Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- https://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00082760/00001
Material Information
- Title:
- Polly's lion a California story for children
- Creator:
- Carnahan, Louise
Carnahan, Louise ( publisher )
- Place of Publication:
- San Francisco Cal
- Publisher:
- Louise Carnahan
- Publication Date:
- 1894
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 174 p., [6] leaves of plates : ill. (some col.), port. ; 22 cm.
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Children -- Conduct of life -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh )
Conduct of life -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh ) Brothers and sisters -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh ) Aunts -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh ) Family -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh ) Outdoor life -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh ) Missing children -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh ) Puma -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh ) Juvenile fiction -- California ( lcsh ) Juvenile fiction -- Yosemite Valley (Calif.) ( lcsh ) Juvenile fiction -- Fresno (Calif.) ( lcsh ) Bldn -- 1894
- Genre:
- novel ( marcgt )
- Spatial Coverage:
- United States -- California -- San Francisco
- Target Audience:
- juvenile ( marctarget )
- General Note:
- Half-title.
- General Note:
- Includes dedication, preface, table of contents, list of illustrations.
- General Note:
- Frontispiece, plates have guardsheets; wood engravings: text illustrations; 4 photographic portraits.
- General Note:
- Baldwin Library copy lacks frontispiece.
- Statement of Responsibility:
- by Louise Carnahan.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact The Department of Special and Area Studies Collections (special@uflib.ufl.edu) with any additional information they can provide.
- Resource Identifier:
- 026621679 ( ALEPH )
ALG3665 ( NOTIS ) 30951642 ( OCLC )
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“A California Story
Copyrighted 1894 by Louise Carnahan.
To the memory of my beloved parents,
James and Caroline Carnahan.
DEAR CHILDREN: When I was your age and opened a new story-
book, I did so much wish that the writer would first tell me if the heroine
was a real person, her name, where she lived, and just enough about the
story so that I could understand the beginning. .
I can assure you that Polly is a real child, is pretty, lovable, and
intelligent for her years.
She is a native daughter of the Golden State (California). She came
to us one bright morning in April, when the plains of the San Joaquin
Valley were covered with beautiful wild flowers, and the meadow larks
and orioles sang for joy all day long.
You may be sure that she received a glad welcome when she arrived,
and a downy little bed, almost hid in white lace, was ready for her.
When she was six weeks old, a clergyman came down from San
Francisco to baptize her, and she was named Mary Lorrain, but her
mamma one day, just in fun, called her Polly, and she is still called by
this pet name. She is fond of it herself, and when I say Mary, she will
answer, “ Auntie, please call me Polly; I think it so very pretty.†Her
household is composed of her dear self, father, mother, and brother Rob-
bie J., younger than herself} and her Auntie Lorrain, who is her god-
Her home is called “ Sweetbrier,†from this delicious rose climbing
over the building.
I am quite sure you wish to ask me something about’ Polly’s lion.
If you will step with me into the library, I will show you his majesty.
An odd place for a wild beast, is it not? Well, you can take a good look
at him; he has not moved for some time.
This pretty retreat, in among palms and potted plants, was made for
him. He is a large-sized California lion, with big head, monstrous teeth,
which you can see, as his mouth is wide open, and powerful paws, with
hook-like nails.
When our little Polly first saw and heard him, he was in the moun-
tains, savage and hungry, roaming about for his prey.
Let me put Polly Rosebery’s hand in yours. Please excuse tears,
and give her your sympathy.
CHAPTER I. An introduction to Polly Rosebery, the heroine of the
StOTY. 2 6 TS
CHAPTER II. Robbie and the strawberries. The first day without their
parents 26 6 ee ee eB
CHAPTER III. The children at church; they do not behave prettily . 21
CHAPTER IV. Polly’s adventure with a little dog on the streets . . . 25
CHAPTER V. ‘‘Good Old Dannie,â€â€™ the children’s favorite hymn. . . 29
CHAPTER VI. Milking ‘‘Creampot.’’ The lost ‘‘cossepot.’’?. . . . 32
CHAPTER VII. The children making ‘‘nut-no-boys.â€â€™.. 2... 1. . 35
CHAPTER VIII. Uncle Laurence and his faithful dog Tim. . . . . . 37
CHAPTER IX. The old black man wants to put the children in his cart
and take them off. 2... 2 2. 2 ee 42
CHAPTER X. The children’s parents return from San Francisco. . . 46
CHAPTER XI. Old Puff, the big hop toad, gets a ride in Robbie’s
express wagon... 6 6. ee AQ
CHAPTER XII. Polly makes marigolds for the birthday party. . . . 53
CHAPTER XIII. Polly’s birthday gifts. . 2... 2... 1. 1. 2 56
CHAPTER XIV. A delightful time at the party. . 2... 1... 2 58
CHAPTER XV. Toys all put in order next day. ‘‘Mr. Wosebewy’’ out
oftemper. . 2... ee eee. 63
CHAPTER XVI. A story about grandmamma being stolen by the
Indians 2... ee ee. 67
{ vii )
CHAPTER XVII. A drive for wild flowers. Glencoe gets bogged . . 70
CHAPTER XVIII. Polly’s fright at a stray pussy. Children start for the
show. A picnic on the banks of the San Joaquin River. . . . . 74
CHAPTER XIX. The Roseberys and Hilbraces go to the mountains. . 90
CHAPTER XX. Eagle Pass and the haunted house. Safe arrival at
Dylan dal, of. 4! Son ig oe Be we ee a ee @ OG
CHAPTER XXI._ A fishing party. Polly catches the first fish. . . . rox
CHAPTER XXII. Polly gets lost. Echo follows her. He returns to the
hotel for her supper. Eugene starts with him but loses his way. A
lion ready to devour her. Eugene shoots him and takes Polly back
to the hotel. Safe arrival. Rejoicing over the lost found. . . 106
CHAPTER XXIII. What her parents did when they missed her . . 124
CHAPTER XXIV. Polly takes a good sleep, then tells her mamma all
about her distress in the mountains. Mamma tells Polly of Robbie's
search for her. The dead lion brought to the hotel. Wing Lee’s
wrath at sight of him. © 2. 2 2 2 ee ee ew 28
CHAPTER XXV._ First swimming lesson. Polly’s hapless plunge. The
mysterious order for a flag. A ride to the haunted house. The flag
unfurled where the white signal used to be. The property given to
Polly by her father. Polly gives the order for her pretty cottage.
Sophia and Guy Birch to be married... . . 1 2 2 1 ee. . 132
CHAPTER XXVI. Pretty presents made to Sophia and Guy. The
wedding and their drive to the new cottage to live. . . . . . . 140
CHAPTER XXVII._ Polly’s trip to the great city. Her cottage seen from
Eagle Pass. In the city. Visit to the Orphanage. Irene Russell.
Polly’s thank offering. Her ride to Golden Gate Park with Eugene.
His ponies, Romeo and Juliet. She attends church. She is charmed
by the sweet singing of the choir boys, Eugene one of them. . . 146
On their way back to the mountains. They meet
Polly’s ring in danger. An
Arrival at Sylvan
stage robbers, who take their valuables.
old lady tells the robbers what she thinks of them.
Hall . . . . . . 159
CHAPTER XXIX. A visit to the new cottage to see Sophia. Robbie’s
. 165
CHAPTER XXX. Christmas morning at S
Polly’s gifts, the lion one of them. Polly remembers Sophia and Guy.
Irene Russell received gifts from Polly and her mamma. . 172
weetbrier. Christmas tree.
Polly Rosebery, - - - - - - - Frontispiece
“T’l] just make it too dark for you to read,†- - - - opp. 44.
California Poppies, - - - - - - - - opp. 70
Robbie Rosebery, - - - - - - - - opp. 78
Ride through the Big Tree - | - - - - - = 93
Gian Pal; 98
Eagle Pass, - - - - - - - - - - 108
Eugene Hilbrace, - - - - - - - - opp. 154
Clarence Washington, - - - - - - - opp. 168°
POlk ys LION:
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EARS fell from Polly’s lovely blue-gray eyes, and rolled
. down her round-cheeks,
These tears told of the struggle that had been in the
little heart when she kissed her parents good-by, and saw them
drive off to the depot to take the train for San Francisco.
Polly loved her papa and mamma very dearly, and it was
a real distress to be separated from them. But this was not
all. She well remembered the jolly time she had last Christ-
mas while in the big city, with her father and mother.
She was now thinking of the show windows filled with
wonderful toys, and of her little plush purse full of money to
buy presents for Auntie Lorrain and Robbie at home, and of
having her choice of a fine new doll with flaxen curls and big
blue eyes.
Her auntie now tried to console her, taking her in her
arms and rocking her to and fro as she had so often done when
Polly was a sweet rosebud of a baby.
Leaning her head on her auntie’s shoulder, she sobbed
out: “Dear Auntie, I did so want to go to the city with my
papa and mamma, so very much! I wanted to ride in the cars
and go to the Palace Hotel, and order my own dinner, like I
did that other time.â€
(15 )
Here she broke down and bemoaned herself, saying,
“Poor darnie, poor darnie†(meaning darling).
This was too much for her three-year-old brother. He
had silently watched her, and her grief touched him deeply.
He sprang to her, hugged her to his breast, and said, in a
caressing voice, ‘Don’t cwy, Polly; I'll give you mine Com-
modore,†his best-loved doll.
Then, covering her pretty brown head with kisses, he drew
himself up and said :—
“Now if you don’t cwy any.mo’, I—when I’m a big lawge
man ’ike mine papa, I’ll get Dally and ’e buckboard and take oo
to ’e city mine own sess.â€
If this manly promise did not comfort his sister, it at least
amused her, for she lifted her sorrowful little face and laughed
through her tears, saying, ‘Everybody would laugh at us.â€
She thought how funny it would be, just herself and brother
driving kittenish Dolly (the frisky gray, mare) along Kearny
Street. The little man gained his object, and that was to please
his Polly. He seemed to forget that he, too, was left.
Polly got down from auntie’s lap, walked slowly to her
mamma’s room, went in and shut the door. Auntie thought it
best to let her be alone for a while, as she well knew that Polly
would the sooner get over her grief.
An hour afterwards her auntie went to bring the little girl
out to breakfast, and where do you suppose she was found?
In mamma’s bed, fast asleep. In her arms she tightly clasped
her mother’s picture and her father’s slippers. The picture was
one she kept. with her playthings; it was well worn, and dim
with kisses from her rosy lips, but dear to her tender heart.
The slippers were her Christmas gift to her papa. She had
chosen them herself from among the prettiest ones in the store.
Her mother, who was with her, tried to interest her in other
designs, but these pleased her fancy best of all, as they had iron
gray horses’ heads on them, and she plead for them, saying:
“Mamma, I think these are so propry [appropriate] ‘cause I
love to ride on my papa’s foot at night, when I put his slippers
on him. Oh, we do have such a jolly time, don’t you member;
he throws me off just for fun, ‘and sometimes I laugh so hard, I
can’t get on any more that night!†‘| ;
Auntie kissed Polly’s pink cheek, and her big eyes opened
quickly, and she said, “ Have they come back?†a
“No, my deary,†said auntie. ‘‘ They left this morning, and
you have been fast asleep for some time.†.
They then went out to breakfast, where Robbie was waiting
for them. Polly was a sweet-tempered child, and soon looked
on the sunny side of everything.
T breakfast Robbie ate his mush and milk with relish,
but Polly did not taste hers for a while.
It was touching to see the many ways this baby
man tried to beguile his sister into eating. When he was
served to chicken and gravy, he looked across the table at Polly
and said, with a gleam of humor in his dark eyes :—
‘‘Gwavy and shooken bones come to mine pate;
Ittle boys-eat, but ’ittle girls wait.â€â€™
She smiled back at him, and, taking her spoon, began to
sip the milk from her bowl.
He made one more attempt. Taking a cream muffin, he
. buttered it, and, selecting a choice bit of chicken from his own
plate, carried it around to her, and said:—
“Now, Poll, eat ’is, and you'll feel goodie.â€
She thanked him, and, taking his face in her hands, kissed
him again and again, and then ate the tempting morsels. He
did see her smile, but without his own brave effort.
Chrissy, the cook, brought in a dish of luscious strawber-
ries, and set them on the sideboard before Robbie saw them.
He soon noticed their fresh odor, which filled the room. He
looked around, but, seeing nothing to account for it, he said :—
“JT smell something goodie, on the end of mine tongue.â€
Polly had seen the berries and was amused, but was too
wise to’speak of them, seeing that her auntie did not wish Rob-
bie to know.
But he soon spied them, and, stepping down, said:—
“Pll just see if they are cool and sweet and juicy.â€
After this discovery auntie had to give hima dish of them,
and Polly, too.
This was a long, trying day for the children. They had
risen early to see their parents off, and then, too, the first day of
separation always seems so unending.
Their auntie asked them if they would like to go with her
to church, and they just shouted with delight.
Polly had often been to church, and had always behaved
so like a lady that her auntie did not fear to take her, but Rob-
bie had never been trusted -in this way, except once when he
was baptized, and then he was too small to be very naughty.
He promised faithfully that he would be a “gentleman,â€
so, as the service on week days is always brief, his auntie trusted
him. |
_ She did not change their dresses, but brushed their hair and
gave them their hats.
As they were about to start, Robbie begged for his boots,
and by way of inducement added, ‘‘If you will put on mine
Nw and Tuck (the names of his red-topped boots), I'll sit ’ike
1S. |
And he put his knees close together and a hand on his
mouth to show how quiet he would be.
His auntie told him she did not wish him to be uncomfort-
able, and he need not keep his hand on his mouth. He nodded
his head and looked so very happy when his auntie brought his
boots. As she drew them on him, she found a hole he had
made in the knee of his stocking, into which he had put his
knife and pocketbook. He plead to take them along, but his
auntie promised to put a pocket in his kilt as soon as they
returned from church.
“And will you put some pockets in all mine coats? See,
I ‘dot’ to tie mine hankey to mine curl.†And sure enough he
had his handkerchief fastened to one of his long curls.
His auntie calling Polly, who was before the looking-glass
viewing her saucy self, they started out for their walk. Polly
gave a merry laugh, and said, “O auntie, please look at Robbie;
see what he has done!â€
Auntie untied the little knot, folded the handkerchief, and
straightened out the pretty curl, while Robbie winced and
squirmed with pain, saying, “Pease cut it oss; it hurt ’ike fire.â€
TEP Ee ee
N the way to church Robbie had a great deal to talk
about. When he passed the courthouse, he looked up
at the statues on the corners of the roof, and said:—
“Auntie, do those ladies get down and go to bed at night?
I fink ’ey get cold and afraid out all night.â€
Being told that they did not, he replied, “I ’spose ’ey stay
up to watch fo’ ’e twain.†The coming of the trains were of
great importance to Robbie.
Polly chattered about the meadow larks and the wild flow-
ers. After gathering a large bunch of wild bluebells and dai-
sies, she wanted Robbie to carry this bouquet for her to give to
‘‘Lady Humbert,†as she called her dearest grown-up lady
friend. But Bud did not want to be bothered with them, and
“No, Polly; I ’ike mine hands open,†and he spread his
rosy palms to show her how he meant, and plodded along, not
at all satisfied with himself, as he had displeased his Polly.
When they got to the church door, Robbie took of his hat,
and made his bright little face look very solemn.
He was very quiet for a while, but then he got restless and
wanted to walk about the church to see things. His auntie
tried to hold him, but he slid down on the floor, and, stepping
out into the aisle, started to go out; she again caught him, but
quick as thought he shouted, “Diddlty! diddlty!! dumpty!!!â€
But before he got tothe “plum tree†his auntie had carried him
out into the garden.
Polly followed, laughing heartily. They had left their par-
asols and Robbie’s hat in the church, so they were obliged to
wait until service was over.
They went around to the side of the church and sat down
on a log in the shade.
No one spoke a word until after they were seated, then
Polly remarked :—
“Auntie Lorrain, Bud did not behave like a gentleman.â€
“No,†said her auntie, ‘‘nor did you behave like a lady.â€
“Oh, I couldn’t help it; Robbie did look so funny, as you
carried him out! His legs hung down so long, and that hole in
his stocking was right in sight, and it minded me of the song
my papa sings us,
«Hole in the stocking,
And the shoe kept a-rocking,
And we danced by the light of the moon.â€
Robbie now began to be sorry, and, pushing up close to his
auntie, he took her arm in both his hands, and, gently shaking
her, said:— ,
“Auntie, do you know you are re’y good to me? I so
sorry for being a naughty boy. Will oo ’cuse me and love me?â€
She could not be vexed with him after that, but took him
in her arms and kissed his little flushed face.
After the congregation had left the church, they went in
to get their things, but did not escape without being seen, for
the rector and several ladies were standing at the gate, and
looked very much amused.
The minister said to Robbie, as they passed:—
“And so you wanted to hear yourself in church, Master
Robbie,†at which the little culprit looked decidedly embar-
As they walked home, Polly said, ‘Auntie, don’t you think
that Mr. Singleton thinks we are very naughty children?â€
“I fear he thinks that of you this morning,†said auntie,
“and I hope you and Robbie will apologize to him the first time
you see him, and tell him that you will be good children the
next time you come to church.â€
When they returned home, they tried in every way to show
that they regretted their naughtiness.
Polly unbuttoned her auntie’s boots, brought her slippers,
took her hat and gloves and parasol and put them away, and
with a pleading look said :—
“I do wish I could know just how bad you think J am.â€
Seeing forgiveness in her auntie’s face, she threw her arms
around her, nearly smothered her with caresses, very truthfully
saying, ‘I do love you so hard.â€
Robbie, too, was slowly making peace offerings. He went
to the water pitcher, and poured some water into his tiny silver
cup, and was walking toward his auntie with it, when he struck
his foot against his little red rocking chair, and fell. Without
waiting to get up, he began:—
“TI do wish Polly wouldn’t always get afore me to do
fings fo’’oo. [’ll just burn ’at ’ittle wed chair, fo’ I know you'll
not ’cuse me and fo’give me.â€
His auntie took him up and drew the boots off. Presently
he smiled and laid his head on her shoulder. The little red-
topped boots he held in his arms, often pressing his lips to them.
“Do you fink mine Aunt Birdie will send me some mo’
boots, just ‘ike ese, wif pretty wed legs to em?â€
These she had given him for his third birthday, and he
was looking out for the time when he would want some more.
The first week after he got them, he would every night
take them to bed with him, and after he would get to sleep, his
mother would lay them aside. Finally she put them away, and
Robbie said nothing about them, and it was supposed that he
had forgotten them, but one morning his mother was searching
in a trunk for something, the ‘“Jove-letter trunk,†the children
called it, as many packages of letters tied up with blue satin
ribbons were kept in it.
Robbie was standing by. Suddenly he gave a shout; in
turning over some things, the boots came to view.
He clasped them to his heart, and actually wept over them,
saying, “I always fought some howid twamp had stolen mine
Nip and Tuck, and I would never see.’em any mo’; ’0o0 do ’ook
jus’ uzly an’ fine.â€
They were never again taken from him.
OBBIE’S auntie remembered her promise and put
pockets in his kilt. He insisted upon three pockets,
“Like mine papa had in his coats,†but he had
to be satisfied with two; and he gave a reward
of two sweet kisses, “A rosebud and a sprig of heliotrope,†as
he called them.
After they were tired of story-telling and gardening, their
auntie took them in to lunch. The hungry little children did
ample justice to old Chrissy’s goodies, hot buttered rolls, cold
chicken, strawberri¢s and cream, and drop cakes.
Polly said there was one more thing she wanted, and that
was not on the table. “1 so want a piece of scheese.â€
Cheese is, of all things, her favorite; she prefers it to fruit
or candy. She will hold a bit between her thumb and finger,
now and then sinking her little teeth into it to geta taste. Some-
times when her brother displeases her, she will tell him, “lw’d
give you toa colony man for a very small piece of scheese.’
She well knew she'was never allowed to have a big piece.
Now, a colony man is a farmer who lives at. one of the
colonies or settlements that surround the town, and who every
week brings into town butter, eggs, chickens, and cheese.
After lunch the children went into the garden to play, and
(25 )
' 26 POLLS: dO.
their auntie sat on the front gallery reading. Pretty soon
Robbie came up the steps and said:—
“Auntie Lorrain, what makes ’orn chair keep a-sparking
and a-sparking?†His auntie not understanding him, he went
onto say:‘“’Orn chair’noysme. I keep finking its fire a-parking.â€
The chair had an odd squeak, that did remind one of wood
burning and crackling.
He strode off down the steps and was soon in mischief.
Polly ran for her auntie in breathless haste :—
“Auntie, Bud has beaten to pieces your lovely Tommie
Hog.†And there lay the finest hydrangea bruised and ruined.
He did not stop to see his auntie, but started down the
avenue as swiftly as his little fat legs cou!d carry him, his soft,
fair bang standing erect in the breeze, and his plaid kilt dancing
a jig about his knees.
He only stopped when he reached the fence, where their
summer playhouse is under a large elm tree, entwined witha
rich growth of wisteria. Here he sank down on one of the
benches, almost exhausted, and just panted for breath.
He held out his feet and hands to keep his auntie at a dis-
tance, and gasped out :—
“ Just—twust—me—once—mo’.â€
Auntie said not a word, but lifted him in her arms to carry
him to the woodhouse, the place of all others he most dreaded.
He looked up, and, sighing, rested his rosy cheek on his auntie’s
arm, and said :—
“Oh, I tired as a tagah [tiger]! I do ’ish mine mamma
was here,†and, pretending not to see that he was about to be
punished, he continued :— ,
“Do you fink mine papa will bwing me a dog? a dead dog?â€
His auntie was much amused, but with a very grave face he
then said: “I don’t ’ont a ‘ive dog; he might bite Polly. You
said a dog bit Polly one day.â€
Polly had followed to see the fun, and thought it was time
for her to speak, and inform him that before he could remember
that interesting event happened.
When Polly was nearly two years and a half old, her auntie
made her some pretty little drawers, not like the baby drawers
she had always worn, but some “sure enough†drawers.
She was delighted with them, and confided in her father
all about them, and they both were quite proud of them. Her
papa said, “Would my sweet Mary like to go down town to
the post office with me?â€
She was always glad to go anywhere with her father, so
after dinner they started, looking so very happy, mamma and
auntie looking after them as they went down the avenue.
As they walked along the street to the post office, a small
dog at play with a crowd of children left them for a newer play-
mate, and, stepping up behind Polly, caught hold of the highly
prized drawers, and it was feared its teeth had scratched the
plump little leg. |
Her wild shrieks attracted a sympathizing crowd. Her
father beat off the dog with his cane, and carried Polly home.
She was undressed and put to bed and the doctor sent for.
He wisely concealed the laugh that his patient excited, for she
had recovered from her fright, and, not being in the least hurt,
was mischievously rejoiced in the stir she had caused. She
always loves to be the center of attraction.
© OLLY and Robbie sadly missed their father and
mother that first night, when the time came to go to
Their auntie undressed them and put on their “nangees,â€
as they called their nightgowns, and after they had said their
prayers, Polly went to the door and called out in such a sorrow-
ful voice, ““Dear papa and mamma, come home to your little
babies; we are so lonely.†She then quite broke down, and
Robbie joined in the wail, and for a few minutes their auntie
found it useless to try to speak; but as their excitement cooled
off, and they went to her for comfort, she sat down on the car-
pet, and, taking them both in her lap, she sang to them that
sweet old hymn, with which their mamma and auntie’s old black
‘“mammy†used to soothe them to sleep, “Good Old Dannie,â€
or “De Hebrew Chillensâ€:—
‘‘Whar, oh, whar is de Hebrew chillens?
Whar, oh, whar is de Hebrew chillens?
Whar, oh, whar is de Hebrew chillens?
Safe in de promis’ lan’.
‘‘Da went up tro’ de fi’ry furniss,
_ Da went up tro’ de fi’ry furniss,
Da went up tro’ de fi’ry furniss,
Safe to de promis’ lan’.
““Whar, oh, whar is good ole Dan’el?
Whar, oh, whar is good ole Dan’el?
Whar, oh, whar is good ole Dan’el?
Safe in de promis’ lan’.
‘“‘He went up in de den of lions,
He went up in de den of lions,
He went up in de den of lions,
Safe to de promis’ lan’.
‘Whar, oh, whar is good ole ’Lijah?
Whar, oh, whar is good ole ’Lijah?
Whar, oh, whar is good ole ’ Lijah?
Safe in de promis’ lan’.
‘“‘He went up in de flamin’ cha’iot,
He went up in de flamin’ cha’iot,
He went up in de flamin’ cha’iot.
Safe to de promis’ lan’.
This song never failed to bring quiet nerves and peaceful
One verse particularly Polly liked, the one about Daniel
going up from the den of lions.
Sleep soon came to their relief, and as auntie placed them
in bed, Polly opened her eyes and asked :—
“Auntie, will you please give me a piece of ‘scheese’ in the
Auntie Lorrain promised, and turned to Robbie, who was
hunting in his bed for something. Too much overcome with
sleep to know what he was doing, he cried out :—
“T can’t find mine blanket dally.†This dear dolly was a
piece of blanket rolled up, and a string tied around it in the
locality of a waist, the ends of the string serving as arms.
Auntie Lorrain expected to search long for it, for Robbie
was never known to yield a point, but, fortunately for them both,
he had the dolly in his arms, but was too sleepy to know it.
The search half woke him, and, looking up from his oe
eyes, he slowly asked :-—
“Auntie, will you go and make me some nut-no-boys to-
night ?â€
He was promised that he should have some in the morning,
and it is doubtful if even doughnut boys could have kept him
awake another minute.
UNRISE found Robbie’s eyes open and bright; see-
ing the golden bars of light on the wall, cast there
by the sun shining through the shutters, he said: —
“Auntie Lorrain, ’at ’ooks ’ike a ’adder fo’ de birdies to
cime to’e sky. Do ’oo fink ’oo could cime up to’e good p’ace ’at
way? I fink so.â€
He asked to be taken up and dressed in “mine ’mokin’
jacket,†and his auntie thought he was a brave-looking boy in
’ his dark crimson and black flannel wrapper, with the lace collar
and cuffs around his snowy neck and wrists, and his fair, luxuri-
ant hair, as soft as velvet, clustering in a beautiful outline about
his forehead, and his large, dark, intelligent eyes, full of love and
When he was dressed, he turned to kiss his auntie, but
reflected a moment, and said :—
“JT can’t kiss ’oo while ‘at birdie keeps a-singing an’
a-singing. I ’ish he would shut his mouf; he sing too much.â€
He marched into the garden, auntie following to see him
safely in Chrissy’s care, but she was on her way to milk “Cream-
pot,†the pretty Jersey cow.
Robbie enjoyed seeing the gentle creature, and the process
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of milking was particularly interesting to him; he often went
with Chrissy to hold the bucket.
They found the cow standing nearly knee deep in the
green alfalfa, and so clean and nice that she gave one an appe-
tite for milk, butter, and ice cream, too.
Robbie had forgot to bring ‘mine sil’er cup mine Aunt
Manie gid me,†so back to the house he went to get it.
His cup not being large enough to hold all the milk he
wanted, he began to search for a superannuated coffeepot that
had long ago retired from lawful service.
Robbie had appropriated it to the mud pie business, and
it was now likely filled with mud and water and green peaches.
Failing to find it, he said: “Cwissy, I wish you’ stop ’at
miking and get ’orn bwoom and sweep ’is yard fo’ mine cosse-
But when she had three times filled his cup, he forgot that
he wanted anything else.
Robbie now turned and reminded his auntie of her promise
about the nut-no-boys, and, looking up with a sweet smile, he
said, “And I’d ’ike some shied apples fo’ mine bweakfast, if you
please.†Auntie told Chrissy to have a dish of apples for him.
Fried apples is a favorite dish with Robbie.
Auntie now went in the house to see if Polly was awake.
There in her mother’s room was the little lady, prome-
nading before the mirror, glancing behind her to see her ‘“‘nan-
She did look lovely, it is true; the soft, clinging goods,
34 POLL YS. a Fe
falling close to her feet, would not float out on the carpet as
she wished. Not knowing she was seen or heard, she said:
“JT want it to look like mamma’s train when she walks fast.â€
In turning round she caught sight of her auntie, who was
watching her, and, running to her, said :—
“Auntie, do you think I am a very silly little girl?â€
“No,†said Auntie Lorrain, ‘not so very silly for five
years old.â€
REAKFAST over, Polly and Robbie went with
“PB their auntie to the pantry, to make doughnuts
The children insisted upon having on aprons
and their cuffs turned up like auntie’s.
When all were ready, Chrissy brought in a quart of light
dough in a bowl, into which auntie put a cup of white sugar, a
half cup of butter, and two eggs.
Here Bud declared he would do it all himself, and said:
‘Tl savor it mine own sess, wif ’ace and nut’egs.â€
Auntie agreed to a small quantity of each, but, when he
offered to put in the mace box and all the nutmegs whole, she
restrained him.
He just tumbled down off the chair and away he ran down
the garden to his playhouse, crying furiously.
At any other time Auntie Lorrain would have allowed him
a good time for repentance, but, when his parents were away
from him, she could not bear to know that he was unhappy, so
she went after him, and he was Bret to get back without the
loss of his dignity.
Polly churned the eggs light and foamy, and ae it into
the bowl at the last, and auntie added enough flour to make it
work nicely.
- When the dough was stiff ene to knead, each pair of
little plump fists worked a piece, and, oh, how merry they were!
Polly frequently put a round ball of the dough into her ready
little mouth, and would say, “Oh, but it is goody/â€
Then the dough was put back into the bowl to get light
again. At the end of an hour it was ready to cook. Chrissy
had some fresh lard boiling in a frying-pan. Auntie rolled the
dough thin, and cut it into fancy and funny shapes, and dropped
them into the hot lard, and cooked them to a crisp brown.
The cheeks of the nut-no-boys puffed out beyond all nature,
but, after they were sprinkled with sugar, they were just good
enough to eat. That is what Polly and Robbie thought when
they ran off with their hands full for Jammie Royal. He was
their nearest neighbor, and a “spicy†friend. Polly rapped at
Mrs. Royal’s dining room door, and heard her welcome voice
say, “Come in, Polly,†for she well knew the sound of her soft
little fist. Jammie was standing at thé table watching his
mamma wipe the silver. He was glad to see his little friends,
but overjoyed to see the luscious doughnuts. He ate them
with relish, and was about to lead the way over to Polly’s home
for more when his mamma said, “Jammie, I wish you would
wipe that spoon.†It was the last, and his mamma had to give
an order to the cook, and could not finish them. Jammie rested
his plump hands on the sides of his jacket, and, giving a deep
sigh, said, “I should not like to be overworked, for then |
couldn't help you a bit to-morrow.†Polly’s merry eyes twinkled
with fun, and she said, ‘‘ You are the laziest boy I ever did see.â€
Robbie took up the tea towel and proceeded to wipe the spoon,
saying, “I can ‘ipe it as good as Cwissy†(meaning Chrissy).
Wes the last occupation began to lose interest, the
children went to Auntie Lorrain and begged for a
story. Polly said:—
“O auntie, please tell us about my Uncle Laurence and
his dog Tim!â€
This request was echoed by Robbie, and he and his sister
began a struggle for a seat on Auntie Lorrain’s lap. But she
settled it by making them sit on each side of her in their little
rocking chairs.
Auntie was ready to begin, but Robbie detained her to ask
if Tim was “still a ’ive dog,†and whether he ever “bit ‘ittle
Polly got very impatient at these interruptions, and when
he asked the last question, she reached behind and pinched his
Poor little fellow, he was more frightened than hurt, for he
was thinking about dogs biting, and was exasperated by his sis-
ter’s attack.
Quick asa flash he sprang at her and slapped her pretty
round head. Polly knew that she had provoked her brother to
strike her, but tears in her eyes caused Robbie to hang his head
and say, “I fought ’o0o was a dog.â€
When peace was restored and the story begun, Polly slipped
in a question or two, “Is it a real story, a sure-enough little
boy and dog all alive?â€
‘Indeed it is,†said auntie. ‘When your Uncle Laurence
was a little boy, two years old, he had a large dog named Tim.
They were very fond of each other, and played together all day.
Even when Laurence slept, Tim would stay close by his young
master’s cradle, and when he would wake, he would coax him
out to play and run races with him.
“Tim was very gentle, and would submit to even rough
treatment from his little friend.
“Now Laurence’s parents, your grandfather and grand-
mother, lived in Virginia, on the beautiful green back of a large
river, with great overshadowing trees dipping their long
branches into the clear water.
“Across the river from Laurence’s home a big, busy city
nestled among the high hills, and over there Laurence’s father
often took him.
‘“‘Tt was such fun to go on the ferryboat and see the horse
go round and round to make the boat cross over. It was not
like the boats you cross the bay in, but a very small boat.
“And then he would be taken to the stores, and get all the
toys and sweets he could carry home .
“Once when Tim slipped off and went with them, he and
his papa laughed to see how Tim made all the dogs run so very
fast when he growled at them.
“But one morning his father was in a hurry, and did not
take his little boy, so, after his papa kissed him good-by and
went over to the city, Laurence thought he would go too, and
he and Tim went racing to the river.
“It was not easy for him to escape his nurse, for Boley’s
only duty was to help Tim to take care of their young master.
But when Boley began to twist up her short, kinky wool, she
forgot ‘dat blessed angel,’ as she called Laurence, and that was
the time he took for his flight to the river.
‘Laurence and his dog made a pretty picture as they wan-
dered along the road leading to the pebbly beach. He was a
very active child, and could run everywhere when a year and a
half old, and now at two years old he was quite a man, he
“Fle was dressed in a jaunty suit of dark green velvet, a
wide ruffled linen collar, and a small white beaver hat far back
on his golden curly head. His eyes, as clear and innocent as
bluebells, looked at the departing boat, and as wave after wave
washed up at his feet, one came higher than his head, and he
and Tim were carried out in the deep water. In an instant the
dog was up, swimming around, sniffing, and biting at the bub-
bles as they rose from the child. Tim gave a bark of delight
as a tiny white hand came in sight, and, catching between his
teeth the little dress skirt, he swam to shore with his precious
‘“He leaped up the bank and laid him on the grass, and
ran to the house for help, for the faithful dog was now too tired
to carry his master any further.
