and caper, caper and crow,
There, little baby, there you go;
Up to the ceiling, down to the ground,
Backwards and forwards, round and
round ;
Dance, little baby, and mother will sing,
With a merry carol, ding, ding, ding!
THIs is the way the ladies ride : [A play with the face. The child exclaims :]
Tri, tre, tre, tree, Rinc the bell! . e2vzne a lock of hair
Tri, tre, tre, tree! a pull.
This is the way the ladies ride; Knock at the door! ¢apping forehead.
Tri, tre, tre, tre, tri-tre-tre-tree!_ Draw the latch! . pulling up nose.
And walk in! ©. opening mouth and
This is the way the gentlemen ride; s putting i a finger.
Gallop-a-trot !
This is the way the gentlemen ride,
Gallop-a-gallop-a-trot !
THIS pig went to the barn.
This ate all the corn.
This said he‘would tell.
This is the way the farmers ride ; This said he wasn’t well.
Hobbledy-hoy, This went week, week, week, over
Hobbledy-hoy ! the door sill.
This is the way the farmers ride, ae
Hobbledy hobbledy-hoy !
Ce Ns
Monpay’s child is fair of face,
Tuesday’s child is full of grace,
Wednesday’s child is full of woe,
Thursday's child has far to go,
Friday's child is loving and
' giving,
Saturday’s child works hard fur
its living,
And a child that’s born on
Christmas Day, ;
Is fair and wise and good and
ANE, eM ey - YouncG Lambs to sell!
= TAN il | | Young Lambs to sell!
If I'd as much money as I can
I never would cry—Young.
Lambs to sell!
Dino, dong bell,
Pussy’s in the well!
Who put her in ?—
Little Tommy Lin.
Who pulled her out ?>—
Dog with long snout.
What a naughty boy was that
To drown poor pussy cat,
Who never did any harm, HIE
But kill’d the mice in his father’s ||!
Doon _e, doodle, do,
The princess lost her shoe ;
Her highness hopp’d,
The fiddler stopped,
Not knowing what to do.
[The following lines are sung by children when staring
for a race. ]
Goop horses, bad horses,
What is the time of day ?
Three o’clock, four o'clock,
Now fare you away.
[A game on the slate. ]
Eccs, butter, bread,
Stick, stock, stone dead!
Stick him up, stick him down,
Stick him in the old man’s crown!
rH yy,
—_ fi |
YOY \2
Wy ee
OOM gy LY [E>
A) VPLS! i
(, il
We 4
Hey diddle, dinketty, poppety, pet,
The merchants of London they wear
scarlet ;
Silk in the collar, and gold in the
So merrily march the merchantmen.
FIDDLE-DE-DEE, fiddle-de-dee,
The fly shall marry the humble-bee.
They went to the church, and married
was she,
The fly has married the humble-bee.
DEEDLE, deedle, dumpling, my son
John . .
_ Went to bed with his stockings « on:
One shoe off, the other shoe on,
Deedle, deedle, dumpling, my son
TWEEDLE-DuM and tweedle-dee
Resolved to have a battle,
For tweedle-dum said tweedle-dee
Had spoiled his nice new rattle.
Just then flew by a monstrous crow,
As big as a tar barrel,
Which frightened both the heroes
They quite forgot their quarrel.
Hanpy Spanpy, Jack-a-dandy,
Loved plum-cake and sugar-candy !
He bought some at a grocer’s shop,
And out he came, hop, hop, hop.
HuvuB-A-DUB dub,
Three men in a tub;
And who do you think they be?
The butcher, the baker,
The candlestick-maker ;
Turn ’em out, knaves all three!
THERE was a glossy blackbird once
Lived in a cherry-tree,
He chirped and sang from morn till
No bird so blithe as he;
And this the burden of his song
For ever used to be:
Good boys shall have cherries as soon
as they're ripe,
But naughty boys none from me.
en |
II ie
I a
RK = Pe \ ee
j - ~ rN || i]
THERE was a little boy and a little girl
Lived in an alley ;
Says the little boy to the little girl,
“Shall I, oh! shall I?â€
Says the little girl to the little boy,
“What shall we do?â€
Says the little boy to the little girl,
“JT will kiss you.â€
moon ;
the spoon.
