Bright tales and funny pictures

Material Information

Bright tales and funny pictures
Browne, Maggie
Cassell & Company ( publisher )
Belle Sauvage Works ( printer )
Place of Publication:
London ;
Paris ;
Cassell and Company Limited
La Belle Sauvage
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
80, [3] p. : ill. ; 23 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Children -- Conduct of life -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh )
Conduct of life -- Juvenile fiction ( lcsh )
Children's stories ( lcsh )
Children's stories -- 1894 ( lcsh )
Publishers' advertisements -- 1894 ( rbgenr )
Prize books (Provenance) -- 1894 ( rbprov )
Bldn -- 1894
Children's stories
Publishers' advertisements ( rbgenr )
Prize books (Provenance) ( rbprov )
novel ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
England -- London
France -- Paris
Australia -- Melbourne
Target Audience:
juvenile ( marctarget )


General Note:
Publisher's advertisements follow text.
Statement of Responsibility:
by Maggie Browne.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is presumed to be in the public domain. The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not claim any copyright interest in this item. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by fair use or other copyright exemptions. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions may require permission of the copyright holder. The Smathers Libraries would like to learn more about this item and invite individuals or organizations to contact The Department of Special and Area Studies Collections ( with any additional information they can provide.
Resource Identifier:
026610059 ( ALEPH )
ALG3165 ( NOTIS )
226307839 ( OCLC )


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ALL ABOUT “SPIDER”... eee page 42
BABY (2. CO ee ne 28
Bapy’S RABBIT ... see See: a 34


GENERAL'S Horse, THE 2... 54

Lina’s RIDE ...
Lotra’s TREASURE...


Bopsir’s NEw WHISTLE... page
See weer 70
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JAPANESE DaNcE, A ... coe one
oes Bas ss 60
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~@My LapviE” ... Se ae e238 PICTURE OF Two AFRICANS, A ce
PHYLLIS’s DANCING LESSON... bree oe ROGER... a ace nae ae
THREE PICKLES ae ess rn 26 UNCLE WILL ... ore cee ees
TWELVE OF THEM... ae sate ©) Up AND Down... Hee cen
Two LITTLE SPANIARDS Sue eae ata: Was IT A DREAM? .., Roe
Two Rats, THE os: aoe aan ules WHAT IS THE MArtrer? ae Sale
WHAT JIM Saw as Fees)


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THERE were twelve of them, and very queer-looking things
they were, and they managed to make a great noise, for
they all talked at once. “Much too dry for me,” said
Number One. “Too far from the sea, I think,” said
Number Two. ‘‘No mud, you know,” said Number Three.
“And not nearly enough to eat,’ said Number Four,
Number Five, and Number Six. ‘“ The fact of the matter
is, this place won’t do at all,” said’ Number Seven. “ What
we want is a really damp place,” said Number Eight. “ And
not even a frog could find a puddle here,” said Number
Nine. “I’m getting hungry, very hungry,” said Number
‘en “So am 1 but what are we to do?” said Number
Eleven. ‘ Why, I'll tell you,’ said Number Twelve, who
had been standing on one leg, thinking deeply, “Ill tell
you.” And then Number Twelve slowly flapped her wings.
“Of course!” cried all the rest together, flapping their
wings. Then they waved their long necks, snapped their
big bills, stretched their thin legs, rose in the air, and
flew away to find a place nearer the sea in which to

build their nests, for they were flamingoes.



“T am hungry. I wish my man would throw me a bit
more fish. It really is excellent fish to-day, only my man

doesn’t give it to me quickly enough, and it slips down

my throat so Ah, there’s a bit coming. I'll have that
piece. I thought so, and a very good piece too. I’m
glad I caught it, because he seems pleased, and he really
looks after me very well. Oh, he wants me to get up on
the chair, does he? Well, I don’t mind, though it is rather
a bother. There are a great many of those queer-looking
things they call boys and girls staring into my pond
this afternoon. I’m glad they can’t get into the water, or
they would try to get my fish. Hallo! I must get down
from this chair, he’s throwing the fish into the water. I
know what Ill do, I'll make a big splash. The queer
things with the long legs don't seem to like water; they
shout and try to get out of the way, and I like to make
them. move, they walk so oddly. What! no more fish
to-day—my man going away! This is too bad; why I
haven't had half enough! I’ll splash, splash, splash, and

drive all the boys and girls away.”





“1 Do wish it would do it's. said Nellie: So do I,”
said Godfrey. ‘‘Grandpapa said it looked so pretty,” said
Nellie. ‘Perhaps grandpapa could make it do it,” said
Godfrey. ‘We'll ask him to help us,” said Nellie. And
then they both called ‘““Grandpapa, grandpapa!” at the top
of their voices. Grandpapa came hurrying to the window,
his newspaper in his hand. ‘Oh, erandpapa,” said Nellie,
‘‘can’t you make it do it? Wedo want to see it so badly.”
Grandpapa looked puzzled. “And we've followed it up
and down the garden all the morning,” said Godfrey.
“Children, what do you mean?” said grandpapa. ‘‘ God-
frey,” cried Nellie, “look! There’s that stupid black cat
from next door. We must drive it away, or perhaps it will


frighten——” Then Nellie gave a little scream, and Godfrey
called out “Oh!” and the black cat from next door stood
quite still in the middle of the path and put up its back.
And grandpapa smiled, for he began to understand what the
children were talking about. “There,” said Godfrey, ‘‘the black
cat has done it. Wewon’t call her silly any more. ‘ And

it is beautiful!” said Nellie, “I am glad it has done it.”


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ONcE upon a time there lived in the corner of a big cellar
a quiet brown rat. He was very happy, for’ there were
all kinds of good things kept in the cellar, and he was
able to find plenty of food. One day, as he was enjoying
his dinner, he heard a strange noise, and looking up, he
saw another rat, a grey rat, coming out of a hole towards
him. He wondered who the stranger was, but he did not
say anything ; he waited for the grey rat to speak, and went
on eating. Not even when the stranger helped himself to
the food did the brown rat say a word, and the two rats
finished the meal together. ‘“ Well, are you ready to fight?”
said the grey rat at last. “ What about?” asked the brown
rat. “Well, for the food,” said the grey rat. “ But we've
eaten it together,” said the brown rat. ‘‘ Then, for your.
hole,” said the grey rat, “I want to live in this cellar.”
The brown rat ran across to his corner, and the grey rat
followed him; but instead of beginning to fight, the brown
rat said quietly, “If you want a home, there is room in the
corner for both of us.” The grey rat was very much

astonished. But ever after the two rats lived happily together.


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Far away across the sea there is,a country called Spain.
It is often called Sunny Spain, for it is farther south than
the British Isles, and the people there get plenty of sunshine
and warmth. T hey are able to dress themselves in bright
colours, and trim their dresses gaily, for they are not afraid
of April showers, or cold ice and frost and snow. Even
in the winter the days are not very cold, and the people
do not need to wrap themselves up in furs. In the picture
you see two little Spaniards, a boy and girl, dressed in the
pretty dress which is worn by many of the people. All
the people in Spain are fond of donne. and the girl and
boy are probably enjoying themselves very much. He plays
on the guitar and she dances with the tambourine in her
hand. She looks very happy as she dances, and pretty too;
and if only we could see her dark curly hair wave, her
bonnie dark eyes flash, and the colour come and go under
her dark skin, we should think her still prettier. Perhaps
you think it is more fun to play at cricket or hide-and-seek
than to dance, but the two little Spaniards are quite content,

and every bit as happy as you are when you are playing games.



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AUNT Betsy says it ne Kitty’s fault, but Kitty says that
Spot did it, and Spot—well, Spot can’t say anything, but he
growls loudly. Anyhow, the jug and plate are broken, and
Aunt Betsy declares that Kitty must give up her new
sixpence to help to pay for them. This is how it all
happened. When Kitty ran out of the room to look at
the Punch and Judy Show, the jug and plate were on the
table. Spot’s bone was on the plate, and Spot was fast
asleep in the corner. A few minutes later Aunt Betsy
heard a crash, and called to Kitty; but she had to call more
than once, for Kitty was eagerly watching Punch throw the
baby at Judy. Then, when Kitty came back into the room,
the jug and plate were lying broken in little pieces on the
floor, and Spot was barking loudly. “ Naughty Spot!” said
Kitty. “Naughty Kitty!” said Aunt Betsy. ‘‘ Bow-wow-
wow!” said Spot, and he ran to the open window. But
neither Kitty nor Aunt Betsy understood that Spot was
trying to say, ‘“ Look out of the window, and you'll see him
scampering away, and then you'll know whose fault it was.”

Spot wishes very much that he could tell them about it.







BopBiE was very proud of his new whistle. ‘You listen,
Jeanie,” he said to his sister, “I can play ever so many
tunes: So Bobbie .blew,vand feame listened) —°What is
God Save the Queen,” said Bove: “and now I'll play
you another tune.” This time Bobbie made a very queer
noise. “ Now, Jeanie, what is that tune?” he said. “God _
Save the Queen, of course,’ said Jeanie. Bobbie shook his
head. “It was the same tune again,” said Jeanie. ‘No,
it wasn’t,” said Bobbie. ‘‘ Yes, it was,’ said Jeanie. And
then the two children began to get quite angry with one
another, and at last Jeanie snatched the whistle out of
Bobbie’s hands and threw it on to the floor. “ There,” said
Bobbie, “ now you have broken it.” At that moment mother
popped her head in at the door. “Are you playing happily
together with the new whistle, children?” she said, “that is
right!”—and away busy mother ran. Bobbie looked at Jeanie,
and Jeanie looked at the whistle.. Then Jeanie picked it
up. ‘Play the tune again, Bopbie. ote said, ‘and ['ll
try hard to guess what it is.” Bobbie smiled, “If you

can’t guess, [ll tell you,” he said. Then Jeanie smiled.




“Tt us a story,” said the little mice, and Mrs. Mouse
began :—‘‘ Once on a time, my dears, you must know, your
father set out a long journey to go. And on his travels he
met, strange to say, a young frog who chanced to be going
the same way. Said the Frog, ‘ Friend, let us together walk,
that you may learn how well I talk. If only mice would
be guided by me, I’'d show them a way quite easy to see
out Oi their troubles. It is absurd that you should fear cats
as you do, I’ve heard. I’ve found out why you always are
caught. -Your tails are too long; they ought to be short,
They serve only to show Mistress Puss the way she must
go. The steep path they trod became narrower, so that the
two side by side no longer. could go. The bank was so
high, the frog fell with a cry. As he slipped, he seized hold
of your father’s tail tight, and so saved himself from falling
quite. ‘ Don’t trouble to thank me, friend,’ said your father,
‘but be glad that my tail is longer rather than yours. Your
power of talking is doubtless immense, but it’s better, perhaps,
to talk less and talk sense. My tail is all right, so is yours.