“He met Boley, but she was not the one he thought to
bring, so he sprang past her and ran upstairs, almost knocking
down old Aunt Sappho, on the way, and when he reached
his mistress’ side, he held up his muddy paws and whined pite-
ously. His dripping sides and his rapid panting convinced
your grandmamima that something had occurred.
“With a cry of alarm she ran down the stairs, following
Tim, for he led the way. She had not gone far down the river
path when she met Boley carrying the almost lifeless child in
her arms. She was crying and wailing as only a negro culprit
can, saying: ‘O my blessed angel, he gone dead! See de riber
run out of his mouf, and his lubly eyes gone shut.’
“Laurence’s mamma took her darling boy and kissed his
poor little pale lips.
‘‘He opened his big blue eyes, and asked :—
“Where's Tim?’
“At hearing his voice his mamma thanked God with all her
soul. And the negroes who had followed just shouted for joy,
saying, ‘Glory, glory, hallelujah, de chile is come to life!’
“Old Tim forgot his usual dignity, and frisked about like
a silly puppy, beating each and everyone with his wet tail. I
think he would have liked, just then, to have been able to talk,
but I doubt if anything could have made him a bit happier.
“Your grandmamma carried her baby to her own room,
took off his wet clothes, put on his nightgown, and put him in
her own bed. Soon the sweet eyes closed in sleep, and the
bright color came back to his cheeks and lips.
“When his father came home, he wondered that Laurence
did not run to meet him, as he had done ever since he could
“He wondered still more when he saw Tim, covered with
dried mud, lying asleep on the door mat, and no little boy in
sight. On his way up to his room he met no one. He opened
his door and stepped in, and here he saw your grandmamma
kneeling by her bed, bending over his baby boy. His brave heart
grew faint with alarm, for it might be that his son was dead.
‘“Laurence’s mamma went to him and told him all.
“His papa could not wait for him to wake, but took him
up and kissed him till he woke.
“And what do you think was the first thing the sleepy little
boy said?
“* Papa, did ’oo bwing ‘oo boy a dwum?’â€
“O auntie,†said Polly, “what did grandpapa do with Tim?â€
“He patted him, and told him he was the bravest dog at
Shady Bank.â€
Robbie was anxious to know if that white beaver hat was
lost. ‘Cause I ‘od ’ike to have it myse’f.â€
“Yes,†said auntie, “it sailed on down the river.â€â€™
“And did mine gwanfaver whip ‘at Boley fo’ being so bad?â€
“No; she was so frightened that I think her master let her
off without any severe punishment.â€
‘N the afternoon Auntie Lorrain was startled by Polly calling
l out: ‘‘O auntie, come quickly to Robbie! Just see what he
is doing.â€
Robbie’s laugh convinced her that he was in more mischief
than danger, and there he was on the kitchen gallery with a
small tub full of water. He had some tailet soap, and was
washing Chrissy’s aprons. He had three in the tub, and was
rubbing them with all his strength, the suds running over the
top of the tub, until his shoes were quite wet.
He did not see his aunt coming, and when she lifted him
up he was not at all frightened, but said with great airiness :—
“Poor Cwissy, she needs some c’ean bibs!â€
Before his auntie could decide what to do with him, a black
man came in through the side gate, and asked :—
“Any rags to sell, madam? I gwine to pay cash.â€
The children looked at him curiously. Robbie had never
before seen a negro.
The black man said :—
“Madam, am dem good chillen? kase if dey not, I takes
all sich. Yer see dat li'l hoss keart dar?†pointing to his cart
in the street. A small donkey stood near the sidewalk, with
very long ears and a very short body, harnessed to the cart.
“T’s puts dem right on top on de rags.â€
Seeing that the children were alarmed, their auntie said he
could not have these children. Robbie was deeply interested
in the little old donkey, and when he began to bray, Robbie
caught hold of his auntie’s dress, and said:—
“What ’e little pony saying? Is he calling ’e man to go
The old man took off his hat, and made a plunge at the
kitchen door, saying, ‘‘Do you see how hard I can ‘butt’ de door?
Well, dat is de way I’s punis’ de bad ones; I’s take em home to
‘my ole ’oman; she is a good pi’s oman, and when I’s bring ’em
back dey are ‘fust-rate’ chillens.â€
Chrissy ran out to examine the door to see if it was split,
and gave old Tom across look, which made him laugh loud and
long.. Polly was glad when he was seated in his little cart again,
and, turning to her auntie, she said :-—
“Dear auntie, you would not let him have us even if we
were very bad, would you?†.
Auntie assured her that she would never think of such a
thing. Robbie watched him till he was out of sight, then said:
‘°Hy don’t he put blacking on his mouf? He mouf not
black ’ike his face.†.
Auntie explained the nature of the old man’s coloring, but
he was not convinced that it was true to nature. He thought
a great deal about it, and asked many questions that his auntie
could not answer. He followed her back to her seat on the front
gallery, and sat down in his little rocking chair and watched his
auntie for a few moments. then said :—
“Wy do 90 sit so?†He laid his hands on his knee, one
over the other, shut his lips close together, and, half smiling,
said: “’Oo ’ook ’ike ’at. What do ’oo mean?â€
“Oh, I was just thinking!†said auntie, and resumed her
He does not like one’s being absorbed in a book. He
shut his great, solemn eyes and said:—
“I'll just make it too dark fo’ ’oo to read.â€
It was an idea in his baby head that when his own eyes
were closed, it brought darkness to others.
He was not altogether wrong; the closing of baby eyes has
shut out the brightness from many a household.
Polly brought some flowers and listlessly laid them down
on the steps. She sat very quietly for a while. Some emotion
was at work, which made her chest rise and fall; her hand,
tightly pressed on her mouth, only half suppressed a sob.
Her auntie called her to her, and, taking her on her lap,
tried to cheer her.
Polly looked up through her tears and said :—
“I’m so very lonely without my mamma. Do you mind
my crying?â€
“Oh, no,†said auntie! “Just relieve your little tender heart
whenever you feel like it,†and reminded her of the birthday
party her mamma had promised her. It was to be on her fifth
birthday, which would come in less than a week.
The party was to be on condition that she was to receive
her guests and be responsible for their enteriainment.
Her mamma had been careful about her associates, and she
was not free with children. But her mamma knew that if Polly
promised to be a polite little hostess, she could trust her.
Robbie had taken great interest in the matter, and now,
when he heard it talked of, he took Polly’s cheeks in his strong
little hands and wanted to force her to promise him a dozen
things at once.
The first thing he wanted was a real invitation, “just ‘ike ’e
‘ozzer boys.â€
This she promised.
“But you must let go my cheeks, or you shall not even
look at my party,†said Polly with flashing eyes.
She did dislike to be compelled to promise anything to
Robbie. He had such a masterful way with his sister, when
she was reluctant or slow to answer him.
- T last the day came for the little Roseberry’s parents to
> A delicious dinner was all ready; the flower gar-
den fresh from a shower bath, and the children, dressed in their
prettiest suits, were listening for the whistle of the evening
train. Polly was half wild with joy, and danced and sang, and
flitted in and out, and rushed from gate to gate.
“You know they might come by the side gate just to ’prise
us,†she said to her auntie.
Robbie is unlike his sister in color of hair. Robbie’s is
long and fair, Polly’s dark and clustering close to her head,
but in features they are wonderfully alike.
Polly is impulsive and passionate; Robbie, deliberate and
thoughtful. Now the contrast was striking; while Polly was so
restless and excited, Robbie was quietly putting on his gay |
harness, carefully placing the bright colors to suit his taste; and
when Polly refused to “play hossy†with him, he himself was
- both horse and driver, and raced around, as occupied with his
play as though he was not thinking of anything else.
At last they heard the train whistle, and then soon the
sound of wheels, and their waiting was at an end. Mammaand
papa sprang from the carriage and kissed and hugged their dear
little ones.
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It was impossible to tell which were the happiest, the par-
ents or the children.
They followed their father and mother about while taking
off their traveling wraps, both talking at once about how they
missed them while away.
When they were ready for dinner, Polly ran to the garden
and selected the finest Marechal Neil rose and a sprig of
heliotrope for her mamma, and a moss rosebud from her own
bush for her papa’s buttonhole.
She then flew to the pantry and brought a pretty China
cup, “forget-me-nots†around the top, contrasting well with the
golden custard within.
“Here, dear movver, this will refresh you till dinner is
brought in.â€
Her mamma did not mind her dessert coming before din-
ner; she ate it, because her little daughter intended it for a kind
After dinner Polly whispered to her auntie, “Shall I say
my verse now?†,
She stepped out in front of her father and mother, and,
with a graceful little bow, said in a clear, soft voice :—
‘What is beauty? Not the show
Of shapely limbs and features, no;
’Tis the stainless soul within
That outshines the fairest skin.’’
And, springing into her papa’s arms, she exclaimed, “My
Auntie Lorrain taught me it while you were away, to prise
Robbie stood by and listened, not only to the verse, but to
the praise.
He then stepped out, and, swelling himself toa degree that
threatened the safety of his buttons, began :—
‘‘W-h-a-t is booty? Not ’rs’o’
O’ s’apely ’imbs an’ seatures, n-o-0;
But ’e s’ainless soul wifin
’ At outs’ines ’e ker sene.â€â€™
He did not intend to be laughed at, and, when they
applauded him in mischievous fun, he joined in, although he was
not quite pleased with the result of his speech.
Mamma saw Polly’s bright eyes turn wistfully toward the
traveling satchels, which she was sure contained something for
her. Of course there would be lots of pretties in the big trunk,
that was not yet brought from the depot.
Mamma knew her darlings would be impatient, and had
brought something for them in the satchels, zwo dzg brass bugles,
the sort that can be closed very small.
Oh, dear! how pleased Polly and Robbie were.
Their papa showed them how to use them, and soon Polly
could “toot†hers in a dismal way, but it was fine music to her.
Robbie would surprise and startle everyone now and then
with an unexpected blast from his bugle, and then look around
as surprised as anyone, and a great deal more delighted.
T was not long after the meadow larks had taken their bath
I in the lily bed, and shaken out their feathery coats, that
Polly and Robbie were awake and their toilets made.
The trunk was to be brought very early, and the children
wanted to see the men carry it in and unbuckle the straps.
When this was all done, mamma went to her dressing room for
the key, and Robbie mounted the trunk astride, and told Polly
to get up behind him. She obeyed, but did not hold on tightly
as he wished. With some anger in his tone, he exclaimed,
“Don’t you know ‘at ’adies must hold on fast to ey humsans
[husbands] or ’ey fall ?â€
Mamma opened the trunk, and out came the pretty things.
Oh, how the little wrappers rustled, and the busy tongues
clattered about the pretty things for themselves and auntie!
When the last thing was taken out, Polly said, “Auntie,
let me see your lovely new bonnet.â€
She put it on her head, back part foremost, and went to
survey herself at the mirror, but the long ribbons (what a pity
for them and Polly too) caught under her feet and threw her
Poor Polly in a splutter,
And the gray ties in a flutter.
_ Robbie was very busy with his drum, and presently he
4 (49)
arched high his brows, and, waving his drum stick toward his
auntie, he said:—
“Mamma, you dinna bwing mine [a pet name he had given
his auntie] Dinnie widdie a gum.â€
His mamma told him, “Auntie does not care for a drum.â€
He was not satisfied. He went close to his auntie and
“Tt ould be so niche if you had a gum ’ike mine.â€
‘“«T really would not enjoy one,†said Aunt Lorrain. ‘The
noise makes my head ache.â€
He put down his drum, and, drawing her head close to
him, felt it all over.
“Vou haven’t one bump on you’ head; oo mi'taken.â€â€™
His idea of a headache was the bump which follows a fall.
He considerately carried his lively band into the garden, where
Jammie shared the music with him.
After a while he came back, his countenance all aglow with
some new fun. Putting his lips close to Polly’s ear, he whis-
- pered something, and they both laughed gayly.
There was to be some joke played upon inamma. The
children ran on out. Auntie followed, for she had overheard
them mention “Old Puff,†who-was a large hop toad, and lodged
in the rose garden. He was welcome there, for he was a good
scavenger, and the children had been told not to molest or hurt
Auntie stepped behind a large bush to see what they were
about to do.
Robbie had his express wagon drawn up close to the hedge
where the old sleepy fellow was generally to be found.
Polly had a folded towel in her hand. .
Robbie picked up a small spade and gently slipped it along
the ground, raised the toad, and put him in the wagon, and, as
quick as thought, Polly covered him with the towel, and they
moved off slowly towards their mamma’s sitting room door.
A favorite play with the children was to pretend that they
were Chinese fish venders.
When they reached the steps, Robbie said, “’Ho! ’Ho!â€
to his little pony, and Kit (Polly) pranced and stamped and
tossed her head, and then stood quietly waiting.
Robbie ascended the steps and called out in the roughest
voice he could command: “Holo, lady! You want to buy fishy
_ Mamma came to the door and asked, “What kind of fish
have you?â€
The little Chinaman answered, “Mountain twout an pe’ch.â€
Then mamma said, “What’s the price of them?â€
Robbie put on a manner of indifference, and carelessly
replied: ‘‘On’y twenty bits. ‘Ook at em; ’e heap niche.â€
Mamma walked down to the wagon. Robbie lifted the
towel, and out jumped Old Puff, right straight at mamma, and
landed on her foot. She jumped and screamed.
She was so frightened, and ran up the steps, and did not
stop till she was safely in the house and the wire door fastened.
Kit was scared too, and ran away, upsetting the wagon
as she crossed a little ditch. But the funny little Chinaman sat
down and laughed till he ached. And Old Puff made off to his
Auntie and Jammie saw the fun and laughed too.
ONDAY was a very busy day, for Tuesday would be
Polly’s birthday. Her invitations were to be sent out,
cakes and sweetmeats to be made, her new dress
to be finished, and, oh, ever so many things to be done.
A friend of Polly’s, a young gentleman of sixteen, had
promised to carry her invitations. Mamma had addressed the
last cunning little envelope, with its quaint Kate Greenaway
babies in one corner, when John Humbert came for them.
Polly watched him ride away with the package of invita-
tions, and she felt that now indeed her party was not far off.
When auntie went out to the kitchen to make the cakes,
Polly went too, for she was to make the “marigolds†herself.
This small woman of five years was arrayed in a “kinchen
apron,†and her sleeves tucked up.
As she was not tall enough to reach her work, Chrissy
brought a cracker box for the little lady to stand on; and how
happy Polly looked! A bowl and spoon were ready for her.
She drew them toward her and said:—
“Auntie, what shall I do first?â€
She was given three eggs to break, and she did it as nicely
as anyone could. With this she put a cup of sugar and a half
cup of butter and beat it very light.
Mamma came to the door, looked in, and asked if Polly
would like for mamma to help make her favorite cake?
“Oh, no, mamma, I’m not a bit tired! Just see me beat
And she gave a vigorous stir, and up into her saucy face
went the batter.
Everyone laughed at her, but this sweet-tempered child
never got vexed when others were amused at her mishaps.
Polly next added a half cup of milk and two cups of flour,
one teaspoonful of grated nutmeg, and then all was in. She
stirred and stirred and beat until the batter was like a yellow
sponge; then Chrissy brought the hot pan, and Polly dropped
spoonfuls of the batter in it until it was full.
Just as she had it ready to bake, her father looked in, hunt-
ing for his little girl.
What a time they had! He hugged her and kissed her
tiny, floury nose, and got his coat to looking very much like the
“kinchen apron.â€
He did not mind that, for he was so glad to see her happy
and useful.
Chrissy soon took the panful of cakes from the oven, and
on a large fresh napkin she turned out thirty crisp little cakes.
Polly danced with joy that she had been successful, and
put three of them on a plate and carried them to her parents
and Robbie.
When her large birthday cake, beautifully frosted, was
carried in, she exclaimed :—
“Auntie, I’m going to cut that beauty to-morrow when my
party comes.â€
When night came, this tired, happy child was asleep in her
little white bed almost as early as the birds nodded in the blue
gum trees close to her window.
O?* Tuesday morning, before sunrise, a great heap of
bright blossoms and evergreens were cut, ready to deco-
rate the house.
A bouquet of choice flowers was placed at Polly’s plate on
the breakfast table, together with a gift from each and every
When she first came in, she glanced at the display of gifts,
and a joyous cry came from her grateful little heart.
“Oh, how good everbody is to me! Just look. Are they
all for me?â€
She examined her treasures. Taking up the most attract-
ive present, she exclaimed :—
‘“Who gave me these?â€â€”a pair of gold bracelets from her
father. ‘And here is a Noah’s ark; I wanted one so much.
And, auntie, I know you gave me these pretty bottles of per-
fume; I’m sure, cause I asked you to; and this box of marbles
must be from my Dickey Dan,’ and she gave Robbie an affec-
tionate shake, and said, ‘You know you told me last night
what you were going to give me.â€
Robbie glanced at his mother somewhat anxiously, for he
had been told to say nothing to Polly about her presents, as
they were intended for a surprise.
56 )
But the secret was too much for “Dickey Dan.â€
He stepped up close to his mother and whispered :—
‘I’m ve’y sowy, but I fought it oud make Polly feel jolly.â€
Two small boxes were still unopened. In one was the
very tiniest gold thimble, from mamma.
Polly opened these treasures with trembling eagerness.
In. the last box was a lovely gold ring. She soon noticed |
there were words engraved inside, which her papa told her |
were her name.
Polly slipped the ring on one of her fingers, the thimble on |
the end of another, and, gathering all the other gifts in her
hands, said :—
“QO father, I’m just as happy as a-—well, as that bird we |
hear singing—every bit as happy! You see I have such lovely
things; and I’m going to learn to sew Dottie Dimple’s clothes,
and Jennie Finnels, too.â€
Te thing after breakfast was to decorate the rooms.
_& The one to receive the most attention was, of course, the
dining room.
The long table was bordered with buds and blossoms. In
the center of the table lay a long mirror, the frame concealed
by flowers forming a bank all around it. This represented a
lake, in which were tiny toy boats and fishes.
In the center of the lake was a bank of lilies, out of which
rose a tall chandelabra, holding five wax candles of different
The windows and doors and pictures in the room were all
wreathed with evergreens and flowers.
On the table were tall glass bowls, of candies and bonbons
and fruits, and on a side table dishes of ripe strawberries, cakes,
sandwiches, and chicken salad.
The invitations informed the little ones that they would be
expected at two o'clock, and after an early lunch mamma dressed
Polly in her new dress, a light gray princess with an overdress
of bright blue, creamy lace around her neck and wrists, and a
knot of blue ribbon streaming from one shoulder, long gray
stockings and kid slippers with little blue bows.
When she was dressed, she flitted about like a small fairy.
Robbie wore his blue kilt and jacket. He was not very
well, had a cold. Polly was distressed, and said:—
“He won’t harmonize with my company.â€
And indeed she was right.
Polly received her guests with pretty, childlike cordiality.
Such a gay crowd of lovely girls and boys! They felt so
much at home that they at once became engaged in play in the
house, and all about the grounds.
They danced and had games, and played at everything
one can think of.
Robbie’s big wagon was a band wagon, and when filled
with little boys, each with drum or bugle, it was just like a real
band wagon.
Some played with building blocks and with books, and oth-
ers gardened with the toy tools.
A trio of Polly’s dearest friends escorted her grand, big
doll, Jennie Finnel, in a ride. Louise, tall and graceful, led
the way. Laura, with her sweet brown eyes full of tenderness
for Miss Jennie’s welfare, held the side of the carriage, to
keep her from falling out. Rebecca, fair and fun-loving, drew
the carriage, and was determined to give dolly a merry ride, and
dashed down the avenue at full speed, upsetting the carriage,
and throwing the doll and her beautiful silk carriage robe out on
the lawn.
The band wagon rushed up, and the two largest boys
offered their services. Norman took out his knife and a bunch
of string, and, assuming a professional air, said :—
_ 60 POLLY! S “Il On.
“J can mend desiccated [dislocated] legs or a broken
wheel as well as any doctor in town.â€
Maynard struck an attitude to draw a picture of the group,
while Louise, picked up Jennie and brushed down her pink silk
dress, and gave her a kiss and a tight embrace.
Polly ran to see what had happened. Laura met her, and,
putting her arms about her, said, “Jennie is just as safe as the
_ rest of us girls.†Polly was satisfied and glad to hear Laura
call Jennie “one of the girls.†Robbie climbed out of the band
wagon, and, with a masterful look, said, ‘““Who did ’at?†Re-
becca confessed with a laugh, and Robbie said, “’Oo got to go
to the woodhouse and stay ’are.â€â€ He took her by the hand
and led her to the door. She went in, just for fun, but Robbie
was serious, and shut the door and fastened it. She coaxed and
plead to get out, but Robbie said :—
“No; ’oo dot to stay all day, and no goodies eiver. “Oo
spoiled Polly’s nich dolly.†And he walked off with a proud
look, as he tossed back his long curls.
Polly ran for mamma to let her out, for she well knew that
Robbie would not let any of the children go near to open the
When they were summoned for refreshments, they reluc-
tantly left their games and play. But they were soon enjoying
their feast, and what fun they had with their bonbons! In
some the boys would find a fan or an apron or bonnet, and some
of the girls marched about in hats that were very roguish,
Polly cut her big cake, and as the children watched her do
it, she thought it proper to look very grand and solemn, and she
told the children, and the ladies too, that she herself made the
They had a happy afternoon, and could have enjoyed them-
selves for hours longer, but night came, and with it the parents
of the children, to take them home.
When the last little one was gone, the house and garden
looked dreary, and Polly at once decided to go to bed.
After she had lain down, mamma went to her tired girlie to
have, as usual, a little talk.
“Has my darling had a happy day? and was everything
pleasant, and as you wished it?†she said.
Polly sprang up in bed, and, putting her arms around her
mamma's neck, she hugged her close, and whispered :—
“This has been the loveliest day I have had in ¢ez years.â€
Then, holding herself back at arm’s length, with a sly smile
in her sleepy eyes, she said :-—
“There was one thing, dear mamma, just one thing you for-
got; one thing was not on my supper table. Can't guess?
Mamma laughed, and said her Honey Dew should yet
have it.
Cheese was not just the thing for a little child to eat at this
late hour, but Polly’s mamma would never break a promise
made to her children.
So Polly sat up in bed and rapidly devoured a small piece
of her dear favorite, and as she finished it she said :-—
“That is the best goodie I have ’joyed to-day. Good-
night. Happy dreams. Do you love me?â€
And in about two minutes she was dreaming, dreaming
perhaps of another birthday party, where the afternoon would
never end, and where everything was made of solid cheese.
EXT morning it was late when Polly woke, and the
pink roses were not blooming on her round cheeks.
She was pale; her sweet eyes were a trifle larger than
common, and not nearly so bright.
After giving a good-morning kiss to her parents and auntie,
she perched herself on her father’s knee, and, brushing her hand
over his long moustache, said :—
“Papa, when will I have a ’tache like that?â€
“Never,†said her father.
With a merry laugh she looked straight into his eyes and
added :—
“TI want one, sogs I think it would ’prove me.â€
“Now, I think,†said her father, ‘it is about time for my
little daughter to say ‘because’ instead of ‘sogs;’ you used to
say that when you were only a scrap of a baby.â€
“Oh, yes, sir; I can say it very well, but I say ‘sogs,’ sogs
I think it sounds better than ‘becauseâ€!â€â€™ .
Robbie, upon hearing mentioned the subject of a moustache,
stepped forward for notice. He knew that in this he could some
day get ahead of saucy Polly.
She was annoyed at his airs, and said :—
(63 )
‘Bold Dickey Dan came stamping along,
So big and so strong,
That Poll thought it safest to get
Down and run.â€â€™
She sprang from her father’s knee just in time to escape
the wrath of Dickey Dan.
Polly had a habit of changing these nursery rhymes to suit
the occasion. .
Robbie did not like to be teased. His cold irritated him,
and, with the cloud of yesterday still upon him, he was certainly
neither a comfortable nor safe-looking neighbor.
Polly was right when she said he would not harmonize
with her company. Robbie more than once during the after-
noon had been ill at ease with the company, and had to be
punished for saying cross words to the little ones. He had
never liked strangers. His father often tells his mamma not
to urge him to be agreeable to people, for he was just like him
when he was a little boy, and, whenever his mother had com-
pany, he would run off to the negro quarters, and stay till the
last visitor had left the place, occasionally sending a little picka-
ninny to make observations and report the exact state of things.
This confession gives Robbie’s mamma every hope for her
own boy.
Soon after Aunt Lorrain had gone to her room, Robbie |
knocked at her door. He would not have been so polite but
he found it was locked.
He and Polly were often too free with their auntie’s desk
and workbasket, and she had protected herself by turning the
key of her door.
Aunt Lorrain asked, “Who is there ?â€
After a moment’s delay Robbie said :—
“It Mr. Wosebewy ’onts in.â€
‘““Why does Mr. Roseberry want in?â€
He quickly answered, ‘I ont ’oo to tell me a stowy.â€
Polly then echoed the wish, and, taking her workbasket,
auntie and the children went to the front gallery, their favorite
place for story-telling.
But mamma called Polly and reminded her that she had
left her playthings in disorder, and said :—
“Ask your auntie to excuse you till you put all your toys
Polly rushed back and plead, ‘‘O auntie, please don’t tell
the story till I come!†Auntie promised to wait, and Robbie
concluded he would help Polly. Getting his wheelbarrow and
spade, he went to shoveling up the pretty picture blocks.
Polly coaxed and begged him, saying, “Bubba, bubba,
don’t be so rough; you will ruin them.â€
But he still kept on. Polly gave him a push, and over he
went. Scrambling to his feet, as fierce as a young tiger, he
sprang at her, and slap, slap, slap went his ready hand on Polly’s
head, crying out :—
“Now, ’o0 fink’oo bigger an’ older’an me, and just pose on
me cause | young. ’II]l you ever knock me down any mo’?â€
Polly called for help, and mamma soon rescued Polly, and
conducted “Mr. Wosebewy†to the bathroom.
5 i
When she had finished her work, Robbie was released on
his honor. He looked very penitent. The tenderest spot in
his manly little heart was for his sweet sister.
He put his arms around her, and, to please and reconcile
her, said :—
“T weal sowy I bumped ’oo’ head. I'll give ’00 Tommy
and my b’ack dog, and ’e fwirst piece of pie I get. Now den.â€
Tommy was a small rubber doll in the shape of a bugle
player. He was dear to his owner’s heart, and the gift was an
unmistakable sign of love and good will. And the black dog
was one made of astrakhan and stuffed with cotton, his first
gift from the Sunday school Christmas tree, put on for him by
the rector’s wife.
With their arms around each other, they went out to their
auntie. Robbie told Polly she should have the seat in auntie’s
lap, and should select the subject of the story.
Polly said: “Auntie, please tell us about our grandmamma
being stolen by the Indians when she was a baby. I never get
tired of that story.â€
OUR mamma’s mamma lived in Virginia. Her father’s
plantation was named ‘Sweetbrier,’ because the dear
old stone house was covered with climbing branches of
fragrant sweetbrier roses. Often in summer the blossoms would
trail in at the upper windows, and the children would gather
them for their mamma.
“Qne warm afternoon three Indians came to the house
and asked for something to eat, and sat down some little dis-
tance from the house to rest, and take a drink of cool water
from the deep well.
‘‘Now, baby Caroline, your grandmamma, was just one
year old. She was asleep, in charge of her black nurse Charity.
Her father and mother were at dinner; some gentlemen were
dining with them. As soon as the baby’s mamma left the dining
room, she went to the nursery to her baby girl.
“But neither the baby nor Charity were there.
‘‘Caddie’s mamma went on out to the garden, and met
Charity going toward the house. She had been down to her
own cabin.
“Her mistress stopped her and asked, ‘Charity, where
have you left my baby ?
“ The black woman looked a little frightened, and said:—
( 67 )
“La, Miss Polly, I done lef’ her fas’ asleep in de nu’sery.’
“After looking in the nursery, Caddie’s mamma hastened to
the parlor, and told your grandfather that their darling child
was lost.
‘Upon questioning the servants, they concluded that she had
been stolen by the Indians, who by this time had gone away.
“Your grandfather at once told his guests, and called up all
his negro men. There was quite a large crowd, some walking
and some on horses, went out to hunt for the lost baby.
“Caddie’s father and some of his men took the road that
led toward the city, and when about four miles from his home,
he saw in the distance three Indians. As he drew nearer, he
saw that one of them, a squaw, had a great rough bag on her
back, and next he saw peeping from the top of the bag the
bright, curly head of his little daughter.â€
“© auntie,†interrupted Polly breathlessly, “what did my.
grandpapa do with them?â€
Robbie shouted:—
“Hy, he just took his big gun, so, and killed ’e howid
Injuns.†And he struck an attitude as though about to shoot.
“No, your grandfather could not shoot them without the
risk of harming his dear child; and when once he had gotten her
from the dirty bag, he was so glad, and so anxious to hurry
back to the baby’s frightened mamma, that he ordered his black
men to follow him and allow the Indians to go on. |
“He galloped home as fast as his horse could take him,
and put his tiny girl in her mamma’s arms.
“He tried to amuse your grandmamma by telling her how
the Indians attempted to tell him they stole his child because
they thought her yellow curly hair so pretty, so much prettier
than the straight, coarse black hair of their own babies.â€
Polly suggested :—
“T ’pose she needed a good bath after being in that dis-
gusting bag.â€
“That she did, and got it too,†said auntie.
Tiree day Polly was her sweet, rosy self again. Her
appetite, as well as her good looks, had returned. Her
merry eyes sparkled when she glanced at the breakfast
table and remarked :—
“T didn’t know we were to have ‘company rools’ for break-
fast. Why didn’t someone tell me?â€
“J dare say Chrissy would have told you if she had known
it would please you,†said her mamma, handing some rolls to
her hungry girlie. :;
Polly broke the crisp brown crust from the light, snowy
interior and buttered it long and well, then, looking about for
something further, she was attracted by a dish of broiled oysters,
plump and brown, nestled in sprigs of fresh green parsley.
“Papa, do you think some oysters would be good for me?â€
“T know of nothing better for five-year-old girls,†answered
her father.
When she had been served and had eaten, she gave her
attention to her brother, who was always silent when. pleasantly
employed. He was reveling in fritters and honey, and was
unspeakably happy.
She regarded him critically for some time, and said, half to
herself :-—
(70 )
“Bubba has a pretty face and long curls, but I don’t think
he has sweet ways at the table.â€
In the afternoon auntie took the children for a drive over
the plains, through miles and miles of wild flowers of every
color. The children begged to get out and gather some. When
they got to a little grove of cottonwood trees, auntie told
Glencoe (the horse) to stop, and they all got out. It was a
pretty spot, pleasant and cool. The irrigating canal ran close
by, and on its banks was a thick growth of orange-colored
The doves cooing overhead greatly annoyed Robbie. He
caught hold of his auntie with his firm, chubby hands and said:—
“I do ‘ish you could make ’ose doves hush; 'ey keep coax-
ing fo’ somefin’, an’ I dot nofin’ fo’ ’em to eat.â€
When Polly had gathered all the bluebells, baby-eyes,
larkspurs and poppies that she could carry, they all got back
into the phaeton, and turned Glencoe toward town, but took
another road than the one they had just traveled, and before
they knew it, they had driven into a part of the road that had
been flooded from the canal. When some distance in, the horse
_ began to sink, and Aunt Lorrain had to get out and lift out the
children, to make Glencoe’s load lighter. But the weight was
now too much for auntie with Robbie in her arms; she began to
sink, and, oh, how “Mr. Wosebewy†did hold on and shout aloud!
But a few resolute efforts brought them all to solid ground, and
Glencoe was coaxed and urged and scolded till finally he made
a “long pull, and a strong pull, and a pull altogether,†an
brought himself and the phaeton to dry land. Robbie, who had
held on tightly to his auntie’s dress, complainingly said :—
“Auntie, I ’ish you w’d take off ’at howid wet dwess; I
can't hold you vewy tight.†The dress was a pretty new gray
cashmere, and was ruined.
They got into the phaeton and again started for home.
Polly was very much vexed that she had lost her wild flow-
ers during Glencoe’s bogging adventure.
When auntie and the children drove within a few miles of
town, they saw great gushes of smoke rising higher than the
tallest trees.
Robbie and Polly were greatly alarmed for fear that
Sweetbrier might be afire. But when they got to town, they
saw that the dreadful fire was still one block from their dear
home. They were comforted, and much interested in the wild
excitement that surrounded them.
Aunt Lorrain drove up to the house, but no one was to be
seen about the place. Inside all was confusion and alarm.
Trunks, boxes, baskets, and bundles were everywhere but their
usual places.
Things looked as though mamma expected to camp out.
Robbie declared he was hungry, and his auntie told him
she would get something for him, ‘‘but when she got there the
cupboard was bare,†but in a large covered basket they found
quantities of roast chicken and loaves of bread.
Polly behaved with great self-control all the evening. She
asked her mamma to allow her to gather up some of her favor-
ite toys to save from the fire.
‘Mamma, | w’d like very much to save just Dottie Dimple,
and all her clothes and her cradle and her buggy, and my rose-
bud dinner set and table and a few other things.â€
And her mamma actually packed up everything her dar-
ling begged for. Polly’s mamma seems never to forget how
she herself felt when a little girl. Besides Polly’s toys, she
tucked in little Robbie’s Tommie and bugle and red-topped
boots, for she knew the things that were dear to her boy.
But, fortunately, the fire was checked before it reached
Polly’s home, and she slept in her own little bed that night as
sweetly as though she had not come very near losing her pretty
But their papa’s office down town burned, and Robbie next
“morning, when he was told of it, said :—
“T’m sowy fo’ ’at, fo’ I had a’ittle dwar in one o’ papa’s
desks wif some ve’y valable papers in it.â€
NE morning Polly and her auntie were gathering some
roses, and, seeing a heavy drooping bush that needed a
prop, auntie went to the tool house to get a stick.
Polly followed her, and stepped into the adjoining wood-
house, where she unexpectedly saw a cat.