Hey! diddle, diddle,
The cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped over the
The little dog laugh’d
To see the sport,
While the dish ran away with
As I was going up Pippin-hill,
Pippin-hill was dirty,
There I met a pretty miss,
And she dropped mea curtsey.
Little miss, pretty miss,
Blessings light upon you ;
If I had half a crown a day,
I'd spend it all on you.
Eire jack.jinele,
He used to live single ;
But when he got tired of this
kind of life,
He left off being single, and liv'’d
with his wife.
Tommy Trot, a man of law,
Sold his bed and lay upon
straw :
Sold the straw and slept on grass,
To buy his wife.a looking-glass.
=) Cee
=o i
SYLVIA, Sweet as morning air,
Do not drive me to despair ;
Long have I sighed in vain,
Now I am come again,
Will you be mine or no, no-a-no—
Will you be mine or no?
Simon, pray leave off your suit,
For of your courting you'll reap no
I would rather give a crown
Than be married to a clown;
Go for a booby, go, no-a-no—
Go for a booby, go.
THE man in the wilderness asked me,
How many strawberries grew in the
I answered him, as I thought good,
As many as red herrings grew in the
THERE was a little man,
And he woo’d a little maid,
And he said, “ Little maid, will you
wed, wed, wed ?
I have little more to say
Than will you, yea or nay?
For least said is soonest mended-ded,
ded, ded.â€
The little maid replied,
Some say a little sighed,
‘‘But what shall we have for to eat,
eat, eat ?
Will the love that you're so rich in
Make a fire in the kitchen ?
Or the little god of Love turn the
spit, spit, spit?â€
To market, to market, to buy a fat pig,
Home again, home again, dancing a
Ride to the market to buy a fat hog,
Home again, home again, jiggety-jog.
Dumpty ;
The cat ran up the plum-tree.
a——y I’'li wager a crown
fs 4 I'll fetch you down,
\ 2 Sing, diddledy,
Dip you see my wife, did you see, did
you see,
Did you see my wife looking for me?
She wears a straw bonnet, with white
ribbands on it,
And dimity petticoats over the knee.
BARNEY Bopkin broke his nose,
“Without feet we can’t have toes;
Crazy folks are always mad,
Want of money makes us sad.
And lavender blue,
Thyme and sweet marjoram,
Hyssop and rue.
Up hill and down dale;
Butter is made in every vale;
And if that Nancy Cook _
Is a good girl,
She shall have a spouse,
And make butter anon,
Before her old grandmother
Grows a young man.
Birps of a feather flock together,
And so will pigs and swine;
Rats and mice will have their
And so will I have mine.
I poust, I doubt my fire is out,
My little wife isn’t at home;
I'll saddle my dog, and I'll bridle
my cat,
And I'll go fetch my little wife
THERE was an old woman, and
what do you think?
She lived upon nothing but
victuals and drink:
Victuals and drink were the chief
of her diet ;
This tiresome old woman could
never be quiet.
One old Oxford ox opening oysters ;
Two tee-totums totally tired of trying to trot to Tadbury ;
Three tall tigers tippling tenpenny tea; |
Four fat friars fanning fainting flies ;
Five frippy Frenchmen foolishly fishing for flies ;
_ Six sportsmen shooting snipes ; ,
Seven Severn salmons swallowing shrimps ;
Eight Englishmen eagerly examining Europe ;
Nine nimble noblemen nibbling nonpareils ;
Ten tinkers tinkling upon ten tin tinder-boxes with ten tenpenny
tacks ; :
Eleven elephants elegantly equipt ;
Twelve typographical topographers typically translating types.
[The following is a game played as follows: A string of boys and girls, each holding by his predecessor’s skirts,
approaches two others, who with joined and elevated hands form a double arch. After the dialogue, the line passes
through, and the last is caught by a sudden lowering of the arms—if possible. ]
How many miles is it to Babylon ?—
Threescore miles and ten.
Can I get there by candle-light >—
Yes, and back again!
If your heels are nimble and light,
You may get there by candle-light.