“WHERE is Grannie?” asked Nettie, as soon as she came in
from school, ‘‘ Upstairs,” said Nurse, and upstairs Nettie
ran. But although Grannie’s cap lay on the chair, and
Grannie’s knitting, book, and spectacles lay on the table,
Grannie was nowhere to be seen. “Where can she be?”
said Nettie, “ Miaow!” said Pussy from the sofa. ‘So
you ate there, Wiss fussy, are, you?’ said Nettie, “ and
there is Cyril,’ she added, as she heard the door bang down-
stairs, ‘now he will come to look for Grannie, and I’ll just
give him a surprise.” She set to work busily to dress up
sleepy Puss in the cap and spectacles. ‘‘ Now, dear Puss,
do keep still a minute, and I shall have a good laugh at
him.” The door-handle rattled, and Nettie slipped under-
neath the table. The door opened, and a voice said, ‘“ Dear
me, where are my spectacles?” Instead of laughing, Nettie
gave a little scream. ‘‘ Oh, Grannie,” she said, hurrying. out
from beneath the table, “it was only fun.” This time Grannie
gave a cry. Down jumped Puss from the table, and down
fell the spectacles, but they were Mot broken, “lt was a

surprise,” said Nettie. “It certainly was,” said Grannie.

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Tue little Italian looked up at the window and smiled.
“Oh, I wish Nurse would come,” said Milly, ‘I want. to
give my organ-boy his penny.” But Nurse was busy down-
stairs. The organ-boy looked up at the window once more,
and took off his cap. Milly could wait no longer. She
picked up her money-box and hurried downstairs. Jane
was busy, and the front door was open. Milly ran up the
Street alter the ergan-poy. Here it is! she shouted.
Then she heard Jane’s voice calling, “Miss Milly, you
naughty girl, come back!” and just as Milly reached the
organ-boy, Jane picked her up in her arms. Milly began
to cry, but it was no use, Jane carried her back indoors.
‘Now, I’ll tell Nurse,” said Jane, and Milly lay down on the
nursery floor and cried until Nurse came into the room.
“Miss Milly, you ought not to have run out by yourself,”
said Nurse. ‘But I wanted to give my organ-boy his
penny,” said Milly. Then she heard the sound of the organ
once more. ‘ He’s come back,” said Milly, running to the
window. “Nurse, give him his penny, and next time I'll

be good.” So the organ-boy had his penny after all.







TuIs is a picture of Three Pickies—Three Pickles, all getting
into mischief at the same moment; and if you look very
carefully at the picture, I think you will soon find out which
is Pickle Number One, which is Pickle Number Two, which |
is Pickle Number Three ; and I fancy you will easily make up
your mind which is the biggest Pickle of the three. All three
are doing exactly what they ought not to do. Pickle Number
One ought to be sitting on the floor, or in her basket; but
Pickle Number One is sitting on the table. Pickle Number
Two ought to be working hard, tidying the room, and making
everything neat and comfortable for mother ; and, sad to say,
Pickle Number Two is wasting her time playing with Pickle
Number One. Then Pickle Number Three—well, Pickle
Number Three ought to be eating up his soup quickly, getting
on with his supper; and instead of doing that, Pickle Number
Three is watching the other two Pickles, and his spoon is
in the air instead of in his soup. Don’t you think they
are three big Pickles, and which is the biggest of the
three? I wonder what mother will say, and what she will

think !



“Ciuc, cluck! Of all the queer-looking things!” said the
black hen. “ What is the matter now?” said the white hen.
“Get on with your breakfast, we shall be sent back over the
fence again directly.” But the black hen was puzzled. “It
can’t be a boy or a girl,” she said, ‘‘ because a boy or a girl
would chase us. I don’t know what it is; I'll go a little nearer
and look at it. Get on with your breakfast, you silly bird!”
said the white hen. The black hen strutted slowly across the
grass. And all the time Baby was wondering what the things
moving about on the grass could be. She began to feel
frightened when one of the things came quite close to her,
and she waved her arms, and called out, ‘‘ Mam, mam, mam!”
Then someone came hurrying down the path, and the black
hen flew over the fence, and the white one scrambled through
it. “ Did the naughty hens frighten my precious baby?” said
the someone. “Cluck, cluck!” said the black hen; “so that
was a baby.” “ Well, are you sorry you didn’t get your break-
fast?” said the white hen. “I’m glad I’ve seen a real live
baby,” said the black hen. “Ugly things,” said the white

hen. ‘ Well, I’m not so sure about that,” said the black hen.



Jum was late, and it was getting dark, and though he was
a brave boy, he did not like being out on the common all by
himself, on such a wild evening. As he hurried along he
thought of all the stories of tramps and gipsies and ghosts that
he had ever read, and he picked up a stick out of the hedge,
and carried it in his hand. As he drew near the big clump of
trees, he heard the sound of someone coming, and he walked
more slowly, so as to walk quietly. Then he saw something
moving along the road. He grasped his stick firmly, put his
hat in his pocket, so that it should not blow away, and began
to run. But close to the trees he stopped suddenly, for there
he saw, not a ghost, or a tramp, or a gipsy, but a boy,
standing upside down, waving his legs in the air. Jim gave
a shout, and the boy dropped his feet to the ground, and
stood wp straight, “Beg pardon, said the boy; but I
heard you coming, and thought you might be a tramp.”
“Just what I thought you were,” said Jim. Then both the
boys laughed. ‘ Good-bye,” said the boy, “I’m late.” “So
am I,” said Jim. And then each boy went on his way,

running as fast as he could.




‘ONE, two, three. One, two, three.” The two Phyllises were
very busy indeed. Big Phyllis was counting, and little
Phyllis was trying very hard to learn to dance; but little
Phyllis could not quite manage it, her feet would get in one
another’s way. “I shall never do it, Cousin Phyllis,” said
little Phyllis. ‘If we only had somebody to play for us, you
would get on much faster. said big Iehyllis = Shall |
whistle?” said a voice. Big Phyllis turned round quickly,
and little Phyllis cried out, ‘‘Oh, Uncle Dick! I didn’t know
you were there.” Uncle Dick laughed. “I’ve been watching
you for a long time,” he said ; “ only you were far too busy to
see me. I know how to dance.” And Uncle Dick began to
dance “One, two, three; one, two, three,” all round the hall.
He looked so funny that the two Phyllises could not help
laughing. Then Uncle Dick whistled, and big Phyllis and
little Phyllis danced together, and, after a few minutes, Uncle
Dick and big Phyllis began to laugh, for little Phyllis called
out, “1 can do it] 1 can do it! Thank you, Uncle Dick,
Thank you, Cousin Phyllis. I must go and tell mother this
minute!” And away little Phyllis ran.




Most rabbits have four legs, Baby’s rabbit has only two, but
Baby’s rabbit can move very quickly. Most rabbits like to
play under the ferns in the wood, but Baby’s rabbit only plays
in the nursery, on the wall. Baby’s rabbit is only a shadow
which papa makes on the wall, and if you wish you can make
a rabbit like Baby’s any afternoon in winter, when it is getting
dark, and the fire-light is throwing shadows everywhere.
You only need your two hands to make the rabbit. Place
them one on the top of.the other, so that the back of the right
hand is touching the back of the left hand. Then curl the
little fingers round one another, and twist the first fingers
round each other. Now the second and third fingers of the
lower hand are to make the rabbit’s two legs, and so they must
be bent downwards, and at the same time the second and
third fingers of the upper hand must be bent upwards, to
make the long ears of the rabbit. Then, if the tip of the
thumb of the upper hand touches the tip of the first finger,
the rabbit’s eye will be made. Now, if the hands are held
near the wall, the shadow of Master Bunny will be seen

on the wall.





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‘Now, Christopher, it is quite time for you to begin to go to
school, and I vil be the teacher. I will sit down on the floor
and you shall sit beside me, and I will teach you to read.”
So poor Christopher was waked up from his comfortable nap,
and Mabel began. ‘‘ That letter is a T, Christopher, a big T,
a capital T, and you know all about that, because I told you
the other day how ‘The Bumble-Bee once went for a walk,
and took a capital tea.’ You remember I read that to you
out of my book. Well, Christopher, that letter’—and Mabel
pointed to the letter with her pen—“ that letter is a T. Now
the next letter, Christopher, isan H. Christopher, keep still.
You must not try to run away until the lesson is quite finished.
And the other letter is an 2. You must try to remember
that T-H-E spells—dear me, Christopher, I quite forget what
it does spell. Let me see, perhaps it spells Cat. Yes, Chris-
topher, I almost believe it does, and you ought to have
known that too.” Christopher gave a wriggle and managed
at last to get away. : Out of the window ran Christopher,
and up jumped Mabel, but Christopher would not come back,

so that was the end of the reading lesson.



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Lappe is the butcher’s dog, and Laddie is a very clever dog
as well as a very handsome one. His master often says that

he could not get on in his business without Laddie. Laddie
ean do so many things. He can mind the shop, and bark if
anyone comes in to buy, and he can carry a basket as well as
any boy. He is so quick. He does not put down a basket to
play at marbles or leap-frog, and he can be safely trusted not
to touch the meat or give up the basket to anyone unless his
master says he may do so. The boys have all learned that it
is wise to leave Laddie alone, and there is only one person in
the world who is bold enough to tease the good dog. That
small person—for she is a very small person—she is the
master’s own little daughter. She pulls Laddie’s ears and tail
and pretends to beat him with her small fists. And Laddie
only licks her hands, and does not even growl a little growl.
He knows quite well who it is that is pulling him about and
treating him badly, and though he could easily knock the small
girl over, he never touches her except to kiss her. No wonder
: that she loves him, and calls him “ My dear old doggie,
My Laddie.”




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“| uAve found a mew place,, said Rowley. “ Where:”
asked Powley. ‘I know, among the books,” said Gammon.
“Books are capital things,” said Spin. “Then come along,”

said Sambo. And they scampered along the passage into the
library. ‘We will play at Hide-and-Seek,” said Sambo,
‘you all hide, and I will find you.” So Sambo got under the
table and the other four climbed on to it. Rowley got behind
some books, and Powley hid in a corner; but Gammon and
Spin both wanted to hide in the same place and Gammon and
Spin began to fight. They made so much nO that Sambo
could not wait any longer, and climbed up into a chair to find
out what was going on. “Coming!” shouted Sambo. “ He's
coming!” cried Rowley, peeping out of his hiding-place.
“Hide quickly,” said Powley, running after Gammon’s paws.
Spin tumbled over flat on her back, knocked one book off the
table and pulled another on the top of her. ‘‘ Now, you've done
it,’ said Sambo. ‘No more game for us. They will hear
the noise and come, so we'd better go.” And away ran the
five bad kittens to find a new place in which to play
“ Hide-and-Seek.”