Now it may seem very silly for Polly to be afraid of a cat,
but the truth is she had never played with any animals; her
father would not let her have even a kitten.
And this cat was not a pretty, attractive pussy. It
looked hungry and cross. It was white, with one side of its
face black, and a short tail, with a black spot on it.
As Polly met it in the doorway, there was a mutual fright.
The cat gave a fierce growl, and stood glaring at her, afraid to
Polly was terribly frightened, and, clasping her hands above
her head, she cried, “‘O auntie, come quickly; old Snowball is
going to jump at me!â€
Aunt Lorrain carried her away, and when she got to the
house and told Robbie, he was greatly excited and vastly inter-
ested. He at once rushed off and brought his toy pistol, and,
with a most dangerous air, exclaimed :—
“Polly, Pll shoot ’at howid cat. Is it old Showball?â€
He was quite careful not to shoot an innocent pussy.
“Ish it a white cat wif a black ’pot on ’r tail?â€
Polly assured him it was.
“Come along wif me, auntie. You may hold dat bad fing
hile I shoot it.â€
Oh, he was such a wise little rogue, and wanted to be big
and brave!
He told his father all about it when he came home to
lunch, and papa said :—
“Tam glad that you take care of your.dear sister. Now
what do you think I have to tell you? Next week I’m going
to have that picnic we have so long talked of.â€
“O papa,†interrupted Polly “do you mean on the banks
of the San Joaquin River?â€
“Yes; we will all go in the big carriage, and take a lot of
nice lunch, and stay all day by the river.â€
“Well,†said Robbie, “I wd ’ike to catch some fish; and,
Polly, maybe we can find somefin’ nice for our mud pies.â€
It was all settled, and finally came the day to get every-
thing ready. The children were full of delight, and ran from
house to kitchen and back again till they got so familiar with
Chrissy’s preparations that mamma told Chrissy to hook the
wire screen door, and they had to be content with what they
could enjoy from the outside.
Something had been said at breakfast that annoyed Polly,
but the preparations for the picnic had made her forget it for
atime. A dog and monkey show was to be in town in a few
days, and her father had promised to take them. Polly and
Robbie were out in their playhouse making mud pies, when the
thought of the show again came to her mind. Polly laid down
her spoon and little green bucket and said :—
“Brother, I do wish that car hadn’t run off the track and
upset the show and killed one of the poor monkeys. Papa said
they were going back to the city, and we wouldn’t see them.â€
Robbie answered: ‘‘I yeal glad ’e monkey is dead, cause
‘e so bad. You know mine auntie said ’e monkey bit ’Ady
Humbert on ’e foot.†|
Polly looked at him with wide-open eyes, and said: “Oh,
that wasn’t the show monkey; he was Niggy, and lived near
Lady Humbert!†re
Robbie nodded his head in answer, and said: “What funny
fing was it that Niggy did to ’at ’ady’s horse, you mind?â€
Polly thought, but did not quite remember how the story
went, and said, “I will ask Auntie Lorrain, when she comes, all
about it, and maybe she will tell us more stories about him.â€
Now, Niggy was a very bad monkey, and it was no wonder
that Robbie was glad when he thought he had been killed in
the train accident. As to his biting “’Ady Humbert,†it was a
real serious matter, the children thought. Well, it happened
in this way: Polly’s dearest friend, Mrs. Humbert, was sitting
in her room one morning, making pretty pincushions, when
she heard a little, sharp-cutting noise at her side, and, looking
down, she saw Niggy in her workbasket of beautiful silk, satin,
and velvet pieces. He had the choicest piece in his ugly little
mouth, and had completely ruined it. She sprang for her
hearth broom, and tried to drive him away with it, but he became
enraged, and sprang at her and sank his sharp teeth into her
foot. She called loudly after the maid, and she came and gave
him a sound beating before he let go. He then went whim-
pering home, as if he had been very badly treated. Mrs. Hum-
bert’s foot looked alarming, and her maid ran for the doctor to
come and dress it. He said it would soon get well, as the bite
of a monkey was not poisonous; but it was a long time before.
she could walk as far as a block.
The funny story that Robbie liked was about Niggy trying
to drive a horse, A friend came to see Mrs. Humbert one
afternoon, and left her horse hitched at the gate. When she
came out to go home, there sat the monkey on the seat of the
carriage, with the reins in his small paws, trying to make the
horse go; but, as the horse was tied fast, and was a very sen-
sible animal, he did not run away when he felt the reins lashing
about him.
Niggy was a terror to the schoolchildren. He would
climb up into the sidewalk trees, and, when the little ones would
go by, he would jump down on them and scare and scratch
them dreadfully.
Robbie remembered all the naughty tricks he had heard
about Niggy, and he was not willing to trust himself in reach
of any monkey. Polly assured him that they could not get at
them in the show, for she had seen them herself when she was
in San Francisco a few months ago. At last she overcame his
fears, and he said :—
“Polly, ess us go city and see’e show; it would be yeal
niche for us. ’Oo take care of me, and I take care of ’oo.â€
Polly was much amused and pleased, too, at the proposi-
tion, and gave a merry laugh as she jumped to her feet and
shook the sand from her pinafore and said :—
“Oh, it will be lots and lots of fun; let’s go!â€
They ran into the house to tell mamma, but she was in the
parlor entertaining some ladies, and auntie was out shopping.
They went to their own room, and Polly picked up her dolly’s
trunk and emptied out the neatly folded dresses and ribbons.
Then she took her newest dress, folded it up, and put it in; then
she took Robbie’s fine blue kilt and jacket out of his lowest
drawer, and put them in. All the time Robbie stood by with
his chubby hands crossed on his back, looking at his sister with
smiling admiration. In her haste to pack her trunk Polly had
forgotten to have Robbie help get ready by making his toilet.
She now turned to him and said, in a vexed way :-—
“Why don’t you help me? Wash your face and hands
and brush your hair. How much money have you?â€
Robbie put his hands down deep into his kilt pocket and
drew out his little purse, saying :—
“T dot ’oads of money.â€
Here he took out one, two, three, four nickels, and laid
them in Polly's hand. She was pleased at the amount, and
said :-—
“T got six nickels myself; we will have plenty.â€
She now helped Robbie to make his toilet, brushing his
curls out until they shone like silk. She looked at him and
said :-— ,
“You are just lovely, and your hair looks like brown gold.â€
She pulled down his jacket in front, and said: “ Why don’t
you keep your coat straight down?â€
He looked sad when his sister said this, and walked to the
door going to the parlor. She quickly drew him away and
kissed him, saying :—
“You must not go in there.â€
The truth was Polly had determined to go without asking
mamma, and she was more vexed with herself than she was
with her brother. She shut down the lid of the trunk, got out
their best hats from a box, and put them on. Then she caught
hold of one end of the trunk, and told Robbie ta take hold
of the other, which he did. Folly led the way out through
mamma’s dressing room door and down through the orchard
to the back gate. When they were out on the side street, Polly
heard a sob, and, looking at Robbie, she saw great tears run-
ning down his cheek. He was trying to wipe them away with
a handful of his curls, but, when she looked at him, he broke
down, letting his end of the trunk go to the ground with a thud.
‘He gasped out :—
“O Polly, ’et-—me—go—back—kiss—mine—mamma good-
Polly dropped the trunk too, and a her arms around Rob-
bie, saying, “Don’t cry, my darnie son.’
Robbie laughed through his tears, and said: “’Oo never
says ‘my darnie son.’ My mamma says that to me.â€
Polly was annoyed, and answered, “Well, you always stop
crying when mamma says it to you.â€
She wiped away his tears with her own handkerchief, then
asked him for his. He felt in his pocket, and, not finding it,
he bit his lip, and shook his head, saying :—
“Tt ost, I pose; ’orn will do fo’ bof.â€
It was a small handkerchief, and was now wet with tears.
She spread it out on the top of the trunk to dry. Polly looked
back toward home, and, turning quickly to Robbie, she said:—
“Let’s go. Downey Boone is coming.â€
They picked up their trunk and started as fast as they
could walk towards the depot. Downey Boone was not a pleas-
ant boy to meet. Indeed, the little Roseberrys looked upon
him asaterror. This was the first time they had ever seen
him away from their home. They had often watched him
through the iron fence of the garden, pretty much as they would
have looked at a wild animal. It was his way, whenever he
saw them out in the garden, to grin, turn somersaults, hand-
springs, and make hideous faces at them, until they would rush
into the house in fright.
When he saw our little friends, he hastened his step to
overtake them, and, just as he caught up with them, he said:—.
“Now I have got you kids at last. Where you taking that
big Saratoga trunk?â€
Polly looked at him with a look of brave defiance, which
astonished him; he turned to Robbie, and, brushing his long
curls down with his rough, dirty hand, he said:—
“I can sell this mop of yours for twenty dollars, and you
will be the better for getting rid of it.â€
He took out of his pocket a large knife, and was about to
cut Robbie's hair off, or pretended to do so, when the children
dropped the trunk, and Polly said in a trembling voice :—
‘Please let his curls be; they are so pretty.â€
He answered, ‘They are that, and that is the reason |
want ’em.â€
Robbie pulled away from him and put his arm around
his sister. Downey laughed and said :—
“You think you are as big as your dad.â€
As he spoke, a tall gentleman came around the corner, and
at once understood what Downey was. doing. He raised his.
cane and said :—
“You march up the street, or I will give you this stick ;â€â€
and he shook it at him as if he really intended to do so.
Downey put his knife in his pocket and walked in the direc-
tion he was told, looking back to see if the gentleman was going
to see him out of sight. That he was, and was going to stand
on the corner until the children were out of his way. He asked
~ Polly her name, and said he knew her father well. Polly
thanked him with her sweetest smile, and Robbie said:-—
“T ’ish ’oo keep ’at bad boy away; he so dirty.â€.
He was indeed very unsightly, with soiled face, hands, and
clothes, in his bare feet, with several of his toes tied up, but
withal a pretty face, that could not be hid by soil.
Polly and Robbie took up the little trunk again, and went
on their way, looking back to see if they were safe.
When they reached the depot, they put the trunk down,
and sat on it to rest. Two dusky maidens stood on the plat-
form, waiting for the train; one of them was dressed in a red
dress and a very gay hat. She came near the children. Look-
ing well pleased, she said :—
“Little lady, have your fortune told 2â€
Polly got up and backed away from her. Robbie followed.
She came near and said in a loud whisper :—
“I can tell you ever so much. You and your brother are
going to the city to see the sights. You didn’t tell your
As she said this, she looked down at the little pinafore, and
then at their best hats. Polly was greatly alarmed, and drew
near to Robbie, and they clasped their arms about each other,
and looked at the fortune teller in dread. Polly recovered her-
self enough to say :—
“Chrissy said you would kid’ap little children, and I am
afraid of you.â€
As she said this, a crowd of people got out of the hotel
hack, and came near the children, and the whistle of the coming»
train caused the woman to go a little distance from them. Thc
puffing engine rolled near and stopped. Polly pushed through
the crowd to look for the conductor’s cap with a brass plate on
it. He passed by her as he went to the eating house, and, seeing
Polly about to speak, he stopped and leaned down to hear what
she had to say:—
“Mr. Conductor, will you please help us on the train, and
our trunk, too?†she said.
He smiled into the sweet face-and said, “Where's your
She looked distressed, and, taking her little purse from her
pocket, she said, “I can pay the money, will that do?â€
He had already made up his mind about the little ones, and
said under his breath, “Runaways, by Jove!â€
He raised up and looked about. Robbie looked at him
and said :— .
“Mine papa will pay ’00; he got plenty money; he got
twenty bits.â€
He thought Polly didn’t have enough to buy their tickets,
and he wished to let the conductor know that his father
was good for at least twenty bits more. The conductor saw
someone coming, and beckoned for him. Polly and Robbie
both turned to see, and there stood their father and their tall
friend. The children were delighted to see their father, for they
were beginning to think that home was the safest place for
them. Polly sprang into his arms, and Robbie hugged his legs
with delight. Their papa was astonished at seeing his little
children in such a place, and said :——
“What brought my babies down here?â€
Polly said with a shy little smile: “We wanted to see the
show. Will you please e’cuse us? I so sorry now.’
Their new friend, Dr. Todd, stood by smiling, and when
Polly looked up at him, he said :—
“T had the pleasure of seeing you alittle while ago. Where
. oe = ?â€
is that great trunk you were carrying:
Polly looked in the direction where she had left it, and it
was gone. She was surprised and asked Robbie, but he could
not tell anything about it. Just then Downey Boone shot
around the corner of the waiting-room, and caught hold of the
trunk, just as the fortune teller put it behind her to keep any-
one from seeing it. He pulled it out of her hand, and brought
it to Polly, saying :—
“She [pointing to the girl] would steal a cracker froma
parrot. I know all of her tricks.â€
Mr. Roseberry thanked Downey, and asked him if he
would carry it to the house. Of course he was glad to do so,
and, putting it on his shoulder, marched off.
Dr. Todd had stopped at their papa’s office, who walked
down to see him off on the train. He had mentioned seeing
the little children on the street, but nothing more. Papa led
his children home, who were very penitent. They met Chrissy
running down toward the depot, hunting them. She was dread-
fully frightened, as she nowremembered seeing the fortune teller
pass the house soon after the children went out to play. Mamma,
too, was out looking for them, and hugged and kissed them as
if they had just returned from the city.
Downey Boone put the little trunk down, and said, with a
provoking laugh: “You kids better get me to be your capen
next time you be goen to the show. ['ll see you through all
right.†| |
Papa gave him a dollar, and he was Heely delighted to get
such a big piece of money.
After papa and mamma went into the house, Robbie called
out to Downey, who was now out on the street, “’Oo know any
niche tories ?’
He turned around and smiled at Robbie, then came back
to the steps, and said, “Yes, I know the finest pumpkin story
you ever heard, a pumpkin goen home to make pies out of, all
by itself.†;
Polly and Robbie looked more than interested. They
fairly plead for the story with their sweet, big eyes. They
were very fond of pumpkin custards, such as Chrissy made.
They sat down on the top step, folded their hands, and waited
for Downey to begin.
Downey was delighted with his little audience, and, as he
balanced himself on the lowest step, he said :—
“Well, we lived on the ranch last year, and one Saturday
mornen’ my maw told me to go up to the pumpkin patch and
get the biggest fellow I could find, a real cushy. She wanted to
make pies for Sunday. I took Snap, my dog, with me up the
hill to the patch, and we found one big enough fora fair. Well,
I couldn't lift it, neither could Snap, so I just give her a good
start down the long hill. Snap and me started after her. She
went bumpen’ and a-bumpen’ down, maken’ straight for the house.
When she got twenty feet from the kitchen door, she struck a
big bowlder and jumped ten feet in the air, and next thing she
landed on the kitchen floor and busted in a dozen pieces.
“Spy, the old cat, fizzed like a skyrocket, and maw’s dog,
Butter (he was named that cause he was so ‘yollar’), ran and
yelped like he was half killed.â€
Polly ventured to say, “And what did your mamma say?â€
“Qh, she did turn jest as white as her pie crust, and went for
me-with the rollen’ pin! I run and hid under the house till she
would cool off, then I went and peeped in at the winder, and
there was maw at the table, rollen’ out the pie crust, and she had
a little smile tucked away-in the corners of her mouth, and when
she saw me she laughed and called out:—
““You come in here and clean up this pumpkin, or I will
put you straight to bed.’â€
Robbie wanted to know if he got the pumpkin pies.
“You bet; I did get a big one all to myself.â€
The children were vexed when Chrissy came out and took
them in. They looked back and thanked Downey, and he went
home as happy as a lark.
Very early the next morning the large carriage was brought
up, and, after stowing away in its capacious space, lunch basket,
papers, books, wraps, and rugs, the children were lifted in, and
then auntie and mamma and papa all got in. Papa shook the
reins, and away went Bay and Sorrel, justas fast as their feet
could carry them.
Robbie said, “‘ Now we are weally on the way to a picnic.â€
It was a lovely ride. For miles the road was smocth and
level, but near the foothills it became rolling like billows, what
the ranch people call hog wallows, and then came a dreary
piece of country, destitute of flowers or growth of any sort. It
looked like a mighty ocean, rolling its muddy waves one over
Polly’s mamma said it reminded her of a young English
gentleman who was once driving over the plains, and was in
the midst of one of these dry oceans before he noticed it. He
stood up in the buggy and looked all around him, and, with an
exclamation of amazement, cried, “We are out of sight of dry
The party at last came upon a beautiful green field full of
grain, where the clear water ran along the road in a ditch, fresh
and cold from the mountain stream. Polly asked if they were
nearly there, and her papa said, “Almost in sight of the San
Joaquin River.†When they came to a steep bluff, glossy Sorrel
took the ascent in leaps, but steady Bay climbed it with sure,
firm steps. When they reached the top, they could see the
beautiful river for miles and miles away.
They selected a lovely spot under some giant sycamore
trees, close by the pretty stream; and how glad Polly and Rob-
bie were to be out and free to run about!
The horses were unharnessed and given a cool drink, and
tied to a drooping limb of a tree.
Auntie tied the bottles of milk to the end of the carriage
whip, and let them down into the river to cool.
While they were all having lunch, they were startled by a
crash and a groan.. There were the horses lying on the ground,
rolling and struggling with the hitching lines and the broken
branch of the tree. They did look so funny. When Sorrel
got to his feet, he looked wickedly at Bay, who was still on the
ground, as though he thought all the fault was Bay’s.
They had pulled too heavily on the limb, and it broke, and
all went down in a heap together.
Papa tried to teach his little girl and boy to fish, but not a
fish did Polly or Robbie catch.
Robbie got discouraged and declared, “If I don’t soon get
a trout, I'll make somebody eat dis piece o’ bacom.†His bait
was a bit of bacon.
Polly said, “Papa, I think your pole must be better than
mine; lend me yours, and you just lie down there and read your
Argonaut while the babies fish.â€
At five o’clock the picnic party started homeward.
The grand mountains looked so near, in their purple wraps
and snowy hoods, that Polly asked to drive around that way
Before reaching home, a full moon rose, and Robbie reached
out his hands and shouted, ‘I ’ont ’e moon in here in mine ’ap.â€â€™
His father told him it was so very large the horses could
not pull it.
He answered: “It doesn’t ’ook lawge to me; it on’y ’bout
as big as mine dinna p’ate.â€
They were two tired, happy children when they got home,
but Polly said she would be quite rested enough to go to the
San Joaquin again next day.
After the children were asleep, mamma took a lighted can-
dle, and went in the nursery to see her darlings.
It was a cozy, cheerful room, a dark red carpet, and walnut
furniture, their bookcase well filled with storybooks, picture
books and two big scrapbooks, that mamma made for them last
Christmas. A door opening on a little gallery, all their own,
overlooks the prettiest part of the flower garden. In a corner
are their toys, the dolls all snugly put to bed, except Tommie,
who is a little tramp, and sleeps on the gatepost, or in a tree, as
often as in a bed.
The dainty white bed to the left is Polly’s. The bed to
the right is Robbie’s. Poor Dickey Dan, he looked so tired, his
chubby hands thrown up above his head, and his round cheeks
brighter for being so much in the sunshine!
Mamma leans over him and kisses his tempting bit of a
mouth, and then lingers over her girlie, till Polly half rouses from
her sleep, and dreamily says :—
“Good-night, dear mamma, happy dreams. Do you love
NE of the greatest pleasures our little Polly had was to
go up to the grand mountains every summer and stay
two or three months. Her parents, Robbie, and auntie
were almost as glad as she was when the time came to start.
The hot weather made them long for the cool, shady cottage
near the big hotel in the Yosemite Valley,
Polly well remembered the delightful stage rides, fishing
parties, picnics, wild flower hunts, and ever so many other
pleasures. She had been talking about them to Robbie, and
reminded him of the trip they were soon to take.
When her father came to dinner, she called out to him,
“Papa, when are we going to start?â€
“Start where, my sweet pet?â€
“To the mountains, sir.â€
He answered, “Next week I think we will get off.â€
She just danced and oe EI saying, “Tam ’joyed
over going so soon.â€
When dinner was over, she took mamma’s hand and said:
‘Mamma, dear, will you please come to the playroom with-me,
and help me select my dolls and toys to take with me?â€
All the time she chatted away about the journey. Once she
stopped and said: ‘Mamma, do you know I will ‘joy this time so
(90 )
POLES Ld Oe gl
much, ‘cause Eugene is going too? Oh, he is so kind to us and
does make such fun for bubba and: me, and is never cross like
other boys!â€
Eugene was the son of Doctor and Mrs. Hilbrace, of
San Francisco, very old and dear friends of the family. Polly
was very fond of him. One reason was he had known her dear
mamma before she was married, and had told her all about the
wedding and lovely bride himself. She never tired hearing
about mamma’s life before she knew her. He was nine years
old then and fifteen now. He was one of those manly boys, tall
for his age, broad shoulders, dark complexion, and large, dark
eyes, with a ripple of fun in their depths, rather a large mouth,
with beautiful teeth, and a lovely disposition. Everybody loved
Next week did seem so long to Polly, and the number of
times she asked, ‘“ How many more days to wait, dear mamma?â€
would be hard to count. Mamma allowed Polly to help pack
her own trunk, and she knew every little dress in it.
At last the morning came. Our little travelers wereupand .
dressed bright and early. You may believe Polly was delighted’
when the stage drove up to the gate, with four fine, fast horses
hitched to it, and Eugene and his parents inside. They greeted
the Roseberys with joy, and Eugene sprang out and caught
Polly up in his arms, and lifted her to her seat. “Robbie, too,
was placed by her side, and then the rest of the Roseberys and
auntie took their seats.. Robbie called to Eugene :—
“Here is a goodie soft p’ace right here for 'oo.â€
It was just the place for him; he thought so. too. Mrs.
Hilbrace had brought two boxes of candies for the children, and
as she kissed them, she gave them to our little friends, saying :
“You see I did not forget my promise to bring you some
Polly’s ready little tongue and eyes expressed thanks for the
Polly recognized the horses in the lead, and called to the
driver, “I see Starlight and Bob Westfall.â€
“You are correct,†he answered. “I brought them down
yesterday to carry you up part of the way. All aboard! Gee-
ap,†he called out, and away the horses fairly flew, miles and
-miles across the plains; and the children did have a jolly time,
with Eugene sitting between them, eating candy. They had
so much to tell him about Sylvan Hall, the big hotel, and
their own cottage near it. Polly informed him that they took
their meals at the hotel, and Robbie attempted to tell him about
their drive through the “big tree,†but the thoughts came so
fast that he could not speak. He caught Eugene by the arm,
and raised his big, lovely eyes up to him. ‘’Oo ill see,†was all
he could say. Eugene understood, and told him so.
The big tree and a drive through it was a treat, even to
those who had seen it before. A four-horse stage could pass
through the middle and leave plenty of room on either side.
The stage always stopped to let the passengers see the wonder-
ful tree.
Polly told Eugene about pony Frank, and the long
rides she had taken
on him when she
went out to hunt with
her papa. Echo, the
large white dog, was
talked of, and _ his
many tricks related
to Eugene. Someof
them could not well
be forgotten, such as
tearing clothes from
the line, and carrying
off their shoe; and
everything else he
could get was de-
stroyed or eaten up.
But Polly thought
he was all the more
interesting for that.
“It is very funny and
telligent in him,mam-
ma,†she would say
when hehaddestroyed
some valuable article.
You would be amused
if you could see her
when mamma _ gets
her riding whip out
for him; she tries to cover him up by leaning over him,
and the rogue will keep just as still as you would if you were
hiding behind the door from someone. Eugene was much
interested in Echo, and appreciated his many tricks, for he was
fond of dogs.
Fresh horses were put in now, before they began to ascend
the foothills, but our little ones were almost asleep; even the
jack-rabbits, as they bounded by, failed to interest them. They
‘sted: their headggagainst Eugene, and he tenderly protected
them from falling,
Noon came before they woke, and when the stage halted
at Granite Gulch, the place where they were to rest an hour and
take lunch, they opened their eyes in wonder to see where they
were. Polly loved this place for many reasons, and she began
to tell Eugene all about it, just while they were busy getting
out and dusting off, ready for lunch. The pots of bright gera-
niums on the window sills pleased her fancy, and she put her
small nose close to them, saying, ‘““You dear creatures! I knew
you would be out here to see me.â€
HE delicious lunch, and ‘neat, smart waiting maids, dressed
in pink dresses and white aprons, who served in the din-
ing room, were so attractive to her.
“We always have cherry pie here,†she whispered An a
Eugene. ‘The seeds are in them, but. Meare. lovely pies.’
Her merry eyes showed she knew a better word to express
her meaning. °
All were hungry, and did enjoy the bountiful supply of
good things. Soon the rattling of the stage, as it drove from ~
the stables, reminded our friends that the time was nearly up,
and when the driver called out, ‘“‘All aboard,†and no one in
yet, Robbie walked out to the door and said, with considerable
wrath in his voice :—
“Polly not ready. ’Oosay, ‘All bode;’ nobody in yet,†and
then went back to tell his sister to take her time to finish her
lunch. “He'll wait fo’ ’oo.â€
A few minutes and all were seated again, and the four
strong,agile grays were straining every muscle to climb the moun-
tain side. It was pleasing to hear the sound of their hoofs on
the rocky road, and to smell the sweet odor of the pine trees.
The road wound in and out until they reached Eagle
Pass, the highest point on the road; here they always stopped
to rest the horses and enjoy the splendid view.
(95 )
Full Text |
“A California Story
Copyrighted 1894 by Louise Carnahan.
To the memory of my beloved parents,
James and Caroline Carnahan.
DEAR CHILDREN: When I was your age and opened a new story-
book, I did so much wish that the writer would first tell me if the heroine
was a real person, her name, where she lived, and just enough about the
story so that I could understand the beginning. .
I can assure you that Polly is a real child, is pretty, lovable, and
intelligent for her years.
She is a native daughter of the Golden State (California). She came
to us one bright morning in April, when the plains of the San Joaquin
Valley were covered with beautiful wild flowers, and the meadow larks
and orioles sang for joy all day long.
You may be sure that she received a glad welcome when she arrived,
and a downy little bed, almost hid in white lace, was ready for her.
When she was six weeks old, a clergyman came down from San
Francisco to baptize her, and she was named Mary Lorrain, but her
mamma one day, just in fun, called her Polly, and she is still called by
this pet name. She is fond of it herself, and when I say Mary, she will
answer, “ Auntie, please call me Polly; I think it so very pretty.†Her
household is composed of her dear self, father, mother, and brother Rob-
bie J., younger than herself} and her Auntie Lorrain, who is her god-
Her home is called “ Sweetbrier,†from this delicious rose climbing
over the building.
I am quite sure you wish to ask me something about’ Polly’s lion.
If you will step with me into the library, I will show you his majesty.
An odd place for a wild beast, is it not? Well, you can take a good look
at him; he has not moved for some time.
This pretty retreat, in among palms and potted plants, was made for
him. He is a large-sized California lion, with big head, monstrous teeth,
which you can see, as his mouth is wide open, and powerful paws, with
hook-like nails.
When our little Polly first saw and heard him, he was in the moun-
tains, savage and hungry, roaming about for his prey.
Let me put Polly Rosebery’s hand in yours. Please excuse tears,
and give her your sympathy.
CHAPTER I. An introduction to Polly Rosebery, the heroine of the
StOTY. 2 6 TS
CHAPTER II. Robbie and the strawberries. The first day without their
parents 26 6 ee ee eB
CHAPTER III. The children at church; they do not behave prettily . 21
CHAPTER IV. Polly’s adventure with a little dog on the streets . . . 25
CHAPTER V. ‘‘Good Old Dannie,â€â€™ the children’s favorite hymn. . . 29
CHAPTER VI. Milking ‘‘Creampot.’’ The lost ‘‘cossepot.’’?. . . . 32
CHAPTER VII. The children making ‘‘nut-no-boys.â€â€™.. 2... 1. . 35
CHAPTER VIII. Uncle Laurence and his faithful dog Tim. . . . . . 37
CHAPTER IX. The old black man wants to put the children in his cart
and take them off. 2... 2 2. 2 ee 42
CHAPTER X. The children’s parents return from San Francisco. . . 46
CHAPTER XI. Old Puff, the big hop toad, gets a ride in Robbie’s
express wagon... 6 6. ee AQ
CHAPTER XII. Polly makes marigolds for the birthday party. . . . 53
CHAPTER XIII. Polly’s birthday gifts. . 2... 2... 1. 1. 2 56
CHAPTER XIV. A delightful time at the party. . 2... 1... 2 58
CHAPTER XV. Toys all put in order next day. ‘‘Mr. Wosebewy’’ out
oftemper. . 2... ee eee. 63
CHAPTER XVI. A story about grandmamma being stolen by the
Indians 2... ee ee. 67
{ vii )
CHAPTER XVII. A drive for wild flowers. Glencoe gets bogged . . 70
CHAPTER XVIII. Polly’s fright at a stray pussy. Children start for the
show. A picnic on the banks of the San Joaquin River. . . . . 74
CHAPTER XIX. The Roseberys and Hilbraces go to the mountains. . 90
CHAPTER XX. Eagle Pass and the haunted house. Safe arrival at
Dylan dal, of. 4! Son ig oe Be we ee a ee @ OG
CHAPTER XXI._ A fishing party. Polly catches the first fish. . . . rox
CHAPTER XXII. Polly gets lost. Echo follows her. He returns to the
hotel for her supper. Eugene starts with him but loses his way. A
lion ready to devour her. Eugene shoots him and takes Polly back
to the hotel. Safe arrival. Rejoicing over the lost found. . . 106
CHAPTER XXIII. What her parents did when they missed her . . 124
CHAPTER XXIV. Polly takes a good sleep, then tells her mamma all
about her distress in the mountains. Mamma tells Polly of Robbie's
search for her. The dead lion brought to the hotel. Wing Lee’s
wrath at sight of him. © 2. 2 2 2 ee ee ew 28
CHAPTER XXV._ First swimming lesson. Polly’s hapless plunge. The
mysterious order for a flag. A ride to the haunted house. The flag
unfurled where the white signal used to be. The property given to
Polly by her father. Polly gives the order for her pretty cottage.
Sophia and Guy Birch to be married... . . 1 2 2 1 ee. . 132
CHAPTER XXVI. Pretty presents made to Sophia and Guy. The
wedding and their drive to the new cottage to live. . . . . . . 140
CHAPTER XXVII._ Polly’s trip to the great city. Her cottage seen from
Eagle Pass. In the city. Visit to the Orphanage. Irene Russell.
Polly’s thank offering. Her ride to Golden Gate Park with Eugene.
His ponies, Romeo and Juliet. She attends church. She is charmed
by the sweet singing of the choir boys, Eugene one of them. . . 146
On their way back to the mountains. They meet
Polly’s ring in danger. An
Arrival at Sylvan
stage robbers, who take their valuables.
old lady tells the robbers what she thinks of them.
Hall . . . . . . 159
CHAPTER XXIX. A visit to the new cottage to see Sophia. Robbie’s
. 165
CHAPTER XXX. Christmas morning at S
Polly’s gifts, the lion one of them. Polly remembers Sophia and Guy.
Irene Russell received gifts from Polly and her mamma. . 172
weetbrier. Christmas tree.
Polly Rosebery, - - - - - - - Frontispiece
“T’l] just make it too dark for you to read,†- - - - opp. 44.
California Poppies, - - - - - - - - opp. 70
Robbie Rosebery, - - - - - - - - opp. 78
Ride through the Big Tree - | - - - - - = 93
Gian Pal; 98
Eagle Pass, - - - - - - - - - - 108
Eugene Hilbrace, - - - - - - - - opp. 154
Clarence Washington, - - - - - - - opp. 168°
POlk ys LION:
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EARS fell from Polly’s lovely blue-gray eyes, and rolled
. down her round-cheeks,
These tears told of the struggle that had been in the
little heart when she kissed her parents good-by, and saw them
drive off to the depot to take the train for San Francisco.
Polly loved her papa and mamma very dearly, and it was
a real distress to be separated from them. But this was not
all. She well remembered the jolly time she had last Christ-
mas while in the big city, with her father and mother.
She was now thinking of the show windows filled with
wonderful toys, and of her little plush purse full of money to
buy presents for Auntie Lorrain and Robbie at home, and of
having her choice of a fine new doll with flaxen curls and big
blue eyes.
Her auntie now tried to console her, taking her in her
arms and rocking her to and fro as she had so often done when
Polly was a sweet rosebud of a baby.
Leaning her head on her auntie’s shoulder, she sobbed
out: “Dear Auntie, I did so want to go to the city with my
papa and mamma, so very much! I wanted to ride in the cars
and go to the Palace Hotel, and order my own dinner, like I
did that other time.â€
(15 )
Here she broke down and bemoaned herself, saying,
“Poor darnie, poor darnie†(meaning darling).
This was too much for her three-year-old brother. He
had silently watched her, and her grief touched him deeply.
He sprang to her, hugged her to his breast, and said, in a
caressing voice, ‘Don’t cwy, Polly; I'll give you mine Com-
modore,†his best-loved doll.
Then, covering her pretty brown head with kisses, he drew
himself up and said :—
“Now if you don’t cwy any.mo’, I—when I’m a big lawge
man ’ike mine papa, I’ll get Dally and ’e buckboard and take oo
to ’e city mine own sess.â€
If this manly promise did not comfort his sister, it at least
amused her, for she lifted her sorrowful little face and laughed
through her tears, saying, ‘Everybody would laugh at us.â€
She thought how funny it would be, just herself and brother
driving kittenish Dolly (the frisky gray, mare) along Kearny
Street. The little man gained his object, and that was to please
his Polly. He seemed to forget that he, too, was left.
Polly got down from auntie’s lap, walked slowly to her
mamma’s room, went in and shut the door. Auntie thought it
best to let her be alone for a while, as she well knew that Polly
would the sooner get over her grief.
An hour afterwards her auntie went to bring the little girl
out to breakfast, and where do you suppose she was found?
In mamma’s bed, fast asleep. In her arms she tightly clasped
her mother’s picture and her father’s slippers. The picture was
one she kept. with her playthings; it was well worn, and dim
with kisses from her rosy lips, but dear to her tender heart.