Jack Sprat could eat no fat,
His wife could eat no lean ;
And so, betwixt them both, you see; -
They made the platter clean.
ih / WA
\ ok \N
am: >
VE) ia
Curty locks! curly locks! wilt
thou be mine?
Thou shalt not wash dishes, nor yet
feed the swine;
But sit ona cushion and sew a fine
seam, ;
And feed upon strawberries, sugar,
and cream !
Ou! mother, I shall be married to
’ Mr. Punchinello.
To Mr. Punch,
To Mr. Joe,
To Mr. Nell,
To Mr. Lo.
-Mr. Punch, Mr. Joe,
Mr. Nell, Mr. Lo,
To Mr. Punchinello.
BLUE eye beauty,
Gray eye greedy,
Black eye blackie,
Brown eye brownie.
I wap a little husband,
No bigger than my thumb ;
I put him in a pint pot,
And there I bid him drum.
I bought a little horse,
That galloped up and down ;
I bridled him, and saddled him,
And sent him out of town.
I gave him some garters,
To garter up his hose,
And a little handkerchief,
_To wipe his pretty nose.
Be etry he ioe
( eg “Lig ae
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CU WSS aes ses
ly cre Fae
JAck and Jill went up a hill to fetch a pail of water :
Jack fell down and broke his crown, and Jill came tumbling after.
"TWAS once upon a time
When Jenny Wren was young,
So daintily she danced,
And so prettily she sung ;
Robin Red-breast lost his heart,
For he was a gallant bird ;
So he doffed his hat to Jenny Wren,
- Requesting to be heard.
O dearest Jenny Wren,
If you will but be mine,
You shall feed on cherry pie, you shall,
And drink new currant wine;
T'll dress you like a goldfinch,
Or any peacock gay ;
00, dearest Jen, if you'll be mine,
Let us appoint the day.
Jenny blushed behind her fan,
And thus declared her mind:
Since, dearest Bob, I love you well,
I'll take your offer kind ;
Cherry pie is very nice,
And so is currant wine;
But I must wear my plain brown gown,
And never go too fine.
Robin Red-breast rose up early,
All at the break of-day,
And he flew to Jenny Wren’s house,
And sung a roundelay ;
He sang of Robin Red-breast
And little Jenny Wren,
And when he came unto the end,
He then began again.
at As I went over the water,
: ia _ The water went over me.
Koh BE Dy { saw two little blackbirds sitting
Ms die SFU Ei : ‘ _ The one called me a rascal,
MG xy )- : The other called me a thief;
I took up my little black stick,
And knocked out all their teeth.
A PIE sate on a pear-tree,
A pie sate on a pear-tree,
_A pie sate on a pear-tree,
Heigh O, heigh O, heigh O!
Once so merrily hopp’d she,
Twice so merrily hopp’d she,
Thrice so merrily hopp’d she,
Heigh O, heigh O, heigh O!
RowLrty Pow ey, pudding
and pie, Mary had a pretty bird,
Kissed the girls and made Feathers bright and yellow,
them cry; Slender legs—upon my word
When the girls begin to cry, He was a pretty fellow.
Rowley Powley runs away. The sweetest notes he always sung,
Which much delighted Mary ;
And near the cage she’d ever sit
Some little mice sat in a barn to spin; To hear her own canary.
her head in;
“ Shall I come in, and cut
your threads off?†|
“Oh, no, kind sir! you
will snap our heads |
off >?â€
THERE was an owl lived in an oak,
Wisky, wasky, weedle ;
And every word he ever spoke
Was fiddle, faddle, feedle.
A gunner chanced to come that way,
Wisky, wasky, weedle ; |
Says he, “Tl shoot you, silly bird.â€
Fiddle, faddle, feedle.
THE cock doth crow, ALL of a row, Pit, pat, well-a-day,
To let you know, Bend the bow, Little Robin flew away ;
If you be wise, Shot at a pigeon, Where can little Robin be?
"Tis time to rise. ~And killed a crow. Gone into the cherry-tree.
yu wey He EE
eats users NSH ee :
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oie ey ages ut
, The hie SQV Aun
> CR Ay ae
“il rib
A Di epee et
i Woes eM
ol UL ae :
Rappit, Rabbit, Rabbit-Pie!