. 40



“Dear Aunt ALICE,—We are having a fine holiday. It is
very hot, so we spend most of our time in the water. I can
win farther than Bert or Fred or Harold, and when we come
back, I believe I shall be able to swim the length of the baths,
and get my half-sovereign from Uncle John. Good old
Spider is enjoying the holiday every bit as much as we are.
He bathes with us. The other day my hat fell out of the
boat, and began to float out to sea. -I swam after it, so did
ede and Spider caught it in his mouth. Of course, we
thought he was going to bring it back to the boat; but the
bad dog swam away with it, and we had a regular chase after
him before he would give it up. He enjoyed the fun every
bit as much as we did. He is a jolly little dog; I am glad
we brought him, and that uncle gave him to me. I do wish
you and uncle were here with us; we would have fine times
together. Give my love to uncle, and much to you, from
your loving nephew, RaLpu. P.S.—Harold says this letter
is all abGult Spider, but you won't mind, will you? I can’t
write about anything else, because I’m thinking about Spider,

and he is sitting on my knee this minute.”




“ Poor boy,” said the clock on the mantel-piece, ‘‘ he must be
tired... Nonsense] said the candlestick, “ poys ate never
tired, He’s lazy, that’s all.” “ He is resting,” said the clock.
“As soon as I strike he will be off to do his lessons.” ‘“ And
a good thing too,” said the candlestick, “he is only wasting
time looking at those silly puppies.” ‘‘ He is tired,” said the
clock, “‘and if only you could see his face, you would know
he was tired. I wish I could forget to strike, so that he
would get a longer rest.” ‘If you take my advice,” said the
candlestick, ‘‘ you val do’ your own work, and leave other
people to do theirs.” ‘‘ Don’t talk to me,” said the clock, and
it made up its mind that it would forget to strike. So eleven
o’clock came, and Roger sat quietly in the chair watching the
puppies. Five minutes past eleven, ten minutes past eleven,
a quarter past eleven! At last Roger turned round. He
jumped up ina hurry. ‘That silly old clock did not strike,”
he said, “and I shall be late. Ill ask mother to get a new
clock this very evening.” ‘‘ Well,” said the candlestick,
‘““was he tired? What did I tell you? Perhaps another

time you will 2) “Tish |) hush! bush! said the clock.












THIS is a picture of two Japanese ladies. The one sitting on
the floor is playing on the guitar and humming a queer little
song, whilst the other dances. The dancer moves very slowly,
and sways her body backwards and forwards. She uses her
fan all through the dance—opening it, shutting it, raising it
above her head, placing it first to one side and then the other,
first here and then there. When a Japanese lady walks, her
dress is so tight that she is only able to shuffle along, and in
dancing she uses her hands and arms more than her feet.
It is queer dancing; perhaps English children would not call
it dancing at all, but they would like to watch it. The lady’s
dress, with its big sash and long, hanging sleeves, is made of
beautiful, brightly coloured stuff, and her dark hair, piled on
the top of her head, looks very gay with the long hair-pins
and little fans and pretty flowers fastened in it Moving
among the coloured lanterns, waving her fan, she looks
very pretty, and the queer music and droning song seem
to suit the strange dance. As all the Japanese are fond
of dancing, | probably this lady is enjoying her dance

very much.




“ Now show me pictures,” said small Elsie, and papa opened
the book. ‘Oh, what funny children!” cried Elsie. “ Look
at their dark skins and short black hair. I’m sure they are
not English children, are they, papa?” Papa shook his
ead: 475) E know,” said Elsie, “they are Africans, and they
dress like that because it is so hot. Is that right?” Papa
nodded. “They are having their dinner,” said Elsie. ‘“ The
little one sitting on the ground is eating rice out of the big
bowl, and the other one is carrying a melon. I believe he has
had a slice himself already, don’t you,. papa?” But before
papa could say “ Yes,” Elsie went on talking faster than ever.
“ And the boy with the melon has such fine ear-rings—gold, I
expect—and a queer pointed cap. But I like his slippers,
they are so pretty, and they have queer, turned-up toes, and
no heels at all. I should like a pair of slippers like those ;
but I shouldn’t like only melon and rice for dinner. Never
mind, I like that picture. “Turn over the page, papa. Now
show me another picture.” And papa turned over the page,
and Elsie began to chatter again. That is the way papa

shows Elsie pictures.





CuristmMas Day.—‘ Father gave me a jolly pair of skates for -
a Christmas-box. I am glad.” December 26th.—‘I went
down to the pond this morning, and took my skates. I
tumbled down twenty-five times, but I didn’t mind, though
Pollie Cornish laughed at me. She thinks she skates very
well. Girls are so silly.” December 27th.—‘‘ Only tumbled
down thirteen times, so Pollie Cornish could not laugh so
much.” December z29th.—‘ Pollie Cornish says I am a
horrid boy, and she won’t ever speak to me again. I could
not help it. I didn’t pull her over on purpose, and how
was I to know that Sam Carter and Douglas Owen were
just behind, and would tumble on the top of both of us?
I’m sorry if she’s hurt; but I don’t believe she is hurt, and
anyhow I could not help it. Girls ought not to skate at all.”
January 12th—‘I have been skating all day, and so has
Pollie, and I hope the frost will last for ever,and so does
she. She says I skate as well as any boy she knows.
Hurrah for the ice! Hurrah for the winter! Hurrah
for Pollie Cornish!’”—And that is how Dick learned to,

skate. .






i i



“ Poor old Bertie!” said Jack. “He 1s alittle better,” said
George. “And his mother told my mother that perhaps he
would be able to sit up at the window for a little while
joumoro aid Percy. ‘It must be horrid to be in bed at.
Christmas time,” said Jack. “And he'll miss all this jolly
snow,” said George. 4 We might throw some snow-balls up
at his window,” said Jack. “ I’ve thought of something better
than that,’ said Percy. “We will build a snow-man, and
then he will see it to-morrow when he comes to the window.”
“We will,” cried all the boys. So they set to work, and they
worked hard, too. It took them all the afternoon to make the ~
snow-balls and pile up the snow, but by tea-time the snow-
man was finished. ‘ Now we will stick a bit of holly in his
mouth,” said Percy, mounting on George’s back. ‘‘ And then
he really will be the finest snow-man that ever anyone saw,”
said Jack. He certainly was a handsome snow-man, and poor
Bertie was very pleased next morning when he came to the
window and saw his present from the boys, ‘‘ Well, they
must have worked hard,” he said. ‘ You must thank the

boys for my present, mother.”


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“Gren-up,” shouted the General, waving his flag in the alte
and pulling the reins of his horse. And the General's horse ~
nodded its head, as much as to say, “All right, Master,”
and the journey was begun. It was a long journey, for the
General had told his horse that he wished to go on for ever,
and never to stop at all. The General was very fond of
riding on horseback. Fortunately the horse was a very good
horse, a horse that could be trusted. When the General
pulled the horse’s reins very tightly, in his hurry to get
on quickly, . the horse never kicked or pranced, or tried to
throw the General off its back, though the reins hurt its
mouth. And when the General seized the horse’s hair and
pulled it hard, the horse did not make a sound. The
General’s mother was really very pleased with the General's
horse, and when she saw the horse and rider pass by that
afternoon she said, “You are a very good boy, Cecil.”
Perhaps it was a queer thing to say to a horse, for the
General’s name was not Cecil. But it must have been all
right, for ‘it seemed to make the horse quite happy, and

strange to say, the horse smiled.








“My name is Flossie, and I am a little dog. My little
Mistress is the dearest, sweetest, best little Mistress in the
whole world, and she is very kind to me, but she is rather
difficult to please. Sometimes she calls me a clever little
dog... That is when I sit up in the big chair and beg for
sugar. She puts the sugar on my nose, and then I toss
it into the air and catch it. Sometimes, when she balances
the sugar badly, I drop it, and then she says I am a stupid
little dog. Of course I can’t tell her that it is her fault, and
that she ought to say ‘“ Stupid little Mistress,” not “ Stupid
little dog.” Then, on Tub-day, she says I am a naughty
little dog, because I run away and hide ; but I don’t like
being washed. The water, and the soap, and the scrubbing
—Bow-wow—it is horrid! Of course I feel very comfortable
afterwards, and my little Mistress gives me a new piece of
ribbon, and calls me a pretty little dog ; but I don’t like the
ribbon—it tickles, and I try to get it off. Then she calls me
a silly little dog. Well, never mind, she’s a dear little
Mistress, whatever she does, and she loves me, and I love


her very much. Bow-wow! Bow




“Vou see, Letty, this is the way the knights were dressed
long ago,” said Hubert. “They wore armour when they
rode out to battle.” Letty stared at the figure of the knight
with wide-open eyes. ‘And were the knights never afraid,
Hubert?” said Letty, “was every knight a brave knight ?”
Hubert smiled, and said, ‘ Of course.” ‘‘ But I should have
been frightened to fight,” said Letty. ‘“‘ Well, Letty, you
know, you are only a little girl,” said Hubert; “now I am
a boy, so J am never afraid, and, of course, when I am
a man I shall be a brave man. I wish I could be a knight;
but they don’t have knights now.” ‘I wish I were brave,”
said Letty, ‘but I’m not. Why, Hubert!” and then Letty _
gave a little jump and dropped her doll on the floor. ‘‘ What
was that noise?” said Letty, stooping to pick up the doll.
There was a loud bang as the knight’s spear fell to the
ground. Letty clasped her doll tightly in her arms, and
shut her eyes; but Hubert, the brave knight, ran away as
fast as ever he could. When Letty opened her eyes he was |
gone ; but a little brown mouse was running across the floor

to its hole. Letty looked up at the knight and laughed.




Tue basket was heavy, and Lina was very tired, but she
trudged along bravely. “Uhrough the lame, across the
common, and dean the hill,” she said to herself. - ‘‘ Oh dear!
it is a long way; I believe my arm will come off.’ - There
was the sound of wheels behind her, and she heard a voice
shouting, ‘Out of the way, Miss,” and though she thought
she knew the voice, she stepped aside, and put down her
basket to wait until the cart had passed. “Lina! Lina!
Lina!” called three voices. Lina looked up. There were
Maud and er brothers. | Where are you going? Said
Maud’s brother Arthur. ‘“Isn’t this a beautiful dog-cart,
lina? sad: Viaud) =“ Ves said Lina; but she could
not help sighing, she was so tired. ‘Shall we take your
basket?” said Maud. ‘‘ We would take you, too, if we had
room,” said Arthur. Harold, Maud’s other brother, jumped
lightly out of the cart. He picked up Lina’s basket, and
put it in the cart, and saying, “I want to stretch my legs,”


ran off down the road. “ How kind!” said Lina, as Arthur

helped her into the cart, and 1 mever even said * Thank


you. “It was his turn. to drive, too,’ said. Arthur.