The slippers were her Christmas gift to her papa. She had
chosen them herself from among the prettiest ones in the store.
Her mother, who was with her, tried to interest her in other
designs, but these pleased her fancy best of all, as they had iron
gray horses’ heads on them, and she plead for them, saying:
“Mamma, I think these are so propry [appropriate] ‘cause I
love to ride on my papa’s foot at night, when I put his slippers
on him. Oh, we do have such a jolly time, don’t you member;
he throws me off just for fun, ‘and sometimes I laugh so hard, I
can’t get on any more that night!†‘| ;
Auntie kissed Polly’s pink cheek, and her big eyes opened
quickly, and she said, “ Have they come back?†a
“No, my deary,†said auntie. ‘‘ They left this morning, and
you have been fast asleep for some time.†.
They then went out to breakfast, where Robbie was waiting
for them. Polly was a sweet-tempered child, and soon looked
on the sunny side of everything.
T breakfast Robbie ate his mush and milk with relish,
but Polly did not taste hers for a while.
It was touching to see the many ways this baby
man tried to beguile his sister into eating. When he was
served to chicken and gravy, he looked across the table at Polly
and said, with a gleam of humor in his dark eyes :—
‘‘Gwavy and shooken bones come to mine pate;
Ittle boys-eat, but ’ittle girls wait.â€â€™
She smiled back at him, and, taking her spoon, began to
sip the milk from her bowl.
He made one more attempt. Taking a cream muffin, he
. buttered it, and, selecting a choice bit of chicken from his own
plate, carried it around to her, and said:—
“Now, Poll, eat ’is, and you'll feel goodie.â€
She thanked him, and, taking his face in her hands, kissed
him again and again, and then ate the tempting morsels. He
did see her smile, but without his own brave effort.
Chrissy, the cook, brought in a dish of luscious strawber-
ries, and set them on the sideboard before Robbie saw them.
He soon noticed their fresh odor, which filled the room. He
looked around, but, seeing nothing to account for it, he said :—
“JT smell something goodie, on the end of mine tongue.â€
Polly had seen the berries and was amused, but was too
wise to’speak of them, seeing that her auntie did not wish Rob-
bie to know.
But he soon spied them, and, stepping down, said:—
“Pll just see if they are cool and sweet and juicy.â€
After this discovery auntie had to give hima dish of them,
and Polly, too.
This was a long, trying day for the children. They had
risen early to see their parents off, and then, too, the first day of
separation always seems so unending.
Their auntie asked them if they would like to go with her
to church, and they just shouted with delight.
Polly had often been to church, and had always behaved
so like a lady that her auntie did not fear to take her, but Rob-
bie had never been trusted -in this way, except once when he
was baptized, and then he was too small to be very naughty.
He promised faithfully that he would be a “gentleman,â€
so, as the service on week days is always brief, his auntie trusted
him. |
_ She did not change their dresses, but brushed their hair and
gave them their hats.
As they were about to start, Robbie begged for his boots,
and by way of inducement added, ‘‘If you will put on mine
Nw and Tuck (the names of his red-topped boots), I'll sit ’ike
1S. |
And he put his knees close together and a hand on his
mouth to show how quiet he would be.
His auntie told him she did not wish him to be uncomfort-
able, and he need not keep his hand on his mouth. He nodded
his head and looked so very happy when his auntie brought his
boots. As she drew them on him, she found a hole he had
made in the knee of his stocking, into which he had put his
knife and pocketbook. He plead to take them along, but his
auntie promised to put a pocket in his kilt as soon as they
returned from church.
“And will you put some pockets in all mine coats? See,
I ‘dot’ to tie mine hankey to mine curl.†And sure enough he
had his handkerchief fastened to one of his long curls.
His auntie calling Polly, who was before the looking-glass
viewing her saucy self, they started out for their walk. Polly
gave a merry laugh, and said, “O auntie, please look at Robbie;
see what he has done!â€
Auntie untied the little knot, folded the handkerchief, and
straightened out the pretty curl, while Robbie winced and
squirmed with pain, saying, “Pease cut it oss; it hurt ’ike fire.â€
TEP Ee ee
N the way to church Robbie had a great deal to talk
about. When he passed the courthouse, he looked up
at the statues on the corners of the roof, and said:—
“Auntie, do those ladies get down and go to bed at night?
I fink ’ey get cold and afraid out all night.â€
Being told that they did not, he replied, “I ’spose ’ey stay
up to watch fo’ ’e twain.†The coming of the trains were of
great importance to Robbie.
Polly chattered about the meadow larks and the wild flow-
ers. After gathering a large bunch of wild bluebells and dai-
sies, she wanted Robbie to carry this bouquet for her to give to
‘‘Lady Humbert,†as she called her dearest grown-up lady
friend. But Bud did not want to be bothered with them, and
“No, Polly; I ’ike mine hands open,†and he spread his
rosy palms to show her how he meant, and plodded along, not
at all satisfied with himself, as he had displeased his Polly.
When they got to the church door, Robbie took of his hat,
and made his bright little face look very solemn.
He was very quiet for a while, but then he got restless and
wanted to walk about the church to see things. His auntie
tried to hold him, but he slid down on the floor, and, stepping
out into the aisle, started to go out; she again caught him, but
quick as thought he shouted, “Diddlty! diddlty!! dumpty!!!â€
But before he got tothe “plum tree†his auntie had carried him
out into the garden.
Polly followed, laughing heartily. They had left their par-
asols and Robbie’s hat in the church, so they were obliged to
wait until service was over.
They went around to the side of the church and sat down
on a log in the shade.
No one spoke a word until after they were seated, then
Polly remarked :—
“Auntie Lorrain, Bud did not behave like a gentleman.â€
“No,†said her auntie, ‘‘nor did you behave like a lady.â€
“Oh, I couldn’t help it; Robbie did look so funny, as you
carried him out! His legs hung down so long, and that hole in
his stocking was right in sight, and it minded me of the song
my papa sings us,
«Hole in the stocking,
And the shoe kept a-rocking,
And we danced by the light of the moon.â€
Robbie now began to be sorry, and, pushing up close to his
auntie, he took her arm in both his hands, and, gently shaking
her, said:— ,
“Auntie, do you know you are re’y good to me? I so
sorry for being a naughty boy. Will oo ’cuse me and love me?â€
She could not be vexed with him after that, but took him
in her arms and kissed his little flushed face.
After the congregation had left the church, they went in
to get their things, but did not escape without being seen, for
the rector and several ladies were standing at the gate, and
looked very much amused.
The minister said to Robbie, as they passed:—
“And so you wanted to hear yourself in church, Master
Robbie,†at which the little culprit looked decidedly embar-
As they walked home, Polly said, ‘Auntie, don’t you think
that Mr. Singleton thinks we are very naughty children?â€
“I fear he thinks that of you this morning,†said auntie,
“and I hope you and Robbie will apologize to him the first time
you see him, and tell him that you will be good children the
next time you come to church.â€
When they returned home, they tried in every way to show
that they regretted their naughtiness.
Polly unbuttoned her auntie’s boots, brought her slippers,
took her hat and gloves and parasol and put them away, and
with a pleading look said :—
“I do wish I could know just how bad you think J am.â€
Seeing forgiveness in her auntie’s face, she threw her arms
around her, nearly smothered her with caresses, very truthfully
saying, ‘I do love you so hard.â€
Robbie, too, was slowly making peace offerings. He went
to the water pitcher, and poured some water into his tiny silver
cup, and was walking toward his auntie with it, when he struck
his foot against his little red rocking chair, and fell. Without
waiting to get up, he began:—
“TI do wish Polly wouldn’t always get afore me to do
fings fo’’oo. [’ll just burn ’at ’ittle wed chair, fo’ I know you'll
not ’cuse me and fo’give me.â€
His auntie took him up and drew the boots off. Presently
he smiled and laid his head on her shoulder. The little red-
topped boots he held in his arms, often pressing his lips to them.
“Do you fink mine Aunt Birdie will send me some mo’
boots, just ‘ike ese, wif pretty wed legs to em?â€
These she had given him for his third birthday, and he
was looking out for the time when he would want some more.
The first week after he got them, he would every night
take them to bed with him, and after he would get to sleep, his
mother would lay them aside. Finally she put them away, and
Robbie said nothing about them, and it was supposed that he
had forgotten them, but one morning his mother was searching
in a trunk for something, the ‘“Jove-letter trunk,†the children
called it, as many packages of letters tied up with blue satin
ribbons were kept in it.
Robbie was standing by. Suddenly he gave a shout; in
turning over some things, the boots came to view.
He clasped them to his heart, and actually wept over them,
saying, “I always fought some howid twamp had stolen mine
Nip and Tuck, and I would never see.’em any mo’; ’0o0 do ’ook
jus’ uzly an’ fine.â€
They were never again taken from him.
OBBIE’S auntie remembered her promise and put
pockets in his kilt. He insisted upon three pockets,
“Like mine papa had in his coats,†but he had
to be satisfied with two; and he gave a reward
of two sweet kisses, “A rosebud and a sprig of heliotrope,†as
he called them.
After they were tired of story-telling and gardening, their
auntie took them in to lunch. The hungry little children did
ample justice to old Chrissy’s goodies, hot buttered rolls, cold
chicken, strawberri¢s and cream, and drop cakes.
Polly said there was one more thing she wanted, and that
was not on the table. “1 so want a piece of scheese.â€
Cheese is, of all things, her favorite; she prefers it to fruit
or candy. She will hold a bit between her thumb and finger,
now and then sinking her little teeth into it to geta taste. Some-
times when her brother displeases her, she will tell him, “lw’d
give you toa colony man for a very small piece of scheese.’
She well knew she'was never allowed to have a big piece.
Now, a colony man is a farmer who lives at. one of the
colonies or settlements that surround the town, and who every
week brings into town butter, eggs, chickens, and cheese.
After lunch the children went into the garden to play, and
(25 )
' 26 POLLS: dO.
their auntie sat on the front gallery reading. Pretty soon
Robbie came up the steps and said:—
“Auntie Lorrain, what makes ’orn chair keep a-sparking
and a-sparking?†His auntie not understanding him, he went
onto say:‘“’Orn chair’noysme. I keep finking its fire a-parking.â€
The chair had an odd squeak, that did remind one of wood
burning and crackling.
He strode off down the steps and was soon in mischief.
Polly ran for her auntie in breathless haste :—
“Auntie, Bud has beaten to pieces your lovely Tommie
Hog.†And there lay the finest hydrangea bruised and ruined.
He did not stop to see his auntie, but started down the
avenue as swiftly as his little fat legs cou!d carry him, his soft,
fair bang standing erect in the breeze, and his plaid kilt dancing
a jig about his knees.
He only stopped when he reached the fence, where their
summer playhouse is under a large elm tree, entwined witha
rich growth of wisteria. Here he sank down on one of the
benches, almost exhausted, and just panted for breath.
He held out his feet and hands to keep his auntie at a dis-
tance, and gasped out :—
“ Just—twust—me—once—mo’.â€
Auntie said not a word, but lifted him in her arms to carry
him to the woodhouse, the place of all others he most dreaded.
He looked up, and, sighing, rested his rosy cheek on his auntie’s
arm, and said :—
“Oh, I tired as a tagah [tiger]! I do ’ish mine mamma
was here,†and, pretending not to see that he was about to be
punished, he continued :— ,
“Do you fink mine papa will bwing me a dog? a dead dog?â€
His auntie was much amused, but with a very grave face he
then said: “I don’t ’ont a ‘ive dog; he might bite Polly. You
said a dog bit Polly one day.â€
Polly had followed to see the fun, and thought it was time
for her to speak, and inform him that before he could remember
that interesting event happened.
When Polly was nearly two years and a half old, her auntie
made her some pretty little drawers, not like the baby drawers
she had always worn, but some “sure enough†drawers.
She was delighted with them, and confided in her father
all about them, and they both were quite proud of them. Her
papa said, “Would my sweet Mary like to go down town to
the post office with me?â€
She was always glad to go anywhere with her father, so
after dinner they started, looking so very happy, mamma and
auntie looking after them as they went down the avenue.
As they walked along the street to the post office, a small
dog at play with a crowd of children left them for a newer play-
mate, and, stepping up behind Polly, caught hold of the highly
prized drawers, and it was feared its teeth had scratched the
plump little leg. |
Her wild shrieks attracted a sympathizing crowd. Her
father beat off the dog with his cane, and carried Polly home.
She was undressed and put to bed and the doctor sent for.
He wisely concealed the laugh that his patient excited, for she
had recovered from her fright, and, not being in the least hurt,
was mischievously rejoiced in the stir she had caused. She
always loves to be the center of attraction.
© OLLY and Robbie sadly missed their father and
mother that first night, when the time came to go to
Their auntie undressed them and put on their “nangees,â€
as they called their nightgowns, and after they had said their
prayers, Polly went to the door and called out in such a sorrow-
ful voice, ““Dear papa and mamma, come home to your little
babies; we are so lonely.†She then quite broke down, and
Robbie joined in the wail, and for a few minutes their auntie
found it useless to try to speak; but as their excitement cooled
off, and they went to her for comfort, she sat down on the car-
pet, and, taking them both in her lap, she sang to them that
sweet old hymn, with which their mamma and auntie’s old black
‘“mammy†used to soothe them to sleep, “Good Old Dannie,â€
or “De Hebrew Chillensâ€:—
‘‘Whar, oh, whar is de Hebrew chillens?
Whar, oh, whar is de Hebrew chillens?
Whar, oh, whar is de Hebrew chillens?
Safe in de promis’ lan’.
‘‘Da went up tro’ de fi’ry furniss,
_ Da went up tro’ de fi’ry furniss,
Da went up tro’ de fi’ry furniss,
Safe to de promis’ lan’.
““Whar, oh, whar is good ole Dan’el?
Whar, oh, whar is good ole Dan’el?
Whar, oh, whar is good ole Dan’el?
Safe in de promis’ lan’.
‘“‘He went up in de den of lions,
He went up in de den of lions,
He went up in de den of lions,
Safe to de promis’ lan’.
‘Whar, oh, whar is good ole ’Lijah?
Whar, oh, whar is good ole ’Lijah?
Whar, oh, whar is good ole ’ Lijah?
Safe in de promis’ lan’.
‘“‘He went up in de flamin’ cha’iot,
He went up in de flamin’ cha’iot,
He went up in de flamin’ cha’iot.
Safe to de promis’ lan’.
This song never failed to bring quiet nerves and peaceful
One verse particularly Polly liked, the one about Daniel
going up from the den of lions.
Sleep soon came to their relief, and as auntie placed them
in bed, Polly opened her eyes and asked :—
“Auntie, will you please give me a piece of ‘scheese’ in the
Auntie Lorrain promised, and turned to Robbie, who was
hunting in his bed for something. Too much overcome with
sleep to know what he was doing, he cried out :—
“T can’t find mine blanket dally.†This dear dolly was a
piece of blanket rolled up, and a string tied around it in the
locality of a waist, the ends of the string serving as arms.
Auntie Lorrain expected to search long for it, for Robbie
was never known to yield a point, but, fortunately for them both,
he had the dolly in his arms, but was too sleepy to know it.
The search half woke him, and, looking up from his oe
eyes, he slowly asked :-—
“Auntie, will you go and make me some nut-no-boys to-
night ?â€
He was promised that he should have some in the morning,
and it is doubtful if even doughnut boys could have kept him
awake another minute.
UNRISE found Robbie’s eyes open and bright; see-
ing the golden bars of light on the wall, cast there
by the sun shining through the shutters, he said: —
“Auntie Lorrain, ’at ’ooks ’ike a ’adder fo’ de birdies to
cime to’e sky. Do ’oo fink ’oo could cime up to’e good p’ace ’at
way? I fink so.â€
He asked to be taken up and dressed in “mine ’mokin’
jacket,†and his auntie thought he was a brave-looking boy in
’ his dark crimson and black flannel wrapper, with the lace collar
and cuffs around his snowy neck and wrists, and his fair, luxuri-
ant hair, as soft as velvet, clustering in a beautiful outline about
his forehead, and his large, dark, intelligent eyes, full of love and
When he was dressed, he turned to kiss his auntie, but
reflected a moment, and said :—
“JT can’t kiss ’oo while ‘at birdie keeps a-singing an’
a-singing. I ’ish he would shut his mouf; he sing too much.â€
He marched into the garden, auntie following to see him
safely in Chrissy’s care, but she was on her way to milk “Cream-
pot,†the pretty Jersey cow.
Robbie enjoyed seeing the gentle creature, and the process
( 32)
of milking was particularly interesting to him; he often went
with Chrissy to hold the bucket.
They found the cow standing nearly knee deep in the
green alfalfa, and so clean and nice that she gave one an appe-
tite for milk, butter, and ice cream, too.
Robbie had forgot to bring ‘mine sil’er cup mine Aunt
Manie gid me,†so back to the house he went to get it.
His cup not being large enough to hold all the milk he
wanted, he began to search for a superannuated coffeepot that
had long ago retired from lawful service.
Robbie had appropriated it to the mud pie business, and
it was now likely filled with mud and water and green peaches.
Failing to find it, he said: “Cwissy, I wish you’ stop ’at
miking and get ’orn bwoom and sweep ’is yard fo’ mine cosse-
But when she had three times filled his cup, he forgot that
he wanted anything else.
Robbie now turned and reminded his auntie of her promise
about the nut-no-boys, and, looking up with a sweet smile, he
said, “And I’d ’ike some shied apples fo’ mine bweakfast, if you
please.†Auntie told Chrissy to have a dish of apples for him.
Fried apples is a favorite dish with Robbie.
Auntie now went in the house to see if Polly was awake.
There in her mother’s room was the little lady, prome-
nading before the mirror, glancing behind her to see her ‘“‘nan-
She did look lovely, it is true; the soft, clinging goods,
34 POLL YS. a Fe
falling close to her feet, would not float out on the carpet as
she wished. Not knowing she was seen or heard, she said:
“JT want it to look like mamma’s train when she walks fast.â€
In turning round she caught sight of her auntie, who was
watching her, and, running to her, said :—
“Auntie, do you think I am a very silly little girl?â€
“No,†said Auntie Lorrain, ‘not so very silly for five
years old.â€
REAKFAST over, Polly and Robbie went with
“PB their auntie to the pantry, to make doughnuts
The children insisted upon having on aprons
and their cuffs turned up like auntie’s.
When all were ready, Chrissy brought in a quart of light
dough in a bowl, into which auntie put a cup of white sugar, a
half cup of butter, and two eggs.
Here Bud declared he would do it all himself, and said:
‘Tl savor it mine own sess, wif ’ace and nut’egs.â€
Auntie agreed to a small quantity of each, but, when he
offered to put in the mace box and all the nutmegs whole, she
restrained him.
He just tumbled down off the chair and away he ran down
the garden to his playhouse, crying furiously.
At any other time Auntie Lorrain would have allowed him
a good time for repentance, but, when his parents were away
from him, she could not bear to know that he was unhappy, so
she went after him, and he was Bret to get back without the
loss of his dignity.
Polly churned the eggs light and foamy, and ae it into
the bowl at the last, and auntie added enough flour to make it
work nicely.
- When the dough was stiff ene to knead, each pair of
little plump fists worked a piece, and, oh, how merry they were!
Polly frequently put a round ball of the dough into her ready
little mouth, and would say, “Oh, but it is goody/â€
Then the dough was put back into the bowl to get light
again. At the end of an hour it was ready to cook. Chrissy
had some fresh lard boiling in a frying-pan. Auntie rolled the
dough thin, and cut it into fancy and funny shapes, and dropped
them into the hot lard, and cooked them to a crisp brown.
The cheeks of the nut-no-boys puffed out beyond all nature,
but, after they were sprinkled with sugar, they were just good
enough to eat. That is what Polly and Robbie thought when
they ran off with their hands full for Jammie Royal. He was
their nearest neighbor, and a “spicy†friend. Polly rapped at
Mrs. Royal’s dining room door, and heard her welcome voice
say, “Come in, Polly,†for she well knew the sound of her soft
little fist. Jammie was standing at thé table watching his
mamma wipe the silver. He was glad to see his little friends,
but overjoyed to see the luscious doughnuts. He ate them
with relish, and was about to lead the way over to Polly’s home
for more when his mamma said, “Jammie, I wish you would
wipe that spoon.†It was the last, and his mamma had to give
an order to the cook, and could not finish them. Jammie rested
his plump hands on the sides of his jacket, and, giving a deep
sigh, said, “I should not like to be overworked, for then |
couldn't help you a bit to-morrow.†Polly’s merry eyes twinkled
with fun, and she said, ‘‘ You are the laziest boy I ever did see.â€
Robbie took up the tea towel and proceeded to wipe the spoon,
saying, “I can ‘ipe it as good as Cwissy†(meaning Chrissy).
Wes the last occupation began to lose interest, the
children went to Auntie Lorrain and begged for a
story. Polly said:—
“O auntie, please tell us about my Uncle Laurence and
his dog Tim!â€
This request was echoed by Robbie, and he and his sister
began a struggle for a seat on Auntie Lorrain’s lap. But she
settled it by making them sit on each side of her in their little
rocking chairs.
Auntie was ready to begin, but Robbie detained her to ask
if Tim was “still a ’ive dog,†and whether he ever “bit ‘ittle
Polly got very impatient at these interruptions, and when
he asked the last question, she reached behind and pinched his
Poor little fellow, he was more frightened than hurt, for he
was thinking about dogs biting, and was exasperated by his sis-
ter’s attack.
Quick asa flash he sprang at her and slapped her pretty
round head. Polly knew that she had provoked her brother to
strike her, but tears in her eyes caused Robbie to hang his head
and say, “I fought ’o0o was a dog.â€
When peace was restored and the story begun, Polly slipped
in a question or two, “Is it a real story, a sure-enough little
boy and dog all alive?â€
‘Indeed it is,†said auntie. ‘When your Uncle Laurence
was a little boy, two years old, he had a large dog named Tim.
They were very fond of each other, and played together all day.
Even when Laurence slept, Tim would stay close by his young
master’s cradle, and when he would wake, he would coax him
out to play and run races with him.
“Tim was very gentle, and would submit to even rough
treatment from his little friend.
“Now Laurence’s parents, your grandfather and grand-
mother, lived in Virginia, on the beautiful green back of a large
river, with great overshadowing trees dipping their long
branches into the clear water.
“Across the river from Laurence’s home a big, busy city
nestled among the high hills, and over there Laurence’s father
often took him.
‘“‘Tt was such fun to go on the ferryboat and see the horse
go round and round to make the boat cross over. It was not
like the boats you cross the bay in, but a very small boat.
“And then he would be taken to the stores, and get all the
toys and sweets he could carry home .
“Once when Tim slipped off and went with them, he and
his papa laughed to see how Tim made all the dogs run so very
fast when he growled at them.
“But one morning his father was in a hurry, and did not
take his little boy, so, after his papa kissed him good-by and
went over to the city, Laurence thought he would go too, and
he and Tim went racing to the river.
“It was not easy for him to escape his nurse, for Boley’s
only duty was to help Tim to take care of their young master.
But when Boley began to twist up her short, kinky wool, she
forgot ‘dat blessed angel,’ as she called Laurence, and that was
the time he took for his flight to the river.
‘Laurence and his dog made a pretty picture as they wan-
dered along the road leading to the pebbly beach. He was a
very active child, and could run everywhere when a year and a
half old, and now at two years old he was quite a man, he
“Fle was dressed in a jaunty suit of dark green velvet, a
wide ruffled linen collar, and a small white beaver hat far back
on his golden curly head. His eyes, as clear and innocent as
bluebells, looked at the departing boat, and as wave after wave
washed up at his feet, one came higher than his head, and he
and Tim were carried out in the deep water. In an instant the
dog was up, swimming around, sniffing, and biting at the bub-
bles as they rose from the child. Tim gave a bark of delight
as a tiny white hand came in sight, and, catching between his
teeth the little dress skirt, he swam to shore with his precious
‘“He leaped up the bank and laid him on the grass, and
ran to the house for help, for the faithful dog was now too tired
to carry his master any further.
“He met Boley, but she was not the one he thought to
bring, so he sprang past her and ran upstairs, almost knocking
down old Aunt Sappho, on the way, and when he reached
his mistress’ side, he held up his muddy paws and whined pite-
ously. His dripping sides and his rapid panting convinced
your grandmamima that something had occurred.
“With a cry of alarm she ran down the stairs, following
Tim, for he led the way. She had not gone far down the river
path when she met Boley carrying the almost lifeless child in
her arms. She was crying and wailing as only a negro culprit
can, saying: ‘O my blessed angel, he gone dead! See de riber
run out of his mouf, and his lubly eyes gone shut.’
“Laurence’s mamma took her darling boy and kissed his
poor little pale lips.
‘‘He opened his big blue eyes, and asked :—
“Where's Tim?’
“At hearing his voice his mamma thanked God with all her
soul. And the negroes who had followed just shouted for joy,
saying, ‘Glory, glory, hallelujah, de chile is come to life!’
“Old Tim forgot his usual dignity, and frisked about like
a silly puppy, beating each and everyone with his wet tail. I
think he would have liked, just then, to have been able to talk,
but I doubt if anything could have made him a bit happier.
“Your grandmamma carried her baby to her own room,
took off his wet clothes, put on his nightgown, and put him in
her own bed. Soon the sweet eyes closed in sleep, and the
bright color came back to his cheeks and lips.
“When his father came home, he wondered that Laurence
did not run to meet him, as he had done ever since he could
“He wondered still more when he saw Tim, covered with
dried mud, lying asleep on the door mat, and no little boy in
sight. On his way up to his room he met no one. He opened
his door and stepped in, and here he saw your grandmamma
kneeling by her bed, bending over his baby boy. His brave heart
grew faint with alarm, for it might be that his son was dead.
‘“Laurence’s mamma went to him and told him all.
“His papa could not wait for him to wake, but took him
up and kissed him till he woke.
“And what do you think was the first thing the sleepy little
boy said?
“* Papa, did ’oo bwing ‘oo boy a dwum?’â€
“O auntie,†said Polly, “what did grandpapa do with Tim?â€
“He patted him, and told him he was the bravest dog at
Shady Bank.â€
Robbie was anxious to know if that white beaver hat was
lost. ‘Cause I ‘od ’ike to have it myse’f.â€
“Yes,†said auntie, “it sailed on down the river.â€â€™
“And did mine gwanfaver whip ‘at Boley fo’ being so bad?â€
“No; she was so frightened that I think her master let her
off without any severe punishment.â€
‘N the afternoon Auntie Lorrain was startled by Polly calling
l out: ‘‘O auntie, come quickly to Robbie! Just see what he
is doing.â€
Robbie’s laugh convinced her that he was in more mischief
than danger, and there he was on the kitchen gallery with a
small tub full of water. He had some tailet soap, and was
washing Chrissy’s aprons. He had three in the tub, and was
rubbing them with all his strength, the suds running over the
top of the tub, until his shoes were quite wet.
He did not see his aunt coming, and when she lifted him
up he was not at all frightened, but said with great airiness :—
“Poor Cwissy, she needs some c’ean bibs!â€
Before his auntie could decide what to do with him, a black
man came in through the side gate, and asked :—
“Any rags to sell, madam? I gwine to pay cash.â€
The children looked at him curiously. Robbie had never
before seen a negro.
The black man said :—
“Madam, am dem good chillen? kase if dey not, I takes
all sich. Yer see dat li'l hoss keart dar?†pointing to his cart
in the street. A small donkey stood near the sidewalk, with
very long ears and a very short body, harnessed to the cart.
“T’s puts dem right on top on de rags.â€
Seeing that the children were alarmed, their auntie said he
could not have these children. Robbie was deeply interested
in the little old donkey, and when he began to bray, Robbie
caught hold of his auntie’s dress, and said:—
“What ’e little pony saying? Is he calling ’e man to go
The old man took off his hat, and made a plunge at the
kitchen door, saying, ‘‘Do you see how hard I can ‘butt’ de door?
Well, dat is de way I’s punis’ de bad ones; I’s take em home to
‘my ole ’oman; she is a good pi’s oman, and when I’s bring ’em
back dey are ‘fust-rate’ chillens.â€
Chrissy ran out to examine the door to see if it was split,
and gave old Tom across look, which made him laugh loud and
long.. Polly was glad when he was seated in his little cart again,
and, turning to her auntie, she said :-—
“Dear auntie, you would not let him have us even if we
were very bad, would you?†.
Auntie assured her that she would never think of such a
thing. Robbie watched him till he was out of sight, then said:
‘°Hy don’t he put blacking on his mouf? He mouf not
black ’ike his face.†.
Auntie explained the nature of the old man’s coloring, but
he was not convinced that it was true to nature. He thought
a great deal about it, and asked many questions that his auntie
could not answer. He followed her back to her seat on the front
gallery, and sat down in his little rocking chair and watched his
auntie for a few moments. then said :—
“Wy do 90 sit so?†He laid his hands on his knee, one
over the other, shut his lips close together, and, half smiling,
said: “’Oo ’ook ’ike ’at. What do ’oo mean?â€
“Oh, I was just thinking!†said auntie, and resumed her
He does not like one’s being absorbed in a book. He
shut his great, solemn eyes and said:—
“I'll just make it too dark fo’ ’oo to read.â€
It was an idea in his baby head that when his own eyes
were closed, it brought darkness to others.
He was not altogether wrong; the closing of baby eyes has
shut out the brightness from many a household.
Polly brought some flowers and listlessly laid them down
on the steps. She sat very quietly for a while. Some emotion
was at work, which made her chest rise and fall; her hand,
tightly pressed on her mouth, only half suppressed a sob.
Her auntie called her to her, and, taking her on her lap,
tried to cheer her.
Polly looked up through her tears and said :—
“I’m so very lonely without my mamma. Do you mind
my crying?â€
“Oh, no,†said auntie! “Just relieve your little tender heart
whenever you feel like it,†and reminded her of the birthday
party her mamma had promised her. It was to be on her fifth
birthday, which would come in less than a week.
The party was to be on condition that she was to receive
her guests and be responsible for their enteriainment.
Her mamma had been careful about her associates, and she
was not free with children. But her mamma knew that if Polly
promised to be a polite little hostess, she could trust her.
Robbie had taken great interest in the matter, and now,
when he heard it talked of, he took Polly’s cheeks in his strong
little hands and wanted to force her to promise him a dozen
things at once.
The first thing he wanted was a real invitation, “just ‘ike ’e
‘ozzer boys.â€
This she promised.
“But you must let go my cheeks, or you shall not even
look at my party,†said Polly with flashing eyes.
She did dislike to be compelled to promise anything to
Robbie. He had such a masterful way with his sister, when
she was reluctant or slow to answer him.
- T last the day came for the little Roseberry’s parents to
> A delicious dinner was all ready; the flower gar-
den fresh from a shower bath, and the children, dressed in their
prettiest suits, were listening for the whistle of the evening
train. Polly was half wild with joy, and danced and sang, and
flitted in and out, and rushed from gate to gate.
“You know they might come by the side gate just to ’prise
us,†she said to her auntie.
Robbie is unlike his sister in color of hair. Robbie’s is
long and fair, Polly’s dark and clustering close to her head,
but in features they are wonderfully alike.
Polly is impulsive and passionate; Robbie, deliberate and
thoughtful. Now the contrast was striking; while Polly was so
restless and excited, Robbie was quietly putting on his gay |
harness, carefully placing the bright colors to suit his taste; and
when Polly refused to “play hossy†with him, he himself was
- both horse and driver, and raced around, as occupied with his
play as though he was not thinking of anything else.
At last they heard the train whistle, and then soon the
sound of wheels, and their waiting was at an end. Mammaand
papa sprang from the carriage and kissed and hugged their dear
little ones.
( 46 )
It was impossible to tell which were the happiest, the par-
ents or the children.
They followed their father and mother about while taking
off their traveling wraps, both talking at once about how they
missed them while away.
When they were ready for dinner, Polly ran to the garden
and selected the finest Marechal Neil rose and a sprig of
heliotrope for her mamma, and a moss rosebud from her own
bush for her papa’s buttonhole.
She then flew to the pantry and brought a pretty China
cup, “forget-me-nots†around the top, contrasting well with the
golden custard within.
“Here, dear movver, this will refresh you till dinner is
brought in.â€
Her mamma did not mind her dessert coming before din-
ner; she ate it, because her little daughter intended it for a kind
After dinner Polly whispered to her auntie, “Shall I say
my verse now?†,
She stepped out in front of her father and mother, and,
with a graceful little bow, said in a clear, soft voice :—
‘What is beauty? Not the show
Of shapely limbs and features, no;
’Tis the stainless soul within
That outshines the fairest skin.’’
And, springing into her papa’s arms, she exclaimed, “My
Auntie Lorrain taught me it while you were away, to prise
Robbie stood by and listened, not only to the verse, but to
the praise.
He then stepped out, and, swelling himself toa degree that
threatened the safety of his buttons, began :—
‘‘W-h-a-t is booty? Not ’rs’o’
O’ s’apely ’imbs an’ seatures, n-o-0;
But ’e s’ainless soul wifin
’ At outs’ines ’e ker sene.â€â€™
He did not intend to be laughed at, and, when they
applauded him in mischievous fun, he joined in, although he was
not quite pleased with the result of his speech.
Mamma saw Polly’s bright eyes turn wistfully toward the
traveling satchels, which she was sure contained something for
her. Of course there would be lots of pretties in the big trunk,
that was not yet brought from the depot.
Mamma knew her darlings would be impatient, and had
brought something for them in the satchels, zwo dzg brass bugles,
the sort that can be closed very small.
Oh, dear! how pleased Polly and Robbie were.
Their papa showed them how to use them, and soon Polly
could “toot†hers in a dismal way, but it was fine music to her.
Robbie would surprise and startle everyone now and then
with an unexpected blast from his bugle, and then look around
as surprised as anyone, and a great deal more delighted.
T was not long after the meadow larks had taken their bath
I in the lily bed, and shaken out their feathery coats, that
Polly and Robbie were awake and their toilets made.
The trunk was to be brought very early, and the children
wanted to see the men carry it in and unbuckle the straps.