Come, my ladies, come and buy;
Else your babies they will cry.
Bessy BELL and Mary Gray,
They were two bonny lassies;
They built a house upon the lea,
And:-covered it o’er with rashes.
Bessy kept the garden gate,
And Mary kept the pantry ;
Bessy always had to wait, \
While Mary lived in plenty. '’
| Hi
RIDDLE-ME, riddle-me-ree,
a Oe
yf nee. A hawk sate upon a tree;
Y, poe And he says to himself, says he,
Uys ~ ' Oh, dear! what a fine bird I be!
[Bird boy's song. }
Eat, Birds, eat, and make no
I lie here and make no haste;
If my master chance to come,
You must fly and I must run.
Uf i Pte
Ly Ue, Oe
2. 2
fC 4
WueEn the snow is on the ground, : ee
Little Robin Red-breast grieves ; SHAN
For no berries can be found, va
And on the trees there are no leaves.
The air is cold, the worms are hid,
For this poor bird what can be done?
We'll strew him here some crumbs of bread,
And then he'll live till the snow is gone.
Pussy-CAaT, pussy-cat, where have you been ?â€
I’ve been up to London to look at the Queen.
Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, what did you there ?
I frighten’d a little mouse under the chair.
i HEM yay) he
UO Tey k ‘1
ieee many |
Littire Robin Red-breast ~Z
Sat upon a rail: | | A fo
Niddle naddle went his head, ~ : eK
Wiggle waggle went his tail. hy Aa
FouR-AND-TWENTY tailors
Went to kill a snail,
The best man amongst
Durst not touch her
tail ;
She put out her horns,
Like» a little Kyloe
cow :
Run, tailors, run, or she'll kill you all just now.
Hicciery Piggleby
Croak! said the Toad, I’m hungry, I think, My black hen,
To-day I’ve had nothing to eat or to drink, She lays eggs
I'll crawl to a garden and jump through the For gentlemen ;
pales Sometimes nine,
And there I'll dine nicely on slugs and on And sometimes ten,
snails ; Higeglepy Piggleby,
Ho, ho! quoth the Frog, is that what you My black hen! \
mean ?
Then I’ll hop away to the next meadow
There I will drink, and eat worms and slugs,
And then I shall havea good dinner like you.
“ ROBERT BARNES, fellow fine,
Can you shoe this horse of mine?â€
“Ves, good sir, that I can,
As well as any other man:
There’s a nail, and there’s a prod,
And now, good sir, your horse is shod.â€
In the month of February,
When green leaves begin
ms, to spring,
Little lambs do skip’ like
fairies, be |
Birds do couple, build, and
Tuere was a little boy went
into a barn,
Tue dove says coo, coo, what shall And lay down on some hay ;
I do: eae An owl came out and flew
I can scarce maintain two. about
Pooh, pooh, says the wren, I have adie little boy ran away.
got ten,
And keep them all like gentlemen!
A tonc-Talu'p pig, or a short-tail’d
Pies 4
Or a pig without e’er a tail,
A sow-pig, or a boar-pig,
Or a pig with a curly tail.
Lapy sirp, lady bird,
Fly away home,
Thy house is on fire,
Thy children all gone,
All but one,
And her name is Ann,
And she crept
Under the pudding-pan.
Bow, wow, wow,
Whose dog art thou ?
Little Tom Tinker’s dog,
Bow, wow, wow.
Tue winds they did blow,
The leaves they did
wag ; |
Along came a beggar boy,
And put me in his bag.
He took me up to London,
A lady did me buy,
Put me in a silver cage,
And hung me up on
With apples by the fire,
And nuts for to crack,
Besides a little feather bed
To rest my little back.
Pussy sits beside the fire,
So, so, Mistress Pussy, .
‘Pray how do you do? [dog.
Thank you, thank you, little
I’m very well just now.
LitTLE Julia Ap-Jones stood on the cold
‘Nibbling a morsel of cheese,
When a little Welsh rabbit, running by
tried to grab it,
Quite forgetting to say if you please.