“Here come the children!” said the big tre. “I’m
glad,” said a very young tree, “I’ve seen so few children.”
‘Children are queer things,” said the big tree. The children
set to work to make a see-saw beneath the trees. They
pulled and pushed the big trunks until one lay across the
other, and then two children climbed on one end of the
see-saw, and two on the other. ‘‘ Hurrah!” they shouted.
The young tree rustled her leaves, and tried to shout
“Hurrah!” too. Up and down, up and down went the
children, laughing and shouting. “Oh!” screamed one of
the little girls, and she slipped on to the ground. Off
tumbled the other little girl, and down to the ground with
a bump went the other two children. There was such a
noise of screaming and shouting that the young tree quite
trembled with fright, «Are tney lilled: « she acked 1
dare not look.” ‘Killed, not a bit of it!” said the big
tree. And when the young tree looked down again the
children were once more on the see-saw. ‘“ Well,” said the
young tree, “children are queer things—they tumble down

and they get up again. We can’t do that!”




“Tyerp he is!” shouted Effie. ‘(There he is!” shouted
Alec “Mother, there is Uncle Will!” cried Allen, and
they all ran out of doors. “ Well, young people,” said
Uncle Will, as Effie seized his right hand and Allen his left.
“ Mother says,” began Effie. “So does my mother say,”
said Allen But you will come,” said Effie. “With me,
said Allen. ‘No, with us,” said Effie. ‘No, no, no!” said
Allen. Uncle Will laughed. ‘I am sorry,” he said, “but
I’m afraid I can’t be in two places at once, though it is
very kind of you to want to have me.” ‘I know,” said
Allen, “you shall come to our house to tea, and go next
door to supper.” ‘But I shall be in bed at supper-time,”
said Alec, ‘‘and I shan’t see him at all.” “No, that won't
do,” said Effie. “I suppose you could not eat two teas,”
said Alec. “I could,” said Allen. But Uncle Will shook
his head. ‘Then we shall have to toss,” said Allen. Uncle
Will smiled. Effie ran indoors, and presently came running
back. “I’ve found a way,” she called; ‘“ Allen, mother says


will you and Aunt Mary “Vil go and ask mother,”

said Allen, and he ran off home. That is how it was settled.


‘) May :
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‘Doctor NEWMAN, ma’am,”.said Mary. Mother was writing
busily, trying to finish a letter in time to catch the post.
‘He mends broken arms and legs, doesn’t he, mother?”
said Ruth. ‘Yes dear, go and tell him I will be down in
a few minutes.” Ruth picked up her doll and the dog,
and trotted downstairs. ‘ Well, young lady,” said the doctor
kindly as Ruth walked slowly into the room. “If you
please, are you the man who mends broken arms and legs?”
said Ruth. “ Dear me!” said the doctor, ‘“‘I hope there has
not been an accident.” Ruth nodded her head. ‘“ That is
just what Nurse called it,” she said. ‘‘ Dear me, dear me!”
said the doctor, “the maid should have taken me upstairs
at once.” Ruth looked up at him solemnly. ‘“ Perhaps it
can’t be mended, you know,” she said, ‘‘the arm is quite off.”
The doctor jumped up quickly from his seat. “ But mother
thought,” began Ruth, ‘“‘oh! and mother said she would be
down in a few minutes.” The doctor looked puzzled. “Whose
arm 1S broken, my dear?” he asked. ‘“My dollys, said
Ruth. “Oh!” said the doctor, and he sat down again in

the big chair. Just then mother came into the room.,


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“Mraow!” said the black kitten. “ Nonsense!” said the
old cat, “you must have been dreaming.” “The clock was
striking as we came downstairs,” said the black kitten,
“ Aubrey carried the candle and Leslie was in her night-
dress.” “ Rubbish !” said the old cat, ‘children don’t walk
about at night.” ‘“ We went downstairs,” said the black kitten,
“into the big room, and we waited there until Leslie's hands
were quite cold. Then Aubrey said, ‘I told you so, I knew
they were talking nonsense, and then we waited a little
longer, until Leslie said, ‘Then let us go back to. bedi 7
“J never heard such a silly dream,” said the old cat. © It
wasn’t a dream,” said the kitten, ‘‘ and if you come upstairs
I'll show you where they stood.” The old cat would not
move for a long time; but at last the kitten managed to
get her upstairs. They found the housemaid kneeling on
the floor at the door of the big room. “ Candle-grease !”
she said, ‘how did that -get there?” ‘‘ Now will you believe
me?” said the black kitten. ‘‘ Well, I hope the children
will be scolded for walking about at night,” said the old cat,

“they must have frightened away ever so many mice.”





“Mrs. Betuta Boswortu sends her love, and hopes Mr.
Claud Winkworth will come to tea,’ said the Messenger.
And Mr. Claud Winkworth put on his cap and walked out
into the garden. Mrs. Bethia Bosworth was very busy
setting out the tea-things, so busy that she had not even
time to say ‘Good afternoon” to Mr. Claud Winkworth.
‘““T’ve come,” said Mr. Claud Winkworth. ‘Then sit down;”
said the Messenger, ‘‘tea is nearly ready.” So Mr. Claud sat
down. “I must pour-out tea, because they are my new tea-
things,” said Mrs. Bethia Bosworth; “but if you like you
and Martin shall pour out part of the time.” The Messenger
frowned. a Ou must not call him Martin,’ she said. “He
is Mr. Claud Winkworth.” ‘Oh yes, I forgot,’ said Mrs,
Bethia. ‘Will you have some tea and some jam and cake,
Mr. Claud Winkworth?” « Ves, please, E like sponge-
cake with strawberry jam,” said: Mr. Claud Winkworth, and
so the tea-party began. They had hundreds of cups of tea,
and ever so much cake and jam. But when the tea-bell
_ rang they were all three very hungry, for the tea-party was

not a real tea-party at all, it was “ only pretending.”




“CHILDREN, come and get tidied, you are all to go down-
Stairs,. Said Nurse “1 dont want to go downstairs, |

want to play,” said Walter. “I don’t want to go down-

Stairs,” said small Willie. ‘ Nonsense!” said Nurse, “you all
want to go very much. In the drawing-room Bice,”
said all the children. ‘‘ There is——” said Nurse, “ well,
you will all be very pleased “| expect it is something to

eat,’ said Walter. “Yes, something to eat,” said Willie.
Nurse shook her head. “Then something to play with,”

said Ethel. Nurse smiled and nodded, as she buttoned

Willie’s clean pinafore. ‘‘ Well, are the children ready 2”

said Mother, and she took Baby in her arms, and, led the

way downstairs to the drawing-room. Then there was such
a noise. Mother opened the door, and the children pulled
back the curtain. Baby crowed, Willie clapped his hands,
and Ethel and Walter shouted, for there, sitting in the big
arm-chair, was Grannie. “ Much better than anything to


eat,” cried Walter, as he ran to kiss her. ‘‘ Much better,”

said Willie. “A lovely thing to play with,” said Ethel.

And Grannie wondered what they were all talking about.






Lotra is one of the happiest, merriest little girls in the
whole world. She is a little Dutch girl, and she lives in
Holland, and she has to work hard, harder than many
little English girls work. But she doesn’t mind the work
a bit, for she knows that the time comes when work is
finished and she is able to enjoy herself looking at her
treasure. That is the secret of Lotta’s happy smile. Lotta’s
mother has a great treasure, and Lotta helps her mother
to look after and care for this treasure. Lotta’s mother
would tell you that this treasure was more precious than
all the gold and silver in the world, and I fancy Lotta
would say the same. This treasure is so precious that
it cannot be left long by itself, and either Lotta or her
mother always watch over it. Sometimes Lotta carries the ;
treasure about with her, and then, strange to say, though it
is a heavy treasure, she seems happier than ever, and she
laughs and sings as she trudges along with the heavy
treasure on her back. I expect you have guessed what
Lotta’s treasure is. If not, look at the picture, and then

you will know all about it. The treasure’s name is Hans.






It was Christmas Eve, and Karl and mother and father were
very happy together. All the morning mother had been busy
getting the Christmas-tree ready, tying the fruit and the
sweets and the candles on it, and putting the presents for
father and the presents for Karl on the table beneath it.
Then, when father came home, mother’s presents had to be
laid on the table, and then at last, when all was ready, the
candles on the tree were lighted, and baby Karl was carried in
to see the tree. He clapped his hands and shouted when he
saw the pretty lights, and when mother gave him a lamb
and father showed him the new doll, he laughed and shouted
more than ever. So pleased was he with his presents that
when bed-time came he would not put them down, and all
the time he was being undressed he held the lamb in his
hand and would not let father put the doll out of sight.
Then when at last he was put in bed, the doll and lamb had
to go to bed too. “He has enjoyed himself, the darling,”
said mother. ‘‘He has had a very happy time,” said father.
But baby said nothing. He was fast asleep. His Christmas
Eve was over, and he was far aa i Dreamland.


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“Tye miser’ble,’” said Mamie. Nurse shook her head, she
Was quite puzzled. (Are you tired?” she said. Mamie
said, ‘“‘ No, no;” but Nurse fetched the big chair, and lifted
Mamie on to it. Mamie sat quite still, so still that Nurse
began to feel really unhappy about the little girl. ‘ Perhaps
she is cold,” said Nurse to herself, and she fetched a shawl—
the long shawl that Mamie liked—and wrapped it round her ;
but still Mamie did not smile. ‘ Then she must be hungry,”
said Nurse, and she set to work to get Mamie’s supper. But
though Nurse fed her with the spoon, Mamie did not want it
“Dear me,” said Nurse, “then she must be going to be ill.
That is a pity, the mistress will be so worried.” Nurse
looked at Mamie, who was sitting in the chair, resting her
head on her hand, and Nurse shook her head as much as to
say, “That’s it.” But at that moment the nursery door
was opened quietly, and.a soft voice said, ‘“ Is Mamie in bed
yet?” Mamie jumped down quickly from her chair, and ran
to the door laughing and shouting, ‘“ Mother! mother!”
“So that was what was the matter,’ said Nurse, and she

laughed too.



Pen a eae 4


(See Frontispiece.)
ALL the pussies were there—black, white, grey and tabby
pussies. No wonder the six little mice were frightened.
Julius Ceesar, the big white Persian cat, was speaking.
‘Cais. tie caid, “I told: you to come mere, so that | could
talk to you, and I brought these six mice, so that they could
listen to me. This, you must know, is a meeting.” ‘‘ Where
is the meat?” asked a kitten. ‘Silence!” said Julius Ceesar,
“TI am the chairman of the meeting, so no cat may speak.
unless I say he may.” ‘‘My whiskers!” said the kitten.
" Be quiet, he'll bite your tail off,” said another cat. ‘ Not
he,” said the kitten, ‘I have a friend who would frighten
him.’. “ Julius Caesar is never frightened,” said- the. cat.
‘“‘ Now listen to me,’ said Julius Cesar, «1 amy tired of
catching mice, so in future either the mice must come to
me, or you must Cateh mace fOr me: Which shallait be? â„¢
“Hullo” said the kitten, “my friend Dash!’ The cats
looked up frightened, and then they all made a rush up the
steps out of the cellar. ‘And it wasn’t Dash after all,” said

the kitten. ‘‘ Now for those mice.” But the mice were no

longer there, they too had left the meeting.