When this was all done, mamma went to her dressing room for
the key, and Robbie mounted the trunk astride, and told Polly
to get up behind him. She obeyed, but did not hold on tightly
as he wished. With some anger in his tone, he exclaimed,
“Don’t you know ‘at ’adies must hold on fast to ey humsans
[husbands] or ’ey fall ?â€
Mamma opened the trunk, and out came the pretty things.
Oh, how the little wrappers rustled, and the busy tongues
clattered about the pretty things for themselves and auntie!
When the last thing was taken out, Polly said, “Auntie,
let me see your lovely new bonnet.â€
She put it on her head, back part foremost, and went to
survey herself at the mirror, but the long ribbons (what a pity
for them and Polly too) caught under her feet and threw her
Poor Polly in a splutter,
And the gray ties in a flutter.
_ Robbie was very busy with his drum, and presently he
4 (49)
arched high his brows, and, waving his drum stick toward his
auntie, he said:—
“Mamma, you dinna bwing mine [a pet name he had given
his auntie] Dinnie widdie a gum.â€
His mamma told him, “Auntie does not care for a drum.â€
He was not satisfied. He went close to his auntie and
“Tt ould be so niche if you had a gum ’ike mine.â€
‘“«T really would not enjoy one,†said Aunt Lorrain. ‘The
noise makes my head ache.â€
He put down his drum, and, drawing her head close to
him, felt it all over.
“Vou haven’t one bump on you’ head; oo mi'taken.â€â€™
His idea of a headache was the bump which follows a fall.
He considerately carried his lively band into the garden, where
Jammie shared the music with him.
After a while he came back, his countenance all aglow with
some new fun. Putting his lips close to Polly’s ear, he whis-
- pered something, and they both laughed gayly.
There was to be some joke played upon inamma. The
children ran on out. Auntie followed, for she had overheard
them mention “Old Puff,†who-was a large hop toad, and lodged
in the rose garden. He was welcome there, for he was a good
scavenger, and the children had been told not to molest or hurt
Auntie stepped behind a large bush to see what they were
about to do.
Robbie had his express wagon drawn up close to the hedge
where the old sleepy fellow was generally to be found.
Polly had a folded towel in her hand. .
Robbie picked up a small spade and gently slipped it along
the ground, raised the toad, and put him in the wagon, and, as
quick as thought, Polly covered him with the towel, and they
moved off slowly towards their mamma’s sitting room door.
A favorite play with the children was to pretend that they
were Chinese fish venders.
When they reached the steps, Robbie said, “’Ho! ’Ho!â€
to his little pony, and Kit (Polly) pranced and stamped and
tossed her head, and then stood quietly waiting.
Robbie ascended the steps and called out in the roughest
voice he could command: “Holo, lady! You want to buy fishy
_ Mamma came to the door and asked, “What kind of fish
have you?â€
The little Chinaman answered, “Mountain twout an pe’ch.â€
Then mamma said, “What’s the price of them?â€
Robbie put on a manner of indifference, and carelessly
replied: ‘‘On’y twenty bits. ‘Ook at em; ’e heap niche.â€
Mamma walked down to the wagon. Robbie lifted the
towel, and out jumped Old Puff, right straight at mamma, and
landed on her foot. She jumped and screamed.
She was so frightened, and ran up the steps, and did not
stop till she was safely in the house and the wire door fastened.
Kit was scared too, and ran away, upsetting the wagon
as she crossed a little ditch. But the funny little Chinaman sat
down and laughed till he ached. And Old Puff made off to his
Auntie and Jammie saw the fun and laughed too.
ONDAY was a very busy day, for Tuesday would be
Polly’s birthday. Her invitations were to be sent out,
cakes and sweetmeats to be made, her new dress
to be finished, and, oh, ever so many things to be done.
A friend of Polly’s, a young gentleman of sixteen, had
promised to carry her invitations. Mamma had addressed the
last cunning little envelope, with its quaint Kate Greenaway
babies in one corner, when John Humbert came for them.
Polly watched him ride away with the package of invita-
tions, and she felt that now indeed her party was not far off.
When auntie went out to the kitchen to make the cakes,
Polly went too, for she was to make the “marigolds†herself.
This small woman of five years was arrayed in a “kinchen
apron,†and her sleeves tucked up.
As she was not tall enough to reach her work, Chrissy
brought a cracker box for the little lady to stand on; and how
happy Polly looked! A bowl and spoon were ready for her.
She drew them toward her and said:—
“Auntie, what shall I do first?â€
She was given three eggs to break, and she did it as nicely
as anyone could. With this she put a cup of sugar and a half
cup of butter and beat it very light.
Mamma came to the door, looked in, and asked if Polly
would like for mamma to help make her favorite cake?
“Oh, no, mamma, I’m not a bit tired! Just see me beat
And she gave a vigorous stir, and up into her saucy face
went the batter.
Everyone laughed at her, but this sweet-tempered child
never got vexed when others were amused at her mishaps.
Polly next added a half cup of milk and two cups of flour,
one teaspoonful of grated nutmeg, and then all was in. She
stirred and stirred and beat until the batter was like a yellow
sponge; then Chrissy brought the hot pan, and Polly dropped
spoonfuls of the batter in it until it was full.
Just as she had it ready to bake, her father looked in, hunt-
ing for his little girl.
What a time they had! He hugged her and kissed her
tiny, floury nose, and got his coat to looking very much like the
“kinchen apron.â€
He did not mind that, for he was so glad to see her happy
and useful.
Chrissy soon took the panful of cakes from the oven, and
on a large fresh napkin she turned out thirty crisp little cakes.
Polly danced with joy that she had been successful, and
put three of them on a plate and carried them to her parents
and Robbie.
When her large birthday cake, beautifully frosted, was
carried in, she exclaimed :—
“Auntie, I’m going to cut that beauty to-morrow when my
party comes.â€
When night came, this tired, happy child was asleep in her
little white bed almost as early as the birds nodded in the blue
gum trees close to her window.
O?* Tuesday morning, before sunrise, a great heap of
bright blossoms and evergreens were cut, ready to deco-
rate the house.
A bouquet of choice flowers was placed at Polly’s plate on
the breakfast table, together with a gift from each and every
When she first came in, she glanced at the display of gifts,
and a joyous cry came from her grateful little heart.
“Oh, how good everbody is to me! Just look. Are they
all for me?â€
She examined her treasures. Taking up the most attract-
ive present, she exclaimed :—
‘“Who gave me these?â€â€”a pair of gold bracelets from her
father. ‘And here is a Noah’s ark; I wanted one so much.
And, auntie, I know you gave me these pretty bottles of per-
fume; I’m sure, cause I asked you to; and this box of marbles
must be from my Dickey Dan,’ and she gave Robbie an affec-
tionate shake, and said, ‘You know you told me last night
what you were going to give me.â€
Robbie glanced at his mother somewhat anxiously, for he
had been told to say nothing to Polly about her presents, as
they were intended for a surprise.
56 )
But the secret was too much for “Dickey Dan.â€
He stepped up close to his mother and whispered :—
‘I’m ve’y sowy, but I fought it oud make Polly feel jolly.â€
Two small boxes were still unopened. In one was the
very tiniest gold thimble, from mamma.
Polly opened these treasures with trembling eagerness.
In. the last box was a lovely gold ring. She soon noticed |
there were words engraved inside, which her papa told her |
were her name.
Polly slipped the ring on one of her fingers, the thimble on |
the end of another, and, gathering all the other gifts in her
hands, said :—
“QO father, I’m just as happy as a-—well, as that bird we |
hear singing—every bit as happy! You see I have such lovely
things; and I’m going to learn to sew Dottie Dimple’s clothes,
and Jennie Finnels, too.â€
Te thing after breakfast was to decorate the rooms.
_& The one to receive the most attention was, of course, the
dining room.
The long table was bordered with buds and blossoms. In
the center of the table lay a long mirror, the frame concealed
by flowers forming a bank all around it. This represented a
lake, in which were tiny toy boats and fishes.
In the center of the lake was a bank of lilies, out of which
rose a tall chandelabra, holding five wax candles of different
The windows and doors and pictures in the room were all
wreathed with evergreens and flowers.
On the table were tall glass bowls, of candies and bonbons
and fruits, and on a side table dishes of ripe strawberries, cakes,
sandwiches, and chicken salad.
The invitations informed the little ones that they would be
expected at two o'clock, and after an early lunch mamma dressed
Polly in her new dress, a light gray princess with an overdress
of bright blue, creamy lace around her neck and wrists, and a
knot of blue ribbon streaming from one shoulder, long gray
stockings and kid slippers with little blue bows.
When she was dressed, she flitted about like a small fairy.
Robbie wore his blue kilt and jacket. He was not very
well, had a cold. Polly was distressed, and said:—
“He won’t harmonize with my company.â€
And indeed she was right.
Polly received her guests with pretty, childlike cordiality.
Such a gay crowd of lovely girls and boys! They felt so
much at home that they at once became engaged in play in the
house, and all about the grounds.
They danced and had games, and played at everything
one can think of.
Robbie’s big wagon was a band wagon, and when filled
with little boys, each with drum or bugle, it was just like a real
band wagon.
Some played with building blocks and with books, and oth-
ers gardened with the toy tools.
A trio of Polly’s dearest friends escorted her grand, big
doll, Jennie Finnel, in a ride. Louise, tall and graceful, led
the way. Laura, with her sweet brown eyes full of tenderness
for Miss Jennie’s welfare, held the side of the carriage, to
keep her from falling out. Rebecca, fair and fun-loving, drew
the carriage, and was determined to give dolly a merry ride, and
dashed down the avenue at full speed, upsetting the carriage,
and throwing the doll and her beautiful silk carriage robe out on
the lawn.
The band wagon rushed up, and the two largest boys
offered their services. Norman took out his knife and a bunch
of string, and, assuming a professional air, said :—
_ 60 POLLY! S “Il On.
“J can mend desiccated [dislocated] legs or a broken
wheel as well as any doctor in town.â€
Maynard struck an attitude to draw a picture of the group,
while Louise, picked up Jennie and brushed down her pink silk
dress, and gave her a kiss and a tight embrace.
Polly ran to see what had happened. Laura met her, and,
putting her arms about her, said, “Jennie is just as safe as the
_ rest of us girls.†Polly was satisfied and glad to hear Laura
call Jennie “one of the girls.†Robbie climbed out of the band
wagon, and, with a masterful look, said, ‘““Who did ’at?†Re-
becca confessed with a laugh, and Robbie said, “’Oo got to go
to the woodhouse and stay ’are.â€â€ He took her by the hand
and led her to the door. She went in, just for fun, but Robbie
was serious, and shut the door and fastened it. She coaxed and
plead to get out, but Robbie said :—
“No; ’oo dot to stay all day, and no goodies eiver. “Oo
spoiled Polly’s nich dolly.†And he walked off with a proud
look, as he tossed back his long curls.
Polly ran for mamma to let her out, for she well knew that
Robbie would not let any of the children go near to open the
When they were summoned for refreshments, they reluc-
tantly left their games and play. But they were soon enjoying
their feast, and what fun they had with their bonbons! In
some the boys would find a fan or an apron or bonnet, and some
of the girls marched about in hats that were very roguish,
Polly cut her big cake, and as the children watched her do
it, she thought it proper to look very grand and solemn, and she
told the children, and the ladies too, that she herself made the
They had a happy afternoon, and could have enjoyed them-
selves for hours longer, but night came, and with it the parents
of the children, to take them home.
When the last little one was gone, the house and garden
looked dreary, and Polly at once decided to go to bed.
After she had lain down, mamma went to her tired girlie to
have, as usual, a little talk.
“Has my darling had a happy day? and was everything
pleasant, and as you wished it?†she said.
Polly sprang up in bed, and, putting her arms around her
mamma's neck, she hugged her close, and whispered :—
“This has been the loveliest day I have had in ¢ez years.â€
Then, holding herself back at arm’s length, with a sly smile
in her sleepy eyes, she said :-—
“There was one thing, dear mamma, just one thing you for-
got; one thing was not on my supper table. Can't guess?
Mamma laughed, and said her Honey Dew should yet
have it.
Cheese was not just the thing for a little child to eat at this
late hour, but Polly’s mamma would never break a promise
made to her children.
So Polly sat up in bed and rapidly devoured a small piece
of her dear favorite, and as she finished it she said :-—
“That is the best goodie I have ’joyed to-day. Good-
night. Happy dreams. Do you love me?â€
And in about two minutes she was dreaming, dreaming
perhaps of another birthday party, where the afternoon would
never end, and where everything was made of solid cheese.
EXT morning it was late when Polly woke, and the
pink roses were not blooming on her round cheeks.
She was pale; her sweet eyes were a trifle larger than
common, and not nearly so bright.
After giving a good-morning kiss to her parents and auntie,
she perched herself on her father’s knee, and, brushing her hand
over his long moustache, said :—
“Papa, when will I have a ’tache like that?â€
“Never,†said her father.
With a merry laugh she looked straight into his eyes and
added :—
“TI want one, sogs I think it would ’prove me.â€
“Now, I think,†said her father, ‘it is about time for my
little daughter to say ‘because’ instead of ‘sogs;’ you used to
say that when you were only a scrap of a baby.â€
“Oh, yes, sir; I can say it very well, but I say ‘sogs,’ sogs
I think it sounds better than ‘becauseâ€!â€â€™ .
Robbie, upon hearing mentioned the subject of a moustache,
stepped forward for notice. He knew that in this he could some
day get ahead of saucy Polly.
She was annoyed at his airs, and said :—
(63 )
‘Bold Dickey Dan came stamping along,
So big and so strong,
That Poll thought it safest to get
Down and run.â€â€™
She sprang from her father’s knee just in time to escape
the wrath of Dickey Dan.
Polly had a habit of changing these nursery rhymes to suit
the occasion. .
Robbie did not like to be teased. His cold irritated him,
and, with the cloud of yesterday still upon him, he was certainly
neither a comfortable nor safe-looking neighbor.
Polly was right when she said he would not harmonize
with her company. Robbie more than once during the after-
noon had been ill at ease with the company, and had to be
punished for saying cross words to the little ones. He had
never liked strangers. His father often tells his mamma not
to urge him to be agreeable to people, for he was just like him
when he was a little boy, and, whenever his mother had com-
pany, he would run off to the negro quarters, and stay till the
last visitor had left the place, occasionally sending a little picka-
ninny to make observations and report the exact state of things.
This confession gives Robbie’s mamma every hope for her
own boy.
Soon after Aunt Lorrain had gone to her room, Robbie |
knocked at her door. He would not have been so polite but
he found it was locked.
He and Polly were often too free with their auntie’s desk
and workbasket, and she had protected herself by turning the
key of her door.
Aunt Lorrain asked, “Who is there ?â€
After a moment’s delay Robbie said :—
“It Mr. Wosebewy ’onts in.â€
‘““Why does Mr. Roseberry want in?â€
He quickly answered, ‘I ont ’oo to tell me a stowy.â€
Polly then echoed the wish, and, taking her workbasket,
auntie and the children went to the front gallery, their favorite
place for story-telling.
But mamma called Polly and reminded her that she had
left her playthings in disorder, and said :—
“Ask your auntie to excuse you till you put all your toys
Polly rushed back and plead, ‘‘O auntie, please don’t tell
the story till I come!†Auntie promised to wait, and Robbie
concluded he would help Polly. Getting his wheelbarrow and
spade, he went to shoveling up the pretty picture blocks.
Polly coaxed and begged him, saying, “Bubba, bubba,
don’t be so rough; you will ruin them.â€
But he still kept on. Polly gave him a push, and over he
went. Scrambling to his feet, as fierce as a young tiger, he
sprang at her, and slap, slap, slap went his ready hand on Polly’s
head, crying out :—
“Now, ’o0 fink’oo bigger an’ older’an me, and just pose on
me cause | young. ’II]l you ever knock me down any mo’?â€
Polly called for help, and mamma soon rescued Polly, and
conducted “Mr. Wosebewy†to the bathroom.
5 i
When she had finished her work, Robbie was released on
his honor. He looked very penitent. The tenderest spot in
his manly little heart was for his sweet sister.
He put his arms around her, and, to please and reconcile
her, said :—
“T weal sowy I bumped ’oo’ head. I'll give ’00 Tommy
and my b’ack dog, and ’e fwirst piece of pie I get. Now den.â€
Tommy was a small rubber doll in the shape of a bugle
player. He was dear to his owner’s heart, and the gift was an
unmistakable sign of love and good will. And the black dog
was one made of astrakhan and stuffed with cotton, his first
gift from the Sunday school Christmas tree, put on for him by
the rector’s wife.
With their arms around each other, they went out to their
auntie. Robbie told Polly she should have the seat in auntie’s
lap, and should select the subject of the story.
Polly said: “Auntie, please tell us about our grandmamma
being stolen by the Indians when she was a baby. I never get
tired of that story.â€
OUR mamma’s mamma lived in Virginia. Her father’s
plantation was named ‘Sweetbrier,’ because the dear
old stone house was covered with climbing branches of
fragrant sweetbrier roses. Often in summer the blossoms would
trail in at the upper windows, and the children would gather
them for their mamma.
“Qne warm afternoon three Indians came to the house
and asked for something to eat, and sat down some little dis-
tance from the house to rest, and take a drink of cool water
from the deep well.
‘‘Now, baby Caroline, your grandmamma, was just one
year old. She was asleep, in charge of her black nurse Charity.
Her father and mother were at dinner; some gentlemen were
dining with them. As soon as the baby’s mamma left the dining
room, she went to the nursery to her baby girl.
“But neither the baby nor Charity were there.
‘‘Caddie’s mamma went on out to the garden, and met
Charity going toward the house. She had been down to her
own cabin.
“Her mistress stopped her and asked, ‘Charity, where
have you left my baby ?
“ The black woman looked a little frightened, and said:—
( 67 )
“La, Miss Polly, I done lef’ her fas’ asleep in de nu’sery.’
“After looking in the nursery, Caddie’s mamma hastened to
the parlor, and told your grandfather that their darling child
was lost.
‘Upon questioning the servants, they concluded that she had
been stolen by the Indians, who by this time had gone away.
“Your grandfather at once told his guests, and called up all
his negro men. There was quite a large crowd, some walking
and some on horses, went out to hunt for the lost baby.
“Caddie’s father and some of his men took the road that
led toward the city, and when about four miles from his home,
he saw in the distance three Indians. As he drew nearer, he
saw that one of them, a squaw, had a great rough bag on her
back, and next he saw peeping from the top of the bag the
bright, curly head of his little daughter.â€
“© auntie,†interrupted Polly breathlessly, “what did my.
grandpapa do with them?â€
Robbie shouted:—
“Hy, he just took his big gun, so, and killed ’e howid
Injuns.†And he struck an attitude as though about to shoot.
“No, your grandfather could not shoot them without the
risk of harming his dear child; and when once he had gotten her
from the dirty bag, he was so glad, and so anxious to hurry
back to the baby’s frightened mamma, that he ordered his black
men to follow him and allow the Indians to go on. |
“He galloped home as fast as his horse could take him,
and put his tiny girl in her mamma’s arms.
“He tried to amuse your grandmamma by telling her how
the Indians attempted to tell him they stole his child because
they thought her yellow curly hair so pretty, so much prettier
than the straight, coarse black hair of their own babies.â€
Polly suggested :—
“T ’pose she needed a good bath after being in that dis-
gusting bag.â€
“That she did, and got it too,†said auntie.
Tiree day Polly was her sweet, rosy self again. Her
appetite, as well as her good looks, had returned. Her
merry eyes sparkled when she glanced at the breakfast
table and remarked :—
“T didn’t know we were to have ‘company rools’ for break-
fast. Why didn’t someone tell me?â€
“J dare say Chrissy would have told you if she had known
it would please you,†said her mamma, handing some rolls to
her hungry girlie. :;
Polly broke the crisp brown crust from the light, snowy
interior and buttered it long and well, then, looking about for
something further, she was attracted by a dish of broiled oysters,
plump and brown, nestled in sprigs of fresh green parsley.
“Papa, do you think some oysters would be good for me?â€
“T know of nothing better for five-year-old girls,†answered
her father.
When she had been served and had eaten, she gave her
attention to her brother, who was always silent when. pleasantly
employed. He was reveling in fritters and honey, and was
unspeakably happy.
She regarded him critically for some time, and said, half to
herself :-—
(70 )
“Bubba has a pretty face and long curls, but I don’t think
he has sweet ways at the table.â€
In the afternoon auntie took the children for a drive over
the plains, through miles and miles of wild flowers of every
color. The children begged to get out and gather some. When
they got to a little grove of cottonwood trees, auntie told
Glencoe (the horse) to stop, and they all got out. It was a
pretty spot, pleasant and cool. The irrigating canal ran close
by, and on its banks was a thick growth of orange-colored
The doves cooing overhead greatly annoyed Robbie. He
caught hold of his auntie with his firm, chubby hands and said:—
“I do ‘ish you could make ’ose doves hush; 'ey keep coax-
ing fo’ somefin’, an’ I dot nofin’ fo’ ’em to eat.â€
When Polly had gathered all the bluebells, baby-eyes,
larkspurs and poppies that she could carry, they all got back
into the phaeton, and turned Glencoe toward town, but took
another road than the one they had just traveled, and before
they knew it, they had driven into a part of the road that had
been flooded from the canal. When some distance in, the horse
_ began to sink, and Aunt Lorrain had to get out and lift out the
children, to make Glencoe’s load lighter. But the weight was
now too much for auntie with Robbie in her arms; she began to
sink, and, oh, how “Mr. Wosebewy†did hold on and shout aloud!
But a few resolute efforts brought them all to solid ground, and
Glencoe was coaxed and urged and scolded till finally he made
a “long pull, and a strong pull, and a pull altogether,†an
brought himself and the phaeton to dry land. Robbie, who had
held on tightly to his auntie’s dress, complainingly said :—
“Auntie, I ’ish you w’d take off ’at howid wet dwess; I
can't hold you vewy tight.†The dress was a pretty new gray
cashmere, and was ruined.
They got into the phaeton and again started for home.
Polly was very much vexed that she had lost her wild flow-
ers during Glencoe’s bogging adventure.
When auntie and the children drove within a few miles of
town, they saw great gushes of smoke rising higher than the
tallest trees.
Robbie and Polly were greatly alarmed for fear that
Sweetbrier might be afire. But when they got to town, they
saw that the dreadful fire was still one block from their dear
home. They were comforted, and much interested in the wild
excitement that surrounded them.
Aunt Lorrain drove up to the house, but no one was to be
seen about the place. Inside all was confusion and alarm.
Trunks, boxes, baskets, and bundles were everywhere but their
usual places.
Things looked as though mamma expected to camp out.
Robbie declared he was hungry, and his auntie told him
she would get something for him, ‘‘but when she got there the
cupboard was bare,†but in a large covered basket they found
quantities of roast chicken and loaves of bread.
Polly behaved with great self-control all the evening. She
asked her mamma to allow her to gather up some of her favor-
ite toys to save from the fire.
‘Mamma, | w’d like very much to save just Dottie Dimple,
and all her clothes and her cradle and her buggy, and my rose-
bud dinner set and table and a few other things.â€
And her mamma actually packed up everything her dar-
ling begged for. Polly’s mamma seems never to forget how
she herself felt when a little girl. Besides Polly’s toys, she
tucked in little Robbie’s Tommie and bugle and red-topped
boots, for she knew the things that were dear to her boy.
But, fortunately, the fire was checked before it reached
Polly’s home, and she slept in her own little bed that night as
sweetly as though she had not come very near losing her pretty
But their papa’s office down town burned, and Robbie next
“morning, when he was told of it, said :—
“T’m sowy fo’ ’at, fo’ I had a’ittle dwar in one o’ papa’s
desks wif some ve’y valable papers in it.â€
NE morning Polly and her auntie were gathering some
roses, and, seeing a heavy drooping bush that needed a
prop, auntie went to the tool house to get a stick.
Polly followed her, and stepped into the adjoining wood-
house, where she unexpectedly saw a cat.
Now it may seem very silly for Polly to be afraid of a cat,
but the truth is she had never played with any animals; her
father would not let her have even a kitten.
And this cat was not a pretty, attractive pussy. It
looked hungry and cross. It was white, with one side of its
face black, and a short tail, with a black spot on it.
As Polly met it in the doorway, there was a mutual fright.
The cat gave a fierce growl, and stood glaring at her, afraid to
Polly was terribly frightened, and, clasping her hands above
her head, she cried, “‘O auntie, come quickly; old Snowball is
going to jump at me!â€
Aunt Lorrain carried her away, and when she got to the
house and told Robbie, he was greatly excited and vastly inter-
ested. He at once rushed off and brought his toy pistol, and,
with a most dangerous air, exclaimed :—
“Polly, Pll shoot ’at howid cat. Is it old Showball?â€
He was quite careful not to shoot an innocent pussy.
“Ish it a white cat wif a black ’pot on ’r tail?â€
Polly assured him it was.
“Come along wif me, auntie. You may hold dat bad fing
hile I shoot it.â€
Oh, he was such a wise little rogue, and wanted to be big
and brave!
He told his father all about it when he came home to
lunch, and papa said :—
“Tam glad that you take care of your.dear sister. Now
what do you think I have to tell you? Next week I’m going
to have that picnic we have so long talked of.â€
“O papa,†interrupted Polly “do you mean on the banks
of the San Joaquin River?â€
“Yes; we will all go in the big carriage, and take a lot of
nice lunch, and stay all day by the river.â€
“Well,†said Robbie, “I wd ’ike to catch some fish; and,
Polly, maybe we can find somefin’ nice for our mud pies.â€
It was all settled, and finally came the day to get every-
thing ready. The children were full of delight, and ran from
house to kitchen and back again till they got so familiar with
Chrissy’s preparations that mamma told Chrissy to hook the
wire screen door, and they had to be content with what they
could enjoy from the outside.
Something had been said at breakfast that annoyed Polly,
but the preparations for the picnic had made her forget it for
atime. A dog and monkey show was to be in town in a few
days, and her father had promised to take them. Polly and
Robbie were out in their playhouse making mud pies, when the
thought of the show again came to her mind. Polly laid down
her spoon and little green bucket and said :—
“Brother, I do wish that car hadn’t run off the track and
upset the show and killed one of the poor monkeys. Papa said
they were going back to the city, and we wouldn’t see them.â€
Robbie answered: ‘‘I yeal glad ’e monkey is dead, cause
‘e so bad. You know mine auntie said ’e monkey bit ’Ady
Humbert on ’e foot.†|
Polly looked at him with wide-open eyes, and said: “Oh,
that wasn’t the show monkey; he was Niggy, and lived near
Lady Humbert!†re
Robbie nodded his head in answer, and said: “What funny
fing was it that Niggy did to ’at ’ady’s horse, you mind?â€
Polly thought, but did not quite remember how the story
went, and said, “I will ask Auntie Lorrain, when she comes, all
about it, and maybe she will tell us more stories about him.â€
Now, Niggy was a very bad monkey, and it was no wonder
that Robbie was glad when he thought he had been killed in
the train accident. As to his biting “’Ady Humbert,†it was a
real serious matter, the children thought. Well, it happened
in this way: Polly’s dearest friend, Mrs. Humbert, was sitting
in her room one morning, making pretty pincushions, when
she heard a little, sharp-cutting noise at her side, and, looking
down, she saw Niggy in her workbasket of beautiful silk, satin,
and velvet pieces. He had the choicest piece in his ugly little
mouth, and had completely ruined it. She sprang for her
hearth broom, and tried to drive him away with it, but he became
enraged, and sprang at her and sank his sharp teeth into her
foot. She called loudly after the maid, and she came and gave
him a sound beating before he let go. He then went whim-
pering home, as if he had been very badly treated. Mrs. Hum-
bert’s foot looked alarming, and her maid ran for the doctor to
come and dress it. He said it would soon get well, as the bite
of a monkey was not poisonous; but it was a long time before.
she could walk as far as a block.
The funny story that Robbie liked was about Niggy trying
to drive a horse, A friend came to see Mrs. Humbert one
afternoon, and left her horse hitched at the gate. When she
came out to go home, there sat the monkey on the seat of the
carriage, with the reins in his small paws, trying to make the
horse go; but, as the horse was tied fast, and was a very sen-
sible animal, he did not run away when he felt the reins lashing
about him.
Niggy was a terror to the schoolchildren. He would
climb up into the sidewalk trees, and, when the little ones would
go by, he would jump down on them and scare and scratch
them dreadfully.
Robbie remembered all the naughty tricks he had heard
about Niggy, and he was not willing to trust himself in reach
of any monkey. Polly assured him that they could not get at
them in the show, for she had seen them herself when she was
in San Francisco a few months ago. At last she overcame his
fears, and he said :—
“Polly, ess us go city and see’e show; it would be yeal
niche for us. ’Oo take care of me, and I take care of ’oo.â€
Polly was much amused and pleased, too, at the proposi-
tion, and gave a merry laugh as she jumped to her feet and
shook the sand from her pinafore and said :—
“Oh, it will be lots and lots of fun; let’s go!â€
They ran into the house to tell mamma, but she was in the
parlor entertaining some ladies, and auntie was out shopping.
They went to their own room, and Polly picked up her dolly’s
trunk and emptied out the neatly folded dresses and ribbons.
Then she took her newest dress, folded it up, and put it in; then
she took Robbie’s fine blue kilt and jacket out of his lowest
drawer, and put them in. All the time Robbie stood by with
his chubby hands crossed on his back, looking at his sister with
smiling admiration. In her haste to pack her trunk Polly had
forgotten to have Robbie help get ready by making his toilet.
She now turned to him and said, in a vexed way :-—
“Why don’t you help me? Wash your face and hands
and brush your hair. How much money have you?â€
Robbie put his hands down deep into his kilt pocket and
drew out his little purse, saying :—
“T dot ’oads of money.â€
Here he took out one, two, three, four nickels, and laid
them in Polly's hand. She was pleased at the amount, and
said :-—
“T got six nickels myself; we will have plenty.â€
She now helped Robbie to make his toilet, brushing his
curls out until they shone like silk. She looked at him and
said :-— ,
“You are just lovely, and your hair looks like brown gold.â€
She pulled down his jacket in front, and said: “ Why don’t
you keep your coat straight down?â€
He looked sad when his sister said this, and walked to the
door going to the parlor. She quickly drew him away and
kissed him, saying :—
“You must not go in there.â€
The truth was Polly had determined to go without asking
mamma, and she was more vexed with herself than she was
with her brother. She shut down the lid of the trunk, got out
their best hats from a box, and put them on. Then she caught
hold of one end of the trunk, and told Robbie ta take hold
of the other, which he did. Folly led the way out through
mamma’s dressing room door and down through the orchard
to the back gate. When they were out on the side street, Polly
heard a sob, and, looking at Robbie, she saw great tears run-
ning down his cheek. He was trying to wipe them away with
a handful of his curls, but, when she looked at him, he broke
down, letting his end of the trunk go to the ground with a thud.
‘He gasped out :—
“O Polly, ’et-—me—go—back—kiss—mine—mamma good-
Polly dropped the trunk too, and a her arms around Rob-
bie, saying, “Don’t cry, my darnie son.’
Robbie laughed through his tears, and said: “’Oo never
says ‘my darnie son.’ My mamma says that to me.â€
Polly was annoyed, and answered, “Well, you always stop
crying when mamma says it to you.â€
She wiped away his tears with her own handkerchief, then
asked him for his. He felt in his pocket, and, not finding it,
he bit his lip, and shook his head, saying :—
“Tt ost, I pose; ’orn will do fo’ bof.â€
It was a small handkerchief, and was now wet with tears.
She spread it out on the top of the trunk to dry. Polly looked
back toward home, and, turning quickly to Robbie, she said:—
“Let’s go. Downey Boone is coming.â€
They picked up their trunk and started as fast as they
could walk towards the depot. Downey Boone was not a pleas-
ant boy to meet. Indeed, the little Roseberrys looked upon
him asaterror. This was the first time they had ever seen
him away from their home. They had often watched him
through the iron fence of the garden, pretty much as they would
have looked at a wild animal. It was his way, whenever he
saw them out in the garden, to grin, turn somersaults, hand-
springs, and make hideous faces at them, until they would rush
into the house in fright.
When he saw our little friends, he hastened his step to
overtake them, and, just as he caught up with them, he said:—.
“Now I have got you kids at last. Where you taking that
big Saratoga trunk?â€
Polly looked at him with a look of brave defiance, which
astonished him; he turned to Robbie, and, brushing his long
curls down with his rough, dirty hand, he said:—
“I can sell this mop of yours for twenty dollars, and you
will be the better for getting rid of it.â€
He took out of his pocket a large knife, and was about to
cut Robbie's hair off, or pretended to do so, when the children
dropped the trunk, and Polly said in a trembling voice :—
‘Please let his curls be; they are so pretty.â€
He answered, ‘They are that, and that is the reason |
want ’em.â€
Robbie pulled away from him and put his arm around
his sister. Downey laughed and said :—
“You think you are as big as your dad.â€
As he spoke, a tall gentleman came around the corner, and
at once understood what Downey was. doing. He raised his.
cane and said :—
“You march up the street, or I will give you this stick ;â€â€
and he shook it at him as if he really intended to do so.
Downey put his knife in his pocket and walked in the direc-
tion he was told, looking back to see if the gentleman was going
to see him out of sight. That he was, and was going to stand
on the corner until the children were out of his way. He asked
~ Polly her name, and said he knew her father well. Polly
thanked him with her sweetest smile, and Robbie said:-—
“T ’ish ’oo keep ’at bad boy away; he so dirty.â€.
He was indeed very unsightly, with soiled face, hands, and
clothes, in his bare feet, with several of his toes tied up, but
withal a pretty face, that could not be hid by soil.
Polly and Robbie took up the little trunk again, and went
on their way, looking back to see if they were safe.
When they reached the depot, they put the trunk down,
and sat on it to rest. Two dusky maidens stood on the plat-
form, waiting for the train; one of them was dressed in a red
dress and a very gay hat. She came near the children. Look-
ing well pleased, she said :—
“Little lady, have your fortune told 2â€
Polly got up and backed away from her. Robbie followed.