BLEss you, bless you,
bonny bee;
My little old man and I
fell out,
I'll tell you what ’twas all
about :
Y had money and he had
And that’s the way the
noise begun.
yey Lyi
=e Betty PRINGLE had a little pig,
Not very little and not very big,
When he was alive he lived in clover,
But now he’s dead, and that’s all over.
So Billy Pringle he laid down and
CatcH him, crow! carry him, kite!
Take him away till the apples are ripe ;
When they are ripe and ready to fall,
Home comes [Johnny,] apples and all.
—. And Betty Pringle she laid down and
, died;
Love your own, kiss your on So there was an end of one, two, and
Love your own mother, hinny, three :
For if she was dead and gone, Billy Pringle he,
You'd ne’er get such another, hinny, Betty Pringle:she,
re | And the piggy wiggy.
' Tuap alittle hen, the prettiest
ever seen,
She washed me the dishes,
and kept the house clean ;
She went to the mill to fetch
me some flour,
than an hour;
She baked me my bread, she
brew'd me my ale,
She sat by the fire and told
many a fine tale.
A LITTLE cock sparrow sat on a
green tree, (¢77s)
And he chirruped, he chirruped so
merry waz he; (¢77s)
A naughty boy came with his wee jf Wy
bow and arrow, (¢77zs) i
Determined to shoot this little cock #
sparrow (¢77s) ;
“This little cock sparrow shall make
me a stew (¢77s),
And his giblets shall make me a
little pie, too†(¢vzs). La Seats
_ Oh, no!†said ye sparrow, “I .“ en ef
wont make a stew,†a
So he flapped his wings and away
he flew.
LirtLe Robin Red-breast sat on a tree,
Up went Pussy cat, and down went he;
Down came Pussy cat, and away Robin ran;
Says little Robin Red-brcast, “Catch me if en can.â€
Little Robin Red-breast jumped
upon a wall, iy |
Pussy cat jump’d after him, and Hit
‘almost got a fall, i
Little Robin chirp'd and sang, and ‘I
what did Pussy say?
Pussy cat said, “‘ Mew,†and Robin =
jump’d away. (i =
i i i
THERE was an old woman of Leeds i
Who spent all her time in good lf
deeds ; Hi
She worked for the poor
Till her fingers were sore, ye
This pious old woman of Leeds! =
I LIKE little pussy,
Her coat is so warm,
And if I don’t hurt her,
She'll do me no harm;
So [ll not pull her tail,
Nor drive her away,
But Pussy and I
Very gently will play.
LittLe cock robin peep'd out of his
To see the cold winter come in,
Tit for tat, what matter for that,
He'll hide his head under his wing !
I wap a little pony,
His name was Dapple-gray,
I lent him to a lady,
To ride a mile away ;
She whipped him, she slashed him,
She rode him through the mire ;
I would not lend my pony now:
For all the lady’s hire.
Goosy, goosy, gander,
Who stands yonder ?
Little Betsy Baker ;
Take her up, and shake her.
Lec over leg,
As the dog went to Dover,
When he came to a Stile,
Jump he went over.
igs, all
// NG z
Wat f Iu! uF lift, 7
i ade by 4 |
V4 wing, ft tod, 1 se
. TA &, ? th
ies ss “Wl } 1k Ms
ie bay ff la
Bau, bah, black sheep,
Have you any wool ?
Yes, marry, have I,
Three bags full :
One for my master,
And one for my dame,
But none for the little boy
Who cries in the lane.
1. Tus is the house that Jack built.
2. This is the malt that lay in the house that Jack built.
3. This is the rat
That ate the’ malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.
4. This is the cat,
That kill’d the rat,
That ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.
5. This is the dog,
_ That worried the cat,
That kill’d the rat,
That ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack
6. This is the cow with the crumpled
That toss‘d the dog,
That worried the cat,
That kill’d the rat,
That ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack .