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ALL ABOUT “SPIDER”... eee page 42
BABY (2. CO ee ne 28
Bapy’S RABBIT ... see See: a 34


GENERAL'S Horse, THE 2... 54

Lina’s RIDE ...
Lotra’s TREASURE...


Bopsir’s NEw WHISTLE... page
See weer 70
Msg teks wate 00


JAPANESE DaNcE, A ... coe one
oes Bas ss 60
aes nas ae 7a

oe 2 tas Ou

~@My LapviE” ... Se ae e238 PICTURE OF Two AFRICANS, A ce
PHYLLIS’s DANCING LESSON... bree oe ROGER... a ace nae ae
THREE PICKLES ae ess rn 26 UNCLE WILL ... ore cee ees
TWELVE OF THEM... ae sate ©) Up AND Down... Hee cen
Two LITTLE SPANIARDS Sue eae ata: Was IT A DREAM? .., Roe
Two Rats, THE os: aoe aan ules WHAT IS THE MArtrer? ae Sale
WHAT JIM Saw as Fees)


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THERE were twelve of them, and very queer-looking things
they were, and they managed to make a great noise, for
they all talked at once. “Much too dry for me,” said
Number One. “Too far from the sea, I think,” said
Number Two. ‘‘No mud, you know,” said Number Three.
“And not nearly enough to eat,’ said Number Four,
Number Five, and Number Six. ‘“ The fact of the matter
is, this place won’t do at all,” said’ Number Seven. “ What
we want is a really damp place,” said Number Eight. “ And
not even a frog could find a puddle here,” said Number
Nine. “I’m getting hungry, very hungry,” said Number
‘en “So am 1 but what are we to do?” said Number
Eleven. ‘ Why, I'll tell you,’ said Number Twelve, who
had been standing on one leg, thinking deeply, “Ill tell
you.” And then Number Twelve slowly flapped her wings.
“Of course!” cried all the rest together, flapping their
wings. Then they waved their long necks, snapped their
big bills, stretched their thin legs, rose in the air, and
flew away to find a place nearer the sea in which to

build their nests, for they were flamingoes.


“T am hungry. I wish my man would throw me a bit
more fish. It really is excellent fish to-day, only my man

doesn’t give it to me quickly enough, and it slips down

my throat so Ah, there’s a bit coming. I'll have that
piece. I thought so, and a very good piece too. I’m
glad I caught it, because he seems pleased, and he really
looks after me very well. Oh, he wants me to get up on
the chair, does he? Well, I don’t mind, though it is rather
a bother. There are a great many of those queer-looking
things they call boys and girls staring into my pond
this afternoon. I’m glad they can’t get into the water, or
they would try to get my fish. Hallo! I must get down
from this chair, he’s throwing the fish into the water. I
know what Ill do, I'll make a big splash. The queer
things with the long legs don't seem to like water; they
shout and try to get out of the way, and I like to make
them. move, they walk so oddly. What! no more fish
to-day—my man going away! This is too bad; why I
haven't had half enough! I’ll splash, splash, splash, and

drive all the boys and girls away.”




“1 Do wish it would do it's. said Nellie: So do I,”
said Godfrey. ‘‘Grandpapa said it looked so pretty,” said
Nellie. ‘Perhaps grandpapa could make it do it,” said
Godfrey. ‘We'll ask him to help us,” said Nellie. And
then they both called ‘““Grandpapa, grandpapa!” at the top
of their voices. Grandpapa came hurrying to the window,
his newspaper in his hand. ‘Oh, erandpapa,” said Nellie,
‘‘can’t you make it do it? Wedo want to see it so badly.”
Grandpapa looked puzzled. “And we've followed it up
and down the garden all the morning,” said Godfrey.
“Children, what do you mean?” said grandpapa. ‘‘ God-
frey,” cried Nellie, “look! There’s that stupid black cat
from next door. We must drive it away, or perhaps it will


frighten——” Then Nellie gave a little scream, and Godfrey
called out “Oh!” and the black cat from next door stood
quite still in the middle of the path and put up its back.
And grandpapa smiled, for he began to understand what the
children were talking about. “There,” said Godfrey, ‘‘the black
cat has done it. Wewon’t call her silly any more. ‘ And

it is beautiful!” said Nellie, “I am glad it has done it.”


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ONcE upon a time there lived in the corner of a big cellar
a quiet brown rat. He was very happy, for’ there were
all kinds of good things kept in the cellar, and he was
able to find plenty of food. One day, as he was enjoying
his dinner, he heard a strange noise, and looking up, he
saw another rat, a grey rat, coming out of a hole towards
him. He wondered who the stranger was, but he did not
say anything ; he waited for the grey rat to speak, and went
on eating. Not even when the stranger helped himself to
the food did the brown rat say a word, and the two rats
finished the meal together. ‘“ Well, are you ready to fight?”
said the grey rat at last. “ What about?” asked the brown
rat. “Well, for the food,” said the grey rat. “ But we've
eaten it together,” said the brown rat. ‘‘ Then, for your.
hole,” said the grey rat, “I want to live in this cellar.”
The brown rat ran across to his corner, and the grey rat
followed him; but instead of beginning to fight, the brown
rat said quietly, “If you want a home, there is room in the
corner for both of us.” The grey rat was very much

astonished. But ever after the two rats lived happily together.

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Far away across the sea there is,a country called Spain.
It is often called Sunny Spain, for it is farther south than
the British Isles, and the people there get plenty of sunshine
and warmth. T hey are able to dress themselves in bright
colours, and trim their dresses gaily, for they are not afraid
of April showers, or cold ice and frost and snow. Even
in the winter the days are not very cold, and the people
do not need to wrap themselves up in furs. In the picture
you see two little Spaniards, a boy and girl, dressed in the
pretty dress which is worn by many of the people. All
the people in Spain are fond of donne. and the girl and
boy are probably enjoying themselves very much. He plays
on the guitar and she dances with the tambourine in her
hand. She looks very happy as she dances, and pretty too;
and if only we could see her dark curly hair wave, her
bonnie dark eyes flash, and the colour come and go under
her dark skin, we should think her still prettier. Perhaps
you think it is more fun to play at cricket or hide-and-seek
than to dance, but the two little Spaniards are quite content,

and every bit as happy as you are when you are playing games.


7 ]






AUNT Betsy says it ne Kitty’s fault, but Kitty says that
Spot did it, and Spot—well, Spot can’t say anything, but he
growls loudly. Anyhow, the jug and plate are broken, and
Aunt Betsy declares that Kitty must give up her new
sixpence to help to pay for them. This is how it all
happened. When Kitty ran out of the room to look at
the Punch and Judy Show, the jug and plate were on the
table. Spot’s bone was on the plate, and Spot was fast
asleep in the corner. A few minutes later Aunt Betsy
heard a crash, and called to Kitty; but she had to call more
than once, for Kitty was eagerly watching Punch throw the
baby at Judy. Then, when Kitty came back into the room,
the jug and plate were lying broken in little pieces on the
floor, and Spot was barking loudly. “ Naughty Spot!” said
Kitty. “Naughty Kitty!” said Aunt Betsy. ‘‘ Bow-wow-
wow!” said Spot, and he ran to the open window. But
neither Kitty nor Aunt Betsy understood that Spot was
trying to say, ‘“ Look out of the window, and you'll see him
scampering away, and then you'll know whose fault it was.”

Spot wishes very much that he could tell them about it.





BopBiE was very proud of his new whistle. ‘You listen,
Jeanie,” he said to his sister, “I can play ever so many
tunes: So Bobbie .blew,vand feame listened) —°What is
God Save the Queen,” said Bove: “and now I'll play
you another tune.” This time Bobbie made a very queer
noise. “ Now, Jeanie, what is that tune?” he said. “God _
Save the Queen, of course,’ said Jeanie. Bobbie shook his
head. “It was the same tune again,” said Jeanie. ‘No,
it wasn’t,” said Bobbie. ‘‘ Yes, it was,’ said Jeanie. And
then the two children began to get quite angry with one
another, and at last Jeanie snatched the whistle out of
Bobbie’s hands and threw it on to the floor. “ There,” said
Bobbie, “ now you have broken it.” At that moment mother
popped her head in at the door. “Are you playing happily
together with the new whistle, children?” she said, “that is
right!”—and away busy mother ran. Bobbie looked at Jeanie,
and Jeanie looked at the whistle.. Then Jeanie picked it
up. ‘Play the tune again, Bopbie. ote said, ‘and ['ll
try hard to guess what it is.” Bobbie smiled, “If you

can’t guess, [ll tell you,” he said. Then Jeanie smiled.



“Tt us a story,” said the little mice, and Mrs. Mouse
began :—‘‘ Once on a time, my dears, you must know, your
father set out a long journey to go. And on his travels he
met, strange to say, a young frog who chanced to be going
the same way. Said the Frog, ‘ Friend, let us together walk,
that you may learn how well I talk. If only mice would
be guided by me, I’'d show them a way quite easy to see
out Oi their troubles. It is absurd that you should fear cats
as you do, I’ve heard. I’ve found out why you always are
caught. -Your tails are too long; they ought to be short,
They serve only to show Mistress Puss the way she must
go. The steep path they trod became narrower, so that the
two side by side no longer. could go. The bank was so
high, the frog fell with a cry. As he slipped, he seized hold
of your father’s tail tight, and so saved himself from falling
quite. ‘ Don’t trouble to thank me, friend,’ said your father,
‘but be glad that my tail is longer rather than yours. Your
power of talking is doubtless immense, but it’s better, perhaps,
to talk less and talk sense. My tail is all right, so is yours.