She came near and said in a loud whisper :—
“I can tell you ever so much. You and your brother are
going to the city to see the sights. You didn’t tell your
As she said this, she looked down at the little pinafore, and
then at their best hats. Polly was greatly alarmed, and drew
near to Robbie, and they clasped their arms about each other,
and looked at the fortune teller in dread. Polly recovered her-
self enough to say :—
“Chrissy said you would kid’ap little children, and I am
afraid of you.â€
As she said this, a crowd of people got out of the hotel
hack, and came near the children, and the whistle of the coming»
train caused the woman to go a little distance from them. Thc
puffing engine rolled near and stopped. Polly pushed through
the crowd to look for the conductor’s cap with a brass plate on
it. He passed by her as he went to the eating house, and, seeing
Polly about to speak, he stopped and leaned down to hear what
she had to say:—
“Mr. Conductor, will you please help us on the train, and
our trunk, too?†she said.
He smiled into the sweet face-and said, “Where's your
She looked distressed, and, taking her little purse from her
pocket, she said, “I can pay the money, will that do?â€
He had already made up his mind about the little ones, and
said under his breath, “Runaways, by Jove!â€
He raised up and looked about. Robbie looked at him
and said :— .
“Mine papa will pay ’00; he got plenty money; he got
twenty bits.â€
He thought Polly didn’t have enough to buy their tickets,
and he wished to let the conductor know that his father
was good for at least twenty bits more. The conductor saw
someone coming, and beckoned for him. Polly and Robbie
both turned to see, and there stood their father and their tall
friend. The children were delighted to see their father, for they
were beginning to think that home was the safest place for
them. Polly sprang into his arms, and Robbie hugged his legs
with delight. Their papa was astonished at seeing his little
children in such a place, and said :——
“What brought my babies down here?â€
Polly said with a shy little smile: “We wanted to see the
show. Will you please e’cuse us? I so sorry now.’
Their new friend, Dr. Todd, stood by smiling, and when
Polly looked up at him, he said :—
“T had the pleasure of seeing you alittle while ago. Where
. oe = ?â€
is that great trunk you were carrying:
Polly looked in the direction where she had left it, and it
was gone. She was surprised and asked Robbie, but he could
not tell anything about it. Just then Downey Boone shot
around the corner of the waiting-room, and caught hold of the
trunk, just as the fortune teller put it behind her to keep any-
one from seeing it. He pulled it out of her hand, and brought
it to Polly, saying :—
“She [pointing to the girl] would steal a cracker froma
parrot. I know all of her tricks.â€
Mr. Roseberry thanked Downey, and asked him if he
would carry it to the house. Of course he was glad to do so,
and, putting it on his shoulder, marched off.
Dr. Todd had stopped at their papa’s office, who walked
down to see him off on the train. He had mentioned seeing
the little children on the street, but nothing more. Papa led
his children home, who were very penitent. They met Chrissy
running down toward the depot, hunting them. She was dread-
fully frightened, as she nowremembered seeing the fortune teller
pass the house soon after the children went out to play. Mamma,
too, was out looking for them, and hugged and kissed them as
if they had just returned from the city.
Downey Boone put the little trunk down, and said, with a
provoking laugh: “You kids better get me to be your capen
next time you be goen to the show. ['ll see you through all
right.†| |
Papa gave him a dollar, and he was Heely delighted to get
such a big piece of money.
After papa and mamma went into the house, Robbie called
out to Downey, who was now out on the street, “’Oo know any
niche tories ?’
He turned around and smiled at Robbie, then came back
to the steps, and said, “Yes, I know the finest pumpkin story
you ever heard, a pumpkin goen home to make pies out of, all
by itself.†;
Polly and Robbie looked more than interested. They
fairly plead for the story with their sweet, big eyes. They
were very fond of pumpkin custards, such as Chrissy made.
They sat down on the top step, folded their hands, and waited
for Downey to begin.
Downey was delighted with his little audience, and, as he
balanced himself on the lowest step, he said :—
“Well, we lived on the ranch last year, and one Saturday
mornen’ my maw told me to go up to the pumpkin patch and
get the biggest fellow I could find, a real cushy. She wanted to
make pies for Sunday. I took Snap, my dog, with me up the
hill to the patch, and we found one big enough fora fair. Well,
I couldn't lift it, neither could Snap, so I just give her a good
start down the long hill. Snap and me started after her. She
went bumpen’ and a-bumpen’ down, maken’ straight for the house.
When she got twenty feet from the kitchen door, she struck a
big bowlder and jumped ten feet in the air, and next thing she
landed on the kitchen floor and busted in a dozen pieces.
“Spy, the old cat, fizzed like a skyrocket, and maw’s dog,
Butter (he was named that cause he was so ‘yollar’), ran and
yelped like he was half killed.â€
Polly ventured to say, “And what did your mamma say?â€
“Qh, she did turn jest as white as her pie crust, and went for
me-with the rollen’ pin! I run and hid under the house till she
would cool off, then I went and peeped in at the winder, and
there was maw at the table, rollen’ out the pie crust, and she had
a little smile tucked away-in the corners of her mouth, and when
she saw me she laughed and called out:—
““You come in here and clean up this pumpkin, or I will
put you straight to bed.’â€
Robbie wanted to know if he got the pumpkin pies.
“You bet; I did get a big one all to myself.â€
The children were vexed when Chrissy came out and took
them in. They looked back and thanked Downey, and he went
home as happy as a lark.
Very early the next morning the large carriage was brought
up, and, after stowing away in its capacious space, lunch basket,
papers, books, wraps, and rugs, the children were lifted in, and
then auntie and mamma and papa all got in. Papa shook the
reins, and away went Bay and Sorrel, justas fast as their feet
could carry them.
Robbie said, “‘ Now we are weally on the way to a picnic.â€
It was a lovely ride. For miles the road was smocth and
level, but near the foothills it became rolling like billows, what
the ranch people call hog wallows, and then came a dreary
piece of country, destitute of flowers or growth of any sort. It
looked like a mighty ocean, rolling its muddy waves one over
Polly’s mamma said it reminded her of a young English
gentleman who was once driving over the plains, and was in
the midst of one of these dry oceans before he noticed it. He
stood up in the buggy and looked all around him, and, with an
exclamation of amazement, cried, “We are out of sight of dry
The party at last came upon a beautiful green field full of
grain, where the clear water ran along the road in a ditch, fresh
and cold from the mountain stream. Polly asked if they were
nearly there, and her papa said, “Almost in sight of the San
Joaquin River.†When they came to a steep bluff, glossy Sorrel
took the ascent in leaps, but steady Bay climbed it with sure,
firm steps. When they reached the top, they could see the
beautiful river for miles and miles away.
They selected a lovely spot under some giant sycamore
trees, close by the pretty stream; and how glad Polly and Rob-
bie were to be out and free to run about!
The horses were unharnessed and given a cool drink, and
tied to a drooping limb of a tree.
Auntie tied the bottles of milk to the end of the carriage
whip, and let them down into the river to cool.
While they were all having lunch, they were startled by a
crash and a groan.. There were the horses lying on the ground,
rolling and struggling with the hitching lines and the broken
branch of the tree. They did look so funny. When Sorrel
got to his feet, he looked wickedly at Bay, who was still on the
ground, as though he thought all the fault was Bay’s.
They had pulled too heavily on the limb, and it broke, and
all went down in a heap together.
Papa tried to teach his little girl and boy to fish, but not a
fish did Polly or Robbie catch.
Robbie got discouraged and declared, “If I don’t soon get
a trout, I'll make somebody eat dis piece o’ bacom.†His bait
was a bit of bacon.
Polly said, “Papa, I think your pole must be better than
mine; lend me yours, and you just lie down there and read your
Argonaut while the babies fish.â€
At five o’clock the picnic party started homeward.
The grand mountains looked so near, in their purple wraps
and snowy hoods, that Polly asked to drive around that way
Before reaching home, a full moon rose, and Robbie reached
out his hands and shouted, ‘I ’ont ’e moon in here in mine ’ap.â€â€™
His father told him it was so very large the horses could
not pull it.
He answered: “It doesn’t ’ook lawge to me; it on’y ’bout
as big as mine dinna p’ate.â€
They were two tired, happy children when they got home,
but Polly said she would be quite rested enough to go to the
San Joaquin again next day.
After the children were asleep, mamma took a lighted can-
dle, and went in the nursery to see her darlings.
It was a cozy, cheerful room, a dark red carpet, and walnut
furniture, their bookcase well filled with storybooks, picture
books and two big scrapbooks, that mamma made for them last
Christmas. A door opening on a little gallery, all their own,
overlooks the prettiest part of the flower garden. In a corner
are their toys, the dolls all snugly put to bed, except Tommie,
who is a little tramp, and sleeps on the gatepost, or in a tree, as
often as in a bed.
The dainty white bed to the left is Polly’s. The bed to
the right is Robbie’s. Poor Dickey Dan, he looked so tired, his
chubby hands thrown up above his head, and his round cheeks
brighter for being so much in the sunshine!
Mamma leans over him and kisses his tempting bit of a
mouth, and then lingers over her girlie, till Polly half rouses from
her sleep, and dreamily says :—
“Good-night, dear mamma, happy dreams. Do you love
NE of the greatest pleasures our little Polly had was to
go up to the grand mountains every summer and stay
two or three months. Her parents, Robbie, and auntie
were almost as glad as she was when the time came to start.
The hot weather made them long for the cool, shady cottage
near the big hotel in the Yosemite Valley,
Polly well remembered the delightful stage rides, fishing
parties, picnics, wild flower hunts, and ever so many other
pleasures. She had been talking about them to Robbie, and
reminded him of the trip they were soon to take.
When her father came to dinner, she called out to him,
“Papa, when are we going to start?â€
“Start where, my sweet pet?â€
“To the mountains, sir.â€
He answered, “Next week I think we will get off.â€
She just danced and oe EI saying, “Tam ’joyed
over going so soon.â€
When dinner was over, she took mamma’s hand and said:
‘Mamma, dear, will you please come to the playroom with-me,
and help me select my dolls and toys to take with me?â€
All the time she chatted away about the journey. Once she
stopped and said: ‘Mamma, do you know I will ‘joy this time so
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POLES Ld Oe gl
much, ‘cause Eugene is going too? Oh, he is so kind to us and
does make such fun for bubba and: me, and is never cross like
other boys!â€
Eugene was the son of Doctor and Mrs. Hilbrace, of
San Francisco, very old and dear friends of the family. Polly
was very fond of him. One reason was he had known her dear
mamma before she was married, and had told her all about the
wedding and lovely bride himself. She never tired hearing
about mamma’s life before she knew her. He was nine years
old then and fifteen now. He was one of those manly boys, tall
for his age, broad shoulders, dark complexion, and large, dark
eyes, with a ripple of fun in their depths, rather a large mouth,
with beautiful teeth, and a lovely disposition. Everybody loved
Next week did seem so long to Polly, and the number of
times she asked, ‘“ How many more days to wait, dear mamma?â€
would be hard to count. Mamma allowed Polly to help pack
her own trunk, and she knew every little dress in it.
At last the morning came. Our little travelers wereupand .
dressed bright and early. You may believe Polly was delighted’
when the stage drove up to the gate, with four fine, fast horses
hitched to it, and Eugene and his parents inside. They greeted
the Roseberys with joy, and Eugene sprang out and caught
Polly up in his arms, and lifted her to her seat. “Robbie, too,
was placed by her side, and then the rest of the Roseberys and
auntie took their seats.. Robbie called to Eugene :—
“Here is a goodie soft p’ace right here for 'oo.â€
It was just the place for him; he thought so. too. Mrs.
Hilbrace had brought two boxes of candies for the children, and
as she kissed them, she gave them to our little friends, saying :
“You see I did not forget my promise to bring you some
Polly’s ready little tongue and eyes expressed thanks for the
Polly recognized the horses in the lead, and called to the
driver, “I see Starlight and Bob Westfall.â€
“You are correct,†he answered. “I brought them down
yesterday to carry you up part of the way. All aboard! Gee-
ap,†he called out, and away the horses fairly flew, miles and
-miles across the plains; and the children did have a jolly time,
with Eugene sitting between them, eating candy. They had
so much to tell him about Sylvan Hall, the big hotel, and
their own cottage near it. Polly informed him that they took
their meals at the hotel, and Robbie attempted to tell him about
their drive through the “big tree,†but the thoughts came so
fast that he could not speak. He caught Eugene by the arm,
and raised his big, lovely eyes up to him. ‘’Oo ill see,†was all
he could say. Eugene understood, and told him so.
The big tree and a drive through it was a treat, even to
those who had seen it before. A four-horse stage could pass
through the middle and leave plenty of room on either side.
The stage always stopped to let the passengers see the wonder-
ful tree.
Polly told Eugene about pony Frank, and the long
rides she had taken
on him when she
went out to hunt with
her papa. Echo, the
large white dog, was
talked of, and _ his
many tricks related
to Eugene. Someof
them could not well
be forgotten, such as
tearing clothes from
the line, and carrying
off their shoe; and
everything else he
could get was de-
stroyed or eaten up.
But Polly thought
he was all the more
interesting for that.
“It is very funny and
telligent in him,mam-
ma,†she would say
when hehaddestroyed
some valuable article.
You would be amused
if you could see her
when mamma _ gets
her riding whip out
for him; she tries to cover him up by leaning over him,
and the rogue will keep just as still as you would if you were
hiding behind the door from someone. Eugene was much
interested in Echo, and appreciated his many tricks, for he was
fond of dogs.
Fresh horses were put in now, before they began to ascend
the foothills, but our little ones were almost asleep; even the
jack-rabbits, as they bounded by, failed to interest them. They
‘sted: their headggagainst Eugene, and he tenderly protected
them from falling,
Noon came before they woke, and when the stage halted
at Granite Gulch, the place where they were to rest an hour and
take lunch, they opened their eyes in wonder to see where they
were. Polly loved this place for many reasons, and she began
to tell Eugene all about it, just while they were busy getting
out and dusting off, ready for lunch. The pots of bright gera-
niums on the window sills pleased her fancy, and she put her
small nose close to them, saying, ‘““You dear creatures! I knew
you would be out here to see me.â€
HE delicious lunch, and ‘neat, smart waiting maids, dressed
in pink dresses and white aprons, who served in the din-
ing room, were so attractive to her.
“We always have cherry pie here,†she whispered An a
Eugene. ‘The seeds are in them, but. Meare. lovely pies.’
Her merry eyes showed she knew a better word to express
her meaning. °
All were hungry, and did enjoy the bountiful supply of
good things. Soon the rattling of the stage, as it drove from ~
the stables, reminded our friends that the time was nearly up,
and when the driver called out, ‘“‘All aboard,†and no one in
yet, Robbie walked out to the door and said, with considerable
wrath in his voice :—
“Polly not ready. ’Oosay, ‘All bode;’ nobody in yet,†and
then went back to tell his sister to take her time to finish her
lunch. “He'll wait fo’ ’oo.â€
A few minutes and all were seated again, and the four
strong,agile grays were straining every muscle to climb the moun-
tain side. It was pleasing to hear the sound of their hoofs on
the rocky road, and to smell the sweet odor of the pine trees.
The road wound in and out until they reached Eagle
Pass, the highest point on the road; here they always stopped
to rest the horses and enjoy the splendid view.
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The driver never failed to tell any new passengers he had
a fearful story about a haunted cabin. down in the valley
below them. Pointing with his long whip, he began :—
“Do you see that pine forest on the other side of the val-
ley at the foot of the hill, with chaparral bushes in the clearing,
this side of that rock? Do you see a small house with some-
thing white on the gable? It is a big cloth tied to a stick and
fastened to the house. It was put up there by the last poor
fellow who was murdered in it. Yes, three men were found
dead there at different times, and no one, to this day, can tell
who did the killing.†.
Dr. and Mrs. Hilbrace were much interested in the sad
story, and asked a number of questions. But Eugene’s atten-
tion was divided. Polly was trembling with fear, and her face
hid on Robbie’s shoulder, which distressed him, and he was
vexed that the story was told at this time, when he could not
ask ever so many questions that came into his head, for he did
love to hear about haunted houses and to read books that told
about them.
Polly had often heard the story, but it frightened her every
time she heard it told. She was glad when her father reached
over the back of the seat and lifted her over between himself
and her mamma, and Robbie too, for she knew that then noth-
ing could harm them there. [Eugene climbed up to the driver's
seat and asked to be told all about the little house in view, and
who the men were, and all about the country around the house.
In the afternoon the sun shone through the giant trees,
casting their long shadows on the side of the mountains, as
they descended into the valley. The children knew that they
were nearing their journey’s end, and were on the lookout for
the droves of pretty cows, as they were driven toward the hotel
to be milked.
Polly knew a number of them by name, and remembered
the many cups of delicious milk she had received from one of
the milkmaids, through the fence, for she was afraid to go inside
of the yard. The very sight of a cow’s horns made her trem-
ble with fear.
The turkeys, chickens, and geese, giving out their cheerful
greetings, the little ones hailed with joy, and when they came in
sight of the fountain in the park, they stood up and shouted
with delight.
They always came around the curves of the fountain at a
full gallop, and drew up in front of the Sylvan Hotel. A large
crowd of people were in waiting for the stage. The proprietor,
Mr. Carroll, and the porter helped our friends out, and the dust-
ing, brushing, and stamping to get rid of the dust was funny to
Robbie. He, too, needed it, for he was as gray as the old gray
goose you have read about. Echo came out to greet his young
playfellows, and was a perfect nuisance, in barking and switch-
ing them with his tail. In his play he jumped up on Robbie
and knocked him over, which was resented by that young man.
Sophia, the children’s maid, was glad to take charge of them
once more, and get them ready for dinner. She could tell Polly
all about her numerous friends and pets.
When the large bell rang for dinner, the Roseberys were
all ready to start from their cottage. Echo was close by the
door, hoping to get in with the children, but the porter was very
positive about keeping him out, so they went without him.
But he did get in; when the porter went to take the trunks to
the cottage, he slipped in, and Robbie slid down from his chair
and put his own napkin round his neck, and gave him a piece of
chicken. But just in the midst of the feast Jasper, the porter,
came in, and, oh, how scared Robbie and the dog were! He
came up to poor Echo with a fierce look, and was about to handie
him roughly, when, seeing Robbie trying to get irito his chair
again, he helped him, and Echo darted under the table and hid.
He did not venture out again until all had left the room.
Polly and her brother had so many places of interest to
" visit that evening,—the bear pit, the lion’s cage, and the young
bears staked out on the green; they were such clumsy, stupid
looking little things that Robbie thought he could go as close
to them as he chose, and they would not hurt him; but the
young cinnamon cub raised up and was about to hug him, when
one of the stable boys ran to his assistance. Robbie was indig-
nant and said :—
‘‘He on’y wants to ’uve me.â€
They went to the dairy to see the frisky calf, and pony
Frank in the stable. By the time they got through, they were
tired enough to go to bed, and were asleep as soon as their inno-
cent heads rested on their pillows.
The sun was high in the sky before Polly awoke the next
morning, and when Sophia told her that all the stages had gone,
she was almost cross, and refused to get up, saying :— :
“You knew I like to see the people get in, and the pretty
horses gallop up that hill close to the bridge. If you had just
said, ‘Polly, please get up and see the stage start,’ I would jump
‘out like this’—and here she sprang out on the carpet, much to
Sophia’s delight, who was waiting to dress her. She soon be-
came interested in the pretty little dress Sophia put over her
head, saying :—
“T love this little blue dress more than | do oranges.â€
Delicious trout and hot waffles soon put our little friend in
a sweet temper again.
OLLY’S father had promised her that they would
P have a fishing party the first day after they arrived
if they got up in time; but they were too late to go
to a famous place for trout, so they decided to go the next
All day it was talked about by Eugene and the children,
and everything was in readiness that night, so that they could
have an early start; even their clothes were on a chair close to
their beds, so that Sophia would not be detained in dressing
The morning dawned bright and beautiful, and the fishing
party were a merry crowd at breakfast by seven o'clock. The
Roseberys took great pleasure in entertaining their friends, who
were seeing the sights for the first time.
When the “Johnny Gee,†a two-horse spring wagon, with
three seats, drove to the door, Jasper brought out a large box
of lunch, put up by Wing Lee, the Chinese cook, who always
exerted himself to please the ‘‘Rosys,†as he called the Rose-
berys. The box was put under the seat, and then four soft car-
riage robes were put in for them to spread on the grass when
they ate their lunch.
Eugene brought out the fishing tackle, a rod and line for each
, ( ror )
one. The gentlemen took the seat with the driver, the ladies
the middle one, and Eugene and the children the back seat.
“All aboard!†and the prancing horses started off and dashed
up the river road, with the merriest company that ever went to
catch fish. The famous place was reached at nine o’clock, and
a beautiful locality was selected, where two large trees grew near
the water's edge, and the branches dipped their glossy leaves in
the crystal stream.
Our little Polly made a pretty picture as she nestled down
in a folded robe, on a great rock, jutting out in the river. She
was dressed in a ruby-colored cashmere, a white linen pinafore,
daintily ruffled, over it, black stockings and boots, a white chip
hat, with a satin ribbon the color of her dress, around the crown
and hanging down to the hem of her dress. She still held her
little fish basket on her arm. Echo stood by her side, watching
her as she fastened the fly on the hook. She said, “I am glad
you are a make-believe fly.†When it was ready, she put down
the basket and threw out her line. This was too much for
Echo, so he plunged into the river to catch it.
“O you silly dog,†said Polly, “you have scared all the
fish away, and will get the hook fastened in your mouth besides!
I do wish we had left you at home. You are always doing
things to ’voke [provoke] me.†.
He well knew he had displeased her, and quickly came out,
and, shaking the water from himself, lay down at her back very
Her father was a little way off, and called to her:—
“Polly, if you do not keep quiet, we will have to go with-
out fish for our lunch.â€
“Ves, sir,†she answered, “I will try, but Echo is spoiling
all my luck. Please, sir, send him back.â€
Echo did not wait for another hint, but leaped down one
side of the rock and stretched himself out to dry in the sun, and
out of the way of temptation. He was not pleased with the
idea of going back without the children.
Polly sat very still, watching the pebbly bottom of the
river, and soon a silvery trout swam out from under the rock
she sat on, and, darting up to the surface of the water, caught
the fly; it pulled and jerked, but Polly held on with both hands.
When she had raised it up out of the stream, her tender little
heart was touched, and she called to her father:—
“OQ father, father†(she often called him father when in
trouble), “please come quickly! The poor fish is suffering with
the hook in its mouth.â€
Her father dropped his line and ran to her assistance.
He took the trout off, which was a good size, and put it in her
basket. He then sat down and took her on his knee, telling
her it was not asin to catch fish, as they were created for our
use. She took courage and threw out her line again, and her
father went back to his prosperous tackle. But she more than
once took a look at her fish to see if it was comfortable. She
did have a horror of seeing anything suffer.
Polly sat a long time, but not another nibble did she get.
When the driver made the fire to cook lunch, Polly and Robbie
left fishing, and took up their quarters near the fire. Robbie
had been to the river with Guy Birch, the driver, while he had
prepared the trout for cooking, and now took great pride in
telling his sister who had caught them.
“Mine papa caught a big load, and mamma six; doctor he
caught one, just ‘ike ’00, Eugene ten, and mine auntie,†he
stopped to laugh, “oh, she caught a big lawge thing a ‘ittle ike
Old Puff,†and he took Polly to see the prize, but it was gone.
His auntie was sensitive about her luck, and felt like putting
Robbie’s head under water to keep him from telling about it,
but he was rogue enough to tell everybody he met.
Polly asked if she might set the table. Guy spread down
the robes and then the tablecloth for her, and she did the rest,
Guy Birch was a capital cook, as well as driver, and the fragrant
coffee boiling, crisp brown fish, and juicy steak gave assurance
of it. Polly gathered a large bunch of Washington lilies and
placed in front of her mamma’s plate.
All was ready now for the feast. Robbie rang the big bell
for the grown people tocome. Polly thought they would never
come, the time seemed so long, but it was fifteen minutes only,
and all were seated around the table. Oh, how they did eat,
and enjoy it too!
“When the party were about to leave the table, Polly looked
across at her mamma in a beseeching way, and said:—
‘Mamma, may I have another piece of cherry pie?â€
Her mamma did not hear her, but Eugene did, and cut a
piece of fat beef, and tried to put it in her ready little mouth.
She sprang up, and Eugene after her, and away they ran as fast
as they could, Robbie after them, for he was angry at Eugene,
for he knew the fat meat would make his sister sick. Eugene
then saw it was wisest to give it to Echo, who was in the chase
The gentlemen went out to fish again, the ladies talked and
read, and the children played hide and seek with Eugene, who
really enjoyed hearing and seeing children at play.
T four o'clock in the afternoon was the time to start back
to the hotel. The bell was rung long and loud by
Robbie, and all the things were put in, and the
horses stood ready to go. Echo barked with delight when he
saw Guy Birch take his seat in the wagon.
When the gentlemen came in sight, Polly asked her mamma
to let her go to the spring and get a cup of water; it was a short
distance, around a high rock. Her mamma told her she might
go, but to hurry back, as it was time to start.
She took her little silver cup from the lunch box and ran
to the spring. As she stooped to dip her cup in, she heard a
terrible noise behind her, and, quickly turning round, she saw a
large rattlesnake just about to attack her, his mouth wide open
and tongue out, his head up in the air and moving about. She
knew the great danger, for she had seen them on the road often
when they were driving, and she well remembered how they
were feared. .
She sprang forward, jumped the little stream, and ran as
fast as she could in the opposite direction from which she came.
On she rushed, over swampy places and through chaparral
bushes and bear weeds, how far she could not tell. Once she
slipped and fell, and as she got up, she looked to see if he was
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near, but much to her relief he was not in sight. She started
back, she thought, and ran as fast as she could, but soon saw
that everything was new to her, and she turned in another
direction, and again she was mistaken She called:—
“Father, father, do come to me, for I do not know which
way to go. Mamma, auntie, Eugene, please come forme.â€
She wept aloud in a piteous voice, the tears almost blinding
her. She had lost her handkerchief, and her hat, too. She took
up her little pinafore and wiped her eyes. Seeing she was near
a steep hill, she climbed up by catching to the scrub oaks, but soon
her poor hands were bleeding and swollen. She thought if she
got up high she could see and hear, and could make herself heard.
She called again for her father. When she got near the top of
the hill, on a little shelf of rock, she sank down in despair and
covered her face with her hands, saying aloud :—
“Oh, I wish I had never gone to the spring!â€
A cold, wet touch on her hand made her jump up in terror.
And there stood Echo. He looked at her in a mournful way,
but his face changed when she threw her arms around his neck,
and said :—
“Oh, I am so glad you have come to take me home!
Did anyone come with you?†and she looked all about to see
-if she could see her dear ones in sight.
She told him over and over to go home, hoping to follow .
him, but he did not stir unless she went, and whichever way she
turned he would go too. She could not tell how far she had
gone, but knew she had come a long way from the river. They
reached the top of the hill with much toil, and could see down
in the valley, where it looked so much more cheerful than up
there in the woods that she began to descend on the opposite
side. Sometimes it was so steep that she had to slide down;
once she stopped to gather a bunch of Washington lilies.
Looking down into their sweet depths, she said :-—
“You lovely creatures, how I should like to take you to
my dear mamma to wear to dinner! But I most fear I will
never see her again. O mamma, mamma, what shall I do with
your own poor little Polly?â€
She watched the sun go down behind the mountains at
Eagle Pass, and the blue haze made her more desolate than the
approach of night, for she had never seen it when alone before.
When they had reached the valley, she began to look, but
with a sore, heavy little heart, for a big hollow tree to sleep in.
The very thought of being away from her parents, and it nearly
dark, made her cry aloud again.
They came out of a sparse pine grove, and Echo ran ahead
of her. She followed, and as she turned around a clump of tall
bushes, she saw a small house. She took a good look, for it
was much lighter in the clearing, and she recognized the
haunted cabin, with its white flag on the gable. ‘“O mercy!â€
_ she exclaimed, and off she fairly flew. When she had gone
some distance, she missed Echo, and looked back to see if he
was in sight. He was much interested in the little house, and
rushed in and out. _ Finally he came bounding to her, after she
had called him ever so many times, and began to coax her to go
back with him. He would runalittle way toward the house, and,
' seeing that she did not come, would come back. Heat last caught
her dress in his mouth and tried to force her to go. An owl
flew softly behind her and gave one of those scary hoots. She
started in fright, and then let him lead the way to the dreaded
place. Slowly she approached the door; it was wide open.
Echo now dropped her dress and sprang in, wild with delight.
She stepped up on the small square step very timidly and
looked in. There was no furniture. The Indians had taken
everything away except an old rough stool. Echo was so
much at home that she felt less fear, and, being so weary, she
sat.down on the step to rest and pull up her stocking. She
had broken her garter when she fell, and it was in her way.
Her nature was hopeful and cheery, and did not desert her
in this trying time. She got up and said to the dog:—
“Come, Echo, and help me make a bed for us.â€
She went to a grove of sugar pines, and stripped the fra-
grant leaves off from the little trees and filled her pinafore and
took them in and placed them in the cleanest corner she saw.
It took many trips before she had enough leaves for her bed.
She then took her pinafore off and spread it over one end for
her pillow. She now sat down to unbutton her boots; she took
off one and laid it down. Echo darted to it and took it up.
A happy thought came to our little Polly, and she jumped to
her feet and said :—
“Go home, Echo, and bring me supper.â€
At the word “supper†he pricked up his ears and ran out, she
after him; but she did not have to tell him again, for he was
just leaping along. She started to go too, but he looked so far
ahead that she knew she could not catch up with him. She
called him to come back for her, but he did not even look back
at her. She did not know whether she was glad or sorry she
had sent him. She now went back into the house and took
off the other shoe.
“T shouldn’t be ’prised if he takes my boot straight to
mamma and tells her where I am.â€
She smiled at these words. The dog had made her forget
the horror she felt about the house, but now she was all alone,
and the full moon shone down through the roof, which was
partly open, and she peered into the corners to see if a ghost
was ready to speak or move. The driver had said that one with
a white sheet around him always stayed there at night. She
could not stay inside, she thought, and so ran out, looking back
as she went. She called to her father and mamma to come to
her, holding out her poor little hands, as if sure that they
would take hold of them.
She heard a distant howl, and back she went into the house
and tried to fasten the door. She noticed blocks nailed to the
frame of the door and places cut in them to holda stick. She
had before noticed one at the barn fastened in this way, and she
knew that the stick on the floor must be for this purpose. She
found it to be the one to suit the place. It was not hard to
place across the door.
When she resumed her preparations to go to bed, she
thought of her dear mamma, who always sat and held her hand
until she was fast asleep, and her precious father’s good-night
kiss, and her darling little brother, who was so devoted to her.
Auntie Lorrain would not have any little girl to sing to. Her
little heart was ready to burst when these thoughts crowded
through her confused head. She knelt down at the old stool,
and, raising her face and hands up, she said :—
“Dear Saviour, please comfort my darling mamma, papa,
bubba, and auntie too, and take care of me in this place, and bring
someone for me. I amso hungry, and tired, and sleepy.
‘““* Now I lay me down to sleep;
I pray the Lord my soul to keep;
If I should die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take.’ Amen.’
She got up with comfort in her heart, and was about to
look out to see if Echo had returned with her supper, when
a soft flutter over her head, and a shadow on the floor of out-
spread wings, caused her to hold her breath and clinch her hands
together. ‘Ta-hoot, ta-hoot, ta-hoot,†sounded dismal indeed
to the little child. She looked up and saw the owl again. She
remembered that her father had told her that they were not
dangerous, but she hoped that he would not fly down on her
head and scratch her. She watched him for some time, then, “Ta-
hoot, ta-hoot, ta-hoot,†came louder than before, and our plucky
little Polly concluded she would get rid of such a scary nui-
sance; so she took the remaining boot, and threw it as high as
she could, trying to hit the owl, but it struck the other side of
the cabin. Again and again she tried, the third time striking the
rafter on which he sat, and frightening him as badly as he had
done her. He flew away, uttering the most desolate hoots. She
said :—
“T am real sorry if I broke your toe, but I had to do it.â€
Well, the truth is that Polly was the intruder, for “Old
Wonder Eyes†(as owls are sometimes called, because they have
such large eyes), had full possession of the house, and she was
the first visitor he ever had, and he was not polite enough to
give her a welcome.
The owl had diverted her attention for the time, but now
she fully realized how terrible it was to be all alone. She gave
way to piteous lamentations and weeping, walking up and down
the rough floor, with her tiny hands tucked under her arms to.
keep them warm. She looked at them and said :—
“YT must look like a birdie, only he puts his little head under
his wings to keep warm.â€
She was getting very sleepy, and felt inclined to lie down
and close her eyes; they did smart, and felt so drawn up by
“1 do wonder if Echo will bring me some good supper,â€
she said aloud. ‘I do wish he would come soon and keep me
warm. -I havea ove I do think, just like oe has. She
trembles this way.â€
Polly sat down on the little bed of leaves, and ieskel at
the large hole in the knee of her stocking, which she had torn
when she fell. She turned the top of it down to see the place
she had hurt; it was covered with blood and sand, and was so
stiff now that she could hardly straighten it out. She wept
until the tears ran down on the sore knee, and made it smart so
badly. She examined the little dirty hands, and counted the
many scratches and wounds. She looked up at the moon and
said :—
“IT am real glad that the moon shines in here, so I can SEE,
and it is ever so much better than a tree to sleep in, for the
bears might find me there.â€
Her head drooped over, and she would yawn, but was de-
termined to keep awake till Echo came. She got up and went
to the door, and listened to see if she could heat him bark
away off in the distance, but no sound of his coming greeted
her. She sat down again, and rested her head on her hands,
and went safely over into the “Land of Nod.â€
A loud bark, a dash at the door that made the house shake
and rattle, caused Polly to jump to her feet. She had slept a
little. She rubbed her eyes and stared all around to see where
she was, but another bark from Echo brought her to realize
where she was, and she unfastened the door and let him in.