7. This is the maiden all forlorn,
That milk’d the cow with the
crumpled horn,
That toss’d the dog,
That worried the cat,
That kill’d the rat,
‘That ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack
. This is the man all tatter’d and torn,
That kiss’d the maiden all forlorn,
That milk’d the cow with the
crumpled horn,
That toss'd the dog,
That worried the cat,
That kill’d the rat,
‘That ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack
. This is the priest all shaven and
That married the man all tatter’d
and torn,
That kiss’d the maiden all forlorn,
That milk’d the cow with the
crumpled horn,
That toss’d the dog,
That worried the cat,
That kill’d the rat,
That ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack
10. This is the cock that crowed in
the morn,
That waked the priest all shaven
and shorn,
That married the man all tatter ‘d
and torn,
That kissd the maiden all
That milk’d the cow with the
crumpled horn,
That toss'd the dog,
That worried the cat,
That kill’d the rat,
That ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack
11. This is thefarmer sowing his corn,
That kept the cock that crow’d
in the morn,
That waked the priest all shaven
and shorn,
That married the man all tatter'd
and torn,
That kiss’d the maidenall forlorn,
That milk’d the cow with the
crumpled horn,
That toss‘d the dog,
That worried the cat,
That kill’d the rat,
That ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack
I sett you the key of the king’s
garden :
I sell you the string that ties the key,
I sell you the rat that gnawed the
string, etc.
I sell you the cat that caught the rat,
I sell you the dog that bit the cat, etc.
LitTLe boy blue, come blow up
your horn,
The sheep’s in the meadow, the
cow’s in the corn;
Where’s the little boy that looks
after the sheep ?
He’s under the hay-cock fast
asleep. :
Will you wake him? No, not I;
For if I do, he'll be sure to cry.
A MAN went a-hunting at Reigate..
And wished to leap over a high
gate ;
Says the owner, “Go round,
With your gun and your hound,
For you never shall jump over
ey Fee \ pa
†: “Boy Wm SF oo ay } Palin
my gate TEES las TE I Pa
WP ; ~ f > lege
Wyle “send Ny Ssh CY ve ag Cae 4 a Lp on
— Lee gee nu fen.
bors ce a Sen
by “a 4 é lg eG as beh “ ay Bays co Me, Cdn
a ae Mente
LittLE Bob Robin, where do
you live? is =
Up in yon wood, sir, on a hazel THERE was a rat, for want of stairs,
twig. Went down a rope to say his prayers.
Cry, baby, cry,
Put your finger
In your eye,
And tell your
. mother
ey It wasn’t 1.
SNaIL, snail, come out of your hole, Tue little priest of Felton,
‘ Or else I will beat you as black asacoal. The little priest of Felton,
He kill’d a mouse within his
Bow, wind, blow! and go, mill go! house,
That the miller may. grind his corn ; And ne'er a one to help him.
That the baker may take it,
And into rolls make it,
And send us some hot in the morn.
Lit tte girl, little girl, where have you been ?
Gathering roses to give to the Queen.
Little girl, little girl, what gave she you?
She gave me a diamond as big as my shoe.
GoosEY, goosey, gander,
Where shall I wander?
Up stairs, down stairs,
And in my lady’s chamber ;
There I met an old man
That would not say his
prayers ;
I took him by the left leg,
And threw him down stairs.
Wuar are little boys made of, made
What are little boys made of?
Snaps and snails, and puppy-dogs’
tails ;
And that’s what little boys are made
of, made of.
What are little girls made of, made
What are little girls made of?
Sugar and spice, and all thats
And that’s what little girls are made
of, made of.
Girts and boys, come out to play,
The moon doth shine as bright as day ;
Leave your supper, and leave your
And come with your playfellows into
the street.
Come with a whoop, come with a
Come with a good will or not at all. |
Up the ladder and down the wall,
A halfpenny roll will serve us all.
You find milk, and I'll find flour,
And we'll have a ee in half an
Ir all the seas were one sea,
What a great sea that would be!
And if all the trees were one tree, |
What a gveat tree that would be!
And if all the axes were one axe,
What a great axe that would be!
And if all the men were one man,
What a great man he would be!
And if the great man took the great axe,
And cut down the gveat tree,
And let it fall into the great sea,
What a splish splash ¢/a¢ would be!
Butler & Tanner, The Selwood Printing Works, Frome, and London.
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