“WHERE is Grannie?” asked Nettie, as soon as she came in
from school, ‘‘ Upstairs,” said Nurse, and upstairs Nettie
ran. But although Grannie’s cap lay on the chair, and
Grannie’s knitting, book, and spectacles lay on the table,
Grannie was nowhere to be seen. “Where can she be?”
said Nettie, “ Miaow!” said Pussy from the sofa. ‘So
you ate there, Wiss fussy, are, you?’ said Nettie, “ and
there is Cyril,’ she added, as she heard the door bang down-
stairs, ‘now he will come to look for Grannie, and I’ll just
give him a surprise.” She set to work busily to dress up
sleepy Puss in the cap and spectacles. ‘‘ Now, dear Puss,
do keep still a minute, and I shall have a good laugh at
him.” The door-handle rattled, and Nettie slipped under-
neath the table. The door opened, and a voice said, ‘“ Dear
me, where are my spectacles?” Instead of laughing, Nettie
gave a little scream. ‘‘ Oh, Grannie,” she said, hurrying. out
from beneath the table, “it was only fun.” This time Grannie
gave a cry. Down jumped Puss from the table, and down
fell the spectacles, but they were Mot broken, “lt was a

surprise,” said Nettie. “It certainly was,” said Grannie.

" 22
\ ~ A



Tue little Italian looked up at the window and smiled.
“Oh, I wish Nurse would come,” said Milly, ‘I want. to
give my organ-boy his penny.” But Nurse was busy down-
stairs. The organ-boy looked up at the window once more,
and took off his cap. Milly could wait no longer. She
picked up her money-box and hurried downstairs. Jane
was busy, and the front door was open. Milly ran up the
Street alter the ergan-poy. Here it is! she shouted.
Then she heard Jane’s voice calling, “Miss Milly, you
naughty girl, come back!” and just as Milly reached the
organ-boy, Jane picked her up in her arms. Milly began
to cry, but it was no use, Jane carried her back indoors.
‘Now, I’ll tell Nurse,” said Jane, and Milly lay down on the
nursery floor and cried until Nurse came into the room.
“Miss Milly, you ought not to have run out by yourself,”
said Nurse. ‘But I wanted to give my organ-boy his
penny,” said Milly. Then she heard the sound of the organ
once more. ‘ He’s come back,” said Milly, running to the
window. “Nurse, give him his penny, and next time I'll

be good.” So the organ-boy had his penny after all.






TuIs is a picture of Three Pickies—Three Pickles, all getting
into mischief at the same moment; and if you look very
carefully at the picture, I think you will soon find out which
is Pickle Number One, which is Pickle Number Two, which |
is Pickle Number Three ; and I fancy you will easily make up
your mind which is the biggest Pickle of the three. All three
are doing exactly what they ought not to do. Pickle Number
One ought to be sitting on the floor, or in her basket; but
Pickle Number One is sitting on the table. Pickle Number
Two ought to be working hard, tidying the room, and making
everything neat and comfortable for mother ; and, sad to say,
Pickle Number Two is wasting her time playing with Pickle
Number One. Then Pickle Number Three—well, Pickle
Number Three ought to be eating up his soup quickly, getting
on with his supper; and instead of doing that, Pickle Number
Three is watching the other two Pickles, and his spoon is
in the air instead of in his soup. Don’t you think they
are three big Pickles, and which is the biggest of the
three? I wonder what mother will say, and what she will

think !


“Ciuc, cluck! Of all the queer-looking things!” said the
black hen. “ What is the matter now?” said the white hen.
“Get on with your breakfast, we shall be sent back over the
fence again directly.” But the black hen was puzzled. “It
can’t be a boy or a girl,” she said, ‘‘ because a boy or a girl
would chase us. I don’t know what it is; I'll go a little nearer
and look at it. Get on with your breakfast, you silly bird!”
said the white hen. The black hen strutted slowly across the
grass. And all the time Baby was wondering what the things
moving about on the grass could be. She began to feel
frightened when one of the things came quite close to her,
and she waved her arms, and called out, ‘‘ Mam, mam, mam!”
Then someone came hurrying down the path, and the black
hen flew over the fence, and the white one scrambled through
it. “ Did the naughty hens frighten my precious baby?” said
the someone. “Cluck, cluck!” said the black hen; “so that
was a baby.” “ Well, are you sorry you didn’t get your break-
fast?” said the white hen. “I’m glad I’ve seen a real live
baby,” said the black hen. “Ugly things,” said the white

hen. ‘ Well, I’m not so sure about that,” said the black hen.



Jum was late, and it was getting dark, and though he was
a brave boy, he did not like being out on the common all by
himself, on such a wild evening. As he hurried along he
thought of all the stories of tramps and gipsies and ghosts that
he had ever read, and he picked up a stick out of the hedge,
and carried it in his hand. As he drew near the big clump of
trees, he heard the sound of someone coming, and he walked
more slowly, so as to walk quietly. Then he saw something
moving along the road. He grasped his stick firmly, put his
hat in his pocket, so that it should not blow away, and began
to run. But close to the trees he stopped suddenly, for there
he saw, not a ghost, or a tramp, or a gipsy, but a boy,
standing upside down, waving his legs in the air. Jim gave
a shout, and the boy dropped his feet to the ground, and
stood wp straight, “Beg pardon, said the boy; but I
heard you coming, and thought you might be a tramp.”
“Just what I thought you were,” said Jim. Then both the
boys laughed. ‘ Good-bye,” said the boy, “I’m late.” “So
am I,” said Jim. And then each boy went on his way,

running as fast as he could.



‘ONE, two, three. One, two, three.” The two Phyllises were
very busy indeed. Big Phyllis was counting, and little
Phyllis was trying very hard to learn to dance; but little
Phyllis could not quite manage it, her feet would get in one
another’s way. “I shall never do it, Cousin Phyllis,” said
little Phyllis. ‘If we only had somebody to play for us, you
would get on much faster. said big Iehyllis = Shall |
whistle?” said a voice. Big Phyllis turned round quickly,
and little Phyllis cried out, ‘‘Oh, Uncle Dick! I didn’t know
you were there.” Uncle Dick laughed. “I’ve been watching
you for a long time,” he said ; “ only you were far too busy to
see me. I know how to dance.” And Uncle Dick began to
dance “One, two, three; one, two, three,” all round the hall.
He looked so funny that the two Phyllises could not help
laughing. Then Uncle Dick whistled, and big Phyllis and
little Phyllis danced together, and, after a few minutes, Uncle
Dick and big Phyllis began to laugh, for little Phyllis called
out, “1 can do it] 1 can do it! Thank you, Uncle Dick,
Thank you, Cousin Phyllis. I must go and tell mother this
minute!” And away little Phyllis ran.



Most rabbits have four legs, Baby’s rabbit has only two, but
Baby’s rabbit can move very quickly. Most rabbits like to
play under the ferns in the wood, but Baby’s rabbit only plays
in the nursery, on the wall. Baby’s rabbit is only a shadow
which papa makes on the wall, and if you wish you can make
a rabbit like Baby’s any afternoon in winter, when it is getting
dark, and the fire-light is throwing shadows everywhere.
You only need your two hands to make the rabbit. Place
them one on the top of.the other, so that the back of the right
hand is touching the back of the left hand. Then curl the
little fingers round one another, and twist the first fingers
round each other. Now the second and third fingers of the
lower hand are to make the rabbit’s two legs, and so they must
be bent downwards, and at the same time the second and
third fingers of the upper hand must be bent upwards, to
make the long ears of the rabbit. Then, if the tip of the
thumb of the upper hand touches the tip of the first finger,
the rabbit’s eye will be made. Now, if the hands are held
near the wall, the shadow of Master Bunny will be seen

on the wall.





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‘Now, Christopher, it is quite time for you to begin to go to
school, and I vil be the teacher. I will sit down on the floor
and you shall sit beside me, and I will teach you to read.”
So poor Christopher was waked up from his comfortable nap,
and Mabel began. ‘‘ That letter is a T, Christopher, a big T,
a capital T, and you know all about that, because I told you
the other day how ‘The Bumble-Bee once went for a walk,
and took a capital tea.’ You remember I read that to you
out of my book. Well, Christopher, that letter’—and Mabel
pointed to the letter with her pen—“ that letter is a T. Now
the next letter, Christopher, isan H. Christopher, keep still.
You must not try to run away until the lesson is quite finished.
And the other letter is an 2. You must try to remember
that T-H-E spells—dear me, Christopher, I quite forget what
it does spell. Let me see, perhaps it spells Cat. Yes, Chris-
topher, I almost believe it does, and you ought to have
known that too.” Christopher gave a wriggle and managed
at last to get away. : Out of the window ran Christopher,
and up jumped Mabel, but Christopher would not come back,

so that was the end of the reading lesson.



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Lappe is the butcher’s dog, and Laddie is a very clever dog
as well as a very handsome one. His master often says that

he could not get on in his business without Laddie. Laddie
ean do so many things. He can mind the shop, and bark if
anyone comes in to buy, and he can carry a basket as well as
any boy. He is so quick. He does not put down a basket to
play at marbles or leap-frog, and he can be safely trusted not
to touch the meat or give up the basket to anyone unless his
master says he may do so. The boys have all learned that it
is wise to leave Laddie alone, and there is only one person in
the world who is bold enough to tease the good dog. That
small person—for she is a very small person—she is the
master’s own little daughter. She pulls Laddie’s ears and tail
and pretends to beat him with her small fists. And Laddie
only licks her hands, and does not even growl a little growl.
He knows quite well who it is that is pulling him about and
treating him badly, and though he could easily knock the small
girl over, he never touches her except to kiss her. No wonder
: that she loves him, and calls him “ My dear old doggie,
My Laddie.”




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“| uAve found a mew place,, said Rowley. “ Where:”
asked Powley. ‘I know, among the books,” said Gammon.
“Books are capital things,” said Spin. “Then come along,”

said Sambo. And they scampered along the passage into the
library. ‘We will play at Hide-and-Seek,” said Sambo,
‘you all hide, and I will find you.” So Sambo got under the
table and the other four climbed on to it. Rowley got behind
some books, and Powley hid in a corner; but Gammon and
Spin both wanted to hide in the same place and Gammon and
Spin began to fight. They made so much nO that Sambo
could not wait any longer, and climbed up into a chair to find
out what was going on. “Coming!” shouted Sambo. “ He's
coming!” cried Rowley, peeping out of his hiding-place.
“Hide quickly,” said Powley, running after Gammon’s paws.
Spin tumbled over flat on her back, knocked one book off the
table and pulled another on the top of her. ‘‘ Now, you've done
it,’ said Sambo. ‘No more game for us. They will hear
the noise and come, so we'd better go.” And away ran the
five bad kittens to find a new place in which to play
“ Hide-and-Seek.”

. 40


“Dear Aunt ALICE,—We are having a fine holiday. It is
very hot, so we spend most of our time in the water. I can
win farther than Bert or Fred or Harold, and when we come
back, I believe I shall be able to swim the length of the baths,
and get my half-sovereign from Uncle John. Good old
Spider is enjoying the holiday every bit as much as we are.
He bathes with us. The other day my hat fell out of the
boat, and began to float out to sea. -I swam after it, so did
ede and Spider caught it in his mouth. Of course, we
thought he was going to bring it back to the boat; but the
bad dog swam away with it, and we had a regular chase after
him before he would give it up. He enjoyed the fun every
bit as much as we did. He is a jolly little dog; I am glad
we brought him, and that uncle gave him to me. I do wish
you and uncle were here with us; we would have fine times
together. Give my love to uncle, and much to you, from
your loving nephew, RaLpu. P.S.—Harold says this letter
is all abGult Spider, but you won't mind, will you? I can’t
write about anything else, because I’m thinking about Spider,

and he is sitting on my knee this minute.”