She threw her arms about his neck and said:-—
“You dear old faithful fellow! I thought you would come
back to me.â€
She saw he had dropped something on the floor.†She
quickly picked it up, and to her delight it was a napkin with
something in it. As she sat down to untie it, she said to
him, as he stood closer to her than was convenient :—
“Did my mamma send me this?â€
He raised his ears up, whined, wagged his tail, and put his
nose down on the chicken and bread and butter. When she had
spread the napkin out on her lap, she gave a scream of joy,
and said :— ,
“I smell something goodie. I am sure my darling mamma
sent this supper, for here is a piece of scheese.â€
She did so relish this late meal, for she was so hun-
gry! Echo got a good portion. When the last crumb was
eaten, she said:—
“T do ‘joy the scheese and chicken, and bread too. Why
didn’t you bring my father to me? or Eugene? Who did you
see? Was Robbie there?â€
All these questions were asked of Echo. At last she grew
impatient, and said :—
“T do wish you were ’telligent, so you could tell me what
I want to know. Now when I say, Did you see Robbie? you
bark twice.â€
He looked as if he really did know what she meant, and
again she said:—
‘‘Did you see Robbie?â€
She waited, but no bark came. Her little head went slowly
down and rested on her pinafore. The tear-stained cheeks were
flushed with sunburn; her short, dark hair looked like plush as
it outlined her face, and her sweet lips opened =
“Mamma, darling, are you near me? Will you hold my
Echo did keep our little Polly warm, for he nestled up
close to her side, and they both slept.
Just at break of day Echo sprang up from Polly’s side
and woke her. She, too, rose up, and saw Echo ina terrible
state of anger and fear. The hair on his back stood on end,
and he ran to the door, and then behind her, all the time bark-
ing furiously. A loud growl outside, some distance off,
reminded her that she had not put the stick across the door.
She quickly dropped it in the notches for it and stood listening,
hardly breathing for fear she would not hear all.
In a momenu the sound was at the door, and another growl
convinced her that a lion, like the one in the cage at the hotel,
was about to get in. She flew to the farthest corner of the
room and shrieked out :—
“Father, father, do come for me, or I will have to die! O
mamma, mamma, do come, before he tears me all to pieces!â€
Her terror made Echo frantic, and the noise enraged
the lion; but above the din, one, two, three shots were
heard by Polly, and she stood motionless, scarcely breathing.
Another shot close to the house, then a loud howl, and some-
thing fell against the door, almost breaking it down, and then
she heard a horse galloping.
“Polly, are you there?â€
She recognized Eugene’s voice.
“Yes, yes, Eugene, I am here,’.she answered, and ran to
the door. .
She could see through the crack in the door a huge
body on the step, anda part hanging over the side. Its side
was rising and falling like Echo’s did when he had been run-
ning very long.
Eugene called again:—
“Polly, are you safe? I will soon be there.
He was waiting to see if the lion would try to get
up again. Once more he fired, but no noise came from the
outstretched foe. She could see Eugene on pony Frank in
front of the cabin. He sprang to the ground with his pistol in
his hand; his rifle leaned against the pony. He took it up and
came close to the door, then laid both down, and dragged the
lion away from the entrance. He called:—
“Polly, open the door. You need not fear; he is as dead
as a mummy.â€
She took the stick away from the door and it swung open.
She now burst into a flood of tears, and said, ‘““O Eugene!â€
“Why, my pet, how did you get here?†he said.
He could not speak again, for tears were falling down on the
sweet face below him. He took out his handkerchief and wiped
her eyes, then knelt down by her side, and kissed the dear little
hands over and over.
She looked at him through her tears, and said, with a sur-
prised look in her large eyes:—
“Did you care so very much?†She had never seen
Eugene with tears in his eyes before. ‘Where is my papa
-and mamma?â€
He did not venture to speak. He glanced at the little
bed in the corner, then took her up in his arms to go out.
She said :—
“Eugene, please let me get my pinafore and boot.â€
He smiled as he picked them up and tucked them away in
his pocket.
As they passed the dead lion, Polly looked awestruck at
the blood streaming from three places, and the frightful mouth
wide open.
“Oh, Iam so afraid of him!†she said. ‘He just looks
like old ‘Growler’â€â€”the caged lion at the hotel.
Eugene tried to cheer his little friend, and said :—
“T will have a fine buggy robe made of him.â€
Polly shook her head mournfully. He took off the cape
from his coat and put it around Polly, for she was cold. He
took her to Frank and placed her in front of the saddle, then
mounted himself and started. Echo bounded ahead of them,
delighted to be on his way back to the hotel, where there was
good living. Eugene asked her all about her wanderings, and
she made everything as clear as she could remember, but would
interrupt him every moment by asking about her dear ones,
and what they did when she did not come back. Many times
her tears and sobs would touch Eugene's heart deeply.
When they got on the top of a high hill, Eugene blew a
bugle to let them know that she was found. She began to think
how she would look riding up to the hotel without any shoes on
and her dress torn and soiled. Quickly putting her hand up to
her head, she said:—
“OQ Eugene, I have lost my hat. I will look just like a
He laughed and said :—
“T found your hat last evening, where you dropped it at
the spring, and gave it to your mamma. I will lend you mine,â€
_and, taking it off, he put it on her.
She felt conscious of looking funny, as the hat came down
over her eyes, so, giving it back to Eugene, she said:—
“T thank you, but it makes me look a little more like one.â€
Eugene thought so too. He wanted to put the boot on.
She said:—
“This ’minds me what I did with it last night.â€
“Well, what did you do with it?†he asked,
“A big owl came and sat on one of the sticks, you know,
on the roof. It hooted and flapped its wings, just like it was
going to come down. It ‘noyed me and scared me too, so I
threw my boot at it three times. Once I think it hit him on
the toe, for he flew away, screeching worse then ever, but he
did not come back. Oh, I want to ask you, Did my mamma
send my supper?â€
“Yes,†said Eugene. “How did you know?â€
“Well, it had a piece of scheese in it.â€
“You will turn into a big cheese some of these days, and
we will send you to the fair, and charge a hundred dollars a slice
for you. Do you want to go to the great fair in that style?â€
Polly had been looking in every direction to see if she could
see her father. Presently she gave a shout of joy.
‘‘T see my father coming; do you see, past that pile of
Eugene looked, and sure enough her father came galloping
up to them. When he got near them, and saw Polly sitting
erect in front of Eugene, he said:—
“Thank God, she is alive.â€
“And all right,†Eugene called out, “except a hurt knee
and scratched hands.â€
Polly’s heart was too full to say a word, and she wept and
laughed at the same time.
“My darling little child,†her father said, as he lifted her
to his own horse, and kissed her lovely mouth repeatedly.
“Where did you find her, Eugene?â€
“In Joe Fadin’s cabin,†he answered. ‘She was there all
night, and got the supper we sent by Echo.â€
She mastered her feelings and said, “Please excuse me,
Eugene, it was the haunted house.â€
Eugene smiled, and her father said :—
“The house was poor Joe Fadin’s, but Eugene did not
wish to call it by that name, as it might make you feel badly.â€
Polly said, “I knew it was the haunted house last night.â€
Polly kept her arms around her father’s neck and asked
about her darling mamma, and little brother, and ever so many
other questions. Eugene told Polly’s father all about the lion.
He turned pale with horror when he thought of the danger his
little darling had been in. He thanked Eugene for his courage
and kindness to her, and said:—
“Not one youth in a thousand could have braved such a
Eugene answered: ‘Well, I did feel a little shaky when I
saw him trotting up and down in front of the little house, lash-
ing his sides with his tail. You seé, he was bent on getting at
Polly and Echo. I could hear the screaming and barking before
I came in sight of the cabin. He did not hear me, and when |
came up at his back, I was some distance off, but got the prettiest
shot at him you ever saw, before he saw me. He made a dash
for me, and I gave him another. Then he rushed back to the
cabin, and tried to get in, but fell on the step.â€
“He is a monstrous fellow, must be a good old age. We
will send for him and have him mounted for you, Eugene,†said
Mr. Rosebery.
Polly looked up at her father and said:—
“Papa, do you mean for him to mount a horse?â€
“No, dear, mounting means to make him look as he did
this morning when he scared you so badly, before Eugene killed
him; but he will be dead.â€
Eugene said: ‘That isa capitalidea, Heisa fine specimen,
and you shall see him when he gets fixed up in style. But you
must promise that you will not be afraid of him, or I will give
him to the buzzards and coyotes to-day.â€
“Please do, Eugene; do give him to them, for he will never
look pretty; he is just horrid.â€
Eugene fired his rifle repeatedly, and sounded the bugle, to
let them know that Polly was found. .
As they neared the hotel, they could see crowds of people
coming from every direction. Tired, weary-looking men and
horses came from different roads leading to the house, and
halted in front of the steps. They were all to meet at six in the
morning at the hotel.
Mr. Rosebery requested Eugene to ride on and tell her
mother that she was found, and safe. He gave the whip to
Frank, and soon was at the hotel steps.
All gathered about Eugene to hear while he told Polly’s
mamma where he had found her and that she was safe and well.
When our little heroine and her father came near, every
hat was lifted high and waved, and three cheers went up for
Polly, three for Eugene, and some for Echo, too, which made
the valley ring and vibrate with joyful noise.
Mr. Rosebery lifted his hat, and thanked them heartily.
Riding near the gallery, he placed Polly in her mamma’s arms,
who kissed her precious child rapturously and whispered sweet
words of love and welcome.
Polly whispered, ‘‘O darling mamma, I did feel so sorry
for you last night!â€
Her mamma said: ‘“‘What must | have felt for my precious
little girl, lost in the mountains, and no one able to find her.
Your father and ever so many kind friends looked for you all
Robbie had been calling loudly, “Polly, Polly, I wish ’oo
would ’ook at me.â€
He was in Sophia’s arms, so that he could command a view
of the crowd, and see his sister. It was difficult for Robbie or
anyone else to see much of Polly’s face, as she hid it on her
mamma’s shoulder.
Those who had hunted for little Polly all night got near
enough to touch her head or arm and say a good word of wel-
come, and ask about her wanderings.
Mr. Rosebery told their kind friends, who had given so
much sympathy and assistance in their distress, all about Polly’s
night of trials and sufferings, and thanked them with a grateful
He sent two of the stable men after Eugene’s prize, and
then carried his little daughter to their cottage.
She kissed her dear Robbie and auntie, and said: I will tell
you all about it myself when I get my breakfast. Auntie, dear,
where do you think I stayed all night? In the haunted cabin,
and I was awfully scared, and I did say my prayers all by myself.
Mamma, I| thank you so much for the supper you sent me last
night; I did ‘joy it so much.†.
She ate her breakfast in her room with her mamma; then
she was bathed, a soft flannel robe put on her, her poor little
knee dressed, and she was put to bed, and her mamma sat and
held her hand until she was fast asleep.
Polly was petted to her heart’s content. Eugene was lion-
ized. Echo was made a hero of by everybody, and Robbie made
him carry boots and bundles all day.
Wwe Polly left to go to the spring for a cup of water,
they were nearly ready to start for the hotel. Mr.
Rosebery and Dr. Hilbrace came laden with fish,
and everybody wished to ask them where they found sucha
bountiful supply.
They were all so much interested about their good fortune
that they did not miss Polly for a few moments; then Eugene
and Robbie went to meet her. Not seeing her on the way, they
went to the spring. Her hat and little silver cup were there,
but she was not in sight. Eugene crossed the little stream at
the spring, and, seeing her tracks, went some distance and saw
them as she crossed the swamp. He got alarmed and called
her, then quickly returned and said that he could not find her.
Everyone was frightened, and ran in different directions, call-
ing loudly, They hunted for her until dark; then Mr. Rosebery
proposed that the ladies should return to the hotel, and asked
Eugene to go with them and stay until he returned. He gave
directions about sending men out, and horses for himself and
the doctor.
They were a sad company as they drove swiftly back
to tell what had happened to Polly, and ask assistance in
finding her. It was after dark when they arrived, but it was |
only a few minutes before Eugene had a crowd of men at the
stables saddling horses, lighting torches and lanterns, and build-
ing bonfires.
Twenty-five men on horses soon rode up to the hotel, and
as they filed in front of the gallery, they presented a weird
picture. Eugene had told them how it happened, while at the
stable, and they did not feel much like talking, for every
manly heart felt for the pretty little child, and for her parents,
for they well knew the danger she was in from wild animals.
They went two and two together, each one carrying a
torch, and Guy Birch started to meet Polly’s father and the doc-
tor, with the horses.
Polly’s mamma still held her darling’s hat and little cup.
She was not one of those mammas who faint, or shriek and cry,
but she walked the gallery all night, often going to her room to
ask our heavenly Father to protect her little child and bring her
back in safety.
Eugene had asked everyone about the hotel if they had
seen the dog since their return, but no one had seen him.
Eugene said he did not remember seeing him after Polly left.
Polly’s mamma said that he was with her while they were hunt-
ing for her, but she did not see him when they started back to
the hotel. Eugene suggested that he might have followed her.
This was a little ray of comfort, to think that he might be with
her, and would try to protect her, as he was devoted to her.
While they talked about the little wanderer, a loud commo-
tion and calling came from the kitchen of the hotel. Mamma,
auntie, and Eugene rushed through, and opened the door from
the dining room into the kitchen. There Wing Lee, the Chi-
nese cook, was astride Echo, holding him by the ears. He
began, ‘‘Miss Rosy, he got little gal shoe.†Here he gave poor
Echo a blow on the head to make him drop the boot. Polly’s
mamma picked it up and looked at it inalarm. Wing Lee said:
‘You knowie she takie him off, no dear pull him off. You see
him all same,†pointing to the buttons; they were all there, and
had been unbuttoned by some person. “You sajéee me? you
sabbee me? He all light, little gal; she takie him off.â€
Polly’s mamma soon comprehended, and told Wing Lee so.
He had made himself understood, and he was overjoyed. Still
he held Echo.
“Ah, you takie shicken, bread-butter, makie him all same.â€
Here he pointed to the safe and then at a pile of fresh
napkins on the table. Polly’s mamma understood, and soon put
up the provisions. When she had it ready to tie up, she said:—
“Wing Lee, where can I find some cheese?â€
He pointed to the drawer in the safe. She took out a small
bit and put it in, then tied it up.
Eugene said, “Hold Echo till I mount Frank.â€
He ran to the front of the house, where the pony was hitched ;
he untied him, and jumped in thesaddle, then told Jasper to
bring his rifle, pistol, and bugle. After he had handed them to
him, he ran and said that Eugene was ready.
The Chinaman now beckoned for Jasper to come and hold
Echo, which he did, while he took from the table a large piece
of beef and gave it to the dog. He ate it ravenously; then
Wing Lee said:—
“You see he no eatie little gal shicken,â€
When the dog had finished eating, the napkin was placed in
his mouth. He was then led to the door, where Eugene was
waiting to follow him. Echo appeared to like Eugene’s com-
pany very mech.
As they started, Eugene called back to Mrs. Rosebery,
“T will bring her back with me, if I have to climb to the top of
Signal Peak for her.â€
Eugene was able to keep in sight of the dog until he got
to the hill Polly had climbed; then he lost all track of him, and
wandered all night through the mountains, often calling Polly
until the wood rang.
Once he saw a camp fire, and, riding up to it, found a party
of hunters sitting around it, telling camp stories.
Eugene asked if they had seen our little Polly, but they
had not, but one of the men said a big white dog holding
something in his mouth passed along the ridge just above
them, but was so shy that they could not get near enough to
see what he had. Eugene asked which direction he had taken,
then followed him, coming in sight of the cabin at break of day.
Two of the stable boys had taken the stage road to the
haunted cabin when they first went out, but it was doubtful if
they went close enough to waken Polly, as they did not fancy
that neighborhood.
It was a night of toil and distress to the men, and one of
tearful watching for the ladies, never to be forgotten.
ATE in the afternoon, when Polly opened her wondering
Ios and saw her dear mamma sitting by her side, she
stretched out her arms, and said :-—
“Darling, I dreamed you were there. How long have I
been asleep? Oh, I am in my own little Jumbo!â€â€”a name she
gave to her bed, because it looked so high and rounded over.
“Tt is hard to tell just where I have been,â€
Her mamma explained it all to her, then Polly said :—
‘‘Have you been to lunch? and did you bring me a ‘gvdded
dish? of rich eating ?â€
| She now gave a merry laugh. This quaint expression was
one that Robbie had used when he was very sick, not long ago,
and it had become a household word. Mamma had a pretty
little custom of using her finest china for any of the family
who were ill, and Robbie’had reminded her of it in this way.
Polly’s mamma sat down by her, and held the dainty lunch
she had brought for her, until she finished eating, then said :-—
“T wish my darling would tell me all about last night,
from the time you left to go to the spring.â€
She sat up and related everything as nearly as she could
remember; often they were both in tears and could not talk for
sobs. She added :—
(128 )
“Mamma, Eugene was so very good to me, and felt so
sorry, that he cried when I opened-the door of the little house
and.he saw me.â€
Mamma answered: ‘‘Eugene has such a tender, noble
heart that he could not help feeling grieved for my poor little
Polly was very sorry when she was dressed in another
dress, saying :—
“I did so’mire [admire] that little ruby dress. Is it too
bad to wear?â€
Mamma assured her that her litttle favorite dress was only
fit for one of the little Indian children across the river.
Polly asked what Robbie did when he knew that she was
lost. Mamma said :—
“He was greatly distressed, and cried and kept calling you
while we were at the river, and when he came back, he walked
up and down the parlors with his little fat hands crossed behind
his back; and when Sophia wanted to put him to bed, he said,
‘No, I must stay up for mine Polly.’
‘Sophia finally came for me to compel him to go to bed,
and while she was gone he took that ugly little yellow dog, with
the short tail and lame leg—â€
“You mean Tramp?†said Polly.
“Yes,†said mamma. ‘‘He took him with him down to
the cottage and tied a string around his neck, then went up to
your hammocks and looked in both of them for you, and, not
finding you, they started to the river,.below the hotel, to hunt
for you.
“Your auntie followed him and brought him back. She
coaxed him to let her put him to bed. He submitted, but he
would not get in his own, but climbed into your bed, and, tak-
ing your night robe in his arms, cried himself to sleep.â€
Polly said, with tears in her eyes, “I knew that he would
miss me;†then asked, ‘““Mamma, did you ever know of such a
'telligent dog as Echo? Just think, he came to stay with me
when he saw you were going back to the hotel, and when I told
him to go and bring me some supper, he went and brought it
just as nice as a boy could do it. Mamma, he coaxed me into
the little house to stay all night. You will never whip him any
more for taking things off, will you?â€
Mamma said: “No, deary, he shall do just as he pleases,
because he went to you while you were lost, and came sucha
long way for your supper.â€
Polly’s mamma examined her knee and found it was not
badly hurt, but thought it best not to use it till it had healed; so
her papa took her up to dinner in his arms.
Everybody was glad to see the little heroine at the table
once more, and to get a shy, sweet smile from her.
When dinner was over, Mrs. Hilbrace had her taken to
the parlor and placed on the sofa, near the piano, and played
sweet music to entertain her little friend. Eugene and Robbie,
too, exerted themselves to make up for her being kept in all
the evening.
Just before sunset, Robbie rushed into the parlor and told
Polly that the “howid†lion had come. Her papa came and
took her out on the gallery to see him. Oh, he was a sight for
everyone on the premises to run and see! Of course they had
seen the one in the cage on the river bank, and many of the
men had even killed them, but this one had frightened the
little heroine of Sylvan Hall, and Eugene, a boy of only fifteen,
had killed him.
The driver drew up close to the gallery, and two men lifted
out the stiff, tawny body, and laid it down on the floor, Winz
Lee rushed from the kitchen round the house when he saw
them coming down the road, and sprang at the dead lion, and
dealt him a number of blows. His wild manner amused the
crowd and they laughed heartily. He quickly raised up, and,
seeing that they were all looking at him, the wrathful look in
his almond-shaped eyes gave place toa shy smile, and he said:—
“He no mo’ catchie little gal. You saddee me?â€
Then, twisting his cue up, he put his hands under his apron
and trotted back tohis work. The stable boys gave three cheers
for Wing Lee and then dispersed.
Well, after the crowd of people had seen Polly’s foe, and
many of them told of others that had been killed in the neigh-
borhood, all agreed that it was the largest one ever slain in the
Wwe Polly was able to walk, she and Robbie were to
take their first lesson in swimming. Guy Birch was
to teach them. He had been employed in a bath-
house at Monterey once, and he and Sophia (she could swim
like a duck) were to undertake the training this afternoon.
Polly had a pretty suit of white flannel on, embroidered in red,
and she did look too cunning for any use. Robbie’s was red
flannel trimmed with black braid. Mamma, auntie, and Mrs.
Hilbrace went with the children to the river. Polly struck out
boldly into the water, and received great applause from the ladies
on the bank, who had come down to watch them.
The praise she received made her quite proud, so she
begged Sophia to let her take a plunge. The little girl took it,
but found, to her astonishment, that she was not quite ready for
this advanced lesson yet. She lost her breath, strangled, and
gasped, until mamma ran into the water to her, and all the rest
of the ladies screamed in fright. When she recovered herself,
she said:— —
“O dear mamma, youare all wet, and your lovely heliotrope
dress is ruined! Please excuse your naughty little puss; I did
want to ’prise you all.â€
This favorite place of the Roseberys on the river was
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lovely indeed; grassy banks, with here and there a large white
rock, others just big enough to sit on, the clear crystal water
rushing over large stones, then slowly ripp!ing over the pebbles,
making sweet sounds.
Two Indians stood in the river up to their waists fishing
and stupidly watching the children as they dashed through the
shallow water. The Indians were such uncomely creatures,
short, heavy set, large heads, with long, coarse hair hanging over
their eyes, and their dresses were the most unsightly you ever
saw, made up of all kinds of coarse materials; red cotton handker-
chiefs were over their heads, and hats on the top, slightly tilted
on one side.
They did not catch many fish that day. Nota trout would
show itself while laughing, talking, and splashing were going on.
The morning after Polly’s outing in the mountains she
heard her father dictating a dispatch to the city. It was about
a flag. She did not trouble her head about it, but one morning
a week afterwards it was of great importance to our little girl.
While at breakfast her father said :—
“Would my sweet pet.like to take a horseback ride with
“OQ papa dear, you know perfectly well 1 would be ’joyed
by such a pleasure. When are we going?â€
“As soon as you can get ready,†he answered.
Mamma and Polly went to the cottage, and soon she came
out all ready for her ride. Polly wore a dark blue habit of cloth,
trimmed with tiny silver buttons. It fitted her prettily. Now the
way her habit was made was just the kind for little girls to
wear and enjoy a ride. It had a divided’ skirt, and was very
graceful, and much safer than one made like grown ladies wear.
She wore a jaunty cap of dark blue velvet and a pair of very
small chamois-skin gloves. She certainly looked lovely and
could ride beautifully.
Pretty soon pony Frank was brought from the stable, and
Jimmy Moore, one of the horses she had named for her grand-
father’s favorite riding horse, was brought for her father to ride.
When they were ready to start, her papa put Polly on, then
mounted himself. She called back :-—
‘“Good-by, mamma dearest. Good-by, Dickey Dan.â€
And away she went, as happy as a birdie. A moment
after they were out of sight, a small stage drove up. Mamma.
auntie,and Robbie got in; then they stopped by the hotel to get
Doctor and Mrs. Hilbrace and Eugene. Guy Birch was to
drive them. Jasper put the box of lunch in. Sophia took her
seat with Guy, as they were good friends, and they were both
interested in the pleasure of the day.
Polly would often say :—
“Tam glad Guy and Sophia are so kind to each other, for
he comes down at night and sits on the steps with her, to keep
her from getting lonely, and we are not afraid when he is there,
for he cou:d make even a lion and a bear run if he whooped at
The large flag was brought out, rolled up in paper, and put
under the seat. When they started, Echo started too. But
Mrs. Rosebery told Guy to please stop and take the dog in
with them; so he took him in and placed him in front with
Sophia and himself.
Echo seemed to like the ride very much,and looked around
with a saucy air, as if quite proud of the honor conferred on him.
They now took the stage road to the haunted house. They
had a lovely ride, and reached the pine grove just as Polly and
her father galloped up. Polly was greatly surprised, and called
to her mamma :—
“OQ mamma, what does this mean? . All of my family and
my friends too. Are we going to have a picnic?â€
“Yes, and something else too,†said her mamma.
Eugene ran up to her and lifted her off the pony, and said:
“T will bet you a big cheese that you can’t tell what we
came for.â€
She looked at the three solemn Indians standing by, hold-
ing saws and hammers, and said, with a very pretty smile :—
“Going to fasten poor Echo and me in the haunted house?â€
Eugene laughed, and, taking her hand, said, ‘‘Come along.â€
When they all reached the cabin, Polly’s father told her he
had bought the place for her, and the large flag Guy Birch held
was to float from the high pine tree, close to the house, and that
white cloth on the house she disliked so much should be taken
The Indians began to prepare the tree-for its new honors.
When all was ready, Polly caught the line and drew the “‘glori-
ous Stars and Stripes†up to the top,and as it unfurled our dear
colors, three cheers went up from everyone, and every hat was
thrown into the air, except Robbie’s; he kept his on, and held
it with both hands, saying :—
“T don’t ’ont to spoil mine new hat.â€
Mr. Rosebery took Polly’s hand in his, and they went into
the little cabin, and Polly said :—
“There is the corner I made that little bed for Echo and
me to sleep in, and, O papa, there is the napkin I left... It had
the supper that mamma sent me by Echo. Jt was the best sup-
per I ever did eat. The big owl sat on that stick up there, and
‘tended just like he was going to fly down on me.â€
Mamma and Eugene came in, and Polly hid her face in
her mamma’s dress to have a little cry. She just then remem-
bered how she missed her that night when she went to sleep.
Echo came up to Polly and touched her with his cold nose,
just as he did in the mountain. She jumped, as if no one was
near to take care of her.
At noon they had a delicious lunch, prepared by Sophia
and Guy. The ladies sat and talked after it was over, and the
gentlemen were busily engaged directing the Indians to take
down the old house, and making plans for the pretty new one
that was to take its place.
Polly’s property consisted of forty acres, and her father
intended the grounds to be planted out in a vegetable garden,
and to raise chickens and turkeys.
When they were nearly ready to start home, Eugene tied
Polly with mamma’s dress ribbons and said, ‘‘] am determined
you shall not get lost this time.†And he did not untie her till
her father came to put her on the pony.
On the way back they drove around to the sawmill, to order
the lumber for Polly’s cottage. It was sucha busy place. Fifty
men were working, some piling up the pretty redwood boards,
others loading big strong wagons ready to take away to build
houses in the neighborhood.
Polly handed the foreman a folded paper, which her father
had written out for the lumber.
This little “landlady†was not accustomed to handling
papers of such importance, but she gave it with a bright smile,
saying :—
“Can you build it for me to-morrow ?â€
“No, little miss, not in one day, but we can begin it, then
I can turn it over to you in a month.â€
She was a little disappointed, for she thought it could be
built in one day.
“Well, I would like it ever so pretty, all green and white,
with a kitchen and parlor, and a nice place for the dishes.’
“Are you going to housekeeping?†he asked, with a sup-
pressed smile.
She looked at him with.a wide-awake look in her big eyes.
‘ No, sir,†she said; then turned to her father and asked, ‘Papa,
what am I going to do with my house?â€
He looked very wise and said, “I have engaged a good
tenant for you.â€
“Who, papa?â€
“T will tell you when we get home,†he said.
Mamma, auntie, Doctor and Mrs. Hilbrace smiled at each
other. Eugene said something to her father in a whisper, then
laughed. Sophia's face turned red as a live coal, and surely as
hot as one. She thought Guy Birch gave her a sly look as he
caressed Robbie. They continued their drive home,and all had
something to say about the new house except Sophia. She
kept perfectly still, but her face would get red in spite of her
hard fanning.
When Polly was helped from Frank, she ran up the steps
and waited until her father got off of his horse and came near,
then she called out to. him :—
‘Now, papa, do tell me who is to live in my house?â€
Sophia was glad that they were driving away when this
interesting question was asked again. Her papa sat down on
the steps and took her on his knee. She gave him a sweet kiss
and said :—
“Now, dear papa, I do want to know who is to live in my
pretty new cottage. Do tell me; I am most ’sploding to hear.â€
“Well, Sophia and Guy are to be married in a month, and
I have promised them your house to live in. What do you
think of it?â€
“O papa, I am so ’prised and glad too. Sophia will not be
afraid. You’member how she made a tramp runaway from the
barnyard one night? and she is not one bit afraid of ghosts
either. When she hears a noise at night, she will run out and
say: ‘Who there? I'll sharpen my gun for you if you don't
Sophia did not look like a courageous girl, but she was
‘brave, as all California girls are. She had been Robbie's nurse,
and her devotion to him was well remembered by Mr. and Mrs.
Tee month was an interesting one to Polly, and indeed
to all the family, for they were going to see Sophia mar-
ried and well started in housekeeping.
Polly’s parents took a flying visit to the big city, and while
there ordered furniture for the house. It was to be Polly's
mamma's bridal present to Sophia.
Auntie gave all of the household linen and dainty curtains;
Folly’s present was a rosebud set of dishes, and Robbie’s, the
pretty bridal dress of soft white mull. It was his own idea, for
he had heard Polly talking about the gifts, and he said :—
“T’]l give her a lozely white d’ess like ’orn.â€
Sophia was touched deeply when the little man gave her
the parcel with the dress already made up (mamma’s forethought
while inthe city). It was a beauty she thought, and she said:—
“Robbie, I will be married in it and then keep it pretty as
long as I live, to remember you.â€
When the twenty-first day of July came, Sophia’s wedding
day, everything in the pretty new cottage was ready for her.
Polly had made many visits to the house while it was being
built, and all the arrangements about the furniture she had taken
a lively interest in. The house had a pretty sitting room, two
chambers, a dining room, and a cunning little kitchen.
( 140 ) ;
Mrs. Carroll had sent a bountiful supply of good things to
eat. Indeed, the pantry and safe were filled to overflowing.
Mr. Carroll had sent a pretty little Jersey cow, one that Sophia
was very fond of and had named Cowslip.
The wedding was to take place at three o'clock in the after-
noon, in the parlor of the hotel.
Mr. Singleton, the minister, came up to perform the cere-
mony. Polly was dressed in a sweet little white dress, and
Robbie in a white kilt and jacket. They could hardly wait
until the time came.
Polly said to her aS “Tam more ’cited than I was
when I had my party.†|
A few moments before three o clock Mrs. Hilbrace began
to play a beautiful wedding march on the parlor organ, and
Sophia and Guy Birch walked in, Mr. and Mrs. Rosebery just
behind them.
Polly’s papa gave the pretty bride away, and when they
were married, everybody shook hands with them, and Robbie
had the first kiss, after her husband.
A delicious lunch was ready for the bride and groom at
the Rosebery cottage, and Robbie sat close to the bride and
held her fan while they ate.
While Sophia was changing her dress, after the feast was
over, before they started to their new home, Guy Birch came
up to Polly and handed her a bright ten-dollar gold piece. She
looked surprised and then said:—
“Thank you; mamma does not wish me to take money
from anyone.â€
He laughed and said, “Oh, this is your rent money, Miss
She could not be induced to take it until her father
explained that it was proper for her to do so, and that it was
her very own,to do just as she pleased with. She then took it.
When the bride and groom came out to start, there stood
Bob Westfall and Starlight in a new “Johnny Gee,†Mr, Rose-
bery’s present to Sophia.
She was so happy that she wept for joy. She thanked the
‘Roseberys for their kindness to her, and, taking Robbie up in
her arms, she kissed him over and over.
Mamma said cheerily, “Say good-by to Mrs. Birch.†At
this Sophia laughed, and, getting into her new rig, they drove
off, with ever so many pairs of old shoes thrown after them.
Polly’s lucky boots, as she called the ones she had on when she
was lost, she threw straight at the bride but they hit “Mr.
Birch,†as Robbie now called him.
She said, “I know they will bring good luck, for one of
them Echo brought to you, mamma, and the other J chased the
old owl away with, when he was going to fly down on me that
Polly looked at the shining piece of gcld in her palm, and
a generous thought came into her young head. She went to
her mamma and said :— .
“Dear mamma, you ’member the poor little children we
sent our money to last year?â€
‘Quite well, my darling. You mean the Orphanage in the
city,†said mamma.
“Well, mamma, I should love to send my first rent money
to be spent for those little children. I want to give it for a
thank—what is it, mamma?â€
“Thank offering, you mean.â€
“Ves, that is it.â€
Her mamma took her dear little girl in her arms and kissed
her tenderly, saying :—
‘“‘T am pleased that my precious child thinks of others when
she is blessed. I hope you will always do so.â€
That evening Polly’s parents talked about her desire, and
thought it best to let her do as she pleased about giving it to
the Orphanage, as they wished to encourage this tender senti-
ment in their lovely child.
Mr. and Mrs. Rosebery would go to San Francisco in ten
days, on important business, and decided to take Polly with
them. It would give her a delightful change, and let her go to the
Orphanage and see it, and present her gift with her own hand.
Next morning when she was told that she was to go to the
big city she loved so dearly to visit, she was the happiest child
in the Golden State. She rushed into her auntie’s room and
said :—
“Auntie mine, what do you think? I am going to San
Francisco with my papa and mamma next week, and I am going
—to—-that— place —where—the—little—childrén— live—who
—haven’t—any—parents,—like—I-—-have. You—know—how
—dearly—I—love —to—go—to—the—Palace—Hoiel, and—
to-—the—Golden—Gate— Park,—-and—the—big—stores—too.
144 POLLY’ S'ETO Me.
She was nearly out of breath by the time she got through,
and her auntie took her into her lap and said:—
“Tam nearly as glad as you are, for I know how my pet
enjoys going. You have not been there for some time. Do
you know Dr. and Mrs. Hilbrace and Eugene are to go then,
and I was just thinking of the ride Eugene promised you the
first time you go to the city.â€
“Oh, I did not think of that jolly ride to the park!†said
Auntie then said, ‘What am I going to do without my
pretty Poll?â€
‘Bubba will comfort you, I know he will,†she answered.
‘Auntie, do you think my papa and mamma are going to take
~ me because I was lost?â€
“Tt may be that is the reason,†her auntie answered.
Polly looked grave for a moment, then said, “Auntie, why
did our heavenly Father let me get lost that time?â€
Auntie looked at the sweet face, and said: “] do not know,
but do you not think you would be willing to suffer a little while
for so many pleasures to come from it? First, you had the faith-
ful dog show his pretty attachment for you; then the house
you were so much afraid of was made a protection and a refuge
from the lion; then Eugene showed what a brave, kind friend he
could be; and you thought when you returned that you were the
happiest little girl in the world, because your papa and mamma
and everybody loved you so much. Just think, when you look
from Eagle Pass down in the valley, you will.see our beautiful
POLLEY S10 Ne 145
flag instead of that white cloth, and your own pretty cottage,
with Sophia there, in place of the haunted house and hooting
“O dear auntie, yes; I would get lost once more, for just
to have my pretty house and to visit Sophia there. You forgot
my rent money to give tothe poor little orp , what are they ?â€â€
“Orphans, you mean.â€
“Auntie, am I going to get any more money from my
“Yes, every month ten dollars, and after a while you will
get more money from your chickens, turkeys, and vegetables.
Your father sent the poultry yesterday, and Indian Buck and
his squaw Grip to take care of them. Sophia is to oversee the
ranch while Guy is away driving during the summer season.â€
“Do you think any more lions will come and try to get in
like they did that night?†As Polly finished speaking she
shuddered with fear as if still in hearing of her foe.
Her auntie pressed her to her heart, and said: “ My pretty
puss need not fear; you will never hear the lion again. And I
think if they do come, they will soon drop on the steps, just as
yours did. Maybe Sophia can shoot them herself, you know
how brave she is.â€
Polly said: “And Grip will help her. You ’member she
trapped a young bear and brought him to her cabin one night
in a fish basket. Guy said so, and he saw the little bear.â€
[tens Polly was to start to the city was hailed with -
‘A joy, and she was ready to start long before the stage
drove tothe door; but when it did come, she was at
breakfast, and missed seeing the flourish the four black horses
made as they pranced around the park fence. They were in
high spirits, and it was just as much as the driver could do to
hold them, until Guy Birch went to their heads and petted and
smoothed them into proper manners.
When breakfast was over, our travelers came out and took
their seats in the stage. Three tourists sat on the back seat,
the ladies and Polly on the middle, and the gentlemen on the
front one.
Poor little Robbie was greatly distressed at being left, but
as Polly promised him a steam engine when she came back, he
was comforted and said he had better stay and take care of
auntie anyway.
“Good-by†was said by all, then Guy Birch let the horses
go, and off they dashed for the foothills, where they would take
the train for the city. .
Robbie caught his auntie’s hand and said :—
“T’ll take good care of ’oo while Polly is gone, and ’oo
may take care of me a ’ittle.â€
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BOLTS: 11ON; 147
Polly did always so enjoy the ride in the mountains. The
bracing air, beautiful trees, and high peaks, sometimes covered
with snow, gave her pleasure she could not quite describe, but
she looked as appreciative as those who could.
Long before they reached Eagle Pass, Polly had been on
the lookout for it, and as the horses neared the curve in the
road, she stood up ready to catch the first view of “my flag,â€
as she called it.
“Oh, look, there it is!†and all looked for the glorious
Stars and Stripes. Polly was overjoyed, and clapped her hands,
and called out: “There is Sophia Standing inthe door. Do you
see her?â€
Sure enough Sophia was there, waving her handkerchief at
Polly. The flag waved in the morning breeze, and was a cheer-
ful sight to Polly and her parents and friends,
Polly was delighted with the appearance of her cottage,
and said :—
“Mamma, it does looks so much better than the haunted
house. I am glad it is painted white. It looks so pretty in
the green trees, and the white palings are so nice, and will help
to keep out the lions.â€
Eugene said: “Polly, you had better sell the place to me,
and I will build a big hotel, and make plenty of money, and tell
the tourists all about your getting lost, and your adventure with
the ghosts, owl, and lion.â€
Polly reminded him of her cottage, and the money for the
little children, and Sophia living there. ‘I am too glad to give
it away to anyone,†she added, with a bright smile.
The driver now turned to Polly and said, “Miss Polly, you
just spoiled my finest story, by all those pretty doings down
Dr. Hilbrace answered, “You had better thank Miss Polly
for giving you a beautiful sequel to your story.â€
The driver took off his hat and bowed very low and said:
“IT thank you, Miss Polly. I did not think about that, and the
new story will be a capital one, and I will tell all about how
Mr. Eugene shot the lion and carried off the little lady. And
I can tell the finest dog story that ever was ‘yarned’ by a stage
When they drove on, our little Polly was the happiest
child you ever saw.
Granite Gulch was reached at noon, and our friends rested
and had a refreshing lunch,
The proprietor and his wife, and many of the servants, had
heard of Polly’s thrilling adventure, and they paid her many
compliments. She thanked them for their kind words, and
answered their many questions in her own sweet, childlike way.
But she grew eloquent when she told them about her house, and
flag, and Sophia living there, where the haunted house used to
Before they reached Sequoia, a small town in the foothills,
the weather was fearfully hot. Polly had taken off her cloak,
and even the little white dress was too much for comfort, but
she was a lover of traveling, and did not complain. Sequoia.
was the place they took dinner and rested a few hours waiting
for the train to come along.
It was ten o'clock at night when it came, and Polly was
put to bed at once, and did not know anything about the long
distance they came while she slept.
The train reached Oakland in the morning, and Polly was
ready for the many pleasures she was to have this first day in
the great city. She was ready and eager to start before her
parents were thinking of going.
She now needed her warm cloak again. When she went
on board the ferryboat to cross the bay, her father took her out-
side of the cabin to see the beautiful ships and boats on the bil-
lowy waters. Polly was delighted with the little fishing boats,
with their snowy sails.
Eugene pointed out ever so many things of interest to her,
and said when they parted:—
‘Remember you are to go to the park with me to-morrow
morning and try the speed of my ponies.â€
The Roseberys went directly to the Palace Hotel, where
they always stopped while in the city. Polly was fond of going
ahead of her parents to find the elevator all by herself.
In the afternoon Polly went with her parents to the Orphan-
age, to see the little children and present her thank offering.
Sister Helen, who had charge of the institution, received them
graciously, and took them all over the building. The first ward
they visited had the oldest children in it. While Mr. and Mrs.
Rosebery were looking at the number of beds, and Sister Helen
was talking to them, a thin, pale-faced little girl called Polly to
her, and, catching hold of Polly’s pretty dark green plush cloak,
“What a real beauty youare? Where did you come from?â€
Polly was so surprised that she just looked at the big brown
eyes, as they seemed to feast on her loveliness.
Presently she gave Polly a playful shake and said, “Are
you deaf and dumb?â€
This brought Polly to herself, and she said: ““No. Why
are you in bed in daytime? I never go to bed while it is light,
unless | am hurt or sick.â€
“Tam hurt; I had my leg broken while jumping off the
cars on Market Street. I fainted away, and when I woke I was ,
Polly looked at the poor little limb as it iay under the cover,
and said: “I am so sorry for you. Does it hurt you now?â€
The child nodded her head in appreciation, and continued,
“You are the prettiest child ever came in here.â€
Polly said, “Robbie is ever so much prettier than me.â€
“Who is Robbie?†she said.
“My brother. He has beautiful curls; everybody ’mires
‘Well, no boy could be as beautiful as you are.â€
Here the conversation was ended by Sister Helen taking
her guests to another ward. After they had visited the other
places of interest, they sat down in the parlor, and Mr. Rose-
bery told about Polly’s gift. Sister Helen’s eyes filled with
tears as Polly took her ten dollars out of her purse, and, putting
it in her hand, said:— ;
“Madam, will you please tell me the name of that poor
little girl who was talking to me,â€
“Her name is Irene Russell. Is my sweet little Polly in-
terested in her ?â€
Polly said: ‘I feel so sorry that she can’t walk. May I
send her some books to read?â€
“Yes, I would be glad if you will;†and she said to mamma:
‘She came to us three weeks ago, and is a very bright, observ-
ing child, but it will be a long time before she is able to take
her place as nurse girl again. [| will try to keep her here even
when she recovers, if possible, for she is alone in the city, and
too young to earn her living.â€
As they went out on the busy street again, Polly’s heart
was with the lame child, and she said:—
“Mamma, dear, can we take Irene home with us.â€
“No, my darling,†said her mamma, ‘‘I think it best for
her to stay where she will have proper treatment until she is
well, and then we will see.â€
Next morning Doctor Hilbrace called at the hotel with
their beautiful carriage. The horses were the ones that Eugene
had told the children about, and their names were Jim and
Mr. and Mrs. Rosebery and Doctor and Mrs. Hilbrace
took their seats, and Polly stood looking until the doctor said
with a smile:—
“My little lady, you promised to go with Eugene.â€
Just then Eugene drove up with a pair of the prettiest
cream-colored ponies you ever saw, so gentle and intelligent
that Polly tried to smooth their faces.
“Oh, Romeo and Juliet,†she said, ‘are lovely, and your
buggy is so nice and little!â€
Eugene said, “It is big enough to hold us,†and he lifted
her up and placed her on the seat, then got in and said, ‘Come,
pets,†to the ponies, and they started in front of the large car-
riage, Polly looking back to get the sweet smile her mamma had
for her, and to give one in return.
They drove to Golden Gate Park, and it did look just like
fairyland, as they drove in the wide avenue.
The morning was lovely, as nearly all the mornings are in
this peerless park. Polly enjoyed seeing the children riding the
stupid little donkeys, and the goat carts, and the fun the children
had in riding in them. One goat particularly amused Polly and
Eugene. He would go very nicely for a while, then run into the
bank and upset the cart, and seemed to enjoy it as much as the
children did. But it is doubtful if anything’ in the park was more
attractive to the crowds of children than Eugene’s ponies, and
pretty Polly sitting behind them.
Polly spent a delightful day, and felt as if she would never
get tired, riding, walking, eating, and talking.
The Roseberys were to dine at Dr. Hilbrace’s, and when
they drove back to the house, it was dinner time.
Eugene devoted himself to entertaining his little guest, and
Pollie said, when she was starting :— .
“T have had a beautiful day. I thank you, Eugene, ever
so much.â€
The next day was Sunday, and when Polly was told that
she was to attend service in a large church, ever so much larger
than the little chapel at home, she was delighted and very talk-
ative, saying to her mamma, as she was being dressed in her
prettiest and newest suit :——
‘“Mamma, | am real 'joyed that we are going to that lovely
church that papa showed me yesterday, and to see that big bell
again in the high tower. Shall we see the bishop lay his hands
on some of the people’s heads like he did on Sophia’s that time?
and will I hear Eugene sing in the shore [meaning choir]? He
said he sang in church, you know. And will we seea large
crowd of people like we saw at the park? Oh, I do love to
see plenty of people at church! Don’t you, mamma?â€
Her mamma said she did love to see a large congregation
at service, and answered all of Polly’s questions, much to her
As soon as she was dressed, she put her tiny gloved hand
in her father’s, and said :—
‘Papa, please let us go just now. I amawfully afraid we
will be too late. Do come right now.â€
Polly had to wait about half an hour, but it seemed to her
like three long hours before she heard the great bell begin to
ring; then she jumped as if she had not been listening for it
until her heart beat too fast to count.
The walk to church was enjoyed by our little girl; indeed,
she had a keen pleasure in seeing the streets full of well-dressed
people, and especially children. She looked at them with a
sweet friendliness that was sure to make them smile and look
back at her for a parting glance.
When they reached the door of the church, a gentleman
kindly offered to give them seats, and when he stopped at a
front pew and bowed for them to enter, Polly felt like thanking
him herself, as she was well pleased that they were to sit so near
the beautiful stained glass windows in the chancel.
She had not yet tired of looking and wondering at the
bright pictures in the windows when the grand organ began to
play, softly at first, then louder and louder, until she felt alarmed;
but when she looked at her father and saw that he was not
frightened, she gave herself no more concern about it, but
thought, ‘I will tell Robbie I heard real thunder music.â€
The loud rumbling sound of the organ changed to a famil-
iar air, one that Polly loved dearly, her favorite hymn, “Onward,
Christian Soldiers.†She had heard it at church and at home
so often that she knew it at once, and listened with pleasure.
Polly did not know that she was to have such a rich treat
in sound and sight before many seconds, for she had never heard
or seen a choir of boys, and when an outburst of sweet voices
began to sing the first verse of her hymn, she was astonished and
looked to see who was singing. She did not wait long before a
door to the right of the chancel opened, and a long procession
came out and walked down the side aisle. They were vested in
long black cassocks with fine white cottas over them. Polly
was deeply impressed by their appearance, and turned to her
father with tears in her eyes, and her sweet lips quivering with
emotion, and whispered :—
‘Papa, they look like angels.â€
Her father pressed her hand and said, ‘‘They are choir
She gave him a rainbow smile and turned her attention to
the procession, as they came up the middle aisle.
Polly had not yet recognized Eugene, who led the proces-
sion and carried the cross. As he passed close to his little
friend, he found it hard to sing in his usual clear voice while
she was looking at him with awestruck eyes.
The bishop and rector came after the boys, and all entered
the chancel and knelt in prayer.
Polly was a good child in church, and was attentive and
respectful during the service, but the choir boys were uppermost
in her busy little head, for just as soon as they got out on the
street again, she said to her mother:—
“Mamma, do you think those shore boys are so much
better than other boys? They look good, like the minister,
and I watched them, and they did not laugh and push each
other. Do you think it would ’prove [improve] Downey
Boone if he were to sing with them, and wear pretty clean
clothes like they had on?â€
Polly was thinking of Downey’s ability to sing. He had
a lovely voice and was fond of singing. Her mother thought
it would surely improve Downey Boone if he was clothed in the
beautiful vestments, and she was thinking of something else
too, that her little daughter suggested, and that was to have
Downey’s voice cultivated for the choir, and she thought it pos-
sible to have a choir of boys to sing in their little chapel at
home. And before six months mamma and Polly saw nineteen
boys enter the little chapel singing their favorite hymns.
Polly and her mother spent Monday shopping, and the
stores were so interesting to Polly. She saw everything her
mother purchased, and gave her opinion as to its beauty and
fitness for her auntie or Robbie.
She thought the people in the stores were so kind and
obliging to show them all the pretty new things, and as for the
fine toys, she thought they looked much finer than they did at
Christmas when she was in the big city.
She took out her purse and counted her money; then she
asked her mamma to take her to Mr. Doxey’s book store. She
bought a pretty storybook, then asked to go to Maskey’s candy
store. She made a choice of fine candies and asked for them to
be put into a nice, pretty box. She then stopped on the street
and bought a large bunch of pinks.
Her mamma had noticed with much pleasure the intense
interest she had taken in these purchases, and had refrained from
saying anything to her, wishing to see how she would shop
without her suggestions.
Polly’s sweet, eager eyes and trembling little hand showed
that she was under some unusual emotion. At last she looked
up at her mother with a pleading smile and said :—
“Dearest mamma, would you mind going back to the Or-
p'age with me. I want to give these things to that poor little
girl I talked to.â€
Mamma readily consented to go, and soon they were on
their way in a cable car. When they reached the house, Polly
ran up the steps and rang the bell. Mammaasked to see Sister
Helen, and told of Polly’s errand. The sister was glad to see
them, and led the way to the ward where Irene Russell was.
Polly’s cloak seemed to spread out like wings as she fairly flew
down the long room until she reached the little cot she was look-
ing for. Irene was propped up in the bed to rest. She looked
so sad and dejected; her head rested on her hands, and tears
ran through her fingers. She did not see Polly until she got
close to her side and had called her name. She then started
like one who had been dreaming, and looked at Polly for a mo-
ment before she spoke.
“T was just thinking about you. When did you come?â€
she said, while she wiped the tears from her face and hands.
Polly was deeply touched, and wept too. Irene put her
arms around Polly, and said in a cheery voice :—
“You mustn't cry; your eyes look like two big stars out in
the rain.â€
Both laughed then, and Polly handed the pinks to Irene
and said, “I brought you some spicy beauties.â€
She took them and said, “Are they for me, all my own?â€
Polly nodded and smiled, then gave the box of candy.
The book she put behind her, looking sweet and saucy as she
said, ‘‘Guess what else I have for you.†|
Irene tried to see, but Polly kept the book a secret until
mamma and Sister Helen came up, then she gave it, with a
good-by kiss, and said, ‘I am going to come to see you every
time I come to the city.â€
Mrs. Rosebery spoke words of cheer and comfort to Irene,
then, taking Polly’s hand, left the ward. Irene looked up at the
sister and said :—
“Sister Helen, did I thank little Polly for her kindness to
Sister Helen did not hear her, but assured her that Polly
understood that she was grateful for her kindness.
“Indeed I am, but she is so lovely, I forget everything
when I see her, even my manners.â€
Y OU will not be surprised when I tell you that Polly’s
purse was empty, and mamma’s too, when they returned
to the cars to go back to the mountains. But they had
some lovely things instead packed away in the trunk for the
dear ones at Sylvan Hall.
Polly was tired enough to go to sleep when the porter pre-
pared the beds. She kissed her parents good-night, and, as her
papa helped her into the upper berth, she patted his cheek and
said, ‘You are the sweetest and biggest darling in California.â€
To be the biggest in the State was the highest compliment she
could pass on anyone, she thought. Polly was too sleepy to
know anything about the long journey made during the night,
but she was awake bright and early.
Sequoia was reached by morning. All went to the Yosem-
ite House for breakfast. It was a well-kept house, and the food
was appetizing.
Promptly at seven o'clock the stage rattled up to the steps.
As usual Polly was ready to start; as her father lifted her in,
-she said :—
“Oh, I am so glad that I will see my dear Dickey Dan and
auntie Lorrain before night! I do wish people could fly like
( 159 )
Her father said, “But, remember, you might get shot, or
die in many other ways, by traveling in such a birdlike way.â€
She looked at her papa with a merry smile, and said, ‘“]
would fly too high for anyone to shoot me.â€
The stage was going to be full this time, and Polly scanned
the passengers as they came out, to see if she knew any of them,
and if there were any children. She did so love those’ of her
own age. No matter how common the child was, she was
ready to exchange a sweet look and divide her goodies, or give
all she had, if that were but little. The big sweet eyes loaked
sad when no little ones came out, and she turned to her mamma
and said, ‘‘I.do wish there were some chilern going.â€
But a youth of seventeen made his appearance, and was
amusing at least to Polly. He wore knee breeches and red
stockings and a black and white striped jacket. The stripes
were at least an inch wide. His. limbs were as perfect as
nature could make them. He had an open, fair face. His cap
back on his head gave him an innocent look. He walked up to
the driver and said :—
“Driver, do you have robbers on this road?â€
“Well, we get ‘stood up’ sometimes,†said the driver, and,
seeing a brave look in his eyes, he continued, ‘We have had
two since I have been on the wing.â€
“How long has that been?†the boy asked.
“Ten years this month.â€
The youth was evidently delighted at the idea of being
“stood up.†He took a seat behind Polly. A number of tour-
ists listened with interest, then put their hands on their pockets
and shook their heads.
The driver stretched out his long whip and gave it one of
those sharp cracks, and the horses leaped forward, but they
sobered down to hard work when they began to ascend the first
high place. After they had been on the way three hours, the
grand scenery was all-absorbing, and even those who had seen
it before were silent with wondering admiration.
Polly always had a lovely time, and this morning she
chatted away to her mamma about their visit, friends, and the
dear ones at the cottage. She was now looking out for the
signs she knew so well near Granite Gulch, and was standing up
before her father was ready to take her out,
She had a ready smile for everyone she knew, and a good
appetite for lunch, The youth with the striped jacket sat oppo-
site to Polly at the table, and once he smiled at her and said, “I
have a little sister about your age at home.†Polly smiled in
return, and after this they were friends.
When they resumed their journey, he sat behind Polly and
asked many questions about the valley and hotels in it. Polly
was well posted in matters concerning her beloved valley.
In the afternoon, when they were passing through one of
those forests of giant trees, a sudden halt caused the passengers
to jump, then look with bewilderment first on one side and then
on the other.
“Hands up,†was called out by a loud voice, and the gen-
tlemen’s hands went up. At the horses’ heads stood a tall man,
with a black mask on, and a pistol in his hand. He held the
horses in the lead. They plunged and backed, but he held on.
Two other men came out from behind the trees, and stood near
the stage. Both were masked. One had two pistols, and the
other but one. The latter placed his hand on the side of the
stage and said :— .
“Shell out, gentlemen. Ladies, your diamonds, pins, and
cash, if you please.â€
He looked directly at Polly, and his eyes appeared mon-
strous through the large holes cut in the black mask. She was
scared but fascinated by his odd appearance. He said to her:
“Beauty, what have you got for a poor man?â€
She had courage to say, “I gave my ten dollars to the poor
“That's a pity,†he answered. ‘You have a ring,†and he
looked at the little ring on her finger.
She turned it round once or twice, then took it off. She
thought about it being her birthday gift, and great tears stood
in her eyes. She leaned over to hand it to him, and a tear
dropped in his hand. Just then the robber with the two pistols
said, ‘‘Let the pretty kid keep her ring.’ The one who had
asked for her treasure closed his hand on the tear and said,
“This pearl will do.â€
It was well he did, for the outs behind Polly was ready to
strike him a blow with his fist.
Polly’s father was on the seat with the driver, and held the
horses, when one of the robbers called out to the driver, “Throw
out the mail and express box.†It was with some effort he
dragged the heavy box and mail bag out from under the seat,
and threw them out.in the road.
One of the robbers touched his hat to Polly’s father, and
said, “Judge, remember mercy if we are brought to trial.†Mr.
Rosebery promised them a “scorching†if caught, and he did,
too; he sent two of them to San Quentin State Prison for ten
years, but the one who held the two pistols got away.
The man holding the horses shouted to the others, “Hurry
up there, or I will put a head on you both.†He seemed to be
the leader. By this time the gentlemen had emptied out their
treasures, in all fifty dollars in money, three gold watches, and
some pins,
Mrs. Rosebery gave a silver pin, the only ornament she
wore in traveling. An old lady sitting in the back seat had
not been noticed until now. The robber who took the things
looked past two other passengers and said :—
“Mother, hand out your bag of gold.â€
She raised up and looked at him over her glasses and said:
“Don’t you call me mother. I wouldn’t own one of your stripe.
My Tommie said, when | left Kansas, ‘Mother, look out for
rattlesnakes in the S’ara Mountains,’ and here you be in human
All laughed, and the robber said in a positive voice, “Stop
your rattletrap, and give me your money, or I'll get in and
search you.â€
She sat down, saying, “You may search me, but you will
not find anything to pay for the trouble.â€
The robbers heard sounds of wheels in the distance, and
the leader called out, “Let ’em go.†He stood aside, and the
horses started as if nothing had happened. The passengers
looked at each other; some smiled, others frowned.
The driver said, “Stood up.†The youth looked supremely
happy. He did not lose anything, and he had met with an ad-.
venture worth telling when he went home to New York.
Polly drew a long breath and said, “Mamma, that one who
called.me a kid was very kind to tell the other one to let me
keep my ring.â€
Polly’s papa was not alarmed. He knew if they made
no resistance, they would not be harmed. But, after all, no one
was as badly scared as they might have been.
At five o’clock in the afternoon they reached Sylvan Hall.
Robbie and auntie were ready to meet their dear dusty travel-
ers, and Polly was wild with joy. She was the first to tell:
about the robbers, and you never saw such a listening crowd of
people as gathered around the stage. You could hear, “Stood
up†or “Robbed,†from almost everyone. Many wished that
they had been in the stage, so that they could tell about a veal
stage robbery.
7 WOLLY was eager to start the next morning to see
LP Sophia, but mamma said her little girl must rest a
few days before she took any more trips. She did not
think that little childrén should have too much excitement and
notice. Polly was disappointed, but she knew that her mamma
was always right 'in such things, and said :—
“Dear mamma, will you please let me go before I go to
Sweetbrier, for I have so much to tell Sophia about our chick-
ens? Did papa say that Sophia was'to have half of the money
when our chickens and eggs were sold ?â€
Mamma said that was the agreement, and kissed the sweet
lips, so ready to talk about business.
The Rosebery’s trunk was to come the morning after they
arrived, and Polly had been looking for it two hours before it
was due. The big wagon rumbled up the road and stopped at the
door, and Jasper took the trunk to the cottage and unstrapped
it while the little ones were at breakfast. They were so vexed
when they came out to know that they had not ‘been out to see
it done. |
Robbie said some very naughty things, and Jasper said
with a laugh, ‘‘You are not my boss.†Robbie well knew if Jas-
per. told about him he would be punished, and thought it best to
( 165 )
say no more, but he told Polly, ‘Jas’er is the worst cad I ever
saw.†He had no idea what a ‘‘cad†was,
Polly soon forgot all about the vexations when the trunk
was opened. Her mamma had put her parcels on the top, so
she could have them the first thing.
Her present to auntie was a beautiful gray feather fan, with
a dainty silver chain attached. Robbie’s steam engine was one
to make glad a boy’s heart, painted red, with yellow stripes. He
went to the kitchen and wanted Wing Lee to put fire inside to
make it run, and when he was told that he would spoil it, he
started out to ask his father if it were true; but he did havea
fine time even without a fire.
Polly did go to see Sophia in her pretty new cottage, and
all the family had a nice time.
Guy had made two little rocking chairs,and Sophia had
cushioned them prettily with bright cretonne, for the children to
sit in when they came to see them.
It was a happy day to Sophia and Guy when they could
welcome their generous friends to their own home. They had
a delicious country dinner ready when they drove up, and in-
sisted on their staying all day. Polly added her sweet pleading
voice; so they stayed. She well knew that she would get some
of Sophia’s delicious chicken soup.
The children were both pleased and surprised to see ise
the little dog with short tail and broken leg, sitting on the door-
step, quite at his ease. Sophia had taken pity on him and given
him a home.
Guy had something of interest to show the children, and
took them out to the barnyard. ‘ There they saw a small house
made of laths under a big sugar pine tree, and in it, on a perch,
sat Old Wonder Eyes. He turned his big three-cornered head
from side to side and watched them with his great golden eyes.
The children were delighted, and Polly greeted him with :—
“How-de-do, old fellow? You ’mind me of that horwid
night. Did I break your toe that time? Let me see,†and,
picking up a lath, she tried to raise him up from his perch to
see his toe.
He fluffed out his feathers and gave a loud hoot, that made
Polly drop the stick and rush to the house. In her haste she
plunged into a bunch of golden-rods, demolishing the pretty
flowers and soiling her dainty sky-blue dress. Seeing that the
owl was not after. her, she returned. Guy laughed heartily, and
Robbie just threw himself on the ground and shouted with fun.
They both wanted to know how the owl came to be in this nice
little house, and Guy told them that he had set a trap for him,
and had caught him too. Polly plead with Guy to let him out,
and Robbie said :-—
“No; do gize him to me and [’ll take him home and show
him to the ozer boys.â€
Oh, what a change had taken place since the night Polly
slept there! It was nowa pretty, cheerful country home. The
chickens and turkeys had become used to the place, and looked
so happy and well pleased with their new home. The geese
and ducks swam about the clear stream that flowed by the gar-
den ‘fence, giving out quacks of perfect peace. Bob Westfall
and Starlight grazed near the barn, and Sophia’s pretty Jersey
cow lowed as she looked through the palings at her calf.
This visit was the last time they were to see Sophia before
they returned to Sweetbrier. Polly and ‘Robbie were greatly
distressed at bidding her good-by, for they were very fond of
her. Polly said:—
“T am going to ’member you at Christmas, and you too,â€
she said, nodding to Guy.
He said, ‘I will remind you of us by cutting down and
sending you the prettiest Christmas tree in the State of Cali-
fornia,†and he did keep his promise.
When four o’clock in the afternoon came, they started back
to the hotel, feeling that “it is more blessed to give than to
When the Roseberys returned from their ride, the children
were delighted to find a large, bright fire in the parlor. They
danced in front of it in glee, now and then stopping to spread
out their rosy palms over the bright fender to get them warm.
It was the first day of September, and the evening was quite
cool. The fire reminded Polly of her dear Sweetbrier, and
when her father came in to take them out to dinner, she caught
hold of his hand and said:—
“Papa, I want to go home. I think Chrissy must be very
lonely all by herself so long, and I want to see Creampot.â€
While they were at dinner, the stage came in from Sequoia,
and among the passengers was a dear friend of the children,
Clarence Washington. His parents were with him, and when
the little Roseberys saw him coming into the'parlor-later in the
evening, they ‘were overjoyed.
Clarence had a beautiful fancy dress suit that had been
made for him to wear ata chrysanthemum fair, and*his mamma
dressed him in it to let them see how becoming it-was to him.
The colors were ‘red and white. Polly was much pleased with
his pretty sandals, and examined them with a desire to make
some like’them for her doll.
‘Clarence was a very desirable partner in the dances that
night in his pretty costume.
Robbie ‘was not so -well pleased with going home as his
sister was. The truth is that Robbie was-a great favorite with
everyone, and, young as he was, he had a high appreciation of
his friends, and, ‘besides, he -had a sweetheart, who was devoted
to him. She was grown up, but that did not make one bit of
difference to Robbie; ‘he loved her all:the same.
When mamma kissed him good-night, she noticed that he
was very sad, and he told her, “I dot somefing on my heart,
mamma, and—I dot to ‘tell ’oo.†Here ‘he was completely
overcome with grief, and sobbed out, “I ’ont—to—take—Miss
—Lettie home wif me.â€
Mamma comforted him with the suggestion that the next
morning he should ask Miss Lettie Carroll ‘to go home with
him. He then went to sleep -with a sweet smile on his. face,
thinking of the great pleasure of asking his dear Lettie to go
home and live with him, never doubting that she would really
be delighted to make her home at Sweetbrier.
The first thing he did next morning, after ne was dressed,
was to march off to the hotel; and, mounting the steps, he
walked up to Miss Lettie’s room, and thumped on the door
with his little soft fist.
“Come in,†came from his sweetheart, and he opened the
door, took off his hat, and said: —
“Dood-morning, Miss Lettie; I ’ont ’oo to go home wif
She was much amused at her little friend, and, taking him
on her lap, said that she could not leave her parents, as she was
all the child they had, but she would write sweet letters to him
very often, and he could come and see her every summer. He
was greatly pleased at the idea of getting letters from her all to
himself, and was quite reconciled until Thursday came, the day
of parting. Both shed tears, and big ones too.
Miss Lettie did remember to write the sweetest letters
that ever a little boy received, and she showed her love for him
in so many other ways. One morning after Robbie left she
was walking in the park, thinking of him, and noticed a very
familiar hat on the head of Tobin, the old man who kept the
grounds in order. She walked up to him and said:—
‘Tobin, where did you get that hat?â€
He answered, “It is a cast-away of lad Robbie’s, and sure
he is done with it, as you can see yourself,†and, taking it off,
twirled it round on his hand to show the many ventilators made
in the crown, and the pieces torn from the brim.
Miss Lettie said, “Come with me to the Snowplant,†the
little store close to the river.
When she had selected a hat that suited Tobin, she made
him a present of it. Taking the one her dear little friend used
to wear, she carried it to the parlor and laid it on the fire, and
stood watching with clasped hands until it burned to ashes.
HRISTMAS morning at Sweetbrier was a joyous time
indeed. Doctor and Mrs. Hilbrace and Eugene had
come down to spend the holidays with the Rose-
berys. They sat in the library waiting, the doctor and papa
talking. Mrs, Hilbrace was telling Polly all about a wonderful
dog at home, who was so devoted to Eugene. Auntie and
Eugene talked about the gifts) Mamma and Robbie were
behind the scene.
Presently everything was ready, and the parlor doors slid
back out of sight, and there stood the beautiful Christmas tree,
Guy’s offering, just dazzling with lights and gifts,
Polly looked. She did not run to the Christmas tree, as she
always had done, for a huge lion stood under the branches,
Eugene’s gift to her. He took her by the hand and led her up
to it, and said:—
“You remember I told you I would give it to the buz-
zards and coyotes if you didn’t promise you would not be afraid
of it.â€
She laid her hand on the monstrous head and smiled at
Eugene, and said: ‘I am not afraid of it, you see. Robbie
told me that it was a stuffed lion and couldn’t bite me. Please
escuse him; he was afraid I would be scared at it.â€
Robbie could not wait another minute. He advanced from
behind the tree with. a beautiful Maltese. kitten in his arms for
Echo. bounded out.from the hall at her. with a deafening
bark, and she threw her arms around. him, but he had seen the
lion, and: the hair stood up on his back, as.it- did when he first
heard him in the mountains. After a while he got used to see-
ing him standing by and was not. afraid.
Echo was.a gift from Mr. Carroll to Polly. Mr. Rosebery
said to Polly:—
“T hope my little girl is satisfied now. You can soon begin
a menagerie.â€
“Papa, I want one more.â€
Her father took her to the window and there stood pony
Frank at the hitching post, her father’s gift. She rushed into
his arms and said:—
“You knew what else I wanted. I thank you so very much
for pony Frank.â€
Mamma gave her a lovely big doll, and Mrs. Hilbrace
brought her a beautiful cradle for it; the doctor, a wonderful
music box, which could play a great many sweet tunes.
Robbie received gifts from all, and was now sitting under
the tree with his ‘“‘val’able†possessions around him.
Our little Polly had thought of others, and had bought, with
her mamma’s assistance, some beautiful presents for her parents
and friends.
Mamma and Polly had sent a box of goodies to Sophia and
Guy, to be opened on Christmas morning, for they were now
cut off from all the rest of the world by a deep snow in the
Irene Russell received a pretty wrapper from mamma, a
doll, a book, and a box of sweetmeats from Polly.
Polly had plenty of Christmas money, quite enough for a
little girl to spend for herself and others.
Sophia and Guy proved to be good tenants, and capable of
conducting a poultry ranch too. As for lions, bears, and coyotes,
‘they came but never left. Some day I may tell you about their
Let me again place Polly’s hand in yours, to say good-by.