“ Poor boy,” said the clock on the mantel-piece, ‘‘ he must be
tired... Nonsense] said the candlestick, “ poys ate never
tired, He’s lazy, that’s all.” “ He is resting,” said the clock.
“As soon as I strike he will be off to do his lessons.” ‘“ And
a good thing too,” said the candlestick, “he is only wasting
time looking at those silly puppies.” ‘‘ He is tired,” said the
clock, “‘and if only you could see his face, you would know
he was tired. I wish I could forget to strike, so that he
would get a longer rest.” ‘If you take my advice,” said the
candlestick, ‘‘ you val do’ your own work, and leave other
people to do theirs.” ‘‘ Don’t talk to me,” said the clock, and
it made up its mind that it would forget to strike. So eleven
o’clock came, and Roger sat quietly in the chair watching the
puppies. Five minutes past eleven, ten minutes past eleven,
a quarter past eleven! At last Roger turned round. He
jumped up ina hurry. ‘That silly old clock did not strike,”
he said, “and I shall be late. Ill ask mother to get a new
clock this very evening.” ‘‘ Well,” said the candlestick,
‘““was he tired? What did I tell you? Perhaps another

time you will 2) “Tish |) hush! bush! said the clock.












THIS is a picture of two Japanese ladies. The one sitting on
the floor is playing on the guitar and humming a queer little
song, whilst the other dances. The dancer moves very slowly,
and sways her body backwards and forwards. She uses her
fan all through the dance—opening it, shutting it, raising it
above her head, placing it first to one side and then the other,
first here and then there. When a Japanese lady walks, her
dress is so tight that she is only able to shuffle along, and in
dancing she uses her hands and arms more than her feet.
It is queer dancing; perhaps English children would not call
it dancing at all, but they would like to watch it. The lady’s
dress, with its big sash and long, hanging sleeves, is made of
beautiful, brightly coloured stuff, and her dark hair, piled on
the top of her head, looks very gay with the long hair-pins
and little fans and pretty flowers fastened in it Moving
among the coloured lanterns, waving her fan, she looks
very pretty, and the queer music and droning song seem
to suit the strange dance. As all the Japanese are fond
of dancing, | probably this lady is enjoying her dance

very much.



“ Now show me pictures,” said small Elsie, and papa opened
the book. ‘Oh, what funny children!” cried Elsie. “ Look
at their dark skins and short black hair. I’m sure they are
not English children, are they, papa?” Papa shook his
ead: 475) E know,” said Elsie, “they are Africans, and they
dress like that because it is so hot. Is that right?” Papa
nodded. “They are having their dinner,” said Elsie. ‘“ The
little one sitting on the ground is eating rice out of the big
bowl, and the other one is carrying a melon. I believe he has
had a slice himself already, don’t you,. papa?” But before
papa could say “ Yes,” Elsie went on talking faster than ever.
“ And the boy with the melon has such fine ear-rings—gold, I
expect—and a queer pointed cap. But I like his slippers,
they are so pretty, and they have queer, turned-up toes, and
no heels at all. I should like a pair of slippers like those ;
but I shouldn’t like only melon and rice for dinner. Never
mind, I like that picture. “Turn over the page, papa. Now
show me another picture.” And papa turned over the page,
and Elsie began to chatter again. That is the way papa

shows Elsie pictures.




CuristmMas Day.—‘ Father gave me a jolly pair of skates for -
a Christmas-box. I am glad.” December 26th.—‘I went
down to the pond this morning, and took my skates. I
tumbled down twenty-five times, but I didn’t mind, though
Pollie Cornish laughed at me. She thinks she skates very
well. Girls are so silly.” December 27th.—‘‘ Only tumbled
down thirteen times, so Pollie Cornish could not laugh so
much.” December z29th.—‘ Pollie Cornish says I am a
horrid boy, and she won’t ever speak to me again. I could
not help it. I didn’t pull her over on purpose, and how
was I to know that Sam Carter and Douglas Owen were
just behind, and would tumble on the top of both of us?
I’m sorry if she’s hurt; but I don’t believe she is hurt, and
anyhow I could not help it. Girls ought not to skate at all.”
January 12th—‘I have been skating all day, and so has
Pollie, and I hope the frost will last for ever,and so does
she. She says I skate as well as any boy she knows.
Hurrah for the ice! Hurrah for the winter! Hurrah
for Pollie Cornish!’”—And that is how Dick learned to,

skate. .





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“ Poor old Bertie!” said Jack. “He 1s alittle better,” said
George. “And his mother told my mother that perhaps he
would be able to sit up at the window for a little while
joumoro aid Percy. ‘It must be horrid to be in bed at.
Christmas time,” said Jack. “And he'll miss all this jolly
snow,” said George. 4 We might throw some snow-balls up
at his window,” said Jack. “ I’ve thought of something better
than that,’ said Percy. “We will build a snow-man, and
then he will see it to-morrow when he comes to the window.”
“We will,” cried all the boys. So they set to work, and they
worked hard, too. It took them all the afternoon to make the ~
snow-balls and pile up the snow, but by tea-time the snow-
man was finished. ‘ Now we will stick a bit of holly in his
mouth,” said Percy, mounting on George’s back. ‘‘ And then
he really will be the finest snow-man that ever anyone saw,”
said Jack. He certainly was a handsome snow-man, and poor
Bertie was very pleased next morning when he came to the
window and saw his present from the boys, ‘‘ Well, they
must have worked hard,” he said. ‘ You must thank the

boys for my present, mother.”


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“Gren-up,” shouted the General, waving his flag in the alte
and pulling the reins of his horse. And the General's horse ~
nodded its head, as much as to say, “All right, Master,”
and the journey was begun. It was a long journey, for the
General had told his horse that he wished to go on for ever,
and never to stop at all. The General was very fond of
riding on horseback. Fortunately the horse was a very good
horse, a horse that could be trusted. When the General
pulled the horse’s reins very tightly, in his hurry to get
on quickly, . the horse never kicked or pranced, or tried to
throw the General off its back, though the reins hurt its
mouth. And when the General seized the horse’s hair and
pulled it hard, the horse did not make a sound. The
General’s mother was really very pleased with the General's
horse, and when she saw the horse and rider pass by that
afternoon she said, “You are a very good boy, Cecil.”
Perhaps it was a queer thing to say to a horse, for the
General’s name was not Cecil. But it must have been all
right, for ‘it seemed to make the horse quite happy, and

strange to say, the horse smiled.






“My name is Flossie, and I am a little dog. My little
Mistress is the dearest, sweetest, best little Mistress in the
whole world, and she is very kind to me, but she is rather
difficult to please. Sometimes she calls me a clever little
dog... That is when I sit up in the big chair and beg for
sugar. She puts the sugar on my nose, and then I toss
it into the air and catch it. Sometimes, when she balances
the sugar badly, I drop it, and then she says I am a stupid
little dog. Of course I can’t tell her that it is her fault, and
that she ought to say ‘“ Stupid little Mistress,” not “ Stupid
little dog.” Then, on Tub-day, she says I am a naughty
little dog, because I run away and hide ; but I don’t like
being washed. The water, and the soap, and the scrubbing
—Bow-wow—it is horrid! Of course I feel very comfortable
afterwards, and my little Mistress gives me a new piece of
ribbon, and calls me a pretty little dog ; but I don’t like the
ribbon—it tickles, and I try to get it off. Then she calls me
a silly little dog. Well, never mind, she’s a dear little
Mistress, whatever she does, and she loves me, and I love


her very much. Bow-wow! Bow



“Vou see, Letty, this is the way the knights were dressed
long ago,” said Hubert. “They wore armour when they
rode out to battle.” Letty stared at the figure of the knight
with wide-open eyes. ‘And were the knights never afraid,
Hubert?” said Letty, “was every knight a brave knight ?”
Hubert smiled, and said, ‘ Of course.” ‘‘ But I should have
been frightened to fight,” said Letty. ‘“‘ Well, Letty, you
know, you are only a little girl,” said Hubert; “now I am
a boy, so J am never afraid, and, of course, when I am
a man I shall be a brave man. I wish I could be a knight;
but they don’t have knights now.” ‘I wish I were brave,”
said Letty, ‘but I’m not. Why, Hubert!” and then Letty _
gave a little jump and dropped her doll on the floor. ‘‘ What
was that noise?” said Letty, stooping to pick up the doll.
There was a loud bang as the knight’s spear fell to the
ground. Letty clasped her doll tightly in her arms, and
shut her eyes; but Hubert, the brave knight, ran away as
fast as ever he could. When Letty opened her eyes he was |
gone ; but a little brown mouse was running across the floor

to its hole. Letty looked up at the knight and laughed.



Tue basket was heavy, and Lina was very tired, but she
trudged along bravely. “Uhrough the lame, across the
common, and dean the hill,” she said to herself. - ‘‘ Oh dear!
it is a long way; I believe my arm will come off.’ - There
was the sound of wheels behind her, and she heard a voice
shouting, ‘Out of the way, Miss,” and though she thought
she knew the voice, she stepped aside, and put down her
basket to wait until the cart had passed. “Lina! Lina!
Lina!” called three voices. Lina looked up. There were
Maud and er brothers. | Where are you going? Said
Maud’s brother Arthur. ‘“Isn’t this a beautiful dog-cart,
lina? sad: Viaud) =“ Ves said Lina; but she could
not help sighing, she was so tired. ‘Shall we take your
basket?” said Maud. ‘‘ We would take you, too, if we had
room,” said Arthur. Harold, Maud’s other brother, jumped
lightly out of the cart. He picked up Lina’s basket, and
put it in the cart, and saying, “I want to stretch my legs,”


ran off down the road. “ How kind!” said Lina, as Arthur

helped her into the cart, and 1 mever even said * Thank


you. “It was his turn. to drive, too,’ said. Arthur.



“Here come the children!” said the big tre. “I’m
glad,” said a very young tree, “I’ve seen so few children.”
‘Children are queer things,” said the big tree. The children
set to work to make a see-saw beneath the trees. They
pulled and pushed the big trunks until one lay across the
other, and then two children climbed on one end of the
see-saw, and two on the other. ‘‘ Hurrah!” they shouted.
The young tree rustled her leaves, and tried to shout
“Hurrah!” too. Up and down, up and down went the
children, laughing and shouting. “Oh!” screamed one of
the little girls, and she slipped on to the ground. Off
tumbled the other little girl, and down to the ground with
a bump went the other two children. There was such a
noise of screaming and shouting that the young tree quite
trembled with fright, «Are tney lilled: « she acked 1
dare not look.” ‘Killed, not a bit of it!” said the big
tree. And when the young tree looked down again the
children were once more on the see-saw. ‘“ Well,” said the
young tree, “children are queer things—they tumble down

and they get up again. We can’t do that!”



“Tyerp he is!” shouted Effie. ‘(There he is!” shouted
Alec “Mother, there is Uncle Will!” cried Allen, and
they all ran out of doors. “ Well, young people,” said
Uncle Will, as Effie seized his right hand and Allen his left.
“ Mother says,” began Effie. “So does my mother say,”
said Allen But you will come,” said Effie. “With me,
said Allen. ‘No, with us,” said Effie. ‘No, no, no!” said
Allen. Uncle Will laughed. ‘I am sorry,” he said, “but
I’m afraid I can’t be in two places at once, though it is
very kind of you to want to have me.” ‘I know,” said
Allen, “you shall come to our house to tea, and go next
door to supper.” ‘But I shall be in bed at supper-time,”
said Alec, ‘‘and I shan’t see him at all.” “No, that won't
do,” said Effie. “I suppose you could not eat two teas,”
said Alec. “I could,” said Allen. But Uncle Will shook
his head. ‘Then we shall have to toss,” said Allen. Uncle
Will smiled. Effie ran indoors, and presently came running
back. “I’ve found a way,” she called; ‘“ Allen, mother says


will you and Aunt Mary “Vil go and ask mother,”

said Allen, and he ran off home. That is how it was settled.


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‘Doctor NEWMAN, ma’am,”.said Mary. Mother was writing
busily, trying to finish a letter in time to catch the post.
‘He mends broken arms and legs, doesn’t he, mother?”
said Ruth. ‘Yes dear, go and tell him I will be down in
a few minutes.” Ruth picked up her doll and the dog,
and trotted downstairs. ‘ Well, young lady,” said the doctor
kindly as Ruth walked slowly into the room. “If you
please, are you the man who mends broken arms and legs?”
said Ruth. “ Dear me!” said the doctor, ‘“‘I hope there has
not been an accident.” Ruth nodded her head. ‘“ That is
just what Nurse called it,” she said. ‘‘ Dear me, dear me!”
said the doctor, “the maid should have taken me upstairs
at once.” Ruth looked up at him solemnly. ‘“ Perhaps it
can’t be mended, you know,” she said, ‘‘the arm is quite off.”
The doctor jumped up quickly from his seat. “ But mother
thought,” began Ruth, ‘“‘oh! and mother said she would be
down in a few minutes.” The doctor looked puzzled. “Whose
arm 1S broken, my dear?” he asked. ‘“My dollys, said
Ruth. “Oh!” said the doctor, and he sat down again in

the big chair. Just then mother came into the room.,

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“Mraow!” said the black kitten. “ Nonsense!” said the
old cat, “you must have been dreaming.” “The clock was
striking as we came downstairs,” said the black kitten,
“ Aubrey carried the candle and Leslie was in her night-
dress.” “ Rubbish !” said the old cat, ‘children don’t walk
about at night.” ‘“ We went downstairs,” said the black kitten,
“into the big room, and we waited there until Leslie's hands
were quite cold. Then Aubrey said, ‘I told you so, I knew
they were talking nonsense, and then we waited a little
longer, until Leslie said, ‘Then let us go back to. bedi 7
“J never heard such a silly dream,” said the old cat. © It
wasn’t a dream,” said the kitten, ‘‘ and if you come upstairs
I'll show you where they stood.” The old cat would not
move for a long time; but at last the kitten managed to
get her upstairs. They found the housemaid kneeling on
the floor at the door of the big room. “ Candle-grease !”
she said, ‘how did that -get there?” ‘‘ Now will you believe
me?” said the black kitten. ‘‘ Well, I hope the children
will be scolded for walking about at night,” said the old cat,

“they must have frightened away ever so many mice.”




“Mrs. Betuta Boswortu sends her love, and hopes Mr.
Claud Winkworth will come to tea,’ said the Messenger.
And Mr. Claud Winkworth put on his cap and walked out
into the garden. Mrs. Bethia Bosworth was very busy
setting out the tea-things, so busy that she had not even
time to say ‘Good afternoon” to Mr. Claud Winkworth.
‘““T’ve come,” said Mr. Claud Winkworth. ‘Then sit down;”
said the Messenger, ‘‘tea is nearly ready.” So Mr. Claud sat
down. “I must pour-out tea, because they are my new tea-
things,” said Mrs. Bethia Bosworth; “but if you like you
and Martin shall pour out part of the time.” The Messenger
frowned. a Ou must not call him Martin,’ she said. “He
is Mr. Claud Winkworth.” ‘Oh yes, I forgot,’ said Mrs,
Bethia. ‘Will you have some tea and some jam and cake,
Mr. Claud Winkworth?” « Ves, please, E like sponge-
cake with strawberry jam,” said: Mr. Claud Winkworth, and
so the tea-party began. They had hundreds of cups of tea,
and ever so much cake and jam. But when the tea-bell
_ rang they were all three very hungry, for the tea-party was

not a real tea-party at all, it was “ only pretending.”



“CHILDREN, come and get tidied, you are all to go down-
Stairs,. Said Nurse “1 dont want to go downstairs, |

want to play,” said Walter. “I don’t want to go down-

Stairs,” said small Willie. ‘ Nonsense!” said Nurse, “you all
want to go very much. In the drawing-room Bice,”
said all the children. ‘‘ There is——” said Nurse, “ well,
you will all be very pleased “| expect it is something to

eat,’ said Walter. “Yes, something to eat,” said Willie.
Nurse shook her head. “Then something to play with,”

said Ethel. Nurse smiled and nodded, as she buttoned

Willie’s clean pinafore. ‘‘ Well, are the children ready 2”

said Mother, and she took Baby in her arms, and, led the

way downstairs to the drawing-room. Then there was such
a noise. Mother opened the door, and the children pulled
back the curtain. Baby crowed, Willie clapped his hands,
and Ethel and Walter shouted, for there, sitting in the big
arm-chair, was Grannie. “ Much better than anything to


eat,” cried Walter, as he ran to kiss her. ‘‘ Much better,”

said Willie. “A lovely thing to play with,” said Ethel.

And Grannie wondered what they were all talking about.





Lotra is one of the happiest, merriest little girls in the
whole world. She is a little Dutch girl, and she lives in
Holland, and she has to work hard, harder than many
little English girls work. But she doesn’t mind the work
a bit, for she knows that the time comes when work is
finished and she is able to enjoy herself looking at her
treasure. That is the secret of Lotta’s happy smile. Lotta’s
mother has a great treasure, and Lotta helps her mother
to look after and care for this treasure. Lotta’s mother
would tell you that this treasure was more precious than
all the gold and silver in the world, and I fancy Lotta
would say the same. This treasure is so precious that
it cannot be left long by itself, and either Lotta or her
mother always watch over it. Sometimes Lotta carries the ;
treasure about with her, and then, strange to say, though it
is a heavy treasure, she seems happier than ever, and she
laughs and sings as she trudges along with the heavy
treasure on her back. I expect you have guessed what
Lotta’s treasure is. If not, look at the picture, and then

you will know all about it. The treasure’s name is Hans.





It was Christmas Eve, and Karl and mother and father were
very happy together. All the morning mother had been busy
getting the Christmas-tree ready, tying the fruit and the
sweets and the candles on it, and putting the presents for
father and the presents for Karl on the table beneath it.
Then, when father came home, mother’s presents had to be
laid on the table, and then at last, when all was ready, the
candles on the tree were lighted, and baby Karl was carried in
to see the tree. He clapped his hands and shouted when he
saw the pretty lights, and when mother gave him a lamb
and father showed him the new doll, he laughed and shouted
more than ever. So pleased was he with his presents that
when bed-time came he would not put them down, and all
the time he was being undressed he held the lamb in his
hand and would not let father put the doll out of sight.
Then when at last he was put in bed, the doll and lamb had
to go to bed too. “He has enjoyed himself, the darling,”
said mother. ‘‘He has had a very happy time,” said father.
But baby said nothing. He was fast asleep. His Christmas
Eve was over, and he was far aa i Dreamland.

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“Tye miser’ble,’” said Mamie. Nurse shook her head, she
Was quite puzzled. (Are you tired?” she said. Mamie
said, ‘“‘ No, no;” but Nurse fetched the big chair, and lifted
Mamie on to it. Mamie sat quite still, so still that Nurse
began to feel really unhappy about the little girl. ‘ Perhaps
she is cold,” said Nurse to herself, and she fetched a shawl—
the long shawl that Mamie liked—and wrapped it round her ;
but still Mamie did not smile. ‘ Then she must be hungry,”
said Nurse, and she set to work to get Mamie’s supper. But
though Nurse fed her with the spoon, Mamie did not want it
“Dear me,” said Nurse, “then she must be going to be ill.
That is a pity, the mistress will be so worried.” Nurse
looked at Mamie, who was sitting in the chair, resting her
head on her hand, and Nurse shook her head as much as to
say, “That’s it.” But at that moment the nursery door
was opened quietly, and.a soft voice said, ‘“ Is Mamie in bed
yet?” Mamie jumped down quickly from her chair, and ran
to the door laughing and shouting, ‘“ Mother! mother!”
“So that was what was the matter,’ said Nurse, and she

laughed too.



Pen a eae 4

(See Frontispiece.)
ALL the pussies were there—black, white, grey and tabby
pussies. No wonder the six little mice were frightened.
Julius Ceesar, the big white Persian cat, was speaking.
‘Cais. tie caid, “I told: you to come mere, so that | could
talk to you, and I brought these six mice, so that they could
listen to me. This, you must know, is a meeting.” ‘‘ Where
is the meat?” asked a kitten. ‘Silence!” said Julius Ceesar,
“TI am the chairman of the meeting, so no cat may speak.
unless I say he may.” ‘‘My whiskers!” said the kitten.
" Be quiet, he'll bite your tail off,” said another cat. ‘ Not
he,” said the kitten, ‘I have a friend who would frighten
him.’. “ Julius Caesar is never frightened,” said- the. cat.
‘“‘ Now listen to me,’ said Julius Cesar, «1 amy tired of
catching mice, so in future either the mice must come to
me, or you must Cateh mace fOr me: Which shallait be? â„¢
“Hullo” said the kitten, “my friend Dash!’ The cats
looked up frightened, and then they all made a rush up the
steps out of the cellar. ‘And it wasn’t Dash after all,” said

the kitten. ‘‘ Now for those mice.” But the mice were no

longer there, they too had left the meeting.


Selections from Cassell & Companys Publications.

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